• Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht
  • Lost Planet 3: Ingame Screenshots zum Testbericht


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 27.08.2013
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Preis Update 27.06.24

Über das Spiel

In Lost Planet 3 begegnen wir zum ersten Mal Jim Peyton. Der Pilot eines Wartungs-Rigs verlässt die Erde, um einen gefährlichen, aber lukrativen Auftrag auf E.D.N. III zu erfüllen. Jim arbeitet für Neo-Venus Construction (NEVEC) und ist einer von wenigen ausgesuchten Pionieren auf der Coronis-Basis, die das unbekannte Gebiet beobachten und Proben der natürlichen Energiequelle des Planeten nehmen – Thermalenergie, mit der NEVEC glaubt, die Energiekrise der Erde bewältigen zu können.

Als er von den auf E.D.N.III beheimateten Akriden angegriffen wird, rutscht Jims Wartungs-Rig-Fahrzeug in eine Eisspalte. Nachdem er das Bewusstsein wieder erlangt, findet sich der verletzte Pilot in einer Geheimbasis wieder, versteckt unter der gefrorenen Oberfläche. Gerettet von Mira, eine Bewohnerin der Basis und Tochter des Schneepiraten-Anführers So’ichi, realisiert Jim, dass nicht nur NEVEC-Mitarbeiter den Planeten besetzen. Die Existenz der Schneepiraten bringt neue Wahrheiten über die koloniale Vergangenheit ans Tageslicht von E.D.N.III.

  • Kehren Sie in extreme Umweltbedingungen zurück – Lost Planet 3 führt die Reihe wieder zurück zu ihren Wurzeln auf E.D.N. III und bietet eine dynamische Spielwelt, die gefährlicher ist als jemals zuvor.
  • Meistern Sie schreckliche Gefahren – Spielen Sie als der Arbeiter Jim, der riskante Aufträge in gefährlichen Umgebungen in Kauf nimmt, um seine Gefahrenzulage zu erhalten und damit die Rückkehr zu seiner Familie finanzieren zu können.
  • Das mobile Zuhause – Schützen Sie sich mit Ihrem Wartungs-Rig vor feindlichen Akrid und den unvorhersehbaren Eisstürmen auf E.D.N. III. Das Rig ist mit einer Reihe von Werkzeugen ausgestattet, darunter die neue Winde, mit der weiter entfernte Gegner ergriffen werden können, und der Bohrer, der Kreaturen jeder Größe zerstören kann. Die Spieler müssen lernen, das Rig zu ihrem Vorteil einzusetzen, damit sie überleben.
  • Spielvielfalt – Gehen Sie die extremen Bedingungen zu Fuß an oder nutzen Sie die Sicherheit des Rigs für Kampfszenen in der Egoperspektive.
  • Sturmwetter – Das sich ständig verändernde Wettersystem von E.D.N. III beeinflusst die Art, wie Sie mit den Bedingungen umgehen. Erleben Sie eine imposante Umgebung und passen Sie sich daran an.
  • Intensives, kinoreifes Erlebnis – Mit der Unreal Engine 3 entwickelt, präsentiert Lost Planet 3 ein visuell beeindruckendes und einzigartiges Terrain, welches das Gameplay maßgeblich beeinflusst.
  • Killer-Gegner – Die Akriden sind zurück – größer und wütender als je zuvor. Der Carrier-Akrid greift seine Gegner mit kleineren Verteidiger-Organismen an. Ferner ist er in der Lage, Widersacher im Nahkampf mit seinen kraftvollen Vorderbeinen aufzuspießen. Per Waffengewalt oder mit Hilfe des Wartungs-Rigs muss Jim den harten Außenpanzer des Carriers zerstören, um den versteckten Schwachpunkt freizulegen und dem Gegner den Rest zu geben.


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

314 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 09:46
Gutes Spiel, obwohl mich die Quick Time Events genervt haben.
131 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 10:11
atmosphärisch sehr gut und super gameplay...leider etwas kurz.....wartet aufn sale ...vollpreis ist viiielll zu teuer ...fürn abbl un e ei macht ihr nix falsch....
922 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 00:12
Note to potential players:
Want more Lost Planet? Get EDF.
Want More Dead Space? Get this.

Seven hours in, Jim Peyton is an amazing character. He's like a cross between Nicolas Cage and Jake Gylenhaal. This game is extremely atmospheric, and the sound design is amazing - you can hear everything from distant storm rumbling to snow hitting against metal. The soundtrack reminds me alot of Ennio Morricone's work on The Thing (1982).

On foot gameplay consists of your typical Unreal Engine 3 preset mechanics, and a bunch of borrowed elements from Dead Space. So far, it works really well - I'm enjoying it.

The rig (mech) plays in first-person, and actually feels like you're piloting one, it's got that whole shaky bulky metal beast feel to it. The combat while in the rig plays like a boxing-game, with your block, claw grab, and drill. Most enemies can be killed using QTE triggers and they're quite fun to go through so far, but I wonder if it'll get old.

This game also scans your music data and lets you play custom music while piloting the rig.

So far, 8/10. Let's see if the rating stays.
285 Produkte im Account
169 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 15:16
nice game, i like it
195 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 20:51
So frustrating the game is actually okay, even if I prefer number 2 in the series, the linear progression is slow-ish paced but fine really, and the story isn't that long, combat is okay, and it is an aged game so don't expect too much. However, if I keep getting kicked out of the game due to connection issues on an offline story mode why should I bother? I just cannot be bothered to repeat the same part over and over, even if it does let me progress eventually. Half way through the story, from what I read, shame really. Probably best played with steam in offline mode but I have stopped caring.

6/10 not including connectivity issues, with connectivity issues, 1/10
568 Produkte im Account
337 Reviews
737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 03:02

I have finally fully finished this game, a pretty unique take on the lost Planet franchise and I can honestly see why this pissed so many people off... so is it a bad game?

You play as Jim Peyton, a very well voice acted and a great overall protagonist, he's a contractor working for Nevec on a desolate planet EDM 3. you are tasked with main / side missions for people on the base which require skills in your RIG.

This game feels very similar to Dead Space, even your menu for maps and inventory is the exact same, 2 weapon carry limit and tons of QTE

You can unlock new weapons and RIG upgrades from killing Akrids while also completing main missions for extra money.

Story is pretty odd as it progresses but overall I like every character as the voiceacting is pretty well done and motivations to help certain people feels impactful.. as you play though and get about half way you can totally forget all the side missions.. I found two of the rarest guns early on and that was all I needed.

Graphics hold up well, sound design is pretty well varied and the music in the RIG is awesome. I enjoyed my experience and the ending definitely keeps everything open for LP4 which will never happen.

All together I rate this higher then most, it stands well by itself if you don't expect Lost Planet 2 run and gunning.
272 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 23:23
This game is pretty much a downgrade from 2 in most every way, to the point that it's hardly the same genre as Lost Planet. The story really isn't special enough at all to be better than the unapologically cheesyactiony story of 2, which I greatly enjoyed despite it not having any depth. It's a lite-horror (thriller?) story driven action shooter. You mostly spend time shooting smaller akrid and never really get those huge Cat G akrid fights in 2. Not is it a downgrade from 2 in gunplay, as you really dont get any fun gun options, but it is also had zero co-op, and I remember about a month after launch the PVP was dead.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 03:10
I’ve always wanted to play this game. And now tha I have, I am not disappointed.
248 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 04:53
The gameplay sucked:
It was an early 10s cover shooter instead of Lost Planet.

The enemies sucked:
If I say there's a dozen different Akrid varieties, I might be getting generous. This is a 10h-15h game, and a cover shooter to boot so it's not like you have gameplay depth to compensate.

The bosses sucked:
There's only two real bosses. One's a cinematic boss and the other gets taken down in literally 2 minutes (if that long).

The story sucked:
The characters were nice, I'll give them that. And that's also all I'll give them because god DAMN is it a generic, forgettable and predictable story.

The lack of VS's sucked:
You only get to use a construction robot throughout the entire game. With no guns. In a Lost Planet game. Which is a franchise that sold itself on having robots with guns. I'm not fucking with you

The port sucked:
Default mouse speed and keybinds are awful, game controls can and do break if you remap controls (ie. reload stops working), strong stutters when moving mouse, long and constant loading screens (even on an SSD), and just a ton of bugs.

The only good thing:
The environment was pretty. It was actually a very beautiful and convincing recreation of E.D.N. III.

holy shit
this game killed a franchise and now i see why
it even had the gall to set itself up for a sequel
927 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 08:51
Uninspired, tedious and downright painful. Not because it's THAT bad, but because at any given point it looks like you are getting to the good part - until you slowly realise there isn't one. But don't take my word for it, try it yourself and join the suffering. This special kind of a train wreck has to be experienced first hand to understand.
920 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 13:47
Painfully unremarkable.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 07:45
mega boring
168 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 21:20
For some reason, this game is a part of me. Every few years, I'll come back to EDN III, it's cold atmosphere, and strangely mixed writing. I'm reminded of why I hate this game, why I like this game, so on and so forth...but I know that at some point, I want to step back into the RIG, and see what happens. Good god, why did it have to be this strange mess however.
473 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 11:02
Nicolas Cage on an ice planet.
101 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
1232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 12:08
Lost planet 3, A very different game from other Lost planet games, LP3 is technically a good game, The game is mostly hated due to tryhard fans of the 2 first games, since it way different gameplay than the other 2 but the third one has much better graphics and story, its true that you play alone aginst aliens and feel pretty much lonely because only you travel around and do quest, the game almost open world since you can fast travel to different locations when you want, but yeah the game can get a alot horror vibes.

in my summary: If you like story games with cutscenes, action, the feeling of being not alone or exploring this game is just for you! and also Dont eat snow!
18 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 01:22
This game has some technical issues - odd audio bits, occasionally some confusing mechanics that aren't very fluid, but the atmosphere and characters are simply unbeatable. Worth experiencing for somebody looking for an immersive single player experience. I have yet to see more beautiful sky boxes or more cinematic locations in a game.
948 Produkte im Account
150 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 17:17
+ Great landscapes
+ Good dialogues and characters

- Broken gameplay
- Fake open world
- Glitches
- After couple hours I'm getting bored

320 Produkte im Account
180 Reviews
802 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 19:03
My first entry in the Lost Planet series. I find this a really great TPS game. Mix of Metro and Dead Space vibes here.

☐ I would not recommend this
☐ You may get this on sale :)
☑ I would recommend this
87 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 17:03
game is full of glitches and bugs, cannot play till the end because of that
399 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 12:29

I just started this game, I'm really liking it. It's quality stuff. I'm not an expert about this franchise, I played a little from the 1st one in its time. So I think I'm unbiased.

It looks cool, it seems it's well written and the action is demanding on high difficulty. I'd have to add to this review once I've played more but I like what I'm seeing.

8/10 - Another World (or how I found a mech this time)
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 01:17
Lost Planet 3 isn't as bad as people say. Compared to 1 and 2, this is definitely not a lost planet game but rather an overall solid game on it's own. The multiplayer I had a lot more fun with then I expected, campaign is eh...takes a while to get use to. Overall, I recommend it if you're more of a dead space fan rather then an LP fan, or just recommend it to anyone who finds this review helpful.
576 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 00:00
Any part of the game that has a cut-scene then a fight (sometimes a boss) the devs decided to put the checkpoint before the cut-scene instead of after it, so don't play on hard.

They couldn't program button remapping properly.

Actually just don't play at all. This could be a decent mid-shelf game if some more basic sense had been used to design it and the port.

Also holy HELL do you move SLOW. On foot or in your rig mech thing you move so needlessly slow it makes the game way more tedious than it needs to be even without the above problems.
440 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 06:49
This game would have gotten a thumbs up if it was not a part of the Lost Planet franchise.

This game feels like a completely different game with a Lost Planet 'template' added on. Here are a few of my pros and cons for the game:

- Face models are realistic and look like what people would actually look like
- Facial and body animations are great
- Story is heart-warming and better than previous games
- Some good backstory and lore building.
- [spoiler] Humans do not appear until the end! [/spoiler]

- The game is 80% travelling (at a very slow pace)
- Half the travel is backtracking
- Tiny areas with loading screens to each one
- Worst fast travel system I've ever seen in a game
- Having to use the 'rig' to get to most places
- Boring akrid and REPEATED bosses used in fights
- Limited customization options which are uninspiring
- Game has clearly not got a playthrough check, some of the button instructions do not work
- There is no real incentive to explore the tiny world

I would rate Lost Planet 3 at 5/10
I would rate this as a 'non-Lost Planet' game at 6/10.
173 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 22:05
Multiplayer may be dead, and this is different from the first 2, but ill be damned if this isnt a good story and great game all around. 9/10
161 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 00:31
I played this on the 360 originally and I'm very pleased to see it here on PC.

Lost Planet 3 is a total departure from the original format of the previous games. You play the role of Jim Peyton who has been contracted with his mech in tow to work for NEVEC on E.D.N. III. Your work will consist of mining thermal energy primarily, but your mech is also outfitted to see to the maintenance around the colony. And more often than not you'll have various forms of Akrid to take down, which you can do in third-person on foot or first-person from the comfort of your mech's cockpit. (The transition from mech to being on-foot and vice-versa is seamless.) I found this part of the game great for just becoming accustomed to your mech and the general feel of the game.

[spoiler]However, there is a story to be told so expect things to go awry before too long.[/spoiler]

I really enjoyed piloting Jim's mech, it's kinda clunky and with it being in the first person perspective it really feels authentic. Also, the thermal energy you earn can be used as currency for buying weapons and equipment, and to upgrade your mech as you venture through the game. I definitely recommend this to any mech fans out there. 5/5

My only gripe is - Where is Lost Planet 4?
344 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 16:58
I do not like the innovations and changes that have been made to this game
Versions 1 and 2 are unique
But in general it is worth experiencing
906 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 15:17
Good game. For me the best of Lost Planet Series.
541 Produkte im Account
170 Reviews
1227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 16:06
Oh i freaking love this game. Immersive, nice story, awesome characters, lovely graphics and cool music. Feels as a mix of lost planet and starcraft with Dead Space mechanics.

I dont know why people didnt like it... but i love it. I will play it again soon.

558 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 16:24
Impressive gameplay and story
123 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 03:45
I'm near the end of the campaign at this point so I feel I should update my review. This game was not made by the original developers of the first 2 games and it shows. It feels like they tried to make a Dead Space copycat and slapped Lost Planet on the name. None of the original combat from the previous titles is preserved, enemies that would normally be kill in 1-2 shots of a high powered weapon take far more ammo than they should, you have to backtrack constantly to do side quests, and finally there is only 1 Cat-G boss fight. Two of the earlier bosses get constantly recycled as do all of the lesser akrid. The only thing I can give the game credit for is the world building. Frankly this game feels completely unnecessary to the franchise and I see why it is so loathed. The level design isn't particularly good or interesting either.

TLDR; The whole game is meh at best and doesn't feel or play like the first 2 games which are far better. If you really feel the need to play it then wait for it to go on sale for $5 or less.
114 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
907 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 16:54
Finally i made it! That was funny 15 hours of gameplay, thanks Capcom for that game, really recommend to play even if u did not played first 2 parts
190 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
98 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 15:24
Underwhelming at best.
194 Produkte im Account
191 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 23:08


Lost Planet 3 is a prequel that sets over one hundred years before the events of Lost Planet 1 and 2, talking about the first colonists on E.D.N.III, the lost planet. The protagonist Jim Peyton is an engineer sent by the series antagonist NEVEC to help extract terminal power from the planet. He came to provide a better life for his wife and newborn son initially, later uncovered the truth behind the planet, the colony and NEVEC. This game has its charm in story and shooting, but in other aspects largely falls short, so it ended up being the swansong of the franchise.


The story is the star of the show probably unintentionally, as everything else did not match its high quality. It begins as Jim arrived in the plant working as every normal employee (besides his job requires shooting alien insects), he gradually got used to the new life and got attached to people he met. Then things happened and ramped up, which finally led to his decision to do what he thinks is right. With the story going forward, you can see why Jim was doing what he was doing, as everything is well set up. I can’t say the pacing is completely attractive to everyone, but the script is very solid. It is realistic, believable, well-organized. You don’t normally see this high quality of story writing in a video game, they tend to be in good movies.

With those being said, it is not flawless. The story is a slow burner which is why I mentioned the pacing before. It becomes a question of how many players could set through the entire game and appreciate the story. Another thing is the start. It begins as the much older Jim half-buried under rocks dying and talking to his granddaughter. I guess everyone would have the burning question about what happened. But the game answers by saying “once upon a time…” and begins Jim’s story. Until the end when you almost forget about the start, the game pulls you back and tells you what happened. It is probably just me being too demanding to the script, I feel this start is kind of strange leaving this cliffhanger for the entire game.


Another thing that is not bad is shooting. Even it is a transplanted game from the console and not every gun is fun to use, shooting feels good with satisfying sound and recoil. But that would not elevate the experience automatically, not without other elements to accommodate, and those are what made this game feels bad.


This game is a hot mess in the control-wise probably due to transplant. The control is not responsive, there is a brief gap between pressing buttons and they actually kick in. It also has one of the worst control schemes I have ever seen. It uses excessive buttons, pick up ammo, items, weapon, and open chests, repair, operate, deploy etc., are all interaction, yet they use separate dedicated buttons; it uses some weird keys far away from the normal WASD area, like P, N, Enter and so on; when you remap keys, remap pick up ammo per se (uses P), you cannot remap pick up weapon (also uses P) to the same key. I don’t know if whoever in charge of key mapping never use keyboard, or their keyboard has a different layout, like literally if you open Steam guide, the first few on the top are to teach you to remap the horrible default buttons.


People used to regard this franchise as a third-person shooter version of Monster Hunter, as you shoot a variety of big or enormous alien insects with your various guns or mechs. I mention three varieties here: gun, mech and enemy. Gun is not so bad, but the other two really suck. All kinds of mechs are completely removed, you instead have a lame as*s mining robot (the rig). It is reasonable in the story since mech is not invented at the time, but complete removal just stripped the most fun part away from the game. Not to mention the rig is very lame: it is more of a transportation tool; it can’t take a few hits (fewer than the player if you don’t upgrade and play at low difficulty); it is counterattack only to enemies with its size; the rig combat is essentially a poorly designed QTE session, making it exceptionally lame compared to the thrilling mech combat in previous games.

As for enemy variety, you see most enemies in the first few hours, the rest of the game just reused them again and again. When I fought the first boss, I initially thought the boss design is not bad, until later I realized even bosses are repeatedly used multiply times. When you make a comparison with previous games which have an abundant variety of enemies and bosses, you will see why people think this game is so repetitive. Overall, lacking these varieties make the game very boring.

General Gameplay

Lost Planet 3 did not capture the very special arcade vibe from previous games. Its predecessors are fast, tightly paced, thrilling and fun. Whereas this game is slow: sprint is slow, rig moves painfully slow, even combat feels slow. On top of these, the game has an unnecessary and meaningless semi-open world where offers optional quests you don’t have the incentive to do. They are all collectable missions and poorly navigated, for example, the memento collection missions did not indicate locations but kept asking me to use magnetic grappling hooks. You need a walkthrough video because they need lots of searching, which just increases a few more hours of playtime and made the game even slower.


Visual is okay but lacks some environmental variety.

Probably inspired by Dead Space, the game successfully created an unsettling atmosphere in some sessions, yet it feels very pointless since other parts of the game are not horrifying at all and there is nothing else like horrifying monsters to accommodate the atmosphere.

The game runs around 50, 60 FPS consistently on my laptop. But if there is any dynamic lighting in the environment, frame rate would drop drastically (under 20 FPS on my laptop). Fortunately, these sessions are all brief.

The newly introduced cover shooting mechanic is very useless.

Some mechanics like fast travel are not well explained.

This game has a dodge mechanic, but the dodge detection is very lame. You have to dodge in the extra moment before the attack to succeed, making it not as effective as it is supposed to, especially against bosses.

It needs prompt in certain places, for example, in areas that require extended wrench. There is also a wrong prompt, you press F repeatedly to rotate instead of WASD as the game tells you.

Savepoint location is very weird. They are usually set very far before where you are. If you die in a boss fight, you have to sit through the entire unskippable cutscenes, which is annoying.

I played at hard difficulty and it is not very difficult, but you may experience some instant kill in some sessions that feel like completely bull crap, not only due to the lame dodge detection and delayed control input, but also because of sudden difficulty spike in these sessions.


Lost Planet as a series has drastic changes in each entry. Change is not a bad thing, but the series developer did not quite figure out what made the first game great. They kept making unwanted changes that removed the essence of the series so the series lost its players base and each game is worse than before. In turns of Lost Planet 3, it just became a very generic third-person shooter. Even with a very decent story nominated for several awards (its scriptwriters later helped write the award-winning God of War 2018), the game is just so flat and uninspiring that I wonder why Capcom greenlighted this project in the first place. It is a real shame.
110 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 03:09
Game is broken, within second chapter tells me to turn valve with wasd..... im pressing it and nothing happens......
127 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1018 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 16:15
I liked it. Movement is a bit clunky, but the combat is intense.
129 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
1154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 05:58
I completed it, and I enjoyed it. Only 12.7% of steam players have completed it?
Story is a bit like the movie Avatar... sort of.
Some of the boss battles can be a bit frustrating especially when youre not sure what it is your meant to be doing to win them while constantly getting smacked around.
TIP: Acrid Bosses are quicker to do on foot where possible.

The graphics still look pretty good even by todays standards, especially the last area. And most areas are desktop wallpaper level of pretty.
Dont be too put off by the repetative nature of the first hour or so, it doe get better.
The writing is pretty good, though with headphones theres a little too much compression on the voice audio and you can hear saliva in peoples mouths in quite areas, but Im just being picky now. But for Capcom that kind of sloppy audio seems a bit out of character? I do audio stuff myself and the voice mastering sounds a little amateur. The rest of the audio design is top notch though.

TIP: the game will scan your MUSIC folder for CREATED Playlists! Which is a neat touch. You can play your own tunes when walking around in the rig. However, the game uses some kind of built in compressor that might make your music sound a bit mushy... perhaps its the same audio channel as the voice acting?

Past the half way mark the game really opens up, and goes from starting to feel a bit obvious to suddenly feeling like you really want to know what happens next.

Memorable, but not ground breaking. Definately worth playing if you fancy a good looking Sc-Fi action game to play. I payed full price for it and dont regret doing.

7/10 I'd give it a 7.5 but the audio thing with the voices is hard to un-hear.
179 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 12:00
This was my first entry in Lost Planet franchise, and honestly I really liked the single player compaign. It is an action game with best beard simulator ever :-) The game has good balance of action and exploration combined with mech driving mechanics. It is a personal story of mercenery who tries to work on harsh and desolated planet. The game surely has given me Dead Space vibes but without horror elements.
Overall: 9/10.
1520 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 16:13
how to jump?
641 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
2750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 17:46
- Nice Story
- Great Atmosphere
- Satisfying gameplay on hard difficutly
- Interesting characters
Enjoyed, Reccomended
281 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 07:24
Lost Planet 3 is yet another example of why you don't give off ips to entirely different developers. And Capcom seemed to have a bad habit of doing this at the time; this is not the only time they killed off an ip because they gave it to other developers. The story is probably the best in the series but everything else about this game is undeniably worse. Though that being said, the story doesn't even fit in with the other games as the actual story of what happened before lost planet 1 is that humanity abandoned earth and came to EDN 3 to try and colonize it, which then lead to the discovery of akrid, which then lead to the discovery of thermal energy, but not before abandoning the planet and leaving people behind (which could have been cool to witness) but this game retcons all that and just makes it a science team sent to collect thermal energy and send it back to earth and nothing more. This game seems to want to be an aliens style game more than a lost planet game. I only bought this to finish off my collection of all the lost planet games, don't buy this.
103 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
1350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 16:56

Lost Planet 3 is a good linear open world.

You can explore some new place and find something new.
When you counter an enemy, you can use your big robot to help you, and it will accompany throughout your missions.

Underrated third person shooter game

+Decent story
+good gameplay

Recommended to buy this game on sale.

911 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 15:35
I am just not having that much fun with the game. It is like somebody kind-of described gears of war to somebody, and then decided to make everybody walk slower, have a bigger map, and be more annoying. I can see why people would like this game, it is not horrible, and if you are more patient than I am, you can have a great deal of fun. But I just am not having enough to make it worth while.
638 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 17:10
This game is INTERMINABLY boring. Movement is so slow, combat is unsatisfying, and it suffers from a number of baffling design decisions (the strangest one being your HUD is missing unless you're close enough to your mech, meaning you can't even see how much ammo you have for your weapons. Seriously.) Not worth your time at all.
137 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 13:23
That's a nice little game, few bugs here and there but nothing game-breaking. Story is ok, nothing spectacular about that but it was fine, gameplay was a little better in my opinion. Worth checking out if got it for free or grabbing it while on discount. Full price for this ain't worth it if i do say so myself.
1791 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
2251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 08:54
I've always said, though Spark Unlimited have never made a great game, they've also never made a bad one. Spark's the definition of a 7/10 developer and Lost Planet 3 is no exception to the rule.

The third entry is the series represents quite a stark departure from the rest in both gameplay and tone, though in all fairness, every game in the Lost Planet series was pretty different, jrpg spin-off E.X. Troopers the most so. I'm a huge fan of the first Lost Planet and used to play it everyday when it came out. Lost Planet 2, although I still enjoyed, I found quite disappointing due to the sidelining of the story and the absence of the wide open areas from the first game. The loadout feature which only lets you put one of each type of weapon in each level segment with the weapons unlockable only through gambling was also undeniably a major design flaw in Lost Planet 2.

Lost Planet 3 is a slow-paced, atmospheric, open-world prequel to the first game. It's heavily story driven, and has a focus on exploration over combat. Basically, if you're looking for the high octane action of the older games, you'll need to look elsewhere. If you like the type of gameplay Lost Planet 3 offers though, it definitely works.

Your main form of traversal across the world is your utility rig. The PC version offers a custom soundtrack feature which you'll definitely want to make use of, not because the soundtrack is bad, but because of how few songs there are in the game. The game applies a cool reverb effect to your music when you're listening to it outside of the rig, which you'll be doing a lot to fight the akrid. I can honestly say I never got bored of moving around the world through the 30-some hour campaign, though I suppose your mileage may vary. The EDN-III of Lost Planet 3 is rich in ambience, and I would easily label it a successful open world design.

The combat is definitely a step down from Lost Planet 1 & 2 in terms of the fun factor, but fortunately it still holds its end. Movement is smooth, and the guns feel good. The game imitates Gears of War with the cover system and the evading. There's a lack of a jump button but you never really need it.

The multiplayer features several interesting modes such as an objective-based attack & defend mode that varies based on the map. The most interesting map would be the akrid nest, where teams have to kill an akrid in the middle, then compete to take its egg back to their base. There's also akrid survival mode which has you fending off NPC in waves before culminating in a king of the hill style battle with the other team. Unfortunately, as with most multiplayer games of the era, you need to level up to unlock weapons, perks, & equipment. The balancing is definitely a bit off, but not to an offensive degree. The multiplayer as a whole is also significantly better than what Spark usually puts out.

In conclusion, Spark continues their 7/10 tradition with yet another 7/10 title. If you're the kind of person that liked driving around Los Santos in GTA V without going on a killing spree every few minutes, give Lost Planet 3 a try.
450 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 07:37
TLDR: The characters and environments are good, but the story and gameplay are terrible. Super boring to play through and not at all worth your time or money.

I wanted to give this game a fair chance because I’m a fan of the first 2 games in the Lost Planet series. I’d heard this game is bad, but it’s even worse than I was expecting and I’m not surprised Capcom killed the series after this garbage. It’s very clear the developers didn’t understand what made the Lost Planet games good; because it’s a watered down Lost Planet experience created by Capcom shifting the series to a western developer, in an attempt to make it appeal to a broader audience.

Gameplay feels like a generic third person shooter. It boils down to slowly walking between areas in a big mech, getting out, walking to a button or repair, shooting a couple things and then walking the big robot back to base. Boss fights are a snoozefest, you basically just run back and forth occasionally dodging and spraying at the bullet sponge; there’s no tactics involved in them. Nothing is ever a challenge in this game, you can avoid pretty much any attack by constantly running side to side. You don’t even need your main guns most of the time, your infinite ammo pistol can kill most of the enemies very easily.

The Rig is a big part of the gameplay, much bigger than it should be, and it’s boring as hell to use. It’s called a Utility Rig for a reason apparently because it’s pretty much never used for combat and when it is all you really do is wait to grab an enemy then use your drill arm on it. Just trying to do that though is a hassle and I found myself getting out of the Rig whenever I could to fight. If this was supposed to replace the Vital Suits they should have at least made it fun.

In some areas too it feels like the devs were trying to mash things together and see what sticks because there were occasional segments that were supposed to be horror based on the music; but none of these areas were scary at all, especially after you realize the little Akrid popping out of the walls die to one bullet from your pistol.

This game is isn’t all bad at least. The environment is great, the developers did a great job creating their version of EDN-III and the characters themselves actually feel believable where I’m sure some people would find them relatable. The story itself is awful though. The first 80-90% of the game is literally just spent doing construction work with nothing happening at all aside from the occasional Akrid encounter. The story only finally starts to pick up towards the end when they finally introduce NEVEC as the antagonist of the story. I feel like there was so much wasted potential in the story because Jim Peyton is only on EDN-III to make money to support his family back on Earth, but you never encounter any real danger or obstacles where his family is a driving force to keep him going. They only finally start to play a part in the story towards the end and even then the motive of them being is danger is quickly washed away because they’ve been snuck onto EDN-III.

The multiplayer in this game is completely dead too so you’re purely getting a single player experience here and if you’re an achievement hunter you’re not going to be able to unlock them all for this game.

The PC version of this game was clearly an after thought too because it’s so lazily made. The default keybinds are all over the place; there’s not even a universal interact key, instead “P” is used for picking up items, “T” is used for setting up and interacting with thermal posts, “V” is used for repairs and “E” which you would think is just a universal interact, is only used to things like pushing buttons and getting in the rig. They also couldn’t even give you the correct button prompts for turning valves super early in the game (Tells you to use WASD when you actually need to mash F) which made me consider dropping the game altogether because that’s just downright lazy. I even accidently found an exploit to buy endless amounts of an item, even after running out of money, by simply left clicking over and over again after buying something.
I honestly think this game could have been good had it been given to a competent developer, but given Spark Unlimited’s horrible track record before this game I don’t know why Capcom chose them for this. It’s really no surprise to me that Spark only made one more game after this before shutting down.

Lost Planet fan or not please save yourself some money and don’t buy this game!
118 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 23:08
I hadn't heard of it but I really enjoyed it. Very similar game play wise to dead space/ fallout on ice. However much tamer than the former in terms of gore and darkness
137 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 16:05
A bit disjointed!! but an enjoyable game for what it is. It could have been a great game but it feels as if it was rushed and a few more months of work on it would have made it a classic, what a shame.
93 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 02:07

lost money

This game was a waste of time. Most of the game was rather uneventful and uninteresting. The cut scenes look awful as if it was taken directly from the xbox 360. They do not look good in 4k. The characters have dull personalities. To the point that you can't help but cringe. Also it was ridiculous that it has to load a scene every time you talk to a character. Why couldn't they just have done it in real time?? It is like they pushed out a game that was 1/4 done.

To add to all this the game suffers a great deal with stuttering. I can run this game on the highest settings. So to verify this I dropped the settings to lower settings and the frame would skip in the same area. It has to load the map in smaller pieces. I guess with the game being such a flop, the pc release didn't get enhanced.

graphics: 6
sound: 5
story: 2
replay: 0

The only nice thing I can say about this game is they achieved a believable alien environment. The creatures look great. Sadly not a lot of variety.
324 Produkte im Account
133 Reviews
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 01:46

+Beautiful aesthetics
+Well put together presentation
+Atmospheric AF
+Talented voice actors
+Dialogue is well composed
+The music is awe inspiring

-Enemies are kinda dumb
-Pacing is off
-Long corridor walking with nothing happening
-Weapons do not cause any impact
-Level layout uninspiring

Steam Group:

Curator Page:

Although this title is not very graphically advanced, it holds up to this day for a sole reason, and that, in my opinion, is the presentation of the aesthetics. The overall world design can be quite uninspiring and simplistic. The levels are not very complex and can get quite linear. That can sometimes be bundled with a boring walking section with nothing happening.

However... The presentation and the atmosphere that the game manages to accomplish can leave you standing there and simply admiring it. Crawling through corridors is significantly immersive. The sounds that are playing in the background, the music that is changing to match your actions, and the sense of urgency the game manages to create even though there is no timer pushing you to go faster, simply screams talent. A lot of games will feel the need to put up a timer giving you a certain amount of time before it is too late to compete an action, but this game does not require such feature. On the contrary, it manages to give you a sense of urgency and push you to go faster, even though you do not necessarily need to.

And that is where the game performs best. Sadly though, those moments are done very scarcely between the sub 10 hour long campaign, and quite truthfully, they do not always land when they are attempted. There are sections of the game that feel unnecessarily shoved in to squeeze for time, and those are truly evident.

The game suffers a lot on its pacing, and what it has players doing for long stretches of the level. On occasion you will need to travel between sections of the level you are in with nothing ever happening. That can cause a sense of repetition, monotony, and quite frankly boredom. Those walking sections should have either been shorter, or simply non existent. If they needed to have existed, then they need to be filled with something more than dialogue.

When the dialogue takes place however, it is done with skill and professionalism. The voice actors are connected with their characters, bringing their personality to life. The writing is adequate, and the variety of characters you find can be a bit more than what you would usually come across. They do manage to add to the variety of your environments however and take away some of the dreadful monotony that the boring level design occasionally brings into play.

The weapons feel fairly dull. You do not have the ability to reload and sprint at the same time. That would had been fine if the walking was not so dreadfully slow. What is even worse however is how slow the sprinting is. There barely is any difference between how quickly you walk and sprint, which only intensifies how boring the game can get when you must walk back all the way to the beginning of the level.

The boss battles for the most part are just shoot the monster on its orange part, which is an indicator of its soft spot. you will maneuver yourself around the levels to get better access to firing your weapons at the soft spot, all while avoiding attacks from the giant monsters that occasionally change sequences as you move further and further down the rabbit hole of semi levels within the section.

The game is at its best when it manages to capture an incredible atmosphere, deliver it to the player full with immersive audio design, ambient noises, and dialogue that is delivered brilliantly. Occasionally you will come across enemies at the right time, with the right combination, and the proper amount of effort necessary to progress. Those moments are not as often as the boring parts of the game. But when they take place, they make you forget about the negatives!
690 Produkte im Account
156 Reviews
1053 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 16:16
Lost Planet 3 is a story-driven and action-oriented sci-fi game that took inspiration from the likes such as the Dead Space series, alien and gears of war. I assume that the ratings are so low because Lost Planet 3 is supposedly very different to its predecessors and doesn't come with coop.

++ art design, especially the environment of the rough planet are top notch
++ presentation is very atmospheric. especially at the beginning
+ story
+ characters
+ voice acting
+ weaponry
+ graphics
+ gunplay
+ ending
+ fun

-- the controls are terrible. You can't bind the keys you used on foot for the mech controls. I had to rebind the keys constantly
- While some boss fights are well made, many big boss fights require you to follow specific steps, which can be frustrating and confusing
- aiming isn't practical since mouse sensitivity isn't slowed down
- middle part is full of backtracking and overall weaker


Lost Planet is an action sci-fi game with decent story and gunplay. The art design is very alluring. I'm not sure if hidden gem is the right term for this game, but it is for sure underrated. Recommended to players who like atmospheric shooters.

1: In-game, when it says to turn a valve and you need to press awsd, you need to spam the F button. They never bothered to fix this.

2. Fov: https://steamcommunity.com/app/226720/discussions/0/846963081228123326/
793 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 12:37
Ok finally I finished this game and all I gotta say is that please no more of Lost Planet! I am giving this thumbs up because i have mixed review. I hated LP1 and 2. Got confused as hell with the story but enjoyed LP3s gameplay and atmosphere.
1122 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
1064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 19:24
it ain't much but it's honest work
482 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 00:22
On one hand the critics are right. This is the most generic in the franchise, with bits of Dead Space, Alien, and a dozen other western sci-fi bolted on to the very japanese elements of the earlier titles. And there are some serious issues with lack of polish (such as a boss fight that can break because you didn't damage their weak points in the right order/method).

On the other hand, this game is a pleasure to play through, has a reasonably well constructed (if a tad predictable) story, and a handful of likeable characters. Its got a few cramped horror bits, a few massive boss battles, and enough collectibles that youll want to look but its not going to eat up the rest of your life. :p

If the idea of piloting a repair mech through a snowy wasteland doing odd jobs while listening to country music appeals to you this is your game.
210 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 21:23
- story

+ graphics

+ music

+ atmosphere

+ gameplay

special offer

128 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
940 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 18:24
Entertaining Sci-Fi experience.

This game stands alone so it is not necessary to play LP 1 or LP 2.
445 Produkte im Account
316 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 00:40
What is Lost Planet 3 ?

A game so boring I fell asleep on my keyboard after playing it for like an hour ? when I woke up the game and closed the game it was showing 5 and half hours of gameplay, so thanks for giving me 4 and half hours of sleep I guess ? but sleeping in your chair using your keyboard as a pillow is not a good way to sleep, theres nothing much to talk about this game other than its a very generic, bland and soulless third person game, the gameplay is veryyy formulaic, its just another third person shooter, the same type of gameplay that has been done to the death by many other games before it, theres no reason to play something like this, its a game that has no reason to exist, it doesnt even look good to begin with, for a 2013 game its dated but with such generic arstyle its just an overall offputting game both in its visuals and gameplay.
259 Produkte im Account
157 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 08:31
I can see what they tried to do, but it just isn't as fun as Lost Planet 2 (which I found amazing). That being said, some people may like it especially if they haven't played the previous game
89 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 04:05
Lost planet 4 please?!
343 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 19:22
Oh boy this comes fresh after finishing the main campaign. I'm gonna be honest LP3 does start slow at the beginning but if you bear with it for just the end of the first mission: welcome to the real game :D

Although LP3 is going on its own way instead of following suit with its predecessors in gameplay, it does its own really well. You are in a semi open world (some places will be closed off later) which you can search up yourself with your Rig (your general purpose mech). And believe me learning your ins and outs of the planet when side quests require you to go here and there that feel of knowing your surroundings is insane :D. Also the upgradable Rig is hella fun: you can unlock parts to reach hidden areas and unlock new ways to fight weapons also feel really meaty and learning that grenades are your best friend can make areas look like a cake walk. Dodging is also on point playing different animations depending when you initiated it.
Also what I didnt mention yet: THE STORY. Absolutely great. You are just a relatable guy working for his family and also has teh guts to stand up for others. Whitnessing his journey through thick and thin is amazing.

After so much positivity its hard to come up with negatives but for new comers a few INFO: when the game prompts you to rotate the claw with WASD its a lie... you need to use the struggle key (F by default). Repair speed in the tutorial can feel really slow but they speed it up for the rest of the game. The personal grapple hook sometimes cant be used to go down deep holes, not sure why is that. And its a bit sad that you can spam the hook to make you faster but hey you can always roll out with your Rig. Also only switch the Rigs music in backwards order (forward switching causes crash).
Aaand thats all that comes to mind.

All in all a great singleplayer campaign in this game that you should definetly play through at least once 9/10 easily.
220 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
3870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 02:38
Best game I played in 2019 Very good storyline, strong storyline and very professional gameplay Please start create version 2 of this game
99 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 21:37
Good graphics.
330 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 06:18
So many bug and bad QTE.
31 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 17:06
Absolutely love this game wish they would make a new one
181 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 23:46
good story, awesome grapix, good battle system, it is its own game with original ideas, its not a masterpiece but its a good single player game, would make a cool netflix series
608 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 11:42
I liked this game, it has enough depth and action isn't too fast. So i find it easily too keep it going :-)
72 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 04:54
I enjoyed some aspects and the story is decent, but I didn't really find it as engaging as many other games. If it says anything, I bought the game in 2015 and played it for a bit, then got busy with other games and played it here and there, but never bothered finishing it until now (2020) since I decided to play through my backlog of uncompleted games on Steam (lol)...

+ Story
+ Visuals
+ Atmosphere

- Repetitive
- Clunky combat
- Everything moves slowly
311 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 00:09
The game that murdered classic, one of the best multiplayer games of all time that was murdered by GFWL was now murdered with just bad gameplay and P2P multiplayer.
478 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.20 06:52
Capcom does dead space
43 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.20 01:14
If you were expecting a Lost Planet 2 or 1 sort of game, just get Lost Planet 2 instead, I see alot of reviews mentioning the fact that this didn't have the charm like Lost Planet 2 did. Personally, I loved the originality of Lost Planet 2, the different weapons, bosses and the emotes. The lack of VSs (Vital Suits, aka Mechs) really tore me away from the game. This game looks great and it plays well with great control, an OKAY game, but not a great one.
54 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.20 20:41
honest to god its a ton of fun and my main complaint is there not enough of it i love the snow envirment big ass mech and while i dont like 3rd person shooters i dont have many complaints i wisj it were more survival style but this game is great
186 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.20 21:15
I bought this game for $5 and I feel like it was a waste of money.

Short Story:
Don't play this game.

Long Story:
As someone who really enjoyed Lost Planet 1 and 2 and other similar Capcom games (Monster Hunter), this game was so disappointing and boring that I just couldn't continue playing it. It looks similar enough to the previous games in the series that I had wanted to play it for a while. It is a third person sci-fi shooter on a cold planet with aliens named akrid. This game looks good and is well polished, but it just isnt fun. Anything involving the huge mech is a chore, and there is a lot of exposition that isn't really interesting. I found myself enjoying some of the combat pieces, but multiple enemies run at you quickly and trying to aim and shoot in the small time you have and not be knocked over again and again was difficult. Also the QTE where you stab the critters was pretty darn challenging to get them off you. Don't waste your time with this. Maybe Capcom will make the next one of these and it will be worth playing.
508 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 15:01
Do you enjoy being kicked out from game to main menu in the middle of boss fight? Sure you do.
175 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
48845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.19 16:59
This game is a thinking game, every decision you take will impact the game in one way or another. There are a couple of back stories that is great for character development. With this game you have no choice in the character you play but there is plenty to do that boosts the characters abilities as well as building on his rigs abilities. There are invisible creatures to find as well as a lot of other creatures to find and take DNA samples from. The game can be quite fast passed but it really is a lot of fun especially if you do not use cheats. This game for me has plenty of surprises , a wonderful music score which you can control (a great idea) at the end if you have not guessed what is strange about the planet EDN-3 will enthral you .
It is well worth the money to buy and is totally re-playable time and time again as you can see from my stats of 784 hours played and still loving it, so give it a go it may surprise you. Happy Gaming.
289 Produkte im Account
118 Reviews
1018 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.19 19:39
I really enjoyed this game the story is good, the game itself is fun.
You can upgrade your weapons, etc.
The bad thing about this game is the loading.... it needs loading for everything when you move to some place to another it always has loads and sometimes you need to wait 6 secs but this and old game so ok.

Lost Planet 3 7/10
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.19 08:35
pretty fun
299 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.19 07:45
the story was a little bit good, buy it on sale only
337 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.19 11:15

+ facial expression looks amazing
+ whole game looks pretty great
+ voice acting and soundtrack
+ atmosphere
+ story

- mech is sloooow
- some main quests feel like fetch quests
- keyboard binding is not intuitive
- repetitive gameplay may be annoying
- side quests = more the same stuff

C'est la vie.



+ mimika postaci jest na wysokim poziomie
+ cała gra wygląda pięknie
+ voice acting i soundtrack
+ klimaaaaaaat
+ historia

- mech jest woooooolnyyyy
- kilka misji głównych wygląda jak zadania poboczne
- sterowanie na klawiaturze nie jest intuicyjne
- powtarzalny gameplay może być denerwujacy
- zadania poboczne = więcej tego samego

C'est la vie.

351 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.15 19:29
In the terms of gameplay there is nothing that will surprise you. Especially when directly controlling the main protagonist. There was a lot of TPP titles and there is no revolution here. Controlling your rig (a kind of utility mech-walker that you controll in FPP) however has nice features and potential of this part was well used.

I would recommend this title for players that look for a good climate - feeling of being on an alien, frozen, desolate planet where only you and your rig crawls on the surface full of depressing landscapes - along with a main story filled with mystery.

Overally it's a decent game with a gripping story and it's nice for playing an hour or two in the evenings.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
58.78% 967 678
Release:27.08.2013 Genre: Third Person Shooter Entwickler: Spark Unlimited Vertrieb: Capcom Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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