News Liste Nobody's Left

Storyline Hints. Devlog #3
Nobody's Left
01.12.23 10:16 Community Announcements

Hi Peeps!

We know how eager you are to know more about Nobody's Left and we can't wait either, but let's take one step at a time.

We have no intention of sharing the games storyline in details before it's release but in appreciation to your support we can indeed share some hints about what you will likely get to experience on our release date.

The storyline of Nobody's Left has been worked on for more than 3 years and reviewed and polished several times, it does indeed have realistic roots in it that many can resonate to. it covers circumstances that would destroy the capability of any human being to mentally function. we as the development team are very emotional about the story of Nobody's Left and we designed every bit of the game to transfer this feeling to ones that get to experience it. we did our best to make sure that it does not come across as boring or liner but instead engaging in a unique way like never before. it includes relations with one another and environments that surrounds them and their interactions in a post apocalyptic city where human beings tend to not obey their traditional mental models. it's through the incidents that the player gets to learn more about the game world and attention to details of each environment plays a big role in how much you can learn about the past and future of those incidents.

have us followed and we promise to share more in the future.
You can also ask us in the comments section, We will answer with more hints ;)

As always, Please show us some love by wishlisting Nobody's Left!


all the best,
Ario Asgarian
Business Director and Project manager