• LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.
  • LOST EMBER: Screen zum Spiel LOST EMBER.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 22.11.2019
Zum Shop
Preis Update 15.09.23

Über das Spiel

Eine atemberaubend schöne Welt birgt die Geheimnisse ihrer dunklen Vergangenheit.

Erlebe die gegensätzlichen Geschichten des Untergangs einer alten Welt und des Aufbaus einer neuen als Wolf mit einem entschlossenen Begleiter an deiner Seite.

Erkunde das Land, das Wasser und die Luft, indem du jedes Tier, das dir begegnet, übernimmst, um die Welt von völlig neuen Perspektiven zu sehen. Fliege als Papagei durch gewaltige Schluchten, schwimme als Fisch durch tiefe Gewässer und krabble als Wombat durch hohe Gewächse. Deine Reise wird dich von dicht bewachsenen Wäldern, durch blühende Dschungel hin zu weitläufigen Steppen und archaischen Tempeln führen.

Eine Geschichte von Liebe, Verrat und Verlust wartet auf dich in den Ruinen der vergessenen Yanrana Zivilisation.


  • CPU: 3.0GHz CPU Dual Core
  • GFX: GTX 550 Ti 1GB/ Radeon 6950 1GB
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10
  • HD: 13 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
  • CPU: 2.4GHz CPU Quad Core
  • GFX: GTX 770 2GB / Radeon R9 280X 3GB
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10
  • HD: 13 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

149 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 09:47
Lost Ember ist ein richtig schönes und ruhiges Spiel. Die Geschichte ist einfühlsam erzählt und es gibt so viel zu entdecken. Die Landschaften und Tiere sind wunderschön gestaltet. Der Wechsel zwischen all den verschiedenen Tieren hat mir besonders gut gefallen.
Die Spielzeit hätte gern etwas länger sein können. Ich habe 20 Stunden gespielt. Das waren aber 2 Spieldurchläufe, da ich die 100 % schaffen wollte. :)
Ein super schönes Spiel zum Entspannen und Abschalten, das mir gerade jetzt in dieser sehr traurigen und merkwürdigen Zeit, sehr geholfen hat mal wenigstens für einige Stunden den Kopf frei zu bekommen.
52 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.22 16:33
Ich bekam das Spiel geschenkt, und hatte es schon lange auf meiner Wunschliste, zu recht wie ich jetzt gemerkt habe.
Die Grafik ist bezaubernd, die Geschichte hat mich so berührt das ich öfter Weinen musste.
Ich kann das Spiel nur empfehlen.
121 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 17:55
Sweet :3
42 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 23:49
Ja was soll man bloß sagen...
Ein wirklich tolles Spiel; grafisch ein Hingucker, scheint in atemberaubender Atmosphäre, trifft die richtige Musik an den passenden Stellen und ist Alles in Allem sehr gelungen in Sachen Spielwelt und Umgebung.

Und die Geschichte...
Liebevoll durchdacht und sehr packend. Die Handlung bietet emotionales Potential, gelang am Ende aber am besten :´)
Auch die Technik mit den Standbildern ohne viel Bewegung und Dialog fand ich super - Man muss dann im Kopf die Bewegung oder was folgt weiterdenken und ist so, finde ich, mehr in der Geschichte involviert als wenn das wie ein Film aufbereitet ist

Sehr zu empfehlen!
47 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 22:52
Extrem schönes Spiel! Wenn man was Ruhiges für das Gemüt und was Schönes für die Seele durchleben möchte, so ist man bei diesem Spiel an der richtigen Stelle :) Ich habe es von Anfang bis Ende genossen <3
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 18:57
Das Spiel war sehr gut und mit viel Liebe umgesetzt. Wunderschöne Geschichte und sehr putzige Tiere. Meinen Zuschauern hat es auch sehr gefallen :)
33 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 21:35
Es ist ein sehr liebevoll gestaltetes Spiel mit einer berührenden Story und zum träumen einladender Musik. Ich kann dieses Spiel nur wärmstens empfehlen.^^
88 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 13:23
You play as a cute wolfy and probably cry at the end of the game. What else do you expect from a good game?
185 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 19:35
Ein echt schönes Spiel zum entspannen.
1313 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 19:41

Ich weiß gar nicht wo ich anfangen soll xD Dieses Spiel ist einfach der Hammer, die Atmosphäre, die verschiedene Tierarten und generell die Umgebung sind einfach atemberaubend und man merkt die Liebe, die in diesen Spiel steckt. Selbst die Musik hat durchgehend in der jeweiligen Situation gepasst und hat meist mein Herz sanft berührt. Ich hatte tränen ab und zu in den Augen und das passiert mir persönlich bei Spielen sehr sehr selten.

Jetzt komm ich zu einer kurzen Pro und Contra Liste

Grafik ist einfach passend und wunderschön
Story fand ich sehr gut, auch ohne Erzähler
verschiedene Tiere haben immer gepasst
Musik ist bombastisch
Umgebung ist wunderschön
kleine Clicktime Events waren nicht so schwer und waren passend platziert

manchmal bugged die Kamera durch die Map und man kann ein wenig durch ein Stein oder so schauen, was der Atmosphäre ein wenig geschadet hat.

Ich hatte auch den Eindruck, dass die Steuerung extra teilweise langsam war, damit die Atmosphäre sich besser entfalten kann.

Fazit: Dieses Spiel ist für mich einfach absolut empfehlenswert und nach meiner Meinung einer der besten und schönsten Spiele, die ich jemals gespielt habe.

Wenn man gute Spiele mag, sollte man dieses Spiel spielen :DDD

61 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 08:19
Die Geschichte, die das Spiel erzählt, ist zwar sehr traurig, aber man merkt die liebevolle Idee dahinter. Ich fand es von Anfang bis Ende sehr fesselnd. Taschentuch-Alarm am Ende! Alles in allem, mal wieder ein gelungenes Indie-Spiel, das ich wärmstens empfehlen kann.
33 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 06:01
Ein sehr schönes Spiel, schöne Grafik und Sprachsynchro, allerdings gibt es für mich ein Manko. Ich persönlich hätte es besser gefunden, wenn es sowas wie Quest gegeben hätte, eine Hilfefunktion, Karte oder irgendwas anderes das einem etwas Orientierung gibt.
Die meiste Zeit renne ich in diesem Spiel orientierungslos umher und komme nicht voran, da ich nicht weiß wo ich hin muss oder hin könnte, wenn nirgends ein roter Qual zu sehen ist.

Auch wenn es darum geht die Welt und die alte Kultur die es dort mal gab zu -Entdecken-, nimmt es mir persönlich etwas den Spass das es so wenig Orientierungshilfen gibt.
10120 Produkte im Account
274 Reviews
457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 18:26
Spoiler Alarm

First Game of German Developer Mooneye (hopefully not the last one) who started with a 2016 Kickstarter Campaign and bring this with a Small Team 2019.

You are a sleeping nameless Wolf. Than you got found from a Lost Ember, that cant speak to any Animal than you. Now you try get out of your Place together & find Destiny.

Strange is why the Wolf on such a lonely well hidden Place, how he comes to there, why this this and many Places under different Domes, that only breaks if you watch a special Memory?

Than after Prologue you have 6 Chapters to explore, find 77 Collectables (some are Easter Eggs from Super Mario (Strange Pipe, Achievements), Legend of Zelda (Triforce, Ocarina; Its Dangerous to Go Alone Achievement), Pokemon (Pokeball, Go Catch Them all Achievement for 6 Legendarys) Portal (Cube)), all Memorys and many different Mushrooms/ Seaflowers (142), 6 Legendary Light Animals & an Epilogue for the Ending.

Sometimes is strange how the People comes over so many big Pits (many old bridges must be broken in the past) because you can take any Animal (there are a lot, but only a few are really useful like Fish & Birds. Worms, Turtles, Sloth. They are to slow (not only in Slow Motion Mode) or dont even want to move completely. Some Animals have usage because they are small and can roll, dig, break special Walls (Elephant, Bull, Goat). But the Animal is most very close so no hard puzzle.

This is a Walking Simulator/ Explorer Game. No big riddles. Sometimes you can break a Wall as a Mole to let fall down a Tower. Thats it. You only need right Animal.

So this is more a Game focused on Story (nothing to special, some find it boring, some interesting, i like it, even if its sad at the End to let the Wolf alone, i wished we could follow too.

The Graphics really are good for this. Even with 30 Euros its still more a Indie or AA+ Game. Its Minimalistics with Objectives but i think its fits. Like it or not. Watch Screens/ Video. I like it.

Sound is fine. At the very End there is a Song, i heared a lot of Time because Guide and I love this Song, even after 3-5 Times still hearable. Dont aspect to much. I like it.

+++ Unique Stil/ Gameplay for People who want to Relax & Discover
++ The 4 Easter Eggs
+ Chapter Select (seeing which Level you missed Collectables, Mushrooms, Memorys for Steam Achievements is Missing
+ 100 % Easy Steam Achievements (but sometimes well hidden collectable Stuff)
+ 15 Trading Cards (5 Cards would be better)

--- If you dislike Walking Simulators, this will be boring
-- Game Time, if you rush through you will be done in maybe 1-3 hours only
- high Price, get it with 50-75 % Discount on a Store or FAIR Bundle (without 30 % for Steam), Support Developer please
- still some Bugs like stucking in the Wall with Bull (sometimes you must figure out the right Control like R for RAMMING)
- start Problems with the Camera Control but after a few Times it should run smoothly like it did at me (set it from 50 % to 25 % sensivity)

If you love Cute Stuff without Action, Explorer Games/ Walking SImulators/ Relaxing Games without Top Graphics or a Easy Game for 100 % Steam Achievement this Game could be YOURS. If not, than AVOID IT.

Thx 4 Reading. Hopefully you Enjoy. If you like this Review. Please give me a Like. Thx 4 your Time & Help.

f only 2 People enjoy this Game because of reading & buying this Game. I am already Happy/ Satiesfied

For every Critic/ Commentary to make this Review better, i am deeply grateful <3

Happy Gaming <3 Good Luck & Have Fun

429 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 08:23
Großartig erzählt, eine ganz eigene und in sich passende Grafik und eine regelrechte Einladung zur Erkundung der Spielwelt. Zum Kickstarter Launch supported, über 1 Jahr nie dazu gekommen es zu spielen und jetzt endlich das Erlebnis nachgeholt. Eine Perle der Natur!
105 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 06:00
Dieses Spiel stand schon lange auf meiner Liste und ich habe es wirklich geschafft mich lange nicht zu spoilern und wenn es das nicht Wert war, dann weiß ich auch nicht!
Das Spiel ist grafisch künstlerisch atemberaubend und unglaublich süß und atmosphärisch.
Der Soundtrack ist an Stimmigkeit nicht einmal von den Ori-Spielen zu überbieten sondern zieht ihnen absolut verdient gleich! Ich würde diesen definitiv in die besten aller Zeiten einreihen!
Die Story des Spiels ist mitreißend und innovativ erzählt und zudem wohl eine der besten, die ich jemals in einem Indie-Spiel erleben durfte...
Fazit: Tränen sind geflossen, nicht nur in meinem Twitchchat, sondern sogar auch bei mir
30€ mögen für dieses Spiel teuer erscheinen, aber in meinen Augen ist es davon jeden Cent wert! Wer es nicht selbst spielt verpasst wohl eine der besten Geschichten des letzten Jahrzehnts!
79 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 20:54
Lost Ember ist ein wirklich tolles Spiel, welches eine scheinbar fiktive Geschichte, einer untergegangenen Zivilisation (Azteken oder Inka) erzählt. Lost Ember ist eines der wenigen Spiele, die Ruhe und Gelassenheit ausstrahlen. Denn in einigen Spielen bin ich häufig schon innerlich etwas nervös und fange mit dem Bein an zu wippen. Doch in LE ist mir das äußerst selten passiert. Das bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass LE eine Schlaftablette ist, sondern LE fesselt einen von der Geschichte her bis zum Schluss. Wer nah am Wasser gebaut ist, wird am Ende vermutlich auch die ein oder andere Träne vergießen. :)

Auch dem Entdeckerdrang sind fast keine Grenzen gesetzt. Es sind sehr viele Ecken im Spiel erkundbar, jedoch trübt der Spaß evtl. dann, wenn man an gewissen Stellen dann hängenbleibt, weil man etwa aus einer Felsspalte nicht mehr rauskommt. Dann heißt es Checkpoint Neustarten und weiter im Programm. Und wenn wir schon bei Fehlern sind, so ist auch LE nicht ganz davon befreit. Ob es nun Übersetzungsfehler sind, Deppenapostrophen, in der Luft fliegende Fische oder Steinböcke, ein Punkt zum in den Tunnel graben, der einen dann jedoch nach unten durch die Welt plumsen lässt oder die ein oder anderen Texturierungspatzer. Keiner dieser Fehler hinter daran, das Spiel durchzuspielen. Allerdings hinterlässt das schon ein wenig den Eindruck, dass manches so hingeklatscht wurde und man durch etwas mehr Sorgfalt oder besser Qualitätskontrolleure hätte beheben können.

Doch auch wenn das Spiel kein runder Kieselstein ist, kann man über die Ecken und Kanten hinwegsehen und eine schöne und berührende Geschichte genießen. Abgesehen davon kann man Tiere spielen, was mit persönlich immer sehr entgegen kommt - vor allem bei Füchsen, Wölfen oder Katzen. Dazu kommt noch, dass das Spiel Ruhe und Gelassenheit versprüht, was ich sehr begrüße. Selbst die zwei Passagen mit Quick Time Events sind herrlich simpel gehalten. Bitte mehr von solchen Spielen!
75 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 20:50
Ich liebe solche Games wo die Musik einfach die Atmosphäre angepasst ist. Auf jeden Fall würde ich das Game empfehlen an Leute die einfach ein bisschen rum laufen wollen und die Musik hören wollen ohne großartig zu reden weil das Spiel das einfach übernimmt. Aber auch noch so ein gutes Game kommt nicht ohne etwas negatives weg, Was mich etwas störte ist einfach das der Wolf nicht mal einen kleinen Abhang runter springen konnte ohne resettet zu werden oder das er sich wo festbuggt und dann man wieder neuladen muss vom Checkpoint aus, Positiv wiederrum was man gesammelt hat blieb erhalten.
87 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 19:38
--->Einfach traumhaft!
Ein Spiel zum ab- und eintauchen in eine wundervolle und liebevoll gestaltete Welt!

~ Ich kann es nur empfehlen- nicht nur für Wolf - Liebhaber, sondern auch an jeden einzelnen Tierliebhaber, der mal in verschiedene Tierrollen schlüpfen möchte!
~ Ich bin absolut begeistert!
Wundervolle Welt, in der man die Welt in all Ihren Facetten bewundern und erkunden kann!
Es hat mich bis zur letzten Sekunde voll in seinen Bann gezogen! <3


~ wundervolle, einzigartige Welt
~ mitreißende Story
~ einfache, intuitive Steuerung
~ klasse Errungenschaften - gerade, wenn man gerne sammelt und erkundet
~ lädt ein, einen Haufen Zeit (auch nach Ende des Spiels) zu investieren und zu verbringen
(Errungenschaften + auch einfach die wundervolle Umgebung zu genießen)
~ mitreißendes Ende


~ ab und zu etwas hackelig und ich musste 2 x den Checkpunkt neu starten
(für mich persönlich aber nicht schlimm)

Dieses Spiel kann ich nur jedem ans Herz legen <3
Für Tier - Fans ein Muss! <3


Truly wonderful, stunning and amazing story !
This is truly a masterpiece and a game nobody will forget!
Wonderful adventure! <3 Love this and I will play definitely again! <3

16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 12:39
I absolutely love this game. It has soo much details, you get enough freedom to explore as much as you want and the atmosphere is just sooo relaxing and beautiful. 9/10 because I finished the story in just 6 hours, so it´s a bit short but still worth it!
68 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 20:51
Hallo zusamen,
was soll ich sagen, diese Game ist einfach nur wundervoll. Die Story ist echt klasse erzählt und wenn ich gestehe darf, das ende brachte mich zum Weinen.
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 13:53
Ich fand dieses Spiel sehr Hertz erwärmend es hat eine berührende Geschichte erstaunliche Grafik und art stiel
kann ich für jeden empfehlen der in spielen ab und zu mal weint und 4k cinematik drawn grafik spiele spielt
31 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 13:21
Die Geschichte von 'Lost Ember' ist ziemlich tragisch. Letztendlich geht es um eine gescheiterte Revolution. Der Hauptcharakter kämpft gegen das eigene Volk, um den Armend, den Schwachen und den Tieren zu helfen.
Zum Ende der Geschichte wird es sehr traurig und einem werden einige Dinge klar (Tränen vorprogrammiert).

Insgesamt hat das Spiel ein wunderschönes Setting. Es ist detailreich gestaltet und bringt sehr süße Lebewesen mit sich.
Wenn man Erfolge sammeln möchte, sind diese allerdings teilweise ziemlich schwierig zu schaffen, da man die Augen wirklich sehr weit offen haben muss, das ganzen Spiel über (viele Pilze :D ).

Kurz gesagt: Das Spiel regt zum Nachdenken an, zaubert einem ein Lächeln und ein paar Tränen ins Gesicht und ist definitiv zu empfehlen!
99 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 20:13
Absolut wundervolles Spiel! Das Storytelling, Gameplay und die Atmosphäre sind einzigartig und wunderschön! Die Story hat mich sehr berührt und ich werde das Spiel definitiv bei Zeiten wieder spielen!
99 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 17:05
Sehr schöne Atmospähre, gute deutsche Synchronsprecher, mitreißende und sehr dramatische Geschichte sowie eine gelungene musikalische Untermalung runden dieser Spiel perfekt ab.
133 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 13:27
Grafisch ein gelungenes Game, welches durch seine interessante Story den Spieler sehr an seinen Charakter fesselt.
Begleitet wird man stets von passender Musik, welche die Atmosphäre einen sehr nah bringt
449 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 22:03
Lost Ember sieht wahnsinnig schön aus und zusammen mit dem tollen Sprecher und einem gelungenen Soundtrack bietet es alles, um sich in dieser Welt zu verlieren.
Man kann sich in einige putzige Tiere verwandeln und die schöne Kulisse einfach genießen.

Leider habe ich während meines Spieldurchlaufs mehrere harte Bugs erlebt, weswegen ich das Spiel nicht uneingeschränkt empfehlen kann.

Hier mein Test-Video, das alle Punkte im Detail behandelt: https://youtu.be/AJ_Vw90GdLE

Nichtsdestotrotz ein schönes Spiel!
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.20 17:10
best game euw
77 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 12:21
Ein sehr tolles Game. Es ist mal was Anderes.
Sehr schöner Grafikstil, die Story finde ich auch echt klasse, auch diese Mechanik, dass man sich in diverse andere Tiere verwandeln kann.
Wäre auch sehr interessant, dieses Game in VR zu sehen, vor allem, wenn man fliegt.

Sehr empfehlenswert für Leute, die auch mal eine Abwechslung haben wollen und auf atmosphärische Game stehen. ;)

Freue mich schon auf das nächste Game der Entwickler!
145 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 15:19
Beautiful story and soundtrack. Gorgeous artstyle. Relax, collect, enjoy!
65 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.20 00:43
Die besten 5 Stunden meines Lebens!

Dieses Spiel hat mich einfach nur umgehauen. Vor der Veröffentlichung habe ich schon lange darauf gewartet und hatte sehr große Erwartungen, naja was soll man sagen: Diese Erwartungen hat das Spiel einfach mehr als nur übertroffen.

In den knapp 12 Jahren, die ich mich schon mit Videospielen beschäftige, ist dies das mit Abstand beste. Habe es mir zum Release gekauft, aber bis jetzt gewartet, das ich letzte Woche meinen neuen PC zusammen gebaut habe.

Und an diesem Spiel ist einfach fast alles perfekt. Eine fesselnde Story, die einen an manchen Stellen fast zu Tränen rührt, emotional und einfach phänomenal. Zwar etwas linear gehalten, aber dies bemerkt man beim Spielen gar nicht du die schier unendliche Welt und der Vielfalt an Dingen, die man entdecken und sammeln kann.

Die Grafik ist auf Ihre spezielle Art und Weise atemberaubend. Ein ganz eigener Stil der perfekt zum Spiel passt und wunderschön aussieht.

Ich werde mich noch lange an dieses Spiel erinnern und für mich wird es wahrscheinlich für immer mindestens eines der besten Spiele, die ich je gespielt habe, bleiben.

Ich werde es auf jeden Fall noch einmal durchspielen wegen der sammelbaren Gegenstände, die auch eine wunderschöne kleine Ergänzung zum Hauptspiel ist.

Ich hoffe das von den Entwicklern irgendwann einmal wieder so ein grandioses Spiel gemacht wird.

Abschließend kann ich nur sagen, dass dieses Spiel als Kunst angesehen werden muss und es auf seine eigene Art einfach das beste Spiel ist, dass ich bis jetzt gespielt habe.
39 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 10:22
Ich liebe solche kleinen Indie Games, aber dieses hier fand ich leider nicht gut

- Langweilige, abgedroschene Story, schlecht erzählt
- Nerviger Erzähler (zumindest in der deutschen Version)
- Bewegung mit Maus schwammig, Leertaste durchgängig hämmern fürs Fliegen.. uff
- Bugs & Glitches (feststecken usw)
- Offene Welt ist nur vorgegaukelt, man kann nur einem einzigen Weg folgen. Schade, ich hätte sie gern mehr erkundet.
- Die Sammelobjekte sind total nutzlos
- Für das Spielerlebnis leider überteuert

- Nette Grafik
62 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.20 15:37
wunderschöne Landschaft, herzzerreißende Story, vielseitiges Spielkozept dass Spaß macht, süße Tiere <3
131 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 02:25
Very pretty, plot is slightly guessable but doesn't make the game any less enjoyable to play.
877 Produkte im Account
114 Reviews
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 03:49
Okay first thing is first: This game is NOT worth the $30 it's sold at right now.

It's a walking sim but with a great movement mechanic and the ability to shift into animals to get through certain areas. You go from place to place in the afterlife, sometimes in very fun and inventive ways, and explore points of interest which reveal more about your life when you were alive. The voice acting is a bit rough but the story is interesting enough to keep your attention. The music cues are sometimes lacking but visually the team did an amazing job for their team size.

I'd try to grab it at $15 or less, personally. It's an indie game and it has a lot of weak points but overall is a great game to play through... just not worth $30.
93 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 05:21
The camera sensitivity controls are really wonky and constantly need to be readjusted every time you boot up the game. Also, the plot hit in all the wrong places and I finished the game feeling repulsed for having played it.
216 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 07:31
A redemption story that boils down to kids parenting/forgiving shitty parents. Beautiful aesthetic, but the story took a poor turn and there could be some tweaking done to improve the game mechanics, every animal feels stiff and awkward.
316 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
888 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.22 15:24
Cool game, you should try it! It has a nice story and I enjoyed playing it.
2759 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 08:51
Some are saying that the game is only worth being purchased when it's on sale, while others that they would even pre-purchase this.
Some are saying that the game is worth being played, while (very few) that it's not.

What I know is that even though I've never been a fan of indie games this one felt different from anything played before and I did enjoy every single minute spent playing Lost Ember.

If you like fantasy worlds with a cool soundtrack and nice story line, this game is definitely the complete pack for you, but a thing that it's important to mention is that you shouldn't pay 100% attention to the description of the game because this is quite vague and there are missing a lot of important details that would (perhaps) make you want to play the game. Such as the game is not all about playing with various animals exploring a broken world, but most likely that you are playing the role of collecting all those puzzle pieces to find out what caused the world to be like that.

So you better check out some gameplays before or simply give it a try because I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed.
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 15:43
۪۫❁ཻུ۪۪┊It has a well written story with a lovely visual design, some fun puzzles to solve by using the abilities of different animals.
I think it's worth a play.
57 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 00:41
I cried, I cried some more, and then I cried again. The emotional damage was intense, do it again.
436 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 05:24
Lost Ember is truly a masterpiece with beautifully crafted environments, stylized creature designs, fantastic soundtrack and an emotional story. The story is visually told through the journey you go on as a wolf and your interaction with your orb friend. Along your adventure you will encounter 19 different animals that you can take control over to use their unique characteristics to get around obstacles and to proceed further along. The movement of each animal feels fluid and is highly fun to swim, run and fly through enormous levels that are built for an ecosystem. There are tons (236 to be precise) of collectibles hidden throughout the world that extends the game-play greatly including a chapter select option to go back if your missing any. It took me over ten hours to complete the game but that includes me stopping and taking in the mesmerizing habitats. Overall, the game is very relaxing with soothing music and beautiful art style. Highly recommended [100/10]

21 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 23:24
Overall, Meh. Story is really confusing and the end is super confusing too and not satisfying.Visuals are amazing and the animals you can turn into are cool. Sometimes i would get stuck in a location and not know how to get to the next. the worst part of this game is TURNING. turning sucks ass because you have to move your mouse 50 times to turn only 90 degrees, my hand honestly got a work out every time i had to turn around because i went in the wrong area
1256 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 05:32
This game is about possessing cute animals and dislocating them from their families.
129 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 09:25
This game is an absolute masterpiece. The graphics are stunning, the voice acting is on point, and the story is beautifly written. The only thing i hate about it, is how it pulls at your heart strings lol. if you are an emotional person, u will cry, but it will be worth it, i guarantee it.
188 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 08:50
Beautiful graphics, clean atmosphere, interesting story. But the forced cutscenes which take twice as long as they need to by panning from scene to scene at abysmal pace just kill it for me.

Also the wonky perspective when possessing the animals makes me feel sick, especially for the wolf: you never end up looking straight ahead. You always have to look forward at this 30 degree angle from the direction the animal is running which is entirely counter intuitive.

Couldn't get myself to finish the game.
341 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 16:00
Very good, but a bit ... janky.

Lost Ember is obviously a gorgeous game, with colourful and beautiful environments, stylized (and cute) creature designs and wonderfully fitting music. It tells its story visually through the journey you go on as a spindly-legged wolf, but also via narration by your British orb companion, and while the voice acting isn't bad, I'd probably recommend turning it off - it's more interesting to piece things together for yourself instead of having someone tell you everything, although your mileage may vary.
Either way the story is one with emotional highs and lows and some not-too-surprising revelations.

Generally, the movement feels fluid and it's very enjoyable to run or fly or swim around, as one of the main mechanics of the game is to take over other animals you find and make use of their specific characteristics.
On the other hand, there's also a chance you'll get stuck in places. I once found myself flailing and splashing in the corner of a small pool with no way to get out except by reloading a checkpoint. (Granted, checkpoints are frequent enough, so it's not a major issue, but I also had to do that occasionally when I turned back into a wolf in inconvenient places.)

There's a bit more jank as well.
The animations - especially for the wolf, which you'll likely spend most of your time as, or at least I did - are a bit off, mostly when turning or stopping since the latter has your current animal simply freeze in place.
Sometimes the camera works against you, gets into walls or the ceiling or so close that you can hardly tell what you're doing anymore.
Several ducks I found had forgotten how to duck, meaning they were standing at the bottom of lakes and rivers, at least one fish decided it didn't like being underwater anymore and simply sat - motionless - on the shore, and there was one goat suspended in mid-air, mid-jump.
During one sequence that was otherwise utterly beautiful - like the rest of the game - the music faded in and out for reasons I couldn't discern.
None of these are major issues, but I found them and other little things to be noticeable and, for lack of a better term, a bit immersion-breaking, especially considering how much the game drew me in and kept me engaged overall.

There are collectibles, mainly relics which can give some additional information about the world and setting, but also different kinds of mushrooms and specific animals.
(I couldn't tell you whether finding all of any of these adds anything other than completion since I missed a good chunk of them; might well go back to try and get them since it's very fun and relaxing to simply explore.)

A little bit of jank shouldn't deter anyone from playing such a wonderful game so I 100% recommend it.
133 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 17:29
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it

---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't

---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf

---{ Audience }---
☑ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☑ Grandma

---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

---{ Difficulty }---
☑ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

---{ Grind }---
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second live for grinding

---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☑ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life

---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☑ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond

---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☑ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☑ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10

Grab this review template here! ???? https://vojtastruhar.github.io/steam-review-template/
37 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 05:25
Mooneye Studios, well done. This, even to this day, is one of the greatest games I've ever played. This game was something I'd never experienced before. The plot, gameplay, and storyline are so simple and easily executable, but it was crafted masterfully in the Lost Ember. The soundtrack is moving, and the art style is beautiful. The worst thing about this game is simply its lack of content, the story is perfect in both narrative and length, but I don't think I've ever been more emotionally sad about a game ending as I was with this one. When I played this game on the PS4 last year in February, I declared it to be my personal favorite game of all time, and to this day, it still holds that title loud and proud. It felt like I was playing a book, but instead of reading the book, I was writing the book. When I first beat the game, with that ending sequence, I actually cried, it was the first game in my lifetime that got me to break down into my molecular format for beating it. If a sequel, or another game taking place in the same universe, was made, I would not complain at all. My biggest regret was not pre-ordering this game, because good Lord was it amazing. 11/10, would absolutely recommend.
30 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 03:49
Beautiful game with a great story!
106 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 17:28
Truly Incredible
220 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
52 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 01:37
So I attempted to play Lost Ember. I went into this thinking it'd be more of an exploration based game, with heavy story telling and decent game play. However, I can say with confidence that this is not in a fact a game, but a movie with collecting stuff in the background. But the game would not let me explore the area until it decided oh there is an item. And I wouldn't mind as much if the controls weren't bad, the camera was the worse I've seen in awhile, and the game was so railroaded that I could not do anything.
So to start with, the controls are passable, they aren't good, but they do the job. Each animal I got to play as was fun for about 2 minutes, and then they got boring. The only one I enjoyed was the humming bird, and that was because it allowed me to fly, unlike the duck I acquired a little bit before.
The camera, however, makes the game unplayable. The camera likes to breath down your neck as you play the game, and it really shows when you play the wombat. The wombat being the first animal you can play as, its gimmick is you can roll, and it tells you this in some nice, tight tunnels. So when I started rolling, I ran into some rocks in the tunnel, and then almost got softlocked because the camera decided to look at my butt while I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. And if it was a one off bug it'd be fine, but no, anytime you gain a decent amount of speed the camera decides that it likes to see your insides, especially in tight places. When I was trying to get a collectible as the humming bird, the camera quite literally wouldn't let me get the collectible for a solid minute due to the camera zooming around like a mad man.
So the game is not good gameplay wise, but maybe the story is good?
No it's not.
The first red flag should be at the start of the game, when the game lets you turn off the dialogue (which if you do, and have subtitles on, you don't get any dialogue). The voice acting is... passable, though it doesn't work well in any emotional scenes, which is most of the cutscenes I saw. And the story itself was... meh. The concept is cool, but the delivery is of it is bad. I had no attachment to any of the story, and it was all just passable.
I will give this game credit where credit is due though, the visuals were spectacular in some spots, but that is the only positive I can see in this entire game.
TLDR: Bad controls, bad camera, unsatisfying game play, meh story, and some pretty visuals. Not worth the money.
4 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 21:39
I can really recommend this game to anyone who likes relaxed exploration gameplay with an emotional storyline! And the wombats are insanely cute! It's not especially challenging in terms of puzzles or anything like that, it's really all about following the story, finding little secrets and collectibles and enjoying exploring a beautiful world with the different animals. If that's your thing, then you will definitely enjoy this game!
73 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 12:42
Lost Ember isn't particularly bad but it's not particularly good either.

Pretty much, it's just alright. There are places that look really cool but a lot of the environments are just empty and bland. Possessing different animals for different abilities is a nice idea but most of them are just not fun to use. The voice acting is decent in most situations but doesn't really do the story justice when it comes to the emotional moments. The controls are somewhere between poor and average. The story is okay but underwhelming because of the game design. Most importantly, it's dull with little actual game play.

The basic game play has you run from smoking waypoint to smoking waypoint to get flashbacks of a story. You have to switch animals sometimes to get around obstacles but most of it is just running from point to point. If you want to, you can try find all the hidden items in the world. The flashbacks tell a story but pretty much all narrated static images or freeze frames of weird red models that look a bit like the mummies from Pompeii. That, combined with your main character being completely silent, makes it near impossible to form any attachment to the characters, so the emotional bits are lost.

It would've been a much better game if we could actually play the flashbacks. That would have added some excitement (and actual gameplay) and provide real opportunities to bond with the characters. Things do get a little better as the game progresses but the few interesting or exciting sequences are completely outnumbered by the boring ones.

Edit: The song at the end is pretty cool though.
319 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
2039 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 18:33
I enjoyed the game and found the story excellent. Though I suspect this is best played on a controller, it was certainly doable on KBM though certain animals were harder to control (parrot). Finding there was a slow-motion key (Q) was a godsend for that one. I wish they had a post on forums that explained key assignments.

Overall I was quite happy with everything, had no major issues that a return to last checkpoint could not fix and loved being able to change into and try out all the animals! Game was actually better on 2nd go round as I knew what to expect so approached some areas differently while I hunted down all the animals to try out and enjoying playing those.

I picked this game up on sale which is likely the best thing to do for the average player who will only do one playthrough. My first one took about 6 hours or so and then the rest of my time was doing the completionist thing, finding all the relics, mushrooms, etc.
146 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 13:51
Beautiful game, I enjoyed it. Story was alright, maybe a bit predictable, but okay. I did get emotional at the end, which says something.
The world was beautiful, loved the colors and all the cute little details. Especially when playing as all the animals.
Soundtrack was especially good, loved it. Voice acting could have been better. It wasn't bad, but could be improved.
Overall I really enjoyed the game, and would recommend it to those who want a break from all the fighting games.
567 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 10:11
Surprised by the really positive reviews this has, I found Lost Ember to be disappointing, which is a shame as I usually love these kind of games.

Don't mind the linear chapters or short length too much, despite that making this missed potential for a good exploration game. Unfortunately the animal morphing, which was my main reason for playing this, was a real let down, none of the animals feel fun to play, and are just there to get past the obstacle they're conveniently spawned next to. The controls are awkward for flying and swimming, and running as the main character, the wolf, just doesn't feel satisfying at all. The sound design is poor and fails to bring the nature to life, as nice as the game looks. The story is trying to be emotional and goes for a big reveal at the end, which is ruined by the terrible voice acting, that instead just made me laugh during that scene.

All this combines to make a game I can't recommend, as hard as that is to say!
6 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 18:24
Cool concept but a bit janky.
46 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 22:39
I finished the game in about 3.2 hours, mind you not collecting the hundreds of collectables for hidden achievements. But I wholeheartidly recommend this, i was bawling so hard at the ending and no matter whats your preference, im almost certain that the ending will bring you to tears too. <3 Absolute masterpiece of a game <3
264 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 20:24

Lost Ember


+ story
+ great soundtrack
+ graphics
+ cute animals
+ collectibles


- clumsy controls
- few bugs
- a bit expensive, wait for a sale (my friend got it for me<3)
42 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 15:56

- Very pretty and soothing game to explore and collect stuff. Most of my time went just while gaping around and taking screenshots of everything.
- Love the art style, and especially the wolf. Huge droopy ears and miserable expression = instant bawling.
- The story is well-told, very important and something you don't see often especially in video games.
- Huge cryfest warning at the end. Bring tissues.


- Some minor graphic bugs.
- Toggle would've been more comfy. As Wolf you have to push shift to run. As a bird or fish you gotta mash space bar. My poor pinky finger and space.
- Grabbed this one from sale for 12€. Worth the money, but considering I took 6 hours to beat it and I wasn't even rushing, I'd say full price (30€) is too much for such a short game.


Must buy if you like beautiful, zen, exploration and story oriented games!
124 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 20:57

A story about forgiveness and redemption

Lost Ember departs from being a typical video game that focuses on fighting or puzzle-solving to tell a heartfelt story. It's an adventure game in which you will explore the ruins of an ancient empire from the perspective of a Wolf in search of their place in the world. Armed with the ability to control every animal you encounter, you must find a path to the city where your wolf companion's questions will be answered while searching for lost memories. Amazing story telling, stunning art, beautiful graphics, a breathtaking world to explore, a variety of collectibles to collect, beautiful music, a soothing environment, a touching story that will leave you in tears, and simply a magical experience. Lost Ember is a unique and unforgettable piece of art that you need to play no matter your preferences, especially if you love animals and nature. A truly hidden gem that I can't recommend enough and it's the best indie game I've ever played.
292 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 07:32
I haven't been this moved by a game since The Remains of Edith Finch.
35 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 06:06
Lost Ember is absolutely beautiful, in terms of story, visuals, and soundtrack. A lot of the game is spent travelling and exploring the world around you as you look for clues to uncover the story of its past, but the gameplay makes all of this enjoyable and relatively varied. That being said, it feels more like an experience than a typical video game. I think the story, exploration, and beauty make it well worth it, but I know that's not everyone's thing. I followed this game through very early development and I was really impressed with how it came out in the end, and my only regret is not supporting the kickstarter when I had the chance to!
119 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 01:57
60 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 04:42
did not expect to cry today

overall the story was hard to follow at the beginning of the game but as it progressed i could not walk away or stop playing. it's a very good story and very interactive.
783 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 08:04

One of the few games to blow me away, Lost Ember is a must-play for anybody who enjoys heartfelt story, visuals, or anybody who looks for games to simply vibe along with.

I have bought this through Humble Bundle and one day decided to do a blind play-through-- not knowing ANYTHING about this game aside from what the trailer here on Steam shows. I haven't even read any of the reviews.

Since I'm one of those people who love story based and environmental, artistic, feely games, I was dedicated to play through this entire game in one sitting because I was so hooked to see what would happen next.

The story is simply fantastic and especially wound up the closer to the end it has gotten. It starts a bit shy, but by the end, the feelings hit.

I expect to play through this game a couple times by the time I'm done with it, for sure!


  • The graphics are absolutely STUNNING.
  • The soundtrack is EVEN MORE STUNNING.
  • This game is super friendly to casual players or even people who have never really touched 3D graphics engine games.
  • The story is amazing if you like story's that are roller-coaster rides of emotion.
  • If you want replay-ability, there's tons of collectibles and achievements to go back and collect!
  • Performs extremely well.
  • You get a big feeling of freedom and exploration.
  • Though you're not really shown where to go, the game moves extremely fluidly and you can trust your ability simply walk where you feel like walking and 99% of the time still be going the direction you need to be going in, whether it's going for a collectible or the story itself. This is super rare in games to be the case, and intricately in mind by the developers.
  • You get the option in the game extras to add a gravestone with your name into your game, and give other players the option to use it as well. It's like writing your name on the underside of a park bench or a tree when you're like 7.


  • No multiplayer or co-op capability.
  • Once the game is finished, it isn't re-playable unless you're a collector for all the achievements and hidden things.
  • The camera can be slightly buggy at times and clip into walls.
  • The price, is debatable. I personally think it's worth it, but others who aren't so story driven with game and more game-play driven, it might not be worth the full cost for them. However, I personally got a key for this on Humble Bundle inside of a 15$ bundle with numerous games.
346 Produkte im Account
132 Reviews
917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 14:30
Lost Ember is an absolutely stunning 5-15 hour hour game, the music is top-notch and the graphics are incredible. The story was fun, interesting, curious, and heart-wrenching and it’s everything I knew it would be after watching the trailer. Enter and explore a huge Fantasy world that was abandoned and destroyed by greed, vengeance, grief, and the natural passage of time.
Uncover lost memories, discover who you truly are, and help the lost soul – and yourself – journey to the final resting place of nearly every soul, The City of Light.

7 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 05:23
This game is absolutely stunning and worth every single second!
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 16:33
The graphics in Lost Ember are absolutely amazing, without even mentioning the gameplay, this game is worth every dollar paid.
There is a variety of animals of which the player can become throughout the storyline, each with their own abilities and perks. Players can change to whichever animal they wish so long as they can see it and are close enough, so the number of times you can change and swap is unlimited.
In regard to the story and plot itself, the concepts are captivating and the player is kept guessing what could happen next while having the ability to explore almost the entirety of the environment. Interesting and unexpected with plenty of twists and turns, the story is inspiring, heartbreaking and soul-satisfying, all in on mouthful.
The only setback to this game is that it is something of a struggle to attempt to remember exactly where you left off, (unless you have an amazing memory, of course), because you are not spawned exactly where you closed the game. (Rather, you are teleported to the last checkpoint that you passed).
I highly recommend this game to animal-lovers and aspiring game-producers or authors. There is no age limited at all, although in my personal opinion, I believe Lost Ember's storyline is far more impactful on individuals in their mid-teenage years and up.
Once again, Lost Ember is a game that I would most certainly play again, if only to find all the collectables and discover the locations I might've missed last time. This game was absolutely worth the purchase.
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 06:44
enjoyed the game play
44 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 07:07
this game really wants to be something but it just misses the mark much like games like rime. The ingredients are all there just not combined right

Ive got a couple grips with the story but those are minor compared to how much i take issue with how I wish the models had more animations to instill that bit of life - animation is hard but it really takes your game up to that next level of polish

& I played before minimalistic mode was released and the option to turn off you companion is welcome. Beforehand i sat it to Japanese to make it more tolerable

an aside - its super easy to glitch through the world at certain points which honestly i found pretty fun to go back and trigger old cutscenes in wonky ways or seeing 3 duplicates of my model spawn in a very serious story moment no point takeaway for that

i dont think this game is a 90/100 for a lot of reasons more like a 65 with a game like the first tree being a lovely 45 {to understand my metric}
11 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 01:46
Wow, its a fun, sad, dramatic wild and good roller coaster. If you are reading this while you have enough for the game, go buy it right now. this is probably the best gaming experience i have ever had.
52 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 22:51
Truly a simple 4 hour story with tons of hidden gems.

I don't believe this game is worth full price but since I got it during the Winter Sale I can say my hesitation was not worth it. The music, scenery and landscape all compile together to form this emotionally filled visual piece.

Yes, it is a bit of a short game, although it felt like longer to me. There's tons of little things to pay attention to and explore, little actions you can do. It just makes it all the more fun really. It may be repetitive for a bit and I consider the voice acting not extremely fitting for the personalities we see develop for the characters, but regardless, extremely worth a buy :)
292 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 22:27
Sometimes there's beauty in the mundane, you know?
35 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 00:11
Absolutely beautiful game. The ending had me crying
94 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 14:33
Pros: This game is so calming. The music and the tone of the narrator are so soothing. Playing this game helps with my anxiety so much and there is no pressure to move on in the story until you want to. The graphics are absolutely gorgeous and it is very easy to get lost in the beauty of little things while just exploring the areas.

Cons: It can be easy to get lost sometimes. Trying to fly with the duck can get a little frustrating and almost clunky especially since it does a downward flight pattern. (But it could just be user error. Not sure)
My biggest complaint (which isn't that big), PLEASE fix it where you can accidentally swap to the wolf at very inopportune times. i.e. CLIFF EDGES. I've gotten stranded a couple of times on cliff edges as a wolf because I would hit the wrong button and then be stuck because I couldn't morph into anything that could fly. Why? Because any other animal would be too far and it takes the system a bit to send a random animal close enough to you to morph into.
85 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 00:17
Yet another Game that hits you right in the feels! Which I loved with my whole heart (as I pull the tissues closer). Exploring the history and storyline of Kalani and her Tribe as various cute, fluffy and magical animals was absolutely amazing. This concept is something different than the regular games and enjoyable for all ages. The only thing I did battle with a bit, as a serial completionist - was that many of the items to collect were on difficult areas where you'd never think to go, or isn't really part of the story, but it was fun nonetheless.
142 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 20:42
The story is very heart touching, combined with the atmosphere, the graphics, the background music. Everything makes this game a must play- If you focus, you can finish it in a day and it is worth binging.
8 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
87 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 17:28
Beautiful game, however kept crashing for me. seems to be unstable on some platforms. I still recommend it however!
62 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 18:17
I randomly saw this game on Steam a year ago (or so). I really loved the art style and to be honest, I was pretty happy that I could play with various animals. I 100% recommend this game. It's extra cute, full of fluffy animals, with a big world to explore. It's a very chill game, with a wonderful soundtrack and visuals. You won't regret playing it :3
64 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 19:13
Stunning experience. I love it!
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 16:15
It's my favourite game. If you are fond of games with deep meaning and story instead of hardcore action and violence, this is a right choice for you. 10/10.
47 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 15:39
This game was really sublime. It had an amazing story and mechanics I had never seen in a game before.
The music fit perfectly and the art was amazing.

There were a few things that bothered me.

The game felt unbalanced in the story department. You can play with commentary turned on or off. With commentary off, The game felt too silent and the cinematics played like there was talking but it was now silenced. I think it would've been better to cut parts of the cinematic where a character was supposed to speak. Now you only stare at a blinking light. It really took away from the immersion. With commentary on, There was too much information revealed. I felt like there should've been a middle ground where some of the commentary is cut and some left in. Subtlety is key.

When your character collides with an in world object or npc, you immediately freeze and become stiff. The same for the NPC. I think it would've been better if the npc moved out of the way or something. It led to me getting stuck and having to reload because my character couldn't move.

The game was also not challenging enough. There were a few QTE but the only button you pressed was a spacebar. I personally would've liked a little more gameplay. Maybe give us a puzzle or something to fight. Perhaps some other role to play.

The game was very short. I know, it had only that story to tell but maybe throw in a side story.

This game was also not released for Linux. My OS of choice.

Thank you Proton for allowing me to experience this as well.

The game is an indie game and it was very well done. I am happy with my purchase and I am happy to have experienced this.

I definitely recommend this game. Buy it once you get the chance and play it.
21 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 16:04
224 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 05:57
This game has a very pleasing aesthetic and calming atmosphere. If you want to enjoy a nice calming exploration game that tells a story along the way, this is definitely a good choice. The game is a bit of a walking simulator, but it has many collectibles to find that make it enjoyable. 10/10 :)
245 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 00:03
Absolutely amazing story. Using memories to tell the story was an amazing idea and was super creative. The art style of this game is to die for and really adds to the overall feel of the whole game - along with the choice of music! If you do decide to play, make sure to keep some tissues next to you as it really pulls at those heartstrings!
65 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 14:34
37 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 01:10
The game is beautiful.

You run between cut scenes for a story that drags on. I owned this game for almost a year before playing it, ran through (literally) in an afternoon, don't see a whole lot of to come back for. Glad I supported the studio, don't think I got my money's worth.
746 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 13:31
Lost Ember is a unique gaming experience and a must-have for all animal lovers. I became so totally immersed in this game that I played into the wee hours of the morning one night! Lost Ember is one of those games where you take your time and explore the environment to find relics and a variety of mushroom collectables.
The big adventure was to be morphed into the various animals around you from the slow sloth and giant tortoise to a mole or hummingbird. There were 6 legendary animals to possess, but I somehow missed them completely!!
The environment ranged from beautiful undulating hills, to a dust storm in a desert, snow high in the mountains or swimming down a raging river. It was so magical and such fun....and delights the child within us all.
The back story of an ancient culture was fascinating. You become emotionally invested in its story of rebellion, revenge and redemption. I guessed the ending, so wasn't surprised.
The graphics are stunning at times. Music was really good....loved that gentle piano at emotional moments. Controlling the animals could be a bit clunky, but nothing was impossible. At times, I got caught in rocks with my head stuck in it or morphed into the wolf at the wrong time, but going back to the last checkpoint was the best solution.
Quite expensive for the hours of play, but is replayable to get all the achievements and collectables. Not a perfect game, but getting better with each update. I was amazed to see the thousands of kickstarters in the credits. Highly recommend. 8.5/10
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 00:10
The controls are a bit fiddle (Bird Flying).But other than that ive never seen anything like this before.
Im well into this.
95% Lovin it : }
590 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 14:48
Lost Ember is indubitably an extraordinarily beautiful game with vibrant worlds showcasing various different terrains, environments, and animals throughout its mesmerising, albeit short, playtime. Despite suffering from some clunky mechanics and glitchy sections, the premise of the game is simply captivating. It is indeed on the pricier end of the spectrum for such a small number of hours; thus, I suggest taking this into consideration before purchase, or waiting for a sale.

+ Vibrant, stunning, and picturesque visuals spanning across multiple biomes.
+ Atmospheric, poignant story.
+ Emotional soundtrack.
+ Various different animals to embody (with some questionable morphology and behavioural traits for some species)
+ Abundance of collectables
+ Steam trading cards and achievements.

- The English (UK) voice actor was slightly disappointing, especially in more passionate scenes where he sounded truly awkward and unable to express himself properly in higher pitches.
- Some areas were riddled with glitches, falling through the map and uncomfortable movements, especially with the mountain goat.
- Rather expensive ($AU 42.95) for 4-5 hours of the main storyline and with the above-mentioned issues.


Beginning in the form of a wolf, players are introduced to a red glowing orb who acts as the main narrator. The orb states that to get to the lustrous city of light (a highly sought-after resting place), they must work together. Guided by Yanren spirits and their customs, the two then begin their journey and descend further into the beautiful valleys, canyons and forests surrounded by stunning nature, slowly discovering the reasons behind their peculiar pairing.

The story is told mainly through red flashbacks and finding memories scattered throughout the chapters. I found the story itself to be surprisingly dramatic and meaningful, showcasing love, forgiveness, deceit and more. As a zoologist and animal lover in general, I was already overjoyed at the different animals and admittedly, the severity of the story at the beginning became slightly lost due to this. However, the flashbacks can be left open to interpretation and it is easy to lose sight of the plot, especially coupled with the periodically bizarre voice acting that retracted from the story.


There is also an option to remove the narration entirely which I know some players have chosen and is a good alternative for those just wishing to explore the beautiful landscapes. Towards the game’s conclusion, the height of the narrative became clear and it was emotional and immersive but ultimately did suffer from quick scene cuts or the over-dramatic voice acting.


Players begin as the enigmatic wolf but are also able to embody every living creature they come across including ducks (and ducklings), giant tortoises, sloths, wombats, fish and more. Each animal has varying walking speeds and skills which are needed to traverse the world and continue onwards to the City of Light. Roll down hills with wombats (I wish wombats could actually use this as a method of locomotion in reality), jump in and out of water as a fish, ram stone walls down as a bison and dig under the ground as an armadillo.

Gameplay is minimal, mainly consisting of exploring and running through the lush environments, finding collectables and traces of memories to piece the story together. Just exploring and enjoying the amazing visuals can account for hours by itself. There are no real puzzles or difficulty, even dive-bombing into the ground as a parrot is completely acceptable and thus it should be clear that Lost Ember is intended to be an immersive, exploration game where the beauty and nature is one of the primary purposes behind the title.


Glitches & Bugs

Unfortunately, I encountered a multitude of glitchy areas which severely impacted my immersion and with such a price point, should not be left unfixed or unmentioned. On almost every one of the 6 chapters, there was at least one section where I could fall through the map, or at least see the bare foundations of underneath it.

The inclusion of flying animals gives players the freedom to soar through the map, which I adored, however... it also becomes highly likely that players will fly to an area that we are not intended to be. Eventually getting stuck or as I experienced, accidentally finding myself way back at the beginning of a chapter after somehow flying through a small gap. Animals would consistently get stuck in walls, or at least, have their heads moulded inside solid objects, or once again, half in and half out of the map layout.
Flying was a bit awkward, but I got used to it, however the mountain goats jumping mechanics was awful and never seemed to register on the initial attempt at a jump. Lastly, the fall damage was extremely confusing. Sometimes, when jumping off a tiny ledge, I would immediately respawn, yet other times when I jumped off a huge cliff, it was perfectly fine. This was rather frustrating, yet almost amusing as to why I would respawn after jumping off a tiny step less than a metre high.

Overall, despite these bugs, the game as a whole is still stunning with gorgeous graphics, however it is a shame that such evident mishaps are still occurring frequently throughout the title.

Graphics & Sound

After touching on this throughout my entire review, in my opinion, Lost Ember's strongest point, by an absolute landslide is its strikingly beautiful and unique art. Its inescapable grace and relaxing essence simply cannot be ignored. The bright, vibrant colours fill players' screens, accompanied by the many living beings residing in these fields make this a nature lovers paradise.


The soundtrack is also rather memorable and paired with the graphics, elicits emotion, and draws players into the story. Even with the slightly confusing narrative, I found that the soundtrack alone was enough to pique my interest and recapture my attention.


[quote]This game was played with the following PC specs:
Intel i5-9400 2.9 GHz
GeForce RTX 2060 6GB
1920x1080 resolution
Windows 10[/quote]


Lost Ember is a unique experience that truly captures the natural beauty of the outdoors. The innocence of the animals paired with the poignant story ultimately creates a game I will not easily forget. However, its steep price and buggy areas are something to take into consideration before purchase. Despite this, all in all, I greatly enjoyed my playthrough and will certainly be revisiting the game to revel in its beauty and spend more time as each of the creatures. Lost Ember is a must play and is indeed, an animal lovers utopia.

Rating: 7/10

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44 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 16:25
This game has a really wonderful story line and such beautiful scenery. Definitely gave 'the feels' after completing it! I would play this again. 10/10
201 Produkte im Account
162 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 03:00
I really wanted to like this game. Typically, exploratory adventures with beautiful scenery are my cup of tea. I am only 3 hours into Lost Embers but am not apt to invest much more time.
The scenery and original music are well done and the voice behind the 'glowing orb' is an excellent choice. The idea of switching between animals is also pretty cool.
However, the game has some very frustrating mechanics which are becoming deal breakers for me. There are sections where you become a duck to fly between locations. The duck flies very well going straight or downwards. But, good luck trying to fly to a higher place. Despite changing settings and trying various combinations of keys, the duck does not respond consistently and flight becomes an exercise in frustration. This is not about my coordination - it is about how controls have been implemented.
There are also graphic issues - you will regularly find yourself halfway embedded in a rock or cliff face. While not a true bug, it is very disconcerting and does not help with navigating. Your field of view is somewhat limited so you don't really have a chance to take in the whole of the scenery to get a point of reference on where you have been and where you need to go next. This is especially true while in flight. Combine frustrating mechanics with confusion on your current location and the fun factor begins to fade.
The story itself is not particularly compelling as you run into memories of your past life and learn the story of who you are. Some memories include narrative while others are just to be observed.
There are MANY collectibles to find along the way. Initially, I spent a lot of time searching behind every tree and around every corner. But, after awhile, I lost interest in this achievement.
I recognize that a lot of work went into this game and that it is, in many ways, a work of art. But, for me, the control and field of view issues really detracted from the overall experience.

At its core, Lost Ember is a multi-flavored walking simulator with a loosely threaded story that is revealed along the way. I would only recommend this game to someone who is willing to overlook game play issues in order to enjoy the scenery and music.
255 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 15:47
like another negative review said, i really don't know how this game has gotten as much love as it has. while it does seem like a labor of love for the developers and had a successful kickstarter, i really don't know where all of that has gone into.

it controls very poorly; whenever i'd inevitably run off a cliff due to the turning being weird and the camera being constantly too close to view the terrain around me properly, i'd always respawn right on the edge of a cliff and fall back off. this lead to a lot of frustration in getting back to a safe area so i could properly get around again - i had this happen with basically all land-bound animals.

the story didn't really seem to have anything to do. it was dramatic, but the ending fizzled out for me. [spoiler]your dad is the scum of the earth. not only did he burn your village down and kill your gf by proxy. not only does he threaten to kill You. not only does he show no remorse for killing your gf or sorrow for the people hurt and suffering due to the empire. but he does kill you. and the game says everything is fine now that he remembers he did it. if i was the god of this realm i would boot his glowing orb to hell [/spoiler]

a lot of sequences seemed taken from a very similar game, journey. pretty much the entire half of the game after you leave the city. and due to this game's issues it just made me want to stop and play journey instead.

as mentioned above, the camera is very wonky. regularly you can see through the level geometry, mostly while underground or swimming, but sometimes while just running around as wolf. it hovers way too close behind you and causes wolf to take up so much of the screen that you can't appreciate the landscape, even though the game tries to give you some really lovely vistas.

finally, even though i have a fairly good gaming laptop, this ran extremely poorly. i can run mmorpgs and more polished single player games on this, but for some reason this game lagged almost constantly and froze up. having to stutter step around everywhere just made my experience feel slow. the game didn't feel fun at all. i really can't recommend this to anyone at this point, and i feel bad about that because so many other people seemed to like it and the developers clearly do.

play journey
104 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 12:03
you can be a duckling
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 03:17
I played this with a group of friends watching. Everyone was glued to screen and fascinated by the story. We all got emotionally invested, and really touched by the ending, by the characters. At the end of it, one of my friends told me to leave a review of this game in Steam just to tell everyone that we loved it. It was that good.

Short, bittersweet, beautiful. Worth your money for the experience.
121 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 10:12
10/10 body-snatching simulator.
67 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 20:36
It was an adorable, heart warming and beautiful experience. The art style is rather simplistic which allowed me to take everything in. Sometimes it felt abit tedious or buggy during gameplay but wholeheartedly I enjoyed the sit-through.

It was weird that the parrots would not stop flying so I couldn't load up the memory, sometimes I would lose FPS or the game would momentarily freeze. Or times, I didn't like that fact that some animals would move in a way that didn't feel satisfying at all. Either too slow or too ruggid, the controls are abit iffy but I feel like all these are minor issues that could be overlooked, or adjusted to be an implimentation of the game.
343 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 04:43
This game didn't compel me with its story. It's actually quite depressing to play. The controls for the animals were not well thought out, and it just came across as cheap. If it was $10 I may have given it a positive review, but $30 for this is ridiculous.
349 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 12:56
You can howl
314 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 02:10
TL;DR: The art and music are amazing. However, it does not make up for the cringeworthy storywriting, pacing, and the frustratingly limited freedom to explore. Art/Audio=10/10. Writing/Mechanics=5/10.

The good:
I'd followed it for awhile and was very excited to play it. Starting the game felt like a plunge into an immersive world, with the art and music adding amazing depth. I laughed out loud when I morphed into the lil furry ball of fluff that is the wombat and munched snacks. The action was pointless to the overall goal of the story, but I didn't care. I was a lil ball of fluff. I was certainly going to act like it. Unfortunately, this is where everything went downhill.

The bad and the ugly:
Following the small opening moments, I discovered that there was very little else I could do as the wombat, and I chalked it up to being in the tutorial area of the game. Hoping to see more and encounter more animals to tinker with, I trotted out to the open field and started exploring. I soon discovered that there were severe limitations on my exploration and capabilities. The ducks could only fly a small distance over land and water, the wombats had no other actions other than munching on what looked like blue pebbles (which, without any real clarification, boggles my mind. what wombat eats rocks?), and the hummingbirds just existed. There were several times when, in my efforts to explore, I got stuck in the environment so much that I had to consider whether I wanted to struggle some more or close the game and make my way over the terrain once again.

I really wanted to like this game. I wanted to like it so much that I endured the mechanics, hoping the story would distract me enough so I could do what Bethesda normally does and call it a feature instead of an issue or a bug. I could not have been more wrong. I want to emphasize that, after 48 minutes of gameplay, I could not bear to play another second. The frustration with the restrictions in movement and actions as each animal, combined with the spirit commentary was too much to bear, and I immediately stopped playing the game. While I'm certain the overall plot of the game is amazing, the spirit commentary and pacing prevent it from truly shining.
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.20 11:31
This is such a rare gem! If your were looking for a heartfelt story, beautiful visuals and a gorgeous soundtrack, look no further. Ending made cry all the way through the credit roll. Admittedly, this game does have some flaws, but it makes up for it by being being such an uplifting experience. Made my quarantine weekend that much better! :) Thank you for these beautiful 7-ish hours!
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 13:42
Amazing game., with amazing soundtracks and graphics. Loving every moment of it.

Definitely recommended.
156 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 11:16
No but yes, allow me to explain.
This is a beautiful game whose trailer makes you think it will be a similar experience to Journey, THIS IS NOT JOURNEY, thought there are a few similarities. I can only recommend this game if you find it on sale for less than 20$, this is not worth the 30 they ask for it.

The visuals are absolutely stunning but uncanny at times, it is beautifully stylized however there are plenty of things that are questionable and after awhile you will notice that they wasted time in so many pointless little things that they could have spent in making the main played animals much better.

Right at the start the game caught me off guard with a fully voiced acted narrator, this game did NOT need voice acting much less a narrator, that is one of the beauties of Journey that the story is told completely by the visuals and music and therefor left to interpretation of the player, THIS IS NOT THE CASE HERE. Countless times, specially at the beginning, you will be constantly interrupted by the narrator, and the music in game is just... weak, it's almost like elevator music, it doesn't represent the scenes at all, and this is when there is music, and where there is music it keeps fading in and out for some strange reason. I truly believe that the best scenes in this game are the ones that are not voice acted.

As for the story, it's fine. It starts of so slow though, I can see why people say the story is boring, cause in all honesty for the first 3 hours of the game, it is very much boring. It eventually picks up but exactly cause the game lets you interpret it first before narrating over your thoughts. Sorry but this narrator really didn't work for me... You can turn it off but if it's there I believe the developers meant for the game to be played with the narrator.

And lastly, be prepared for bugs, specially if you like to stick your nose in every corner of the maps. I got soft locked 3 times in my 6 hour play through, with no way out but to reload a previous safe file. This game needed more polish.

To sum it up, this is a case where less could have been more, no narrator, stronger sound track, polish on the art and game play testing departments and I believe this game could be side by side with Journey and others games of the kind.

It is a strong 6/10 from me.
16 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 05:14
I wanted to like this game, but it was very underwhelming and had barriers everywhere. Basically just run around collect mushrooms and watch a story line you can't even interact with unfold. Boring..
215 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 17:55
It's one of those story-focused platformers like Journey and Abzu, but the story isn't really that interesting, and the game's got some technical problems. Also the voice acting is pretty bad, and for some reason it doesn't match the subtitles a lot.
47 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 12:09
Absolutely phenominal, the art work, the smooth game play. If you like great stories also this is perfect. The music and atmosphere makes you feel somewhere else.
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 02:02
I love this game! Its an actual masterpiece of a game I have never seen its like before and doubt I ever will, the music is on point, the world is beautiful and the story made me feel all the emotions the chracters felt, anger happiness, love, sadness. I was either smiling the entire time, or literally in awe, I really want to see more games that can make me feel as this did.
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 19:01
Beautiful game. Very relaxing. Cool concept.
61 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 19:06
Beautiful exploration based game. I had a very tiny bit of lag, but I believe it is due to my system which is outdated. I really liked the story... although I had guessed all the major reveals early on, I still thought it was compelling.
38 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 16:07
I've been really stressed recently and wanted to get a new game to either distract me or calm me down. This game definitely succeeds in both aspects. The story is such a roller coaster but the way the narrative leads you through is honestly one of my favorites. The only pain is the mushrooms and relics but I feel like that's par for the course.
1676 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 03:48
I sadly wasn't able to back this game when it was on kickstarter, but I did snag it when I saw it on steam over the lunar sale. Finally got around to playing it and all I can say is wow, what a fantastic game! The scenery is breathtaking and the story
is captivating. I love walking simulators when they tell a good story, however this game focused heavily on exploration and animal design with a good story to back it up. Being an animal lover, I found that balance kept me coming back over and over until I finished it. Whether I was losing it over how cute some of the baby animals were, running around getting collectibles, or progressing the story, I was enthralled. I highly recommend playing it if you too love a good story, walking simulators, or just love animals.

The only con that I noticed while playing was that the camera seemed to be a little fidgety, and would sometimes become a little unresponsive to my mouse. Hopefully that is just a personal issue and not something that everyone experiences.
135 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 20:03
I don't even know where to begin. Wow. Just wow.
As a story game, I think it was so beautifully crafted, giving the player a clear path to where they are supposed to go a good 90% of the time. While there were certain areas where I got a bit confused as to where to go next, and ran around aimlessly for a couple minutes searching for the next clearer path, this didn't happen often and I found it pretty straightforward which means it's pretty suitable for children as well.
The actual plot of this game was so beautifully done, that I found myself not staying in one place for too long looking for relics and mushrooms (just little collectables you can find for those hardcore completionists) and pushing on, desperately wanting to know what happen[ed] next. It was like my favorite book that I could never put down. You keep telling yourself one more chapter, and before you know it, it's 5am and you have been up all night reading.
It only took me about 3 and a half hours to finish this game (at least the story) but I will certainly go back and search for all the mushrooms and relics (I am one of those completionists ahaha) meaning it does hold replay value for people like myself.
I should also mention that this story was so amazing that I found myself tearing up at certain points. As an animal lover, I adored that aspect of this game. The baby animals are adorable! And getting to play as different animals to get to certain places that are otherwise unreachable was a really cool concept to me. I also found myself crying like a baby upon completing the game. A very beautiful experience all in all <3
644 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 05:34
A great game with a perfect soundtrack and a delightful idea. For all those who are tired of constant pvp, shooters and strategies and just want to relax and have a good time ~
737 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 10:14
This sh.t hit different
41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 21:27
Very nice art, soundtrack, and game, but not worth $30 for 4 hours of gameplay. Wait for a sale.
123 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 02:52
The game is ok in my opinion, which is surprising given that it is Kickstarted and is the first game this studio has released. The story is fair with both depth and holes, the visuals nice, the game-play kindof lack luster imo. But what really nagged at me was the narrator’s voice. For some reason it kept taking me out and sounded out of place but I could not figure out why, usually I love British narrators. It wasn’t till days after I’d completed the game with my mind chewing on that conundrum that it finally hit me. The narrator sounds EXACTLY like Wheatley from Portal 2! My subconscious must have been screaming at me that this was someone I knew and this was not how they should be acting. This explains ALL of the problems I had with the narrator and I’m amazed it took me so long to place it.
Unfortunately, I’m certain I’ll never be able to seriously replay the game again with that connection in my head as I’ll never be able to take the narrator seriously.
61 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 18:14
the storyline, visuals and music come together in this game as a playable piece of art. ❤
10548 Produkte im Account
2138 Reviews
391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 08:58

«LOST EMBER» Review En+Rus



It is a masterpiece! This touching story about a lost soul and will not leave anyone indifferent.
It gave us a lot to think about, since chapters cover the events not only the personal tragedies of the main characters, but also provide an example of how arrogance, exclusion, arbitrariness and neglect by Government can drive peaceful peoples to revolution, despair and violence.

Great graphics, lots of details, decent design and animation, nice music and voice acting, the enchanting atmosphere of the beautiful nature and many cute animals, birds and fish, in whose bodies we follow the path in the City of Light.

The gameplay is simple and relaxing, reminiscent of walking simulators, but there are moments with finding a way, solving puzzles and quickly pressing buttons + there are many different collectibles (not so easy to find).
Code It's a great story and amazing game. It is suited for adults and kids. Even if you do not collect all the objects and achievements, the game can be completed not less than 4 hours.


Шедевр, в который могут сыграть как взрослые, так и дети. Эта трогательная история о заблудшей душе не оставит никого равнодушным и дает огромную почву для размышлений, поскольку события охватывают не только личные трагедии главных героев, а показывает пример того, как можно довести народ до революции.

Великолепная графика, множество деталей, достойная анимация, приятная музыка, качественная озвучка, чарующая атмосфера природы и множество милых зверей, птиц и рыб, в телах которых мы проходим путь в царство света.

Геймплей простой и расслабляющий, напоминает симуляторы ходьбы, но есть моменты с поиском проходов, разгадыванием загадок и быстрым нажиманием кнопок + в игре полно разнообразных предметов коллекционирования, которые можно собрать, но не так легко отыскать.
Code Великолепный шедевр. Однозначно стоит того, чтобы приобрести в коллекцию. Даже если не собирать все предметы и не выбивать достижения, то прохождение займет от 4-х часов.

Для тех, кто не понял посыл игры:
[spoiler]Нельзя слепо подчиняться приказам, надо иметь сострадание и стремиться понять окружающих, тем более своих близких.
Вина отца не в том, что он случайно убил дочь и ее возлюбленную, а в том, что у него была возможность присоединиться к бунту, поддержать дочь/народ, лишить власти императора и прекратить разорительные поборы, которые довели народ до голодной смерти.
Отец управлял армией императора, он отдавал приказы (это же отец приказал сжечь деревню, а подруга дочери была слаба, не могла выйти из дома и сгорела). Отец неплохой человек, он не хотел убивать людей, смерть подруги была случайной. Он хотел напугать, чтобы люди не бунтовали. Ему в голову не приходило, что народ пошел устраивать революцию из-за того, что выбора не было, им всем грозила голодная смерть.
Сытый не понимает голодающих. Сцена с воспоминанием пира императорских войск это подчеркивает. Отец-огонек искренне удивляется, увидев кучу голодающих рядом с пирующими солдатами. Он не понимал, что он со своей армией отбирает у людей последний кусок хлеба и обрекает на голодную смерть.
Дочь это ему пыталась донести и просила поддержки, а он думал, что дочь устраивает бунт из-за непонятной блажи, бунтарского духа или мести за сгоревшую подругу. Дочь хотела помочь людям, ей двигала не месть, она все делала ради блага других, но понять это отец смог только после смерти, благодаря воспоминаниям, что открыла ему волчица.[/spoiler]

Обзор был написан для группы Обзоры Онлайн. Почитать другие отзывы можете тут.
37 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 19:41
Today's patch seems to have fixed these issues. m/y mouse cursor is all weird when I run it, but now the menus work and all the below are untrue:

Game does not have the keyboard bindings listed, not have visible way of rebinding them.
Game hard crashed my PC, twice.
Game doesn't exit gracefully.
Resolution doesn't seem to support higher than 1080 which is okay, but something seems wrong when I run the game.
Game has crashed Steam once and Windows' ability to listen to keyboards once.

I can't even get to the game to rate it. But the PC implementation is not okay.
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 09:05
This was the first walking simulator type of game I ever played. I typically play FPS games but this game blew me away. The graphics are amazing. The music is breathtaking. And the story, you will want to finish this game in one sitting. The story hooks you in, as you find more memories and learn about the life of the main character, Kalani. This game has made me cry multiple times, which is not something every game will do. The story can be a bit predictable at times but it is still very well done along with the voice acting. So yes, I 100% recommend this game, but maybe wait until it goes on sale because $30 is a lot for a game you'll only play for about 4 hours.
142 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 18:02
At first I have to say, it is one of the most beautiful game I have ever played. And I also have to add this: The story of this amazing game would melt the heart of the biggest badass in the world, certainly.


Lost Ember is about the love, forgiveness and about hope. The wolf is led with the light - her tiny friend on the way back to the City of Light. Their stories have a common past and their future you can find with them. It is lovely in every possible way.

I was always pleased with something new, which I found in next chapter. I could explore wide variety of land types or see the game world from different perspective, from the eyes of different animals. And, for example, I had a great opportunity to be turtle (they have really tough life, I understand it now).

I like games with intense storytelling, so if you like this type of a game, Lost Ember is for you too.


It was the feature I really enjoyed during the game. There was a perfect harmony. The music was relaxing and soothing. With the story and graphics they gave me the strong experience and it was worth it - money, tears (I am not kidding) and time i spent with Lost Ember.


5 the most important pros:
+ story
+ soundtracks
+ graphics
+ the main character - animal
+ different kind of animals you can play with

2 the most important cons (for me), i have not found any other till now:
- the game has lots of bugs, unfortunatelly, but the general impression was more relevant than this mistake
- the game was too short, overall

9/10 Recommend it.

I am looking forward to another such a breathtaking game as Lost Ember is.
301 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
1657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.20 23:24
We recommend Lost Ember. This is a magnificent game that is a piece of art.

+Story, story, story!
+Graphics, breathtaking
+Play Length
+Replay Value
+Extra Goodies
+Music and Sound

This game is an exploration, walking, flying, swimming, jumping Sim game. It is pure eye-candy.

This game is ultimately about forgiveness. In order to have forgiveness something had to have transpired that requires it. Your job is to find out what happened long ago.

To do this you travel back through the times assuming the bodies of different animals along the way. Some animals are better suited than others in the environment you are in. You will always have an animal you need to get through that chapter.

Regardless of the world or creature you are it is an amazing experience. You soar as an eagle, swim like a trout, scale mountains as a mountain goat. We do not know the exact number of mammals, birds, etc. you can play. Perhaps 30?

The music and sounds are perfect. You hear the slosh of water as you walk through it, the rustle of bamboo as you walk through.

There is an auto-save function that works quite well. If you jump off a cliff (as we did, many times) you have an instant retry.

We did have a few crashes. We have a gift for getting stuck in walls. The auto-save put us back on course.

Our game length was a whopping 25 hours. At least ten of these hours were spent goofing off, enjoying the animals and exploring the nooks and crannies. We were in no rush to finish the game, we savored it.

There are 77 relics you can collect, six legendary animals, and approximately 100 mushrooms.

There is a chapter option that will tell you what you missed if you want to go back and collect them.

There is very little violence, what violence there is, is not graphic. This is a family friendly game.

There are few games that will entertain a teen through senior; Lost Ember is one of those games.
239 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 10:41
Unfortunately I don't think this is a very good game, which disappoints me to say as the developers seem to have invested a lot of effort and polish into it.

I feel a bit misled by the trailers, I thought this was going to be like the game AER Memories of Old, where you explore a small open world by different means of movement such as walking and flying as different animals, with a focus on adventure and finding all the little nooks and crannies in the world. I was quite excited as I thought AER was a very fun game, although short. However, this game is not like that at all, and it's significantly more expensive too.

The best way I can describe LOST EMBER is like a glorified walking simulator. The structure is very linear, and the gameplay is constantly interrupted by the story. When you enter a new area you spend about 5 minutes as a new animal, using it to travel to the next story beat, maybe switch to another animal in the area if you need to fly or go through a tunnel. Sure you can try to hunt for collectables but the world is so corridor-like that it doesn't feel like true exploration.

The story itself seems alright. I did like the sort of moody feeling that the characters are travelling towards the afterlife, which in itself is rather poignant. I was expecting the lore and such to be communicated more subtly through the environment though, rather than spoken directly to you by the immersion-breaking little red spirit which follows you around.

The animals you control other than the wolf feel a little uncomfortable, as if there was a lot more effort put into the wolf's controls than other animals.

If this game was like, £5 then I'd say it was definitely worth it, although even in the sale at £21 it's just too much for such a lacklustre experience. Like I said at the beginning, it's a shame because I can tell the developers really wanted to tell a good story and have interesting mechanics but I just don't feel like its worth the expense - if it was more focused on the exploration and adventure aspects than the story constantly butting in then maybe it'd be worth more to me, but unfortunately it's not my cup of tea as it is.
113 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.20 01:35
I'm gonna say it, this has some of the best environmental storytelling that I have seen for a very long time, the game play is really unique in it's own ways, of course, considering you get to play as a wolf, which while I'm not a furry was genuinely fun anyways and the mechanic of using other animals as well to play the game with their own unique ways to play, even if on occasion you only switch to them to get past a doorway then immediately switch back due to some of them being so slow. although, there is quite a noticeable chunk of the time where you are just walking around looking for how to progress, note that I never got truly lost it was just a case of occasionally having to look for the path,

another point about the game play is it can get a bit boring just walking around after a while, this game is a game that highly revolves around just it's story, and making you interact with the environment, so if you are a person who enjoys high steaks and energised game play this is definitely not the game for you, that said however, if I was to say something that could improve this game it would just haft to be more to do with the game play that diverges it from a simple story game to something even more unique than it currently is, still though, it is definitely a break from the endless shooting games we seem to get nowadays.

the only other complaint is occasionally the voice acting is a bit on the poorer side, but that was very rare and only if you genuinely care about top quality professional acting do you notice it, and if you got a weak stomach to constantly being talked to by the same guy for the duration of the entire game, then you wont have a good time, I personally had no problem with it, but I know people who do.

But anyway, this is a game I could just not recommend enough, environmental storytelling on this level is genuinely hard to find nowadays, the game lacks replay value, but honestly, it is definitely a unique experience that is lacking from a lot of modern games, again this is just my opinion I know this kind of game isn't for everyone, one thing I will say though is it's maybe not worth it at full price, that is the only sincere complaint I had, IK they seem to be a newer game studio and I'm more than happy to provide the support, but that said, on sale for about £10 I'd say is definitely more than worth it.
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
89.54% 2199 257
Release:22.11.2019 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Mooneye Studios Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine: Unreal Engine 4 Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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