• Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.
  • Maskmaker: Screen zum Spiel Maskmaker.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 20.04.2021
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Preis Update 27.01.25

Über das Spiel

In diesem brandneuen, mysteriösen Universum – entworfen von den Entwicklern des preisgekrönten A Fisherman's Tale – spielst du als Lehrling eines Maskenmachers und erlernst die Magie der Maskenherstellung, um dich in die faszinierenden und rätselhaften Wesen des Spiels hineinzuversetzen. Erkunde von Maske zu Maske und Rätsel zu Rätsel den Weg durch das „Maskenreich“, um Prospero zu finden, der offenbar sein Herrscher ist – und löse schließlich das Geheimnis seiner Identität.

  • Umfangreicher und einzigartiger Einsatz von VR: Gameplay und Rätsel nutzen spezifische Funktionen, die es nur in VR gibt.
  • 8 bezaubernde Biome: Erkunde die Welt, beobachte die Eigenheiten jeder Kultur, die du besuchst, stelle ihre Masken her und erhalte Zugang zu neuen Biomen, indem du ihre Masken benutzt.
  • Maskenherstellung: Lerne, mit den verschiedenen seltenen Ressourcen, die du sammelst, viele magische Masken herzustellen. Nutze Farben und Formen, um immer komplexere Masken zu bauen.
  • Besitzergreifung: Trage die Maske, tauche in die Kultur jedes Bioms ein und ergreife Besitz von den Geistern, schillernden Charakteren, von denen jeder eine andere Rolle spielt.
  • Prosperos Werkstatt: Als Lehrling lernst du mit Prosperos Hilfe, deine erste Maske zu bauen – aber wer ist der Mann hinter der Maske wirklich?


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i5-4590 or AMD FX 8350
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7+ (64-bit OS required)
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

344 Produkte im Account
587 Reviews
471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 15:26
Maskmaker von InnerspaceVR ist ein tolles Abenteuerpuzzle mit einer sehr schönen Story. Die Macher von A Fisherman`s Tale haben erneut gezeigt, dass sie hervorragende Geschichtenerzähler sind und wissen wie man diese schön in eine VR-Welt einbettet.

In Maskmaker sind wir ein junger Mann, der als Maskenbildnerlehrling mithilfe der Masken durch die mysteriösen Welten seines Meisters reist und dabei das Geheimnis seiner eigenen Ichs erfährt, indem er nicht nur das Handwerk des Maskenbilden lernt zu beherrschen. Nachdem wir von unserem Meister aufgenommen wurden vergeht einige Zeit, aber schon bald verschwindet der Meister und wir haben Gelegenheit in seine mysteriöse Werkstatt zu gelangen.

Hier können wir nun endlich mit der Herstellung der vielfältigen Masken beginnen. Von hier aus gelangen wir dann auch zu den fernen mysteriösen Ländern indem wir einfach eine der fertiggestellten Masken aufsetzen. In diesen Welten erfahren wir immer mehr über die Geschichte unseres Meisters und begeben uns auf die Suche nach Zutaten und Blaupausen für neue Masken, die uns wiederum in neue Gebiete der verschiedenen Welten bringen.
Die Herstellung der ersten Masken ist noch relativ einfach. Die Maskenherstellung ist ein großer Spaß und ist wirklich schön umgesetzt. Zu Beginn müssen wir einen Holzblock bearbeiten, richtig mit Hammer und Meißel in den Händen. Wir schlagen so die auf der jeweiligen Blaupause gezeigte Grundform der Masken aus dem Block. Hat das Holz dann die gewünschte Form müssen wir es am Arbeitsplatz gegenüber mit Verzierungen versehen und bemalen. Dabei wird die Maske entweder in Farbe eingetunkt oder mit einem Pinsel bemalt. Je weiter wir im Spiel fortschreiten, desto umfangreicher werden die Masken natürlich.

Während wir durch die fremden Welten streifen um Objekte zur Maskenherstellung zu suchen werden wir von der Offstimme des Königs – des Meisters begleitet. Diese erzählt natürlich die Geschichte weiter, aber ist auch hilfreich beim Lösen der verschiedenen Aufgaben, die es zu bewältigen gilt. Die englische Stimme ist wirklich toll und hat einen angenehmen Klang. Die teilweise humorvollen Texte werden in gut lesbaren deutschen Untertiteln eingeblendet, wenn man will. Manchmal stehen sie etwas im Weg, sind dann aber transparent.
Unsere Aufgabe in jeder Welt ist es, herauszufinden wie man auf einen großen Turm kommt. In jedem der Türme befindet sich ein Teil der Blaupause zur Maske des Meisters. Auf unser Suche begegnen wir anderen puppenartigen maskierten Figuren, schauen wir uns diese Masken mit unserem magischen Fernrohr an, erhalten wir die benötigte Blaupause. Stellen wir die Maske dann in der Werkstatt her und setzen sie auf, können wir sozusagen den Körper der Figur, die die Maske trägt übernehmen und weiter im Level fortschreiten. Dies ermöglicht uns die Erkundung neuer Gebiete. Diese Art der Reise ist ein tolle Idee und mach richtig Spaß.

Die anderen Rätsel, die es in Maskmaker zu lösen gibt, sind nicht sonderlich schwer und erklären sich immer von selbst. Sollte man wirklich mal hängen, kann man sich sicher sein, dass der König uns die rettende Idee schon zu flüstert. Das bietet einen guten Spielfluss und lenkt nicht von der schönen Geschichte ab, die wir während des Spiels erleben.
Die Welten sind farbenfroh und in einem liebevollen Comicstil gehalten, ähnlich wie The Fisherman`s Tale. Allerdings habe ich den Eindruck, dass hier die Grafik doch etwas detailärmer ist.
Die Interaktionen in Maskmaker beschränken sich leider auch nur auf Gegenstände, die wichtig für die Geschichte sind. Bis auf wenige, sich immer wiederholende Ausnahmen, wie Flaschen und Teller kann man leider sonst nichts anfassen.

Gesteuert wird unser Lehrling per freier Bewegung und Teleport. Teleport ist auch wichtig, weil es einige Stellen im Spiel gibt, z.B. die Gondel im Bergwerk, die wir ohne nicht erreichen könnten. Besonde Spaß machen die Szenen, indenen unser Lehrling zu John Travolta mutiert und tanzen muss...
Getragen wird Maskmaker so eindeutig von der tollen Geschichte und den Stimmen, sowie auch besonders von der guten Musik. Diese Aspekte lassen das etwas altbackene Gameplay in den Hintergrund rücken, sodass Maskmaker ein wirklich tolles Spiel ist. Es ist gewaltfrei und nicht zu schwer, für die ganze Familie etwas.

????Tanzt an auf meiner Kuratorseite. Daumen und Masken hoch.

???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Curators group in German / English ????⠀⠀⠀
234 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 17:24
Ich wurde 5 Stunden sehr gut unterhalten und es war mal wieder ein schöne neue VR-Idee, die auch von Kindern gespielt werden kann. Es wird eine Shader-Grafik verwendet, wahrscheinlich damit man es auch einfach auf die Quest umsetzen kann. Ich fand es aber nicht schlecht, sondern von der Atmosphäre sehr passend. Wer Landschaften erkunden, Teile suchen, Masken erstellen und kleinere Puzzles im Rahmen einer Geschichte lösen möchte,kann bedenkenlos zuschlagen. Ich empfehle das Spiel und finde den Preis absolut in Ordnung:
1466 Produkte im Account
877 Reviews
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 13:42
Absolut geniales Abenteuer-Spiel mit interessanter Geschichte, gelungener Grafik und gelungener Steuerung. Rätsel und Masken-Herstellung werden immer schwerer. Sehr tolle Atmosphäre!

Meine Kuratorseite:

Meine Steamgruppe:

122 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 18:35
Really fun game/story!!
About 5 hours of gameplay with some amazing environments and cool mechanics.
103 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 22:12
You don't realize how shaky you actually are until you play this game and have to use the Spyglass to get the recipe for certain masks.
8387 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 20:31
An exceptionally well made game for VR. Quite the experience and cool puzzles.
735 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 04:42
This is an interesting VR puzzle mask crafting game, where some parts you go exploring in various magical realms controlling avatars wearing various masks. Then you must explore while trying to get 'blueprints' of new masks you can create to explore more worlds and searching for particular ingredients to make those masks.
Some of the puzzles are very tricky, and sometimes finding the ingredients to make particular masks can be challenging.
Overall I'd recommend for an VR puzzle game that haven't played before.
151 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 20:35
Great artstyle, lots of fun puzzles and mechanics which work really well in VR!
176 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 03:57
This game is one of a kind. I loved the art style, and the game and story were fantastic !!
59 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 11:08
Just now remembering to write a review for this lovely game!
I think I bought this on a small sale for $15.

Maskmaker is an excellent game. It's polished, beautiful, unique and memorable. It runs well, not super performance intensive. It's a story adventure game with minor puzzles and a lovely 'mask mechanic'.

Some may have played this dev's previous title, A Fisherman's Tale, which is a highly reviewed short, innovative game.

Maskmaker is a more fleshed out title. It carries the same storytelling prowess and structural soundness that A Fisherman's Tale had. But Maskmaker is very differentiated from A Fisherman's Tale. It stands strong on its own. It's a solid 4+ hours longer than A Fisherman's Tale (about 5-6 hours total) and takes advantage of this length to build this adventure in an impactful way.

I felt it was a perfect length, really. The adventure has some really incredible story beats that were some of my favourite moments in VR and took me by surprise. A Fisherman's Tale was known for its highly innovative and unique VR mechanic. In the case of Maskmaker, the central mechanic of mask-wearing is really wonderful and effective, but doesn't have that same inspiring impact. But that moment still came for me in Maskmaker, just not through the 'mask mechanic', which made it that much more unexpected. And in this case it wasn't just a 'wow' factor, but it really had visceral impact. I don't want to spoil it and also I should say that maybe not everyone will be impacted the way I was, but for me these certain moments elevated Maskmaker to be a really great game.

Despite my lavish praise, Maskmaker does have some flaws and some areas where it could be fleshed out just a bit more. But, ultimately these disappointments are minor and what's here feels like a complete and polished experience.

Maskmaker is a great game that carves out a unique and memorable place for itself. It carries forward all the excellent development that was apparent in A Fisherman's Tale, but Maskmaker expands the scope of this dev team not just in length but in substance as well. Maskmaker has more to say, and succeeds in saying it, leaving a lasting impact.

Highly recommended!
61 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 04:57
After thinking on it for a few weeks, I'm going to say Maskmaker is not really a succesful game, and a big step down after A Fisherman's Tale.

Essentially two games in one, Maskmaker divides your time between brief bouts of mask creation in a renaissance-like workshop, and then exploration of a series of empty puzzle landscapes in the tradition of games like Myst. It's all very colourful, and you are accompanied by a ceaselessly chatty narrator.

The workshop segments are really good. Not exactly difficult, but the game throws in lots of tactile experiences that really make you feel like a craftsman. Chipping away a block of wood and then applying paint to it is extremely satisfying, and I only wish that these sections were longer, or required more thought than just following a plain diagram.

The puzzle sections, on the other hand, are extremely basic. The game holds your hand to the extent that I never had any sense of achievement or wonder, it was just busywork as I moved between towers. And my attempts to soak up the atmosphere were not helped by the narration, which was too intrusive and not entertaining. No doubt it comes frmo budget restrictions, but I felt this whole game was 'Tell Don't Show' rather than the other way around.

I was right near the climax of this game when I lent my VR headset to a friend. When I got it back a week or so later, I found that I had no appetite to load it up and finish the final sequence. That's a sign that the game, while full of interesting ideas, just wasn't very fun.
195 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 11:21
A short but very well executed game. Story elements were a bit cheesy and repetitive, but I felt immersed the entire time. Game is a bit short but quality throughout.
433 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 11:34
Like the previous game by the developer, this one also is very unique and enjoyable. Puzzles are pretty easy but the mask making mechanics are pretty neat too. Overall very very good game.
720 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 18:08
Great concept and nice universe to visit. I liked to strike a pose when changing mask, just for fun.
198 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 23:45
I would describe this game more as an adventure/scavenge hunt rather than a puzzle game as its pretty easy but I really enjoyed it overall and really liked the ending.

The visuals look great in the headset and seeing the different enviroments and wanting to see the rest of the story pulled me through the game.

It has some issues like the hand interaction isnt the best with your hands being out of position with the index controllers which makes painting with the brush feel a little awkward. The motion speed is either really slow or really fast depending on if you are walking or sprinting in the game but these are nitpicks and I can easily recommend it especially as the asking price is so reasonable and the game took me over 5 hours to complete.
180 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 23:45
I loved the game.
first half was much too simple just walk around and spot the the item that stands out.
second half was a small challenge with only one puzzle making me stop to think.
i hated the hints the king constantly gave at every step of the way.
really took away the enjoyment of figuring out a puzzle
i set the audio to French when ever i started a puzzle.(for the later puzzles)
set the game back to English after solving the puzzles.
I love the art style and mask crafting.
65 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 03:14
A delightful, beautiful, and oddly satisfying little game. I definitely recommend playing it, especially if you are new to VR and want a simple puzzle experience.
621 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 22:53
I really enjoyed A Fisherman's Tale so I jumped into this hoping for something similar. Unfortunately it's not very much of a game, and more of a walking experience with a TON of talking and exposition. The voice overs are well done, but they're nearly endless. In fact, they run on so long, I'd often end one while walking and trigger another audio queue.

Too much exposition, not enough game.
164 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 13:18
It's a beautiful game - even if I would have liked some dynamic shadows. The game uses tons of baked (premade) shadows and does look quite good. Devs say that dynamic shadows were too demanding even for the PC version, and the game does impress with great vistas and extreme view distances - when it really opens up (for example in the mountains).
Using my GTX 1080 and the Valve Index, I get solid 90 fps (or close) with res 150 % and in-game graphics maxed (=High). There's a lot of great story telling, which may mean that this game is made for adults - who have sufficient cognitive abilities to really comprehend and appreciate the story.
The game feels somewhat like Myst, so it's not really a social game, but a great place to be alone. - Maybe great fun for persons with Aspergers syndrome (I might have some of that, lol).
The game is not like A Fisherman's Tale apart from having to do some puzzles. Maskmaker opens a portal to a world, where you can relax and reduce daily stress levels. And it generally looks quite good - even if PS4 processor limitations may have had some impacts.
Controls are fine with the Index controllers - and there's smooth turning and full locomotion.
Btw, at first I thought this game was another low-poly non-textured bottom-end Quest port, but it is not. You do have many high-res textures, but these cannot be seen in the game trailers. Poly levels are fine - there are many round objects, and in locations with great view distances poly levels are certainly way beyond low-end Quest graphics.
This is a true PCVR game - and I look forward to enjoy it more later this evening.
128 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 02:38
I am almost half way through the game so I wanted to share my thoughts on Maskmaker. This game is absolutely awesome. In terms of environment, this is one of the most gorgeous VR games I have played in a while. The puzzles and mask making gameplay mechanics keep me entertained and wanting more. It is so satisfying watching your mask come to life when you connect all the right parts. My favourite part is chipping away at a new mask design with a block of wood. The story is light but interesting enough to keep you playing longer.

I did however hit a glitch when exploring the grassy area in the mountains. I was climbing up the hill next to some goat shearing building and then glitched through the ground and kept falling. This has prevented me from moving forward and I hope the developers check this out as this is game breaking.

One other thing I would like to mention is that while the environments look fantastic, most things are very static and non interactive. You will go to pick up an object and your hand goes through it like a ghost. I understand the intent of this game is to forage for specific items and create masks in order to move forward with the story so I wont fault it too much.

Aside from these issues, I certainly recommend this game at it's current price. I suspect the game is around 5 hours to fully complete which is not very long but the quality of gameplay, environment and interesting story more than make up for it. An immersive adventure that can be completed in a day.
78 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 00:18
At the time of this writing, I've played Maskmaker for 53 minutes, and this one is a winner. It's a fun, engaging puzzle game, with fun fantasy teleport-y weirdness and magic. I'm pretty sure I'm still on the first puzzle... though it's not super clear where each puzzle starts and ends.

Some notes:

The hand tracking on the valve index is off. Like, way off. The angles of my real human hand vs my in-game hand differ by like, 30 degrees, which is pretty significant. Would love to see that patched.

Pockets! Maybe I missed something somewhere, but for the potion puzzle one has to carry bits of flowers and leaves across a reasonable, but not extreme distance. A simple inventory system would be nice so the player doesn't have to hold them in their hands the whole time.

Individual Finger Tracking: Lots of games don't support Valve's finger tracking on the index, and that makes me sad. It's a simple thing, and there's no real gameplay value to it, but it really helps with the immersion. If this were patched in I would be THRILLED.

The disembodied voices: I love that they offer conflicting information... but sometimes they give puzzle hints that are a bit too obvious. I'd love to see some of those lines removed, or at least spoken less frequently.

All in all, a great game so far. I look forward to finding out what happens next!

05/01/2021 Edit:

They patched the hand tracking! It's wonderful- no longer way off from my real hands. That made the game so much better.

I finished Maskmaker today. It was excellent. The ending was... a bit confusing but whatever. Good puzzles, good game, good times. This is the kind of bizarre VR title I'd love to see more of. If you have a VR headset and you enjoy games like Myst, you will LOVE Maskmaker.
153 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 16:19
I'm about an hour in and really enjoying it so far. If you played Fisherman's Tale, this seems far less meta and a much slower burn but extremely well done nonetheless. I can imagine the ways these puzzles will become much more involved than the first hour shows. The workshop feels very good, the gameplay is smooth. My only complaint is that the turning should have the option to happen more quickly.

Can it feel grindy to have to pick up all the components? Sure. But if what you want is fast paced gaming, get Alyx. If you want a story-rich slow burn with fun mechanics, gradual reveals and beautiful environments then this is your game.
716 Produkte im Account
246 Reviews
324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 13:14
2 Minute Video Review → https://youtu.be/FSazKdYZFWc

In Maskmaker, you find yourself wandering into the beautiful store of a master craftsman of magical masks. And you’ll soon discover the workshop itself behind the storefront, and it’s there that you’ll learn how to create your own masks with all the tools in the shop.

But of course these are magical masks, and putting them on will transport you to many fantasy worlds. But in order to progress further in each world you need to create new masks, because each mask can only explore a certain area of each realm.

When you see a new mask that you need, take out your telescope to view the mask and then you’ll get a blueprint for how to create it in the shop. And very often you’ll need to search for new components to create these masks. This experience is all about searching and taking in the story that’s narrated for you.

The workshop itself is really fun to use, and so the masks are also enjoyable to create.
There are 3 large realms of masks and with a handy lever you can quickly store and load each of the 3 sets of masks. With that set open, you can also view a minimap to get a better sense of where to go, along with a tally of all the components to be found there.

Later on in the game you’ll face a lot of puzzles, and eventually you’ll need to switch between multiple mask people to change places and solve very large puzzles.

I honestly can’t think of a negative thing to say about this game. It’s so well put together and the VR interactions in the workshop are top notch. I found it incredibly immersive and I loved exploring all these magical realms. Once I started playing, I couldn’t put it down until I finished it, which took me about 5 hours. If you enjoy exploring new magical places, then I think you’ll have an amazing time.

For movement there’s both sliding and teleporting, with comfort options as well.
Logo for Maskmaker
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
93.48% 129 9
Release:20.04.2021 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: InnerspaceVR Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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