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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.17 07:13
24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.15 19:30
Das man auf Quads und Motorrädern über die Strecken rast ist ziemlich cool , das Handling ist dementsprechend relativ vordernd und teilweise ziemlich schwammig .
Die Grafik ist ordentlich , kann man nicht meckern . Nail'd läuft flüssig und ich hatte keinerlei technische Probleme .
Die Strecken sind schön Abwechlungsreich und die Quads gibt es in vielen verchiedenen Modellen die je nach Geschmack noch weiter aufgerüstet und bearbeitet werden können ...
Lange hat es mich aber nicht unterhalten ... Ist aber mein persönliches Empfinden . Da ich dann doch mehr auf realismus Wert lege . Im großen und ganzen ist Nail'd gut für zwischen durch . Und wer ein spaßigen Fun-Racer sucht ist bei Nail'd nicht schlecht beraten .
Grafik/Design : 8/10
Gameplay : 7/10
Story/Atmosphäre : 6/10
Handling/Balance : 7/10
Jalo sagt : 7/10
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.14 16:13
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.14 18:53
Sicherlich, wer unabdingbare Spieltiefe sucht, wird sie hier wohl kaum finden - wer sowas allerdings in Spielen wie diesen sucht, dem ist auch nicht mehr zu helfen, beziehungsweise sucht grundsätzlich nur etwas zu mäkeln.
Ein Quad steuern. Gegen diverse Konkurrenten. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist fair - Einsteiger haben eine gute Chance nicht Letztplatzierter zu werden und gute Spieler durchaus daran zu knabbern die ersten Plätze zu blegen.
Die Steuerung via X-Box 360 (Wireless) Controller ist anstandsfrei. Aber obacht! Auch wenn das Hauptmenü bereits den Controller erkannt hat und sich darüber steuern lässt: Er muss für das spielen an sich nochmal explizit aktiviert werden! Ansonsten steht man wie doof an der Start- und Ziellinie und wundert sich, warum sich das Quad nicht bewegt. ^^
Wer hier nicht zuschlägt, insbesondere bei den Steam Sales, dem ist definitiv nicht mehr zu helfen. Ich behaupte mal, es ist ein must-have für jede Sammlung.
85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.14 18:43
macht kurzweilig echt laune ;)
grafisch und technisch durchaus ok..... wer rennspiele mag, wird das hier auch sehr mögen, denn der geschwindigkeitsrausch kommt echt gut rüber ^^
Nicht Empfohlen
462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 22:53
If there was a 'middle' option between thumps up & down, this is one of those games I'd give it.
arcade-y fun-racers are having a little comeback recently and this fits that bill for the most part.
for 5 bucks it's almost worth it and I guess there's way worse out there - but I can't in good faith recommend people to buy it 12 years late. if this ever gets a sale again, I'd say no harm trying it out.
The sense of barreling down a canyon at what feels like a 85° incline is still effective, even 12 years after release. This is absolutely the centerpiece & selling point here. I'm actually not sure if the effect is purely optical (extreme fisheye camera), or if the maps actually are geometrically distorted to create these mad inclines & hillclimbs.
Fact is, to start of with looks spectacular & in fact most of the games storefront screenshots sell it short.
It just doesn't carry the whole game, though.
Playing at 1440p the graphics still hold up okay, imo - only the menus & vfx / screen effects look dated. It accepts modern resolutions & high framerates, has remapping for the keyboard controls & suprisingly competent audio & visual settings, for a mixed PC & console release.
I like my metal & (punk) rock, so the soundtrack is on point for me as well - it has some Rise Against, so what more do I want.
Really it's a lack of gameplay depth & some technical issues that make me wish someone would have another crack at this.
The mulitplayer is dead (obv.) and the campaign has a serious lack of variety.
There's 4 areas (canyon, forest, alpine, mediterranean) with like 3 maps a-piece. Most have mutliple parrallel branches or paths - but not all maps are bangers or make most of the games perspective trickery focus.
Mechanics wise the game is suprisingly flat - barely ankle deep.
A MTX game that has no trick system - none. You can do 'stunts' to gain boost, but the 'stunts' amount to landing flat on both wheels, landing on your opponents, doing wheelies & driving or jumping through firey rings/gates...
No handlebar tricks, no roll control, not even simple backflips despite the game having a pitrch-control.
I mean, christ, Edgar Torronteras' Extreme Biker had a trick system in 1999.
It even had ragdoll crash physics, which this game lacks as well - in this you just plain old explode in impacts.
The 'upgrade' system is barely worth noting - most upgrades don't seem to critically alter the way your bike or ATV handles. The visual aspect of the upgrades is almost entirely lost, as well, because you'll forever be staring at the exhaust.
The game is a bit of a technical mess as well.
Suprisingly, for me it starts just fine on Win10, but the campaign's race icons have a devious tendency to vanish between races - meaning you have to restart the game.
I also swear it sometimes swallows inputs, especially for the wheelie. The game sometimes has trouble with track recognition - exploding you on clear landings, getting one of your wheels stuck in the floor, resetting you too early or waaay too late, etc.
The sound mixing is fubar as well. On the first launch the engines were deafening & I had to set them to almost lowest setting - 3 or 4 game launches later and even the highest setting the engines are barely audible anymore...
I certainly don't regret spending some 6-7 hours on it - the early game is fun & novel, but the constant repetition & lack of mechanics wears it away quickly. The latter half of those 7 hours were almost in dissociated autopilot, tbh., because by racing cup 3 you've seen every map twice already.
I stopped when in the second-to-final tier of the campaign, where the game asked me to do what looks like two cups with 6 events @ average 5 races each.
If that actually adds up to 60 races, that's, way too much repetition considering how few tracks there are. And all of that comes after a previous set of 3 cups with 5 events @ average 3 races each. Saying the 14 tracks are 'loadbearing' would undercut it...
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 00:08
You can either drive a quad or a motor cross bike (small modifications can be done). There are 14 tracks which were carefully designed. Like honestly, those map designs are really awesome. And the best part about this game are obviously the extreme stunts. Fly through the air, go up and down on mountains and do wheelies while boosting with nitro. This was so much fun to play.
Definitely not the best game, but AWESOME game for that cheap price. 5€ for hours of fun is totally fair. The soundtrack is great too.
Warning: There is no multiplayer anymore. You can only play against bots.
5018 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 18:36
So in conclusion this is fun game to play when bored but if you're here for multiplayer experience this is the wrong game.
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 04:18
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 07:49
I've only played it for a few minutes. But I can already see that at $5, this is a no-brainer.
+ It's five-freakin' dollars. Excellent value.
+ You can turn the music off.
- Online multiplayer requires setting up an account with your email address
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.19 02:48
Deep Silver
Chrome-Engine 4
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos