Thanks for all the suggestions and comments on the Community Hub. It's really helping refine the game and we hope that with these updates you will enjoy it even more! So without further ado, here's the changelog:
Version 0.88
- Included Mission 5: Incursion in the campaign
- Included Mission 6: Donovan's Lab in the campaign
- Included Insane missions in Conquest mode
- Added 10 new achievements
- Improved cursor visibility of the standard, active and selection cursors
- Fixed a bug in the Conquest random generator that sometimes placed a mountain hovering over water in a winter map
- Fixed a bug where the "production queue is full" message was displayed even though this was not the case
- Fixed a bug where Hard and Very Hard maps with water rarely had expansion points -- from now on, there's always one
- Fixed a bug where Gatling Turrets coldn't hit certain targets
- Fixed a graphics bug where Phoenixes had gaps in their shadows