Len's Island
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Über das Spiel

You’re new to the small town on this beautiful island. Even though you only have the tools in your backpack, you’re determined to make a new life for yourself. Create your new home and plant crops to sustain yourself (or sell in the market), and relax on the pier and fish for your dinner. Or let your adventurous side take over and wander the 30 different islands, exploring different biomes, and venturing deep into caves to unearth the secrets of the islands.
Build the home of your dreams. Build wherever you want, make it as big as you want, and choose from a range of materials to let your creativity run wild! Len's Island uses a unique modular building system that allows anyone to feel like a seasoned home designer.
Looking for some more action? Len's Island is a fast-paced, skill-driven dungeon crawler with a strong focus on engaging a wide range of combat types and loadout combinations. If you're getting bored of building your home, tending to your crops and meeting the local townsfolk, there are deep, dark caves below the island with plenty to explore.
Tend to your crops Use farms to grow the food that fuels your ventures into the dungeons and long days exploring the Islands; as well as grow exotic plants and flowers to sell back to the villagers for gold. Grow large-scale farms throughout the forest, or care for small garden beds on your balcony. Or if you're not the green-thumb type, place some pot plants and call it a day.
Explore the world and rebuild your surroundings. Len's Island focuses on rewarding adventurers, whether it's finding a long lost sword to claim as your own, rebuilding an old broken bridge or finding secret rooms in the dungeons. There are many secrets to uncover on the island and below it.
Len's Island brings excitement and progression for many playstyles, all within a vibrant and engaging world. Catering to the hardcore dungeon-crawler fans, home-builders and decorators, explorers and completionists, farming fanatics, collectable hoarders, and people who just want to live the simple life of chopping trees as the sun goes down.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: 2.4 Ghz Dual Core CPU
- GFX: 2 GB Dedicated Memory
- Software: Windows 7 or higher (64-bit)
- HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: 2.8 Ghz QuadCore CPU or faster
- GFX: 4+ GB Dedicated Memory
- Software: Windows 10 (64-bit)
- HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.23 12:27
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135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 20:55
Just wait until there is more to do.
Nicht Empfohlen
641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 08:24
I can not recommend this game in its current state. I am pretty sure it will be really good when finished. But right now, it's overprized.
1084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 09:51
Nicht Empfohlen
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 21:02
Ich rate vom Kauf ab und empfehle noch ein wenig die Entwicklung zu verfolgen
3706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 15:54
ich bin so beeindruckt von diesem spiel...die basis und alle ansätze..die atmosphäre...der einstieg,die verschiedenen einflüsse ingame (Farmen,erkunden,bauen,kämpfen,craften,looten) gehen fliessend ineinander über..es ist auch jetzt schon eine sehr schöne single player erfahrung und ich würde vorsichtig sagen den aktuellen preis schon wert.
jetzt zum aber :)
nach intensiven 3 tagen ,merkte ich dann doch an vielen stellen das die idee und der ansatz da sind aber auch noch im early acces und vieles ist sehr ausbau bedürftig um einen langzeit an das game zu binden (co op fehlt,mini map,schaden und hit box fühlt sich manchmal weird an) wovon aber auch schon einiges in arbeit ist laut entwickler. Andere sachen sind schon so gut (man sammelt waffen und rüstungs sets ,wo man set bonuse craften kann wovon manche op sind) ..
es gibt einen super schönen dungeon ,der noch in einem sehr frühen stadium ist aber schon sehr viel spass macht beim ersten endecken...mich hat das game gecatched..ich bin so gehyped auf updates wie schon lange nicht mehr..und ich kann es wirklich nur empfehlen...manchmal streame ich es auch auf twitch (Kinnhakenkalle) wer lust hatt einfach mal reinschauen o/
lg Kalle
1128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 15:12
Man kann die Zeit damit verbringen, den gesamten Tag einfach nur Materialien zu farmen diese spawnen nach einer gewissen Zeit auch wieder nach, außer man baut etwas darauf.
Das Bausystem ist verdammt einfach und trotzdem sehr schön von der Gestaltung, man kann mit wenig Arbeit wirklich schöne und unterschiedliche Gebäude errichten.
Von einer kleinen Holzhütte bis hin zu großen Burgen ist alles machbar, der Baubereich ist auch neutral ohne Gegner. Ich empfehle eine kleine Farm für den Start, damit man Blaubeeren und andere Früchte, Blumen etc. anbauen kann.
Wem das bauen und farmen aber nicht reicht, kann auch in den Dungeon Schätze farmen.
Das Kampfsystem verhält sich auch sehr leicht, man hat ausschließlich ein Schild was die gesamte Rüstung darstellt und halt eine Waffe, Lebensregenaration erhält man durch Nahrung.
Den Dungeon empfand ich relativ anspruchsvoll dafür das dass gesamte Game doch sehr einfach gehalten ist, er ist sehr Finster wodurch man sehr häufig zwischen Fackel und Waffe wechseln muss. Im Kampf muss mit der Ausweichrolle gut gearbeitet werden und man sollte sein Schild nie vergessen, da dieses automatisch Schaden absorbiert.
So Ich will auch nicht mehr verraten und kann nur soviel sagen.
Aktuell Preis Leistung stimmt und es macht Spaß.
Hoffe es wird noch einiges ins Game rein kommen und kein Hard Reset gemacht ^^
Ich wünsche allen Lesern viel Spaß
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Flaim
4167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.23 05:22
Nicht Empfohlen
643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.23 20:51
124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.23 22:39
Nicht Empfohlen
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.23 16:15
Nicht Empfohlen
1164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.23 15:06
And also, this game is NOT farmer game, dont get faked by the screen shot, If you just want play as a farmer, DONT BUY THIS. The bosses in this game is too hard to beat, if you are not good in action-game.
1661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.23 10:03
Core gameplay loop includes dungeons and farming/gathering/crafting. Survival element is minimal (hunger bar and health bar) and sleeping is optional as far as I know.
You start on an island near town and start your typical gathering/building/farming to prepare for dungeon diving.
Your progression comes from a few sources, every activity gives you XP for perk points. Skills are impactfull but you can unlock all of them easily. Another progression comes from town upgrading and crafting, that gives you more shops and better gear. Building is simple but you have many options to customize the look of your house.
If you want to progress to craft better gear you need to explore other islands and dungeons. Some crafting materials can only be found in dungeons or other islands. One piece of advice is to look for olives on mediterranean islands early.
Dungeons are the main “story” progression but the game does not have a story. I am fine with that and glad that there is nothing to block your progress.
Dungeons are full of enemies and crafting materials, enemies inside are made from the same material that looks like glowing black ink. Combat mostly depends on the weapon you are using, all weapons have active skills and move patterns. You have dodge and jump that are very important to avoid damage, you can use shields if you like a more defensive playstyle but it slows you down. Animations are fluid but a little janky and imprecise while using skills. It looks flashy and sounds impactful. Enemies are not sponges but you can also die quickly if you get surrounded. Unfortunately combat lacks depth to be more enjoyable.
Dungeons are dark and you need a torch to find all loot, harder dungeons have more jumping puzzles and traps but there is nothing frustrating. You can light lanterns or braziers so you can regenerate health. There are only two bosses and the first one can be difficult if you don't have enough food to tank damage or skill to avoid his attacks.
There is nothing in Len's Island that is great other than graphic and art style that would pull you in but the sum of it all is greater than its parts. During my playthrough I was not bored or frustrated with some artificial mechanic (except shop gold limit) and no stupid fetch quests or excessive grind. I also would like more islands to explore and pipes for water pump so I can build my farm where I want.
Nicht Empfohlen
382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 22:13
1165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 04:33
2749 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 02:49
I played 45 hours and have completed everything. All achievements, items, ~8-10 clears of the single dungeon, 3 elaborate houses (a wood, stone, and ornate), and more resources than I may ever need moving forward. At the current game price, I feel it's middle ground for value. Seen far worse and better. I have no hesitation recommending people to pick up the game now. Though I hope we see the dungeon content at least triple, maybe some broad storyline or quests, fishing would be great, expanded building options, and performance improvements (in town and my houses the GPU rockets up).
I've noticed some bugs while playing, but nothing deal breaking. Here's a list for the devs, if they happen to see this:
- Entering town, the mouse cursor should remain where it was, not reset to bottom left corner
- When restock time on a vendor has finished, you seem to have to leave town and reenter for it to appear
- After picking a grape or passion fruit, you have to jump or move a bit before you can re-target to plant another.
- In the workbench, the number of items collected became incorrect after crafting one of the bonuses. It recalculated only after closing the UI and reopening.
- Ladders need a more user friendly interaction. Double jumping to go up one is clunky and very hard with small space house ladders. Clicking it or hitting a certain button should probably just start an animation automatically moving the player up or down.
- '+' and '-' quantity buttons require too much repetitive clicking. I ended up using my Logitech keyboard binding program to duplicate mouse 3 to F1. That way I could just hover the mouse over the '+'/'-' and hold down F1 to get to the max amount. Lots of solutions for this. Add additional max buttons. Use an amount sliderbar that you can just drag either way with your mouse. Add a keybind like shift+click to increase/decrease by 100 per click... etc.
Nicht Empfohlen
764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 21:11
But if you are asking me to recommend someone else to buy it? No, not really.
The game plays really smooth, even in EA it is WELL put together.
My problem is... After several hours of game play and progression.. I still have NO idea what the actual point to this game is...
There seems to be no plot, no real story... But maybe that's the idea.. who knows..
503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 15:51
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.22 22:12
1892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 04:52
Having said that, this game Rocks! The feel is right, the combat is great. It has a touch of Diablo mixed with My Time in Portia.
The Dev Team have a clear target and seem to be on time ATM. If they continue as they are, this game should become one of those rare Collectables that you wish you had purchased when it first came along. <-- That was a Hint BTW.
1586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 00:05
Nicht Empfohlen
710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 22:30
Some of Len's Island reminds me of a higher color palette Valheim. Your pleasingly amorphous character with just a few details between genders, the arrangement of the map and the wind trails. Even the opening menu with your character poised at a campfire between the pines. There's a lot of promising ambition here.
The game is stunning. Visually it's so gorgeous, and the periods of the day cycle just after sunrise and the afternoon 'golden hour' are as breathtaking as the real thing. The water, the flora, the appearance of the structures - all lovely.
There's hints of humor and heart. During character creation your shoe options are basically 'no' or 'not a chance, ever'.
The building system is enjoyable and a lack of penalty for deconstructing is a plus.
I didn't mind that, as one other negative review pointed out, the NPCs in town are essentially sign boards. In Hydroneer sign boards are literally all you get. But this is a detail I wish I'd paid attention to, because it was a hint of all the things I felt were seriously lacking.
What differentiates a playable E/A game from an unplayable one is the 'shape' of the finished product. A complete skeleton waiting to built up with connective tissue, muscle, attractive bits...that's a yes. Len's Island feels like a really beautiful shell with nothing inside.
There's no story here.
Buildings are vacant. Lots of them. Some have flavor text indicating a certain type of tradesman could be moved in but that's not available at this time. Not a big deal except that most of the main town is also empty.
NPCs have no dialog- and this is magnified by the number of NPCs who also serve no function, not even as lore guides. Knight Guinevere sounds like a pretty interesting resident but we're left to wonder. NPCs have no information about themselves, the town, their challenges. They don't care about you, either. No one wonders about you or where you came from.
Your island is cut off from the village when you arrive. There's no explanation as to why and this feels like a big deal because the townsfolk appear to have the time and resources to remedy the situation.
You're carried to your island by a small raft, presumably shipwrecked here. Who are you? Where did you come from? Will anyone miss you, or are you running from your past? Your character has no internal monologue, no thoughts about themselves or circumstances. There is a letter in the woods for you to find when you arrive and it accomplishes a drop of lore/storytelling but that's it. This mechanic isn't applied to more.
There are dungeons and monsters occupying nearby islands but again, there's no story or lore. Your character has no feelings or reactions. These dungeons are presumably important and matter to the townsfolk, too. Presumably this is why they destroyed the bridge but we're left to guess.
Resource gathering is tediously self-important. It feels meant to keep you busy until there's more to do. A weapon proc is well and good for combat, but my gathering speed being hindered by not proccing a tool? Building, the most fleshed out part of the game, became my least favorite.
This is not a $25 dollar game, and this is what I couldn't make peace with during the week I struggled with this review. The screenshots and description, the dev's information promise a $25 experience. Some E/A titles justify this price. After trudging through my fifth day of gameplay feeling like a robot on an island of other, different robots performing functions, I felt cheated.
A great game, almost without exception, needs a story. Not a great *story*, but there has to be something happening. God of War and Red Dead have powerful stories. Saints Row has a story that partly involves hitting Innocent pedestrians with a huge purple dildo, but there it is: something happening. Cursed Treasure? Don't let those meatbag heroes steal your swag.
Len's Island plays like a concept demo at a con. Here's the dungeons we have planned; here's how the town will be laid out. We plan on adding a guild, or a fisherman's hut.
There's a lot of parts, a lot of great concepts and potential, but there's no game here. It's just an assortment of tasks. Very nice house building mechanics in a beautiful setting, which is on offer in other more fully-realized games.
The addition of pagoda roof styles was frustratingly more of what already doesn't work. I don't want more build objects. No updated weather effects or sound effects. I want a skeleton, bare-bones but cohesive.
This is a game I can't positively review now but don't want to give up on. I want to play this a year from now and get what I anticipated the first time around. Len's Island desperately needs a story. It needs something to *happen*.
861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 05:02
Main flaw...I've play for several hours and have no idea what the point is other than to just get 'more'. For some players that is enough. At this point I want to know at least a bit about the monsters I'm fighting. I been in the village but so far the NPCs have no personality or quests. I still have stuff to do as I plant everything I can and expand my base but without any real goals I'm just feeling 'meh'.
I like the graphics and the map layout of the cave is quite nice in my opinion. I like how fast resources respawn.
I like that I can sell/buy stuff in town no matter the time even if it is unrealistic. I'd rather have that limited to the day time until you unlock a new NPC that has a shop open at different hours but that may be just because I'm craving the feel of progression.
The cave offers some that progression feeling as you light it up and fix bridges. But you have no idea why you are exploring it and what happened to the people that were obviously down there at some point. (I may just need to play more to find this stuff out but I definitely feel there should be more to go on.)
I would hesitate to recommend buying this right now. Watch some Let's Play videos to make sure you know what this game currently offers and what it doesn't. That said I plan to keep playing so it's getting a 'yes' from me for now.
Edit: You can find some notes further down in the cave that start to paint a picture. I do mean 'start'.
2425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 20:39
There are no quests, so you do everything at your own time, you can afk for 20 minutes in the middle of the island and nothing will bother you. Time will pass, crops will grow, trees and rocks will repopulate but you have no stress on you. Nothing will kill you, you just do whatever you want and build your house however you want, which I loved!
The house design elements were great, you have a choice of log, stone or ornate housing walls and windows to piece together The Sims style and decorate however you wish. My only gripe is that there weren't many options for furniture etc, really sparse basic decor. It would have been great to have recolorations of the furniture, as well as a colour wheel for the house panels.
The mining was fine. There were cool bits with the bag lamp, and the stones you have to activate etc and I never felt that I HAD to mine if i didn't want to. I could just grow crops and sell them and buy all the mats I needed which I loved because i am not a fan of the mining. (tho i did enjoy the notes in the mines) But I did end up chasing the mines for content which leads me to my one gripe.
This has about 40-50 hours of gametime and not much more unless there's a new patch. So if you're content to build and farm, this is a great game. If you want just a little more to do then you might want to find a different game. There are no NPCs to romance. The NPCs in town are bare bones. They are there all day and night with their stores. They have one line each and no other interaction. They sell stuff and you buy their weapons then you wait three days and they get new weapons in. This interesting but frustrating and i wish i could interact with them more. they dont even visit the island that i've turned into paradise.
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 21:09
I’m always ready to go whenever I see a new survival experience releases whether it’s a more casual-friendly one like Stardew Valley or a more intense one like ARK: Survival Evolved. The combination of time and labor investment along with the challenge and satisfaction of your success is a good time when designed well. Whether it’s a farm, a primitive base, or a space station, I’m all in for diving right in especially if I can bring along a few friends.
Len’s Island is one of the most recent in the genre. It has a number of elements going for it that will be familiar to survival veterans with an atmosphere that feels quite unique, particularly when you start heading to the mysterious and dark subterranean caverns. However, it’s important to note that although multiplayer is planned for the future, it isn’t implemented yet so you’ll be experiencing it all on your lonesome for now.
Sticks and Stones and Reeds…
Len’s Island kicks off with you seemingly washing up on the shore of a mysterious island. Fortunately for you, the island has quite a bounty on it, ranging from delicious blueberries to beautiful flowers to towering trees. It will be up to you to take advantage of these resources to ensure your survival and your initial survival is likely to feel strikingly similar to other titles you’ve played if this isn’t your first foray into the genre. Chopping down trees, mining stone nodes, and building a home are likely to be some of the first adventures you’ll be going on. This is all pretty standard and you won’t have to pace yourself this time around either as all of these resources respawn regularly. Perhaps even more convenient, or casual as some might call it, all of the resources that you collect are gathered into your inventory with a seriously streamlined management system; you don’t need to store your logs, stone, clay, and so on, you simply have all that you’ve collected with you at all times as long as you have not hit the maximum capacity for a given type.
That said, Len’s Island does touch its image up a bit to differentiate itself from many of its peers. The island that you live on is your own, though there’s a town nearby that you can visit and trade with. The town isn’t as fleshed out as something like Stardew Valley and serves mostly as a trade hub currently. This means there’s a distinct lack of relationship building (friendship or otherwise) and each resident only has the vaguest hint of a personality. This may not be a deal-breaker for those who are more interested in their own back-breaking labors and constructions, but it’s important to note for those who are looking for a pleasant social experience. Len’s Island is a lonely game of survival, not one of a community pulling together.
Into the Dark
In a strangely similar-but-not-similar design choice, Len’s Island does resemble Stardew Valley with an underground cave system that adds danger to the otherwise peaceful world. Hazards such as bottomless pits and monstrous creatures of darkness populate it waiting to tear you limb from limb. As you explore, you’ll be lighting lanterns and braziers to push the darkness back and offer a safer place for you to recover your health. Crafting increasingly effective equipment from your workbenches is important to boost your odds in this dark realm that succeeds in establishing a much creepier atmosphere than the mines of Stardew which were still quite pleasant and in line with that title’s overall theme.
As far as progress is concerned, you’ll want to be plumbing these depths in order to collect resources that can only be found from slaying these beasts of darkness. This is most successfully done by employing the combat maneuvers that are available to you in Len’s Island. The aforementioned equipment is certainly a large part of it, ranging from one-handed swords and shields to giant axes, but it’s your own skill that will often determine life or death when everything hits the fan. Tactically used combat rolls are great for getting out of the way of an enemy attack that would otherwise rock your world while chained together times strikes will significantly increase your damage output and let you smash your foes instead. It’s not Dark Souls and it’s quite simplistic for an action-oriented title, but it touches on a gameplay element or two that aren’t as common in the survival genre.
Len’s Island is a promising Early Access release that still has a lot of room to grow. What it currently offers it does quite well with, though it does feel like something of a conglomerate of familiar parts rather than a new and unique experience. It has the classic grinding elements that we’ve become accustomed to, though it rarely impresses you with a new area that requires you to just sit back and take it in. This isn’t to say that the world isn’t enjoyable, you’ll just see the same assets rearranged for most of it. I’m optimistic for the future of Len’s Island, especially if it leans into defining itself with its own innovative features, though I wouldn’t recommend running to pick it up right away unless you want to support Flow Studio in the endeavor right out of the gate. I’ll likely be giving it another shot in the future when multiplayer has been added to the experience, though it’ll likely be collecting dust on my digital shelf in the meantime due to it not yet feeling like its found its soul.
4323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 12:48
I won't specify any comments I disagree with but chances are if you're not into this game then you just don't like this genre.
Cheers to all the developers you should be thrilled with yourselves.
457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 03:15
Despite the lack of content (knowing that it is an early access game) it is very well designed, the music is excellent, the world is immersive and mysterious, the mechanics are simple and easy to learn although I would love to see a co-op mode implemented in the future so you can play and enjoy with your friends.
On the negative side:
- It doesn't have variety of enemies and you only have encounters with 3 types of them.
- The game needs to implement animals and peaceful creatures as the world feels extremely empty right now.
- The ability to fish and do more activities.
- Implement different types of biomes would help to keep the world more immersive and much more mysterious as there are only 2 as far as I have managed to play.
- needs to have the option to play in co-op.
- I would love to see more variety of minerals and resources as well.
- The game also needs wild animals that can hunt you like, wolves, cougars, bears... you know what i mean.
- The NPC's feel lifeless and it would really help the immersion of the world if they could do activities, walk around the town and such.
That's all for now in this review and I hope the developers listen to their community as they have an excellent base to build an excellent and wonderful game.
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 10:55
This game is ridiculously smooth and polished for such a tiny team. It puts some much bigger devs to absolute shame.
The only caveat atm is it's light on content. In 3 hours I felt like I'd seen everything the game currently has to offer. Yeah you can pad that out if you want to grind for max tier gear and make an epic base/farm/whatever and really sandbox it out, but just be aware it needs some more meat on it's bones before you commit your wallet-monies.
One to watch, for sure!
655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 04:29
2107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 21:26
The only con I can think of is the game is a little grindy and very clicky. If you have carpal tunnel then avoid this game. You'll be clicking your mouse like crazy in this game.
1089 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 17:18
1032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 20:27
-Robust base-building system with interesting components available both at start and as you progress
-Easy to understand mechanics that can be honed to offer greater rewards over time (ie: jumping puzzles)
-Interesting map and unique cave system for variable experiences in-game (combat vs. gathering vs. exploring)
-Rewarding crafting and farming experiences
-Nice to look at and listen to, sometimes dangerously so when settled in and tired!
-(As of this review, the game's only been out a few weeks and it is in Early Access, so this will resolve itself sooner or later) Not much to do after making your way though the first cave, other than stockpile gold and resources - probably 20-25 hours of solid content if you're taking your time
-No minimap (not necessary but would be nice)
-Occasionally becomes a memory hog and has a few odd glitches here and there
-Certain items have long respawn times and take several in-game days to see again with any regularity
It's a fantastic game all things told though, and the developers are on top of making sure bugs are promptly addressed. I can see this game being worth the price tag if you're a person who enjoys survival games, but also really enjoys the mechanics of base-building and making aesthetically pleasing spaces. Very much recommend, and very much looking forward to watching the game grow as new versions release.
2477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 18:31
I have now played the game for over 40 hours, love it. As I got further and further, I love it more and more. There is plenty to do. More monsters to fight as you get deeper into the cave! Surprises down there too! I'm at a point now where I'm just eager to see what is next! The draw back of early access is knowing there is more to come and having to wait! :D
Flow Studio
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