• Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.
  • Long Gone Days: Screen zum Spiel Long Gone Days.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.03.2018
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Preis Update 12.05.24

Über das Spiel

Long Gone Days ist ein Rollenspiel, das in der realen Welt spielt und sich um menschliche Begnungen während des Krieges dreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Zivilisten, Sprachbarrieren und Grenzen.

Begleite Rourke, einen jungen Mann, der von Geburt an zum Scharfschützen ausgebildet wurde – für The Core, einen unterirdischen paramilitärischen Staat.

Auf seiner ersten Mission wird er mit äußerst wichtigen Befehlen an die Oberfläche geschickt. Voller Motivation, endlich die Früchte seiner Ausbildung zeigen zu können, führt er seine ersten Befehle perfekt aus. Doch er findet schnell heraus, dass The Core bei weitem nicht die edle Organisation ist, die er zu kennen glaubte.

  • Ein nuancierter Blick auf den Krieg: Erlebe den Zusammenstoß eines modernen Konflikts mit zivilem Leben durch den Kontrast von intensiven RPG-Kämpfen und im Gameplay erzählten Lebensgeschichten.
  • Kommunikation ist entscheidend: Da Long Gone Days in der realen Welt spielt, wirst du auf Sprachbarrieren stoßen. Rekrutiere Dolmetscher, um über Grenzen hinweg zu kommunizieren und zu verstehen.
  • Hohe Moral bewahren: Wähle die Dialogoptionen weise, um die Moral im Kampf zu steigern. Jeder Charakter hat unterschiedliche Persönlichkeitsmerkmale und Motivationen.
  • Scharfschützenmodus: Long Gone Days verfügt über zwei Kampfsysteme. Mit Rourkes Gewehr nimmst du deine Feinde ins Visier und erledigst deine Ziele.
  • Keine zufälligen Begegnungen: Long Gone Days bietet rundenbasierte Kämpfe in der Frontansicht mit einem Körperzielsystem. Jeder Kampf ist handgefertigt und hat Einfluss auf die Handlung.


  • CPU: 2 Ghz dual core
  • GFX: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with dedicated memory, 1GB memory recommended
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: 2 Ghz dual core
  • GFX: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with dedicated memory, 1GB memory recommended
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 2 GB available space
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
296 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 18:31
I feel like this story is so meaningful considering what's currently going on in eastern Europe. Wonderful little title, with charming characters and art style. I look forward to more!
399 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 18:52
The great story telling and simple RPG elements makes this game easy to get into. The turn based combat is simple and not challenging at times, but the moral system makes you think about using special abilities or saving up for double damage. Overall; amazing story & setting, but the combat is simple.
196 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 03:55
I am so impressed with this game and I honestly wish there were more like it. 10/10: Art is amazing, the combat is straightforward (and not motionsickness inducing which is a big win for me!), and it tackles some serious topics. I’m having a hard time putting it down and it’s still in early access, might replay the entire thing once the final product is released!
253 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 06:57
I love this game and I really adore the cast, best wishes to the dev team for the ongoing development of this game!
142 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 03:49
A mechanically average RPG with lots of fetch quests. I recommend it for its high quality, great art, and a few interesting mechanics - namely the sniper mode, which should be used more often.
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 21:47
I can't give this game enough stars. I tried. This game is a hidden gem long in the making, and yes, I know this tells you nothing. But that is because anything I tell you could spoil the amazing experience that is this game. This is one of the only games I've played that manages to have an interesting main character who I get to make judgement calls for. Everything about this game, the relationship system, the artwork, the UI, the combat, is ground-breaking and unique. If you want to see the stereotypical RPG broken and rebuilt into something new, this is the game for you.
152 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 22:59
This is a decent RPG I like the story so far as well I don't get to play it very often but its one I can sit down and lose time on. I love the 16 bit style graphics for the over world and The combat is a nice turn based system with being able to chose which targets and where you hit. I Recommend giving it a look at if you have the time for it.
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 11:51
I went into this game very much hoping that I would like it. I won't lie, the visuals alone were enough to sell me on it but ultimately after reaching the end point of this version I can say that it had little bearing on the efficacy of the game.


So, what went wrong? Let's start with the gameplay. The combat works like this: You can either hit the enemy with a % chance to miss, or you can hit the enemy guaranteed at a cost. Like, a cost that only has an unreliable way of being renewed. The simplicity of the skills really, really leaves a lot to be desired. Apart from the distinct lack of strategy in a turn based military RPG (use multi-hit attacks on multiple enemies and heal allies who are dying does not count), this feels like an awkward way to handle combat.

It's a subtle pressure for you to not use your abilities as much as possible because you never know when the next morale (MP) boost will come since it's tied to major story events, but at the same time, the game is easy enough that you can just regular attack your way through the entire game save for a few instances those AoE attacks become relevant. Personally, I kept missing chest shots and pretty reliably hit head shots so it gave the impression that it didn't really matter that much which one I picked. If I'm going to miss anyway, might as well chance it on the higher damage option, which worked out pretty swimmingly.

The slowness of the combat combined with being generally unstimulating leaves it feeling very much like an afterthought. Seems late in development to revamp the combat system, but if there's still room for hefty change I'd strongly recommend it because as it stands, the gameplay is a chore to sit through.

The fact that I can't distinguish who can equip which armor whenever I pick up new gear is mildly annoying...


For a game that tackles some serious subjects, it certainly doesn't feel like it takes itself very seriously. Okay, sure, maybe a missed opportunity but not a deal breaker. What does it have to offer instead? Well, not a whole lot. Because of its wishy-washy, half-serious tone, any kind of grim or otherwise dramatic scene that is presented is undercut by non-committal platitudes that lacks any weight or emotion. Rather than provoking feelings that are genuinely moving or rousing, we get these sort of... deflated anime speeches that feel like they don't have anything real to say.

This could be salvageable if the game decided to lean more heavily into comedy or other more light-hearted avenues to make up for this, but it doesn't do that either. Instead, it sits in this awkward middle of the road space where it's NOT serious enough to be a properly gripping tale of injustice and revolution, but it's TOO serious to be a fun adventure about friendship and growth. I think it's possible to do both honestly, but the writing is much too timid to actually push for it.

The actual dialogue feels quite stilted as well, falling short of giving players the impression that these are believable characters, or even that we should be invested in them. Their speech patterns are just barely distinct enough to not blend together, and it's all kind of robotic overall. This is not helped by the fact that the personalities of these characters suffer the same problem as the story writing: Too serious to be fun to read, not serious enough to be compelling.

I can't speak for the entire plot, but of the roughly seven hours I've played so far it's been serviceable, with some hiccups and questionable moments during cutscenes here and there. The story is fine, if a little boring, but certainly not remarkable.


The art is very good, and aesthetically pleasing throughout. The music, not as much. The soundtrack used in this game isn't memorable or particularly even enjoyable to listen to most of the time -- it's just kind of there to fill in the background so it isn't dead air. But rather than fading out of mind, it pulls me out of the experience a little. Not much else to say here, the game would benefit from tighter direction of the music.


Right now, this is not a fun game. It is an okay game at best, and sometimes that's enough for the average player to squeeze enjoyment out of it. If this is you, don't let this review discourage you from at least trying it out yourself. Otherwise, I find that it fails to deliver quality on many fronts -- but not so much that it can't be redeemed. In my opinion, there IS a base of a good game here, somewhere. But it would take much reworking to transform this into something memorable. I can't say it's something I'm holding out hope for, but hey, anything can happen.
72 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 09:18
Long Gone Days is an excellent RPG! All the art is so smooth! The environments of each new area are all beautiful in their own way and lots of fun to explore, the characters themselves are unique and aesthetically very pleasing, with the two art styles blending together very nicely. The animations during dialogue really add life to the game too.

To me, as someone who often zones out during extensive plot, this game is captivating. The writing is clear and concise, giving you a sense of the characters while exploring deeper concepts of war and morality. This is done in an enjoyable and motivational way which, in my experience, connects the player with the goals of the characters very well. The plot itself is unique and absorbing, with a few big twists and turns that felt appropriate and connected with the larger story, and the characters are very likeable (at least to me).

The gameplay is also super fun! The optional quests are interesting, relevant, cute, and give LGD more of a sense of purpose (other than to save the world), while the combat, very Pokemon-like, is fun and makes things more interesting, giving you more of a stake in the wellbeing of the characters.

The only additions I'd like to see are more quests, more sniping combat, and harder battles. The combat is well done, but also a bit easy. Other than that, I'm just looking forward to Chapter 4 :-)
326 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 23:52
Even though it's still on early access, very nice and polished game.

+ It really manages to transmit the feel of the European countries the player visits
+ The communication in different language is a smart and immersive gameplay element
+ The character have a lot of life to them
+ The artwork is beautiful

~ I find that the combat gameplay, while not especially annoying or anything, doesn't really bring anything interesting to the game

The game isn't entirely finished yet though, so if you want to have a complete experience from the beginning to the end, you might want to wait for it to be out of early access.
123 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 22:03
Go into this knowing that you are not buying this game for the graphics, or gameplay. Its like a Neptunia game in the fact that you are going into this for the story. The pixel art very well holds it's own, and with how cheap it is I'd definitely say go ahead and buy this.
128 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 04:44
It’s a very interesting game indeed.

Aesthetically speaking it’s gorgeous, from the [strike]surprisingly VERY attractive[/strike] character design to the main graphic looks of the game which is pixel-based. The music is so relaxing and fits with the environment you’re in during the game, but it’s a bit repetitive due to its Early Access state.

The story, as far as it is, it’s good. The game is set on a kinda fictitious modern Europe and you play as a “soldier” that questions his military organization’s true motives and stuff, I won’t go too much into detail because I know I will spoil it. The characters are lovely, and if you’re like me, you will love them either immediately or as the story progresses

Gameplay wise… it’s tough. As an RPG [strike]and basically most of them[/strike], resources and MP are thing that you get to know how to manage properly. In this game, resources are mega scarce and your Morale [strike]which is your MP[/strike] is always below 40% during the entire game and the fact that you can’t recover it by any means makes it even more tedious, [strike]without mentioning that the cost of your skills aren’t low either[/strike]. And if you run out of it, you’re somehow useless and make the game harder on yourself because running out of it affects your character stats as well…
The only thing to complain about is that some side quests are a little bit vague on their descriptions, the keyboard controls can’t be remapped and more screen resolutions can be welcomed as well.

In general, is a good game, and I hope it gets out of Early Access soon [strike]because it’s been 2 years. Come on developers, I know you can do it, I believe in you so[/strike] I can keep enjoying it and see what happens next
94 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 02:27
If you walk into this game expecting an RPG that requires grinding, levelling up and shooting lots of enemies, then you will be disappointed. However, if enjoy rich plot that ties all your actions together, the consequences of your choices matter, and want to play a game that really makes you think about what you are doing to whom, then this game is for you.
139 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1068 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 00:52
Branna best girl.
686 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 17:36
Long Gone Days is a solid example in the rather thinly populated category of modern military RPGs. The character art is spot on, all characters are visually distinct. The sprite work is solid better than 95% percent of the time. The music is not particularly memorable, but it doesn't detract from the game. The plot is run-of-the-mill, but the modern setting and above average story-telling and dialog keep the game interesting enough not to speed through the text boxes.

The game's only significant weakness is in the combat. It's functional, but there doesn't feel like the player has much impact on anything. You get plenty of items, but it's hard to tell what impact a +2 ATK does compared to a +2 LUK or +2 AGI. The morale system is interesting, but it leads to morale point being too precious to spend, since you don't know when you'll get more, leaving you using mostly just basic attacks. I kind of feel the devs realized this as many of the combat encounters in the latter parts of the game so far are avoidable. The devs are planning to rebalance combat as part of the full launch, so hopefully they'll be able to shore up this part of the game.
97 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 04:46
The game is pretty awesome in itself for strong characters and a strong storyline. I usually don't end up liking all the main characters, but LO and BEHOLD, every main character is authentic, cool, and unique. They feel so real! It's crazy. The game place is below 9 hours which is a nice chunk of time. I highly recommend this game because it'll definitely feel like you earned time, not wasted it. Only cons are: there is no run button. When equipping items, it took me a while to figure out the controls. So I wasn't sure if I was equipping something or not. Near the middle of the game, I finally figured it out. The quit button didn't work for me. There weren't enough dogs. We need more doggos and cats. lol. And when fighting the bosses and minions, I feel like we needed a little more diversity in how they attacked and how the team attacked. There needs to be more opportunities to receive Motivation. I definitely feel like the townspeople were really well done and written. But it would have been nice to have more interactions with them. AS long as it doesn't sidetrack the story. Overall, this game so far gets a 9/10 for strong and concrete story and characters. It's rare to find both together so well. Looking forward to chapter 3!!!!
124 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 02:22
Fix the quit button please. I can't quit the game without using Alt F4.
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 04:55
The two chapters currently out are highly enjoyable.
The gameplay is fun and engaging, the art style is wonderful to look at both in the pixel format and the character sprites + cgs, the characters are lovable, and the plot is very interesting. Even when the game doesn't give you a time limit on certain things, there's a strong sense of urgency to be quick in order to make sure everything turns out okay. Scenes truly feel tense and emotional.
The music is so good and sets the mood wonderfully, the environmental and character design is appealing, and the screen never feels boring because something is always moving, even in battles with the enemies having animated portraits.
Though, it is a bit easy to lose track of where you're supposed to go especially if you get distracted by something else, a few minutes of wondering around is usually enough to get you back on track.
So far I would 100% recommend it, it's worth playing even though it's not a full game yet.
290 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 07:17
Cute polish anime boys question their morale when confronting russians on a one sided battlefield leading to a pretty engaging story.

Also you can interact with cats and dogs and they make cute sounds.

Weirdly underrated game.
871 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 15:39
How to describe this game?
Long Gone Days is a visual novel,shooting Pixel game.
I like the story that conveys a Dystopia story
The illustration is exquisite, and I like pixel art.
It's a little difficult to control this character, maybe.
(I have trouble in moving my character)
38 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 17:05
Very pleasing pixel art, animation, and illustrations. Great story, interesting characters, not-too-easy battles, and interesting side-quests. Wasn't a fan of the battle system at first (it's good but just not my cup of tea) but i'm glad it's not level-based so there's no need to grind.

Although, i honestly don't know where Rourke got his high morality and principles from, considering he's been raised by The Core since birth.
164 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 03:09
Very charming world and characters. High quality hand drawn and pixel art. Nice soundtrack and sound in general. It's a cozy game. The opening scene promises a very interesting story. I'll keep coming back for more.

I also really enjoyed cute details like the random interactable bird that sings, which has zero effect on gameplay but that I find important in games like this. Seemingly useless details like these convince me that this world is alive and full of surprises and not limited by the story it's trying to tell.

There's a few small things that keep it from being flawless. Like I wish I could move the character diagonally. Keeping x pressed should display the current text box without pauses between sentences. You should be able to easily compare stats with currently equipped items. I had to dig through the settings to quit/reload the game, etc. These are mostly ui/ease of use improvements. The art and story parts are great so far.
76 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.20 04:10
Played the game through my boyfriend's library after he constantly told me to give the game a try, and boy I have absolutely no regrets. I am an undying fan of narrative games with an RPG Maker vibe (LiEat and Blank Dream being a few of my faves), so this game hit the chord right away. Along with a very colorful cast of characters, this game explores the tragic narrative of war and international politics through a lense focused on its impact on the people, which honestly provides an authentic view of the world, regardless of the scenario being real or not. It's an incredibly interesting game that I would strongly recommend, and that I will most certainly buy on my own personal account when additional content is added. Props to the developers, this game rocks!
318 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.20 00:40
I got this for about € 6.50 during the sale (with the 5€ event coupon) and it was an absolute steal! Love the characters and I can't wait for chapter 4. Stay safe in Chile.

[spoiler] But if Lynn doesn't make it I'll never forgive you guys >:( [/spoiler]
263 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.19 15:58
Long Gone Days is a mix of a Visual Novel and a RPG, set in the current era.

You will play as Rourke, a trained sniper from a secret organization called 'The Core'. Rourke has received his first mission and heads out to complete said mission. But the longer the mission goes on, the more horrible secrets he discovers, making him desert The Core. You will follow him through his journey as he struggles with moral choices and language barriers, all while trying to find a plan to stop The Core.

LGD is mostly a VN, with some RPG elements thrown into the mix. The story may not interest everyone but for those who like military themes might enjoy this.

The combat is unique. When in combat certain enemies have different area's to attack, which has different stats and can even cause some status effects. However don't expect for this to be a difficult game. Most fights are easy, some harder. For me it was still entertaining and most bossfights were a blast to play again.
Skills are used by something called 'Moral'. If a units 'Moral' is low then their stats will be lowered as well. Moral can be raised by making the right decisions during quests or fights. Make the wrong one and your party's Moral can go down.

The game it's charm lies in the characters itself, the art style and the story. All of them have good looking sprites and artwork.
The art style of the game itself is charming (Never did i want to pet a small bird so much.) and fun to look at. The game feels alive with the many civilians that you can meet.

There are some small problems however as of 0.6.1. Textures might be a bit 'jittery' when your screen moves to fast when you don't have a native 720p or 1080p screen. There are some spots with collision off, but nothing game breaking for now.
The developers are actively busy fixing all typo's and bugs, and all bug reports can be send either on the official thread on steam or on their discord server. (Which is worth checking out!)

So is LGD worth it? In my opinion: Yes! But please bare in mind that this is still an Early Access title, and chapter 4 has yet to be released.

If you want to support the developers then you can buy the game now and have 7-8 hours for the main story, longer if you decided to do quests and explore around. If you rather to play the whole story at once then it's better to wait, but the prices might rise then (Which is up to BURA to decide.)

In overall, it's a nice looking VN with RPG elements to keep things interesting. I'm looking forward to chapter 4 and future games that BURA might work on!
316 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.18 21:15
This story is a resurrection of nostalgic feelings which were lost in the past. They tell a story about a modern and worthy variation of Suikoden II.

Great game so far!
119 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.18 22:06
I could listen to the soundtrack all day.
14 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.18 18:45
All I can say is I WAS IMPRESSED

I'd give 9/10 for all the bucks I've spent on this game. The genre brought up by BURA is just brilliant. I never thought I was ever gonna play a military RPG based game and I did. The gameplay was smooth, fantastic, beautific. The art and design was amazing. All the mechanic implemented in this game was fun and fantastic.

As someone who came from military background, I was very impressed in the language barrier and conflict you put as background of this game. I would be gladly help if you need translator in my native tounge (Bahasa/Malay). The script was realistic and immersive. Beautifully written and still could use a bit of improvement. The concept of modern military rpg was there and it's one of a kind on this era if i could say that. It was diffrent from others and it was far better. As a game from dev who had 4 people (as i read on the discussion) I was impressed beyond that. You guys did great.

I can't wait to play the full version and see where this going to lead you in future. I expect more exiciting content from you guys (the developer). Perhaps if I could vary the room for improvements:

-The variable of weapons; the mechanics such sniper/smg/shotguns and how it change the effect on each battle
-The varibale of language; as to be use in game background or script
-The variable to create own character such names, gender, nation backgrounds
-The variable to be specialized in military aspect; such medic, mechanic, ammor, comando, paratroopers, intepreter, intelligence and esc
-The variable to have progression on relationship with comrades or people
-The variable to have hero/character skills progression
-The variable to see enemy morale and skills
-More intesting plot

There's plenty room for improvement but still, this is by far the most amazing rpg i ever played since Persona franchise. To all gamers who just love RPG based game, you should gave this a try rather than playing the same dugeon/medieval kind of rpg. This game is fantastic and i cant wait for full game. BIG THANK YOU to the developer for creating a satisfaction that i dreamt for a long time. GROUND BREAKING GENRE!
402 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.18 03:15
tl;dr- If you like games with a good story and characters, and also don't mind reading and exploring, check it out. The gameplay will not woo you in any way, but I'd still say it's worth the full price.

Done Right

  • The art. The pixel art is both charming and unique; the detailed portraits and still images look gorgeous.
  • The characters. Everybody has their own hopes, dreams, and motivations. I want to learn more about them all, and the game gives that to me as I play. Nobody feels cookie-cutter.
  • The story. Cool setting, interesting and mysterious situation. The main reason to keep playing.
  • Translator mechanics. Those people and signs speaking garbage you passed earlier? Now that you have an interpreter, you can finally go back and find out what they were saying. Really neat. Will be interesting to see how multiple foregn languages come into play here.
  • Lynn. She pegs. Love her.


  • The soundtrack. Everything works and fits well, I guess.. but it doesn't do anything special, and I couldn't hum a single tune from it right now for the life of me.
  • The combat. Real standard RPG stuff. It seems a little silly to shoot someone in the face many times, only to have them fall unconscious.
  • The fetch quests. I really don't mind them, but the walk speed is kind of slow, and, once again, nobody's reinventing RPGs here. This entry was bumped up from awful to lackluster when I figured out holding shift could make me walk faster, which, admittedly, took me way too long to discover.

Plain Bad

  • No button to quit the game. I know it is early access, but I'd like one of those soon, please. Or am I missing something?
  • Little time spent developing the Core. In a story sense. I feel like most of what I know about the place I've spent my entire life in I read online, outside of the game. Did I really have no friends there, either? I get that quickly diving into the actual game beats tutorials, but I feel like I'm missing the history of the most interesting part of this entire fictional world.
  • The stolen clothes. I stole some clothes from a house, then talked to someone who lived there the same day. She really didn't notice? Sure, alright.

Petty things to gripe about, sure, but I currently have no other complaints.
2348 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.18 19:51
I bought it after playing the demo which I enjoyed, there are side quests to be completed along with the main game which was absent from the demo version, the battle is same as that of demo till I played, The price for me was little high but still I bought it and by far I am not disappointed, I will update the review as I progress more into the game.

I finished Chapter 1 and it took me more than 3 hours doing side quests along with main story, only encountered one small bug, I liked the story as well as the music of the game, the battle is turn based and there is a sniper mode, The morale system used in battle (same as magic in fantasy jrpg) is nice, it can be filled by doing side quests, winning battles as well as choosing correct dialog options during some battles. Currently only Chapter 1 can be played but still it's fun till I played.
4789 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.18 18:49
TLDR: This game is already looking great currently, I'm interested to see how it develops and where the story goes. Seems like a solid jrpg style game though.

This is an Early Access review so I will update it as the game updates.

For an early access title Long Gone Days is already looking great. The character models and sprite work look fantastic. It runs and save fine, using a controller currently is limited but it does work in some areas: such as the overworld and sniper portions of the game.

It seems children are confined to underground bunkers with no outside stimuli, these children are trained to be the ultimate soldiers. They follow orders and gladly serve Fuh...Father General. The main character Rourke is one such soldier who grew up and trained in this bunker. He knows nothing of the outside world except what he experiences in a simulation. The story starts as Rourke is finally chosen to go on his first mission above ground, training for this moment all his life to take out the enemies of Father General.

Come mission time and Rourke is sniping targets left and right with ease for he trained for this moment all his life. After combat Rourke and his company are checking buildings for enemy combatants, and this is when Rourke notices someone that runs away in the shadows. Finally confronting this enemy and thinking he's going to be ambushed, it is revealed the enemy is nothing more than an unarmed civilian. Realizing all the targets were unarmed civilians and not actual enemy combatants he hesitates to kill this civilian hiding among trash. Of course Rourke's superior shows up head shots the kid with no remorse and proceeds to chew out Rourke.

Rourke is a changed person after this encounter and want's nothing to do with being a soldier any longer. Adair a medic who is also on this same mission wants to try to help Rourke clear his head. He comes up with a plan to to get Rourke treated at the medic station. This leads both to being branded traitors as they journeyed out of the combat zone.

There seems to been two kinds of combat encounters. One where you just move a a cross-hair and snipe targets, and the other is standard jrpg turn based combat. In the turn based encounters you and any party members have a morale meter. If morale is 100% you get a kill boner and your critical chance increases, but if Morale falls to 0% you take a 50% damage penalty. Mobs you encounter also have body parts that can be targeted for increase damage at the cost of accuracy. So if you go for that sweet head shot the mob will take increased damage but you are more likely to miss.

One thing I would change about the combat encounters is to speed it up a bit. Either reduce mob and player health some or increase damage globally. Battles seem a bit too long, No game wants to be known as the game that had longer battles than Xenosaga 2.

Follow my curation page for more of my terrible opinions. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Lesstalkmoreplay#curation
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
94.65% 177 10
Release:28.03.2018 Genre: Adventure-Rollenspiel Entwickler: This I Dreamt Vertrieb: Serenity Forge Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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