Mass Effect
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Über das Spiel

In dem für diese Plattform überarbeiteten Rollenspiel übernimmt man die Rolle von Commander Shephard und muss die Galaxis vor der bevorstehenden Zerstörung bewahren. In der faszinierenden Geschichte erwarten den Spieler heroische Taten, Verrat, schwierige Entscheidungen und ein Universum, das von einer Vielzahl einzigartiger Lebewesen bevölkert wird. Saren, ein abtrünniges Mitglied der elitären und unberührbaren Spectre, hat herausgefunden, wie er eine apokalyptische Macht in der Galaxie freisetzen kann, und nur du stehst ihm im Weg. Du musst alles in deiner Macht stehende tun, um Saren aufzuhalten. Nur so rettest du das Leben von Milliarden und verhinderst die Rückkehr einer altertümlichen Macht, die versessen darauf ist, alles organische Leben zu zerstören.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
2193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 20:53
Shepard wird eines der Spectre-Mitglieder, eines der Rates in Citadel. Eure Aufgabe ist nun ein anderen Mitglied des Rates namens Saren ausfindig zu machen. Mit euren Crew-Mitglieder begibt ihr euch Spiccy-Adventure, entscheidet Entscheidungen, sei vernarrt oder bleib ein Braver Commanderchen.
+RPG/Shooter Elemente
+Die Charakteren & deren Hintergründen
+Looten und Leveln
+Viele Entscheidungen bringen Konsequenzen
+Grafik glänzt noch bis heute sehr gut
-Trefferfeedback ist nah
-Mondbuggy richtig glitchy & nervig
-Dungeon sowie Gebäuden in inneren leider Copy-Paste
Fazit: Ein sehr tolles RPG mit einem Mix aus Shooter/Taktik, ich empfehle jeden, der gern Storylastigen Games zockt. Daher passt die Legendery Edition für die Neueinsteiger, die gerne das ganze Trilogy anspielen möchten mit verbesserten Features.
2464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 20:43
If you are in love with science-fiction, space-theory, physics and logical thinking, epic storylines: This game is a Must-Have for you!
2909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 18:15
2300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 12:16
5538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 19:32
Gut oder Böse?
Diese Wahl triffst du!
In „Mass Effect“ steuern wir in der dritten Person unseren Charakter durch die Gegend und werden dabei stets von zwei AI Mitgliedern aus unserem Trupp begleitet. Dabei verfügt jede Figur über eigene Klassen, deren Fähigkeiten wir im und außerhalb des Kampfes nutzen können. In der Schlacht können wir das Spiel jederzeit verlangsamen und Fähigkeiten ausführen bzw. ausführen lassen oder Befehle an die Kameraden geben. Zweiteres ist im ersten Teil allerdings noch etwas umständlich. Wenn wir gerade mal nicht der Hauptmission hinterher jagen, besuchen wir Stationen, reden mit vielen Leuten oder fahren mit unserem Fahrzeug auf Planetenoberflächen herum, wobei das langfristig etwas nervig werden kann und daher auch in späteren Teilen auch ersetzt wurde. Der erste Teil ist zudem auch wesentlich RPG-lastiger, was das Kampfsystem angeht. Waffen können gefunden und für jedes Mitglied einzelnt ausgerüstet werden. Manchen Leuten hat das sehr gut gefallen, ich empfand es als langatmig für jedes Teammitglied mehrere Waffen durchzugehen.
In einer fernen Zukunft ist die Menschheit noch relativ frisch der interstellaren Gemeinschaft beigetreten und muss sich dort noch einleben. Die verschiedenen Spezies haben einen gemeinsamen Rat, vor dem sich unser männlicher oder weiblicher Hauptcharakter „Sheppard“ beweisen muss. Denn Elitesoldat Sheppard hat die Chance, der erste menschliche „Spectre“ des Rates zu werden. „Spectre“ stehen über dem gewöhnlichen Gesetz, arbeiten in heiklen Operationen und müssen sich nur vor dem Citadelrat verantworten. Doch schon während der Prüfung stoßen wir auf einen Widersacher, der Böses im Schilde führt und ein seltsames Interesse an der alten Technologie der längst ausgestorbenen „Protheaner“ hat.
Mit dem ersten Teil der Reihe wird hier ein Grundstein für viele Entscheidungen gelegt, die sich durch alle drei Spiele ziehen werden. Grundsätzlich wird in den Dialogen zwischen abtrünnigen und heldenhaften Dialogoptionen unterschieden. Der Spieler kann sich also hier entscheiden, ob er sauber oder unfair spielen möchte, wobei es langfristig aber auf dasselbe Ergebnis hinausläuft. Die Dialoge und die Charaktere, gerade die eigene Crew, sind wirklich mit Persönlichkeit geladen und man fühlt sich mit seinen Leuten schon verbunden. Da hilft natürlich auch die Möglichkeit, dass man manche Teammitglieder im Laufe des Spiels wirklich verlieren kann und gleichzeitig auch eine Romanze mit einer Person anfangen kann. Es fühlt sich eben absolut wie ein RPG an und die Figuren sind lebendig.
Zum Release von 2008 sah das Spiel durchaus gut aus. Aber natürlich ist es mittlerweile nicht mehr so schön. Aber genau dafür gibt es eine tolle Mod namens A Lot of Textures, die sehr viele Texturen auffrischt. Die Mod hat dabei nicht nur ein eigenes Setup, sondern man kann auch mehrere getestete Mods dazu installieren. So kann man obendrein die Charaktere, die Haare und sogar die Videosequenzen kräftig auffrischen. Das ist wirklich ein tolles Projekt und sieht einfach super aus!
Soundtechnisch bietet das Spiel insbesondere wundervolle und epische Melodien, gerade bei Ansprachen unseres Charakters an die Crew. Die deutsche Synchronsation schlägt zwar nicht die Englische, macht hier aber dennoch eine gute Arbeit. Allerdings fällt die falsche Aussprache von vielen Eigennamen etwas auf.
Für den ersten Teil gibt es zwei DLCs, die kleinere Geschichten anfügen. Diese sind kostenlos, jedoch nicht in der Steamversion enthalten. Daher kann man sie hier einfach herunterladen und nachträglich installieren.
„Mass Effect“ ist der Auftakt zu einer großartigen Spielereihe. Die Geschichte ist spannend, zu den Figuren baut man eine Beziehung auf und die ganze Spielwelt steckt voller Details, was mich regelrecht in dieses Universum gezogen hat. Im ersten Teil empfand ich jedoch das Kampfsystem noch nicht perfekt und man merkt an vielen Stellen, dass es noch ein wenig in den Kinderschuhen steckte. „Bioware“ ist großartig darin, spannende Welten zu gestalten und die „Mass Effect“-Reihe gehört zu meinen absoluten Lieblingen unter all den Spielen, die ich je in meinem Leben gespielt habe. Gerade mit den Grafikupdates lohnt sich der Kauf hier auch trotz des Alters. Freunde von RPGs sollten sich diesen Titel wirklich nicht entgehen lassen!
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3359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 12:47
+ sieht mit maximaler Auflösung (s. u.) selbst heute noch wirklich großartig aus (Unreal Engine 3, u. wurde für die PC-Version nochmals verbessert)
+ lebensechte Gesichts- und vor allem Bewegungsanimationen
+ epischer Soundtrack mit hohem Wiedererkennungswert (Abspanntrack der Rockband Faunts)
+ sehr professionelle deutsche Vollvertonung inklusive der eigenen Antworten
+ Kodex mit vertonten(!) Primäreinträgen und diversen Texten
+ vertonte aktuelle Nachrichten während Aufzugfahrten bei denen unsere Handlungen sogar thematisiert werden
+ individueller Gesichtseditor, als auch freie Wahl des Geschlechts
+ Charaktererstellung mit drei möglichen Vorgeschichten und Psychologischen Profilen
+ 6 Militärspezislisierungen (Charakterklassen): Soldat, Techniker, Experte, Infiltrator, Wächter und Frontkämpfer
+ diverse Talente
+ intuitives „Cinematic Design“ Dialogauswahlsystem das Gespräche mit NSC revolutioniert hat
+ spannende und interessante Gespräche
+ Entscheidungen und spürbare Konsequenzen
+ eigenes Verhalten verändert unsere Gesinnung entweder immer mehr Richtung „Vorbildlich“ oder „Abtrünnig“ was am Ende von Bedeutung ist
+ Waffen- und Munitionsupgrades
+ Biotik zur Manipulation dunkler Energie: Telekinese, Kinetische Felder und Verzerrungskräfte die jeweils weiter und spezifischer ausgebaut werden können
+ 6 mögliche Begleiter: der Wächter Kaidano, der Turanische Agent Garrus Vakarian, die Soldatin Ashley Williams, der Kroganische Kampfmeister Urdnot Wrex, die Quarianische Maschinistin Tali‘Zora, und die Asari Quarianer Expertin Liara T‘Soni
+ romantische Beziehungen zu einigen Begleitern möglich
+ einige Begleiter können auch im Laufe der Handlung sterben, als Konsequenzen unserer Entscheidungen
+ viele unterschiedliche Alienrassen: die roboterhaften Geth, schwerfällige und langsame Elcor, quallenartige sehr höflichen Hanar, die insektoiden Keeper, kriegerische Kroganer die Opfer der Genophage wurden, Handeltreibende Volus und die sagenumwobenen Protheaner bzw. deren Hinterlassenschaften
+ erwachsene Welt voller Gewalt, Verrat, Rassismus, Xenophobie und Genoziden
+ epische Reaper-Geschichte um Massenportale, die Citadel, deren instandhaltenden Keeper, die „Röhre“ und vielen Überraschungen
+ Ausrüstung ist auch tatsächlich am Charakter zu sehen
+ Helme können wahlweise ein- oder ausgeblendet werden
+ Charakter geht automatisch in Deckung wenn man sich an eine solche heranbewegt und kann auch aus dieser heraus feuern
+ bewaffnetes Mako-Panzerfahrzeug für schnellere Fortbewegung und Fahrzeugkämpfe auf Planetenoberflächen
+ unvergessliches Ende mit schwerwiegender Entscheidung
+ recht lange Spielzeit von etwa 50 Stunden ohne die vielen Nebenquests (die man ruhig auslassen kann)
- Auflösung max. 1280x768 (16:9) kann aber umgestellt werden: Dokumente>BioWare>Mass Effect>Config und dort die BIOEngine ini öffnen, und die Auflösung abändern:
- kein Steam Overlay und keine Screenshots (diese funktionieren nur wenn man Steam als Administrator ausführt [rechtsklick auf die Steam-Desktopverknüpfung])
- diverse Klongesichter
- Einschusslöcher verschwinden nach kurzer Zeit
- unbedeutende Beute mit der man überhäuft wird
- leere Planetenoberflächen
- wenig Abwechslung in den Umgebungen der Nebenmissionen (im Gegensatz zu den Hauptmissionen)
- Begleiter blockieren manchmal den Weg, was sogar dazu führen kann, dass sie einen in einer Ecke einkeilen, so dass man neuladen muss (ist mir 2x passiert)
- Begleiter-KI ist nicht besonders helle und merkt öfter nicht dass sie unmittelbar vor sich in die Deckung oder den Türrahmen schießt
- Kern-Rätsel
- Bug: Quasar-Quest kann nicht beendet werden, wenn man die Quasargeräte manipuliert
Das Action-Rollenspiel und Auftakt der Reaper-Triologie stammt aus dem Jahre 2008 (auf dem PC) und war seiner damaligen Zeit weit voraus.
Im Jahr 2183 ist man als Commander Shepard auf geheimer Mission für den Rat der Citadel. Dafür steht ein einzigartiges Experimentalraumschiff, die „SSV Normandy“ zur Verfügung. Als Spectre untersteht man keinem Gesetz und keiner Autorität außer dem Citadel-Rat.
Gespielt wird im Drei-Mann-Squad in der Third-Person-Perspektive, während die beiden Begleiter von der KI gesteuert werden, wobei man diesen aber jederzeit Befehle erteilen kann und volle Kontrolle über deren Fähigkeiten und Ausrüstung hat.
Die soliden, jederzeit pausierbaren, Echtzeitkämpfe machen stets Spaß und werden von den filmartig inszenierten Dialogen noch übertroffen. Dabei werden statt kompletter Dialogzeilen lediglich Stichwörter benutzt, was die Unterhaltungen sehr flüssig gestaltet. Auch lohnt es sich hin und wieder die eigenen Begleiter auf der Normandy anzusprechen.
In der Ausgestaltung des Hintergrunds steckt viel Liebe zum Detail, was diesen sehr glaubhaft und lebendig macht. Man merkt dass es mehr als genug Lore für eine Trilogie gibt.
Nachdem ich Mass Effekt 1 damals bei Release gespielt hatte, wollte ich es eigentlich nur nochmal kurz für ein noch fehlendes Review anspielen. Dieses Meisterwerk hat mich aber direkt bei Spielbeginn wieder so sehr gepackt, dass ich es einfach, nach so langer Zeit, erneut durchspielen wollte.
Dieses Spiel des Jahres 2008 ist einfach jedem klar zu empfehlen und erhält von mir natürlich einen Daumen nach oben.
Wenn ihr an weiteren Reviews von mir interessiert seid, dann folgt meiner Gruppe.
4714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 01:42
1980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 19:15
Other than that, as RPG's go its a little short - 33 Hours at time of review having just completed my first and very through play through with all side quests and goals accomplished. That being said, definatly some potential for replay value to see how decisions will effect the final outcome of the story. But before that it's on to Mass Effect 2 - Hopefully, with any luck, with the ability to import the save file to carry on the story - But that remains to be seen.
1257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 03:20
Nicht Empfohlen
8563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 03:26
The game was fun when it worked. If I could force a refund after they broke the DLCs years after the fact I would.
1769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 02:18
I had finished playing The Witcher (2007) in 2020 and was craving another game to scratch that itch and many people recommended Mass Effect. It's so cheesy and dramatic, but it makes the game fun to play and adds charm ! I was also surprised by how well the graphics and cutscenes held up in 2021. Compared to The Witcher, the combat was much more intriguing and engaging.
My only gripe with the game is that I kept getting lost. The mini map is not very useful. Besides that I loved it ! :)
3934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 11:10
The plot is far from simple but it's not super complex, you are the first human soldier in a galactic community full of interesting alien races to be granted a high position of being a covert soldier who can act above the law to track down an extremely dangerous traitor, you can use this special authority to either be good, flagrantly abuse the laws and human rights, or be somewhere in the middle depending on who you like.
The gameplay is a little archaic and future games really improved on it, but it works just fine once you learn the system, you can direct your squad to attack certain enemies or rely on cover, you can customise your armour or weapons and use all sorts of combos to get max damage, shields, and so on.
The squad are a huge part of the game, they all have their own personalities and desires, and they will voice their opinions when you have to make a choice, they will banter with each other, and your decisions affect their lives in many ways.
Finally the big part is this is not your typical RPG, your choices actually do matter and they will carry on to the other games, whether good or bad you will always be presented with the consequences of your actions
1036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 05:54
Amazing characters. Amazing story. Amazing lore and dialog. Amazing combat...well, mostly.
The combat has a dated feel to it. Something I don't notice as much when played on the Xbox 360. Probably due to my hardware changing and the Xbox staying the same. The controls mixed with the flow of taking cover + shooting feel a bit off. That said, given its age - it still plays really well. I recommend!
4829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 10:51
The Commander, Sheppard, was a bit of a clot at first, he only took me on because he realized that I would be an asset to the Normandy and we could share resources in our hunt for Saren. We even managed to take down the Rogue Specter and defend the Citadel from a Reaper invasion.
By the end, we grew to be fast friends, and I was really saddened to hear of his death while patrolling near Alchera.
He will be remembered.
The armory was fairly sub standard and they kept overheating, so we needed to keep our heads down a lot.
But here's the big question:
Can the weapons be calibrated?
Yes! After fiddling extensively with gun mods and augments I was able to modify my assault rifle to never ever overheat!
21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 05:46
1622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 03:29
Nicht Empfohlen
877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 09:26
Thanks for putting a discount on every single one of your old franchises (Dead Space, Medal of Honor...) except the original Mass Effect games so as to force us to buy the 60€ Legendary Edition.
Very cool.
1326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 00:34
The game definitely not as good and polished as ME2 or ME3 since Bioware had no idea where they were going with it, but it's the first in the series and it does the thing it is supposed to do: establishes universe. Don't expect much from RPG standpoint though and be prepared that 80% of your time will be spent on fetch quests.
2805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 22:57
872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 19:30
1817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 00:43
Some in-game bonuses (i.e. +10% to shields or weapon proficiencies) are locked behind in-game achievements (not Steam achievements). The dialogue system is lacking - the answer shown can be very different from the spoken line; sometimes the player can choose only the tone, but not the meaning. The vehicle, the Mako, has very unusual physics and controls.
1655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 21:14
1353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 14:26
DLC is now a free download and easy to install, don't bother with Pinnacle Station:
2443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 22:46
Essential mods:
(first DLC: BDtS)
ME1 recalibrated
Phew! But the investment was worth it. Epic game in all senses, not the least its world-building!
759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 21:11
1524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 14:42
Playing this game is a slippery slope into the realisation you would marry an alien.
1311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 10:33
One of the best thing this game has, is the story. What you need to know, this game is not linear. You got choices to do and you got other stories to explore. It's well written in my opinion, however there are few low points or unexplained actions, which not really makes sense for me. In general, the conversations also well written, however you can get some lines here or there. I won't explain the story, but you can get lot of details, which is why this game is so awesome. Well made, really!
If the story is epic, then what can I tell about the music? Makes it better. All of the music is really fit, what you see. Either if it's a dramatic moment or you are trying to survive, the game always give you the proper track. Top notch job!
Time to mention the gameplay. So, this is a Third Person Shooter with some tactical elements, not even mentioning the RPG elements. There is 2 part of the game. 1 part when you explore places, talking characters and doing your business, even traveling in space. You can talk most of the characters, and at big portion of them you do different path of conversations, which is awesome. Exploring places and doing your business is not really interesting for some, but the game is well detailed even here too. Sometimes, you need to perform choices, and those have some effect too, even if it's instant, but sometimes it will happen later, even if in later games. For example, one time I gave some information to a report, and when I was in an elevator, a news broadcast said, the report has succesfully used this information and caught a criminal syndicate. I mention traveling in space, which is came later in the game. You can choose in which system you want to go and what universe. If you there, you can find planets which you can check some info of them, some of them are able to survey, which searching it through and you can find collectibles, which give you money or even land on them. Long story short, this portion of the game is big, can be boring, but has lot of story in it in general and makes the game interesting to play with, and not just fighting all the time.
The second part of the gameplay, is the fighting. So in fights, you will can use 4 weapons, which are pistols, assault rifles, shotguns and sniper rifle. However what I didn't mention, depending what character you have, you are perform these weapons differently. At the beginning of the game you can create your character background, which gives you lot of status points on different things. This can change the gameplay well, also you can customize your character too. Going back to the fight element, you can use skill too, which can came from implants, or your omni tool, but even soldier powers. Every kind of skills as advantages, and you can also level it up on is status page, if you get enough XP. Need to mention the crew mates too, because you won't be alone most of the times. You can give order to your crew mates, and in figths, you usually have 2 next to you. They are also different characters, with different powers and and loadout, which you can manage too. Not even mentioning, your own loadout. Usually in fights, you need to control your teammates and use their skill if they are not using it, meanwhile you also trying to move cover-to-cover and do your part. These one can be exciting to play, however I wouldn't say it's hard. I played the game on Veteran combat difficutly, and it didn't had to much action... except two missions. The combat can feel weird, and has some issues, one of the is the strict controls and sometimes not activable skills, which annoeyed me the most. These parts are all right by the way, not even mentioning the different enemies and behaviours too. Need to mention the Mako, which is a vehicle you can use to explore planets. The Mako can fly a little, shoot with machine gun or burst fire with it. It's a cool vehicle and fightining with it is also good, however the controls is something you need to get use to. Long story short, the gameplay is varied and interesting, you need tactics if the situation is bad, but you can win with brute force too sometimes. You get lot of options to deal with the enemies, and also the Mako is an all right vehicle, but the controls in both parts can be troublesome for others.
One more thing I need to mention at the gameplay, and those are the side missions. Sadly, this is where the game is weak at, because even though there are some interesting side missions with okay story, there are lot of copy paste one. What I mean, for example your objective is to destory a group of pirates, and you get a planet with a pirate complex on it. You go inside the building, do your fight and take another. Destroy generators in a complex. If you go into the building, you might get the same layout building like last time, which is break the illusion. Okay, the room looks different, because stuff inside is different, but this can be noticable really fast. I notice 4 different building layout and I did like around 20 missions. It's kinda annoying to see this, comapring to the wide story elements. And also, there are 2 DLCs for the game, but actually only the meteorite one worth the time. It starts like a normal side mission, but atleast it has some depth and you can get really good items from it. So sadly this is not that good part.
Last part is the graphics. Made in 2008, and time wasn't that nice to it. I won't say it looks bad, because it's not the case, however there are textures, which looks pixelated. Not even mentioning, sometimes the light effects are too much. There is one big problem with the game, which happens on AMD processors. Some processor can cause the game at two planets to make every character a black pixelated box. This still not fixed by BioWare, but thankfully there is better version. If you experience these, turn on the console for the game, which you can do in the game's Steam folder -> BioGame -> Config -> DefaultInput.ini . If you there, find a line which is [Engine.Console] . Under it, there are two more lines. Under them, write the following: ConsoleKey=p . With this, you will be able to bring up the console with 'P'. In game if you see the problem, you press 'P' and write: viewmode unlit . With this, the lighthing will be weird, but the characters will look normally. If you want to change it back, write lit instead of unlit in the previous line or restart the game. So, the graphics are not bad for now, but back in the days, it was amazing!
For me, the first Mass Effect is a really good game and start of a amazing series. I really do like almost every aspect of this game and the details too. However, it's not completly perfect, but if you get use to the controls and you can get yourself through the graphics, it will be a really fun game. I can definetly recommend you to try out this game. For 20€, this can be a little bit lot in my opinion, but I would get it for 13€ for no problem.
1516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 19:19
2082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 10:45
To be short you get amazing story and good graphic (for old game).
1782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 16:44
12300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 02:46
Strap down for the rough ride into the future, where aliens of all kinds roam the galaxy alongside with humans and where slapping omnigel on everything solves almost all of your problems. Create your very own Commander Shepard, assemble a crew of close friends, and embark on the quest of saving the world from the race of sentient machines.
While the engine didn't age well compared to the later Frostbite, it still does the job after some getting used to. The graphics look impressive even today, and the story... well, if anything has been BioWare's specialty, it's certainly storytelling.
This game has formed a generation of sci-fi rpg players and breathed life into the previously overlooked genre. It is a special, unique experience for so many, with loving fan community staying active throughout the years. If you haven't gotten it yet, I strongly recommend you grab Mass Effect as soon as you can.
God bless the MAKO.
Nicht Empfohlen
1831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 12:09
Seriously fuck EA
1609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 15:32
3519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 02:07
1200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 02:27
16612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 23:19
In my opinion best experienced as FemShep, there are enough graphical mods available in 2020 to really bring this classic up to modern standards.
Although the combat is still annoying at times.
1401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 16:14
I went in a few months ago knowing nothing about the game, but it has turned into one of my favorite franchises.
Replay-ability is high and fun factor is through the roof for those who enjoy these types of games!
2816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 19:55
3397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 23:54
2520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 17:09
1208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 23:07
Playing the first game for the first time and being my very first contact with this franchise as I plan to play them in order in 2020, Im 13 years late to Mass Effect but better later than never ? Im truly happy that I had to chance to play this amazing game that mass effect is and finally discovering a new franchise that you missed back then never felt so welcoming, mass effect receives you with open arms and introduces you to this new, jaw dropping universe full of interesting lore and characters and the whole story that shepard has go to through from beginning to end was truly one of the most memorable game experiences I had in a while, theres nothing much to add of value in a review of a game that has been played and recommended to death, Mass Effect 1 is a true masterpiece that every fan of scifi should play at least once.
As the first game in the series it may have a few flaws and some dated mechanics in its gameplay particularly the driving mechancis and some early combat encounters, they were still figuring what mass effect could possibly be and probably fixed some of those issues in the sequels but dont let those aspects of the gameplay distract you, they didnt make the gameplay bad to me, just a bit hard to adapt in the first few hours.
Mass Effect shines by presenting you with a world with no equal, crafted beautifully, I may have had a few issues with the gameplay initally like I said above but it has a nice sense of progression and it became better as I built my character, the story had me from beginning to end and the the soundtrack was there to engage me all the moment, once I saw the credits roll, all I had was goosebumps and a smile on my face, I was truly satisfied with what I played and that's surely an experience that I couldnt ask better for, even in 2020 mass effect 1 still kicks ass, so what are you waiting for ? just play the goddamn game, while I'll now start my playthrough of mass effect 2.
1763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 07:38
877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 18:54
EA should focus on creativity than trying to follow absurd trends. Different but fun games what made EA a giant. Now they cannot even make a proper World War II game. Such a shame.
As a result, This game is gOLD.
4002 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 17:36
Once a year I dedicate 2-3 months to replay the entire trilogy again. Every year.
I played every class, romanced everyone, killed billions of mercenaries, geth, collectors, husks, Cerberus troops, mechs and other intergalactic sh*theads, beat every game on the hardest difficulty, 100% completed each one, experienced every possible outcome and clocked about 600+ hours across all games both online and offline, ME1 and 2 on Steam and 3 on Origin. Could be 900 hours if Andromeda bothered to f*cking work and stop bugging out.
All of that and yet I return to these games. Over and over again. I don't think I'll ever say or write something even remotely objective about this series. I'm this close to begin furiously sucking on Casey Hudson's c*ck.
Right now I'm about to start another run.
[spoiler] Mass Effect is love, Mass Effect is life [/spoiler]
478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 09:19
The answer is a bit of both, mass effect one has a world that is laid out very well, and it is up to the player to go uncover what it's all about. there's something about the other alien species and universe that is this expansive that makes me want to keep digging.
while this game was an awesome start to a narrative sci-fi that I hold dear, this game is showing its age quite a bit.
combat is a bit dull, with aiming being near impossible with certain weapons or just ineffective, I recommend just using a pistol for half the game.
you spend I'd say 80% of this game running around the citadel and talking with people. that's just how it is.
the buggy is a very fun part of the game that didnt really return for a while.
Mass Effect is a wonderful sci-fi rpg that if you have never tried before, I reccomend, if this game is too slow or dated, don't let that discourage you from the other two, it only gets better.
1732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 04:24
1315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 00:44
ME1 may not necessarily be the best RPG out there, but the trilogy as a whole is one of the best condensed package of every Sci-Fi trope you will enjoy in a game. (And who doesn't like the idea of getting freaky with an alien, amirite? No? Tough crowd.)
You may be tempted to skip this and start from ME2, though trust me it's worth revisiting ME1, if only to carry forward your save file (and the consequences of your actions and relationships) for a feeling of one single, uninterrupted storyline. That's like 300 hours of gameplay.
A proper remaster of the trilogy may never happen, but thank the stars we have amazing modders in the community like CDAMJC!
While revisiting the vanilla game is great, do check out Steam's ME Community Guide for an even more satisfying playthrough:
1) Installing all the DLC
2) HD Textures Overhaul - MEUITM (Mass Effect Updated/Improved Textures Mod)
3) The Developer Console (if you prefer console over WASD)
5299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 14:30
3960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 13:15
The game was so good that when I pirated it as a kid and ran into anti-piracy measure / galaxy map bug at the end of Citadel I ran to the store and grabbed a legitimate jewel case CD, because I couldn't wait to continue.
1232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 00:01
As an entry to one of the best RPG stories ever written in video games, I think Mass Effect 1 does a swell job despite it's flaws.
- Shooting Mechanics
- Graphics
- Running back and forth through same areas a lot
- Entry into an amazing story/universe
- Characters are fantastic
I've played this game countless time before I got it again on steam recently, and while I play this game with a bit of reluctance due to the age and gameplay, I do it because the story is amazing and you gain perspective and appreciation for the growth made in the next two games.
1912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 12:07
Anyways, Why tf is ME3 not on steam?
1922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 23:52
Superb writing that gets held back by the clunky gameplay.
Maybe the rumored remaster of this game can do it justice - here's hoping!
(Even if it's EA, I refuse to lose hope for my favourite game series.)
4028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 13:04
And yet I keep coming back to it. Played it 4 times already, and I have no doubt there will be a 5th. The story is simply good enough to suffer through everything else for. It's such a great interactive sci-fi space-opera story that escalates constantly and results in a great, intense conclusion that'll simply make everything worth it.
I do hope this game gets a remake some day, and we get to enjoy the story without the awful gameplay. But until then, this is all we got, and it's definitely worth your time.
1400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 03:28
I doubt you will find many games on this scale of size with this much quality. Buy the game. I'll report back as I progress.
Nicht Empfohlen
3086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 14:43
I would not recommend to buy this on Steam since the game doesn't include the free DLCs (you have to manually install them using a procedure outside of Steam).
Steam, EA, at least respect your customers by enabling the installation of the DLCs with the game directly on Steam.
This feels like half-assed work, and with all the technologies at your disposition in 2020, this is not acceptable.
1488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 04:20
A Classic Sci-Fi Experience // Recommended for fans of science fiction & the series alike
+ Runs very well for a console-to-PC port
+ Karma system is simplistic, but helps give choices some weight, nonetheless
+ Supporting cast are incredibly well-designed & take active roles in the plot & dialogue
+ Romance mechanics - eyyy (some of the writing here moves well into cheese territory, though)
+ TPS combat mechanics blend very well with the RPG elements
+ Teammate AI can be hit-or-miss, but overall they are helpful as opposed to a hindrance
+ Story makes for a solid sci-fi narrative
+ The level of worldbuilding that this game established for the franchise is truly impressive
+ Different races are interesting & well fleshed out
+ Writing, though not perfect necessarily, is undeniably quite good
+ During the (passable) character creation, one doesn't jut choose gender & attributes, but also the protagonist's upbringing & backstory
+ Boasts a (mostly) excellent standard of voice-acting (the human ambassador being a notable exception to my mind)
- Resolution options are disappointingly antiquated
- Boss battles are disappointingly unspecial
- Cover & shooting mechanics are somewhat clunky by today's standards
- Landing on planets to search for resources is actually a pretty barebones & uninspired experience
LockeProposal's Big Day Out
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401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 19:46
Nicht Empfohlen
5301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 17:54
2156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 21:20
I fell in love with the characters, the world, the story, all the different planets and alien species. I enjoyed all the main missions as well as the side quests.
Great game, would reccomend. Liara is best girl.
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