• Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.
  • Map Of Materials: Screen zum Spiel Map Of Materials.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 11.03.2022
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Preis Update 16.04.24

Über das Spiel

Als Held in Map of Materials machst du dich alleine auf die Reise um deine
Vergangenheit zu entdecken und um vor dem dunklen Geheimnis eines längst verlassenen Landes zu entkommen.
Mit Schwert und Bogen bewaffnet stellst du dich einem bedrohlichen Schatten, der versucht dich dabei aufzuhalten.

Map of Materials ist ein kurzes RPG der alten Schule mit ein paar Survival und Crafting Elementen. Das Spiel hat eine einfache, offene Geschichte. Es ist mein erstes Spiel und ich habe es in meiner Freizeit entwickelt. Ich wünsche euch damit viel Spaß!

Explore - Entdecke eine offene Welt aus der aus der Third Person View.
Spielwelt - Höhlen, Ruinen, Gräber, verschiedene Biome
Survive - Um zu überleben, müssen Sie Ihr Essen rationieren
Combat - Mit Schwert und Bogen stellst du dich gefährlichen Kreaturen.
Improve - Im Laufe des Spiels kannst du deine Waffen und Rüstung verbessern.
Craft - Erstell dir Gegenstände um das Überleben zu erleichtern.
Loot - Finde versteckte Gegenstände, welche deine Fähigkeiten verbessern.
Quests - Diese begleiten dich im Spiel, während du eine wunderschöne Welt erkundest.
Musik - Wunderschöne Soundtracks begleiten dich auf deiner gefährlichen Reise.


  • CPU: 3 Ghz Quad Core CPU
  • GFX: AMD Radeon RX 470 / Geforce GTX 780
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

149 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.22 00:46
Nettes kleines Spiel für Liebhaber von guten alten Rpg`s.
Leider mit nur 6 Stunden sehr kurz und mit 12,49 € etwas zu teuer.
118 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 11:26
super geiles spiel, läuft alles flüssig, keine bugs aber leider zu kurz, hätte gerne noch ein par mehr stunden rumgegammelt.. :D bin gespannt ob es irgendwann ne fortsetzung geben wird, wäre aufjedenfall sofort dabei.
71 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 14:20
Ich hab Map of Materials für 1 1/2 Stunden angespielt und hatte viel Spaß. Das Spiel erinnert wirklich an Rollenspiele aus alten Tagen und die Atmosphäre und gerade die Musik finde ich sehr gelungen. Die Welt ist interessant aufgebaut und läd wirklich zum Erkunden ein. Und dabei habe ich bisher nur einen kleinen Teil der Spielwelt gesehen. Es gibt verschiedene Gegnertypen, die unterschiedlich und interessant gestaltet sind und das Survial-System des Spiels ist nicht zu aufdringlich. Das Crafting-System hat mir auch gefallen. Man kann seine Ausrüstung und Waffen mit Materialen der Spielwelt aufwerten und verbessern. Die Optik der Ausrüstung ändert sich dann auch. Das, was ich gesehen habe, war auch hübsch gestaltet. Hier wurde eine gute Basis für ein solides Rollenspiel geschaffen. Ich denke, wenn man weiter daran arbeitet, die einzelnen Features verbessert und gerade das Kampfsystem noch ausbaut, könnte dieser Titel vielen Leuten gefallen. Bisher kann man beim Kampfsystem nur Blocken und Angreifen. Combo-Attacken, starke Angriffe oder eventuell auch Ausweichschritte, wären eine gute Ergänzung, denke ich. Außerdem sollte man sich Gedanken über das Trefferfeedback machen. Die Bildschaukler, die kommen, wenn man Schaden nimmt, haben mich persönlich etwas gestört. Alles in allem gefällt mir das, was ich gesehen habe sehr und ich hoffe, dass weiter an dem Spiel gearbeitet wird. Und gerade wenn man bedenkt, dass eine Person dieses Projekt in knapp 2 Jahren ganz alleine aufgezogen hat, ist das schon beachtlich!
258 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 17:16
Das Spiel ist kurzweilig und macht auch nach mehrmaligen Durchspielen noch Spaß.
Hier wurde viel Liebe zum Detail reingesteckt.
Klare Spielempfehlung von mir.
19 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 16:31
Ein tolles Spiel, welches mit viel Liebe zum Detail entwickelt wurde.
Es spielt sich kurzweilig und macht sehr viel Spaß.
Unbedingt ausprobieren! ;)
45 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 08:57
This game is for players who enjoy some old school rpg classics where you gather some stuff and upgrade your little sword and armor while hunting for some monsters and exploring a world with different puzzles. You have to keep in mind that it's made by a solo dev and that there are no NPCs. You have different monsters, some you can beat some you can't. You have to find other ways around. I had plenty of fun playing this little game, but no big expections upfront. Didn't like the ice area so much but otherwise it was very interesting to explore and kept me entertained. The survival elements are balanced fairly. In the end game you feel rewarded when collecting everything and exploring :)
761 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 20:44
After playing about 2.5 hours there's still a lot of game to explore and at first I wasn't too enamored with what I was playing, but it definitely grew on me after a certain point. So after landing on a beach you have to survive and do survival things like chopping trees for wood, collecting plants, killing animals for food, mining for ore, and getting better equipment with what you've gathered to make yourself stronger. In the process you level up choosing to go strength, agility or a bit of both. I just went with full on strength with an eventual sword you receive, because the enemies tend to make a beeline toward you, and while I like the bow, the game kinda made me feel like I had to get up close and personal most of the time.

Initially the game felt a bit tough because I felt so weak trying to fight off a crab, my first enemy and the subsequent boar afterward. I didn't even know where I was supposed to get a weapon as I was picking up coconuts. Eventually I found a chest next to a rock and it gave me a starter pack of goods including an axe, bow, potions and some materials. I wish the chest was a bit easier to see because I was running around for a few minutes and I couldn't tell if it was a broken box or just debris. It also happens with smaller objects in the world like arrows. Overall it's relatively easy to see phials, potions, notes and ore veins, but I still feel like I could miss something that I might need, so I tend to scour the area at least three times.

Once I reached the hut, past the beach through the forest, it was a relief to see shelter, but it was short-lived because the hut was locked and I needed a key to enter. Thankfully there was a note left by the owner and I was given directions on where I could find said owner. Now this is where the game feels old school as the note says to continue left from the hut to the gorge. There aren't any markers so I had to explore and make my own way. So I took a left, but not to the left I needed to go. I went through a snowy area and ran past two rock golems. The snow area is probably a high level area so I decided to run back only to get one shot by one of the golems three times. From here I reloaded a past save. Eventually I got to the gorge, the owner was dead and I found a plan to build a catapult. That's right, the dead person, when they were alive, in order to escape, wanted to build a catapult to fling themselves over the gorge into the water on the other side. So now that becomes our plan for escape. But of course in order to build it, I have to explore the land, and find the materials.

I like how the maps are big, but not too big so that I can remember the layout of each area and the landmarks that populate them. I remember coming upon these ruins in an area where orange and yellow leaves litter the ground, then crossing a somewhat broken bridge, where goblins were on the other side. I had my sword at the ready, swinging and doing damage, but realized they were kicking my butt. I chugged a few health potions and got through it. Killed a few more after dying once and found a ruined house where I found some armor. It's around this point where I felt the game start to click. I was leveling up, started mining, added more strength on level up, I got my sword (improved it), and got armor to mitigate incoming damage. And because of this I could take out stronger animals, like the big boars and big crabs to get myself a consistent source of food. Eventually the animals do respawn which is good, but I still had to ration my consumables. I like the flow of the game even though I've played games designed this way before. Each new area gives you something new so there's a push there to seek out and find the next tool you'll receive.

I'm at the point now where I've gathered all the oak wood I need for the catapult. The next step is to grab some palm fibers and I think they might be located in the desert area of which I've lightly explored and eventually ran away from because of giant scorpions. I honestly didn't think the game would hook me, but it's ended up being a pleasant surprise and I feel like a lot of folks would enjoy this, if the game was seen by more people.

Some random musings I've had while playing:

  • I like that I get XP for picking up plants and mining ore. Even though I'm so used to gathering items for use later, it's nice to get that rewarding feeling, knowing every little bit helps in leveling you up.
  • I like that I did get lost and go to a higher level area just by exploring. Definitely got punished for it.
  • I like that I can place a campfire seemingly anywhere, making it feel like my own makeshift bonfire from Dark Souls. And they never seem to go out either.
  • If you think something might be there go see for yourself, you might get rewarded with an ore vein or even a chest.
  • The jumping animation reminds me of the one from The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. I wish you could jump a tad higher, but climbing does feel doable with the way some of the rocks are positioned.
  • While it's cool exploring and finding things, I always find it to be in contrast with the depleting water and food bars. You can only explore so much before you have to go out there and get more food again to stockpile. Sometimes it feels like a waste of one or two fried meats if I don't find something. Then again, that's what the save system is for in case some exploration lead to nothing of interest.
  • Going down to the prison was cool. I saw a blue glowy crystal object and all of a sudden a voice rang out. I barely saw what it was, but I knew I had to run away because it started to give chase. Even with the lantern it was dark and foggy, but I eventually escaped. That was fun.
  • And the music, the music is really good. It reminded me a bit of The Witcher 3's soundtrack.

I hope this honest impression of Map of Materials helped you. And I also hope this helps get the game out to any gamers out there looking for something new to play. if you give it a chance, i think you will be plesantly surprised.

270 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 19:24
Map of Materials gives off a nostalgic vibe. The gameplay and narrative was decent and it kept me engaged. Level design was good. I didn’t encounter too many problems or bugs but game performance and controls needs more polishing. I like the music. I am fond of indie games and I look forward to a sequel. I especially admire one-man projects and indeed, I enjoyed playing it. Even though it’s not something that would go to my favourites list, I still recommend you try this little game.
161 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 21:52
Rain on 30 did a really nice job with the game. It's a very unique game that brings memories of past games that touched a lot of hearts. I highly recommend playing this game, it is definitely something.
1160 Produkte im Account
1360 Reviews
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 13:46
It's not bad but it's not exactly good.
For a first effort, solo dev, I would even say this is pretty good.
If it cost $5 buck, I would give it a thumbs up, easy peasy.
Since it costs $18.49, I am left thinking, the game is fairly clunky and a bit on the ugly side for that price.
Honestly, wait for a sale to check it out.

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Rating auf Steam Positiv
100% 15 0
Release:11.03.2022 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Rain on 30 Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine: Unity Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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