Today we are releasing a hotfix to make your gaming experience even more enjoyable.
- Old monitors now also placeable on the floor
- Tablet now has a placeable surface on it
- We added new light switch for "emission" lamps that came out in the last update. Now you can change both the color of the bulb and the color of the light.
Bug Fixes:
- New items pivots were fixed(After an upgrade, some pieces of furniture may change their position slightly)
- Custom walls color now saves properly
- Custom walls color no longer resets after entering BluePrint mode
- The black and orange shelf now has the proper surfaces for placement
- Terrarium light now has normal intensity
- New yoga mat now placeable on tables/shelfs
- Exiting Screenshot mode will no longer break rotation of the room
- Entering Blueprint mode while rotating room will no longer break rotation of the room
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Have a great time playing our game!