• Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.
  • Necrobarista: Screen zum Spiel Necrobarista.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 22.07.2020
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Preis Update 07.07.24

Über das Spiel

"This is a story about death and coffee."

Inspired equally by film and anime, Necrobarista is a unique take on the visual novel medium. Follow a dynamic and diverse cast of characters as they navigate Melbourne's hipstery coffee culture, the questionable ethics of necromancy, and the process of letting go.

  • Stylized, fully 3D cinematic presentation that draws from anime aesthetics.
  • Soundtrack by Kevin Penkin, BAFTA-nominated composer for Florence, Made in Abyss, and Norn9.
  • Delve into the world of the Terminal and fantasy Melbourne through free-roaming first-person scenes.
  • Featuring goon-sack robots, alchemical coffee, and Australian folk hero Ned Kelly.
  • Support for fourteen languages, including Korean, Arabic, and Russian.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 2.5+ GHz Quad core
  • GFX: NVIDIA GTX 660 or better, ATI 7950 or better
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or Newe
  • HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 2.5+ GHz Quad core
  • GFX: NVIDIA GTX 960 or better
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 14:40
Hallo zusammen,

Necrobarista ist ein tolles Visual Novel. Ich bin begeistert von dem Spiel. Die Thematik Tot wird toll behandelt und die Beziehung zwischen den einzelnen Charaktere kommt sehr gut rüber. Mir hat es auch vom Style sehr gefallen. Die Standbilder können Gewöhnungsbedürftig sein, doch durch die verschiedenen Kamerawinkel wird das Spiel sehr gut in Szene gesetzt. Auch die wenigen Animationen machen das Game lebendig.

Das einzige was ich eher als unnötig empfand, war die neben Storys. Die Nebenstorys konnte man durch Wörter freischalten, die man im laufe des Spiels sammeln konnte. Am Ende schafft man es jedoch nicht alle Geschichten zu lesen.

Trotzdem ein tolles Spiel, es lohnt sich sehr dieses Game zu holen.
336 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 22:51
Warnung! Dies ist kein Spiel sondern eher eine interaktive Geschichte, ohne die Möglichkeit diese selbst zu beeinflussen. Ich finde die Idee ganz nett. Grafik und der Soundtrack sind Ok.
Empfehlen kann ich kann ich allen das Spiel die sich ein wenig berieseln lassen wollen und Coffee Talk zu hektisch fanden oder es schon durchgespielt haben und mehr Lust auf die Cafe Atmosphäre haben.
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 23:02
Initially, going into this game, I thought it would be good from the things I've heard about it, but I genuinely didn't expect to be so invested and attached to it.

Necro Barista is an indie visual novel that tells a simple story about letting go of the past, moving on, and enjoying your life and everything in it while you still can. With the game having necromancy in the name, I expected a more dark and somber game, but I was treated with a lot of comedy and enjoyable dialogue, to my surprise. The game combines funny dialogue, somber and melancholy themes with unique and fun characters, and it works super well together (almost like a perfectly blended coffee).

The game captures you with its great storytelling and enhances its conversations with great visuals and camerawork. The tone is displayed (and shifted) perfectly with each scene thanks to the visuals and expressive emotions that work really well with the already great dialogue.

And speaking of characters…

Necro Barista has a remarkably unique cast of super fun characters that make the game really enjoyable. Though there aren't many characters in the main story, each of them adds their own uniqueness and has great characters and personalities. In fact, my favorite part of the game is the character relationships/interactions because it's there where the game truly shines, and you can come to appreciate the great dialogue.

Now story-wise, it was a bit slow to get to the main plot, and I did have an issue with one plot hole in particular. Still, overall, the story was enjoyable (especially with the already great cast and dialogue) and sold home the game's core theme, but it was structured a bit weird at times.
Also, the side stories featured in the game were interesting to read, and all kept in spirit with the game's central theme. Despite those side story characters not showing up in the main story or just in one scene, I was still interested in the stories they told. However, some were better than others since one, in particular, did nothing for a specific character and almost felt like a waste of time. I also loved the art style of the game and its music, despite not having a lot of tracks.

Necro Barista was a relatively simple short story, but I loved it. The excellent cast, dialogue, music, scenes, art style, and theme got me very invested and attached to the game. If you're a visual novel fan or just a fan of good stories and even better characters and can forgive some stuff about the story, then I recommend this game 100%. I had a great time and a blast with it.
175 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 17:28
I ended up not playing this until I got it on the Switch. This was an incredible game. It easily breaks the top three of my favorite narrative-based games. The animation and models was gorgeous and did the characters justice. I immediately added the soundtrack to my library. The side stories are also really worth doing. I was hungry for more by the end.

I'll be following Route 59 closely.
277 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 01:31
Phenomenal game, one of my favorite VNs. Very unique style to it as well, leveraging 3D environments and various 3D character poses with short animations to establish the mood, setting, etc instead of simple 2D sprites on a plain background.

Story is wonderful, but short. That being said, very much worth the money, and I really really REALLY wish there was more of this to play. It literally just about all reading with little narration, so be prepared for that. When I was originally playing it, I wished it was voice acted, but it is still absolutely wonderful despite that. It would be hard to match a good voice to a character without breaking the bank, and I think that bad VA is worse than no VA.

Solid 8.5/10 for me.
150 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 03:05
Necrobarista is a love it or hate it kind of game. It's (primarily) a kinetic novel so there isn't a whole lot of gameplay to speak of. Let's be honest though, if you're browsing through visual novels on steam you probably aren't averse to the idea of clicking and reading for a few hours.

The art style is definitely unique, in particular I absolutely adore the lighting and environment designs. The soundtrack is also excellent, if a bit repetitive at times. The game's writing is likely going to be the major sticking point for a lot of people.It focuses very heavily on interpersonal relationships between the characters, and to be blunt the characters are definitely not going to be everyone's cup of coffee. For example Maddy, the closest thing to a protagonist the game has, can be kind of a judgmental asshole at times. If you like the characters however, you'll probably enjoy the story.
121 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 01:20
Really good stories, and fun humor.
45 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 05:30
funny point and click story game with good representation at every corner and a captivating story. idk man maybe i just like coffee too much
177 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 22:07
I didn't enjoy this game, but in this case it's entirely my fault, as I bought on impulse based off a half remembered review and I wasn't aware it was purely a visual novel. Some of the writing towards the end was very good but all the time I was reading these hipster-esque ruminations on life and death I kept thinking that Disco Elysium did it soooo much better and also had some gaming in there.
123 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 04:24
It's a visual novel with music by Kevin Penkin and a directorial style clearly inspired by Studio Shaft. If you're like me, that should just about be enough to sell you on it right there.

This is a beautifully well-written visual novel with complex, believable characters. The plot tends towards the slice-of-life side of things, but there's an overarching narrative which gradually develops. It's not a very long game - my playtime represents going through the main story and both bonus stories (Walking to the Sky and Devil's Den) at a fairly sedate pace - but well worth the price, particularly since it frequently goes on sale.

On the technical side of things, this is the debut game by this developer, and it definitely has some rough edges. Shadow resolutions and framerates sometimes plummet for no apparent reason, and there was some distracting z-fighting in a few scenes. At one point, in one of the exploration sections, I somehow managed to clip out of bounds in a loading zone and fall out of the map, which lead to a very unusual view of the Terminal from below. These are all ultimately fairly minor faults. What's less minor are the numerous typos in dialogue, which definitely should have been patched by now.

Overall, a very enjoyable game despite its flaws. I eagerly await this developer's next project.
93 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 17:56
A very unusual visual novel that uses 3D for fancy shots and a to create a filmlike quality. The premise is interesting, the dialogues are funny and well written and it's probably the only visual novel set in Australia, so that's cool
134 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 08:51
Melancholic, somber, and heartwarming
581 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 01:13
I enjoyed my playthrough of the game.

Graphics-wise it isn't the most impressive if that is important, but it does a wonderful job using colors to create a thematic feel that I enjoyed. Like a rusted mess being held together by rope pulled by all the characters. That's a good thing. The main joy I got out of this was the story and personalities of the characters. I went in interested in the main story with subtle interest in the side stories. I recommend being in the mood and interest in playing the game otherwise it won't fully draw you in as there is a lot of reading.

I'm not a completionist when it comes to wanting to experience every part of the game. I indulged on the side stories that interested me while just focusing on the main story and that made my playthrough fun for me. There isn't a ton of interactions and gameplay but what really stood out is thinking about how much the visuals helped tell the story with minimal expressions and movement while having good dialogue. If this was a book filled with trying to describe everything in great detail I don't think it would have been interesting to me. Give it a (expresso) shot.

Other games I would recommend:
Red String Club
Coffee Talk
1025 Produkte im Account
176 Reviews
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 19:43
It's a great visual novel.

The atmosphere setting is perfect, the sound tracks perfectly match with the scenery.
The general story is fairly interesting, the main topic, the process of letting go is done pretty well.
The character building is done well but a bit slow, might be me, but it took me the first half of the game to get the characters.

Overall it's a shortish but great ride.
628 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 14:43
Yes it may just be a glorified visual novel with some nice cel-shaded graphics, to be honest I was a little disappointed at first after enjoying Coffee Talk and VALHALLA so much. I'm glad I stuck with it, if purely for the absolutely top-notch writing and the chapter and memory layout that makes it so easy to dip into this game for an hour or two like a good book.

Is it a game? Not really, but its a genuinely fascinating experience. As long as you can put up with a bit of emo/goth/antipodean energy.
356 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 06:09
I liked it.
Prepare to read a lot, because that's what it is.

The music was phenomenal. Helps set the mood immensely, especially with the setting in of tension reading through one of the side stories.
71 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 00:48
Pretty good story. Not what i was expecting but i am satisfied.
Its not a mystery novel like i initially thought, but a heartwarming one with banging soundtracks by Kevin Penkin.
But everything has to end at some point, the memories, the coffee...

Edit: Didnt play Devil's Den and im not sure im going to after finishing the main game. let me know if i should
1518 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 16:46
Completely linear visual novel with no branching points and no decisions to do. Takes way, way more space than it should, loading times are insane for what it is. Looks nice, story is ok. Whether this is a game is debatable.
49 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 03:39
A very unique take on visual novel game which I enjoy.
257 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 21:50
So far an enjoyable experience with all the negative reviews I've seen coming from people who don't understand the idea of visual novels or how to read tags on Steam.
404 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 10:17
I really wanted to like this game the arts cool and its got a unique premise but i found it so dull and it really just seems to fall flat and i found myself just wanting to hurry up and finish it. Such a shame
581 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 15:33
Short, linear story (Not entirely non-interactive as side story unlocks are gathered through the main plot), but absolutely beautiful. While I'm not sure I could really call it cost efficient, it's very time efficient for a quality VN. If you are Australian, doubly so. There are the obvious marks of authenticity here, but also some more subtle aspects that I suspect the developers could not avoid.
166 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 19:32
Graphic Novel with videogame format.

Great characters, awesome story, bring tissues, enjoy the ride.
378 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 13:15
First off, this is a short VN with a very 'light' story. There's no deep story or plot that goes on which I was hoping for. To be precise, it plays out more like a 'slice of life' story genre which is alright. It's slightly emotionally touching near the end, but don't expect a heavy plot. The game holds out on its own with its own charm, didn't really dislike anything to give it a thumbs down.

+ Amazing artstyle for a VN, this is the game's biggest selling point. It's an innovative design for a VN which I really liked and want to see more
+ Good soundtracks
+ Excellent writings
+ Ashley & Hannah
+ Extremely easy to get 100% achievement, just play the game from start to end

- No deep story or plot
- Memories were boring due to their only text nature

The free DLC that was given is pretty long and was quite good. More free DLC will be given later on, so I might come back to play later.
620 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 20:28
So many funny / great / loveable characters in one game.
I absolutely enjoyed the story and how it handled the topic 'death'.
There even are short unlockable side-stories (text only) and a free DLC chapter (animated) that's roughly half the base game's length.
82 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 13:22
I had a good time with this game, and found myself genuinely liking most of the characters. It even made me cry in a couple of places. But ultimately the writing is overall a bit weak, and the plot meanders down a lot of cul-de-sacs that don't really inform the personalities of the cast, or progress the story meaningfully. This game winds up feeling deeply unfinished and fails to deliver on a lot of its premise. I'd recommend it if it was half the price it was being sold for, but at over £15 it's a disappointing product.

The Walking to the Sky update is not something I can complain about too much as it's free. But while the broad strokes of the story it tells are quite touching, the dialogue is so incredibly stilted and unnatural that Tuan and Hannah feel like bad fanfiction based on their very limited portrayals in the original game.
53 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 02:08
Game Duration: 4~6 Hours (8th May 2021)
It's a beautiful visual novel game in general.

It's story is deep, emotions of each characters are telegraphed beautifully, and lore wise is very conclusive to the story. Everything connect to each other from character building, lore, storytelling, and visuals.

As good as this may be, I found a bug(personally this only has happened to me once). When I wanted to read the story of an interaction item(more specifically read a previously missed page) it doesn't want to continue with the story after I gone to the present page. I needed to quit to main menu or outright quit out of the game to make it work again, meaning that I need to read it all over again. This is a minor problem, so I won't give it flak.
Sometime the main story just rewinds to several dialogue back(happened to me in the 3/4th of the game, 3 more specifically). I know you can scroll your mouse wheel to rewind, but I didn't even touch mine when playing this game(since the mouse clicks are annoying at this games). I do not know if this TSLaYP(That Sounds Like a You Problem).

I bought this when no sales or any form of discount, and I regretted nothing with this game.
9/10 I Confidently Recommend.
311 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 02:53
A very well writen game with memorable characters, solid world building, cozy atmosphere and surprisingly natural feeling dialogs.
If you like visual novels(or if you never tried visual novels), you should give this game a chance.
275 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 18:32
Do you ever get sad that a great book you've been reading is over? Well for me this was one of those
great game
Jazzy soundtrack
intriguing characters
free DLC, making the game a perfect length*
emotional story that doesn't try too hard

195 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 03:27
Really good story, great execution. Unfortunately, tonal issues, jarring cuts, and an inability to commit fully to its premise hold it back. A weak epilogue (can't explain why without going into spoilers) also stops it from being truly great.
378 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 23:18
Necrobarista is an interactive story about magical realism first, an interesting tale with fleshed-out characters and a unique visual look second, and only then a videogame. If you enjoy reading, and the subjects of death and of coming to terms with your own mortality, I'd definitely recommend this. It was a most pleasant surprise.

More Expresso = Less Depresso
212 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 14:53
I didn't love it, but I can't tell if that's a weird cultural cringe thing where I don't like seeing Australian culture depicted or if they just messed up and did it badly. There's definitely something to talk about there, especially in the ways in which a lot of the characters are specifically not normatively anglo-australian, and the way that's then contrasted with Ned Kelly showing up all the time as some kind of purgatorial tax-inspector, and then again with all the other anime trappings that makes it feel like an episode of Bakemonogatari recreated in Source Film Maker.

Idk it feels like someone had a lot of stuff they were interested in, and had interesting thoughts about, but they didn't have anyone to look over their work and tell them that honestly half of it doesn't work that well. If you're trying to fit themes of racial and cultural identity, grief, hegemony, capitalism, consciousness, and guilt into an 8 hour game, you need to either pick a better setting, write characters that are more complexly informed by those themes and the ways they intersect, or cut some of them out.

I'm probably going to play whatever Route 59 do next, but I hope it's better than this.
447 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 03:03
It's a beautiful, emotionally intense story that unfolds in a predictable but enjoyable way. If you have any sort of intimate relationship with death, the writing will hit hard and deep. It got me to cry a couple times. But it hurts in that good, relieving way that grief does.

The characters are very well written, fleshed out and human, and the subtle world building will definitely get you longing for more.

This will be the kind of game that's a love-or-hate: if all of that sounds awesome, then you're in for a treat. If not, you might want to skip it. I, for one, was left longing for more.
60 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 22:22
This game is more like a beautiful place you can visit and explore and where you can find secret documents you can read and listen to dialogues between different people. These dialogues can be random, witty, but also quite deep. You can enjoy the nice graphics and take your time to read the main story which tells you a story about life and death and some other crazy stuff and hang around in this nice little café and enjoy the jazzy music. Very beautiful.
231 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 01:16
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 07:12
Recommend for people who enjoy good story and great character design. Yesssiiirrr great characters, nice atmospheric music done by Kevin Penkin, and amazing world building.
1015 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 17:36
Not something for people who can't go without traditional gameplay but it has a very well told story, both optimistic and bittersweet.
Expect 3-6 hour worth, depending on your willingness to put time into unlocking the vingnettes on the side.
697 Produkte im Account
122 Reviews
239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 05:07
Necrobarista is the first effort for Route 59, a small studio based in Melbourne, Australia. The story centers around a very cozy cafe which happens to be situated on the route to the afterlife. The cafe's three employees are themselves living, but they frequently cater to the souls of the recently departed, who are allowed a day or so to come to terms with their demise before moving on. One day, a newly dead young man enters the shop, and the staff takes a particular liking to him. Meanwhile, a goon from an otherworldly Council of the Dead begins sniffing around, as the cafe has gained a bit of a reputation for practicing some less-than-legal necromancy, and perhaps letting souls overstay their welcome a bit more than they should.

Necrobarista's tone and style feels very much like a slice-of-life anime. The narrative is meandering, more like a gentle tide than a strong current. We have no strong central conflict, a few minor characters that float in and out of the story, and scenes that are fun, but do not really contribute to the overall plot, such as a scene where the main characters sit around playing a board game and enjoying each other's company. It is very much a story that is more concerned with the journey than the destination.

The game plays like a kinetic visual novel. There is no player choice, and the main story will be exactly the same each time you play it.

There is an inventive little system for handling the side-content, though. Throughout each chapter, you will encounter key phrases highlighted in gold that provide flavor text when clicked. At the end of the chapter, you are presented with a word-cloud of all of the key phrases. Select the phrases that appeal most to you, and they are converted into several types of tokens. You are given the chance to freely roam about the cafe in first-person mode, and can spend these tokens to unlock optional text-based side stories before continuing with the next main chapter. This was a simple system but it was a lot of fun and was also a nice change of pace.

Unlike most visual novels, though, Necrobarista is fully 3D. Instead of the standard sprite-on-a-2D background, the story and text are presented along with a series of cinematically-arranged 3D stills and short animations. The presentation works incredibly well, and the visuals are a major highlight.

The soundtrack is quite good as well! Unfortunately, Necrobarista does not have VO at this stage of the game. While the game works fine without voice acting, I do feel like the inclusion of a strong voice cast could have elevated the game to a whole new level. The dialogue is sharp and animated and written in a very conversational style, and I think it is crying out for some talent to bring it to life.

The developers, upon release, teased three free major post-launch content updates. The first one is out, and is an unlockable concept art gallery tied to the optional side-content. No word yet on the other two planned updates as of this writing, but I am kind of hoping for the post-launch VO add, a la Jenny LeClue or Disco Elysium.

Necrobarista is also a little short; my first playthrough clocked in at about four hours. This was enough time to get a nice taste of the world and the characters, but was not enough time to really explore any of the game's Big Ideas in depth. It feels kind of like a really long pilot episode, or a really short first season of a much larger series.

Still, I enjoyed my time spent with this game, and I do not regret picking it up on launch to support this developer. It kept me interested, I grew attached to the characters, and I think the big red glasses, fishnets, and bright red hi-tops make for a distinctive and memorable character design. I would recommend giving it a go if you have the opportunity to do so.
96 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 14:34
More espresso = less depresso
545 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 18:03
This review is an excerpt of my full review here: https://bitsandpieces.games/2021/01/15/how-necrobarista-pushes-the-visual-novel-genre-forward/

Is there a best way to define the ‘visual novel’ as a genre? I’m not about to do a detailed dissection of my own conception of the genre (tried in an earlier draft, ended up swearing), but suffice to say Necrobarista by Route 59 ticks my main box: most of the gameplay is clicking to reveal more text. It isn’t first-person, really, or even from a consistent perspective, and there’s no narration – text is simply spoken by characters on or off-screen (represented by a cute little icon). There aren’t any decisions to be made that affect the plot, either (though it isn’t the only purely linear visual novel), so maybe by and large Necrobarista would fall into the mechanical neutral-to-rebel end of any VN alignment chart. It is quite anime, though, so if that’s a significant factor in your conception of the genre space it’ll slot neatly in. It even has an opening theme.

If you were ordering a Necrobarista, you’d ask for a visual novel – heavy on the visual, hold back a little on the interactivity, with a heavy sprinkling of rumination on life, death, and letting go. The beans would be very Australian beans, as the game is set in Melbourne. Apologies – I still can’t come up with good coffee metaphors. At any rate, Necrobarista’s focus on its visual elements offers a genuine freshness to the game – it legitimately pushes the envelope in terms of visual artistry, something that the VN genre often neglects.

Necrobarista comfortably avoids overstaying its welcome, and leaves on a convincing high. It’s doubtless a low-interactivity example, but it’s a distinctive, stylish VN(ish) game – and the strength of its character designs, writing and visual composition prove that it’s a game of vision. Necrobarista proves that there’s still a lot of room for bold aesthetic envelope-pushing, and does so without sacrificing its own plotting, themes, or likeable cast. The end may even successfully jerk a few tears.
5152 Produkte im Account
360 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 18:06

Full review (including score): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vnutf8U-ZaE
Summarized review below!

A visual novel with almost Persona-style graphics? Sign me right up for that. I’ve been playing through a lot of visual novels lately with the same 2D art, so it’s about time for a change of pace.

Note: Had to trim review to fit character limit, check video for full version!


  • Really cool visual direction. Necrobarista may not have the best graphics, but it makes up for this with some of the best visual direction I have ever seen in a visual novel. By visual direction, I’m referring to the lighting, camera angles, framing, and everything else that goes into presenting the graphics to the player. It is some very cool stuff here, with the camera constantly shifting between characters, going wide for certain lines to add emphasis, and even omitting dialogue entirely and just showing little snippets of animation to better illustrate certain scenes. It’s like a movie in a way and was definitely a nice change of pace compared to the usual flat backgrounds with 2D sprites popular in the medium.
  • Excellent soundtrack. It’s not often that I put a game on my radar solely due to its soundtrack, but that’s exactly what I did with Necrobarista. My reason is simple: the composer is Kevin Penkin. For those unaware, this is the same guy that did the top-tier soundtracks that are Made in Abyss, The Rising of the Shield Hero, Tower of God, and Norn9. So of course, it is no surprise here that the soundtrack slaps. Laidback, mellow tracks, synth-heavy action tracks, it’s got a lot going for it and complements the visuals well.


  • Filler storytelling. The bulk of a good VN is the story and that is something that Necrobarista simply fails at. There are a few reasons why, but the main one being that the vast majority of the game just comes off as filler. Instead of spending time actually building up an interesting plot and developing characters, Necrobarista seems to want to spend more time on useless character interactions and lengthy side stories that don’t even add anything. For example, there’s a point in the game where a couple customers come in and have a lengthy conversation about the ethics of stealing a bottle of alcohol from behind the counter. They end up doing so and get caught by the protagonist, who talks them up about alcohol and such for the next several minutes before they leave and never appear in the story again. Another character replaces them and our protagonist now engages in another pointless conversation before that character disappears too. Considering that all three of these characters were included in the game’s opening video, I was expecting them to have more of a role than just an utterly pointless conversation, but maybe I was expecting too much. Another example being the segments between scenes where three robots talk amongst themselves about the story. Again, these segments don’t add anything to the story other than the bare minimum of worldbuilding, if you could even call it that – most of the time they’re just telling jokes to each other and the scenes end up feeling like an extended version of the Monokuma theater segments from Danganronpa. Yet another example can even be seen with one of the game’s unique features: it’s word highlighting. Put simply, it’s a kind of definition feature where certain highlighted words can be clicked on to get a further explanation. However, in Necrobarista’s case, this feature is mostly wasted. You get the occasional helpful description, but most of the time it highlights words like “friend”, “old man”, “ritual”, and “copper cable”. You click on it, and instead of a definition the game gives you a witty sentence that again, doesn’t add anything. Things would be different if this was another one of those slice of life barkeep or coffee shop games where you kick back and take in customer’s stories and worldbuilding, but the writing doesn’t even do that. It’s literally pointless back and forth dialogue that has no further meaning beyond being small talk. I would go so far as to say that this represents about 80% of the game. This is an impressive feat for a game that is barely four hours long (especially for a kinetic VN), but Necrobarista manages to do just that.
  • Shallow character writing. There aren’t too many characters, but somehow it’s hard to tell the difference between them outside of their appearances. This is mostly because they all share this similar witty way of speaking, often coming back at each other with one-liners and memes just for the sake of it rather than to make a conversation actually funny.
  • The bigger problems is that the game does actually have a serious plot to it – it just doesn’t really get around to that until the very end. However, as the characters don’t see a lot of development before that point, the ending loses the impact that it was looking for. It hinges heavily on there being some sort of connection between the player and the characters – a connection it hardly spends time building. It’s not even like the pacing was bad – rather, it was pretty steady – but it’s just that so you’re so busy reading through filler that you don’t really get to know the characters outside of their one or two unique quirks.
  • Minor technical and design issues. First up is with the visuals, which, while having some nice presentation, have this odd flickering issue at times. It’s nothing too major, but every few minutes I would notice some part of the environment or some character black out of existence for a second or so before popping back in.
  • The second is a bit more of an annoyance and it comes in the form of how the game presents its text. There’s no auto-mode, so you have to advance every line, but a lot of the times these lines are just a few words and it becomes a bit of a pain hitting enter every second when an auto-mode would easily solve that and make the game more cinematic. My final complaint here is with the game’s FPS. Because yes, this game is not a straight-up visual novel and actually has some walking segments between the VN scenes. The problem being that these segments run at like 30 fps in spite of the game’s low-res textures and flat graphics. They don’t last too long, but it was worth mentioning regardless.


Necrobarista may have some nice visuals and music, but the plot is simply not there, killing an otherwise cool visual novel. It has some good ideas, but instead of exploring them, it instead spends more time subjecting the player to useless dialogue scenes, filler side stories, and an ending that doesn’t have any impact because the characters never got any development. It is a prime example of “all style and no substance,” and it honestly hurts me to say that because of how much I was looking forward to it.

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189 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 00:43
God I would love to go to this cafe.
329 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 22:54
(no spoilers)
The soundtrack slaps, and the setting is really great. You can see the end coming, but that doesn't make it any less dramatic or emotional, which is impressive. It really got to me.
I've got a couple of major gripes with the novel, though- chief of which is every single character is written the exact same. Joss Whedon style, quippy, a-bit-too-clever dialogue. It's fine if one of the characters is like that, but literally every single character is, even the child. If the passages don't mark who's speaking, it can be genuinely difficult to tell them apart. The other major problem I've got is it really feels like it's rushing to an ending. There are 3 side characters introduced near the halfway point who appear once, and never show up again except in text passages. I never saw one of the characters featured in the trailer, unless he showed up so briefly I don't even remember it. I was really interested in the lore of this world, and while it was only incidental to the very small story being told, it left me begging for more- but right as it feels like the cast and scope are starting to expand, it abruptly screeches to a halt. Ironically, it feels like this game ran out of time. There's an interesting story somewhere in here, but this isn't it. If you have 4 hours and what I said doesn't bother you, I might recommend it on sale.
5269 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 09:50
Necrobarista is a short kinetic novel (a visual novel without choices) with first-person walking segments in between the chapters. The 3D look with short animated segments is original, but the text is formatted really weirdly (sometimes one word will be shunted to the next screen for no real reason) and there is so. Much. Clicking. You click between every paragraph, most of which are only one or two sentences. You click after every animation. The game took me just over three hours to finish and my wrist hurts.

The story could have been interesting - there were a few parts near the end that elicited genuine emotion from me - but the Joss Whedon style quippy dialogue made all of the characters feel very same-y so it was hard to care that much about them. Also there are three characters who only appear in one chapter and seem completely unimportant to the actual plot, and Maddy's relationship to Ned still baffles me after playing the entire game.

I can't recommend this game when there are better, longer, and more interesting VNs in the same price range.
815 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 07:28
This game is full of love, at every point.

It's funny, and cheeky, and beautiful, and tragic.
And it has love.
32 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 10:34
Don't buy this game if:
- You expect the gameplay to be non-linear. There are absolutely no choices here.
- You expect there's any cafe time management sim gameplay here. No. This is 100% VN game.
- You expect the story to be long. See my play hours.

Buy this game if:
- You like reading.
- You like the visuals. (I'm a sucker for cel-shaded anime art style)
- You like kinematic typography motion graphics (some people compare it with Persona games)

+ Heartwarming story, deep themes about life and death
+ Nice music
+ Stylish animation
+ Unique visuals (and cute characters)
+ Conceptually unique as a VN game
+ New waifu

- Kinda lags/unstable at some part, idk if it's my PC or lack of optimization
- Weird environment textures (I know that it has its own aesthetics, but it doesn't really suits my taste)
- Too short for its price

Honestly it is a good game but my expectation were too high when I bought this, so I dunno...

Oh, and play it with mouse. It will be much better.
742 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 13:10
Funny, heart-wrenching, deeply human, and unabashedly Australian. A visual novel in the broad sense, but greatly elevated by its flair for visual framing and nonverbal communication. I found myself charmed by each and every character, and wish I could've spent more time in their company,

but if there's one thing I should've learned, it's how to let go.
130 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 17:53
This game has an awesome mood, great art and a really fun concept; alas the major drawback of this game is its writing.

There is no protagonist: instead the player silently witnesses the dialogue of the characters with no interactivity. The lack of a protagonist or focalizer makes it hard to invest in the events of this narrative, or develop a para-social relationship to the characters. These (fairly unlikable) characters just go about the daily toils with overwrought dialogue that leans heavily into Gen-Z slang and quippy non-sequiturs. That's a mood, let me get my vape and fidget spinner.

Necrobarista is failing to make use of its own visual form and its own premise. At one point Maddy tells Chay about a guy who came into the coffee shop in the past who had a novelty katana. This scene plays out as a dialogue exchange, where the camera is switching between Maddy and Chay - which is a huge mistake. Why not -visually- represent this story using the form of the -visual- novel? The visuals are great in this game, but they get extremely tired, just bland repetition of Maddy, Chay and the now dead guy talking - Okay and speaking of that now dead guy - what a waste of text!

Because Maddy and Ned both deal with dead spirits as their job, they have no interest in the recently departed’s problems: every moment when this contemplation of death could be explored is shut down because Maddy is running a business and doesn’t have time to deal with petty existential problems like life and death. Why are we in a coffee shop of the dead if we’re not going to actually let the recently departed explore this premis? It’s like this work is saving that story for later or something, and replacing it with an hour of totally pointless filler.

The most central issue for me is the lack of conflict. I assume this work is aiming for a 'slice of life' anime style, but to my great dismay, there are no stakes in this world. There is no romantic tension, there are no ambitions, no goals, there is no force of opposition the characters must overcome. A slice of life story still needs these elements, even if they are ordinary and relatable. Even death and the afterlife is just a background detail which goes unexplored so that an hour and a half can be filled with pretty cringy dialogue.

This story does have a lovely musical score: the coffee shop is visually amazing and inviting: there’s an ethos of responsible representation, there’s an amazing premise! I don’t know how the writing, which I’d imagine was the seed which all these as elements grew from, was so neglected.
718 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 05:08
Squanders its themes, doesn't do anything interesting or novel with the story, the memory system is bad, and it is simply not worth picking up, even on sale.
95 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 23:28
this game is lovely, really enjoyed going through all the little story vignettes
311 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 04:02
First off I'll say that I don't normally go out of my way to review games but I enjoyed this one enough that I had to encourage other people to give it a shot. This is also one of the only games I decided to 100% because I enjoyed every bit of content, while it was short it was a very worthwhile experience. The game plays like most visual novels, just by clicking you'll progress the text and read through the story. In between each chapter of the story you're given the opportunity to explore the cafe that the story takes place in with new areas opening up after each chapter. Exploring the cafe gives you access to side stories you can read (don't worry about missing some during the game you'll have access to all of them once you complete the main story) that give you an idea of what goes on in the cafe outside of the main events.

Now that the gameplay explanation is out of the way I wanted to comment on how visually pleasing this game is. The shots are well done and animated unlike a lot of other visual novels. The style and the art direction is superb. The soundtrack is extremely well done, enough for me to considering buying it to support the developers because I really want to see them make more titles or even additional stories in this universe! The story was well written, the characters were lively and had a lot of personality, the topics touched on were often heavy but handled with a lot of care. Not gonna lie I cried at the end because damn I really cared about these characters! All in all if you were thinking about getting this game I would definitely go for it especially considering it's on sale at the time of this review (steam autumn sale).
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 11:58
It does NOT have full controller support. Sure you can use it, but it's going to be miserable experience. First of all, D-pad doesn't work even in menus, you only option is to use left stick. Second of all, UI is not made with consideration for the controller, I didn't even notice that something was moving in the options menu first time I was looking through them, awkwardly moving the stick. Other thing about the UI is it highlights your choice in different colors depending on the screen, it can be active choice in white on one screen, and on the very next screen active choice is in yellow, oh and it's in red next time around! Colorfull AND confusing!
Okay that's all a bit annoying, but I can deal with that!

But wait there's so much more!
I CAN NOT belive this is real. But (A) button to progress the text only works SOMETIMES, sometime you press it and nothing happens, sometime you press it 2 times and nothing happens, sometimes it brings up the definition of the highlighted text, then it hides it, and then brings it up again, and then you mash it and skip over the text. And there's no log I've found, but there's button - LB, that rewinds back, random amount of lines, that control scheme doesn't tell you about. And you rewind a bit and start to mash again because nothing changed and it still doesn't work and so you skip again... And at this point you don't even read anymore.
This is insane. This is visual novel and that button has only one job - progress. Mouse seems to work fine and even affect the camera when you move it, nothing on the controller seems to do that. But I want to play with the controller and my attempt already made me salty and angry, I'm commited now, to just give up and use the mouse. After all, it does claim a full controller support.

Stepping back a bit. Why do I need to click through every little action when there's no text or anything, seems like missed opportunity to have proper pacing. It's not very clear if I should wait or do something. I end up accidently skipping through animations or stare at the essentially still frame, waiting for animation that never comes. No auto mod too.
Some positives. I really like colors. Main girl design is really good and sells this game. That's all.
Other characters I had chance to see are not even close to her. Models look nice overall. Probably the most minor complain I have is that characters are done in anime style, but from the side the eyes are weirdly prolonged, like on flat egyptian monument. Style I get it, but it feels wrong. Also on some frames characters look cross eyed and it doesn't look like it's intentional choice.
I catched myself wishing that some of the surfaces have been reflective, would've look stunning (for that cool tree and the windows, or the shiny clock in prologue).
I have no idea how good/bad is the story, since it put me off so early.
Unless there's patch for the controller or I have a change of heart, I may never know. Right now I feel tricked and mad.
488 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 18:06
Necrobarista is a charming visual novel that combines a good story with cinematic visuals and a great soundtrack. It deals with a lot of heavy themes, while having a healthy amount of humour, and somehow manages to be a relaxing experience through it's entirety. The characters were pretty fleshed out, and the little exposition that was there felt natural in the dialogue. The only thing that irked me during the game was the introduction of several characters in a scene that proceeded to never appear in the story again, however the developer has confirmed these characters will be the focus of new free updates that will continue the games story.

tldr; Good Visuals, Good Soundtrack, Nice Short Story of about 4 hours. I felt it was worth the price for the experience.
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 23:34
The writing in this game is really clever, and the setting is very unique. The gameplay isn't very demanding, but it's a visual novel, so whatever. The characters all feel interesting to learn about, and the game lets you explore hidden side stories in between each of the main acts. The artstyle is the strongest part of this game though, the character models are all fresh, the lighting is superb, and the animation is used in good moments. The music is also pretty catchy.
111 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 21:42
Where do I start?

The game is short, sweet, and to the point (Just like this review). It was my first time playing VN and I can happily say it wont be my last.

OST = Solid (Still need to buy it)
Characters = Fun and heartfelt
Story = Engaging, left me wanting to know more (Waiting on the character DLC)

It was amazing overall.
819 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 11:35
A super stylish visual novel made and set in my home city of Melbourne. The Terminal is a cafe for recently departed souls and a young man walks through the door, looking a little lost.

A story about grief but with plenty of light-hearted humour and likeable characters. Took me 5 hours to finish and was very worth it.
4164 Produkte im Account
140 Reviews
529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 11:35
Not your usual coffee shop game - no chilling here, Necrobarista deals with pretty heavy topics. Like death, obviously, but also friendship, remorse, doubts and so on. And does it with heavenly direction, superimmersive cuts, camerawork and music. I fell deeply in love with the place and its crew.
3506 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 15:05
Necrobarista is what i's like to play an anime, if the anime was one of the best stories you'd ever seen.
524 Produkte im Account
133 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 21:40
Compared to most visual novels Necrobarista is, without a doubt, a breath of fresh air… but sadly only concept wise, because the execution doesn’t follow suit. Filled with dialogue whose only purpose seems to be to stretch the overall duration, and with the whole experience leaning heavily towards repetitive character encounters, it becomes increasingly hard to remain interested in this, otherwise, very original and exciting look on the subject of death. Long story short, this cup of coffee looks great, and has an inviting aroma, but the taste is decent at best.

Cubed3 Rating:
Read Full Review Here
164 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 14:01
A beautiful visual novel with excellent writing, charming characters, and bonus stories. If you like visual novels this one is can't miss.
492 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 11:42
A simple story about death and loss and moving on. The story isn't particularly deep or nuanced, but still engaging. The soundtrack is stellar. The presentation is beautiful; unlike traditional visual novels the scenes are thoughtfully composed and framed, reminiscent of what one might find in film.
64 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 05:15
Grab yourself a cuppa, you'll be sitting for a good while.
Don't want to? Fairo, you be missin' a bountiful time mate.
378 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 19:07
- Excellent art style, haven't seen anything like it before
- Fantastic world building, I want to know more about this place!
- Great writing, lots of good humor. Has a platonic love story rather than a romantic one; a nice change-up from the norm for these VN type games
- The music is BANGIN

- It's disappointingly short; left me wanting more (a good problem to have, devs are working on more chapters. This isn't to say it's left on a cliff hanger; the story as-is wraps up nicely)
- Occasionally the writing doesn't land perfectly

Overall, highly recommended, even with its short run time.
Quick tip: you collect tokens by picking random important words each chapter, then use those to unlock little side stories. Don't feel like you need to get the perfect amount to unlock them all; they all fully unlock once you finish the main story.
176 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 21:48
more espresso = less depresso
347 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 17:05
Maximum Comfy

I'm not usually a fan of visual novels, but this blew me away. NB is pretty rare in the genre for being fully 3D, and it makes impressive use of cinematography to convey a sense of atmosphere and immersion.
I love the way things are animated, and keep animating. You can continue anytime, but sometimes its fun to let the camera pan up for a few seconds to see ashley's smug smile first. In a little way, it feels like directing

The story of NB is pretty engaging, its an urban fantasy tale, of necromancy and death overlaid ontop of modern australia. Surreality is definitely the order of the day, and the writing is pretty cerebral and at times abstract. The whole thing has a gothic kind of melancholy, an overarching theme that all things must end, the reaper takes his due etc. But theres a lot of wiggle room at the edge of mortality.

I like all the characters, personality wise, even if ned's visual design is a bit silly. Maddy has a really distinctive and original look, with some really wierd shoes that the camera tends to linger on a little too long, maybe its a fetish thing :D

Ive been playing this game a lot for the past day or two, its crazy addictive, and i cant seem to stop sharing screenshots. Its a goldmine for reaction images
108 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 11:25
Necrobarista is an absolutly amazing game worth your time, the writing is top notch, the music is lovely and every aspect has so much love I cannot reccommend it enough. This is a game that has reached me to the core and I will carry it with me wherever I go
621 Produkte im Account
168 Reviews
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 02:50
Good story, great writing, sweet visuals. That's all that really needs to be said for a VN-type game. One tangential complaint that I have is that the system to unlock optional scenes is... well, I don't like it. Also, the performance tends to be pretty bad. But that doesn't really matter.
839 Produkte im Account
288 Reviews
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 21:47
Necrobarista is what I’d like more VNs to be like; not a bloated dozens of hours long with a cast that aren’t just bunch of shallow anime archetypes and clichés. Necrobarista is a pure VN mechanics-wise, there’s no other gameplay mechanics like exploration or roleplaying. The closest thing to any of that is clicking on key words to try unlocking lore bits and it’s the only part of the game that feels clunky and tacked on to me, game would have been better with that mechanic entirely removed and just have the text stuff unlock each you time get farther into the game. That is a minor complaint though because the game otherwise is quite good. Necrobarista has an engaging story with a strong cast that gives you a good feeling of its characters and world and leaves you wanting more at the end, which is always a good thing. One of Necrobarista’s strongest attributes is that it actually has a sense of mise-en-scène, which is actually still kind of a rarity in video games in general, one of the only recent games I can think of that really did that well was Kentucky Route Zero. The soundtrack is real nice too and really adds to the atmosphere bolstered by the scene structuring. Necrobarista is just a really good VN and I’m definitely looking forward to the expansion stories coming the future.
818 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 06:18
I've been trying to write this intro for a bit so I don't come across as too mean but I really just hated this game. The characters range from dull to infuriating, the optional micro-fiction is excruciatingly long, and the story just feels like a wasted opportunity. So much time is spent at the beginning on useless conversations, like the game is expecting you to love these characters without actually making them lovable. When the game finally reveals what's actually interesting about the plot, it's too late; I'm beyond caring for these people. At least after that point, it's over quick.
553 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 02:54
Necrobarista, simply put, is sublime. I absolutely love the look of this game, the characters and the arcs they go through are gripping and fascinating, the writing is sublime, jumping between meaningful introspection and a very modern sense of humor in a way that makes the characters feel real, and the plot is just absolutely fantastic. Set aside an afternoon, grab some tissues, and enjoy the ride.
290 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 14:18
Wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I was left satisfied in the end.
'Twas a bit of a raw/rough experience, but I'm still glad to have gone through it.
The soundtrack was an absolute blast, btw, made the game so much better by simply existing.
Good stuff.
229 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 22:18
First and foremost, this is a visual novel.
There's some moments of exploration but it's really more like exploring a tiny library.

Going in with that knowledge, it's a pretty refreshing take on literature.
It's not the most thought-provoking or intellectual novel, no but it does have fun with its subject matter.

You get a light drizzle of necromancy, of bureaucracy, of raising children. You get a heavy dose of interpersonal interaction. If you enjoy media where human connection is the focal point, this game does a lot of that.

All the characters are pretty interesting and have a good bit of depth to them (albeit, there's 3 characters who are, essentially, subplot and forgettable).

If I had to choose to spend $20 on a 2020 movie or this I'd probably pick this.
250 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 07:17
this actually made me feel them tasty emotions, buy if u want emotions! 100% working guaranteed!
128 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 08:52
Ironically, I found myself to keep passing each episodes one by one with little notice, much like a person would when captivated by a good book. The story provides a rich dialogue between characters and delivers contextual background for everyone of them. You might yourself even more interested each characters as their own, in which the game provides text that may or may not relate to the main story and shares experiences of each characters individually. There are a few of these texts based on characters you never actually see in the main story, but will provide an interesting relation to the plot.

The sound track is so well executed, it involves a diverse set of styles for a diverse set of situations, each for their own placement in the storyline. How the game would come to end was unique to its own.
157 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 19:01
The first chapter or two were a little slow, but by the end you connect with the characters, and the end of the story resonates. The use of the art style has good moments and bad, but the takeaway from completing the game and the last few scenes means the takeaway from the game is it was beautiful. Would play again.
1131 Produkte im Account
177 Reviews
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 16:29
Necrobarista works with one of the more refreshing mediums when it comes to visual novels: A 3D cinematic presentation that managed to immediately draw me in the very first moment I discovered its store page. It's no secret that I'm interested in more unique stories and, therefore, this game seemed right up my ally as it revolves around death and well, coffee. Although coffee is one of the things that not really interest me, I can luckily look past it, as long as isn't overbearing. Anyway, I wasn't sure what to expect of Necrobarista before starting it, and thus, I am grateful for my experience with it turned out to be rather pleasant.

… Excuse me, what is a Necrobarista Supposed to be?

Necrobarista opens with Maddy who is a barista and owner of a café. You see, this place is quite special as it serves living human beings as well as dead ones. Before switching to the other side, the dead people have a certain amount of time they can roam around and take care of various things. Maddy is used to customers coming and leaving and it's evident that her rule is to never get too attached to the lingering spirits, although she is not alone as there are still Ashley and Chad at her side to keep her company. One day, a special customer visits the café, despite not knowing he is dead at first.

Slice-of-Life with Touching Moments

Something I didn't expect is that Necrobarista contains a lot of slice-of-life scenes during the everyday life of Maddy. As the game throws its player right into the happenings, I was slightly confused at first. However, after playing through a few chapters the relationships between the character become relatable and I couldn't help but think of everyone in the café as a tight-knitted family. Maddy is attached to each of her friends, although it's not immediately noticeable. I loved that the game took its time to properly introduce the characters and their relation to its player.

Besides slice-of-life scenes, the latter part of the game contains emotional scenes. It was hard for me to accept that the spirits I met throughout the game have to eventually leave. Parting with someone is never easy - especially if there is a history with that person. After getting to know the characters better, I was distressed when I sensed the moment for them having to go to the other side was getting close.

Brewing Coffee

Luckily, the coffee theme itself isn't in the foreground in Necrobarista. Whilst the characters are obviously talking about coffee once in a while, as the game takes place in a café, I never found it tedious. Something I appreciate here is that the narrative focuses on its characters and their relationships which I didn't see coming. I assumed this game to be more story-heavy but instead, I ended up reading a story about friendship which I absolutely loved.

The Cast

The characters are unique with Maddy being a rather cold person at first but ended up surprisingly caring. While she doesn't like to show her emotions, they still are noticeable throughout the game. I liked that everyone got along so well even though they're entirely different in every way. Despite everything, even the newcomer gets welcomed quickly into the small circle of friends and I could easily understand that they grew on each other.

However, the Game Suffers From a Rather Short Playing Time

Unfortunately, Necrobarista is fairly short and can be completed within a few hours. Usually, I don't mind shorter stories, however, as the characters are in the foreground here, it's noticeable that something is missing. The characters are not fleshed out enough as the game only briefly explains their past. Whilst I did feel sad during the more emotional scenes, I feel like this aspect could have been better executed if there was more screen time for each cast.

Evidently, when I just got more attached to the characters, after observing their interactions, the game suddenly throws a sad scene in the plot and the credits rolled. I found myself thinking: Wait, that's it? The game is already over? It didn't help that the game started rather slow-paced only to speed up in the later chapters as if the writer suddenly noticed they're running out of time. Whilst I adored the cast, there was not enough time for me to properly sympathize with them.

What About the Gameplay?

Necrobarista works exactly like a visual novel except that it uses 3D graphics. However, the player can freely walk around in the café if they're not in a cutscene. After each cutscene, I spawned in the café where I could start the next sequence. There is an actual purpose of this feature as there are a lot of side-stories the player can unlock and read, although those are without any sprites and in a wall-of-text format. Nonetheless, it offers more insight into the world of Necrobarista, although I didn't care for them as they're not critical for the main plot.

So, this leads to my next point: The way of unlocking the side-stories. While running around in the café, the player can find various objects they can interact with. However, different kinds of currencies are needed which can be collected within the chapters. When going through the episodes, yellow keywords are popping up the player can check out, although they don't contain explanations but instead optional entertaining text.

Anyway, at the end of a chapter, the player can select seven of these yellow words and after that, it's revealed what relation these words do have. Examples of these are characters, food, death, etc. that work as a currency in-game. There is no need to worry though. After completing the game, it generously gives its player enough resources to unlock every story.

Linear Plot

So, Necrobarista doesn't contain any choices at all and works as a kinetic novel. The player has no impact on the happenings and it felt like I was only an observer of the story, which isn't a bad thing per se. The game is split into two arcs with five chapters each, although both arcs are tied to each other. Overall, it feels like the first arc is more like an introduction to the characters while the second one speeds up its happenings.

Graphics, Soundtracks, and their Immersion

First of all, I loved the presentation of Necrobarista. It was so refreshing and unique that a visual novel is made in a 3D style that immediately stood out to me. However, I was slightly disappointed that the animations fell rather short. Whilst they are implemented throughout the game and the characters are sometimes moving, I would have expected more from a 3D modeled game. Other than that, it just felt like the game is made out of non-anime styled CGs with the text randomly floating on the screen.

Sadly, the game is not voiced either so that made the characters feel even less lively. However, my favorite thing about this game was the soundtrack. It was so catchy to listen to and I became excited each time I was about to enter another chapter so I could listen to the tracks once again.

So, what do we have in the end?

Necrobarista is a visual novel with a unique presentation, and premise, that could have turned out to be a new fantastic approach. However, it's noticeable that this game suffers from its short playing time which affected the whole character development. It feels like I just started to get attached to the characters and then it suddenly ends with a dramatic scene I couldn't process. The problem here was that this game focuses on its characters, but there was simply not enough screen time for them. Regardless, Necrobarista tells an interesting supernatural and touching tale, although it has its flaws.

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2772 Produkte im Account
281 Reviews
547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 08:07
I'm not really into visual novel games but i have to say that this one is simply excellent.
Outstanding presentation, charming and interesting characters, amazing story, really good soundtrack, list goes on.
Necrobarista is really good, if your into narrative driven or storytelling games do yourself a favor and pick this one.
Well done Route 59, can't wait to see what you guys will create next.

Rating 7.5/10

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265 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 14:48

85% laughter and delight, 15% sobbing, like life, if we're lucky, I guess.

My main complaint would be it's too short, also like life, if we're lucky, I guess.

However, the developers claim there will be more content after your main story is over, also like life.
389 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 22:57
it good
243 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 09:20
It's a VN, don't expect much gameplay from it but just enjoy the story. Mid way through the story and I'm loving it, if you're a fast reader you can probably blitz through it in record time.

Developers are working to add some free DLC content, that's a plus. Music is fantastic.

Developers, please add a soundtrack, I'd like to listen to it.
472 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 03:01
This game has *HEART*.

And Kevin Penkin.
970 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 01:32
It's a funny, heartfelt story about life, death, and coffee. Give it a whirl.
95 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 02:54
If Va11hallA and Persona hooked up in the cafe from the anime Time of Eve, their lovechild would be Necrobarista. If that means something to you, then you'll be doing yourself a favor to buy this game immediately, as for a certain set of people, including me, it is truly a singular and sublime story experience. [Summary at bottom]

If you're on the fence, you have good reason to be - this game won't be for everyone. It would be accurate to call it a visual novel, and not a terribly non-linear one at one. Seekers of intense action gameplay or a deep, lengthy playthrough may be disappointed, as the game is around a 5-7 hour trip without a lot of player choices, and the entire experience oozes anime. So if those things sound like dealbreakers, I wouldn't blame you for passing.

But I'd go so far as to call Necrobarista my favorite game of the summer, if not the year.

The story of Necrobarista is by far a highlight. It follows the exploits of Maddy, owner of a cafe in Melborne which carries the unique distinction of housing patrons who are recently deceased. The supernatural is intertwined with the mundane in a way that always feels touchingly human, often hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking. It's sufficiently indie enough for many a player to go in completely blind, at least for now, and if you're prepared for an emotional journey through life, death, and yes, Melborne, you can do no better than this.

It helps that the journey is gorgeous. Necrobarista is one of very few games where you can feel the influence not only of an art director, but a cinematographer, who wields its camera to produce shot after shot of iconic vistas, all within one truly iconic cafe. It's the kind of game I can't help but take screenshots of, not because of any strange bug or wild moment, but because it presents a world that resounds with beauty. Its music also leaps to the task, serving up the kind of chill you might want to download and play in your own cafe. It is truly a feast for the senses.

So Necrobarista, like any hole-in-the-wall cafe, won't be for everyone. It has rough edges, and makes no attempt to satisfy every gamer who may encounter it. But those who are looking for what Necrobarista offers will find it singularly spectacular - a bespoke experience you'll remember for years to come. By the end, my greatest critique of the game, as if by design, seemed to reflect the wants of its characters - I just wanted one more day in the Terminal Cafe.

+ Dramatic, Hilarious, Heart-wrenching story in a unique setting
+ Iconic, Beautiful Anime Aesthetic
+ Top Notch Music
- Unavoidable Prominent Anime Aesthetic
- Highly Linear, Little Replay Value
- Mildly short

Chocolate Lamington/10
1495 Produkte im Account
108 Reviews
313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 01:13
While a bit short, it achieves everything it sets out to do with a slick presentation that's sure to impress. The story itself didn't focus as strongly on the tales of the the dead that are meant to wander into the coffee shop (there are a number of short unlockable side stories that are meant to fill this role) like I thought it would, but instead focused on a story primarily between the owners of the shop. That's not a bad thing though, just a side note as that's how it sounded to be more presented based on the store page.

The writing is entertaining, the visuals eye catching, and the music a smooth bop that'll keep you bouncing your head as you join along in this story of hipsters, coffee, and necromancy.
3501 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 19:12
Disclosure: This game copy was bought by the reviewer.

Effectively a six hour (if a slow reader) kinetic visual novel with minor walking segments told with 3D stills, some animated portions, and text on a environmental shot (basically the background of the walking segment) in the form of Memories.

It is a breath of fresh air in terms of the delivery, but the attempt has some flaws in the form of the frame rate dipping into the single digits, plenty of distracting texture clipping, and a few still jumps next to the black screen transitions. This is compounded by some absent settings such as mouse sensitivity and bloom adjustments (an issue caused by the bloom heavy style of the presentation) that can result in some hard to read text, especially when the color changes for the final episode. Text is also not uniform in terms of position due to the camera angles and transitions, so this can result in the text bleeding in with the background and becoming difficult to read at times. The amount of pausing used between sentences also requires multiple mouse clicks to get the entire paragraph, unlike in standard visual novels where the complete thought is presented. I appreciate the effort that went into the presentation, but a few quality of life issues were created as a result.

Other quality of life issues are present with the main two being the lack of auto-read function and an auto-skip function. I understand the reason they are missing (you need to click on yellow text to get little information on a certain word, used to select possible ingredients to unlock the memories in the free-roam), and given it is a kinetic novel with little replay value, it is not like you will need the function once you finish the novel anyway. Nevertheless, it is a noticeable omission.

Before diving into the story, I would like to give a shout-out to the OST for offering a very solid selection of atmospheric pieces. The only problem is the lack of tracks, which does lead to an overuse of the same pieces, sometimes in a not so fitting portion of the story. I will definitely be grabbing the OST once it drops later this month.

Now for the main issue I have with the novel: the story. This isn’t targeted at the characters, the overall narrative, or even the dialog. About half-way into the game, I started noticing some questionable pacing issues with the script, obvious missing story elements from the opening cinematic, and double guessing the purpose of the Memories in the free-roam area. Given the numerous delays the game went through before release, I am questioning if there was a larger story planned that were initially scraped to save time. The Memories are text dumps of side stories that play a little role in world building, some mentioning characters we only see once and removed the need to add the same 3D stills used for the main story, possibly as a method of replacing the lost elements during development. We don’t even see one of the characters present in the opening (also shown as a silhouette during a still for alignment in Episode 5) and only see Tuan, Hannah, and Samantha once in that sequence. Some get more backstory during the Memories, I get that, but it is hard to see why they would simply be added for an exchange that doesn’t really amount to anything in the grand scheme of things (except to give Maddy some more character development). Not to mention all the hinted pieces of lore that are barely explored in the main segment (Memories provides some explanation) and the highly convenient way the three main problems of the story were resolved in the epilogue.

There is a reason I don’t review games anymore, but given the long wait for this one, I felt the need to at least leave something. I am only giving this a negative due to the technical issues, quality of life issues, and the overall length of the game not feeling worth the $17 bucks (let along $20). It was a fascinating world with enjoyable characters (personally found them annoying along with the random and pointless referencing) throwing slight glimmers of interesting ideas that ultimately get ignored (or thrown out entirely) to be restructured to account for time constraints.
473 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 22:09
It's like reading a SHAFT anime written by depressed millennials and I mean that in the best way possible. I feel like the game's known me for decades of my life and it's incredibly distressing yet comforting at the same time that I can somehow vibe with it without a second guess.

I'm barely through the beginning and it's already going into my must reads / must plays list alongside games like VA-11 HALL-A. If you've got a lot of baggage and are looking for a good read, this is it. Game is mood to the max that it hurts.

Also, I think the game more fits as a Kinetic Novel rather than a Visual Novel but that's a discussion best left to individuals since the lines are misconstrued all the time anyway.
245 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 15:17
The below is probably not true and is here only for historical purposes.


Pretty thing heavily suffering from bad programming.

Unplayable with a mouse if you have a second display. The cursor leaves the game window even in fullscreen.
No mouse sensitivity setting, default is dependent on your screen resolution.
No gamepad look sensitivity setting.
Hard to navigate menus with a gamepad, can activate invisible items (like several words in a row).
So both control methods are very inconvenient.

Buggy object labels can leave object titles unfinished if you move away from them early.

Graphics performance is far from great.
Load times are unnecessarily long.

No auto-read mode.
The intro song transition could've easily been seamless.

I like it a lot, but it's an alpha. The tech stuff sort of messes with the experience. Gotta wait for the patches.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
89.88% 524 59
Release:22.07.2020 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Route 59 Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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