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  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Legends of Eisenwald: Screenshots zum Artikel


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 02.07.2015
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Preis Update 05.09.23

Über das Spiel

Führen Sie eine feudale Armee an und kämpfen Sie für Ihr Recht, in einer skrupellosen Welt zu überleben. Die rätselhaften Ländereien des mittelalterlichen Deutschlands warten auf Sie: ein Ort, an dem Aberglaube und Mythen zum Leben erwacht sind.

Doch Legends of Eisenwald ist kein Fantasy-Spiel. Es gibt weder Elfen noch Drachen. Nur Menschen und ihre Leidenschaften, Sünden und Ängste, die oft handfeste Formen annehmen. Welchen Weg wählen Sie? Lassen Sie sich von Ihrem Gewissen leiten? Giert es Sie nach Macht und Herrschaft? Oder steht für Sie Gerechtigkeit über allem anderen? Und was bedeutet Gerechtigkeit in jenen Tagen überhaupt?
  • Einzigartige Spielwelt ohne abgedroschene Fantasy-Klischees
  • Fesselnde, nichtlineare Geschichte
  • Über 50 Stunden Spielspaß in einer Kampagne mit acht Kapiteln und zwei Zusatzszenarien
  • Einzigartiges, dynamisches Kampfsystem: Jeder Zug ist gleichzeitig ein Angriff
  • Rüsten Sie jeden einzelnen Kämpfer Ihrer Armee individuell aus
  • Große Auswahl an Waffen, Zaubersprüchen und Fähigkeiten - berittener Kampf inklusive
  • Vielfältige Upgrade-Möglichkeiten Ihrer Truppen
  • Jeder Stufenaufstieg einer Einheit spiegelt sich in deren Aussehen wieder
  • Symphonischer Soundtrack im Mittelalter-Stil
  • Szenario-Editor mit allen Entwickler-Tools: Erschaffen Sie Ihre eigenen Abenteuer


  • CPU: 2 GHz dual-core CPU
  • GFX: 1024 MB graphics memory, shader model 3 (Radeon HD 6670, GeForce GT 630)
  • RAM: 3 GB RAM
  • Software: XP, Vista, 7, 8
  • HD: 2 GB available space
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • Peripherie: Screen resolution 1280x1024; Dedicated video card required
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

53 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 09:33
Strategisch, kurzweilig = gut umgesetzt
231 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 19:20
very good game and amazing developer! even now 5 years after release and 7 years after EA the dev himselfe is still active in the forums and anwsering and helping players, personally.
202 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 09:34
Sehr schönes Spiel, mit mittelalterlichem Thema!
498 Produkte im Account
275 Reviews
2354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.17 16:33

Legends of Eisenwald ist ein Strategiespiel von Aterdux Entertainment.


Die Handlung spielt im mittelalterlichen Deutschland und man schlüpft in die Rolle des Herrschers von Lahnstein. Auf Grund verschiedener Intrigen verliert man jedoch ganz schnell seine Ländereien und wird in einen Strudel von Ereignissen hineingezogen aus dem man kaum wieder heraus kommt. Das Spiel baut von Kapitel zu Kapitel immer mehr Spannung auf und sobald es eine Frage beantwortet, tun sich mehrere neue dafür auf. Abseits der Haupthandlung kann man dann noch verschiedene Geschichten und Legenden bestaunen. Auch wenn auf der Steam Seite steht, dass es kein Fantasy-Spiel ist so stimmt dies nicht ganz, denn es gibt Untote und ein wenig Magie, auch wenn diese Elemente recht dezent in das Spiel einfliessen.


Im Spiel steuert man seinen Helden in Echtzeit über eine Karte auf der sich verschiedene Objekte wie Dörfer, Burgen oder Tavernen befinden. In jeder Örtlichkeit hat man verschiedene Handlungsmöglichkeiten (Truppen anwerben, heilen, reden,...). In vielen Missionen hat man sogar die Möglichkeite verschiedene Orte zu erobern, was einem meist Geld bringt und bei Burgen auch die Möglichkeit weitere Truppen mit sich zu führen. Die Anzahl des Gefloges ist dabei auf maximal 11 + Held begrenzt, wobei es sich in Gefolge, das einem freilwillig begleitet (meist Handlungsbedingt), Gefolge welches man durch besetzte Burgen mit sich führen kann und Söldner unterteilt, wobei letztere jeden Tag kosten, wodurch man sich gut überlegen muss, ob man sich das leisten will und kann. Jeden einzelnen Soldaten denn man mit sich führt, kann man auch seperat mit verschiedenen Gegenständen ausrüsten und wenn er genug Erfahrung gesammelt hat auch weiterentwickeln.

Der Kampf läuft dann Rundenbasiert ab. Einheiten sind entsprechend ihres Initiativewertes an der Reihe und müssen dann auch etwas tun (angreifen, warten, Spezialaktion,etc.) wirklich aussetzen kann eine Einheit jedoch nicht. Was sie auch nicht kann, ist sich frei bewegen. Am Anfang wirkt das noch recht befremdlich aber man gewöhnt sich daran. Nahkämpfer können nur die Einheiten angreifen die ihnen am nächsten stehen. Sie bewegen sich dann auf diese zu und attackieren sie. Dadurch kann man durch eine gute Aufstellung/Anordnung vor dem Kampf, diesen stark beeinflussen (in dem man z.B. einen Speerträger mit Konterhaltung so platziert, dass die gegnerischen Nahkämpfer nur auf ihn gehen können). Auch die Rolle von Fernkämpfern ist dadurch bedeutender als in anderen Spielen dieser Art, da sie ihr Ziel frei wählen können, sofern kein Gegner direkt vor ihnen steht. Der Schutz der hinteren Reihe ist dadurch auch immer im Auge zu behalten. Insgesamt wirkt das Kampfsystem von Legends of Eisenwald auf mich deutlich tiefgründiger als in anderen Spielen dieses Genres.

Rumlaufen und kämpfen gehen meistens mit Aufgaben einher die erfüllt werden sollen um auf die nächste Karte und somit in das nächste Kapitel zu kommen, wobei man meistens sehr viel von dem einbüßt, was man so mit sich führt. Dennoch lohnt sich das erledigen der Nebenquests, da diese meist sehr interessant sind und manchmal ganz besondere Gegenstände dabei herausspringen.

Grafik und Sound

Grafisch ist das Spiel brauchbar. Die Charaktere sind gut gestaltet auch wenn leider jeder Wirt gleich aussieht (gleiches gilt für viele weitere Charaktere). Die einzelnen Karten auf denen man sich bewegt sind hübsch anzusehen und die Grafik im Kampf ist zeitgemäß. Wenn man sich die Gerüchte in den Tavernen anhört hat das Spiel nur leider manchmal einen Hänger, sodass die Person nur noch starr dasteht oder extreme Zuckungen bekommt. Wenn das passiert spinnt meistens auch gleich noch der Ton und der akteulle Soundtrack startet nach 2-3 Sekunden immer wieder neu. Irgendwann fängt es sich dann aber und Bild und Ton gehen ganz normal weiter.

Der Ton ist dabei aber eh so eine Sache. Er ist zwar nicht schlecht, wird aber auf Dauer sehr eintönig und langweilig. Zudem hätte ich eine Vertonung der Charaktere oder zumindest der Legenden schön gefunden, da es einfach atmosphärischer gewesen wäre, wenn jemand die Geschichten sozusagen vorgelesen hätte.


Insgesamt war Legends of Eisenwald für mich eine sehr positive Überraschung. Das Spiel hat ein paar Schwächen, die man nach einiger Zeit aber gar nicht mehr so mitbekommt oder die es durch seine vielen Stärken wieder ausgleicht. Ich würde dieses Spiel jedem Fan von Strategiespielen (insbesondere rundenbasierten) ans Herz legen und jedem der etwas für eine gute Story und viele kleine Geschichten übrig hat.

Wenn euch die Review gefallen/geholfen hat dann folgt doch unserem Reviewprogramm und wenn ihr mir etwas zu dieser Review mitteilen wollt dann schreibt gerne in die Kommentare.
659 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
1439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.15 11:27
Ich liebe Ritter. Leider kam diesbezüglich ja nicht besonders viel dieses Jahr. Grosse Hoffnungen setzte ich auf Grand Ages: Medieval, dass sich leider als Totalreinfall entpuppte. Mein Fehlkauf des Jahres, ach was rede ich, Fehlkauf des Jahrzehnts. Ich wollte zu dem Spiel ja auch noch ein Review schreiben, und sei es nur andere vor dem Titel zu warnen, aber das Spiel ist einfach derartig langweilig und belanglos, dass ich einfach keine weitere Zeit damit verbringen wollte. Von der völlig unverschämten und irreführenden Marketingstrategie des Publishers ganz zu schweigen.

Empfehlen hingegen kann ich Legends of Eisenwald, ein Abenteuerspiel mit taktischen Rundenkämpfen. Als ich diese Zeilen schrieb, musste ich mich auch noch einmal vergewissern, dass das Spiel wirklich erst 2015 auf den Markt kam, was auch er Fall ist. Denn Legends of Eisenwald befand sich fast zwei Jahre (sofern ich mich richtig erinnere) im Early Access. Eine Kampagnen-Spielzeit von locker 60 bis 70 Stunden ist dabei heraus gekommen. Und ja, ich habe die Kampagne selbst noch bei weitem nicht durchgespielt.

Man sollte allerdings schon eine Vorliebe für Rollenspiele haben bevor man sich das Spiel zulegt. Man muss vergleichsweise viel Text lesen, Entscheidungen treffen und Quests lösen. Man bewegt seinen Protagonisten, der versucht das Hezogtum seiner Familie zu retten, in Echtzeit über wunderschön gezeichnete Landschaften samt Tag- und Nachtwechsel. Die recht zahlreichen Kämpfe finden wiederum rundenabsiert statt. Das ganze Spielprinzip lässt sich am besten mit Expeditions: Conquistadores vergleichen, auch wenn die Rundenkämpfe bei Legends of Eisenwald nicht so intensiv und episch daher kommen wie bei Conquistadores.

Bemängeln würde ich dennoch einige wenige Punkte. Manchmal ist einfach zu viel Hirnschmalz gefragt in dem Spiel. Ich hätte mir gewünscht, die Entwickler hätten da lieber etwas mehr Focus in die Kämpfe gesteckt. Der Spielfluss ging mir einige Male verloren, was auch der Grund sein dürfte, dass ich das Spiel (trotz meiner geliebten Ritter) noch nicht durchgespielt habe. Auch muss man sich bei Kapitelwechsel von seiner lieb gewonnenen Truppe wieder verabschieden und eine neue Truppe aufbauen. Ich würde sie lieber behalten, meine treuen Recken. Alles im allem dennoch eine Kaufempfehlung, sofern man solche Adventures und das Mittelalter mag.

Bin bei Steam auch als Kurator unterwegs und freue mich über jeden Follower: http://store.steampowered.com/curator/2370797-7IDGaming.de/?appid=275290
363 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
5416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.15 11:22
Kurz-Zusammenfassung meines Video-Reviews:

Das Spiel wirkt zwar auf dem ersten Blick sehr ähnlich wie Heroes of Might and Magic, allerdings hat es einen Entscheidenden Unterschied. Während man bei HOMM einen großen stategischen Teil hat (wie baut man die Burgen aus, welche Truppen heuert man an, Goldmanagement usw.), spielt der in Legends of Eisenwald nut eine sehr untergeordnete Rolle. Dafür wird mehr Wert auf einen Rollenspielteil mit Quests gelegt. Es ist damit mit Expeditions Conquistador zu vergleichen.

Ein sehr ausgeklügeltes System, das anfangs durch unkonventionelle Mechaniken limitierend wirkt, dadurch aber eine sehr gute taktische Tiefe erhält. Funktioniert hervorragend.

Die Quests erfordern oft ein Mitdenken und Suchen des Spielers und kauen nicht alles vor. Allerdings gibt es die eine oder andere Stelle, wo man dann dadurch etwas herumirrt, weil die Informationen zum weiterkommen nicht ausreichend waren.
Es gibt Gerüchte in Kneipen, die das Erkunden der Karte fördern.

Funktioniert zwar, ist aber nicht optimal. Auch sind die schwersten Level die ersten. Das einfachste Level ist das letzte der Kampagne.

Das Spiel versäumt es dem Spieler wichtige Dinge mitzuteilen: Beispielsweise was jeweils in jedem Level übernommen wird und einige Kampfregeln. Dazu gibt es nun einen Sticky-Thread im Forum.

Das Spiel funktioniert gut, wirkt aber an einigen wenigen Stellen etwas unpolished und crashed auch ab und an mal (bis zu 1 mal alle 5-10 Stunden). Die Grafik ist hervorragend. Die Musik ist super. Die Soundeffekte haben ein paar kleinere Makel.

Eine hervorragende, hochqualitative deutsche Übersetzung.

Neben der Kampagne (Tutorial+8 Level) gibt es noch 2 Einzel-Szenarien. Ausserdem ist das Spiel im Steam Workshop, wo es ein paar Spieler-Szenarios zu finden gibt. Die Hauptkampagne hat laut Entwickler einen Umfang von etwa 50 Stunden. Ich habe auf dem höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad um 80 Stunden damit verbracht.

Insgesamt damit ein empfehlenswertes Spiel mit interessantem taktischen Kampf, aber leichte Schwächen im Polishing und Balancing.
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
17264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.15 06:07
Ein SUPER Spiel!!! Für alle RPG- und Strategiefans ein muss. Sehr interessante Story und anspruchsvolle Kämpfe. Die Armee kann der Spieler ganz nach eigenen Wünschen zusammenstellen und eine ganz eigene Strategie entwickeln. Dazu kann nicht nur der Held, sondern auch jeder Soldat ausgerüstet und weiter entwickelt werden. Mindestens drei unterschiedliche Hauptstorys kann man verfolgen, somit wird man sicherlich gerne das Spiel auch mehrmals durchspielen wollen.

Kann ich jedem nur empfehlen!!

PS: Die paar negativen Bewertungen stammen noch alle aus früheren Zeiten, vor dem offiziellen Releas der Vollversion, es wurde sehr vieles geändert und verbessert. Also genießt das gute Spiel!
336 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
5508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.15 14:59
Großartiges Spiel!
Wer einen Mix aus Kings Bounty und Heroes of Might and Magic mag sollte sich dieses Spiel mal genauer ansehen. Die Story: Deutschland im Mittelalter, ein bisschen wie Game of Thrones. Man selbst spielt einen betrogenen (Grafen-?)Sohn, dessen Familie aus Gier niedergemetzelt wurde. Man versucht sich wieder einen Titel und einen Namen zu machen und muss dazu mit allerhand miesen Leuten Geschäfte eingehen (katholischer Kirche, Geldverleihern, korrupten Beamten, etc.).
Dazu hat man, und das finde ich am tollsten, bei fast jeder Quest verschiedene Lösungsmöglichkeiten, z.B. sollte ich der katholischen Kirche, die zwar unentgeltlich Arme mit Medikamenten versorgt, aber auch foltert, säuft und herumhurt, helfen oder sollte ich als Ketzer diese Machenschaften verurteilen? Sollte ich dem geradlinigen Geldverleiher, der zwar seine Mutter für Geld verkaufen würde, aber auch Schulen errichten lässt, helfen oder nicht?
Diese Entscheidungen machen für mich dieses Spiel zum Überraschungshit. 10/10
471 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
9070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.14 08:24
Ein sehr atmosphärisches Spiel mit hübscher Grafik und passendem Sound. Das Gameplay,die Quests und die tolle Karte zieht einen schön ins Spiel hinein und lässz einen für 12€ einiges erleben :-)
Die Kämpfe sind sehr fordernd aber nie unfair. Die KI handelt extrem clever ( mit Ausnhamen **grins**). Alle Einheiten sind schön modelliert und haben sehr differenzierte Einsatzgebiete in denen sie glänzen.

Das Zaubersystem bedarf noch einiges an Überarbeitung, funktioniert aber schon recht solide. Es fehlen noch jede Menge Soundsamples und die Lokalisierung muss auch noch überarbeitet werden, aber es ist ja noch Zeit :-)

Abstürze und/oder grössere Bugs hatte ich noch keine, alles läuft sehr stabil und flüssig..... in das in Alpha-Stadium >> Respekt !!

Ein toller RPG-Strategie-Abentuer-Mix in einem unverbrauchten Setting.
157 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 03:32
I would have voted a positive review of the game, but what annoyed me the most was the party restart after every scenario/area, I worked so hard to boost my parties XP only to have to start again in the new area.

No thanks .
225 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
10137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 18:01
Fun and relaxing point and click feudal RPG decidedly well worth the seven guldons payment rendered during sale inclusive of all three DC expansion items. Just a bit old-school, as am I.
63 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
6321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 01:21
Had fun. Finished the game in 75 hrs. It does combine role playing, strategy, and tactics in a unique way. Initially it could take about 4-5 hours to get a feel for the game so I'm glad I wasn't too fast to judge.

RPG: Alot of work went into the scripted quests. The artwork is nice. Overall, if you can follow the story line and keep moving forward it is a time sink. There are eight chapters in an engaging continuing saga. Lots of classically written text. Notes are retained for reference so you can go back to sift through for hints.

Strategy Layer: The strat map is a different location for each chapter. It is nicely rendered in 3D. Enemy units are always in motion on the map. You move your squad around to locations such as village fiefs that are proximal to its castle. Each castle region has a simple economy. Typically your unbound squad raids the villages for gold to support a small band of warriors. This can weaken an enemy faction. But the goal is to capture a castle. The more castles, the more retainers you can support in your squad of up to 12 people. A way around the retainer limit per castle is to hire mercenaries. They are expensive and the running cost will drag you down. You typically hire these to get you over a significant battle. Then fire them and hire low level retainers. You acquire special equipment and gain experience levels to tank up your squad with armour upgrades and horses.

Tactical Battles have some innovative ideas such as one large squad of up to 12 assorted warriors, mage, priests etc. in 3 ranks. Weapons and armour are dependant on profession, classification, and level of each soldier. Battles are fought on a 30 hex grid. Battles DO NOT use AP for movement like in Expeditions Vikings which has an xcom2 system. No. Instead it relies heavily on initiative ratings, and the AI chooses which enemies can be attacked based on a clear path for melee. Range weapons placed in the middle or rear rank can safely target anywhere. Its more tactical than it sounds. Equipping weapons, tokens, and armour that give bonus for initiative becomes a trade-off versus damage inflicted.

Other comments: The reward is acquiring equipment and watching your soldiers grow as you complete the chapter. When you have to exit to the next chapter you might have to go alone but can take only your alter ego's personal equipment through the game. You will have to find a new squad again. Some chapters let you choose two soldiers to go with you. I think this is good. It lets you experience the accomplishment of redesigning a new squad. And since this can be done in a few hours in each chapter, it would get pretty boring taking the same tanked out 12 guys through nine chapters otherwise.

The only thing I didn't care for (there is always something) are the pixel hunts. There are only a couple of them and it doesn't amount to much. I mean in the strategy map trying to get your 3D sprite to follow a sequenced path to trigger access to a special location on the map. I you-tubed one of them. Overall, a great game
313 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 22:59
The games just isn't fun. The turn based combat isn't anything special compared to kings bounty or fire emblem series, the story makes you character make the stupidest decisions to help the plot and its infuriating and after each chapter your party/progress resets.
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 14:45
Great game focusing on character development
386 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 13:09
amazing game
171 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
2027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 18:54
Unique memorable type of game
473 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 01:35
This game is a giant pile of awesome ideas with terrible execution. The graphics are nice, but then with a few extra members in your party, you get stuttering; The story seems to have real plot, but following it from the descriptions is hard at the best of times, and actually wrong at the worst. All in all, this game is a great lesson on why a buffet can be dangerous, you collect so many plates and different things that you don't beautifully finish any of it.
433 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
3380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 10:04
Very good game with good story and good game mechanics.
311 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 08:11
Eisenwald has been funded via Kickstarter in 2012 and went through a year and a half of Early Access. It's been sitting in my library for a long time.

How does it play?
In short, it's a turn-based version of Mount & Blade.
- Similarities: parties on the world map all move at the same time, with NPCs following their patrol routine. Combat takes place on local maps. There are character and party progression and gear management: you can distribute equipment to your followers and upgrade them, for instance from Recruit to Soldier. You need to collect your taxes yourself by visiting the settlements under your (precarious) control. The visual quality is more or less at the level of the pre-Bannerlord games, doing the job with simple textures and very few FX.
- Differences: the campaign is divided in multiple chapters set in various regions of medieval Germany. There are some occurences of fantasy, such as spellcasting christian priests. Dialogue choices are more numerous and more important than in M&B, which means that Eisenwald deserves its RPG tag.

Is it good?
I'll start with the bad news. The gameplay embraces old school design issues and never lets go. The main offenders:
- There are hard progression resets at multiple points in the campaign. It takes hours to recruit, train, upgrade and equip a party of followers, but the game takes it all away at the end of most chapters. Worse than that: the reset rules aren't always the same. Sometimes the game takes all of your companions, inventory and money. Sometimes only some companions. Sometimes only the money. Sometimes the money and the inventory. You're going to get mugged but you never know what's they're going to take from you the next time. So much fun to see your progress undone, again and again.
- Plenty of trial and error is required to discover the hidden information required for many quests. For instance some characters appear only at certain times of the day: you need to know when and where, and wait for them. It was boring in the 90s and it doesn't feel any better now. Some locations can only be visited during the night and some others only during the day. Some quests have a time limit but the game doesn't tell you about it: you'll find out when the time runs out.
So I don't need a game to hold my hand to enjoy it: the immersion in the brilliant Disco Elysium only benefits from the absence of quest markers, GPS and other cheesy tools. But there's a limit to the amount of frustrating rules I'm ready to cope with for the sake of realism. At some point they start weighting against immersion rather than supporting it.

Now for the positive aspects:
- The setting is refreshing and well presented. Not everyone will enjoy it: it sits halfway between historical and fantasy, not wanting to take a side. And the player needs to remember or note down many German names including small family trees. But it's a good job and a plus for the game.
- The story itself is much better than it ought to be. Beyond the formal facade of a medieval society, presented among sunny landscapes and joyful tracks of traditional music, the player steadily realises that there is no good in this world as everybody clings to their personal interests, beliefs and sins.
- Combat is effective. The small amounts of units on both sides and the very limited variety of actions make each battle quite short, which is good news because they can get difficult and thus require to be replayed until victory is secured. Individual perks and equipment add some depth.
- Character progression, while unfortunately reset on a regular basis, does the job. I wish it was faster though. It's also terribly unbalanced against low level commoners who are more expensive to heal them than to hire. So whenever one of them is hurt in battle he or she needs to be kicked out and replaced by a healthier fellow. Luckily there's no shortage of naive peasants in these lands!

I'm not enjoying Eisenwald. I'm spending most of my in-game time navigating through what feel like serious flaws spoiling my adventures. But I can see that there's plenty of good content too, and that a different player with more spare time, a pen and a notebook, and the will to save and load frequently (myself ten or twenty years ago?) may genuinely get a lot of fun out of it. Good for them.
89 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
6167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 01:32
great turn based game! fun plot and game play.
323 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
6326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 03:01
Great game and great story! The combination of Heroes of Might and Magic, King's Bounty and Mount and Blade, plus the wonderful story with several plot twists made the game to appeal to me. Loved it!
248 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
17907 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 15:32
Very good game.

Relaxing, atmospheric tactical game.
Yes this game has 2-3 issues like one mission that is confusing (but never frustrating) or that you can pass the gate to the castle in 2. mission. BUT i googled it and many ppl obviously did, and the developer answeres the questions.
I had much fun with LoE, this game sucks you in for days and weeks. The fights are short and fun. Some complains that they are repetetiv, i liked i wish there would be some more fights. Great, Great music and the world.

One of the best games in this genre.
77 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
9171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 22:53
The graphics are amazing and I found myself enchanted by the scenery and some of the cut-screen artwork. The attention to detail cant be beat. A solid 5 stars.

If you’ve played King’s Bounty, you will be familiar with how combat works here. It is turn-based. There is some grinding involved, but which game doesn’t? The description of the game states not fantasy, but thee are supernatural beings such as vampires, ghosts, and ghouls. I love this type of combat but fighting the ghosts ended up being so annoying. Half of your troops won’t be able to do any damage to them and it just prolongs the battle. Ugh. 4 stars.
The storyline is very intriguing and I enjoyed the witty dialogue. Some of the German names were tongue twisters to an English speaking person, and I apologize for my horrid mispronunciations. I played as the Baroness as I love ranged combat. However, there were some encounters with NPC’s where they kept referring to me as male. Really? There were also numerous editing issues throughout the game. Leave it to an author to complain. Smile with tongue out Four stars.

There are multiple maps we move onto as we progress through the game. Almost every one you end up losing all your troops or get to retain only one or two. You also lose either all your money and every thing in your inventory. That means every new map you are hiring new people to level up again, and buying the same armor/weapons over and over. I totally understand why so few people finish the game. 3 stars.

When moving around the game, some maps have horrible pathfinding. You click on a spot and then you’re suddenly going a long way around, right into the path of your enemies. Or,you click and click to find the exact spot you need to stand on to trigger dialogue/action. Also, the quest instructions have a lot to be desired. I spent forever just trying to find the Crystal Apple Tree. Since its part of the main quest, I had no choice but to find it. 2 stars.

The game does have more than one ending, depending on the choices you make. I did the REVENGE ending, as I did not want to be a puppet for Von Sterch. However, I will never replay this game to find out how the other ending goes. Nope. Nada.
All in all, I do recommend this game. However, if you do play it, you might want to use this walkthrough. There is no way I could’ve finished this game without it. I
421 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 03:48
This game just struggles to feel complete. Perhaps it is the bad translation with ran?dom cha.racters placed throu;ghout the dialog'ue. Or perhaps it was the incredibly linear combat. Or the odd choice of game clock and way your troops healed and leveled.

I think the game had great potential, it just does not feel like a completed project.
284 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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2979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 02:52
I have had this game since March 2018, I love these types of strategy/tactic games and I've held off posting a review because I wanted to be fair. But the truth is the game is not like Disciples 2 or HOMM, those games provide you enough resources and manpower to win, not so much with LofE. Ask yourself why the Dev's thought it necessary to put the below disclaimer on the store page? I think the last two words sum it up best,....'Be warned' you're going to get frustrated and move on to other games wishing you had your money back.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Similar to games like Disciples 2 and HOMM, there may be points farther into the game where you lose it all, troops, gold, inventory. All those things you worked so hard for. This is part of the game, not a bug. And you wont know when.... Be warned.
273 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 21:45
Its sad that this game has such low attention. it has great potential but it needs a strong modding community to bring fun new maps and stories, as the base game only has a few.

The gameplay is fun and kind of a mix of Mount and blade (in that there is an overhead map view for the main world) and any turn based combat game. Highly reccomend, please share this game with the world and give it attention!
167 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 05:34
Came into this game with low expectations, and while there are issues with UI and the fact that you start from zero every new map, this game was surprisingly enjoyable. Largely this is down to the fantastic quick paced turn based combat and the fun that comes with making your team and typical joys of the genre.

Often, turn based combat in indie games can be slow and ponderous and often a way to try and wedge a gameplay mechanic into their games. The combat here, is genuinely a joy. Simple, strategic and quick, no complaints in titles such as these.
766 Produkte im Account
404 Reviews
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2380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 19:30
This game begins great: it has an interesting story, varied quests, short but intense turn based fights. Overall, it reminds about King's Bounty and Disciples a lot. But with a very budget look and feel. I was totally going to recommend Legends of Eisenwald up until I was around 20-25 hours into the campaign.

However, the further you advance, the more obnoxious everything gets. The number of fights significantly increases. and they all feel more or less identical. At the same time, there's almost no quests, and those that are there feel like a chore. For instance, one of the last maps has only 3 quests, and one of those requires you to visit a dozen locations scattered all over the map. Not only that, but some locations can only be visited at night, and others - at day. This entails a lot of boring walking around and waiting.

And right after you finish the quest, there's a really hard fight, but before that fight 3 of your best fighters are taken prisoner. Not only you lose fully equipped troops you leveled up for the last several hours, you also need to win one of the hardest fights in the game having only basic units.

Are you still here? Hey, we let you keep only 2 people under your command and have you conquer a bunch of heavily guarded castles on the next map! Sure, you can hire some more units, like worthless peasants and rogues who are good only as a cannon fodder (battle system in the game works in a way that having more units on the battlefield is always good even if those units die from one hit).

Overall, it feels that the last locations of the game were given very little love and were quickly put together just to extend the length of the campaign. But why? The first half is great, the second is basically one endless boring fight with identical enemies. So even if you are interested, I suggest getting it on sale and finishing only up until map 5 or so. The game goes downhill after that rather quickly.
78 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
4461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 11:55

*Deep breath*

- Main Campaign:

The story: is brilliant and as far as my gaming experience goes: unique. The title ‘Legends of Eisenwald’ is not just for show. You really get to hear the gossip, the superstitions and the legends of the world. To me it felt like I was a child again with a storybook of heroes and princesses and evil wizards and hags in huts hidden in dark parts of the woods. The mists hide evil creatures, the bells toll, the ghosts haunt remote ruins. And it’s written sooo well. I loved it. There are translation issues but I found them minor. Just go with the feel.

The world: Very well done. What you would expect of the setting. You have the landowners, the merchant class, the church and the peasants. No one is evil and no one is a saint. There are certain cases of clear cut right and wrong but mostly everyone is trying to survive and stay on top as much as they can. I liked that. The writers don’t take sides and don’t feel preachy. They give you a world and let you decide.

The research: I am no expert but I was impressed. The weapons are realistic. The setting carefully done. You meet for example ‘run away peasants’ and this is probably the first time I read about a yatagan in a game. The women in your party are wearing long dresses and have their hair covered. Lots of details I really enjoyed. Also, male soldiers and clergy / female healers and witches. I don’t bicker about historical accuracy in all games but it’s nice to have. I don’t care to play modern thinking people in medieval armour. Which brings us to...

The hero. Simply put he’s well written. He is also occasionally tough to like. If you enjoy reading books of the era: the writers got the arrogance bit spot on. He radiates it. He is also involved in a very personal quest that made me really connect with him. He makes some hard decisions, he is not altruistic. And if one steps back and thinks about it: neither are most of us. I liked him. And his journey is written well and doesn’t fall into the usual ‘feel good’ category. Imaginary scenario. You want to run into the flaming orphanage to save the kids? You’ll die, your companion says. In any other game you’d get away with it. In Eisenwald you will die. You’ll get a statue but you will die. Game over. You can’t have your cake and eat it. So when the hero walks past that orphanage, runs away from that battle, leaves someone behind... he just an average guy. A believable one. That said: there is A LOT of opportunities to be good and heroic and save the orphans and stand up for your friends and help people. Just not EVERY time.

The combat: Well, combat is not my strong point. I can’t really review combat properly. I liked the way it was done, I enjoyed levelling and equipping different units and trying out different strategies. I’m 70 hours in and still learning new things. It had issues though. One thing was having to attack whoever is closest: there were points where the closest was also immune to my weapon. Didn’t happen often but was frustrating. I had to look up the weapons abilities in a guide. And I could do with a bit more variety in gear... maybe. Simply put: I loved it but it needs fixing. To be honest this holds for everything in the game. It is like Age of Decadence in that sense. Brilliant but flawed. And you can just hope the devs of both games will get to make more games and improve on their ideas. High hopes :)

- Masquerade: I found it quite enjoyable but I felt it lacked a bit of information. Then again, we don’t get all the info we want real life before making a decision, so I’m assuming it was probably deliberate. Interesting endings. I got two different ones, maybe there’s more.

- Cursed Castle: This one is a sandbox. Not an easy one, I thought but I felt quite satisfied on completing it. Really, REALLY satisfied! I believe this one easily warrants a second playthrough if you want to optimise your party.

- Soundtrack: It’s lovely. It fits with the era and it’s a pleasure to listen to. Got it separately and have been listening to it when not playing.

- Artbook: Very nice. It has various concepts, drafts, art you won’t see in game. Also the cutscene stories and the artists thoughts and research. Basically, all I want from an artbook.
71 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
5734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 10:17
Legends of Eisenwald is a really good game and in the category of small studio titles certainly outstanding.
The concept is similar to the old Heroes of Might and Magic/King's Bounty design: You manouver your army around exploring and sometimes triggering battles which are conducted in a small scale hex-field tactical map.

The story is well written, philosophical even, and I enjoyed it a lot. The Medieval atmosphere was created really nicely and convincingly.
The tactical battles worked out within the game design but I found them a bit too limited. E.g. it is not possible for your knights to dismount (while it is awesome to have mounted troops!) during battle or freely choose to which field your characters should go.
The RPG elements of character development probably are close to Mount & Blade. It is an ok system for managing smaller armies without much micromanagement.

Graphics are sufficient and not too PC-recource consuming. Sound effects were nice and not too intrusive like in some other games where you just turn the crap off after a while.

All in all quite enjoyable and I give the game a 84/100 ranking within the categroy of small titles as well as my sincere recommendation if you are at all into RPG, strategy, story driven games.

Many thanks to the developers for creating this title!
762 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 08:36
The game is unstable and I've had issues with it crashing randomly as well as save files not properly saving (leading to crashes as I try to load them). The quests are vague and unintuitive, after the tutorial the game gives you little direction and its very easy to screw things up for yourself. It shows promise and I'd stick with it if it wasn't for the fact that it keeps crashing on me randomly.
20 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 12:49
Good and well made game, liked everything about it aside from the fact you generally lose all your amulets, equipment and soldiers when you move to the next stage, especially felt in the stage where you have to fight the landgrave. Would strongly recommend playing it regardless.
89 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 02:11
1013 Produkte im Account
361 Reviews
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 01:16
Its cool, but the devs used the engine of this game to make clones of itself, so buy the newer ones instead
181 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
13347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 14:32
One of the best strategy rpg mix-ups. The gameplay mechanics are great, the story and historical-mythical background even better.
87 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 11:43
I love the medieval setting but there was just something about this game that just refused to pull me in. Not sure if it was the slow pacing, dull characters or lackluster combat. All I know is that I really wanted to like this game but I couldn't.
492 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
2573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 23:56
I've played about 26 hrs now. Great game. Nice visuals and some good story telling. The game has chapters you must complete in order to progress the story. The game is quite difficult but once you learn how to maintain your units and learn how the healer works it becomes a little easier. Recommend saving often and having multiple saves as you never know what can happen next.
245 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
4957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 01:53
I really enjoyed this game, and now they have some new stuff out too. im just waiting until it goes on sale, which i would recommend to anyone wanting to try these games. the game is very choice oriented which i also really enjoyed. i would recommend these games to anyone really. esspecially if you enjoy turn based tactics and choice matter games
835 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
1471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 13:12
Please follow TotalWar:Arena for quality reviews

Legends of Eisenwald Review

Legends of Eisenwald is a single-player tactical role-playing game developed and published by Aterdux Entertainment. The game was finally released on Steam July 2, 2015, after leaving extended early access since October 2013 & a successful Kickstarter campaign. It’s available exclusively for Windows only on Steam.


Legends of Eisenwald (LoE) is a Fantasy RPG set in the fictitious country of Eisenwald in medieval Germany. The main story is set in times of the holy roman empire where you control a noble with a party of six fighters, archers, or support units, which can expand up to 12 as you progress. LoE includes the core elements of any RPG out there in the bare minimal form: You can play as a Knight, Mystic or a Baroness, and gain experience and levels by completing quests, interacting with NPCs, and battling enemies. Each class has its advantage: For example, a knight can learn to ride a horse, a mage can learn mass spells, and a baroness can use both bows and crossbows. Each hero can learn new skills that are divided into skill trees into three parts: combat, feudal, and command. Combat skills are unique for each class, whereas feudal and command skills are shared among the three heroes. There isn’t a lot of customization, as all characters have identical appearances and equipment. Hence there is no other game mechanic to provide any character depth apart from upgrading your combat skills.
The gameplay is mainly divided into two parts: first is the global map exploration that includes completing quests, buying and selling weapons armor, potions, equipping the army, managing castles, and other possessions, and the second consists of the battles themselves. You’ll mostly wander the 3D map with various villages, cities, temples, ruins with a full day/night cycle. Quests are always unsophisticated and always end up in fights.
Eisenwald’s story will feel quite static due to the lack of any meaningful choices, which will be quite evident as you play and the adventures go. But its not necessarily a bad thing. Instead, it gives the feel of choice over any situation disguised in the form of puzzles because these decisions were never really in your hands. Overall the game is an extensive but not a profound experience because of the overly complicated plot and the occasionally vague quest instructions.


The game features turn-based combat. Fights are fast, straightforward, and constrained in the tight diamond of hexes with no environmental obstacles. This almost uproots any chances of tactical gameplay while keeping strategic gameplay to its bare-bones. As the campaign progresses, you’ll fight bandits, rebellious peasants, zombies and ghosts, knights and necromancers. It also features many other units, including soldiers, spearmen, nobles, pikemen, priests, monks, healers, witches, each with their different stats and skills. As your troops gain levels and abilities, you’ll unlock stuns, wounds, and various forms of buffs.


The graphics are excellent but look dated. The game uses a darker palette of colors to make it look hundreds of years old, considering it set in the harsh medieval world full of hexes and hobgoblins. Maps are accurate to its setting, and they’re incredibly detailed, no matter if the scene is a city, forest, river, valleys, or mountains.


Like it or not, the game will form a loop as you play: Grab a quest, do a fight or two, progress your troops, get some backstory, and carry on. There are very fewer events that will grab you into the immersion you look for in any RPG since the game’s overly-ambitious story fails to deliver that. Some bugs still exist like triggering Quests can be very finicky; sometimes, it won’t trigger unless you stand in exactly the right spot on the map at the right time, the character won’t move to the desired place on mini-map, and there are occasional game crash issues. Overall, Eisenwald is not a deep tactical game; It is just a fast turn-based simple RPG that stays true to its historical german setting with elegant graphics. True RPG fans will surely like it. I only recommend checking it out in a sale!

Rate: 7/10
37 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
11972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 00:16
Game is good. Could be a lot better. Campaign does not feel like a campaign because you always start from scratch every chapter, nothing you did is of any importance. Depressing. Was so set on hoarding equipment for a full army, level my units up... nah, they all disappear when you move to next step in campaign.
If you are okay with starting again and again with no sense of progression, then the game is definitely great.
82 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 20:58
I tried to play this game a few times and did not like it.Firstly I do not like to micro manage a kingdom, Secondly I do enjoy micro managing a battle (like the bounty series of games or homm v).I did enjoy the story telling but not the quests.Lastly this game is far from intuitive, and newbies will find it frustrating even on easy mode.Big on promise,little on delivery.Wait for a huge discount, it might be worth it then.
110 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 11:40
Great stories.
Solid TBS battles.
Interesting RPG elements.
I heartily recommend.

PS Played offline.
214 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 16:44
All time classic game for the fans of turn based strategy games!
343 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 06:03
I like a lot of the concepts behind the battles, but it's hard to gauge how tough an opponent is before a battle and trying to bring up your force to be on the safe is an incredibly tedious affair that I just lost patience with.

Edit: Nope. Gave the game a second try, and despite knowing a bit more what I was doing it was even less fun the second time around. Gotta run around looking for the right troops, not just for your army but all your garrisons, and you have to walk them there manually. And you have to collect the taxes from all your settlements manually, all the while the mercenaries used to supplement your force need payment daily. Also gotta run around looking for healing. I'm sure this there might be something said for the survival element, I'd rather have quality of life. If you're a feudal lord, you ought to be able to hire a few tax collectors and other minions to do the small stuff instead of running around doing it yourself.
176 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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1133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 12:21
Poor execution and too many crashes. Hopefully the next title will be more a bit more fleshed out. Certainly hope they build in a way to keep troops long enough to rank them up and enjoy them more, rather than constantly having to repruchase and rebuild the same troops without ever getting past the initial levels and skill trees. Needs a better skill and ability system, plus walking, and map could use some overhauls. Overall, maybe alright for about 15 hours before getting irritated at the imbalance.
78 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.20 20:15
Game system is like heroes of might & magic, but with lower tactical elements : even if ranged attacks have a malus for distance higher than 2, the close contact can be done to nearest ennemy, whatever the distance... No interest to attack from back or anything else apparently. beyond fights, global movement is slow and it becomes painful to move around to get your mercenaries, heal yourself, collect gold... Equipment cannot be colelcted or crafted... Economy to fuel your army is not efficient... On any dimension, heroes of might and magic is better...
75 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
2042 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.19 17:44
This game can be a little frustrating, but, overall, I do like the low fantasy world it is set in, and, I also like the VERY medieval look of the characters. I don't think I've got this game totally down yet, but, the learning curve is not steep.

Overall, I highly recommend this one.
233 Produkte im Account
157 Reviews
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.19 09:18
Old school vibes. Good story
341 Produkte im Account
276 Reviews
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283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.19 08:50
They still didn't fix the resolution scale, until then my vote is no.
55 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.19 00:25
This review is a bit different than others as it will recommend the game from historical point of view, so, if you are a history nerd, this is the review for you!

This game is by far one of the few and best games which represented medieval feudal world especially the low tier hierarchy (Esquire - knights (Ritter) - baron - count - duke) in a very great way.
Only other game which represented them well is Kingdom Come Deliverance.
In most of other games the lowest title available would be count (CKII for example).
Despite the fantasy elements which of course doesn't count into historical accuracy, the game was able to show how medieval countryside was divided and the maps were very accurate in depicting all of its elements including villages, manors, castles, forests, bandits, market towns and cities.
Even the story-line reveals a lot about how was the day to day life in medieval societies such as peasants stories, myths, taverns, citizens of free cities and conflict of lords and intrigue.

If you want to learn better about medieval hierarchy, specially lower ranks, then this game is great for you. I highly recommend it
3885 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
3514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.19 17:39
Tbs with good story in brilliant semi-historical and quite dark setting. Army management and fighting are just alright, but it's mainly writing and rich lore that makes the game special.
384 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
4819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.19 22:57
I played it for 72 hours, I must have liked it! I liked the combat system, the writing, the music and the story. =)
73 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.19 04:23
I'm just going to start this review off by firstly saying I bought this game on sale a while back, knowing that it was outside my preferred game-types, but wanted to expand/broaden my horizons. No, it did not make me change my mind, and though while kinda fun to begin with, to me, kinda just got grindy the further on I got.

++ Well presented story
++ Combat has some really good mechanics, and offers plenty of viable strategies
++ Graphics - subjective I know but I liked them
+/- Only 'bug' with this game is it crashes if you leave it running and your pc goes to sleep
- Quests can sometimes be a little misleading (and I don't think it was because I was unused to the style of game)
-- Strategic Map Pathing - man was this annoying. Trying to click a path to go that was semi-obscured made trying to find the exact place to click quite difficult (e.g. behind trees)

Overall, I think the positives outweigh the negatives. And obviously, the game won't suit everyone. But what it tries to do well, it definitely does well.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
68.08% 482 226
Release:02.07.2015 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Aterdux Entertainment Vertrieb: Surprise Attack Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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