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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 03.04.2020
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Preis Update 06.05.24

Über das Spiel

You got a problem? Yo, she?ll splode it. At the Big Science after-party celebrating the capture of Splosion Man, a spill of champagne shorts out the safety protocols on the splosionatrix and from it emerges Ms. Splosion Man. The latest creation from Twisted Pixel Games, the creators of Splosion Man, The Maw, and Comic Jumper, Ms. Splosion man comes packed with fifty levels of single player and a separate fifty level co-op multiplayer campaign. Expanded map features, tons of unlockables, ghost replays, and countless other improvements make this the definitive edition for any splosion connoisseur.


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1305 Produkte im Account
1397 Reviews
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.14 17:59
Was kann man dazu nur sagen. Eine kunterbute Welt, die sehr schön aussieht. Gameplay ist abwechslungsreich und Musik stimmt auch. Nur es ist ein Tick zu schwer und ich hatte schon einige aggressive Momente :)
413 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.14 19:34
Das Intro vom Spiel startet, dann geht nichts mehr. Umsonst gekauft.
64 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 22:54
stanky leg
586 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 13:46
Please port over the first Splosion man i'm begging you
1098 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 15:27
Iconic to say the least <3
47 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
752 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 01:55
Only completed single player mode, heard co-op mode is much better, so will try that when my bro or a friend has the spare time. Wish the first game was released on Steam to play as well, but I really enjoyed Ms Splosion Man, seems to be a bit of a forgotten classic these days. Simple controls, but frenetic and quite addictive with some decent humour and some Ed Edd n Eddy inspired sound effects. I don't rate this as much as CELESTE, which is certainly much more challenging and more varied in gameplay dynamics as you progress that game, but this game stands on its own. Only personal weak spot is that the final boss on single player is just a boxing match, but I still recommended this game.
524 Produkte im Account
161 Reviews
772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 21:52
Seriously one of the best and most unique platformers of all time. It boggles my mind that this flew under so many people's radar. It's an absolute gem and one of my favorite games. Twisted Pixel as usual has that top-tier animation and character design, but also brings their best gameplay and level design of anything they've made with this game. This game is up there with Tropical Freeze imo. It's seriously that good.
150 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 05:38
Honestly, if you are looking around steam for a really fun and original platformer there aren't too many games with as much passion, energy and love put into them as Ms. Splosion Man. Just had an absolute blast playing through this game from start to finish, and you can tell that the developers had way too much fun making this. Also highly recommend picking this up on a sale, it sells around $2.75 USD.
1101 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 16:15
I don't remember original game to be this hard... jesus.
103 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 04:48
Underrated platformer that can be challenging, but is pretty forgiving with checkpoints so you can immediately retry the section. Level segments consist of puzzles and (moderately) precise platforming, both requiring good timing. Controls are simple.

Has a really great co-op mode requiring coordination between players like Portal 2. And these levels are completely different than the singleplayer ones.
123 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 08:35
If mario went to glastonbury and had random sex with a hippie while on acid and had a child, it would be ms splosion man,

Great game !!
971 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 12:20
I remembered loving Splosion Man for Xbox Live Arcade. I don't have access to XBLA anymore, so I don't know how that game holds up today, but Ms. Splosion Man is annoying to me.

First, gameplay. It's a precision platformer, but it's lacking precision controls. You slip and slide around everywhere. If you want to land on a moving platform, you'll probably miss it a few times just because you'll move around while landing or can't control the momentum. Your momentum changes a lot while getting a running start.

This game is also brutal. You will die a lot. You will die because you don't know what to expect next. The levels are very short if you know what to do, but are long and tedious your first time through. It's not fun doing the same area over and over, slowly progressing as you learn what you're supposed to do, but still die a lot because of the imprecise controls. The checkpoints are too spread out, and checkpoints start next to an easy segment and get harder until you reach the next checkpoint. So you're more likely to die at the end of an area, and that means doing the whole easy part again, waiting for another try at the hard part. It's just a waste of time.

Next is the aesthetics. You can probably tell if you'd like it based on the trailers. I think I used to like that style when I was younger, but now I just find it childish and annoying. I think there are only three worlds, but all of a single world has the same aesthetics. It's pretty boring looking at the same corridor for hours.

Maybe 7 years ago this was a fun game, but either the game or I have not aged well. There are much higher quality platformers of every type now. Don't bother.
610 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
2467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.14 10:34
I don't know what kind of drugs you need to consume in order to make a game like this, but seriously, I want an OVERDOSE of that.

I haven't had that much fun with a game in a long time. If you like 2D (or 2.5D) platformers and you like the DK-syle, this is the game for you. And the multiplayer only increases the crazyness. If you don't enjoy this game with friends you're either not human or cathartic.

Positive things:
+ Colorful and friendly visuals
+ Very dynamic levels, where some obstacles can come without time to think but not as mercyless as games like BIT.TRIP RUNNER. Here reflexes are rewarded.
+ Ms. Splosion Man dances ALL THE TIME. Because swag.
+ 100 levels (50 Single Player, 50 Multiplayer).
+ The amount of stupidity, nosense and overdose results needed to develop this gem.
+ Achievements are cool, because OCD.
+ Very basic controls that allow you to do everything.

Negative things:
- Although controls are smooth, the game somehow looks slow to respond to your movement. It's like Ms. Splosion's butt weights a lot or something.
- I've experienced some issues with the leaderboards, where my marks took some minutes to upload. Otherwise it always takes 5-10 seconds.

Final mark: Drugs/10 I would recommend this game to every person alive.
1055 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.14 08:46
This game really took me by surprise. I wasn’t expecting the quality of gameplay it delivered. The character alone is hilarious to control as she runs around spouting lyrics to popular songs and having random and wacky conversations with herself,the player and often enemies.

Most the levels in the game are well designed with a nice flow that can get difficult or somewhat stay mellow as you progress through it. You’ll feel rewarded as you accomplish task and or pull off combo chains properly. And there are levels that are straight out ball busters and will troll you till you get it down pat with trial and error. Almost forgot the levels can be dynamic and change in mechanics as you go.

The game at times can feel like you’re playing a Super Meat Boy with lengthy levels, then other times it feels like I Wanna Be The Guy due to the traps and tricky level design which the user could possibly not react to or evade without knowledge of, aka trial and error. But you know that is a nice part of the game, wouldn’t be fun if it was hold your hand FEZ mode easy. Not to mention the game has outstanding music, some tracks that will make you laugh out of your mind and will make you feel ready to kick some butt.

One thing I personally like about the game is the insane over the top humor, the boss battles are unique and by far one of the best parts of the game. I don’t want to give away any spoilers but four words Mike Tyson Punch-Out, lol. On the other hand there are a few cons I think I should mention about the game as well.

1: hard to see where you are or how you are positioned with all of the explosion effects/smoke. There is a part of the game where you hop on flying cars and I swear the smoke effects they used there need to be removed completely.

2: You sometimes have no idea how many times you exploded leaving you to fall to your death because there is no real meter on the screen that shows it, I see what they were going for with the no hud display but the character(s) are too small to see the weathered effects on their body most the time.

There are some other issues but none that are as big as the two I mentioned here, but hey I give this game a recommendation and say those who like platformers should try it out. Don’t be deterred by its name (which is poking fun at ms.pacman). Like Jesus said in the bible Luke 24: 16-48 “Tho shall not judge a game by its name, but by its kickass gameplay.”-Jesus
1814 Produkte im Account
329 Reviews
1217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.14 02:02
Rating: 8.5/10
Status: Awesome

What is it
Ms Splosion Man is a precision based platformer that will test you skills.

The Good:
+ 45+ Single player and Multiplayer levels
+ Great variety in each level, you will splode off speed barrels, regular barrels, timed walls, moving platforms, ride rocket cards and zip on railings. The developers made sure that every level provides something fresh to test your platforming skills
+ Great challenge, each level introducing new concepts and builds upon it through out the game. The first few levels are easy but as you move further along things become increasingly difficult
+ Lots of good platforming puzzles in each level, good satisfaction when you figure out what you have to do.
+ Great artwork and graphics
+ Lots of Arnold Schwarzenegger movie references
+ Possibly one of the strangest endings in video game history.

The Bad:
- Multiplayer community is dead so you won't be able to play any of the multiplayer levels. Their is a mode however that lets you play with one controller however this is very frustrating and is not the way the levels were meant to be played, still it was nice of the developers to include it
- The game can and will be frustrating at times, this isn't necessarily a bad point against the game per se but if your a gamer who gets frustrating easily, you may want to avoid this game.

I loved this game and if you have the patience you will too. One of the best platforming games around.
3162 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.14 21:27
This is a tough, but fun platformer. Its funny, and enjoyable. You can play a few minutes each day and be done with it. There's no need to play for hours at a time.

You can replay levels, there's a multiplayer option, which I haven't tried. There's separate endings for single and multiplayer.

It does use GFWL, I hope it gets patched out before GFWL is shut down in July.

I purchased it for a bit over $2 and have it on the XBOX 360 as well *won it in a McDonald's promo.*

It's not as hard as Super Meat Boy, but it is hard. It has checkpoints in the game though.

If you like hard platformer games and have a wicked sense of humor, its worth buying.

695 Produkte im Account
304 Reviews
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.13 07:35
The first thing I should note about Ms. Splosion Man is if you're turned off by the aesthetic stop reading. Because that's the most notable part of the game.

I personally dislike the aesthetic of the game and find it annoying. But getting beyond that you have yourself a very entertaining sidescroller that focuses on building momentum via propelling yourself with explosions. The game introduces it's systems gradually and it includes a Mario 3-esque overworld. The game also has an extremely good soundtrack that remixes 80's music, and the pause menu music IS just 80s music.

Ms Splosion Man is great for speedrunners or casual enthusiasts to sidescrollers. It also keeps a decent length and is challenging to boot. Bare in mind it's not for everyone and unless you're curious I'd recommend watching a video of the gameplay before purchasing.

NOTE: While the game did at one point have Games for Windows Live, the developers graciously patched it out. I highly recommend you buy this game since the PC port is the best version of this game now.
644 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
5556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.13 10:43
Amazingly Impressive.Playing this game reminded me of the days when I played Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country on the SNES, it's just as addicting, this game is packed to the brim with personality, it's goes from funny to downright hilarious, I couldn't help as Ms. 'Splosion Man quoted famous singers like Beyonce and Lady Gaga and then turned right around and referenced movies like Predator and Willy Wonka, and the ending is probably one of the most funny things of all time, the gameplay is your basic platformer, easy to grasp but difficult to master, and has a lot of content, there are 47 single player levels, tons of unlockables and secret levels, and then 50 multiplayer levels, and shoes to collect in every one of the single player and multiplayer levels, so there is a lot to keep you busy, and just when you think you've seen everything the levels can offer they through in a new twist to keep you on your toes, but with all these good things it does have its flaws, long load times are frequent, while Ms. 'Splosion man's one liners are funny by the hundredth time you hear them they begin to lose their charm, same goes for the soundtrack, and levels could use more variety, and it can be frustratingly difficult at times, where if your even a hair off, or a split second too late or too early it means an instant death, but thankfully they gave you an option to skip sections that are too hard for you, and checkpoints are generally well placed but there are several levels that have awful checkpoints, and one minor complaint is that when you hit certain enemies they slam onto the screen blocking your view of what's happening, I found it incredibly annoying, but even with these flaws I found myself falling into the just one more level trap time and time again, this truly is a great game, and if your looking for a fun platformer and don't mind some punishing difficulty look no further, however the easily frustrated should look elsewhere.
5251 Produkte im Account
262 Reviews
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.13 02:42
Awesome game now past level 2
I'm about seven levels in now and feel safe to say that the rest of the game is just as good as the first level we were only able to sample before the fix.

Good game for speed running and there was a lot of thought put into the design and original catchy music.

The challenge balance is the best part. Not so old school difficult as to chase people away but not as 'clean' as other modern day platformers. I'd compare the difficulty to a version of Donkey Kong Country with more frequent checkpoints added so obstical gauntlets are not as painstaking to have to repeat.

The game play itself requires only one button aside from the joystick and takes advantage of richochette and repel.

I'm pretty sure that first level, however, had already proved this game to be a highly competent platformer with some pretty intense eye candy moments - it was just a matter of this recent patch getting us into the second level or having to wait for a quad core pc that could've overcompensated for the porting/optimizing mishap.

So anyone previously on the fence - I highly recommend! The turd is out of the pool and it has been thouroughly cleaned now!

Price Recommended: $10
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
73.91% 119 42
Release:03.04.2020 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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