• Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Might & Magic X Legacy: Screenshot zum Titel.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 23.01.2014
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Preis Update 03.01.25

Über das Spiel

Nach einem Jahrzehnt Pause gibt es wieder ein Might & Magic®-Rollenspiel mit seiner einzigartigen Grundrezeptur und einer Reihe verbesserter und verfeinerter Features. Das beste RPG seiner Klasse!

Im Gefolge der spektakulären Ereignisse von Might & Magic® Heroes® VI spielst du als Teil einer Gruppe von vier Abenteurern, die in Intrigen und politische Ränkespiele in und um Karthal verstrickt werden. Die vom Zerfall bedrohte Stadt ist das Opfer rivalisierender Fraktionen, die um die Herrschaft kämpfen. Dein Handeln wird das Schicksal von Karthal bestimmen.

Might & Magic® X Legacy ist ein authentisches Solo-Abenteuer im klassischen RPG-Stil in Ego-Perspektive. Sammle deine Gefolgschaft und führe sie in eine aufregende offene Welt, wo ihr gegen mächtige mythische Kreaturen kämpfen und uralte magische Schätze aufspüren müsst!

  • Erlebe das klassische Might & Magic® Entdecke eine authentische Spielereihe, die das PC-Rollenspiel-Genre seit den 80ern geprägt hat! Dieses klassische, zeitlose RPG kehrt nach elf Jahren des Wartens zurück, wobei es den heutigen Standards angepasst wurde, aber zugleich alten Traditionen treu bleibt. Alte Schule, neue Regeln!
  • Erschaffe deine Gruppe
  • Führe eine Gruppe von vier aus verschiedenen Rassen stammenden Abenteurern an. Zwölf Klassen stehen zur Verfügung, jede mit ihrem eigenen Fertigkeiten-System. Tausende Kombinationen sind möglich!
  • Schmiede dir deine eigene Taktik
  • Besiege vermittels des rundenbasierten Spielsystems Kreaturen und mächtige Hauptgegner, erfülle einzigartige Quests, werte deine Gruppe auf und erwirb neue, mächtige Artefakte. Entdecke ein neues Gebiet in Ashan
  • Erkunde die Agyn-Halbinsel, - eine völlig neue, unerforschte Landschaft im Might & Magic-Universum. Mache dich mit ihrer epischen Wildnis vertraut und triff die Einwohner, die einige Überraschungen in petto haben …
  • Erforsche verborgene Dungeons
  • Bahne dir einen Weg durch gefährliche Dungeons, Städte und Labyrinthe voller Fallen, und lüfte vertrackte Rätsel und Geheimnisse. Aber Vorsicht: Man weiß nie, was hinter der nächsten Ecke lauert!
  • Erstelle und teile eigene Mods
  • Erschaffe dein eigenes Abenteuer und eigene Quests und teile sie mit der Community. Das Vermächtnis ist dein!


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 @ 2.6 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ @ 2.7 GHz
  • GFX: nVidia GeForce 8800GT or AMD Radeon HD3870 (512MB VRAM with Shader Model 4.0 or higher)
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 (all 32/64 bit versions)
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • Peripherie:
  • MISC: Using the Minimum Configuration, we strongly recommend to use minimal settings in order to not experience low framerate.
  • LANG: Englisch, Deutsch
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad @ 2.4 GHz or AMD Phenom x4 @ 2.3 GHz
  • GFX: nVidia GeForce GTX470 or AMD Radeon HD6870 (1024MB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0)
  • RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 (64 bit versions)
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch, Deutsch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

245 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 12:39
Das ist eine Frechheit von Ubisoft, Die sollten sich dafür schämen!
462 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 20:54
shit Ubi they closed the server and didnt removed the DRM. FCK UBISOFT
67 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 16:35
Nicht mehr komplett Spielbar nachdem Ubisoft die Server geschlossen hat. Solange es kein Patch dafür gibt nicht zu empfehlen.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 00:17
Might & Magic 7 war das Spiel meiner Kindheit. Diese Fortsetzung ist eine wunderbare Erweiterung seiner Vorgänger. Ich genieße das Spielen sehr!
169 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
6664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 17:49
Einfach nur genial Old School. Kein Questmarker, der die Landschaft plakatiert oder ein Navi, welches einem penetrant den Weg weist. Questbeschreibungen lesen und herausfinden, Lösungen erarbeiten und einen Gang runter schalten sind die Devise.

Jedem, der richtige Rollenspiele mag zu empfehlen und Spielern, die mal reinschnuppern wollen und von den richtigen Oldies Augenschmerzen bekommen :)
645 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.14 16:38
Nettes Spiel, wenn man die alten Teile mochte. Man muss sich aber im klaren sein, dass man eine viele Jahre alte Spielmechanik kauft. Wenn einem das bewusst ist und man eigentlich auch genau das will, kann ich das Spiel bisher empfehlen :)
173 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
13611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.14 10:59
Schönes Retro-RPG.
Wer an Might and Magic Isles of Terra und der World of Xeen Spaß hatte und wer auch Mandat des Himmels recht gelungen fand, wird auch mit Legacy zufrieden sein. Die Einteilung in Planquadrate ist anfangs wieder gewöhnungsbedürftig, spielt sich aber ruck zuck ganz fein. Die Geschichte ist stimmungsvoll, die vier Akte gut verteilt. Weltgröße ok. Für jede Klasse gibt es eine Beförderungsquest mit meistens einem eigenen mehrstöckigen Dungeon. Das ganze Spiel ist recht kampflastig, die Rätsel sind von der Schwierigkeit her ok, manche Texträtsel wirken wie ergoogelt. Spielzeit bei mir, ohne auf die Zeit zu achten um 60h. Die Schwierigkeit hängt sehr von der gewählten Party bzw. den Fertigkeiten ab, der erste Anlauf war viel zu schwer, der zweite fast (aber nur fast) schon zu einfach (im Schwierigkeitsgrad Abenteurer).
Technisch macht die Unity Engine manchen kummer. Am neuen Rechner lief alles reibungslos und problemlos, am alten gab es alle 10 bis 30 Minuten zufällige Abstürze.
170 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.14 21:47
Installiert, Party erstellt und wohlgefühlt.

Ein Game vom Ende der 80er per digitalem Spiele-Wurmloch ins Heute geholt. Dabei die Grafik aufpoliert aber das Spielkonzept in Ruhe gelassen. Einzig die 90-Grad-Drehungen sind vielleicht ein wenig zu altbacken. Aber damit kann man gut Leben.

Die Erstellung der Gruppe mit Klassen- und Rassenauswahl war ein einziges, wenngleich viel zu kurzes Vergnügen. Da wäre ein wenig mehr Auswahl zwar schön, doch die Gruppe bekommt was sie braucht. EIn Klassiker nach dem anderen: Barbar, Krieger, Paladin, Waldläufer, Druide und Magier und und und.

Die Erkundung der Stadt, mit Hilfe des ersten NPC, ist schnell erledigt. Die automatisch mitzeichnende Karte ist bequem und erinnert an die ausdruckbaren Karten aus C64er und Powerplay. Die Aufgaben kommen von selbst, man ist die ersten Stunden nie verloren oder planlos. Und nach den ersten größeren Quests fängt bestimmt schon der eine oder andere mit der Umplanung der Gruppe an. Denn das Optimieren der Party und das Hochleveln der Charaktere macht richtig Spaß!

Dazu ist das Spiel herausfordernd, spannend, süchtig machend.
Retro-RPG vom Feinsten!
385 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
1352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.14 23:22
Für diejenigen denen Wizardry,Ishtar,Eye of the Beholder oder Dungeonmaster keine Unbekannten Titel sind,oder die Gefallen an Legend of Grimrock gefunden haben,denen sei Might & Magix X wärmstens empfohlen.

Der neueste Teil der Serie ist eine wirklich Gelungene Portierung von Rollenspiel Flair der alten Schule in die heutige Zeit.
Ausgeklügeltes Spielsystem,wirklich schöne Rätsel bei denen man zum Teil auch via Texteingabe agieren muss,die unterschiedlichsten,aus der M&M Welt bekannten Gegner sowie eine Große,Frei begehbare Spielwelt in der es sehr viel auch abseits der Story zu entdecken gibt,und unmengen an Quest's und ein gutes Skillsystem machen Might & Magic X zu einem Großartigen Rollenspiel.

Versteht man unter Rollenspiel mehr etwas wie Skyrim,dann sollte man sich vorher evtl ein paar Videos zum Spiel ansehen,an die Hand genommen wird man bei diesem Spiel definitiv nicht,selbstständiges Denken ist gefragt.

Die Anspruchsvollen Kämpfe sowie die unterschiedlichen,möglichen Zusammenstellungen der eigenen Gruppe geben viel Raum für immerwieder neue Taktiken.

Denen die sich noch allzugern an legendäre Rpg Klassiker erinnern,und dieses Gefühl gut verpackt in der heutigen Zeit mit neuer Story und neuem Spiel erleben wollen,denen sei es definitiv empfohlen.

Man sollte sich jedoch Bewusst machen dass selbst bei der Steam Version,Uplay Zwang besteht,dh man muss es ebenfalls Installieren um Legacy spielen zu können,was bei einem eventuellen Serverausfall auch dazu führt dass man es nicht spielen kann.
141 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
27218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.14 17:09
Dieses Game ist für Fan`s der Serie. Wer die Vorgänger kannte und mochte, dem wird es gefallen. Neueinsteiger würde ich vor dem Kauf eine Demoversion empfehlen. Da ich die Vorgänger ebenfalls spitze fand, empfehle ich das Game gerne weiter.
58 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 13:17
fun game ubisoft connect is crap . can I just play the game ? game will not even start anymore.
431 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 03:35
If I ever manage to fight my way through Ubisoft's spyware and malware and get the game working, I know there is a good game lurking somewhere in here. If.
188 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 03:39
All the worst parts of the old grid-based games are combined with all the worst parts of the free-roaming newer ones to create the most tedious and least interesting game in the series. I played it through to completion out of my deep devotion to the franchise; never again.
298 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
4303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 21:08
This is a true old school grid based CRPG. I am currently on my 3rd run of it. If you are old enough to remember and like Eye of the Beholder, Lands of Lore and the earlier Might & Magic titles then you will love this. Definitely one of my favourite games even if it doesn't have fancy graphics. Plenty of character types to choose from and class advancement. If you are a player who just likes levelling, improving your characters and getting better gear this will game appeal to you. You have a party of 4 characters to configure and manage as a group. Secret doors/rooms, a good variety of monsters, a saving the world fantasy story, what more can you ask for.
189 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
69 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 03:25
I bought this game years ago and never played it. When i tried to play it recently, Uplay said that the CD key supplied by Steam is in use by a different account even though I am the only one using this account.
Ubisoft refused to give me access.

Don't waste your time on any Uplay tied game. They just take your money and give you used keys and don't resolve the issue.
240 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
17117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 16:03
Very nice turn based rpg
592 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
12970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 06:44
Wonderful game.

Only bad thing -- and it is like a kick in the teeth bad -- is that you are shackled to the Ubisoft launcher now Ubisoft Connect. It sucks.

But the game is really fun and very challenging on the hardest difficulty
828 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 16:27
The game lacks immersion and the old pizazz of previous Might & Magic classics. The last version I liked was VIII.
60 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
13129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 19:52
This is a very interestingly designed game that deserves multiple run-though, unfortunately, it falls into the hand of an irresponsible publisher such as Ubisoft. But it's still a good game.

First let's talk about its merits.
1. The characters are well thought though and ingeniously designed, I can feel the fluid intelligence flowing behind the design. Every character has at least 3 viable builds, some builds are only viable in a certain team composition. Each build has its own shining moments, and feared enemies. The more powerful the build is, the more frequently the feared enemies show up. Hence it's perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
Also as aforementioned, not only a character build has its own solo combos, which enables subtle but strong moves, there are also interesting interactions between characters enabling even more powerful plays. Therefore not only team composition matters, the order of action matters too.
What's more, the enriched item system provides a wide range random generated items, which can genuinely change the whole game plan. This adds a whole new layer to the character system, and provides a replayability that is hard to exhaust. You will need 2~3 run-though to get to your ideal team, because sometimes the game changing items with the certain suffix won't appear on some run-though and you don't even know they exist.
And the enemies are well designed too, you actually can't hack and slash brainlessly, but observe the specialties of the enemies and consider a tactic. The most funny thing is, the most feared enemy of a character usually appear on the path of promotion of that character, which prohibits you to make a team of pure one class.
The last thing is there's no such thing as useless spell, every spell is can be used in certain circumstances.

2. The puzzles are fun, and not too difficult. All of them require no more the middle school math. Some of the answers can be found in the lore books you got on your adventure, it's an interesting way to promote the in-game lore.

3. Exploration in the game is rewarding, and fun.

4. It provides a development kit for new content.

5. There are memes and traditions in the game, glad these are carried on.

Now the shortcomings:
1. I can see the developing team has the ambition to write a good story, but it seems to me that because of the impatient of Ubisoft, they can't make it. This debt goes to Ubisoft.

2. The scenario design is cool, but not stunning. Even going back to 2015, there are games demonstrate absolute breathtaking scenario design, such as Toussaint in The Witcher 3, and the Prophet's Tomb in the Rise of the Tomb Raider.

3. The game is poorly optimized. Even on a modern computer, it takes seconds to render. This is also on Ubisoft's Account.

4. The world is kind of small, and lack of content, you can't even reach the level an achievement requires.

5. It has almost nothing to with the Might and Magic games before.

Generally speaking, it's a fun dungeon crawler game with bad story and ok-ish graphic, I will give it 70 out of 100.

625 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 02:01
If you want a dungeon crawler with an overworld, this one is pretty good. Nowhere near perfect and doesn't deserve to be the deathknell of the mainline Might & Magic series.
99 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
5815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 02:55
Like cheap beer... take it or leave it. I took it.
412 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 20:07
Bought this game a while ago. Had lots of fun with it. Went to play it again today, and apparently my CD Key is already in use...by someone else? I don't know. Reached out to support and instead of helping me, wanted a bunch of information that doesn't apply...my Twitch Handle? wtf...everything else needed should have been tied to my Uplay account except for the CD Key and Steam ID which I provided. Extremely poor customer service on top of denying me access to a game I paid for.
1345 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 21:47
The game isnt BAD, but because Ubisoft is behind it its Horrible.

Basically if you could play the game with out any ubisoft Uplay or ubisoft interactions...... then yeah its not a bad thing.
1758 Produkte im Account
108 Reviews
3929 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 14:48

Excellent game, a total classic for me !
Grid based dungeon crawler like Grimrock, outside too. But action oriented, not so puzzle oriented.

After completing the main quest, you'll be advised to travel to Karthal.
Go into the Vigil and back out, and the DLC starts.
51 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
14956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 11:19
I have enjoyed the M&M series since I played the first one on my Apple II clone back in the 80s. I have not played 3,4, or 5. I have played the others. I like X but I wish that there was monster re-spawn. The fact that they don't is a disappointment for me. I like to max out the skills on my characters in the M&M games that I do play. That is the only thing holding me back from giving the game a 5/5. I rate this game a 4/5 instead. That is just my opinion as someone who enjoys the M&M games. I am not a professional reviewer, just a gamer.
1173 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 00:32
Ignore the dumb ass's everything is restored the game is back to normal and there is no malware your see a comment about malware the clown is a retard and does know that when there is a change to a program you anti-virus will trigger i check the whole thing no malware is in or DRM so ignored the uneducated and slimey.
869 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 14:38
Ubisoft stole everyone's money and gave everyone the finger. Where are the police to arrest these scums? If we went in their company and stole ANYTHING we would be arrested, but they stole money from thousands and are walking free. This country is a joke.
224 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 03:54
I bought this like 6 years ago and decided to boot it up for the first time yesterday. Got to the halfway point of the first act. Then I decided to check out the Extras tab, only to find out out the DLC are inactive and can't be activated, so I decided to google the problem. Turns out the brilliant Minds at Ubi decided to shutdown the DRM servers to a single player game in June of 2021. Not only can't you access the DLC, WHICH YOU PAYED FOR, you can't even get past the first act of the game.

Bravo Guys!

I was lucky enough to find out about this early into my playthrough, others weren't this fortunate.

620 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 19:15
Don't buy this game. The game attempts to contact a server to validate at a certain point. Thanks to Ubisoft turning that server off it can no longer do this and so a single player game is broken because companies like Ubisoft care more about DRM than the people who buy their games, as shown by the fact that they're still selling this game. Don't buy this game. Don't buy any Ubisoft games.
500 Produkte im Account
188 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 00:07

They broke it and wont fix it, STEAM please remove this game.
95 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 16:44
Was a great game before Ubisoft killed it. Now I can't play a game I paid for because some stupid DRM server went offline. This is an act of fraud and we shouldn't stand for it.
392 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3748 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 09:42
Ubisoft continuing to sell this game in it's broken state is criminal. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. Since they cut off the verification DRM server for this game, you cannot access DLC you paid for, and you cannot proceed past Act 1. No communication from Ubisoft, no signs of fixing it, no refunds. Shame on you Ubisoft. I will never purchase anything from you again.
3822 Produkte im Account
126 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 14:37
Since Ubisoft shut down the servers for this Singleplayer game, the game is broken and unplayable.
Now its missing Dialog, Quests, All DLC even if you buy it, Act 2 and onward is blocked.

Eat a multiple d!cks Ubisoft, or fix your mess.

Ubisoft = Absolute garbage
1586 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 04:09

The DRM servers for this SINGLE PLAYER game were SHUT OFF but game is still being sold (for me it's currently displayed at 25€ - which is a crime, if not at least an insult in itself). Ubi should release a fix to remove DRM (hahaha who am I kidding, right?).
453 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 22:06
Yet more proof that Ubisoft is an absolute garbage company. As of now, you cannot play past act 1 without modifying the game files because the server that this single player game was connected to was shut down. But if you have the DLC, you can't play it at all, since the DLC required you to have connection to the servers for it to work. The DLC that is still being sold! This company is an absolute joke and I will never understand how there are people brain dead enough to actually defend them.
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
17756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 10:43
Excellent game, can't wait for the next in the series.

Long time fan of the playstyle.


UBISOFT have disabled the DLC making the game broken when you reach Act 1 end.

It is now unplayable again and should never be bought until they fix the game.

Also. Deluxe/DLC is pointless since you only get standard version no matter what.
47 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 06:44
What I can play of the game is fun, the problem is the Ubisoft app, I have the legacy addition and the DLC and yet it just will not let me play past Act1 I have tried to reactivate the keys multiple times.
22 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
11446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 13:01
Nostalgic M&M gameplay. Gives you the feel of the old 90s M&M games. Although it had its fair share of bugs, that was part of the game which we all adored back in the day.
You get the feel of adventure and D&D type dungeon crawling as well as customizable characters according to your liking.
Initially, bosses and mobs alike will gives you a fair share bit of challenge but as you progress and get more accustomed to the gameplay and gain experience. Things seems to get a bit easier.
I usually play these type of games on hardest difficulty to enjoy the full challenge a game have to offer. This game didnt disappoint.
496 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
11675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 00:50
I enjoyed it, although it was a bit different than M&M I through IX, all of which I played when they were originally released, way back in the day of graph paper and hand mapping.

My only disappointment was that by the time you reach the final boss, you'll be surprised when you one-shot them, considering that all of the monsters you have to fight to get through the story were far tougher than the final boss.

All in all, I had a lot of fun with this, and I'm really hoping for a Might & Magic XI
211 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 19:58
Disappointed it that it has been inflicted with Uplay. It is clumsy in places, feels a little dated and perhaps has the odd bug or two. But hey, I'm enjoying it in a slightly old-school sort of way. Worth a punt.
171 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 12:10
Fun game but ultimately unsatisfying. Buggy unoptimized mess and a lame story.
343 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 11:34
Love the game. An all-time top ten RPG.

Ubisoft, however, has ruined the experience with their logon loops. Spending ten min logging in to a game 5 times is infuriating.

This is a reminder to myself not to buy their products until they fix the absurdity.
711 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
4029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 20:23
MMX is a rough, barely-functional, bug-riddled, asset-reusing, terrible-story RPG that somehow wormed its way into my heart and deserves more people playing it. If Ubisoft actually cared and if they actually allocated more production budget to this game when it came out, it would easily be hailed as a completely solid modern RPG and a faithful addition to the Might and Magic franchise.

I love this game, in spite of all its (many) faults. There is a golden game here, it just needed more time in the oven. I truly hope that one day a pack of nerds gets together and mods the crap out of this, because a fantastic modern blobber is in here, it's just not finished yet.

Should you buy it? If you're on this page considering it, you're probably the target audience, so yes! Just get it on sale. Bugs, performance issues, general lack of polish, and other problems aside there is a truly fun RPG here.
385 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
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587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 22:46
I'm not sure when they retroactively forced Uplay on anyone who wishes to play this game, but I know now that I'll never be installing it again.
28 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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12764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 01:48
Stay away from UbiSoft
51 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 02:42
Not what I think of when I think of the good Might & Magic games. Also not sure why it needs to have an attached Ubisoft launcher and account.
350 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 08:17
great game in such a unique world with cool stuff to get and unique characters
54 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 09:30
This is the WORST game I've played in the series. Just plain LAZY development. Bugs that can occur in the main story quests which will end your game right there. Written in Unity so there is ZERO mod support. Coasting on the title nostalgia, its completely predatory.
339 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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3297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 05:53
-Combat is good enough to have me finish it.
-Game is buggy, had to edit files.
-I hated the riddles
-Navigation maps are a joke
-Can't grind
-End game loot sucks
-Story was boring
-Money is a issue for the first 30 hours then all the sudden it's not, but then you don't want anything the shop sells
-Music is fine
-Character quips rival Bubsy in annoying
-Magic is fun
-Range is BS
-Warrior skills are not useful except 3 of them
-Wearing armor gives you attack penalties which skills offset
- Sense of being powerful by end game without game being too easy
- Easy to make a bad party
-Requires Uplay

Solid 5/10. It's OK, but there's better, if you have nothing else then its OK. I do not recommend unless you have no other Turn based RPG set on Grid to play.
940 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 01:03
I enjoyed the time I played with it for the most part, but it felt like a half-baked game to me - as if Ubisoft wanted to do something with the Might & Magic franchise, but didn't quite know what to do with it and abandoned it when it probably could've used a patch or two.

There's a day/night cycle, but as far as I can tell, it has absolutely no impact on the game.
Enemies are too good about dodging/blocking melee attacks - particularly the four bosses I faced. The very first boss was even extra annoying about blocking and dodging (and I'm saying that as someone playing on adventurer/easy with what's considered a potent party: crusader/hunter/blademaster/runepriest and while I won't claim I'm a good video game player, I do play a lot of them and rpgs). It doesn't help that there is no respawning enemies, which I don't mind, but means there's little way to grind to overpower the foes.

I suppose it isn't that big of a deal and i did enjoy the time I spent (I got up to the castle/after the lighthouse boss) and can see a decent game here as well as the power in my party (outside of the blocking/dodging, my rune priest with magical focus (which couldn't be blocked/dodge) and fire magic was dominating as well as my crusader with magical focus and celestial armor (which tbh was probably the only way I survived the bosses when combined with various shrines - and the fact that you can leave at any time to heal/rest which was helped by no respawning enemies), but I just had to stop because of glitches. This is an older game and I have a newer computer, but the game would still freeze up on me. However, what ultimately caused me to give up was my runepriest glitching out - his portrait just disappeared. He was still there, but I could no longer see him which made it very hard to tell how healthy he was. As a person who's played many RPGs, and games known to be buggy, I've kept my habit of multiple saves. Unfortunately, the glitch or bug actually seemed to affect them all.

I just can't recommend it unless people are willing to brave the potential bugs and I did like it enough that if I didn't have so many games to play, I probably would give it another shot (maybe in the future) and would at least pay attention to a Might & Magic XI.
325 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 17:34
You have to log in to UBIsoft to even play. I'm really sick of this from steam and the publishers. If i wanted to buy it on Ubisoft's store i would of done that. I don't want to have to make 2 accounts, reconfirm my email and get spammed all over again by Ubisoft. It's a fucking offline game, why are you forcing me to go through 3 sites, 2 logins and 2 accounts to play a 6 year old single player offline game with no network capability. The only thing Ubisoft did was add a cash shop. Ubisoft is trash
122 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
11176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 23:14
I bought this while in EA many years ago. I am just now getting around to writing a review. =)
Grab on discount.
Overall, this game isn't bad. Even back in EA and now in 2020 this is roughly the style of dungeon crawler I prefer. The game isn't designed to have superior GFX, yet if you crank up the settings it looks decent. Keep in mind the aesthetics and game play are intentional. Plus, MMX has my fav features: build a party and turn based combat. Yes, it has some flaws but MMX did a decent job bringing back Might and Magic to modern times. Sadly there are bugs that occur at random times. Makes me sad this game is tied to Ubisoft and got abandoned and even more so might never see a XI.
I haven't checked but hopefully there is a unofficial patch...
70 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 16:05
Runs kinda bad, would really need some optimalization but just has some unique charm to it that I return from time to time to replay it.
267 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
3911 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 23:05
If your old enough to remember the original 3 might and magics, late 80's early 90's, you will love this throw back to the original open world of 3d turned based fantasy RPG! It has easy ui, decent graphics and expands on the old school formula. I just with the world was a bit bigger, thats my only complaint. I love this game, along with all the older prior titles. This is certainly worth a buy, if your a fan like me!
81 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 14:24
old school feel, with new flavor
38 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
35572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 09:05
Might and Magic classic.
417 Produkte im Account
243 Reviews
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258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 20:48
Feels like it never left Early Access!

I usually don't play game with rating below 80%. I noticed that game 2 years ago, but decided to give it a try only yesterday. because wanted to fell old school TBS gameplay. I knew about graphics.

I started the game and it was fun for an evening. I passed first dungeon, went to open world. Today, I continued playing and after several hours I realized I am done with it. Most of cons I will write below.

- I didn't play Might & Magic games before, so this 4-heroes TBS mechanics was fun for me.
- A lot of spells, skills and etc. It feel likes there is a lot of ways to play
- Searching for hidden chests is fun

- There is no mechanics for travel fast between shops in the city or major locations. You just need to walk same paths again and again. It is getting boring VERY fast.
- The most annoying thing that you can't choose a target for spell and ranged attack. It is so silly and drove me crazy
- Not enough explanation for game mechanics in strategy game. There are encyclopedia with info. Unit has damage but in real game attack for higher value. Why? You have armor but you can't understand how it affects on you.
- UI is bad. For example there is a spell which absorbs damage. And.. you can see how more damage it can absorb. There are some spells which decrease armor, but you have no ideas if they stuck, because after cast it shows same icon with no numbers
- Graphics is.... it is bad, but in strategy game it is not so important
- Random factor is too high (misses, random abilities and etc)
- Story is compeltely usual fantasy.
- Bad design. I seed 10 mintues for Spider lair. You get to Lighthouse (second instance), killing everything, get to 3 floor and get raped by 2 guys. Ok, you get 5 more levels, clear another 2 dungeons, come back again and... they still kill you... hm.. On third attempt, there 4 guys instead... Oh.. f*ck you.



I really tried to play/pass that game. Read some guides, passed several dungeons. But duo different flaws I didn't want to continue. I can't recommend this game even for TBS fans.
41 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 02:55
If you're a fan of the oldschool grid based, party based, turn based fantasy RPG, then this game is for you. I love the artwork and atmosphere. Great game!
452 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
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3334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 14:08
- I loved the turn based combat and the slow progression as you kill more enemies to level up and get stronger.
- Ending is decent even though story was basic.

- Game has more bugs than Skyrim.
- Only ~5% of the dialogue is voiced.
- No steam achievements. There's U-play achievements though. Was it so hard to code over the same achievements to Steam?
- Game really takes the old school thing seriously. You have to spend hours googling for quest information and trainer locations etc as game expects you to write it down or something.
- There's also no way the respec your skill points.

Overall, 5/10. Loved the gameplay but hated the rest of it. Only die-hard fans of old school RPGs will find it fun.
715 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 16:04
Not really a great game, and it requires Uplay. I lost access to my old Uplay account a few years ago, tried to reinstall and play this recently, but you can't play it in a different Uplay account. Steam won't refund or even allow me to repurchase a new key and Ubisoft is about as much help as you can expect from Ubisoft.

Ubisoft is the worst company you'll interact with since the last time you had Harvey Weinstein over for dinner.

Buy at your own risk.
468 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
5307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 05:28
Completed the game in Warrior Mode first playthrough, about 80+ hours of content including DLC (admittedly some of the time were wasted on travelling back & forth grid by grid). It was overall a positive experience, a well-made RPG reminiscing the old grid-based dungeon crawler, so I don't really get what's with all the downvotes, probably the lack of hand-holding?

The game was REALLY difficult at first, due to those punishing negative status effects & hard-hitting mobs... The first chapter boss almost made me rage quit but soon after I found way to defeat him and progress, then the game became easier & easier as your party level up, and late-game is basically cake-walk for me (I dunno but maybe I chose one of the better party composition - It was Crusader - Bladedancer - Rune Priest - Hunter, honestly all 4 of them are really useful throughout the game). There are many unexplained mechanics in the game though, so you might need to be patience & keen to explore or maybe look for a guide. Tips: Blessing from statues are really powerful early on, I wish I've discover it earlier thus made more use of it (especially the Hour of Power) to make my early game less stressful.

- Diverse character customization: free to choose your own party and build your own character stats / skills.
- Many punishing game mechanics such as: No retreating (you might need to save often), crazily fatal status effect (No cure = character dead), OP enemy's traits (Especially the one that can hit you once more for each hit you miss). You really need to be prepared & know what you are doing.
- Decently big world map + dungeons, not the massive large world type but there are plenty to explore.
- Pretty good graphics & details for a grid-based dungeon crawler RPG, monsters looks interesting & not too boring / ugly.
- Many unexplained mechanics & no hand-holding, you even need to make notes on the map yourself, else you might find it difficult to locate what you need again.
- There are bugs, but nothing game-breaking.
- Numerous riddles, some I really have no clue but to look for guides.

Things I dislike:
- Poor inventory system; no sorting, limited spaces.
- Absolutely no way to re-stats / refund skill points etc, any decision is permanent, so you can't change or save your characters if you made a lot of poor choices early on. Tips: Grandmaster skill is WAY better than Master, so almost no reason to choose Master-only skill over GM skills. At least 1 point into Ranged weapon is a must. I personally went for a few Expert-only skills just to equip few of the Relics, were working out fine for me & think it's worth it.

Things I HATE:
- Equipment RANDOMLY break, and you might need to travel long back to town to get it fix, no simpler way, which is kinda stupid for a grid-based RPG. It's better just to reload if you did save often.

Verdict: Recommended on sale!
171 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
8595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 15:38
Great great great game. Gave me 143.3 hours of old skool RPG bliss. Not the prettiest game so if you are someone who enjoys graphics over mechanics, go and play Tomb Raider - pretty sure they are giving it away free at the moment. But if you like good old skool mechanics and aren't put off by a clunky experience from walking square by square then this game is a must play <3
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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5431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 23:03
Shit game. Keeps hanging when moving into dungeons after act 1 completed. Total waste of time buying and playing.
11 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 20:58
I just bought this game on the Ubisoft game sale event, and after only playing for 4 hours, I can tell you, I am not impressed and do NOT recommend this game.

I went into it with an open mind, having not played a M&M title since Gates to another world on Megadrive/Genesis.
However, after playing for only a few hours, grew incredibly bored of it.

The game looks nice, and isn't very resource heavy, but sometimes it can lag spike for no reason, and often the game crashes soon after.
This wasn't a huge issue though as it's rarely happened to me.... Now, onto the crux of the matter, the game feels very much like it's been rushed to reach release, and that it's only half or even a quarter as good as it potentially could be.

4 races with 3 classes each, and those classes are race specific.... So good luck to anyone hoping to be an Elven Paladin, not going to happen in this game i'm afraid!

Now, onto the difficulty, even the most average difficulty will leave you needing mages in your party, from the get go, with Firebolt, you will see why if you do decide to play this game.

The main issue I have, is that there is no way at all to grind levels.... There's no monster respawns, and this is a terrible idea for ANY rpg.
This was my nail in the coffin moment, because many times I ran into situations where if I was able to farm a few levels, it'd pan out better for me, but sadly, the game developers decided against something as simple and expected, as monster respawn locations.

Do I recommend this game? No!
Am I glad I never paid full price for it? Yes!
417 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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5400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 19:00
Game started once - i was impressed and wanted to continue playing ... uplay not found - cant get it fixed.

thank you Ubisoft
76 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 00:05
I was a huge fan of Might and Magic 7. So much so that I finished the game using a Korean version. Due to that (and the sale) I bought M & M X Legacy.

If you played and enjoyed the Might and Magic series, there is a strong chance you will enjoy this. There are changes and upgrades which go both ways. Be warned, the movement system is not as free as it once was.

If you like single player turn based RPGs this might be a game for you.
228 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 07:52
I loved M&M6,7, and 8 but since Ubisoft took over it has been all downhill, your movement is restricted to tiles in this game, just walking around the first town was a chore, I may try it again just to have some sort of new adventure, but with turn based combat required and tile movement, this game will be tedious and frustrating. if this just simply played like might and magic 7 it would be a great looking new storyline, but alas it is not even close.
102 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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1676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 17:35
While I enjoyed the play style of the game, the story, and the music. I would not recommend purchasing it because of the crashing problems that this game has. After playing and reaching the next town, the game would crash right after I finished loading a save. The screen would go blue, and my computer would freeze up. Hope this helps future purchases.
18 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 01:44
Fantastic old school turn based first person party based RPG. If you are a fan of the type of game this is honestly one of the best out there.
Don't mind the people complaining about UPlay. It takes 5 minutes to register the game and you never have to touch UPlay again, the game stays in and can launch from your Steam library.
If you like the hardcore grid crawling RPG's this one is not to be missed.
82 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 21:59
play Might ma magic 6 or 7. everything looks beautiful in this game... and thats about it. it doesn't feel like might and magic... it just felt like a nestalgic grab welp make the next one make it like MM6 or MM7 and ill play it ill play it for 15 years easy. but this.... i keep trying to play this. coem back to it every once and a while and i just cant get into it. don't know what it is. welp if the promo is still on buy this for MM6. its worth that IMO.
198 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.20 20:46
The game is fine but I just spent an hour trying to get the ubisoft launcher to work. seariously don't buy an ubisoft game. It's cancer. I hate them.
311 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 08:10
With Axeoth being scrapped, Ashan became the new world for Might & Magic. Completely devoid of cybernetic space operatic elements, the world of Ashan is what you may call a high fantasy: dragon-demigods, order-chaos dichotomy, and overall epicness of the lore. So on the one hand, Ashan’s lore is more thoroughly written than any of the previous worlds of Might & Magic series, but on the other hand, it is quite conventional and feels much less original.

The game begins with your party of raiders (in Ashan such called adventurers, whose motives are not mercantile, but honorable) arrive at Agyn peninsula to bury the ashes of their deceased mentor in his home-town Karthal. But Karthal turns out to be engulfed in flames of civil war, so the heroes end up in Sorpigal-by-the-Sea to regroup and begin their journey from there.

Sorpigal, yes, you can cry now. It is the first of many many more references to the greater past of Might & Magic series. Imagine the game leaning over with a cunning smile and whispering to your ear, “Hey, remember The Secret of Inner Sanctum? You’ve started in Sorpigal there, right? Oh, and remember The Mandate of Heaven? You’ve started in New Sorpigal there, right? So here you go! It’s exactly like the good old days! Remember?”

Still, though, the world itself, as I’ve already stated, is quite well written. Ashan’s political intrigues are quite engaging, NPCs usually have interesting backstories, and your journal now has a separate lore department, which rapidly fills up with episodes of Ashan history, myths, and elven poetry. There is much to remember from the Agyn peninsula story and setting: a love story between an imperial paladin and a dark elf, goblin cook, samurai nagas, etc.

On the other hand, the plot feels much less epic (especially for a high fantasy setting), for you don’t save your world from Sheltem’s megalomaniac ideas of world destruction, nor you deal with planet devouring race of space devils. In Might & Magic X you just try to prevent the revolution, that would destroy the empire of the good guys.

Might & Magic X lacks one of the most important aspects of the series, and it is the option to roam free and travel all across the open wide world. Instead, the map opens up gradually, following the plot. It feels very inappropriate for a Might & Magic game to restrict the player’s freedom so much.

But on the other hand (get used to it, this game is like a ping-pong of emotions), fabulous colors returned to the series! It seems really refreshing especially after the bleakness of Writ of Fate.

Might & Magic X expectedly made an effort in reviving the past. But not the past of Enrothian trilogy, but that of the golden days—Isles of Terra and the World of Xeen. Again, the land is divided into tiles, everything you do is turn-based, and the world is albeit small, but wholesome (theoretically at least, if you forget about shackles of the plot). My nostalgic soul wholeheartedly welcomed this return to the roots, but not everybody would agree with me on that.

There are four characters in the party; each must be created by the player; humans, elves, dwarves, orcs—you know the drill. The class system have changed again though. Overall you have 12 classes, but they are divided equally between the races—each race has three classes under a common scheme: one might-based class, one magic-based class, and one mixed class.

Parallel classes of different races never equivalent to each other: an orc shaman will never be able to reach the same magical proficiency as a human mage, but unlike the later, won’t become useless without mana, thanks to his natural skill of crushing enemy skulls with a club. So you have quite a nice freedom of choice when creating a party—there is much to think about and choose from.

All of the character skills in Might & Magic X are strictly combat ones: weapon skills, magic skills, skills which provide passive bonuses in battle, and active warfare skills for warriors. Those warfare skills are like spells but for warriors, with mana usage included.

Training centers now only teach skills. This means what? That’s right: we have a classical free RPG leveling-up in our Might & Magic game! Kill a bunch of mobs, gather enough experience points, press the button, and tweak your stats as you see fit. As much as this system feels intuitive anywhere else, so much out of place it feels in a Might & Magic game.

The hireling system is pretty much the same as in Might & Magic VI, VII, and VIII. The main obstacle here is, again, the plot, which likes to occupy one of the slots—or even both of them—with some NPCs necessary for some quest.

Overall, the game mechanics in Might & Magic X somewhat lack depth and variability. Magic schools are quite similar to each other; there are no interesting skills, which may increase replayability; rough plot limitations diminish the feel of an open world; shallow gaming systems make the game pretty easy.

There is a compensation though. Bosses—as primary, so as optional—may provide some challenge, especially for an unprepared party. Also, puzzles have returned, so you may expect some non-combat challenge, like in the old days.

All of that pros and cons ping-pong makes Might & Magic X a really problematic game for me to judge. Some of its design decisions make my heart melt, and some leave me baffled. But all in all, I just can’t call Legacy the worst Might & Magic game—it is certainly better than Writ of Fate.

[ For a full (quite a long) retrospective of Might & Magic series feel free to visit my blog: https://bezdarbor.com/tag/might-magic/ ]
133 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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4798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 08:02
A Ok game that was abandoned by the DEVs. While they did their job at fixing most of the bugs - they took the cash and ran when it came to smoothing things out. This game is not for a potato computer - even on newer systems - you can expect some performance issues. Newer Nvidia drivers will cause sparkle artifacts on enemy npcs. Even though this is steam - it will require you to download current UPLAY launcher to get it to work. You will also need to start a UPLAY account. If you have the DLC content - UPLAY will need to be online to access it. Steam is not required to play this, if you direct launch it. I gave this a NO recommendation because I do not believe in rewarding DEVs who like to bail before a game is truly finished - could have benefited from some more polishing. If you are going to buy this game - Don't pay full price for it.
56 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.20 22:17
So I installed this game years ago and apparently had to sign up under some Ubisoft account. That's been long forgotten for years. So now, when I reinstall the game and try to play it says I can't log in to play a game I bought. Screw you Ubisoft.
728 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
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1145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 13:57
Forces U (don't) Play. No way to play if you have an Ultrawide monitor (chat leaves the text area). Unbalanced. Another cashgrab by the publisher. Play Wizardry 8 or MM8 Instead
13 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
27950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.19 04:59
nice take on the classic game titles.
Logo for Might & Magic X Legacy
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
64.23% 1126 627
Release:23.01.2014 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Limbic Entertainment Vertrieb: Ubisoft Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: Might and Magic
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