Mass Effect: Andromeda
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Über das Spiel

Spiele den Pathfinder, den Anführer einer Gruppe militärisch geschulter Forscher, und nutze umfassende Fortschritts- und Anpassungssysteme. Schlage das nächste Kapitel der Menschheitsgeschichte auf und sichere das Überleben der Menschheit in der Andromeda-Galaxie.
Während du die Geheimnisse von Andromeda lüftest, ruht die Hoffnung der Menschheit auf deinen Schultern und du musst dich fragen: Wie weit wirst du gehen?
Die Deluxe Edition enthält:
Weltraumforscher-Rüstung. Suchst du eine Rüstung, die allem widersteht, was eine brandneue Galaxie zu bieten hat? Mit der Deluxe Edition steht dir die Weltraumforscher-Rüstung zur Verfügung.
Nomad-Skin (3). Sorge dafür, dass dein Nomad aus der Masse heraussticht, während du mit diesem einzigartigen Skin geheimnisvolle neue Planeten erforschst.
Multiplayer-Booster-Pack. Sichere dir im Multiplayer-Koop mit diesem Booster-Pack einen Vorsprung. Enthält fünf 50%-EP-Booster (sofort gewährt, 1 pro Match).
Pathfinder-Freizeitoutfit (2). Niemand will seine Uniform rund um die Uhr tragen. Egal, ob du dich an Bord der Tempest entspannst oder ein verbündetes Raumdock erkundest … mit diesem Freizeitoutfit machst du immer eine gute Figur.
Plünderer-Panzerung. Bewahre dir selbst auf der Oberfläche einer tödlichen neuen Welt deine Individualität.
Pathfinder-Elitewaffen-Set (4). Vergiss das Standardequipment und hol dir die Elite-Ausrüstung. Bahne dir mit diesem einzigartigen Waffenset einen Weg durch Andromeda.
Haustier „Pyjak“. Unser aller Lieblings-Weltraumaffe ist wieder da und möchte dich auf der Tempest begleiten.
Multiplayer Deluxe-Starterpack. Sichere dir mit den Gegenständen des Multiplayer-Starterpacks einen Vorteil im Koop-Modus (sofort gewährt).
- CPU: Intel Core i5 3570 oder AMD FX-6350
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 660 2 GB, AMD Radeon 7850 2 GB
- RAM: 8 GB
- Software: Windows 7, Windows 8.1 und Windows 10 (jeweils 64-Bit)
- HD:55 GB
- DX: DirectX 11
- CPU: Intel Core i7-4790 oder AMD FX-8350
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 1060 3 GB, AMD RX 480 4 GB
- RAM: 16 GB
- Software: Windows 7, Windows 8.1 und Windows 10 (jeweils 64-Bit)
- HD: 55 GB
- DX: DirectX 11
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
5478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 20:06
3580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 21:11
the good : facial impressioons are reworked, this is a true mass effect game
much to see much to find . qests are fun
the bad : some times the game freezes but very rare.
the ugly . textures are in a 2000` state , crysis did it bettter but still , on sale , get this game ! it does not deserve its bad rep !
2664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 13:49
3385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 07:10
4733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 13:32
Ähnlich wie ich, werdet ihr vielleicht überrascht sein, dass einige Bewertungen doch stark auseinander driften. Manche sehen das Spiel direkt als Schrott an, andere empfinden es als sehr gut und mittlerweile kann ich beide Einstellungen komplett nachvollziehen. Ich habe den Prolog jetzt zweimal gespielt und dabei zwei komplett verschiedene Spielerlebnisse erfahren. Woran liegt das?
Mass Effect Andromeda MUSS man einfach mit englischer Sprachausgabe spielen. Es ist unfassbar wie sehr das gesamte Spiel unter der deutschen Sprachausgabe leidet. Das Problem sind dabei noch nicht mal die Synchronsprecher, viel mehr wurde die englische Sprache einfach schlecht ins Deutsche übersetzt. Die Gespräche zwischen den Charakteren funktionieren in Deutsch einfach nicht mehr.
Manche werden sich jetzt sicherlich fragen, ob die Sprachausgabe wirklich so einen großen Einfluss hat, aber es ist tatsächlich ein Unterschied wie Himmel und Hölle. Mit deutscher Sprachausgabe fühlen sich die Gespräche … fade an. Die Charaktere wirken leblos, kraftlos, aufgesetzt. Das drückt die Stimmung und das Spiel wandert direkt von einem AAA-Titel in die B-Kategorie. Diese Einschätzung wird durch die sterile Umgebung und die ruhigen Gesprächen der ersten Spielminuten nur noch bekräftigt. Verlässt man dann das Kolonieschiff im Rahmen des Prologs zum ersten Mal, ist man fast schon erstaunt, dass das Spiel doch so gut aussehen kann und ich war ernsthaft überrascht, dass beispielsweise die Bewegung mit dem Jetpack irgendwie Spaß bringt. Die ersten Minuten hatten meine Erwartungen bereits so stark nach unten geschraubt.
Das hört sich jetzt ziemlich schlecht an und genau das war es auch. So lief mein erster Durchgang ab und ich war zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits soweit enttäuscht, dass ich mich darüber ärgern musste 8€ für Andromeda ausgegeben zu haben. Der zweite Durchgang hat das dann aber zu meiner vollsten Überraschung komplett gedreht.
Mit englischer Sprachausgabe fühlt sich der Prolog von Anfang bis Ende wie ein Hollywood-Film an. Die Charaktere bringen zacke Sprüche, die Stimmung fühlt sich homogen und authentisch an. Crew-Mitglieder, die mir vorher unsympathisch und belanglos vorkamen wirkten auf einmal lebendig. Selbst mein Protagonist fügt sich jetzt richtig gut in das Geschehen ein und wirkt dank der kräftigeren Stimme auch selbstbewusst und abenteuerlustig. Auf einmal freue ich mich darauf die Geschichte zu erleben. Noch besser, in den Zwischensequenzen fühlt sich nun die Atmosphäre viel dichter an. Statisches Hintergrundrauschen bei den Funksprüchen, nachvollziehbare Emotionen in den Aussagen der Nebendarsteller. Unglaublich wie dieses Spiel mit der Sprachausgabe steigt und fällt. Und wisst ihr was? Auf einmal lande ich auf dem ersten Planeten und bin überhaupt nicht mehr von der ansprechenden Grafik überrascht, weil ich seit der ersten Minute der Protagonist in einem A- oder AA-Titel bin.
Sorry, dass ich hier so einen Roman hinklatsche, aber ich denke es ist wichtig, dass ihr nachvollziehen könnt wie gewaltig sich dieser vergleichsweise kleine Unterschied auf das gesamte Spielerlebnis auswirkt. Hoffe dieses Feedback hilft euch bei eurer Entscheidung weiter.
Ich werde jetzt selbst noch schnell ein paar Stunden spielen und dieses Mal freue ich mich sogar darauf, dass ich wieder in die Welt von Andromeda eintauchen kann.
7850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 17:09
7824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 14:41
Nicht Empfohlen
746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 23:07
Für mich ist dieses Spiel der perfekte Beweis das Bioware tot ist.
Die Charaktere sind hölzern und größenteils Eindimensional, die Dialoge sind richtig schlecht und die Missionen sind unglaublich repetitiv.
Nach etwa 10 Stunden weiß ich dass ich dieses Schandwerk sicher nie wieder anfasse, ich fange lieber den Erstling mal an.
9494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 23:27
Dennoch hat er mir Spaß bereitet und ich werde Andromeda wieder besuchen.
Von mir gibt es eine Empfehlung.
Nur geht mit so wenig Erwartungen an das Spiel ran wie nur möglich und vergesst alles was ihr in der Trilogie gelernt habt. Dann könnt ihr auch wirklich Spaß mit diesem Teil haben.
409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 19:34
Nicht Empfohlen
2236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 09:26
Die Charaktere wirken hölzern, die Dialoge sind eher langweilig bis schlecht. Die Aufgaben sind sehr repetitiv: Besuche Planet, aktiviere Obelisken, gehe in unterirdische Kammer aktiviere einen Terraforming Prozess. Es ändern sich zwar die Hintergrundgeschichten pro Planet, aber die Aufgaben kosten so viel Zeit, dass die Geschichte nur einen kleinen Teil des Spiels ausmacht.
Nicht Empfohlen
7229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 15:20
Die Charactere sind fade
Das Spiel ist voller Bugs, manche Quests konnten von mir nicht abgeschlossen werden.
Die Nebenquests sind für die Hauptstory egal, nicht annähernd so gut eingebunden wie in den anderen Teilen.
Alles in allem ein nicht zu empfehlendes Spiel.
500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 18:10
Nicht Empfohlen
1371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 14:55
Console Funktion lässt sich nicht deaktivieren oder an eine andere Taste als ^ belegen. (alle Tasten außen rum sind wichtig deshalb verklickt man sich häufig)
Nicht Empfohlen
3661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 17:40
Ich weiß es ist schwer an eine Spielreihe wie Mass Effekt anzuknüpfen. Die Erwartungen sind riesig. Aber während ich mich bei Mass Effekt 1 – 3 dazu zwingen musste aufzuhören, musste ich mich bei Andromeda zwingen weiter zu spielen.
- Gleiche Spielidee wie bei Mass Effekt 1 – 3
- Sehr viel zu erkunden und zu entdecken
- Forschung und Entwicklung eigener Waffen, Rüstungen und Verbesserungen
- Eigene Möglichkeit zum Mixen der Fähigkeiten aus Biotik, Tech und Kampf
- Story Idee ist gut
Ähnlich wie bei drei, zwar gut aber wie ich finde auch unnütz (Hab nicht mal einen Char von keine Ahnung wie vielen auf maximalem Level und das Spiel durch. Auch die Belohnung für den Einzelspieler sind…. fragwürdig. Die Gold- und Platinmissionen konnte ich mit meiner Ausrüstung vergessen und die Belohnung für Bronze und Silber....auf die 13 Credits für den Einzelspieler hätte ich auch verzichten können :D Aber an sich macht er Spaß und ist ne kleine Abwechslung zu dem Einzelspieler. Leider fehlt aber immer noch eine Chat-Funktion. Das Spiel unterstützt zwar Voice Chat, aber die Leute, die ihr Mikro anhaben sorgen für schlechte Musik, Lautstärke ihres Spiels lauter als das eigene, Rauschen, Rückkopplung usw.
Langeweile pur zu 70% der Spielzeit
- Laufe von A nach B nach C nach B nach D wieder zu A und so weiter
- unterstützt von ewig langen Ladezeiten in Form von nicht überspringbaren Sequenzen (Schiffstart und -
landung, selbst bei einer einfachen Planetenerkundung.... Hölle, es nimmt den ganzen Spaß am Erkunden
und Bereichswechsel)
- Auch wenn es zu der Geschichte passt, Planeten sind trostlos und zu groß. Stundenlang in einer
Wüstenlandschaft unterwegs, dann in ner Eistundra, dann eine Canyon Landschaft, um dann wieder in einer
Wüste zu landen um dort die ganze Zeit wieder von A nach B zu fahren und die Quests abzuklappern.
Teilweise mehrfach an die gleiche Stelle, weil mehrere Quests dort angesiedelt sind, aber erst nacheinander.
Trotzdem sind nur die neuen Questgegenstände dann da, Gegner, Beute und alles was nicht zu der Quest
gehört habt ihr schon beim ersten oder zweiten Besuch mitgenommen....
Noch schlimmer sind die Quest bei denen du vom Planeten zum Raumschiff musst oder sogar zu einem
anderen Planeten nur um da einmal Hallo zu sagen und um dann wieder zurück zu fliegen. Auch hier wieder
mit allem drum und dran...Start-, Flug- und Landesequenz
- Zufalls-Sammelquests....ernsthaft? Nicht das dieses ganze Herumgefahre schon nervig ist. Dann macht man
aus, weil man nicht die Nerven hat einen ganzen Planeten an einem Stück durchzuarbeiten. Läd den
Spielstand und darf von vorne anfangen zu suchen. Der Fortschritt der Quest ist zwar gespeichert, aber wo
die Sachen zu finden sind ist wieder neu ausgewürfelt und auch die bereits gefundenen Sachen sind wieder
da, sie bringen dir nur nichts.
- Als wenn die Langeweile nicht schon schlimm genug wäre....der Charme/das Feeling aus 1-3 kommt nicht
auf. In 1 – 3 ist man charismatisch, einnehmend und eine Führungskraft sodass man es verstehen kann,
dass einem die anderen folgen, es passt alles zusammen. Hier ist man eine Witzfigur und unterstützt das
teilweise auch noch... die eigenen Crewmitglieder nehmen einen teilweise nicht ernst und durchsetzen kann
man sich natürlich auch nicht...(später wird es etwas besser, aber da muss man ja erst mal hinkommen)
Gewisse Abschnitte des Spiels wiederholen sich, unterstützt von den immer gleichen Dialogen in grausiger
- Wenn man einen Planeten verlässt oder einen Bereich wechselt und dann nochmal gefragt wird: „Sicher?“ …
okay....aber für Hinz und Kunz? Ich glaube ich habe öfter und länger die Taste E gedrückt als irgendeine
andere. Und dann nicht einfach nur Behälter öffnen...nein man steht auch noch ne halbe Ewigkeit vor allem.
Behälter öffnen, Türen, Beute aufsammeln....überall muss sich erst der Balken laden.... ich meine hey....Die
ultimative Beutekiste am Ende einer Ruine...die will natürlich nicht jeder plündern.... Oder Türen benutzen
...gut, dass ich vor jeder einzelnen erstmal 10 Sekunden vorstehe, um auch genug Gelegenheit zu haben den
Vorgang abzubrechen. Am schlimmsten Kadara, da wurde jede Tür scheinbar dreifach gesichert so lange wie
das dauert...
Also das Gameplay war die Hölle für ein Erkundungs- und Entdeckungsspiel.
Ich hatte es mir gekauft, deswegen habe ich mich gezwungen es zumindest einmal durchzuspielen. Aber ich rate euch ab es zu kaufen. Spielt 1 – 3 damit seid ihr gut bedient. Der Multiplayer ist wie gesagt nett, aber auch immer das gleiche in 7-Wellen-Format und kaum eine Chance sich mit seinem Team zu koordinieren, also auch hier bessere Alternativen.
6507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 16:35
Die oft kritisierten Animationsfehler sind in meiner aktuellen Version nicht mehr vorhanden. Das Spiel läuft flüssig und problemlos.
Die Story ist in Ordnung, kann aber nicht an das packende Gefühl der ersten beiden Mass Effect-Teile anknüpfen.
Die Grafik der Umgebungen sowie die Animationen, die von einem zum nächsten Sternensystem führen, sind genial und vermitteln sehr gut die Vielfalt in der neuen Andromeda-Galaxie.
Gameplay: 9 /10
Grafik: 10/10
Story: 7/10
Resultat: Empfehlenswert!
Nicht Empfohlen
4666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.24 14:09
First, let's kick the dead horse one more time - yes, the technical state of the game is pretty bad, even after patches. Frostbite is simply useless for any non-FPS game and even DICE has serious issues grappling with it (see BF2042) for an FPS game, and they are the ones for whom it was made in the first place. Frame drops, various issues with texture streaming and assets not loading, stiff and robotic animations, stuff like companions getting stuck inside walls, your vehicle de-spawning while you are driving it, and a lot more. I don't know what is worse - the fact that a Mass Effect game released in this state, or that this is pretty much the standard for AAA games from 2015 onwards.
Anyways, now we get to the actual main problem of the game - the writing is atrocious. It's on the level of shitty fanfiction written by a drunk pre-pubescent child after lobotomy. Quips, jokes and one-liners that would get rejected even by Marvel, inconsistencies and contradictions in story, characters and world-building, often ignoring or even outright contradicting the lore of the main games, huge plotholes, nonsensical narrative and quests, etc.
The IRL equivalent of the story would be tech bros building a sailing boat based on YT video manuals of suspect quality, then staffing it with the customer base of local Starbucks, none of whom have any sailing experience what so ever, then blindfolded all of them to make the experience more fun, and set sail during the storm season. Yes, it's exactly as bad as that sounds. Even the setup of the "Andromeda Initiative" is so r-tarded and raises so many questions to an average-IQ layman that the supposed "specialists" and "engineers" characters in the game must have all had fake CV's (just like the writers on this team), because I refuse to believe for one single f-cking moment that literally no-one would figure out that it would be good idea to [spoiler]wake up a bit early to check the f-cking galaxy is the same after 600 years travel to, I don't know, check if there was any alien presence, to check if all of the scanner reading were still good, and in turn avoiding ramming into some space phenomena that appeared during the SIX F-CKING CENTURIES DURING WHICH EVERYONE WAS ASLEEP AND THUS COULDN'T CHECK.[/spoiler] This is literally like flying a plane blindfolded - pilots aren't allowed to do it for a f-cking reason, and I am supposed to just accept it here? Nah, f-ck off Bioware. The story of this game is just pure nonsense. Was the original ME flawless? No, but it was a hundred times more believable. Most of the things tied together well enough, and the things happening were believable and consistent. Writing sci-fi/fantasy does not mean you can just sh-t out random excuses at random times, suspension of disbelief is supposed to let you deal with a couple low-probability moments and your world and story still has to remain consistent and whatever rules you establish have to be followed, otherwise it's just a chaotic mess.
"Characters/story can only be as smart as the writer." - And the writers of ME:A were all dumber than a bag of bricks. I don't care if this hurts anyone's feelings - this game has trash narrative, trash characters and trash lore. The only thing the Andromeda writing team should be allowed to write down going forwards is the customer's orders in their local fast food restaurant.
1251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.23 21:23
3748 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.23 22:43
Mass Effect is a very large reason why I am so heavily invested in RPGs, sci-fi, and videogames in general. It was my first experience with a truly choice driven story, where my actions had consequences. I could be the shining knight or dastardly spacer, the choice was mine. All of this is to say that Mass Effect means very much to me, while Andromeda certainly doesn't reach the heights of it's predecessors, it also is far from the black sheep it's made out to be.
I was part of the overall sentiment that Andromeda was a broken and failed mess at launch, the lack of facial animations and overall polish left a sour taste in my mouth. It has taken me five years and three restarts, but I can finally say I enjoy this game for what it is. The combat is insanely fun, the characters while no where near the likes of Garrus or Liara, still provided many chuckles and endearing moments that kept me invested. This is a Mass effect game through and through, if you enjoy the universe and want to hold yourself over until Mass Effect 4, this is your stop.
13985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.23 03:48
Nicht Empfohlen
15182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.23 09:54
So too is Mass Effect: Andromeda about new beginnings. More direct, it’s not a memorial service. Developer BioWare very sparingly makes any reference to characters from the Shepard Trilogy — it just doesn’t feel like that’s what we’re here for. This is a Mass Effect game in name only. Sure, there’s a lot that’s recognizable. The presentation looks the same and many of the proper nouns are familiar. But this isn’t something that latches onto its past.
Commendable as it might be, Mass Effect: Andromeda would have been wise to take more cues from previous games.
Exploration is the central theme of Mass Effect: Andromeda because protagonist Scott/Sara Ryder (depending on the gender you choose) is the person in charge of founding outposts on the “golden worlds” — the planets that have been scouted ahead of time as perfect candidates to live on. All that intel turns out to be wrong and none of them are immediately ready to support life.
The goal pivots to making these planets viable homes, usually accomplished by slowly cleaning it of environmental threats. Eos, the first of these planets we come across, is plagued by radiation. As Ryder completes various tasks (some in the main storyline, some side missions), the radiation eventually subsides. This allows for more of Eos to be explored, which, in turn, allows for completing more tasks to make it even more viable. It’s all very cyclical like that.
It’s also all very dull. Mass Effect: Andromeda struggles to find a foothold because it spends far too long without an easily-identifiable conflict. In Shepard’s arc, the Reapers were out to purge all life and essentially reset the galaxy. Shepard and crew had to stop that. The threat was imminent and constant. It was easy to point to the Reapers and say “That. That’s what we’re fighting. That’s why we’re here.”
Andromeda isn’t like that. It’s so concerned with shrouding itself in mystery that it neglects giving us any real reason to trudge forward. At least it’s thematically consistent in the way it emphasizes exploration, making the player venture into the unknown as Ryder has to do the same. It’s just that driving across miles of barren desert in hopes of finding something interesting is inherently uninteresting.
Instead, Andromeda raises question after question about things that aren’t quite directly related to Ryder’s objective. We’re there to settle down and establish a colony. Learning about these new enemies — the uber-aggressive Kett aliens and the synthetic machine Remnant race — feels somewhat tangential even if exploration is largely about gathering information. We’re asked to put faith in the fact that this is going somewhere significant. It eventually does, as things pick up somewhere in the second act. The latter third is entertaining, mostly because Andromeda is finally forthcoming with what’s happening.
The plot problems bleed into the overall mood of the game. At times, this feels like a bizarre take on Mass Effect. Too many characters are relentlessly upbeat and positive. A new beginning is an angle brimming with hope, sure, but not nearly enough people approach this scenario with believable trepidation, caution, and concern.
Tonal issues are a major problem until Mass Effect: Andromeda narrows its scope enough to focus on one thing. (I can’t get over an early talk where a Krogan essentially hand-waved the Genophage away under the logic that it was a long time ago and let bygones be bygones.) Unchecked optimism permeates too much of this game. It’s all so vanilla.
The new conversation wheel has a lot to do with it. Gone is the classic Paragon and Renegade dialogue options to firmly establish your character as a good guy or bad guy. Replacing it is a more nuanced system of answering either logically, emotionally, casually, or professionally. Rarely does it feel as if it’ll make a difference. Often, all the answers seem functionally the same. It’s so hard (maybe impossible) to make Ryder into an asshole. It’s more about how sappy or dopey you want them to be.
That boss fight (and all fights, really) are enjoyable because of Andromeda‘s most significant addition to the series: A jump jet. Combat is far faster and more movement-based than in the past. The opposition is designed to flank and to flush you out of cover, making this game more Vanquish than Gears of War. Sitting still for too long is a death sentence, even with biotic powers and two teammates on your side.
The role-playing aspect of combat comes from a tried-and-true system of assigning skill points to powers and attributes, but it also comes from a less intuitive crafting component. Ryder must regularly scan the environment to earn research points, use those points at a station to develop blueprints, and then finally craft them from acquired resources.
It’s overwhelming deciding what type of technology to invest in (human, Kett, or Remnant) and trying to figure out if it’s better than what you’re already using. Or, if it’s better than something else in your inventory that you don’t have equipped but should. Or, if there’s something in the store that you should just buy instead. Or, if it’s worth waiting just a little longer and crafting something that will unlock soon. This is confusing bloat that unnecessarily bogs everything down.
Where that’s pared down is in the cooperative multiplayer. Mass Effect: Andromeda sports a four-player wave-based horde type, almost identical to what was found in Mass Effect 3.
Being immersed in this brand new Galaxy is intriguing, even when there’s not much happening. Mass Effect: Andromeda‘s flaws are noticeable and hard to ignore. But, eventually, it becomes easier to live with them. Maybe something will push you along, maybe the spirit of discovery that’s omnipresent?
Mass Effect: Andromeda spends a lot of time not really feeling like a Mass Effect game. If anything, it feels like a spin-off — the sort of thing created by another studio that’s unsure about what direction to take it. Like in the game itself, there are problems with the atmosphere.
Verdict: 6/10
2800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.23 01:28
Today I can still say that I love it. Is it perfect? No. Does it outshine the original trilogy? Definitely not. But it is enjoyable in its own way? Yes. It has a lot of potential in the lore, there's still so much I want to know that may never be answered after the story is completed. The angara are my favourite aliens in this game, Jaal is my soulmate, and all I want to do stop at nothing to defeat what's left of the kett.
Gameplay is good, the combat is very well done and there is tons to do in terms of exploration. Although a few performance issues were never fixed, I always get hooked onto this game every time I replay it. It's a game that can be fun if you learn to give it a chance even if it takes a different approach.
4289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.23 04:15
(Definitely the worst Mass Effect ever, but when on sale it's so inexpensive for all you get that I would recommend it)
Nicht Empfohlen
7745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.23 18:41
2780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 21:33
9108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 11:24
Short Version
Mass Effect : Andromeda is one of those games for which I really wish there were a neutral option to review. At the same time it is a good game which fells just like previous Mass Effect games felt, while suffering from story inconsistencies and minor bugs. It’s one of those games where you should be annoyed at but you are having fun anyway.
Long Version
The gameplay is very similar to previous Mass Effect games. Bioware have taken an already good formula and polished it. This is probably the only aspect of the game where I haven’t encountered any problems. You will also encounter know aspects from previous Mass effect games – like Maco exploration, traveling around the universe and probing planets, mining zones and so on.
Unlike previous games crafting is the way to obtain the best weapons in the game. Nothing found is really worth it because during crafting you can add special modifications which cannot but put in any other way. Credits are mostly used for consumables. I guess it does make sense that from a story point view that crafting is better than trading but it kinda robs you from the fun of exploration knowing that whatever you find it will be crap. There is also the feature I hate most in RPGs – enemy scaling. Because you can craft new tier of weapons every 10 levels that causes a serious balance swings around those levels – You are much stronger at level 51 than at level 59. Than strong at 61 and getting weaker towards 60 and so on.
The story and the world building are subpar to the original Mass Effect ones. There are many inconsistencies both in the world and in the story. It is also plain obvious that the game is written with a second instalment in mind which perhaps will fill those gaps but it seems very unlikely that we will get one. Many choices have obvious short term benefits vs long term consequences. There are also minor annoying things like NPC’s talking about planets you haven’t yet discovered for example.
MA:E companions not very interesting compared to original trilogy. Although perhaps I’m judging too hard because I only remember good ones like Tali, Liara, Garrus compared to bland ones like Kaidan or whatever the female soldier from ME1 was called.
There are also only 2 new races and many of the others are missing – Only Salarians, Asari, Human, Turian or Krogan are available.
After 10 patches most of the game breaking bugs are fixed but there are still some minor annoying likes like missing waypoints or enemies stuck in the environment. Perhaps the most obvious and annoying technical issue is the lack of graphical models for Asari and Angara (one of the new races). All of them look the same with some make up and it shows. It’s like someone said – we are releasing in 2 weeks do something and they just rolled with it.
Price and DLC’s The game goes regularly on super sales for like 90% discount. It was even free at some point.
341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 00:00
However, people who did play the trilogy, may have a strong discomfort and problem to focus on anything in the game.
Why is that? Well...Mass Effect Andromeda is going on over 600 years after the trilogy, which basically mean, that almost every Shepard's crew mate or other important person you met, is dead. Even if Shepard survived in ME3, he presumably is dead either.
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1231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 19:13
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1592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 18:54
4393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 00:10
A wonderful but flawed gem that is redeemable by mods.
If you're still thinking about this game after the fiasco or if you just want more Mass Effect -- please give Andromeda a try.
After finishing the other BioWare debacle, Dragon Age: Inquisition, I needed to see what was Andromeda's thing all about. I knew it wasn't very well received just like DA:I but my curiosity was once again stronger than me and I am very glad I took the chance on this game.
I used these mods:
- Quick Loot (All in One)
- Fast Mining
- Profiles Reworked
- Road Rage
- Fast Kadara Doors
- ME:A Fix Pack
- Powers Boosted and Balanced 1 & 2
- Skill Points Version G
- Beeg Inventory
- Romance for All
- Better Squadmates
- Shorter Landing and Departure Cinematic
- Hyper Mobility (Super jump and faster sprinting animations)
- Balanced Guns
- Weapon Bullet Hit and Range
- Melee Weapon Boost
- Increased Player Stats and 2x EXP points
- Camera Mod
- Better Grey Market Connections
- Nomad Top Speed
- Better Lab Technicians
- And finally, some cosmetic mods.
Yup, that's a long ass list but it made my experience super engaging as you can see by how long it took me to do everything I wanted to do in the game.
I played as fem Ryder and finished every single affinity sidequest, even the ones not involving my teammates. I rescued all the arks, opened all the vaults (and unfortunately didn't get the Cryptographer achievement because I missed out on some containers) and got every single memory thingy for my Ryder.
I gotta say, the main quest is boring and predictable. The main villain, Archon, is a bit of a knob and stays hidden for the most part. This game feels like a saturday morning ME spin-off and if you treat is as such, it's going to be enjoyable. The future of the races is in your hands... kind of, Pathfinder. Murder the Kett! Geth? No, no. These are Kett! This Archon dude wants to wreck your shiz because why not. That's it, lets talk about the characters:
For me, the most important part of the game was my crew. I LOVE these characters and Vetra is by far my favourite. Such a well written turian character, with traumas that are relatable. She just wants to keep her sister Sid and everyone else she loves safe. Vetra Nyx was my choice for romance, even though I also romanced two other women (and I missed out on Suvi because to be with her you can't shoot for everyone; dang you monogamy) Vetra was the one who made my heart melt.
Peebee was my other romance and she is a LOT. Very reminiscent of Sera from DA:I but with much better footing and oozing charisma. She definitely has ADHD because she doesn't stop ONE SECOND. Hits a lil bit close to home but maybe that's why I enjoyed her company. She is flirty, a proper wild soul and her storyline can be a bit of a mess but it has a couple strong, emotional moments.
Drack... the old man has some baggage, over a thousand years of experience and a lot of sass. I enjoyed Drack for what he was but god, it did feel somewhat similar to Wrex, even some of the rougher choices later on the game. I however can't really compare both because Wrex had three games containing backstory and Drack only has this one but still, I wish they knew how to write krogans somewhat different than our boi Wrexy.
Liam sucks. He is the worst character in this game and a serious candidate for the worst in the series, maybe not as charismatic than Vega but definitely not as boring as Jacob. Liam is childish, he tries too hard to fit in and I couldn't care less about him in the slightest. He butts heads with everybody and judges the crew with zero basis whatsoever. I wish I could just throw him away but he has the funniest affinity mission with very well done comedic timing. My Ryder is very sarcastic and casual but, with this dude, I drew the line. Definitely proceed with caution with Liam.
Cora is the perfect military partner, in my honest opinion. She's the much better Ashley AND with zero racism! She tries very hard to deal with how life treats her, especially after unfolding the events of the beginning of the game. She treats Ryder with utmost respect and she's a sweetheart. Her sidemission with the asari commandos is super emotional and I highly recommend it. Also all she wants is to have and take care of her own garden! How can you not find that wonderful?
Jaal... oh Jaal. The angara species are such a wonderful concept but Jaal's writing is extremely inconsistent. He fails to understand idioms but he is also very sarcastic when needed to be. He is stern but not really, easy going and cheerful and suddenly emotional. Jaal is all over the place, which makes me think -- is his writing just a bunch of people winging it and not revising anything or is Jaal just f**king with me the entire time? I think the former because I'd be giving the writers too much credit. Definitely do Jaal's quests because even though he is tough to read, he is very relatable too and will touch your heartstrings with everything he has. Also, what a voice.
Suvi, Lexi, Kallo and Gil are four great characters for what they are. I wish Suvi had more character development but whoever decided to make a salarian the pilot deserves a lot of praise. What a wonderful character Kallo is and his feud with Gil is seriously amazing, please do yourself a favour and chat with them a lot about it. Lexi is a very by the rules doctor but talking to her reveals such a touching side to the doc. Gil's sidequest took a crazy turn and I cannot spoil for you guys. Just don't miss out on these characters, they're worth it.
Now, Ryder... well, they're definitely not Shepard and they're not trying to be. They were thrown into the role of Pathfinder and now they gotta do what they can. I didn't hate how much of a slow burn the first few hours are but there are some selection of choices you can make with your Ryder in regards to their family that really piqued my interest -- how emotionally unavailable their father was and how much they resent their dad. I loved how it was written because it hits home to lose someone so soon and not feel much of grief, or not knowing how to deal with it. Their sibling having a lil bit of screentime made me happy. You can see how much they care about each other (not in the Alabama way.)
Now for the rest of Mass Effect Andromeda's features: The combat is spectacular, it feels fluid and the weapons + powers with mods feel extremely rewarding. Also I was super overpowered but you get the idea. Charge is HILARIOUS.
Sidequests can be painfully BORING because they make you jump from planet to planet for no dang reason. I just finished a quest in Kadara but hey go to Elaaden just because. Come on, this feels very MMORPG-esque and it made me groan every time. Do all of them, however, if you're interested in the lore as I was and the background of the characters. I feel these quests kind of get forgotten because of how annoying having to constantly watch the Tempest take flight and land... god. But yes, the world of Andromeda is definitely worth exploring and the only thing I wish I could've done was put a bullet in Reyes' head, other than that I enjoyed this game more than I thought I would and I hope you do to.
In general, the achievements can be stupid to get (Strike Team Missions) so I didn't go full force but, I did a lot of them and had fun even with the weird ass Hang Time (use a controller for that one). Do the Fastball one, it's funny as hell.
To finish it, I will miss Vetra and I hope they let us play as different races in the next Mass Effect. My GOD I love the turians so much. Put your two favourites and spend time just exploring the planets driving the Nomad and they will interact a lot. I was always riding with my two girlfriends, the spiky one and the carefree one and they are hilarious.
Play this game with mods; maybe not as many as me but give this game a chance. It deserves it for the characters alone.
52428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 09:30
To my surprise, it turned out to be a very good game. It probably came across many fixes and updates over time, and I can definitely notice some face animations and writing problems, and even acting that just cannot be fixed with a patch. Lots of the bad rep content is still present. But I do not see them as a horrible must-hate thing, because they are not bad, they are just not up with there with the trilogy, which also has these moments as no game is perfect.
This game provided many hours of fun and enjoyment, both singleplayer and multiplayer, and it will continue to do so. I will play it multiple times and play the multiplayer, I hope servers do not shut down because gameplay is the best aspect of the game, and multiplayer is all about it. Singleplayer is weaker side of the game, but weaker does not equal bad. When I sum up all of it, good and bad, it's actually pretty nice!
I recommend this game and feel free to add me if you wanna play together :)
4756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 05:16
let me explain,
I bought for the first time when it first came out for the ps4 and i played it to the end, thoroughly enjoyed it. I completed every side quest, did every task, and I scanned every planet. probably logged more than 300 hours on it and tbh i didnt understand why everyone hated this game.
then mass effect legendary came out for the pc. I had never played the original trilogy and now that it came out remastered, i thought ill give it go. boy was the original series good, i was outright missing work just to play the game fully and find out what happened next. the game-play wasnt bad but the story behind it and the way your choices completely affect they way your game is played and the ending made it incredibly entertaining and immersive. the dialogue options felt like they carried weight and the choices commander sheperd made affected everyone and him. plus the fact that you could choose to win as a rogue or a paragon or both made it even more dynamic. hell even if you ignore the way you can change the main story line, the universe that commander sheperd was in felt unique, mysterious, and drew on my curiosity. if nothing else it felt like someone had put thought into every detail even the small ones. every plot point had a purpose to the story and every plot device had a history behind it. it was clear the milky way galaxy had millions if not billions of years of history and we, the player, were only seeing one important part.
and then after completing the trilogy i decided i want to play andromeda again and see how i felt about, plus it was on sell for the pc. off the bat i felt like i was forced to play as commander sheperd's cringy younger sibling. sheperd-lite basically, worse off i had to watch as the person in this story with probably the most similarities as commander sheperd die on the first mission. also the kett felt very much a knock off of the collectors/ geth, and the remnant as the protheans. then when the andromeda's story went into more details it felt like it was just ripping off the reaper/prothean conflict. even the side mission stories felt like rip offs of the original trilogy, for example they took omega and made it into kadara with pretty much the same characters, actually now that think about they both had a mission involving plague but atleast the trilogy had a more interesting one with even more interesting doctor.
anyway i have more critics but ive ranted enough. there are somethings i like, the angara felt unique and fleshed out, the graphics were amazing and the gameplay was well put together. if your fan the original trilogy youre probably not ganna like it, it just replicates the original story but kinda just throws it at you and hopes the nostalgia will make you like it
Nicht Empfohlen
6748 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 03:19
5272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 23:58
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1831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 20:35
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3772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 13:50
The short of it?: No engaging characters, combat is more jumpy shooty, story is meh, graphics are nice, and no real wonder when exploring.
I played the originals like everyone else and avoided ME:A when the hype got suss. I heard all the issues on release and decided to skip it. After getting back into ME and seeing this on sale I figured why not. While there are other reviews that are more in depth and much better written here is my take.
The concept is intriguing: Flee the Milky Way before the reapers arrive and start anew. Plenty of space for new stories and hey, use the conflicts, story, and lore from the original triology and you have a good base to reboot the franchise. Well. My friends. Your ol pal Brois has bad news. The game, patches and all isn't what it should be.
We are shown characters that have no real depth or just not quite 'real' enough to engage with. Heck, many of the characters (races) don't have their traits and quirks. Either this can be hand waved with 'they were chosen because they are above that' or 'ignore to engage with the story'.
Speaking of story... uh... it's there. It is lacklustre. There will never be awards for the story. Why? Because there is no engaging characters and the choices we make have no weight. We encounter the big bad but the conclusion again, has no weight. Even after we see all we see and all we experience I only shoot at him to get an achievement rather than see how the story unfolds. So few characters die because of our decisions. When they do you forget they existed. Even in one mission we are revealed to some horrible truths of ultimate horror aaaaaaaaaand I didn't feel impacted. I had no connection or rage at their blight.
The original games have weight on the decisions made as it impacts the story. BOTH negative and positive choices are explored. Wipe out a species? Sure. Here that would never be allowed to happen. The absence of a paragon/renegade style conversation system gives us too much freedom. What we get is pick the option you want and there won't be any real repercussions or requirements needed.
Which leads me to ask you, person who has spent too much time reading this already. Didn't Mass Effect pose questions like what is the point of life? Is AI life? How does the burden of war, extinction and a ruthless force from the nightmarish dark affect a hero? Is genocide an option you can accept? In Andromeda we don't get that. There are questions asked but they are whispered where questions regarding future entries in this new triology and DLC are shouted.
Audio is okay but the music doesn't grab you and enhance the scene. It doesn't make you feel like an explorer when flying around space, doesn't add much to combat, and what plays during cutscenes is nice but there is a distinct horn or trumpet that is appearing through modern games nowadays.
Combat is that modern run around with jetpacks and leap on top of things (YES. IMAGINE ME1-3 WHERE YOU CAN STAND ON TABLES AND SHOOT). Buuuuuuuuut why can I only have a hotbar of three powers before having to use favourites? Why can't I control what powers my squad uses or not uses instead of just levelling them up? Where is the damn power bar that pauses time and lets me plan?
Crafting your own guns is somewhat pointless. That full auto-grenade launcher? Not worth it. Rely on powers and running around.
Enemy types (other than humanoids) are about half a dozen each. No real different strategies are needed to take them down. I didn't even use ammo mods. Just find cover and shoot. Then wait for the next thing to scan or reinforcements to drop from a glitchy ship,
Speaking of. Enemies in dropships are unkillable until they start to jump from that ship (that can be of another race than their own -Derp-). And the speed of the vehicle shows them outside the hull, just standing in mid-air.
That is one of the leftover errors that survived patches and updates. Thankfully most of the facial animations have been cleaned up (except Cora smiling constantly in one scene when she should not have), clipping ain't that bad, and there being no reload bugs to worry about.
But the patches haven't fixed load times. Users on high end machines have had issues with 10 minute plus loading times when it comes to 'building shaders'. A 2017 fix is to turn off V-Sync. How and why it works I don't know but it does.
PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODDESS INSTALL QoL MODS THAT REMOVE CUTSCENE TRANSITIONS. We are meant to go back and forth across space for one mission or another and that adds up. I loathed having to go to another planet because of load times and those sequences. To the people that make those mods you deserve a cookie.
Multiplayer plays like a mash of ME-3 Multiplayer and the singleplayer for ME:A. 7 waves and 3 objectives. Mostly dead servers but there are people around. I recommend checking out N7Squad. A group that is helping to keep the ME3 MP servers alive with players. Honestly stick to 3.
Why did you read all of this? Please. Just go play ME:3 MP or listen to the Sovereign conversation again.
8105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 07:24
Before I go any further with my thoughts on this game, I should mention that I have not played any other game in the Mass Effect franchise. I purchased this game heavily discounted, using it as an entry point into the franchise.
With that disclaimer out of the way, here are my general thoughts:
The first thing you notice is the quality of the scenery graphics; they are absolutely stunning in some places. The combat is always enjoyable and fairly easy, and the auto cover system is surprisingly nice. I would say that if you're not used to this type of gameplay, the learning curve to properly master the various combos and skill tree might be a little bit steep, but once you figure it out it is a joy to use. The story, while oddly paced, is also refreshing and original - it does a good job getting your hooked (provided you don't do too many side missions before completing each of the main story missions) - though I would say the game does rely more on side missions to fill a play through. Many of the side characters and companions are also well though-out and nuanced, with a complexity that is also interesting to follow along with. None of the companion characters are static, you get to watch each of them grow and adapt as you complete the main story. If you've played any other games from BioWare (not in the Mass Effect franchise), there's a lot of familiarity in the general layout - things are generally where they should be in terms of the UI (the UI is actually usable). In short, there is a lot to like about this game. If it's on sale for a good price, stop reading and get it. It's a lot of fun.
Still here? Now the parts I don't like...
This game feels about 95% done. In all honesty it feels like an early access release, despite it being five years old already. There are bugs - a lot of them. Cut scenes will infuriate you some times - be it lip synchronization issues, freezing, directX crashes, or even missing characters, you will at some point be forced to troubleshoot your game. Developer support simply isn't there to fix them - though thankfully there are many great community resources to solve most of the issues you will come across.
I can't speak for those that have played any of the other Mass Effect games, but as someone who hasn't, I found it enjoyable.
TL;DR: A fun game with relatable, dynamic characters, an exciting story, but somewhat incomplete in terms of a final release.
7378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 11:41
The open world worked well. This can be played independently of other Mass Effect games although there is perhaps one slight hint/spoiler.
1870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 00:07
☐ You forget what reality is
☒ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐Very good
☒ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☒ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☒ Adults
☐ All
---{PC Requirements}--- (FOR FULL EXPERIENCE)
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☒ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☒ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☒ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☒ Good
☐ Lovely
☒ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☒ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☒ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☒ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
Stand-out positives:
-Dialogue is great, and the characters have significant depth in terms of personality.
-Romances are well written, on that note.
-Combat is quite fun and can get your heart racing at times.
-Overall settings are very nice looking and the nexus is pretty cool.
-Story itself is decent from the outside but feels meaningful based on the characters and crew its told through
Stand-out negatives:
-The open-world just doesn't work for a whole galaxy. It just feels silly warp-jumping across the galaxy 6x an hour to run errands. And on the planets themselves, outside of main quest missions the whole place feels very empty with the same 3 or 4 types of enemy encampments just kind ctrl-C+crtl-V by whoever was setting up the place- a shame given how nice the setting is.
-As fun as combat is, 95% of fights can even get repetitive when you get the hang of it- just pop up from cover, take out one enemy, duck until shields recover, and don't get flanked- works even on hardest difficulty.
-Character animations often feel fairly robotic. PeeBee is really the only one with body languages, and facial expressions as well as lighting just make characters feel very much like, well, video game characters
Overall, worth the price and a run through but probably not terraforming every planet
Nicht Empfohlen
386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 10:59
3605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 05:14
The characters aren't as memorable, but I didn't dislike them either. I really enjoyed Liam's companion mission, and I love Peebee's energy. The combat is fun and engaging, and I love the verticality added by the jump boosters.
All in all it is a game whose potential wasn't fully realized when it was rushed out the door (and it was shipped full of both game breaking and silly bugs too, which didn't help). I'm kind of sad that this first game in an obvious trilogy will never have its story completed, but I enjoyed playing it for what it was.
Maybe pick it up on sale if you really like Mass Effect and just want more Mass Effect.
4516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 07:43
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407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 10:45
The characters feel quite abrasive, especially Liam as well as some of the NPCs. Even with the option of 4 different styles in conversations, it really doesn't feel like the character has any actual affect on the outcomes.
Andromeda boasts gamings greatest sin, which is slow animations/cutscenes. A lot of these are skippable on PC but the galaxy map in particular is painfully slow. Ryder seems to have been programmed with a 'realistic' stumble every time she lands after a jump. Realism in this case just makes the game feel clunky. Coupled with the fact that Ryder feels like she's running around in syrup, honestly it feels like I'm playing with some kind of input lag.
The initial planet, which are now apparently open world hubs, seems pretty bland and sparse. And graphically it looks fairly decent but nothing compared to the crisp, distinct visuals of Legendary Edition. All whilst managing to run worse on my system than that game.
Like I said, I want to like this title, I love the Mass Effect universe, and I will come back to try this game again once I have some distance from Mass Effect Legendary Edition, hopefully next time I'll get past the crushing boredom I feel just by starting the game.
Nicht Empfohlen
1351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 15:52
To the Review:
This game kinda sucks. But it's also a Mass Effect game, so it has to be evaluated in that context as well: as a Mass Effect game, it also sucks. It's also a big disappointment in remembrance of the original games.
I had to force-feed myself the rest of this game when I was already full and nauseous from the first 20 hours. The story, the lines, the characters, the graphics glitches, the gameplay glitches -- terrible. A waste of my time. You honestly couldn't pay me to play through this again. The only reason I completed it was because I had spent money on it and started the game, so I wasn't going to leave it unfinished and let the money go to waste. I felt like I had to justify my purchase by at least seeing the game through to completion for myself.
Two positive things, amidst this poop storm of death and despair:
In closing,
just look up the romances on YouTube...
I do not recommend putting time into this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
3659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 10:35
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 19:27
+ boss fights
+ fantastic weapon modifications
+ plenty of exploration destinations
+ the new species & their lore
+ beautiful visuals
- [strike]Denuvo[/strike] (removed with patch 1.09)
- Origin
- recycled ME trilogy plot points
- a LOT of bugs
- a lot of backtracking between planets (with long loading screens/animations)
There is a bad reputation this game has but really it is just an uninspired story. Trying to copy the original trilogy way too much. Instead it should have explored entirely new things. A lot of focus is on appeasing the fans of the series. This causes ME:A to lose it's identity and be forgettable. However, there are still some things to explore and enjoy. Like the new species and gorgeous planets. Also the companions are nice to interact with. A pretty neutral thing for me is the skill system. Unlike the previous games you can switch around skills independent on class and even reset. It is cool to try out but frankly takes away replayability. The combat can feel repetitive sometimes but I found it to be plenty of fun. Mainly the boss fights can be really cool. Plus the gun modifications are my favourite addition. Slapping on a Vintage Heat Sink augmentation and thus getting rid of the need to pick up ammo is awesome. Or change fire type from single shot to auto ... or from slugs to laser beam! What I found annoying is the quest distribution. It is purposefully done in a way that you have to travel back and forth between destinations. With the loading taking as long as it does (even on an SSD) it gets old really fast. The Nomad vehicle (or Mako 2.0) is okay and even fun in the low gravity areas. This game is worth exploring if you enjoy the ME universe and are willing to forgive the shortcomings. On a good sale it can be a decent buy.
*Note: The review is mainly for the game which can be enjoyable, not what it is like to play it via Steam. To that part - just like many other Origin games released 2011-2020 - it is unfortunately better to buy the Origin-only version. It is not as bad as the Dragon Age games but still the Origin version has better fps, less crashes and can be played offline...
P.S.: The Deluxe Edition has 2x armour (Deep Space Explorer, Scavenger), 3x vehicle skin, 4x weapons (Pathfinder Elite set), 2x outfit, a pet Pyjak on the ship, digital soundtrack & a bunch of multiplayer boosts. Apart from that there were four multiplayer recruit packs (DLCs) - Asari Adept, Turian Soldier, Krogan Vanguard, Salarian Infiltrator. The first two are also part of the Steam deluxe edition though.
If you liked this review you can find more on the Curator page or in my Review Corner.
7782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 21:45
5112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 19:24
Nicht Empfohlen
609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 14:09
Maybe its just because I just got off of the high that is Legendary Edition but Andromeda feels so poorly written and suffers from a lack of passion. I can get over the lack of including Shepard as it makes sense to try to bring the franchise into new territory, but the horrible writing really takes away from the game. I will play almost every side quest in the OG trilogy because of how important they are and how well they're written BUT in andromeda I literally avoid everything that isn't main story/loyalty missions.
Is it a good game? meh. Is it a good Mass Effect game? No
3151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 22:20
This time the humanity needs a new land to live, new planets to establish colonies and progress, and your main goal as a pathfinder is to achive thess goals.
The story is a little big boring at the beginning, it seems that developers would want to explain again all the universe, races and relationships between them to the newcommers. Luckyly the story turns more interesting when you meet Ankaras and Ketts appear.
Ketts are the main enemies of the game, they are powerfull and try to obtain by the force the secrets of the ancient technology that is hidden in the planets of andromeda, but they never seems a true rival for us, may be because are less frightenning than the reapers of the original trilogy and thier goals are focused to rule all the galaxy instead of destroy it.
Graphics and sound are quite good, Frostbite engine shows its power, an all planets and locations are different and very well detailed. It's true, that some cutscenes or interactions with NPC show less detailed textures and some irregular animations but in general all looks fine. Maybe if developers had forgotten multiplayer or all the squad missions to gain xp that they have no sense, and don't add something to th plot, they had had more time to refine and improve them
Combat is too easy, all you need to progress is your biotic habilities to throw your enemies away , a good shotgun with telescophic lens and a good sniper rifle. All you have to do is increase you head-shot counters. In some areas there are some big bosses that need some extra habilities, but in general you can wait that your companions have the dirty job for you and help them from the distance
In my opinon one of the worst things of the game is the inventory and the crafting system, its very unuseless, plenty of sub menus and very difficult to understand. You have a lot of materials, a lot of objects to invetigate, to discover, to built, different shields, kinds of bullets, perks, armors and helmets and so on. At last, I only use the objects I found in the quests, and I killed perfectly all enemies and bosses... it is something that developers would have to think about.
The game has a long main quest and a lot of side quest, too many irrelevant, too many interesting. I recommend the krogan's world quests and the rescue of the sarien spaceship, and of course the Pebee's quest because as it happened in other Bioware's games, the relationship with the other members of the crew is very important.
As it happened in their previous games, if you play well your cards, you also fall in love with one or two of them. I established a lesbian relationship between Ryder and Peebee. They repeted the formula of the original Mass Effect (Shepard and Liara) but as I said in other reviews, times have changed and nowadays this fact doesn't surprise anybody.
In summary, MassEffect Andromeda is a good game, not perfect but a good game.
Finally, one thought. Bioware sold its soul to the devil long time ago, but somewhere, inside it there is a glowing light that still wants to tell us good stories. I think its last chance to do it is far from the space, near the dragons... and near them I hope its magic light will shine powerfull again.
PS: Thanks to EliasKir for this Secret Santa's gift
6970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 01:54
A lot of the criticisms of Andromeda still stand. The default character for Ryder, especially as female, is the derpiest looking character I think I've ever seen in a game. Much better experience if you create your own custom Ryder to play as. There are also still a few bugs, but overall I didn't experience more than a handful over the course of 116 hours.
All-in-all, this game is actually much better than I expected it to be. The story is great, the worlds are beautiful and it's got some of that Bioware charm to it that really makes ME special. If you are going to play this game, I wouldn't advise comparing it to your experience with ME 1-3 because that was 3 games of story, character development and twists. It's not going to be possible for any single game with a new story, new characters and new style to stand up to multiple games in that way. If you compare the game apples-to-apples to ME 1, it's actually a very good game.
I enjoyed the game quite a lot once I got into the main story and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoyed ME 1-3.
937 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 00:57
After years of negative noise I thought this was going to suck.
But I absolutely LOVE the experience so far.
Very few bugs so far, graphics and audio are on point, story and progression are enjoyable.
3376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 12:15
In a galaxy far, far away...
In ME Andromeda you take a role of a member of pathfinder team, the ones who map whole new galaxy and establish Milky Way's species presence there. This difficult task is accompanied by a lot of obstacles like mutinies, disobidience, encountering antient relics of a long lost race, making and fighting new enemies or establishing new alliances and also founding new colonies.
The game is overwhelming in a few first hours when I was just amazed by great start and everything seems perfect - story, encounters, cut scenes, lore and trivia, combat etc. Sadly after a while it all went downhill and became very repetitive. Running around, killing enemies and running back without any real progress is just not what I expected from this type of game, even though the combat is great, I just wanted more, I was interested where did the remnant race go, why did this galaxy seemed so broken, what happened, why are there invaders and where they came from etc. The only answers I got are shallow and seems like creaters of this game lost their imagination during the progress.
✪ Great combat
✪ Diverse environment with a lot of details
✪ Nice graphics
✪ Captivating companions - well written part
✪ SAM - an AI in your head helping you throughout the game is actually innovative
✪ Story of the game goes really downhill with a great start, very weak midgame and somewhat unintersing ending.
✪ Redundant travelling back and forth
✪ Uninteresting and repetitive sidequests
✪ Improvements - there are so many; research,development, augment, biotic, skill and I dont know how many more options that I lost my will trying to orientate in it and was happy just shooting with whatever I got and selected auto-skillup option.
✪ Poor inventory management system
✪ Yout choices seems important but their impact is insignificant
Overall 6/10
I recommend playing only the main story of the game which could be more fun and less exhausting than trying to find entertainment in sidequest and side stories which are dull and repetitive (with exceptions). Even though the game could be better it still is interesting enough to grab your attention for a few good dozens of hours and offer you entertainment in a new scifi world if that is what you are looking for.
7100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 15:47
The game itself is alright. Slow start, but I enjoyed it once the game opens up. Beautiful worlds. Gunplay and powers are fun, traversal is slightly better than the original trilogy.
However the dialogue is badly written, characters are not animated well and glitch frequently. I've seen better face texture in older games.
I recommend this game for fans of Mass Effect, and should go in without the highest expectations.
5848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 21:10
Game is good, story, characters & dialogues are not even close to the original trilogy, but still decent enough to enjoy, trying to start a new story didn't work as planned, game needed some small tweaks to make it better, the main story idea isn't bad but the characters are not interesting, especially the companions, most of them not memorable at all.
Graphics are the best of the series but this is understandable when it's a much newer game, the other big improvement is the combat, from shooting to tech to biotic, all makes the fighting very interesting and visually nice.
Recommended for Mass Effect fans, it's worth giving it a shot, it's not a bad game at all, a lot of bugs are fixed, my only complaint is that I didn't unlock a couple of bugged achievements.
2134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 23:55
Star date 2021.03.14.
I created a... horny lesbian to venture threw out the galaxy. I began my journey by flirting with different species of... female aliens. To my disappointment... none of the female aliens are attractive enough to go threw with my... devious intentions. On the other hand, I met a beauty named Suvi, human, who sounds like Scotland and Ireland had... disturbing relations. She likes to talk about how she believes in the lord, despite being a woman of science. Hopefully by the end of this day... I will have her on all fours praying.
2847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 18:41
- MEA Fixpack (important)
- Shorter Landing and Departure Cinematics (important)
- Road Rage
- Faster Kadara doors
and for waifu purposes:
- Sara Ryder Sliders
- Peebee Tweak
211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 13:08
The game storywise is slow at first, but you'll find yourself having a bit more fun after you've played it for a while.
The combat mechanics are the best in the series!
Graphics 6/10
Dialogue 5/10 It's pretty bad sometimes, but enjoyable nonetheless!
Story 7/10 it's a pretty great story!
Gameplay 8/10
An overall score of 6.5/10
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1307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 02:35
-The music is very good.
-I like the design of the Tempest.
-Vetra, Jaal, and Drax are the best characters.
-Vetra is best girl.
-The companions feel lively. They're always moving around the ship talking to each other, they have a lot of unique dialogue, and they even show up around hub areas. Really good job on this front.
-The combat is fairly decent and I like the options you have for character builds.
-The interrupts actually tell you what you're going to do.
-There's the occasional joke that hits.
-The biggest flaw in the entire game: No one in this story takes anything seriously. The mission is a disaster, over 80k people are missing, supplies are running out, the galaxy turned out to be inhospitable, and first contact is with hostile aliens.
Meanwhile everyone you encounter is nonchalant and making snarky quips whenever possible. What the hell? These characters are supposed to be the best of the best; scientists and military professionals and they all talk like high schoolers.
-SAM has a very annoying voice and won't ever stop talking to you.
-There are so many unnecessary load screens and animations (especially the galaxy map) that it makes completing any quest chain an absolute chore.
-You're not exploring the galaxy. You're not exploring ANYTHING actually, everything has already been found. This game is basically you cleaning up the trash in Andromeda.
-The designs for the new aliens are terrible and their lore is incredibly uninteresting.
-Lots of tedious resource scavenging. Except unlike Mass Effect 2 where scanning was simple, you have to drive around in the Nomad looking for a good spot.
-There's no interesting dynamics amongst the characters. Besides the occasional snarky remark everyone gets along fairly well. No differing personalities, no conflicts of opinions or motives, it's all just so bland. Everyone including Ryder is a snarky badass and that's it.
-Scanning is a terrible mechanic that serves only to slow the game down and waste time.
-Paragon and Renegade has been replaced by the Fallout 4 dialogue wheel and boy is it a downgrade.
3373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 22:49
No longer a dumpster fire! Dive right in.
After one of the more humiliating launches in recent memory, I gave Andromeda a wide berth. As of 2021 however, I'm happy to report that in almost 50 hours I haven't encountered a single glitch. The game looks great, runs great, and feels great to play.
Andromeda is far enough removed from the OG Trilogy that you can play it with zero knowledge about the previous titles, and while the writing is nowhere near as compelling and the game overall is far more generic Andromeda would be a decent introduction to the ME universe for any newcomer - and then you can jump into the Legendary Edition when that drops a few months from now. Mass Effect The First hasn't really aged all that well, to be honest, and unless you have an affinity for older games wait until the remaster is available.
For established fans my recommendation is significantly more lukewarm but still positive. Andromeda is almost a Ubisoft like open world and while this is fantastic for exploration at your leisure, losing the laser focused narratively driven structure from the previous games was not the best decision in my opinion.
Not only is Andromeda structurally wildly different, but the writing itself is kind of... OK. It does genuinely feel like fanfic in a lot of ways, rather than a canonical entry by the authors of the world. The bits and pieces of that very Bioware thing is present, but it feels like a re-hash rather than anything new.
Your crew includes a bloodthristy Krogan without much else going on, a clever but somewhat awkward Asari scholar, a very strong biotic human with a difficult personal past, and a reliable and pragmatic Turian. Does this sound familiar to anyone else or is it just me?
The quests themselves (yes, think singleplayer MMO kind of structure here) are mostly what you'd expect from the premise and they rarely surprise, though they are all implemented well.
The aggressively middle of the road writing is carried by some very satisfying gameplay. Ryder has access to a lot of different powers, weapons, and while crafting is a bit of a pain with some items requiring rare resources you can respec your skills with ease. I settled on a close range shotgun / melee shock trooper kind of build and but there really are a lot of different possibilities and they all feel satisfying.
Andromeda is to Mass Effect as Inquistion is to Dragon Age - Bioware has seemingly lost its ability to identify and build upon what made it great and they keep trudging on delivering acceptable, fun, streamlined and risk averse popcorn blockbuster versions of their past magnum opuses. They're not bad, but they sure as shit are a long way from where they used to be.
1410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 02:02
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8857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 19:14
And it mostly runs okay. It's not as bad as people say.
But it's not 'good either.'
I'm going through the story, and I just don't care if anyone lives or dies. Everything is flat.
It you just need another mass effect hit, get it. But don't expect much.
5102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 20:53
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4842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 15:34
Well, it's not as horrible as people have made it out to be. In fact, it's a better game than The Outer Worlds, even though that one got much higher ratings for some reason. But just like Mass Effect 1 – this game is somewhat raw and unpolished, somewhat bland, not very replayable, and could use a great sequel to make it feel better long-term.
One of the biggest misses is the bland, trying-to-appeal-to-everyone composition of the crew. Everyone is tame and nice. Even the krogan is nice. There's not enough bite, not enough spice. You'll finish the game and you'll barely remember who was who on your ship. And both inside and outside the ship it's like someone put Affirmative Action in place: creepily equal amounts of different genders, skin colors, races, orientations. While that's all well and good, after 3 Mass Effect games with virtually no female turians, salarians, or krogan, you tell me if it feels a bit suspicious to all of a sudden now have so many in the same professions that were previously exclusively male. Feels fake, like someone was trying too hard to capture a wider audience. And while trying to diversify the exteriors they completely forgot to diversify the interiors (aka the personalities and souls of the characters).
And the other big disappointment is the way the new species look. The main antagonist looks like a little gremlin in an oversized humanoid body. And why do they always have to be humanoid?? This is a whole new galaxy, why can't we have something more groundbreaking and exciting?
Planetary exploration has pretty much regressed back to Mass Effect 1 era. You'll spend half your play time driving from one objective to the next when on planet surface, or watching travel cutscenes when on your ship, (which claim to be skippable sometimes, except even then it only skips about half the cutscene, so you're still forced to watch a good portion of it).
Overall, it was playable. For one playthrough. The environments are pretty, the acting was acceptable, (even though some of the female Ryder + Peebee conversations did feel like they belong more on Disney channel than in a Mass Effect game). After everything - it is a Mass Effect game, and it does feel like one. But it is bland, and it does drag on and on and will wear you out, and most likely you'll never play through it again, (like you wouldn't play again through Dragon Age Inquisition. Believe me I've tried. Couldn't do it.)
I think this game needed to take more risks. Needed to have more conflict, more ups and downs, more scary, more crazy, more /// and less ------. There is no greatness in taking the middle road, and the “balanced average” has never made a serious impact in history of anything.
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 07:26
Now that the dust has been settled and we are getting the OG Trilogy Remaster and a new Sequel why not give this game a chance.
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424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 13:49
On initial launch ME:A would not run, after verifying files it still would not run. Troubleshooting the issues suggested adding the game to the Origin library but jokes, you need a valid CD key in order to register the product which steam does not give you until after the first initial launch of new or non-legacy titles so that was a bust. After verifying the game files AGAIN and a system restart the game managed to finally launch but only with Origin running in the background (the game actually launches through Origin and uses the Origin overlay so just be aware of that). I almost requested a refund on the launch issue alone, it's 2020 products should launch regardless of the store you buy them from IMO.
Other than the awful technical issues the game is fine I suppose. The graphics aren't really anything to lose your mind over and the story is meh and not really engaging (the game still seems poorly optimised and I had to turn down some settings to get a stable framerate, there were times in just the first few rooms that tanked the frame rate purely based on the direction your character was looking which is weird...).
Edit: Since posting this I have had one crash to desktop and two occasions where the sound just stopped working in a loading transition.
The new conversation system seems to be confusing and poorly explained (the game implies that a casual response is the opposite of a professional response even though they are ultimately the same intent in terms of character building and context. The shooting aspect of the game seems fun enough for the most part and might be what get's me to engage with the storyline and character development.
The gameplay is fine, the story is fine, the UI is wonky and the storyline is not really compelling. I have had fun though so there's that. All of the technical issues are what turn this from a positive to a negative though.
Buy on sale if you can, it's not worth any more than $20 and that's being generous.
Nicht Empfohlen
756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 13:58
There is a lot of busy work that will get very repetitive, fast. The cover-based combat, in its current form, is dated and makes the “levels” look unnatural most of the time. The art style is hit (main villains) or miss. The characters are like bad actors with peculiar facial expressions and lines from B movies. The story has a very cool premise but ends up having a lot of plot holes and nonsensical parts.
Rating: If they did not bother to finish the game then why should I?
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7659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 06:23
Paper thin plot & shallow contrived characters all forced into place by an angry feminist that burst into the writing room and started beating all the writers around the head with a + 3 hammer of wokeness.
I had to force myself to finish it and if not for the vanguard class working really well with the maneuver jets allowing players to act like a bionic silverback on sterroids (admittedly was quite fun) and the ability to skip dialogue I don't think I could have made it to the end.
18554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 00:21
Interestingly I've just read that it didn't do so well when initially released and I don't understand why?! Perhaps it says something about the high expectations people had when coming from the previous Mass Effect games? If so, I can't wait to play them too.
I desperately want to play a follow-up to this game; I need to find out more about the origins of the Remnant, the Angaran AI (and what it plans to do next?!) and if Reyes forgives me for shooting him.
I hope the people that worked on this game are proud of what they created despite the initial sales, I bloody well enjoyed it. The nay-sayers be damned!
4729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 03:43
Honestly, I've fallen in love with Mass Effect... again!
It took me years to play Andromeda. Even stated that Mass Effect is, behind Metal Gear Solid, my favorite game series. [Followed by Dead Space.] When I finally decided to buy Andromeda, I bought an Origin key from Amazon for $7. I played it for roughly 30-40 hours. I then unceremoniously decided to stop playing. [I was somewhere on Voeld.] Something hit me like a wall of bricks. I realized I felt disconnected from what I was doing. I had essentially dismissed the game from that point on.
And regarding the technical issues conflated with the massive negative critical reviews at launch, I felt justified. When EA came back to Steam, I said... fine. So I bought Andromeda... again.
What became apparent upon starting this game over was simple: I wasn't ready to forget Shepard. — I wasn't ready to have the Reaper invasion, Cerberus, the N7 Alliance and C-Sec become bullet points on a historical event timeline.
I've long held the belief that Shepard was an anybody. That they represented a singular human that did what they needed to save what they could from impending doom. Ryder simply didn't have the same feeling. Not at first...
In any regard... I love Andromeda now. And I can say that without any caveats.
And regarding the technical issues conflated with the massive negative critical reviews at launch, I felt justified. When EA came back to Steam, I said... fine. So I bought Andromeda... again.
What became apparent upon starting this game over was simple: I wasn't ready to forget Shepard. — I wasn't ready to have the Reaper invasion, Cerberus, the N7 Alliance and C-Sec become bullet points on a historical event timeline.
I've long held the belief that Shepard was an anybody. That they represented a singular human that did what they needed to save what they could from impending doom. Ryder simply didn't have the same feeling. Not at first...
In any regard... I love Andromeda now. And I can say that without any caveats.
Passing the Torch.
I'm going to give a listed synopsis of the premise and introductory events to avoid specific spoilers.
- Jien Garson creates the idea for the Andromeda Initiative before the events of Mass Effect 1.
- The Hyperion [Human] Ark leaves the Milky Way after the events of Mass Effect 2.
- — 634 years pass.
- You, Scott [or Sara] Ryder wake up from cryo on the way to Habitat 7 due to the ship getting stuck in something referred to as “The Scourge” — what is described as a “Dark Energy Cloud”.
- [REDACTED] occurs which ends in you becoming the new Pathfinder for the Human Ark. Subsequently this position involves having an AI in your head. Called S.A.M. or Simulated Adaptive Matrix. [spoiler]One link back to the Milky Way is that SAM is theorized to have been conceptualized after the events of Project Overlord. A DLC for Mass Effect 2.[/spoiler]
- The Hyperion links up to the Nexus [ostensibly the new Citadel] and you discover none of the other arks have arrived yet.
- As Pathfinder, it is now on you to establish a foothold within a foreign galaxy whilst searching for the other arks.
And because of this, the pacing of the game is completely different to that of the original games. It's essentially up to you how you want to get things going. Structurally, you go on your ship [The Tempest], talk to your crew mates, go on missions and... explore. Same loop. But there is effectively no impending doom. The Reapers are not coming to obliterate any and all organic things. There is a main threat, but it's been going on for a long time and isn't really time sensitive. [Not yet anyways.] However, your arrival has acted as a catalyst. Imagine.
If you're more inclined to the seedy underbelly of Omega, Kadara has you covered. With resources tight on the Nexus and the other Arks missing. Unrest was inevitable. It's not just the “local fauna” you'll need to deal with out in Andromeda.
In fact, leadership on the Nexus itself has been in strife from the get go. Kesh, Tann, Addison and Kandros all try to subtlety manipulate the Pathfinder. Lack of resources and stress affects people differently. You might notice many of the other species were left back in the Milky Way. Saved for the second wave. Curiously, when pressed — and perhaps paradoxically — Tann cites technical problems with the Quarian Ark as to why they're not in the first wave.
The main difference in Andromeda is that the combat is vastly improved even from ME3. I make the contention that the combat is better than 2 or 3 and not ME1. As ME1 did not have poor combat. It simply was a different genre. It was a much more of a pure RPG. Whereas now it's much more based on action.
— But there is still tinkering to be had:
As you explore your galaxy map, you select which planets to go to and land on. You have a vehicle now called the Nomad. Which is both upgradable and customizable. At times this makes the game feel a bit like ME1 did when exploring with the Mako. — which is really nice. Although some planets are too small and condensed for that kind of travel. Such as Havarl — an Angara jungle planet.
When you perform tasks that make the planets you travel more sustainable for life, you get AVP [Andromeda Viability Points] which allow you to wake blocks of citizens from cryo and subsequently aid you in your quest to colonize the Andromeda galaxy.
There are three new species you'll find within this game. The Kett, who serve as the main antagonist. However, I got a distinct “First Contact War” vibe from some of the interactions. Referring to the first contact humans had with the Turians. — The Angara, a wide spread species within the Heleus Cluster. And lastly, a slightly more enigmatic synthetic species referred to as “The Remnant”. SAM is able to interface with Remnant technology found throughout the galaxy where no Angara has before. Or Kett for that matter.
Mechanically speaking, it's a relatively standard, well made third person shooter. You can level into Tech, Biotics or Soldier trees which will further level any associated profiles that SAM can use to add buffs — Sentinel, Vanguard, Adept. I went heavy into the tech tree and leveled the Engineer profile which increased damage of Tech powers and Constructs. You can prime targets with tech and biotic combos for heavy hitting damage. Though, if you do many of the side missions, you'll be able to craft a pretty well-rounded Ryder.
Andromeda embodies 'passing of the torch' in every way it could be interpreted.
You're no longer required to build up paragon or renegade points, a system I never liked. You're not limited by dialogue options for not having a certain reputation. But there is plenty of romance, so don't be afraid to flirt or you might miss your chance.
Rationalization of menial tasks.
This is something I find myself stuck in ambivalence regarding. This sentiment is also shared for Dragon Age: Inquisition. Both Inquisition and Andromeda share a similar idea in that the very premise of the game is such to impress and/or assuage misgivings about the protagonist's presence. And there are quite literally hundreds of quests to go on. Doing one often leads to more. “Find my missing family” — “Help me figure out who is committing sabotage” — “Find my missing supply shipment”. So on and so forth. Typically, these tasks are not that interesting and become tedious rather quickly. However, they actually do serve the premise narratively. So I have a hard time dismissing them. They actually are, narratively significant. And they culminate to a nice moment.
As an avid Mass Effect fan, I was heartbroken when this game first came out. Now that I've played it. I can say it's a great Mass Effect game with an even more grand premise — Exploring a brand new galaxy. The soundtrack is there, the characters are decent. They grow on you. Drack is probably the first Krogan I ever actually liked.
I'm excited for the remaster and looking forward to see what's next.
If you've read this far, consider following my curation — Station Argus
[spoiler]I highly recommend obtaining all the SAM memory triggers.[/spoiler]
Don't give Addison too much trouble, her face is tired.
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2318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 22:21
The game itself is beautiful and the combat great, but this isn't enough to retain my attention. I do not care about an giant open world if this one is empty and devoided of interest. The secondary quests are totally uninteresting, unmemorable unlike some secondary quests from the original trilogy and just boring. It is not fun, it was greatly unsatisfying and became a burden. I found myself going to point A to point B, skipping dialogs, over and over again. « Go there, go scan this and that. Now go to a different planet to talk to that guy, oh you also have to wait through of loading screens, you know, the departing ship cutscene, from the planet, system and the arriving ship cutscene. ». I also have to mention that scanning stuff around is 90% of the game. About the uninteresting quests, It was kind of the same feeling I got back when I played those MMORPGs whose I never read the quests dialogs. (e.g. Final Fantasy XIV Online). Some people might say that we don't have to complete the secondary quests, and solely focus on the companions quests and main story, but why putting secondary quests in the game at all then ? Also, completing quests increase the viability of the planets, which is something you can't miss. Another thing I hated was having to click on every system, planet to get 100% of discovery on the map. How is it fun ? What is the point of it ?
I couldn't bring myself to love main characters (including Ryder), except for Jaal, the new alien but I think the writing is to blame for that. Peebee, Drack and Reyes for example had so much potential. I don't mind having a character who is not a total veteran like Shephard, but the dialogs options are so limited for Ryder that it makes very hard to appreciate him/her. For example, you also cannot play as an evil character / get them to say evil lines / do evil things like you could in the original trilogy.
The story quickly became a mess, and I got lost with all the quests in my journal. Also, in that new - so far away galaxy, I expected to see something new, surprises. It was disappointing that all we get to see is the 3 new species (Kett, Angara, Remnant). While the plot seems to revolve around that last robot-looking-species, it was rather... uninteresting. The places you had to visit in order to find out more about their technology (some kind of ruins) all looked the same on every planet, and were aesthetically unpleasant. You had to scan, then solve some awful (and stupid) puzzle to get in those ruins. What a waste of time.
I almost forgot to say that the characters faces are horrendous as hell, especially humans and not worth of a 2017 game. The facial expressions are a total failure; and it never bothered as much before in a game until now. It ruins the seriousness of the conversations and the overall atmosphere.
It is a shame that I didn't finish the game, but at the same time, I don't think a game is supposed to make you feel awful. Good riddance.
10490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 02:16
☑ Beautiful (Textures on most assets are very well done, Lighting as well)
☐ Average
☐ Outdated
☑ Very Fun (Huge step up over previous Mass Effect Entries!)
☐ Average
☐ Repetitive
☑ High quality (Great Ost's, especially loved the main menu theme! SFX are good here)
☐ Average
☐ Repetitive
☑ Hard (On 'Insanity', checkpoints can be brutal If you die, Average Once upgraded)
☐ Average
☐ Too Easy
☑ Amazing (Andromeda surprised me, the story really carries itself at a great pace, with twists and turns never tripping)
☐ Average
☐ Low quality
☐ None
☑ A Couple (Facial bugs, clipping with some assets, vault animation fails sometimes)
☐ Gamebreaking Bugs
+ Clean Ui, quite subtle & easy to read/navigate.
+ New and improved journal & Codex, Great improvement visually over Mass effect 3's 'attempt' at it.(Visually it's very pretty).
+ Graphically a great improvement over previous entries, in lighting, texture and gorgeous world building.
+ Great OST, as with the others in the series the soundtrack is always 'stellar' (though action music is a little drab).
+ Gun holstering returns from Me2, great to see.
+ Jet pack booster for Evading, Jumping & Hovering (making for some get combos for biotics).
+ Controls are very fluid, even smoother than ME3, making combat feel very satisfying.
+ 3-Dimensional view of all wearable and useable equipment. (weapons, armour) really nice.
+ Overhauled galaxy map & Scanning system, very immersive a lovely improvement, (Comparrison to Elite Dangerous but linear/automated).
+ Enviromental detail, (e.g raindrops & snow on armour), some nice attention given here.
+ Weapon/armour upgrades from I-X (10) rank return from ME1, giving players who rank up to Lv l80+ some end game to work towards.
- Facial animations (well known at this point) are not great, making eye contact quite awkward, at times.
- FPS is very poor in some places (not all), the game doesn't just doesn't look good enough to warrant this kind of stutter & lag.
- Toggle walk has been removed. (who thought this was a good idea? forces you to hold button to walk & and the default duck waddle running animation is poor)
- Character designs are poor, they really dropped the bar here & one of my biggest dislikes about this game. (what did they do to the asari?) -.-
- Texture/Asset/Character clipping is very poor in some places, very noticeable in places, almost as bad as some asset flip games. (poor quality control here)
- Music cuts out awkwardly when going into a cutscene, very amateur work here.
- Tanns voice actor is not great at all for the species, furthermore The writing for addison is VERY poor, i mean REALLY bad. (weirdly, The 'Nexus Uprising' book wrote her better.)
- Weapons/Armour are stuck in your inventory taking up space, but you can't swap out parts on the fly, this is a basic feature in other Rpgs with inventory systems like this.
- Enemies can & will spawn behind you, in bases. on insanity this can often kill you...
Mass Effect Andromeda takes place 600+ years after the events of Mass effect 2. You are frozen in a cryopod and wake up 600+ years later, (feels like a plot-hole to me regarding cryopods).
The world design, is above and beyond anything that has come before in the franchise & one of Andromedas great aspects, this should be commended and recognised as it truly is a step up, each world feels unique and offers different enemies and enviroments, what it lacks in comparrison to other rpgs is a certain amount of depth (or a lived in feel).
In regards to the facial animations and character designs, the hate from the fanbase was well deserved, they completly redesigned some character models (asari, krogan) when it should have only been a re-make* though i can understand that with a new engine it can be tough to make something 100% accurate to previous engines, but the jump from Mass effect 1-2 wasn't this big so there isn't an excuse really.
At the start of the game, i wasn't convinced with the new cast of characters, but by the end i actually thought they bonded really well, all progressing/getting to know one another with custom dialogue/conversations depending on who you brought on a mission/exploration with (This mechanic, not present in previous games).
The idea of setting up your own research team in the colony of EOS was really nice, (the start of terraforming) I just wish it was a little more hands on, customising buildings and locations instead of pre-fab. Still it was a nice inclusion which made the settling more immersive due to the radiation (hot & cold hazards on other planets simular to ME1) needing time to clear from the other areas of the world.
As with most modern titles Cutscenes are pillar-boxed to 16:9 so for those with a ultrawide setup, you'll have to use this fix to get the in-game cutscenes to fit (few pop in's but nothing to major).
I highly recommend some of the fixes/Mods over on NexusMods for a refined experience.
I did have a lot of fun with Andromeda though by the end i was ready to move on, as it can get a bit repetative, as well as lot of the problems regarding fps, facial animations, Cetrain Voice acting & Character models did impede on the overall experience to a larger degree than I would have liked.
All that being said I Recommended giving the game a chance, as there is an underated gem underneath, if you scrape off the unpolished aspects of it (terraforming your experience), you will not regret your decision.
Time Played Hours:
Story: 20 Hours
Completionist: 100 Hours
Leasure: 150+ Hours
Nicht Empfohlen
122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 08:41
It's not as if I wasn't forewarned going into Andromeda that the game was...lacklustre. But, even I didn't expect it to be this bad; The games' just...lifeless. Dead eyed characters, combined with the most boring sci-fi plot just make the whole narrative feel so hashed out. You can really tell the Bioware B-Team worked on this, combined with some really strange race-politics in the lead-up to launch kinda showed what was going to be happen ahead of time.
The gameplay however, is admittedly very good. I hope, in the sequels/re-reboot, we can get more of this fast-paced style of Mass Effect goodness.
Overall, I really wouldn't bother playing this, even if you're a fan of the series.
2921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 02:18
Gameplay-wise, it's not too different from its predecessors. The menus are a little awkward at first, and the combat is a little more fast-paced, but everything overall feels pretty smooth. In terms of story, I already like to compare it to playing Skyrim: The story shouldn't be your primary focus, but the things between the story missions. Though ME3 and ME2 are kinda the same, to be fair. Regardless, this title definitely holds its own. It's not horrible, but it's also not a masterpiece.
That said, the characters as a whole are kind of interesting, if not entertaining at times. The antagonist (if there's one thing I can really criticize here) is pretty dull, but only gets tiresome during the final mission. Truthfully, the antagonists in the other games were better because they weren't so damn talkative and taunt you at every moment. Gameplay-wise, however, the only times this game becomes bothersome are 1. When it overloads the player with main quests, side quests and random tasks that need doing. Some of these are worthwhile, but trying to do them all is just draining. And 2. Those annoyingly-designed Remnant puzzles that are modeled after Sudoku. I've played Sudoku before; it's a trying game, but these are a holy terror to complete sometimes.
Is it worth full-price? If you're a fan of the Mass Effect series, I guess. Is it worth it on sale? Definitely. Overall, this game really deserves an 8/10. It may not be the best game in the series, but it's worth a chance.
1842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 00:34
It scratches the Mass Effect itch, you're the coolest space cowboy/girl with your cool spaceship and there is a big galaxy to explore. Obviously mods are needed, process was pretty pain free, get the Frost Mod Manager and then download mods off NexusMods. The hardest part was the trick of setting the command line argument in origin to point the Frost Mod Manager install to make the mods work properly. Reply to the review if you want my mod list
7616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 19:40
Nicht Empfohlen
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 23:59
Its biggest crime? Carrying the Mass Effect IP name.
First, you downgrade from Shepard to Riker, the most annoying and plain dumb character in the history of characters, it doesn't help that the history and consistency of the narrative is ALL OVER THE PLACE, this seems more like an action game where you happen to choose some dialogue here and there.
The characters are hilariously dumb without clear ambitions, I'm at a fucking loss honestly.
The planets are all a big ball of NOTHING, the game makes you backtrack for NO GOOD REASON, just to add to the playtime I guess?
The only good thing this game has going for it is the combat comparing to its ancestors.
But it doesn't excuse the rest of the game, it's a shame the Mass Effect IP has to carry this low effort attempt of a game on it's shoulder's.
Just play the original trilogy and never look back.
Nicht Empfohlen
6014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 23:48
20313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 19:04
5688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 18:18
I do not have any words for this.
First of all, I did play Mass Effect 2 and 3 with a passion and I did not expect anything from Mass Effect Andromeda.
/Edit: This game has left a huge impact on me. I don't ever get attached to games but after beating the story, I can't stop playing. Thank you.
Like probably most of you, I was disappointed. Didn't buy the game at launch, watched Crowbcat's video on it and just dismissed it. Every once in a while it would pop up on my Steam Activity because a friend tried it or on YouTube because of its funny glitches and facial animations.
10 days ago I thought why not. I had some time to kill.
I've not put it down since and almost 60 hours in, I just beat the main story line.
This game is absolutely incredible. I'm gonna make a list to pin-point the most important facts for you and then tell you why I love this game. Despite its flaws. And why you should too.
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Absolutely beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe
☑ Very good (Combat & Narrative)
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ High End
☐ Story?
☐ Text or Audio floating around
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☑ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
So. For everyoen who scrolled enough, I want to tell you about this game.
When I started, I had no expectations, I just let the game soak me in. And it really did. The visuals are absolutely astonishing, in cut-scenes and in gameplay. I have not taken as many screenshots in a game as I have in ME: Andromeda.
The world soaks you in, it's alive, buildable, explorable. There are restrictions, but in my 60 hours, I still have not discovered everything and still have missions and tasks to complete. I do, however, recommend to do all worlds & quests before you finish the man story line.
Plenty! It's not the same as in Mass Effect 2 or 3, where your decision would change everything. From what I've seen, the outcome will be the same, just how you archieve it is differently. And I love this. I want the good ending, I am a good person. At least some people think so. ;)
And having to go on a wiki to get the right choice is not what a game is about for me. Andromeda changes this, providing you with multiple ways to play, multipel personalities for two people. Male or female Ryder? Different lovers; different choices, or maybe the same? That is up to you.
You can change and evolve the world in your way, make new friends or leave it, and help out others on your mission to save the galaxy or just ignore their E-Mails and calls and move on with your life.
Depending on your actions or choices, people will react in a different way and some things may not be achieveable. Keep that in mind.
Teamplayer or solo hero?
Your squad mades will always be the same, but who they are to you and who you are to them depends on your choices. Like in the older titles, we have Loyalty missions, whose durations can span hours. I've not experienced a boring loyalty mission and I did them all as they came through.
You can romance almost everyone from the time you meet them, except Suvi. She is just for a special female Pathfinder.
I love the dialouge with my squad and especially hearing them talk to each other. On the ship, on the bridge or out and about on missions. They feel alive and depending on how long someone is on your team, their conversations differ. They may reveal more about themselves or stop asking questions and just talk about god & the world. I love this small little growth in characters, you really connect with them. Honestly, I laughed way too hard at some conversations.
Story & Conversation; does it matter?
Yes. Yes it matters. The conversations can feel dull at times but never cease to not be funny. You can play the logical, determined Pathfinder or be feeling, trusting your gut and being sarcastic. This will get you different reactions from people and may even change the outcome of a quest. Small, but noticable.
I replayed some quests and didn't save only to see what would be said / done by my characters and my squad. I had a great laugh most of the time.
Usually, in other games, I tend to skip conversations. In this game, I actually got mad when a Quest objective skipped a squad mates dialogue. I want to hear them talk, engage and joke with each other. The options you get yourself in a covnersation always fit the character and never feel out of place. You know what you're gonna get.
The story is nothign spectecular, but it works. 600 years away from the story of Mass Effect 2 and 3, old character names do pop up but you're cut from those old games. Resulting in being able to play a new character, make new choices and enjoy a new galaxy.
There's a new threat, new worlds, new ships, new characters. Your decisions may not be as prominent as in the second or third Mass Effect, but heavy enough to be noticable. I like this change, to be honest.
Combat system or lazy pew-pew?
The combat system is really great. You can select up to two mates from your squad to accompany you on your missions or just on a planet. Sadly, you can not change their equipment or weapons. You can, however, level their skills and make them more suitable for your needs. The weapon-range is fantastic, the skills can easily be changed & mended to your needs and you can have up to 4 weapons on you. All interchangeable. Good job.
I do miss being able to direct my squad mates skill though. They will use them on their own and sometimes this can destroy your very own combo.
All in all?
This game really broke my expectations. I wasn't even expecting a burning garbage pile and I found gold. The dialogues made me crack up, the combat system had me on the edge of my seat at times, making decisions never felt wrong again, guilt-tripping me over deciding wrong, because there is no wrong choice, my squad felt alive and like family, especially the small quest, the story is rich in covnersation and excitement.
This game is a surprise. And I love it.
There were times when I just could not put it down, giving me at least 3 days with an 8 hour streak. And I work 10 hours a day. Imagine my sleep schedule.
Any regrets?
The facial animations. Or better, the animations in generel. Oh my god. I downloaded mods, especially faces for ALL my squad mates and other important characters (What happened to addison Bioware?) because I could not look at them. I played maybe 2 hours without mods and soon after I suffered from eye-cancer.
If you wish to play this game, get mods. Make them look human again. (Or Asari, depends.)
Also, why does Female Ryder walk like she shat her pants? I do not udnerstand, in her armor it's all fine but in her normal clothes it's like a diarrea-party. But yeah.
I love this game still. It's one of those few games I will remember in a good way and I still hope that the negativity it got at release will be pushed aside. Sure, this game is not perfect, but Mass Effect never was. Anyone else remember the cheesy romantic lines Shepherd delivered? Yes, they're back. It's like you need them to be there.
I wish more people will pick this up again and see how much it has changed. It's not perfect, but it was perfect for me.
It's been 60 hours until I made it. And I'm gonna play through it again, just to experience it for the first time all over.
That's how much I love it.
Also, may I just edit. Sara Ryder's character development is golden. From being dependent on her SAM to putting her Team first and operting Remnant without SAM.
She is the hero she was never meant to be.
4641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 17:49
- Lots of side story about your allies in all of the explored planet
- Stunning graphic
- Huge selection of equipments.
- Great equipments' customisation with mods and augmentations
- Massive selection of abilities and their customisations
- Tight character control
- Great voice acting and music. The small talk really helps making this game alive including interaction between generic npcs, your squadmates, and your ship crew.
- Long squadmates mission.
- SAM (And its humor)
Cons :
- Bioware basically expanded the stories for your allies too much they made the main story a little bit short
- Glitchy behavior that can be game breaking (always do lots of manual save). This includes enemies falling down below the map and becoming unkillable when required. Even though the game is very stable and rarely crash on me
- Face expressions have improved from the release version, but not for all scenes
- Only one brand new species can be allied.
- Could use a few more planets to explore.
Bioware should do a full fledged expansion just like when they added a brand new squad member in mass effect 3.
5039 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 18:18
1. Modding is your friend. Use it to significantly improve QOL issues and inconsistent gameplay elements. Trust me, modding is what's keeping me hooked to the game so far.
2. Buy the game on sale ONLY. I bought MEA at something like 75% off or something. In short, the opportunity-cost factor was in my favour, so there was no buyer's remorse on my end. I suspect if you buy this game on full price, you're going to be disappointed.
3. There is a compelling story, with a number of priority narratives that develop alongside the overall story. Pursue these narratives with extreme prejudice (e.g. loyalty missions, planet viability missions, etc.)
4. There is a STUPID number of inane tasks that you get saddled with in MEA. You can pursue these idiotic tasks if you're up for it; I've done a handful, but I'm not particularly bothered otherwise. This goes back to my point about buying the game at a deep discount. You're less likely to feel like you have to complete these stupid, and utterly pointless side quests.
5. MEA does not follow the Paragorn/Renegade morality system that the previous three games did. I personally did not mind the Paragorn/Renegade system, but there are more shades of grey with MEA, and dialogue options are as much about imprinting your own personality on Ryder as it is about choosing so-called honorable vs dishonorable dialogue options. So far, I don't mind this system, although I have to say, Ryder's voice acting is pretty crap for what is supposed to be a AAA game. Again, I remind you; buy the game on discount so these issues don't seem as frustrating.
6. This is a strictly singleplayer game. I mean, MEA does have a multiplayer element, but servers are dead, so don't waste your time. Please, PLEASE do not buy this game if you're trying to get a multiplayer experience. There are other far superior sci-fi themed multiplayer games out there.
Good luck. Have fun. Hopefully.
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