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Über das Spiel

Werde unvergesslich
Zerstöre jeden, der es wagt, deine Länder anzugreifen. Jeder gefallene Feind bringt dich Asgard näher! Knochen, Zähne, Fell - nutze alles als deine Waffen und Rüstung. Baue eine Festung, die dich vor feindlichen Angriffen schützt und dir dabei hilft, die Angreifer zu vernichten. Die Todespriester werden dir Ultimaten stellen. Wirst du ihre Befehle befolgen oder ablehnen und dich dem Kampf gegen ihre toten Diener stellen?
Finde einen Ausweg
Sammle alle Teile des Portals nach Asgard. Aber sei vorsichtig - diese werden von mächtigen Riesen, Untoten und tödlichen Spinnen streng bewacht.
Fertige die verschiedensten Gegenstände
Braue verschiedene Tränke aus Pilzen und töte wilde Tiere, um stärker zu werden. Koche die besten Gerichte, um alle deine Freunde zu versorgen. Braue Gift, das noch den mächtigsten Troll töten wird.
Erforsche die uralte Höhlen
Erreiche den Mittelpunkt der Welt, wo du mächtige Artefakte findest, die dir helfen auch im letzten Kampf zu siegen. Finde heraus, was in der Dunkelheit verborgen ist.
- CPU: 1.7 GHz Dual Core
- GFX: Intel Iris 4800
- Software: Windows 7 and newest
- HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: 4:3 and 21:9 screen ratio supported
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Russisch
- CPU: 2.4 Ghz Dual Core CPU
- GFX: GeForce 9XX or AMD
- Software: Windows 7, 8, 10
- HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: 4:3 and 21:9 screen ratio supported
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Russisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 15:07
2389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 00:58
Definitiv ein Geheimtipp, bin per Zufall darauf gestoßen
+ muss man verstehen, dann ist es nicht zu schwer
+ logisch aufgebaut
+ interessante Verbindung von bauen, kämpfen und aufleveln
+ Grafik, schöner Zeichenstil
+ alle Errungenschaften erreichbar (mit DLC Odins Blessing auf jeden Fall)
mir fällt nicht wirklich was ein (wenn man die Spielmechanik verstanden hat sorgt man vor)
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2174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 07:56
Das nordische Setup wirkt recht interessant, wurde aber nur sehr bescheiden umgesetzt. Der Titel selbst geht in wenige Texten auf die Mythologie ein, dass man es auch hätte sein lassen können.
Nun zu den wichtigen Dingen: Inhaltlich ist man durchaus ein paar Stunden beschäftigt und anfänglich wirkt auch alles komplex und recht schwer. Hat man jedoch die ersten paar Stunden hinter sich und Waffen und Rüstungen auf ein entsprechendes Niveau gebracht. wirken alle Gegner inklusive der Mini-Bosse und dem Endgegner, als wären sie Schießbudenfiguren auf dem Jahrmarkt. Dadurch wird das Spiel sehr schnell langweilig, denn eine wirkliche Herausforderung bietet es ab diesem Zeitpunkt nicht mehr. Man ist nur noch damit beschäftigt, die Wellen pünktlich abzuwehren, da die Festung alleine dazu nicht in der Lage ist und nach Rohstoffen zu suchen. Klar. in anderen Spielen dieser Art ist es nicht anders, allerdings ist dort das Balancing um ein Vielfaches anspruchsvoller.
Abbau und Verbrauch der Resourcen sind in einer sehr schlechten Relation: Hochwertige Abbauwerkzeuge verlangen entsprechend hochwertige Resourcen, arbeiten sich aber maximal doppelt so schnell durch härtere Rohstoffe, verbrauchen sich aber genau so schnell, also warum sollte man den Aufwand betreiben die Hochwertigen zu bauen, wenn man damit die wichtigen Rüstungen und Waffen anfertigen kann?
Wo wir gerade bei Rüstungen und Waffen sind: Das Verbessern der Waffen ist der einzig positive Aspekt, was den Aufwand/Nutzen angeht.
Selbst die unterschiedlichen Rüstungen sind relativ nutzlos bis auf eine, die im Schnitt besser ist als alle anderen. Warum sollte ich eine Rüstung anfertigen, die auf etwas spezialisiert ist, wenn der Effekt nur in sehr spezifischen Situationen von Nutzen ist und diese in Relation zu einer im Durchschnitt besseren, dann auch noch so einen marginalen Effekt hat?
Hört sich alles schlimmer an als es ist. Für mich allerdings war das Erlebnis so, als würde ich in einem Fast-Food-Restaurant essen, und zwar die Umverpackung. Zum Glück gab es einen hohen Preisnachlass und man hat mir versichert. dass die Umverpackung nicht giftig sei...
Fazit: Schnell auf den Sidescrolling Survival Zug aufgesprungen, durch käuflich zu erwerbende Youtuber gehyped und dann ein Spiel abliefern, das im besten Fall durchschnittlich ist. Das macht man ja heutzutage gerne so. Für 60 % Rabatt kann man es sich ruhig mal gönnen, wenn man auf diese Art Spiel steht und alles andere durch hat.
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1996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 14:00
nach langer Überlegung habe ich mich dazu entschieden diesem Game einen negativen Review zu geben.
Von außen betrachtet macht dieses Game erstmal einen stabilen Eindruck und eignet sich gut um man ein bisschen gemütlich zu daddeln.
Gerade der Anfang ist auch recht schwierig, was Laune macht, da der Survivel-Charakter mit der Sattheit am Anfang ein echtes Problem darstellt.
Doch je weiter man kommt, desto mehr kristallisiert sich heraus, dass das Game zu über 80% nur aus farmen und craften besteht, was das ganze absurd in die Länge zieht.
Die eigentliche Story ist sehr simpel und kurz, wird aber durch alles andere in die Länge gezogen.
Selbst sein Leben zu regenerieren dauert immer eine Ewigkeit.
Deshalb muss ich es leider negativ bewerten, weil es ab einem gewissen Zeitpunkt eifnach nur nerft, weil man auch weiterkommen möchte.
Das Game dann auch noch auf 100% zu spielen ist ebenfalls einfach nur Grind, selbst nachdem man die Story komplett durchgespielt hat.
Die Steuerung ist oftmals recht buggy und er macht Sachen, die man gar nicht angeklickt hat.
Auch der Soundtrack ist sehr eintönig und fällt oftmals einfach für einige Minuten komplett aus.
Wenn das Game mal im Angebot sein sollte ok, aber ansonsten kann ich das echt nicht empfehlen.
Lg, SyS
189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 20:17
1237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 01:30
Crafting and upgrading are painless and a welcome change from most games. You do not necessarily need items in your character's personal inventory, as long as they are stored (such as back at your home base) you can utilize them.
I enjoyed my time playing, but beneath the surface this is a shallow experience with some RPG, hack 'n slash, and exploration elements, along with too much repetition. Additionally, the final two achievements are boring (kill 1000 skeletons and kill 100 enemies with your Dragon).
Additional Details
Operating System | Ubuntu Linux 21.10 x64 | [/tr]
CPU | Ryzen 7 5800h | [/tr]
GPU | RX 6700m | [/tr]
Game Saves | On exit | [/tr]
Technical Notes | Unity game engine, no technical problems | [/tr]
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1196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 17:30
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534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 22:17
It's just boring. There is no way to farm resources besides gathering, you can't craft without crafting stations, so you need to run back every time when you run out of tools, which is often.
If you have 20+ hours of really nothing to do and want a simple game, go ahead, for everybody else, just play Don't Starve
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1772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 23:40
- Pretty art style with some gorgeous scenery.
- Many resources to collect and a great deal of crafting to do.
- Four different characters to choose from with different perks/attributes.
- A main base to develop with various upgrades and extensions.
- A variety of enemies to fight that change both in level and appearance as you progress in the game.
- Harvestable resources all seem to respawn in new places within their environments which gives the feeling of an organic, changing world.
- Ores in the mine are replenished every now and then via an 'earthquake' mechanic which randomises and fills in the mineable sections of the mine. I thought this was a clever way to do it.
- Trapping works in a humorous manner. Rather than laying a trap and waiting for an animal to walk into it, you can just charge at an animal and place a trap on top of it once you are in range. This will trap the creature instantly. You also seem able to place a trap on top of a bush/hole where one is hiding which will also capture them instantly.
- Quests consist of either 'fetch quests' or nuggets of lore. I don't mind this, but if you don't like fetch quests, you won't have a good time.
- Prices for selling items to the merchant are not affected by item degradation, e.g. you can sell a nearly used up sword for the same price as a brand new one. This is good for you, but it seems a bit odd that the merchant would pay the same price.
- The crafting menus could use some refining. There is no 'Create X' option for crafting materials, e.g. If you need to create 30 planks for something, you'll have to sit at your saw bench and click to create planks a heap of times. EDIT: It turns out clicking on the 'Craft' button is slow, but if you spam-press 'E' to craft, you can craft items quickly.
- There is no search function or item filters for the crafting menu. You usually have to do some scrolling to find the item(s) you want to make. Craftable items can jump around a bit too depending on whether you have the materials to craft something. It seems to be sorted based on tier and then availability to craft.
- Character movement doesn't always stop straight away when you release the movement keys. Admittedly, I got used to this after a while.
- Collectible objects sometimes spawn in inaccessible places, e.g. mushrooms on the floor of the mine where walls are in the way.
- Combat is rather simplistic. You can switch between ranged and melee modes and go into a shield stance, but besides that, you just hold down the attack key and tank the damage until things are dead.
- Monster targeting can be annoying sometimes. If you have 2+ enemies standing on top of one another and you want to target the weaker/high priority target, you will have to move away, hope they move forward, and that you target the weaker one when you re-attack. Otherwise you just need to put up with taking more damage.
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1351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.21 14:17
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346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 22:40
- very shallow combat (damage vs defence and health is pretty much the entire depth of it)
- poor UX (from inconsistent input scheme to lots of unnecessary running)
- laughable RPG aspect (a handful of skills, neither of which you choose, with scarcely explained effects and questionable value)
My advice:
take it for no less than $10. Yes - no less - meaning that if somebody pays you at least that much to play it, well, do what you gotta do.
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92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 11:02
Id love to give this game a in between thumb review.
Graphics 10/10 i love the art and animation so much that i almost gave a thumbs up for it alone.
But due to slow game progression and clunky movement it had to be a negative review :(
Also the controls feel so simple like this is meant to be a phone game, not a pc game.
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72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 18:13
-I love the art style of Niffelheim. The opening screen is especially gorgeous.
-The concept is unique. I love the idea of a survival game based around ascending to Vallhala
-It is VERY grindy. I know some people really like that type of game, but it’s personally something that I never really get into.
-The tutorial could use a little fleshing out. It essentially teaches you the basic controls and lets you roam free. I personally would like a little more explanation of what the goals are.
-Your early game mistakes WILL come back to haunt you. I think this falls under something I don’t personally like but others might be okay with. For example, my club broke early on. I needed to kill a wolf for fangs but I could not kill a wolf because I had no club. I had to resort to going to the wiki and using a guide to get through the first couple days.
If you’re into grindy, no holds barred beatdown style game, maybe check this out while it’s on sale.
1621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 00:30
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2562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 05:56
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 20:56
319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 15:44
I've Never played with friends at it, so I don't know what could change, probably not much.
The objective is clear but long away to achieve (in terms of time).
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235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 12:36
I'll enjoy playing through it, but it will be a little at a time as the grind can be soul crushing. Definitely not something I would recommend to others.
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1012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 12:25
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613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 03:21
I dunno how fun it would be with pvp and playing with all the clans full of players, but as coop game playing on only 1 clan is boring after the first 2 hours.
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21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 20:27
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315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 16:50
The game does have a nice style too it and I only played it solo.
The exploration in this game isn't that fun
The base building isn't that fun
The mining, well its mining hold E and it does it all for you
The crafting stations are too far apart and you move really slow
The combat just isn't fun at all
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782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 13:31
Story 1/10
Controls 7/10
Graphics 7/10
Difficulty 6/10
Is repetitive and gets boring quickly doing the same chores over and over again with no real rewards for it. If you want to try it, get it at sales. It's not worth anything near the €15-20 interval.
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45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 00:47
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1231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 03:27
But in the end the hunger got to me.
99% of the game is trying not to get hungry.
If the food items gave more satiety it would make this game playable.
But right now no matter how much food I eat, a few swings of the pick in the mines and blam hungry again.
The rest of the game is pretty good but you can't enjoy any of it because you are always hungry.
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941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 22:21
Food in the beginning is very hard to come by, because you spend a while hunting and gathering so you can make a meal that fills you up for 2%, and that is gone after 30 seconds. The only way to stay on top of satiation is to find the merchant and buy pumpkin pies, which are 20x more filling than what you can make at the start (and 7x what you can make at the end), for only 4x the price (so sell 4 meals and buy a pie). Weapons, armor and tools also degrade very quickly, similar to stone tools in Minecraft, and they are not all that easy to craft. Shields in particular wear out after 8 hits. After you get further in the game that gets solved, with longer lasting gear and kits that you find in chests that can partially repair, but it's still pretty annoying.
Combat is very shallow and clunky. The things I can say are good are the graphics and setting, so give it a try if you really like the screenshots, but unfortunately due to the shallow gameplay I cannot really recommend it.
97 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 15:59
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88 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 19:54
Even tasks like crafting become labourious as hell as you have to walk between crafting stations at a snails pace.
There are better games in the same genre so I can't recommend this one.
6435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 23:52
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1303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 22:59
The loot pop-up messages on the right side is so small (and light-green color on bright background) I cannot see what I pickup. Nothing is explained and the story is horrible. It's also riddled with bugs and typos.
I've had to speedhack to make this grind less boring.
How does this game have so many good reviews? Watch gameplays on youtube before buying.
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312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 17:06
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12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 05:11
This game tho, feels quite repetitive and grindy on basic things: pickup resources and fighting.
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143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 22:51
+ vikings
+ Ambience / Graphics
- everything in this game is just to tick a list
- Awful shallow combat system
- bad animations
- bad game play and responsiveness
- bad User Interface and annoying Inventory management system
- ridiculous need to eat constantly , its not a matter of difficulty but of bad game design
--- dubious developer : Create a Problem , sell the Solution (DLC: easy difficulty setting --> less need for eating and such...)
- bad game design , just mashing up kingdom with survival without thinking how and why
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710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 01:47
Beautiful hand-drawn art style, but the animations look like they came from early Flash. I like the idea the developer had for what they were trying to do, and the world has potential for interesting story, but it wasn't strong enough to stand on its own or to overcome the unimaginative game itself.
Less interactive and varied than other similar survival crafting games. Unimaginative and repetitive combat. Railroaded crafting. Missing obvious quality-of-life features (such as crafting multiple items or display for durability).
If you're looking for a survival crafting game, you're better off with earlier titles like Terraria or Starbound.
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829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 13:10
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188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 13:09
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849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 07:23
The Good
-Art style is really nice
-Good atmosphere
The Bad
-All of your equipment breaks if you breathe on it too hard
-The above is true for the equipment that you need to gather the resources to make better equipment (which still falls apart like a Chinese motorcycle)
-Your character probably has a family of tapeworms in their guts, 'cause they need to eat like Billy the Fridge just to not starve
-The best weapons in the game are super underwhelming, so in addition to [strike]toiling in the gulag[/strike] mining and gathering resources for far too long to make that equipment (which, again, will break more easily than the skeleton of someone with boneitis falling down a flight of stairs), you have to also gather a bunch of ingredients (including some you have to fight powerful bosses to obtain) to make a bunch of potions that give temporary damage boosts to actually be able to, for example, one-shot a wolf with a literal cannon firing explosive-packed cannonballs. That's not even a joke, by the time I got that cannon (the mythic one), wolves (not like special boss wolves, mind, just the kind that spawn on the surface at night) had over 300HP, and without potions the best ammo deals about 74 damage/shot (around 160 on a crit) as the Berserker (who has the highest base damage bonus) and both Hunter and Warrior skills maxed.
The Ugly
-Rather than just adding some gameplay options players can fiddle around with to make the game better (y'know, like how good survival games like 7 Days to Die or Conan Exiles do), dev decided to sink to a level of scumminess even AAA publishers rarely stoop to by making you pay for DLC that's just prefab settings adjustments that make the game not suck harder than a thirsty vampire giving a bj.
-No, the fact that early access players got them free does not make it better. If the base game was good and the DLC just added to it, then yeah, okay, fine, I don't care if the early supporters get it free and everyone else has to pay for it. But if you're charging $20 for the base game, nobody should have to pay anything at all just for some minor settings tweaks to make the game actually worth playing.
All I can say is that I'm glad I got this through Humble Bundle, because paying $20 for this? This game that, while it looks beautiful and has great ambiance, is one of the most tedious and unfun games I've ever played? A game where you have to pay for DLC that exists solely to make changes to the base game to make it not trash when most of those changes could have (and should have) just been options in the base game because I guess the dev would rather squeeze that little extra bit of cash out of players wanting to actually enjoy the game rather than not be scummy?
If I'd payed $20 for this, I'd refund it and not touch it until both of the DLCs were either made free for everyone, or just removed and replaced with options when starting a new game in the base game to change things like durability (ranging from the base game's 'even the best equipment may as well be made out of cardboard, saltines and envelope adhesive' to 'actually balanced and fair considering how much time goes into gathering the resources' to 'no durability system because it's not fun to deal with anyway'), satiety from food (from base game's 'I need to eat like 6+ massive slabs of top-tier cooked meat that's probably equivalent to like 9001 total calories to be full for a short time' to 'One massive slab of top-tier cooked meat is roughly enough to fill up'), day/night length, enemy spawn rates, etc.
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257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 03:58
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292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 06:37
1971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 21:41
- beautiful viking themed 2D world, rich in flora, fauna and materials
- resource gathering with a vast crafting system
- survival system
- challenging, but once you know what you're doing it gets satisfying and rewarding
- great soundtrack
- grindy, but fun
My rating: 9/10
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60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 15:44
However I liked the art style of it, that's not enough for me to recommend the game, because I was not entertained.
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672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 03:21
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746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 09:10
Bugs - Enemies would freeze/standstill. They'd go invisible and attack. Day 40+ i couldnt damage the enemies more then 1 damage per hit.
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125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 16:01
Despite the nice art style, this is mainly a poor mans, very one dimensional Terraria.
In part this feels like a flash game.
Movement is simple left to right and entering doors. Combat is bad, it has no impact, blocking seems useless, you just stand there and exchange blows with enemies.
Less recipes, less content. Movement is no fun, slow and sluggish, and as mentioned before just left to right and enter doors. Half of the game plays itself. just hold the corresponding button and the character does the thing.
Many little details seem to be missing polish, like if you use a controller why is there no one click button to push single items stacks from the inventory into the chests, you can't really see if your castles turrets shoot the arrows you made and it also doesn't look like they do any damage even on the easiest enemies.
The design also is a bit weird, buildings are rather more icons, when you are defending your castle you don't really feel like it because of that, you just stand in front of some icons.
Most of all, and that is always the biggest sin a game can do, it is rather boring.
Within my playtime i found myself drifting off while fighting, while collecting resources, while whacking trees or mining underground.
Other games of this ilk demand attention when you do these things and pull you also much more into their world and gameplay.
I don't think it is bad in a technical sense, it had no bugs and ran absolutely fine, it look interesting for the first few moments. But after a very short time the game gets rather boring and well uninteresting.
No part of the gameplay actually makes me want see more of it.
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1208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 00:24
It's fine, but I wouldn't recommend it over the many other survival games out there.
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279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 22:47
+ Artwork looks cool at start. Atmosphere and backgrounds look superb.
+ Full controller support (tried it with steam controller and works fine)
+ Promising start, looks like having many things to meddle at first hour.
- Grinding. And not in a fun way, you have to do same things over and over and over, visit the same places over and over...
- Repetitive. When you shake the charm of the first ten minutes, you'll realize sooner or later, everything is same entire game... Same dungeon layouts, same enemies, same quests...
- Very low variety. Enemies, crafting, maps etc. Everything is lazy.
- Shallow to non-existent story except you are a well drawn but badly animated viking who tries to reach Valhalla.
- Zero tutorial and guiding, this can be a off point for unexperienced gamers.
Another missed opportunity as a game that could be great but ruined by design choices. Full with aimless, uninspired and boring grinding, a bore-fest repetitive viking themed mess packed as a game...
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376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 14:42
Gear, items and other crafted items break within no time, there is a big lack of info about how to get going on the game.
So sadly gotta say this is only for a very special form of gamer and I was not one of them
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263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 05:20
Story is , youre a sad lonely viking doing random stuff trying to go to asgard or something. If i was that viking i woulda just killed myself, such a boring life.
anyway my two cents, good luck
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688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 14:50
could use a bit more RPG elements, some skill trees/points, other than just flat health increase ...
and at one point the game bugged out and i was not able to open any chests in a dungeon with trolls until i went further down, the game loaded more levels and then it was fine again, but that was when i started getting the mythic upgrades so its probably what caused me to not be able to kill bosses anymore
would be a recomndation if it was not for those major issues
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351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 17:48
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1537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 01:18
“The old and wise Varangian Nurdal Leather Bag was the only one who didn't try anything. Silently, he kept grabbing everything that was on the table and putting it into a leather bag that he had on him just for such an occasion.”
~Mikhail Uspensky
Ah, yes... me and Russian games. The story continues... It's not like I didn't try to like this one. As usual, I did my best. And Niffelheim? It sure looks great. I mean, sure, the story is barely there. This game is yet another example of the “have no idea about the setting and script – just use the Norse mythology because people love vikings” principle. But visuals? Those are sure charming. The problems start, as usual, with gameplay.
Don't get me wrong, though. Technically, Niffelheim doesn't feel that bad. Technically, this game is totally playable. When you'll begin playing it, you won't feel bad at all. Most likely, you'll want to keep playing. So, what's wrong? Well, as usual with Russian games, it's one thing, or another. With Niffelheim, the problem is that... it's a very limited experience. Very, very limited experience. Here's an example – in this game there are only five enemy types. And only four of them you'll meet on regular basis. Four maps. One city. And that's pretty much it.
But OK, let's not judge by the numbers (see, I do try to give this game a chance). Maybe it's one of those short, yet charming games that are hard not to love? Well................ no. See, Niffelheim is one of those side-scrolling grinding games, in which you walk around, grind for stuff and build up your castle. In other words, you'll need to spend at least ten hours here in order to get to the ending (which is really poor and totally not worth it, by the way). Ten hours, during which you'll kill the same four enemies again and again, plant some vegetables (Harvest Moon, b***s!), craft some stuff and... that's pretty much it. For ten... freakin'... hours.
The dungeons here are so dull that you'll want to cry. You go down. You kill enemies (yep, the same four enemies, plus some really poor bosses which feel more like big fat versions of the regular guys). You collect loot. The end. No puzzles, no labyrinths, no even the most basic locked doors and keys. Nothing. And if you'll get tired of it (trust me, you will), there's also a mine. A mine, in which you'll use your pickaxe on some rocks to get ore. Repeat 99999+ times. Because you'll need to get deep to get better stuff.
And it's not just a way to waste some time, or improve your stats / buildings. See, in Niffelheim grinding is the only way to get to the end. And talking about getting to the end, it's a pretty confusing process. Even though there are only two NPCs involved (see? It's a very limited game), it's somewhat hard to understand what should you do in order to win. Like I've already said, though, the only thing you actually need to do here is to grind. A lot. You kill enemies in dungeons, you collect stuff for one NPC and you craft stuff for another. That's pretty much it. The only reason for that is to make you kill, collect and craft pretty much everything this game has to offer. Sure, there isn't much, but since your character walks way too slow and your inventory is very limited... it just takes time. A lot of it.
Naturally, when I look back at all that, I can't find any way to give this game a thumb up. With more story and more content? Niffelheim would totally have a chance. It looks really nice and it doesn't feel that bad. Can't say that core mechanics here is good, but... you know how it is. It isn't bad either. It's fine. It's just... with close to no proper story, no proper bosses, no interesting exploration (and almost no places to explore), no entertaining dungeons and no addicting monster hunting with tons of different enemies that require different tactics? It's starting to get boring in, like, ten minutes. And after that? It's just a chore. Dixi.
Nicht Empfohlen
77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 13:18
Nicht Empfohlen
585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 08:54
I enjoyed myself a fair bit throughout my play time and managed to get into a good rhythm of harvesting and mining. Overall the game is slow to do everything which began to drag things down a little bit here and there. Not too bad but not amazing either, then I began to reach the end of the game and everything just stopped. There was a massive spike in enemy difficulty where I could just brute force my way through enemies I now needed to block and attack. A bit late in the game to introduce tactics but it worked, I had the highest level of craftable items in the game no big deal.
Sadly that is where I began to turn on the game. Bosses now hit you with their effects more often now that you needed to tank the shots with your shield and since it was near impossible to out heal bleed effects and being stunned almost made sure their next attack would hit it became a grind to actually get anything done.
Castles are overall meaningless but I suspect that is more for other viking enemies than for the undead threats sent to you. The slow harvesting meant you had no other choice but to go for a walk throughout the lands in order to get enough of anything to make a difference. Then there is boards, those god forsaken boards drove me insane since I never had enough timber and coupled with the fact that harvesting is slow and durability is so limited early on that things just got out of hand.
Game is fun enough for 7 or so hours but once you get near the end it needs to be rebalanced since there is little you can do without having to run off to heal after every boss when previously I managed to do 4-5 bosses back to back.
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66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 23:08
The dev doesn't seem to get that their game isn't fun - for instance, you can teleport out of dungeons, so they seem to understand crawling back is a drag, but then they charge you gold for doing that, which adds to the grind. So they know it isn't fun, but they want to penalize you for shortcutting it? They need to reexamine their lives.
If you really like this kind of game, you'll probably like it. It has a lot of different stuff in it, and graphics are good. It is well made. Just isn't for me.
Nicht Empfohlen
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 22:48
885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 04:38
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 22:45
Niffelheim - it probably stands for endless grind in norse. It's a good game but the grind is unreal and the longer you play the worse it gets, to the point where you need to traverse 20 levels into the mines or catacombs. There is fun to be had here just dont expect too much and get used to doing same thing over and over and over again. I can barely recommend this
Nicht Empfohlen
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 00:04
+Visuals/art style is nice
+Equipment appears visually on character
+4 different classes to choose from
+Lots to craft
+Dungeons to explore
-Base character designs are lackluster
-Hunger system is just annoying and tedious
-Clunky Scribblenauts-like combat and animations
-Repetitive collecting/making the same items
-Maps are fairly small but walking is slow
-Too many chores, too little viking
Nicht Empfohlen
461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 23:55
1065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 15:07
Thats why I would recommend it but only if it is on sale, the asked price is too high for the amount of time you can spend on this.
1750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 02:03
1065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 17:15
The story is ok.
You have to assign task yourself which can be confusing.
Thr crafting system could be more friendly but I solved it by writing things on a paper.
I encountered no bugs.
Tutorial is ok but many things you have to try out to find out how they are working with no explanation.
Personally 4/5.
Ellada Games
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos