Life is Strange 2
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Über das Spiel

Die preisgekrönte Life is Strange-Reihe wird mit diesem langerwarteten Sequel von DONTNOD Entertainment fortgesetzt.
Die Brüder Sean und Daniel Diaz sind nach einem tragischen Vorfall gezwungen, vor der Polizei Richtung Mexiko zu flüchten, während sie versuchen, eine mysteriöse, übernatürliche Kraft zu verbergen.
Das Leben auf der Straße ist hart und Sean, jetzt ganz für seinen viel jüngeren Bruder verantwortlich, erkennt, dass seine Entscheidungen ihr Leben für immer verändern werden.
Episode 1 wird am 27. September 2018 erscheinen. Episoden 2-5 werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt veröffentlicht.
Die komplette Season enthält Episode 1 und das Bundle aus Episoden 2-5. Episoden 2-5 werden bei Erscheinung verfügbar sein.
- CPU: Intel Core i3-2100 (3.1GHz) or AMD Phenom X4 945 (3.0GHz)
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 2GB or AMD Radeon HD 7770 2GB
- Software: Windows 7 or above (64-bit Operating System Required)
- HD: 14 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: Please note that 32-bit operating systems will not be supported
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: Intel Core i5 3470, (3.20 Ghz) or AMD FX-8350, (4.00 Ghz)
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 4GB or AMD Radeon R9 280X 3GB
- Software: Windows 10 64-bit
- HD: 14 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: Please note that 32-bit operating systems will not be supported
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1025 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 15:40
Life is Strange 2
Ich bin ja dank dem ersten Teil schon eine mitreißende Story gewöhnt allerdings hat mich hier der Detailreichtum und Abwechslung wieder umgehauen. Natürlich kommt dieser Titel, wie so oft, nicht an den ersten Teil der Reihe ran, trotzdem war es wieder ein wundervolles Abenteuer...
8/10 Bären
1647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.22 23:22
Ein hervorragendes Spiel!
Life is Strange 2 ist ein sehr tolles Spiel, in dem man jede Entscheidung richtig fühlt und deswegen erst mal nachdenken sollte bevor man entscheidet.
Das Spiel überzeugt mit einer guten Grafik und einem sehr tollen Gameplay, außerdem ist die Musik in dem Spiel sehr passend und nimmt einen mit in das Geschehen.
Ich finde, dass Life is Strange 2 ein sehr gutes und mitreißendes Spiel geworden ist!
2201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 18:44
979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 13:27
Nicht Empfohlen
275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 14:00
Life is Strange 2 konnte mich leider nicht fesseln. Was der erste teil von der ersten Sekunde an richtig gemacht hat, konnte der zweite leider nicht erfüllen. Ca. 4,5 Stunden habe ich den Zweiten teil gespielt, angefühlt hat es sich wie 8. Ich habe das Spiel zweimal begonnen um ihm nochmal eine Chance zu geben, beim zweiten Durchlauf waren es ca. 3,5 Stunden die ich spielte.
Die ersten Stunden waren leider unglaublich Zäh und bis dorthin hatte ich auch nicht das Gefühl Entscheidungsgewalt zu haben. Geschweige den das meine Entscheidungen Auswirkungen hatten, wenn ich etwas anderes versuchte bekam ich das gleiche Ergebnis oder sogar gar keins?! Gegen Ende meiner Spielzeit nahm der Teil erst ein wenig fahrt auf, die dann aber auch recht schnell wieder abnahm, weswegen ich die Entscheidung getroffen habe das Spiel nicht zu beenden. Auch wenn ich denke das im späteren Spielverlauf mehr passiert wäre, es mir vielleicht sogar gefallen hätte, wenn ein Spiel es nach 3 Stunden nicht schafft einen in seinen Bann zu ziehen sodass man es weiter spielen möchte, ist es verschwendete Zeit. Lieber etwas anderes Spielen und das Let's Play von irgendjemanden nebenher laufen lassen.
Wirklich Schade
Nicht Empfohlen
1342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 17:59
War der Einstieg mit Episode 1 noch ganz gut und soweit nachvollziehbar, merkt man dass es ab der 2. und 3. Episode eher stark anfängt an den Nerven zu zerren.
Viele Entscheidungen die man treffen kann und wovon man ausgeht dass sie einen wirklichen Einfluss auf das Geschehen haben werden, lösen dennoch einfach häufig das gleiche aus, dies gefühlt meistens komplett gegen die Entscheidungen die man getroffen hat und von der man sich dann etwas anderes erhofft.
Tritt dies bei Episode 2 zum ersten mal auf, ist es ab Episode 3 bereits fast ein tödliches Ärgernis das einen in den Wahnsinn treiben könnte. Allgemein fand ich gerade Episode 3 sehr Fragwürdig, ich meine Gute Einflüsse auf einen Bruder auszuüben wollen oder jemanden in die richtige Bahn zu lenken wenn man sich auf einmal in einem Kreis voller [spoiler] Hanfplantagen Mitarbeiter befindet, die einem Messerwerfen, Kiffen, Saufen und ungewollte (gegen die eigenen Entscheidungen) Überfälle verüben beibringen. [/spoiler] Lassen mich stark zweifeln noch eine Wendung zu bekommen die mit dem Vorgänger LiS1 Mithalten kann.
Episode 4 sorgte ebenfalls für WTF Momente, es fehlte einfach an Tiefe. Eine plötzliche Begegnung kommt Flacher als eine Wurstscheibe die auf den Asphalt aufklatscht, wo ich dachte hier hätte man was reissen können. Resp. ich habe es mir wahrscheinlich besser vorgestellt wie man es rüberbringen hätte können.
Episode 5 als Finale liess mich einfach in etwas bestätigt, das Spiel ist so extrem stark auf Real-Life-Politik aufgebaut das es weh tut. Es gab sicher auch die paar Momente und Ereignisse die gerührt hatten und ihre Wurzeln auch mit jedem realen Leben auf der Welt eine kleinere oder grössere Gemeinsamkeit haben. Dennoch gerade zum Schluss dieses Mexiko VS USA (Trump Politik etc.) haben das Erlebnis stark geschmälert. Vielleicht auch weil es zu viel Realitätsnah ist, bis auf die Superkräfte im Spiel.
Eine Story die man sich einmalig, gefühlt als sehr langer interaktiver Spielfilm geben kann, aber nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Reicht leider nicht an die Vorgänger Lis1 und das Prequel heran.
2369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 21:00
Musik und Atmosphäre ist etwas anders umgesetzt als in den anderen Teilen, jedoch genauso stark.
1145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 19:59
I'm a big fan of Life is Strange and Before the Storm, and in comparison LiS 2 seems a lot weaker. At first, I had trouble making myself continue the game, and it was only about halfway through episode 3 that I felt the game coming around.
I think this is due to the story being about a road-trip, a journey. Where LiS 1 started with one big WTF moment and from that moment onward set you on that quest to find out what's going on in this one place Arcadia Bay and one set of people that you were continuously developing connections with, the road-trip in LiS 2 made you leave people and places behind all the time. That made it a lot harder for me to feel deeply immersed and connected to people you meet.
That changed near the end of episode 3 and from there things got to that level of meaninfulness and intensity that I was expecting from a title in the LiS franchise and that kept me eager to continue playing. And no sweat about the binary choice at the end (where I might have looked for alternatives) because that's become a staple of the series.
So that makes half the game a little underwhelming, half the game pretty good. If you like the kind of game, it's probably an alright buy, but between LiS 1 and 2, I'd take LiS 1 to that proverbial desert island.
1067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 02:52
1057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 12:08
Es ist mega schön aber auch oft mega traurig!
Die Entscheidungen sind manchmal echt hart zu Treffen und ich habe oft Überlegt ob ich es nicht doch hätte anders machen können, deswegen werde ich das Spiel nicht nur einmal Spielen!
Es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall denn es ist echt ein entspanntes Spiel für schöne gemütliche Abende.
1335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 19:23
★ Worum geht’s? ★
Wir begleiten Sean und seinen kleinen Bruder Daniel auf einer ereignisreichen, spannenden und sehr emotionalen Reise.
★ Positiv ★
➝ die Geschichte ist sehr emotional
➝ man hat das Gefühl das Spielgeschehen erheblich zu beeinflussen
➝ wunderschöne Szenerie (es gibt, wie auch in den Teilen zuvor sehr liebevoll und detailreiche Orte zu entdecken)
➝ tolle Charaktere und es kommen in manchen Szenen bekannte Gesichter des ersten Teils vor
★Weiterempfehlung! ★
Das Spiel ist sehr emotional und zeigt eine komplexe Beziehung zwischen den beiden Brüdern. Ich kann es empfehlen, insbesondere auch für Fans des ersten Teils.
1063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 15:54
- Bei den Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten wusste ich häufig nicht, was mit der zur Wahl stehenden Option gemeint ist
- Bei den Entscheidungen, die man unter Zeitdruck treffen musste, war die Zeit zu kurz. Ich konnte die Optionen oft nicht einmal fertig lesen, was teilweise auch an einer schweren Lesbarkeit lag.
- man hat mit den zur Verfügung stehenden Entscheidungen verhältnismäßig wenig Einfluss
1242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 21:51
1022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 18:22
Die Charaktere sind wirklich sehr authentisch und man kann sich super reinfinden. Auch die Entscheidungsfreiheit finde ich gut, könnte aber, finde ich, noch weitgreifender sein.. also noch mehr mögliche Konsequenzen und öfter die Möglichkeit, Geschichtsverläufe zu ändern.
Dennoch eine echt tolle Arbeit von den Entwicklern. Bin gespannt, was noch so kommt! :)
Nicht Empfohlen
1490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 20:51
Einen Namen wie Life is strange derart für eine gänzlich andere Bandbreite zu verwenden ist Blenderei. Leider liefert dieses Abenteuer keinerlei Bindung zu seinen Charaktären oder Schauplätzen sondern plätschert belanglos an sein Ende. Wir (meine Frau und ich) waren froh und feierten, als dieses Werk sein Ende fand und wissen nun umso mehr zu schätzen, was beispielsweise Life is strange 1 in puncto charakterbindung und story-telling zu bieten hatte.
1285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 20:41
Gute Story mit vielen plot twists und toller Musik.
Nur leider haben manche Charaktere nur eine kurze Phase im Spiel, was an der ständigen Reiserei liegt.
Trotzdem ist es das Spiel Wert gespielt zu werden.
1183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 14:34
Wer den ersten Teil nicht gespielt hat muss keine angst davor haben den zweiten Teil zu spielen.
Sie teilen sich bis auf die Welt nur einige Cameos von bekanten Charakteren und Orten aus Life is Strange.
Wer eine Geschichte zweier Brüder erleben oder generell gerne in Storys versinkt wird hier seinen Spaß haben.
885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 19:31
In Episode 2 war es dann schon ziemlich cool als Außenstehender eine andere Perspektive auf Captain Spirit und sein Leben mit seinem Vater zu haben und ab hier waren die Entscheidungen auch wieder genial.
Episode 3 war schon echt cool, auch wenn mir der Ort jetzt nicht so gut gefallen hat, aber die Stimmung und die Leute waren nice.
Episode 4 empfand ich als sehr kurz, aber ich hätte nicht damit gerechnet das man diesen Charakter trifft, hat mich gefreut, was ich aber schrecklich fand, war dass Daniel so gegen Sean war, an dieser Stelle hät ich echt Ausrasten können, wie oft muss man jemandem etwas sagen, erklären und oder beweisen?
Episode 5 war am aller besten, das Spiel hat sich bis zum Höhepunkt aufgebaut, es begann nach der Rückker von K & D vom wöchentlichen Einkauf, ich habe D nicht erkannt, erst nach einem ganz bestimmten Wort, welches ich damals auch aus den drei Optionen ausgewählt hatte und einmal fest verwendet wurde, dann hat es direkt Klick gemacht und es war genial, Spannungsbogen überspannt und 80 Mal gerissen!
Ich habe seinen Wohnwagen komplett untersucht und bin sehr froh drüber, ich habe später noch dem kompletten Telefonat gelauscht, wunderschön, ich bin froh darüber. Ich sollte zwar selber drüber hinwegkommen und genau wie sie nicht zurückblicken aber es ist schwer, doch die Zeit heilt alle Wunden.
Und dann kam das Finale, es war großartig. BOOM BANG KNALL, geile Sequenz, sehr zufriedenstellendes Ende!
Anbei nochmal meine Bitte, wenn DONTNOD es nicht machen möchte, dann bitte DECKNINE:
Ich dachte es geht in Life is Strange 2 mit Max & Chloe weiter, da gibt es doch noch so viel zu erzählen!
Bitte führt es fort! Man könnte die an der Abfahrt aus Arcadia Bay anknüpfen, ein Abenteuer auf dem Weg nach LA auf dem sie alle Fotos und Kameras zerstören, das war mein erster Einfall, lasst euch bitte etwas besseres einfallen, DONTNOD. #LifeisStrange3
Dann könnte man in LA ein Abenteuer erleben, einiges passiert, eine aufregende aber zu gleich gefährliche Stadt. #LifeisStrange4
Weiter gehts nach New York, in LA ist so viel Mist passiert, wir können es nicht mit denen aufnehmen und niemand hilft uns. Auf der Flucht nach NY! #LifeisStrange5
Dann waren es genug Abenteuer, sie sind älter geworden und möchten ein etwas normaleres Leben, Chloe überredet Max in San Fran nochmal als Fotografin durchzustarten, sie ziehen dort hin aber auch die Kraft ist auf einmal wieder da. #LifeisStrange:AftertheStorm
Please @DONTNOD & @DECKNINE don't let these wonderful characters die!
I love them so much <3
Maybe to much...
1586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 13:19
Wie auch den ersten Teil fand ich Life is Strange 2 eine Achterbahn der Gefühle und es flossen natürlich auch wieder ab und zu Tränen. LiS ist eben ein Drama, aber die vielen kleinen Sachen machen es aus, wenn man sich darauf einlässt, alles ließt, viel entdeckt etc. :)
Es werden im Lauf des gesamten Spiels so viele Themen behandelt, ob nun hauptsächlich oder nebenbei, das finde ich echt super! :) Ich hatte sogar manchmal kleine Emotionsausbrüche beim Spielen, z.b. war ich unglaublich sauer oder Szenen, die mich zum Nachdenken angeregt haben, weil es manchmal Inhalte gab, die mich an mein eigenes Leben /Familie erinnerten.
Außerdem fand ich es einfach mega cool, dass auch in diesem Teil auf eine bestimmte Art und Weise Max und Chloe noch mal Thema waren und es gibt sogar teils richtige Bezüge zu ihnen, was die Charaktere im Spiel angeht.
Da ich immer noch sage, Teil 2 hat nachgelassen im Vergleich zu LiS 1, wartet auf einen Sale und schnappt es euch dann =)
904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 18:45
Ich war von der ersten Minute an begeistert und muss sagen, dass die Story im Vergleich zu den vorherigen Teilen noch besser ist. Von der Story her gefällt mir der Teil auf jeden Fall am besten - zum Teil sehr emotional, sehr gesellschaftskritisch und nicht nur einmal musste ich den Kopf schütteln, als mir klar wurde, dass es so jeden Tag in den USA abgeht. Mit unter dadurch habe ich eine gewisse Bindung zu manchen Charakteren entwickelt und hatte Sorge, dass ich sie mit meinen Entscheidungen ins Verderben stürze und wollte nicht, dass ich ihnen etwas antue mit meinen Entscheidungen, was ich am Ende bereue ...
Die Entscheidungen zu fällen ist mir zum Teil sehr schwer gefallen, da ich nie wusste, welche Konsequenzen es haben würde und ich habe meine Entscheidungen mehrmals bereut (typisch LiS :'D).
Zwei kleine Mankos gab es allerdings: Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass ich im Vergleich zu den vorherigen Teilen weniger selbst machen konnte; es gab Stellen, da habe ich minutenlang nur zugehört und zugeschaut und konnte maximal kurze Quick-Time-Events machen. Desweiteren hingt die Grafik sehr hinterher, in Episode fünf waren die Schatten nicht nur Pixel sondern ganze Blöcke - als würde ich das Spiel gerade auf meinem alten GameBoy spielen. Zu den vorherigen Teilen habe ich also kaum Verbesserung gesehen.
Aber damn ... SPIELT ES! Es ist jeden Cent wert.
Kleine Warnung: Ich konnte irgendwann nachvollziehen, wieso mich Steam dauernd nach meinem Alter fragt, sobald ich versuche die Shopseite aufzurufen ...
Nicht Empfohlen
1052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 18:09
Man hat keine Entscheidungsfreiheit und wird so oder so in die gleiche Richtung gedrängt außer ganz am Ende.
Zusätzlich finde ich die Charaktere unfassbar unsympathisch und die Handlung ziemlich langweilig.
Nicht Empfohlen
1456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 17:58
- StoryLese hierzu mehr unter Story Umsetzung. Trotz all diesen negativen Punkten fand ich das Ende sehr interessant und sehr unerwartet. Dies war der erste Punkt an dem ich mit den Charakteren fühlen konnte.
- Charaktere Was definitiv wieder gelungen ist, dass jeder Charakter seine eigenen Persönlichkeit hat und dieser auch treu bleibt. Es wurden auch sehr viele unterschiedlichen Arten von Menschen verwendet, was eine gewisse Abwechslung und Dynamik reingebracht hat.
- Grafik Es ist der selbe Stil wie auch in den zwei vorherigen Teilen. Vielleicht waren die ein oder anderen Dinge ein wenig detailreicher, aber allem in allem, sehr ahnlich zu den Teilen davor.
Auch wenn ich das Ende ansich gut fand, scheint es wieder so als ob sehr viele Entscheidungen keinen Einfluss auf das Ende hatten.
Ich bin mir sehr unschlüssig ob ich das Spiel weiterempfehlen kann oder nicht, da mir die Verbindung zu den Charakteren komplett gefehlt hat und für mich das einer der wichtigsten Dinge in LiS bisher war. Aufgrund dessen würde ich “Life is Strange 2” nicht weiterempfehlen.
1198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 17:58
Nicht Empfohlen
834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 08:13
The characters you interact with get introduced decently if you take your time in the dialogues, though sometimes you get cut off.
And well I cant think of anything else.
Here are a few negatives without spoilers:
The episode design creates a new set for each episode with new characters.
So while you can invest time to learn more about them, it doenst really matter as you dont interact a lot with them anyways.
The Story is weak.
The Main Characters are not relatable for me, which I havent encountered very often.
The core gameplay mechanic, the decision making, is lacking a lot of feedback and influence. I've loaded up several check points just to be confronted with about the same outcome with differences in minor details no matter what I choose.
As LiS offered the Timewarp and BTS that argue thing LiS 2 also needed something. But that didnt really work out because of design choices.
The level design is dull and boring.
The game includes some minor gameplay mechanics that are just horrible like smash this button or quicktime events for cutting fruits. Thats just bad.
The degree of polication of the characters has hurt the game big time.
Spoilers from here on:
Ok lets start with the beginning when Esteban gets shot and the kids run away.
I hated that moment because it was just so dumb to run away and even I knew it back when I was 16.
You can argue that Sean was totally overwhelmed by what happened but decided to go for a hiking trip to mexico is the right call?
I also dont get how every adult is supporting this as ofc this will result in the FBI chasing him down and potentially killing him, not also the hundreds of miles without car, license or money.
So this is completely fucked up to begin with but needs to happen, else the plotline doesnt work. I noticed this the second I saw it and it bugged me all the way.
The next thing was the racism they receive. Its so overtuned that it doenst really work at all.
Either the USA is totally racist against mexicans and the 2 would have learned to adapt (e.g. showing that guy at the fuel station a receipt instead of acting scetchy) or this is completely unexpected and then completely blown out of proportions.
If there was a message in game that Seattle as a bigger city does not have that racist problems but rural areas do, that message did not reach me.
Lets talk about Telekinesis. That is completely useless, for story, character development and story. Taking it away from the main character also removed a lot of interaction options. That results in either playing the game nearly without it or constantly work against it or you get to play babysit simulator because you have to carry your plague around to use telekinesis when you want to. BTS didnt use the then included feature a lot and that was fine, it was all about the story of Rachel and Chloe. No need for that mechanic.
Ok Story line:
First episode with the prolog and then death was ok, it had a slow start but that was fine, the other 2 games didnt pick up the pace from the get go either. Then comes a fuel station and a empty national park. The amount of interaction is very limited and the pace does not increase at all, nor is an interesting plot line developing. 2 Boys on a roadtrip, they meet bad and good people but nothing for more than a few hours ingame time or minutes of screen time.
Second episode is the trip to the grandparents and the stay there. At this point this game starts to adds housekeeping to its quest because there is nothing else to do in these levels. The shopping trip is an interaction with cassidy of ep3, the alc dad, the kid and the sellers. All just 30 secs connections and nothing comes from it.
Episode 3 is imo by far the best one, several characters that you can talk to and see what comes from it. But it also includes the dumbest shit I have every endured in a game and that was cutting the weed heads with timed buttons presses.
What I really hated about EP3 was that no matter what you did, you couldnt get out of that bs explosion at the end. I felt really betrayed because I had decided several times against the robbery but still ended with a gun at my head and a preach of a drug seller about life decisions and taking responsibility. Lovely after getting forced into that interaction.
EP4 it went full WTF mode. That shit didnt make any sense at all. The level design was a hospital room, a motel room and a concrecte floor with 3 buildings on top, 1 is a chapel that always triggers story videos when entered, one perma locked no matter what and one where you just get into during the story relevant part. Then talking daniel out of manipulation while getting beaten up was also redicolous. The easiest move would have been to call the cops, especially as the mother. That could would have gotten removed within no time.
And even bringing 2 guns and shooting the bitch and her punching bag would have been a more elegant approach than burning everything to the ground after getting messed up in a manipulation battle.
EP5 just drops any kind of narative pace and at that point I aborted the game. I then checked on YT what happened and was happy to skip another 2 hours of bs endurance. But I want some tension and LiS 2 has about none at all over the whole time. There are just little spikes in the moment that get lost in the bigger picture.
But here is the thing that bothered me the most:
Daniel and Sean. These 2 are just not working at all.
In my playthrough Daniel was the a big part of the reason for Sean to get harmed in any way. In the beginning he kills the cop, in ep2 he pushes sean to go into the locked room, in ep3 he goes on the raid w/e sean says and then blows everything up to nearly kill sean, take his eye and send him into coma. Every time the 2 met afterwards daniel was sorry for what he had done but damn he still did whatever the fuck he wanted. Saying he is no kid anymore while being 9 yo just makes me flip tables and leave. If I was in Seans position I would have cut all ties after that end of ep3. Fuck that guy.
Sean on the other hand doesnt work either, not explaining or talking to his brother, totally overwhelmed by raising a child and handleling the situation and also handling his emotions with his dead father and still not seeking help from an adult.
He is totally incapable of handling any situation with a proper approach, not being prepared for the tons of racial situations he gets into, not learning how to handle daniel, not learning that he is overwhelmed and needs help, and the list goes on.
Over all both learn jack shit from the decisions that have occured. Why the Hell are my decisions so important then if they dont form the character? Oh right so I can get forced into the same plot line again.
God I tried to love this game because I love the first two so much. But I cant. This game just sucks. On so many levels.
Nicht Empfohlen
902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 21:18
[spoiler] Brüder, die jeden Tag mit einander verbringen, wissen nicht wie der andere tickt. In dem Fall ist dann auch der Altersunterschied unwichtig.
Daniel benimmt sich nicht wie ein 10 Jähriger sondern eher wie ein Teenager mit 14. Es wird auch nicht erklärt, warum Daniel das nicht tun soll, sondern wird einfach nur dumm angemacht oder in seine Schranken verwiesen. Bei einem großen Bruder, der immer der Babysitter war, müsste das anders sein. spreche da definitiv auch aus Erfahrung. [/spoiler]
Bei der Auswahl der Dialoge, weiß man oft nicht was man genau wählt und merkt dann, dass es der falsche Dialog war.
Die letzte Episode versucht hier noch irgendetwas zu retten - vergeblich! Teil eins war ein Meisterwerk und dass sich da die Charakter seltsam gegenüber verhalten haben ist klar - wenn man irgendwo neu ist, weit weg von zuhause und zu der Frau, die eigentlich mal die beste Freundin war, hat man auch seit Jahren kein Kontakt mehr gehabt.
Sehr sehr schade!
1423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.20 21:12
1370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.20 17:01
Wölfe gen Süden
Im Vergleich zum ersten Teil scheint Life is Strange 2 auf dem heiß umkämpften Spielemarkt ein bisschen unterzugehen. Das mag daran liegen, dass die beliebten Protagonisten Chloe und Max nicht mehr dabei sind und auch die langen Abstände zwischen den einzelnen Episoden dürften einen negativen Effekt gehabt haben. Doch seit Dezember sind alle fünf Episoden spielbar und die lange Reise hat sich gelohnt. Obwohl der zweite Teil gerade im essentiellen Storybereich in mancher Hinsicht schwächer ausfällt, macht er meiner Meinung nach trotzdem einen guten Job darin, den Vorgänger zu beerben. Und das ist nun wirklich keine einfache Sache!
Die Familie zählt
Unser Spielcharakter, der sechzehnjährige Sean Diaz, scheint ein ganz normales Leben in der Vorstadt Seattles zu führen. Es geht um die erste Liebe, den nervigen kleinen Bruder oder die anstehende Party - Standard-Themen im Leben eines Teenagers eben. Doch durch eine Verkettung von Missverständnissen wird plötzlich im eigenen Garten der Vater von der Polizei erschossen und auch der Officer scheint durch irgendeine Kraft getötet worden sein. Sean und sein neunjähriger Bruder Daniel sind auf sich alleine gestellt, denn die Mutter hat die Familie schon vor Jahren verlassen. Im Chaos fliehen beide und schon bald wird nach ihnen als Polizistenmörder gefahndet.
Aus diesem Szenario entspinnt sich ein unfreiwilliger Roadtrip Richtung Süden, der nicht nur das Band der Bruderschaft zwischen Sean und Daniel auf die härtesten Belastungen testet. Ziel ist Puerto Lobos, die mexikanische Heimat unseres Vaters, doch die USA ist riesig und der Weg durch diese endlosen Weiten beschwerlich.
In jeder Episode sind wir in einer anderen Region unterwegs, lernen neue Personen kennen und versuchen uns, mit wenigen Mitteln irgendwie weiter durchzuschlagen. Die behandelten Themen sind dabei so vielfältig wie die Umgebungen. Auch vor aufgeladenen Themen wie Alltagsrassismus, Missbrauch oder religiösem Fanatismus schreckt Life is Strange 2 nicht zurück. Insgesamt wirkt der zweite Teil auf mich noch erwachsener als unser Abenteuer in Arcadia Bay - trotz den jungen Protagonisten, die viel zu früh aus ihrer Schutzzone gerissen wurden.
Leitwolf unter Zugzwang
Die Brüder sind wieder äußerst detailliert und glaubhaft ausgearbeitete Charaktere. Manche Spieler haben sich über das teils willkürlich oder nervig wirkende Verhalten von Daniel beschwert, doch hier macht Entwickler Dontnod meinem Gefühl nach eigentlich fast alles richtig. Viele scheinen zu vergessen, dass der Junge neun Jahre alt ist und gerade seinen Vater verloren hat. Zudem muss er irgendwie seine mysteriöse Superkraft unter Kontrolle bekommen, die sich erstmals unbeabsichtigt im Chaos des verunglückten Polizeieinsatzes in Seatlle offenbart hat. Dementsprechend verwirrt und orientierungslos ist auch sein Verhalten in manchen Situationen. In anderen Fällen kommt dann aber auch seine kindliche Unbeschwertheit und Herzlichkeit zur Geltung.
Als Sean sind wir nun die Person, zu der unser kleiner Bruder aufschaut. Daraus ergibt sich auch die hauptsächliche Gameplaymechanik, denn mit einem recht großen Teil unserer Entscheidungen wirken wir auf die Erziehung von Daniel ein. Klauen wir einen Schokoriegel, merkt sich der Kleine etwa, dass ein solches Verhalten okay ist. Das System ist gerade deshalb ziemlich clever und reizvoll, da es sich nicht nur kurzfristig auf den Handlungsverlauf auswirkt. Stattdessen hat es einen direkten Einfluss darauf, welches der sieben Enden wir erreichen. Damit umgeht Dontnod elegant das Problem, das viele entscheidungslastige Spiele sonst haben - schon unsere Wahl in den Anfangsstunden kann Einfluss auf das Ende haben. Auch abseits davon fährt Life is Strange 2 wieder viele toll geschriebene Dialoge und interessante Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten auf. Diese können durchaus das Schicksal einiger Nebenfiguren verändern, doch im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes wegweisende Änderungen am Plot sind bis kurz vor Schluss verständlicherweise nicht möglich.
Abseits der Entscheidungen in den Dialogen ist das Gameplay wieder gewohnt simpel gehalten. Hauptsächlich erkunden wir die sehr detailliert gestalteten und oft auch einigermaßen weitläufigen Umgebungen und können haufenweise interessante Zusatzinfos finden. Zudem sorgen einige Minispiele und kleine Rätsel für Kurzweil. Da wir aber nicht wie Max im ersten Teil selbst über eine Superkraft verfügen, wurde letzterer Teil wie schon im Prequel Before the Storm weiter zurückgefahren.
Der Weg ist das Ziel
Überhaupt wirkt das gesamte Spiel geerdeter als Teil eins. In Bezug auf die Spannungskurve ist das aber nicht unbedingt ein Vorteil, denn ein solch fein konstruiertes Storygerüst, in dem das Schicksal und die Antriebe so vieler Charakter genial verwebt wurden, erreicht Teil zwei nicht. Genau genommen war das auch kaum möglich, denn ein Roadtrip hat es schließlich so an sich, dass man ständig neue Personen kennen lernt aber eben auch wieder hinter sich lässt.
Ich rechne es Life is Strange 2 hoch an, dass es trotz der begrenzten Zeit in fast jeder Episode neue Charaktere einführt, die mir nachhaltig in Erinnerung geblieben sind und mit denen ich gerne mehr Zeit verbracht hätte. So sind es besonders die Momentaufnahmen und nicht das große Ganze, in denen das Story-Adventure besonders glänzt. Seien es die magischen Nächte unter dem sternenklaren Himmel Kaliforniens in der dritten Episode oder die analoge Geschichte von den Wolfsbrüdern, die Sean Daniel erzählt, um ihm Mut zu machen. Für sich gesehen, hat mir aber auch die übergreifende Geschichte alles in allem gut gefallen - besonders das Ende (zumindest nach meiner Version zu urteilen) muss sich vor dem in Teil eins nicht verstecken und hat mich mit seiner Aussage mindestens genauso getroffen.
Die filmische Inszenierung, exzellente englische Sprecher und ein toller Soundtrackmix aus spieleigener Musik und vielen, gewohnt perfekt passenden Lizenztracks sorgen wieder für die einzigartige Atmosphäre der Serie. Lediglich gerade in der letzten Episode sah es mit den Lizenztracks dünn aus - ein erinnerungswürdiges Stück wie Spanish Sahara von Foals zum Ende des ersten Teil gibt es diesmal nicht. Gestört hat mich das in diesem Moment aber nicht.
Life is Strange 2 ist ein würdiger Nachfolger für den grandiosen Vorgänger. Das Roadtrip-Setting bringt einige Herausforderungen mit sich, doch Charaktere, Atmosphäre und das gut funktionierende Erziehungssystem sorgen wieder für viele besondere Life is Strange-Momente!
Wenn dir das Review gefallen hat, freue ich mich über eine Bewertung.
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6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 03:54
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1193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 20:36
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1177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 11:53
Some minor technical things where lines would get skipped meaning I had to reload from a checkpoint.
1166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 15:23
1148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 07:12
It takes a hell of a compelling story with good characters to create such a powerful reaction from me so I definitely recommend this but maybe have caution if you're over emotional... because I'm genuinely not over emotional or sensitive in general and I was still reduced to tears multiple times.
1317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 19:04
Here's what I think and some life lessons I learned from this game after I finished it :
- This game is adventurous. Its filled with lots of stunning views of sceneries and places where you've been to in the first game ;) It feels good.
- Families are important. No matter what people throw at you, its important to educate your family members into becoming a better human being in the society. Also try not to smoke.
- Respect the nature by visiting them and treat them nicely as they were but try not to let them cross their lines into your territory.
- Music is great.
- This game's lines sometimes is cheesy as hell.
- Small choices sometimes made Sean an asshole. Like what the?? Calm down bro
Ok serious review... Overall, I think this is great game if you love to know their end story if you've played the first episode for free. Its a very sad tragic story filled with action packed moments and QTEs that actually changes the outcome of the game if you did not do anything. Its a rollercoaster of emotions in this game and its crazier than the first game. 8.5/10
1101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 16:27
1038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 00:58
It reminded me a lot about myself in ways such as being on
the road homeless among other things. The world is racist and
scary like in real life and they really showcase that in this game.
You get this sense of loneliness it captures well. Loved it.
657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 18:33
Life is Strange 2 is essentially one prolonged, terrible road trip. At the outset, brothers Sean and Daniel are forced into a life on the road after their father is killed and they're blamed for his death. With few options, the pair decides to head from Seattle down to their dad's former hometown in Mexico.
Life Is Strange 2 is a graphic adventure game played from a third-person view. The player takes control of a teenager named Sean Diaz (Gonzalo Martin), who is on the run with his younger brother, Daniel (Roman Dean George), following a tragic incident. Throughout the game, the two brothers encounter various non-playable characters who interact with Sean via dialogue trees.Sean must make choices during crucial moments of the game, which lead to different branches in the storyline. Sean's actions and interactions with Daniel in particular affect Daniel's morality and the state of brotherhood between the two characters. For instance, encouraging Daniel to be rude will prompt him to swear more later in the game. Daniel will grow to resent Sean if his actions do not align with his advice, and he may no longer follow Sean's lead if he is not able to maintain an adequate level of brotherhood with Daniel. Staying morally sound and being a caring and trusting brother may not always be compatible with each other in the scenarios presented in the game.The game tracks how many players selected which option and lets the player compare their choices to the rest of the player base. While the main events of the story remain the same regardless of the player's decision, the game features several different endings.Sean can interact with the environment and obtain objects, which can then be stored in Sean's backpack and used later When Sean picks up an object, he will comment on them, providing players the backstory for each item and adding context to the world. Sean's backpack can also be decorated with souvenirs he collects in the world. As Sean and Daniel explore various locations, Sean can also enjoy moments of calmness at designated locationsand sketch the environment around him.
In 2016, 16-year-old Sean Diaz lives with his 9-year-old brother Daniel and father Esteban (Amador Plascencia) in Seattle, after Sean's mother Karen (Jolene Andersen) left them following Daniel's birth. The day the game begins, Sean intervenes when their neighbor Brett (Robert Shearer) harasses Daniel, inadvertently injuring Brett as a police officer passes by. Esteban arrives at the scene and is shot and killed by the officer. A sudden explosion damages the environment, and Sean flees with Daniel before more police arrive. Now fugitives, Sean aims to take them to their father's Mexican hometown of Puerto Lobos. Near Mount Rainier, the brothers are recognized by the owner of a gas station, but escape with the help of travel blogger Brody Holloway (Bolen Walker). Brody arranges a motel room for the brothers, where Daniel learns of Esteban's death and becomes angry, revealing he has latent telekinetic abilities that were the cause of the explosion in Seattle.The brothers then spend a month at an abandoned cabin, where Sean helps train Daniel's ability. After Daniel falls ill, Sean decides to take him to their maternal grandparents, Claire (Nancy Cronig) and Stephen Reynolds (John O'Connell), in nearby Beaver Creek, Oregon. At Beaver Creek, Claire and Stephen accept the brothers, despite resenting Karen's abandonment. Daniel also befriends Chris (Chandler Mantione), an imaginative boy that lives next door, after using his powers to save him from falling from his treehouse;[b] Chris comes to think he has superpowers. Daniel coerces Sean into breaking into Karen's old room to learn more about her. The police soon arrive on word that Sean and Daniel have been sighted in public or traced by making a phone call. Claire, Stephen, and Chris then help the brothers to escape.Sean and Daniel join freighthoppers Finn (Matthew Gallenstein) and Cassidy (Sarah J. Bartholomew) traveling to California, and the four secure paying jobs at a cannabis farm in Humboldt County, California for a cultivator named Merrill (Ben Jurand). Sean spends more time with their new friends, leaving Daniel frustrated with being unable to show his powers. One payday, Merrill discovers Daniel snooping around, resulting in Daniel revealing his powers to the others and Merrill refusing to pay the group. Finn secretly coerces or Sean accepts his plan for Daniel to use his powers to steal money from Merrill. The heist fails and Merrill threatens them with a shotgun. In a panic rage, Daniel destroys Merrill's house with his powers, knocking out everyone else and causing Sean's left eye to be impaled.Sean wakes from a coma two months later under FBI custody. He finds a letter from Jacob (David Valdes), one of the farmworkers, which states Jacob found Daniel after the accident and took him to his hometown of Haven Point, Nevada. Sean escapes from custody and travels to Haven Point. There, he finds Daniel has been taken in by Lisbeth (Victoria Hansen), the leader of a religious cult who is presenting Daniel's powers as a divine gift to convert her followers. After an initial attempt to recover Daniel, Sean meets Karen, whom Jacob had also contacted for help. Sean and Karen begin to reconnect and establish a plan with Jacob to save him. They ultimately convince Daniel to come with them, but Karen may burn down the church in the process.Sean and Daniel travel with Karen to the secluded community of Away, Arizona, where Sean makes the last arrangements to cross into Mexico. Sean befriends David Madsen (D.W. McCann), a former security officer from Arcadia Bay, Oregon, who suggests that Sean turn himself over to the authorities for a better outcome for him and Daniel. Authorities have tracked their location, but Karen allows her sons to escape by staying behind to be arrested. They arrive at the Mexico–United States barrier, which Daniel breaks open with his powers. Before they can cross, Daniel is wounded by a bullet from two vigilantes, and the group is soon captured by the local police. Daniel breaks Sean out of interrogation and the two flee to a Mexican port of entry, but find it blockaded by FBI and United States Border Patrol agents.Sean must decide whether to surrender or attempt to cross the border, with the outcome depending on whether he raised Daniel with high or low societal morality through his past choices. If Sean chooses to surrender, he is either taken into custody while Daniel lives with Claire and Stephen before a reunion fifteen years later after Sean is released from prison, or he is killed when Daniel forces them to cross the border which causes Daniel to grow up in Puerto Lobos alone and become a career criminal. If Sean chooses to cross the border, he will cross into Mexico with help from Daniel, who then either surrenders to the FBI and lives with Claire and Stephen while Sean lives in Puerto Lobos either alone or with Cassidy or Finn, or stays with Sean in crossing the border where the brothers open a garage in Puerto Lobos like their father had and use Daniel's powers to become career criminals.
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554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 15:27
(No, that's not him being a traumatized little kid, that's him being a pea-brained brat whose only superpowers are getting Sean into trouble and ignoring the entire concept of responsibility despite Sean, who's also a traumatized kid, trying his absolute best.)
1465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 21:01
1409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 23:47
1328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 10:02
2279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 03:30
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1418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 18:59
-good things
ending I got was ok
it has some interesting moments first couple episodes.
finding letters and just discovering lore to learn about other characters is cool.
overall game 5/10
3141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 13:31
Life is Strange 2
Life is Strange 2 is an episodic, story driven, supernatural-ish game in which your decisions will change the outcome of the story between the two brothers as well as their friends they made on the way.
The main protagonist of Life is Strange 2 is Sean Diaz who tries to get to Mexico with his little brother Daniel Diaz after a tragic event at their home, in which Sean discovered that his little brother has some sort of supernatural abillity. Wanted by the police, the two brothers try their best to strengthen their bond on the way to their father’s hometown Puerto Lobos.
Personal Note
This is honestly a though one to review. Life is Strange 2 is a good game, full of good graphics, good music, interesting characters, a bond between brothers that is constantly being tested, a lot of choices that influence the actual endings quite a bit and a few different environments with a handful of plots. Well, that sounds pretty promising right?
I think that LiS 2 was a step in the right direction while being way to ambitious and full of things people didn’t like. Let’s start, shall we?
LiS 2 offers at least 5 major different environments in which the player faces different challenges and emotional punches. The issue is that the Life is Strange franchise isn’t really made for this many different places in a short time and it shows: Everything looks and plays good but feels off at the same time. It just might be because the original Life is Strange and Before the Storm didn’t have such a variety of locations and characters that the player is able to interact and bond with.
The many characters the player encounters are mostly very well written and interesting but there is not enough time to actually create some sort of a bond with them which makes the player not care as much when certain things happen.
The brotherhood between Sean and Daniel works pretty well but more often than not it is very frustrating that you can’t really make Daniel listen to whatever the player tells him.
All three issues that I slightly described make sense story wise. The two main characters are constantly on the move and there is never enough time to discover everything or make friends with everyone, but I feel like it unfortunately hurts the game more than it helps. I think, all those things are amazing to some extend – seeing all those awesome locations and the plots with the well written characters in it was something I really liked about the game but I can see how some, if not most, people disliked exactly those things.
The other issue this game has, is the clear political messages throughout the game itself. The whole thing about being two immigrants whilst being born in the US really was slammed into the players face multiple times in the story. There is also a time in which religion is being focused quite a lot. Sean being likely bi-sexual, or straight or gay (depending on the players choices), isn’t focused as much, just like the previous Life is Strange games had their fair share of LGBTQ+ moments as well.
Something that Life is Strange 2 does better than the previous games is the way everything is being handled: It feels more mature and at times even more brutal and unforgiving. Whilst the endings of the original and the prequel pack a punch, LiS 2 has multiple of such moments throughout the game.
- Pros
- Good story
- Great graphics and visuals
- Good soundtrack that fits the vibe
- Good voice acting
- Interesting characters
- A wide variety of places
- A unique take on the supernatural aspect of the franchise
- Choices matter more than expected
- Endings more flushed out than previous LiS titles
- Original LiS choice matters
- Cons
- Political messages feel too forced
- Too ambitious
Is Life is Strange 2 worth your time? If you liked the original games and if you are up for a different direction with a bigger scale, I would recommend this game.
There are some issues that I’ve slightly covered in this review that some people might not like or even hate. The political messages in this game were a bit too much unfortunately – I personally have no problem with pushing political or social agendas in games as long as it doesn’t hurt the game, in this case, it kind of ruined the experience for many and also made mine a bit less enjoyable.
LiS 2 has a whole different vibe than the original games. It is too ambitious although most of the things work out in the end – at least to some extent. This game has truly it’s good and amazing moments that Life is Strange is known for – if you’re looking to experience them, get the game.
8.7 / 10
“ If you wanna kill me, then do it! I'm not afraid! Go ahead. Shoot me in the face... and live with it.” - Sean
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1220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 20:26
1217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 01:27
I like the idea that the game has like 6 or 7 alternate endings for the final episode, I was lucky to get the best one I would like to think...maybe it was the second or third best tho, but all in all it was DEEP. A lot of points were made clear in the game about how other races specifically of the Hispanic, Latino, Mexican, and Portirican culture and ethnicity are treated in America regardless of being a citizen or immigrated to the U.S. which was really sad and upsetting to experience, but it's real-world stuff that still happens and goes on.
I will say the character development that happens is different for everyone based on what choices you made and what you talked about. Like genuinely everyone’s gameplay is completely different which is really cool.
I will say, this one was a lot longer to play through than the first game, as there was A LOT more character movement and exploring to do. But I don’t see that as a negative. Both games are similar in their own ways but they are also very much different which is nice. Expect to pack more hours in the second game than the first one!
The first game is definitely incorporated into this one, so I highly recommend playing through it for the full experience, and even the FREE episode in between Life Is Strange 1 & 2 called ‘The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit’.
I had preordered the newer game to be released sometime later this year, and I am excited to get to play that when it does eventually come out.
Really though, this game series is very good to get into and play. Kinda like Skyrim, you literally don’t understand what an amazing game you are missing out on until you play it!
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305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 16:27
1619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 23:34
Buy it on sale. It isn't worth it at full price. And If you really can't spare the money for this game. Buy Red dead 2. 100% guarantee that game is wayyyy more worth it then this shit.
4835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 06:12
I like how DONTNOD touched upon the issues that we face today, especially the issues that minorities are facing. DONTNOD is not scared of the backlash they may face from players who disagree with the political side of this game and for that, I applaud them. I mean.. Didn't y'all play LiS?
No me importa. Este es un buen juego. Lo recomiendo.
Anyways... I am excited for the next LiS game coming out in a a few months. Much love to the devs. ♡
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655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 15:42
Honestly I loved both life is strange and life is strange: Before the storm, I think the first game is a masterpiece with before the storm coming very close to it. I had some very high expectations for this game which got shattered within a hour of gameplay.
Ignoring the start of the game, in which the dad get shot, without the officer even asking a question, just straight up shot down like a dog in the street (muh politics).
The game really feels like such a chore compared to the first game and it makes no sense in terms of how the story is told.
Episodes feels like they are completely disconnected as the two brothers jumps from place to place, random characters are thrown in just to be tossed aside before they can say or do something meaningful, making it impossible to ever grow a like or dislike for any of them, which is something that the first game had no problems with.
The game really suffer from the lack of any meaningful mechanics that can make a game like Life is strange actually more than just a talking simulator. In the first game you had the ability to rewind time which allowed for more options while talking and fun or specific interactions with the characters.
This game just lack any extra mechanic, making it just a talking simulator which tries its best to teach you about racism while failing miserably as EVERY SINGLE PERSON the two brothers talk with apparently is some white suprematist, leaving you to guess if everyone's a racist in Murica or if the game just decided that the best way to teach people about racism was to make every single person in the game a racist.
It doesn't help the fact that the two main characters are pretty boring overall and the dialogues are just...Awful:
Daniel is a little whiny cunt who never shut the fuck up, which I'll admit, it make sense considering he's 9 years old but goddammit I hated him so much through the whole game as he never shut the fuck up.
Sean on the other hand is not as bad but his voice actor...Goodness gracious his voice actor is just something else. I have never heard someone being so emotionless while speaking, it just made me lose the little interest I had left for the game.
1128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 15:36
+Episodic and you can buy the episodes individually so you aren’t forced to buy the entire game at once like the previous
+First episode is free
+Steam Cloud
+Cool decision making game where you can pick from multiple choices in dialogue and have major decisions you have to decide every episode that changes your game as well as the new aspect of raising and being a moral compass of your younger brother and teaching him right from wrong will also heavily influence the outcome of situations in your game and gives off very similar vibes to TellTale’s TWD Seasons 1 & 4
+Collectibles and a mode to get collectibles with ease instead of having to replay through the entire game again
+Lots of notes with background of the characters and locations
+Several sort of free roam moments where you can walk around and talk and interact with the world which at times can affect how events play out later
+Can see your choices at the end of every episode with the percentage of majority of players along with being able to see the percentage based on your friends list. Additionally this game goes more into detail with pretty much every decision you made instead of TellTale whom would only focus on major decisions as well as how your brother is changing on your decisions with him and who he is turning into
+Nice art style also I would say that the graphics have definitely upgraded significantly from the previous game. Several cinematic moments overlooking certain locations just look so awesome.
+Very cinematic
+Option to disable copyright music
+All the collectibles you find throughout the game you can put onto your backpack and wear and show off
+Several cameos and references from characters and locations from the first game
+Lots of more exploration and minor decisions
+Lots of connections to real world issues, politics, actual media, etc. aka Daniel keeps talking about Minecraft lol
+Multiple endings
-I would say that the animations of the characters' movements have definitely improved a lot compared to the first two games where they were super robotic and slow and looked really bad. The only thing I feel like was still bad in this game was the lip syncing which is just so off several times that the characters mouths don’t even open or barely move like they’re a ventriloquist.
I really loved the first game so much and felt that the before the storm pre sequel was a cool continuation and explanation on certain aspects of the similar story. I don’t have any problems with a set of new characters in a new location however, I just didn’t like the story as much as the first game. 2 brothers having to struggle to survive and make their way across the country was an interesting plot but I just didn’t like it as much as the sort of rewind, time travel, detective, like story of the first game that was set in the same location with the same characters. This game is on the road and every episode is a new location with new characters. I just didn’t really like the plot so much and or how every episode was somewhere new with new people. I think that the concept of trying to raise your younger brother and teach him right from wrong is awesome especially with how he has the powers now making things more serious but, I just think that the concept of them running from the police to Mexico idk I just didn’t like as much as the premise of the first game which just seemed more cool i guess??? Not saying I disliked this game, I just didn’t really like the direction it took.
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516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 21:21
The first episode was fine. Not great, but at least fine: But the fact that the game is designed to let most characters behind from episode to episode makes the game have no sense of place: It's a long array of introductions and goodbyes that didn't resonate with me in the slightest. And the two brothers, the only characters that stay, make no sense anyway. Daniel is a poor caricature of a child, while the choices that I was given as his older brother never made any sense to me: The game is full of binary decisions where I don't see why in the world I'd choose either.
Therefore, the game can quickly turn into a pointless slog, where it's not just that choices don't matter, but that they appear arbitrary. How would character I don't care about react to this other character I don't care about's actions? Oh no, this other character that you don't care about is angry at Shawn but by the end of the episode, they'll be forgotten, so who cares?
So yes, the game left me nodding off. I've played dozens of old school adventure games, and many a modern visual novel: For me, this is one of the worst.
3301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 17:13
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823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 04:33
The game makes many different choices than the original Life is Strange. Instead of focusing on the same cast of characters, you follow your two core protagonists as they travel the United States, being introduced to a new cast of side characters every episode. Instead of the player-protagonist having the super power, it is the deuteragonist, your brother, who has the power. And instead of your decisions as the player-protagonist having the determinant effects on the majority of events, you share determination with your brother, who has his own say on what happens.
Although some will point to these factors as why this game wasn't quite compelling as the first, it's not the full story. These differences make for a very compelling narrative. The first episode was truly excellent in setting up the main conflict of the story. Like the first game, Life is Strange 2 explores hot-button social issues in a very real convincing manner, and the prospect of having to help your brother grow up and navigate those issues for himself was captivating.
The main trouble with these changes is that it makes the game float or sink depending on how compelling you find the relationship with the deuteragonist Daniel. Where the first Life is Strange had the rewind mechanic, you have daniel. Where the first Life is Strange had likeable side characters you could build relationships with, you have Daniel. Where the first Life is Strange had an overarching mystery for you to solve, you have Daniel.
However your relationship with Daniel is represented by a 2D (really 1D, as the second scale is ignored for the final decision) morality mechanic. Almost every decision you make in the game influences these two hidden variables ('morality' and 'brotherhood') that then influence Daniel's decisions. This mechanic represents you influencing daniel and teaching him right from wrong.
However, the simplicity of the mechanic is its downfall. The game, like all Life is Strange titles, exposes you to a nuanced and diverse array of people and situations, giving you the opportunity to make decisions that'll influence Daniel. However, all these decisions are mapped against the simplistic, 2D morality mechanic.
The end result is that Daniel's decisions, although technically influenced by you, seem entirely random unless you just so happen to follow the exact morality scale prescribed by the game. This becomes especially apparent during the final game decision, where the game puts yourself and Daniel in a position that resolves the conflict from the first episode. However, all your decisions in episodes 2-4 were very contextually different, making Daniel's decision to agree or disagree with your decision feel hollow.
Some may defend this with the fact that Daniel is a young child, and therefore him making decisions that are irrational or one-dimensional is just realism. But regardless of whether it makes sense or not, this mechanic just makes Daniel unrelatable and frustrating. And because the game is centered around your relationship with him, the game falls apart around him.
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1082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 07:22
I wanted to like this game. I really did, but I just couldn't.
For the first episode, I just could not wrap my head around why Sean was so focused on leaving. They did not do a great job at explaining the why in that. And I kept saying 'bro just go back' probably HUNDREDS of times throughout the series. They are both underage, and they would almost certainly not be treated as adults in court. Maybe a little juvy at the far worst, even with all the injustice and racism that is present.
There were way too many new characters introduced that came and went. There just was not enough time for character development. Everyone just seemed like minor characters. There was also no character to the environment, unlike Arcadia bay in LiS 1, whether you loved it or hated it.
My favourite character in this game was probably Sean's dad, but... yeah... As for Sean himself, I thought that he was just a regular anxty teenager. But after ep3, I started to hate him as a person for [spoiler] Breaking out of the hospital, and STEALING A FUCKING CAR, LIKE WHAT?? [/spoiler]. Like ffs Sean!
To me I just could not find myself to like Sean that much. I do give them props for trying to address the problem with racism, but it seemed.. forced.
This game has some good moments, but I just can't say I recommend this to anyone.
I purchased this game before playing episode 1 and I was hoping it would get better in ep2, then 3... but it didn't.
What I liked
I looked into all of the endings after playing through it and they were heart breaking and well done.
I liked the brotherly figure dynamic and the imagery with the wolves. (though the story telling part was told OVER and OVER which was driving me nuts!)
With all the shortcomings that this game had, I'm still looking forward to playing LiS: True Colors.
I'm definitely gonna try out ep1 first, and likely have a great time playing it.
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353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 01:35
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 01:53
3760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 06:32
Amo este juego
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835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 06:03
However this game doesn't even come CLOSE to Life Is Strange 1 and it's prequel (Before the storm).
And the reason why is incredibly simple, the roadtrip.
In other Life Is Strange games you stick around the same recurring cast in the same places throughout every episode, because of this you get to create really unique and well developed character, who audiences can grow deeply attached to.
However In Life Is Strange 2 the characters change every episode, with only the brothers, who are shockingly 1 dimensional characters, to gain any sentimental value to.
I found myself honestly not even caring about the FINAL choice, and picking the one I thought would have the coolest ending, rather than the one I felt was best for the characters in the story, because I honestly had no emotional attachment to them.
990 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 09:02
Life Is Strange 2 is a graphic adventure game played from a third-person view. The player takes control of a teenager named Sean Diaz.
Sean can interact with the environment, obtain objects, and talk with non-player characters via dialogue trees.
Choices made in Life Is Strange 2 lead to different branches in the storyline and affect the behaviour of his brother Daniel and other characters.
In addition, some decisions that were made in the free demo The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit carry over into Life Is Strange 2.
There are some collectibles in the game, some of them are easy to miss but after completing a certain episode there is an option from the main menu to play collectible mode and select a certain chapter.So in general they are easy to get.
Gameplay: 9/10 - like a normal telltale game
Story: 9/10 Great story that will keep you hooked till the end (there are some easter eggs and dialog for the first life is strange game)
Graphics: 9/10
Sound: 9/10
Overall: 9/10
Great story based game with some emotional parts in it. Definitely worth checking out.
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1443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 10:46
Before i get into the review, I must say i had expected this game to be as good as life is strange, and i was pretty disappointed.
Tragic story of two brothers and yet it felt like stupid for some reason.
It didn't feel like much of a gameplay and Daniel was certainly annoying and selfish causing trouble in most episodes to his brother and others.
Great visuals and musics that won't disappoint.
Overall It was a disappointment for me just because i wanted it to be as good as LIS 1
Don't hold it against me for not recommending it. Comments disabled for trollers and haters on this review.
1416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 17:51
They have to surive with few & the younger brother health force Sean to do what is necessarily for it even stealing food & clothes/ tent. He always get attacked without a Reason by Hillbillys, Drugdealers & stupid Policeofficers.
++ Good Story but to less with Grandparents, Mother, Friendship Lyla
+ David from Life is Strange if you blow Arcadia Bay (phoning with Chloe, Greeting Max)
+ Many different Locations & good hidden Special Souveniers
+ 7 Endings, but not one i would prefare
- no Chloe/ Max directly
- Lyla is like non existing
- Side Characters are some good like Brody Holloway, Chris Eriksen, Cassidy, Sarah Lee Hackerman, Mushroom, but to less & i miss Broke, Samantha & Co. from Life is Strange 1
Good for everyone who like this kind of games.
- Lyla
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 22:16
When Dontnod studio stops making action games, they are a good friend of mine. Though they suck at making action titles, for the regular storytelling games they are indeed good at it. Anyway, I played Life is Strange 1 long ago. For Life is Strange 2, they deliver the same high-quality story as the first one (at least for Episode 1). There are some common settings like the ability, but also some differences between two stories. Life is Strange 1 is a love story that happens in day-to-day life. It feels a little faster, more exciting, and the story happens in a more limited social space (i.e., certain acquaintances and known locations). Life is Strange 2 on the other hand, is a road trip around two brothers. It is slower and more peaceful, requiring more time to taste the story. And by nature, it happens in more unknown locations and you will meet more people. There is no which one is better in this aspect. They are both very heart-touching and feel real (I can’t speak for the lesbian but I can speak as a big brother). Especially, I feel exactly the same in my daily life for the part where the protagonist treated his brother impatiently and later felt guilty about it. Surely, certain people have different taste. Like me, I sort of have a road trip complex so to me I prefer the second game. However, some people may prefer a faster-paced story and they might like the first game better. Again, they are both good. It only depends on your liking.
Besides the story, there is a nice improvement in the second game. In the first game, there are many big scenes, meaning you are put in a large space to explore, whereas the second game scenes are relatively smaller. I really appreciate this change because a bigger scene means you have a bigger chance to miss stuff and also more random things may happen, which will interrupt your pace of playing a game. By narrowing down the scale of a scene and adding more cutscenes, Life is Strange 2 is more linear, which is good for keeping the focus on the current story and maintain the pace.
I can pick some weaknesses though. You might call it nitpicking but I think it is reasonable to pick on the story because writing a truly good story really requires some delicate work and attention.
- There are too many uses of “I guess” at the end of the conversations to emphasize the hesitation of a character. It feels repetitive. It is kind of bad, I guess (sarcastically).
- You have to fit into the mindset of a teenager to understand some motives of the protagonist. For example, the protagonist freaked out and ran away because of his teenager’s immature thinking. For normal adults, most people will just speak out the truth instead of running. For someone like me, I can understand his motive because I think in a teenager’s mindset to justify his action. But I believe not everyone is capable of doing that and they might call this plot absurd. Another plot that even I feel a little absurd is where the protagonist threw away his phone. The game never properly explains and justifies the necessity of doing it, but I guess he is afraid of the police will track his phone. It feels very compulsory because it requires not only the mindset of a teenager but also a bit of conspiracy theories. I mean, you can just turn off the phone. If the police can really track you down even the phone is off, you guys would have already been busted in the forest!
- The part where the little brother finds out the truth is too rushed. It is so fast and not as intense as I think.
Yeah so far from what I played this game is good. I will play the complete version once I got some $$. Try it, Episode 1 is free anyway.
931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 10:44
1097 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 03:59
I remember finding it strange (pun intended) that Dontnod decided to create a narrative-heavy adventure game following an action-oriented title called Remember Me. Its unique combo-based fighting system was one-of-a-kind. Life is Strange, though, had retained slight elements of sci-fi (switching from Remember Me was easy) and it used a unique art style the sequel continues to employ. While this episode was in development a free demo was released under the title The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit and the previous episode got an expansion titled Before The Storm.
Two protagonists
This is a new story in a new place but in the same universe. If you pay attention you'll hear characters mentioning the events that transpired in Arcadia Bay. Some also make a cameo - this I'm not going to spoil and before you think about it, unfortunately, this will not be Max.
We take control of an adolescent called Sean who's accompanied by his brother Daniel. Their story revolves around a tragedy that occurs in their neighbourhood. Sean comes to the aid of his brother who's harrassed by the neighbour's son. Fisticuffs ensue that an approaching police officer doesn't like. Shots are fired (the cop is clearly a rookie) and the kids' father, Esteban, ends up dead. Racial stereotypes are paramount here and they will regularly return affecting our protagonists.
As Esteban dies a sudden explosion happens and the Diaz brothers are on the run. You can guess that Daniel has some sort of unexplained power and to make things interesting he doesn't recall what happened. What I liked about the episodes is that months can pass between two chapters so an episode is not the direct follow-up of another. Daniel's ability is telekinesis. If I wanted to be rude I would say it is not as cool as Max's.
Throughout the episodes we meet interesting characters. We join vagabond youngsters, confront the church, run from the police and even meet a guy whose voice actor sounds just like Seth Rogen. No school environment this time so instead of bullying themes such as the afore-mentioned (colour-based) marginalisation and LGBT+ members will be at the forefront of the story here.
Boy you'll miss rewinding time! But with Sean you can ask Daniel to use his ability often. The rest you'll be familiar with: dialogue trees to work with (time is of the essence!), the ability to interact with / comment on almost anything in our surrounding area and key sections when we make a decision. This affects the story-telling later and in order to emphasize the importance of such decisions the game stops and gives you time to think about how to proceed.
At the end of each chapter we get a summary of our actions and we are shown even the alternative options we missed out on. Also, percentage values are associated with this so I can see where I belong community (and friends) wise. This is a system not only employed by this series but also the majority of the Telltale Games.
Take care of Daniel! The most important thing to keep in your mind. Many decisions Sean will make in the presence of Daniel. In fact, Daniel asks him regularly why he did what he did. You are setting an example whether or not you notice it. Funny thing is we are also talking about small - seemingly unimportant - things here such as reprimanding Daniel for swearing or leaving him with a friend while we go skinny-dipping with a girl.
The game offers 4 main endings (given the high and low morality routes) and some have further variations. I found out that for one variation I was supposed to make one phone call that I missed. Eventually, the ending I got was the lesser of the two evils - a bad ending I thought was impossible since I paid attention to act good with Sean. But I did not pay enough attention to educating his little brother in the process.
A lot of people compare the two games and rightfully so as they are very different. For me the first episode was more enjoyable but the sequel almost brought me to tears on several instances (something only Telltale's Walking Dead series achieved). I think it's worth giving it a chance, regardless, but make sure you complete Captain Spirit before.
2123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 11:33
such an emotional game and story is extremely rare to find
i have play so many game in this 25 years gaming and i never see such story like this
very strong story is behind this game and it deserve credit and respect
395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 14:07
☑ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☐ Human
☑ Fish
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☑ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press ‚A‘
☐ Easy
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ Story?
☐ Text or Audio floating around
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☑ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
1144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 12:27
1850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 15:02
Once again DontNod have crafted a beautiful game and paired it with a great soundtrack , and have put in some connections to the original LiS as you go along which is a nice touch , One of my other criticisms is that DontNod seem to feel the need to fill the game with every racial / social stereotype they could find , religious zealots, bigots, red necks , immigrants , corrupt / incompetent police , which I'm sure was a way of acknowledging the issues in current day America but at times it felt a little forced.
I enjoyed a lot in the game mainly in the later episodes but it just doesn't grab me the same way the original did ( and still does to this day ) , some people will love it , some like me will be a bit unsure , and some will hate it . I guess the only way to find out which one is you is to give it a go and decide for yourself .
1964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 12:53
This game has a lot more relatable aspects to it and was overall done much better than the first game. But don't get me wrong, that game was also emotional and had a great story to it.
It's fantastic that they have included such big issues that are apart of today's society, from Racism to homelessness, these things SHOULD be addressed and more should be done about them.
Certain parts to this game hit home for me, as my grandparents were a big part of my childhood, they helped us even when they didn't have to. Ill never forget how much they've done for us, Im not sure where i would be if they weren't there during my hellish childhood. As for Captain Spirit, that story is also slightly relatable as due to certain events one of my family members has kind of become an alcoholic, although not abusive, it makes them depressed and angry, but I can't blame them as its how they have coped with things throughout the past few years. I think its just really nice that the creators of this game are trying to bring awareness to such issues, these things need to be noticed and addressed and for me this makes the game a whole lot more close to my heart. Thank you.
1133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 17:14
I was also moved by some similarity from my own childhood and other experiences... See you in the afterlife folks
SPOILERS ALERT: My ending was with Daniel staying in the USA with his grandparents and Sean in Mexico with Finn because of course and I also hate boredom...
1280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 08:59
LIS2 is really about family, the ones who are close to you, and the ones who have abandoned you. There are moments in the game where you can forgive or not, too. Along the road, and the boy's destination, you meet some interesting characters, some really cruel, so horrible you wonder how these people hide in society, and there are those who are not what they seem. I'm pretty sure many would think, oh my god,this guy is a true pervert, but then later you realize the pre-judgement of where all of us face day to day, when meeting people; we dont know who people are deep inside. We don't know if they are good people with samaritan qualities. Or if they will kick you down when you are down already. Those are the kinds of characters you will meet. And even within the community of those outcasts, there is a diversity and you feel appreciation for every living human being there. Their kindness and open arms when you are faced with no where to go; you find friendship, kindness, hard work, sharing responsibilites and even love.
then there is the unique ability of the youngest brother, and while he can be annoying at times, and try your patience, (the character is always frustrated and feels the heavy burden) and while us, as players may approach this with more patience, and easy going manner, we are playing the oldest brother Sean, who is just a teenager coming out on his own to grow up fast; there's no time for foot ball, baseball games and dates on Friday and Saturday nights. He has his pencils and notebooks, his imagination and his good heart. The beautiful sceneries of the West Coast USA are amazingly done, and captures the true life views that i have myself seen driving along the Route 66 and along the California, Nevada and Arizona highways. Gorgeous deserts and awe-inspiring mountains. It makes my heart feel good to see such beauty existed in the world. My choices at the end, i would always choose freedom. The law would never understand the magic and alien-energy godlike super-human abilities that Daniel is gifted or cursed with. Sometimes you can't help but damage people physically, but there is a way to alieviate anyone's death except for the tragedy in the beginning. That is the very start of it all.
1554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 06:45
I am a dude...
- Ep.1 cried
- Ep.2 was sad then happy
- Ep.3 was happy then sad
- Ep.4 was angry & sad
- Ep.5 cried 4-5 different times
- Finished game and immediately looked up OST online and cried again
- Shirt is no longer dry
2649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 00:21
However; many fans that liked LIS1 were left disappointed by this game due to the fact it's a completely different story that focuses on two brand new characters. You're also not in one particular area (a school/small town) developing relationships with multiple classmates/people. That is where this game is lacking, but for me... I was fine with that, because if you're able to look past it... this game excels in so many other areas.
LIS2 is more of an adventure. You and your little brother take a road trip down the west coast, attempting to escape the police and cross the border into Mexico. Along the way, you meet various different characters (some friendly and others not so friendly). While you don't spend a lot of time getting to know these characters and quickly move from one point to the next, the primary focus is the relationship and bond Sean and Daniel may (or may not) form, and it's done very well.
I found myself playing as the caring older brother and father figure, doing what needed to be done to keep Daniel safe but also not too overbearing. The outcome was amazing. The two brothers form such a loving, caring and sincere bond, it really drew me in, and that's where this game shines. It's emotional, funny and there are points you're left wanting to reach through your monitor and slap some of the less friendly character's Sean and Daniel encounter.
While I enjoyed LIS1, and it was great in it's own way... LIS2 (for me) was the better of the two games. It's more of an adventure opposed to a CW drama, and it really takes on some important issues that needs more awareness, especially today (several years later). This is a must play game and one I highly recommend!
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1097 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 08:29
1159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 15:04
Take care, my dudes.
Full review at GameDragons.Net
Life is Strange 2 is a continuation of the fictional universe built with the previous two installments, but not a direct sequel as it leaves the previous characters behind to instead focus on new ones, the brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz out of whom you get to control 16 year old Sean who ends up having to grow up faster than planned in order to take care of his younger brother Daniel after the events in the introduction. Being abandoned by their mother years prior to the game's starting point and with their father now dead following the events in the first minutes of the game, the young boys are forced to leave their home and take on a journey to find a safe place while also being wanted by the police for murder, putting them always on the run from one location to the next one. Even if you get to play as Sean exclusively, this is a game entirely focused on Daniel's story as he is the one with the superpowers, able to change the balance of the situation in order to get himself and his brother out of trouble and causing more trouble as he masters his powers over the course of the five episodes, growing from a kid scared of his abilities to a master able to control them and use them to his own liking.
Even as his mentor you don't really have control over the way Daniel uses his powers as some moments are predetermined in order to advance the story while others are just him having fun with his newly found abilities, but you can critique him when he does it wrong or steps over the rules and just like the previous example I gave, even if it won't have an immediate impact on the way Daniel takes decisions moving forward, once you do get to the ending, all of the advice you gave him over the course of the game will play into his final decision. Another great thing about the world of Life is Strange 2 are the many superbly written characters, each having their own personality and background story, never overstaying their welcome for too long, but still giving you plenty of time to meet them and find interesting facts about each one of them. You can also choose what to share with each character, building relationships with them and impressing them with Daniel's power, although the choice here doesn't have much of an impact, as in some instances even if you try to hide Daniel's powers from a character he will give it up at some point, while in other moments choosing to share the secret with someone else doesn't change anything except adding a few more lines of dialogue if you choose to do so. There are also romance options in the later chapters with both straight and gay options, so even if it never feels like you can shape Daniel's personality the way you'd want to, you can at least express your own personality as Sean. Everything else that you might have liked about the first game is here including the humor and frequent pop culture references, but now combined with the sibling rivalry and generation gap that occurs when you put a kid next to a 16 year old teenager.
If you've played any of the previous Life is Strange games, Life is Strange 2 plays pretty much the same, with most of the gameplay consisting of exploration, item interaction and dialogue, but the great thing is that due to the story's structure you never spend too much time in a single location, so the scenery will always change and each location comes with some side activities like looking for collectibles or playing some minigames. Gameplay-wise you will probably feel as if the game has taken a step down from the original Life is Strange since you no longer have a superpower to add to the traditional interactive adventure gameplay, but even with that in mind, the game does a lot to spice up its gameplay and make it feel like you're never doing the same thing for too long.
The biggest outcome from any dialogue with Daniel comes in the final moments of the game, but that doesn't mean your decisions don't matter over the course of the game, it's just that the outcome of most of those decisions will be the same regardless of your choice, with only a few lines of dialogue changed. There are some moments where depending on your response you can unlock an additional scene in key moments like the romance option, but those are few and far in between. Aside from doing what's necessary in order to advance the story, you can explore each area for items that Sean will give you a description of as well as looking for collectibles, but just like most interactive adventure games this is mostly a straight road from the start to end, filled with suspenseful moments and intriguing locations. Life is Strange 2 is the type of game that doesn't require complex gaming skills to play as it can be picked up quite easily by anyone and enjoyed for the story alone, but even with its simplistic gameplay design in mind, there is plenty of variety in the things you must do, from building structures using Daniel's telekinesis powers to more grounded in reality activities such as starting a fire.
The style of the graphics is similar to the previous games, but with obvious improvements to lighting and graphical quality overall, which makes Life is Strange 2 beautiful to look at for most parts. Immersion only breaks if you're the type of player looking into every corner for the smallest details in which case you might notice lower texture objects and backgrounds in such places. Animations, although not perfect, do the job well enough and lip sync is on point for most of the dialogue with small slips every once in a while if you look closely, on the other hand the visual effects are incredible, with many visual treats along the way.
Gonzalo Martin takes on the role of Sean while Roman George plays Daniel and they both do a fantastic job portraying their characters according to their personality, the Mexican roots of the character also plays an important part in their story and that side is relayed wonderfully through dialogue. The cast of side characters is just as impressive with Elaine Partnow, Amador Plascencia and Mei Pak taking on the most prominent roles just to name a few. The audio quality overall is similar to what you would expect after playing the first two games and the soundtrack once again hits all the right notes at the right moments, having a relaxing tune to go hand in hand with moments of relaxation and beauty in the game.
The game is around 15-16 hours long which is fairly similar to the original Life is Strange, but it feels really well paced with each episode taking around 3 hours to complete; this is the type of game that you can play over the course of a week in a one episode per day portions. Aside from the main game the only reason to come back after reaching the credits are the collectibles which you can gather by replaying specific sections of each episode depending on the ones you've missed.
If you like Life is Strange in general, Life is Strange 2 is more of that with the trademark Dontnod quality of storytelling and landscape exploration all in here. If you didn't mind the superpowers being removed entirely in Before the Storm you probably won't mind being the advisor to the kid with the superpowers this time around, especially since everything else that might have captivated you in the first game is still here. If you've never touched Life is Strange you should probably start with the original and Before the Storm, but even if you decide to jump into this one without any prior knowledge of the franchise you can still enjoy this story without playing the previous games as you will only miss a few easter eggs and mentions.
Rating: 8.4
1086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 13:46
Dontnod never disappoints.
The game talks about a few issues in our society and shows them off well.
Although alot of people complain that the game is super negative and its not good story telling to have bad things happen over and over again so the player feels bad.
If fits the story well cause i dont think running from the law will have a lot of rainbows.
Overall i love all episodes except 4 as to me i thought was pointless and mad me hate daneil for reasons i will not mention as spoilers but that is redeemed at ep 5.
i wouldnt compare this to the first or before the storm as to me they are master pieces and it doesnt feel right putting this game in that spot even though they are the same franchise i still dont like comparing games in general.
If you are fan of the franchise or just love story based games id say go for it but wait for a good sale as the base price is a little too high in my opinion.
7.8/10 to me
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942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 23:12
On another note, I do not relate to the main character almost at all. I realize that I will never be able to completely relate to him, and that's fine, but my main gripe is how he treats Daniel. I love my younger siblings even though they are annoying sometimes, so it's annoying that in a choice based game, I seem to have little control over how to treat Daniel. Many of the moments are not moments with choice, and every time Sean treats Daniel poorly or like he is a huge burden, it hurts my heart. Obviously this is just me, but it's another reason why I don't feel compelled to continue playing.
1135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 05:42
Nicht Empfohlen
1321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 17:26
Anyway, if you want to play some Life is Strange, go play/replay first season or Before the Storm. They are so much better than this one.
1310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 10:55
1139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 03:03
This game puts you in the position of an alpha wolf, you have to take care of your little brother which got something a little bit special. You two are going through a lot just to get to Puerto Lobos - Mexico, at your dad's childhood home. You'll gonna meet a lot of strangers most of them will become friends, you'll do things that a normal person wouldn't do and you will do whatever it costs to keep your little brother with you.
Graphics 8/10
Story 9/10
Soundtrack 10/10
Gameplay 8/10
Overall 9/10 Worth buying on a sale
Nicht Empfohlen
165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 00:07
Nicht Empfohlen
1346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 10:39
+ Opening
+ Concept
- HATED little bro
- Story
Life is Strange 1 is special to me. It is flawed, certainly, but tackled hard-hitting subjects that ultimately really spoke to me. So I found it particularly disappointing when I had to force myself to continue playing the second game, let alone finish it. So why was I so let down? A few reasons, but the main reason is the little brother, Daniel.
Daniel is nine years old in this game. It is important to remember this, and I take it into account. I know I wasn’t the most mature nine year old, way back when – hell, who is? When I was nine, I was trying to catch Mewtwo, not grapple with losing my father and feeling like I am to blame for partially blinding my brother. But… there comes a point where I, as a player, say enough is enough and you need to start stop being a little shit. I first felt this in the second chapter, when Daniel is at his neighbor’s house. Not only did he break the rules in leaving the house, but he’s using his telekinesis powers in front of a STRANGER. In front of two windows. That face the street. Excuse the fuck me? That, ladies and gentlemen, is a series of terrible decisions that I just can’t wrap my head around. In episode three, he’s being a moody brat and connects with Finn. Bonding with someone new is fine and all, but to the point that you’re down to rob dangerous people simply because new friend suggested it? In that short of a time frame? No, I don’t think I buy that. In episode four it really goes off the rails and he gets brainwashed by the revered of a church. In concept, I can kinda understand this. I can understand tragic events happening, feeling powerless and guilty and not knowing what to do. But this is framed as what, two weeks? Look, I’m not religious so I realize I’m a bit biased in this perspective, but I simply don’t believe you’d choose the church over your own brother IN THE SPAN OF TWO WEEKS. These things can, ultimately, be forgiven as dumb contrivances to the plot if I liked the character, but… I just don’t. I never felt a bond with this kid. I never had a moment and thought “wow, I really like this character” (which the game managed to make me do for the very minor character Lyla, in the span of like, five minutes), which is a huge problem, and the largest contributor as to why I didn’t enjoy the game.
The second point is that I... didn't like the story. I like it in concept, but it sorely lacked in execution. Let’s start with the beginning, chapter one. I loved chapter one! Within the first five minutes of the game, I had a stupid grin on my face, talking with my BFF, trying to get laid. Then I’m talking to my fictional dad, trying to get money for a party (totally not for booze and other such things… wink wink). He asked me straight up what they were for, I reluctantly told him the truth, and… he respected that, and didn’t make my life miserable for it - major props to fictional dad for doing that. But then we’re talking about Finn. Look, I don’t want to rob these dangerous individuals, thanks. Oh, I’m being asked again? No thanks. Really, again game? Wtf, no. Oh, it’s happening anyways. These kind of fake decisions that happen anyway really get under my skin – don’t do them. In chapter four, as previously stated, the nine-year-old sides with a woman he met two weeks ago over his biological brother. No. Also, in chapter four, the mother… look, I can (to a certain extent) empathize with not wanting to be in the situation you’re in and want to get away from it. But to simply abandon your children? That is unthinkable to me. She made that choice, and yet says (three separate times, no less) that she “had no choice”. You did have a choice, you made it, and you should live with it. Your children needed you, and you abandoned them. I was empathizing with her up until she kept saying “I had no choice”, and at that point, I was ready to completely abandon HER and never speak to her again. But, of course, the game decides that you can’t do that because you need to team up with her. This I am less upset with… but still upset about. Which leads me to the end of the story: so, you’re a kid, on the run from the cops, yeah? You’ve been caught, and manage to break out, yeah? So why the hell would you follow the road, to the entry of the border? Like, literally the one spot they’ll be waiting for you? I kept shouting at MC to leave the road, make another hole in the wall like they did previously, and leave at a random spot instead. It would have made sense, and ya know… worked. But I guess he wanted to get caught or something...?
I don’t hate Life is Strange 2 – it has some nice moments, and I had some fun with it. But, man, it was a disappointment after the first Life is Strange game. I wanted so much more from it, and (mostly due to the little brother character) the game failed to resonate with me. If I had to summarize this review succinctly, it would be this: I bought this game on Dec 11th, with the intention of beating it within a day or two. I finished the game on April 22nd.
1789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 19:22
Life is Strange 2
=== [Player Base: ] ===
☑ Casual players
☐ Hardcore players
===[ ???? Audience: ]===
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Everyone
☑ Mature
===[ ???? Story] ===
☐ Doesn't have it
☐ Bad
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Fantastic
===[ ???? Graphics: ]===
☐ Really bad
☐ Bad
☐ OK
☐ Good
☑ Beautiful
☐ Masterpiece
===[ ???? Difficulty: ]===
☐ Easy Peasy
☐ Easy to learn but hard to master
☑ Medium (When it comes to decision making)
☐ Hard
☐ Dark Souls
===[ ⏰ Game time/length ]===
☐ Really short ( 0 - 4 hours)
☐ Short ( 4 - 12 hours)
☑ Average ( 12 - 18 hours)
☐ Long ( 18+ hours)
☐ Endless
===[ ☣ Requirments: ]===
☐ Toaster
☐ Average
☑ Solid Medium
☐ High end
☐ Unoptimized
===[ ???? Price ]===
☑ Full price
☐ Wait for sale
☐ Don't do it
☐ Free
===[ ???? Bugs ]===
☐ Game itself is a bug
☐ Lot of bugs
☐ Few Bugs
☑ Nothing
⭐️Making choices.
⭐️Making beautiful/badass drawings.
⭐️Looking at the scenery.
????Choices DO matter.
????Pulls as the heart-strings.
????Choices Matter
????Story Rich.
Phew... This was a roller-coaster of emotions! I enjoyed 90% of this game, the other 10% was because is wasn't LIS 1. I'm not saying that's a bad thing! But LIS 1 managed to deal some very personal things throughout the game and you wasn't just pulled in one direction... Where as LIS 2 It seemed to be all about the brothers and that's what dragged me to my [spoiler] horrible [/spoiler] ending. The best advice I can give you is to not compare it to LIS 1 because they are two completely different forms based in the same universe, with very different lessons.
I saw this game more as you had to survive against the world and tackle whatever life throws your way, protecting you little brother along the way, but in fact, it's all about teaching your brother the values of life and to always be kind.
Total Score = 89/100.
Life is Strange franchise.
Life Is Strange 2 is an episodic graphic adventure game. It is the second main entry of the Life Is Strange series, the player takes control of Sean Diaz, a Mexican-American teenager. Sean can interact with the environment, obtain objects, and talk with non-player characters via dialogue trees. Choices made in Life Is Strange 2 lead to different branches in the storyline and affect the behaviour of Daniel and other characters. In addition, some decisions that were made in the game demo The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit carry over into Life Is Strange 2.
■■■■■■■■□□ 8 / 10
Life lessons were learnt.
Review to Life is Strange:
Review to Life is Strange: Before the Storm:
Review to The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit:
1071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 18:39
867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 20:04
2355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 18:43
This time around really tested on morals and raising a kid, also really touched on harsh topics like racism and having to grow up fast just to survive in the world.
10/10 for the awesome experience of the two brothers journey <3
Nicht Empfohlen
1066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 18:20
1082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 05:01
1692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.20 01:24
200 character summary
LiS2 is the third installment in the LiS series, It improved on almost every aspect, It has a great story with some shockers, Prepare to be mad sad and proud at the same time, An absolute must have.
Story 10/10
You play as Sean, You and your little brother Daniel will go all across the USA, And you will meet a lot of interesting people on your journey. You have to make choices that will affect you and your brother, Your brothers personality will change based on how you treat him. I can not give any spoilers, but you will see a few familiar faces from the last 2 games and a lot of new faces. Compared to the previous 2 titles LiS2 places the player in more moral decisions, It tackles subjects like Ethics, Faith and Justice. the story stands on itself, I still recommend playing the games in chronological order because it contains some spoilers for LiS.
Like before it is a single player experience, There is no online, No scores, it is 50% exploring, finding secrets, 50% cinematics, Most of the storytelling is done in dialogue by interacting with people, But the main story is told in cinematics. They really went all out this time, You can see the differences in detail, the scale of the environments. I have the feeling the story is at least 50% longer compared to the previous games.
There is a small free Windows only game called The Adventures of Captain Spirit, I have not played it before LiS2, But I would recommend to at least check it out, The choices you make there will have impact on LiS2, It adds another 2 hours of story to LiS2 but it is not needed. If you are unsure if you will like the game, I would really recommend to start with LiS1, The first episode is free.
Characters 10/10
The game has great characters, I especially like Daniel, He grows in personality as you progress in the game, Good or bad, The right choice is not always obvious. But he will take notice of your actions and the words you say. But it is not only Daniel everyone around you will see your actions, Even the most simple decisions in the beginning will haunt you back later even if they don't really change the story, There is a lot of detail put into the characters, All of them, A lot of backstory and personality.
Gameplay 8/10
Instead of rewinding time or having a smart mouth this time you have a little brother with telekinesis, You can ask him to do things, But he can still refuse, You don't have absolute control over the ability like in the first games. Your superpower is taking care of your little brother going across multiple states in the USA. There is an extra touch on morality in this game, You are an example for your brother. Would you steal or kill to feed your family? And how would that affect their lives? There is a great dynamic between the characters and it will force you to reflect on yourself.
Like the first 2 games the game is more of an interactive movie than a game, But it is very enjoyable, It is like starring in your own movie, You still get to make choices, You just don't need the attention you need for most games. Still the game will draw your interest through the excellent storytelling, Most of the times there is no right answer, It all comes down to ethics, What do you find appropriate in certain situations?
Aesthetics 10/10
The graphics look great, I would say it is an improvement over the previous games, But it is more visible in other things like mapsizes, Length, and other things mentioned before, I think LiS has its own unique graphic style that just looks amazing, I like that they focus on the main thing here, the story and it is amazing, I just want to play the entire thing again to get a different ending. The soundtrack is good, But not as good as the first game.
Performance 9/10
It runs amazingly, Especially for an Unreal Engine game, Most of them have at least some issues, It shows it is possible even if it takes the genius people at Feral to accomplish it. I had no crashes, stutters, bugs or anything like that. Everything seems to work just fine.
Replayability 8/10
It is replayable, And it can give you a different ending and different outcomes to the smaller things in the game, But You will always play the same main storyline, Small details will change but it is mostly dialogue you heard before. Ofcourse you can replay the chapters to get all missing collectables, and I would recommond playing the game at least twice to find all the little things you might have missed, It is funny how you play something different if you know what is going to happen because of it.
Conclusion 9/10
Overall the game is another must buy if you liked the previous games, It improved on almost everything, I like that they brought back a real superpower, But Rewinding time was just a much much better fit for a game that revolves around making choices. I think this story is better, But the main characters in the first game just spoke to me more. Oh and the game has t*tties!
Game Info
# of players | Single Player only | [/tr]
Steam Cloud Save | Working fine | [/tr]
Controller Support | Yes, Xbox One Bluetooth Working | [/tr]
Achievements | A little too easy | [/tr]
FPS on Ultra 1080P | 60 - 140 FPS | [/tr]
Launch Command | none | [/tr]
Installed Size | 40GB | [/tr]
Issues | None | [/tr]
Operating System & Hardware
OS | Arch Linux | [/tr]
Kernel | 5.4.10 | [/tr]
DE | Gnome 3.34.2 | [/tr]
CPU | Intel I7-6800K Hexa Core @ 4.2 Ghz | [/tr]
GPU | Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080 (Nvidia 440.44 Drivers) | [/tr]
Dontnod Entertainment
Square Enix
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos