Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2
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Lebe wie ein Champion mit dem verbesserten Karrieremodus.
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Trainiere hart im Gelände.
Ein riesiges Areal, in dem du frei fahren und die Fähigkeiten deines eigenen Fahrers testen kannst. Tritt auf vier verschiedenen Strecken gegen Rivalen an. Hier kannst du zeigen, wie gut du starten, bremsen, Kurven fahren und dich lehnen und querlegen kannst.
Meistere die Wettbewerbe wie ein Held.
Tritt gegen über 80 offizielle Fahrer der Meisterschaft in den Klassen 250SX und 450SX an, einschließlich Jason Anderson, Marvin Musquin und – zum ersten Mal überhaupt – des preisgekrönten Eli Tomac!
Dein Gesicht, dein Style, deine Persönlichkeit.
Ein neuer Anpassungsmodus mit über 3.000 Objekten, um mit Komponenten von Drittanbietern das Motorrad deiner Träume zu bauen. Passe deinen Avatar mit neuen Optionen an, einschließlich Bärte, Tattoos, Ohrringe und Hüte, sowie Farbe für Haut, Augen, Haare und Augenbrauen.
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.19 19:18
dieses Spiel befasst sich sehr gut mit dem IRL FIM von Monster und es ist sehr Realismus getreu.
Ich kann dieses Spiel denen empfehlen die sich generell mit diesen Sport gern auseinander setzen oder betreiben, die Sounds sind affengeil und die Texturen wie im Vorgänger sind 1A. Man kann seinen eigenen Fahrer erstellen und mit ihm die 250 West und East Championships sowie den 450 Championship gewinnen und so zusagen der nächste Wunder Fahrer werden.
Dennoch sollte man sich nochmal über den Preis Gedanken machen, denn mit 49,99€ ist es doch ganz schön viel für dieses Spiel.
Schlussfolgerung: Ich kann es den empfehlen die es sich leisten können/wollen und ein Fan der MX/SX Reihen ist.
306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.19 16:21
Ich finde die Ego Perspektive in der Helm Ansicht jetzt viel gelungener als im vorherigen Teil der Serie. Auch der Karrieremodus überzeugt voll uns ganz. Daher ist jetzt im Karrieremodus Training angesagt, um Kurvenverhalten zu verbessern oder seinen Sprung, ..ect. Das kann entscheidend für dein Fahrverhalten sein. Klasse!
2448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.19 11:46
Bikes auch richtig gut Nachempfunden.
Leider noch ein paar wenige Bugs, aber wie im 1 Teil werden sie schnell gefixt :)
Lohnt sich :)
Nicht Empfohlen
615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 20:18
I feel... nonplussed.
There isn't really anything wrong with this game. And that's kind of the problem — let me explain.
What I mean is that because the game essentially does nothing wrong, it doesn't do anything interesting either. It's just another of these cookie cookie supercross/MXGP games that Milestone loves to make. And to make a long story short, I wouldn't bother with this game.
But in the interest of full disclosure.
I picked this game up on a whim during a Fanatical sale. And I still don't think it's really worth it. It just doesn't do anything different.
• For one, bikes slide through ruts, they don't feel particularly heavy or “weight-y”. Generally feeling more arcade-y than my own experience when toggling around the assists in the MXGP series.
• The career calendar is lacking, rest days are static, promo and media days just give you more fans or money with a small cutscene. They feel hollow and meaningless. Career feels very strait-forward, it does still have sponsor offers, however.
• Track degradation seems to just “happen” based on duration of the race. As the tire ruts don't actually seem to be retained for any significant amount of time.
It only let you access the weekly schedule.
Training will net you more prestige and you're able to challenge other seasonal riders to a 1v1 time attack in a cornfield. Technically it's the same compound that can be access in the main menu for free roam.
Otherwise the game is a relatively standard affair. You have the regular adjustments like joint brakes, rider weight-shift assist, changing the distance in-between the wheels to be more aggressive in turns vs making the bike more unstable. Although, scrubbing a ramp is manual — at least for it to be effectual. You can sort of.. fake a similar motion in the air without it actually altering the trajectory. Surfaces do feel remarkably different, sand, mud and dirt feel appropriate.
Everything you do goes into a rider prestige which unlocks cosmetics and there is a track editor present.
The one unique (or at least interesting) thing I found in the game is the Flow Aid. Used to help you navigate the bump sections of tracks better.
The soundtrack is pretty good. Though, it's mostly punk rock and thrash metal. There's a distinct lack of Djent — if you catch my drift.
The Gist
I can only really recommend if you're a really big supercross fan, and even then it's a little lacking. I'd wait for a heavy discount or just skip it.
If you've read this far, consider following my curation — Station Argus
My MXGP 2019 review here.
1233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 12:03
9659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 01:42
Nicht Empfohlen
2586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 14:08
436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 14:14
159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.19 17:08
85717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.19 07:00
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Humans
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press ‚A‘
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☑ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second life for grinding
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☑ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
☐ Fallout 76
881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.19 17:10
+Official AMA Supercross license
+Good single-player career
+Great graphics
-Low player base
-Physics engine needs fixes
The AMA Supercross 2018's game is a good title with the official licenses, a good career mode, great bike and driver customization, well-made gameplay, and great graphics.
Career: it starts in the lower 250 categories, choosing between West or East championship until reaching the 450 category. There are different sponsors to choose from that will have objectives to complete to earn money and reputation.
Before the event weekend, it will be possible to play some mini-games like Training that will increase the biker's abilities in different areas or racing against other championship riders in the Challenge mode.
It's also possible to spend a day with the fans, media or having a promotional day with the sponsor: these are just short cutscenes that will increase credits or reputation.
Every race weekend is divided between different sessions:
-Qualifications: the objective is getting the best lap time possible in order to join the main event. The best the position took is, the higher the priority in choosing the starting gate will be.
(A variant is the East/West Qualification where the riders are split between their belonging championships.)
-Heats: the best qualification riders race to get to the Main Event.
-LCQ: unqualified riders have a last chance to reach the Main Event if they finish first or from first to fourth position.
-Main Event: is made of one or more races, these are awarded with championship points.
Track editor: an interesting mode where the players are able to create custom tracks to play in single and multiplayer and share.
Championship: here it's possible to race the official championships or create custom ones with custom tracks too.
Compound: it's a free roam mode where it's possible to start some races or time attacks. Extra areas are unlocked by completing different objectives.
Apart from these modes, there are the classics Single Event and Time Attack oens.
There are two modes available at the moment: Single Event and Championship.
There are different options to edit: bikes class, event length. physics complexity, sessions for every event, AI, time and weather and tracks selection system (random or via voting).
The experience is overall enjoyable, never had big issues or disconnections during the races; the AI helps to add some immersion in races with few players.
Unfortunately, the servers seem low populated and there isn't a server browser, only a quick join and a create lobby option, however, it is possible to invite friends.
There are 80 riders in the different categories, 21 tracks (plus the users created ones), 12 bikes, hundreds of rider's accessories and performance parts and accesories for the bike.
A bad note about customization is about the price of the parts that's a bit high, it should be lowered.
The difficulty is very scalable, suiting a wide player base, depending on what they are looking for.
The experience can be customized in different aspects:
-Events length: from short ones to the real length.
-Physics realism: there's the standard and the advanced one, more difficult but more realistic.
-Joint brakes: option to have two different buttons for front and rear brakes or a single one for both.
-Player weight transfer control: this option gives the opportunity to move the rider on the bike, otherwise it will be controlled automatically.
-Automatic or manual gear.
-Rewind: gives the player the opportunity to go back to a part of the race to avoid a mistake.
-Flow aid: a racing line made to help how to take jumps and land properly without falling or losing speed.
AI has various difficulty levels, at the highest one, it will be challenging but not impossible.
During my gameplay, I noticed that there isn't bike or rider damage.
The game has been tested with the XBOX 360 Controller.
Controls are intuitive even when the player is controlling both the bike and the rider manually. The bike reacts very well and there's no input lag.
All the aids will help new players to control the bike better and learn how to improve. Personally, I started with almost all aids on, now I race full manual and the experience is very funny.
Intel i5 6400, AMD Radeon 380 4GB, 8GB RAM
The game runs on Unreal Engine 4 and the graphics are great: the bikes are high fidelity and collect dirt while racing, there are also some nice details like the rear fender that will shake while we are accelerating.
Unfortunately, bikes don't have visual damage: falling off the bike various times didn't give any result.
The riders are also well rendered and so do the animations and ragdolls.
Dynamic weather and day/night cycle is present.
Performances revealed great with the game running most of the time at 60 FPS with high details.
The quality is overall good: bikes' sounds are differentiated and close enough to the real ones, the sound will be also different between the various cameras.
Ambient sound is good too and there's commentary before and after the race.
The soundtrack is made of Country/Rock songs that perfectly suits the atmosphere.
Bike's behavior and rider's weight transfers are quite realistic: with advanced physics there's the risk to unseat the rider from the bike if the weight transfer is made wrongly.
Impacts with the ambient work good: i.e. during jumps, it is necessary to land properly since is very easy to crash.
Impacts between riders aren't as good as ambient ones: sometimes they'll work properly, other times there will be weird effects like opponents almost irremovable: even landing on their heads won't make them fall off.
The terrain is deformable and affects, but not enough, the race trajectory.
I didn't find particular bugs, just one while customizing the rider: the numbers placed on the suit were moving from the original position.
The game is sold at 50€, the price looks a bit high for the overall experience that at the moment is limited to singleplayer since multiplayer has a low player base.
It's worth a try especially for those who are looking for a single player experience, for other players it might be better to wait for sales.
Milestone's work revealed decent, there's a nice career mode, plenty of custom parts and great graphics.
On the other hand, there's a physics that needs some work, an uninhabited multiplayer and a bit of grinding to customize the bike and the rider.
VOTE 7/10
The key was provided for free by the developer itself.
1052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.19 00:01
Monster Energy Supercross 2
Curator Info:
????Great graphics. Realistic and smooth animations. Wet tracks look especially nice.
????Excellent sounding engine noises and sound effects with nice commentating.
????Customization of riders looks and outfits.
????A plethora of options to tailor your game experience to match your skill level and race preferences.
????A simple to use track editor which can be published and shared online.
????Achievements with not too much grinding.
????the price seems a little hefty.
????the way the rider re-spawns is occasionally annoying.
Before you play the game there are a multitude of different options, customizations and game modes to choose from. There is a single player mode where you can race on a track of your choice; time attack; career mode which includes 250 East, 250 West and 450; championship; and finally compound. There is also a multiplayer mode where you can test your skills against real people.
The game caters for every skill level. You can change the physics, the race length, the weather and the type of race. There will always be a combination of settings to match your skill level and provide you with a challenging race.
The career mode provides a weekly schedule where you can book training, challenges or promotional work before the race at the end of the week. Training provides an opportunity for your rider to improve and makes it easier to race at higher difficulties.
The racing is very entertaining and due to the excellent options, you can change the difficulty to match your skill level. I love the sound effects. They really enhance the game play. Engine sounds are meaty and accelerating sounds great.
Tight cornering can be difficult at times, especially if you hit a tuff block. Sometimes it took me three attempts to get around a corner due to the horrible re-spawning mechanics. There is no warning when you are going to be re-spawned so you often suddenly appear on the track behind the obstacle you just crashed into and then crash into it again.
In general, the racing in excellent and a lot of fun. There are certainly tricks to learn like going over jumps at just the right pace to catch the downside of other jumps. It certainly helps to learn the tracks. Momentum is the key to keeping up speed and staying ahead of your rivals.
The multiplayer had a few glitches when I first tried it. The replays were messed up graphically with riders disappearing and lagging constantly. The online gameplay seemed fine however and I played for a couple of hours without any issues.
Graphically the game is very good with smooth animations which look surprisingly realistic. I love racing on the wet tracks. They look especially detailed but some of the rough terrain looks a bit basic and doesn’t shift around as you would expect when riding over it. The riders always seem a bit clean after the race also. I would expect their goggles and attire to be filthy, but it never is.
I was very impressed with the track editor. I normally have trouble using track editors but this one was very simple to use and to publish tracks. The online tracks published by others are fun to try.
I can recommend this game to racing fans. Whether it has enough content to justify the price tag I’m not so sure. I suspect my threshold will be around the 20-hour mark for single player and then it depends how much you enjoy multi-player racing.
????️Racing is great fun and feels realistic. It is always quite manic, and you tear down the tracks at a fast pace and need a lot of concentration. AI riders were reasonably intelligent. I never had an AI rider knock me off my bike due to blindly turning a corner. Certain riders are better than others and you will soon learn who your rivals are.
Getting a good start is crucial and you will need to time the gate drop perfectly to get to the hole shot first. If you are slow out of the gates you will be swarmed with riders all trying to take the first corner. It’s quite hectic and fast paced which makes it fun.
Jumping is quite painless and mainly seems fair. On rare occasions I did crash surprisingly but I just put it down to the angle I landed. Landing does become a lot more difficult when you change the physics to advanced, however. You will need to control the rider and the bikes angle to land as parallel to the ground surface as possible and riding over bumps is more difficult also.
The career mode and multiplayer mode are the main challenges here and they will take up most of your time. There are a few peripheral challenges like championship, time attack and compound to keep you busy also but they lost my interest quickly once I had picked up the achievements for them.
The options for racing are very good and they can be tailored to provide the perfect challenge. There are five difficulty levels to try and once you have mastered them you can begin to alter the physics by making it more realistic. You can also decide how detailed you want the races to be with qualifying, heats and showdowns all an option.
If you like customizing your riders and bikes, then there is a plethora of options to choose. You earn credits by winning races and pleasing the crowd earns you prestige points. The higher your prestige points, the more lucrative contracts are offered to you which in turn earns you more credits. You can also earn extra credits by taking time out of your weekly schedule to promote the sponsors or earn prestige points by meeting your fans. These credits can be spent on rider apparel and paints for you bike. Some of these items are very expensive and it will take a bit of grinding to buy them.
You can also arrange training in your week. There are five disciplines to master: landing; lean; scrub; reflexes and cornering speed. There are three tiers to the training, and you must complete challenges against your rivals to advance to the next tier.
Although there are basic training sections for all these skills, involving short informative videos, I found the scrubbing to be impossible to perform. I was unable to achieve any stars in this section at all. Some of the challenges were incredibly difficult to beat also, especially the time attack races against your rivals. This is the only way to advance to the next tier so it will take a bit of practice and learning the courses is necessary to succeed.
????The noise of the engines sounds realistic and accelerating sounds exciting. Menus play heavy rock music in the background. Commentating sounds good if not a little repetitive.
The best thing is that all types of sounds including menu music, commentating and engine noises can be altered to your preference.
????I was quite impressed with the graphics. Riders and bikes all look great and the tracks look realistic. The only gripe I had was that there wasn’t enough mud flying around and the terrain didn’t seem to move when rode over. Riders were far too clean after races.
Price and longevity
The game is expensive at £39.99. I still enjoyed the game and I would estimate there is at least 20 hours of entertainment here in single player.
If you enjoy multi-player then this might be worth buying at full price but otherwise I would recommend buying this on sale.
An enjoyable game with plenty of options and skill levels to cater to all needs. Racing is fast and furious but very easy to pick up resulting in a fun experience.
This product was received free through curator connect
Nicht Empfohlen
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.19 04:23
Gameplay is clunky and unresponsive. Game does not flow like similar mx games.
The rythm sections are a joke and make no sense.
The career calender is weird, and cringy.