• Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War: Screen zum Spiel Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 12.09.2019
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Preis Update 28.03.25

Über das Spiel

Die legendäre RTS-Reihe Men of War ist endlich im Kalten Krieg angekommen. Befehligen Sie amerikanische oder sowjetische Truppen, erfüllen Sie Missionsziele und tragen Sie den Sieg davon!

Befehligen Sie große Armeen aus normalen und Spezialeinheiten wie Unterstützungsfahrzeugen, leichten und schweren Panzern, Artilleriefahrzeugen, Kampfhubschraubern und Kampfjets. Wagen Sie sich im neuesten Spiel der klassischen RTS-Reihe auf die Schlachtfelder in zerstörten Städten, in verstärkten Grenzgebieten, auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen, auf zerstörten Militärflugplätzen und in verschlafenen Winterdörfern und erweisen Sie sich als starker Anführer, um den Sieg davonzutragen.

In diesem Spiel feiert die dynamische Kampagnengenerierung ihr Debüt. Men of War: Assault Squad 2 – Cold War hat den Spielern sowohl im Einzelspielermodus als auch in den kooperativen Kampagnenmodi nahezu endlose Erfahrungen zu bieten.

  • Wählen Sie eine Seite: die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika gegen die Sowjetunion
  • Die dynamische Kampagnengenerierung sorgt durch zufällige Scharmützel und beliebige Armeezusammenstellungen für einen hohen Wiederspielwert
  • Kompetitive Online-Mehrspieler-Modi.
  • Angriffszonen-Modus: Erobere und halte Flaggenpunkte mit allen zur Verfügung stehenden militärischen Mitteln.
  • „Vernichtung“-Modus: Dominieren Sie den Feind oder erobern Sie seine Basis – außerdem können Sie auf dem Schlachtfeld wertvolle Ressourcen sicherstellen.
  • Nutzen Sie die direkte Steuerung, für die die Reihe bekannt ist, um große Armeen oder einzelne Einheiten zu befehligen


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: DirectX 11 kompatibel
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: 64bit – Windows 7, 8, 10
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 11 kompatibel
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Benötigt einen Prozessor und ein Betriebssystem mit 64bit
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Französisch, Italienisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: DirectX 11 kompatibel
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: 64bit – Windows 10
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 12 kompatibel
  • DX: Version 12
  • MISC: Benötigt einen Prozessor und ein Betriebssystem mit 64bit
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Französisch, Italienisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

186 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 14:11
Ziemlich überteuert für wenig Content. Wer hier SP Missionen sucht, tut das hier vergeblich, es gibt einen Gamemode welcher ist CTF gegen AI. Die Einheiten produzieren immernoch den gleichen Mist an bekannten Ecken und Kanten, z.B. schmeißen feidliche Handgranate von sich aus weg in andere Verbündete oder springen dann zu weggeworfenen Granate hin etc.

Dazu würden Menüführung und HUD weitaus Komplexer und unübersichtlicher als im Orinial Game.
Für 2-3€ einer Keyseite würde ich sagen ok, aber mehr als das ist es nicht wert.
798 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 12:32
Not worth it
40 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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1087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 03:47
das ist kein Assault squad game im klassischen sinne, der singleplayer gibt wenig spass her,.lange gefechte auf karten bei denen es taktisch zugeht gibt es nicht mehr,...lad deine truppen und jage sie nach vor,....tooooooll
2 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.19 16:35
Ich hatte mir viel versprochen gehabt, bekam fast einen Schock. Eine riesige Enttäuschung. Keine Singlekampagnen, nur online spielbar und kaum Map, etc. Grauenvoll.
38 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.19 13:28
Wie viele andere Mitspieler, bin auch ich ein großer Fan von Men of War und ....... ich bin von dieser Umsetzung riesig enttäuscht. Für mich ist Assault Squad 2 immer noch das Beste Strategiespiel dieser Art. Warum könnt ihr nicht bei diesem System bleiben? Ich finde selbst die Grafik und die Einheiten schöner und detaillierter als in dieser Version. Meiner Meinung nach solltet ihr euch andere Ziele setzten. Ich würde bei Assault Squad 2 bleiben,

* die Netzwerkperformance und Stabilität verbessern,
* eventuell noch größere Team ermöglichen und
* Karten ohne Ende bereitstellen.

Am Besten wären ständig, automatisch neu generierte Karten. Mein Eindruck ist, wenn ihr diese Punkte beherzigen würdet, hättet ihr auch wieder Erfolg mit dieser Serie. So wie es jetzt ist kann man es keinem Empfehlen oder gar neue Fan´s gewinnen. So schwer kann es doch nicht sein, das Spiel hat so viel Potential. Wirklich sehr schade !!!!!
143 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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52 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.19 12:10
Ich bin ein großer Men of War fan und wollte es erst nicht glauben als ich die Reviews gelesen habe. Aber es stimmt das ist das schlechteste Men of War was ich bis her gesehen habe. Es fühlt sich an wie eine schlechte bis mittelmäßige Modifikation für Call to Arms. Ich finde das 21€ dafür definitiv zu viel Geld sind.... ich bin echt entäuscht und so schwer es mir auch fällt kann ich diesem Spiel keine Empfehlung geben.
139 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.19 18:32
Das Spiel ist wie eine abgespeckte Online/Handy-Variante, der sonst so gefeierten Strategiespielreihe. Ich bin extrem enttäuscht von der eingeschränkten Auswahlmöglichkeit der Einheiten und vor allem der Spielmodi!

Das Trefferzonensystem der Fahrzeuge wurde auf einen einfachen Lebensbalken reduziert.
Die Interaktion mit der Umwelt ist extrem reduziert.
Man kann nicht länger Gebäude oder in der Welt platzierte Fahrzeuge betreten.
Die Maps sind klein und ähneln sich sehr. Von hohem Wiederspielwert kann definitiv nicht die Rede sein.
Die KI rennt auf die einzunehmenden Punkte ein. Es bleibt keine Zeit sich vernünftig zu positionieren und auch die KI wechselt in keiner Weise die Strategie oder passt sich der Spielweise an. Sie überrennt einfach die Stellungen.
43 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 22:28
18 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 11:59
good in editor
603 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 02:24
I tried to play the game for 30 minutes. I have played most of the MoW series and loved them, but this game was so bad and made no sense. I thought I was doing something wrong or didn't understand the game, so I googled the game and found a video explaining that this game is just really bad. It is going into the never ever play again category.
96 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
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162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 03:35
this is a certified hood dumpster fire of a game


the fact you can put the camera close to the soldiers

the graphics

helicopter helicopter


the camera in the editor

almost no content

the troops have no ammo pouches and bags or back packs so there just getting ammo out of there super big pockets

only two country's USSR and America even if it's called nato and The Warsaw Pact it's just 2

both country's have good tanks but there's so little and there's only 2 btr's in the hole game if I remember

and the bugs that are funny sometimes

I saw a track driving backwards keeping up with running troops and a m24 chaffee light tank

also I though this game would have you fighting wars in the cold war like Vietnam or the soviet war in Afghanistan but no it's some what if where america and the soviet onion battled etch other so just for being unhistorical I give men of war Vietnam a good review for at least being historical and creative in the way missions where even if they where just boring small squad missions this game dose not even have a campaign
433 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 15:51
Really bad, repetitive and dumb gameplay, has nothing to do with original series.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 11:22
not good as expected
16 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 00:25
i like men of war as2. cold war could have been made a dlc for for call to arms or men of war instead of a stand alone. i dont think this content is worth the price but it is however fun to play with friends still. if you want to buy it i recommend waiting for a sale.
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 02:11
Money grab
47 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 16:17
game crash every 5 min, poor campain
321 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 01:10
No real campaign just conquest with a few new units and weapons.

In conquest the enemies dont stop coming at you so enjoy being bummed.
152 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 14:46
Mini review
Menu and Graphic From Call to arms
Ui and Gameplay from From Men of war

Go to buy Call to arms
Mow Cold war is So f_cking Suck game
164 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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19 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 21:05
Do not buy it, not from the bundle, not even on sale. its bad
298 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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84 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 21:03
What boggles me is that this game is worse than Assault Squad 2. To make a game inferior in performance, gameplay, and UI to its predecessor means that there has been an ACTIVE effort to make the game worse.

They literally could have ripped mods from the MOW:AS2 workshop, imported it directly into Assault Squad 2, and it would have still been superior to this game.

I don't understand. This had to have been purposeful.
152 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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23 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 21:58
Disappointing dog-$#!+!
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 14:44
Its legit just multiplayer or play with/against AIs, see no point
35 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 22:07
If youve seen this game, you know its just a fucking joke

worst game, in the men of war series, If you want a cold war game go to AS2 and get a cold war mod or get CTA with a cold war mod

Reasons why this sucks
- - - - -

Health bars instead of penetration systems for vehicles

Helis are broken and become treecutters and kamikazie bombs

hella lot of glitches

game can crash when shooting a crate with explosives

in total a bad game, thats all
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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8524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 16:50
Unfinished product - released in a rush, but still selling and at the same time without developers support for patches?!??!
45 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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3599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 07:21
Horrible, and i will never get my money back. They abandoned it like everyone else who bought it.
42 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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2109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 15:48
I got this game right when it game out and it is not worth it
53 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 04:54
Bought it for like 7 dollars on sale. NOT EVEN worth that much played an hour of the campaign. Absolutley sucked. Not even close to worth it. Just don't even bother with it.
29 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 23:19
it is just very shit
52 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 20:55
abandoned, and shit
52 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 07:07
Lack of units, vehicles and factions makes the game very boring very soon. The main menu is confusing at the very least, unlike the simple menu in Mowas2. As for the animations and effects, the shooting sounds and impacts are made better, in my opinion, however, animations could still use some work. The game would be great, if it included more factions, more units and if its editor was managed better, in terms of names and diving the units into their respective groups, as in Mowas2. The voices of the soldiers are just copied from Mowas2, there's basically nothing new in the game, besides helicopter and hover functions and new vehicle models. Long story short, for now, I do NOT recommend the game, it's not worth 5€ let alone 21€. Should it get updated in the future, maybe the story will be different. For now, I think it's a waste of money.
5 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 13:13
game suck so bad dont buy not worth it
693 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
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74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 02:45
I will now sum up Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War, in two words... Dumpster fire....
46 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 19:48
I made the mistake of buying this game,twice....When I first bought it I liked it because I installed a good mod that made it a cold war game.But for some reason it uninstalled randomly without my knowledge.So I had to reinstall it again and had to pay for it again!
14 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 09:12
This game is garabge. Same maps theres no campain its just a damn barage of like the same 3 maps and the worst part is that the AI team gets like 1000000000000000 soilders while you only get like 50 soldiers in a attack. Theres barely anyone in multiplayer

167 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 08:02
the game is dead it runs good but there is no content 2 factions no single player campaine multiplayer is the only thing and whats listed as singleplayer is multiplayer with bots who are the dumbest thing in the world there are only 4 maps true that they are huge but boring they dropped the ball on this so hard there are only like 4 mods what did they expect releasing this as a full price game this is just sad.
233 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 20:20
Holy shit this game is so bad. Single player is unplayable and I don't even have the ability to touch multiplayer because the game's dead.
48 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 23:13
Right...32mins in wow. where to start, the lack of music? content? gameplay, story, freaking art work?.
right lets step back, am a long time player of men at war games have lot of the dlc and honestly the games have alwas been buggy and the content very base but let open to the gem editor for the community to make maps and whole storyline based games which i made one myself way back, so i knew no matter what maw games you comes out the contents little scaled back but hey skirmish maps and the few set bits of story throw some community mods in and its a whole game online or offline..but this?, this is clearly a game they thought up and then kicked out the door before the power company cut the lights, as mianly..this whole game is cut limbs from mods from the community, cold war? yeah its a mod, the new skirmish game play that was a mod and they did it with more content and maps than this piss, also the factions two?...you get nato and the warsaw pack was a collection of member state nations, each offering there own form of combat and special units and equipment right?. so yeah two factions and lot of units from WW2 appear as art is hard, and the new units don't add up to much 1 or 2 per section, they removed any story or mission structure for a random based skirmish where you capture and hold a flag and then just shoved back to the screen where you hit start and you keep doing that till you see victory on your screen. am so glad i wiated till it was a sale, the poor folk that paid upwards of 30 pounds for this, i felt hurt and offended by the company for this product but those folk should feel betrayed as least had lot of folk tell me not to get this and i knew there was a chance i was burning cash here i just didn't think it be this much of a let down.

if you wish to defend the game i welcome any debate long as its civil
21 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
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47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 18:45
this, this right here. is straight up dookie.
155 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
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84 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 02:23
I now understand why all of the negative reviews this game has. I've picked up a copy and after playing a few missions, it was just more repetitive gameplay with capture a flag or 2 and then hold them until you get the points.

Now if this was Men of War Assault Squad 3, then I would've kept it, as they are usually fun, but since this isn't, its been returned for a refund.
197 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 15:14
No explanation of what to do, how to play, game modes, etc. Not even an attempt at a story line, or any historical alignment. It feels like this is an unfinished multiplayer-only expansion, not a stand-alone game. If it were DLC for MOWAS2, it might make some sense, though I'm guessing there's a Cold War mod already that would make this one look bad. The game has all of the same issues I have with MOWAS2, like the lack of simple automation for individual units. I don't have to tell a trained soldier how or where to shoot... why should I have to tell a trained medic to heal the soldier dying in a pool of blood two feet away? No, no Doc,
you keep shooting... that's why you've got the red cross on your helmet, after all. The single-player battles also appear to be unpausable, which is a pretty big fail. That's the stuff divorces are made of. On the positive side, it does seem like someone on the team spent a little time creating the pre-battle unit-selection portion; it's the only thing that doesn't feel like it was copy-pasted straight out of MOWAS2. I'm not bitter about buying this; it was 75% off. But I am pretty disappointed that the developers released it.
22 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 05:57
4 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 03:40
Horrible, nothing like the regular MOWAS2, its a piece of shit as far as I am concerned.
25 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 06:54
i played men of war assault squad 2 and expect this to be like it and its really bad and nothing has been added wouldn't get it until it has some updates which might not happen
16 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 05:09
This game could have been great. They need to do a lot of work to it. It seems like the developers were lazy in implementing this game. It's bare bones. Much prefer CTA or MOWAS 2
97 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 11:50
God damn was this bad. It's like they put MOW:AS2 devs on heroin and cocaine for 12 months then allowed them to develop a game. There's no campaign, no missions, and is more similar to Call To Arms then MOW:AS2. It jsut allows you to make games between you and AI/human. This is gods failure on humanity.
209 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 09:03
My friend and I got this on sale and with the 'complete your set' bundle after seeing all the negative reviews, so we could see how bad it really is while paying very little.

Despite setting my expectations as low as possible, it still blew me away with how little there is. Despite paying little for this game, I still feel ripped off to the extent that I am writing the first, and probably only, negative review for a game, I will not even bother writing out a pros and cons list, as I would have to actually launch up the game again in a vain attempt to find a pro besides 'it launches when I press play'
If you want a 'Cold War gets hot' game in the style of assault squad, then just get Men of War: Assault Squad 2, and download the WW3 mod, as it is more developed, and more fun, then I think this game will ever be in the conceivable future. However, I will add that this game runs on an improved updated version of the Assault Squad 2 engine, but if you want to actually experience the potential of that, get Call to Arms instead, as it has far more actual content, with more said to be on the way.

I would not have a problem with this game if they simply made it cost 5-10 dollars and actually updated it semi-regularly, or simply made it a 5 dollar DLC for Men of War or call to arms. I may even have made a positive review, but 25 dollars is so comically expensive for this that I genuinely think it may have been a joke.

Now, a game that lacks content may still be worth the asking price if its fun, has a modding community (especially a steam workshop), or a large community to play with online. However this game lacks all three. When I went into multiplayer, there were 4 people online, and no games up, it is possible I just happened to check in a slow time, but I have a feeling the community isn't exactly thriving. Luckily I know someone else with this game so that we can suffer through the few maps available together. The steam workshop has a few mods, including mods people suggest getting to make the game playable, however, many of the few mods on the workshop have been abandoned, just as development on the game has, making the idea of messing around with mods with this game unlikely. So even the safety net of the steam workshop cannot save this game.

and now, before you scroll down and read more reviews, exit this page, or make the mistake of pressing the 'add to cart' button, take a moment of silence for everyone who payed 25 dollars for a game that has less content then a mod.
26 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 20:45
So as a MOW Fan i was Shocked by the game. 1. no Campaign. 2.The Range(Does not matter)3.Hell even MOWAS2 had better Graphics in minimal settings. 4. Just 2 Factions??? whats with the Bundesheer or the DDR?? 5.Far to less maps! . So this must be fixed or else i will not ply it anymore! So now to the cool things! 1. add some firing modes like single fire or burst! so now the system how you can bring troops on your battlefield is complete garbage do it like MOWAS2! add more vehicles,more Airborne, more TANKS AND BTRS. to cut it short i dont recommend this game its just a complete waste of money i should have rather spend it on call to arms! please do something about that fucking game!! IT S NOT WORTH IT(at the moment!)
97 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 17:01
Brought the game day one, have owned and loved all games in the series, and this game was so bad that I immediately refunded it. Interesting to note that digitalmindsoft does not list it on their website: http://www.digitalmindsoft.eu/products
4 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 22:58
Unfinished post-Cold War conflict between developer and publisher.
Suppose they gave a War and Nobody Came.
The only way players are going to play this game is by forced conscription.

This video is a great laugh -
System Requirements - Delete key

How to Play - Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Cold War
737 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 07:18
Took everything that made the game good, and then made it bad.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 10:56
Bought this with 75% discount and still diapointed. You can't call this a game. It's more DLC or a mod. Most mods have more content then this.
Only the modding community could save this!
32 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 23:50
A extremely low effort copy of the last 3 games but significantly worse in all ways. There is no innovation or new mechanics. Everything is stolen from Men of war and Call to Arms. Don't buy this game.
15 Produkte im Account
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2803 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 19:25
waste of money
124 Produkte im Account
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184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 22:09
I only bought this game because it was on sale and I was curious
It would've been okay as a DLC for Call to Arms or Assault Squad 2 but a standalone game? NO
Doesnt have enough content
the models of weapons and characters are a mixed bag, some good, some bad
they dont even bother to model the ammo belts on the characters! its just a texture! they modeled it on Men of War Vietnam...
the vehicles are good tho
151 Produkte im Account
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 07:46
bought it with a little bit of hope for the game, totally regret it, its way better to buy Call to Arms, or just Mowas 2, since CtA is getting updated, and mowas has a lot of mods to keep the fun up, this is not for throwing shit at the game, but its just really bad and half made, please keep that in mind.
159 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
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133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 04:26
Graphics are unappealing, the performance is just awful, and the historical accuracy for things as fundamental as squads is just nonexistent (US squads include M16s, M1 garands, and M3 grease guns while the soviets have AKMs, SVT40s, SKS, and Ak47s. This can only be explained as out of date equipment being issued for soldiers in the very early 70s) I dont know how but this game loses all the fun to be found in the original Assault Squad 2 and makes my favorite setting for a game into a slog. Also theres only 5 maps. 5 maps in an RTS game where the campaign is just a mash up of these skirmish maps. FFS this is just unacceptably bad even at just $7 on sale.
207 Produkte im Account
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19 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 08:34
This game is complete garbage. 0 out of 10. No stars.

The graphics don't compare to earlier MOW games.
There is no campaign, just a string of skirmish maps.

My soviets were wiped out by nato forces in the first battle, twice...despite my using tactics, grenades, cover, and being in position on the capture point before enemy arrived...and I had them flanked. That was in easy mode.
I'm not bothering trying with nato forces...time to get a refund.

Comparing this to other MOW games, which have been from ok to downright awesome, I think whoever decided this was a worthy addition to the MOW franchise should be executed for treason.
67 Produkte im Account
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148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 01:26
meh. Not enough maps, unit variety or nations to choose, like what we are used to in Assault Squad 2. This release was premature. It's a fun game but after all these years of experience and Call to Arms, they should have done a way better job.
81 Produkte im Account
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110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 06:27
Damn. Mods on AS2 base are far better than this version of the game.
17 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 20:06
what a disaster of a game not only this game is sh it its also unplayable i crashed within 5 min of play. no single player no multiplayer maps for 2 players its only 4 or 8, even the mods cant fix this disaster they also copied the voices of mowas2 into this disaster. even on summer sales i wouldnt reccomend it, unless they make huge update. but i guess the team is focused on cta for now.
19 Produkte im Account
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567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 17:02
Not enough content
63 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 23:29
as of now the game is only 6 bucks. and WITH AND ONLY WITH the mod (COLD WAR TURNED HOT 1968) it actaully turns into a fun game so yes, when the game is 6 BUCKS (80% off) and you download mods the game is actually a good game. without mods and the full prince of 25 bucks ha! this game sucks
291 Produkte im Account
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206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 02:42
Garbage. Abandoned cash grab of shit you could have likely gotten from a mod on any of their other games. Nothing nice here. They probably threw this game together with an engine and assets they already had from all the other games in a matter of hours. There is nothing new here. Ai are stupid and its rather basic. If they actually showed it some love and did a little work to it, it would be good. The idea is great. Just dropping this review on an already Overwhelmingly negative game to say F you 1C.
89 Produkte im Account
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239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 02:48
180 Produkte im Account
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470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 01:59
I am a fan of cold war games however this game like to crash.
81 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 01:02
worst .....ing strategy game ever!!!!!!!!!!!
35 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 04:55
53 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 13:29
I bought this expecting a full new campaign (or two) on the cold war or something like that. What we have here is a rip of the CTA conquest and a few new units/vehicles. The game isn't very balanced and it was 20 gb to download for literally a MOW version of CTA's conquest.
138 Produkte im Account
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291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 11:44
Completely unfinished product. As a big fan of Men of War series, I’m sure the developers will make it into a decent game, but currently it is rubbish.
186 Produkte im Account
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12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 02:13
This game does not have a single player campaign as it advertised in the description. The models and animations seem recycled from older games.
506 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
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33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 15:23
Feels like Digitalmindsoft were under contractual obligations with 1C to produce a title under the MoW brand and made the bare minimum they needed to fulfill that obligation.
Content wise it has about what you'd expect from a 5-8€ DLC and not a full priced MoW title.
There is no singleplayer campaign, only the dynamic campaign which is similar to the one released for Call to Arms. This dynamic campaign uses the same maps as multiplayer, of which there are 5 total. That means there are 5 maps in the entire game which is the real meat of the product as you can obtain everything else from other MoW games or mods.
If you do own this product though, it's very easy to port it's contents to Call to Arms; most of it is drag & drop and what isn't can be merged using a diff tool such as WinMerge.
326 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 10:32
6 dollars for this piece of shit game is a bad deal but if you bring a friend and talk shit about the game the entire time it's actually pretty fun
89 Produkte im Account
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57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 05:57
Unfair AI snipes and guns down allied infantry in droves. Also reinforcement mechanics are useless.
50 Produkte im Account
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30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 05:12
It has very little content. The combat is clunky. But at least you can moonsprint backwards.
22 Produkte im Account
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347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 15:10
who kick the old developer team????
11 Produkte im Account
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99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 19:39
I like the single player mode of assault squad 2 but this game dont even come close. It plays like a completely different game cheap graphics, odd set up and very different game controls. If you like multiplayer games you might like this game but I think it was a waste of money for me.
732 Produkte im Account
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14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.20 01:57
I thought the reviews were overstating how bad this game was. I was wrong, and they weren't exaggerating. I don't know how the AI could be so messed up, but the enemy will just throw units straight at you without any thought whatsoever. Get one machine gun or tank and they'll run in a straight line just to get mowed down over and over and over. If you're looking for a good challenge, you won't find any here.
86 Produkte im Account
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140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 02:28
If the dev team happens to read this, I just want you to know how much I wanted to like this game. I was so excited when I heard you had put out a Cold War title. Even when I say all the negative reviews, I bought the game just to prove them wrong, I loved Assault Squad 2 so much I had figured you must have learned from your mistakes in Call to Arms. I was wrong, and the only thing keeping me from asking for a refund is my respect for what you did with Assault Squad 2.

That being said, the only nice thing I can say about the game is that I love the idea of Men of War in a cold war setting, and the addition of helicopters. Firstly, if you do decide to buy this game, playing as the Soviet faction does nothing but test your patience. All but your heaviest tanks throw tennis balls at the Americans, whose tanks will only be put out of action when the crew decides to stop massacring your armor out of pity. I know the idea is quantity vs. quality, but on average you have to send three Soviet tanks to defeat an American tank of the same tier.

The next problem is the AI, which, while Men of War has never been known for exemplary AI, these ones are impressively stupid. I specifically remember in Men of War: Assault Squad 2, that the player AI would move to nearby cover when under fire, and would throw grenades automatically when in range of the enemy. This AI does neither, it has somehow become less intelligent over the course of five years. When enemy soldiers approach your tanks, it's a bit like the final battle in Fury, if the tank crew were armed with nerf guns and mentally retarded. Enemies have stood in front of tanks for 10-20 seconds without the crew even attempting to engage. When they finally do, it takes a good minute of constant fire to down an enemy squad, which takes me to the next problem.

I'm surprised that some of the enemies can walk after the amount of lead they absorb and continue to stand. Enemy soldiers will walk through machine gun fire, and on the rare occasion they do get hit, it's barely a scratch. It takes 7-10 hits from an assault rifle to down an enemy soldier, combined with the AI's inability to hit the broad side of a barn that they are standing inside, means that you're lucky to be killing an enemy per soldier's magazine. That's the thing I liked about Assault Squad vs most other RTS games, your men had somewhat realistic health, if they charged at a machine gun, they were all going to be dead in a few seconds.

There are so many problems with this game, the best way to fix them all would be to go back to the same mechanics as Men of War: Assault Squad 2. They would lose nothing by doing this. The few things they could have gained from using Call to Arms as a base aren't present in game.
415 Produkte im Account
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49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 13:13
I would like to start out by saying that this game has alot of potential. but it also has alot to live up to to various other games in this theme. like the other men of war games. aswell as call to arms. in men of war there was alot of time spend knowing where to hit the various tanks and other armored vehicles. where i sadly dont see this enywhere in this game. as i have now exsperienced that trucks can withstand HE rounds from bigger tanks. that light tanks bouce AP shell that should make them into swizh cheese. and that HEAT disaperes into an unknown pocket dimension once the shell hits another Vehicle.

This is sadly one of the many flaws in the game that makes the game both very hard to play and very hard to like when your mostly in it for the vehicles. And when you play other games that have lot of focus on penetration like war thunder. Another thing is a thing i belive alot of the same games in this franchise have lacked is the AI control and awareness. its allways lowly when you roll a natural 1 on all of your Amarican soldiers perseption and they dont realise the Russian platoon comming in the door with one of those dank bmp - 1 tanks that gives your soldier their last meal of high explosive spaghetti. Its things like this i feel gives players a hard time to try and enjoy the game.

But there are ofcorse various things new about this game that havent been seen in any of the others witch gives some positives but they sadly dont make up for the flaws the game has.
29 Produkte im Account
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43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.19 19:35
Game is a piece of garbage. Everyone just wanted the same MoW with cold war units. Only two nations a stupid capture the flag gameplay. What a disappointment. The developers should be ashamed they made this piece of trash.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils negativ
23.01% 104 348
Release:12.09.2019 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Digitalmindsoft Vertrieb: 1C Company Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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