• Necromunda: Hired Gun: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Hired Gun.
  • Necromunda: Hired Gun: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Hired Gun.
  • Necromunda: Hired Gun: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Hired Gun.
  • Necromunda: Hired Gun: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Hired Gun.
  • Necromunda: Hired Gun: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Hired Gun.
  • Necromunda: Hired Gun: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Hired Gun.
  • Necromunda: Hired Gun: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Hired Gun.
  • Necromunda: Hired Gun: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Hired Gun.
  • Necromunda: Hired Gun: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Hired Gun.
  • Necromunda: Hired Gun: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Hired Gun.
  • Necromunda: Hired Gun: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Hired Gun.
  • Necromunda: Hired Gun: Screen zum Spiel Necromunda: Hired Gun.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 01.06.2021
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Preis Update 22.11.24

Über das Spiel

Schlage dich als gnadenloser Söldner durch ein Meer von Verbrechen und Korruption in der blutigen Welt von Necromunda. Die Bezahlung ist gut, der Hund treu und die Knarre zuverlässig – aber wirst du die Jagd überleben? Necromunda: Hired Gun ist ein rasanter, blutiger und spannender Indie-Egoshooter in den dunkelsten Ecken der berüchtigtsten Makropolenstadt von Warhammer 40.000.

Für den richtigen Preis legst du dich mit gefürchteten Verbrechern und Mutanten an. Deine Waffenkammer ist prall gefüllt. Dein Körper ist augmentiert, um an Wänden zu laufen und über Abgründe zu springen. Dein Cyber-Mastiff kann Feinde für dich aufspüren und erledigen, während du dich an deinem Kletterhaken durch die riesigen Areale schwingst.

  • Rasanter Indie-Egoshooter in der Welt von Warhammer 40.000
  • Kämpfe an der Seite deines treuen Cyber-Mastiffs
  • Passe Waffen und Augmentierungen individuell an
  • Sammle Prämien, steige auf und werde besser


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: AMD FX 6300 X6 / Intel Core i5-3570K
  • GFX: 1 GB VRAM, Radeon HD 7770 / GeForce GTX 560 Ti
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • HD: 50 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 12
  • MISC: 30 FPS, 1920x1080 in low.
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 / Intel Core i5-8600K
  • GFX: 6 GB VRAM, Radeon RX 5600 / GeForce GTX 1660
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • HD: 50 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 12
  • MISC: 30 FPS, 1920x1080 in low.
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

222 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 21:12
Für Warhammer 40k Fans ein solider Shooter mit guter Grafik, aber eher bemühten Animationen. Die Architektur der Level weiß aber durchaus zu beeindrucken.
+ Grafik der Level
+ Effekte
- Animationen
- Effektgewitter macht das Geschehen leider sehr unübersichtlich

Das Gameplay erinnert an die jüngeren Doom-Spiele ohne aber so einen tollen Flow in den Gefechten zu erzeugen. Ist solide, aber nichts was einen aus den Socken haut.
+ schnelles unkompliziertes Gameplay
+ Schnelles Bewegen durch die Level
- kein Tiefgang, nutzt sich schnell ab

Soweit so gut, leider ist die Story absolut langweilig und belanglos und dient nur als Aufhängung für die Aktion. Außerdem wird hier die Chance vertan Neulingen die hart düstere Warhammer 40k Welt näher zu bringen. Nichts wird erklärt, dafür wird aber mit jeder Menge Warhammerbegriffen um sich geworfen.

Für Fans des Warhammer Universums die auch Doom mochten (und jetzt was ähnliches suchen) ist es sicher eine kurze Reise wert (ein soldies Ballergame). Wer mit Warhammer 40k nichts anfangen kann, der sollte definitv die Finger davon lassen.
90 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 18:52
Hmmm eigentlich ganz angenehm, zumindest die Story und das Setting im Necromunda/40K-Universum.
ABER: die Nebenmissionen mit den random hinter einem spawnenden Gegnern ist doch der letzte Mist. Soll das Spaß machen? Nee!
Nur im Sale zu empfehlen
1600 Produkte im Account
227 Reviews
1383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 00:33
super cool
4554 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 12:02
Grafik super, Gameplay auch aber die KI ist stellenweise so schlau wie Toast.
276 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 10:20
Klassischer FPS, angesiedelt in der Unterwelt einer riesigen Makropole im WH40K Universum. Mit netter Story, interessanten Missionen und den guten altbekannten Waffen aus WH40K.
Grafik ist ok, die Effekte auch. Sound kann sich hören lassen.
Das Leveldesign ist hin und wieder eintönig und nervig, aber da ist dieser Titel nicht alleine. Im Gameplay wird das Rad nicht neu erfunden, es sind nette Features dabei, welche man aus verschiedensten anderen FPS kennt. Im großen und ganzen ist es ein gutes Spiel, welches Spaß macht und nicht nur für WH40K Fans geeignet ist.
204 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 15:31
Hired Gun hat mir eine Menge Spaß gemacht.
Tolle Necromunda Atmosphäre gepaart mit flottem Gameplay und einem super Soundtrack,
leider sind hier und da noch ein paar kleine technischen Mängel vorhanden aber deutlich verbessert als zum Release.
108 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 13:24
Es ist schmutzig, brutal und man weiß nie wer oder was einem als nächstes an die Gurgel möchte.
Der Moment als ich meinen ersten Bolter in der Hand hielt, war der schönste Moment in diesem Spiel. Das schießen mit den bekannten WH40K Waffen ist etwas sehr schönes. Es ähnelt fast schon Kunst. Gepart mit einem aggressiven Soundtrack und jeder menge Blut wird man in eine Art Stasis versetzt die einem erst wieder frei lässt wenn alles um einen herum Tot ist. Doch es ist immer jemand in der Nähe ......

Für jeden Fan des WH40K Universums ein klares muss!
155 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 06:12
Ich finde das Spiel verdammt gut, es ist abwechslungsreich und man muss es etwas taktisch angehen.
102 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 14:07
Man spielt in einer Dyson-Sphäre ? im quasi Steampunk Stil :)
486 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 08:33
DAs spiel an sich ist eigentlich nicht schlecht grafik net, umgebung orte wo man ist echt cool gemacht . soundtrack versucht man doom zu kopieren was schief geht soundtrack wiederholt sich immer oder wird nur wenig abgeändert. es gibt schnelle aktion was ich eigentlich auch cool finde. Aber was mich stört keine gegner abwächslung , Menschen über Menschen als gegner ich spiele ja seit ein paar Jahren weniger und weniger shooter weil spiele gegen menschen eh giga langweilig sind cod bf rainbow six nur wolfenstein die 2 neusten habs gut gemacht mit abwächslung. es gibt auto aim ich muss nicht mal anvisieren ich kann sogar daneben schiesen und der gegner stirbt. Das an wänden rum rennen doppelsprung usw alles geil dash auch etwas was games gut macht aber die gegner auswahl ist zu klein und zu einfach und gameplay naja alleine das man autoaim hat macht für mich das spiel unspieltbar und ja es gibt so riesen mutanten die viel aushalten die aber selbst keine Bedrohung sind.

Bugs hatte ich 0.

1 bis 20 euro würde ich maximal dafür ausgeben aber nicht mehr.
228 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 11:48
After around 4 Hours of playing I think Necromunda Hired Gun is a fantastic Game. The Atmosphere and Level Design is on Point. It really feels like you are fighting in a Manufactorum and/or lower Levels of a Hive City the entire Time.

The Gameplay is solid. Pretty much Doom in 40k. Grappling Hook, Double Jump, Dashes and a great Level Design with lots of Verticality allow you to Jump around like crazy.

You heal by killing Enemies, which is good since it forces you most of the Time to stay in Action. There is a good Amount of Weapons. Pretty much all the classics are in the Game (Heavy Stubber, Autoguns, Bolters, Plasma, Lasrifles) and you get some cool additional Weapons that you dont see on the Tabletop like Doublebarrel Shotguns, Autoguns and Revolvers.

The Game has a great Upgrade System, that allows you to upgrade almost everything. Yourself and your Dog can be enhanced with Bionics and your Guns can be with Muzzle Breaks, different Ammo, Stocks, Barrels, Weapon Mechanism, Magazines and Lucky Charms.

In addition to the Campaign there are secondary Bounty Missions you can do to gain some more Money to buy the mentioned Upgrades. These are really fun and allow you to experiment and test different Loadouts, which is great.

The weakest Part (so far) is the Story. I feel like you really need to be into the Lore of Necromunda to understand whats going on (which I am not) and even then its kinda weak since your Characters only Reason why he is doing Things is to make Money. However there is Tons of cool Bits of Lore mentioned here and there like Cadia, Ollanius Pius and Parts of the Enviroment that are straight out taken from the Tabletop Terrain. Also I got some big Frame Drops here and there, but nothing that cant be fixed with a couple of Performance Patches.

Overall for a Warhammer Fan the Game is a solid 8/10. Especially since we know how mediocre other 40k Games are Necromunda turned out really well.
327 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 11:53
Als Necromunda Veteran der schon 1998 seine Gegner mit Redemptionisten grillte war das Spiel ein Pflichtkauf an Tag 1 für mich. Und ja - es mag ein paar Unzulänglichkeiten geben aber zum Beispiel Bugs hatte ich zum Glück keine nennenswerten.

Und endlich in Egoperspektive die Underhive unsicher machen zu können, die risigen MagLev Züge zu sehen und darauf zu fahren... schlicht das sehr schön gestaltete Feeling zu bekommen ist es für mich als Fan wirklich wert!

Und hoffentlich kommen vielleicht ein paar DLCs mit VanSaar/Delaque/Cawdor Gegnern, Ratskins, den Scaavies, Seuchenzombies und Spyrern - die Lore ist groß genug dafür
23 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
908 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 12:03
Tempo- und actionreicher SciFi-Shooter, in der dystrophischen Welt von Warhammer 40 K. Jeder der schonmal Warhammer 40K gespielt hat, wird sich über das umfangreiche Sortiment an nutzbaren Waffen (Bolter, Lasergewehr, usw.) freuen. Die Sound- und Grafikeffekte beim Abfeuern der Waffen, die Unterwelt einer Makropole als Schauplatz und das Auftreten diverser Fraktionen (Tyraniden, Adeptus Sororitas), lassen bei Genrefans echte Freude aufkommen. Leider wird der Spielspaß durch technische Probleme wie z.B. gelegentlichen Abstürzen getrübt.
3113 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 10:57
Spielt sich wie der kleine behinderte Bruder von Bulletstorm
65 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 21:21
für den 40k fan ein no-brainer! Gunplay macht Laune und immer bedenken dass das hier von gerade mal 15 Leuten gebaut wurde.
439 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 20:46
Ein gutes Spiel für Warhammer 40k fans.
Ein gerade mal durchschnittliches FPS in DOOM Manier für alle anderen.
Die Story habe ich in fünf Stunden ohne Nebenmissionen abgeschlossen. Die Level sind mal mehr oder weniger detailreich gestaltet, aber es gibt immer wieder etwas Neues von der Hiveworld Necromunda zu sehen.
Die Musik ist gut, wenn es sie mal gibt.
Manche Gegner sind halt brutale Bulletsponges und jeder Bosskampf ist gleich.
Doch kann ich es jedem empfehlen der mehr von der Hiveworld sehen will.
Und man kann Servitoren schlagen.
60 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 18:06
kein AA titel aber wer warhamemr 40k mag und bissel balelrn will findet hier sein spaß :)
396 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 05:50
Wirklich ein cooles Spiel. Tolles und schnelles Gameplay, und wirklich ein guter Vergleich mit Doom. Wenn man Doom mag und es liebt zu ballern und Glory Kills zu machen, dann wird einem das Spiel gefallen. Auch hier ist bei den Kämpfen schöne Rock bzw Metal Musik im Hintergrund und es macht echt Spaß sich durchzumetzeln
559 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 15:12
Naja was soll man sagen zu so einem Shooter. Ist wie Doom nur in schlecht und mit Warhammer40k aufmachung.

Pro: - An der Wand rennen und mit der Hook sich bewegen ganz lustig.
- Das Schießen und die Story ist eigentlich ganz okay.
- Der Hund bester Boy! :)

Contra: - Die Steuerung ist eher matschig als gut.
- Die Menüführung ist umständlich und verwirrend.
- Das Balancing ist auch noch nicht so gut die gegner machen hackfleisch aus einem
zu viel dmg.
- Aber der Größte abfuck ist die Mechanik mit den Medipacks die man ab und zu im
lvl findet/dropped. Man heilt
sich damit zwischen durch aber es sind quasi auch die jeweiligen Leben bzw.
versuche für das lvl und wenn man
verkack muss man von vorne im lvl anfangen oder an nem hiden checkpoint.

Wenn man also ein Warhammer 40k Fanboy is kann man sich es holen ist ein kurzweiliger shooter zum zocken und oder abreagieren. Aber bestenfalls lieber warten bis es im sale ist und weng gepatched wurde. 5/10 Sterne für das Spiel.
4290 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 11:05
HOLY SH*T - Super Fast - Sprünge und Wallrides ein Traum.
Macht mir von Anfang an mehr Spaß als Doom :( und ich liebe Doom und andere schnelle Spiele!
Läuft Super Smooth. Keine Probleme. Voll vertont auf Deutsch! (ausser das Intro)

PS: Leute die hier jammern wegen Performance, sollen sich einen besseren PC holen oder einfach mal Grafik runterschrauben! Auf meinem Rechner läuft es ohne FPS Verluste!
150 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 01:26
Zwei Stunden bisher gespielt und es macht echt Spaß. Kann ich durchaus auch Nicht 40K-Fans empfehlen. Schneller brutaler Shooter mit viel Bewegungsfreiheit und ordentlichem Progress-System. Läuft flüssig bei mir auf höchsten Einstellungen in 60 fps. Klare Kaufempfehlung von mir.

Preis ist auch mehr als fair!
277 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 01:15
This game needs a lot of polish, but is already great so far.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 01:04
Can recommend , dashing and Shooting feels nice , just would wait maybe a bit more Months till you might buy it but its Fun it has Potential especially after you get the Feel for it after Second Mission
319 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 19:37
Fun game to play, had no issue, but i recommend to buy it on sale

669 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 21:40
Eh. the jank is still quite strong with this one. Definitely shouldn't get it at full price.

In terms of a warhammer FPS games it's alright. But that's quite the niche category so it's not hard to stick out.
266 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 18:26
Their decision to put third person platformers elements on the second mission with the train, SUCKS. seriously died so many times just trying to double jump to the next section of the train. Such a boring and useless mechanic that only detracts from the game. Gave up after using all my stims on a stupid platform element death.

Finally i requested a refund on this game.
496 Produkte im Account
168 Reviews
2652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 13:47
You gain brouzouf
My cyberdog's legs are OK
406 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
11209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 10:26
125 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
947 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 04:46
This is a Good game with a couple of quirks (inventory, certain combat elements) and a rough learning curve. However, if you are a fan of Warhammer 40K (like myself) you will quickly find that the team that created the game cares far more about the Universe and lore than Games Workshop itself does. It is very much a love letter to under-served fans of the franchise and is of NOTICEABLY higher quality than the typical rubbish that is released under the brand that looks and plays like a mobile game.

I absolutely recommend this game to any 40K fan especially if they prefer human factions, I also recommend this game to fans of FPS in general. Keep in mind though that this a more story driven campaign and not a typical FPS where you have a few abilities and most of them are passive, this game rewards you for using your activated abilities often, so combat will be a beautiful mix of moving/jumping/dodging, shooting and abilities against hordes of well armed enemies.
251 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 01:10
Very doom-like combat. Little Euro-jank. Lots of fun! : )
477 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 03:21
Fun enough game but god its definitely not 40 bucks fun. Looks great and sells the 40k setting, but the story feel about as tacked on as it gets and the ending if basically a huge F you to the player. Guns and abilities can be fun but finding good loot is boring and generally just a crap shoot.

Wait for a sale if you must.
114 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 20:02
Overall a good experience that I recommend once it's on sale. Max I would pay for this $20-$30.

- Essentially a Doom game set in 40k. If you like Doom, you'll most likely enjoy this.
- Gunplay feels great
- Great movement and traversal
- Good variety of weapons
- Atmospheric AF
- Maps are very detailed and well designed for the gameplay
- Great for 40k fans

- Game is very short. Where it stands it feels like there should be 2x to 3x more length for a full game
- Ultimately not that many weapons because of the short game
- Story is extremely bland, definitely don't recommend for the story
- Glory kills are too OP
- Mastiff is kinda useless
41 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 20:31
It just constantly feels like i don't know what i'm supposed to do. Maybe you can chalk it up to i'm bad at all of it, but the upgrade system is persnickety the levels feel like they fly by when i'm not dying because dodging with this movement system is unprecise, things are so jarring that i still don't know whats going on even when all enemies are dead, the list goes on but the main problem i have with the game isn't the story, to sum it up the world and the graphics are really cool but the dead pan characters mixed with gameplay that while thrilling for a little bit ends up feeling like i'm supposed to be playing a hardcore parkour game that they shoved Warhammer and FPS into at the very end otherwise they wouldn't get funding, i'm sorry but i don't recommend it.
856 Produkte im Account
450 Reviews
968 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 13:48


In-depth analysis further down.

???? Pros ???? Cons
- Excellent, visually-rich rendition of the WH40K universe and its lore.

- Satisfying, fast-paced combat system with a good array of mechanics.

- Varied arsenal of weapons and abilities that feel satisfying to use and modify.

- Solid challenge level on the higher difficulty settings.

- Good variety of objectives, situations and secondary mission types.
- Some weapons and abilities feel underwhelming or downright useless.

- Level layouts, while spectacularly sprawling, often feel redundant and empty.

- Several annoying design problems with the combat mechanics.

- The tiered loot system feels unnecessary and poorly implemented.

- The story is unnecessarily obscure, narrated with an uneven, unsatisfactory pacing.

???? Bugs & Issues ???? Specs
- Rare mission-breaking bugs can happen.
- Uncommon animation glitches.
- Noticeable general lack of polishing.
- 3900X
- 2080Ti
- 32GB RAM
- 1440p

Content & Replay Value: It took me about 16 hours to complete NHG on Oldschool (Very Hard) difficulty, taking time to explore most levels accurately to find chests / secrets and also completing a good number of secondary missions to fully upgrade everything. The content is completely linear, and there's no replay value whatsoever once you're done with everything.
Is it worth buying? Yes, but I don't recommend going for full price, even to 40K longtime fans. It's a competently made FPS and the content offered is not too bad, however it has some serious jank, bugs and multiple game design issues to boot. It's not a FPS for everyone, purists of the genre may dislike it for multiple reasons in fact. Wait for at least 40% sale or better.

Verdict: Decent

Rating Chart Here
Despite multiple issues, Hired Gun ultimately proves a fun FPS that has appealing visuals, solid lore and satisfying combat as strong points. It might not be a masterpiece, but it's one of the better 40K titles to come out in quite some time.

Follow our Curator page, Summit Reviews, to see more high-quality reviews regularly.



The Gutter of Segmentum Solar Welcomes You

Necromunda. A massive hive world populated by billions, layers upon layers of both old and ancient architecture, a crude but somehow compact ensemble of mystery, depravity, crime and struggle - unless you're one of the lucky few on top anyway. As a gun-for-hire, our protagonist gets involved in a botched job that nearly pays the final price for, only to be saved by Kal Jericho, local crime lord and old acquaintance. He has another job coming up - one that involves a dangerous, elusive figure called the Silver Talon.

The good part about NHG's story is that the lore itself is good, and the entire thing is in line with what you'd expect from a 40K tale set in Necromunda. Problem is, it's just too damn obscure for its own good, not because of complexity but instead uneven narration pacing and fragmented events most will struggle to piece together. The voice acting and cutscenes are even pretty good, but the story won't hook you up much.

A Hired Gun Gets Things Done

Martyr's End, a neutral hub deep into Necromunda's bowels, will be your base of operations, from where all contracts are taken. As a hired gun, you'll be able to accept one mission at a time, be it primary or secondary, from a dedicated terminal. While it's entirely possible to ignore secondary missions and just play the campaign, on harder difficulties this will mostly lead to you getting absolutely outgunned and shredded to bits.

Going through the side contracts, ranging from area defense to target elimination, hostage liberation and more, will give you the money needed to even the odds with superior equipment and augments. As you gain levels from completing missions, higher contract classes (B, A, S) will unlock, with greater rewards but also stronger foes: I found that side missions have much stronger enemies than most of the campaign, and will be very hard especially early on. One of the main issues is that in most secondary missions, the game will spam endless waves of fodder enemies, it gets annoying pretty fast while going for an objective.

Most missions play out in a linear way, where you'll have to go from point A to B, get some items while doing so, and defeat the occasional boss which, mostly, means a normal enemy with a truckload of HP and boosted damage. Exploring the large-scale levels is worth it only for treasure chests, that grant loot like free weapons, attachments and charms, otherwise there's nothing to find except for sparse ammo and shield bar refills that are just marginally useful, as HP are your main source of resilience anyway.


Domes Engulfed by War

Most missions will vary in objective, but boil down to one thing: a grand, huge bloodbath. Fast-paced in nature and centered on avoiding enemy shots with an array of moves such as slides, jumps and dashes, NHG's combat plays out quite well. It's old-school, meaning there isn't any regeneration, but also no health pickups: the only way to regain HP is to kill enemies after taking damage or eliminate them with a melee execution. This emphasizes an active playstyle and punishes camping or long-range sniping.

On the highest setting enemies are downright deadly, and it won't be uncommon to be instakilled by something - luckily, Stims act as extra lives, resurrecting you on the spot ready to fight again, and they can be found around levels or bought (for a hefty price) at checkpoint terminals. The weapon roster is varied, although some arms categories feel underwhelming, as do some abilities or your faithful summonable canine companion: useful to spot enemies but dying way too fast in combat to do anything useful. Animations are jank as hell especially during executions, while the fact you can buy infinite Stims means as long as you're minted you can't die, if there's a terminal hanging around near you (not always the case).

The Flesh is Weak, Praise the Machine!

After each mission, excess loot can be sold for cash, on top of the collected credits and eventual rewards of the mission itself. All this sweet bling can be used to purchase upgrades for you and your dog, but also new weapons from the armory and customize existing ones with sights, stocks, different ammo types and more, which will improve some stats but decrease others. Trinkets and augments can as well be installed in weapons for them to deal specific damage types or have other boons. Eventually, upgrades will unlock a roster of active abilities like slowed time, melee mode, auto-aim, energy missiles and more, all usable with a cooldown while in combat - most of them are useful and some quite broken balance-wise, actually. For instance, stacking auto aim and slowed time can result in a unholy spam of bullets that will obliterate all before you, especially by using heavy machineguns, otherwise too inaccurate to use normally.

492 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
1964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 12:29
it's fun to jump and run around, use abilties and shoot everything
JUST change those keybinds ASAP:

F- Interact; Alt- Granade; V- Summon Pet; X-Haywire Pulse; Z-Blast; C-Crush; G-Augur Array; T-Strength Booster; Q-Heightened Senses; E-Perfect Aim; Tab- Quick Action (Medkit)
1-2,6 pistols; 3-5 rifles

those are mine personal preference:
Shift- Jump; Space- Dash; Ctrl- Grapnel;


difficulty isn't balanced, you shouldn't play on max without perks unlocked and weapons obtained

access to weapons on mission is restriced (3 pistols+3 rifles; from avaiable 5 pistols, 6 basic guns (inventory hold only 5, so you have to resign for good 1 rifle from this category), 4 special, 3 heavy), which is disapointing, plus some of them have rather limited ammo pool, making them either not reliable (with sometimes infinite spawn of enemies, or tanky enemies (shielded or mechs)) or waste of slot.

game sometimes doesn't explain clearly where you should go or what to do

I had to restart 2 missions, because of glitched enemies

voice acting is ok, but pacing is so slow I couldn't be bothered to invest time to listen to uninteresting story

game offers 3 ways to heal yourself
1. medkits, that you can purchase only before mission
2. stimms (auto-revives) which will lower your mission score (requied only achievements)
3. health-gain after killing enemy (I think within short period of him hiting you)
1 and 3 are unreliable, 2 is annoying, plus lowers your score

restarting mission after you run out of auto-revives WON'T refill your items, meaning it's worse choice than returning to lobby, restocking inventory. Why even give it as an option then?

it's fun, but unpolished. Don't jump onto it expecting Doom Eternal quality. You can shoot some, but after beating 12 campaign missions (20h) you'll be probably uninstaling it, because random missions aren't much fun
166 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 11:37
Fast paced shooter feels like Titanfall mixed with a death metal, lore rich, slugfest of bullets, and blood 10/10
1264 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 20:11
+ Nice graphics
+ Good performance
+ Decent gunplay
+ Great soundtrack
+ Personally like the loot system

- Its short game
- Not the greatest voice acting
- Some character models look little weird
- Not all that interesting story

If you want a doom style game where you go around shooting things listening to sound track not caring all that much about story its a decent game but recommend to buy on sale only
386 Produkte im Account
215 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
882 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 22:07
The game is too short, animations are very bad, guns have no ammo, secondary missions feel like playing cod multiplayer with all the nasty spawning everywhere that makes no sense, secondary missions are repetitive and are the only replayable aspect of the game and everything seems unfinished. There is plasma guns though but why no plasma canon or melee weapons. I was gona say coop and pvp would be nice but since there s no replayability it would make no sense.
994 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1880 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 02:29
Yes, this is not Doom Eternal.
No, it is actually much better.

Let's not waste the Imperium's time - Here are three reasons:

You have a dog ✔ and you can pet ✔ and feed ✔ it.

There three reasons already, but in Terra's name, have some more:
40k Themed Warhammer game ✔ with an Avitus' approved Heavy Bolter ✔
Fun and fast parkouring with wall-running ✔, double jumping ✔ and a grappling hook
but no fall damage ❤

So what are you waiting for?

Kill The Mutant!
Burn The Heretic!
Purge The Xenos!
5183 Produkte im Account
271 Reviews
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 21:39
It's a pretty decent shooter.
430 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 18:47
The game's really janky.
Gunplay feels weird and floaty.
The story was pretty unengaging.
The only real good thing this game does is getting the atmosphere of a 40k Hive world.
Not enough to recommend the game though.
241 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 21:07
Your tolerance for jank will determine how much enjoyment you get out of this. It's definitely a budget game, feels like Rage 2 made with a tenth of the budget. Absolutely has a lot of ugly animations to it and some bullet sponge enemies, but if you can get past that its a satisfying fast paced shooter with some neat powers and a lot of jank. If you liked E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy you'll probably like this.
308 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 21:09
Great fun. Don't expect a heavily polished AAA experience, but do expect to have a gory, shooty, grim-dark romp.
349 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 21:13
You know what. I like it. Amazing atmosphere, nice models, perks and gun customs.
The AI could have been better, but it's such a fast pace game that you don't notice.

It would also be great to have more visual customs for your character, but hey. You have a dog.
Emperor Protects.
258 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 16:37
I thought the performance issues were exaggerated - turns out they were not. Literally unplayable with a machine that runs Doom Eternal and Cyberpunk.
1071 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 14:54
Don't bother.

I bought it on sale expecting a rough but enjoyable 6/10 game. It's total garbage. The setting is incredible and the level design is wonderful, but it's laid on top of a game I wouldn't recommend if it was free.

Animations are janky, combat is weightless, it's filled with systems that take an hour to fiddle with but have no appreciable impact. Worst of all is the health system. It tries to be DOOM Eternal, with you having to be aggressive to stay alive...but the enemies use hitscan so your health can disappear in seconds. So many missions can see 20 minutes flushed down the toilet by an instant loss of all health.

201 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 17:16
Doom with more customization and loot, to put it simply. It's a bit less polished, but the pace is more manageable too, and you can change the difficulty at any time to modify both how hard the game is as well as how much rewards and drops you get. Overall a pretty solid game for those who like either Warhammer 40k or (reboot) Doom.

The specifics:
The guns all feel very satisfying to use. There aren't a great variety, but there's enough customization to fill in whatever role you want to play. Some of them feel a bit underpowered on higher difficulties, and ammo pickups scale with clip size, but those are both minor manageable problems.

Running around the levels with your grappling hook and wallrunning gets more fun the better at it you get, and learning to do all that during combat can make for some really exciting gunplay. Easily the biggest advantage it has over Doom, and reminds me a bit of Ghostrunner.

I didn't find myself using augmented powers all that much, but there's some fun to be had there. Most of them are fairly situational, but money (and enemies) is easy to come by so don't be shy in trying them out.

The dog is surprisingly more useful than a lot of the video reviews claimed, so I think he got patched somewhere along the way. He'll distract enemies, take down non-shielded ones, and make all nearby visible through walls and easy to keep track of, but you have to invest a lot of costly upgrades for him to really be worth using regularly.

The story is just kind of there; it doesn't really engage you, but it will get you from mission to mission without really breaking immersion so it does its job. I think most of us expect more out of w40k stories, but it is what it is.

The art and level design are fantastic. They do a great job of capturing the trademark immense scale and decay of the w40k universe, blending the dark gothic atmosphere with the cyberpunk themes of a hive city. There's also plenty of verticality and hidden passages to explore with your movement abilities, and its very unlikely you'll find everything the first visit to a place. If anything, you can't get enough, and end up wishing they'd made more.

By contrast however, the character designs are uninspired. The female character bodies all have the same boring outfit even if you pick different styles, though at least the male gets to choose between coats and styles of armor. This extends to the NPCs and enemies as well, who are almost all cyberpunk/Mad Max rejects and telling between the different gangs is almost impossible even out of combat. Jerico and the Silver Talon are probably the only characters in the whole game who really look like they belong in the w40k universe.
109 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 00:38
I have a very strong PC but this game crashes almost every time I play it when I've only been playing for like an hour or two and I'm not doing anything in particular. There's also a bug where sometimes the mouse just won't work (I played other games to confirm the issue was NOT with my mouse before coming to this conclusion). I personally really enjoy the gameplay, I've heard lots of people comparing it to Doom which is fair, it falls into a similar bullet hell sort of playstyle, but with so many hitscan enemies feels almost more like Black Ops 3 with extra abilities at times. Overall I really like the game but I've run into too many bugs to recommend it in it's current state. I'm considering getting a refund.
587 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
1922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 20:17

Doom of the Underhive

Welcome to Necromunda, a planet-sized microcosm of scheming, crime and villainy set within Warhammer 40k universe. Mirroring its galaxy-spanning counterpart, Necromunda is a place of constant turmoil where innumerable gangs struggle for power and riches. One may begin to wonder - how come that Hive Primus, seat of Imperial government, seconds as the greatest centre of illegal activity on the planet? Out of sight, out of mind as they say. Nobles and honest citizens inhabit the highest parts of kilometre-high city-spires, enjoying luxuries such as sunlight, imported food or running water. However, long past the point that sun rays could ever hope to reach there are still kilometres of inhabited industrial patchwork before the bottom. Proper Necromunda begins in so-called underhive, a place where word ‘civilian’ is a figure of speech and gangs run majority of the industry on behest of the noble houses beyond. Long enough the imperial taxes are paid above, the below at large will be left to its own devices.

Fly and gun
Robust introduction notwithstanding, Necromunda is essentially a separate, roguish setting within WH40k universe and truly a selling point of this high-paced FPS. At least for those familiar with WH40k. As for everyone else, reckon you are here for the “hired gun” part. Waiting ahead is a single-player campaign starring 13 missions of substantial size and length, coupled with side-missions for a quick buck and as much replayability as one desires. Under the circumstances, a hired gun is perhaps the most mundane occupation imaginable within the underhive. What gives the protagonist an edge over the competition, is an extensive set of bionic augmentations. More metal than flesh, you can double-jump, wall run, dash mid-air, use grappling hook and we haven’t even got the upgrades yet. To name a few, they involve shooting lightning out of your arm, bullet time and temporary auto-aim. Ludicrous mobility is extremely useful in Hired Gun’s unusual environment. Most of the areas in the game are surprisingly open, especially vertically, often containing multiple floors of half-derelict urban nightmare to explore; all filled with additional supplies, enemies and an occasional loot chest.
[url] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2630771412 [/url]
Bullets, plasma and heavy riffs
Hired gun’s protagonist may very well be a living weapon in their own right, that said, the sizeable arsenal at the player’s disposal is nothing to frown upon. Conventional assortment of shotguns, machineguns and pistols is matched by a choice of futuristic energy-based weapons. Chief among them being the grav gun – firing a homing green bolt that creates a miniature explosion around the killed target. Primary source of the new toys is secret chests hidden within every map. While finding some of them is challenging, the player’s augmented eyes can reveal the treasure’s location through the walls. To keep things varied, every weapon can be customised to better match your playstyle. On that note, a significant amount of scopes and silencers dedicated towards long-range, stealthy engagements which seem for the most part redundant. Given that protagonist’s modus operandi favours blowing a hole in the wall over finding the door, any attempts at stealth would be downright counterproductive.

As soon as the mission ends, somewhat abysmal inventory menu appears, allowing the player to decide which equipment they want to keep. You are likely to spent quite a while after the first mission, trying to make some sense of it. All unwanted items are automatically sold, providing the player with credits, spent mostly towards upgrading the bionics of protagonist and his trusty dog companion. Deserving a separate mention is the cyber-mastiff, somewhat oddly summoned via dedicated skill. The hound will fearlessly draw the enemy fire and tear out the throats of the weaker opponents, only to vanish into the grand beyond, until called upon again.

Ordinarily, it would stand to reason to cover the enemy variety now. Sadly, it truly takes hours spent in-game to start noticing how much of it there technically is in Hired Gun. Most of the time so much is happening on the screen that if not for the outlines on the enemy silhouettes, one could overlook an enemy standing wide-open 5 meters ahead, let alone identify them. Pragmatic approach divides the unfortunate cannon fodder in the player’s way into gunners, psykers, melee and heavy units. Take note that there are over 10 different types of “gunners”, which frankly doesn’t amount to much. It is one of the game’s aspects which seem to suffer from its neck-breaking pace. Another being Hired Gun’s soundtrack, introducing heavy riffs to spice up the thickest fighting. Regrettably, most of the fights end so abruptly that it rarely has a chance to properly kick into gear. On the sound design note, everyone in Necromunda have a thick british accent, and frankly it fits perfectly into roguish feel of the game.
[url] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2630769314 [/url]
Rust damn!
However distinct in terms of setting, when it comes to Hired Gun’s gameplay, at least a broad comparison with the latest DOOM is inevitable. The game at large feels as if the developers at Streum On Studio tried to reinvent the invasion of hell in their own image, while also replacing most of fine-tuning with cocaine. On one hand, the results are mostly fun and adrenaline-inducing, on the other, it would explain why the game breaks so much. To begin with, this title’s movement allows for a much greater freedom than the developers intended. Thinking I might be onto a secret I managed to get out of bounds within the first 5 minutes of play. It didn’t occur a lot, however once you get stuck, the only way out is to load the latest checkpoint. A far greater issue is how unstable the game is overall. Hired Gun crashes a lot, and despite my hardware otherwise running the game smoothly on the highest settings, during my 32 hours of play it crashed around 20 times.

Moreover, there are certain design issues too. Hired Gun is only enjoyable on “hard” difficulty setting. It makes the game a true challenge and, more importantly, the increase of the enemy damage successfully makes up for AI shortcomings. When played on normal, only the fiercest barrage can hope to put the protagonist down, as the powerful self-healing abilities remove any necessity to stay ahead of the opposition. The moment a single opponent can put you down with 3 shots, the game suddenly requires a much more thought-out approach. A minor, although frustrating example is the rating given to the player after each mission, specifically the “kill style”. Over the regular course of play rating of “B” is the highest you can hope for, as said statistic takes into account not the kill variety, but headshots and melee assassinations only. Having a break-neck speed FPS favour methodical head-hunt puts the merit of the entire rating system into question.

Hired fun
Ultimately, Necromunda: Hired Gun wholeheartedly shares the fate the most of its Warhammer-licensed brethren – it is unremarkable for the wider audiences, yet appealing to the fans of the setting. Whatever potential the action-packed demeanour of Hired Gun may had, it is butchered by its technical difficulties. That said, when it works as intended, this game is a really good time and should satisfy any FPS enthusiast who doesn’t shy away from B-grade titles. Should you happen to enjoy both shooters and WH40k, this one is worth playing for the portrayal of the underhive alone, a decent game it comes with, is a bonus.
107 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 17:06
So, lets go over a few positive things first:
1) 40k universe game
2) High quality graphics, Music, artwork and attention to detail emphasize the 40k lore involved
3) Combat is exciting and can be brutal depending on difficulty
4) Smooth gameplay, little to no glitches and overall a fun game

My cons:
1) No extended campaign, just side quests of run and gun for guild favor
2) You can finish the game in 10 hours if your a casual gamer

For a $40 price tag i expected a little more. It filled a small void in the 40k and gaming community for a brutal taste of what the emperor demands, but its a game i'd only do 2 run throughs of. Hopefully Warhammer 40k darktide adds to this.
101 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 11:14
Not a bad game at first. Although playing for half an hour to get to the end of a level only to get stuck in a wall thanks to the dodgy grappling hook system is annoying. Then you have to quit to the main menu and start again as you can't just revert to a checkpoint or something. Either fix the dodgy thing or give an option to return to a checkpoint.
116 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 04:05
So Necromunda is a Doom style shooter, this is rather obvious so I'm getting this out of the way, where you play as a Hired Gun who hunts bounty's or other such sense. It's a solid start, plus a dog which makes it SSS tier levels of awesome, I'm not a tremendous delver into Warhammer but I'm assuredly not a heretic but this game feels a bit subpar in general to me. The gameplay is solid, the combat is fluid but in 2021 where we have games that have evolved so much further this feels much more like a game from 2010 then it does a modern one. The graphics are alright at best, the inventory system is an absolute mess, but I honestly found myself lost in the game whenever combat broke through. I would just run around with two shotguns, blasting my fears away while spamming E for fun take down animations and C for doggo. I just think this game needs polishing when it comes to inventory and purchase management. The weapons and charms purchasing is honestly the worst part of my experience. There isn't truly an explanation for it in the game and it is a weird befuddling mess that makes me vomit a little when looking it over, this is a wonderful game and I will be purchasing it again once it develops further to turn a messy fun storm into a smooth and chaotic hurricane of blood, gore, and bolters.
542 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 07:52
Ok, so I've got not much play time but I've desperately tried to like this game as I'm a big fan of 40k. I even put the game down for over 2 months to see if the dev's would fix some of the issues I have but booting it up again I can see nothing is fixed.

This game is awful. At not point should you purchase this game for anything over $20 USD and I still would say that's a hard sell.

My biggest complaints with this game are:
- Awful animations
- Questionable gunplay
- downright poorly designed inventory systems
- boring plot
- Poorly designed movement system
- Bad user settings

Animations in this game are at the level of flash animations from back yonder. During cutscenes characters CANNOT stand still. EVER. They're always moving their arms in jerky movements or during some uncanny valley type of animation. Movements of NPC's during these scenes feel more like animatronics then anything remotely appealing. What makes it stranger is that the animations during combat from NPC's are fine? They're totally acceptable and good. The level I expect from a AA game but then whenever they're not shooting or whacking you with an awesome thunder hammer they revert back to this janky hard to watch style.

Most of the guns feel awesome to shoot. Bolters shoot big heavy rounds that make satisfying noises, miniguns sound like miniguns and feel weighty and etc. But the impact of all these weapons? Extremely lacklustre. Now this might overlap a bit with bugs or even go into graphics territory but it is incredibly difficult to determine if an enemy has a shield or not or if you even hit them when they don't have any visible animation to show impact, 0 zero is auditory due to the cacophony of gun fights and no blood is visible because everyone you're fighting is also shooting the lightshoweffects 3000 blaster they picked up from Imperium Walmart just around the pipe bend before coming to kick your guts in. It makes weapons like the plasma gun feel incredibly weak and awful as there is no way to tell if you hit your target and how hard you hit them. That's why guns like the bolter and the gravity gun feel fucking amazing. You hit someone once or twice with those? They're dead. And when they die you see an explosion of gore, you hear a scream and you even get a little hitmarker to show u hit them. The lasgun and longlas are also extremely unattractive options to use also due to their need to scope in for extended periods of time to get that gold 1 tap, in a game with a high speed movement system and swarms of enemies to rival a bloody zombie survival shooter. In other words, most of the guns are great but not all guns got the same amount of love for sure.

Inventory system:
Its bad. You get loot from either killing enemies or finding chests. When you find a new gun it doesnt display anything apart from the name of it, the slot it takes and the keybind to pick it up. But when u pick it up it replaces one of your weapons. SO you have NO IDEA if its BETTER OR NOT. Effectively making loot useless till after a mission (not the end of the world). But, then you have a very limited inventory to manage your loot. You get 4 slots for armour items, 4 for boost object things (they give some buffs), 4 for 2 other things then like 4-6 for your weapon categories? For example; there are 4-5 different heavy weapons. This means you can have all of them and room for a spare but then each weapon might get buffs or attachments that make it better at different things. So the tiny inventory really hurts as a result. And no its not a realism thing because they cant carry that much. Your character can carry tonnes but an extra weapon slot or 2 is too much? And anything that can't fit in your inventory doesn't go to your bank or some other larger inventory, oh no. It gets sold! And whats money for! More guns and upgrades! But there's no inventory upgrade! The inventory system doesn't at all feel tested.

The Plot:
The plot is boring, I'm not gonna spoil it in case this doesn't convince u this game is bad but the plot is so mind numbing that I put on anything else on youtube to supplement it. It's a poorly veiled excuse to kill bad guys and that's not awful in its self if the gun play was more interesting (see above for why that doesn't save it)

Bugs plague this game. Bugs that make the game painful and annoying will continue to plague you from your first mission to your last. Whether it's enemies spawning in walls and being able to shoot at you but not vice versa, to plasma gunners of a specific faction being invisible due to a shader error that you can't solve and the dev's still haven't. If you're going to play this game expect a absurd amount of bugs, even for a AA game. They're charging $55 AUD for what acts like a $15-20 AUD game they can't excuse this amount of bugs.

Movement system:
It is, without a doubt in my mind, tacked on. This movement system is not awful. I think its quite good not Titanfall 2 level but good. The issue comes from how it literally makes 0 difference to the game. The only time you are required to use the movement system (outside of traversing the level in mandatory sections) is when you get swarmed by 3 enemies that cannot be killed in one hit from your gun, so you have to jump up to avoid the pummelling. That's all. The grappling hook is neat and also useful for getting out of trouble but you're more often to use it accidentally thinking the shift key is the dash while in mid air key, then to actually traverse with it. Also who the FUCK puts Ctrl as the dash key? And then makes the rebinding for it also linked to the rebind for fucking slide? (this is explaining the awful user settings part now) It feels like 0 thought was put into that decision.

I did lie a moment before accidentally. There is one weapon strat where the movement system is useful, although still not necessary, and that is thanks to executions. Executions allow you to instantly key any normal sized enemy that doesn't have a shield if you are close enough by simply tapping E. Not only does this make you invincible but it also replenishes portions of your health for each kill you make doing this. This strat completely blows all others out of the park making you unkillable blood leeching demon and rewards you for minimal effort most of the time. Oh and did I forget to mention? The worst animations play during these executions! You'll find your pov warping as you do an extremely flashy but dissatisfying melee kill on an enemy that feels like you just punched a wet pillow.

Finally just to finish this rambling up a bit:
- I have a high end computer (r3700x and 3070) yet my game looks like complete shit imo. I've seen the screenshots and people say it looks beautiful (HELL I've seen gorgeous videos of it on the tube) but for somereason at max settings it looks incredibly dulled and covered in low poly dust. The end result is it looking like PUBG on the lowest settings... that bad.
- the set pieces are AMAZING. There are numerous missions where the set of the mission is fantastic and just makes me even more upset when the mission itself is incredibly dull and/or my graphics look so bad it turns this into a playdough art piece.
- People seem to be spouting that this game brought an end to the long list of awful 40k games. I'm glad you're enjoying this game but I for the same reasons I wouldn't say a far cry game is a necessarily good game I wouldn't say this one is either even tho I enjoy far cry. This game has such a low level of polish that the price tag feels absurd. Go play Deathwing if you want a 40k shooter thats better than this (but still really not great) or wait for Dark Tide which APPEARS to have more invested developers.
- This game reeks GW price gouging
- the cyber dog is pointless, its literally just a marketing ploy I'm sorry but they fucked the dog up too

Hope this is helpful. This game was incredibly disappointing, I'm sad its this
1023 Produkte im Account
281 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 17:27
This game is criminally overpriced for what it offers. This is essentially EYE: Divine Cybermancy, but way more janky somehow. It's also trying to be like Doom Eternal, but feels like it was made with Wish.com parts.

Nothing in this game feels good, the sounds are screwed and glitching over each other often already. The movement is clunky and has multiple movement options bound to single keys, which can't be rebound in the options either. The shooting doesn't have any impact whatsoever, neither does getting hit by enemies. Topping everything off, it completely locked up and went fully unresponsive within an hour of play.

Maybe if it was around $20 or something I'd be able to forgive a little bit of this, but it's 2/3 the price of a AAA game and it's already been out for around 3 months in it's current state. There are far too many glaring issues to look past and Warhammer fans don't deserve this mess, especially at it's asking price.
123 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 13:19
This game just doesn't feel finished to me. The fighting is fun the weapons are great. The story is meh and I wished it was more flushed out . Levels just end sometimes you would think there would be a huge cinematic cut scene of explosions or of a huge train shifting into gear but no it just cuts you back to the lobby area. There were multiple instances of being stuck in the level itself most of the time it is from the grappling gun catching something and you are somehow clipped out of the level itself. After this happens you either have to be lucky to find your way back into the level or you have to exit the game. All the characters seem to have something covering their mouths as a way to not have to sync their lip movements. I feel like this game could have been so much more and wanted it to be much more but it just didn't make it. It feels like the production was rushed and they just needed to finish the game so they took a lot of shortcuts and provided this as the final product.
149 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 12:57
It doom but 40k, what more do ya want
546 Produkte im Account
151 Reviews
858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 12:06
it's a watered down EYE with 40k paint. feels good actually that it plays and looks like one of those low budget high effort fps games back in 2000

the good
- gorgeous visuals
- fast paced gunplay (like new doom)
- story exists
- works on my machine™

the uhhh
- little if no variety of side missions
- confusing upgrade system

wait for qol improvements or a sale. or if you're into eurojank, you can feel there's a lot of love put in this game. also heard from someone necromunda looks better than london and that was the last time i heard of him before he ran out of food stamps
3380 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
989 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 16:07
Clunky and frustrating. Avoid.

* The shooting is really fast paced and can be fun.
* The visuals are great. It really feels like you're running around the dirty, disgusting underbelly of a giant hive city.
* Your dog companion is pretty cool, but until you level him up quite a bit he'll be spending most of his time on cooldown.
* The levels are big and have lots of nooks to explore.

* The UI for menu navigation is a hot mess. Seriously, I haven't seen a UI this poorly designed in about 20 years.
* Leveling up is grindy and repetitive. You'll spend a LOT of time in the same few levels, fighting the same handful of enemies.
* Instant melee takedowns are incredibly overpowered. There's no buildup or weakening required, just get close to an enemy and slap the interact button. You're invulnerable during the animation and they restore health. You can clear whole levels just zipping from enemy to enemy doing takedowns.
* Wall-running is clunky and works inconsistently.

I could go on, but honestly the game just isn't worth the time it would take to write up a longer review.
546 Produkte im Account
114 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 10:21
Necromunda: Hired Gun rarely transcends what is a boring generic shooter with a fast pace and a nice setting. The story is forgettable and scattershot. Combat fares better, with decent mobility and a capable arsenal. The level design has some large interior spaces, although within them are idiotic enemies that are difficult to locate. Enemies spawn from everywhere and it all makes for some rather clunky action. Although the numerous bionic powers are helpful, they do not elevate the combat. Hired Gun needed to use its setting better and fine-tune its mechanics because even when ignoring its many shortcomings, it does not have enough quality gameplay to earn a recommendation.

Read full review
399 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 02:26
Solid 7/10 game. A good doom like mix with EYE Divine Cybermancy powers. Great capture of the Necromunda Setting. perfect for any FPS fan who wants to get into Warhammer. Campaign is short and you get the most out of doing the side missions for play time. Def pick it up when it will be on Sale as with most warhammer games.
272 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 19:06
I'll buy a B tier shooter like this over a AAA microtransaction live service shooter any day. Amazing graphics and shows the world of Warhammer 40k in a not before seen perspective.
818 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 03:33
This is the next evolution of EYE, though without the mind-bending 32 player co-op. Streum delivers on atmosphere and this entire game looks ripped out of 40k artbooks, unlike nearly every other licensed product. It's rough, it's buggy, it has frustrating one-shots and you will often be confused why certain officers are able to blow your head off before you can react (which is also something I distinctly remember from EYE), but I can forgive pretty much all of it. This game plays like DOOM and maybe a bit of the Deus-Ex reboots, with a wonky ARPG style loot system (and no ability to view your inventory outside of mission start). This game is carried by its charm and frantic ability-mashing twitch-aim combat.

After beating it on the hardest difficulty, I can tell you the best way to enjoy this is to stop worrying about min-maxing and focus on trying to simply murder as many things as possible in the shortest amount of time. Don't engage tactically, engage in a hilarious way. Teleport to and explode people, mash the execution button, and drop all accuracy on at least one of your weapons and dump as much as you can into DPS. I see a lot of reviews complain about health-sink enemies, and I can only really think of a single boss fight where that applies (the mech enemies have a short invulnerability window which may be causing this complaint). You can mulch almost anything within a few hits, and you can get abilities like auto aim and slowing time to make up for otherwise difficult fights. You also have to detach from being frustrated about cheap deaths, there is a purchasable revive item for this very reason (which you should buy at mission start every single time).

Let go. Release yourself from your cycles of guilt. You are not your mentor's murderer, and your legs are in fact OK.
621 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 01:59
A weird mashup of Doom, Titanfall, and Lootershooters. Sprinkled with Euro-jank and you got this game.
Surprisingly its kinda fun, if at bit of a mess.
Graphically its great, really sucks you into that w40k world. Downside is that you're in an underhive, so don't expect diverse locations, hope you love industrial-gothic. Its also a mess, as mentioned before. Because of how combat works, you're going fast, shooting, and jumping all over the place, combine that with the constant explosions, bullets, and lasers shooting all over, and your eyes gets bombarded with special effects that it can get tiring at times. Though thats mostly in the more chaotic missions, but its a common occurance
I give an honest 7/10.
Its a fun game, just don't expect much. The story is kinda meh so far and the voice-acting is pretty bland. Also, it almost sounds like the dialogue is a bit too quiet at certain points. Game is kinda buggy, some of the cutscenes don't play out properly, and you get an occasional animation-hiccup.
Like I said, its a fun Euro-Jank game. I'd get it during a sale (like right now) or wait for a price drop.
6557 Produkte im Account
96 Reviews
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 00:43
Wallrunning, grappling hooks and glory kills. Got your attention yet? Good!
Streum On Studio doesn't make the most polished games ever, but their stuff always oozes heart and soul, and Necromunda: Hired Gun is no exception. This is a movement shooter that's mostly concerned with delivering a fun campaign set in the Warhammer 40k universe, and so far, I haven't been disappointed.
Guns feel powerful (they tear off people's limbs willy-nilly) and the movement system is great, especially once you do the second mission where you get a grappling hook and have a double jump ability in addition to being able to wallrun from the get go.
Graphically it doesn't look super hot, but the art department did an amazing job conveying the crazy scale of 40k. The soundtrack is nice and the voices can be a mixed bag but I'm kinda used to that in this sort of title.
Performance varies between amazing and not so great at times (FPS drops aren't super frequent but they happen from time to time). If you have an RTX card you can use DLSS for some extra oomph.
Overall, a really fun experience so far, hopefully it'll stay that way for the duration of the game.
656 Produkte im Account
106 Reviews
1019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 23:49
Closest we'll ever get to Prey 2 and EYE Divine Cybermancy 2.

Feels like DOOM 4 a little bit mixed with Deus Ex.

Love the intense fast paced combat.

Gameplay is pretty smooth and easy to learn.

This runs perfectly even on an older Laptop.

Love how you can do Vertical FOV which is rare nowadays.

There is plenty of replay-ability.

I can see myself playing this for dozens of hours.

This is just as good as Deathwing.

One thing we need is co-op that would be badass.

10/10 Fucking Bounty Hunters.
771 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 22:21
This is a game that needs tempered expectations. You won't find dozens of hours of playtime here. The story isn't good. A lot of the animations are janky. But the shooting is awesome. Your enemies straight up explode. Constantly. It's weird though, because you don't even have to shoot them. You can just use janky takedowns once you're in melee range. There's loot involved, but you can play through the whole game with whatever you want equipped. Guns can be customized and, most importantly, shooting them is a blast.

You heal by doing damage, so I just ran around never using cover, all while shooting everything in the face until said face became hamburger. There are only 13 story missions, but side missions pop up infinitely. Those are set in the story mission levels. They mostly involve killing more things. If the idea of wall running, air-dashing above people, all the while riddling them with bullets 'til they pop doesn't sound like fun to you, you won't like this game. It's short, it's not difficult, and it's quite stupid. But I enjoyed the carnage. A dozen hours is more than enough to see everything the game has to offer, but upgrading bionics is solid. As is upgrading your cyborg dog. You can have it kill people.

And really, that's what Necromunda: Hired Gun is about. Vicious slaughter. Nothing more, nothing less. No WH40K knowledge is required. Even if you have it, you might not care about the plot or setting. The levels look awesome, though, with detailed, high-res textures and an excellent use of color. It definitely doesn't look like a smaller game on that front. Unless you're looking at the character models. Jank that way lies. Still, I recommend the game. Maybe not for $40, but I had fun. I also like mindless action, though, which is really all it has to offer.
Logo for Necromunda: Hired Gun
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
73.31% 2313 842
Release:01.06.2021 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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