• Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Mordheim: City of the Damned: Screen zum Spiel.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 19.11.2015
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Preis Update 28.06.24

Über das Spiel

Mordheim: City of the Damned ist die erste Videospiel-Adaption des Kultklassikers Mordheim von Games Workshop. Angesiedelt in der entvölkerten imperialen Stadt des Warhammer-Universums ist Mordheim: City of the Damned ein rundenbasiertes Strategiespiel, bei dem ihr kriegerische Banden in ebenso blutigen wie tödlichen Gefechten befehligen müsst. Das Spiel verquickt RPG-Elemente, rasante taktische Kämpfe und detailliertes Feintuning von Einheiten in einer Zeit voller Chaos und Feindseligkeiten, wo nur der Stärkste überlebt.

Nachdem der zweigeschweifte Komet auf die Stadt Mortheim niedergegangen war, verwandelte sich die Stadt der Verdammten in ein grauenvolles Schlachtfeld, wo rivalisierende kriegerische Banden verbissen um die Herrschaft über die wichtigsten Bezirke kämpfen und durch das Sammeln äußerst kostbarer Wyrdstein-Fragmente nach Ruhm und Reichtum streben.

Wähle eine der legendären Kriegsbanden von Mordheim – die Schwestern des Sigmar, den Kult der Besessenen, die Skaven, die Söldner des Imperiums – und führe deine Truppen in die Schlacht. Rekrutiere neue Einheiten und rüste sie mit verbesserter Ausrüstung aus. Sammle durch erfolgreiche Missionen Erfahrung und nutze sie, um deine Kriegsbande weiterzuentwickeln und nach deinen Vorstellungen zu formen und in eine furchterregende Macht auf dem Schlachtfeld zu verwandeln.

Überlege dir die beste Strategie, um deine Rivalen auszulöschen.
Wenn du scheiterst, könnten einige deiner Einheiten Gliedmaßen verlieren ... oder schlimmeres. Denk daran, in Mordheim: City of the Damned ist eine tote Einheit für immer verloren! Berücksichtige die Umgebung, wenn du deine Kampfstrategie zurechtlegst. Nutze die Gebäude, die Ruinen, die Straßenführung. Platziere deine Truppen mit Bedacht und versuche, die Schritte deiner Gegner vorauszuahnen, um sie in einen Hinterhalt zu locken! Organisiere gerissene Schlachtpläne, welche die Talente deiner Einheiten ausnutzen – aber sei darauf gefasst, dass in den entscheidenden Momenten des Kampfes oft auch das Glück eine wichtige Rolle spielt.

Suche in den Ruinen nach Gegenständen und Waffen oder raube sie einfach von deinen gefallenen Feinden. Überlebe die Gefahren, die in der Stadt der Verdammten allenorts lauern, und sammle so viele Warpsteine, wie du nur kannst. Vor allem aber: Sei stets auf der Hut, denn Mordheim ist einer der gefährlichsten Orte in der Welt von Warhammer!

In diesen epischen Schlachten, die dir Ruhm und Ehre einbringen können, ist deine Strategie dein stärkster Verbündeter! Erkunde alle Winkel der Stadt der Verdammten, um in der Solokampagne Missionen abzuschließen, oder fordere in packenden Multiplayer-Modi andere Spieler heraus.

  • Passe deine Kriegsbanden nach deinen Wünschen an
  • Wähle aus zahlreichen verschiedenen Klassen mit einzigartigen Fähigkeiten, die einzigartige Strategien ermöglichen
  • Führe deine Truppen in die Schlacht und finde heraus, wie gut sie harmonieren
  • Sammle Erfahrung, um Spieler-Spezialfähigkeiten freizuschalten
  • Kaufe mit Warpsteinen mächtige Gegenstände und schalte mehr Auswahlmöglichkeiten und Features frei
  • Tritt in Gefechten gegen die Kriegsbanden anderer Spieler an


  • CPU: AMD/INTEL Dual-Core 2.4 GHz
  • GFX: 1024 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible AMD Radeon HD 5850/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or higher
  • RAM: 4096 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista 64bit, Window 7 64bit, Windows 8 64bit, Windows 10 64bit (32bit OS not supported)
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9 compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • MISC: Internet connection required for online gaming and game activation
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K @ 3.3 GHz or AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz
  • GFX: 2048 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible AMD Radeon R9 270/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 or higher
  • RAM: 4096 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista 64bit, Window 7 64bit, Windows 8 64bit, Windows 10 64bit (32bit OS not supported)
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9 compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • MISC: Internet connection required for online gaming and game activation
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

33 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 10:49
Die Trefferraten in diesen game sind komplett brocken und es ist beinahe unmöglich zu spielen
1393 Produkte im Account
1497 Reviews
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 00:53
- rundenstrategie Spiel
- WASD Steuerung mitten in der Schlacht
- während der Schlacht können optionale Ziele erfüllt werden
- interessante Gegner Fraktionen
- eine Basis, wo man seine Mannschaft anheuern, bezahlen und verbessern kann. Ein Laden um Sachen zu kaufen.
- Grafik ist ok passt
- nicht hardwarehungrig
- einige Stunden Spielzeit sind vorprogrammiert
- per Würfelprinzig (das automatisch passiert) wird entschieden ob man einen Gegner trifft oder nicht. Tabletop.

Ich persönlich hätte mir hier ein Action Rollenspiel in der Third Person Perspektive gewünscht, weil gerade das Intro Lust auf genau das gemacht hat :) Denn so ist es leider nicht mein Genre und der Wille sich darauf einzulassen ist sehr gering.

[Game kostenlos erhalten, Lootboy]
1263 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
1789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 23:22
Am Anfang habe ich erst gar nicht verstanden, was es überhaupt für ein Spiel ist. Man muss es erst einmal lernen. Wenn man es dann aber verstanden hat, dann ist es super. Kämpfermanagement und dann auf ins taktische Gefecht. Man merkt gar nicht wie schnell die Zeit beim Spielen vergeht.
129 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
60725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 06:26
Wenn ihr mal so richtig Wut bekommen möchtet,gedemütigt werden wollt, oder einfach nur noch eure komplette Wohnung zerlegen möchtet,dann ist dieses Spiel genau das Richtige für euch.
Dieses Spiel macht wirklich Spaß,das Artdesign ist super,es ist halt nur extrem unfair.
Ich habe alles versucht,Skills, Taktik,soviel zu looten wie möglich,wirklich alles.Irgendwann ist man am Ende.

Also dann,kaufen.........
Ich übernehme keinerlei Haftung für eventuelle Gewaltausbrüche oder Klinikaufenthalte in der Klapse.
398 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
882 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 01:28
Buggy und richtig unvernünftiger interface
abgesehen von diesen zwei punkten wäre es ein spassiges spiel

Spiel ist beim laden einer neuen mission abgestürtzt. Als ich es neu gestartet habe war ich wieder in der alten mission welche ich in der letzten runde knapp gewonnen hatte, klar dieses mal haben alle meine krieger den angriff verfehlt und ich habe verloren. NICE

ich HASSE es wenn entwickler lieber DLCs raus bringen anstatt fatale bugs zu beheben, berufsstolz scheinen sie keinen zu haben...

die KI schein zudem einen röntgenblick zu haben und eine garantierte hitchance von über 90%
wobei ich teilweise bei einer hitchance von 78% vier versuche hintereinander verfehle und das nich einfach nur einmalig sondern immer wieder, diese angabe kann also grundsätzlich nicht stimmen.

AUF keinen fall kaufen, es ist eine absolut bodenlose frechheit für dieses spiel geld zu verlangen, man sollte eher eine entschädigung erhalten!
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 19:20
Das Spiel ist strategisch herausfordernd, sehr taktisch und greift die Stimmung von Mordheim angenehm auf. Die Prozentwerte bei Konflikten sind gut mathematisch zu berechnen und lassen den*die interessierte*n Spieler*in nachvollziehen, was vor sich geht. Die KI ist okay, nicht besonders klug und manchmal ein wenig simpel in ihrer Taktik, allerdings gewähren zufällige Missionen, variables Gelände und bessere banden dennoch viele herausfordernde Gefechte.
211 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 20:44
Einfach nur eine sehr, sehr frustrierende Spielerfahrung und ich habe sonst keine Probleme mit Spielen die einen hohen Schwierigkeitsgrad haben oder Herausfordern sind. Aber das ganze RNG System dieses Spiels macht einfach jeden Spass der aufkommt, binnen sehr weniger Kampfrunden zunichte.
346 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
49050 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 03:49
Fast 5 Jahre nach dem Release empfinde ich das Spiel als immer noch sehr spielenswert.
Es macht Spaß, die Fortschritte der Warband zu erleben, auch wenn es manchmal frustrierend ist, wenn mühsam aufgelevelte Charaktere durch Verletzungen nicht mehr zu gebrauchen sind oder sterben. Das gehört aber einfach dazu und macht jede Runde spannend.
Sehr schade, dass keine weiteren Warbands nachgereicht werden. Ebenso hätte dem Spiel ein größerer Kartenpool gut getan.
Ich persönlich finde es jedenfalls um Längen besser als Necromundia.
266 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 08:49
If you like difficult games that give you nothing and you have to work towards everything, boy do i have the game for you!

in a more serious tone, the game is hard, and clearly aimed at people familiar with warhammer and it's tabletop games, so if you think you can just snooze trough this game you gonna have a rude awakening, the game heavily favors the Ai as far as i experienced. but it's not impossible. as long you manage to gather enough crystals and gold, you can't go game-over.

which is easier said than done, mind you.
72 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 18:52
Leider ist der einfluss der Würfe im Kampfsystem viel zu groß,
statt Balancing oder AI Verbesserungen wurden neue Völker für $$$ entwickelt...

275 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 23:21
Beating w*men in dark alleyways. 10/10 sugmar balls
482 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 02:52
I wanted this game to be good. But it's really not. It's absolute dogcrap.
367 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
6082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 02:49
Like XCOM? Like Warhammer fantasy? This is the game for you!

I would buy further sequels or expansions to this in a heartbeat. Too bad the developer made a strictly worse clone with their necromunda game and then dumped that and moved on.

At least the fans have kept the game alive with some mods being worked on and updated to this day.

Core gameplay is solid. This deserves to be updated with all the tabletop game had and more. There is a huge amount of content just begging to be added, not just units and warbands but special events and stories and rpg elements.

Perhaps GW will give a better studio a chance at this in the future, but for now this game is fun.
303 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
33874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 18:36
So, Mordheim.

A REALLY unbalanced game at times, quite unfair too. Very reliant on RNG. But it's also a game where you cherish everything decent that happens.

Essentially, you create a band of misfits, go in a cursed city in search of loot and try not to die. Gameplay is good (I personally REALLY like how it works, theres much more planning than you could think at first), visuals are... a bit crusty, but i like how they look and especially the environment. The OST is dark and opressive, and it fits well.

But FUCK, youa re going to miss 2 95% to hit in a row. You WILL lose your best character to a series of unfortunate events. Bad stuff WILL happen. But managing those situations always make for tense and memorable moments.

I'd definitely recommend this game. I got attached to a guy that had like 4 permanent injuries (missing arm, missing leg, missing eye and weakened muscles), and the fact that the more severe injuries show up on your character makes fluff really fun. It really does feel like you're leading a ragtag bunch tryin their best in an awful scenario, and with each decision leaving a permanent reminder that really puts investment in your characters.

Except chaos mutants losing the ability to use ranged weapons fUCkK
93 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
16373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 03:17
I love the Game
, but i would say it has been released in a uncompleted state, the concept is great!, the execution is semi-shoty and needs some refinement maybe increasing the types of agents available to us instead of just 1 type of leader; 3 types of hero 1 type of impressive and 2 types of henchman. i would love to see new war-bands and the Developers pick this game back up and run with it, There are so many different ways you can work with it, creating a bases to fortify it with barricades and pits watch-towers. increase weapon verity, increase the different maps, more different missions, fix the Ai, The war-bands that can be added such as the different empire states; Norseman; Amazonian; Shadow Elves/high Elves; Bretonnian-Knights; Orcs & Goblins; Wood Elves and dwarfs.
78 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 03:17
This game goes out of its way to screw you over. You can plan, grind, build up your forces, put in the work to go face a mission scenario and then when you've spent 50 hours preparing, it'll give all enemies crits, your troops fail all checks. I'm all for cranking up difficulty with progression, but this feel like it needlessly throws unfair mechanics at you to force extended game play.
139 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 20:33
the RNG needs some work. still trying to figure out how i missed 4 attacks in a row with 95% chance to hit, 95% chance to hit, 87% chance to hit, 95% chance to hit. that's just the beginning of the problems. if you can get it on sale for like 3 dollars, maybe its worth banging your head against the wall but, otherwise, No Dice Jim Rice
92 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 23:06
116 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.22 16:26
The graphics are good, the gameplay is sweet, the fkn rats are cute and honest to god i tried to like this game but this RNG just pushed my head down and fked me in the ass. How the fk do you miss 5 out of 6 attacks with 85% chance to hit. If you have the patience with RNJesus be my guest. I'm out.
41 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
2192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 19:50
Not gonna lie, this game is traumatizing at first!
But then, after collecting failures and losses, your survivors slowly keep getting better and stronger.
And that's what I find addicting in this game, that satisfying feeling of progression and improvement in an unforgivable enviroment.
310 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
2075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 04:24
RNG nightmare
93 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
4117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 00:59
I've been waiting for a game like this for quite a long time. I tried it for free on playstation and then after being able to try it I had to go and buy the Steam version and the downloadable content. I almost missed this game otherwise.
71 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
5319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 18:16
I honestly just played this game whilst waiting for Total War: Warhammer III. Needed my Warhammer fix! I was surprised to find that this game was TREMENDOUS fun. I'm absolutely in love with it. It captures the spirit of the tabletop game very well and is very rewarding when you do well. But don't get me wrong, its challenging. Especially in the first 10-20 hours when you are still wrapping your head around around the mechanics of the game. It can be a bit disheartening as you jump into your first couple games, get totally wrecked, all your forces getting killed or maimed or brain-damaged. But if you can get through that, and you start to understand how to set up traps to outnumber and overwhelm enemies you will soon be destroying Brutal and Hard missions with no casualties at all. You'll feel like a beast.

Certainly the game isn't for everyone. You have to enjoy the genre and the nitty-gritty of understanding the mechanics and math-hammering stats and planning turns in advance and all those sorts of nerdy things. But if that sounds like its up your alley then go for it.

Some tips for beginners: don't pick any missions where one force is scattered or in strike teams. These will get you killed. Keep your forces together. Try to outnumber individual fighters and force all-alone checks. Focus on boosting hit chance before anything else. Don't train skills until you are keeping most of your forces alive after each mission. You'll just end up with injuries that render those expensive skills worthless. Best skills differ for each faction, but good all-rounders are Quick Incision, Shield Specialist, Insult, Quick Reloading, and Coordination. Be mindful of Active skills; they are often less valuable then they first appear because those extra SP or OP costs can be devastating on an individual turn basis. Don't bother with Impressive warriors unless you are doing story missions. Bringing them on normal missions just means the AI will bring them too and they tend to cause problems.
57 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 20:25
Sooo.. put 50 hours into this game.
massive warhammer n 40k fan , so i delved into the dark reaches of Mordheim.

its unfair
its unforgiving
but I Love it.

each faction has own lil tricks, i went with Chaos because that fear bonus is a must plus the spawn is literal life saver.

the enemy Ai is unfair . So play unfair keep all your guys as close together as you can in a big death ball an gang up on enemys for the best chance , this is a street fight not a battlefeild so sod trying fancy tactics, gang up n crak down on anyone whos alone.
thers no honourable way to fight in mordheim itsyou or them an trust e you do not wanna lose, losing a gang member that you put time an effort into is crushing so do what you can to win

an watch out for those pesky SKAVEN

53 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
35798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 03:07
One of the best Warhammer games I have played. I keep coming back to this game, even after many years. Graphics hold up, the DLC added a new flavour, enough that I will try a new warband out every year or so.
17 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 13:41
I both love and hate Mordheim.

Gameplay. It’s fine. Dare I say; great!
Combat, both ranged and melee, works well. Strategy is important. Using terrain is important. Spell casting is questionable in its practicality. Magic can backfire, resulting in random and often instantly fatal, consequences for the wielder.
There’s nothing quite like watching one of your best mages, explode and die instantly, while trying to apply an insignificant de-buff to the enemy. Magic users don’t really shine until late game, where they can learn skills specifically to eliminate the danger of casting.

Did I mention Ironman mode is mandatory and auto-saves are frequent? Because it is. Making every mistake and misfortune, every triumph and tragedy, PERMANENT. Things frequently go from bad to worse, often at the worst possible time. Your leader will miss that 95% chance to hit. You will lose your favourite hero to an unlucky critical hit. Your henchmen will end up dead or disfigured.
But it works both ways! Nothing quite compares to the pleasant surprise, of pulling off a lucky dodge or parry, when your champion is one hit away from certain death.

But what makes the game truly difficult, apart from leaving your fate entirely in the hands of RNG, are the horrendous mission spawns. The ones that prevent you from choosing where you spawn. I’m talking about the random placement on only some missions. That scatter your entire warband over every corner of the map. Ensuring your squishiest and weakest warriors are left out in the open. Guaranteeing they get surrounded and torn limb from limb. All before you’ve even taken your first turn.
The only fix? Don’t pick that mission; and you’ll be fine.
Speaking of avoiding certain missions.
**** the story missions.
**** the story missions with a two-handed great axe enchanted with extra critical hit chance. Because they suck. Words do not do my hatred for the story missions justice.
Between the lack of clear direction, the endlessly spawning enemies and the disgustingly awful map layouts, they are by far the worst part of this game. Mercifully, they’re not mandatory. You CAN ignore them. Do endless randomly generated optional missions instead. And I highly recommend you do. At least until your warband is max level and several times stronger than the recommended power level. Because that’s the only way you’re going to survive the avalanche of ****.

To sum up; great game for masochists.
I love it. Hurt me plenty. 10/10 Would happily suffer through it again.
36 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
9454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 03:19
Took a while to get into it. Now I am hooked.
1016 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 00:36
Please spare yourself this frustration.
This game seemed pretty good at the start and could have stayed that way if the devs had bothered playtesting it.
As it stand now it it becomes just too annoying to play because of issues like:
-Horrible RNG
-An interface with lots of mostly useless information, but not so much as a single mouse-over tooltip to tell you what is actually does
-A ridiculously bad difficulty ranking and scaling system
-Bad area (arena) design that (combined with random character placement) results in unpredictable outcomes

Just another example of wasted potential.
237 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 05:41
I wanted to enjoy it, as i always enjoyed the tabletop version, but it just doesn't run very well. Movement is quirky and many times, you have to be in just the right place to perform an action. A fraction off and you can't . Maybe it's the games age that causes these issues, but I think it is simply in dire need of an updated version (though I reckon it'd likely be WarCry or Underground, since Mordheim is no longer supported by GW.)
734 Produkte im Account
226 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 08:32
I hate to be that guy who plays a game for over 50 hours and gives it a negative review anyway, but hear me out. The reason why I've spent so much time in this game is because I really loved the concept: a Warhammer game with 1st person turn-based combat, melee/ranged/magic attacks, lots of buffs/debuffs and special moves, different classes with deep RPG stats and huge maps filled with loot. This could have been one of the best Warhammer games ever, but several poor design choices turns it into a highly frustrating experience that is straight up unfair.

First of all, everything you do depends highly on RNG. Get ready to miss attacks and parry's with high accuracy over and over again, resulting in painful defeats for your high level characters. This wouldn't have been a problem if you could just retry the mission, but no, there's a high chance that a defeat results in a permanent handicap or even permdeath.

While I love a good hardcore experience where every move needs to be considered carefully, the defeats in Mordheim often feel unfair. You can only see enemies in your line of sight, so any moment you can be taken out by enemies waiting for you around the corner. This problem becomes completely absurd in the library story mission, which is filled with teleport pads. My level 8 warband leader was taken out with 3 critical hits in a row by an enemy guarding the destination area of a teleport path, resulting in a permdeath. There was literally NOTHING I could have done to prevent this. This is extremely frustrating, especially because it takes A LOT of time to level up a new leader.

Another huge problem is that the enemies always seem to be a lot stronger than you are. And once an enemy sees you, all other enemies are coming directly towards you. Because of this, the only safe strategy to beat a map is to keep all your characters together, or you'll be wiped out in no time. To make things worse, in the story missions new enemies spawn endless until you've completed certain objectives. This makes it very hard to complete a story mission for the first time, since you have no idea where to go or what to do. But you'll be punished with permdeaths and handicaps anyway when failing.

It's really sad to see how a game with so much potential became a source of frustration because of bad design choices. Therefore I really can't recommend it.
25 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 01:17
So you wanna play a Fire Emblem game that takes place in the Warhammer universe? Well, here you go.

The game comes with some flaws like sometimes the AI can't make up its mind on a turn and you have to save ->exit and reload, all the while praying this trick solves the problem. % rates in the game can make you question what a 95% chance of hitting actually means... multiple times in a fight. However, this can work in your favor, because it seems to handicap the AI bots as well. Lastly, the first 5 levels of your warband (what the warhammer universe calls a squad or team) seem to be just an introductory lesson in the game, as the warband you have chosen slowly (EVER SO SLOWLY) increases their rank and adds new comrades to join in the fray.

Oh yeah there is permadeath too if you don't like that stuff. ;)

It's fun to grind in and the community has put out some good mods to combat its issues.
151 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 23:10
Missed 2 95% hits on a 1/4 health vampire.
The vampire went on to kill 2 of my best mercenaries.

Great videogame.
155 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 04:41
Got this on a discount as this one among a small number of games that is generally praised as 'a warhammer game, but actually good!'

Its... Got its charm, but its not very good. For a strategy-focused game, RNG plays such a horrendously massive role that the AI can blindly blunder into your ambush and wipe your party in two turns anyway.

It also fudges the dice. 84% chance behaves very much like 50%.

Really, all this game's wonkiness, the somewhat clunky interface design, the AI turn times being rather long even when you can't see them, the AI being kind of derp, it could have been tolerable. But why make it fudge the dice?

I may give it another try some other time, but I can't recommend anyone inflict this kind of annoyance on themselves. Discount or no, it wastes your time and patience.
147 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 00:30
The mechanics are suffering
72 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
2664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 15:12
Make Mordheim 2 already. Really unique and interesting game... developers are crazy to not capitalize on this niche of the franchise. Definitely needs a sequel with a lot of things improved. Loved this game when I first got it, keep wanting to come back to it but I can't bring myself to play again because of certain annoyances with the gameplay. Definitely fun, though, might try again if I'm in the mood some day... until then I'll be waiting for the sequel. Did I mention it needs a sequel?
897 Produkte im Account
159 Reviews
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15241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 20:36
Before I even ‘officially’ start on the review, I just want to get this out of the way.

5 Year Anniversary Achievement = 2000 Days in game
Roughly 3 hours, not including missions or time equipping warband. Just time clicking “Next Day” and fulfilling stone requests.
1 Click of “Next Day” = 4 button presses
x2000 = 8000 button presses

1 Wrystone request every 20 days (Assuming all time upgrades are gotten and assuming the best results)
2000 days / 20 = 100 Requests NOT including shipments sent to other factions.
Each request for 350-400 weight in stone (Average 360 to keep this calculation simple)
100 requests for 360 weight = 36,000 weight total!

1 Mission can net about 10 – 20 pieces of stone (Assume a constant 12 pieces every mission. Will also assume that every piece is a Cluster, the heaviest stone you can get in game, which is equal to 15 weight, but realistically this will never happen.)
12 Pieces x 15 = 180 weight for 1 Day’s mission.
2 days worth = 360 weight
36,000 weight = 200 days x 12 = 2,400 Wrystone total sent (assuming all are Clusters. Realistically it will be a mixed amount meaning you will be sending more)

All this equals to “FUCK THIS GAME”. While “5 Year Anniversary” is not the hardest, it is the most tedious achievement to get, but is thankfully optional. Still, at it’s core it shows that the game does not respect your time and is a reflection of gameplay as a whole which suffers from this habit of wasting your time with needless or tedious actions.

Now to the ‘official’ review. Graphically and mechanically “Mordheim: City of the Damned” is good. Despite it’s age, the game looks very impressive to this day visually, with characters and styles modeled straight out of the old Warhammer books, showing an amazing level of detail from the developers and artists visually. On the gameplay level, the tactical combat is solid and like many games of it’s ink mistakes are usually the result of player choice or poor RNG. If I were to rate the game on just these factors I would recommend it, but… alas that is not the case.

Personally, I think it’s morally wrong to recommend to new players a game that is no longer supported, riddled with bugs and glitches that will never be patched, and suffers from a well known ‘lag’ gremlin that will freeze and in some cases even crash the game throughout your playtime.

How do you avoid this ‘freeze’ or ‘lag’ glitch? Well follow the faq in the discussion, kill the graphic settings, and spend $100+ on a RAM upgrade that quadruples the recommended 8GB of RAM to 32 AND…. Your game will still lag and freeze. Yeah, I’m serious. I just got a 32 GB RAM upgrade and the game still freezes on me. Granted it’s not as “OFTEN” as it use to when I had 16gigs but it still does, sometimes multiple times during a session.

Even if you can overlook that, the game is grossly guilty of copying it’s settings over and over again. There are 6 factions, if you have all the DLC, and each faction has 8 missions divided in two chapters. That’s 32 missions, sounds like a lot right? Wrong, as each faction visits the same locations and does the same missions, with some minor tweaks here and there. So realistically, there are only 8 missions that you do… 6 times.

Honestly, I don’t see Mordheim being a good pick for anyone outside the most hardcore of Warhammer fans. For everyone else who wants a good tactics game Mordheim just has too much baggage to be a worthwhile game to buy. That doesn’t mean you won’t find enjoyment in it if you do buy it, as the game is not bad, but for your money you can pick up many other games that are less a hassle to deal with than Mordheim.
255 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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2723 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 08:50
I want to like this game so bad but the rng is such bullshit. There's no reason that my character should miss 5 out of 6 attacks over 3 turns when they have over a 70% hit chance. Unfortunately this happens all the time but never to the AI in the campaign.
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4095 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 22:38
Needs a update but if you can ignore the graphics ,the core gameplay loop is fun and especially if into old tyle Fantasy tabletop mordheim
16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
31837 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 19:26
134 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
11583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 15:21
The AI wont be fair, so make sure you arent fair either.

Keep your heroes and henchman together, and gang up on enemy scouts and stragglers.

Dont take missions that have you starting at a disadvantage, like if your warband has been spooked or caught exploring buildings in the setup phase.

The enemy will always have the same team value as your warband, so dont waste points on things that wont help you win.
Always bring your best equipment, as that means the enemy will have their best equipment too, letting you loot it off of them.

The enemy will always start the game spread out, and seeking you, then as soon as they see you, they will make a bee-line straight towards your units, take advantage and keep your units grouped up to murderball the enemy as they trickle in. Fight the urge to spread out and gather loot, especially wyrdstone fragments that have a chance to debuff you.
279 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 14:35
In-Game mechanics are not clearly explained and require the player to do a bit of learning. A lot of this game revolves around exploiting the system and unit positioning. There is also a fair bit of min/maxing if you want to succeed, especially in PVP. It seems unfair, then your learn, then it gets a bit repetitive but you are in for a solid 100 hrs if you are, like me, a bit obsessive with games. It is a really fun feeling to have a team survive the very unfair campaign and watch your favorite soldiers grow, level up and thrive. Until you lose once and they become permanently handicapped or worse, dead. Loved it, hated it at times. Worth a try for sure but don't grow attached to your warband!
72 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
15475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 00:01
This game is like that crazy ex-gf you keeping going back to even though you know shes a terrible human but the sex is just that good. This game is not for perfectionists, its for survivors. Don't bother naming your characters or even caring about them - in short order you will have a Calatan IV. The only thing that matters is the warband carries on.
210 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
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273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 09:48
Lol my entire Warband died in the first Misson because these Explosive Barrels were nowhere to be found and the unlimited incoming enemies finally f.cked me over...
281 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
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816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 03:07
You either min-max the game and do no experimentation or you lose every fight and have no fun losing every single mission. RNG favors the ai to a wild degree and you WILL miss a majority of to-hits of 70% and up. There's a lot of wasted potential here. I am, of course, being a tad hyperbolic here, but this is a game where you fight an uphill battle on normal difficulty missions.

Also the Undead Vamps are some actual bullshit. A passive mechanic from level 0 where you can lose turns simply by existing in the same plain of reality as their units. Early game vs undead is literally hoping you survive double the RNG every single turn. Like I seriously can't emphasize how fun it is to lose a 5 on 1 because fear means you end up skipping most of your actions.
244 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 02:47
I hate this game. Why do I keep playing. This game plays like an X-COM 99% to hit meme. The best laid plans of Skaven and Men are stupid, and you should feel stupid for ever thinking that your stupid plan would work...

...but when it does...
Inject that shit straight into my veins.

If you can deal with the endless see-sawing back and forth between success and soul crushing failure, there is a lot of genuine fun to be had here. Customize your troops and hope they live long enough to make the 20 minutes you spent naming them and changing their outfits worth it. Make sure you know what you're getting into. 6.5/10

432 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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6122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 20:28
I'm not mad. I'm just so darned disappointed.
107 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
8647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 17:28
After initially holding off on this game due to some mixed reviewed, I finally picked it up and I am very glad I did. If you, like me love tactical combat games with squad management (Battle Brothers, Xcom, Fallout Tactics) then you will love this game. While it can be a bit janky at times, the core tactical play is excellent, with some nice twists to it. Having it be free movement about the map was a really nice choice - it feels less like you are moving around a chessboard and more like you really are a squad of fighters in hostile territory. The gear progression is just ok, but leveling is solid with a wide range of builds available. From a few core archetypes you can really customize your dudes to fill various roles, like tanks, counter-attackers, damage dealers or ranged snipers. An extremely fun game, and I haven't even explored all of the various factions yet. I wish this game got more support and love, and maybe a more polished sequel, but it is already a very strong entry into the genre.
96 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
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6173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 19:09
Fuck me i've seen less rigged chances in a casino. You will miss several times in a row 95%(the highest you can get) chance to hit while the ai will hit you no matter how small are the chances. The only crits you will hit is when the enemy barely has 1 hp left.
The maps do tend to repeat themselves but that problem is only in the acts for each faction and especially that sigmar church where you have to leap to reach the bell... and if u fail that u have to wait 2-4 turns to jump again great design wow game.
I honestly regret spending so much time in it

The only 2 types of ppl who i recommend this game are:
2) Lamenters fans to feel their cursed luck but somehow still managing to stand in this grim universe of the 2nd millenium

also fuck sigmar and that cursed church
358 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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1518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 00:54
Honestly, I want to like this game so bad. But I just cant. The reason is i hate games that rely on luck and punish you randomly without reason. you try to build a solid team think out each of their individual attributes and roles. none of it matters really because everything come down to a roll of the invisible dice that more often than not favours the computer. To add insult to injury, or should i say, injury to insult. Your team you spent time thinking out and building, naming, outfitting and designing. yea your going to find you will need to dump them at some point and start new members because they will get injuries that result in some pretty nasty permanent de-buffs. why, because your member that you managed to luck through building up and making pretty decent had one bad round of crappy rolls and got knocked out and resulted in an injury.....

gameplay is great, character design is decent and visually not too bad. but the dice rolls just kill it, i could even livve with the debuff mechanic if it was a punishment for poor tactics and bad play but for bad luck on rolls is just insulting.
177 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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1392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 16:21
This is trash. Buy the Tabletop Simulator and spend some time on google to get you hooked up with propper mordheim stuff and have all fun you had back in the day.
674 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 04:32
Let's cut to the chase: whether you enjoy this game or not depends entirely on how you play it. Let's start with that it actually is: Morheim is a very near rules-as-written adaptation of a tabletop game designed to be punishing by nature. On the tabletop, it's less about victory and more about the emergent narrative as you try and preserve your favourite units as they acquire injuries and develop grudges against specific units on a friend's team.

The video game captures this perhaps a little *too* well. The expectation is that a game wants to player to succeed, or at least gives them the tools to do so. Mordheim does not, and saying this is a design flaw is a defensible stance; it certain doesn't help that the inevitably-below-human AI makes up for patchy tactical sense and random loadouts with artificially inflated numbers in places. And yes, game progression is grindy. There's no way around it, the game wants you to earn every new perk over a long enough string of missions that the risks start to add up.

In short, if you're expecting to be able and beat the game every time with a reliable strategy, you're going to find the game extremely frustrating and probably should give it a pass. Bu if you're willing to embrace the narrative aspects and accept that failure management is a core part of the experience, it's a very engrossing game worth your attention.
254 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 10:28
Played 2 missions on normal difficulty, 75% of my attacks either miss or are dodged, all enemy attacks hit plus they outnumber my warband in both missions (my warband is filled completely until more spaces unlock). Shame as seems like a great concept, and the mechanics are great, but the missions heavily favour the AI and with only starting warriors there is little to do but rely on luck.

Edit: Changed to recommend from not recommend as after gaining some advice on the discussion boards I've realised that I was approaching the game incorrectly. Now I have finally completed some missions and its a fantastic game. Stick at it and don't be afraid to get advice. This game is genuinely difficult.
3716 Produkte im Account
386 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 04:43

“There was not a lot that could be done to make Morpork a worse place. A direct hit by a meteorite, for example, would count as gentrification.”
~Sir Terry Pratchett

Some people think that turn-based games are easy to make. I mean, those are literally the games, in which you move your units one after another like in the bloody checkers. Unfortunately for us all, those people are wrong. See, turn-based games? Those are painfully hard to create. Just because in order for them to feel good and satisfying for players, they need to be very polished, comfortable and thought-through. One of the reasons why nobody remembers games like Empire of Magic nowadays, while heck of a lot of people still plays Heroes of Might & Magic III. One wrong decision during the development and the entire formula will begin to fall apart like the house of cards. Even the best developers out there can make such a mistake. Take Firaxis Games and their XCOM 2 (you've just missed, by the way, and it doesn't even matter where did you aim, you just did) for example. Now, the guys from Rogue Factor? Let's... just say that those are far from being the best.

When you begin to play Mordheim, you begin to notice every mistake that the young developer can make. Every... single... one of them. See, in this game? There's heck of a lot of ambitions. The guys got one of those fancy licenses from Games Workshop (with the story about magic hammer falling from the sky and turning a city into some dark chaos) and decided to create an epic turn-based game, in which you'll manage your camp, customize your troops and fight the enemies on the big and complicated maps with tons of different goals and complicated design solutions. I mean, seriously. Mordheim is a game, in which you'll be able to climb the walls, enter the buildings, build some basic things (like improvised bridges), interact with the environment and some other cool stuff. A proper 3D graphics with a lot of effects included. Sounds cool, but honestly, what we've got here is yet another one of those “Hey, dudes! Let's make one of them epic strategies! In which player will be able to do anything! It'll be so cool!”. It's just that. Dreams versus reality.

And in reality... nobody really thought about how's all that “epicness” is supposed to work. Naturally, the actual product is falling apart. And I'm not talking about the fact that, even though it was released only a few years ago, in my case the game just refused to start without the compatibility mode. I'm talking about the fact that the gameplay mechanics sucks. Hard. See, Firaxis Games? The guys are smart. That's exactly why they didn't even try to make their original XCOM too complicated. Rogue Factor? They did exactly the opposite. For example, the maps here are trying to give you some sort of an exploration feeling, similar to what we usually have in the RPG games. And it doesn't really sound as a bad thing since the game looks fine (not good, not even close to what you can see on the official screenshots, but still fine) and it's hard not to love the original setting, but! It's not an RPG we're talking about. It's a TBS. And when it's about turn-based strategies, all you'll really want is a control over the battlefield. Which is literally impossible here. At least, not without a guide.

Every map here (or at least every kind of a map, but I'll return to it a bit later) works differently and introduces its own set of rules. Like, on that map you'll be able to climb the buildings, on this one you'll need to make bridges to avoid toxic damage and so on. And for you? For you it'll mean only one thing – during your first playthrough? You'll be confused as f*ck. All the way long. Most of the time, somebody will just appear from somewhere and kill you. Because “Ha-ha!”. The map doesn't help much and guess what? There's no proper save feature. Quite the opposite, the game will save on every move, just to torture you more. Enjoy. There are many different ways in this game to make you suffer (like various injuries), but no way to properly control battlefield.

Talking about the map. Thanks to the fact that the UI here was made with the sole reason – to torture the heck out of you, most likely, you won't even know it exists. So, here's a hint for you all – it's the left stick on gamepad, or the middle mouse button. That is how things work in this game. The UI is so painfully confusing and complicated that I just... * sigh * Let's just say that up to this day I still didn't find a way to close the battle log from gamepad. Same goes to the chat. Nice job, Rogue Factor... nice job... not.

The worst thing, though, is the fact that... there's barely any proper campaign here. I mean, Rogue Factor created six factions (some of which are sold separately, because greed), each with their own campaign, but the entire thing is just... eight missions. With some plain and boring text before and after. That's it. That's the entire campaigns here. No complicated story, no interesting characters, no twists, nothing. Just some boring text. And eight missions. Also, you can easily guess the goals. Kill a certain enemy, collect the certain item, interact with the certain mechanism and so on. As the result, after finishing one campaign, you won't really want to try another. Sure, the factions in this game are heavily different, but with such a lame excuse for the story and such a terrible gameplay mechanics... Let's just say that suffering through the entire thing just doesn't worth all the pain.

Why did I say “the entire thing” while there are only eight (or even less) missions for every faction? Well, because Rogue Factor did understand that their core campaigns are way, way too short and would take only a few hours to beat. They did understand that and decided to fix the problem. Now, what did they do? They've added tons and tons of repetitive grinding. Ba-dum-ts-s-s... That's it, guys. The story missions here are pretty hard and unfair. So, you'll be forced to do tons of repetitive missions that all look and feel exactly the same. Just to get more experience and money that you can spend in the store. Note that you'll also need to manually pay your mercenaries. Remember good ol' Dungeon Keeper (“IT'S PAYDAY!!!”). Well, in this game you'll need to pay every single unit you hired manually. After every bloody mission... Did I mention that the UI in this game sucks and comes with tons and tons of things that exist with only one purpose – to make your feel miserable? When, it does. Playing this game with a gamepad? Well, the Dark Mistress from Dungeon Keeper would probably enjoy it. You? Not so much. There's also multiplayer here, but... we don't talk about it. There's no server, there's no proper matchmaking and the entire thing feels a lot like taking a dump in the forest. It's very uncomfortable and humiliating. Like I said, we don't talk about it.

So... yeah. Despite all the ambitions, Mordheim is as far from a good game, as Ascension to the Throne is far from Heroes of Might & Magic. Did I play worse? Well... I did. But then again, I've played (and finished) Mayhem Studios' Vampire Hunters, so... let's just say I've seen things so bad that I wasn't really scared by what I've seen here. And yet, if you'll ask me whether you should give this game a try or not, then the answer will be... forget about it. Mordheim is one of those terribly rough and unpolished games you usually end up dealing with when you're looking for something different, something non-mainstream. And finishing because you hate quitting. Willingly choosing to suffer through something like this? I don't... think it's a good idea. Dixi.
541 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
6845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 17:41
This game is the hardest thing I have ever gone through in my entire life. It is so unfair and punishing, that every couple of years I try playing it again and it just reminds me that I have not grown as a gamer or as a human being at all. If you want to destroy your self worth, feel like a piece of garbage, and realize you will never amount to anything, play this game. It's pretty cool.
184 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 20:41
It's basically a Warhammer XCOM. I picked it up in the recent sale and have already sunk in 62 hours with more to come. It's a shame the developers aren't continuing to work on the game or release new warbands/dlc but I'm having a blast.
55 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
775 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 08:31
Before I begin I will say, ignore the reviews here all whining about the game being totally reliant on RNG or saying it's unreasonably hard.
Make no mistake, this game is brutal and merciless toward the player. It will pressure you. It will oppose you at every turn. And you will totally beef it and regularly lose warriors or sometimes even whole warbands. And yet even when this game almost driver you to keyboard smashing something still will draw you back.
While there is RNG in this game, it never felt like the true deciding factor in my failures. My failures felt like my mistakes had come to bite me, such as accepting a high difficulty rated mission rather than wait a day or two or building up my warband a bit, or allowing a deadline to make me panic and accept tasks I wasn't ready for.
This game is hard yes, and that first warband is almost definitely doomed to destruction. But stick with this game, it's well worth it.
137 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 04:37
I have been playing this game off and on for a few years now, and I really like it. It is highly challenging with a pretty good learning curve. I pretty much have to re-learn to play every time I pick it back up, and I really like how you have to manage your warband carefully, deciding what band mates are more expendable then other for the risks to need to take. Having to manage the wyrdstone to keep enough money coming in to pay your warband so it wont fall apart. there is perma-death in this game, so it is tragic when you lose someone important like your leader or second in command as it will set you back sooooo far, and you have to struggle just to even get back to where you were, not to mention trying to compete with other warbands. There is also permanent injuries that can happen, luckily they didn't die, but they can lose an eye or an arm, even a leg, they can develop frantic behavior, and be scared to even engage an enemy without others to help them, causing these pretty debilitating debuffs. I find it really enjoyable in overcoming these challenges. what I found was most helpful playing was that when I first enter the map I do one of 2 things, depending on the starting situation. ( if they start out in one big group or even two groups) I pull up the map and set a rendezvous point somewhat close by, and split into two groups picking up as much wyrdstone as i can on the way, and to adjust the rendezvous point depending on where i see enemies. Most of all try not to ever engage in battle before you rendezvous with the full squad, and you never want to do any 1v1 battle, especially with another warband leader or brute, you will get crushed and run a really high chance of injury or death. Always favor a 2v1 or more with any basic character, and a 3v1 with the leader, and try to do a 4v1 on brutes if you can but keep at least a 3v1 or death is immanent. Make sure to set ambushes they are stupid useful, so useful that it's stupid. like falling back around a corner set an ambush and put a bait character to draw them in front of said corner, and you just always want your team lurking really close by. ( if you start with everyone scattered ) You should set a rendezvous to create 2 groups, then an ultimate rendezvous for the whole team, then just follow that same deal. This game is huge on managing risk and probability, the faster you can gang up on one or two guys and drop them before the whole team gets there, or forcing them to separate the better. Because each man you take down is just one freed up man on your team to keep them out numbered, and ultimately rout them or just plain destroy them. It's super satisfying when you just sweep the opposing team, not even giving them a chance. Great game, but sometimes its just gonna rip you a new ass hole with no lube, and its not gonna be sorry about it, just be like get over it bitch lol.
200 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 00:11
It's not as hard as people whine about its just that the game is fair, instead of being biased in the players favor to make them feel good. If you like risk mitigation strategy games, and can laugh off your characters dying as part of the narrative you will enjoy this game a lot.
944 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 00:10
If you've played Mordheim table top, you'll like this as it keeps that hardcore essence Mordheim has.
55 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
6087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 15:52
Reminds me of Nechromunda original days. Once you get the keys and the mechanics, the game is really fun.
101 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 03:24
Steep learning curve. Fun game.
312 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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4573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 10:57
I bought this game to play multiplayer with friends.

Having never played Mordheim before, I found the controls and overall mechanics clunky.

Once I figured out what's what (which took a long time) and had levelled up a warband, I then jumped in to multiplayer for my first game with a friend. More issues. Our game states were out of sync.

The theme is nice but there's no way that I'm paying for a full game and $13AUD for a single additional warband
296 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 19:51
I WISH it had a co-op campaign where you could progress your warbands with others OR solo. Also, more than 1 V 1 (last time I played was still 1v1)
Buy it if you love Warhammer Fantasy
Buy it if you love squad based tactical
I give it a 6.5, but a 7.5 if you love Warhammer Fantasy
Better games which scratch the same ich, Bloodbowl, Xcom, Fallout Tactics, Wasteland etc Necromunda (40k Mordheim, not played it yet)
43 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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2815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 19:02
The game is quite good looking, and the storyline is nice.
The problem is the dynamic difficulty. It makes no sense to get better, as you get 0 or less than 0 reward for it.

There are other issues, but this is the main one.
11 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
18483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 06:43
The interface is pretty awkward but if you are looking for a hardcore RPGesque squad-based TBS then look no further. If you enjoy spending weeks building up and fine-tuning your characters so they can lose an arm, an eye or die permanently in a matter of seconds through little or no fault of your own then this is the game for you!

Seriously though; this downside is offset by a great feeling of satisfaction when you successfully complete a mission with acceptable casualties or fluke it through with no permanent injuries.

Mordheim does for tabletop Warhammer Fantasy Skirmish games what Dark-Wind did for pen and paper TBS games like Dark-Future and Carwars. Would love to see a redo of this game with a tighter interface and an openworld environment.
333 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
1325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 21:34
I've logged about 1,000 hours of this on xbox and can safely say it's one of my favorite games ever.
564 Produkte im Account
186 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 23:00
Those other reviews talking about how this is grindy and luck-based?

Believe them.

It's not necessarily a bad game if you're looking for an experience that's about managing failure, but it is so user unfriendly that it's hard to recommend it even in that context.

Mordheim, based on the skirmish game of the same name, takes deliberate steps to be less user-intuitive than its tabletop counterpart. Rules are obscured. Vision is obscured. Bounding boxes on attack ranges and around activation points are obscured. Playing feels like piloting the Titanic through a fog.

At its core, Mordheim has you manage a small warband as its members get injured, become permanently worse, and enter terminal deathspirals---or else luck out, avoid injury, and become nearly unkillable.

Having a unit get knocked out in combat doesn't usually cause them to die, but it does cause them to become permanently less useful, so you'll be constantly balancing keeping your ruined veterans around vs taking on useless fresh blood---all while your enemies are increasing in exp to scale with where you are in your playthrough, not to scale with the current strength of your band.

The AI opponents get stronger over time, and the battle RNG is *very* swingy at lower levels, so be prepared to mulch several playthroughs until you get one where a few of your units survive long enough to become monsters.

Also be prepared to mulch several playthroughs learning how Mordheim wants you to play, because it's not anything like other turn-based tactical games.

For one, controls are over-the-shoulder, not top down. For another, tons of random missions start with your units spread to the four winds, so your first phase of any engagement is usually bumbling around the city trying to find a pal before you randomly run into enemy units.

When it comes to actually engaging the enemy, there are some nice tactical options (ambushing, charging, dodging) that are all ruined by how they've been implemented. Ambushing, for example, creates a zone around your unit where they'll rush out and attack opponents who pass through. Except they usually don't, no reason given as to why, and charges don't trigger ambushes so the enemy can just float one pixel outside of the ambush zone, activate a charge, and rush in on you without consequences. You can do the same thing, but Mordheim won't show you the ambush radius of enemy units you can otherwise plainly see, so you have to dance around trying to find the magic pixel without stumbling over the edge and provoking an ambush.

Dodging and parrying is a different pile of garbage, and works in the most unintuitive way possible. When you target a unit, you get a percentage chance to hit it with your attack. Except it isn't, in fact, a percentage chance to hit it with your attack. It's a percentage chance to correctly swing your weapon. Your enemy also gets their own dodge or parry chance, if they're in dodge or parry stance. If they succeed on their roll and you succeed on yours, you still whiff your attack.

You can knock enemies out of dodge or parry by hitting them, and flanking helps, but each unit in combat is surrounded by a supremely unhelpful radius that shows all the spots where a unit could reasonably move into base contact with them---but can't.

Beyond all this nitty gritty, there's also the game's strategy layer, where you're trying to scavenge supplies and send them to your wealthy benefactor. Scavenging is done by moving over hidden spots on missions, scavenging them, adding their items to your unit's inventory, and then surviving the mission with that unit or cacheing the items back at your cart.

Except Mordheim loves to spawn scavengeable items in impossible to find places, and you miss out on everything you didn't scavenge when the mission ends, and if you don't scavenge enough on average your campaign ends in a failure state.

Oh, and the point detection on the scavenge spots is garbage. You have to already know what they look like and then wander around over the spot until the game detects it and gives you the option to search it.

There *are* a ton of tutorials, and the game does recommend you go through all of them before you even touch gameplay, but this feels like a bit of a bandaid over a chainsaw wound.

It's clear that a budget went into this game, and I *do* think there's some cool ideas buried in it, but it's not frustrating in a fun way. If it was just tough as nails or just unintuitive, it would be fine. But the controls hating you as well makes it hard to enjoy.
751 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
5102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 02:02
RNG heavy ...check✓
Permanent death ...check✓
Permanent injuries ...check✓
Extreme campaign difficulty ...check✓
Skavens ...check!
Is this game actually a very good warband sim ...hell yeah, check✓
74 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
13686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 14:49
This game is worth your attention. It is hard, intricate, and also beautiful in it's WH FB aesthetics. Rng can be cruel at times, variety of tactical decisions makes plenty of room for both mistakes and smart plays, so beating this one is totally in player's hands, git good. AI is a big idiot, unfortunately. I hope the studio will make a definitive edition of it with proper pc interface and bugfixes and shit.

Also those who have taken interest in the game should look up Paranoia Mod and disco channel for some serious ass pvp challenge.
630 Produkte im Account
278 Reviews
1341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 13:28
Mordheim: City of the Damned
Build your team and go for missions.
Set in the Warhammer fantasy/The old world
Mordheim builds upon a great franchise and boardgame.

the game plays great and the art team had tons of fun.
Its a must for Warhammer fans and is one of the better games to play.

Enjoy Mordheim !
165 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
8113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 16:28
Excellent challenge. The only mode is iron man so you must be very careful and plan ahead in this game. The only negative reviews are from those that state it is too hard. It is hard but very rewarding if you can actually beat it.
330 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 02:31
its an intriguing premise horribly executed
starting with ui which is very confusing
then there is awful hit chance prediction my 75+ hits miss most of the time. I am not sure if I have ever landed a charged attack when it says 80% chance to hit
I also understand how enemies 100% counter attack all of my attacks and my units almost never counter.
skill descriptions are confusing and most of the times do not do what I thought they would do
enemies are cheating and can and will one round my units if they get lucky they can one round multiple units in one turn...
story missions good god. mostly very confusing I had to look up on internet what I had to do in the mission some mission have confusing lay outs and map is of no help. sometimes I miss hard to see prompt to pick up an item extending mission by 20+ minutes. also enemies in story missions keep respawning...
there is no manual save ... why
everything apart from story mission is copy pasted and usually brain dead easy. story mission on the other hand are like breaking a brick wall with your forehead.
I am finding very little enjoyment in this game and that coming from a fan of turn based games.
В меню очень сложно разобраться
Способности по началу очень сложно понять, что они на самом деле делают
Постоянные промахи хотя сказано, что шансы 75%+ и даже на 95%, потому что вроде уклонение учитывается отдельно
Враги запросто могут убить за один ход любого персонажа и если повезет нескольких
Сохранений нет только авто
Все миссии кроме сюжетных однообразная копипаста очень скучная и невероятно растянутая
Сюжетные миссии из-за отсутствия сохранений лучше сначала смотреть прохождения, потому что враги бесконечно воскрешаются и найти что надо делать и как очень запутанно
В целом только для очень больших фанатов или для людей которые все прошли
535 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
2004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 03:57
A very fun, thematic, old world Warhammer game. For fans of the Table Top, this is a treat. If you're new to the setting, the gameplay takes a little getting used to, and isn't very user friendly. Don't let the percentages fool you, 80% hits far less often than you might think (adjusted for dodge/parry/etc, and 80% feels more like 50%).

Otherwise, I'm having a lot of fun playing through the Vampire DLC right now, and I wish the game was popular enough that we'd see Dwarves and Goblins added in, but I highly doubt that will ever be the case.
394 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 19:10
If your favorite part of XCOM was that one time your entire team missed with 95% chances to hit when just one of them needed to hit one time to save you from losing a dozen hours worth of effort, then you'll love this game, because this game is pretty much just constantly being disappointed by your guys when just a little bit of on-par performance would have sufficed.
1080 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
14205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 05:31
Single-handedly one of my favorite turn-based, hardcore, rpg, roguelite's I've played of all time. If you like how that sounds, if you like the theme and are into brutal, unforgiving rpg games like x-com or fire emblem, try this out. The combat and movement system are so unique and fluid. It's worth your time exploring it just to end up banging your head on the wall after getting your favorite unit killed off haha. Not for the faint of hearts, but this is in the disclaimer. Tough it out, lose a few troops and you'll be reaping in the Wyrdstones in no time. 10/10 turn-based rpg tactics game that I wish got more love. Its online looks great, AI's can never fully imitate a real opponent so would've loved to play vs another person one day. DLC's are great too especially the hero's. Get new warbands only if you've really been enjoying the game and want some variety. One complaint and warning is that you have to spend a lot of time equipping and switching weapons between units between battles. Often your units will get injured or need to be set aside to train for one of the maaany skills, and you need their unique armour or weapon and have to unequip, then go to the new unit and find it again. It will get a little cumbersome, but a small downside to an otherwise perfect game in my opinion. But that's just me, happy gaming!
220 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
3915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 18:33
Fun but frustrating as all get out. The percentages are straight up lies and the RNG hates you.

It ALWAYS hates you.

Move in tight groups, cover and double cover your point man, draw the enemy in and smash them with ranged before you beat them to death. The only way to win is ambush and overkill.

Overall, very fun game.
38 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 11:43
What's up with not being able to collect the items in the battlefield after winning? A few of the game mechanics leave me frustrated.
160 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 21:16
Not gonna recommend this mainly based on the unnecessary lack of a save system, meaning, as others have noted, that you could be playing a campaign for 100 hours and have it suddenly ruined by bad RNG. It's also very RNG heavy, which further compounds the issue.

Also doesn't have nearly as much cool flair as I was expecting from a game like this, fairly good build diversity but not many really fun abilities with nice presentation. Especially compared to something like Divinity Original Sin or Xcom 2 or even Darkest Dungeon.
317 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 20:33
78% chance to hit...miss. 84% chance to hit...miss. Played two missions and despite having above 65% chance to hit on all my attacks I missed everything and the ai never missed, putting my warband out of action very quickly. Something is wrong with the game or it's to hit display is bugged. This mission setup isn't fun, the third person camera is stupid and the balance seems way off.
489 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 12:40
It's not that bad as a game, but the UI makes it very hard to like. It's clearly designed for consoles and it's incredibly frustratingly bad to use on a computer. For example, you can open a map and see all locations where you can deploy. It would be quite easy to allow you to just click with mouse where you want your unit to deploy, but nope. You have to scroll with A and D through all of them in third person, while checking map to see which house you are actually deploying in.

Ambushes are also so fucking stupid.
200 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
9518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 11:49
Mordheim: CotD is a game that kicked my ass when I first started playing back in 2016. I started with Cult of the Possessed (little did I know the more difficult clan) and struggled to make it through campaigns with my heroes and leaders intact. After awhile I thought my warband was pretty strong after gaining a few ranks so I attempted the story mission to see what it was about. It was a huge mistake. I ended up getting routed and in the course of action my Leader made it out with a severed arm (one of the worst permanent injuries). After that event I lost interest in this game.

Four years later I pick it up as I was looking for a game with a turn-based tactics and customizable party. It's better than I remember, and I think I can attribute it to a different approach I've picked up towards games, especially vs AI. Sure, starting out it's hard as every encounter is a slugfest and you're praying to RNGesus that you get a roll in your favor; it being the difference in saving a warrior from certain death or that the enemy rout test succeeds so you can stall and pick up more wyrdstones/loot. But once you learn the systems, get tactical, and game the AI, the seemingly impossible odds fall away to a brighter future for your warband of misfits. Now when it comes to customizing your party its more about the way they play than what they look like. Sure you have some options for how your members look, but its mostly recolors with a few cosmetic changes per warrior. Most notable changes come with what chest piece, head piece, and weapons they are equipped with. There are options for renaming units and adding a biography, but that's a bit heavy in the RP for me. If you do go that route take note that s/he could die at any moments notice. (Its easier to move on with no attachment haha). Once you're geared and gathered and ready to take on this hellish place we head into the City.

Most of your hours in this game will go towards scouting, maneuvering, and waiting for AI to take its turns (Lol) in the City. Running around and scouting the area is fun in itself and can also be a source for jumpscares if you run into traps or an ambush; usually when you're not paying attention. Otherwise, you're looking to collect resources on the map to get gold so you can train your warriors or recruit more (in cases where you lose a unit or fire them after they get knocked out of action).

All in all I definitely recommend this game even as I haven't come across many games like it. The closest that comes to mind is Gladius from LucasArts, and I loved that game too.
119 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
9945 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 01:45
I rage against unfair missions and terrible injuries... A proper mordheim experience.
151 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
73810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 00:14
Mordheim is awesome! Getting your warbands up to level ten a lot of work but definitely worth it. My only criticism is that the magic system is horribly underpowered and the spells are pretty much inconsequential in actual battles. Otherwise, this game is totally addictive.
519 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 00:37
I played this when it first came out and until the first DLC heros were released. I put in 80+ hours and enjoyed it. I recently went back and purchased the new DLC warbands, now I can't get past 2 missions with out my computer hard locking up forcing a power cycle. I love the game but I just can not suggest other people to purchase the game because I believe there is now zero development and bug fixes planned for the game.
62 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 06:23
I enjoy challenging games. But this game isn't challenging. But it is a challenge to continue playing it.

Just when you think that you've got the game figured out, the enemy team smashes your best heroes with a string of crits, who dies shortly after your team is routed, losing your hours and hours and hours of leveling and developing those characters. It isn't so much a strategy game as it is an RNG fest where every encounter is a coin toss about whether you'll come out on top.
346 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
2230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 15:43
Tactical turn based combat set in the Warhammer world, Mordheim is a flawed but fun version of the table top game. Entertaining for a while but could have been so much better, too many elements don't quite gel as they should and the whole thing feels a bit unpolished but it offers a fair amount of hours entertainment and is certainly worth picking up in a sale if you like the look of it.
462 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 03:46
Amazng tactical gameplay.... in theory. In reality this game is an absolute slogfest that takes the worst issues with this genre and beats you over the head with them. It's so slow and unengaging it's hard to focus on playing the game. Also i hope you like grey scenery, cause you'll be swimming in it. Sound design is great though. Try it and see, the game might fit you better than it did me.
51 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 20:00
This game slaps, i just wish I was any good at it.
343 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 23:31
So first of all, the recommendation here is conditional.

Mordheim is an incredibly hard game to get into, and even when you think you're doing pretty good it will kick your butt out of nowhere. This game is incredibly difficult, but once you get in a groove and figure some stuff out it is incredibly rewarding if you like difficult tactical games.
39 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
16518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 01:38
This game is the most infuriating game i have ever played. Many times times ive rage quit and cursed its very existence. So ive just bought some DLC and are back off to play it. :-))
189 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 18:29
Definitely not for everyone. Pretty solid Turn Based Strategy game with some fun mechanics. A bit dated in 2020, but good for people with older/low end machines. Pretty quick to load up and play even on a HDD. Can play mark of a match and save and quit on single player. (just don't hit Abandon Match) RNG can seem a bit unfair at times, but thats how it goes in any of these games. Dont take it personally.

- Good Warhammer Fantasy Asthetic. lots of characters to choose in buidling each warband
- Rouge-like Permadeath/injury fun- Your characters will get knocked out of action, get injured (sometimes good, bad, or neutral), and sometimes die. If you don't like this, dont buy it.
- You will get to (mostly) destroy enemy warbands and feel superior to stupid AI.
- Random RNG goodness.
- A sense of progression and winning tough battles.

- AI combat can be a bit slow ( Even with Fast AI option turned on under gameplay tab)
- Combat as a whole can be a bit slow - put that is the norm with these turn based games.
- Warband Progression as a whole can be a bit slow. You can easily get up to Warband rank 4 or 5 out of ten within 10 hours or so, but the last 5 warband ranks take much longer. This unlock extra bench and active warband slots, as well as higher end loot and shop items.
- same goes for indidual henchmen ranks. You need 178xp for rank 10, and you get about 3-4 xp a match on average. Depends on difficulty and if you do optional objective, and how many opponents that character knocks out. This is roughly 45-60 matches/ character.
- Easy to miss a scavenge site (loot or warpstone) and then accidently end your turn by using an ambush stance or dodge stance. Need to be very careful and deliberate

- I don't play multiplayer (skirmish) mode. I believe they're are leagues and groups, in which you only play a set warband (usually from zero rank??) together.

- Don't get too invested in characters. They will get injured, lose limbs, and die. Work on gaining loot, and leveling up warband as a whole, and each indidivually. Warpstone is worth 5 per weight (Fragment = 5g, shard = 25g, cluster = 75g +/- reputation bonuses) - lots of money for good/average warpstone matches.
- Don't totally fill your roster (bench). Characters will get injured and can take 1-5 turns to heal. you may need to buy an extra warband leader to fight (you cannot fight without leader and 4 other teammates), or other teammates. The extra slots opening up fast at first, but slowly as you go.
- I've seen people recommend small/mid sized Warbands. easier to fight together/group up
- Dont do Brutal and Hard missions (especially early on) You will get lit up.
- Even hard missions can be difficult, and you need the right tactics and team comp.
- Pay careful attention to mission details (is one/both teams scatterd, in groups, at your cart?) You don't want 4 ranged troops to be scattered and ambushed.
- Strength, Weapon Skill, and leadership (if that unit can be feared/terrored, etc) are really important early on for Melee troops. toughness can be nice midgame for most.
- Accuracy can be very helpful mid-late game for both ranged and melee.
- Start training skills early. Most are 1-2 days downtime. Can be very beneificial. (Pick wisely!) Passives are better early imo
- Learn about rating system. Each level up, piece of gear, and held slot increases rating. Don't load up on gear early on, your opponents will be harder. (Cloth armor can be swapped for light at no rating penalty)
- Agility can be useful for dodge/scavenger/ranged troops. Make sure they have ballistic proficiency as well. (May need to use them as melee for a few games). Can also create dodge build melee troops. A few late game troops ignore parry (weapon skill)
- Hope this gets you started. There is lots more to learn. Good luck!
213 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
2589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 21:50
Hard to master but I came from Blood Bowl. A really well done board game which requires patience, tactics and strategy. The dark atmosphere of WarHammer can suck you in in a moment. Thumbs up!
183 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
13963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 01:28
I never get tired of this game 200+ hours and still playing
407 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
7425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 15:50
Now, while you can see I recommend this game, PLEASE read this review before you purchase it.

It's very fun, tactical, and unforgiving. There's lots of tactics you can apply to win individual fights (use the high ground, charge an enemy from afar, lure them into a trap, surround them and pick them off) which is great. Meanwhile, the outcome of each small fight can mean the turning point for a battle. Losing on a narrow street on your right might mean your enemy can now get behind your line and send a few troops to flank your forces, which can end up routing them, while winning on your left flank might give you access to a cash of wyrdstone which you need to get your objectives done.
Each faction is really unique, with their own set of units, equipment and abilities, and there's loads of progression in the game, so you can keep playing for ages.

The drawbacks? Oh boy, let me tell you:
1. While there's a variety of maps, all of them occur in the same Chaos-damned city of Mordheim, which gets old pretty fast.
2. Battles progress slowly. Even if you can't see the enemy, they still need to move around, and that takes time.
3. The game being very unforgiving is both a good thing and a bad thing, and when it's bad it's reaaally bad. Your best hero might end up getting unexpectedly overwhelmed and dies or becomes permanently handicapped to the point of unusuability (you can say what you want about Mordheim, but handi-accessible it is NOT). Your warband might end up starting spread out with two or three of your units unexpectedly close to the (UNITED) enemy force, which can cost you both the battle and several warriors. Losing is very painful, and it doesn't help that so much stuff is based on RNG (traps are invisible until detected and randomly placed, objectives and the placement of your warband is different every battle, you don't know what the enemy is bringing to the table beforehand etc etc).
4. Losing a hero probably wouldn't be so painful if progression wasn't so slow. It takes dozens of matches to get one to level 10 and you can be damn sure the enemy will loot his corpse after he gets taken down, thus also costing you your valuable equipment. Now take into account you have to level up an entire warband and that units that take damage during a battle (Read: most of them) will be injured and thus unable to fight for several ingame days. You are in for A LOT of grinding, and it can get undone by a single wrong match.
5. Multiplayer is extremely unpopulated, partially because the game is old, partially because there's not a lot of incentive to go play against a smart opponent who is likely to make sure your guys are dead and their bodies are looted. Sure there's 'friendly' matches that you can't lose anything in, but you also don't gain anything from those matches either. Plus, each warband has a battle rating that starts around 1000 and goes up everytime you give your warband better equipment or level up your units. The problem with this system is that you don't want to fight a warband that's dramatically stronger than you. Fighting a warband that has a 100 points of battlerating over you can be painful, fighting one that has several hundred points over you is suicide if the RNG doesn't completely mess over your opponent. This further depopulates multiplayer, as not only do people not want to lose gear/units to other players but they also don't want to fight someone that already starts out with a leg up on them in terms of unit levels or equipment.
6. The story missions are a huge pain, as they take even longer than normal matches.
7. Several factions and units are locked behind DLC, and some of these units kind of break the balance between the factions if you ask me (for instance, the Skaven Globadier is a really good ranged unit, and giving access to those to the Chaos warband feels unbalanced as Chaos is already pretty dominant in melee compared to other factions).

If you think you can still enjoy the game despite those problems, good news! If you take out these issues the game's actually really good... But then, that's the case with a lot of things, isn't it? I honestly feel bad ripping into the game, but it does deserve it, and the fact that I'm still recommending it despite everything should tell you I at last thought it was worth the money.
105 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
993 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 23:06
I am all for difficult games, Sekiro, XCOM, Visage, etc.
But Mordheim takes difficulty to a place where it's no longer fun. There is no possible way I can see myself ever finishing this game.
Example: 1 leader, 3 units vs. 1 enemy leader. Somehow I lose. Every. Single. Time.
Add to that the halting pace, average graphics, and sub-par sound. And you have a videogame that I simply can't recommend.

Feels unfair. Don't buy unless you're willing to grind tactics and strategies for countless hours.
263 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 21:23
Great game and atmosphere. Reminds me of playing the tabletop!
77 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
37348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 19:44

It is the greatest turn-based tactical combat game I have ever played.

All of the game mechanics are so finely tuned, that you will agonize over spending a single attribute point for one your characters. All of the factions feel and play different, and each have unique skills and weapon sets they can employ. The item choices, skill selections, and permanent stat boots via books and grimoires gave each character an unbelievable breadth of options for you to min/max your gameplay to suit your personal style. Because the mechanics were so fun, I have 6 simultaneous warbands well into the game.

You spend an entire night using the character build sheets to plan out future Warbands.

Unless you vehemently hate Ironman Mode and a Random Number Generator (RNG) for rolling, do yourself a favor and get this game. Check my warnings below, though. Most of the negative reviews I’ve seen reference one of the below.

The WARNING: This game is not for everyone! There are a few issues that you have to be okay with and or overcome.

They Are:
1 A Steep Learning Curve
2 Ironman Mode Only
3 Random Number Generator
4 Minor Issues


The GOOD: It’s a complex system of fielding up to 10 different character classes per warband, each with various limitations on the 9 different attribute stats, (3 physical, 3 mental, 3 martial), each with different mins and maxs for each, up to 10 skills (5 passive 5 active) for each character to combine, 3 different permanent stat boosts via books, and utilizing up to 5 pieces of equipment plus carried items.

The possibilities are tremendous, with high levels of MIN MAX customization to suite your style.

When you get a physical point to spend, you can increase Strength, Toughness, or Agility. A point in any will positively affect between 3-5 OTHER stats and or resistances that are connected to that attribute. Strength increases damage, reduces the enemies’ chance to parry, and allows you to carry more. But that’s at the expense of not putting it into Agility, which improves your melee resistance by 1 percent (less damage and opponent less likely to hit you), increases dodge by 5% (a special stance requiring spending movement points that allows a chance to dodge and avoid damage after an enemies successful hit roll.), and a 3 percent chance to pass climb, leap, and jump tests for maneuvering around the map. At the expense of the third physical trait of toughness.

Each faction has race-specific skills they can learn, and race-specific heroes and henchman, each with their own caps on every attribute. Not every class has access to every skill or weapon. There are in the range of SEVENTY (70+) Active skills to choose from, as well as an additional SEVENTY (70+) Passive skills to choose from, and each skill has two Tiers, the second being better but requiring more of your training points that are very limited, all play into which of the up to 10 skills your character can have.

Then your equipment choices can affect movement range, initiative order, damage, ability to climb, damage absorption, etc., allowing you to overcome some stat deficiencies via equipment with stat boosts. Plus there are 3 levels of gear, and each piece of higher gear can have one enchantment (of over 100+) from two different enchantment tiers.

The BAD: Your first warband will suuuuuuuck for A LONG TIME if you’re new. Especially since the missions that give you more experience will be nearly impossible in the beginning. This means that your chosen playstyle will take quite a while to develop.

The game will also straight up own you for every mistake you make as a newb. DO NOT get attached to any of your initial henchman or heroes. Some of them will die, or lose an arm, leg, eye, or multiple injury combination that they effectively become worthless and you have to fire them and start over with someone new.

So that awesome “I’m controlling the battlefield and playing how I want!” feeling is a ways off on a new game for most factions as a new player.

THIS IS KEY FOR BEGINNERS: Learn what all of the deployment types mean, and remember that where there are two types, it’s random which one you’ll be.


There are no manual saves, no reloads, no do-overs. You make a mistake, your guy could get knocked out of action, his equipment stolen, and permanent injuries rolled. You need to be careful with who you bring, how you play them, and what missions you take. Be prepared to lose anyone and anything you bring with you.

Combine this with the steep learning curve and you will be punished early and often until you learn from your mistakes, or just quit the game in frustration. Just remember, it’s about the WARBAND, and not any individual leader or hero. At the start, focus on collecting equipment and gold. As your warband levels up, you can hire new warriors that are already at level 7 instead of 0. (Just remember to check the bio tab for injuries before hiring!!!) View your warriors as expendable until you start putting gold into their skill training.

Ironman also means you can’t try out any skills or skill combinations then reload. There’s no testing lab. If you hate your choices, use your characters as the expendable units you don’t care about while you level up their replacement. Or just fire them.


Yes, RNG can be a pain sometimes. This gets mitigated later on when you have great guys with great equipment. If the chance of a character getting knocked out and you losing a fight comes down to a single swing, there’s room for improvement in your strategy.

It IS annoying having a 95 percent chance to climb for my guy only to see him fail 3 times in a row and get knocked out because he was on the ground. But in confirmation bias fashion, most people forgot about that time their ranged shots at 62 percent chance to hit landed 3 times in a row with a crit that KO’d an enemy.

The further into the game I get, the less it’s a factor for me.


Several of the interface options take a while to get used to. You can’t drag and drop character icons on the Warband Management screen to determine who you field next mission. Instead you have to click to a separate deployment screen interface and then click on the icon for each character and click on an empty spot to move them to. And cycling through your characters in the Warband Management screen also feels random.

When you actually deploy on a mission, rather than drag and drop the characters where you want them, you place them in initiative order and have to randomly cycle through the available deployment spots. It would be much simpler to select where you want them to go with the cursor, but instead you have to go through all the spots to find the one you want. And their order seems randomly determined, as on many missions there is no rhyme or reason why the selection spot has to cycle through 12 other options before moving to the spot ADJACENT to the one you were just at. UGH that can be a total pain on a few select deployment scenarios. Overall not too bad, but once in a while I just roll my eyes and ask: “Why did they think THIS was a good way to do deployments?”

I have gotten more than 600 hours out of this game, making it one of my favorite games of all time, and certainly the best Turn-based Tactical Combat game I’ve ever played. My enthusiasm and love for the game only grows the more I play it

86 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
4787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 08:38
fun and hard, in the same vein as Darkest Dungeon, your party can get permanent ailments if they get knocked out in a battle
53 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 03:40
There are excellent aspects of this game to be sure. It feels very similar to playing Mordheim on the table, and the graphics are beautiful for the time. There is a lot of potential here, but the execution just doesn't live up.

The trouble is, the game just feels unfinished. Every battles feel very similar after the first few, and don't support differing strategies. The various factions don't play differently enough, nor particularly like they should based on the tabletop game. The interface and controls are very clunky. There is an interesting progress system, but the game matches the enemy to your warband in such a way that you never feel more powerful.

If they ever release a sequel, I'll buy it in a second, but I can't recommend this version to the general video game player. I do recommend trying it if you liked the original game, but I don't expect you'll play it much. I also recommend it for playing multiplayer with another friend who liked Mordheim.
3342 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
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362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 15:49
Single player file is tied to online profile
What you loose in multiplayer you loose in single player and vice versa.
Add at top of it ton of rng and perma iron man and its not fun unless you are hardcore fan of original tabletop.

It looks like Xcom or Valkyrie chronicless from outside but its totally different style of play, so unless you look for fantasy war band management game with heavy rng elements look elsewhere.

Also there is no dificulty setting you are pretty much thrown to deep end from the start.
35 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
6527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 01:03
145 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
9796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 22:39
86 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 22:38
yeah it's pretty cool. Difficult but pretty cool 8)
25 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 20:08
An excellent turn based combat game. Simple to pick up and play but detailed enough to make mastery a long process. Excellent game and loads of replay value.
90 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
14952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 03:21
The negative reviews are from X-COM brainlets who rely on save scumming.

253 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 05:36
10/10 would roll crits again
41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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2262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 08:08
Its like they took every part of Mordheim and moved it to the pc game but forgot the fun. This game is brutal, tediously slow and seems to delight in punishing you for no reason. Its actually a pretty great game at its core but random deployment, a lack of mission types, no save scumming, lack of customisation, overpriced dlc, no modding, super long enemy turns sometimes all combine to bury the fun parts. I think the developers forgot that when you play the tabletop version of this game with friends you can bend the rules a little so its actually enjoyable.
133 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
6444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 05:05
Are you ready to grind the exact same set-up over and over again? Are you ready to implement the same goddamn strategy every single battle and if you deviate from it one time you're strongest unit will become a peg-leg and near useless? Are you ready to tirelessly miss every attack, fail every doge and parry chance, and get crit stunned at the absolute worst time? To fail over and over again, running into stupid traps you knew already knew about getting too greedy and losing everything? This is a game only a masochist could enjoy for more than a couple hours, I fucking hate it. I'll be playing it tomorrow.
12 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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1710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 00:26
I've played pretty much every GW property out there, both in RL and online, so I went into this with eyes open, so to speak. Even with that, this game is trash. The UI is pointless; you can't even mouse over things to see what they mean, and most bars have no labels. The movement system is clunky; you have to stand on the EXACT spot to climb, jump, or pick things up, then double click to confirm that you really want to climb that ladder. Furthermore, you'll constantly get stuck on invisible objects, and there's no real way to tell what you can walk over and what you can't. It takes forever just to get into position to have a fight, and searching a building to find the hidden bag or box you need to scavenge can take 5 turns or more if there's climbing involved (and there's ALWAYS climbing involved).

The biggest flaws are fairly consistent across GW-licensed video games: the RNG is trash, and the consequences for failure are brutal. A 90% chance to hit with a weapon means you will hit 2 times in 3, a 50% dodge chance means you'll dodge 1 attack in 4. On the other hand, an opponent with a 15% dodge chance will dodge half the time! Such fun! Nothing says amusement like cleverly surrounding your opponent's Vampire with a leader, two heroes and a henchman, only to watch him put your whole warband out of action as he dodges 5 attacks a round and crushes your fighters for 50% of their wounds in a single blow!

The best part, though, is the GW-patented injury table! My first warband lasted 5 trips into the city, at which point I had 4 members with missing arms and two with permanent wounds that lowered their toughness. That warband got deleted, and I started a new one: In 8 runs, my leader suffered three permanent injuries, including a head injury that meant he had to roll an Intelligence check every round or stare into space. One hero had a head injury and the other was killed, and two henchmen lost arms. At that point, the cost of treating injuries had grown so high that I couldn't even go back into the city, as I didn't have 4 healthy warriors.

I've learned my lesson, though. I will never buy or play a GW-licensed game again! I doubt Steam will give me the refund I requested, so I'll just chalk this up to $5 paid for a brutal lesson in misplaced faith... Avoid this game like the plague that will most certainly afflict 3/4 of your warband.
45 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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11218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 09:11
RNG is awful to begin with and you will loose games just because of bad luck. Re-starting over and over to try and get to a point where skills and gear can mitigate RNG is frustrating. Avoid this game.
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 13:48
Huge learning curve and the RNG system can be extremely frustrating. However, I figured it out and it has been a joy. Can be repetitive, but also addictive if you enjoy building a combat team.
414 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 01:47
I have very fond memories of tabletop Mordheim. Despite how much I want it to be, this just isn't it. It's a difficult and clunky game with a lot of jank in the camera angles, RNG tom-fuckery and extremely unhelpful UI.

I'm not even sure how to categorize what this game is. It's turn based tactics, but from third person, over the shoulder perspective. It just baffles me why they made this design decision. The camera is dizzying indoors and you can't see what's going on.

Why on earth the devs decided to take a tabletop game and put it into such a weird format is beyond me. There's a reason nearly every single turn based tactics game uses an overhead or 3/4 overhead view. Bad design choices abound here. Buy at your own risk.
82 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
39560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 11:45
A turn based tactical game that can keep you more tense and jumpy than any FPS. Eerie graphics and soundtrack combine with error-unforgiving mechanics for a great and extremely addictive experience. Hundreds of hours in and I’ve not fully explored the content (had not played all factions to max rank or completed all scripted story missions).
264 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
41276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 22:40
Best game and i want more !!

Very Hardcore punishing tactical gameplay. Darkest dungeon is a walk in the park compare to this. I did have a few rage quit moment in the first 50-100 hrs of gameplay. The RNG is bad, for some reason there are more miss then should have with 60-70% and more, but after so many games i don't feel it's stacked against the player. That said, at one point the many games mechanics sink in and then you see the magic. You start making playable warband and reach the top. You realise that you are way smarter then the AI and get happy it is difficult or it would be boring. You don't loose match as often, your champions don't die so often, you get richer and upgrade your warband to you satisfaction. You restart make more warband, try new skills, spells and enjoy the game.

I did not like the timed request for sending wyrdstone because it made me play in a way i did not felt i wanted but was forced to. Just gather wyrdstone as currency and the more the better. Don't force me to gather that many under that many days. And finally the multiplayer was pretty broken. not many player and mostly all super hardcore full cheesed build. Not very fun. Yeah Yeah multiplayer is competitive but this game is not balanced enough so you can play what you like. You need to play the cheese yourself or get destroyed.... and i don't play cheese.

My best part was to create and upgrade warband until they were set and it was getting a bit easy. Then i'd start another warband and make different choices. It is a very rewarding game to master and conquer and so many build possible.

Bring much much wyrdstone yes yes... murrrrderlord will be happy pleased !!!
62 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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4769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 06:51
I am a big warhammer fan and have gotten into many warhammer video games, becoming enthralled in the universe. From Vermintide to Total War to Blood Bowl, I enjoy most of these games for the fun fantasy realm and characters, and for the games themselves. If you know anything about Blood Bowl, you know there is a lot of RNG, and it can be a bit frustrating from time to time. But even if your terribly unlucky, you only lose a match, and possibly some high level units. And I manage to get past the RNG flaws of Blood Bowl and have fun with it. But I really am struggling getting to that point with this game. It seems like every match with AI is a 50/50 chance whether RNG will ruin the match, missing 3 attacks in a row can down your entire team. And upon losing a match, half of your team in the match will get injuries that are likely to make them as good as dead. My bigger issue I have with the game is the blatant misbalancing of the teams, the vampire and witchunter dlc teams are more than twice as deadly in the hands of AI and players to an extent. If you play skaven and get matched with undead for your first fight, you might as well resign and make a new team. This is not to mention certain parts of the game that were clearly rushed, as the end of campaigns are practically fetch quests, just picking up levers and running them back and forth places. And certain maps have annoying invisible walls in the middle of the map. I am definitely not giving up on this game, and will likely continue trying it only to rage quit when half my team misses and half the AI crit me and stun the rest of my team. It is a very neat game that might just be more fun to watch others suffer with than to play yourself.
100 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
20676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 02:55
Excelent balance and the feel is spot on!
Could use some fixes to the threat bubbles but its not enough to detract from the game!
173 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
6363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 09:01
Can't play anymore, game just stopped working. I only get the loading screen now.

Update: 10/07/2020

Seems the last update from windows turn my steam folders into read only and that was stopping steam from loading and playing most of my games. Fixed it now.
192 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 21:56
I had this game on PS4 before getting it again on PC. One of the all time best strategy games of all time. I really hope they make more like this. Maybe even branch out into other fantasy genres and lores. Thanks all.
80 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 10:22
I wanted to like this game. I really wanted to like this game....

I've GW games for 20 years, I owned many tabletop Mordheim campaigns, had success in campaigns and seen my brave warbands falter at the whims of the dice.... and (mostly) always had a smile on my face...

This game gets a lot right. The atmosphere is pure Mordheim at it's greatest, there's a few things missing, a tweaks from the tabletop but the essence is there. It lures you in, makes you want to slip on those rose tinted glasses and fall in love with that special thing from the past.

Then the RNG shanks in the kidneys. While debate rages about the whether the RNG is broken, it is just not fun. I like tactics, a challenge and a bit of randomness as much as the next guy, but there has to be that element of fun to. And it is just not fun playing game after game, where no matter what you do, the RNG makes you throw nothing but 80+% misses and makes the AI hit with absolutely everything. A good strategy/tactics should be able to overcome the spot of bad luck, but not in this game.

The appearance customisation is actually quite limited, using pre set colours instead of colour wheel. But don't bother with this, don't waste 30 minutes tweaking and customising your band to get them looking just right like you would on the tabletop. The RNG will kill, injure and lose all their equipment in the first missions so you have to throw the band away and start again from scratch.

I wanted to love this game, but it's a bad, gas lighting relationsip. Don't waste you time or money. This wasn't worth it even when I bought it on special
410 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
6351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.20 03:24
This is the early 90's-mid 2000's Small Unity Tabletop Battle Simulator simulator that you didn't know you wanted.

Old school geeks did a lot of work that computers now do automatically. This game is still immensely frustrating and unfair. Less than 10% of players have even made it close to end game. I know this because despite being terrible at it and my computer not really being able to play it, I still managed to get some of those achievements.

There is no winning here. This is Warhammer. Life is brutal. Life is short. Life is full of pretty green things and just the cutest rat people you ever did dun see. I love that Total War Warhammer has done that for the big scale fantasy war simulator. I wish that this could do the same at the small unit level. Still, it's excellent, free form, often funny in its own way, and it really gives a hopeful look to losing a limb.

Sure, the stump. But you can still swing a sword and you were probably bad at that with two arms. So, don't let it get you down. It's very progressive for a brutal game about mystic grave robbing I guess is what's going on? It's Warhammer, now put your skull on the sorting pile where we will determine which grander skull pile it would best fit with.

For all its many warts, it's actually an excellent small unit tactics simulator. It's like XCOM but instead of timers it's just how many new recruits you're willing to sacrifice for the -- yeah, you got it, on the sorting pile. Thank you.
335 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
7002 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 05:00
This game is still very fun. But, it is challenging, and it hurts to watch your characters die. It's not like other games where you can go back to a previous save. Also, you team will suffer debilitating injuries over time if you are not careful with them. You can't be reckless with your unarmored spellcaster and see what happens. You might lose him forever.

And the AI is matching you every time. You can still win, because you'll tend to have better gear, but you won't win a 3 v 1 fight - those three enemy will kill your guy. You have to keep the team together or a few of them will end up sacrificed to the city of Mordheim.

Very, very well-made, but it can be frustrating, especially when you start out and are just learning the ropes.

274 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 15:30
Imagine starting this game with the inevitability of losing almost every fight, you will be in a 3v2 with the upper hand and out of no where 3 more people come and now its a 3v5 and you lose. Also half the fights are dodging which make a 10 minute fight prolonged to 30 minutes, I still enjoy the game it's just frustrating.
556 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
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2053 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 16:40
Enjoyable, but abandoned before it was fully cooked.

This game could do with some bugfixing, engine tweaking, and content. Workshop or mod support would be amazing.

As it is, the devs moved on to Necromunda and Mordheim will never see another update. Buy on sale, but expect it to feel... not quite done.
328 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
1400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 02:34
A good bastard turn based game with a dire fate always present and a sense of impending disaster lurking behind every corner. I loved it.
129 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
29619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 17:41
I love this game. It's vicious and unfair and will have you have you screaming at your computer, so very true to the Tabletop it's based off.
269 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
6836 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 07:55
A hard salt inducing game, watch in horror as one of your guys misses a 95% hit chance then die subsequently or miscast a spell and have you leader explode. There is a strange allure to the game that brings me back, there is no save scum here in order to play you have to learn and most of the time its the deadly way.
973 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
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4922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 04:38
I find this game kind of annoying and stressful. Being a tactical game I expect tactics to overcome units poor stats or difficult encounters with enemies but in stead it feels more like throwing my units into a grinder or employing the most boring and exploitative tactics. Dog pile enemies, abuse the fear debuff, and steal the enemy flag.

When a unit gets into melee with a hostile unit that applies the fear debuff they have a chance to resist. If they fail become useless. Their action points reduce to a extremely low amount that barely lets them attack or run away. This also happens when one unit gets out numbered by two or more units. The first time a unit is feared they will attempt to move away from the thing that scares them.

When your unit is outnumbered, surrounded, and they get feared they will try to flee but they can't because they are completely surrounded. So the unit stands there and does nothing and can't do anything because they will not recover from the effects of fear.

The only other effective strategy is to steal the enemy flag and kill their warboss. This will make them route faster, but that only works if they don't kill you and take it back. It makes for a pretty boring strategy.

The super unit that all armies have is pretty much unstoppable unless you another super unit against it. Unless your units are super high level expect them to fail a fear test and loosing all their combat actions, not being able to deal enough damage to kill it before it kills them, and/or it dodging all of their attacks.

when you out number a enemy unit they loose the ability to fight. So if you surround them they are also unable to retreat. Allowing you to hit them for free and them unable to do anything because the action economy is very limiting.

Compared to Xcom and Darkest dungeons your units feel way more useless and it is a lot more stressful to use them effectively in this game. Upgrading your units is also annoying because it is hard to tell how effective the skill you are getting them will be. Once your units begin to die your defeat is almost assured.
116 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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13759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 19:17
While the idea is fun, the RNG will often take the fun right out of the game. If you don't mind getting your entire campaign ended on day 3 by some AI with godlike rolls, then by all means go for this game.
But as a human, I've found this game to be extremely frustrating. There is no guarantee you will get to see all the stories, because every battle there is the chance of an unrecoveable defeat.
I love Mordheim as a setting, and the tabletop is much fun, but this port is frustrating.
While I had fun playing, when I decided to try and get the stories completed, all the fun just vanished.
I now regret buying it.
83 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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3775 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 08:45
First it was irritating, then it was frustrating. Then, when my wife started complaining about the swearing, I realised that after my fourth attempt to actually enjoy playing Mordheim, it was never going to happen.

I like a challenge, I like a game that doesn't treat you like a novice at every turn. But what I don't like is a game that punishes you for simple mistakes (moving a character a pixel too far and clicking 'dodge stance' instead of 'charge'), forces you to spend four hours searching a temple OVER AND OVER AGAIN for a Relic of bloody Sigmar that simply DOES NOT EXIST (and probably NEVER HAS) whilst throwing infinitely-spawning enemies at your steadily-diminishing warband, and won't let you re-load a save position. Ever.

That might be your cup of tea, and fair play to you if so. But it's not for me. Uninstalled.
48 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 07:58
Have tried to like this game .... but do not get on with the controls at all .... the camera rolling round makes me feel sick.
147 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 07:31
So many feel bad moments for nothing cool to ever happen. I feel like the devs hate me for wanting to play their game.
183 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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10114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 06:33
I love this game, I really do. I have put a decent amount of hours into it! It really does capture the mordheim aesthetics, and the desolate and desperate feel of the broken city. I personally love this game, something about it just draws me in and I cant stop playing..... but..... I would never reccomend it to anyone but a die hard GW fan or tabletop Mordheim fan. The lack of support from the Debs, the limited number of war bands and frankly rubbish customisation options take their toll on this game. I wont go into the RNG too much, personally I just accept it as what it is, a capricious dice roll that can mean good or bad luck. If this is and issue for you then this probably wouldn't be a game you would enjoy! (Tip; make back up save files if you're a wuss). In the end, I cant reccomend this game, even though I love it. Frankly all the dev had to do was open it up to the modding community and the game would be re-invigorated, however they will not do this.... and so Mordheim remains stagnant.
70 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 10:41
I love this game and I have to agree the best term is unforgiving. WARNING: this is a Dark Souls level of dying game.

At first it is an up hill struggle, your Warband are a bunch of naive pillagers with no experience no money, no reputation and equipped with what ever they found on their route to Mordheim.

As a result of this you will struggle with keeping up with demands and are constantly strapped for cash always on the brink of bankruptcy, not to mention not being able to hold up in a fight on their own.

But as you start to grow in experience, yourself and character XP and slowly become a veteran in this Chaos corrupted city you will become attached to your guys, even that one guy who now sufferers from a nervous twitch and only has one leg still being able to hold their own in a melee and your ranged guy at the top of a building raining down shots that always hit, having Scurry Throat cutter having a 95% dodge change holding back an Ogre till support arrives. Its that moment you realize what the game is.

But saying that, the moment when you loose a member and when everything does goes wrong hits you hard in the feels......I suppose that's why people tend to hold back from PVP, the thought of loosing or permanently injuring some one you raised from nothing is too much.

I've over a hundred hours now and I still feel nervous every time I go on a mission. This is a game where you might do 2 missions and then think that's enough for tonight and leave it at that. Think of it as Chess, the enemy is just as powerful as you, you are not going to go in there every time and blaze through, There is high risk for little reward. This is Mordheim, City of the damned.....
113 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
7038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 07:46
Never had more fun, like a 3rd person XCOM, very challenging. 8/10
186 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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1842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 21:56
I really like the mechanics and the challenge of this game. Unfortunately, the gameplay never really evolves and it is a fairly tedious grind. I wish there was just simply more variety and more to do.
415 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 14:26
still a mess
450 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 10:04
Steam only allows a thumbs up or thumbs down, but this game really is a middle thumb game.

It shows so much promise, and I really want to like it. Interesting systems, a wide array of factions, interesting tactics.

However the game is really let down by the level of polish. It feels as though the publisher demanded a certain breadth of content while not allowing enough money and time for it to all be polished to the necessary level.

The main area that this lack of polish hurts the game is in speed of play, I get it, turn based strategy isn't supposed to be fast, but the amount of time spent waiting for the enemy to make their turns is too much (I wouldn't be surprised if their animations were all playing off screen).

That coupled with the limited inventory space, various unskippable animations and long winded movement system mean that doing a single mission often takes 40minutes to an hour.
94 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 04:05
There's fun to be had with this game, for sure. Maybe multiplayer is fun - I haven't tried yet. But ultimately, as a single-player game, the core game mechanics are broken in a subtle way that ensures that you will hate this game. Maybe not after the first couple of missions, but once you get a crippled leader or you lose a mission, you'll figure out that this game is almost exactly like trying to play a board game by yourself.
The issues as I see them:
1. You are progressing a linear fashion, building your warband, leveling them, equipping them etc. The AI starts every mission fresh with a warband that is always at least as powerful as your own. Good luck!
2. You get a soldier knocked out, or worse, you lose a mission - expect some soldiers to die or be severely crippled for life. The AI will start the next mission with a healthy full, leveled up warband. Good luck!
3. Since the AI always starts fresh, there's absolutely no feeling of continuity in the game - you are just doing random one-off skirmishes without changing the world.
4. Each mission will be from a list of 5 or so (it seems), which gets VEERY boring quickly.
5. Each soldier within a class looks identical. You can change their clothes a little, but you will have a hard time distinguishing them. I guess it replicates the experience of playing a board game pretty well.
6. There is virtually no help on any of a number of important mechanics, like movement, attacks etc. Considering the unforgiving setup and the lack of Undo, this guarantees that you will have to restart your warband from scratch at least once.
7. Items are super boring. You can't use items that belong to other factions, so you end up with a very small selection.
8. The selection of maps seems pretty limited. Maybe 10-15.

The good parts:
1. The tactical combat, with positioning, height advantage is fun.
2. Graphics are good.
3. Interesting/novel rules for magic users.

I recommend only getting it at a huge discount and then expect to get frustrated with it pretty quickly.
81 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
22903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 03:12
It's not the table top, but it really seems to capture that essence.

I love this game. I just wish it had better support and more warbands.
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.20 00:33
Really couldn't figure it out. Put my guys in ambush, Skaven come right up to me in the front and attack me without me being able to ambush them. I abandon the mission and half of my warband, non of whom were attacked lose their gear. I may not know enough about the game to do this properly, but I have been going through the tutorials all day and trying the game out. In the end I just didn't find it fun.
27 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
12544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.20 17:33
Customization of Warbands is fantastic. The campaign missions are great and keep the story moving forward. Also like that I can play skirmishes versus my wife
217 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
42453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 21:49
Despite some very odd design flaws, this game is really fun. It's not for everyone, but it's a solid strategy title.
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.19 10:41
Not for the faint of heart!
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