• Maquette: Screen zum Spiel Maquette.
  • Maquette: Screen zum Spiel Maquette.
  • Maquette: Screen zum Spiel Maquette.
  • Maquette: Screen zum Spiel Maquette.
  • Maquette: Screen zum Spiel Maquette.
  • Maquette: Screen zum Spiel Maquette.
  • Maquette: Screen zum Spiel Maquette.
  • Maquette: Screen zum Spiel Maquette.
  • Maquette: Screen zum Spiel Maquette.
  • Maquette: Screen zum Spiel Maquette.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 02.03.2021
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Preis Update 07.07.24

Über das Spiel

MAQUETTE ist ein rekursives Puzzlespiel aus der Ich-Perspektive, das dich in eine Welt entführt, in der jedes Gebäude, jede Pflanze und jeder Gegenstand gleichzeitig winzig klein und unglaublich groß sind. MAQUETTE macht es möglich, indem es die Welt rekursiv in sich selbst auf eine MC Escher-ische Art und Weise verdreht.

Begibst du dich zum Mittelpunkt der Welt, wirst du dich wie ein Riese fühlen, der über Gebäude und Mauern hinausragt. Wagst du dich aber weiter hinaus, beginnst du, dich klein zu fühlen, da die Dinge immer größer werden – bis zu dem Punkt, an dem sich Risse im Boden zu Abgründen auftun.

In Maquette erkundest du das Ausmaß der alltäglichen Probleme in einer modernen Liebesgeschichte, in der die kleinsten Probleme manchmal zu unüberwindlichen Hindernissen werden können.


  • CPU: Intel Core i5-650 | AMD Phenom II X4 965
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 470, 1GB | AMD Radeon HD 6970, 2GB
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 (64 Bit)
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 | AMD FX-8350
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060, 3GB | AMD Radeon RX 570, 4GB
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

174 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 07:52
Immernoch zu verbuggt, ich war keine 10min im Spiel als ich das erste mal steckengeblieben bin und neu laden musste.
Das Konzept des Spiels ist eigentlich sehr gut, ich hoffe das es bald spielbar ist ^^
244 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 13:15
Refreshing puzzle game! Most puzzles are great, some are meh. Given the nature of the game mechanic the puzzles are really uniue and most of the time give me a good feeling when solving them. Partly just because the idea behind the puzzle is great.
The narrative that was put on top of the game felt out of place and didn't do it for me and I always just waited for the scenes to be over. It can be ignored completely though (but not skipped).
588 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 23:36
Schönes Puzzle-Spiel, das hübsch eingebettet ist in die Geschichte einer Beziehung. Paar knifflige Rätsel sind dabei, insgesamt aber eher leicht. Toller Soundtrack.
242 Produkte im Account
108 Reviews
211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 22:02

„Um die Ecke denken“ mal anders

Maquette ist in erster Linie ein First-Person-Puzzle-Spiel, welches als Rahmenhandlung die Liebesgeschichte zwischen Kenzie und Michael erzählt. Nach der Einführung befinden wir uns in einem „Raum“, in dessen Mitte wir unseren „Raum“ nochmals als Miniatur sehen und in dessen Miniatur kann man wiederum eine Miniatur der Miniatur erkennen, etc. ... Genau das gleiche ist darüber hinaus auch genau umgekehrt zu sehen ... sprich wenn wir aus unserem „Raum“ heraus sehen, sehen wir eine XL-Variante davon und dieser wiederum zeigt abermals eine XL-Variante, etc. ... Und in all dem stehen wir.

Das besondere ist nun, dass wenn wir einen Gegenstand in einer der Welten bewegen, dieser auch automatisch in den übrigen Welten bewegt wird - in der ursprünglichen Original-Ausgangsgröße. Haben wir also einen handlichen Schlüssel in der Hand, dann ist dieser in der Miniatur natürlich riesig und entsprechend fällt dann auch in unserer Welt ein Schlüssel vom Himmel, so groß wie ein LKW. Das mag zunächst kompliziert klingen, aber man findet sich recht zügig in die Grundlagen ein. Anschließend gilt es dann, diese immer wieder neu zu verbiegen, um diverse Rätsel zu lösen. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad zieht dabei angenehm an.

Bisher habe ich die ersten beiden Kapitel abgeschlossen und musste im zweiten bereits einiges mehr an Hirnschmalz aufwenden, wohingegen das erste noch locker von der Hand ging. Rätselfreunde kommen hier definitiv auf ihre Kosten.


Üblicherweise spreche ich zunächst die Grafik an, jedoch heute möchte ich einfach den genialen Soundtrack hervorheben. Bereits in den ersten Minuten gibt es wunderbare Musik auf die Ohren und dies wiederholt sich mit immer neuen Tracks während des Spielverlaufs. Ich möchte bitte den Soundtrack haben. :D

Darüber hinaus ist auch die Grafik sehr farbenfroh gehalten und kommt in einer Cell-Shading-artigen Optik daher. Dies erlaubt wunderschöne Kulissen, welche zwar nicht übermäßig stark detailliert sind aber auch nicht langweilen.

Auch sehr gut hat mir die Sprachausgabe der zwei Hauptfiguren gefallen – sehr professionell und natürlich. Wenn ich mich nicht täusche, habe ich irgendwo gelesen, dass die beiden Sprecher tatsächlich ein Paar im echten Leben sind und das merkt man auch, wenn man ihnen zuhört. Wirklich toll.


Spieler, die von Titeln wie „Superliminal“ begeistert waren, aber auch alle sonstigen Rätselfreunde, denen mal wieder der Kopf qualmen soll, finde hier sicher eine Menge Spaß und Training für die eigenen Gehirnwindungen und obendrauf noch eine wunderschön erzählte Liebesgeschichte. Definitiv eine Empfehlung von mir.


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89 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 16:52
It's been a year and still can't play with the controller even if it shows controller is supported. Relatively unplayable
343 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 14:45
Thanks BAFTA for you noticed such a great games like this one! Masterpiece.
940 Produkte im Account
317 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 14:30
Imagine if Portal had a cutscene ever 30 seconds and made you listen to the Romance of Cave Johnson and Glados. There is very little gameplay in this game and even less puzzles. Make small things big to walk over gaps and make big things small to unlock doors. That's the game.

I didn't like Superliminal very much already but compared to this game it was a marvelous experience far and above what this has to offer.
887 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 09:15
Very few simple puzzles, mechanic is interesting. But game seems bit unfinished, visual bugs and clunky controls. It is also very easy to get stuck and break the game. It is also more of walking simulator than mystery or puzzle game. Game is also pretty easy and does not offer any challenge.
170 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 06:31
Okish puzzle game but the narrative kinda fell off towards the end. Can find better puzzle or story games IMO, still a decent pickup if on sale.
440 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 20:49
A fantastic and beautiful puzzle game, with a unique recursive mechanic that feels like a fresh new challenge, just like the best puzzle games have. In order to solve any puzzle, you'll need to think outside the box in terms of scale and well, recursion. It also has a gorgeous mind-bending setting that fits the gameplay perfectly. And, it's all tied by a touching and relatable story about a relationship.

Don't miss out on this one, it's one of the most unique puzzlers you'll find on Steam.
218 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 19:07
This was a unique game. I went into it thinking it was like superliminal due to the trailer, but it is honestly its own thing.
While solving puzzles you are hearing snippets of a relationship between two individuals, and it tells their story while you play the game.
I personally enjoyed the puzzles far more than their story, but you may like it more for the latter.
Nice for what it was, don't regret my time spent.
595 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 20:41
A short puzzle game with puzzles based around interacting with the same objects at different scales. Padded with a sequence of tedious but skippable spoken dialogs about a failed relationship.

A few of the puzzles are unintuitive and/or involve a lot of walking long distances, and the last level crashes if you interact with the main object the wrong way (the object is recursive, and you have to be careful to select the outermost object; the game crashes it you accidentally select the inner one).

It has a lot of promise, but the execution is underwhelming and timid. Toward the end I found myself just pushing through it as fast as I could and relying on FAQs for the more unintuitive puzzle solutions because I wasn't enjoying it anymore and just wanted to be done with it.
110 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 01:39
Maquette didn't lose me right away. I was drawn in by the promise of an interesting story, really good music, and puzzle mechanics with lots of potential. The first thing that took me out of it was how poorly the game runs. My computer can run much more graphically high-end games than this, but Maquette had a choppy framerate and multiple crash bugs for me, and the game stutters when it transitions to cutscene. As I played through the rest of the game, the rest of the promising elements lost their luster. The music only lasts for a couple of minutes on every level before being replaced by ambience. The story is relatable, but relatability doesn't immediately make a story interesting, and the story of Maquette is not interesting at all.
1770 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 19:58
Beautiful game well worth the money and play through
248 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
23 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 22:27
Whatever I can say has already been said, this game seems so wildly underdeveloped and definitely not what I was expecting (much more of a walking simulator). I'd love to see the core mechanics actually explored more in another game though.
24 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 22:05
This is such a peaceful game Even the first view you come into is amazing. This are done with so much details and perfection. the texture the colors the writing the music all go together and it is a delight to have encountered this gem of a game. It is a pure pleasure to play thing game. Thank you so much for sharing your perception . 100% Top pick for me
96 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 04:18
Maquette is a beautifully executedpuzzle game with a unique core mechanic and a surprisingly moving story. Relatively short, but absolutely sweet. Definitely a good game for a rainy day.
202 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 19:48
I was going to choose thumbs down and mention some of the good things and bad but I decided for thumbs up and you already read the positives. This was an OK game, but it could be really good, not great, if they fixed the controls. Half the time you feel like you are fighting with the controls. The puzzles; instead of feeling like you are figuring out the puzzle and trying to find a way to solve it, you wrack your brain for hours and then give up only to find out that the solution is a trick. The game leads you to the clues on how to solve the puzzle and then you find out that the solution is in a completely different direction. Half of the puzzles just felt like dirty rotten tricks. I still had some fun. It was fun feeling like a giant and also feeling like a Lilliputian. So in spite of all of the problems, I still say get it on sale and have some fun, maybe. Oh for some reason in the last area of the game, it froze and closed by itself every time I clicked on the small model of the red dome.
63 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 14:17
I was really disappointed with this game having expected an experience in a similar vein to Superliminal. The puzzles do not feel mentally challenging at all. Instead it's more a case of walking around and trying to interact with everything, anything, only to find that one object is the only thing used through the majority of the level. There were also cheap tricks such as mechanics which only work once and then the rules seem to change without warning. In addition, you end up doing most of this in silence since once the song to enter the new section ends, no background sound/music is added thereafter. Lastly I found what I heard of the story cliche and the voice actors performances were not good enough to carry a sup par script with the female actresses interpretation being particularly irritating.
229 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 18:40
What starts as a pretty story and clever game concept descends into a messy conclusion. I'm on the very last puzzle and the game keeps crashing, and at this point, I don't really care about how it ends. I'm a big fan of AnnaPurna Interactive. Their ability to tell stories and create fascinating and memorable places consistently sets them apart from other publishers. However, Maquette's exploration into recursive puzzles becomes more frustrating and broken as the game continues.
675 Produkte im Account
323 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 22:20
There were a lot of things I did not like in the first chapters of the game - there was a lot of guessing about what to do and where to go which I think needed a bit more consideration. Later, when I figured out how the maquette works that was not an issue. I enjoyed the puzzles but I would like if there was more of them.

I did not care for the story, it was uninteresting. Voice acting was good but the script was a bit generic. I get the relation of the environment to the story but it was all on the nose. The music choice was unusual for a video game but much like other things in this game. The last level - the exchange - was probably the best but it also crashed a bunch in that one.

If you were let down by Superliminal or Manifold Garden like I was, this is how it should've been done.
237 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
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531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 05:59
I REALLY wanted to like this game: its core mechanic is brilliant and well-executed, and the puzzles are generally challenging without being frustrating (with the exception of [spoiler]the key puzzle in The Spiral[/spoiler]), and the graphics are gorgeous. There are some frustrating crash-to-desktop bugs, though, and some weird POV-locking and stuttering that occurs when manipulating in-game objects.

Unfortunately, I hated the music. The first song was fun, the second one was awful, and then the third one was so jarringly loud I turned the volume all the way down and didn't turn it back up again until the next cut-scene. And since I'm the kind of person who collects video game soundtracks, this is a major, major turn-off for me.

But the worst is the storyline threading the whole thing together. [spoiler]I hated both characters and their relationship just felt stilted and forced, and the inevitable break-up was incredibly ham-handed. I'm glad they didn't get back together by the end. Good riddance.[/spoiler]

So... yeah. This same mechanic employed in a game with a less obnoxious soundtrack and a less hackneyed, overwrought plot? Yes, please.

DO buy this game if you like challenging, mind-bending puzzles, never get tired of Hallmark movies no matter how awful the scripting is, and enjoy the audio aesthetic of Sara Bareilles.

DON'T buy this game if you can't stand warble-sprite-hipster-coffee-bar music or if you prefer plotlines that aren't lazy clichés.
140 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 01:48
Love/hate relationship with this game. The puzzles are actually pretty good unlike some of the comments.

9/10 would transverse for sappy crappy love story again

119 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 21:12
Story is fine, puzzles are either too easy or so picky its infuriating, the key phases through the floor toward the end. This frustration from the game just not doing what it should is more than any enjoyment I got out of the game.
631 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 07:18
Maquette is a 4 hour experience, not really worth 16 bux, but it's a playstation port I think, they're used to different things.
It's interesting, but also terribly optimised in both performance and gameplay queues.
There are just so many moments where you're not sure if what you did did something or if a certain area lost its importance or if you still have to do something there. It's really not clear a lot of the time.
And I think the game has a ton of mesh colliders running all the time which can really hurt your frames.

There's a lot of walking in this game, it does feel like a walking simulator with some gameplay thrown in most of the time.
I like the recursion mechanic tho, I just wish they did more interesting things with it.

There's a moment when you can pick up the Maquette from inside the Maquette. I managed to insta crash my game with that twice. Do not recommend xD
714 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 20:36
Four full hours of holding W with around four moments that might require you stop pressing W for long enough to see how the dog fits in the dog-shaped-hole. The core mechanics is so criminally unexplored that I felt genuine sadness to see it so underutilized, emotions stronger than anything the bland story ever hopes to invoke at you. The controls feel like wrestling a bag full of wild badgers and fact that the shift button slows you down instead of speeding you up might as well have been a practical joke.

The music is good, the game looks pretty most of the time and the core gameplay concept is something that I really hope gets explored in the future but as it stands now, I cannot recommend this game
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 05:09
Ow, my feelings :(
454 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 18:20
I wish I could recomment it, but no. Puzzles are boring and convoluted. Story is extremely lame. On hte upside, music as good and voice acting is enjoyable. And oh, Michael is kind of an ass, isn't he?
156 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 21:30
good vibes pretty things great music need big brain.

happy sad kinda game.
115 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 23:21
Maquette is a beautiful game with a few really good (and hard) puzzles, but it's little more than that. Only rarely does it flesh out its core mechanics to the max, allowing/requiring you to travel across more than one level of its fractal, recursive world. Most of the time you're dealing with only two levels, making items smaller or bigger to suit your needs (like in Superluminal).

Maquette does shine, though, on a handful of puzzles which require a lot of spatial awareness and lateral thinking. It has charming visuals and an amazing soundtrack. Really, the songs are the best feature of this game. The length is also good, and the game doesn't overstay its welcome.

The story is a bit lackluster, and doesn't add a lot to the enjoyment of the game. But what really tips the scale towards not recommending it is the glitches and bugs. This game could really use a few months of play-testing before being released. As of April/2021, and after some patches, it's still easy to get stuck clipping through objects. It does not encourage exploration also: I found a way to go one level higher, without exploiting any glitches, by using a staircase in Wedge. I thought there would be something there, or at least an achievement, but instead you're awarded with falling through the map forever. :(

All in all, Maquette is still a decent game, and I had fun playing it. At a 40% or higher discount, I'd recommend going for it. But at full price, there are many better options out there.
198 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 16:42
I would cautiously recommend this game to lovers of puzzles out of interest if nothing else. The central mechanic is genuinely clever and the best of the puzzles are satisfying and fun, unfortunately others... could have stood a little more play-testing. Also certain puzzle ideas could have been expanded on to make the game both longer and better.

On the negative side the controls are janktastic, not so much an issue with the majority of puzzles because they mostly rely on figuring out the trick and are then pretty generous with how accurate your actions have to be but definitely a problem when the solution is suddenly platforming or that one time there's a time limit.

And finally there's the story, it's well told and well voice acted and basically the most polished part of the game, but.... it's the wrong story for this game, or perhaps this is the wrong game for that story or both. This game needed a story about worlds within worlds or repeating patterns or scale or something, that story needed game-play that tied into the repeating motif of a shared sketchbook.

In conclusion, interesting game, but far from perfect.
607 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 15:55
I loved the game. From the visuals to the music (Love the choice of songs from you guys at Graceful Decay, it plants the game firmly in a time, location and atmosphere. So many artists that I never heard of before as well!) to the gameplay, to the story. I was gripped the entire way through. I wish there were more of these types of smaller, intimate games that want to tell a story. Great game guys!
306 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 16:44
This game had some fantastic potential, but I started running into too many slowdowns at the end and it made puzzles far less fun. It's a beautiful game otherwise!
274 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 08:24
TL;DR: Maquette has wonderful world design and neat puzzles, but the story falls flat and the sparse content may not live up to the price point. If you like puzzle games and walking simulators, you’ll probably have a good time! If you’re looking for anything other than those exact two things, you’re unlikely to find good value in this.

Maquette is a puzzle/walking game that attempts to take the player on a physical journey through the emotional lifespan of a shattered relationship. You are guided by the words of the man remembering it, Michael, and solve puzzles to make your way through worlds that he and his partner, Kenzie, once imagined together.

These worlds are easily the best aspect of Maquette. They’re colorful, imaginative, varied and cinematic, and even though it requires a great deal of walking back and forth through them, I rarely tired of the many unique vistas on offer.

In these levels the world is recursive, meaning that there is a smaller copy of the world inside the one you’re in, as well as a larger one outside of it. They do some neat things with this concept, and the puzzles, though somewhat sparse, do have cool moments. There is a notable lack of guidance which can be frustrating, but I didn’t run across anything I couldn’t puzzle out within a few minutes of experimenting.

I ran into a few bugs, mostly harmless visual issues, but there were some terrain clipping issues, and a puzzle in the second to last level that was very glitchy when placing objects. Remember that you can press and hold F to teleport back to the center of the level! The game would also stutter for a few frames whenever I triggered a story event, and my computer is no slouch (i7-8700K, RX 5700XT, 32GB RAM) so it seems to still need some optimizations.

I am an avid puzzle fan, and no stranger to walking-simulator type games, but I will say I felt a bit lukewarm on this one. First off, it is short. It took me 4 hours to complete the story, and I took my time. Somehow though, it still felt empty. The puzzles and story bits often act more as breadcrumbs leading you on long walks through levels than as the real meat of the game.

Maquette starts out story-heavy and puzzle-light at the start and slowly shifts that balance the other direction as you progress. Some earlier puzzles can be simple to the point of tedious, but there were satisfying challenges in later sections. Nothing on par with a Portal or a Talos Principle, but a solid showing, nonetheless.

The story on the other hand, is the same level of lukewarm the entire way through. The voice acting is great, but the writing is trite and predictable, and by the end I was largely indifferent to the narrator’s emotional journey. Turns out that immaturity and poor communication skills destroy relationships. Who knew?

The real tragedy of this story is in how this stale narrative causes the game to sabotage itself. The conceit is that the world reflects the events and emotional arcs of the story, but these environments end up telling a far more compelling tale than the story they are meant to reflect. The breathtaking worlds of infinite scale are undermined by the banal writing, and the story’s blandness is in turn dwarfed by the emotion of the world built to convey it.

I did enjoy my time with Maquette! I think it has fantastic visual design and innovative puzzle concepts that keep the game afloat despite the dead weight of the narrative. If it sounds up your alley, wait for a sale and give it a shot! Either way, thanks for reading!
150 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 23:36
I am so deeply disappointed in this game. Absolutely gorgeous art direction with buggy, jerky controls, extremely simple puzzles (except when you miss a hint or the mechanics aren't functioning correctly), an under-utilized recursion mechanic blended with an extremely bland relationship story that's overly drawn out with long, simply-animated cutscenes with voiceover. Feels like the game is 15% basic puzzles and 85% generic relationship story. I've been following this game for almost a year now and it's such a letdown.
1456 Produkte im Account
112 Reviews
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 15:49
It's alright, you'd expect explorations of fractal space from the trailer, and there's a tiny bit of that at the end of the game, but most of the game is a walking sim. The story sucks, there's very few puzzles and most of them are trivial, akin to a hidden object game where you have to click on the right thing.

The idea is interesting and the last three puzzles in the game are cool, so a weak thumbs up I guess.
154 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 04:10
OK, let me start off by saying that I was really looking forward to this game, and I wanted it to be good, I really did. The premise is wonderful: a 3D puzzle game based on recursive geometry and scale manipulation. The trailer made it look like a game that I would be in love with. Annapurna Interactive has an unbelievably good track record in choosing the games that they publish, so when I see their logo next to a title, it is almost like a seal of quality for me.

But Maquette... is not a good puzzle game, unfortunately. Nor is it a good story game. The camera and the controls are slightly jittery, which gave me a constant feeling of not quite being in full control most of the time, and that is pretty unpleasant. The puzzle design had a lot of potential, as this is a pretty brilliant foundation for a puzzle game, but it falls way short in terms of setting its expectations, and communicating the language of its world to the player. It jumps from idea to idea with very little in the way of connective tissue. Instead of building upon the puzzle language to create more and more intricate puzzles to solve that relate to the player's intuition in a fun way, it just discards ideas as soon as each puzzle is solved, and starts from scratch each time.
Because of this, I rarely felt like I knew if I was doing what the game expected me to do, or if I was finding cheese left and right, breaking the fragile physics of this recursive world. In this way, solving the puzzles wasn't very satisfying, because I never really knew if I was actually solving them or not.
I went into the game expecting a puzzle wonderland, akin to Superliminal, Manifold Garden, Portal, or The Witness and maybe that expectation ruined me, because it simply did not match up to my hopes as a puzzle game.
I will say, however, that the final level is transcendent, and I kind of wish that the whole game was based on that final level, instead of whatever else was going on here.

There is an ongoing story being narrated as you make your way through the puzzles, and in my opinion, the voice actors (who I later learned are husband and wife, which is adorable) are quite excellent, and they kept me engaged, despite the story being perhaps the most generic, bland relationship story I have ever experienced. The story was connected to the puzzles by only the loosest of threads, so it didn't even need to be in the game, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm sorry that this is such a negative review. I really had high hopes for Maquette, and I feel kind of deflated now that I've played it.
My recommendation, if you are interested in Maquette, but haven't yet played Superliminal or Manifold Garden, is to play those first. I promise you will enjoy both of those in the way that you are hoping to enjoy Maquette. If you've played those games already and are looking for more perspective-bending puzzle games, I'd say give Maquette a try, but temper your expectations, please.
326 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 20:32
A beautiful game with mind melting puzzles, for fans of Superliminal and Florence
126 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 20:19
This game is absolutely beautiful, challenging to a comfortable degree and very elegant with its story and atmosphere with a top notch selection of music. But I find it to be a bit short. I completed it within 2.6 hours while also taking my time (bathroom breaks etc).
Would I recommend this game? Absolutely although id suggest getting it once its on a considerable sale. Otherwise its a beautiful game id love to see have future installments with a lot more gameplay time.
237 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 20:00
Game is decent so far but the 60 FPS cap and forced motion blur make this a headache to play.
54 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 19:57
A cute and loveable little puzzle game with gorgeous visuals, a stunning aesthetic and exquisite music. Would highly recommend for a nice chill time
297 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 19:09
this game is so fucking sweet and lovely so far jesus christ will edit when i finish the game
601 Produkte im Account
131 Reviews
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 16:57
A beautiful and charming puzzle game published by Annapurna Interactive what's not to love here especially when it's cheap and looking at the screenshots and videos you can tell that it's an amazingly crafter world!
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
66.42% 180 91
Release:02.03.2021 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Graceful Decay Vertrieb: Annapurna Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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