• Nethergate: Resurrection: Screen zum Spiel Nethergate: Resurrection.
  • Nethergate: Resurrection: Screen zum Spiel Nethergate: Resurrection.
  • Nethergate: Resurrection: Screen zum Spiel Nethergate: Resurrection.
  • Nethergate: Resurrection: Screen zum Spiel Nethergate: Resurrection.
  • Nethergate: Resurrection: Screen zum Spiel Nethergate: Resurrection.
  • Nethergate: Resurrection: Screen zum Spiel Nethergate: Resurrection.
  • Nethergate: Resurrection: Screen zum Spiel Nethergate: Resurrection.
  • Nethergate: Resurrection: Screen zum Spiel Nethergate: Resurrection.
  • Nethergate: Resurrection: Screen zum Spiel Nethergate: Resurrection.
  • Nethergate: Resurrection: Screen zum Spiel Nethergate: Resurrection.
  • Nethergate: Resurrection: Screen zum Spiel Nethergate: Resurrection.
  • Nethergate: Resurrection: Screen zum Spiel Nethergate: Resurrection.
  • Nethergate: Resurrection: Screen zum Spiel Nethergate: Resurrection.
  • Nethergate: Resurrection: Screen zum Spiel Nethergate: Resurrection.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 05.10.2012
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Preis Update 07.05.24

Über das Spiel

Spiderweb Softwares klassisches Abenteuer über Verrat und Krieg in antiken Zeiten ist zurück! Reisen Sie zurück ins antike Britannien und erleben Sie eine Geschichte über schlaue Feinde, brutale Kämpfe und eine Rasse, die die verlorenen Geheimnisse der Magie wiederentdeckt.

Britannien ist ein Land, das vom Krieg verwüstet wurde. Die Einwohner des Landes, die barbarischen Kelten, sind lange von den Römern kontrolliert worden. Nun haben sie eine blutige Rebellion begonnen. Kämpfe wüten im ganzen Land. Die Städte sind verlassen, die Einwohner massakriert. Und, verloren im Chaos, wird in dem kleinen und vergessenen Tal von Shadowvale ein Plan geschmiedet.

Kurz darauf wird eine Gruppe von Kelten die verlorenen Geheimnisse der Magie wiederentdecken. Sie werden einen Weg finden, das Land von seinen Unterdrückern zu befreien. Und Sie, als die keltischen Krieger, werden versuchen ihre Leute zu befreien.

Oder Sie, als die Römer, werden versuchen die Kelten niederzuschlagen. Für das Wohl des Imperiums.

  • Zwei verschiedene Seiten, die mächtigen Römer und die primitiven und klugen Kelten. Jede Seite hat ein komplett verschiedenes und vollständiges Abenteuer.
  • Eine enorme Spielwelt mit vielen Verliesen, Charakteren und Nebenmissionen.
  • Eine faszinierende Geschichte. Kämpfen Sie für die Freiheit oder für den Ruhm des Reichs.
  • Verlorene Magiegeheimnisse! Verschiedene Zaubersprüche und hunderte versteckte magische Artefakte.
  • Innovative Geschichte und Schauplatz. Anders als jedes Fantasy-Spiel, das Sie jemals gespielt haben.


  • CPU: 1,6 GHz
  • GFX: Mindestanforderung 800x600 Bildschirmauflösung
  • RAM: 256 MB RAM, 512 MB empfohlen
  • Software: Windows XP oder besser.
  • HD: 50 MB
  • DX: 7 oder besser
  • LANG: EnglischSprachen mit voller Audiounterstützung

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

76 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.17 13:18
Man findet Sachen wenn man in Schränke oder so was reinschaut.Ist auf ner Map unterwegs.Man kann zaubern und mit Waffen kämpfen.Sehr schöne Story.Gutes Spiel was heute immer noch gut läuft.Keine Bugs oder so was.Kaufen :)
10 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 18:31
I love this game. Obviously I always play as the Celts - magic and prowess with a spear as well as being friendlier with animals are advantages to being Irish. As well, the holy Roman empire can lick lick lick lick my balls. I only had the free version growing up so being able to explore the map is a real treat. The cheats are great craic to apply as well but they make the game very easy. Nethergate - that's a buy :D
7 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 02:21
Very good writing.
135 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 03:01
One of the few games where you can play for either side. I wish they would remaster it and upgrade the graphics but a very solid rpg.
166 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.19 00:30
Quite a fine game. Play it.
103 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
2896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.17 09:37

Nethergate: Resurrection

I could not believe I got so hooked by such an old game....
It's extremely well written, kinda poetic even with just the right dose of humor. Despite the very old looks I really got into it, delving into old crypts, fomorian lairs and much much more. It only took me 30mins to get past the 8 bits feel.
Definitely a different experience than what one gets with commercial titles.

The fights are smooth, spells overall well balanced, and keyboard shortcuts make trivial encounters resolved in less than a minute.

On the flip side, as usual with Jeff Vogel games, quest tracking is poor, music is almost non existant. I consider the technology was available back then to have more than 5ish soundtracks.

That said, if you consider yourself a true amateur/collector of RPGs please make yourself a favor and pick this gem !
133 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.17 06:56
This game is fantastic, and I'm pretty sure that it's not even nostalgia talking.

Cons: No music (beyond the simple music in the main menu), the ambient sounds that it plays in some areas are kind of awful, the graphics are archaic, the ui is not super intuitive, and in general it feels like you are playing a game that was made in 1998 (spoilers: you are)

Pros: Despite all the cons I listed, this game is still REALLY fun and immersive! I played as the Celts and the story hooked me right from the beginning when your party of adventurers is summoned for mysterious reasons to the fortress of Nethergate. Although there is some historical context to the game, you are soon introduced to some distinctly non-historical creatures. You are plunged, in true fantasy rpg fashion, into a cave full of goblins to pilfer back a stolen relic of great significance, or perhaps into a fairie temple to bargain, or even to a dragon's lair.

What really shines about this game is the attention to detail. The game is brimming with secret areas, rare treasures, rich detailed descriptions, interesting characters, easter eggs, and little clever touches everywhere. Combat feels good even after a thousand battles due to well-paced progression in terms of spells, equipment, and enemies. Playing on the standard difficulty, I felt that the game was challenging enough to require me to reload my save plenty of times, but never punishing enough to make me ragequit. You always want to try just one more time because you know you can do better if you just used a different spell, or started the fight in a slightly different formation.

So basically if you want to play an old, classic rpg that not only shows its age but wears it like a badge of honor, buy this game. I think you will find an experience that is rich and full of life.
462 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.15 18:38
NetherGate:Resurrection is a classic! I played the original Nethergate back in the day as well as this update when it came out. This version is fantastic, just like the other.

Choose Roman or Celt for different experiences, abilities and encounters! This is a turn based/party-based RPG with a lot of replay value and excellent leveling system and story.

If you like classic RPG goodness sprinkled with historical context, you can't go wrong with NetherGate:Resurrection
230 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.14 14:45

A great, old school rpg and its really immersive for its archaic 2D graphics, as soon as you get a hang of it, you're in Ancient Roman era , fantasy britannia. Details and depth are really nice with many easter eggs, rich with history and has a really good sense of humour.

The mechanics are satisfactory, got traits like fallout and skill point buy like MM's. It's sand-box'ish you can do your quests in any order as long as your party is skillful enough, travel anywhere if you have enough food in your bag, talk to everyone in game world provided you're not a Roman trying to find his/her way in a brigantes village. You can play both as Romans and Britons, they have slightly different stories.

This game totally amazed me, by giving me much more than i had anticipated, made me wonder what is missing in most modern games.

If you like 2D rpgs and can endure the mechanics like of Might & Magic, it will be a worthy purchase for its price.

8/10 , at least
2659 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.12 15:47
I love Spiderweb Software games - they take a long time to play, and they are almost as primitive as you can get with their graphics. The stories are great, though, and the worlds are detailed and full of things to explore. The UI on this one takes a little getting used to, but it's second nature soon enough.
Logo for Nethergate: Resurrection
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
86.96% 60 9
Release:05.10.2012 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Spiderweb Software Vertrieb: Spiderweb Software Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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