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Über das Spiel
Build your city while you oversee the manufacturing of different agriculture and goods for your population. Solve problems, prevent population loss, trade with other cities, handle foreign relationships, take care of varying population classes and employee types across various industries and services, and many more. Nebuchadnezzar’s gameplay is geared towards all types of players: from beginners of the genre to experienced strategists.
Nebuchadnezzar’s main campaign contains more than a dozen historical missions covering the colonization of ancient lands to the conquest of Babylon by Persians in the 6th Century bc. Each mission summons a different time period in Ancient Mesopotamian history, providing comprehensive historical experience. Players must carry out tasks important to the specific time and place of each mission, including the construction of historical monuments.
During the campaign players will not only build complex ancient monuments, but design them too. Nebuchadnezzar features an in-game monument editor giving players complete control over their buildings. From structural design to color scheme to final details: it’s in the hands of the player. Will you recreate history or make history? It’s up to you.
Mods & Localization
Nebuchadnezzar was created with mods and localization in mind. Expand your experience with the full support of mods from new buildings, new goods, production chains, and even new maps, missions, and campaigns. It is almost entirely moddable. Localizing mods will also not be a problem. You can create mods in multiple languages and/or add languages to existing ones. This applies to the base game as well.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i3+ and equivalents
- GFX: ATI Radeon HD 6750 / NVIDIA GeForce 320 / Intel HD 4000, 1024MB VRAM required
- Software: Windows 7+
- HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i3+ and equivalents
- GFX: ATI Radeon HD 6750 / NVIDIA GeForce 320 / Intel HD 4000, 1024MB VRAM required
- Software: Windows 7+
- HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
3462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 18:22
Das Spielprinzip basiert auf Caesar III und Pharao. Ansonsten kann das Spiel auch mit Anno verglichen werden. Im Gegensatz zu Anno gibt es hier aber keine Inseln, man baut also nur an einer Stadt.
Im Vergleich zu den alten Sierra-Spielen sind viele der damaligen Probleme hier nicht mehr vorhanden.
So entscheidet bspw. nicht mehr der Zufall, wohin ein Warenlieferant/Dienstleister seine Wege zieht. Die Laufwege können über Wegpunkte genau vorgegeben werden , sodass alle Wohnhäuser und Produktionsstätten optimal versorgt werden können. Auch der Handel mit anderen Städten kann viel besser gesteuert werden. Außerdem können Lagerhäuser mittels Karawanen gezielt versorgt werden.
In Sachen Produktion und Warenversorgung ist Nebuchadnezzar sogar komplexer als die alten Sierra-Games. Es gibt mehr Rohstoffe, Waren und Produktionsketten, mit denen die Bevölkerung zufrieden gestellt werden will.
Je nach eingestellten Schwierigkeitsgrad kann man hier gemütlich seine Stadt aufbauen oder eine auch eine echte Herausforderung wagen.
Die Entwickler sind sehr aktiv und bringen regelmäßig neue Updates raus. Zuletzt wurden Feuer, Krankheiten und Kriminalität integriert. Ein umfangreicheres Religionssystem und Feste sollen folgen. Damit würde Nebuchadnezzar den Sierra-Spielen in praktisch kaum mehr etwas nachstehen. Nur Kämpfe gibt es hier noch nicht und werden voraussichtlich nicht folgen.
5574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 12:59
Was ist Nebuchadnezzar?
Nebuchadnezzar ist ein Städtebauer in isometrischer 2D-Ansicht im Stile klassischer City Builder von Impressions Games wie Cäsar, Pharao, Zeus oder der erste Kaiser / Emperor, es setzt aber eigene Akzente und verzichtet dabei aber auch auf Altbekanntes. Es ist ganz wichtig festzuhalten: Dieses Spiel ist kein neues Pharao! Es ist ein eigenständiges Spiel mit eigenen Stärken und Schwächen.
Ihr errichtet in 13 Missionen im alten Mesopotamien immer größer werdende Städte, erfüllt Bedürfnisse eurer Bürger unterschiedlicher Stände, handelt, gewinnt Prestige und baut Monumente.
Von den bekannten Titeln unterscheidet sich Nebuchadnezzar unter anderem durch:
- Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Logistik. Ihr werdet einen Großteil des Spiels damit verbringen, euch zu überlegen, wo ihr was baut, wie Waren von a nach b geliefert werden, um so die Versorgung eurer Bevölkerung möglichst effizient und platzsparend zu gewährleisten.
- Farmen müssen im trockenen Mesopotamien bewässert werden. Dazu sind Pumpen nötig, die aber nur an Stellen gebaut werden können, an denen unter Umständen auch Fischergebäude oder Häfen stehen könnten. Hier ist also wieder eine gute Planung vonnöten, um nicht zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt alles umbauen zu müssen.
- Farmen und weitere Betriebe von Roh- und Endprodukten können mit mehr oder weniger Arbeitern versehen werden, um den spezifischen Anforderungen einer Mission oder Gegebenheit gerecht werden zu können. Habe ich nur Platz für eine kleine Farm, benötige ich weniger Arbeiter um die Felder zu bewirtschaften als bei einer maximalen Anzahl an Feldern. Das führt dann auch dazu, dass beispielsweise die Bäckereien, die das Getreide der Farm erhalten, nicht mit der maximalen Anzahl an Bäckern besetzt werden müssen.
- Den Transport übernehmen auf der Kurzstrecke Läufer der jeweiligen Betriebe (Farmen oder Produktionen) und über längere Strecken Karawanen.
- Ihr könnt die Routen eurer Läufer, die für die Verteilung der nötigen Güter sorgen, selber definieren. Es gibt also keine sogenannten Random Walker mehr, die mehr oder weniger unkontrollierbar ihrem Tagwerk nachgehen.
- Durch festgelegte Routen ist es nicht mehr unbedingt nötig, in effektiven, aber langweiligen Blöcken zu bauen. Sondern man kann natürlich trotzdem entweder möglichst platzsparend bauen oder auch versuchen, seine Wohngebiete mit verschiedenen Ziergebäuden und verwinkelten Straßen schön und einzigartig zu gestalten.
- Es gibt weder Militär noch Götter oder Katastrophen. Ihr seid allein für euer Tun und den Erfolg eurer Stadt verantwortlich.
- Die zu bauenden Monumente können individuell über einen In-Game-Editor in einer Mission selber gestaltet werden oder man übernimmt die jeweiligen Vorgaben der Entwickler.
Für wen eignet sich Nebuchadnezzar?
Nebuchadnezzar richtet sich an Enthusiasten der alten Städtebauer, die aber auch bereit sind für Neues und nicht nur einen 1-zu-1-Klon spielen wollen.
Ihr wollt große Städte bauen, ihr wollt tüfteln, ihr wollt euer Gehirn anstrengen, wo was gebaut werden kann, um den zur Verfügung stehenden Platz optimal zu nutzen? Euch hat auch ein Factorio gefallen? Dann holt euch das Spiel.
Ich empfinde es als wahnsinnig befriedigend, eine schwierige Herausforderung gemeistert zu haben, dabei eine effektive und auch gleichzeitig schöne Stadt entworfen zu haben und dann mit der nächsten Mission weitermachen zu können.
Bitte urteilt auch nicht zu schnell über das Spiel. Die ersten mindestens fünf Missionen sind allesamt Tutorials, leider nicht direkt so bezeichnet. Dadurch kann man denken, das Spiel sei ohne Herausforderung, man habe schnell alles gesehen. Einige der meistgesehenen Videos gehen in diese Richtung.
Nur sind das vorschnelle Urteile. Ich habe noch von keinem gehört, dass z.B. Mission 7 zu leicht gewesen sei.
Für wen eignet sich Nebuchadnezzar nicht?
Ihr mögt zwar Städtebauer, aber sie sollten schon eine zeitgemäße Grafik haben oder aber komplett wie Pharao sein, nur mehr oder besser? Dann solltet ihr euch zumindest überlegen, ob ihr euch auf ein etwas anderes Spiel einlassen wollt. Nebuchadnezzar hat wie erwähnt seinen eigenen Charakter.
Ich hoffe, es wurde klar, was mir am Spiel so gut gefällt. Wenn ich euch etwas bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen konnte, freut mich das. Gerne beantworte ich euch hierzu auch weitere Fragen zu für euch offenen Punkten.
Die Entwickler gehen in ihrem Discord-Server meist sehr offen mit Kritik und Verbesserungswünschen ein. Einige der am häufigsten genannten Punkte wurden kürzlich im Update 1.1 umgsetzt, so z.B. die Einfühung von Steuern und Arbeitslöhnen. Bis jetzt ist auch noch kein Ende des Supports absehbar. Man kann also davon ausgehen, dass zumindest noch kleinere Features nachgereicht werden.
Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß beim Spielen!
437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 19:50
Es ist z.B. zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht besonders gut ausbalanciert: Ohne Handel ist es kaum möglich, eine positive Bilanz zu erreichen. Davon aber abgesehen, ist es ein sehr stilvolles und schönes Spiel, das etliche Spielstunden Spaß verspricht. Sehr zu empfehlen!
95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 12:03
Ich habe mir das Spiel im Sale für 15,99€ gekauft und bereue es nicht.
Es kommt wieder dieses Gefühl auf, was ich in meiner Kindheit immer mit Cäsar, Pharao, Zeus und der erste Kaiser hatte.
Ich bewundere den Mut von Nepos Games ein Spiel zu entwickeln, dass in einer Reihe mit großartigen Städtebausimulationen steht.
Nebuchadnezzar hat vieles richtige und wichtige übernommen ohne jedoch als billige Kopie zu enden. Was mir besonders gefällt ist, dass man dem Markt feste Routen geben kann. Ich erinnere mich an Zeus, wo der Karren kreuz und quer durch die Stadt gezogen ist und Teile der Stadt nicht beliefert hat.
Was mir auch gut gefällt ist, dass die Karren Schieber nun nicht mehr über die ganze Karte rennen um ihre Ware loszuwerden sondern nur in einem gewissen Bereich bleibt. Macht auch Sinn, wer von uns hätte lust mehrere Kilometer zu rennen nur um einmal Brot in ein Lager zu stellen.
Hier muss man wirklich nachdenken und seine Stadt von Anfang an planen. Pluspunkt hier...Man kann Pausieren während man baut und plant.
Und mit dem neusten Patch gibt es Endlos Sandbox Karten! Darauf habe ich gewartet! Auch Stimmen für die Bewohner wurden eingefügt. Zwar auf Englisch aber immerhin! Nepos bemüht sich hier wirklich.
Ich persönlich finde auch die 2D Grafik ansprechend. Modern aber ohne den Kontakt zu vorherigen Generation zu verlieren.
Das Spiel wird auf jeden Fall weiter erkunden und falls mir was Auffällt werde ich es hier ergänzen.
Mir macht es Spaß und ich freue mich auf weitere Update und noch mehr Content.
Macht weiter so, Nepos!
Nicht Empfohlen
143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 21:14
Nicht Empfohlen
1845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 19:24
Die Musik ist super.
Update nach 30 Stunden Spielen:
Das Spiel wirkt unfertig. Es fehlen viele dinge wie Unterhaltung, Gesundheitswesen, Götterverehrung, Militär, Kriminalität etc.
Im Prinzip levelt man die Häuser immer auf die gleiche Weise auf. 2 neue Waren für ein Level. Maximales Level = 4. Die Geschwindigkeit und Verbrauch der Häuser ist zu Hoch. Ab einem gewissen Level importiert man nur noch Waren. (Beispiel Steine für Siegel, OMG)
Warum kann man Dinge wie Holz, Stein, Kupfer und Gold nicht selbst herstellen?
Monumentenbau ist zu einfach. Platziere ein paar Tongruben und Ziegeleien neben den Monument und drücke auf beschleunigen. Die Monumente sehen schick aus.
Ich könnte noch so viel mehr schreiben.... Ich hoffe die/der Entwickler fügt noch ein paar Sachen dazu.
Nicht Empfohlen
561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 21:03
kauft das spiel nicht... das einzig gute ist die schöne grafik mehr nicht...
-gibt keine gefahren wie seuchen, erdbeben oder feindliche invasionen
-es gibt keinen sandkastenmodus sondern nur die kampagne und die missionen
-zugegeben sie haben viel zeit und liebe in den monument-bau gelegt, schade nur das es keinen spaß macht...
-einzige möglichkeit geld zu verdienen ist handeln da es keine steuern gibt.
-die arbeiter kriegen auch keinen lohn... ihr könnt das spiel laufen lassen wenn ihr nichts importiert bleibt der kontostand -
immer gleich wenn ihr denn nen handelspartner habt nervt dieser euch mit seinen anforderungen schick uns dies schick
uns das dann geht die beziehung hoch und wenn ihr das ignoriert wird die beziehung schlechter was aber nicht wirklich -
irgendwelche auswirkungen hat außer das ihr weniger geld pro gegenstand den ihr handelt bekommt was aber mehr oder
weniger unwichtig ist....
Nicht Empfohlen
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 18:51
Aber hier fehlt einfach das Pünktchen auf dem i was das Spiel spannende machen könnte.
Man kann aktuell nur Missionen spielen die auch noch schlecht ausgelegt sind. Um zu Gewinnen einfach Güter lange ansammel und dann schnell verteile damit die Gebäude aufsteigen. Zack Gewonnen. Wer versucht einen stabilen Kreislauf zu erschaffen wird oft von der Map limitiert.
Kein Freeplay Modus, keine Vertonung der Bewohner. Gefühlt steckt in diesem Spiel 100h Entwicklungszeit mehr nicht
Nicht Empfohlen
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 18:40
691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.22 04:46
If you haven't played those games, then know that this is a city builder but it is not like SimCity. It is much closer to Stronghold. It is quite mirco-heavy. You will need to manage production chains, import/export goods, make your various classes of houses get those goods from markets, in order to sustain your pop. Building a city is hard. You can easily screw up your logistical arrangement and watch a whole supply chain fall apart. You will now know how the pandemic screwed up real life supply chains so badly.
Maybe this sounds insane. But, a lot of quality of life features, like a chart that just tells you how much you make of what and how much you consume of it, makes this game very noob friendly. Also, unlike SimCity, building a big, sprawling city is hard. It's an engaging challenge that requires careful planning. It turns out ancient city build is not so much a drag and drop experience. And in this way you really get a sense for the life of your city. Each worker, each market, each fisherman, better reflects an eco-system, an ecology you have come to know, love, and understand in an intricate way. I love it for that reason most of all; it is my own mechanical work of art and a look at a kind of visible labor system so often hidden by our modern world.
687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.22 13:04
1167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.22 05:20
Good never the less with a healthy amount of natural challenges.
5665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 22:49
I've spent over 80 hrs on the game both in scenario mode and campaign and haven't even finished the 13 mission campaign. The patches are quite major, often including whole systems. It's also at a really good price point. $20 for over 80hrs? and probably 500 hrs in the future? It's a steal.
Hard mode is actually fairly challenging, Once you get all the bells and whistles you can start figuring out your own ways to solve problems.
10/10, would lose a city of 3 hrs to no pottery because I forgot to watch out for fires... AGAIN.
1501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 21:38
*edit - Now that I've played a bit more, it does start to differentiate itself from Caesar III as you progress through the campaign. There are a LOT of similarities, but there is enough that is different to still make it refreshing. So highly recommend, especially if you are a fan of the Caesar games.
2914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 19:16
Now, there are some things that may affect your opinion about this title, depending on how much you compare it to its over 20 years old competitors. As of patch 1.3, there are for example no military aspects in the game, which I don't consider as some crucial aspect affecting my review, but it's a valid concern that you may find more content in original games. Personally I don't attempt to compare it as a clone, but standalone game, and as a standalone game inspired by Pharaoh and alike, the game is truly a very satisfying experience and I'm glad that I managed to grab it in Humble Bundle, which was a steal.
In comparison with Pharaoh or Ceasar, Nebuchadnezzar is much simpler game. For example, you no longer have to worry much about distance from houses to work places, as your citizens apparently can teleport at work right away. House-planning aspect was also simplified, as you no longer need to min-max roads and exact placement just to ensure that your bazaar workers manage to give food to everybody. At the same time you still have to take into account the usual mess, whether that will be production buildings, storage, transportation, delivery and everything in-between. However, since everything is vastly toned down, the game should also be a satisfying experience for more casual players, rather than being constantly pressured about supply chains.
I really liked the campaign, which very similar to Pharaoh, guides us through history of ancient Mesopotamia. There are like 13 missions total, which took me more or less 45 hours total taking into account some slacking off, and that's plenty. Every following mission features some new mechanic, production chain, or additional logic which needs to be implemented in order to finish it. It was pretty satisfying to finish whole of it.
What else I can say, if you liked Pharaoh, Ceasar, or similar games, Nebuchadnezzar will definitely be along your alley. If you expect from it die-hard experience, you might get disappointed, but even that is configurable with selection of difficulty, so I'd say you should be good to go. For people that somehow skipped those marvelous city builders released more than 20 years ago, I'd still recommend this title if you enjoy city builders in general, and you're covered in case you'd still want more afterwards.
I can heavily recommend this title. Maybe it's not a masterpiece that keeps me awake at night, but it's a very solid production that I had a lot of fun with, as can be seen with the amount of hours clocked. As a mid-to-hardcore strategy fan, I'm satisfied.
If you liked my review, you can find more of them on my profile and on my curator page.
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 22:09
It's not a bad game, but it has taken more organic, automated, flowing and relaxed systems from the originals and replaced them with overcomplicated yet lifeless, time-consuming alternatives.
[strike]And I can't click on walkers and hear them say stupid things anymore[/strike] Correction: Only some walkers can be clicked, and have incredibly bland comments delivered without passion, with varying volumes and audio qualities, mostly in incongruous accents. I think I actually preferred it when I thought you couldn't click walkers at all, rather than merely some of them.
The towns don't feel populated by wildly bouncing little lifeforms anymore, just meaningless (and equally basic, over 20 years later) animations flickering - ignored - between buildings. This feels like Caesar for people who didn't enjoy the chaotic ant-nest vibe, but wanted more economic/logistical detail and control.
Lastly, while the Monument customisation system is a very impressive evolution, there's no sense of watching it grow. You merely wait for haulers to drop off bricks (but don't really see this process meaningfully visualised in terms of the immense quantities involved), then you rapidly click in all your components and click 'done', except it's already done.
There's no sense of watching your wonder slowly grow under the hands of a hundred eager artisans... It's just slammed down by the player.
Ultimately this serves as a great example of flaws with the game as a whole. It's an Impressions historic citybuilder without the charm or the sense of being.. alive, and this reduces the satisfaction the game offers considerably.
I can't call it a bad game at all, especially not with only a few hours playing - I do recommend it to those who enjoy citybuilders, so this is a thumbs up with caveats.
If you've not; go and play Caesar III and Pharaoh, maybe Zeus.
If you have, go and play Children of the Nile.
If you're still hungry, come back and try out Nebuchadnezzar.
900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 17:52
LONG: The game is in dire need of walls. Whether there is war in the game or not (I think it is better that there is not), without walls there are just no Mesopotamian cities, so characteristic were the walls not only surrounding the cities but also within the cities (the temple complexes and palaces were surrounded by their own walls, they were small cities within the city!)
The game's trading system is horribly presented, even with the help of tutorials, it's not clear exactly how it works. I would consult a UX specialist to review this because in its current state it is confusing and frustrating.
The way the markets work is unnecessarily overcomplicated. It doesn't make a game more complex to have to enter the distribution routes of traders one by one, it just makes it annoying. Within a certain range, I would make this feature work by itself. Managing caravans will still cause enough problems, but I can swallow that.
The optimization of the game is just terrible. I'm sorry to say that. No matter how good your computer is, the game will always load millennia when you start it. Not just a few minutes, oh, no, but what seems like an infinite amount of time. No joke, I went to brew a coffee and the game was still loaded when I came back. This must be due to poor file-handling there can be no other reason. Something needs to be done about this because more than once I specifically preferred not to even start the game because I had 20-30 minutes to play, but if 10+ minutes of that is loading, it's just not worth it.
Still, all in all, this is a great game with a lot of work, research, heart, and soul behind it. It shows in every pixel.
As a game developer myself, I know how much work it is for a small team. That's why I want my criticism to be taken constructively by the developers, even if they don't take all my advice. I enjoy the game tremendously, and there is not much that separates it from being a true classic in my eyes. I really hope - indeed I know - that the game will be polished a lot more by the devs so that I will happily return to it year after year.
PS: The music is amazing!
Nicht Empfohlen
219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 00:29
Overall the game is just ridiculously restrictive, it drains it of all of the fun.
1145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 15:56
It does my heart good to see the team continuing to push out some of the community's most-wanted features: gods, entertainment, disease, fire, crime, and now the upcoming warfare update. I have no doubt that this game will become the quintessential experience for anyone looking to relieve late-90s city builders.
9173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 02:43
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 11:45
A challenging resource manager.
There are a lot of games where players take control of a city and have to build it up, generate resources and there are few wrong moves. You just keep following the whims of the people and avoid making obvious mistakes. Nebuchadnezzar isn’t that. While a lot of the game is resource management, this game feels more challenging and often feels like it’s on the edge of a knife. A wrong move may have a cascading effect destroying your entire city, rather than just being inefficient.
Players will learn how to avoid these wrong moves over time, but a large amount of it is micromanagement of your resources. If you have too much of A or Not enough of B, suddenly some buildings might regress, but then that will also cause you to have fewer workers, which means even fewer resources, and before long everything is at a standstill. It’s an interesting but challenging proposition.
Pick this up if you’re interested in a more challenging city-builder. If you played Pharaoh or Caesar this is very similar to that, and the graphics are good, but those are also twenty-year-old titles so I’m not sure how many people there are that are familiar with those titles. God, I’m dating myself on those references.
If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:
1524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 13:12
6001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 02:13
Also the music rocks!
4740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 06:01
reminiscent of older city builders of this type & context, but different enough to present new challenges & with it's own style & presence. well worth the time.
7714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 16:53
Unlike Pharaoh, Caesar III, and Emperor:Rise of the Middle Kingdom, Nebuchadnezzar is being developed post-release by small studio. Released in early 2021, it finished the year with the additions of fire, crime, disease, religion, festivals, some voice acting, and several reworks. As of early 2022 the game does not have features of those old games like military, politics, culture, and in general still lacks a lot of polish. The game is still in need of more voice acting, sounds, and animations to match the quality of those old games. However, the regularity of updates suggests that there is little reason to doubt that some of these missing features will be added as the games development progresses. This game may even see expansions and be a framework for other city building games about other largely unexplored historical eras if it is successful.
Nebuchadnezzar is still having features added, but in some ways has improved upon Impressions Games city builders. The most noticeable change is the change to how walkers work. Walkers bring resources, manpower and infrastructure to buildings that they pass by and in the old games the only control the player had over them was how they built their roads. Impressions Game’s cities were designed around the pathing of walkers, but in Nebuchadnezzar the player has complete control over the pathing of their walkers. This gives the player many more opportunities to optimize and customize their cities. Other great features include, customized monuments, three classes to manage, mod support via Steam, non-campaign maps, Steam achievements, multiple crops with one farm, control over how much labor each building can access, better detailed graphs/charts to manage your city, and more.
Nebuchadnezzar is a must-have if you are a fan of the old Impressions Games city builders and probably the best game to buy if you want an entry into the genre of historical city builders where you upgrade your city by providing consumer goods and services. Hopefully this game results in a revival of the genre.
Nicht Empfohlen
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 03:02
The game most feels like Ceasar 2 the most. But my problem with the game is how restrictive it is.
-Much of the coast is jagged not allowing you to build fishing ships/irrigation (water in irrigation dosn't travel very far)
-Many of the buildings have very strict range of how far the workers are willing to travel to drop off goods/deliver goods.
-These restrictions cause many of your cities to looks very blocky and square as you can see in the screenshots. Not organic at all.
-Should add a slider for workers to each workplace. Instread of restricting it to 30/30 or 18/18. Maybe let us put 12 water deliverers, 15 pottery, 20 bread, 9 milk.
6512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 16:52
It's One of the Nostalgia Game, But It's Better
Since, I am an old fan of these old games series like Pharaoh, Ceasar, and Empire. I really have a high hope of this game and I am glad that I found this little gem.
One new big main mechanic in this game is the worker slots in each building. You can lower your production efficiency for lower upkeep, and you can choose to either employ more worker for better efficiency or more transporter for better logistic, and this is fun, very fun, it's allow me to create my own play style.
The other mechanics are there, such as production chain, local market supply, trade with neighborhood, risk prevention, social class. There is no war or military aspect in game, which is a little disappoint, however the developer just start to implement religion and gods aspect to the game. So there is still hope for a perfect game.
The achievement is quite challenging but still possible. The campaign got a good time length. Overall, I really enjoy this game so much.
3402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 19:23
Cons>Needs more over all depth in every aspect:
1. Map/terrain impact aspect : packs of animals, ore, ground impact (dry or fertile should have impact on wells and home prestige), needs sand layer.
2. Warfare on land and water, the complete system is missing.
3. A bit more to industry.
4. A bit more to housing.
5. A bit more to decoration.
4905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 06:06
I have been enjoying the campaign so far. It is not too easy so that you feel the achievement when you complete a level.
On top of that I loved the detailed information it provides regarding the history of the ancient civilization.
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 09:45
I bought this because it resembled the Pharaoh series, but that was also what made me somewhat hesitant. I was not looking forward to having to laboriously manage my city, but instead what I found was that it took the more frustrating parts of Pharaoh, ( namely the buggy logistics and choppiness ) and instead of just abstracting it away with an AI it turned it into something very enjoyable which made it fun.
I appreciated the standardizing of units and subdividing them into groups of 4, and the citizen/worker management. It felt like I didn't have to micro-mange as much and could focus more on planning and development, and this felt good. The systems felt smooth and adding the right-click menu for fast buildings was great.
The music is flowing and continuous and kept me feeling engaged, and the tone of it was very appropriate. The historical descriptions were also great, and follows much of the same theme as the other series. I loved the artwork on the map, especially the trade map. I loved seeing the land of the middle east, and seeing the detailed green along the rivers and coastlines.
I only played up to the final tutorial mission, but so far I really like what I see and would recommend it just based on that.
Good job!
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 03:20
1999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 20:20
So, first of all, it is necessary to realize that the whole game is practically done by 2 guys from Prague. Respect!
It's a tribute to classic city building simulators. It is closest to Pharaoh from Sierra (desert environment, farm irrigation). Is the game size comparable to AA or AAA titles? No. Is it a fun game for tens of hours? Sure!
To this day, I sometimes play Ceasar 3 or Pharaoh. Nebuchadnezzar brings the original environment of ancient Mesopotamia, improved graphics and expanded logistics options. The game is built on the right settings of logistics and production chains. I like it. On the contrary to the old games, it lacks culture, festivals, gods (shut be added in the new update) and warfare. I don't miss war in Nebuchadnezzar, although fighting Hannibal's elephants in Caesar 3 was satisfying ????.
I have currently played 33 hours and completed 10 missions on normal difficulty. I only know version 1.2.11. I have read in older reviews observations that are no longer valid. So keep an eye on the changes, the authors are improving the game.
The game is very logistics-oriented. I had to leave some missions (I ran out of money or my production collapsed) and I succeeded up to 2-3x attempts. And that's grea, its a challenge!
Personally, I don't like building temples, but I understand that someone else will like it. The maps didn't seem small to me, I take it as part of the task of saving space. The game is accompanied by nice music, menu and icons are intuitive.
• The original environment of ancient Mesopotamia
• It's a challenge (difficulty makes you think, plan and optimize)
• The campaign teaches you gradually the increasingly complex mechanisms
• You will feel nostalgia if you like Ceaser 3 or Pharaoh
• Playing is a little bit repetitive – you have to build each city in the same order
• Still just a few mechanisms (perhaps the next update will improve)
• I dont understand the system of healers and firefighters (it would make more sense if the route could also be set up as at retailers, etc.)
Je potřeba si uvědomit, že celou hru dělají 2 chlápci z Prahy. Respekt!
Je to pocta klasickým simulátorům. Nejblíže to má k Pharaoh od Sierry (poušť, zavlažování farem). Je to velikostí hry srovnatelné s AA nebo AAA tituly? Ne. Je to zábavná hra na desítky hodin pro nostalgiky? Jasně! Dodnes občas hraju Ceasar 3 nebo Pharaoh. Nebuchadnezzar přináší originální prostředí starověké Mezopotámie, vylepšenou grafiku a rozšířené možnosti logistiky. Hra je na správném nastavení logistiky a výrobních řetězců postavena. Za mě je to plus. Naopak proti starým hrám ji chybí kultura, festivaly, bohové (má být doplněno v novém updatu) a válčení. Mě válčení v Nebuchadnezzarovi nechybí, i když bojovat proti Hannibalovým slonům v Caesarovi 3 bylo uspokojující ????.
Aktuálně jsem odehrál 33 hodin a splnil 10 misí na normální obtížnost. Znám pouze verzi 1.2.11. Četl jsem ve starších recenzích postřehy, které už neplatí. Tak sledujte změny, autoři hru postupně vylepšují.
Hra je hodně orientována na logistiku (kam správně co přivést). Některé mise jsem musel opustit (došlo zlato, zkolabovala mi výroba) a povedly se mi až na 2-3x pokus. A to je dobře! Stavění chrámů mě osobně moc nebaví, ale chápu, že někdo jiný se v tom třeba vyžije. Mapy mi malé nepřišly, beru to jako součást úkolu, že se musí šetřit místem. Hru doprovází pěkná hudba, ovládání je intuitivní.
Originální prostředí starověké Mezopotámie
Je to výzva (náročnost vás nutí přemýšlet, plánovat a optimalizovat)
Kampaň vás plynule a pozvolně učí stále složitějším mechanismům
Nostalgie (pokud máte rádi Ceaser 3 a Pharaoh)
Opakované hraní působí repetetivně – každé město musíte stavět ve stejném pořadí
Stále málo mechanismů (snad zlepší příští update)
Nechápu systém dosahu healerů a firefighterů (dávalo by větší smysl, kdyby šla také nastavit trasa jako u prodejců zboží atd.)
1206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 02:24
I enjoy these type of games. Surviving Mars, Planetbase, Banished, Cliff Empires and a thousand others that test your strategy.
If you want a nice addition to your city building/management games this is one that's a keeper. And cheats. Work with what the devs offered. It's an enjoyable challenge.
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441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 18:56
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 21:02
595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 18:25
The game has been given regular updates and the devs seem to be listening to the community, so I believe there's plenty of new content coming.
2420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 13:38
Gameplay is great. I'm addicted at the moment. I'm excited to see what updates come next. I would love to see the user experience fleshed out some more with more voice acting, ambient sound, artwork, music + historical content. It may sound silly but I learned a lot about ancient Egypt from the pharaoh manual. Could something like that be integrated into Nebuchadnezzar?
3419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 13:46
I wish the game had more content and that extracting more raw material was possible such as wood, ivory. It's also not the biggest game in terms of content, but for the low price it's still definitely priceworthy and the campaign and gameplay is definitely more complex than Zeus for instance.
570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 08:24
2479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 22:59
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3832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 19:37
1058 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 04:22
I'm a longtime city builder fan. I've spent most of the last few years playing Anno games, although I played Caesar 3 and Zeus back in the day. Taking GamerZakh's advice and buying the game last week, I am finding Nebuchadnezzar to be a very fun and compelling game, heavily focused on logistics. In that respect, it is similar to the Anno franchise, but without the multi-island overhead and enemy AI that I find to be overwhelming in the late game. Nebuchadnezzar is much more relaxing, with great music and a nice aesthetic, making it easy to admire your city and ponder the puzzle in front of you.
I'm looking forward to the Version 1.2 events adding more character to my cities, even if it might make the game a little looser than I'm currently enjoying. There have been some complaints here about the lack of armies, but personally I don't miss them. As far as I'm concerned, no city builder has done a great job with armies. However, if the developers are working on adding them, I hope they take their time. I'm willing to pay for DLC from this point.
3288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 09:03
This type of city-builder game focuses very heavily on production and distribution of goods to supply your population, where a mistake in logistics management can cause the whole city to come crashing down. If you're expecting something more like a SimCity or Cities: Skylines, you might end up frustrated with the strong presence of logistics management aspects and harsh penalties for making mistakes in that department.
This game will likely appeal most to fans of the old Impressions city builders (of which it seems to be a spiritual successor), or other city builders with a strong focus on logistics such as Anno or maybe the Settlers.
It isn't exactly the same as the Impressions games, though. Some features such as warfare or religion are missing. On the other hand, the features that are there feel like (IMHO) they have been overall improved from the old games, with better customizability and quality of life.
PROS (as compared to the Impressions games)
-You have direct control over the paths taken by market and service walkers, removing the need for unrealistic-looking closed road loops and allowing much greater flexibility when laying out your city.
-You can control how much labour an individual industry/agriculture/etc building uses, and how much of that labour is used for goods haulers vs actual producers (e.g. a building further from a warehouse may need an extra hauler to ensure constant supply), giving you a bit more flexibility.
-Improved system for warehouses and the flow of goods between them. Warehouses themselves now cost no labour and no longer have their own haulers. Instead there is a new type of building (the caravanserai), dedicated to moving goods from warehouse A to warehouse B as per your configuration.
-Monument buildings are extremely customizable, and can be designed by a tile-based system (There is also still the option to build the monument from a template if you don't feel like designing a custom one)
-Trade is a bit more dynamic, as the prices of goods vary depending on your prestige and relationship with the city you're trading with
-3 different classes of labourers, each needed for different jobs, giving a bit of extra depth. (This is similar to the concept of elite housing but taken a few steps further)
CONS (as compared to the Impressions games)
-No military mechanics or other diplomatic interaction besides trade and requests
-No religion mechanics where the gods need to be kept satisfied
-Campaign missions lack variety. Each mission essentially unlocks another tier of housing and tells you to build a slightly larger capital city than in the previous mission. In the older games there might have been some other missions spliced in that are more oriented for building a smaller town geared for trade, military or producing a lot of a specific resource, rather than always building a large capital.
-The very limited speed and distance of basic haulers from buildings, and the corresponding need to rely heavily on caravanserais, takes some time to get used to.
Also as of this writing there aren't yet any crime/fire/disease features but those are confirmed for release in the 1.2 patch in September 2021.
3346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 15:07
2948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 05:37
4306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 20:02
Need to admit that it is slightly different in comparison to Caesar 3, Pharoah/Cleopatra and Zeus/Poseidon. The difference is that this game is focused on logistic management. I think it is both challenging and fun. I enjoyed playing
1908 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 04:14
It does play more like Anno than a true city builder, managing supply and demand and trade, but the chains are pretty simple and are introduced one by one. I think it has just the right level of complexity for a relaxing experience - I didn't feel the need to find optimal strategies or online help. The art style is consistent and clean, and the audio is top notch. The ability to customise your own wonders is a nice touch and adds some creative elements.
It took me about 30 hours to finish the campaign which was a good deal for £20 or so that I paid for it. Not every game needs to have reams of DLC or live service content - I think this is a great little game to play over a holiday. I look forward to more from these creators.
2843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 21:32
If you played Caesar III back in the days, liked it and want to play something that looks like it, you may like Nebuchadnezzar. Note that a lot of city mechanics are simpler (no fire, no disease, no god wrath or plagues, etc.). You must choose the market merchant pathing in Nebuchadnezzar, so house levels don't drop due to some random factor, which is nice. I didn't see any military thing either which is also a good point for me as I don't like it in this kind of games.
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 04:17
3675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 01:54
The game is alright.
It's maybe more of a puzzle/logistics game than a traditional city builder.
Buildings can only collect and distribute resources over a short distance. Better group things together ;)
You need to layout production somewhat efficiently and put homes not too far away, knowing that buildings won't catch fire (until the next update that adds fire).
It's a fairly different style than Pharaoh. (Doesn't mean it's bad, just don't expect to organise your city the same way)
At the moment there is no fire/collapse/crime, no religion, and no war. (It's just been announced that disasters will come with v1.2 soon).
Don't go thinking that the game is easy though, it is pretty hard ;)
The game is relatively low on content, but there is more than enough to play (now).
I have 20-30 hours actively playing and I have not completed the campaign (edit: finished after 40 hours).
Update v1.1 added multiple buildings and game mechanics, then patch v1.1.3 made much needed balance adjustments.
I can't imagine what it was like before these, the game was basically empty and impossibly difficult/annoying.
You can safely ignore ALL negative reviews before May 2021 ;)
- If you are open minded and want to try something new and challenging, you can buy.
- If you want a clone of Pharaoh/Caesar, it's nowhere as complete or as polished right now, it's fair to wait.
- Expect future updates to drastically alter the gameplay. (I don't think they can add fire or war without serious change).
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333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 19:47
162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 23:40
1979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 21:27
The city building is a lot like Anno where every city looks the same to a certain extent.
Really good if you like production chains, exporting/importing goods, and providing needs to residents. I haven't gotten to multi-input production chains yet but eager to implement those.
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1215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 21:50
+ graphics, style, architecture, looks
+ music, ambience
+ attempt at an old isometric city-builder
+ setting up of distribution routes
+ very detailed history lessons
- maps are too small
- absence of random events, such as fire, crime, etc.
- people move so fast at even the slowest setting – quite disturbing to my tastes
- no army, no city defenses
- too few house levels and the related amenities for their development
- very restrictive and limited overall
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631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 10:42
I think the game design on this one is super flawed, to the point where this feels more punishing than it should be. it's disgustingly hard even on easy, particularly about income. annoying popup messages, UI and clunky infratructure handling.
There is some beautiful art in there to be sure and from an aesthetics view, it is getting Pharaoh vibes, but it unfortunately feels like worse than those games even though they came out 20 years ago.
2268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 20:04
2420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 02:57
13344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 18:19
Most of the games, nowadays, are nothing but a 'good looking' crap, I’m afraid. And they ask, on average, €40 (~48 USD) for it. We must buy a new PC every 6 months only to fulfil the new game's recommended requirements, that just don’t worth it.
Nebuchadnezzar runs smoothly on my i5-5300U CPU @ 2,3GHz, and i've never had a CTD till now.
Being Nepos Games an Indi game’s producer, I wasn’t expecting a superb game. But I was pleasantly surprised, because I realized that Nebuchadnezzar has its own character and any comparison with the good old Impressions Games is absolutely unfair.
It has no random walkers, no roadblocks and no lazy cartpushers. You can design the path of practically any character on the game and even listen what they have to say on their individual voiceover. Even the pictured civilization (Babylon) came as a surprise because it hasn’t never been explored as a citybuilding game before.
I’ve great expectations on Nepos (small) team: i wish them the utmost success for them to grow and still surprise us with new improved features, DLC or even their new project concerning the Persians, Indus Valley civilizations or even the Pre-Columbian American Civilizations, for example.
If you are expecting war/military features you must wait for the next great update. However, the game presently is worth every buck I’ve spent on it.
I do recommend Nebuchadnezzar because it overcame all my expectations and I do trust Nepos will present us a continuous improved game in a short time.
1177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 13:29
More of an Anno clone than a Caesar/Pharaoh/Zeus/Emperor one
Although it definitely looks like one of the old Impressions Games, the main source of inspiration when it comes to the bulk of the gameplay mechanics is clearly Anno. Which isn't to say it's a bad game - in fact, I think it's excellent - it's just that you need to have your expectations tempered when trying this game out. If you come at it with the expectation to scratch your Impressions Games itch, it's going to leave you wanting, and it's going to seem either simplistic (in parts) or overly complex (in parts).
Since the focus is shifted from providing your peoples with amenities (in the form of entertainment, religion or cultural buildings) it it has to be placed on something else, and in this case the focus is almost exclusively in the logistics of providing food, water and goods to your population.
That's the real meat and potatoes of this game: building up your production chain and making sure your markets are stocked up with the necessary goods your houses require to level up. The logistical challenge of providing resources from one end of the map to the other is the real game, actually leveling up your houses is almost an afterthought since you don't have to provide them with services, just delivering goods is enough.
This production-chain-management core is good, really good, if you're into that sort of thing. You need to handle all sorts of facets, including but not limited to: making sure your buildings are in range of each other, making sure you have enough warehouse space for both resources and goods, make sure your markets have a good path laid out (which you have to manually place), make sure that your resource buildings produce enough of their resource to keep your workshop constantly stocked etc. The math is fairly clear and straightforward, and the game has a nice overview where you can see exactly how much of something you're producing, and how much of it your current population required. With a little bit of simple math, you can plan out your city well in advance.
If, on the other hand, you expect the walkers to just figure stuff out by themselves (f.ex. in Caesar a farm will automatically stock the closest granary that accepts that food and a market supplier will automatically pick up food at the closest granary that has that foodstuff available) while you try to build your city so that you can maximize coverage through smart path layout, this isn't quite the game for you. The city you build looks a little lifeless and same-y when you're done because of the aforementioned lack of amenity buildings. Kinda every block of houses ends up looking the same since there's almost no variety to building this city versus building that city.
Monuments are clearly inspired by Pharaoh/Zeus/Emperor and they're a nice addition to the game, but in the end it's still more of the same: make sure you build your resource buildings, workshops, warehouses and caravan houses in such a way that the monument receives all the resources and goods it needs to be completed. It's not bad, but it plays the exact same as building a city except the end result is a nice looking pyramid or whatever.
All in all, though, I think if you look at this game as if it's an Anno clone, you'll end up having a lot more fun with it than if you expect it to be something it's not.
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 01:25
-Impressions Games-esque style of interface
-Being able to customize monuments
-True city planning when it comes to where to put residential and where to put industry.
-The mechanics are a little bit off putting when it comes to the distribution and logistics of goods.
-Not being able to trade earlier in the tutorial missions in the campaign. Mission #4 is quite the challenge when you're not able to set tax rates.
-No threats, no fire, no chances of buildings collapsing, no military aspect
I'm still giving this game a recommended because it's constantly being updated and hopefully the developers will add more in the future. If you're a fan of the Impressions Games series you owe it to yourself to at least give this title a try. If you're new to the city-building genre and want to have a challenge then you should give a look into the genre's storied past. At the time of this review the game is currently at version 1.1.
839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 04:47
One of the most interesting new features (again, 4 levels in at the time of writing) is the fact that walkers have manually set routes. This eliminates the need for roadblocks, because they have a specific route to follow to go to and from their building.
The other most interesting feature, although not at all to my luddite tastes, is that you can design the monuments you build, from the ground up. There is also a template version of each monument, which is great for people like me who abhor designing things. I just suck at it, but for the rest of humanity, I'm really happy for yall.
I'm really enjoying it so far, and the tutorial gentleman, Gil, is very well written. The music is nice, as well.
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 15:13
Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam. |
Many of us loved the Impressions ancient-time building sims. Building a pyramid in Pharoh, a large temple in Zeus, or a Colosseum in Caesar 3 was great fun. Now at least three games took this blueprint and try to make a modern game with it. There is Builders of Egypt (demo already available), there is Pharaoh: A New Era (planned for 2021) and there is Nebuchadnezzar. And maybe some more I don't know.
So, what about Nebuchadnezzar? It is a city builder with a focus on the economy. Build houses, and new settlers come running the same second, then build some production buildings to keep them happy. Don't forget that every building needs to be connected to a road, those lazy bums will not walk one meter across grass. They also don't like to walk long distances, so build your (pre-)industrial buildings close together. Lots of micro-management is required to keep your population happy and to finish the missions. Apart from managing the economy, you also have to build monuments with surplus ressources.
So, is it a masterpiece? Nope, I don't think so. Micro-managing an ancient economy is nice, but there is not too much else to do.
Ancient city builder. A nice warm-up for Pharaoh: A New Era or Builders of Egypt.
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246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 09:11
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514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 07:28
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121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 22:10
I realize this 'failure to learn,' is actually an artistic choice, I just don't think it is a good one.
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59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 13:19
No military.
No religion.
No entertainment.
No crime.
No taxes or upkeep.
No building fires.
No building collapses.
No natural disasters.
Small maps.
It isn't all bad. They allow you to specify hauler paths giving you control over the distribution of goods, however it adds a significant amount of micromanagement as you must specify a path for every single good, at every single market.
This game's primary focus is more a logistics puzzle game than anything else. You have to figure out how to set up all the production chains in a very limited amount of space and get it distributed to all the citizens.
If that was the goal, that's fine, but the developers made a big error in making their game so heavily similar to the Impression Games titles for which in reality there is very little in common.
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 09:06
Some realy nice quality of life features in the game compared to pharaoh !
Some added micro management features I currently like and looks like there are things to experiment with said micro-management features for deep optimizations.
Graphics are nice at 1440p and 1080p. Max zoom gets a bit blurry but not a real problem.
My only little problem was that my 1080p system at work ( intel i5 2500k gtx 970 linux openSuse Leap 15.2 ) needs the proton compatibility set to 5.13-6 while my 1440p system at home runs the game natively fine ( ryzen5 2600 gtx 1070Ti linux opensuse tumbleweed ).
My only little problem is, there are no scenario backed in and no sandbox mode with a random generated map. Since the game had mod available, i'm pretty sure someone will get something to releive this itch. Or I may develop my own solution, we can create custom maps.
I'll enjoy the campaign first !
1691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 02:18
I recommend it to anyone who loved the isometric city building series like I did back in the 90's.
889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 01:11
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76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 00:40
It has great graphics that capture the old school vibe pretty well and in the limited time I didn't encounter any bugs. The warehouse/market system however is tidious, and the population fluctuation probably looks very good on paper but with the randomness of the goods deliveries makes for a very annoying time.
I really, really want to like it. If only because I like the art style and setting, and if you really want to play a pharao/cleopatra something revival, you will probably be okay. It's definitely not for me.
Nepos Games
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