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  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.
  • Mech Mechanic Simulator: Screen zum Spiel Mech Mechanic Simulator.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 25.03.2021
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Preis Update 21.01.25

Über das Spiel

Als Mech-Mechaniker musst du mit den größten Unternehmen der heutigen Welt konkurrieren. Zerlege, repariere und verbessere die gigantischen Maschinen. Erbaue dein eigenes Unternehmen und führe es zu Ruhm und Here. Stelle dich der Herausforderung und erschaffe einen eigenen Mech – den wohl modernsten Roboter auf Welt!

Deine Aufgabe ist es, Bauteile zu analysieren und all jene zu finden, die ersetzt warden müssen. Montiere kaputte Bauteile ab und bestelle neue… Vergiss aber nicht, dass auch die am schlimmsten betroffenen Komponenten ein neues Leben erhalten halten. Erneuere und repariere sie, sodass sie wieder einsatzbereit sind. Letztlich kannst du alles reparieren. Und der Rest? Verkaufe ihn oder schmelze ihn ein, um etwas komplett neues herzustellen!

Bei den Aufträgen kann es gut sein, dass du gebeten wirst, einige der Mechs neu zu lackieren, bei anderen wiederum musst du bei ihnen ein Update durchführen, um sie für ihre weiteren Aufträge vorzubereiten. Es gibt eine Reihe an verschiedenen Mech-Typen im Mech Mechanic Simulator. Und sie alle dienen einem anderen Zweck. Steigere deinen Ruf und erlange damit Zugang zu komplizierteren Maschinenarten.

Der Ruf deines Unternehmens wird stetig steigen und deine Konkurrenten werden wenig begeistert sein, wenn sie sehen, wie gut du in diesem Geschäft zurechtkommst. Es ist an der Zeit, die Ärmel hochzukrempeln und dich den Größten in der Branche zu stellen. Sehen wir mal, wer imstande ist, den fortschrittlichsten Mech aller Zeiten zu konstruieren!

Die Ausgaben müssen gedeckt werden. Deine Werkstatt könnte in der Tat einige Verbesserungen und Ressourcen gebrauchen, die aber nicht ganz günstig sind. Die Einzelteile der Mechs gehen stetig kaputt, die Anforderungen deiner Kunden wiederum steigen. Halte dich stets fit, um nicht von der Konkurrenz verschluckt zu werden!


  • CPU: Intel Core i3 7th gen or faster (or AMD equivalent)
  • GFX: 4GB VRAM (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 390)
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64bit)
  • HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 7th gen or faster (or AMD equivalent)
  • GFX: 6GB VRAM (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon RX 580)
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64bit)
  • HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

79 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 18:22


Was wir schon alles in unserer virtuellen Werkstatt hatten … es gab in den bisherigen Mechanic-Simulatoren schon Autos, Busse, Schiffe, Züge, Panzer und Flugzeuge zu reparieren; aber nun widmen wir uns Stahlkolossen -Mechs- und eines sei schon vorher verraten: Die Steuerung und einiges an Gameplay sind anders (besser!) als in den anderen Titeln, wie ich finde.

Aufträge, Wirtschaft und Mech-Missionen

Wir können nicht nur normale Aufträge annehmen, sondern dieses Mal auch Verträge abschließen, bei denen wir zwar mehr Arbeit haben, aber auch viel mehr Gehalt erhalten. Zudem haben wir einen Aktienmarkt und können mit der Erledigung von Aufträgen dafür sorgen, dass die Aktien steigen. Auch auf dem Schwarzmarkt können wir Aufträge erledigen, dafür bekommen wir eine andere Währung und dies wird später wichtig, denn wir können, falls uns das „echte“ Geld knapp wird, auch mit dieser Schwarzmarkt-Währung einkaufen gehen. Sei es einzelne Teile als auch komplette Mechs. Außerdem erledigen wir mit unseren eigenen Mechs auch Missionen, um an Geld, Material und Bauteile ranzukommen. Dazu programmieren wir die Eigenschaften unseres Mechs um. Software Updates schalten mehr Eigenschaften für ihn frei. Alles in allem hat man im Mech Mechanic Simulator das Gefühl, neben dem Mechaniker-Anteil noch mehr verwalten zu können.

Ablauf der Mech-Reparatur

Bevor wir losschrauben können, müssen wir oft die Teile des Mechs erstmal waschen. Danach scannen wir mit einem Minispiel die Teile und müssen sie abmontieren. Erst dann legen wir mit der eigentlichen Reparatur los. Dazu gleich mehr. Nach erfolgreicher Reparatur müssen wir sehr oft auch noch lackieren, neue Software einspeisen (ebenfalls durch ein Minispiel) oder ihn neu kalibrieren.

Bei der Reparatur ist es dieses Mal so, dass wir 2 Kameras haben; wir können eine freie Ansicht wählen und die Höhe verstellen, aber zusätzlich noch das Bauteil zentrieren und dann auch drehen oder zoomen. Auf jeden Fall hat man die beste Ansicht, die ich jemals in einem Mechanic-Simu gesehen habe.

Auch das Abschrauben ist viel besser als bei anderen Teilen, denn ein kurzer Klick genügt, um Schrauben zu lösen. Natürlich wird auch wieder angezeigt, welches Teil blockiert. Beim Wiederzusammenbau geht alles viel fixer als bisher und man schreckt nicht zurück, wenn man mal die halbe Kiste auseinander nehmen muss. Es spielt sich einfach flotter und man fühle sich beim Schrauben nicht so gebremst.


Ein ganz wichtiger Punkt ist meiner Meinung nach, dass der Spielfortschritt nicht künstlich in die Länge gezogen wird. Wir starten also sofort mit einem schnellen Schrauber und haben keine Fähigkeiten zu verbessern. Oft hatte ich das Gefühl, ich müsse erstmal 20-30 Stunden zu spielen um die Tools zu verbessern, was oft nervig war und dann erst ging es mit der besseren Ausrüstung weiter. Dies ist hier nicht der Fall. Man schaltet später allerdings neue Räume/Stationen frei, mit denen wir fast alles reparieren können.

Der andere ganz große Punkt ist der Shop: Nach wie vor können wir nach Bauteilen für den Mech suchen, wir können aber auch rausfiltern für welchen Bereich wir ein Teil suchen. Oder nach einem der 9 Mechs filtern lassen. Die Elemente sind mit Nummern gekennzeichnet, wir merken uns also keine komplizierten Wörter wir, die wir eh bei 10 Teilen wieder vergessen haben.

Das allerbeste am Shop ist, dass wir auch ganz einfach auf die Stelle am Tech klicken können, bei der das Bauteil grade fehlt und dann zeigt uns der Shop an, was wir kaufen können. Keine Notizen mehr, kein Merken, keine Einkaufsliste, nein sehr stark vereinfacht und wirklich zeit- und nervensparend! Wer Mechs repariert braucht nicht mehr Zettel und Bleistift. Welcome to the Future.


Die Bauteile, die es zu ersetzen gilt, sind sehr teuer. Aber wir haben verschiedene Möglichkeiten, unsere Mech-Werkstatt zu verbessern und selbst das allermeiste reparieren zu können. Jede Reparaturstation kann bestimmte Arten von Teilen reparieren und bei fast allen müssen wir ein Minispiel bewältigen oder eine gut-lösbare Aufgabe meistern. Wir erhalten im Laufe des Spiels:

~ Dekorrosionsstation (Sandstrahler zur Rostentfernung)
~ Schweißstation (zur Reparatur von Metallteilen)
~ Lackieranlage (hier wird nicht nur lackiert, sondern auch individuell gestaltet)
~ Kalibrierstation (hier müssen wir Programmcodes richtig anordnen)
~ Elektronikstation (hier repariert man Kabel und Elektroteile)

Schmelzen und Herstellen

Außerdem haben wir als letztes großes Update eine Schmelzstation und Handwerkstation. Alte, kaputte und nicht-reparierbare Teile schmelzen wir einfach ein, um an seltene Materialien zu kommen. Dies dauert einen Augenblick, zieht sich aber nicht unnötig in die Länge. Mit diesen Materialien können wir dann eigene Bauteile herstellen, was enorm an Kosten spart. Zudem ist es wieder eine Aufgabe mehr, damit die eigentliche Reparatur nicht eintönig wird. Wir haben also alles in der eignen Hand. Grade wenn man später den eignen Mech komplettieren will, ist die Herstellung sehr nützlich.


Ehrlich gesagt bin ich froh, dem Spiel eine Chance gegeben zu haben, obwohl ich garnichts mit dem Thema Mechs anfangen kann. Aber der Mech Mechanic Simulaor ist für mich der in sich schlüssigste Mechanic-Simu bisher, denn er macht eigentlich alles besser, was ich an anderen bisher bemängelt habe. Grade die Kameraführung und der neue einfache Shop sind für mich große Pluspunkte. Zudem haben wir mit den Missionen und Herstellungsprozessen noch viel mehr zu tun als nur zu schrauben.

Zudem habe ich mit einer älteren Mittelklasse Grafikkarte trotzdem flüssige ~60FPS, die Übersetzung ist bis auf Kleinigkeiten sehr gut, Abstürze oder Major Bugs hatte ich auch nicht. Daher empfehle ich diesen Simu an alle Mechaniker weiter, muss aber anmerken, dass die vielen Minispiele auf Dauer nerven können.

Wie immer mit Leidenschaft verfasst. Falls dir meine Rezension gefallen hat, dann lasse doch bitte kurz eine positive Bewertung für mich da und schaue dich mal im Reviewprogramm der GGC um. Danke.

Das Spiel wurde der GGC für Reviewzwecke zur Verfügung gestellt.
1391 Produkte im Account
125 Reviews
60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 18:08
162 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 12:39
so an sich kann man es empfehlen....macht spaß und ist auch nicht zu leicht

-an 4-5 verschiedenen mechs schrauben (macht erstaunlich viel spaß)
-eine rudimentäre lackierstation
-das kalibrieren ist ziemlich mühsam
-aufträge mit timer sind recht knackig und biten herausforderung
-missionstisch um eigene, gekaufte und reparierte, mechs auf missionen zu schicken
-der roboter mit seinen ständig wiederholenden sprüchen ist auf dauer ziemlich nervig

allerdings ist der preis mit 19€ etwas übertrieben.....wenn es mal für 5-10€ im sale ist kann man zuschlagen aber nicht zum vollpreis. dafür bietet es einfach zu wenig content
138 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 15:19
Sehr cooles Spiel. Für Fans von Mechanic Simulatoren ein muss
398 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
2165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 21:33
Nach meinem Geschmack benötigt das Game zuwenig Grips um es zu Meistern. Macht aba trotztem Spaß.
5933 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 10:10
Man kennt diese Art an Spiel durch
ähnliche Spiele wie Car Mechanic, Tank Mechanic
oder Bus Mechanic Simulatoren ...

Aber wer weiß schon wie ein Mech
funktioniert :)
Hier kann man es lernen.

Baue diese auseinander, repariere sie
und setze sie besser und stärker zusammen.

Ein richtig cooles Tüftelspiel,
in dem man Stunden verbringen kann.

Spielspaß garantiert und kaufen lohnt sicher auch.

Daher meine Bewertung 7,5/10

Danke für das Bereitstellen des Spieles! #mechmechanicsimulator
1202 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 22:15
P E R F E K T !!

Innovative Steuerung, Handhabung.
Kurzweiliges hochleveln der Werkstatt
(keine künstliche Verzögerungen)
Grafisch ansehnlich, Sound OK.
(Musik generell in Games als nervig abgestellt)

Ab und an ist auch eine Hirnzelle gefragt. Sehr gut.
Da kommt Stimmung auf und es macht Spaß !

Prädikat : Empfehlenswert für Werkstattfreaks und Mech-Fans.
501 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 23:38
It has some nice mechanics and as a huge Battletech fan, it realls scratched that itch but sadly the content is shallow and the game has been abandoned by the devs. Some claim it has been a money grab to get some cash for their next project but honestly I think it was just too niche to be profitable.

Sadly those devs lack experience in building a fanbase and will probably just vanish in due time. As for now, just avoid this and get something else like Car Mechanic Simulator or Hardspace Shipbreaker.
77 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 08:33
steam should add a mixed review option. it's a good game for wasting time and that's about it.
59 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 07:04
For a start, I want to say: I bought this game on -70% sale.

Mech Mechanic Simulator is like nothing else that I could find. If you dream about tinkering with massive, complicated mech machinery on quite precise level, that's your game. Also, If you like Car Mechanic, but want some bigger stuff to fix, grab it.

Is it perfect?
No. Far from perfect.

Is it finished?
At it's core, it is. But it's unpolished product abandoned by the devs.

Is it wrong?
I've got nearly 40h of 100% fun. For the price I've payed, i'ts a lot! I would even recomend it for 20$.
73 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 14:50
This game is fun, but it will probably crash your PC. You can reduce the crashes (I think) by selling off or deconstructing parts in your inventory. I try to keep the count below 40. Also be sure to back up your saves. They get corrupted easily. I paid $20 for the game and am happy with the amount of time I got out of it, but I’d recommend that you wait for the price to drop to at least half. And even then, don’t get too invested. Others say that the game was a cash grab, but it feels like it was loved by the creators. My guess is that it was abandoned because of the crashes. I hope that whoever the talented creative influence of this game is able to explore the positive aspects of this game in a future project.
322 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 07:25
dead unfinished game with no updates, dev took money ran and started new project after cash flow started.
56 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 20:48
Got it 70% off (6 USD). It is a fun little distraction, but I wouldn't spend MSRP, the game has good concept but seems like development stopped so it is basically a really fun mini game
144 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 06:26
This game is....nothing that special. It gets reptitive fast and there isn't much variety in mechs and content. All the funky little minigames like OS testing and mech test runs just don't really feel very engaging and in general the game feels like every other 'Simulator' that these guys have put out. Fun for a while, but gets boring fast.
836 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 05:00
You like mechs? Do you enjoy taking things a part and putting them back together? Well here you go.
142 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 22:14
The game is buggy and it appears that the Devs have given up on it. Which is disappointing, the foundation is decent and it had potential. Plus there aren't any other Mech simulators like this (that I know of). I requested a refund.
145 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 21:58
Gameplay is ok but nothing special, gets monotonous very quickly. I love the mechanic sim games (have hundreds of hours in them) but this is just cashing in on the genre without bringing anything new to the table in gameplay.

Also the game has been abandoned by devs with no updates since April and it only had limited attention before that.

Personally I feel this isn't worth it, there are better mechanic sims out there for a comparable price.
231 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 00:58
It's fun to just sit back and waste some time cleaning or fixing the mechs, really scratches a certain itch to tinker whenever i feel like doing something. The testing the mechs in the simulator is a bit wonky and boring, and sending mechs out on missions seems odd for someone who's just a mechanic. But i think the game is worth the price and really fun.
793 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 19:33
It might not be for everyone, but the soothing repetition of disassembling and reassembling giant robots is exactly what I need to relax sometimes.
556 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 22:25
It's ok, but needs more mechs and I want to see visible damage on the mechs.
444 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 21:02
Look in Artwork section of community hub for the best explanation of this game: what we thought vs what we got.

I LOVE MECHS! I just can give this a thumbs up as the content is limited and it feels like working on a toy mech than a 'real' mech.

It is very repetitive (which is fine for me) but not for everyone. I understand it must have been hard to 'recreate' the internals of machines that dont (yet) exist but the fun is just not there when there is only a handful of mechs to work on.

Until it gets some updates and (free*) DLC then it shall remain in the uninstalled catalogue for the time being.
If you are an avid mech collector then buy it on sale... like a 40% or better sale.

Final result: 4/10
256 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 03:36
If ever there was a review that had a 'wait for sale' option for the recommendation, this would be it.

I had fun with this game for the first four hours of my eight hour playtime. After that, I unlocked all the options and got as many achievements as I cared to, then never touched it again and I know that may say something about this kind of game and my interest in it overall, but the reason I fell out of the game was pretty simple. It's dry as a bone.

Every task in this game is interesting exactly once and then becomes a matter of choosing whatever option has you spending the least amount of time or effort. You get side options to make more money, but they're ultimately unnecessary and you'd make an equivalent amount of money just focusing on the core repairing.

The ability to buy and paint your own mechs sounds great, until you realize the missions where you need your own mechs are also, ultimately, dry and pointless past the novelty value of it. Even the painting function is somehow both too involved and too inaccurate at the same time, leaving it frustrating and again totally pointless.

Even the mechs themselves are ultimately different in visuals only. Every mech is taken apart in the same way, repaired in the same way and reconstructed in the same way. There is no point to doing anything but focusing on a few different mech types to repair so you have supplies for each one without needing to buy them and then taking whichever job of that mech that gives you the most money.

Money that swiftly loses any purpose once you buy the last license and get the last station. After that the game basically has no purpose or incentive to keep going aside from endlessly repeating the same dry tasks you were doing over the last few hours but no with no purpose to even keep you engaged.

What's tragic is this game has a lot of potential, but they don't seem interested in exploring it. If each mech had slightly different mechanics for repairs or if some things changed based on what type of mech you were repairing, if the mini-games required to repair pieces changed or required more engagement from the player, if the mission aspect had more elements to make it more rewarding and/or risky, if the stock market had an actual point to it.

They don't even bother to include a second background music track in a game that has no soundscape aside from the music and the dry stock sound effects involved in repairs.

Bottom line is this is a game the developers made a functional game that will satisfy your desire to see cool mechs and play around with them for a very limited amount of time and has no tricks up it's sleeve or engagement after the initial interest wears off. I cannot recommend paying anything near full price for this game, no matter how much you like the sci-fi genre or mechs, or even just simulator games in general.

To make matters worse, the developers themselves are utterly radio silent on any future development this game might have, leading me to believe that it is stuck in it's current state forever. This is a game I would gladly support paid DLC to add more elements or spice to the game because the framework itself is solid, but it just loses any point to play it in it's current state extremely quickly.

I cannot stress enough that this game is not worth it's cost unless it's on sale and even then I implore you to download the demo and see if you can enjoy it past the first hour or so of playing before you buy.
262 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 09:59
To start off I actually really liked this game. That said, I am fairly easy to please and have a preference for repetitiveness, that last part is important.

I found this game to be quite relaxing, honestly I should have ran an audiobook or a podcast while playing and it would be even better. Sadly despite there being many things i love about this game the amount of content makes this game overpriced for what it offers. You will very quickly familiarize yourself with the nine mechs that seem to always have the same handful of things wrong with them. When you unlock the junkyard and can buy an abandoned mech it's barely worse off then the mechs that you work on normally. Ruining the feel of rebuilding a junker.

And the stock market basically prints infinite money, I recommend not even touching it. It will make the game better for you.

Even with all of this I would have recommended it but the final nail is the fact that there will be no future content. The last update was a bug fix a few months after release, and the last news was in July advertising that the game was on sale. The forums are filled with the unanswered wails of people that love this game and want more content that seems to not be coming. A shame.
60 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 04:10
In all regards, the game can be very fun, but it can also be very boring. After 5 hours, I have gone through all the game has to offer, and I can't return the game. Do not buy this game until more updates have come into play. Don't make my mistake.
251 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 17:52
Was fun for a little while then just got repetitive and boring. Haven't really seen an update since April.
384 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 01:35
This game feels like the developer wanted to make a game, but gave up on it part way through. The game is technically playable, but the parade of bugs, typos, and gameplay issues detract from the experience. Normally, the smaller bugs would be patched in the first few days after release, but this game has yet to receive a single update.
57 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 04:46
Abandon game. Do not buy. A Great concept with heaps of potential that has been abandoned after the developers cash grab goals was achieved.
194 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 08:17
The game appeals to mecha/robots/and 'zoids' fans as to the maintenance of these vehicles of power and destruction. It is satisfying seeing a ruined mech come back to its full glory with it fully repaired, updated, and ready for its next task. While some may not understand why people can be fascinated with robots, robots are the culmination of human effort to 'work smarter, not harder'. And by repairing just a few of these mechs, you can see how much effort it took to actually make them work as it is.

I feel like the only downside is the limited selection of mechs and its inability to create a unique one of your own. The only other inconvenience is how often I just break down a whole limb just to find out I didn't put one of the screws in before.
232 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 14:27
Pretty disappointing. I got this because I really liked Car Mechanic Sim 2018 and I love mechs, but this feels more like a DLC add-on than a full game. The elements of taking mechs apart and putting them back together are there, but everything else is extremely shallow and gets boring really fast. There are lots of neat ideas added in, like taking a mech for a virtual reality test drive or mini-games for repairing parts, but none of these ideas are utilized very well and end up being repetitive and tedious. Sending mechs out on missions is by far the most disappointing. You just choose a mech and a mission and wait for the idle timer to run down. Rather than have to customize your mech to meet the challenges of different missions, like going into space or under water, you just buy a module and select it before the mission. Each mech can only be built one way with specific parts, so there's really no such thing as customization. Pretty huge letdown.
12 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
8991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 01:41
I like the concept and the user interface is good. Like sending the mech out on a missions. Don't like the way when you select a part the cursor zooms away from the part you just targeted. What is up with that? Did the developer think that we made a mistake targeting that part? PAIN to re-target some of the smaller or partially hidden parts. I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars simply because the zooming feature is annoying.
601 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 01:29
So much potential wasted. Little more than a quick money grab. I'm fairly certain the game is abandoned by the devs. Very little substance to this game, and what there is remains thin and watery. Give it a pass.
42 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 17:48
Simply not enough content. Maybe if this game had 4x the amount of mechs it currently has in addition to workshop support it would be worthwhile, but as it stands I feel I have exhausted this game in about 3 hours. As others have said, the game runs poorly as well.
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 20:29
I would like to start positive in that there is a demo and no DLC or season pass. The idea itself is so amazing and does so much lifting that it kept me from seeing the issues I was having until several hours into the game. The three companies' mechs are all unique and stand out in both their design, disassembly, and assembly.

In terms of accessibility, there is no controller support or colorblind options. The latter is needed as all necessary and optional repairs are highlighted in the assembly screen and at the two repair stations. They are difficult to see and blend into certain mechs types and paint colors. There are no subtitle options but the awful joke-making android is the only entity that speaks and you can turn it off in the options.

The flaws become apparent with each new unlocked minigame. They are each so subpar and demand so little time or effort that I began to skip them and bought new parts instead of engaging with them. You clean the mech you are repairing by holding down the left mouse button for two seconds. You scan the mech by overlapping two lines in the span of two seconds. Software upgrades are just buying a higher software number and switching them in a menu. Welding and decorrosion are point and click that can once again be done in two seconds.

The two minigames that actively make the game worse are the calibration and painting systems. You can watch the three minigames in the Steam trailer beginning with the word HACK. They almost made me quit the game with how poor they handled and felt. The trailer tries its best to hide the repetition and how little time you actually spend on these tasks. They also begin with a basic coding game that is infinitely more suitable for the software upgrade station. Painting a mech and having it feel unique is vital, but when 99% of the game is repairing mechs you will never see again as they are not yours and there are no non-randomly generated mechs, there is no incentive to do more than the basics a required task needs.

As your prestige increases, you gain access to new mechs. However, the repairs that the game asks you to do never stop being basic armor plate swaps. Prestige does not unlock more difficult or intricate jobs, only more aesthetically interesting mechs. What you are doing at hour zero is the same as hour ten. All parts come with a number from 0-100 and sometimes an issue of broken, rusty, or unusable. You only have an issue if a part has an issue. The numbers mean nothing and have no impact on your repairs. You are able to take a part with a number of 99 off of a mech and replace it with a spare part with a number of 33 for example. This has no repercussions on your reputation or funds received. New parts are also purchased instantly and cheaply from a menu so there is even less incentive to engage with these part issues.

There are some other systems that are not worth mentioning like a stock market and black market. I never used the black market and only purchased stocks a handful of times.

In short, Mech Mechanic Simulator suffers from far too many poor minigames that could have been combined into two or three great ones. Repairs never become more involved or intricate as you progress. The theme is wonderful but it quickly buckles under the amount of the same uninteresting repairs and the repetition of the same boring minigames.
504 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 05:17
I was really interested in this game, and I had fun for the first little while. Once I started to unlock stations I was excited, thinking I could repair all the broken parts, and fix them up like new. Turns out you can only repair certain parts for some reason. Some of the stations, like the wire repair, cost way too much to fuel (the fuel drains far to rapidly). The rust removal station is missing some key information, I have no way of knowing whether the laser is on full power or low power. The paint station is really not fun, I'd rather you just picked the colors for parts and let it auto paint or something. But the ultimate kick in the gears was the calibration station. What an absolutely horrible mini-game. I had the one where you have to run around and mine stuff in a short time limit, and try not to overheat from the flame guns. I tried it three times then gave up. That mini-game is just not fun which I guess is the issue for this game. If you don't like some of the mini-games you just end up wasting a pile of money buying them. I think you can get away without playing any of the mini-games but then it gets pretty boring pretty quickly.

Oh, one last thing, I absolutely hate that stupid C-3PO type of robot that walks around the station. He's not a like-able character, he keeps saying random phrases and gets in the way. He's more annoying than anything. I'd melt him down for scrap if I could. I'd switch this to a thumbs up if we can melt him down in a future patch.
63 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 04:04
I have to say i'm kinda disappointed in this game and i love simulator games but the starting is slow and its just repeat. The rust removing only shows rust there and not on the mech, the scanning to find bad parts on the mech is annoying, just give it a scan button not a puzzle. the list is huge with this game on the Cons. and for the pros well you got a talking robot!.
149 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 08:40
Very pleasant time killer if you like MechsTitans.

Concept is very interesting with some interesting game mechanics like callibration programming puzzles and some VR piloting afterwards. Mechs visually pretty good with interesting designs and meaningful parts desassembly routines.
Game is good but a little bit shallow in the end and I hope for the second part with more depth to everyting.

My personal complains are all about mech painting process, here some thoughts to improve:
- Painting is a little clunky, no way to mask parts that you dont with to paint and colors bleeds onto things constantly. Good addition will be filling colors by mech parts
- Maybe some decal constructor or color selection for the single color decals?
- More camera control around specific part - very hard to get to some places
- Meybe painting by parts, like in repairt mode?

Otherwise great product and kudos to developers for exploring such an interesting theme!
690 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
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89 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 02:06
Game needs a series of balance passes. Payout is based entirely on value of mech and number of parts, with no consideration for difficulty in replacing part. a job to replace a cable that's instantly accessible will have the same payout of a job that could require 5x the work and complete teardown of the mech limb.

It's interesting in concept but needs some balancing to make it not feel like a complete waste of time on half the jobs you take,
474 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 01:33
The game is so buggy. With just about an hour of gameplay, I've already found several bugs:
- Graphic Settings often reset to default after relaunching the game.
- Screen settings often reset to default after relaunching the game.

Lastly, I'm not sure if it's a bug, but I'm assuming that's intended. When welding or doing de-corrosion, once the part is selected and confirmed, whether you touch it or not at all, it'll still take into account. Even if you didn't complete the weld, but you accidentally backed out, the fuel still decreases as if you've finished the weld. Then, the progress resets if you try to weld the same part again. This is just a very lazy execution on their end.
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 03:44
I like mech mechanic simulator a lot but I wish it had more mechs in the game, more stations, more interactions, and more companies. If that happens I will be very exited because I finished the game with in a cupel of days with school and home work. so pleas add something!

PS... If the creators see this please consider and thank you for your time.
55 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 06:32
I really enjoy this game, however there are some things that could use optimizing sooner than later.
First, painting individual parts is needed, or the ability to have different sections of the mech highlight when painting. there also needs a shading mechanic added so two or more colors can be blended. second thing ive noticed is the junkyard prices are too high compared to sell back at the base level. i really like this mechanic in game but it needs to be balanced. like say all new parts better software+Cal give a higher return than a mech with only repaired parts and low level mech with no cal or something similar. i haven't made it to prestige 10 yet so i will update this review once ive done that. otherwise great game so far loving it, and would say to anyone to give it a go. until next time o7
547 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
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1077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 01:39
I want to have fun with this game, and I play it quite a bit looking to have that fun. However as this game stands, I can't recommend it.
Problems I can't stand:
The camera locks in on places and sometimes in order to find where your next part needs to go you need to leave the assembly thing entirely. (DEVS: ADD Z+/- AS DEDICATED BUTTONS!
Tiny parts ruin the entire repair. There have been times where I spent between 1 and 2 hours tearing apart every little piece of an arm to find out what the heck I missed in order for it to count as broken... and still couldn't find the one tiny part I'm supposed to plug in, screw on or whatever. (DEVS: PUT IN A MISSING PART FINDER!!!)
The painting mini game is horribly done. For a game with so few colors, just put them all on one pallet and let us pick the ones we need/want.
ALSO: we need to be able to MASK OUT parts we don't want to free-paint. ALSO ALSO we need BETTER orbit/zoom controls for painting... ALSO ALSO ALSO let us paint each body part wile it's OFF OF THE MECH!!!!
Let us remove the voice box of our sidekick!
Let us sell our sidekick for spare parts!
Can I kick that asshole off the stairs please? He keeps blocking me!
GET RID OF THE SIDEKICK! He's not needed, and completely unwanted.

Seriously. I want this game to be good. I really do. Please make this game good.
67 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 06:15
The timed minigames, especially for calibrations, suck donkey balls. They didn't come up until I worked through the tutorials a bit, so it wasn't til hour 3 that I got shafted with super mario calibration bollocks that I never wanted in the first place.
94 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 01:57
For all intents and purposes this game beautifully executes the core mechanic, but falls flat in every other detail that would keep you playing the game.

There is no 'job well done'.

Nothing distinguishes a difficult job completion from an easy one.
Nothing distinguishes buying every part or repairing it yourself.

Your employer does not care if you take a part off one leg to put on the other one, it just checks a box that the part was replaced.

Choice of project/mech is inconsequential.

Music is uninspired and repetitive.

UI choices are clunky and take you out of immersion (allow double click to select components in 90% of menus, but not in part repair stations for some reason?)

I consider it a buy at like... 5-10 bucks in its current state. Good to kill maybe a single afternoon and you've seen it all.
500 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 22:19
The game functions for exactly what it advertises, it just isn't a whole lot, and seems to expect you to grind, grind, grind away to get to... more grind, but more complicated. Enjoyed my four hours with it, but there's no drive to continue.
You start out only able to repair, then you can weld broken pieces, and clean rusty pieces, and repair power units. But the game seems to arbitrarily decide when something can be repaired, and whether or not the client will allow a repair over a replace.
I don't feel the need to grind out to 150k so I can buy a mission table, with a mech that costs 250k, for... what? More parts?

The game needs some more substance. Painting and 'calibration' ain't it. With how barebones this feels, I'm amazed it's not in EA, pending more features.
686 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 16:13
It is grind game.
First few hours is ok, so if that is sufficient for you then buy it.

By after unlocking last station and when you starting send mechs on missions... thats where grind start. Endless grind. You just repair mechs to get more money, to get own mechs, to get more money. There is nothing above.

Missions could mean something.
For who you repair could mean something.
Expanding your business could mean something (bad guys from begining are just black market, shame).
Even how you repair could be something more then just +1 to rep.

If that would be beta, I would give thumbs up as game have potential. But as a full game, nope.
272 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 22:18
For its price and modest size, Mech Mechanic Simulator is a perfectly fine, 'what it says on the box' game that will preoccupy your attention, mecha fanatic or otherwise.
Simple, but relatively enjoyable part-by-part disassembly and reassembly, some fine tuning on the usual simulation micro-managing (no day-system, you just keep going endlessly while taking jobs, menus are easy to access, etc) and a fair amount of mechs to actually take apart.
Weighed down by some variety issues (there's like, six to seven mech frames total and they don't have much variation from each other - the only thing really different feeling is some small parts locations and paintjobs which doesn't help much) and a lot of that 'semi-unpolished unity game' feel (this game is not actually a unity engine game), especially in its 'calibration' minigame.
Still very much worth trying, especially if you're into giant robots.
102 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 22:07
I am having a lot of fun with this game. I love the new mechs as well as the expanded market and the new tool stations. Calibration is a problem. Whomever coded 'charge and release to jump' should be very ashamed of themselves and go sit in time out for a week or so. FIx that and provide some tutorial of the the whole wall running thing and its great.
If you like sim mechanic games you need to buy this one. Nuf said.
181 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
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22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 19:12
The problem I had with this game is just how boring it really is. I played the demo longer than I have this version and honestly I already want to give up. When you compare it to other simulator games (using Car Mechanic Simulator 2018) it doesn't even come close.

There is one feature I like a lot and that's when you buy something you can search it up there and then, massive time saver.

Having to do a job then walk all the back up each time is very boring.

It maybe that you have to play this game for longer to get any fun out of it, but if I'm bored within the first 20 minutes of playing I don't really see much point. I done 5 jobs within that time 3 of them were the same parts.

Doesn't look like it got much optimisation as well from the demo that launched which is a shame.
I'll track it's updates to see if it improves but I think that's it for me.
566 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 18:21
First hour review:

There's a lot here to like in Mech Mechanic Simulator if the thought of a methodical, meditative fix-it game appeals to you. That being said, there are a handful of issues that seem to keep the player at arm's length, pushing them out of the experience rather than drawing them in.

1) Ambiance: These games are a sort of role-play, where you become the person doing the work. Something the game fails to do in its opening moments is to present you with an atmospherically-interesting world. The workshop, though technically fine, doesn't SOUND like a workshop, doesn't FLOW like a workshop. It's static, flat-sounding (think about the last time you were in a mechanic's shop, with the hiss of hydraulics, the slight reverberations of the corrugated metal walls sharpening the clang of a dropped tool), and devoid of personality. Who are you? Is this a big step up for you? The story seems to tell you it is.

Why is this important? Because these simulation games are about FEEL more than they are about the abstractions of the work. Do I feel like a mechanic working on a mech? Does this space feel like it is helping to tell that story?

2) That cursed android! Per point #1, ambiance is paramount, and my first moments in the game were pierced by a deluge of cringey, pokey, drawl-y android dialogue. Yuk. Literally zero personality communicated to you slowly and painfully. I am ripped from any sort of work I was doing and forced to listen to him often just reading, agonizingly, over text that's already on-screen. He's not adding anything to the experience, and only interrupts and irritates (the devs refer to this too?!). Just because something's terrible, and you admit it's terrible, doesn't mean it's now suddenly ok. This is coming from someone who loves bad movies, btw. The android is not 'so bad it's good', either.

He's mindlessly pathing around the room, in the way when I try to go down the stairs because of course he is.

I get it, try lots of things, and hope some stick and help define the game. In this case, the android should be cut entirely which would allow players to focus on the more interesting elements.

3) Interface: This is a mixed bag. On one hand, I think the process of disassembling and reassembling the mechs is well thought-out and could have been a nightmare of order of operations, area-of-interest highlighting, and inventory management, but the devs did an excellent job here as the work just flows, and you're rarely 'stuck'.

The interface of the rest of the game is flat, with pop-ups all over the screen and inconsistent button highlighting and placement. Every new screen tends to provoke a few seconds of confusion as I try to figure out navigation, mouse-over hotspots, etc. This is an opportunity for improvement, and I think it would help the new player experience tremendously.

Back to the mention of 'flat': I think that interface can be a secret character that helps pull the player even more into the atmosphere of the game. We, as players, have been subjected to this blue-rhombus 'sci fi' interface scheme across countless games, where I think the actual 'interface' of a mechanic would be surpisingly low-tech. A clunker of a computer, burned-in monitors, oil-stained hand-meters, could build a UI scheme that cemented the player's role in the game. Obviously nothing to hold against the game itself, but just feels like a missed opportunity.

So, this is not intended to be a negative review overall, as I think the premise and the core mechanics of the game are very intriguing. With additional focus on player progression (the 'feel' of getting a deal on the store, saving money by repairing something yourself, your workshop growing alongside your aptitude), i think this could be a great game. Not there yet, but certainly an effort worth attention, and I do not regret the money spent to play around in this space.

Thanks to all the devs who worked on it, and for putting your vision out there, and for taking anything I've mentioned in a spirit of feedback. Good luck!
174 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 17:27
I really hoped this game to be good. Unfortunately, it feels extremely dull. The entire gameplay is built around tediouness and the replayability is really low. The game feels like pre-Beta in almost every aspect. One of the core flaws is the lack of rewarding mechanism, which turned the game into a big chunk of chore, instead of something that you would get excited and look for more.
767 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 16:04
This game is a nice spin on simulator games. I was pleasantly surprised by how intricate fixing parts is. With all of the nuts, bolts, screws to be undone etc before getting to the part that needs fixing. Then you have the different unlockable work stations such as rust repair, welding, and painting. Although, I never quite figured out how to get the welding to work.

At the time of writing, there are a few things I feel could do with some small quality of life improvements. For example, after roughly an hour or so of play, I got myself into a checkmate situation of not having enough funds to finish the job I was working on. Yet, due to already having a loan and no option to extend or increase that I had to start from scratch again.

All in all, good fun. If you like similar titles and also enjoy a fondness for mechs, then this is definitely a game for you.
424 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 15:00
If you get busted for your illegal mech workshop, make sure they don't repurpose your assistant robot into a toaster.

If you want to see gameplay and watch my first impressions as they happened, click my video above. Mech Mechanic Simulator is what it says on the box, thrusting you into the role of a mech mechanic. Your trusty robot assistant thinks he's your boss, but he'll let you make decisions like which job to take or which colors to paint your workshop.

If you've played other mechanic simulators (such as PC Building Simulator), the format will be very familiar. The key difference is that arms, legs, and cores are all designed a little bit differently. There's certainly a learning curve understanding the mechs, how the problematic piece is attached and how to get to it without dismantling the entire arm. I certainly took apart more pieces than I needed to, and although I knew something was missing after I put it back together I still couldn't figure out quite what it was.

Mech Mechanic Simulator doesn't add anything new to the genre, but if you enjoy this kind of game you'll sink plenty of hours learning the ins and outs of mech building. And until Elon Musk designs the first Telsa Mech, this will be as close as you can get to your mech building dream.
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Release:25.03.2021 Genre: Gelegenheits-Spiel Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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