Mirror's Edge Catalyst
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Über das Spiel

Attackiere deine Gegner mit Schweren Übergangsangriffen, die sie gegen Wände, über Geländer oder gegeneinander taumeln lassen. Nutze deinen Schwung, um dich direkt durch KrugerSec-Einheiten hindurchzubewegen, und verkette dabei mehrere Leichte Übergangsangriffe, um Fokus aufzubauen und deine Geschwindigkeit beizubehalten. Manövriere deine Gegner aus, indem du durch eine Verlagerung hinter sie gelangst, um sie anschließend mit einem Tritt in den Rücken zu attackieren. Oder nutze deinen Vorteil, wenn ein Gegner betäubt ist, um ihm einige schnelle Schläge zu verpassen, bevor du dich per Verlagerung vor einem Konterangriff in Sicherheit bringst.
Faith braucht keine Waffen; sie nutzt ihre Umgebung, ihren Schwung und ihre Physis, um jegliche Hindernisse zu überwinden. Mithilfe ihres Schwungs kann sie Gegnern schwere Treffer zufügen oder einfach an ihnen vorbeilaufen, wenn sie sie nicht unbedingt ausschalten muss. Beweglichkeit ist ihr Schutz und Dynamik ihre Stärke.
Trotz all ihrer Schnelligkeit und Geschicklichkeit muss Faith ständig fokussiert und in Bewegung bleiben, um zu überleben. Fokus wird durch Freerunning-Aktionen aufgebaut und bewirkt, dass Faith von Gegnern nicht getroffen werden kann. Da du Fokus verlierst, wenn du dich langsam bewegst oder angegriffen wirst, ist es entscheidend, ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Übergangsangriffen und direkten Attacken zu wahren.
Faiths Runner- und Kampffähigkeiten sowie ihre Entschlossenheit werden durch einige wenige technische Gadgets ergänzt, die ihr dabei helfen, die Stadt zu durchqueren und gegen die Unterdrückung zu kämpfen, die die Einwohner von Glass nahezu erstickt.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i3-3250 / AMD FX-6350. (Note: Mirror's Edge Catalyst requires at least 4 logical cores to run)
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti 2GB or better / AMD Radeon R9 270x or better
- Software: Windows 7 64-Bit (use the latest Service Pack)
- HD: 25 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 at 3.4 GHz / AMD FX-8350 at 4.0 GHz
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 4GB or better / AMD Radeon R9 280x 3GB or better
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10 64-Bit (use the latest Service Pack)
- HD: 25 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 19:20
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
ist, obwohl keine Zahl im Titel erwähnt wird, schon der zweite Teil. Um der Story zu folgen, muss man aber nicht den Ersten gezockt haben. Leider wird ein EA Origin Konto vorausgesetzt. Schlimm finde ich das jetzt nicht, aber etwas lästig.
Die Grafik ist, obwohl das Game schon eine halbe Dekade auf dem Buckel hat, einfach toll. Die Ganze Stadt sieht sehr clean und sauber aus. Wenn es den ersten Teil nicht gäbe, wäre das einzigartig. Da man meistens auf den Dächern unterwegs ist, hat man auch oft einen fantastischen Blick auf die Stadt.
Der Sound kann sich auch hören lassen. Dieser integriert sich super ins Spiel und hebt besondere Situationen hervor. Auch die deutsche Sprachausgabe ist gut gelungen.
Die Steuerung funktioniert einwandfrei. Ich hab mit meinem xbox360 Controller gespielt und war überrascht, dass alles so glatt läuft. Jedenfalls nach einer bestimmten Einspielzeit. Anfangst muss man sich noch an die Knöpfe und Abläufe gewöhnen, aber nach ein bis zwei Stunden hat man so gut wie alles drauf.
Die Story ist zu Beginn etwas lahm. Nach einer Weile gibt es zwar eine gute Entwicklung, aber herausragend sieht anders aus. Mittelmäßig wäre hier das passende Wort. Hier liegt eindeutig das GamePlay im Mittelpunkt. Von daher alles ok. Es gibt einige Haupt- und zahlreiche Nebenmissionen. Diese sind aber meist eher langweilig, da man einfach nur von A nach B laufen muss. Dies ist eintönig und oft auch frustrierend, da die Zeit dafür oft eng bemessen ist.
Ich habe trotzdem einige optionale Nebenmissionen gemacht, da man immer mit Punkten belohnt wird. Und mit den Punkten kann man seine Kampf + Beweglichkeitsfähigkeiten sowie die Ausrüstung upgraden. Was man unbedingt machen sollte, da dann alles etwas leichter wird.
-Open World
-manchmal mehrere Lösungswege
-keine Schusswaffen
-coole Levelgestaltung
-Errungenschaften bei Steam + Origin
Leider ist das Spiel nicht ganz Bugfrei. Ganz selten habe ich Grafikfehler gehabt. An einer Stelle bin ich im Fahrstuhl stecken geblieben und zum Schluss hin hatte ich auch einen Kletterbug. Aber zu 99,9 % lief alles gut, flüssig und ohne Probleme.
Hat man das Spiel durch, kann man sich weiterhin in der Stadt frei Bewegen und alles unerledigte machen oder fehlende Errungenschaften nachholen. Außerdem kann man noch von Freunden erstellte Laufstrecken absolvieren oder selber welche erschaffen.
Zusammenfassend ist Mirror's Edge Catalyst ein gelungener Nachfolger, des schon guten Ersten Teils und bietet eine gute Preis-Leistung. Ich hab meinen Spaß gehabt und kann das Game weiterempfehlen. Deshalb Daumen Hoch! :)
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561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 21:50
Dennoch würde es bei mir over all für eine 7/10 reichen, aber dennoch würde ich es niemandem empfehlen
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1789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.20 10:21
If you loved the first Mirror's Edge you better avoid this crap.
This game has NO flow. It has NO rhythm.
And it's is apparently made to be like this.
You'll never get a mission route right on the first run.
You fall down to the street level a lot. You'll die and die and die and die. Over and over again.
Starring on the loading screen is what you do most in Catalyst.
And it takes a while to load...
To repeat it - this game has NO Flow at all.
And who the hell came up with the idea to turn the original game concept of Mirror's Edge into a fighting/combat game?!?
In the second half of the game you won't get far without fighting and you have to cope with very, very persistent pursuers.
Every single fight takes quite long. The opponents are persistent and tough. And there are many fights. Really a lot of fights.
And if you thought you'd defeated your enemies, there's another really tough opponent showing up who'll beat the guts out of your butt and - exactly: you stare at the loading screen again and you'll have to defeat the same bunch of tough opponents in a long, dead-boring fight. Only to get beaten up again by the last brawler and start all over again.
To put it in a nutshell: They destroyed the idea of the original game.
What a shame.
With the amazing, beautiful look and design of Catalyst, the game could have been awesome.
Sorry to say: It isn't. Not at all.
Don't buy it if you loved Mirror's Edge. You'll be angry.
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994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 17:42
The first game is better in nearly every way, it still holds up, I would recommend that instead if you like the idea of this game (freerunning in a dystopian city as one of the 'rebels')
If you know you definitely want this game then wait for a huge sale.
If you have played #1 and really want more Mirror's Edge then this may do for a little bit but just note it really doesn’t offer much more content, it is short and there isn’t much to do: the open world is very limited and becomes repetitive very quickly, the story is ~8 hours long and would be substantially shorter if it didn't have you going back on the route you just took essentially fetchquesting for most of the game, aside from the story the only other things to do are a few side missions (~6 of them total), time trial 'delivery missions' and collecting the hundreds of collectables; calling the later 'content' is questionable at best.
The story is very boring, lacklustre and anticlimactic. Pretty much every character is generic, two dimensional and annoying: (hacker girl who is quirky and socially awkward, arrogant rival who took your place whilst you were 'away' and tries to antagonise you every 5 seconds, leader of your little rebellion is essentially just stepdad etc). The story wasn’t anything special in the first game, but I don’t know why they felt the need to completely retcon it entirely for this ‘reboot’ which was far worse. Obviously, the main attraction isn't the story for this game but as I mentioned above there is very little content aside from the story, so it is worth mentioning. You can only get so much fun out of free roaming the city/ time trials.
The stylised graphics of the first game (that still look decent now; 13 years later) have been replaced with 'realistic' graphics which already don't look great and somewhat aged in this 2016 title, I also had quite a lot of objects randomly popping in and out too, changing graphical settings didn't help. Audio lagging behind/ cutting out is also a very common bug lots of people seem to have, especially in cutscenes.
The combat is dreadful, I made an effort to avoid it wherever possible (like you are supposed to in the first game). Unfortunately, there are several sections in which you straight up have to fight and they were extremely frustrating and boring. Enemies have ridiculous lunge range and hit you around corners, you no longer have any weapons (unlike the first game) so when an enemy has a gun you must just bait them out with a mix of hiding/ freerunning. Many of the forced fighting sections included multiple waves of multiple enemies where if you die you go back to the start, you have something like 3hp by default and basically have to resort to trying to isolate them as best you can as they rush you with their ridiculous lunge or shoot you from afar. Not fun.
The freerunning is near enough the exact same as the first game (great and undoubtedly the star of the show) but some moves are locked behind a levelling system. Kind of silly but not a huge deal. I had the occasional bug where Faith would just yeet herself into the abyss when I pressed something different (like Ezio back in the day) but it wasn't very frequent. I had a few bugs where I clipped through objects I had to climb and the game wouldn't let me pull myself up so I just had to jump to death which was frustrating, having to listen to the annoying characters repeat themselves again.
They also added a weird sci-fi grapple hook which I personally really don't like. I liked the idea of Faith, and by extension all of the runners, just being very skilled freerunners traversing the city in creative ways, having a grapple that at points of the story launches you over 50 meters in the air took away from the 'realism' for me and had me eyerolling at parts. ( I'm, aware this may be too nitpicky but I really didn't like this addition and I am probably not alone in this view).
Overall this game feels kind of pointless, a sequel should improve upon the first game or at the very least offer more content and this doesn’t really do either of those things. Just play the first game.
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319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 11:20
But you are forced to install the malware Origin in order to play it. And the Origin Launcher makes the Epic Store Launcher look good in comparison, and that is really saying something.
1401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 23:43
There is one mission that is just a long fight scene. And throughout the whole game they tell you to avoid fighting, whether via in person mechanics or in game tips. The rest of the game is great.
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762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 07:42
The only nice thing about it is the enviroment (sometimes)
The running is a but cluncky and the new introduced mechanics drive me crazy sometimes
The story is not interesting and cringy
I didn't have much fun in this game like i did with the first one
I wish the city felt more realistic and the events were more interesting...
I don't recommend this game at all..
1293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 12:06
graphics better than first mirrors edge
story better than first mirrors edge
combat better than first mirrors edge
parkour mechanics the same as first mirrors edge
skill points are cool
better than first mirrors edge
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944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 03:21
Developers, want to make it better? Give ranked completion time, and make the minimum score for a success much lower. Let people succeed in your game and be able to move forward in it, while being allowed to go back and challenge themselves if they want to.
701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 09:21
Combat in this game is terrible, this game implores you to use combat in some situations but most of the time you find yourself cheesing the terrible ai with heavy attacks and traversal attacks.
The movement while fun when free running. However, the game does not register MOST inputs that the player inputs which falters the movement in game. For instance in many cases Faith would refuse to jump/vault from a ledge, she would simply walk off despite even spamming, tapping or holding the input. For a parkour game, this is absolutely retarded of the game developers to not upgrading the movement from the first game. Similarly, when looking in a 45 degree angle from the wall, Faith will refuse to wall run at times.
With all these implications in mind, timed missions are absolutely difficult and challenging which I can see that the developers were going for to support their lack of development in movement. This game also has very similar problems that Assassin Creed Games had faced which is the inability to detach from a ledge/wall despite numerous inputs.
The cinematography and the scenery in general is pretty good as the most of the game takes place near the sky. However the game looks half assly done at graphics lower than hyper so it looks like cyberpunk on crack.
These were problems I had with my game, im just ranting after a troublesome tilting experience.
789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 22:35
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160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 03:42
The game is perfectly fine if you do everything exactly right the first time. Frustratlingly slow respawns and dialogue that repeats every dang time you fail make the missions un-fun very quickly.
1499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 12:48
Mirrors Edge Catalyst tries to maintain the original spirit of the game/franchise and somewhat succeeded. This is an upgraded or enhanced version of the original Mirrors Edge game that was released in 2008. The player plays as Faith, a runner, going against a city that is congested with surveillance and a greedy corporation that tries to become more powerful at the expense of the city’s civilians.
Graphics, Story and brief summary:
Graphically, it is one of the most beautiful games, possessing a very vibrant and colorful setting. The game world is relatively bigger and has lots of ester eggs scattered throughout the world. Music, sound, and audio are somewhat decent.
When it comes to the story, it is relatively predictable with no major plot twist. The surprise element is missing from the story. The origins of the game's protagonist (Faith) are still not fully explored which does give a future possibility for another Mirrors edge game in the franchise which could be a sequel.
Compared to the original game (released in 2008), one of the positives which this game has is that it removes the gun-play which otherwise negates the game’s theme (i.e: parkour). This game focuses more on utilizing speed and environment to overcome certain enemies. Combat is not the main theme of the game. Hence it is highly recommended that the player focuses more on the objective rather than taking down enemies.
The player will get to unlock new skills with enough experience points that can be gathered from completing main missions, submissions, any event, or by collecting the various collectibles scattered in the game world. The player can use grappling hooks and other tools to traverse the game world alongside running and jumping!
Theme and Game Duration
The main theme of the game is parkour (run and run!) which was played from a first-person perspective. The main story is relatively short and can be completed within 5 to 6 hours if the player only focuses on the main story. There are submissions, challenges, player created events (like dash, fragile delivery, etc.) that could take the game time easily past 30 hours mark if the player does wish to fully explore all the components or activities this game has to offer.
The game can be demanding on the PC hardware. On my RTX 3080 and i9 10900k processor (with 32 GB RAM), I get around 90 FPS (1440p, 144Hz) with everything on and at the highest settings. Playing on lower resolution or lowering the settings will get around 200+ FPS.
Important: It is recommended that the game’s save files are regularly backed up by the player. The reason is that with the sudden crash of the game, there is a high chance that the save files will get corrupted. During that time, the backup save files will come to the player's rescue.
Overall and Verdict: 7/10.
If you like the original game, you will probably like it. For newcomers, this can offer a good experience who wish to try out the parkour genre or theme.
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743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 01:32
626 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 01:47
While it does a lot of things wrong like the cheesy story, eye-raping lighting and pointless collectibles; it does a lot of things right too. The feeling of speed and vertigo inducing heights this game brings is unparalleled, and the sights are something to behold - especially when running through the hi-caste district.
2015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 17:34
The open world concept is divisive, with some loving it and some hating it, and I personally enjoyed it. Some would have liked to see more of the linear mission style level design, and while I certainly loved the linear mission design in the missions in this game and the original, it was a nice break of pace to be able to parkour wherever I wanted.
Overall, this game, for me, was very fun, but I can certainly see why many people would not like it. Watch some videos to make sure this is your kind of game before you buy.
738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 19:45
Story is generic. I found myself trying to skip through some of the cinematic so I can start running again. Side missions are mostly delivery from point a to point b with time limit slapped on it.
Gameplay side, it’s pure fun. I actually like the combat in this game. You can get really creative with your moves when engaging enemies. However, the enemies also feel kinda dumb at the sametime. They can easily get knock off balance like a tilting doll, or even fell off the ledge willingly and it looks hilarious.
The collectibles in game felt kinda conflicted with purpose of mirror’s edge. When I’m running, my flow often gets interrupted by some microchips on rooftops. It’s like I have to come to a complete stop, steal an amd chip off a wall, then get running again. 2 minutes later the whole cycle repeat.
I really enjoyed the game. So yeah, put the story aside, the core gameplay is executed flawlessly. Catalyst is absolutely worth it if you’re interested.
395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 04:35
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 22:30
Dark Souls
There is a story ?!?!
Nothing new, i lost my time
This is a good story
Awesome story
You can run it with a washing
❎High end
Overkill PC
Very Short (0 - 2 hours)
❎Short (2 - 15 hours)
Average (15-50 hours)
Long (50-90 hours)
Extremely long (90-110 hours)
No ending
~ FUN ~
I'm bored
Bro is too fun
Finally I'm in love
It's a one-time experience
Only for achievements
If you want for chilling
❎Infinitely replayable
Wait for sale
Overall score 9/10
886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 23:13
You gotta have a lot of faith to collect and do everything in this game
I enjoyed Mirros's Edge. Can't say I'm a fan but it was fun so obviously i've added Catalyst to my wishlist. So how is it?
I guess this is a game some fans of the series will love and some will not. It depends what you loved about the first game. I personally enjoyed those short but brilliant story missions. Some were simple, some more challenging. I also loved the fact that Kruger Sec officers were a threat and it was best to avoid them.
Catalyst is different. It's open world now and offers ubsisoftish world filled with worthless junk. I find the story missions really fun and enjoyable, but I hate all those side missions, trials, dashes, deliveries, collectibles etc. So if you wanted to do time trials and challenges in the first game, which were very limited there, you will definitely find this game enjoyable.
You play as Faith obviously, you get out of jail and start running again. Story is pretty simple, something you would find in a typical hollywood movie. It's just fun but nothing to remember.
This time you have a skill tree and after acquiring enough xp you can unlock new skills/traits. You also are given some skills for progressing the story. First one transforms you into spiderman. Yes you now can shoot your rope to certain spots high up and pull yourself up there. You can jump over huge distances using your rope too. And finally you can pull objects with it, for example pull the boards obstructing your path.
There are other skills like hacking and interrupting officers. Which brings us up to combat. Faith is a great fighter now. You need to fight officers by using your combat skills. This mechanic is quite fun at first but after some time it becomes boring. I prefer avoiding enemies like in the first game or just shooting them. Sadly you can't pick up weapons anymore and shoot them. Maybe it's because Faith isn't a murderer? But then why you can kick the enemies off the ledge and they die after falling from a 50 story building? I personally am not a fan of this combat. You're kicking officers who shoot at you which transforms Faith into some kind of bullet-sponge super warrior.
Now all the side stuff. It's too much, way too much. You have more 300! gridleaks to find. I mean come on are you serious? I'm not gonna waste my time on that.
Then comes all the challenges like dashes, delivery missions, distraction missions. They are all the same and they're on every step, the whole map is filled with this crap.
Maybe side missions are fun? Yes some of them are quite fun although they don't offer much of a story. You get to climb towers. Another boring repetitive activity. Then you get to collect red orbs in a limited time. Very inventive much fun. Plastic's side missions are the worst. They're way too hard for me just like all the challenges and they're boring. I don't mind doing something few times but this is too much.
But I know some people love this. Like competing with friends, creating time trial routes so others might find it fun.
And the last thing I hate – running to the main mission through half of the city. There are fast travel points but you still need to run through the same areas over and over again which feels like time wasting.
Graphically the game retains same aesthetic style which is truly beautiful. Graphics was improved a bit, there are more details around you, but it still looks clean and minimalistic just like the first game.
We've got animated cut-scenes finally. They look beautiful and all but I prefer real time cut-scenes these days. In my opinion there's no reason for pre-rendered cut-scenes today because in-game graphics can look really good.
The performance is wonderful. The game runs on max settings at 70-80fps playing on 3700x, 2070s, 32gb @ 3440x1440.
Sound design is on a good side. Starting from voice acting and ending with the music it's something you'd expect from a blockbuster. I can't say i'm a fan of such music but I enjoy hearing it in this game and by hearing you kinda know it defines Mirror's Edge. Well done.
Overall a decent game which might not be for everyone. If you care about story only maybe get EA access since this game is even shorter than the first one. If you love open world stuff then you're in for a treat.
- Main missions are fun as hell
- Hoolywood style story which is enjoyable
- Good sound design
- Great graphics
- Open world filled with side activities
- Too many collectibles and other junk
- Faith is one man army now
- Main story is very short
Verdict: 69/100
Follow my curator page for more
590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 05:16
8/10 (Great)
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1000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 21:37
In some respects, this is a better game than the original but only in some. Frankly, the combat was much more dangerous in the original.
The NPCs... well, they're not very interesting.
16.6 hours into the game and, well, I'm bored. The original was enthralling. This is... meh.
1366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 08:53
7560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 09:00
Story: Nice x797
Multiplayer: Don't have one.
I give 10/10 with ''with'':
Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst is a parkour game based where you yet again, play as Faith who finds herself in a city named Glass. The graphics are down right amazing compared to it's predecessor and there are a lot of details now that I actually enjoy and add up to it's core gameplay. Upon the biggest difference of them all is that the game now offers you a freeroam-ish part where you can spend your running days collecting some artefacts for blessing the gods of parkour ;). Overall game is a pretty great sequel to it's previews and I really enjoyed it.
2153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 16:10
Look in the mirror; that's your competition.
I had played the original Mirror's Edge (2008) prior to receiving Mirror's Edge Catalyst (2016) as a gift. I knew this game existed but I had been very hesitant about playing it due to the original Mirror's Edge having such a special place in my heart. The original Mirror's Edge was so simple yet enthralling; so new and yet familiar. To say it captured my imagination and heart would be an understatement, this being the main reason as to why I hadn't gotten around to playing Mirror's Edge Catalyst. In fact I had pretty much planned to never play it at all as I knew it was a reboot and not a sequel. I was afraid it would ruin my perception and the love I had for the Mirror's Edge world.
So years went by with this game on my wishlist, having forgotten about it completely... until my friend Anni decided to gift it to me a few weeks ago. I guess there was no way out for me from that point forward. I accepted the gift and decided to have a little faith (no pun intended) in the developers, designers and the reboot itself.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst does a great job at really showcasing the elegance in simplicity just like it's predecessor. The gameplay mechanics, level design, characters, story, music and even cutscenes are all so simple and yet they come together to create a game which really is greater than the sum of its parts.
The crunch of gravel or the squeak of a glass floor under Faith’s feet, the heavy breaths she draws as she runs faster and longer... it’s just perfect and practically exhilarating to string moves together successfully as you move from one area of Glass to another across its shiny rooftops.
They went all out on the special effects too! I love the chromatic aberration that occurs when Faith falls and hits the ground heavily, or when you jump off buildings and hear the wind rush by as Faith spins violently, screaming into a blurring world before it's swallowed up by the black vignette. The lighting, bloom, shadows, reflections and explosions still impress me more than most games today, even though this game is over four years old!
The combat system is also really well done with speed and momentum encouraged by the game design. You can choose to kick someone in any direction, into another character for instance, or so that they fall over a railing and plunge to their death. You can do aggressive takedowns by using the environment such as a chest-kick from a railing vault, a wallrun-fueled kick to the head and so on. It's dynamic and fluid in it's design which makes combat a lot of fun and a huge improvement over the original's even though firearms aren't in Catalyst. I think the removal of firearms and weapons helped the developers focus more on the physical combat system and that's why it's such a success, not to mention that firearms didn't suit Faith as a character, at least in my opinion.
The environments are all really distinct and beautiful in their own way. It'd be easy to almost want to live in some of the locations if it wasn't for how much of a crapsaccharine world Glass City is. My two personal favourite locations (although many others are up for debate) were Regatta Bay and the Ocean Pier area, both so simply idyllic looking. Cherry blossoms and flowing water everywhere amongst some gorgeous architecture with a purple motif that compliments the cherry blossoms just right. All of this just by the water so there's a nice view at certain points too. The peaceful music also adds to the effect of comfort and home. You could easily want to stay hours here like I've found myself having done.
There's also a part of the game where you go through basically the inside of a big computer. Server stacks, blinking lights and an eerie blue glow everywhere, it really gives the place an alien, sci-fi feel. I can't think of any other game with such a unique experience, possibly the reactor maintenance journey in Alien: Isolation which is another fantastic game but I digress.
Other awesome moments involved holding onto a drone as it flew around the city, allowing you to see Glass City from perspectives you'd struggle to imagine and hitching a ride on the roof of a speeding train through dark subway tunnels.
The final part of the game involves climbing up a huge building, both internally and externally which was a great combination for the ascent as this allowed the level designers to incorporate numerous new aspects to the game, for instance there's broken glass strewn all over the place, falling debris and other environmental hazards that can kill you if you're not careful which had me on edge the majority of the climb adding to the tension.
Overall, I'm very pleased with how the Mirror's Edge reboot has turned out and the experience I've had. My personal favourite and most memorable moment was playing the jukebox after arriving at the lair for the first time and having (CHVRCHES - Warning Call) play. It was at that moment I just knew this was going to be a good game.
Getting lost with the soundtracks and music of games is something I rarely do, but with over five hours worth of in-game music that continues to hold up as my favourite ambiance to this day it was impossible not to. Solar Fields did an amazing job at making the music seamlessly blend into the game and environment you were in. From the dark, underground sewers to the glossy bright neon rooftops, the music and soundtracks throughout the game gave you a feel to match the atmosphere the locations give off.
In conclusion, Mirror's Edge Catalyst is a brilliant game that replaces and overhauls much of the original Mirror's Edge systems for the better. Although I have to say that the characters in the original were more likeable and had more of a persona than any of the characters in Catalyst, most feel quite bland, even the main characters (apart from Faith) but there are genuine character moments in Catalyst that made me smile also. The developers did a lot of backstory for the characters as well but most of this you have to discover for yourself, such as pictures you can find in the lair with writings and so on. Of course, this is all subjective, I'm just giving you my thoughts on this game.
Thanks for taking the time to read this review and thank you once again Anni for gifting me this! Have a little faith and jump into Mirror's Edge Catalyst, it's a brilliant game and does the original proud!
676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 01:32
the story is a big meh, very predictable and a lot of cliches, be prepared for a lot more back tracking and structures that seem climbable but are not (scaffolding or thicker pipes) but doesn't really interfere with the overall enjoyment of this game.
Also prepare for a very sterile city, and no gun play
1284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 20:05
Also, Faith reminds me of Alex Danvers from Supergirl series.
Nicht Empfohlen
838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 04:11
377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 19:20
686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 00:55
Some people don't like the change to an openworld, but I welcome it as it allows me to be in this world freely.
Gameplay is excellent, with the controls very easy yet fluid and to learn. Parkour feels amazing.
Graphics too are gorgeous, especially with that ultra-clean white and glass aesthetic of the city.
There are also day and night cycles so you get to see the beautiful environment in both the bright of the day and the deep of the night, and it is stunning in both times!
This game makes me relax and appreciate the sights. It makes me feel the fresh air and makes me enjoy the feeling of freedom it gives.
Definitely recommended!
1621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 17:44
I remember being so excited for Mirror's Edge Catalyst back in 2016, so it was a no brainer for me to play it on PC as well with higher frame rates and better resolution.
I think everything about this game is great, especially the parkour mechanics. They ALMOST always work and their very fluid. I will say fighting was very lacking as the AI was sub-par.
My only other complaint would be the story... I'm not too sure what happened, it felt like they had a really good thing going in the beginning with so much potential, then it just fell apart. Seems like the writers really rushed the ending without tying up the loose-ends left behind. I'm just a bit disappointed.
My favorite aspect of the game would have to be it's presentation. Guys... this game is stunning. Paired with it's beautiful ambient soundtrack, it'll have you wanting to keep playing after the credits role just for the pure feels.
I definitely recommend this game at it's current price ($20) and I'm happy to see it finally appear on steam.
Nicht Empfohlen
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 21:00
On the surface level, it feels like Mirror’s Edge Catalyst wants to take what was great about the original game and keep it as is or, better yet, improve them. But also fix some of the broken ideas and expand on some of the things that were implied, but never shown. You can almost see the team compiling the list of complaints, suggestions and “what people liked” things for the first game and then going through it, and “solving” everything to make the reboot a “better game”. Oh, combat was frustrating people? We’ll make it better! People loved the city and wanted to explore it more? Let’s make an open world! People didn’t like how story was short and cutscenes crappy looking, let’s make a longer and more complex sounding story! And all of the above can be fine. But it lead to is a game that barely fixes anything and introduces a hell of a lot more issues.
Combat first. Original game had a fantastic idea: when you are forced to fight, you’re meant to do it on the go and use every mean available. So you’d run around some enemies, disarm others, grab their weapons and shoot a few other enemies, drop the gun and run away. Basically, what Superhot or Hotline Miami would do years later, but with more parkour. What didn’t work about the first game was that at times you were forced to fight, and it didn’t fit the flow of the game nor the fact that combat was clearly designed as a “last resort”, not something you’d actively want to partake. So, for some bizarre reason, Catalyst didn’t remove the forced fights and kept the already solid combat system and instead focused on having more forced fights except now with a rather competent first person combat system. Which work better, sure, but this is still a game about running, not fighting, so every time you’re forced to fight, it’s as annoying as it was in the original. Moreover, this time around you cannot use guns either, even though enemies still carry them and can shoot through walls. And lots of basic moves from the original games are now locked as “skills”, which for whatever reason even includes a quickturn and a soft landing roll. Because EA, I guess.
Okay then, so what about making the city of glass more alive and free to explore? The original game was all mission based, but all missions had open-ended routes and you could run the same course in slightly different ways. All of them usually felt right, natural, which also meant that every single mission had some really memorable set pieces, something that stays with you long after the game is done and makes you go “wow, that totally happened”. Could Catalyst keep all of that while also having the open world design? Maybe it could, but it sure doesn’t. Instead there are “optional missions”, “collectibles” (which make you go to a full stop when you collect them – fantastic fit for a game about running fast) and a bunch of other crap that just doesn’t work with the game at all. Because EA, I guess. Some of it could work, like the races, in which you can compete against other people’s leaderboard times… except a lot of the sections of the open world map can only be traversed in 1 or 2 ways, meaning that you end up using the same routes through most of the places. Which is “fixed” by a quick travel option, which basically means that you don’t have to explore this open world that was supposedly designed for exploring. Far more disappointingly main missions, which all take place in unique locations, rarely have memorable set pieces and far too often have sections where you might have to stop and go “okay, now where”, which rarely happened in the original title. Also this game has a bunch of tutorials at the start, which, if you happen to solve the requirement in a more efficient and cool way, fail your mission and require you to try again, but exactly as developers tell you.
And the story… Ugh. It’s a retelling of the original, with all the same problems, but many more characters, longer cutscenes, yet even less charm or good pace. It just kinda happens and then kinda ends with no solid story beats and amazing EA franchising gems like “to learn who the heck is this character, read the tie-in comic book!” Also, while the original was bland, at least it wasn’t frustrating. Catalyst, on the other hand, has some truly terribly written obnoxious characters, while also having some genuinely intriguing characters disappear almost immediately after being introduced. Can’t believe a simple story about the Runners who live in a dystopian city has been done so poorly a second time.
But it’s not all terrible. Soundtrack by Solar Fields is amazing, though a bit less memorable than the first one, probably just due to the whole open world nature. Game does look amazing, though I actually found it quite a bit more of a muddy sensory overload, whereas the original had a much cleaner, easy to read look. The basics of running are probably better then the original, since Faith now has less chance of just ignoring something she can hold on to (she still does that occasionally, though). And some new moves and interactions do improve the flow, while some (most of the grappling hook stuff) just slow it down.
At its best, this game hits the same levels of fun as the original Mirror’s Edge, where you run around the visually stunning places, surprising yourself with quick reactions and cool parkour moves. Yet all of the additions made on top of the basic mechanics lead to a far less enjoyable game. Instead of being improved, the original amazing concept got buried with unnecessary and pointless elements. And in the end, all that the game did was make me want to replay the original Mirror’s Edge yet again.
1525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 21:27
It runs without any complications at 1440p @144hz.
This game deserves your time and attention.
1496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 17:38
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 15:01
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1433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 17:28
Mirror's Edge Cataylst is a complete rewrite with better story telling and gameplay mechanics that perform better, but is still reminiscent, of the first game.
It boasts deeper lore and a more lived-in world (though there are some plot holes here and there or characters that need more background story), better fighting mechanics, movements. There's definitely more to do in this then there was in the previous one.
It's honestly a shame that there is no sequel to this though.
682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 10:52
This is my fav parkour game and i recommend it to many here. The story is kind of meh and its rewritten from the first game basically. Aside the story the game itself is beautiful and has its potential. What i really find stupid tho is how the characters are really bad programmed and the voice acting is horrible. If you want to play a parkour game then get this game if you dont have ea play, buy this game on sale not at full price. If you want a good story ill recommend you to get the first mirrors edge and not this one. I give it a thumbs up because its a really fun parkour and beautiful game
1036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 17:34
791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 19:00
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 11:22
Idk, the game is good and I can recommend it when it is on sale but you should play the first game before buying this one. It's cheaper and might satisfy you more than this one.
985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 12:58
Not as good as the original but still cool
Story adds more to the overall world
Nice Cyberpunk game with a female protag
Still get to feel like a badass with ninja like skills
Soundtrack is superb
Only feature I miss is using guns
Hope we get another installment someday
1072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 16:16
Starting from an excellent design, ending with a rather banal and hackneyed plot. Throughout the entire game session, I was not left with the feeling that this world had been made with love (yes, this is not usual for EA).
The world is well designed, just right for the main mechanics of the game. But problems also arise because of the open world. The most serious problem is in the navigation arrow, it was often simply left out of sight for a long time, even the red highlighting of active elements did not always help with that.
The music perfectly complements what is happening on the screen, but to the big disappointment there is very little of it, and sometimes relaxing music played in the action scenes.
But there are huge problems with the plot, which is strange considering the highbrow presentation. There are a lot of plot holes, inconsistencies, and many actions are reasonless, and the ending drops a couple of hints that there might be continuation, which is unlikely.
The mechanics of the game were diversified as best as they could, ranging from new movements in combat to a grappling hook for more interactive actions. But unfortunately, even this kind of mechanics might get boring, especially in combats.
757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 00:51
Rate: 6/10
I bought this game, because I really like parkour, futuristic and female protagonist.
This game could be better, like have a larger story and a bigger world.
I really liked the game graphics, but the reflection of the protagonist is horrible, mainly when she moves, also the quests are so repetitive.
I only recomend to buy this game if you are too bored and having extra money to buy, so don't buy it casually.
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594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 13:35
The game offers a pacifistic aproach by avoiding and outrun enemies instead of engaging in combat, for those who prefer to play this way, like myself. However, this is totally ruined in mission 7, where you find yourself trapped in an arena with wave after wave of enemies sent in to neutralize you. There is no way out, so you just have to fight your way through (as an unarmed parkour runner against 4-5 policemen with guns and meelee weapons!). The police doesn't use any tactics, though, and is not taking advantage of the elevated areas that you cannot reach - so you have a chance to win. At this point I decided not to waste any more time on a game that feels like a chore and uninstalled it.
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508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 14:17
1129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 20:09
Controls are great and game runs well. My main problem with this game is the lack of challenge to complete it, once you get used to the controls this game is very easy & the fighting is simplistic.
It's a decent fun game, buy it on sale if you like parkour games.
587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 20:42
The stark white rooftops return reimagined, though not all change is for the good.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst is a reimagining of 2008's Mirror's Edge, and retains its excellent parkour gameplay and art style, while transforming it from a linear experience into an open-world one. Unfortunately, some issues are present that mar the experience. Players once again fill the shoes of Faith Connors, fighting the corporations that rule her world and its people.
[quote]????Catalyst can be played with both keyboard/mouse and controller.????[/quote]
Catalyst features the same excellent first-person parkour gameplay as its predecessor, and expands upon it with some new features and improved combat. Movement is based heavily on momentum; players must build and maintain speed in order to flow across obstacles, up vertical surfaces, and between buildings. A basic progression system is now present; combat, movement and gear abilities can be unlocked using skill points earned with exp.
The parkour feels good most of the time, but can be a little clumsy on occasion. I played some of the original Mirror's Edge again after I finished Catalyst, and I must say, parkour in the old one feels a little slower, but much more intuitive and precise. Frankly, it makes Catalyst's parkour feel sloppy by comparison.
Combat in the original Mirror's Edge was pretty awkward and unpleasant. Catalyst improves upon it considerably, adding more enemy variety, abilities and better synergy with the parkour system. That said, it still has some considerable flaws.
Fighting one or two enemies at a time is fun, but any more than three in relatively close-quarters is clumsy and frustrating, as Faith can be hit and knocked back repeatedly in quick succession, and the dodge mechanic forcibly turns the camera around whichever enemy she's currently engaging. Said dodge mechanic can also be irritating when trying to avoid conflict by running past enemies.
Level/World Design:
Catalyst is presented as an open-world game with all the collectables and small challenges one would expect from an open-world title. Unfortunately, it's a rather restricted one. Expect to be travelling the same paths several times as you move between story and side-missions, as world traversal is limited to specific ziplines, bridges and jump points.
I never felt as though I was really free to explore due to the aforementioned constraints. Thankfully, fast travel points exist. Aesthetic variation is fairly limited in the open-world, with the stark white rooftops and some small interiors making up the majority, plus one small, run-down area. More variation is seen in story missions, which often feature large, unique interiors.
Story levels are much like they were in the previous entry; linear levels involving a lot of vertical progression in indoor environments. Unfortunately, I feel they were not designed as well as those in the original game. Trial-and-error is required too often; when you're trying to maintain momentum and flow around the environment, not knowing where to go as you round a corner at high speed is a real fun-killer. That, and going the wrong way often means falling into a bottomless death-pit and sitting through a loading screen. Irritating.
The world overall feels more fleshed-out than in the previous game, with NPCs, airborne traffic and constant audio from loudspeakers now present. Buildings now feature more domestic areas, such as bars and apartments, rather than the largely empty, commerical aesthetic of the original.
Catalyst's story tries to tell a story of rebellion, drama and tragedy, but fails to execute it proficiently due to lack of character development and world building in its short 8-9 hour runtime. The story of the original game was not especially deep either, but it made better use of its time by having less characters, twists and turns and had a certain charm that Catalyst lacks.
A significant part of the problem is Faith herself; she comes across right from the start as an angsty teen, and her voice acting only reinforces that. Attempts at showing real emotion sound forced and artificial, and she doesn't come across as particularly clever.
For example, at one point in the story Faith's friends advise her to avoid the enemies in her area, to which she replies in edgy hollywood fashion ”No, it's time to face them.” No, Faith. No it isn't. You have a job to do, and they're not really in your way. They're just security guards anyway, killing them will not affect anything.
Overall, the story is an okay little adventure, but really just serves as a reason for the gameplay to exist.
[quote]This game was played with the following PC specs:
Intel i5-4440 3.10 GHz
GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER 4GB
1680x1050 resolution
Windows 10[/quote]
One of the original Mirror's Edge's most defining aspects was its crisp, bright white environment with occasional splashes of colour. Catalyst has kept the aesthetic while adding to it with brilliant, colourful lighting to reflect off of the polished white, giving it a stunning visual theme that contrasts with the dark, gritty aesthetic often found in sci-fi titles. I absolutely love the visuals of this game; and all the detail put into the environment.
Unfortunately, the facial animations – lip sync, specifically – are really pretty bad on some characters.
Using the specs listed above, I got a fairly consistent 60fps on a mix of high/highest settings. The game would occasionally stutter, but not often enough to be an issue.
Sound effects in Catalyst are quite nice – especially Faith's footstep sounds. Hearing her shoes squeak when she runs across a polished office floor is very nice, subtle touch.
Catalyst doesn't have such a memorable track as the original's Still Alive, but the music is quite pleasant; the very subtle and soothing track that plays while exploring was one I really liked.
Two or three times during my playthrough, the game would minimize when Origin popped an achievement.
On one occasion the game took 2-3 attempts to start, as it kept freezing on the loading screen.
Catalyst is, without question, a Mirror's Edge game, with the same great parkour system and visual style. Unfortunately, while certain aspects have been improved, many have also suffered. The poorly executed transition to an open-world setting and the overburdened story have cost the game some of the charm that made the original special.
I would recommend Catalyst to fans of the original or the style, but with warning of its flaws, and preferably with a decent discount.
[url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37072886][quote]If you're looking for more quality reviews like this, follow our curator page, Devils in the Detail.
1122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 14:34
The combat system is also limited, I gotta agree. Just side dodge and spam heavy attacks and you win the game. Although... the takedown animations are very good, just a shame that in vanilla you only see those during missions.
Of course the story is not the greatest, I have to agree with that. But honestly, who even plays this game and the original for mainly the story? Nobody. The parkour element is the main point of interest of the game, and that was a big success if you ask me.
To summarize, pros and cons, in my own opinion:
+Amazing looking visuals and pre-rendered cutscenes
+Fluid and satisfying parkour system
+Great soundtrack
+Beautiful city
+Memorable finale of the story
+Satisfying takedown animations
-A few bugs
-Forgettable story overall
-Flawed combat overall
3575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 20:53
Breathtaking sceneries, an amazing soundtrack, smooth movement and satisfying combat.
The story still isn't the best while it hits with a classic cliché but at least the characters are more memorable compared to Mirror's Edge. You can create custom time trials for others to play, on which you can try to find interesting routes to play with.
The reboot gives new and fresh content and is definitely worth trying out.
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149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 06:34
First of all:
- No new story, basically a re-run of mirrors edge (WHY?????)
- The campaign starts off very strong and had a lot of potential, but it leads to running all over the same open map over and over doing the same tasks over and over, you'll feel like you're running the same path like a hundred times it gets very stale.
- The steam version is literally a shortcut to origin's release which deleted my save file halfway though the game and does not have double buffer save system so I had no chance of getting back in the game and no intention on restarting, and as someone that does not use origin I had no idea I should have went in my game settings on the origin launcher to enable cloud saves which might of prevented my file getting completely removed for no reason.
- People complain that the combat is atrocious but I did kinda enjoy it... for the first 10 minutes, after that it felt like fights were shoved down your throat, AI is nothing to write home about, feels like sparring with a wooden dummy.
I think a decent price point for this game would be $5.00, I wouldn't pay for any more than that after what I've played.
Shame because it could have been a game to go down as one of the best ever but ended up just being pandering and fan service, devs didn't do anything new, kind of like a battle royal game, felt like everything was there just because it was what was popular at the time and what would guarantee profits in the eyes of a business.
1379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 15:39
Once again you slip into the role of Faith Connors in the city of Glass. The story of Mirror's Edge Catalyst is one of the games weak points. It's not entirely bad but a little lame and although the game offers fantastic, high quality, cinematic cut scenes, the developers fail to create a deeper relationship between the player and the protagonists. Except from Plastic, a nerdy coder and hacker, who lacks social skills, all other characters remain pale. The game could have been so much better with an intriguing story.
Before being able to fully enjoy the game you need to learn its controls. Since Mirror's Edge Catalyst is a parkour game, controls require a measure of precision. On the other hand, the game must not be too demanding because mistakes destroy the running flow which is frustrating. Therefore the developers needed to find the right balance between realism and fun. And in this account, they did a very good job. Controls are clearly much easier than in Mirror's Edge first game and with only two buttons you can perfectly control Faith.
Due to the learning curve in terms of control, the game gets better the longer you play.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst is an open-world game. The city offers a playground for many different activities.
You can play...
- main missions
- side missions
- gridleak missions
- gridnodes
- dash runs
- display hacks (display your private logo on huge billboards throughout the city)
- security posts
- delivery missions
- distraction missions
- time trials (created by other players)
- beat-l.e. (points in the game you have to reach, created by other players)
- visit hideouts throughout the city
- collect computer chips
- collect gridleaks (not the same like gridleaks missions)
- collect documents
- collect audio tapes
Main missions and side missions have no time limit. They are very enjoyable and fun to play and tell the game's story.
Grid nodes are huge computers inside of buildings. From time to time Plastic asks you to take over control of a grid node. The terminal to do so is inside the top of the building and it's your task to find a way to the top. Grid node missions are like puzzle games. And although I'm not a huge fan of puzzles in a first-person game, I enjoyed the grid node missions most. Even more than the main and side missions. These missions are cleverly designed, a lot of fun to play, and highly satisfying after completion.
You will die a couple of times but the automatic save points in Mirror's Edge Catalyst are very fair. Most of the time the game brings you back right to the spot where you have died.
Dash runs, time trials, delivery missions, and distraction missions are timed missions with extremely tight timing. The more areas of the city you unlock the more missions become available. But at the same time, these missions get more and more demanding. At the beginning of the game, dash runs and delivery missions can be used to git gud. But even then I often needed ten to twenty attempts to make it in time. The game does not allow you to make the slightest mistake. One jump without rolling off and you won't make it. It's extreme. And the further you progress in the story, the more areas of Glass you unlock. The final missions are so difficult I didn't manage to beat a single one.
From a certain point in the game security patrols are scattered all over the city. Then delivery missions require you to not only deliver something in time but to avoid any enemy contact. This is simply impossible. I didn't manage a single of these missions, not one.
And this is a shame! Because the overall reception of the game and it's rating could be so much higher if the developers simply added a few more seconds to these runs. It would have been so easy to do that. But no, Dice decided otherwise. Too bad!
The time trials are the most frustrating aspect of the game. The routes are not bad and as a player, you repeat your attempts over and over again. But you simply can't succeed. At least I don't see how.
Like so many other EA games Mirror's Edge Catalyst uses the Frostbite engine. I love that engine. The graphic quality this engine generates, while not requiring the most expensive rig is absolutely amazing. I played Star Wars Battlefront II and there you often no longer have the impression of playing a game, but like being in the middle of a movie. You can see every pore on people's skin. Although, not quite the quality of Star Wars Battlefront II, Mirror's Edge Catalyst delivers fantastic graphics and the game runs smooth as silk.
The game is quite addictive. Even if time trials can be very frustrating you want to try again and again.
After completing the main mission I somehow don't want to stop playing. Parkour running is a lot of fun!
- gorgeous graphics
- beautiful futuristic setting and architecture
- the city looks awesome!
- great sense of speed
- good controls
- often very exciting, makes you sweat in your seat
- open world
- addictive
- good music (but not as good as in part one)
- very fair savepoints
- high quality, cinematic cut scenes
- Plastic is a really cool character
- a few very cool missions
- hacking grid notes is a lot of fun
- Frostbite engine
- combat is fun
- some very cool finishing moves
- brilliant final story mission, simply amazing!
- inspired me to go jogging (and I did)
- Neutral
There's tons of glass in the city Glass. From time to time this is a problem if you run against glass walls that you thought were not there. Just like in real life if you cleaned that balcony door too perfectly.
- the story is a little lame
- uninteresting side missions
- the game fails to create empathy for other game characters
- time trial missions are far too difficult and frustrating because of much too short timing
- takes a few hours before you fully understand how to keep your flow
- sometimes difficult to find your next target
- guidance frequence too slow
- no Steam achievements
- you need to restart the game after changing graphic settings (guys it's 2020, grow up!)
Electronic Arts Dice
Electronic Arts
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
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