- CPU: Intel Core Duo or faster
- GFX:
- Software: Vista or later
- HD:
- SFX:
- DX:
- Peripherie:
- LANG: Englisch, Französisch, JapanischSprachen mit voller Audiounterstützung
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition
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- CPU:
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- HD:
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- Peripherie:
- LANG: Englisch, Französisch, JapanischSprachen mit voller Audiounterstützung
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.15 04:17
Mercenary Kings ist ein Spiel im Stil des Scott Pilgrim-Spiels. Was auch kein Wunder ist, da es sich um den selben Entwickler handelt. Ich habe das Spiel bereits alleine und im Co-op-Modus gespielt. Absolut kein schlechtes Spiel aber einige Sachen sind imho nicht so gut durchdacht. Schlecht ist es auf keinen Fall. Mir hat es sogar richtig viel Spaß gemacht aber das Problem ist schlichtweg das man unheimlich viel Grinden muss und dadurch die immer selben Maps mehrfach sehen muss. Richtig gut sind die Waffen. Diese bestehen aus Einzelteilen, die man sich zusammenstellen kann um einzelne Aspekte der Waffe zu verbessern oder zu verschlimmbessern.
Grafisch ist das Spiel hingegen absolut Top. Ich habe selten so schöne Spiele mit Pixelgrafik gesehen.
Wer gerne ein modernes Metal Slug hätte, ist mit Mercenary Kings eher schlecht bedient, denn Mercenary Kings ist doch eine Spur gemächlicher.
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.15 12:01
Auf den ersten Blick sieht das Spiel aus wie die Metal Slug Reihe und teilt sich auch ein paar eigenschaften. Es ist ein 2D-Plattformer in dem man Gegner hauptsächlich abschießt und ihren Projektilen ausweichen muss. Im Nahkampf kann man dann auf sein Messer zurückgreifen. Man kann das Spiel alleine oder mit bis zu drei Freunden spielen.
Und dann hat es sich mit den Gemeinsamkeiten auch schon erledigt.
Statt einer linearen Story, wählt man hier in seinem Camp aus einer Vielzahl von Missionen den nächsten Level aus. Dabei gibt es Missionen, die die tatsächliche Geschichte vorrantreiben, und solche, die Boni freischalten oder einfach nur zum Aufstocken der Ressourcen da sind.
Man findet in den Missionen viele Items, die man im Camp verwenden kann, um seinem Charakter eine limitierte Anzahl an Spezialfähigkeiten beizubringen (Wie zum Beispiel ein Integrierte Fallschirm, der Fallschaden verhindert), oder um die Schuss- und Nahkampfwaffe zu Modifizieren.
Und hierin liegt das Herz des Spieles. Jede Schusswaffe besteht aus mehreren Einzelteilen. Diese Einzelteile funktionieren großteils unabhängig voneinander. Nur manchmal können bestimmte Teile nicht miteinander kombiniert werden. Indem man die Waffenteile durchmischt, kann man Werte wie Feuergeschwindigkeit, Durchschlagskraft, Magazingröße und Nachladegeschwindigkeit anpassen. Die Möglichkeiten erscheinen grenzenlos.
Ein Nachteil dieses Systems ist, dass das Spiel dadurch recht viel grinding erfordert. Hinzukommt, dass viele der Missionen im gleichen Missionsgebiet spielen. Also, wirklich im gleichen Missionsgebiet. Es kann durchaus passieren, dass man nacheinander 5 Missionen spielt, in denen der Level exakt identisch aufgebaut ist und sich Gegner sowie Gegenstände an den gleichen Orten befinden. Das hätte vielleicht auch anders gelöst werden können.
Wem aber eine gute Portion grinding und sich wiederholende Level nichts ausmacht, der wird viel Spaß mit Mercenary Kings finden, besonders, wenn man mit Freunden zusammen spielt.
1180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.14 16:15
Vieles an diesem Spiel hat mich positiv überrascht, leider gibt es aber auch negative Seiten.
Was dafür spricht:
+ Split-Screen/Co-Op/Online-Modus
+ viele Missionen
+ cooler Soundtrack
+ sehr viele Waffen
+ coole Zwischensequenzen
+ viele Gegnertypen
+ lustig insziniert
+ fordernde Endgegner
+ Gamepad-Steuerung sehr flüssig und angenehm
Was dagegen spricht:
- wiederholende Missionen(Zerstöre dies, rette Gefangene, besiege diesen Gegner, fange diesen Gegner ein, etc.)
- wiederholender Soundtrack
- sich wiederholende Gegnertypen(kennt jeder, gleicher Typ, andere Farbe bzw. andere/mehr Effekte)
Wer ein Spiel für zwischendurch sucht, findet mit Mercenery Kings einen guten Freund. Leider bietet der Solo-Modus nicht sehr viel Abwechslung und fühlt sich relativ schnell monoton an. Abhilfe kann man sich hier über den Online-Modus oder durch Freunde verschaffen und somit den Spielspaß erhöhen.
3411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 00:33
Still excellently fun online with some steam friends if you can coordinate it that way. When played under these ideal circumstances I quite enjoy it!
2137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 04:09
The art is pretty nice if you like sprite art and if you follow Paul Robertson, you know his style, that's what you will get in this game.
The gameplay is just what you see from the trailers, it's a run and gun, nothing else. It can get repetitive, there's a lot of missions and a bunch of them are nothing more than collecting materials, not very exciting stuff.
If you're planning to play with friends, I wouldn't recommend it, the repetitiveness of the gameplay doesn't do well in groups.
This title is 100% what you see in the trailers, nothing less, nothing more. Judge accordingly.
1481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 23:04
2340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 18:02
As you play, you will be awarded materials from completing missions, breaking open treasure chests, killing enemies and hunting animals which you can use to craft even more gun parts as well as other helpful objects, making your gun even more powerful and ridiculous as the game goes on.
There is also a lot of humor in the game with, in my opinion, a Maplestory vibe to it. You may find yourself stabbing your enemies with a spoon or even Neptune's trident; Your weapons barrel might have a snake head attached to it.
Although certainly not as serious as Metal Slug, this doesn't make Mercenary Kings any less fun to play, especially with its online co-op where you can buddy up to fight the evil forces of CLAW together with friends.
3476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 21:36
there are a number of maps which you tackle differently on different missions, you can move in all directions as long as theres some way to move to that screen from the map on your current screen and you should plan out your movements if you want the best time or to an extent just to not fail.
get this game because you love monsterhunter, and them metalslug NOT the other way around, if you dislike grinding, highly methodical gameplay and or planning, or don't mean to sink countless hours in i cannot reccomend this game to you. some missions in this game will take quite a few minutes to complete and even the smaller ones often take a couple or a few considering the number of mandatory and available missions in the game, even if you somehow complete only whats strictly necesary and don't grind at all completing the game will most likely see you sink in countless hours you've been warned.
if you want the OG expirience never use catalac in mission to spot the boss and only use empress or king, the other 2 where added for the switch release and are easier then the others as the black lady(i don't remember her name) ignores weights for jump height, on the other hand the robot starts with a slightly different pistol, and has a glide jump. if you want a more casual expirience where you won't have to worry about the weight of your gun knives and bionic mods impeding your ability to platform, and or just want to use heavy weapons without it heavily impeding your platforming, pick the black lady, if you want the more casual expirience that mitigates but doesn't negate the heaviness mechanic use c-zar the robot.
fun with friends position carefully try out a plethora of weapon builds, give yourself passive boons, and wield all manner of rediculus and amuzing 'knives'.
P.S. look at taking perks that increase drops and rare drops early on it may also be good to look at the money perk as you may struggle with money in simular situations, especially if you want to craft a ton of weapons or go back to grind them out, or craft allot of vanities, oh yeah those are a thing... mainly used to decorate your tent which comes with you when you join someones game. i reccomend a controller for this game, connecting a ps4 or Xbone1 controller is easy now so try to figure it out.
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728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 16:31
Can't recommend this unless monotony is your game.
915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 21:31
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214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 13:20
Because of the art and aesthetics of the game I want to like this gameplay. But the grind put in front of the actual game is too much for me to suffer.
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204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 01:34
There are nice mechanics in the game, like the fact that you can explore the level as much as you like... so long as you do that in the time limit of the mission, because all of them have it.
Still, I tried to give it a shot, the sprites are well animated and the style is quite pleasing, but there came a breaking point when I had to hunt down a specific enemy, a boss that spawns in certain places in the map. Except it didnt spawn at all, so I just failed the mission after the time limit. After looking up the steam forums, it appears this problem was encountered by other players and a dev of the game actually showed up and said it would look into it. That was more than 15 year ago, so the problems never got solved.
Overall this game is too much grind and frustration for too little compensation in return. Do yourself a favor and stay away from this game.
117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 16:09
- She fell into the spikes.
- She died.
- We lost the mission we spent half an hour on.
- She doesn't want to play the game anymore with me.
x/10 really dont know if this game is good or not.
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1067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.19 02:17
It's not all bad. The art style is cool, animations look great and there is a nice array of enemy types even in the early game. The platforming and movement is serviceable, if perhaps a little slow. The weapon customization system has some cool ideas, even if it takes awhile to feel like you're building directly BETTER guns. There is some stuff to enjoy here.
But for a $20 price tag? There are more interesting and fun games to spend that money on. Pick it up on sale if it seems like your idea of a good time.
2990 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.15 10:00
The story was way better then i expected from a game like this and even if you don’t like it the story sequences are easy to skip. The sprite based graphics are very easy on the eye and the animations look right.
Gameplay wise it may look like metal slug but it reminds me more of the slow and precise nature of the old mega man games. You can’t take a lot of damage so its all about positioning yourself to easily take out enemies. The locomotion of your character depends on the weight of your equipment, particularly your gun.
The weapon system works like this, when you kill enemies they drop items, you use these items to craft gun parts and assemble these into guns. If you assemble enough parts with the same stats you can use special ammo, like shots that bounces all over the place or homing missiles. All parts fit together, i.e. you can combine a shotgun stock with a sniper receiver. Now all guns you build are not guaranteed to work well, most probably won’t, but finding one that does is very rewarding and easily my favorite part of the game.
The level design is in general pretty decent. You progress in the game by doing missions, but a lot of missions use the same map. This would not be a problem since there are several kinds of missions and those on the same map are generally different, but crafting gun parts require farming. This can make the repeating levels quite tedious.
(mitigate; proficiency: medicine, slot 1: hoarder, slot 2: lucky penny )
The bosses in the game inhabit specific places on the map and maps generally have multiple of those. Once you find a boss the mechanics of the boss battle itself is quite good. Easily the worst design decision in the entire game is that unless you are really fast some bosses disappear mid boss battle and appear at some other spot. If you are to slow finding this spot they might teleport again just as you get there. This can lead to some frustration.
(mitigate; slot 1:computer, consumable: shock bombs)
The question is whether or not to recommend this game depends on if you like mega man style platforming, farming for materials, experimenting with crafting and can work around a few annoying design decisions. If unsure wait for a sale.
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166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.15 19:33
I especially hate playing the same two levels for every 6 missions. I'm tired of killing the same enemies.
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