• Necromunda: Underhive Wars: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Underhive Wars.
  • Necromunda: Underhive Wars: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Underhive Wars.
  • Necromunda: Underhive Wars: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Underhive Wars.
  • Necromunda: Underhive Wars: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Underhive Wars.
  • Necromunda: Underhive Wars: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Underhive Wars.
  • Necromunda: Underhive Wars: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Underhive Wars.
  • Necromunda: Underhive Wars: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Underhive Wars.
  • Necromunda: Underhive Wars: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Underhive Wars.
  • Necromunda: Underhive Wars: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Underhive Wars.
  • Necromunda: Underhive Wars: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Underhive Wars.
  • Necromunda: Underhive Wars: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Underhive Wars.
  • Necromunda: Underhive Wars: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Underhive Wars.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 07.09.2020
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Preis Update 02.06.24

Über das Spiel

Tief unter den albtraumhaften Makropolen von Necromunda kämpfen Gangs in den dunklen Tunneln des Underhive um Macht, Reichtum und die Ehre ihrer Häuser - und nur die Stärksten überleben.

Führe Gangs von Escher, Goliath und Orlock, baue sie aus und sammle Ausrüstung. Wähle Spezialisierungen für die Gangmitglieder und schicke sie auf gefährlichen, höllischen Schlachtfeldern in den Kampf. Nutze das Gelände in taktischen Gefechten zu deinem Vorteil: Klettere auf Stege, lege Fallen aus und lauere deine Feinden in blutigen Nahkämpfen auf.

Erlerne neue Fertigkeiten, plündere Ausrüstung und führe deine Gang in Online-Kämpfe für bis zu 4 Spieler.
  • Entwickle deine Gang in einem spannenden Taktik-RPG.
  • Erlebe eine mitreißende Kampagne im Underhive.
  • Tritt in aufregenden Spielmodi an - mit dauerhaften Folgen für deine Gang.
  • Die erste Videospiel-Adaption des bekannten Tabletops Necromunda, der bekanntesten Makropole aus Warhammer 40.000.
  • Spiel allein oder online mit bis zu drei Freunden.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3450 / AMD FX-6300
  • GFX: 2 GB VRAM, GeForce GTX 660 / Radeon R9 270
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • HD: 40 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: 30 FPS in 1920x1080 Low preset.
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-6600 / AMD Ryzen 3 1200
  • GFX: 4 GB VRAM, GeForce GTX 970 / Radeon RX 580
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • HD: 40 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: 60 FPS in 1920x1080 High preset.
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

0 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.23 18:51
dont buy, game was abandoned by the devs before even getting finished
210 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 20:10
Geschichten von Verwüstung, Horror und Heldentum.
Die taktischen und rundenbasierten Gemetzel im finsteren Warhammer 40.000-Universum machen mir Spaß.

In der Story-Kampagne (15 Schlachten) wird das blutige Treiben atmosphärisch durch hübsche Videosequenzen prima begleitet.
In der Kampagne lerne ich alle Schlägertruppen persönlich kennen und erfahre Vor- und Nachteile von Nah- und
Fernkampfwaffen und werde prima in die Techniken der apokalyptischer Kriegsführung eingespielt!

Die Waffen haben einen soliden Sound und die brutalen Gefechte sind in toller 3D-Umgebung mit Hintergrundmusik, je nach Situation, spannend und stimmig.

Die Welt von Necromunda hat auch ihre Schattenseiten.Manchmal kränkelt, Gott sei Dank, die KI.
Und die Controllerunterstützung ist nicht immer stabil und noch ein paar andere Kleinigkeiten.
Mit all dem kann ich gut leben, weil ich das Spiel sehr mag. Das Game hat im Gang-Modus viel Potential. Durchhalten lohnt sich.
Glück Auf aus dem post-apokalyptischen Untergrund.
147 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
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6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 21:27
fuck i hate my life. wanted to buy hired gun and bought this instead. refund not possible. rip me
483 Produkte im Account
186 Reviews
1639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 17:01
Ich mag es!

Und das obwohl ich noch nie die Tabletop Vorlage gespielt habe.

Es macht vieles besser als Mortheim und das ist nach wie vor eines meiner lieblings Warhammer Spiele.

Wer Mortheim mochte wird auch dieses Spiel mögen.
42 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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9696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 14:22
Leider kann ich Necromunda nicht empfehlen, obwohl ich Fan des Table Tops bin und auch Mortheim als PC-Spiel ganz gut fand. Abgesehen davon, dass die KI dermaßen grottig ist und nur zum abfarmen taugt, oder der Multiplayer nicht funktioniert, was das endlose KI farmen sinnlos macht, sind die Gangs in meinen Augen auch absolut nicht durchdacht.

Wahrscheinlich haben die Entwickler niemals auch nur ein Warhammer-Buch gelesen oder sich mit grundlegenden Regeln (und damit verbundenen Vorstellungen) vertraut gemacht. Es ist nahezu egal welche Waffe man führt. Plasma hat kein AOE, die Reichweiten sind bis auf eine Ausnahme alle gleich. Die Waffenwahl beeinflusst in keiner Weise das Spiel oder die Effizienz.

Gangs die Fernkampfspezialisten sein sollten (van Saar) sind nutzlos, die besten Fernkämpfer sind Goliath und mit nem Goliath sollte man den Nahkampf gegen Esher meiden. Ich kann mir das wirklich schlechte Spiel leider nicht einmal über die geliebte 40k-Welt schön reden, weil es sich wirklich nicht wie 40k anfühlt. Das ist ein x-beliebiges SciFi-Setting mit den Namen der 40k-Waffen.

Tut es euch besser nicht an.
166 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 20:30
It's like the Necromunda tabletop game
117 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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908 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 12:36
Im Vergleich zu Mordheim ein Skelett das gerade mal so weit fertig ist damit man nicht alles Refunden muss. Für alle Mordheim Spieler die ein 40K Mordheim erwartet haben eine reine Enttäuschung.

Aber der Kern ist da und man könnte dieses Spiel retten wenn man den wollte.

213 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
3193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 11:47
Also, bin im großen und ganzen begeistert. Das Gefühl eine Gang zu führen, kommt zumindest bei mir an und ich habe viel Freude daran die anderen Gangs zu massakrieren, auszurauben und gegeneinander aus zu spielen. Aber kommen wir zu Zwei wichtigen Punkten. Story und Gangmodus.

Finde ich gut, ist etwas typisches für WH40k düster und brutal. Im Prinzip spielt sich die Story wie ein langes Tutorial. Fühlte mich danach bereit in den Gangmodus zu wechseln ohne allzu viele Fragezeichen. Hätte sie noch länger sein können? Bestimmt, aber ich fühlte mich trotzdem gut unterhalten.

Im großen und ganzen verspielt man hier die meiste Zeit. Gang erstellen, auflvln, looten und rauben. Finds super meiner Gang dabei zu helfen mächtiger zu werden. Auch wenn ich die existierenden Klassen etwas wenig finde, sind die Kombinationen zum Teil sehr interessant (Laienmechaniker /Heavy Gunner z.b.). Wobei ich mir noch mehr da wünschen würde an Klassen und individuellen Möglichkeiten wie Waffen, Anpassungen, spezielle Fertigkeiten usw. ABER mehr ist immer besser, oder? ^^
Der Modus gibt auch mir als berufstätigen die Möglichkeiten Abends oder am Wochenende ein bis zwei Missionen zu spielen oder das ganze Wochenende zu verbraten. Finde es super.

Kurz zur KI und Grafik.
Beides ist okay, keine Meisterwerke aber es erfüllt seinen Zweck. An beidem kann noch geschraubt werden, aber das ist jammern auf hohem Niveau. Hatte keine Bugs oder Glitches. Die KI hängt sich manchmal an der Umgebung auf, aber das nutze ich gnadenlos zu meinem Vorteil, warum auch nicht?
0 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
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2009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.23 09:51
This game has been abandoned by the developers. This sucks as this game has such great promise. loving the tabletop game, I was hoping to see more factions, unique weapons and skills appear as time progressed.
I've beaten the main game and it was a decent single player campaign. This would have been a strong recommendation if the developers had still been here and taking care of their product, but since this is not the case. I can't recommend it at all.
Basically, my suggestion is as follows:

Get Hired Gun if u want a necromunda themed game with love from the developers.
I can only hope a different developer will revisit this type of tactical game and do it properly, also not giving up would help too.
0 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.23 19:10
Avoid at all costs! Broken & Abandoned.
0 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
55055 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.23 02:04
This game is turn based just like the table top GW game. It requires thought and planning. The computer opponents are a bit erratic and unrealistic sometimes. It takes me back to those evenings spent playing Warhammer Fantasy battle, 40K and Necromunda with friends.
0 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
2669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.23 20:27
My review follows many of the other positive reviews. The game is fun and worth trying. Is it perfect or better than Mordheim? No, but this game does deserve a better than mixed rating. I went into this game with low expectations based on the reviews and can say that I am pleasantly surprised by how much fun I am having.
0 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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1206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.23 11:05
It is unfortunate but i cant recommend it. There are good things about it. The Stratetic Map, the Mission selection Mechanics and a number of interesting Abilities for your Characters as well as a good idea for the Core Gameplay Mechanics. But the Game does a lot wrong, it is unessesarily slow, the A.I is just really stupid, especially in Story Mode. But it also has to be kinda stupid or you could get flattened by three teams at once if your just unlucky wit aggro. FIghting just loses its fun after you realise that the Enemie is rarely interested in fighting, but rather just wants to parkour all over the Map just to stand where they started, going into overwatch. This Game will take your time for the wrong reasons.
0 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.23 19:30
Multi-player servers are shut down with no notice from the devs and no warning in the ads or in game. DONT GET THIS GAME FOR THE MULTIPLAYER! Single player is still alright.
0 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.23 13:46
Been playing this game since release off and on. It is a fun game. on sale its cheap and definitely worth a pick up. I am disapointed that we have never gotten the Delaque game, and that they didn't stick with the game. Its fun on single player and when I've played with friends, in the past. it's also a hoot.

It could use some bigger differences between gangs. The battles take place in incredibly atmospheric locales, that inspire creativity for things like the tabletop game, or even dark heresy campaigns.

solid 7/10.
0 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.23 02:01
I will Likely continue to play a match or two here or there, and rack up my money's worth of playtime, but I can't recommend this to anyone else

I think a lot of reviews are doing a disservice to the anyone looking to buy this game by not delving into the problems this game has with its A.I. . as Such, let me explain up to my first ever match in the campaign and maybe you'll understand why.

My only knowledge of this game was from Mordheim, and from the few reviews, which I simply took as meaning it would be easier due to the A.I. stupidity. I started up, and pretty much jumped into the campaign with no tutorials. coasting only on my knowledge of its predecessor, I started a game, and place my units surrounding where the enemy spawned. The Mission? steal Data banks bigger than most PC's, and which restrict the hand carrying them from doing anything else. Carefully, i Walked up to the enemy, hoping to take a few opponents down before doing the objective, so I wouldn't get shot.

I didn't need to, as every single enemy, on every single round, never fired a single bullet towards any of my 4 soldiers. They ran past armed soldiers to carry two Data banks, and leaving themselves unable to do anything but stand there and get shot by my soldiers. Only one escaped, carrying a single Data bank which was enough to stop me from completing my objective there.

Needless to say, the A.I. here isn't just dumb, its actively self-sabotaging, seemingly unable to realize there is anyone else playing on the map.
0 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.23 18:45
Let me start by saying that I'm a huge fan of the Necromunda IP, and sunk many hours into the previous Mordheim iteration. With that being said, this game is such a letdown. It's interface is clunky, the map is nearly useless and the game goes to no effort to explain mission objectives, icons, abilities, etc. Necromunda had so much potential to become an X-com rival, but just fell flat.
135 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 01:53
Don't listen to purists, it's been a rough couple of years and at the end of the day, it's Necromunda on PC, lovely game and playing online means you won't have to deal with AI.
213 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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2203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 00:18
Dead Game. Developers have moved on. Didn't fix the bugs, just left.
463 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 16:11
Had great potential, but was pushed out in a buggy, unplayable mess which was never fixed.
149 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 14:46
PRO+/-CON Review:

For its current price (£5) it is worth every penny.

Its fun, the voice acting is cheesy in the good sense, and the graphics look nice.

The setting is exactly what you'd expect from Necromunda. The sets really feel like a high-budget tabletop setup.

The AI is a bit dumb, yes, but you don't get the XCOM AI treatment where they all hone in on 1 unit for the sake of p*ssing you off, which is nice.

The game's pace feels like an actual game of Necromunda. If you've not played the tabletop game you might find it a bit alien the way the chess-like turns work and how action points are used.

Honestly I don't get why there are so many negative reviews.

Unless you have friends, don't expect to play multiplayer. It is almost completely dead.

It is a little repetitive, but just do a mission or 2 when you want an inject.

Unless there are timed objectives to secure, you've no reason to plan your strategy for the mission. The enemies don't usually pose that much of an intellectual threat.

There is no perma-death in the main story. This is a CON purely from my own opinion because I love the likes of Darkest Dungeon and XCOM where this feature heavily weighs in on the risk/reward, much like playing Necromunda SHOULD feel.

Finally, The characters aren't that cool. You'll find your favourites but personality wise they're forgettable and if one falls, meh. They'll be back next mission. The custom gang feature should be in the main story as it is in the skirmish mode.
101 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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2629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 14:35
Unfortunately, Rogue Factor continues their shenanigans from Mordheim in this one, except worse. The game is unfinished, unpolished and has been abandoned in a broken state after dropping a couple of obligatory, probably contractually required DLCs (neither of which I would suggest anyone waste their money on).

Everyone from Games Workshop, to the publisher, to the developers involved with this piece of steaming garbage should be ashamed of themselves and rethink their lifechoices.

I did get the game for like 5$ but I'm not sure it's worth even that.
796 Produkte im Account
129 Reviews
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55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 17:19
I've played the original table-top game that NUW is based off of, and despite looking like Necromunda and having all the right words and designs from the original work, NUW is absolutely nothing like Necromunda. The game sucks, outright. The graphics are pretty, but certainly not the grungy world of 40K that Necromunda is based in. The characters are interesting, the map designs (for the levels I could suffer through) were not that bad, even if they were obtusely large and confusing. The UI is unintuitive, the gameplay is difficult to understand, and the AI are dumber than a box of rocks. All I wanted was XCOM with a Games Workshop reskin into one of the most interesting fictional worlds created in the last 50 years... instead I got this game. Don't be tricked by your nostalgia glasses, this is not what it looks like.
509 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 16:17
The game is fun and could have been really great but the devs abandoned it, so I can't recommend buying it.
58 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 20:46
Got this for my son, he didnt touch it after the 3rd day. I thought Id give it a try. The turn based is confusing, the map is virtually unreadable. There is no difficulty adjustment. The enemy ALWAYS hits way harder than you and seems to have more action points than any of your chars. Judging from the rank via the stars and watching the gameplay (shows nothing like the actual gameplay) I assumed itd be a good game. I was terribly wrong.
528 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 14:25
Poorly done and never finished, Dev put on my black list.
170 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 18:33
So much potential, wasted.

This is not a game. It is a platform to sell you DLC that has been rushed out. I like they apparently haven't corrected any of the complaints from the original game, but have TWO DLCs for you to buy. I took a punt at £5 and I don't think it's even worth that.

Horrible interface - Some video game designers have this horrible ADHD type of game design, that the cancer that is EA spread around consoles and made people think it was normal.

Terrible controls - XCOM pretty much perfected this. Why do you need to reinvent the wheel? It's just awful and annoying and the combat is slow and tensionless.

Graphics - I'm running everything on high and it still looks like sh***

Story - The girls sound like they've been kidnapped from Doncaster and a chip buttie has been wedged into their mouths.

For a company that might have serious trouble making money off plastic models in future (3d printing being what it is), you would think GW would see the bigger picture and maybe put some serious effort into making sure the IP and the universe has a suite of really good games to feed people into the setting. Not even AAA games, just GOOD games.

If they continue employing the cheapest studios they can find to make games, and rushing out pap like this, they can kiss their a**** goodbye in a few years. What a waste.
113 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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8219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 21:40
I like this game. I cannot recommend it tho, due to Dev & Publisher abandonment of the game.
69 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
20156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 13:47
First off: as I am collecting, painting and playing WH40K related tabletop games for quite some time (years) now, I was a bit reluctant, based on the reviews about AI to buy and play this game: It's fair to say the AI indeed isn't all that well, making some weird decisions at times, but, I've seen that in human players as well :D

All joking aside,

++ The setting and atmosphere pretty much breathes the WH40K Universe.
+ The custimization options on the crew, gangers etc, are quite good: many options there to fiddle around with.
++ Implementation of multilevel combat, nice overview maps and a pretty decent LOS system.

- As mentioned by others the AI is pretty bad, but, nothing that can be solved by playing against real people in PVP (nice option there to limit turn time). When buying this game for single player, it really isn't that hard to 'beat the system'
- Movement systems is plain silly where, with a bit of planning, you can just move around forever (unless being hit by overwatch). You can even see what the limit of movement is. It would be nicer if the experience was a bit more similar to TableTop

All in all very enjoyable and looking forward for more PVP

(in all fairness, I didn't look into the options of multiplayer Operations/PVP, just skirmish combat which, until now, is pretty ok)
23 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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1407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 01:29
I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting... In the end I decided to just go and buy this. It IS an interesting game. It really is. But I have NEVER seen an AI so horrible! Got into a fight, and several of the ai-controlled gangers was just trying to walk through walls, and go on over-watch the entire fight. Only in the final round, when I was about to exfiltrate with a piece of archeotech, did they wake up and actually do... something. I really like the aestethics of the game, nice atmosphere, so/so, but ok graphics design. But having to wait your turn, just to see the Ai act like a headless chicken really takes the fun out of it. Back to the devs wth ths one, and the money back!
369 Produkte im Account
114 Reviews
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2151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 02:23
I really liked Mordheim, this one missed the mark.
198 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 15:15
There is so many things wrong with this game.

The interface is the worst ive seen in 20 years, stats that are meaningless are displayed. But things like what do skills and weapons do (dmg, status effects) or even what skills gang members on selection have is a complete mystery.

The movement system is the worst game system i have ever seen and removes any sense of tactical decision making in a tactical game.

Avoid even when on sale.
46 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 18:44
Fun, turn-based gameplay in the Warhammer 40k Necromunda environment. AI seems better and have not experienced any bugs so far after 48 hours...
139 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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2005 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 19:04
Stupid AI and thots with daddy Issues. You'd think I'd enjoy this game but no.
96 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 07:23
Picked up this game so i can learn the rules/mechanics of necromunda.
Pros: Usually on sale, Very cool graphics/world, cool character design, Pretty easy to understand for a GW game.

Cons:Very slow gameplay, and Somewhat buggy AI

Very fun for the right price.
257 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 05:30
Fun game, it desperately needs a beasts and monsters DLC.
Also needs an option to turn off the shaky follow camera.
129 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
9310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 20:03
If you like turn based team shooters (X-Com, UFO:Aftermath, etc) this is a nice game, especially on sale.

Not sure what all the negativity is about. I do not really care because it seems over exaggerated.
150 hours and I had three crashes. Which since it saves at the start of each unit's turn there is nothing lost.

This is a really good conversion from the table top game. Much better than some of the other Games Workshop conversions in the past.
127 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 02:06
Absolute trash game DO NOT BUY. UI is terrible, what has passed for a story is pathetic. Level design is more annoying than interesting. It tries to show the brutality of 40k by just being so poorly made that character deaths are inevitable which for myself and most TBS players is insufferable. I got it on sale for like £8 and I still think it was £7 more than the thing was worth. Utter rubbish.
138 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 02:41
I hate these devs! The game has not been given the support we all hoped. Last update was 6 months ago and have not heard from them at all.

There are so many issues plaguing the game since day 1 and we stuck with them because we thought that they were planning on giving it some love and care. We should have known since this is the same treatment they've done to Necromunda.

The pacing is too slow for multiplayer matches, but the AI is too stupid to be enjoyable to play against.

The worst part for me is that all gangs are basically the same in terms of member types, and skills and weapon access. They are only different by the cosmetics and a minor unique trait that in all honestly doesn't make a difference in the gameplay. No sense in buying new gangs since they are basically the same.

I would not care about these if only they'll put time to fix these issues. They just come over to push new gangs that are not worth the penny unless you like the skin change.

I'll never buy from these devs again.
16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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5714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 03:22
Necromunda has great potential and is certainly a challenge. Sadly for all the wrong reasons. If your interested here's my pros's and cons.
-Artwork and characters look visually great.
-combat system has good potential as does the leveling skill trees.
-Characters injuries and traits etc is very close to the original. Accountability and consequences always satisfying in these sorts of endeavours.
-with work could be amazing.

-The enemy computer players are clueless. For a strategy game its useful to have an opponent who makes decent and dangerous moves. The enemy gangs are not peers they are prey. Haplessly running off to grab boxes or into walls. no unit cohesion nor strategy.
_The buffs silly activation sequence. seeing someone roar for 6 seconds on overwatch or whatever time after time gets wearing. All it requires is the word to come up and if its an aura then a non flashing circle. too many unecessary drags between action.
-The turn order jumps and pauses.Its seemingly your fighters turn,then it jumps to whoever has the higher initiative. And at the end (you get a turn looting at end of every engagement) it still jumps, even when all enemies are dead or fled. Stop.Blur.wait.blur.stop.Start. Really jagged,clunky delivery. Feels like original Knights of the Old Republic, not a game from 2020.
This, plus the time it takes for enemies to make decisions leads to this ragged,non rhythmical, janky experience. As I said before this game is a challenge but its the bad elements of it all coming together to create an experience where one feels they must prevail against them, rather than playing a virtual version of Necromunda.
-the same missions in operation. over and over.
-As mentioned before the two things that kill this experience is no strategy and no rhythm. Only as a 40k fan could I put up with all these flaws for as long as I did. very unlikely newcomers will enjoy this, which is a shame as it has a lot of potential.
116 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
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1642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 04:46
As a fan of the Games Workshop IP, a fan of the table top games, and a fan of the Mordiem PC game, this one doesn't do it for me. I think they would have been better off just marketing this as something other than Necromunda.

While it has the mechanics of the table top game, it hasnt really succeeded in drawing me in like Mordiem did.
The look of the underhive is interesting, but it just seems to lack the right atmosphere to give you the feeling that your fighting down in the filthy depths along side your gang.

The biggest issues I have with the game itself are
  • Max combatants of 5. You can have more than 5 in your gang, but only ever 5 on the battlefield at one time.
  • Lack of meaningful customization. Lets face it, if your going to use the Necromunda IP, at least let players make gangs that look like the miniatures. The custom selections they offer look more realistic, but not in a good way. There really is no way to make your gang members resemble the original miniatures that the table top game offered. This is a huge let down.
  • If you know the original IP, it's easy to recognize the iconic things like a Heavy Bolter, or a plasma pistol. Instead they created their own versions of even these iconic weapons to the point that you wont recognize them.
  • The gang members and their equipment look too realistic. This might sound odd, but in a game made famous by the miniatures and iconic IP of the Warhammer 40K universe, having too much realism in the look and feel just doesnt work. They really would have been better off with a less detailed, even more cartoony look.

If you can pick this up on a super sale 50-75% off, I'd say maybe give it a try.

If you dont have a history with the original IP, the things that I listed probably wont bother you one bit.
If you enjoyed the table top for the game-play dynamics and didnt really care about the miniatures and customization aspect, you might like it.

But if your looking for a game that really captures the iconic, look, feel, atmosphere, etc. of the table top game. You will probably be disappointed.

128 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 20:03
Waited a year to buy the game, figured if it was cheaper and the bugs were fixed it would be worth it. No massive technical issues to report in my case.

That said, under no circumstances should you buy this game. The gameplay itself is horrific. The AI is without a doubt the worst I have ever seen. I played 12 hours and literally counted how many times I was actually attacked, it was 14, just about once an HOUR. The AI prioritizes random dtuff like pushing elevator buttons, going into overwatch for 5 turns inside a cargo crate and so much more. They will pick up the objective objects only to run them the wrong way.

I tried hard to like the game, I build an all melee warband (and put them on the HIGHEST DIFFICULTY) to try to get the AI to actually fight me, turn 1 ran right into their spawn with my leader, not a single enemy ever attacked him, they jumped down from the platform to get away, picked up barrels, healed every so often as I bashed them, never once did they fight back. You will be bored of this game in under 3 hours, as a dedicated Necromunda fan I gave it 12 before giving up.

Run away!
231 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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1425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 12:46
Game had potential to be really good, overall there are some interesting mechanics here and the visuals are a big improvement over it's predecessor mordheim. However the AI is terrible, not bad not very bad just outright attrocious.

And for a game that it's focus is on singleplayer this kill the experience for me. AI will make pointless moves all around the map skipping your gang even while you are in front of them. Occasionally they will attack you but overall it is just stupid. At this point i would just have prefered that the AI completely skipped their objectives and went straight to attack the nearest gang, then we would have a bad AI opponent that would at least be more fun to play against.
87 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
14676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 01:00
As a player of Necromunda on the tabletop this game hits the mark for me.
Necromunda was one of my favourite games workshop games back in the 90's so i was keen to give it a crack.

has a couple of bugs i have encountered. 1 being the occasional randomn dropout. fortunately every time this has happened to me i reloaded immediately and picked up the mission from where it dropped out.

Has a save bug which will render all your saves useless. This can be particularly annoyinh if you have played for hundreds of hours and accumulated wealth in items and have your gangs specced out.. the save games will be unrecovereable.
the way around this is to make a back up of the necromunda save directory. to locate it, unhide your appdata folder in windows. go to user/appdata/local/necromunda and copy the entire directory and make a back up folder somewhere. I do this every couple of rounds or whatever so i dont lose anything . its not really a big deal. just a bit of a pain if you have a wipeout mid save. The game is often auto saving as you play - and if you disrupt the process or interupt it that will cause the bug. so save and exit - back up , I never make a backup while i am in game. You will not be able to modify the game data for credits or items either so ill save you the heartache of losing everything if you attempt to modify a save file..

gameplay has some things to be desired. AI is stupid at the best of times. however if they were smarter you might find your gang being irreversibly ham strung more often than not. being 1 shot by a specced AI ganger isnt fun especially when it leads to a permanent injury. so when they do dumb shit im not bothered. worth the money i paid for this game. if you enjoyed Necromunda on the tabletop you will definetly enjoy this game. similar to XCOM - lets you skill your gang and outfit them to your playstyle. love it.

875 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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2363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 21:34
I used to play Necromunda a lot. Other than the look of the game this is not the same thing.

The interface is clunky, the AI is (as everyone has pointed out) the worst and you will find it impossible to find human players out there. Having said that I'm not sure how smoothly a game with strangers would go.

I'm currently treating this like a weird card game. Honestly it might be more fun as a card game and the glitches would certainly not be an issue. It's not totally awful but if I didn't already own it I'd definitely look elsewhere for a decent game.
196 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
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1858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 09:05
In writing moment I can not recommend this game.
The AI is way too dumb with path finding, and the graphics are still bugging out from time to time.
I love it a lot, even if the story/lore is basic as heck, but the gameplay needs some touching up.
445 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
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2207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 03:53
this game needs some major work.
all the gangs are essentially the same, there are no REAL distinguishing characteristics for gangs aside from skills that are jank and skewwed.

If youve played necromunda this game will be frustrating as hell in so many ways, game play and lore. gangs dont have any house specific gear or equipment, its all the same. and while they look different, annoyingly if you steal another gangs weapons after knocking them out, it reverts to your style after mission, which sucks because it would be cool to have a guy carry a rival gangs weapon as a trophy.

The AI is abysmal in how it choses its actions and works, providing no real challenge even when you fight vastly overpowered gangs.

this game just ends up being a pass.
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 14:20
Im just echoing all reviews that are on here. Its a reasonably entertaining game but the AI still needs a lot of work. They run in a circle then randomly kneel and that will be the turn. There is no logic to what they do. I have only had 2 game crashes where it booted me out to the windows screen, but upon re-load i was back to where i started. If the game is discounted than consider especially if you like necromunda lore. I am not a fan of the accents in the game (not how i picture necromundians) but i can easily overlook that. I hope this is helpful
168 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 05:33
Unfortunately, I bought the game and let too many days pass before trying it out and asking for a refund. Playing this game is absolutely torture.
The UI is cumbersome, the texts so small as to be illegible, the chosen view is very uncomfortable and makes the map strategy almost impossible. The animations are of poor quality, slow and cannot be skipped.
If you buy it, try it immediately and you will uninstall it in a hurry.
78 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 20:25
The game is good but there are some AI issues but from my playtime but they are minor. This game is good for 30 bucks (US dollars) the recent update fixed alot of the game breaking bugs. I wish there were more guns and maybe a custom operation menu so you could tweek the game however this would bring the balance of the online pvp. (there is an online pvp option but you dont have to play it). the guns are good and sound like what 40k should sound like(sometimes). I would like more customization but as there are a lot of different customization options for your gangers(think xcom squad not as much as xcom but a good amount for the game).
i would give dark souls 3 a 8/10, would give fallout 76 a 3/10, would give xcom 2 a 7/10 (just for an idea of my scale)
i would give this game a 6/10
339 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 02:17
Crashes on launch after the newest patch. Even before, the AI was horrific to the point of insanity (afk running into walls, crouching as an entire turn, running forever in place). I unfortunately waited too long (4 hours) trying to give this game a chance because I love the IP, but its garbage. Avoid this like the plague.
204 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 15:05
games been out awhile. you think it wouldn't crash so much when your trying to consecutively trade or pick up items.
279 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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9857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 08:58
I've put over 100 hours into this game, but I can't say I'd recommend it. The AI is so stunningly bad that even the hardest difficulty is trivial. The missions are repetitive. There are 3-4 variations, but that gets old quick. All the gangs are basically the same with so little variation that they're basically just palette swaps. The weapons have no variety.
The one good thing I can say is this: The world is beautifully rendered, and the art direction for the locations is spot on. Other than that that I would not waste money on this game. Maybe buy at deep, deep discount.
401 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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1838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 20:08
They still haven't really fixed the game or brought it up to par with what was set as the most basic expectations. AI is still busted, some turns foregoing any common sense. New DLC isn't expansive, just a cash grab. No new things have really been implemented that impacted the game. It crashes every few hours. The game is fun when it works but after you play through twice it's all the EXACT same. Maybe worth buying on sale if you have someone to play with.
338 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 20:41
The AI kills this game, literally, it can decide to not do anything, no moving, no shooting, no ending the turn causing, a soft lock where you have to restart the level. When its not doing that, its just running around in circles to take in the views of the map I guess.

I struggled through because I dig the Necromunda setting and love turn based tactics game but the AI has beaten me, not through difficulty but by just not working.
686 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 05:54
Im sadly gonna say this just isnt worth the money its asking for, the game has soooo much potential and it looks amazing! the graphic is great, the style works so well and the maps looks really cool, even the combat is pretty sweet, so many weapons and classes, but that damn ai, i just cant get over it... i swear i have never seen such sad ai, every time i go back to this game they always sit down in the corner and i mean i bet its a really lovely corner, but it makes the combat rather silly like im killing civilians hiding from me, and the fact that half the customising of your gang is locked behind finishing the campaign was also abit sad as i would rather just go straight to the gang war. if you want this for the sake of only playing multiplayer then i think this game would be worth it but for singelplayer, i would have to say get it alteast on 50% off then it might be worth trying, im just hoping that they will fix this as i still see so much potential here.
113 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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3954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 16:17
This is such a poor version of Necromunda its just sad really. Why only 5 members allowed in a fight? Why does the shop have nothing interesting to buy? Why has my shop literally never had a single weapon to sell? Why do the mechanic and saboteur exist when ive never lost a fight without them? Why are there objectives when its just easier to kill everyone and grab the stuff at the end? Why do i have 12000 credits and nothing to spend it on?

Go and buy the actual tabletop Necromunda.
42 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 20:34
Takes a bit to understand the rules, and due to the AI wont be the hardest game you ever played, but its got the style right imo. Could be more difficult, and could have more and maybe rarer weapons skins.
164 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 08:59
I played the Table-top game when it came out briefly, but was put off due to the intensity of sweaty nerds. I did however very much enjoy it, and understood why people had such passion for the game then. A lot of people gave this game bad reviews, and to be fair, there are a few things that concern me. Like, for example, certain skills not working (Hydraulic Slam, why won't you work?), is the main culprit for me not giving this a greater review than it should get.

That being said, the game is really good fun, but perhaps not for those who are in the min-max mindset. I enjoy it thoroughly however, and will continue to support the developers through the bad times until it gets to the level at which Mordheim has reached. Patience is key, and its not like the game was overpriced anyways.

It needs more time to cook in the oven, but it's still deliciously tasty and addictive. Most people who hate the game have also clocked hundreds of hours playing it, and are simply frustrated at the current state of the game. Give it time and it could be a masterpiece, but it's still quite a gem even at this stage.

316 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 01:36
Compared to Mordheim Necromunda is fairly simple to pick up and it feels better but every improvement it features runs into the same ditch, the AI just doesn't work. In the 13 hours I've been playing I have never been in a position that the AI threatened me and the one time I came close to losing 1/5 of my people it was because I ran her between 2 other gangs and left her there tanking blows.
The worst example of the AI just failing to perform for me was the first mission I took that restricted me to melee weapons and punished any use of ranged weapons. I hadn't noticed the condition so I entered the battle with 3 people with 2 handed guns (no melee until unequipped) and 2 with single handed guns, the enemy AI sent in 4 people with melee weapons, one unarmed. First thing I did was walk a unit down a ways and set it in overwatch which immediately zapped it half to death, undeterred my next move was to walk my leader out a door and shoot a visible enemy only to get zapped half to death. Long story short, between my two self inflicted handicaps (fists only and 2 units at half health) and the AIs performance I walked out without losing a single person.
I enjoy elements of this game but with the AI the way it is I just can not recommend this game.
375 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1050 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 19:16
I want to love this game, but the AI has been absolutely terrible since launch. I don't understand how to code myself, but the 'patches' they have released since launch have done very little in terms of improvement. Sure the AI doesn't kill itself with grenades now, but it is completely terrible in terms of actual satisfying combat. The AI will spend more time buffing characters, holding terrible angles where no one player is, going into over-watch/ambush in awful locations, running back and forth achieving nothing, etc...
I could continue an extensive list of dumb things the AI does, but I am sure you get the picture. The AI in short is not interactive, not intuitive, and most definitely not fun to play against. I would rather spend my time doing something else when the turns take forever to complete with nothing happening on most turns.
Make improvements on the AI, and maybe this game has some hope in being enjoyable to play one day.
156 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 20:22
I used to love playing the tabletop. Along with Mordheim and many of the other GW tabletop games I loved, I couldn't wait for the release of this game. I bought and played the game as soon as the release and I tried to play through the bugs, the clunky game play and poor AI. Like many other reviews though it just didn't feel like Necromunda. I jumped back on today to see if it was any better and to try the new gangs (As I had a Cawdor gang) Disappointing to see a paid DLC for them though despite seeing the game hasn't got much better.
Shame on you Rogue Factor.
Please re Work Mordheim, I loved that game.
248 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 23:53
This game is a tragedy, I truly wanted to like it so badly as I looked forward to getting this game, hell I bought it on release.
I was immensely disappointed by the performance of the AI, it is awful to say lightly. Honestly that is my only problem with this game right now, not the lack of content, not the cash grabbing DLC. I haven't played much of this game because the AI is just so damn easy to beat senseless.
I've waited since the game came out for them to fix it, hence why it has taken me just shy of 7 months to write a review, and I've eagerly awaited fixes and patches for it for absolutely none to come.
This game has potential, but the devs just do not care.
Steer clear of this one unless it miraculously improves, go buy Mordheim.
684 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 19:29
Whie I liked the game, it falls short to the expectation I had and I hate the fact that they added the new gang as DLC when they should have been included from the start. the game lack content and is really easy once you reach a certain level. I mean I can still Spawn win with a Heavy Plasma gun and Death from above. One guy, First round, 4 kill.
161 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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2401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 08:38
I play it because it's Necromunda/Warhammer, but I honestly can not recommend this game if you are going to play single player. The AI in this game is shocking, I don't understand how they thought it was acceptable to release a game with an AI that can't even navigate the map and doesn't seem to understand the aim of the game. The AI will run down stairs only to come back to the exact same point from some other stairs. It will throw a trap down and then run through it's own trap, run past an enemy ganger with hardly any hp and not even attack. The AI just seems clueless and it's insulting to play against it as you are basically just playing missions on your own against an opponent who will do random things. On maps where you face three other gangs at the same time it is so tedious to watch 3 turns every round of the AI just doing atrociously dumb things. The devs also seem to be more interested in releasing DLC than fixing the game, and the DLC are things that should already be in the game, three gangs is not enough to present as a full game, sorry. Besides all this the game has potential, and against human players it is more fun, though good luck finding a game since most people have abandoned the game because of the AI and other issues. To the devs, stop being money grabbers and fix your game.
244 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
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804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 18:01
I defended this game when it first released, even though it was in a shoddy state I genuinely thought that the devs would try to fix it, give patches, and generally improve the few areas of the game that weren't up to scratch. For example, longevity for the crew aspect of the game, maybe better movement for the AI and general quality of life stuff.

Game is in an alpha state and they thought it would be appropriate to start releasing paid DLC. Not even free as a sorry for this shitty launch, PAID DLC.



17 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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4094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 03:04
Very buggy. Very Bad AI. I've never gotten Matchmaking to work. A lot of potential, but I don't recommend.
50 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 23:03
This a borderline positive review. I am not objective. I am a Games Workshop fanboy. I enjoyed Mordheim, for all its faults. I expected nothing more than a reskinned Mordheim. I am writing primarily to address those people who have compared Necromunda unfavorably to Mordheim.

Necromunda is directly comparable to the way Mordheim was at launch. Indeed, some of the most obnoxious AI issues were never fixed in Mordheim. Knowing nothing about AI programming, it's certainly easy for me to say that Rogue Factor should have figured out by now how to avoid AI characters getting stuck on procedurally generated terrain. But they haven't, and at this point I guess they're not going to.

One significant change is that the single player experience (after the bespoke Story mode) lacks the special campaign missions that marked progress in Mordheim. Personally, I found those missions to be hit or miss in Mordheim, so I'm not bothered by their absence.

So if you're looking for a Necromunda version of Rogue Factor's take on Mordheim, this is the game for you. If you're looking for anything other than that, you probably aren't reading this review in the first place.
316 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
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1229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 13:55
Can't recommend due to AI and shallow strategy. They copied the AI from Mordheim, but it's worse here. In Mordheim, scouting was a viable part of your turn because you needed vision of your enemy to see them on the map. Not in this game, but the AI still uses all movement, which often results in dumb turns. Funny at first, it gets old quick as the AI uses a zipline to high ground, only to jump right back down to the same location. Walk in place for 20 seconds before ending the turn. Take an elevator up then down again. As a melee fighter, run into a corner of the map and use ambush.

I've seen entire fights where the enemy does 0 damage because it's too dumb to fire it's weapon. Devs were too lazy to actually build an AI and the copy/paste doesn't work here.
192 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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1933 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 20:22
As of the Van Saar update I'm afraid to say it still isn't good.

I doubt it ever will, the core gameplay is too shallow and unsatisfying even if the bugs get fixed and more gangs are added.
73 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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784 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 01:29
I've been a steam user since the beginning. I own over a 100 games on this platform alone, and I have never never posted a review. Today I felt compelled to share my thoughts out of concern for this platform and my fellow gamers more so than my hatred for this developer.

I pre-ordered this game because I wanted to believe the devs had a passion for Warhammer and that they honestly loved the setting, both fantasy and 40k. Sure they made mistakes with Mordheim, but I sensed a genuine labor of love there underneath its issues, and I honestly believed they were going to learn and grow from their mistakes to create the greatest 40k strat game to date.

I was wrong.

It's not because of the game-breaking bugs and horrendous excuse of an AI from launch. It wasn't because of the asinine decision to force each gang to play with 5 characters, thus ruining the very idea of asymmetrical balance that the original table top game was designed around. It wasn't because the half-baked story mode with zero customization that feels like it was tacted on at the last minute to justify the game's price. It wasn't even because the game was designed to be a four on four gang war simulator with only three gangs. It was none of that, all those things could be made up for and forgiven.

It was because after all of that, after the atrocious launch, they had the audacity to lock the fourth gang of a FOUR ON FOUR gang fight simulator behind a further pay wall. And not only that, but they very clearly and intentionally withheld obvious, basic, and glaringly necessary fixes to the game until the day they slapped the last vestiges of their community in the face with a paid DLC; such as the basic ability to TURN THE CAMERA during an opponent's turn, all in an effort to sucker you into further supporting their game financially. You can argue all you want that it took time to fix the AI and soft-locks, but intentionally withholding such a basic feature such as the ability the turn the camera while waiting several minutes for your turn is beyond unforgivable.

They could have turned their mixed reviews into 'very positive' easily by releasing this patch and the Van Saar gang as a genuine 'I'm sorry, and thank you so much for your support' to the community; a gesture of simple good will. But not only did they slap us in the face with it, they added insult to injury by intentionally withholding basic functionality from their community until the launch day of this slimy DLC all in a moronically short-sighted effort to make a few extra sells. Well I'm done and I'm out. This is what broke the camel's back.
287 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 10:20
Short version: Updates have made this a solid on-sale game for fans of the setting.

Longer Version: If you're a fan of the setting (especially one that's having trouble getting games in due to the plague) it's definitely worth grabbing this when it's on sale. Recent updates have cleaned up a lot of the bugs, derpy AI (though it's still has frequent senior moments), and sped up the AI's decision-making process considerably.

If you're not a fan of the Necromunda/40k setting, it may be worth a pass. The setting is the main appeal, so if that has no particular value to you, you'll be getting a lot less for your money.
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 05:07
Released a buggy piece of shit with a tutorial too long to get a refund.

Now comes out with a 7 quid piece of DLC, which is fucking bullshit.
Do not buy this game, I dont know wether its GW making these decisions if it is its not a suprise. If its the game develpers dont buy any of their games on realease!

Also its coming onto sale now, which is just a middle finger to the people who brought it on realease expecting an actual necromunda game.
(Sorry for the many spelling and grammar mistakes, I'm shit at spelling)
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2899 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 16:29
The game looks great, and the maps are an inspiration but the rest is still quite bad. This is simply not a working game at the moment. The multiplayer player finder doesn't connect you to an other player, the AI doesn't know what it is doing, and the game itself crashes quite often.
1296 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 09:13
Single Player Experience: 4/5
Multiplayer Experience: n/a
Fun: 4/5
Replayablility: 5/5

I haven't played this in multiplayer but from what I've seen this should be pretty good. Might be a little slow but much better than playing against the AI. The AI currently has horrible path finding which detracts from the overall experience but I wouldn't stop playing because of it. I've noticed some improvements over the last few patches but it seems to be a slow rollout of improvements.
Overall, I find it fun.
66 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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8963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 17:08
After playing for about 100 hrs, it locked up crashed and could not get my gang back, somewhat annoying. Gave it another go after about the next 49 odd hours it locked up after I had won a gang fight got back in and took me to the start of that battle again. When you get a game it is a gamble as to whether it will be enjoyable or not, it should not be a gamble as to whether it works or not. Do not anticipating giving this another go for a year or two perhaps by then they will have it working. Mordheim was better, more atmospheric and more varied terrain. Disappointing
80 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 07:09
This game really needs some type of line of sight mechanic! Would add a lot more tactical depth to the whole overwatch thing. Mordheim had such an intricate Line of sight mechanic I don't understand why they failed to implement it into this game! Until they add that I just can't recommend this game, sorry!
106 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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3442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 23:14
Multiplayer not playable at all. Tried 10 multiplayer games and 8 crashed to desktop before completion. Also, the AI is--quite simply--the absolute worst I have ever seen in any game, ever (e.g., AI units will grenade themselves and run--literally-in circles).
731 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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2056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 14:33
Game breaking AI bugs mean you will occasionally have to forfeit games to get past repeated crash-to-desktop during AI turns. Lose your equipment and suffer permanent debuff effects to your gang etc. What a waste of time.
Very disappointing. The visuals are all there, all the pieces are in place, but the terrible AI and the bugs make this overall a poor successor to Mordheim.

This game wasn't ready for release and still isn't after patches.

Get it on sale. Not worth the full price at the moment.
525 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 07:15
Short: This is a great game and it's only getting better.

Longer: If you are like me then you are worried that this game will be just another Mordheim. A game which you so desperately want to love but which is also so unnecessarily infuriating that you can't face to play it.
I'm glad to say that Necromunda keeps all of the good bits and strips away the bad.
  • Random death and injury feels much fairer
  • Saving is sensible and you can save mid-game if you need to do something else
  • The AI is not perfect but it's MILES better than Mordheim and it's improving all the time

On top of this add better graphics, proper tooltips, great video and great voice acting and you get a totally engaging setting and a fun game that is easy to sink either 20 minutes or 20 hours into.
I told myself that I wasn't going to buy this game until it was at least 6 months old and they had released Delaque on sale (because they'd have fixed all the bugs by then and the reviews will have settled down) but I pulled the trigger early and have no regrets.
Best purchase since Battletech.

edit: still good!
164 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 17:57
After about 25 hours I finished the story. I didn't run into any game breaking bugs, and only had the game crash a couple of times. My biggest complaint is, with Mordheim, I got to play a story mode with each group. In this, you only have one story line to play down. I get I am probably the minority in this, but I really enjoy story mode. I enjoy getting bits and pieces of the whole story and having a goal to work towards. I don't feel like there is too much of a goal to work towards in the game once the story is over... and PVP was never my thing.

I know several people have had issues with the game, the biggest being corrupted save files. That would absolutely be devastating, but I personally haven't ran into those issues yet. Lets also be honest that Mordheim and Necromunda will have bugs that will never be fixed. I lost count of how many times I had to restart a Mordheim mission because it bugged out... and Mordheim took WAY LONGER to complete a game of.

The long and short of it is, if you enjoyed Mordheim and enjoy this kind of game, grab it while it's on sale. Just don't expect it to be perfect. At the very least, it's good enough for me to get a thumbs up versus a thumbs down. Take that as you will.
148 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2098 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 18:23
While at first glance Necromunda looks like a more awesome version of Mordhiem, there are some major differences, besides of course the setting. While the maps are awesome and huge, multilevel arenas with beautiful imagery, there isn't much the maps offer that Mordheim didn't. The level system for your party and units isn't missing anything per se, but compared to that of Mordheim there are seemingly far fewer ways to customize your team. While the color scheme and costume customization are far more detailed, the skill lists and unit types are more limited. All in all if you loved Mordheim as much as I did or are a fan of Warhammer games, then I recommend this game, but I would caution that you might wait until the game's numerous bugs are polished out and there is a sale and/or for more gangs to be released through DLC (assuming and hoping this is the case) as there are only three factions to choose from, in order to really get your money's worth. Or go buy Mordheim!
124 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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8292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 12:46
This game has a lot of potential. The attention to detail and the dedication and hard work that is put into this make it painful for me to leave a negative review.

The game is fundamentally broken on many levels and needed a lot more development time to iron them out.

- Constant crashing
- Various game mechanics simply do not work.
- Multiplayer is unstable
- No cheat protection
- Game is ironman only, yet bugs destroy your save games
- Bugs can even wipe your whole account progress
- AI has serious flaws and does not provide a challenge even on the highest difficulty

If you think about buying this game, hold of. Wait till it actually works.

I sincerely hope that I can change the recommendation to a positive one in the future.

PS: If you wonder about the play time, I spent most of it sending bug reports / log files / savegames / screen shots etc to the development team to help them fix it.
403 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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6614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 04:12
Good to see that the Devs have learned absolutely nothing from Mordheim. 80 hours play erased as the save file got corrupted and refuse to load and dumps me on desktop. I could live with the fact they can not write an Ai that can find his own nose with directions or the countless bugs . But the Devs insist on iron-man only play you would think a working save file would be in the game ....wrong ..guess that is part of what ever rules they have in the design document
162 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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3104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 05:35
This review was written 2.5 weeks post-launch. So far no patches, no fixes.

Pros: The game looks great. The environments of Necromunda lore are fully realized.

Cons: Literally everything else.

The bugs are the worst. The game was not ready for release. Everything has issues. There are texture bugs and graphical bus. There are gameplay bugs. The AI is basically non-functional.

There are huge, massive functionality bugs. Saves and profiles will get corrupted and you will lose everything you have done.

Multiplayer works poorly. You can't exit battles. The game disconnects. There are game-breaking bugs in the solo story campaign too.

Playing a custom gang on the infinite campaign mode can actually be a lot of fun, when not completely hampered by the bugs.

Look, this game has potential. It could be great. But it isn't. Is it terrible? Maybe not. But it certainly isn't good. Is it worth the full price of $40? Not even close, at this stage. Is it worth a discounted price of $20? Not if it isn't fixed.

If nothing else happens with the game, it is worth picking up for $15 or less. If they actually get some things working, it might be worth another look. But wow, this game needs a lot of help and a lot of TLC from the devs.
124 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 20:09
Positive review, but only just
Excellent dynamic maps
Wonderful character models that are fun to customise.
The core game play and mechanics are pretty good.

The AI is absurdly stupid and slow to watch (both issues the developers are apparently fixing you may want to wait until they do).
Campaign is a little poorly balanced as you can quickly progress to getting the best gear making money a little pointless.

The meh
Weapons are balanced rather than anything like the table top versions (auto pistol beats plasma pistol for damage for example).
Story is a bit bland with generic gangs, but the only way to unlock all cosmetic options.
Little bugs and rare crashes (for me only when trying to move while having a skill targeted on someone).
Some maps are so small that you can traverse them in a turn making cover meaningless as you can always out flank.
Rival gangs are treated the same as the player so if you steal their guns in a mission, they come at you with fists in subsequent missions. It would be good if they always got the lowest tier weapon to fight with.
153 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
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1396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 08:23
Really wanted to give this game fair score and at least finish it but im not gonna bother anymore. To many frustrating glitches, bugs and childish AI that doesnt act like should.
Amazingly crafted Warhammer necromunda world with lots of variations of gangs. Great turned based tactical fights are great. Also I really loved how many (until I stucked at mission 9 and not gonna waste my time anymore on bugs or replay this mission third time) different missions there are. Extract a loot, defend your position, fight between three gangs and ducke it out in gladiator area until someone stands last. They did a great job on missions. Gangs looks different and they have really cool visual look and outfits. This game reminded me of old classic Incubation turned based game.
And here we are after all this great stuff the game lacks of polish. Sure its not full priced game but at this state it not acceptable to give this product to audience. Characters stuck on world, mission glitches where you need to restart mission because something bugged out or doesnt work or start. There are to many prolems here sadly. What a waste.
103 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 06:10
Nnnnnggggg..... I really wanted to like this game. I really did. I love Necromunda, I love the appearance customization, I love the massive options to really make your own unique gang. But being mostly online takes away any joy I could have had for this game. The story is fun and the voice acting is super Warhammery and cheesy, but it fits super well. If you enjoy online only experiences with no story, then you will enjoy this in the long run, but if you want a story of the Underhive, you'll come up short.
317 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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6995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 01:16
Trust me I don't want to say this, but don't buy yet, keep an eye on it.

There are so many good things about this game, tons of different maps, a great aesthetic and score, a character and gang development that will keep you engaged for many hours, and 3 different gangs that will each encourage you to use them differently.
There are some minuses that could be mentioned like only 3 gangs and the slowness involved in the amount of down time in a battle. Writing about how bad the AI is in this game I wouldn't know where to end if I started, but this isn't why I'm telling you not to buy.

Don't buy because this game is broken as hell. Frequent crashes, don't use a Lay-Mechanic because just trying to find a place to build something will cause a crash. Don't move around looking for a good hit chance, that causes a crash. Not hopping 2 times and doing a twirl before touching the mouse will cause a crash.
I have had bugs that have completely screwed 10s of hours of development of my gang. The AI will get stuck permanently with no way to continue, loading the save the AI will make the same move and get stuck, so the only way to continue is to forfeit and 4 of my 5 guys pick up career ending injuries. If you were enjoying the good elements of the game stuff like this will destroy any fun you can have.

We are 17 days after release now and there has been no patch. No patch to get rid of the career ending clear all your infamy bug. No patch for the AI getting stuck meaning your gangers get perma injuries. No patch for any of the many crashes. The amount of issues with this game if they are hoping to fix it all with one patch they would need several months.

As a big player of Mordheim, their previous work, I have high hopes this will become a game I come back to for many years if they put in the work to iron out the issues, but right now I have to let people know that this is not a working game, and is in a criminally bad state as of the time of writing.
182 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 23:13
So you know where I'm coming from, I enjoyed Mordheim and hoped for more of the same or improvements in some areas. I didn't expect or want a tabletop recreation of the game. I wasn't expecting to be blown away or for it to be more than a reskin or slight evolution of Mordheim. With these fairly moderate expectations even I was surprised by just how disappointing the game is in its current state.

The good:
- Atmospheric graphics and setting
- Customisation options are an improvement though not quite as extensive as the developer videos suggested
- Nice to have multiple gangs in play (but see turn time comment below)

The bad:
- AI is awful
- No seriously the AI is a joke - think of the worst AI you've seen in a game and double it
- The turns are tediously slow - the more gangs there are the longer and more drawn out the game is. Sounds exciting 4 gangs fighting each other - it should be, but you'll spend more time on the internet or watching youtube then playing the game due to the turn speeds.
- The AI animations constantly show them doing dull chain buffs one after the other (why do I need to see an animation for this!!)
- Loads of cover, levels etc yet we can all see where each other is at all times so there's no fog of war, and therefore no ability to pull off or be surprised by AI in overwatch or ambush mode like in Mordheim.
- Don't buy this if you want any form of challenging single player play. It's a cakewalk from the first mission and it doesn't get harder.
- Can't I have an option to reserve points for crouching so this automatically happens at the end of the characters turn unless I turn it off
- The skill options just confused the hell out of me I accept it's personal preference but I never got confused or overwhelmed with the mordheim skill selection but I do here
- Perhaps this game is good in multiplayer but it crashes to desktop during most of the multiplayer games I've attempted so I've simply stopped trying.

Without significant patching this is a lost cause, which is a real pity as I've been a fan of Necromunda for years. It feels like an early access game, it plays like an early access game except it's not they're charging full price and this is allegedly a fully finished game. The latest update from the Company alluded to there being feedback from the community regarding the AI. Anyone who played a single game or even round would have known the AI was in an appalling state, so it's laughable this is the sum of their reaction to justified reviews and comments raising this as an issue. Genuinely reviewers aren't overemphasising how bad the AI is. And whilst I don't expect an AI to be amazing the AI here doesn't even put up any form of convincing challenge or enjoyable game. This is Necromunda, these are hardened gangers and fights should be brutal and desperate. Except they're not. Most games the enemy might shoot or attack me in melee 3 to 5 times in an entire 90-120 minute game, the rest of which they run round like lemmings picking up objective crates whilst I calmly and easily pick them off. Every game plays like this. There have been a few times when they've surrounded one or two of my gangers and I thought oh no this is tense to immediately see their 5 guys in turn run away from my 2 cut off, wounded and cornered gangers to pick up crates.

Mordheim was a flawed gem in my opinion and it's quite telling after a largely unenjoyable almost 10 hours of playing Necromunda that I reinstalled Mordheim and had a significantly more enjoyable, quick and challenging experience. Mordheim is a significantly better game than this (except graphically). If you didn't like Mordheim I can't see you liking this. If you liked Mordheim you'll likely be disappointed with the challenge and speed of this game. If you're a die hard Necromunda fan, maybe, but only if you enjoy zero challenge with AI or are prepared to put up with unstable multiplayer.
230 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 22:45
I like the game, especially the 3D environment. This is really done well and an improvement over Mordheim. Playing only single player, so far I did not encounter any mayor bugs.

I actual like that the computer player prioritizes the mission objective over killing gangers, but often it seems the computer does not cope well with the environment (e.g. baricades) or map errors (exit zone out of bounds). Here is still a lot room for improvement.

Since I could not find a way to skip watching the AI turns, gameplay gets really slow when 3 gangs are involved. Especially since the computer gangers seem to do a lot of unnecessary movement which draws the turn out even more. This is actually my main painpoint with the game.
Logo for Necromunda: Underhive Wars
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
55.34% 1160 936
Release:07.09.2020 Genre: Action-Strategie Entwickler: Rogue Factor Vertrieb: Focus Home Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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