Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition
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Über das Spiel

Ganz ähnlich wie der vorige Titel, der eine Menge Lob von Fans und Kritikern eingeheimst hat, bietet auch Nioh 2 eine tiefgründige Originalgeschichte rund um die Militärführer der Sengoku-Zeit. Allerdings geht Nioh 2 ein ganzes Stück weiter als das Vorgängerspiel und bietet unter anderem die neue Fähigkeit Yokai-Wandel, die der Hauptperson die Möglichkeit verschafft, neue mächtige Gestalten anzunehmen, um auch die schrecklichsten Yokai im Kampf zu besiegen. Ebenfalls neu in Nioh 2: Deine Feinde können jetzt ein Dunkles Reich erschaffen, das die Kämpfe anspruchsvoller macht und neue Herausforderungen stellt, die deine Hauptperson bestehen muss. Wir hoffen, du wirst viel Spaß mit fürchterlichen Monstern haben, wenn du deine eigene Dunkelheit in der Welt von Nioh 2 entfesselst.
Nioh 2: Complete Edition umfasst sämtliche Inhalte von Nioh 2 sowie darüber hinaus alle drei DLC-Erweiterungen: The Tengu’s Disciple, Darkness in the Capital und The First Samurai.
The Tengu’s Disciple
The Tengu’s Disciple führt die Hauptperson zum Ende der Heian-Zeit, als der Genji- und der Heike-Clan unbarmherzig gegeneinander stritten. Erlebe den Kampf, der als Prolog in die Geschichte von Nioh 2 einführt.
Darkness in the Capital
Darkness in the Capital trägt sich in der Mitte der Heian-Zeit zu, einem Punkt in der Geschichte, als böse Geister und Yokai in ganz Japan wüteten. Deine Hauptperson wird wieder in diese Zeit versetzt und reist in die Hauptstadt, wo sie Verbindungen zwischen einer noch ferneren Vergangenheit und der Gegenwart aufdeckt, aus der sie gekommen ist.
The First Samurai
The First Samurai bringt die Hauptperson zum Suzuka-Pass während der Heian-Zeit. In diesem Höhepunkt einer dritten Erweiterung der Nioh-2-Legende stellt sich die Hauptperson aufs neue ihrem Erzfeind Otakemaru.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5 4460 or over
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or over, VRAM 4GB or over
- Software: Windows 10 64bit, Windows 8.1 64bit
- HD: 85 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: 16 bit stereo, 48KHz WAVE file can be played
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i7 6700K or over
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER or over, VRAM 6GB or over
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10 64bit
- HD: 85 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: 16 bit stereo, 48KHz WAVE file can be played
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2049 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 21:46
24825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 04:24
Das sollte eigentlich alles sagen.
Grandioses Spiel mit einem Schwierigkeitsgrad, dass einem alles um die Ohren fliegt.
Ein Gamepad hat bei dem Spiel schon ins Gras gebissen.
Ich hoffe, dass es ein 3. Teil geben wird.
Nicht Empfohlen
1936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 23:09
Jeder noch so überflüssige Kampf, dauert unendlich lange, wenn man ihn denn gewinnt.
Denn sollte er verloren gehen stehen alle Monster wieder auf und man hat keinerlei Fortschritt erzielt!
Es ist auch keinerlei System erkennbar mit der es auf lange Sicht zu einer klaren Verbesserung der Spielfigur kommt! Man geht auf eine Gegnergruppe zu und stirbt. Was man damit genau anfangen soll müssen die Entwickler wohl schon mit dem Verlag für das Lösungsbuch besprochen haben, aus dem Spiel heraus erfährt man durch einen lächerlichen One Hit nach dem anderen nämlich nicht wirklich etwas!
Frust pur, wer´s mag kann sich das gerne antun!
1095 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 00:23
Mich hat noch nie eins dieser Spiele so gefesselt wie dieses.
10341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 16:42
PUH... war das Beste.
Wer dazu noch süchtig nach Loot ist, wird hier seinen Spaß haben :-)
14105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 17:18
Ich mag die Dark-Souls Teile wirklich, aber keines ist so Krass wie Nioh, alles kann man LvL´n und verbessern.
Man kann wirklich mit allen der zig unterschiedlichen Waffen spielen und dank der vielen vielen Schutzgeister einsetzen / Buffen.
Durch gezielten COOP / Gruppengameplay (2-3 Spieler) macht die ganze Kiste nur noch mehr FUN, auch wenn einige sagen würden das der Souls-Flare dabei verloren ginge.
Für alle die den 1. Teil kennen ist der 2. eine Absolute Kaufempfehlung!
3122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 09:00
Allerdings ist das Spiel verglichen mit anderen Spielen aus dem Souls-Like Genre definitiv das einfachste.
Warum das einfachste? Heilung ist zu präsent und die Stats, die einen absurd tanky machen, erhöhen leider auch den Schaden von einigen Waffentypen. Das ist eigentlich ein Designflaw aber, da das Spiel an sich keinen Easy Mode hat wahrscheinlich ein Weg, einen Easy Mode einzubauen, ohne ihn so zu nennen.
Zur Story kann man eigentlich nicht viel sagen. Es geht einfach wieder um eine Mythologisch aufgepeppte Version des japanischen Spätmittelalters.
Alles in allem muss ich aber sagen: Das Spiel hat richtig Spaß gemacht und ich bereue den Kauf nicht.
9/9 Baka Punkte
19376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 15:32
Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob der Kauf ein Fehler sein wird aber damn boy, dieses game war einfach genau DAS was ich gebraucht habe. Das Kampfsystem ist next lv und man kann natürlich mit zwei linken Eiern durch die Gegend stolpern oder man beschäftigt sich mit dem movement und wird eine echte Gefahr für alles was sich bewegt. Selbst die Geschichte und einige kleine, gut inszenierte Momente, haben mir einige melancholische Momente beschert. Es gibt viele Waffen die alle mega Bock machen, viele builds, das crafting ist fair und der coop mode ist klasse.
Allerdings: Ich selber bin bornierter Tastatur und Maus user und musste meinen Stolz beiseitelegen. Es ist wirklich besser, wenn man dieses game mit Pad zockt.
Momentan gibt es häufig mal nen Blackscreen, Text wird nicht angezeigt oder du findest dich direkt auf deinem Desktop wieder. Hoffentlich arbeitet man daran diese Probleme schnell zu beseitigen.
7648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 11:28
2893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 22:29
Nioh 2 bietet außerdem neben der wahrhaftigen Schwierigkeit auch ein extrem gelungenes Grind und Loot Verhältnis auf! Das perfektionieren seiner Waffen.Fähigkeiten und seines Charakters macht mega Spaß und geht sehr stark in die Tiefe. Wenn man auf ausführliche Charakter Entwicklung anhand Ausrüstung und Skillpoint wert legt ist man hier bestens bedient! Ich kann Nioh 2 jedem Empfehlen der gerne Sammelt, Levelt, Kämpft und sich Herausforderungen stellt :D
Nioh 2 kann auch mit bis zu 2 Freunden oder Fremden gemeinsam gespielt werden ^^ Bietet trotz Coop Modus trotz alle dem eine schwerer Herausforderung :) Absprache ist hierbei unter den Spielern EXTREm wichtig!
958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 14:13
Die Mechaniken haben sich ein wenig verändert.
Onmyo-Magie: Habe einige Zeit benötigt, bis ich herausgefunden habe, dass man den ersten Onmyo-Punkt nur leveln kann, wenn man z.B. entsprechende Talismane nutzt. Man braucht also ein paar Talismane, um an den ersten Skillpoint zu kommen. Im ersten Level habe ich alle Kodama gefunden und konnte erst dann im neuen Kodama-Basar entsprechende Talismane kaufen. Es gibt natürlich andere Möglichkeiten, an entsprechende Items zu kommen. Danach skillt man sowieso z.B. Feuertalisman, bekommt den dann bei jedem Schreinbesuch nachgefüllt, und alles geht wie von selbst. Bei Ninjutsu ist es mit Bomben das Gleiche.
Finde es insgesamt ein wenig härter als Nioh 1. Das mag daran liegen, dass ich noch nicht so vertraut bin mit den neuen Mechaniken. Leidensfähigkeit ist bei so einer Art Spiel übrigens Voraussetzung. Das war bei Nioh 1 nicht anders. Warnung also, falls Eure Frustgrenze niedrig ist, die Bosse haben es auch hier wieder in sich.
Spiele mit Controller, daher kann ich über Maus/Tastatur-Issues nichts sagen.
Zur Performance: Mein Gear: I7-4770 (von 2013), 24GB Ram, GTX1700. Einstellungen: High mit Auflösung 1600*900 und mittleren Schatten, FrameRate-Cup 60. Bislang keinerlei Performance-Probleme bemerkt.
Fazit: Für das Game würde ich zwar nicht meine Großmutter verkaufen, aber fast ... ;) Uneingeschränkt empfehlenswert.
1711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 12:39
10/10 ich glaub ich werd hier noch viele wertvolle Stunden meines Lebens verschwenden.
823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 09:10
Für mich klappt der PC port wunderbar (trotz der vielen negativen Kommentare) Ich spiele mit einem Xbox Controller.
Die Ladezeiten sind auf einer SSD unglaublich kurz (PS4 teilweise 40 sekunden, PC manchmal nur 2-3) sodass man sich kaum über seine dummen Tode aufregen kann.
Wer auf Souls-like action á la Sekiro im feudalischen Japan steht scheint hier richtig zu sein.
Schwierigkeitstechnisch schätze ich Nioh 2 zwischen Dark Souls 3 und Sekiro ein. Durch ein paar cheesy builds kann man auch sehr schnell ziemlich overpowered durch das Spiel schreiten.
1610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 18:05
ich kann diesen Teil sehr empfehlen die Qualität der Grafik ist deutlich verbessert worden vom ersten Teil, was mich sehr gefreut hat und die schönen Orte von Nioh auch noch mehr zu Geltung bringen. Was ich sehr schätze ist, das der Grafikstil gleich geblieben ist ich mochte das setting vom ersten, ist eine gute Kulisse.
Es wurde in sämtlichen Dingen auf die Community gehört, so dass man sich jetzt selbst einen Charakter bearbeiten kann und uff als ich das gemacht habe. Es gibt so viel was man Einstellen kann ist einfach krass.
Nach dem man sich die Waifu zusammen gestellt hat beginnt man auch schon mit der Waffen und Geister Auswahl, es wurden 4 neue Waffen ins Spiel gebracht. Die Glefe ist eine echt coole Waffe für die ich mich entschieden habe Nioh 2 durch zuspielen. Indem ich die Haltung änder ändert sich der Waffen Typ was für viele Situationen oder Gegner Positiv ist.
Das Skillsystem ist auch etwas besser umgesetzt indem eine Waffe oder Fähigkeit genutzt wird bekommt man Skillpunkte
für die jeweiligen Sachen. Diesmal ist es auch ein richtiger Baum was natürlich lange dauert um zu der Fähigkeit zu gelangen die man haben möchte.
Das Kapmfsystem ist gleich geblieben. Schnelle Tode wenn man nicht aufpasst und das Gestaggere ist leider immer noch zu stark man kann einfach nichts machen wenn der erste Angriff von einer Kombi trifft, da wird auch der Controller aufm Tisch gelegt und getrunken oder etwas kurz gegessen bist man Respawnt.
Die Ladezeiten sind echt schnell aber die generelle performence ist nicht so gut wenn viele Effekte aufm Bildschrim sind gehen die FPS ziehmlich nach unten.
Das Spiel bekommt eine 9/11
es ist ein muss für Fans von Nioh 1
46812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 14:03
Up front, the flaws are that there are a lot of loot that most people don't know what to do with; and also that enemies can be cruel in placement, ambushes, grouping up on you with no sense to give you any wiggle room.
However, this game is more forgiving on the aspect of loot/stats than most people give it. While you do need to have a mild idea of what you're going with, there's no need to min/max or optimize to get through your first three (of five) playthroughs. Seriously, just take this for what it is: a vaguely Souls-esque action RPG that mixed detailed and intricate combat with a most striking and colorful style that makes every encounter feel like art at hour 1 or hour 500.
There are obscene amounts of end game, easy to co-op, lots of lore if you want to dive into it, and plenty of customization in both character and gear. If any of this interests you, then trust me: you won't be left wanting.
1945 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 02:32
update 2: Beat enenra 12 hours in, getting alot better
update 3: damn yatsu-no-kami got mad hands
update 4: hes dead. i hate snakes
update 5: why did it get so hard all the sudden
update 6: learning dual blades, i hear switchglaive doesnt pair well with the chain and ball weapon thing
update 7: moving onto the second region. cant wait to die
Update 8: i am now good enough to enjoy the game and not die every other second
update 9: 250 deaths going into second region if anyones curious
update 10: going into the second key mission of region 2, main weapons are switchglaive and axe. im ngl im loving these human bosses, its a nice change of pace
update 11: kill me
update 12: Why are all of the second region main missions confusing to navigate i dont even want to play this anymore i just wanna get through. is it bad to just kinda find someone to walk me through the level
2807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 03:11
Como um fã da franquia souls, tendo zerado todos dark souls, bloodborne e sekiro, posso afirmar que NIOH é absurdamente BOM. É o único game souls-like que não é feito pela From Software que eu gosto.
As mecânicas dentro desse jogo são imensas, diversas skill lists, diversas armas e armaduras. NIOH já era incrível, e NIOH 2 fez ainda melhor e mais lindo (e mais difícil).
1197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 20:25
☐ This is what reality should strive to be like
☐ Must be using nerve gear tech
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☑ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second life for grinding
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☑ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ Cyberpunk 2077
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☑ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
27204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 08:41
Don't even really know where to begin with this one, besides saying that this game is amazing. Played it quite a bit, obviously and it just gets better. There is a staggering amount of content in this game, and a large portion of it doesn't unlock until you unlock Dream of the Nioh (NG+4) and it is a wild ride the whole time. Total blast, combat is amazing. Every weapon is fantastic! and by the end of the game you will be able to transform what the weapon scales with, so you will be able to use any weapon you want potentially.
So I guess I will start with possible cons. It is very difficult, not cheap but difficult. I don't consider this a con, but some people seem to. The sound cuts out annoyingly sometimes for a few seconds, but nothing too crazy. It is pretty well optimized now, but could be better. Another thing that might disappoint the Dark Souls fans is that its not a branching world from one zone to the other, its set up in levels on an overworld. Which was a bit of a bummer at first when I played the first Nioh, but it makes co op way more accessible.
Not many cons but I might think of some later. So Pros I guess now. Jeez, the combat for starters. Combos, upgrades, so many fantastic weapons in this game and they all level separately and have their own skill trees which is amazing, there are a few boring skills on the skill tree but they are huge enough to where it doesn't matter. Just in comparison to the first Nioh, the skill trees a HUGELY improved, in my humble opinion. So many reasons to play this game my goodness. So, enemy variety okay? Huge, its amazing. Yokai from Japanese mythology, its fascinating and their depiction in this game is incredible. So well designed. One of the big things that drew me to the first one, its even better here, more enemy variety. Bosses are awesome! different maps are awesome. Going back to how the game is set up in levels instead of a giant branching world, a pro to this is that it makes co op a lot better cause you can choose specific missions, difficulties, if you want to play with a friend you can search either by friends on your friends list or by using a secret word. You can co op any mission in the entire game no matter where you are in the game, assuming you have beat the mission at least. But there is quick match co op or expedition. Expedition is more for a co op buddy and you both go through the game together, and you dont have to beat the mission first to be able to play it in expedition but you do need it unlocked of course.
So here I will talk about differences between this game and the original Nioh, at least that I remember. Dark realms. Okay, so Nioh 1 had Yokai realms, you know, the little circles that the Yokai put down that nerf your stamina regain. Dark realms are whole areas that are similar but not as punishing as standing in a yokai realm in the first game cause you at least still regain SOME stamina. New weapons, Fists, (my favorite my god) Splitstaff, Switch glave, hatchets, I think thats it thats new? If you didnt get the dlc for the first game then you can add Odachi and tonfa to that list too.
Also, 2 of the new weapons scale with the magic stat, so if you are hardcore mage you have dedicated weapons which I found as being a HUGE improvement and in hindsight, a big missed opportunity in the first game but great that its here.
I just cant say enough good things about this game. Its great I love it. I might like it better then dark souls. I know its crazy. But its like Ninja Gaiden with improved combat even meets dark souls. Its so good. Another huge pro! The game comes standard on PC with all its dlc for $10 less then the normal full price of a game without dlc, its a GREAT deal for sure! Buy this game please! I will help you co op the whole game just add me! Anyway, take care and hope this info was helpful.
17145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 00:38
7178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 09:19
This game is a MUST buy for all the fans of difficult/ souls games/ hack&slash games, Nioh 1 was great, NIoh 2 is AMAZING, it may seem and start hard at the beginning, but boy it goes really well after a while, probably after 3rd region when you get some things understood, and things become more clear, more options to create your skill tree and such, and the cherry on top is the character creation.
Gameplay: an easy 8.5 / 10.
Music: Nioh / 10.
difficulty: Nioh.
graphics: 8/10.
some things i found a bit not so creative and if they just delayed 1 year of development they could probably not fall into these minor problems, some bosses seem to be brought straight from nioh 1, and put into nioh 2, last boss in first DLC map is basically Umi bozu from NIoh 1, almost same attack animation mashed with the new mechanic of Nioh 2.
some maps are the exact same as in nioh 1, but good thing they are side missions only, not main missions.
overall, i can easily give this game 9/10. and recommend it to everyone who likes this type of game!
15137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 18:06
If you can, Absolutly play this with a freind using expeditions, it is a superior way to play the game and feels so much more fair.
Disclaimer for anyone who hasnt played the first game, this game throws you in expecting you to already be mildly competent at basic mechanics from the first game, starting here will be a much bigger upfront challange, and should that be your choice but you sill dont want it to be a nightmare, i would opt for building a tankier character if you dont normaly do that and get plenty of heart and courage as those stats will give ki and ki regen, also do reserch on mechanics of the game, it will save you so much headache.
I give this game a 7/10 I wish it wasnt so exsausting.
2281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 20:34
Looking forward to the rest of the game and especially the online mode and build-creation
10/10, would rage again.
7721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 21:54
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Was this review helpful?
4256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 02:17
Do you want Nioh with more weapons, skills, enemy variety, armor, mechanical depth, and also new stuff like yokai attacks, yokai forms, burst counters, and an ACTUALLY GOOD KOEI TECMO PC PORT SOMEHOW???
Then you should probably get Nioh 2. Hands down the best non dark souls, souls-like game on the market.
6330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 18:29
There is now full character customization.
The visuals are crisp and the color usage art.
The ultimate Souls style game with a touch of DMC.
The performance is as good as the first if not better.
Get this if you loved the first. It's harder but superior in every way.
10959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 18:22
33367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 04:38
1, it is hard, often unfair bordering on sadistic. Some of the encounters and bosses seem purposefully designed to not let you have enough breathing room to even attack.
2, it's designed around replayability: the whole first new game is basically a tutorial on the basic mechanics, and to have a taste at the different enemy designs.
NG+ (and then ++, and then +++ and then there's more, and then there's even more) is where the game shines and you open up build variety and new mechanics (as well as making the game more difficult ofc).
If you just finish the game once, you'll probably only see like 10% of what it can offer.
That said,
Combat is the deepest I've played in years, only thing I could compare it to is the platinum games style of combat (dmc, bayonetta), but more realistic
A dozen weapons, with like 20 skills for each, spread out among 3 stances you switch between instantly at will
Mid-combo weapon switching
dodge, roll, parries, counters, grabs
And magic spells, and ninja tools, and pokemon attacks you collect from enemy monsters, and a super sayian form when things get tricky
And tech, for animation cancelling, for new ways to combo, or just for style
When you use all of this and combo it together fluidly, the sky is the limit
On top of that, so much loot, tons of gear, tons of bonus sets, a ton of customization, so many builds, all viable
Be aware, all of this will be overwhelming and needs hundreds of hours of gameplay to unlock, followed by hundreds of hours of practice to use properly. But if you like this kind of game, you'll come back for more anyway.
3679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 16:19
4441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 14:27
Read more on:
16272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 13:12
Fist weapons feel incredible to play with.
The game remains as punishing as ever, but once you open yourself to the systems introduced you'll have a blast. [Although some design choices in the initial levels doesn't get carried over to the later ones, which is kind of a shame]
Lack of enemy variety, which was a major complaint in the first Nioh, still remains a valid critique, although there are some new additions, all of which are fun to fight.
The levels are better than in Nioh 1, although most of the Side Missions tend to be fairly short - the duels are as good as ever, though.
The story is fine (if you know a little about the Sengoku Jidai period of Japan), but nothing too special. There's too little overall screentime for any Characters aside from Tokichiro (and even he has arguably too little) to get any form of attachment to them.
Music is good, nothing to complain about.
Last and mabye most importantly: Nioh 2, just as Nioh, does NG+ right. (some might argue that's when the real game starts, and Dream of the Samurai is just the tutorial - I tend to agree)
7014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 19:32
Story is pretty boring but you have tons of gameplay and New Game + Value, tons of loot, weapons, skills and so on. Tons of content!
There are ppl that can decribe it better.
Not a game for oldschool KB&M players. But they gave in and will add it.
3570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 17:25
The gist of it:
Nioh 2 is a good and fun souls-like that implements an arpg/diablo-like system and some updated mechanics, with the story set before the events of the first game sorta, and a nice cast of characters that get wasted.
???? The good parts:
+The combat is without a doubt the best in the souls-like genre.
+A lot of loot if that's your thing.
+Level design in main missions is pretty good.
????The bad parts:
-Side quests besides the boss fight ones are pretty meh.
-Not a fan of how the story was told, may get difficult for some to follow.
As I said in the beginning, Nioh 2 is set way before the events of the first one, except for the last chapter, where you play as a half-human, half-yokai sorta character which has a huge number of plot holes. The story progresses quite severely through the years which makes a lot of interesting characters unimportant, besides the main ones.
Characters come and go, die, or live on as you watch mostly passively as history is being made, as pawns are being moved, as evil dominates the land, and so on. You are just a pawn with a huge title behind him and most of the game except for the final chapter, you just do what you're being told while making absolutely no dent in the enemies plans. Hell, even after you defeat the person behind all bad, he just comes back, no explanation needed so they could tie in with the events of the first game. It's ridiculous, to say the least, and I was not a fan of it, at all.
You either go for the FromSoftware trademark where the story is told through obscure items and environments and even weird dialogues or you make a story that has a coherent progression. None of these are in Nioh 2. The story is clear, don't get me wrong, it's just the way they chose to adapt their huge lore is what I had issues with. You meet quite a big number of emotional characters and it's all wasted. Prequels have a disadvantage as you know what's coming that's why they're made with a huge focus on characters which Nioh 2 squanders.
Story rating: 7/10
If you played the first game like I did you'll know exactly what to expect from Nioh 2 plus some extra goodies. If you never played Nioh, this is mostly an arpg diablo-like game with a huge focus on looting while also adapting the souls-like formula of stamina-based combat but way more improved.
What I mean by improved is, the combat is separated into 3 forms, low, mid, and high-stance each with its own advantage or disadvantage. You can certainly use all three in combat, there are even skills that can help you with that or you can choose to focus on one stance. I personally love the strong/high-stance. Now the combat does not stop just there, you also have different movesets based on the weapon types you choose and each weapon has its own skill tree. It sounds complicated on paper but the gist and my advice is, pick two weapons and focus on them. You can certainly try to play with all the weapons and you will at first as you get the hang of it but in the end, you'll have to focus on two types, mainly because the leveling stats, such as stamina, health, etc. have their weapon partner for example constitution which increases your health, increases your spear damage, stamina for axes and so on.
And just like the combat looting is of a huge importance in Nioh, more than any other souls-like, because every enemy you kill is a freaking pinata of colored loot. You'll be doing a ton of min-maxing, improving weapons, crafting armor, and so on.
So while Nioh 2 is pretty much just like the first one with a few ups here and there, it's still a satisfying and fun game to play. Bosses are challenging and if you mess up your stats you may have no chance of beating the game. Luckily you can always reset some of your stats so keep that in mind.
Gameplay rating: 8.5/10
The soundtrack in Nioh 2 goes from weak as hell to some amazing orchestra with the former having an advantage over the latter sadly. Most of the good songs are in later parts of the game while the rest are just repetitive tunes here and there and might even get annoying to some. Boss songs are fine.
Voice acting in Japanese, as well as all the characters you meet, are all really good and it's the reason why I hated the way they chose to tell the story. As for the sound effects, it's all pretty good, no issues encountered whatsoever, except maybe the quality is a bit too low on some stuff but you'll rarely notice it.
Audio rating: 8/10
Graphics, performance and tech analysis
I'll start with the port performance. It's fine for the most part but Japanese devs or whomever ports these Japanese games, need to hire some actual developers that do this for a living. The special effects are bugged as hell and will drop your frames to low 30 even with the most powerful PC on the market. They also could not be bothered to increase the graphical details of the game and you'll the shadows and textures popping 5 feet in front of you. PS5 has an LOD setting but PC does not. A shitty thing to do but hey at least we got DLSS, I guess.
Level design is a bit of a step up from the previous game, except for the side quests which are still weak as hell. Some main levels are well designed with paths and shortcuts opening up as you progress and some whether you like or not, may become a maze for inexperienced players. It's nowhere near a metroidvania type of map design though and it's a damn shame.
As for the way the game looks, textures are still old-gen era due to being an average port however some of the special effects such as the lighting or the stuff coming out of spells and attacks are quite nice to look at. Character models look quite good in cutscenes, which are locked at 30 fps. Japanese devs, you can do better for PC.
Graphics, performance and tech analysis score: 7/10
Despite some issues I had with the story which some of you may not and the game being a mediocre port, it's impossible not to recommend it to Nioh fans and if you never played the first one, I'd still say go for it. The combat is the best in the souls-like genre and I'd even argue it can easily compete with Souls games.
Final score: 7.6/10
8950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 05:27
You can beat a boss in 60 seconds or 5 minutes, it all depends on you. This skill based combat alongside the RPG elements make it my favourite game of all time.
Vertrieb:keine Infos
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