• Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.
  • Martha Is Dead: Screen zum Spiel Martha Is Dead.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 24.02.2022
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Preis Update 31.08.24

Über das Spiel

Martha Is Dead ist ein düsterer Psychothriller aus der Ich-Perspektive, der im Jahr 1944 in Italien spielt und die Grenzen zwischen Realität, Aberglauben und der Tragödie des Krieges verwischt.

Während sich der Konflikt zwischen den deutschen und alliierten Streitkräften verschärft, wird die geschändete Leiche einer ertrunkenen Frau gefunden … Martha.

Martha ist tot. Und ihre Zwillingsschwester Giulia, die junge Tochter eines deutschen Soldaten, muss allein mit dem akuten Trauma des Verlusts und den Folgen dieses Mordes fertig werden. Die Jagd nach der Wahrheit wird von mysteriöser Folklore und dem extremen Horror des Krieges, der immer näher rückt, überschattet.

  • Unverschämt authentische Sprachausgabe auf Italienisch. Das erste Indie-Spiel, das mit der italienischen Sprache als Standardeinstellung auf den Markt kommt – für eine vollständige Immersion in die Geschichte und die Charaktere.
  • Vom Schöpfer von The Town of Light
  • Der zweite Titel von LKA, dem preisgekrönten Entwickler von „The Town of Light“ und Spezialisten für realitätsnahe narrative Spiele, die den Fokus auf härtere Themen legen
  • Eine tiefgründige, dunkle und vielschichtige Erzählung
  • Martha Is Dead handelt von Verlust, Beziehungen und den psychologischen Schwierigkeiten einer dunklen Periode der Geschichte – erzählt durch die Augen einer jungen Frau, die nach der Wahrheit sucht, aber auch eigene Geheimnisse zu verbergen hat.
  • Erforsche eine detaillierte Nachbildung der italienischen Landschaft
  • Erkunde zu Fuß, mit dem Boot oder auf dem Fahrrad die atemberaubend realistische Landschaft der Toskana. Martha Is Dead ist realitätsgetreu. Das Setting und der historische Kontext sind von realen Fakten und Orten inspiriert, die in echter LKA-Manier originalgetreu rekonstruiert wurden.
  • Puppenspiele
  • Spiele mit zahlreichen Marionettensequenzen im Marionettentheater, um dich an verdrängte Erinnerungen zu erinnern.
  • Folklore vermischt mit Aberglaube
  • Schalte Symbole frei und benutze Tarotkarten, um neue Aspekte des Spiels zu enthüllen und den Geist der Lady zu beschwören.
  • Eine Kulisse des Krieges
  • Sammle Zeitungen, Telegramme und höre Radio, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, was während des Krieges in der Welt passiert.
  • Atemberaubende virtuelle Fotografie
  • Nimm aus reinem Vergnügen Fotos auf, aber auch um in der Geschichte voranzukommen und mehr über die Spielwelt zu erfahren. Ein Simulator führt dich durch die Fotografie der 1940er Jahre, wo du in einer voll funktionsfähigen In-Game-Dunkelkammer deine echten Fotos entwickeln kannst!
  • Authentische italienische Musik der Epoche
  • Tauche ein in einen stimmungsvollen und atmosphärischen Soundtrack der Unterwassermusik-Spezialisten von Between Music und ihrem Projekt Aquasonic sowie dem Komponisten von The Town of Light, Aseptic Void, und seinen stimmungsvollen und fesselnden Klängen. Erlebe einen Vintage-Stil mit neu interpretierten Versionen von Klassikern wie Schuberts Ave Maria und O Bella Ciao sowie mit eigenen Kompositionen, geschrieben und gesungen von Francesca Messina, auch bekannt als 90er-Disco-Star, Femina Ridens.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 or equivalent AMD
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 670 or AMD R9 270X
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64bit
  • HD: 30 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Game installed on SSD Recommended
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Italienisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i7 or equivalent AMD
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 1060 or AMD RX 5500
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64bit
  • HD: 30 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Game installed on SSD Recommended
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Italienisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1103 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 04:28
+ great game, lil much to read but ok :)

10160 Produkte im Account
412 Reviews
400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 05:11
Martha ist also tot. Aber was hat es mit ihrem mysteriösen Tod eigentlich auf sich? Viel mehr soll hier über die Story auch gar nicht gespoilert werden, denn das gilt es in diesem Psycho-Horror Walking Simulator selbst zu ergründen.

Genau wie das erste Spiel von LKA - Town of Light - richtet sich auch dieses vom Inhalt her mehr an ein erwachsenes Publikum mit ernsten Themen und man sollte schon ein bisschen was abkönnen. Es bietet sich auch an Town of Light vorher zu spielen, da die Story mit der dieses Spiels verknüpft ist.
157 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 11:59
Sehr lobenswert finde ich als erstes dass das komplette Spiel in Deutsch vertont ist und das gar nicht mal schlecht, was heutzutage wirklich nicht mehr alltäglich ist, leider. Das trägt sehr zur Atmosphäre bei, wenn man englisch nicht so flüssig beherrscht wie unser älteres Semester. Das Spiel ist nichts für Leute mit inneren Ängsten oder anderer psychischer Natur behaftet sind. Es wird auch explizit davor gewarnt das manche Gewaltdarstellungen verstörend wirken können.
Beim durchspielen musste ich aber leider auch feststellen, dass es hier und da einige Logikfehler gab wenn man einige Abschnitte noch nicht angegangen ist, sie aber schon als abgeschlossen behandelt wurden. Es kommt einen dann so vor, als das man irgend etwas verpasst hat. Regt natürlich auch die Wiederspielbarkeit an.
Wer also keine Probleme mit psychischen Horror hat und psychisch gut gefestigt ist, den kann ich das Spiel wirklich empfehlen. Man sollte sich aber Zeit nehmen und nicht einfach nur durch das Spiel rennen, denn dafür ist es nicht gemacht.
517 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 04:53
sad and catching
773 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 11:04
Gut gemachtes Spiel, eine gut erzählte, aber tiefgehende, emotionale Story. Stellenweise nicht unbedingt etwas für zarte Gemüter.
Installiert Euch aber die englische Version, die deutsche Synchronisierung ist nicht so doll gemacht, insbesondere Udo Kier als Vater hat mich hier enttäuscht.
Wer Horror und Scares erwartet, ist bei diesem Spiel aber falsch. Hier handelt es sich eher um einen guten Thriller der mit emotionalen Horror spielt.
Ansonsten aber sehr gut spielbar und gut gemacht.
Es hat mir viel Spaß gemacht, dieses Spiel zu spielen
79 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.22 02:46
so das Spiel habe ich nun durch.... Es ist eine sehr verworrene Geschichte, die sich aber immer mehr auflöst. Interessante und sehr ergreifende Geschichte, die einen sehr zum Nachdenken anregt und sehr viel Gänsehaut bereitet. Das Spiel sollte definitiv Gehör finden! Das Spiel enthält Szenen, die sind nichts für Schwache nerven! Sehr gut gemachtes Spiel! Daumen hoch für alle die mitgewirkt haben!
Ich würde gerne noch so viel mehr schreiben, aber dann würde ich euch zu viel verraten!
312 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 19:11
Martha is Dead überzeugte mich mit einer Mischung aus stimmiger Atmosphäre eines Vorortes der Toskana inmitten des zweiten Weltkrieges, und einem mysteriösen Mordfall an der Schwester von Protagonistin Guilia.

Das Spiel scheucht den Spieler dankenswerterweise nicht wie so viele andere Titel von einem Jumpscare zum nächsten, obwohl es oft genug dazu Gelegenheit hatte. Das war eine genauso willkommene wie unverhoffte Abwechslung. Vieles was während der Ermittlungen Guilias zu Unbehagen führt passiert hauptsächlich im Kopf. Martha is Dead präsentiert lediglich die Kulisse für Fantastereien.
Und diese haben es streckenweise in sich. Die Warnung, die zu Beginn des Spiels aufpoppt und zart besaitete Gemüter vorwarnt worum es hier geht, sollte von leicht zu triggernden Personen mit flatterndem Nervenkostüm ernst genommen werden.

Horrorelemente stehen hierbei etwas im Schatten des Thrillers einen Mord aufzuklären. Das macht es nicht weniger Spannend aber wer ein Feuerwerk an Schockern erwartet wird enttäuscht. Die klassische Gänsepelle tut es dann eben auch. Der Story um eine Familientragödie und den Gedanken Guilias wird hier klar die Bühne überlassen.

Martha is Dead ist kein schweres Spiel. Dennoch gab es Stellen an denen ich zumindest Probleme hatte. Die teils für die Story notwendigen Fotografien zu schießen und in der Dunkelkammer zu entwickeln brachte zig Informationen mit sich die mich anfangs erschlugen. Mit laufendem Fortschritt wurde dies besser aber sobald etwas nicht ganz so funktionierte wie ich es mir dachte hätte ich mir eine Spielhilfe gewünscht die mich mit einem Tipp auf den richtigen Weg führt. An anderer Stelle einen Morsecode zu entschlüsseln war bei Italienischer Sprachausgabe und deutschem Untertitel fast schon Game Over für mich. Dritte konnten mir hierbei dann scheinbar mühelos helfen. Da schienen sich mir die Gehirnwindungen zu verknoten :)

Absolut sehenswerte Highlights waren kleine Puppentheater, die die meisten bereits aus Trailern kennen und Teile der Geschichte Revue passieren lassen. Trotz der ohne Frage großartigen Idee und Umsetzung kam mir dieses Element zu oft vor und verlor damit etwas an Reiz.

Ich hatte viel Freude an dem Titel der sich nicht mit billigen Schockeffekten zufrieden gibt sondern eine Geschichte in unverbrauchtem Setting erzählt, der mit einigen plot twists für viele fragende Gesichter sorgt.
99 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 22:55
Visuals are nice, voice acting is great (played the Italian one), but I ultimately disliked the game. Initially, I liked the atmosphere and got genuinely scared/creeped out. But the gameplay is so lackluster, this game is basically a walking simulator with entirely too many unnecessary button presses.
Also, I don't understand why a game that's about mental illness and trauma was marketed as a horror game.
I got tired pretty quickly of the repetitive, seemingly neverending puppet theater scenes, unfortunately. The bike riding felt clunky too.
Overall, I enjoyed exploring the world and the very pretty tarot deck but I was glad when I finally reached the end of the game.
249 Produkte im Account
230 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 17:24

Martha is Dead is an indie walking simulator set at the end of World War II (1945), Italy, where you play as Julia (Giulia) whose identical twin, Martha, is mysteriously killed. The protagonist fakes as her sister and you will see her journey of finding out the truth behind the death. This game has some good ideas in terms of gameplay and an obscure yet unexpected story, however, falls short because of the execution and technology implementation, making it kind of a niche experience where you must endure lots of clunkiness before you can see a story that may or may not appeal to you.

For most walking simulators today, the story is moved forward by the change of space. The course of walking and the interactions in between are the gameplay, which makes this genre tend to have weak playability. I think the dev of this game saw this weakness, so instead of walking, they designed the gameplay around exploration. It is a very good idea and supposedly makes the game more interesting with higher playability. Unfortunately, the execution is not there.
  • The exploration is just not fun: most you do is to find items following in-game prompts – you won’t discover any secrets or amazing spots.
  • When a certain behavior doesn’t constantly have good feedback, people will just stop doing so - this game has no mechanic to reward exploration, so I find the experience kind of blank.

The assistive designs around exploration, such as map design and movement are very poor, further disincentivizing players to explore. It is a result of poor implementation of technology.
  • For the map, I can ignore the fact that there is basically no map design, but I can’t tolerate there are invisible walls everywhere – you can’t even walk across a bunch of grass or a small twig on the ground.
  • For movement, you can walk, ride a bike and a boat. Walking is very clunky, but it is the best of the three – biking is extremely wonky and far worse, with the camera height being strangely low like your eyes are on your belly. Because of the horrendous amount of invisible walls, the bike is basically useless as it gets stuck so often. Boat is the most insufferable. If you don’t follow the intended route, which is invisible, the boat will just lose all the momentum and flow around uncontrollably (also hit invisible walls a lot). It is particularly catastropic when parking.

The interactions are unnecessarily complicated. For example, to open the camera, you need to do almost everything you need in real life, all of which are followed by a set of interactions. Some of the interactions give a good opportunity for internal monologue to happen, but more of them are just filler contents – to make you do a series of button pressing for the sake of having more things to do.

There is one puzzle session in the entire game, which is to translate morse code. Daymare 1998 also has the same translation puzzle and I criticized it for the same reason – making a real-life implementation as a video game puzzle is just lazy, and morse code translation is just too complicated and uninteresting. I had to google a tutorial to translate the puzzle.

This game keeps reminding me of The Beast Inside, another walking simulator that uses similar exploration as gameplay design. That game has its own problems, but in terms of gameplay, it has genuinely good puzzles and some interesting map interconnectivity for exploration. By comparison or not, Martha is Dead is just a very underwhelming experience.

The storytelling, on the other hand, is much better than gameplay. Martha is Dead uses a non-continuous narrative method that jumps from scene to scene, similar to montage in movie. You might find it difficult to understand the story due to the jumping, but with this, the story is able to simplify unnecessary plots and more importantly, works really well in creating mystery and smoothing the transition.

Speaking of, I think the scriptwriting is pretty good. It is one of those stories that is unexpected but also perfectly makes sense, as the mystery is well set up and leaves small hints in different sessions if you are able to notice them. The story also leaves some ambiguity smartly, allowing players to have two different but interesting interpretations of the story.

I do think the good and bad of the story come in the same form, which is obscurity. Because of the scene jumping and using inner monologue as narrative (hence the very limited perspective in viewing the entire event), the story takes effort to understand. On top of that, the gameplay can greatly distract players from sorting out the information they gather. Therefore, I think only a certain group of people will appreciate the story.

As for the presentation, the game has good sound design that enhances the atmosphere very well, but the visual design is kind of a mixed bag. The interior design of the house is very detailed and believable as a house of the 1940s, but outside the house, the game doesn’t look so good. The environment seems to be designed with assets from Unreal Engine Marketplace, hence they come in low resolution, look particularly bad up close, and have no environmental effects (like the leaves don’t move with wind), yet the optimization is atrocious with lots of random frame drop (frame rate cut in half with RTX on but visual difference is minimal). Also, the FOV is kind of uncomfortable and needs lots of time to get used to (motion sick warning). I played the game in mid-March and there were many bugs (I had the game on Day One but a game-breaking bug prevented me from advancing until a patch came out). To their credit, the dev released patches that fix bugs and optimize the game quite frequently.

In conclusion, the story of Martha is Dead is not for the majority yet can attract people who enjoy psychological horror and obscure storytelling. But as a video game, the story is not enough to redeem the unexciting and disappointing gameplay. I really wish it is a movie instead of a video game.
122 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 22:59
Length <5hr

Martha is Dead is a strange game, on the box it seems like a horror game set in World War 2. I saw the trailers and thought, Wow this is going to be some occult horror of a monster in the lake. Nope! The game is completely Psychological Horror, with random and at times what feels like over the top horror scenes glued on. Do not come into the game with the expectation to be scared, the horror visuals are few and spaced out. The game is more about the player understanding what is actually going on, and the player will only realise this later into the game.

I would say the game is closer to The Remains of Edith Finch and The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, than a full horror game.

Most of Martha is Dead is a Simulation game, the player will be completing random actions in Giulia’s daily life. While later the player will support the war effort, this gameplay is mainly fetch quests or go to set locations.

The player will also have to complete some morse code puzzles, which was a fun experience. It took me a while to work out how to read the morse code map, as I attempted to read it from the bottom at first, till I learned it was a branching path from the top. The rest of the game is exploration or narrative plot, you are not going to find any real action in the game out of a few moments.

At times the player will also need to make use of their camera to take pictures asked of them, this is a little tedious as you need to find the perfect angle and use the correct lenses and focus. The player can also find items to take pictures of in the environment that will reveal more. Once the player has taken pictures they will need to develop them, which is done through a little mini game.

Now the visuals are amazing, especially the horror moments, they stand out and definitely worth the time to see them. They out match a lot of horror moments in games, and would be scenes I would expect to see in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Before Spoilers I just want to say Martha is Dead is a good game for people who just want to experience a game, it is closer to a walking simulator-esque game, go in expecting that and you will enjoy the game. I did not, I saw the game marketed as an over the top horror game, and thought that what I was buying with countless times being told of how dark horror is.. Sadly this was a tiny amount of my gameplay and I feel a lot of the horror moments are not really needed for the narrative and are only there to make visual stand out set pieces.

Below is the Potential Story of the Game. This will Ruin the Game if you Read.

You Have Been Warned.

Spoilers Start Here

Martha is Dead is solely reliant on its story and we perceive the story through Giulia, the only problem is, she is an unreliable narrator. This extends into the whole game, everything you see, everything you hear has a high chance of being her false reality, and as such the game is completely subjective to what the player thinks is real. I am not even sure if any aspect can be perceived as real.

So my best guess, Martha is dead, she has been dead since birth. Your mother had pains during pregnancy and only one child was born. I believe this is the case as Giulia says that her family is cursed with twins, and is seen in the fetus. (Your Mother also states you were alone at the lake, having a breakdown).This led her mother to have mental problems post birth where she abused Giulia, but also treated Giulia as two people declaring her as Martha and may be the origin of Martha as an identity, this can be seen in the puppets where each time punishment was dealt it was to solely one child. Your Mother also refers to this later during your confrontation. This caused Giulia to create Martha as a separate personality, one that cannot talk to her mother, and in doing so did not receive further abuse. It was Giulia who was blamed for problems and received the abuse instead. You were taken away from your mother when she was meant to be in a mental ward, you can hear that in the ending when the mother talks to the priest. It also explains why you were alone with Nanny, as there was no abuse removing the need for Giulia to rely on Martha to protect herself. This leads to the start of the game, where your mental state further deteriorates after your miscarriage and Giulia wants to become Martha to avoid the pain she is in. Also potential on meeting your mother again.
You could also perceive that your Mother preferred Martha as a personality because she could not answer back, meaning your Mother rewarded the Martha part of Giulia. While other characters only interact with Giulia, such as Nanny and your Father. This can also be reinforced when people can not identify the difference between Martha and Giulia because there is not one, it solely what personality is dominant, with no physical change.

Now if I was to take my theory as real, then so much of the game is probably just Giulia’s reality and never happened, to the scope of this who knows. It might be everything, she may have not done anything but walked around talking to herself. Core moments like being shot, the injury just disappearing, all newspapers she reads mentioning Martha, conversation you hear from soldiers or even the doctor. The phone call with Nanny, and any picture that you had taken. None may be real, this also renders all horror scenes as part of her delusion and not being real. There is even a chance that all actions you do for the war were not real, as did you even receive the first note from your lover as that also mentions Martha. I just don’t know.

This really comes to light in the endings, where you are effectively having to piece together your reality. What you submit at the end is Giulia’s reality.

Here are some more points for you, the White Lady (Ghost in the lake), a fairytale from your nanny that you do when you play with your puppets. Any scene she is in is probably a delusion. Why Martha had a bed and clothes, I have no clue. Why you are restricted from your old room, I am still not sure, really on this one I think I missed some context for all I know the roof was leaking.

You may enjoy the game, but to me, the game leaves a foul aftertaste where it feels like I am going to have to fully break down all moments, just to find out that nothing makes any sense because Giulia throughout the whole game can not perceive reality.

This has been so annoying. I have thought over the game repeatedly, I wrote this review on release and have redrafted it endlessly. The story of Martha is Dead, is confusing solely on the fact that you cannot build a grounded reality from anywhere because everything you perceive is potentially unreal.

Here’s the last thing, did your Mum and Dad die, did your Nanny die? You carry your Mum’s head under the bridge but was this reality? Your Dad is killed but his body is taken, and there is nothing left on the floor to prove he was even there. The moment plays off fast in the story and the only visible sign of it can be seen as the injury to Martha’s face. Your Nanny’s death is told through exposition, exposition that directly references Martha.

I would not recommend the game unless you want to just experience the game. Really experience the game for what it is. Now I have a headache and need to leave this game in the past, it’s been a long time writing this and now, I’m free. Still lots of cool moments, it’s worth buying for those.

If you want to have a look at the game here is the start of my playthrough:


For some good horror games check out my Curator Page:

1387 Produkte im Account
174 Reviews
396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 18:44
This game...phew.
The story is very brutal and painful. It was hard to watch some scenes, it's not a game for everyone.
Just be prepared for the confusion and some gore moments.
205 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 12:04
I really did a step out of my comfort zone with this game but it was nothing but worth it. The last week I was on vacation leave from work. I wanted to play a story game to have something to do my initial plan was to replay one of my favourite games in Witcher 3. While traveling through the world I intended to watch my favourite German Youtuber, Gronkh, again like in the good old days. When I stumbled over his playthrough of Martha is Dead I remembered hearing quite a lot about this little game. After 5 minutes of gameplay plus looking at the store page, I decided to play it myself.

Coming into the game I didn’t know what to expect. I hoped it to be atmospheric but not so scary that I would shit my pants (I am very easy to scare…) and holy hell it was atmospheric. The game came out in a time where we have a new war on the European continent so everything was to be handled with care, this in combination with the game talking about topics in a way a triple A production would never dare to was a supreme combination.

The trigger-warning at the beginning and in the middle of the game made the promise for this game to be graphic and so it was. However, this was nothing short of a brilliant way of supporting the story. In general, the game design was brilliant, between beautiful landscapes a scary but also awesome forest and the beautiful yet scary mansion and the morgue in a very sharp graphic the game also offered something more cartoonish which did still not break the dark atmosphere. They really found a perfect balance. I believe for everyone who usually plays horror games this will be nothing… but the game never wanted to be a horror game it wants you to feel unpleasant and this it achieved it for me in nearly all situations of the playthrough. This is also accomplished by the brilliant use of music, not good music in particular, though the game offers some good tracks via radios which are always turned on within the main area of the game those are nothing more than some background noises. I am referring to the music and sounds used when we get to the scarier parts of the game. For example, the use of only a very wrong and shrill played violine while doing something ethically not right did have me shivering. The sounds of the world in general are well done and good used. Well placed wild life noises could make you turn around one more time than you would like because you feel unpleasant.

Gameplay wise this game has more to offer than I would have thought going into this adventure. Generally speaking, I like those so called walking simulators but this game had some fresh takes I rarely saw within other games. If it is to develop photos with the description how it would have been done historical speaking or the use of a morse code. Taking photos never was something annoying to me. The game offers a docent of different lenses and other shenanigans to use which gives you a nearly unlimited amount of possibilities and simulates the art of taking pictures back in the 1940s quite well.

Story, wise I don’t want to say much, but the story is very winding and makes many turns. As the daughter of a top German General in 1944s Italy, close to the ever more progressing Allies we see the world through the eyes of someone who neither has much to do with the war nor understand it. However as always, we are forced to make decisions based on our hearts. However, this is not our most important task, because we try to solve the murder of our twin sister. We have to deal with beings whose existence we can't understand, and we have to process the new information we receive, while someone seems to be trying to kill us. Everything is under the question Martha or Giulia or is there another possibility?

This game did catapult itself into one of my all-time favourites almost immediately. LKA wrote a great story with well thought out characters, side quest, one of the best atmospheres I ever experienced, a great plot and good-looking game, which at the same time doesn’t lose out on the gameplay side of things. The formula to go for such open and no taboo approach, by LKA and Wired production, is brave to say the least, but it was worth a 100%.

The game wants you to think about your actions and sayings. Everything you say might have more effect on a person than you could imagine. It is very deep in telling you to watch more for your doings.

I want to close this review with what I take away from this piece of art of a game.
My learnings are to watch more on my behaviour and not put people into boxes and come to conclusions to fast. Not every one is in a healthy state of mind or feeling as good as I am. Some people have to deal with shit far greater than you could ever imagine. It is nothing short of unimaginable what the human brain can do to shield one from what it believes to be dangerous. This can come in an unthinkable amount of different signs and symptoms we might never be able to understand the full function and capacity of the human anatomy.
Thus, all I want to say is that “We are nothing but a puppet of our mind”

Thank you and if you need help, please reach out for it. You are never alone.

~sincerely SVPPweeB
52 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 22:37
photo simulator (you can ride your bicycle)
163 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 20:12
finally a good italian game
468 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 22:19
I was not able to play or stream any content on this as when you come to the outside area I was experience SO MUCH frame drops it was insane, I have a pretty good pc. And pulling every setting to low was like looking at a ps2 game, it entirely removed the immersion, I just couldnt do it.

I won't recommend this until the devs fix this, I HAD SUCH HIGH HOPES AND THE GAME STARTS SO WELL AND IT LOOKS SO FUN I WANT TO FINISH IT PLEASE FIX THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
113 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 19:20
I tried to love this game but uninstalled it 1/3 of the way in. It got to be a tedious walking simulator with no meaningful direction. Very little horror and the story was not so good IMHO.

Beautiful looking game though.

113 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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3893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 05:36
TL;DR - Beautiful but extremely boring and hardly a horror game.

The game looks amazing graphically. It has quite a few bugs that I'm sure will be patched in time. I won't detail all the bugs I found, but at points it made the game unplayable in its current state. Lighter wouldn't appear in my hand and I would have to turn the brightness up or else I couldn't navigate my way through the dark.

The gameplay itself is sooooo slow. Its extremely slow paced. It hardly constitutes as being a game. This may have been a better movie. I droned through all the way to the end, even though I would have rather turned it off way earlier. The story itself has a bunch of twists. In the end, I don't think I fully understand what even happened or what was real and what was imaginary. Maybe its supposed to be interpretive.

The photo shooting seemed like it could have been a great idea - perhaps even have become a simulator of some sort - but there was hardly any use at all for it.

Overall, I'm disappointed because I was expecting so much more and did not recieve even the slightest bit of it. 1% of this game is horror and the rest is very bright and jolly imo.
51 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 19:19
I'll be frank about the game. Do I recommend it? Surprisingly yes. But only to people who were fine with narrative games like Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding.
To me the game narrative was amazing and the gruesome interactive sequences did make me squeamish and uncomfortable. But the game also heavily advertised on horror and paranormal folklore as much as it did on the mystery narrative. To me that was a mistake and feels almost clickbait-y. I bought the game excited for the horror sequences after playing the demo but the horror and gruesome moments occurred very solemnly and spanned across hours of gameplay between one another. I took maybe 16 hours to complete the game and I think I could count all the gruesome scenes on one hand where maybe only 2 of those moments were actually interactive if I remember correctly. As a narrative and story driven game it's fantastic, as an exploration game the scenery and audio is mesmerizing. But the game falls flat for me on the horror.

I was expecting something like the game Layers of Fear, a game that will keep you on your toes with tension while being capable of finding a way to either release that suspense without cheap jump scares or a game capable of building off it. But anytime the game seemed like it would pick up horror wise, it'd soon find myself back to walking around and photographing/locating things that would help continue the murder solving narrative. This honestly made the game come off as boring at times. There wasn't enough interactive gruesome bits and the white lady of the lake while frequently mentioned is barely interacted with.

10/10 narrative plot
10/10 sceneric/audio visuals
7/10 on the horror. And this is me being modest because of how well the few scenes that were scary were delivered. There are better horror games for cheaper, and at this price I seriously only recommend this game if you're interested in a narrative, almost cinematic experience because that is the only thing this game manages to deliver amazingly on
287 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 17:13
this game is so good i wish italians were real
955 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 03:58
Amazing, well made and very, very dark game!
Logo for Martha Is Dead
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
79.95% 602 151
Release:24.02.2022 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: LKA.it Vertrieb: Wired Productions Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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