Little Nightmares 2
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Über das Spiel

Von Six geführt – dem Mädchen im gelben Regenmantel – macht sich Mono auf, die dunklen Geheimnisse der Signalsäule zu erkunden. Ihnen steht eine beschwerliche Reise bevor: Mono und Six begegnen neuen Gefahren in Form der furchterregenden Bewohner dieser Welt.
Traust du dich an diese Sammlung neuer "Little Nightmares" heran?
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5-2300 | AMD FX-4350
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 570, 1 GB | AMD Radeon HD 7850, 2 GB
- Software: Windows 10
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 | AMD FX-8350
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760, 2 GB | AMD Radeon HD 7870, 2 GB
- Software: Windows 10
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 12:37
Unfortunately, I can only recommend the game if you have a very high frustration threshold.
I played the game until about halfway through and I'm sure I died more than 100 times, which is just frustrating.
Even in Little Nightmares I you had to try certain things several times until it worked out, but here it is far worse. You can run around for 5 minutes and then try the next part 20 times or more, it all comes down to perfect timing. Only to have another 5 minutes of rest before the next section, which you can repeat 30 times again and die constantly. This is unfortunately only frustrating and can, as great as the visuals are, and certainly the story (but I can not say anything about it, because I have not played it to the end for frustration reasons), but as I said can only recommend it if you have a high frustration threshold.
756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 20:04
Das Spiel ist gut aber nicht so wie die 1...
Man(N) muss es mögen es zu spielen!!!
Noch ein Problem ist die Steuerung!!!ohne Gamepad nicht spielbar!!
Man kann die Tasten am Pc einstellen ,aber sobald man Spiel verlässt sind 3 Tastenfunktionen gelöscht oder verworfen!!
Vielleicht kommt da noch nen update..
446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 20:12
Trotz des simplen Konzepts ist das Gameplay fesselnd und tief beunruhigend.
Die Story zusammen mit little nightmares 1 ist zutiefst beeindruckend und lässt viele Interpretationsmöglichkeiten offen.
Für besseres Spielerlebnis empfehle ich Kopfhörer und Controller mit aktivierter Vibration.
Wie bereits erwähnt bin ich im sehr begeistert. Vom Gameplay, von der Story und der allgemeinen Atmosphäre.
1065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 23:39
353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 18:00
Also dieses Spiel ist fantastisch und sogar schwieriger (vor allem von den Rätseln her) als der 1. Teil.
Ich könnte mir sehr gut vorstellen, dass das ein Vorteil des 1. Teils sein könnte.
Ich denke, dass sich hier Remote Play definitiv auch lohnen wird (eher eine Vermutung).
Aber alles in einem wieder ein sehr gutes Spiel von den Entwicklern.
Hier zu meinem Let´s Play:
Fazit: 10/10
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 19:24
Hast du Angst jeden Abend alleine im Dunkeln ohne jegliches Licht einzuschlafen?
Fühlst du es, wenn deine Träume verrückt, aussichtslos und voller Ängste sich gnadenlos erheben?
Dieses Spiel ist süß, böse und so verrückt wie der abenteuerlichste Albtraum eines kleinen Kindes.
Es entführt dich in düstere Welten voller Unbehagen, unverständlicher Dinge und dennoch einer Liebe zum schrecklichen netten Detail, eines glorreichen Entwicklerstudios feiner Indie Games.
Wenn die Musik nicht verführt,
dann vielleicht
diese kleinen Albträume zweier Kinderlein.
854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 23:51
428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 08:33
Die Atmosphäre und die Musik des Games sind unschlagbar, besonders am Anfang fühlt es sich sehr bedrückend an. Dies macht auch den Horrorfaktor von dem Spiel aus. Zudem ist das Spiel wieder sehr gesellschaftskritisch gestaltet, zumindest nach meiner Interpretation, was mir ebenfalls sehr gut gefällt.
Es gibt nur eine Sache, die mich ein wenig gestört hat und das war der recht langgezogene Part mit den Puppen, was daran liegen könnte, dass ich kein Fan von Error and Retry Passagen bin. Dies ist aber auch schon eher Meckern auf hohem Niveau und persönliches Empfinden.
Fazit: Wer den ersten Teil geliebt hat, wird auch diesen mögen und sollte ihn auf jeden Fall spielen. Auch für Leute, die gerne atmosphärische Horrorgames spielen kommen auf ihre Kosten. Eine absolute Kaufempfehlung. Hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht.
561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 21:23
I would recommand it over and over again for anyone trying to escape this freaking pandemic and to face their own personal little nightmares. :)
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 15:51
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Human
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press ‚A‘
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ Story?
☐ Text or Audio floating around
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium
for bugs
580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 09:16
462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 19:27
Little Nightmares 2 hat im Vergleich zu Teil 1 wesentlich mehr verschiedene Locations, welche für mich auch wesentlich ansprechender waren.
Auch Teil 2 glänzt mit seinen außergewöhnlichen Character Designs, coolen Secrets und seinen guten Soundtrack.
Für mich eine ABSOLUTE Empfehlung wenn man auf skurrile und einzigartige-creepy Welten und Geschichten steht :D
10/10 von mir
469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 00:02
Wer den ersten Teil lieben gelernt hat wird auch diesen Lieben.
Vielmehr kann ich nicht dazu sagen außer die sich beschweren, das es ohne Kontroller unspielbar sein, ihr lieben zu beginn des Spieles wird drauf hingewiesen das es mit Kontroller das schönere Spielerlebniss wird ;)
Und so ist es auch, die Musik top, die Sounds top, die Level, das was ich bisher gesehn hab top.
[spoiler]Tatort Schule, viel Spaß beim porzellan Köpfchen zerschlagen xD Man hat das gefrustet[/spoiler]
Also kanns nur empfehlen und liebe es auch wenn es echt, meines empfinden schwerer ist als der Erste :D
760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 20:45
Was das gameplay angeht ist es anders als im 1. teil, im positiven sinne...sowie auch ein bisschen im negativen. Das positive ist man buggt nicht mehr so ekelhaft an jeder ekcke, duckt sich wo man springt (warum auch immer das im 1. Teil existiert?), oder wird 20 meter vom gegner weg geschnappt. das ist echt anders hier man hat bessere Chancen sich zu verstecken und die Monster auszutricksen, wo es nur geht.
Das negative was für mich aber nicht so schlimm ist ist das ULTRA präzise gameplay, wenn man nur eine sekunde zuspät los läuft ist man geliefert, es geht hier manchmal echt um bruchteile von sekunden die uns vor freude brüllen lassen oder vor verzweiflung haha!
Alles in allem die Story, aufmachung, Design, Gameplay und bezug zu Teil 1 ist gut gelungen und jeder der sich überlegt es sich zu holen MACHT ES es lohnt sich.
399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 00:56
Das Spiel an sich ist sehr gut und die Charakteren sind auch sehr gut gemacht aber leider doch bisschen zu kurz wo ich auch nicht was anderes erwartet habe da der erste Teil auch kurz was. DLC kann man sich sparen, meine Meinung nach ist das kein richtiger dlc da es im Hauptspiel eingebaut wurde und ich das erst nach dem durchspielen kapiert habe. Ich persönlich würde vielleicht 20 Euro dafür ausgeben mehr aber auch nicht dennoch habe ich das doppelte dafür bezahlt was nicht schlimm ist da ich genug Geld besitze. Für Leute die jetzt kein riesen Fan sind von dieses Spiel sollten lieber warten bis das Spiel billiger wird oder halt im das Spiel kaufen.
424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 18:04
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 05:55
I have to say, I was disappointed in this one. I replayed the first game just before jumping into this one. I was really hoping to see how they had progressed the style and ideas behind LN1. However, LN2 is more of the same except with many frustrating or unnecessary design choices and few improvements.
Things I liked:
- I like the companion game played added, the AI is decent and I like the supplement animations and actions.
- The graphics, sound, and world design are all very compelling offering a unique experience.
- The addition of hats was fun, but there was a huge missed opportunity with using the hats for stealth or abilities much like when you wearing the doll head (great section!).
- LN2 definitely feels more varied stage wise throughout the game.
- The very last boss fight was creative and did build on mechanics used leading up to it. Very satisfying to play there was some hit box issues when I played it.
- Thank you for not making me carry keys, i was missing my lighter until later.
Things I was't thrilled about:
- The 'combat'. Very unneeded and very clunky. Would almost have rather it only used in a stealth capacity or something. The movement in this game is clunky, adding combat only made it more obvious, I died a number of times to weird timing, clunky swings, or cheap grabs by the enemy. Melee combat feels pointless since its hit the enemy or die instantly.
- The chases..Now there were chases in the first game, but in LN2 they were much tighter in timing / clearance. Once again, when your controls are so slow and clunky, this only hurts it. The chase with the guy on the ceiling is the biggest culprit. I kept getting crushed by a book shelf and it just wasn't fun at that point because it wasn't that it was it difficult, just badly controlled.
- The story....I won't spoil it, but it was very random feeling and disjointed. They try to tie it all together at the end, but I'm just not buying it. Also one of the late game boss fights feels like you're fighting the shadow lady all over again from LN1.
- The bulk of the game takes place in the city, which kind of feels a little close to the ship from LN1. I really enjoyed the opening sequences in the woods, but it's too short.
- This game also tries to heighten the sense of being chased ALL THE TIME. There's always somebody beating down the door and searching for you. This kills any sense of exploration or appreciation for the environments that I'm sure many people worked very hard on. I also wish there was just more to explore in each stage. (Ex: The x-ray and incinerator was very creative....I xrayed and burned all the things!).
With all of this said, it's definitely not a bad game and I would still recommend it ON SALE. Get the double pack, play through both games over weekend. A very unique world that will leave you with more questions that we may hopefully see answered in the next game.
5574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 04:05
1010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 11:26
401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 12:00
+ amazing atmosphere and set pieces
+ fantastic music
+ puzzles have good balance
+ new mechanics
- its short (like 5 - 5.5h) and linear with no replayability, which is fine, but is overpriced
- the Deluxe Edition DLC includes the attic as a room, which should have been in the game to begin with
- some minor bugs, in escape scenes you can get stuck on small bits and therefore fail, but nothing gamebreaking
Overall an amazing experience and game, just a tad too overpriced. Definitely get it in a sale.
602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 20:03
However, I did have some problems with both the normal and enhanced version.
One of the worst ones was : [/spoiler] After you beat the shit out of the first hand [/spoiler] the fuse didn't spawn in, so I was left looking for the next thing to do for roughly 45 minutes, until I had to pull up a walk-through to see that there is meant to be a fuse, then I had to look up the issue, which said I had to reload last checkpoint. It did work but the thing is on my second play-through, it happened again. I don't mind because I love the series but I can see this would frustrate some enough to put down the game and not pick it up again.
I also had an issue when, in the first chapter, [/spoiler] when you are pushing the box to jump through the window into the room with the hunter [/spoiler], I broke a glass bottle which prevented me from pushing the box. Again minor, but a bit annoying.
The other issues were relatively minor, and normal for series (and for some add to the charm), such as minor visual clipping issues, and holding on to invisible things.
In conclusion, this game is a solid addition to the series. I still personally prefer the first game and I am definitely glad there is not speed running achievement for this game, as I feel this game lacks the same replay-ability as the first; but apart from that a very good game.
Note: this review doesn't include the deluxe edition content, nome attic dlc or digital content bundle as I have read these are worth the full price - which I tend to believe because the fans tend to be very forgiving of Tarsier and LN content.
764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 19:41
Gameplay is exactly the same as 1 but with huge improvements to the scary factor. There were some butt clenching moments that i didn't expect at all.
Story was incredible with an excellent twist as always.
Nothing else to really say, Great game and strong recommendation.
6226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 02:09
399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 20:33
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 14:22
In Little Nightmares 2, released last year on the 10th of February, you explore a large variety of indoor and outdoor areas; haunting wings of the hospital, frightful sights of the woods, disturbing halls of the school and more, all open for exploration.
In this sardonic city, you play as a little hero named Mano, with a trusted partner at his side - [spoiler]Six[/spoiler] (spoiler). Each chapter has its mission, with a main narrative binding them together. The main narrative seems far more complicated than expected and is up to players to discover with each passing chapter. It is yet to be determined if this story is a prequel or a sequel to the first Little Nightmares.
One of the best in the puzzle-platformer genre, Little Nightmares 2 is as eerie and creepy as its predecessor, offering comparatively elevated narrative and extensive exploration; however, it does not go too far to amaze its players. Little Nightmares 2 feels quite similar to Little Nightmares, which was a safe decision and is certainly preferable for gamers, who want to avoid decisive surprises and enjoy the known comfort. This, however, by no means suggests that Little Nightmares 2 has no plot-twisting or blood-curdling moments in the narrative, since it certainly does (to an expected degree for Little Nightmares).
No game seems to blend the sense of cosy and creepy as well as this franchise; the moments of togetherness combined with lonesomeness, alongside the eerie narrative, evidently displays a deeper message to the players, leaving much to question and discover.
725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 20:47
just like LN, this game uses it's atmosphere amazing. It has enough action to not get bored of it, some new mechanics and scenes that build up great tension together with a great use of music which can give you quite the feels once the end credits play.
At first you start of with no knowledge about whom, what or why, but as the story continues the more knowledge you will acquire, and the more you will fill in the gaps in the story, yet leaving enough questions as to make up your own conspiracy theory about the world Little Nightmares (II) takes place in.
I recommend playing this with controller since it can be quite tricky to handle all the movements on keyboard and mouse.
942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 04:15
433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 13:22
Btw be sure to have some tissues on hand during the end :(
694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 21:35
Eerie atmosphere, awesome haunting music, creepy/cute art.
Did not expect this kind of ending and felt like playing dying simulator
(Controls felt little clumsy)
but it is what it is ~ also what kind of game would be good without tiny amount of suffering.
Game glitched once leading me to reload last checkpoint but mostly worked well without any bigger issues.
Succeed to keep atmosphere high enough ♥
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 12:01
Only caveat, I found no option to exit or speed up the long end credits, which was quite annoying. Had to alt-tab and stop game from steam.
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 16:02
497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 04:26
793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 20:57
Now, don't get me wrong, LN2 is a great game definitely worth playing and I absolutely recommend it for anyone thinking of giving it a go, but in all honesty there's really nothing that sets it apart from the original Little Nightmare; the game looks, sounds and feels exactly like the first game... you have the same great art style that creeps into your nightmares when the lights go out, that same immersive OST that will run chills down your spine at the turn of every corner, the same rich story that will leave you questioning your own reality when you reach the end of the road, hell, it even has the same choppy controls on keyboard and mouse with the bad camera angles that will ultimately be the death of you more than any resident of the Pale City.
What I’m trying to say is that LN2 feel more like a DLC for the original title than it does a whole separate game. The story, while satisfying, doesn’t nearly reach the same level of jaw-dropping goodness that the first one left me with and the DLC adds almost nothing in terms of actual gameplay (albeit you do get some collector goodies in exchange). All in all, I would still recommend this game to anyone who’s a fan of Little Nightmares, like they say... if it's not broken, don't fix it, and LN2 has all the same vibes that made the first game such a great experience to play, but I would definitely suggest waiting for it to go on sale before jumping into it.
Nicht Empfohlen
547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 09:58
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 19:08
To sum it up, it takes around 8 hours to get 100% achievements and getting all the pleasure out of this game. Highly recommend it. Don't look at the price and don't judge the game about its length. It costs every dollar you'll spend on it.
Nicht Empfohlen
165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 19:53
It is very frustrating and I guess the game isn't designed to help the player progress if they get stuck. If you're stuck, you're not going any further.
The PC controls are a bit hard to get right, especially on the mannequin part of the game (with the flashlight). It's also quite hard to judge the Z direction due to the weird camera angles, and I've been caught (or got stuck) multiple times because of this.
Maybe it's more fun (and easier to control) with a controller, but that shouldn't matter.
At least the puzzles have a bit more depth than the first game.
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 11:49
+ Atmosphere
+ Artdesign
+ Visual quality
+ Sound Design!
+ Music
+ Mysterious worldbuilding
- Some annoying trial and error
- I missed the first hat so I didn't search for hats
- For the full prize a little bit too short
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 14:12
774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 20:15
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 23:14
Little Nightmares 2 is an artistic dollhouse of a horror platformer.
As someone who really didn't enjoy other horror platformers like Limbo and Inside, I beyond adored Little Nightmares 2. While I originally only thought of the first one as alright at best, my appreciation for this duo of games was greatly increased after playing this one. I really didn't expect to enjoy LN2 as much as I did and I can definitely see myself doing another playthrough in the future.
On to how LN2 actually plays, it's a 3D platformer at the core with some puzzle solving, combat, and stealth segments thrown in to change the pace. The platforming isn't groundbreaking with your movement options, but it feels incredibly natural. Everything you jump to and from is an organic part of the setting's environment. You'll find yourself climbing books, shelves, ropes, and everything else your tiny hands can grasp onto. Mono will be traversing the broken wooden planks and catwalks high up and you'll be using furniture and everything in your immediate area to get there. Stealth segments, while they still do heavily focus on patience, feel much more realistic as well. There is the occasional dedicated and obvious hiding box, you'll find yourself using the nearby bushes and desks as cover. It feels like there's a much greater focus on the actual vision of the monsters and taking that into account. You'll be taking cover behind jars and books to hide from the Teacher and you'll be ducking underneath beds to avoid the Doctor's bird's-eye-view. Puzzles are similarly described and I never truly found myself stuck with one exception in the final chapter. The last element of gameplay to address is the newly implemented combat. It's slow and heavily focuses on timing, which is perfect to make you feel like the things you're fighting are still a threat. My only complaint is that only 3/5 chapters take advantage of it.
However, the major selling point of LN2 isn't actually the gameplay for me, but the artwork and environments of this horrifically massive world. The set dollhouse perspective and static camera angle make every room you enter feel like you're staring at a painting and not a video game level. The grassy and swampy feel of the Wilderness and the oppressive atmosphere of the School are both early examples of the game's beautiful artwork. The city segments give me the idea that I'm a tiny rat exploring a destroyed and abandoned city, where some sort of massive tragedy occurred. While environments are more cliche for horror games unlike the first game, I feel like they have an even greater amount of detail and care put into them. Even Mono's character design is something I love, with his paper bag-covered face and trenchcoat. Oh and don't even get me started on the monster design. The Teacher alone is genuinely terrifying. With her unnaturally long neck and her over-wrinkled, eyebrow-less face, she is easily the peak of the game's horror. The entire school area is definitely the best part of the game (due to its combat segments actually taking advantage of traps in the surroundings) and she easily makes up a big reason for that. But I feel like the other monsters that chase you are able to stand up to her as well, the soulless Viewers with their TV addiction, the Hunter with his obsession with taxidermy, and the final boss are all other monsters that either intrigued me or spooked me.
Normally, I really hate vague stories with no actual plot going on, but I think Little Nightmares 2 handled this issue fairly well. There's no dialogue, yet there are fairly clear themes of escapism and secrecy in the world of Little Nightmares. I've never had so much fun discussing the meaning behind certain decisions with friends more than in Little Nightmare's case. Why does almost everyone cover their face? Why are the people gigantic? What happened to the TVs and the Tower for them to get their supernatural powers? I have never been more intrigued by a story's world with only sprinkles being handed to me. The actual plot is pretty straightforward in the Steam description, Mono and Six go to the Transmission Tower. It's simple and to the point, yet there's a great twist ending that I won't spoil. Mono and Six are two characters that have never spoken, yet I have clear personalities for the both of them and that's genius storytelling. Mono is constantly running towards the danger and is a selfless individual, while Six is a survivor, who's willing to risk anything and anyone to achieve that goal. There's a clear dichotomy between the two of them that you can find even when analyzing their designs. I really applaud LN2 for having a story with several ties to its major theme without it being in your face or even said at all.
The soundtrack is exactly how a horror game's should be. All of the chase themes are intense and chaotic and are not something you'd ever find yourself listening to normally. It's kind of similar to how the early Silent Hill games handled their monster themes, it's the musical equivalent of hearing an axe chopping through your door. The song Claustrophobia is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. There are obliviously normal songs and those ones tend to be much more calming and peaceful, almost childlike. My favorite songs have to be Togetherness 2 with its peaceful humming and Lost In Transmission with that iconic music box jingle. Oh man, even the soundtrack ties heavily into the characters and themes. While Six has her own theme from the first game, Mono only ever gets Togetherness as his own theme. Really emphasizes his selfless nature for me.
On a final note, let's talk about my problems with the game. The flaws with Little Nightmares 2 are extremely minuscule due to the short length, but they are there. For starters the length for the price might be an issue for some people. Be aware you're getting a 4 to 6 hour game depending on how many of the collectibles you search for. Speaking of collectibles, the hats tab shows that you're missing two hats if you buy the base game. One of which is DLC, which is slightly annoying, but the other one was a pre-order bonus and is thus impossible to obtain. Just a really annoying tidbit for me. Also controlling the flashlight on keyboard was a bit janky, especially at the parts with multiple of the Patients chasing after you.
I really liked Little Nightmares 2. I'm slightly sad that Tarsier Studios is done with the series as even if sequels are made, without them there's a major chance of it losing the original vision and beauty it had. I highly recommend this game, it's a solid 8/10 or 9/10 for me personally.
623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 17:00
There is no other game which made me this scared and uncomfortable without even using jumpscares because the atmosphere It manages to create Is just next level creepy, this along with the phenomenal sound design kept me on my toes throughout the entire game, I think I had goosebumps throughout the whole game and I love It for giving me this unique experience.
The core gameplay Is same as Lil Nightmares 1, we have to run, jump, hide from enemies and also solve puzzles which I think has more unique designs compared to 1's but In this we can also hold hands and that takes the cake.
Overall, It Is an amplified version of 1, I just wish It was longer.
1142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 02:10
The gameplay is pure trial and error. You're thrown into this unforgiving and creepy world. You experiment with stuff, interact with the world, and maybe even take some risks. And those approaches either work, or they don't and you die horrifically. This makes perfect sense from a meta-narrative perspective: you essentially play as a character who wants to know how the game world works and how to escape it. There are enemies, living and non-living, and they all want to cause you misery. It's up to you to escape that. Simple yet effective. It's not all perfect though; there are moments where the game becomes punishingly hard which may feel bit unfair. Difficulty spikes aside, the game is generally quite easy as long as you keep in mind how the world works. There are plenty of checkpoints scattered throughout that even dying isn't really that much of a setback. Alongside the usual collectibles, each level also introduces new gameplay mechanics, used rather effectively.
Graphics are fantastic. The forced 2.5D perspective gives the levels a foreboding sense of mystery that would probably be lost if this was a fully 3D platformer. Each level is densely packed with detail and you'd be surprised just how interactive some objects are, even the ones that you absolutely don't need to use. Many, many scenes are visually striking. I'd even use the word 'cinematic' to describe the best ones.
Sound design is exemplary. True to its name, the game has many creepy moments and the sounds just accentuate those perfectly. Directional audio is utilized exceptionally well, and it's often necessary to follow the sound cues so you can escape an encroaching danger safely.
I don't want to spoil the story at all as it's best to discover it yourself. It has some genuinely disturbing moments that caught me off guard. Over the course of your journey, you may become quite attached to some characters and anxious about their ultimate fate. The game achieving that without a single line of spoken dialog is quite a feat. There are enough mysteries and secrets that I'm looking forward to the next game (one can hope.)
The biggest issue with the game is the occasionally frustrating controls. Because you don't move in a 100% 2D plane, it can sometimes be difficult to 'sense' where you're going to go. This problem can be mildly annoying in case of a failed jump to downright unfair in chase sequences where there is little room for error to begin with. I hope you see why that is a major roadblock in a purely trial and error game. Thankfully it gets better with a controller: analog sticks significantly improve the precision of movement. There's excellent controller rumble support, making you feel every jump, every heartbeat in particularly tense situations. While you can play this with keyboard & mouse, I don't recommend that for the reasons mentioned. You'll just have a much more pleasant time if you fully stick to a controller.
As long as you can tolerate and familiarize yourself with the controls, LN2 can be quite a ride.
My overall rating: 8.5/10.
Nicht Empfohlen
738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 00:58
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 11:19
This game exceeded my expectations, as usually with second games, they tend to not be as good as the first, but I think it's obvious that this game really did hit with everything.
Both the visuals and the story just feel so much more fleshed out. I hope that one day they will make a third game revolving around the other characters' stories.
2440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 15:15
Overall, I think that the game was worth the purchase. I enjoyed playing it.
456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 03:43
826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 20:56
just wow
after finishing this game with my group of friends on discord stream, I was sitting there absolutely speechless, blown away by pure GENIUS behind this masterpiece - because that's what this game truly is. an absolute masterpiece and a worthy addition to the Little Nightmares saga. first game was brilliant, but this? this one is straight up phenomenal
I truly can't remember when was the last time I felt so many emotions and such satisfaction after finishing any game, ever. it's a must-play for every lover of the first game, and a must-play for every person who likes puzzle games, horror games, action games... this one has it all
it was really hard figuring some of the puzzles out, but never Too hard for me to lose interest or get really frustrated over it. perfectly balanced, easy to learn, hard to master in my opinion
when it comes to visuals and audio, it's absolutely fantastic on every level. each level and boss are extremely well designed, and I could listen to the full OST all day. Little Nightmares 2 has this spectacular haunting, eerie vibe. this whole expierence is so consistently, brilliantly creepy and suspensful
and the ending, and the way this game connects to the events of the first one ... just brilliant. I was blown away by the ending, with this fantastic OST playing in the background, sitting quietly in my chair, in Awe of what I just witnessed. and there's still more for me to discover, now knowing this masterpiece has more secrets than I previously thought
an absolute must play, and absolutely worth money. phenomenal expierence on so many levels - amazing job, devs. thank you
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 19:41
Music, storyline, artwork, game design and characters are perfect.
Clearly a masterpiece, and it is creepier than the first game but don't worry, you can hold Six's hand.
10/10, too short but definitely worth the price.
Don't be sad that it's over after 4 hours of gameplay, be happy because it happened :)
341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 16:04
Little Nightmares II
=== [ ???? Difficulty: ] ===
???? No Difficulty
???? Easy
???? Standard
???? Big Learning Curve
???? Hard
???? Impossible
=== [ ???? Audience: ] ===
???? Everyone
???? Kids
???? Teens
???? Adults
???? Mature
=== [ ???? Graphics: ] ===
???? What Is This?
???? Bad
???? Acceptable
???? Good
???? Great
???? Stylistic
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece
=== [ SOUND/MUSIC ] ===
???? Bad
???? Nothing Special
???? Good
???? Great
???? Beautiful
???? I´m Gonna Cry
=== [ ???? Story] ===
???? This Game Has No Story
???? Nothing Special
???? It´s Alright
???? Well Written
???? Epic Story
???? Thinking About It, When I Sleep
=== [ GRINDING ] ===
???? Nothing To Grind
???? Isn't Necessary To Progress
???? Average Grind Level
???? A Lot Of Grinding
???? You‘ll Need A Second Life For Grinding
=== [ ???? Price ] ===
???? Free
???? Underpriced
???? Perfect Price
???? Could Be Cheaper
???? Overpriced
=== [ ☣ Requirments: ] ===
???? A Toaster Could Run This
???? Low
???? Average
???? Above Average
???? High End
???? NASA Computer
=== [ ⏰ Game time/length ] ===
???? Really short ( 0 - 4 hours)
???? Short ( 4 - 12 hours)
???? Average ( 12 - 24 hours)
???? Long ( 24+ hours)
???? Multiplayer/Neverending
=== [ ???? Bugs ] ===
???? Game itself is a bug
???? Lot of bugs
???? Few Bugs
???? Nothing
=== [ ENJOYMENT ] ===
???? I´d Rather Watch Grass Grow
???? Hard To Enjoy
???? Repetitive
???? It's Okay
???? Fun To Be Had For Sure
???? The Kind Of Fun You Will Remember
???? Life Changing
???? One-Time Experience
???? Only For Achievements
???? If You Wait A Few Months/Years
???? Definitely
???? Infinitely Replayable/Multiplayer
=== [ WORTH PLAYING ] ===
???? No
???? Wait For A Sale
???? Yes
???? I Can´t Recommend It Enough
⭐️Holding Six's hand.
⭐️Solving puzzles.
⭐️Travelling through TV's.
????Special kind of AI.
????Spooky atmosphere.
You get the exact same vibe as LN1 but this one is based before the first title, showing you what Six was like before hand and how she got onto the ship which I really appreciated. The whole co-op with the AI is very cleaver and I can see why this can't be a multiplayer co-op, it would be great if you could see what happens to the AI when you get separated and maybe this could be an opener for the devs to add that extra content to make this a multiplayer co-op. Either way, the story is dark and the ending is not what anyone would expect.
I only see one error with this game and that's the game length, I took my time with this game and I still managed to finish this under 6 hours, it's far too short for their steep asking price.
Total Score = 91/100.
Little Nightmares I, Limbo, It Takes Two.
It is the prequel to 2017's Little Nightmares, and features a new player character, a little boy named Mono, with the protagonist from the previous game, Six, appearing as a computer-controlled character. The story, which precedes the events of the first game, follows Mono, who must work together with Six to survive the horrors of the Pale City and discover its dark secrets.
■■■■■■■■■□ 9 / 10
Six was evil from the very beginning!
OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i7-3770 | AMD FX-8350
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760, 2 GB | AMD Radeon HD 7870, 2 GB
Review to Little Nightmares I:
591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 19:52
It does practically everything right that a sequel should, upping the mystery of the world, exploring the characters that inhabit it, and definitely ramping up the scares. It's without a doubt one of my absolute favourite horror games, and a lot of it is due to the fact that it never relies on cheap jump-scares but rather builds such an oppressive audio-visual atmosphere that you can't help to hesitate when stepping into a new, often darkened and gloomy, room. The Little Nightmares series captures such a feeling of dread that I haven't really felt since playing Silent Hill 2 for the first time, and I'm not even exaggerating.
The story had me hooked from the very first moment, and I just found myself more and more invested the deeper I went, very similar to the first outing. Having played the original isn't necessary, but it's a great benefit as it fills in a lot of story details and character motives.
As I mentioned earlier, the visuals leave very little to be desired. It has this sense of scale and depth that truly takes your breath away. You feel so small and exposed throughout your journey, and there are plenty of vistas where you can't help but to stop and just stare, taking in the landscapes and horrors spread before you.
A huge part of the presentation is also the audio design and music, and I can't stress enough the benefit of playing this with a good sound setup. Every booming footstep on a floor above you, the creak of a rotting floorboard, and the rasping breaths of the denisens of the dreary places you venture through are superb. Tobias Lilja wrote and produced the soundtrack, and he did an absolutely stupendous job with it, filled with chilling ambience and pounding, oppressive, industrial beats, another part of the games design that reminds me of the best parts of the Silent Hill franchise.
The puzzle sections are often challenging but never unfair, with plenty of clues both in the environment, and cleverly visualized by your AI partner that accompanies you throughout most of your journey. The hints never feel too on-the-nose and leave most of the brain gymnastics up to the player.
My only complaint is that some of the more panic-filled parts, where you need to perhaps outrun a foe, can often feel like trial and error, where the things you are trying to escape from behaves unpredictably, sometimes catching you in an unfair situation where only dying and trying again will get you through. You'll get killed by one move, try again and get past it, just to get killed by a second move moments later. Repeat until you beat the scenario. However, these are very few, there are only 2 or 3 sections that made me feel this way, and the rest is thrilling and heart-pounding from beginning to end.
Overall, I absolutely adore this franchise, and I hope we get to see more of this world in the near future. I'd love some DLC that expands the universe in a similar way as the DLC for the first game did, but it also feels like there's plenty of room, both in the story and in the universe as a whole, for a sequel to continue the web of intrigue that Tarsier Studios have woven.
466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 14:41
Little Nightmares 1 was already good but Little Nightmares 2 is:
- better
- longer
- creepier
- more disturbing
The game still impresses with its stunning art style and music. AI co-op is a nice addition. It took me 7 hours to finish it because I'm bad at video games. I recommend using a controller (maybe it would have taken less time to complete it if i didn't play with keyboard half the game huh).
411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 06:58
Amazing game, 9/10. If you enjoyed the first game, you will enjoy this one without a doubt. I found this game arguably better than the original.
683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 05:48
I feel I cannot express enough just how much this game affected me. The unpredictable horrors I faced and the emotions I felt while watching the incredibly original story unfold are brought together by the immersive audio and visuals that had me paused just to take in the scenes (when I'm not being chased by unimaginable...creatures).
Also, you can hold hands with your partner and I kind of love that.
Tarsier Studios
Namco Bandai
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
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