Mafia 3
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Über das Spiel

Im Gegensatz zu dem Vorgänger spielt der dritte Teil Ende der 1960er Jahre. Lincoln Clay ist in ärmlichen Verhältnissen aufgewachsen und bereits sein ganzes Leben auf der Suche nach einer Familie. Doch weder Waisenhaus noch Kirche noch Armee können ihm einen Ersatz bieten. 1968 kommt Lincoln Clay allerdings aus dem Vietnamkrieg zurück nach New Orleans und findet Unterschlupf beim Black Mob – dem farbigen Gegenstück zur italienischen Mafia. Gegen diese tritt Lincoln mit seiner neuen Verbrecherfamilie an, um die Macht in der Stadt zu erlangen.
Es ist das Jahr 1968, und nach Jahren des Kampfes in Vietnam kennt Lincoln Clay die Wahrheit: Familie ist nicht das, wo man hineingeboren wird, sondern das, wofür man stirbt. Wieder zu Hause in New Bordeaux will Lincoln seiner kriminellen Vergangenheit entfliehen. Doch als seine Ersatzfamilie, die schwarzen Gangster, von der italienischen Mafia verraten und ausgelöscht wird, gründet Lincoln auf der Asche der Vergangenheit eine neue Familie und schlägt eine Schneise der Rache und Vergeltung durch die Reihen der Verantwortlichen. Heftige Feuergefechte, Instinkt in Nahkämpfen, packende Fahr-Action und Cleverness sind seine Mittel zum Zweck. Aber mit der richtigen Crew, knallharten Entscheidungen und schmutzigen Händen kann man es in dieser Stadt an die Spitze der Unterwelt schaffen.
Eine riesige, abwechslungsreiche und zwielichtige Welt, die von Gangstern und korrupten Beamten beherrscht wird, reich ausstaffiert mit den optischen und akustischen Details und der emotional aufgeheizten sozialen Stimmung, die typisch waren für diese Ära.
Werde zu Lincoln Clay, einem Waisenjungen und Vietnamveteranen, der nur noch Rache nehmen will; Rache an der italienischen Mafia, die die schwarzen Gangster brutal ermordet hat, die für Lincoln die einzige Familie in seinem Leben waren.
Suche dir deinen eigenen Spielstil aus, irgendwo zwischen brutaler Gewalt mit wüstem Geballer und heimlichen Attentaten aus dem Verborgenen. Setze Lincolns militärische Ausbildung ein und sammle vertrauliche Informationen, um die italienische Mafia zu Fall zu bringen.
Errichte ein neues Verbrecherimperium, auf deine ganz eigene Art und Weise, indem du entscheidest, welche deiner Lieutenants du beförderst und welche du fallen lässt …
- CPU: Intel I5-2500K, AMD FX-8120
- GFX: 2GB of Video Memory & NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660, AMD Radeon HD7870
- Software: Windows 7 64-bit
- HD: 50 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX Compliant Sound card
- MISC: Windows 8.1 users may need additional Windows Update files
- LANG: Deutsch
- CPU: Intel I7-3770, AMD FX 8350 4.0 Ghz
- GFX: 4GB of Video Memory & NVIDIA Gefore GTX 780 or GeForce GTX 1060, AMD Radeon R9 290X
- Software: Windows 7 64-bit
- HD: 50 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX Compliant Sound card
- LANG: Deutsch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
5469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 18:14
Das Spiel hat eigentlich nur eine ganz kleine Schwäche: Das Erobern der Bezirke ist ein wenig repetitiv. Da sollte man nach jedem Bezirk mal ein paar Storymissionen machen, dann passt das auch wieder.
Aber sonst alles erste Sahne: Story, Präsentation, Voiceover, Charaktere, Ausrüstung, Fahrzeuge und das allgemeine Gameplay.
Die einzigen 2 Bugs die ich hatte waren durch einen Spiel Neustart behoben.
Wenn man auf 4k spielt sollte man etwas mehr haben als eine GTX ROG STRIX 980 TI :) Ging aber noch...
Bitte mehr solche qualitativen Spiele! Das war Gaming auf Spielfilmebene.
2016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 23:37
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533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 17:23
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3362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 20:51
Story Daumen hoch, technische Umsetzung beide Daumen runter.
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6378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 22:25
Nach ca. 100 Spielstunden bereitet es mir kaum noch Freude die restlichen Zusatz-Missionen zu machen, da die Spielabbrüche zunehmen und mittlerweile den Spielspaß überwiegen.
2103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 14:54
Wir übernehmen die Rolle von dem jungen schwarzen Vietnam Veteran, Lincoln Clay, der gerade aus dem Krieg zurückgekehrt ist nur um dann wieder in einem Krieg zu geraten, diesmal gegen das weiße rassistische Amerika. Er wird von der Italienischen Mafia verraten welche seine Familie und Freunde umbringen und ihm zum sterben zurück ließen. Lincoln gründet eine neue Familie darunter ist auch ein bekanntes Gesicht und bahnt sich einen Weg der Rache um die Italienische Mafia zu vernichten.
Mafia III ist anders als Mafia und Mafia II aber auch düsterer und brutaler als die beiden Vorgänger. Das Gameplay besteht eher daraus Bezirke zu erobern und diese an einer der jeweiligen Personen zu verteilen, vorher muss man genug Schaden im Bezirk angerichtet haben um die großen Fische rauslocken zu können um diese dann zu vernichten. Man kann entweder schleichen und jeden mit einem brutalen takedown töten oder man schießt sich komplett durch und knallt jeden ab den man sieht. Es gibt auch Nebenmissionen die man erledigen kann manche wiederholen sich eher und werden schnell öde aber manche haben doch Spaß gemacht. Neben den Nebenmissionen gibt es noch die Rennen die man fahren kann aber auch 3 zusätzliche Story DLCs die ebenfalls gut sind.
Die Story fand ich war auch sehr gut und wurde auch glaubwürdig erzählt, auch die Charaktere waren sehr gut. Das Spiel fing sehr gut an und endete auch sehr gut. Auch die zahlreichen NPCs die man in der Stadt sieht, reagieren auf Lincoln Clay unterschiedlich. Die meisten geben rassistische Bemerkungen von sich ab.
Natürlich hat Mafia III auch seine Probleme während die Performance gut ist, gibt es aber einen haufen Bugs und anderer Fehler die manchmal echt nerven können. Manchmal kann man Missionen nicht abschließen oder starten da hilft leider nur ein Spiel neustart. Auch sind mir andere Dinge aufgefallen wie zum Beispiel, Autos die ineinander spawnen und dadurch ein Chaos verursachen oder man kann in Rennen nicht fahren.
Für mich war Mafia III aber dennoch ein gutes Spiel und es hat mir auch sehr viel Spaß gemacht.
Nicht Empfohlen
917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 05:37
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186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 11:27
3173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 14:40
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3027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 11:45
- sowohl Stealth als auch Baller Gameplay möglich
- Brutale Finisher
- eine große Open World
- unterschiedliche Enden
- viele Fahrzeuge und Waffen
- total repetativ (du kommst in einen neuen Bezirk, schießt bissl um dich, tötest ein paar Leute und weiter gehts. Nach ein paar Stunden langweilt man sich einfach nur noch
- für Nebenmissionen gilt genau dasselbe, sie sind immer das gleiche
- Lincoln ist eher ein Soldat als ein Mafiosi und hat bis auf seine Brutalität keine wirklichen Charaktereigenschaften
- In Cutscenes hat man immer das Standardgewand an. Kein kritischer Punkt, aber trotzdem schade.
Ich schreibe prinzipiell ungern negative Rezensionen, aber ich kann Mafia 3 leider wirklich nicht empfehlen. Nach den großartigen 2 Vorgängern haben sie bei diesem teil wirklich versagt. Ich habe mehrere Anläufe gebraucht bis ich mich dazu durchringen konnte das Spiel fertig zu spielen. Spar dir dein Geld und deine zeit und starr lieber stundenlang an die Wand, macht vermutlich mehr Spaß.
3843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 18:57
Mafia...das ist eine Sache, eine Reihe mit der ich schon einige Jahre zu tun habe.
Nutzen wir also die Rezension Funktion um auf eine kleine Zeitreise zu gehen und um zu sehen, ob das Gangsterleben etwas für euch ist oder nicht ^-^.
In meinen Worten geht es ausschließlich um die Drei Teile der Definitiv Editionen und nicht um die Ursprünglichen Werke um eventuellen Fragen im vorhinein entgegen zu wirken. Kritik ist dennoch erwünscht :)
Alle Drei Teile der Reihe spielen zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten und bedecken gesammt den Zeitraum von den Frühen 30er Jahre bis zu den 70er Jahren. Die Zeitleiste ist dabei chronologisch, sprich Teil Eins spielt in den 30ern und Teil Drei endet in den 70ern.
Jeder Teil beinhaltet eine individuelle Story mit eigenen Beweggründen und Twists. Zwischen den Teilen gibt es ab und an Überschneidungen mit einigen Charakteren und Orten, ist am besten zu vergleichen mit der GTA Reihe, nichts großes bis auf eine Ausnahme aber dennoch sehr schön :)
Teil Eins und Zwei setzen auf Kapitel in der Open World welche immer eine Reihe von Aufgaben bereit halten. Während der Kapitel kann man die Open World aber Frei begehen bis auf 2 Ausnahmen.
Teil Drei setzt eher das Typische GTA System ein und Ihr müsst für eine Mission immer zum Kontakt fahren.
Beide Optionen passen allerdings gut und funktionieren auch so wie man es sich vorstellt.
Jeder der 3 Geschichten ist ein Meisterwerk für sich. Der Deutsche Cast und Sprecher machen einen Ordentlichen Job und nichts wirkt wirklich aufgesetzt. Großes Lob dafür.
Ich könnte von vielen Tollen Momenten erzählen, aber ich Spoiler nicht gerne ;)
Erlebt es selbst, vertraut mir ;)
Das Gameplay ist so wie man es sich vorstellt. Shooter Passagen, Verfolgungsjagten mit der Polizei und Geheimaufträge sind erst der Anfang von dem was Ihr hier erleben könnt. Auch hier möchte ich nicht Spoilern :D
Alle Dinge funktionieren gut und fühlen sich richtig an.
Ich habe selten solche belebten Welten gesehen wie in der Mafia Trilogie.
Aufgrund der Jahre in denen MAFIA 1-3 spielt und der damit verbundenen Ereignisse in der Damaligen echten Welt merkt man jene Ereignisse auch in den Welten sehr deutlich was eine unglaublich dichte Atmosphäre schafft.
Eine der besten Reihen überhaupt wenn man das Thema Mag und eine Absolute Empfehlung! :3
Im derzeitigen Sale bekommt man alle Drei Teile recht günstig. Verpasst nicht eure Chance :D
Vielen Dank Fürs Lesen :3
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3099 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 16:24
Ich habe dieses Spiel der Mafia-reihe als erstes gespielt und fand es gut bis auf die nicht sehr abwechslungsreichen Missionen. Nachdem ich dann Mafia 2 gespielt habe, habe ich erkannt das dieses spiel viel länger hätte Entwickelt werden sollen. In Mafia 2 konnte man so viele Sachen die man hier nicht kann z.B Tanken und Autos mit Dietrichen öffnen. Vieles hat diesem Spiel gefehlt. Die Grafik ist naja sie ist gut aber es gibt viele Bugs z.B wenn man in den Spiegel schaut usw. der Soundtrack gefällt mir zudem sehr gut. Der Aspekt gegen die Dunkelhäutigen finde ich wurde auch ganz okay gemacht. Nun denn ich finde die Charaktere sehr Interessant aber das Mafia feeling hat mir gefehlt. In Mafia 1 und Mafia 2 war man echt im Mafia feeling aber in Mafia 3 tja der Hauptcharakter ist für mich kein Mafia Boss. Man geht gegen die Mafia vor und ich finde das man eher einen Rachsüchtiger keine Ahnung was spielt. Zudem ist die Story trotzdem sehr schön und Interessant gestaltet. Ich mochte Mafia 1 und 2 aber Mafia 3 ist im Endeffekt kein richtiges Mafia spiel für mich. Es ist eher ein Spiel für Leute die gerne Schießen und jeden Massakrieren wollen.
Ich würde es eher auf Youtube schauen statt zu kaufen. Da kann man sein Geld lieber für was anderes sparen oder Mafia 2 kaufen.
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731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 17:09
Sollte man hierfür mehr bezahlt haben, so ist der Kaufpreis nicht gerechtfertigt.
Die Grafik ist gelinde gesagt unter aller Sau. Der Smog welcher sich über das gesamte Spiel legt ist mehr altbacken und soll Designfehler kaschieren.
Das Gunhandlig lässt sehr zu wünschen übrig.
Alles in allem eher eine Open Beta als ein Fertiges Spiel
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1922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 10:00
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69 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 20:15
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19614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 02:24
Muss man mal sagen, top!
AAAABER! Ich besitze einen I9 und zwei Geforce 2080TI. Warum zur Hölle lässt sich Mafia nicht mehr starten? Zum Anfang ein schwarzes Bild und dann geht nichts mehr. Habe es jetzt ein paar mal probiert, einmal hatte ich Glück und kam rein. In der Spielwelt 5 Minuten gelaufen und ein crash. Nochmal versucht zu starten und meine Monitore fingen an wie wild das Spiel hin und her zu schieben. Dann bin ich hingegangen und habe das Spiel nochmal neu installiert, wieder beim Start eingefroren.
Ich spiele 1000de von Spielen, aber Mafia 3 sagt einfach mal so: Willst mich spielen ja? Das kannst du knicken!
Als diese Edition noch nicht umgewandelt wurde, lief alles super. (Bugs Ingame ausgeschlossen)
Jetzt ist dieses Spiel nur noch gut für die Mülltonne! Danke für nichts 2K.
Ich rate allen ab sich dieses Spiel noch zu kaufen um euch einfach jegliche Frustration zu ersparen.
Wie dieses Spiel vor der Umänderung war, könnt ihr euch gerne auf meinem Kanal oder bei anderen Streamern & Youtubern anschauen. Das was hier passiert ist, ist einfach nur ein Tritt ins Gesicht für Fans der Reihe Mafia. Ich bin einfach nur noch enttäuscht.
4966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 17:29
+ nette Rache Story, tolle Story DLCs die sich 1a in die Hauptstory einbinden
+ tolle Cutscenes, klasse Schauspieler
+ Bombast Soundtrack
+ Allgemein gute Vertonung, gute Deutsche Übersetzung, aber...(1)
+ Eigentlich(!) gute Grafik...(2)
+ Spaßige Ballereien und Schleichereien, doch...(3)
+ sehr Umfangreich
- ...(1) ab und zu ist der Ton falsch abgemischt, Gespräche im Flüsterton nerven, kommt zum Glück recht selten vor
- ...(2) Wirklich gut ist die Grafik auch nicht, Regen sieht sehr merkwürdig aus, Farben wirken ausgewaschen, Kantenglättungs Option (FXAA) verschlechtert das Bild, Reshade zu nutzen wird hier Praktisch zur Pflicht!
- ...(3) Schleichen vereinfacht das Spiel enorm. Ist das schlimm? Nein! Aber selbst auf höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad wird Mafia III dadurch zum Kinderspiel!
- Dank schlecht geschriebener Engine, immernoch Bugs, zum Glück keine Gamebreaker, jedes Fehlerchen lässt sich durch einen Neustart des Spiels beheben!
- sich wiederholendes (Neben)missions Design, etwas mehr Abwechslung hätte dem Spiel nicht geschadet
- Strunzdoofe KI
- zu viele Collectibles
Fazit: Spaßiges Spiel, durchaus! Etwas Abwechslungsarm, viel zu leicht und Technisch nicht gerade brilliant, aber durchaus Spaßig!
7/10 Prädikat: Headshot Meister!
Nicht Empfohlen
794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 12:19
Deshalb habe ich mir diese Spiel auch vorbestellt und mich, auch aufgrund des guten Settings, darauf gefreut.
Aber leider fehlt dem Spiel einfach etwas. Ich habe es mehrfach angespielt und versucht hineinzukommen.
Aber zumindest für mich ist es nichts. Ich kann die Gründe der anderen schlechten Reviews zwar wiederholen aber das spare ich mir hier einfach.
Leider macht 2K nichts aus dem Potenzial.
3979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 03:09
Die Musik im Spiel bzw. die Songs im Radio sind wirklich perfekt ausgewählt und tragen viel zur Atmosphäre bei. Die Welt ist sehr detailliert im Aufbau und nicht einfach hingeklatscht, was man merkt und was viel zum Spielgefühl beiträgt, ebenso wie das Fahren in Mafia III. Ich kann das Spiel insgesamt nur empfehlen, wenn auch einiges an Spielspaß, den man zusätzlich hätte haben können, durch die sehr eintönigen Eroberungs-Missionen verloren geht.
Nicht Empfohlen
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 08:45
Nicht Empfohlen
5519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 21:53
Gute Story - langweiliges Gameplay mit wiederholenden Missionen und dafür, dass man immer das selbe machen muss, muss man das auch noch verdammt oft machen.
Einziger Lichtblick sind die AddOns.
2483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.17 22:08
Was mir auch besonders gut gefällt, ist die Erzählweise der Hauptstory. Diese Sequenzen mit den Interviews lassen alles viel lebendiger wirken und die Andeutungen dabei machen Lust auf mehr. Die Story an sich ist leider diese klassische Rache-Aktion. Ich finde, sie sind da bisschen weit vom ursprünglichen abgekommen in Richtung GTA. Das mag vllt manche abschrecken, aber ein langweiliges Spiel wird es trotzdem nicht. Abseits der Story gibt es genügend andere Mission zu erledigen bzw kann man auch einfach nur die ganzen Sammelobjekte finden.
Ich würde mir wünschen, dass der nächste Teil sich wieder mehr mit internen Angelegenheiten einer Familie beschäftigt als einfach mit der Rache an einer. Aber empfehlen kann ich Mafia III auf jeden Fall.
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2514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.17 16:42
Mafia 3 schafft schon mit dem Splash Screen etwas, dass schon sehr lange kein Spiel mehr geschafft hat. Es berührt mich.
Ich muss zugeben. Dafür ist einerseits meine Schwäche für Musik aus der Zeit (1968) verantwortlich, andererseits schwingt auch ganz sicher meine Liebe zum ersten Teil der Serie mit.
Trotz der “Hilfen” verdient das Spiel schon alleine für den Moment meine Anerkennung und ich lasse manchmal den kompletten Track durchlaufen, bis ich endlich auf Starten klicke.
Die erste Sequenz startet eine Retrospektive, die den schwarzen Protagonisten Lincoln Clay aufbaut und es zeigt sich schnell. Sequenzen und Charaktere können die Jungs von Hangar 13. Das Studio, dass eigens für Mafia 13 gegründet wurde.
Die ersten 2 bis 3 Stunden verlieren keine Zeit und beginnen mit einem Highlight. Schnell fällt auch auf wie selten offen das Spiel den Rassismus Thematisiert, dennoch macht es den Eindruck, als ob etwas der Mut fehlt das Thema auszureizen. Zusätzlich geht es in der Übersetzung ein wenig unter. Ein “Boy” auf deutsch funktioniert einfach nicht.
Dieser erste Abschnitt legt großes vor und verliert keine Zeit. Das Pacing geht mir fast schon ein wenig zu schnell. Ein lästiges Umladen von Diebesgut, dass der erste Teil bestimmt noch genutzt hätte um Atmosphäre zu schaffen, wird einfach übersprungen und man sitzt einen Cut später im Fluchtfahrzeug.
Das ist aber meckern auf ganz hohem Niveau. Hätte ich nicht schon geahnt, dass der Titel dieses Niveau nicht halten kann, hätte mich der Hypetrain voll erwischt, mitgerissen und mit der Erkenntnis zerschmettert.
Trotz der Ahnung habe ich noch lange gebraucht um mir einzugestehen was aus dem Spiel wird. Nämlich repetitive Scheiße, wie sie die Ubisoft Formel nicht schlimmer könnte. (Das musste jetzt einfach sein) mit einem grandiosen Soundtrack. Dazu kommen die dämlichsten Dummy Gegner, die ich seit langem gesehen habe. Weil sie so brav zur Schlachtbank laufen ist selbst auf Hard das Schleichen noch einfacher als Shootouts, in denen ich hauptsächlich auch nur gestorben bin, weil ich absolut jeden Respekt vor den Gegnern verloren habe.
Das Schlimmste dabei ist, es ist nicht einfach scheiße. Immer wieder lässt Mafia3 die Hingabe der Entwickler durchblitzen. Die Liebe, die den ersten Teil so großartig gemacht hat.
Z.B. scheint der KI nur ein paar Trigger zu fehlen um auf Leichen und die Reaktion der Passanten zu reagieren.
Sowas legt die Vermutung nahe, dass da jemand mit zu viel Einfluss “Halt, Stopp” rief und das Ding zu früh released hat.
Nicht Empfohlen
3384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.17 11:45
So nach langer Zeit muss ich persönlich mit diesem Spiel und deren Entwicklern abrechnen, um in Mafiasprache zu sprechen, eine Vendetta.
Was war das für eine schöne Zeit damals in meiner Jugend als ich Mafia 1 gespielt habe. Eine wirklich großartige Spielwelt, eine kinoreife Story und Inszenierung und dazu noch eine Portion abwechslungsreiches Gameplay. Dann kam mit viel Verspätung Mafia 2. Zugegeben, die Story war ebenfalls extrem spannend und kinoreif, allerdings doch nicht so emotional wie in Teil 1. Desto mehr hat 2K Czech damals am Gameplay gefeilt, welches auch noch heute (nach 7 Jahren!) extrem modern und flüssig spielbar ist. Sei es die Fahrphysik, die Schießereien inkl. PhysX oder auch die relativ gute KI.
Warum zähle ich das nochmal alles auf? Einfach um euch (und mich) daran zu erinnern, was für brilliante Spiele Mafia 1 und 2 waren und dies nun mit Mafia 3 zu vergleichen.
Es hätte alles so schön sein können: die Spielwelt passt, die Schießereien gehen gut von der Hand, die Fahrphysik ist ganz gut umgesetzt und die Story an sich ist vielleicht nicht die Beste, dank guter Erzähltechnik und Zwischensequenzen aber gut umgesetzt. Kann mir nun einer von den Strohköpfen bei Hangar 13 erklären wie man mit so einer guten Basis ein Spiel teilweise so ruinieren kann?
Fangen wir mal beim Gameplay an: es läuft so ab, dass man die ganzen Distrikte erobern muss damit man die Hauptmissionen spielen kann, ein ähnliches Prinzip wie beim Mafia 2 DLC Joes Adventure. Dieses Erobern ist allerdings eine Frechheit für sich. Im Prinzip läuft es immer nach Schema X ab: man fährt zu Gebäuden oder Plätzen und tötet/rekrutiert dort Informanten oder/und zerstört ein paar Sachen der Gegenseite. Dies macht man in jedem Distrikt so 4-5 Mal um dann anschließend nochmal zwei Unterbosse zu töten - wieder nach Schema X.
Dann hat man es endlich geschafft und man darf die Hauptmission spielen. Ich habe die Anzahl der Distrikte nicht mehr genau im Kopf, ich glaube es waren acht, die man erobern musste, also macht man ca. 40 Mal die selbe Mission (plus die beiden Unterbosse in jedem Distrikt) : Hingehen, töten, zerstören.
Und das Beste dabei ist, dass man teilweise die Unterbosse im selben Gebäude töten muss, wie die Informanten :D
Das wirklich traurige dabei: die freigeschalteten Hauptmissionen sind genauso, wie ich es mir von einem Mafia wünsche,
eine bombastische Inszenierung gepaart mit netten Zwischensequenzen.
Und im Prinzip habe ich mich nur wegen den Zwischensequenzen und den Hauptmissionen durch das repetitive Gameplay gezwungen.
Mafia 3 ist ein Paradebeispiel dafür, dass Open World ein Spiel komplett zerstören kann. Mafia braucht keine Open World. Mafia 1 und 2 haben super ohne funktioniert. Hangar 13 hat mit Gewalt versucht ein schlechtes GTA 2.0 zu erschaffen gemischt mit einer Priese Ubisoft und The Godfather. I am sorry Hangar 13, but thats not Mafia! Wenn das Erobern der Distrikte wenigstens noch optional gewesen wäre, aber das man gezwungen wird, zeigt nur, dass Hangar 13 versucht hat, mit so wenig Arbeit wie möglich, die maximale Spielzeit herauszuholen.
Ganz ehrlich, ich weiß nicht wie andere Leute das sehen, aber ich habe lieber 10-15h eine richtig tolle Erfahrung, als eine Spielzeit von 30-40h, wo ich die wirklich tollen Momente an einer Hand abzählen kann. Warum haben soviele Spieler tolle Erinnerungen an Spiele wie San Andreas, Mafia 1 oder Bioshock? Bestimmt nicht, weil die Spielzeit künstlich in die Länge gezogen wurde...
Zweiter Punkt: Bei aller Liebe, Mafia 2 hatte soviele tolle Features, angeblich hat sich Hangar 13 mit der Mafia Reihe beschäftigt, anscheinend aber nur eben den Wikipedia Artikel ausgedruckt, einmal durchgelesen und drauf los programmiert. Wo sind die ganzen betretbaren Geschäfte, in denen man interagieren (!) konnte? Die KI der Polizei? Die Kämpfe? Überhaupt der ganze Realismus in Mafia? Selbst Mafia 1, das bald seinen 15. Geburtstag feiert, war in vielen (oder allen?) Dingen realistischer als Mafia 3, schaut euch gerne Videos auf YouTube an. Ich erwarte von einem Videospiel keinen vollkommenen Realismus, aber ich erwarte schon, wenn ich in einem Mafia auf Autos schieße, dass sie nicht sofort explodieren oder, dass ich Fußspuren hinterlasse, wenn ich durch eine Blutlache laufe.
Und dass sie das Tanken-Feature und das Aufknacken der Autos weggelassen haben... Das sind alles kleine Dinge, die aber im Gesamtbild die Authentizität der Spielwelt zerstören, obwohl das doch immer die Stärke in den Mafia Spielen war.
Dritter Punkt: Die technische Umsetzung war, nein, ist eine Katastrophe. Wenn man bei einem teilweise solch hässlichen
Spiel eine GTX 1080 und einen i7 benötigt, um konstante 60 FPS zu halten ist das einfach nur eine Frechheit. Mafia 1 und 2 waren reine PC-Spiele, 2K Czech hat viel Arbeit in die PC-Umsetzungen investiert, Hangar 13 ist das anscheinend egal. Wobei gesagt werden muss, dass auch die One und PS4 Fassungen technische Katastrophen sind. Wenn ich sehe, wie das Spiel am Tag aussieht, könnte ich echt kotzen. Ich erwarte keine Bombast Grafik, aber wenn ein 7 Jahre altes Mafia 2 in vielen Dingen optisch besser aussieht, als Mafia 3 ist definitiv etwas falsch gelaufen. Alleine dieser Licht-Bug ist ja wohl eine Dreistigkeit für sich, sowas habe ich in noch keinem Videospiel gesehen.
Dazu kommen dann noch unzählige Bugs und Glitches, dank eines Bugs weiß ich bis heute nicht, was mit Joe passiert ist.
Das Sahnehäubchen ist dann die äußerst dämliche KI, ich spiele Mafia, kein Saints Row!
So, jetzt habe ich fast nur gemeckert, aber es war echt mal nötig, denn auch nach sechs Monaten bin ich sauer, was 2K
und Hangar 13 meiner Lieblingsfranchise angetan haben. Wie oben erwähnt, das Spiel hat positive Aspekte, allerdings lassen mich die negativen Punkte so sauer aufstoßen, dass die positiven Aspekte nicht mehr viel retten können. Mafia 3 wäre an sich vielleicht auch kein schlechtes Spiel, aber es steht Mafia drauf und dann möchte ich auch ein Mafia spielen und kein GTA: Assassins Godfather.
Aber wir leben im Jahre 2017, das heißt für AAA-Titel: viel Spielzeit, wenig Inhalt und Gewinnmaximierung. Und es scheint noch schlimmer zu werden.
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1706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.17 18:08
Alles in allem ein ganz nettes Spiel, jedoch ist M2 immernoch empfehlenswerter.
Ps.: Sorry das ich so lange um den heißen Brei herrum geschrieben habe, aber ich wusste nicht so recht wo ich anfangen sollte :D
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3565 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.16 21:18
“The same procedure as in every city district, Lincoln?”
1. Story
Man spielt Lincoln Clay. Einen Afroamerikaner der grade aus dem Vietnam Krieg zurückgekehrt ist. Das Spiel startet direkt mit einem Überfall auf eine Bank und in Rückblenden wird erzählt, wie es dazu gekommen ist. Nach dem Überfall geht jedoch alles schief. Mehr möchte ich an der Stelle nicht sagen, da ist sonst spoilere. Der Anfang ist aber richtig gut.
Später geht es dann damit weiter, dass sich Lincoln für die Geschehnisse rächen will. Dazu braucht er aber Hilfe von anderen Unterweltgestalten die den gleichen Feind haben. Und das war es auch bisher. Toller Anfang und danach eine eher lahme Rache Story ohne Überraschungen oder gar Wendungen.
2. Gameplay
Das Gameplay läuft nach dem Prinzip eines jeden Open World Titels ab. Man hat Hauptmissionen, Nebenmissionen und jede Menge Sammelkram. Dabei rennt, fährt und kämpft man sich durch die abwechslungsreiche Welt. Leider wiederholen sich selbst die Hauptmissionen. Man muss im Laufe des Spiels die einzelnen Bezirke der Stadt unter seine Kontrolle bringen. Dabei geht man IMMER nach Schema F vor. Zwei Schläger beseitigen. Schaden verursachen um den Boss raus zu locken und dann kann man diesen beseitigen oder für sich arbeiten lassen. Und das immer wieder. Was haben sich die Entwickler bloß gedacht? Gab es in Mafia 1+2 noch eine abwechslungsreiche Story und Missionen bei denen man nicht wusste was passiert (und die mir teilweise bis heute in Erinnerung geblieben sind) herrscht nun völlige Langeweile. Auch die Nebenmissionen sind eine Enttäuschung. So muss man z.B. nachdem man einen Bezirk übernommen hat, den Leiter des Bezirks helfen. So soll man unter anderem Drogen holen, die auf Boten im Sumpf lagern. Also fährt man erst ewig mit dem Wagen oder Boot zu der Stelle, klaut das Boot, fährt ewig bis zur Anlegestelle zurück und dann noch mit dem LKW zum Lagerhaus. Das aber nicht einmal, sondern immer wieder in verschiedenen Variationen. Und nur, damit man mehr Geld verdient das man nicht wirklich braucht. Man kann zwar sein Auto aufrüsten und für Clay und die Waffen einige Verbesserungen freispielen, die man dann kaufen kann, wirklich nötig ist das aber nicht. Habe das Spiel auf dem höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad gespielt und hatte nur Probleme, wenn mir mal die Munition ausging.
3. Steuerung
Ich spiel das Spiel mit M+T und das Fahren erledige ich mit dem Gamepad. Das Spiel erkennt sofort, wenn man wechselt. Ansonsten geht die Steuerung gut von der Hand.
4. Grafik/Technik/Musik
Hier kommen wir zu einem weiteren Kritikpunkt. Das Spiel frisst angesichts der gebotenem Grafikqualität zu viel Hardwarepower. Zwar kann ich das Spiel maximal aufdrehen, habe dann aber nur 30-40 Bilder. Spiele wie GTA 5, Watch_Dogs oder Witcher 3 laufen da deutlich besser.
Dennoch sieht das Spiel nett aus, wenn man nicht zu genau hinschaut. Die Autos sind schön gemacht und die Stimmung ist toll eingefangen. Wenn man im Morgengrauen aus dem Sumpf fährt und Nebel über der Stadt liegt wirkt das super.
Grobe Bugs hatte ich wenige. Es gibt ein paar Grafikfehler. Einen Absturz und ein paar Mal ist das Spiel in der Map hängengeblieben, so dass ich es auch über den Taskmanager beenden musste.
Ein großes Lob bekommt die Musik. Es wurden viele bekannte Stücke aus der Zeit lizensiert und das sorgt für eine tolle Untermalung. Ich wünschte, man könnte die Motoren der Autos leiser und die Musik viel lauter machen, wenn man durch die Stadt fährt. =)
5. Add-On: Kommen erst noch. Ist aber nicht sicher, ob ich die noch spiele.
6. Multiplayer:
Gibt es nicht.
7. Achievments:
Habe 84 % geschafft. Man kann scheinbar auch nicht alle in einem Durchgang holen. Etwas, das mir nicht gefällt.
8. In-Home Streaming / Steam Link
(noch) Nicht getestet.
9. Pro und Contra
- Stimmungsvolle Grafik
- Toller Soundtrack dank lizensierten Titeln. (Rolling Stones etc.)
- Gute Steuerung
- Guter Spielbeginn
- Design der Stadt und dem Umland
- Schauplätze der finalen Gefechte teilweise sehr schön gewählt.
- Nach dem fulminanten Anfang wird schnell klar, dass man nun für jedes Gebiet die gleiche Art von Missionen erledigen muss (Schaden verursachen ->Zwei Handlanger ausschalten -> dann den Boss des Gebietes kaltstellen.)
- Dumme KI
- Schwache Grafik
- Schwache Nebenmissionen (Holen und bringen)
- unsympathische und schwach geschriebene Charaktere
- Immer wieder die gleichen Charaktermodelle
- Sehr viel Levelrecycling. Man mischt einen Laden auf um Schaden zu machen, danach bekommt man endlich die Info, wo der Boss ist. Überraschung: In dem Laden, den man grade aufgemischt hat.
- Kein freies Speichern oder mehrere Speicherslots.
Update vom 10.11.2016: Heute gab es einen neuen Patch, der die Performance verbessern sollte. Habe mich daher nochmal in ein Auto gesetzt und bin ein bisschen rumgefahren und kann bestätigen, dass die Performace deutlich besser geworden ist. So habe ich nun bei einer Rundfahrd durch normalen Verkehr nahezu immer zwischen 40-50 FPS, das waren anfangs immer nur etwas über 30. Und in Innenräumen sind dann auch mal 60 FPS drin.
10. Fazit
Bisher ist das Spiel eine große Enttäuschung. Damals beim Mafia 2 Test haben die großen deutsche Magazine kritisiert, dass die Welt leer sei und dass man abseits der Missionen nichts zu tun hat. Das war für mich ein riesen Pluspunkt. Ich will nicht Tennis spielen oder 1000 Sammelobjekte einsammeln, sondern einer packenden Story folgen. Ich guck ja auch nicht der Pate und will dann sehen, wie Michael Corleone 15 Minuten Bowling spielt. Diese Kritiker müssten Mafia 3 lieben. Jede Menge Wiederholung und massig nutzlosen Kram den man einsammeln kann. Per DLC soll es noch Rennen geben. Wer braucht das? Anstatt Wert auf die Story zu legen und die Charaktere schön auszuarbeiten wirkt das alles sehr lieblos. Alle Charaktere bleiben bisher sehr blass. Keiner ist liebenswert oder hat bisher eine größere Rolle wie Joe Barbaro in Teil 2 oder Paulie aus dem Erstling. Dass die Charaktere überzeichnet und klischeehaft sind, finde ich dabei gar nicht schlimm. Das waren sie in den anderen Teilen auch und das machte auch einen Teil des Charmes aus, die die Mafia Teile ausmachen.
Das schlimmste am Spiel ist, dass man immer wieder sieht, welche Möglichkeiten liegengelassen wurden. Warum z.B. geht man nicht mit weißer Kapuze zu einem KKK Treffen und unterwandert die Gruppe um z.B. Informationen zu den Mitgliedern zu bekommen. Stattdessen fährt man da hin, wirft ein paar Granaten in die Menge und der „Boss“ ist besiegt.
Auch ein alter Bekannter aus dem Vorgänger wird völlig lieblos ins Spiel geklatscht und hat einfach keine Rolle, die ihm gerecht wird. Warum nicht mal eine Mission zu zweit?
Warum fährt man nicht mal zu einer Alligatorfarm um eine Geisel zum Reden zu bringen oder zum Entsorgen. (Ja, man kann Gegner ins Wasser werden und sie werden dann gefressen) usw.
Von solchen vertanen Chancen gibt es jede Menge im Spiel. Wirklich schade.
Mafia 3 überzeugt nicht. Vielleicht ändern die DLCs noch ein bisschen was daran. Danach sieht es aber nicht aus. Sehr Schade.
Vergleichbare Spiele:
Mafia 1+2
GTA Reihe
Saints Row Reihe
Fragen und Anregungen oder Kritik immer gerne in die Kommentare posten :-)
Intel i5 2500K @ 4Ghz
16 GB Ram
nVidia GF 970 mit 372.54 später mit 373.06
Win 10 Pro 64 Bit
2933 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 08:50
This game has some great stuff.
Great story, characters, atmosphere and soundtrack. The theme of racism in this game is very well done. Lincoln is an absolute badass and I loved seeing how he would brutalize the people on his hit list. The other characters also have their own personalities with interesting backstories. John Donovan was my favorite, though I wish the game showed us some more of his backstory and reason why he is actually helping Lincoln.
The gameplay is also pretty good, driving is well done and stealth is one of most used mechanics - often its better to just stay stealthy then just go on shootout since it might be difficult.
This game also just looks great, and nails the 1960s atmosphere.
The game is just repetetive as hell . There is just so many grinding, doing same stuff that this game can get easily boring - killing all good stuff i mentioned earlier.
The open world is one of examples how to NOT make open worlds in game, its blank and there is nothing to do in it. Side missions are one of worst aspects of this game - literally only side missions in this game focuses on getting a truck across the map, and then driving this truck to the other side of map wasting up 15 minutes of boring driving around - and thats it, no other side missions just this and racing is only thing you can do in the open world. Tragic.
There is also one bad aspect- glitches. I'm not that kind of guy that will say the game is unplayable if some characters get stuck, or something wont spawn since in open world games glitches always happen. However, this game has the same glitches as launch and they are not fixed at all! I remember everyone laughing at mirrors in this game, they dont work and just show some strange texture - yet, they couldnt fix such simple thing years after launch.
The game is just also crashing, often- for no reason. I just drive around a city and then out of nowwhere it decides to crash.
Plus, its worth mentioning that some of achievements are bugged and really hard to get (or you can just get some achievement out of nowhere since that is also a bug).
Overall, I had fun with this game. I just wish it had bigger mission variety, more stuff to do in New Bordeaux and that developers would finally fix some bugs..
5897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 04:54
Great game would recommend if you love long single player games, also has lost of different outcomes based on decisions. 100 hours of game-play after even rushing lots of parts. still have collectibles and other things to do. lots of fun dlc and killing racists is fun lol i will say there are plot holes in the dlc with sammys restaurant but its alright lol.
worth it 100% no question if you love brutal games with no remorse for the enemy.
f*ck the ops...
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1613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 21:08
3028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 16:46
1250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 12:48
1.The game looks ugly in some places.(Mirror reflections look weird,you have some graphic bugs and draw distance isn't that good)
2.It has some bugs which majority of them can be fixed by restarting from the last checkpoint.(Minus the crashes and performance issues in higher settings)
3.The game forces you to capture rackets in order to continue the story. It can get kinda fun when you get newer and better weapons.(And ability to call in some muscles) but they were still too many rackets and they can make the game feel a bit repetitive.
Only get this game if you can handle these 3 issues.
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1521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 04:51
3536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 18:17
Nicht Empfohlen
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 07:26
5561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 07:30
My Name Is Lincoln Clay, Motherfucker
This was a good game, but not a good Mafia game.
In my opinion, it pretty much lost that Mafia series feeling.
If i were to play the devil's advocate i'd say it's because in the 60s times were changing in the underworld, so they tried to reflect on that, but still.
Honestly, if i didn't know the game's title, and if i weren't to see some familiar faces, i probably couldn't tell it was a game from the Mafia series.
Lincoln Clay is a well-written character, with a lot of charisma, and the rest of the characters are generally pretty well written, well except for [spoiler]Cassandra. Jesus, she's so annoying[/spoiler]
There's plenty of choices when it comes to guns, the game has some very sweet takedowns, and if you're into sneaky/stealthy type of action, you can just do that.
Gun sounds are well done and were music to my ears, dialogues were interesting and occasionally funny, cutscenes were also good.
The world is pretty big, but there's not much to do, and after you 100% everything there's pretty much no activity left to be done, i didn't even see random groups of thugs hanging around the city anymore. They could've added some stuff to keep you going.
I was disappointed because the game still didn't include any kind of bikes/motorcycles, and the driving is pretty bad (although, it's improved from the previous game).
Music is good, but i would've expected some Frank/Nancy Sinatra there to be honest.
Be wary that the game has some annoying bugs and random infinite loading screens (this one might be because of my save file from the original Mafia 3). Also the definitive edition did screw up my original Mafia 3 save for some reason.
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2743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 17:15
Where the game shines is its story, cutscenes and voice acting. The first ~2 hours are amazing, with the cutscenes and gameplay elements interwoven to create this incredibly engaging storytelling experience… and then it drops you into the open world, which I will write about a bit later.
The animations within the cutscenes are just incredible. The lip synching, face animations etc. are the best I have seen so far. The textures are incredibly high quality as well. This makes me wish they just focused on the story in a linear fashion like in the previous Mafia games, instead of doing what they ultimately did.
Outside of cutscenes the game looks good, though there are some weird looking instances of draw distance behaving erratically, same for glass and mirror reflections.
Story wise it’s engaging, interesting, presented in a pseudo-documentary with interviews with an aged cast of the game. The interview parts are thrown in periodically throughout the duration of the plot, without ever overstaying their welcome, but being frequent enough as not to let the player forget about them.
Main plot missions are fairly original, definitely more appealing than the open world, with some fantastic set pieces. I won’t spoil anything but, again, this proves they should have spent their time on making the game linear.
All of the above constitutes around 20% of the whole game. The remaining 80% is doing open world tasks:
1. Go to district
2. Talk with quest giver about taking over an enemy racket
3. Do $X of damage to the enemy property by stealing money, killing enforcers, or burning assets within the district
4. Once the $X of damage has been reached, return to the quest giver
5. Get the mission to kill or recruit the racket owner in a building you most likely have already visited doing the $X of damage part of the mission
6. Kill or recruit the racket owner
Do all of the above 17 more times. Yes, you read that right. Seventeen. 9 districts, 2 rackets for each. No matter how good the combat is, how satisfying, vicious and brutal the takedowns are, how many different approaches you have to some of the tasks, you are essentially doing the same stuff again and again. This literally kills Mafia 3. This is the main reason this game has Mixed reviews here on Steam. I never had any technical issues, but that does not matter, since I have to kill the 25th damn enforcer and burn the 132nd box of assets on my way to kill the 13th racket owner.
Another issue I have is how over the top it is compared to other Mafia games. The protagonist, Lincoln, is a great example of it. Instead of being a regular human being like Tommy or Vito, Lincoln is a Vietnam war veteran seeking vengeance for the deaths of his family, who stands at 6 foot 3 inches and looks like he’s 250 pounds of pure muscle. He is able to run head first into a gun fight, eviscerating enemies with his combat knife left and right. If he gets hurt, he can just jam an adrenaline syringe into his arm and continue his rampage largely unimpeded, unless he encounters guys with shotguns. Lincoln is not a Mafia character, he is literally the Punisher. Why is the Punisher the protagonist of a Mafia game?
The DLCs are on the level of the main plot missions, so they’re good, but each of them is only around 2 hours long. They also are over the top, more like GTA than Mafia.
Ultimately, I cannot recommend it, because if you want to enjoy the story elements, you will require a TON of patience. I know I spent much time on it, but I wanted to know if there is any gameplay variation at any point in the game. There is not.
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984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 00:10
Here we are in 2022, the game is now known by Mafia III: Definitive Edition and it no longer works. It's sluggish and runs awful, has a ton of broken/glitched achievements and the developers have no interest in fixing any of it.
Shame, as I wanted to complete the trilogy, having just 100% completed both of the Definitive Editions of Mafia and Mafia 2.
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485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 06:06
1820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 01:43
If you like Far Cry 3/4 type of game play, you'd like Mafia 3. It has all the good and bad of a free roaming open world game. A huge map, a lot to do, different district to take control, side quests (getting repetitive after mid game).
I’ve dumped about 20 hours into the game since its release. Still couldn't wait to go home and play it. The game play is very similar to Far Cry 3, mix of stealth and gun fighting. But what really draw me into the story is the cast of colorful characters. The protagonist Lincoln Clay is not your typical Black gangster type, you know, the “bling, rap, excessive cursing and holding your gun sideway” type. Nope. Lincoln is a ex-CIA operative turn mob lord, ruthless, smart, dominating, can be evil, even cruel, but have a sweet sometimes goofy side. It is… absolutely refreshing to have such minority character take the lead, and not fall into the cliche.
I would write more after I finish the game, but so far, I really enjoy playing it!
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1767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 23:41
18522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 17:32
5409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 19:59
4075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 21:18
To be honest, I like the game. Many people out here said that the gameplay is repetitive, (you have to go and interrogate all those guys, kill them before you can finally take a turf, etc.) but I don't really see that as something annoying. You can still have fun killing them with the silencer pistol, or drive-by them with some explosives or just stealth kill all of them to improve your hitman skills. Just be creative :).
Also, the story in my opinion was very good. From the beginning the action at Sammy's Bar, to kill all of the mobs who did that to you and you're loved ones. And I am not sure, but if you do have the Definitive Edition you can benefit from a few ''DLC Missions'' like an example with your friend Donovan into an expedition to Cuba, or even renovate the Sammy's like it used to be a long time ago. And for me, was an amazing fill out into the main story.
Having the options to kill your underbosses (Burke, Cassandra and Vito) can add some story and some interesting cutscenes. At the final of the game, you can choose between 2 options which are going to start an unique cutscene as well. The cars and radio soundrack are incredible good and show the perfect era of 60's living in the US.
So, for me the game was very good with all of these included, and I can guarantee you're not going to be bored in the game doing the main story.
1984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 19:04
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Free Fire
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☑ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☑ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Really short ( 0 - 2 hours)
☐ Short ( 2 - 8 hours)
☐ Few hours ( 8 - 12 hours)
☑ Long ( 12+ hours)
☐ Endless
☐ It’s free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☑ Can get annoying
☐ Cyberpunk 2077
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
21342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 00:52
Nicht Empfohlen
1753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 21:28
3506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 23:38
Mafia 3 builds on what Mafia 2 already has going for it – a strong, engaging worldspace with characters grounded in reality, but adds more finesse, speed, and grace to the gameplay at its core. That being said, it’s still a little clunky at times.
Gameplay can get monotonous, but the story offsets it. Sometimes, it feels like a Ubisoft game, where you do the same thing, just in different places/times/scenarios. “Take over the world and defeat the boss” is a weak gameplay loop, but one that doesn’t destroy Mafia 3. Some activities require waiting, which is tedious, but can be counteracted by spreading out the immense amount of content the game has on tap.
The worldspace of Mafia 3 is the logical conclusion of a lost art – a sensible, cohesive experience that doesn’t rely on a dramatic flair to keep it alive. Instead, Mafia 3 offers no shock and awe, but instead serves a humble plate of a realistic pseudo-N’Orleans in the 1970s, and it’s better for it. There’s no need for grandeur – Lincoln Clay’s story falls perfectly in an era where life felt like fiction anyway. With the excellent time-appropriate world design (and soundtrack), it’s easy to become immersed.
Mafia 3 particularly shines when you put yourself in the shoes of Lincoln and plan outfits, vehicles, weapons, and actions as Lincoln would. Game mechanics like civilians calling cops, segregated storeowners becoming hostile, and reporting of stolen cars help you fall into the boots of Lincoln, a character that is easy to relate with and intentionally foolish. Often, there are moments where Lincoln is wronged, but you as a player feel wronged as well. The game rewards you with reactions that satisfy not only Lincoln, but yourself, without making either of you seem like a maniac.
The DLC is all well worth your time and money, because it does nothing but adds to the depth of the world and Lincoln, while providing you with new toys and interesting characters to help, remember, and eliminate.
It would be nice if a few of the achievements didn’t require you to replay the entire story again.
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 13:55
It was buggy, close distant objects not rendering, cops were utterly useless as they didn't react to anything the player did.
Radio stations weren't great, and I am comparing it to Mafia 2 and that massive selection. The music on the radio stations did change entirely but not until near the end of the game, when there was basically an hour left of the main story. I recall the music stations changing in Mafia 2 when the season changed, half way through the game.
I had absolutely no interest in the side missions.
I thought that the main story was enough to keep me playing, despite all the bugs that I encountered in the game.
5.5/10. It's not a bad game, but, it ain't great either.
I wouldn't really say that it is a true Mafia game.
It's worth it when on sale, for as low as possible.
Nicht Empfohlen
7787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 11:07
I enjoyed the game, but a technical problem that prevents the game from launching entirely? Can't recommend.
One workaround is to find the Mafia3DefinitiveEdition file and put '.exe' after it. Bypasses the launcher, but crashes every now and then and has frequent miniscule freezes.
5541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 19:02
I get all three viewpoints. Mafia III is the third game in the series and one would expect it to play it safe by retreading the story of another troubled Italian-American guy, thrust into a game with stakes he can barely comprehend, accompanied by the usual cast of de Niros, Pescis, and Brando knockoffs.
Mafia III doesn't do that. While it retains the general framing of the narrative and features organized crime, including the mafia, it goes in a completely different direction in virtually every aspect.
For starters, it's not set on the East Coast anymore, with the familiar sights inspired by Chicago or New York, but down in the Deep South, in the fictional city of New Bordeaux - and set nearly twenty years later, in 1968. The Prohibition and Great Depression that defined the first game is a distant memory. World War II and the Americana that were at the core of the second are also gone. Instead, the Vietnam War is in full swing, racial tensions run high, and the American dream is more like a nightmare for millions.
Then there's the protagonist: Lincoln Clay. An African-American who grew up in the racist, segregated Deep South, under a small-time crime lord, enlisted voluntarily to serve in Vietnam after growing up under the care of a small time crime lord, eventually serving in the 5th Special Forces Group and participating in the Phoenix Program, a brutal CIA program to fight the Viet Cong through any means necessary - and then drawn back into crime against his sincere desire to find an honest trade and settle down in California.
He's far cry from Thomas Angelo, a naive cab driver drawn in by the riches and glory offered by Don Salieri, who turns on the mafia to protect his family - and even further from Vito, a street kid who never knew anything but crime, and never earned his discharge from the Army.
He's an outsider, looking in and breaking with the tradition of looking at mafia through the eyes of its members. Both Mafia and Mafia II were insider stories, building up the mafia as something more than a criminal organization: A righteous brotherhood of men operating beyond the ken of regular people, almost a military order in its own right.
Lip service is paid to them being criminals, of course, but both games focus on the glamorous aspects of the mafia: Loyalty, brotherhood, wealth, and of course, power. Not just power in the abstract, but in the concrete: Exacting righteous vengeance on those who cross your family and friends. Tommy's and Vito's falls from grace do little to deconstruct this meticulously built image.
Mafia III, on the other hand, takes its time tearing that myth down, piece by piece, and wastes no time doing so: The very first racket Clay targets is a brothel, where black women forcibly addicted to heroin are explited as sex slaves by the Dixie Mafia, a client gang of the Italian mafia - and it's not the worst mafia racket he'll dismantle in the game.
Of course, it's a cynical story, and Clay isn't doing it out of the goodness of his own heart: He's building his own criminal empire, at the head of a shaky alliance of the client gangs of New Bordeaux.
Where the game really excels is in the framing. Borrowing the device from previous games, Mafia III takes it to a different level. Instead of Tommy recounting his mafia life to a detective or Vito reminiscing on what brought him so low, the story is framed as a documentary on the life and crimes of Lincoln Clay - including videos and photographs tying it to real events from the 1960s, recordings of congressional hearings (in period-accurate 4:3 ratio), and most importantly interviews with prominent figures from his life: These offer a profoundly different perspective, enriching the story and putting everything that happens in context.
So on a story level, it's everything I wanted from a Mafia game: Rich, detailed, and multilayered. A story told in shades of gray, with nuance and moral dilemmas - and one that breaks with the glamorous portrayal of organized mob from most other titles.
OK, that's it for the story. What about the gameplay?
It's fine. Gunplay is decently implemented and feels properly punchy, the AI is a bit of a hit-and-miss, but can be extremely dangerous if you don't pay attention, the cars handle decently well... It's just competent, and a lot of the systems are designed to emphasize how Clay's influence grows - the ability to call for backup, cash storage, or vehicles on demand are contingent on securing alliances, while upgrades become available as you show to your underbosses that you mean business and build up their loyalty.
The primary issue with Mafia III is, well, downtime. The first time you crack a mafia racket, knocking off enforcers, stealing cash, and generally wreaking eight different flavors of mayhem - that's exciting. However, you have to do that for every racket across New Bordeaux, with no ability to delegate it to underlings. By the time you unlock the final story mission, with custom cinematics and all the juicy story outlined above, chances are, you'll be simply tired - or worse, bored.
After all, there's only so much variety in breaking up crates, breaking people, and killing all sorts of miscreants - especially since you need to backtrack to your contact after dismantling a racket, to enable the final task.
Backtrack, backtrack, backtrack. Even with the exceptional soundtrack and talk shows on offer, it eventually grinds you down.
It's a shame, really.
The game is well worth it for the story - but only if you're willing to wrestle with the repetitive gameplay.
I certainly am.
787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 17:53
The first time you start Mafia 3, a number of strengths and weaknesses show themselves right from the start.
On the other hand, the game presents a story that is really great from the first minutes; Excellent not in the sense that we are dealing with a different story, but Mafia 3 is essentially a cliché story with a revenge theme. But just being a cliché does not always mean being bad, and Hangar Studios develops this cliché story so well that the game's storytelling eventually becomes one of the best in recent years.
One of the reasons that Mafia 3 story is great, is the game characters.
I will now summarize the pros and cons:
pros :
1- Deep story and fascinating storytelling.
2- Excellent characterization.
3- Attractive gunpowder.
4- Great sound and music.
5. Create a good atmosphere of the 60's.
cons :
1- The city is soulless and there is no side activity in the game.
2- Strange behaviors of artificial intelligence.
3- Very poor technical graphics and various bugs.
4- Repetition of the process of the main stages of the game.
5 - The game is moving away from the roots of the Mafia series.
Conclusion :
Mafia 3 is a fairly mediocre game; A game that tells a great story and at the same time has weaknesses in terms of technology and gameplay. Overall, this game will be a good experience for people who are very interested in strong stories.
And finally, I recommend this game.
Score : 7/10
Nicht Empfohlen
59476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 19:09
Nicht Empfohlen
6934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 18:15
When I was buying this 'game' it was on sale, so I am glad the developers received as less as it could be. Seriously though, this bunch of amateur coders from Hangar 13 and 2K Games doesn't deserve to be called developers, or you can safely call them 'the developers of utter shit'.
Now, you can say 'hey why then you spent 100+ hours in this game?' and boy you are right. The problem is that out of these 100+ hours I spent 'playing' this shit, I actually enjoyed an hour or two. Why? Because even after 5 years after the release and a dozen of patches, this crap crashes every hour on average for no reason whatsoever. Just imagine the scale of this all, when the developers officially say 'yes we know the issue exist, but we have no idea how to fix it'. What bullshit is this? The same goes to the achievements the devs 'graciously' implemented into this pile of crap: almost all of the achies have to be done in one sitting. And when you find strength and time to run through the game again to complete the trophies, it crashes right before the final step. I kid you not, this exact thing just happened to me! It seems like there is a script that forces the game to crash when you are about to finish some major questline or achievement. And you know, I wouldn't be surprised if this is true.
Alright, some games are like that but if a title is worth playing, people will still play it just to enjoy what the devs created, like the story or graphics, characters, mechanics or whatever there is. This game, though, has absolutely nothing to be admired for. It is just like these generic mobile games you see ads of when browsing online. Graphics: outdated and totally unappealing. Characters: lol what characters? You just go full berserk rushing through hordes of enemies to 'do justice', while listening to some cringe and superfluous whining (narrated through some pseudo documentary lol) on how the main character is shaken by the death of relatives and how the world is unjust. Story: there is no story whatsoever, seriously. I assure you even Serious Sam or Postal has richer story. Here is the plot (no spoilers because there are none, while there is nothing to spoil): you arrive home after war, your friend betrays you and then your three new friends demand you seize the entire city and give it to them to rule, so you can have revenge of sorts. So you go literally district by district killing enemy drug dealers so your own friendly drug dealers, pimps, thieves and the like can 'work'. This is exactly how in GTA San Andreas you were supposed to seize the districts from Ballas and others. The only difference is that in GTA SA it was just a minor side mission, while here it is the entire game. The city has some 9+ districts, so you are in for some 'fun' killing hundreds of similar generic NPCs with the same guns and, naturally, the same behaviour. There are no plot twists, no side stories, not even a freaking romance or some small quests like playing pool or strippers, not a thing. And mind you, this piece of shit was released 3 years after GTA V. I mean, the only reason this crap is still selling because, sadly, there are very few games about this time period and its vibe. The music, with which the devs have nothing to do (while it is a pity this music ended up being played in this crap), some beautiful rain plus fog (okay I will give them that), and the cars of that time - those are the only reasons I spent 100+ hours. This, and my damned obsessions with achievement completion.
You know, when I was buying this game there were already thousands of negative reviews and the overall negative rating on various sources. But I decided to give it a try and it was a mistake. I sincerely wish you, Hangar 13 and 2K Games, to go bankrupt and close the hell down your shitty 'development'. It is time you are held responsible for the crap you do and for your laziness to fix the shit you have done. You just disgustingly exploited the 60s, bringing no value and no art whatsoever. This is honestly one of the worst AAA (lol I'm sure they like to call it 'AAA') titles I ever played and one of the first time I very much regret paying money and therefore supporting the devs.
1730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 17:50
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???? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????.
Nicht Empfohlen
2500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 06:35
And I thought it was buggy before.
Nicht Empfohlen
4848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 21:32
Update: Since this review I can no longer get past the endless loading phase in the beginning of the game once I click continue .Game is dead in gator water .I verified files and have shutdown the PC countless times to restart and lowered settings again. Having completed 85% of the main story line I had to uninstall then reinstall the game and start over to get back in.
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 04:50
So you click to get launcher, click to start game, wonder about what the launcher (which wasn't necessary before) is doing in the background, and then click to exit game, and exit the launcher.
At what point did the devs in that company sit around a table and decide that this was what the game needed? I'd recommend their company gets some serious devs. The type that slim down the crap and maximise the gaming experience.
Uninstalled. Shame. Bought it a few months ago, and the game was largely fine, if occasionally buggy. If this is them sorting it, the code must have been seriously messed up, and the new devs were even more useless. Hope you read this devs. Be ashamed of yourselves.
2401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 11:37
5330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 18:05
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t
☑ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Human
☐ Lizards
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press ‚A‘
☑ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ Story?
☐ Text or Audio floating around
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
4058 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 17:20
1673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 09:07
Visually the game looks decent, nothing special. Graphic quality is very inconsistent – while many textures and models look fine, others are very low quality. Lightning and particle effects often have weird unnatural glow. Pop-in is very obvious when looking into the distance. On top of that the game is quite poorly optimized. Having said all that, when the stars align the game can still look pretty.
Mafia III has a captivating story and tells it in a unique true crime documentary fashion. Well written characters with amazing voice acting and cinematics. Mission design is very tedious and repetitive except for a few key points in the story and all 3 DLC’s which have unique stories and great missions. Despite that, I didn’t get bored due to great gameplay. Smooth movement mechanics, solid gunplay, satisfying melee takedowns. Stealth is an option through most of the game except for a few scripted scenes.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition includes all 3 amazing DLC’s so I would definitely recommend grabbing this game on sale. Everything I’ve heard about Mafia III before playing it was negative so I came in with no expectations, but boy did I have a blast playing it. It may not have the oldschool Mafia I & II feel to it, but it’s a great game nonetheless.
Nicht Empfohlen
3974 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 22:40
Nicht Empfohlen
2684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 15:13
4291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 19:47
The good:
Maybe the gameplay overall? pretty GTA-ish. A good gritty and dark revenge story circulating around racism.
The bad:
VERY REPETITIVE, you'd never guessed it by the way early hours story played out. Lots of bugs, pretty annoying but not game-breaking, just reload to the last checkpoint and your bugs will be gone.
I bought it on sale-price so i didn't really mind the bad, but if you're wondering whether to buy or not to buy, my advice would be, First is to watch the gameplay or review in youtube before deciding, if you're okay with the repetitive missions, then buy ONLY on sale.
Nicht Empfohlen
790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 21:05
Nicht Empfohlen
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 22:22
It tries to change the saga in a different direction, and that isn't a problem per sé. I applaud it, because every saga has to renew itself after some time to make for a better experience. The problem is that it's just not a good game, it doesn't live up to its predecessors.
There are certain features which are nice, or even great. Voice acting and graphics are very nice! Sadly, the physics, writing, gameplay, and soundtrack is forgettable at best. The story is mediocre, and doesn't pull you in.
You can't be an antihero at best, villain at worst, without a nice purpose, and this game doesn't fill the void for it. You end up with an unlikable protagonist in a dystopic world full of evil, awful people.
I don't really want to spend more time in this review than needed; if you're looking for a game as great as the other Mafia games, you won't find it here. If you're looking for a budget GTA game, you might find it here, but mind you, it's quite empty and boring.
I can't recommend this game for anything above 8€, it just doesn't deserve it. It feels soulless, like a generic Hollywood production.
Nicht Empfohlen
4493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 02:01
The remainder of the game is a grindfest to the liking of GTA Online. Go here, shoot him. Go here, steal drugs. Etc.
Honestly, there was potential, but ultimately is lost in poor execution. It's almost like the studio forgot everything that made the franchise what it was, in an attempt to copy other open-world games like Grand Theft Auto.
Nicht Empfohlen
5117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 21:44
You are Lincoln Clay, a former criminal and Vietnam veteran. You are forced to return to a life of crime to help your family settle problems with the local Mafia family. It does not take long and the Mafia betray and murder your family, so you are going on a quest for revenge. Over time Lincoln is slowly building a criminal empire.
On its release Mafia III was full of bugs, over time it was patched and was good in terms of performance but then came the Definitve Edition upgrade...
Now the game is riddled with graphical bugs, sound bugs (ALT+TAB removed the sounds for me), cut scenes are sometimes not working, some characters which should have opened a door for me to proceed stucked and I had to reload the checkpoint, and the performance overall is worse compared to the former version.
The graphics are good. The music is also good and fits to the time, however there could be more songs in the radio (you can listen to radio channels, like in GTA).
The characters and the story are uninteresting from my point of view. It does not feel like playing in the Mafia world.
The game (especially in the later part) is pretty boring and annoying. The missions are totally repetetive (interrogate a person, destroy that and that and kill a special guy...repeat). So, I actually wished that the game was shorter, as it was a torture to do the same stuff again and again.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition is a disapointment. I recommend Mafia II or GTA series, but this game is not worth 29,99 € at all.
Sounds 6/10
Graphics 8/10
Gameplay 4/10
Atmosphere 3/10
If you liked my review, please feel free to follow me and/or my curator group:
3833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 02:17
Nicht Empfohlen
764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 10:13
The fact they put Vito in this game was also just like them pissing on the shit ending they already served us with. I don't want it to be insinuated that Joe could be alive. I want to play Vito in the back of that car, pop/persuade Leo even though hes like a father, because Joe is more like a brother then Leo could ever be like a father. Ontop Joe saves your ass so you kinda owe him one at the end, and I think Leo of all people would understand that. Leo should also know Vitos gonna murk you all like he just did to Falcon & his men, or your gonna turn Joe loose with Vito.
1202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 00:11
Nicht Empfohlen
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 21:05
The gameplay is very sluggish and the game suffers from a severe case of the Ubisoft formula.
The only good thing I can say about it though is that the music is AMAZING and the collectibles are interesting, but that is about it.
This game is a massive downgrade from Mafia 2 and I suggest that you spend your time playing something else.
Not recommended.
Nicht Empfohlen
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 14:14
Nicht Empfohlen
2849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 22:46
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☑ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☑ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☑ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 21:29
2611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 11:41
Well, I didn't encounter any gamebreaking bugs so far and maybe one or two smaller ones in my 11hrs of gameplay.
Repetition... I can understand it for the main story. I'm not too far in, but there are some recurring gameplay elements. Thing is, the gameplay itself is quite fun, so it hasn't bothered me yet.
My only other complaint would be the save checkpoints which are sometimes a bit too harsh.
So with that out of the way: here's what I think of the game.
It's goddamn great.
The story, characters, voice and motion acting are tremendous.
Especially the DLC that's included in this version, are amazing.
You can start playing once you're a bit into the story, but the stories and atmosphere are some of the best I've ever seen in a game. Plus, these missions are more linear like the old Mafia games.
In my opinion, this game is a hidden gem. Hidden because of the bad reviews it probably rightfully deserved when it launched, but now this is truly a diamond of a game.
Against all my expectations, this may be my favorite Mafia game yet.
Let's see if it remains so once I finish it, but so far so good.
3586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 14:03
As I sat down to play Mafia 3 last week, I already harbored a good prediction of what’s to come but remained skeptical due to a vast difference from the typical mobster storyline. Mafia 3 takes place in 1968 New Bordeaux, a fictional New Orleans that never stops sleeping. You play as Lincoln Clay, a young African-American male that happens to be a former Vietnam veteran. In association with various gang leaders, your job is to organize a syndicate that will assist in eliminating a faction of the Italian Mob which killed Clay’s family and left him for dead.
Unlike its predecessors, racism plays a big role in Mafia 3 and challenges the industry by breaking a barrier that most gamers would not be comfortable with. During my tour of the River Row district, I tried to enter a certain bar but an employee felt unsafe around Clay and demanded I leave immediately. A message also appeared on the screen, informing me about the segregation issue involving certain businesses. Instead of leaving, I stole about $24 from the register and had the cops called on me anyway. At this point, I hopped into the nearest muscle car and drove a good distance away from the bar until the cops called off the search.
Considering the era that Mafia 3 takes place in, everything seems to feel very grounded. There is a surplus of racism in New Bordeaux, ranging from confederate flags hung high inside of businesses to chit chat about segregation over the radio stations. Some pedestrians give Clay a rough look on the streets, while police officers act xenophobic around him. The late 1960’s held plenty of racial tension among Americans and I think it’s quite brave of Hangar 13 to show a portion of this in a game about guns and territory.
The city of New Bordeaux has a charming presence within each and every district. From the murky Bayou Fantom to the high-rise buildings looming over Downtown, there’s a living breathing city waiting to be fully explored. History is taking form throughout the entirety of the game and even taking a casual stroll down the block feels surreal. There’s something special about witnessing an artistic rendition of a notable era that most of us have not lived through. With a myriad of landmarks to explore, there’s no shortage of timeless architecture to lay your eyes upon.
Most of the missions in Mafia 3 revolve around taking rackets and earning money, with an end goal of gathering the appropriate funds to execute your revenge against Sal Marcano and his associates. The money that you earn can be deposited into a safe or stashed by the Consiglieri, a valuable associate of Vito’s. Once you take over all the rackets in a district, you can confront the district boss who is being heavily guarded by a small army of gang members at a secret site. Upon arriving at the location, you’ll realize there’s no shortage of enemies to take out. When you’re ready to confront the boss, you will receive the ability to kill him for a set amount of money or add him to your racket, where you will earn more money in the long run.
The business of taking over rackets can become repetitive over time, but the story finally starts to take shape once you gather all three lieutenants for a sitdown. A variety of missions suddenly unlock and the cinematic cutscenes gain a dramatic improvement. Occasionally, in-game events will transition to cutscenes of your CIA associate answering questions for the government in past tense. Mafia 3’s story dialogue is a very strong selling point on its own for any gamer that enjoys impeccable character development. Associates such as Burke and Vito display a classic Mafioso attitude and aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty the least bit when it comes to pulling off a job.
One of my favorite things is the dynamic combat system. This may sound absurd but killing each enemy feels immensely satisfying, almost like an achievement. In most situations, Clay will be surrounded by dozens of tough gangsters and plenty of objects to conceal himself behind. I’m not usually in favor of cover-based shooters but Mafia 3 seems to pull it off quite well, with zero complaints on my end. You’re given the option to pull off every mission by using stealth or going in with guns blazing. I prefer applying Clay’s militant melee skills on enemies that are in close-range, while using an arsenal of guns to execute headshots from a further distance.
During some of the missions I played, there were a few bugs that seem to be tied to the physics and animation of character models. Upon throwing some molotov’s at a group of gangsters seated at a table, they stood up and froze while being burned alive. There was no death animation at all and I was completely shocked at what I had witnessed. Another bug was during a mission with Burke, where Clay has to snipe rival gangsters and keep them away from Burke’s property. In the middle of that mission, the enemies completely stopped spawning. After patiently waiting over fifteen minutes for someone to start blasting away, I eventually restarted the mission.
Mafia 3 seems to be a great game that was rushed to meet deadlines. Whether this decision was based on meeting quarterly expectations for parent company Take-Two or if it was due to the development budget running out, this game would’ve greatly benefited from a couple more months in development. Sadly, it's paid the price for its rush to market with a noticeable lack of polish across gameplay and presentation.
My Rating: 7.2/10
4921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 08:04
The Animals: “We Gotta Get Out Of This Place”
Aretha Franklin: “Chain of Fools,” “Respect”
Barry Maguire: “Eve of Destruction”
Beach Boys: “Help Me, Rhonda,” “Heroes and Villains,” “Wouldn’t It Be Nice”
Beethoven Ben: “Dance of the Hours”
Big Brother & The Holding Company: “Piece of My Heart”
Blue Cheer: “Good Times Are So Hard To Find”
Bobby Fuller Four: “I Fought The Law”
Box Tops: “The Letter”
Canned Heat: “On The Road Again”
Chambers Brothers: “I Can’t Turn You Loose”
Clarence Carter: “Slip Away”
Clifton Chenier: “Ay-Tete-Fee”
Count Five: “Psychotic Reaction”
Cream: “White Room”
Creedence Clearwater Revival: “Proud Mary,” “Fortunate Son,” “Bad Moon Rising,” “Born on the Bayou”
Del Shannon: “Runaway,” “Keep Searchin’ (We’ll Follow The Sun)”
Delta Rae: “Bottom of the River”
Dewey Edwards: “I Let A Good Thing Go By”
Diana Ross & The Supremes: “Love Child”
Dusty Springfield: “Son of a Preacher Man”
Eddie Floyd: “Knock on Wood”
Elvis: “A Little Less Conversation”
Etta James: “Don’t Go To Strangers”
Four Tops: “Reach Out, I’ll Be There”
Freddie Cannon: “Palisades Park”
Iron Butterfly: “In A Gadda Da Vida”
James Brown: “I Got You (I Feel Good)”
Jefferson Airplane: “Somebody to Love,” “White Rabbit”
John Lee Hooker: “One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer”
Johnny Cash: “Folsom Prison Blues (Live),” “Ring of Fire”
Jr. Walker and the All Stars: “Shotgun”
L.C. Cooke: “Take Me For What I Am”
Lightnin’ Hopkins: “Black Ghost Blues,” “Sinner’s Prayer,” “The Howling Wolf”
Lightnin’ Slim: “G.I. Blues”
Little Richard: “Long Tall Sally”
Lonnie Youngblood: “Go Go Shoes”
Martha and the Vendellas: “Nowhere to Run”
Marvin Gaye: “You”
Mercy Dee Walton: “Five Card Hand”
Misfits: “You Belong To Me”
Mourning Ritual (ft. Peter Dreimanis): “Bad Moon Rising”
Otis Redding: “Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay,” “Hard To Handle”
Otis Redding & Carla Thomas: “Tramp”
Otis Spann: “Must Have Been The Devil”
Patsy Cline: “Crazy”
Paul Revere and the Raiders: “Kicks”
Ramones: “Palisades Park”
Roger Miller: “King of the Road”
Roosevelt Sykes: “Hey Big Momma”
Roy Orbison: “Running Scared”
Rufus Thomas: “Walking The Dog”
Sam and Dave: “Hold On, I’m Comin’,” “Soul Man”
Sam Cooke: “Chain Gang,” “Wonderful World,” “Bring It On Home To Me,” “Another Saturday Night,” “I’m Gonna Forget About You”
Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs: “Li’l Red Riding Hood”
Sonny Rhodes: “You Better Stop”
Status Quo: “Pictures Of Matchstick Men”
Steppenwolf: “Desperation,” “Born To Be Wild”
Supremes: You Keep Me Hangin’ On
Temptations: “I Wish It Would Rain”
The Animals: “House of the Rising Sun”
The Avengers: “Paint It Black”
The Band: “The Weight”
The Chambers Brothers: “Time Has Come Today”
The Dramatics: “Get Up and Get Down”
The Duprees: “You Belong To Me”
The Fun Sons: “Hang Ten”
The Miracles: “You’ve Really Got A Hold On Me”
The Rolling Stones: “Mother’s Little Helper,” “Paint It Black,” “Sympathy For The Devil,” “Street Fighting Man,”
The Searchers: “Take Me For What I’m Worth,” “Needles & Pins”
The Shadows of Knight: “I Got My Mojo Working”
The Supremes: “Baby Love”
The Tams: “What Kind of Fool (Do You Think I Am)”
The Temptations: “Ain’t Too Proud To Beg”
The Troggs: “Wild Thing”
Three Dog Night: “One”
Vanilla Fudge: “You Keep Me Hangin’ On”
3678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 07:57
6730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 05:50
But even with all those obstacles to overcome to properly get into the game it's still a Mafia game and the gameplay and driving is fundamentally solid and fun with the caveat that the enemy AI can be exploited once you get used to its quirks, then again that's true for a lot of other action shooter games. There's just too much stuff to do that can derail the Mafia game experience if you where expecting something similar to first two games, unfortunately, but once you accept the game for what it is you can still get a lot out of it especially if you take to all the different characters the game introduces to you which range from insane to mostly depressed but at least you got a level headed wiseguy like yourself in Vito (player character from the 2nd game) as one of your underbosses so that helps steady the rest of the cast. A lot of the side stuff can be fun but can be easily ignored if you just want to move to main story along.
One thing to note is the season pass dlc is actually quite good and enjoyable and gives you good story driven missions that give certain key main game NPCs further character development while providing you with different gameplay challenges, settings and mechanics relative to the main game. They also provide you with weapons, vehicles and equipment that can speed up the repetitive task of racket acquisition that is the meat of the campaign so my suggestion is to do them asap as soon as they become available.
Mafia 3 isn't for everyone but if you are a fan of the earlier games especially the 2nd one and open world GTA-likes in general it's worth a try if you can get it during a sale. It can be pretty good at its best and rather frustrating if a bug impedes your progress but I will make note that these bugs where at their worst during optional side content and not with the main content of the campaign and the dlc (though each dlc also has its own side content after the main story part concludes).
There you have it. Another flawed game that with the right slant can be pretty damn good. Hopefully this helped a bit in you deciding if its the right fit for you or not.
3982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 21:30
Bugs I have encountered:
1. Screen freezes, audio still plays
2. Floating environment props
3. Enemy seeing me from across the map
4. Cars getting stuck in the ground
5. During some races the car won't move at all
6. When opening the game I get frozen screen and need to restart
7. Map becomes extra large and the gps street becomes too big
8. when doing the circle thingy when opening locked doors, it does not zoom in
9. sometimes when calling for a car it doesn't come
10. when speaking to a character, the option to press E doesn't show
11. Enemies getting stuck into boxes
12. some side missions still pop up even after completed, and when going to the mission site there is no truck to steal
( NEW bugs discovered 02/08/2020)
13. sometimes when killing an enemy, it can leave them standing frozen
14. driving through a fence with a sign, may leave the sign floating in the air
14. sometimes the game freezes for 5 seconds and then resumes
15. sometimes the button Q does not appear for stealthy take-downs (but still performs them if pressed continuously)
16. some achievements do not unlock, even after met the requirement
17. for communist posters I have collected 100% of them, but I still found some after reaching 100%
18. when doing car races sometimes the car won't move, so you have to abandon mission, exit vehicle, enter vehicle, and start the mission again
19. falling with the car in the water at high speed may teleport you under the map where you endlessly fall
Things I did NOT like:
- sometimes, npc jump in front of your car when driving fast
- gameplay very repetitive
- cops pop your tire too fast
- sometimes travelling distances are wayyyy too long and feels tedious
- sometimes cars don't move when using the car horn
- boats are a bit hard to control
- use of weapons and fighting techniques are always the same
- killing bosses doesn't feel special or rewarding
- graphics could be better, character hair is oof, and facial expressions not that great compared to rivals
- sometimes the lighting can be overexposed and the whole screen is white
- NOT all cars are customizable (the ones you find on the street) and there is no way to save a car
- when doing a side mission and driving a truck, the truck sometimes becomes your main vehicle and lose the old one
- I wished there was more exploring in the game, since the world is so big and detailed, you don't explore it much, but your travel a lot
- sometimes you have multiple objectives at once and the missions and map always leads you to the one that is the most far way, and therefore you travel and waste time
- no manual save button
-BUSHES ARE OBSTACLES, you can crash your car in them...just no
(added 02/08/2020)
- nothing left to do after game is finished
- ending not as exciting
- the island DLC was cool, but once you finish the mission, you can't go there anymore
Things I did like:
- DLCs added a refreshment (with the investigation mechanic, weed farm and car chases)
- if you buy it with the trilogy, the game is not worth much which is good money value
- the worlds are beautiful, historically accurate
- the cars are amazing and they are hard to handle, which adds a fun challenge to the game
- Races are cool, although to get 1st + you need to work on story to unlock upgrades and new cars
- Combat system is smooth and well done, nice variation of guns but I wished enemies had more variation in the guns
- Story is rich and interesting it keeps me going
-Character development is good altho relationships with other characters are not as developed ( romantic relationship with Roxy feels rushed)
- other ways to make money (weed farm)
- different districts represent different cities of the US, therefore the environment feels extremely diverse and big
- other additions are very nice, such as outfits, car customizations
- characters are racists and n word is used a lot, brave for a game company to do, I like it
- ability to call for a car and weapon store wherever you want is awesome, so you don't have to travel to a point on the map for that
- the game is around 150 hours (including completing EVERYTHING like achievements and collectables)
- there are PlayBoy magazines, say hi to boobies
- very repetitive, every mission feels the same, and the game feels more like a hitman game than a mafia game. Combat system is too simple and no new features added (unless you buy the DLCs which adds the slow-mo)
- the environments are beautiful and historically accurate, story is rich and in all categories the game does either fine or good, but it's never amazing
It may seem like a lot of negativity from me. For a mafia fan, this game is most likely a disappointment. If you never played a Mafia game (like me) I would give this game a go. (and since the price is cheap, you get a lot of value for your money).
1202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 01:40
If anything, I think the game is worth checking out for the story alone. It’s unfortunate that the gameplay is so much of a slog that some players may not think the story is worth the trouble. However, if you have the time, the extra coin, and love mob stories, this tale has a satisfying end.
5071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 11:19
When I think of Mafia based entertainment a few things come to mind.. The Sopranos, Goodfellas, The Godfather, Casino, Untouchables or Analyze this, (ok just kidding about analyze this). All those things tend to have a few things in common ultra violence, gory deaths, aggressive protagonist, also filled with vulgarity, nudity and all types of criminal stuff..
The game mafia is set in New Bordeaux, (which is essentially New Orleans, without having fear of the citizens and Government of New Orleans getting angry at the developers) You play as Lincoln Clay, a Vietnam veteran returning from war and planning for his future.. Those plans include leaving the old neighborhood and your former life of crime.. Like all good stories, stuff happens.. Lincoln goes from planning to start a new life to a way with a Haitian gang.. Which leads into Lincoln taking part in a robbery of the federal reserve.. You'll be faced with friendship, betrayals, returning protagonist, and of course,,, violence, death, and agony...
The game is very similar to other open world crime games like Grand Theft Auto, Saints Row, and Mafia 2. The game has Lincoln disrupting operations for two racket bosses in each of the nine districts.. You have to do a set amount of damage to their operations to draw them out, then you're given the chance to kill or recruit them into your organization (once recruited you'll never hear from them again although they'll add money to your underbosses overall take).. Once you remove the two racket bosses per district you draw out the main enemy of that district and typically move along the story..
You'll acquire 3 under bosses during the course of the game.. Each under boss can be assigned rackets and ultimate a district.. Once you've given a district to an underboss they'll begin to earn money, which will get you a kickback of 2 - 3% of their total money.. Perks like weapons, upgrades, and limited use abilities can be gained the more you award each individual underboss.. Be careful though because giving too much to one underboss will make the others angry.. It can be so bad one or two of them will leave and declare war on you.. Which will lead to you having a mission to kill them..
The gameplay really suffers from a case of repetition.. it's to the point where after you take out your third district you'll start getting fatigued from the game.. Not something that should take place in an open world. The game takes around 40 hours to complete if you try to do almost everything, DLC, collections, and finish the storyline, but it feels like you played 80 because of how repetitive it is..
The game really shines in it's soundtrack, classic tunes from the 60's and early 70's make the soundtrack really awesome to listen too.. Whether you're a fan of rock or R&B you'll find something you enjoy.. The game has 2 or 3 radio stations which are really well crafted, and will leave you feeling immersed in the game unlike any other game I've ever played..
Great soundtrack
Awesome voice acting
compelling and interesting story
Repetition is the only major drawback,
The game has mixed reviews and it's quite obvious after about 10 hours why.. The repetitive nature of all the missions will be a drain.. It was like they wanted to take a 15 hour game and turn it into a 20 hour game.. Which caused the overall experience to be tarnished.. If they had reduced the required activities, or made them story related, like in the second game.. Although the repetition is bad... like really bad, the overall experience of the game more then makes up for it.. If you can slug your way through the boring repetitive stuff, you're treated to a decent story, awesome sounds, and a fairly memorable experience.. The game also features 5 or 6 different endings, although IMO, unless you're doing achievements no real reason exist for a second play through. The endings really aren't worth going through 20 hours of gameplay just to unlock..
Ultimately to sum it up.. I'd suggest watching youtube videos and doing a bit of research on whether or not you'd like to play the game.. I enjoyed my experience, and feel like I should have played it soon.. I only wish that repetition wasn't there.. I think they learned that gamers didn't like it because the DLC was fun and enjoyable and for the most part had all the repetition removed and replaced with awesome story missions..
3513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 02:08
One of the most underrated games of the decade; it was plagued by bugs at launch and got scathing reviews for its repetitive gameplay but honestly? The bugs have been fixed, i didn't run into a single one during my entire campaign, and the gameplay is only repetitive if you can't bother utilising more than the most basic combat mechanics. It's like complaining that being a stealth archer in Skyrim is too repetitive and boring when there are clearly other options; there's enough diversity in game mechanics that allow you to approach each situation differently and the story kept me engaged the whole way.
The characters in this game are superbly written and acted, and the story was the first one in a long time that kept me engrossed and invested; Hangar 13 definitely didn't shy away from showing a gritty real world in their videogame and it excels because of it.
This game is often on sale dirt cheap but i'm surprised to see that the price was raised since i bought it, maybe it's finally getting the appreciation it deserves?
2745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 21:06
The main protagonist, voice acting and mocap are excellent. The main story is great and really kept my attention the whole time. I couldnt wait to see what was going to happen next. The soundtrack is incredible too, as there's music from Elvis, The Animals, CCR, Hendrix, Aretha, Sam Cooke, Steppenwolf and many other great artists of the era. Ive always liked the look and feel of the 60's and here they did a good job of the look and feel of New Orleans during that time.
If you plan on playing the game i highly suggest buying the Deluxe version because it has three expansions that really help break away from the monotony of the story missions. What I did was play a handful of story missions, do some side missions and then when it started to get kind of stale i played a DLC pack. Theyre all really fun and add an injection of life into the mission structure, (I did them in this order- Stones Unturned, Faster, Baby, then Sign of the Times, but you can do them in any order you wish). I especially liked Faster, Baby because it felt like a crazy mix of Dukes of Hazzard meets Burnout Paradise, and one of the supporting characters named Roxy I really liked a lot too.
There's still Playboy mags to be found again like in Mafia II, but theres also more collectibles too. However, in order for them to show up on your map you must find fuses scattered everywhere across the map. Every three fuses will let you unlock a nearby junction box to reveal the collectibles. Only problem i have with this is that the junction boxes only cover a fairly small portion of an area and theres dozens of them everywhere, so you see where this is going- having to collect items (which, ironically, are all shown on the map by default), to reveal collectibles then to actually get the collectibles is overly grindy and frankly takes way too much time and doesnt give you any special abilities or bonuses outside of achievements (which by the way, the achievements are mostly really fun in this game so theres that).
I did run into a few bugs and crashes. In my 40+ hours the game crashed three times. About 5 or 6 times during missions some doors or objectives wouldnt activate, but simply restarting the last checkpoint fixed them all. Nothing gamebreaking.
And finally, the one thing that almost made me want to stop playing, but thankfully i didnt- theres no fast travel. It really irritated me at first. The flip-side to this though, is that great soundtrack accompanying your driving. The 60's had some fantastic songs and theres a lot of gems here.
Overall though I think its a solid game. Its not exactly the Mafia III we were all expecting, but its definitely not an awful game like many reviews made it out to be. Like I mentioned before, if you plan on buying it wait for a sale and get the deluxe edition for the DLC packs.
3425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 16:51
- The city – so beautiful and alive.
- Characters – Lincoln and John are incredibly well written.
- The story – powerful and engaging.
- The AI – cops were really dumb.
- Gameplay repetitiveness – many mission were based on the same motives and actions.
- Story could have been more tied into missions.
The DLCs are amazing, I wish there were more missions created like that in the main story.
Nicht Empfohlen
2472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 04:59
But the game got the mixed reviews for a reason. It quickly becomes repetitive after you're allowed to free roam in the city. Literally every mission you do is to go to a spot to kill & interrogate certain targets and then receive further information and go to the next spot doing the exact same thing until you finally liberate all the districts for your 3 underbosses which is pretty much everything this game has to offer, it really feels like a chore to do and many people hate it because of that.
But the game starts to get a little bit more interesting again after I liberated the first 3 districts. At least now there are races I can do and I get to modify my cars, it's fun because the driving (and the shooting) in this game feels pretty good. But srsly I dunno what they were thinking, the races are not available at first, you have to grind through the first 10+ hours of the game in order to be able to race. I believe the majority of the players just quit before they even know there are races in the game.
Overall I think this game could've been so much better, the demo back in 2015 looks so good that it's hard not to be sold on the game, I dunno what happened later that could make the game so different from what it looked like in the demo, maybe the lack of money? It's such a shame.
Hangar 13
2K Games
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos