• Legendary: Screenshot aus Legendary: The Box
  • Legendary: Neuer Screen.
  • Legendary: Screenshot aus Legendary: The Box
  • Legendary: Screenshot aus Legendary: The Box
  • Legendary: Neuer Screen.
  • Legendary: Screenshot aus Legendary: The Box
  • Legendary: Neuer Screen.
  • Legendary: Frische Bilder.
  • Legendary: Frische Bilder.
  • Legendary: Screenshot aus dem Kreaturen - Trailer zu Legendary
  • Legendary: Screenshot aus dem Kreaturen - Trailer zu Legendary
  • Legendary: Screenshot aus dem Kreaturen - Trailer zu Legendary
  • Legendary: Screenshot aus Legendary: The Box
  • Legendary: Neuer Screen.
  • Legendary: Screenshot aus Legendary: The Box
  • Legendary: Screenshot aus Legendary: The Box
  • Legendary: Neuer Screen.
  • Legendary: Screenshot aus Legendary: The Box
  • Legendary: Neuer Screen.
  • Legendary: Frische Bilder.
  • Legendary: Frische Bilder.
  • Legendary: Screenshot aus dem Kreaturen - Trailer zu Legendary
  • Legendary: Screenshot aus dem Kreaturen - Trailer zu Legendary
  • Legendary: Screenshot aus dem Kreaturen - Trailer zu Legendary


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 13.11.2008
Zum Shop
Preis Update 04.05.24

Über das Spiel

Legendary ist eine atemberaubende Blockbuster-Erfahrung von Spark Unlimited, in der Mensch und Maschine in einer Welt sozialen Zerfalls gegen eine Legende kämpfen, um alle Kriege zu beenden. Geschütze hohen Kalibers treffen in erbitterten Feuergefechten, welche niemals zuvor in einem Videospiel realisiert wurden, auf Schnauze, Kralle, Reißzahn und Klaue. Eine lebende dynamische Umgebung wird spektakulär im Kampf um das eigene Leben auseinander gesetzt, die Verwüstung von New York und London erreicht ein nie vorher dagewesenes Ausmaß.

Dieses First Person Action Spiel wird weltweit für Xbox 360, Playstation 3 und PC im Jahr 2008 in Gesellschaft mit Gamecock Media und Atari in den Läden zur Verfügung stehen.


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1203 Produkte im Account
542 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 18:14


Ok, der Witz war mal so richtig schlecht. Aber was soll ich tun? Da kommen eben Fabelwesen drin vor!

“Legendary” ist ein sehr, sehr linearer Shooter. Inbesonders fällt dies schon nach wenigen Minuten auf, da das Level-Design einfach wahnsinnig schlauchig ist. In der selben Umgebung laufen wir sehr lange durch die Gegend, was mich echt an das erste „Halo“ erinnert hat und dem Spiel einfach nicht gut tut. Zudem ist es relativ einfach und fühlt sich stumpf an. Trotz des langen Streckens ist das Spiel mit ca. 6 Spielstunden recht kurz. Die zweite Hälfte ist dann immerhin wesentlich abwechlungsreicher, aber da muss man natürlich erst einmal hin kommen. Zugute muss man dem Spiel halten, dass es immer wieder zu neuen Scriptsequenzen kommt, welche die Umgebungen zumindest teils etwas auflockern. Nervig sind aber auch oft Umgebungseffekte, die den Spieler leider viel zu oft direkt töten können, wenn man gerade mal nicht in die Richtung schaut. Ansonsten fühlt sich das Spiel einfach nur wie ein alter Shooter an, wirkt statisch und das Waffenhandling ist auch nicht mehr besonders schön. Mit unserer Magie des Animus können wir uns obendrein selber heilen oder eine Schockwelle auslösen. Da wäre doch Mehr möglich gewesen! Immerhin gibt es eine schöne Palette an Feinden, seien es nun Soldaten oder Fabelwesen.

Als Meisterdieb Deckkard sollen wir im Auftrag eines Mannes namens LaFey ein wertvolles Stück aus dem Museum stehlen. Jedoch haben wir es hier nicht mit einem Goldschatz, sondern mit der Büchse der Pandora zu tun, die wir ausversehen auch gleich öffnen. So entkommen unendliche Scharen an Greifen, Werwölfen, Feuerdrachen und anderen Wesen ihrem Gefängnis und nehmen New York ganz schön auseinander.
Unser Auftraggeber wusste darüber Bescheid und versucht nun auch noch, uns auszuschalten. Gebrandmarkt von der Büchse, bekommen wir allerdings eine neue Fähigkeit und stellen uns der Gefahr entgegen. Unterstützung bekommen wir dabei von LaFeys ehemaliger Assistentin und einer anderen Organisation. Im Kampf sind unsere Verbündeten allerdings so nützlich wie imperiale Sturmtruppen…

Für 2008 ist das Spiel nicht gerade der Hingucker, aber vermutlich befand sich das Spiel bereits damals schon länger in Entwicklung. Ich will nicht nur auf dem Spiel herumhaken, daher sage ich mal, dass es gerade noch ausreichend, aber ziemlich verwaschen ist.
Habe ich die sich ständig wiederholende Umgebung erwähnt, die sich erst nach der Hälfte des Spiels öfters mal verändert? Die englische Synchronisation ist wohl noch ok, wobei ich manche Sprecher etwas schwach fand. Der Spielsound ist leider auch eher im Bereich 2004 als in 2008 angesiedelt.

So viel man aus „Legendary“ hätte machen können, so wenig ist daraus geworden. Das Gameplay ist mittelmäßig, das Level-Design ist teils schrecklich und die Grafik war nie besonders gut und ist jetzt veraltet. Es bleibt ein mittelmäßiger Shooter, in dem der Spieler nicht viel nachdenken muss. Meiner Meinung spricht höchstens die Grundidee und der niedrige Preis für einen Kauf. Verpassen tut man hier aber Nichts. Das Setting ist super und vielleicht erleben wir ja mal ein Spiel, dass sich der Geschichte annimmt und dabei etwas moderner wirkt. Schön wäre es ja. Immerhin hat alleine das Szenario gereicht, dass ich es ca. 8 Jahre nach dem ersten Spielen noch einmal durchgespielt habe.

Greifen, Drachen, Geister…Das kann schon die Fantasie beflügeln. Weißt du, was auch deine Fantasie beflügeln könnte? Ein Blick auf meine anderen Reviews, die ich in meiner Steamgruppe poste!
74 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 01:12
Legendary kann mit mythologischen Kreaturen und riesigen Gegner den Spieler erfreuen. Die manchmal zur Verfügung stehenden Partner helfen beim Kampf und sind eine echte Bereicherung beim großen Sieg am Ende des Spieles. Die Grafik ist zwar nicht aktuell aber für ein Spiel aus dem Jahr 2008 ganz passabel und auch der Sound kann gefallen. Der Preis ist angemessen und deshalb eine Empfehlung.
336 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.20 15:40
Für nur 0.59 Cent im Sale ist es mehr als Gerecht, habe keine Probleme,crashes oder sonstiges. Story ist langweilig wer nur zum ballern kommt, ist hier immer Willkommen!
120 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.15 18:44
Ich habe dieses Spiel für eine Mark Füffzich im Sale gekauft, bin allerdings enttäuscht! Die Effekte sind von Anfang 2000, die Shooter-Grundmechanik ist altbacken aber in Ordnung. Nur das albern geringe Springen ist zum Verzweifeln.
Die Grundidee vom Ausbruch Pandora's Box ist dabei aber eine gelungene Settingabwechslung!
Die Story bewegt sich dennoch am Rande der Banalität.
Ich habe mich mehr durch das Spiel gequält, nicht nur Dank der doofen Rücksetzpunkte!
Allgemein lohnt sich das Spiel nicht, Greife und so mögen zwar cool sein, die restlichen monsterdesigns sind eher grausig designt un dschocken nicht.

Auch gut; es gibt bei den Guides einen Beitrag, der einem beschreibt wie man das Spiel löscht und Spieleempfehlungen für bessere Spiele :D

1664 Produkte im Account
498 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.14 16:30
Review verfasst am 16.11.2014


Ich weiss dieses Spiel hat viele negative Bewertungen und viele Gamer mögen dieses Spiel nicht. Bei mir war es am Anfang auch so. Ich hatte mir dieses Spiel vor einigen Jahren schon gekauft und habs nach einmaligem anzocken als schlecht und nicht spielenswert auf die Seite gelegt und nicht mehr gezockt. Einige Jahre später hab ichs hier nochmal auf Steam entdeckt und für nur paar Euros gekauft. Hab dem Spiel ne Chance gegeben und siehe da, ich finds mittlerweile gar nicht mehr so schlecht. Dem Spiel würde ich die Spielspassnote 3 geben.

Hab das Game auf win 7 gezockt und hatte am Anfang schwerwiegende Grafikfehler, alles sah aus wie aus Knete. Lösung: Hab in der Grafiksystemsteuerung das Game ausgewählt und einige Einstellungen manuell verändert und alles sah recht akzeptabel aus, trotz des Alters des Games. Am Schluß des Spiels gibt es leider noch einen weiteren schwerwiegenden eigentlich unakzeptablen Bug, den Fahrstuhlbug. Man steigt in den Fahrstuhl und fällt irgendwie runter und sirbt einfach. Ich hab leider keine andere Möglichkeit gesehen als sich aus dem Internet ein Savegame zu holen dass gleich nach dem Fahrstuhl weitermacht. Spielzeit des Games beträgt ca. 6 Stunden.

Ich Empfehle dieses Game nur den Actionfans, die schon alles gezockt haben und neues Futter suchen und denen die zwei erwähnten Bugs nichts ausmachen. Ihr dürft nicht einfach nach den ersten paar Minuten das Game aufgeben, sondern einfach weiter zocken, auch wenn es am Anfang nicht soviel Spass macht. Kauft euch das Spiel nur wenn Ihr es günstig kriegt! Und wie immer erst paar Lets Plays gucken, dann kaufen!
465 Produkte im Account
116 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.14 18:18
6843 Produkte im Account
281 Reviews
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.13 22:24
Die Stärke dieses Spiels, ist KEINESFALLS das Gameplay, es ist ein 0815 Shooter bei dem ihr nichtmal über kleinere Steine springen könnt.
Es ist ein einfacher Shooter der durch seine einzigartige Story von der masse abhebt.

In welchem Spiel wird schon einmal die Büchse der Pandora geöffnet und eine ganze Stadt von Fabelwesen überrant? (Außer Hellgate London) Ich wüsste so auch kein weiteres.
Cutszene Massaker vom feinsten. Wer sich einfach mal die Story geben möchte sollte 6 Stunden einplanen und im Sale zuschlagen. Einen Blick ist es Wert, aber sagt nicht ich hätte euch vom Gameplay nicht gewarnt!
1816 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.12 14:37
Ein Shooter, der in dieser Form wohl einmalig ist! Geile Story, geiles Setting.
24 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 05:32
It's the best game for its time and still is.For the end elevator glitch go to files look up steam then go to steamapps then common look for legendary then pandoragame then config now defaultinput look for pageup and down and change dummy to.For pagedown ''walk'' and page up to ''ghost'' or check out game library the vid is called legendary tutorial elevator glitch solved
370 Produkte im Account
252 Reviews
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 17:50
Despise some weird bugs here and there, at it's price, is worth the try, ain't as bad as some ppl suggest
2640 Produkte im Account
204 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 11:12
Pandora's Box is open, mythological creatures attack the Earth, and you're the Chosen One™ to stop them.

To be honest, the premise is not bad, and there is potential in the idea. But it's like a messy mix of different, better games. Rooms with blood spatters and bodies remind me of FEAR, the apocalyptic setting reminds me of Darksiders - both games did their part better, while being vastly superior games overall.

Legendary is just a badly made game. The story is alright, but the other issues completely undermine whatever little positive it has.
There is barely any variety in enemies, the energy-absorbing and healing ability doesn't work against human enemies. AI is stupid, looking down the iron-sight is buggy, mouse sensitivity makes a pain to properly aim.

The maps are linear, but they still spoon-feed you instructions: energy door blocks the stairs. Obviously, you need to remove it. Pressing Q always shows you your objective, but even data collectibles just tell you that it blocks the way to the roof, where you want to go.
But the funniest was when you wanted to go to the cathedral, which has a shelter in it. After you fallen into the sewers(!) through a collapse of the courtyard (made out of huge boulders) there is a neat sign fixed on the wall showing you where to go. It's shamelessly signaling you the way to go in a setting where you can go ONE direction, and in a way that they try to make it natural... but in a place where nobody could/would ever go.

So, overall they really tried with variety, but the depth and quality is really lacking in every single field. Not as horrible as I thought it will be based on the reviews, but it's on the bad side of the things.

PS: I wanted to try this for so long because of its themes, but always got discouraged. Bought it for €0.80? during the winter sale. Not the worst €0.80 I spent, I just don't think one can't spend their time with better things/games with today's wide selection.
27 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 21:45
Legendary wasn't a terrible game as many critics made it out to be. Is it a master piece? No. But was it enjoyable? Yes. The gunplay in this game feel satisfying and the mythical creatures in this game are fun to fight. While the human enemies are okay, they are just your typical generic soldier enemies you shot at in many other first person shooter games. Thankfully they aren't bullet spongey but they are generic when compared to the mythical creatures. The only problems I had with this game is the elevator glitch in the final mission. When I try to get on the last elevator, I glitched through the elevator and when I try to reload into the last checkpoint, I still glitched through the elevator. Thankfully I Managed to fix this bug by going into the Legendary configuration file, go to the default input file, and modify the Page down and up by replacing the words dummy with Walk (for Page down) and Ghost (for Page up). Beside this problem, I enjoy this game and I would recommend this game if you like shooting mythical creatures.
71 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 22:29
I personally love this game. Picked this up on PC when I was 19 I think, remember playing all night on a Sony VAIO laptop. Good times!
734 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 23:16
Legendary is an admirable attempt at a novel idea, but it’s indecisiveness in both narrative tone and game design leaves it stumbling around for most of its duration. The premise will draw you in, but the lack of variety in the enemies and generic story will make you reconsider finishing it.

While certain aspects of the gameplay are underdeveloped, it’s far from bad, and with the help of a workmanlike arsenal, it’s even decently entertaining at times.

If you’re still interested in playing the game, I would wait for it to go on a sale. Otherwise, you can safely skip it.

Watch the full review:
499 Produkte im Account
393 Reviews
348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 09:36

⚖️ Grade = B. Worth a buy, if you're newbie in FPS game. However, if you're looking for exciting combat, it doesn't have


✔️ Good Story
✔️ Variety of enemies
✔️ Easy gunplay
✔️ A lot of ammo
✔️ Support controller
❌ 3rd Person Camera
❌ Coop mission
❌ Variety of Spells
❌ Score / Time Attack

A+ 5 Loving it & wants more No Wait - -
A 3-4 Needed play it right now No Wait - -
B 2 You'll be half satisfied Wait 50%
C 1 Lack of interest Wait 75% - -
D 0 Not what you need Wait 100% - -

???? Long version checklist ➜ Reveal
???? Disagree + Criticize ➜ Write here


???? 2008: Game released & forgotten why I stop playing
???? 2020: I continue play but abandon after first chapter...
???? 2021: Continue & realize the reason I stop....


???? Multiplayer server had shutdown
???? Werewolf able to fake death
???? Animus = Spell Power
???? Pulse = Spell that damage surrounding
???? PDA = List of objectives, Pickups note, Creatures overview & etc
???? Require return to main menu to change difficulty
???? Community Rating: Mixed


⚠️ Bad graphics and bland game play ➜ Agree...
⚠️ Game is broken in the final level ➜ Not sure...
⚠️ Boring and repetitive ➜ Gunplay design is too bland


???? Mythological creatures
???? Absorb life energy from dead creature
???? Self healing by using super powers

Thanks for reading, please ???? to support because writing all this is not a easy task, then:
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???? Visit our group to understand what people we are
263 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 05:38
Well, actually, better than any other game...
218 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 10:58
Not bad. I didn't experience any bugs or anything like that.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 21:58
Played it when it first came out it was fun game but ended with a cliff hanger wishing there was a party two for a long time but it's never happening.
464 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 03:31
I really wanted to like this game but geez it is buggy as hell. Impossible bug to get around at the end of the game. every time you get on the elevator at the last level, you fall through the elevator and out of the map and die every time. Couldnt even beat it :( I would get this game if it is super super cheap. Like 99 cents cheap
17 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 13:55
The problem of repeated music loops.
105 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 15:22
An amazing game. First time ive ever seen buildings explode/rumble and change into robots/something legendary. I Played this with crap gfx card. gonna play again with new potatoe
1029 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 23:51
Let me be clear this game sucks. It really does. It's not due to lack of ambition, but rather due to lack of execution. There is fun to be had here, but so much of it it terrible. Gameplay is fairly rough, weapons selection is basic, inexcusable checkpoints before non-skippable cutscenes, animation is meh as is the audio. Where it really shines (it doesn't, but let's just pretend) is the in the supernatural enemies, particularly the werewolves where you have to behead them to actually kill them or the small flying creatures that can't be hurt while in ghost form. If the game would have polished off all the shit parts and leaned into the creatures a bit more, it could have been decent. Instead, it's not decent. Not even close.
137 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 16:37
It is not the best game ever but is absolutely not a bad game


1434 Produkte im Account
1148 Reviews
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 22:19
A bit janky and the mediocre graphics haven't aged well but otherwise this is a fun little shooter game. The enemies and scenes are interesting and the story is 'good enough'. The weapons are nice and the controls feel fine. It's not a bad experience especially for how cheap it is.
1156 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 00:18
I would be pissed if I got this at full price in 2008.
But for $2 in 2021? This game is fucking awesome.
Dumb story, Great soundtrack and ambitious set-pieces that cement this game in that PS3-era generic FPS way.
It's really fun.
636 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 18:11
Old forgotten classic. Good fps with good idea for the story, nice boss fights. Annoying sometimes jump quests. Good weapons and abit scary enemies. Even after long time graphically still ok looking. Worth to get on sale for this 1 Euro. Short but worth getting.
318 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 04:16
Game breaking bug (check the discussions) that require some config file manipulation, but doesn't work for everyone. Can't recommend a game with a bug that prevents you from completing the game and seems to affect quite a few players. That's some sloppy QA.

Terrible UI for the PDA, some heavy metal riff that plays over and over, player can't jump very high, but can long jump like spiderman, difficult keybinding, needed a final boss fight.

Kind of reminds me of playing NecroVision. It's not great, but it is entertaining enough to play through. Just like NecroVision it wasn't too grindy.

Overall, I think the game would be worth it for a couple of bucks if it wasn't for the elevator glitch/bug at the end which makes it unplayable for some gamers. I had to do the ghost walk trick to complete the game :/
203 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 07:34
I first got this game on the Xbox 360 in 2008, Christmas Day. Had a blast, but sold my 360 and games along with it years down the line. Come to find it on the Steam store, 13 years later, and I still love it.

Honestly, if this game goes on sale under 2 £/$/EU, buy it!

It's not perfect, with some jank physics and time delay issues with button presses and control stick sensitivity issues. I've had a few times where I've been stun locked or crowded by enemies into a corner, while trying to reload, or slid off of ramp due to bad collision or over sensitive stick response, or, worst of all; when you're trying to activate your Animus pulse or throw a grenade having to spend at least 2 - 4 clicks to get it to activate, only to be mauled by a werewolf or fairy stun locking you back into a corner. To be fair, I only every really play on easy to stop it from being TOO much of a frustrating time. I feel if you're going to play it at a harder difficulty, these issues may become more of a problem.

However, the campaign is a fun way to burn through an afternoon. The monsters are fantastic and well realised and the whole thing feels like a late 90's/early 2000's B-grade monster action movie. You've got Werewolves, Griffons, a Golem, Fire Froggy monsters, little Devil Children Fairies that phase in and out of reality, Minotaurs, Leech Monsters and even a Kraken. The game takes you around different parts of America and the UK, a varied states of destruction, so the levels have some variety, and there are some really atmospheric moments in the villages and countryside sections featuring the werewolves. (Think 'Dog Soldiers' but with more fire power.)

The best part about the game is the variety of enemies and how they interact with you. Fairies will phase in and out of reality, forcing you to use energy to phase them to a solid state, Werewolves throw things at you and can scale walls. If you're going through the sewers or underground, giant tentacles whip out at you or destroy your path. It's enough to keep you on your toes and keep the action interesting.

There's humans to spray through too, and they provide lots of ammo and new weapons. The weapons are fairly standard; SMG, Pistol, Assault Rifle, Flame Thrower, Rocket Launcher, with an Axe for melee attacks. There are some destructible things that require a gun or axe to destroy, and some simple puzzles that need some brute force or button holding.

This is one of those games like EDF, Blacksite: Area 51 or Singularity. It's rough around the edges, sure, but there's entertainment to be had in the simple premise and care taken into making the game entertaining and streamline enough to be a competent shooter. It's not going to win any awards, but honestly I would give it a 7/10. Not only for nostalgic purposes, but, the fact that it's a damn fun game. It's kind of sad, the premise of the story is quite inventive, and you can tell there was care taken into realising the games premise, even if it doesn't always work.

If you like monster/creature features and dumb action movies, check it out, on a very highly discounted sale.
775 Produkte im Account
318 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 22:36

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Premise: You'll control Charles Deckard, a man hired by the “Black Order” to steal an artifact from a museum in New York. Naturally, he sticks his hand into the box upon finding it and the box stabs him, revealing itself to be none other than the 'legendary' Pandora's Box. Thus our adventure begins. Of course, this stabbing has imbued Deckard with a mark known as the “Signet” — a mark that allows him to perform a number of magical actions. You'll fight mythical creatures as well as humans along the way — [spoiler] you'll fight members of the Black Order after Deckard meets up with another secret organization — “Order of 98” — that wants the box for less nefarious reasons and decides to team up with Deckard to help.[/spoiler]

Interesting mechanics:

  • Water suppression used to close emergence holes, kills fire monsters.
  • Decapitating werewolves is necessary lest they regenerate health and revive.
  • Animus pulse used to make enemies corporeal/keep them from dimensional shifting. Not only used as a “force push”.

Minor grievances add up to a lot of strife:

  • Minor physics objects knock you around.
  • You can't interrupt reload animations. Even the shotgun which needs to reload each cartridge.
  • Doors take too long to open. You need to hold a button down to 'hotwire' doors open. But it takes just a bit longer than you'd instinctively press the button for. Making you need to repeat the process until you've learned to simply hold it longer in the first place.
  • You get stuck on geometry all the time. Making simple traversal needlessly tedious.
  • Werewolves need to be decapitated, but on occasion, their limp physics affected body will clip into the map geometry making it impossible to kill them. You just have to wait until they revive and shoot them again.
  • Much of the story is told through PDA data pickups and many of the cut-scenes are slideshows of what seem to be concept art with a voiceover. Leaving much of the story implied should you not read the PDA.

Legendary wasn't good back then and it's not good now. But it is interesting.

Made by 'Spark Unlimited' of “Lost Planet 3” and “Turning Point: Fall of Liberty” fame, the latter being a game not entirely dissimilar to Darkest of Days — it was a dark time indeed for games. Back in 2008-2012, it was relatively abnormal for Triple A games to have a campaign that ran more than 12 hours. Legendary hits its culmination around the 6-ish hour mark — you have to look at Legendary from the time period in was born out of. As the landscape of gaming was completely different then. If a Triple A game only has a 30 hour campaign in the modern day, it's deemed short. Gears of War was from 2006. FEAR was from 2005. Typically, at least in my experience, the development cycle of Triple A games is about 3-5 years. So these would have been the games that were popular around the time this game was getting pitched to studios.

This was the era where someone thought of reviving Shadowrun, they decided it should be a multiplayer FPS. This was a reality that actually happened. It was only 'Too Human' of a decision. ;)

Admittedly, I've got a penchant for this time period in gaming. An emotion I'm told is nostalgia. The industry, quite simply, does not make things like this anymore. Though, I think games like “ELEX” make a strong contender, these sorts of games that reside in a popular genre but are not super high budget, are relatively unknown within the time period of their release and generally receive mixed reactions from critics and fans alike. That's truly what Legendary is.


A whim of a nostalgia, a dash of ambivalence.

I'm honestly mixed about the game, and I've long been an advocate for Steam to implement some sort of neutral, middling or sideways thumb option for reviews. But coming from Valve's perspective, I'd wager that most people would not actually feel very strongly about the majority of games they play in either direction — making the overall average score something to not really be concerned with. And I'm certain this metric is used by more than the end-user. So I understand why Valve doesn't do it.

The Gist

Ultimately, I can only really recommend it if you like obscure, esoteric games from this era. Otherwise, you should probably just go play something else.

I would instead suggest these two other similar games if you're still interested in this bygone era. Singularity and TimeShift.

What Legendary really reminds me of are other games I enjoyed during that time. It sits in this pool of oddball games that few have seldom heard of, your 'Project: Snowblind' — originally pitched as part of the Deus Ex franchise — or 'Darkwatch' a western/horror FPS where you're a vampire... Games that in this age of remasters may make a resurgence of some variety, however unlikely. “Fracture” from “Day 1 Studios” who also ported FEAR to consoles. “BLACK” from Criterion, 'Area 51' from Midway...

And that's the big issue with Legendary, it simply fails to inspire or be unique — when conflated with the smaller grievances, it adds up to a package I'd be remiss to recommend.

If you've read this far, consider following my curation — Station Argus
976 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 15:44
Legendary is a 2008 shooter that isn’t as bad as I thought it would be with aspects better in concept than execution.

The weird thing is, I have a memory of playing this on PS2 demo disc only… it never released on PS2. And it released way later than I seem to recall playing the demo? It’s kind of a bad thing lol A lot of my complaints I was able to write off thinking, “it’s still pretty cool for a PS2 game”.

I really like the concepts. I’m a sucker for modern day monster stuff. I kept thinking about how cool an urban fantasy monster hunting shooter would be. The Pandora’s box and ancient secret societies stuff reminded me of Assassin’s Creed --- however, just like in AC, that stuff didn’t interest me as much as the monsters do and thus the story kind of just floated by my lizard brain. Fighting werewolves and minotaurs is cool as shit. I’m easy to please in that aspect.

However, mechanically it’s pretty janky.
You would think throwing grenades//molotovs would be like any of other first person shooter, especially considering LEGENDARY came out well after FPS standards were cemented, but no. Throwing weapons has a pressure system, or whatever. Simply pressing G will toss the molotov or grenade directly at your feet and you will take big damage. You have to hold G to get Deckard to actually throw the damn things. Which in a few boss fights, especially Minotaurs, when you’re running backwards while gunning and strafing, it’s way more clunky than it should be.
Shooting is serviceable. The shotgun like a lot of more modern shooters, feels incredibly under powered but everything else is fine. It doesn’t feel amazing but felt like a lot of PS2 era shooters, which is fine by me. It just came out like five years later than it should have.

Honestly, there’s some pretty cool looking environments, the sewers sections actually work very well, IMO. They execute the creepy almost horror shooter thing very well here. The lil pixie fairy bitches with their lil giggles while you progress through the grime worked really well for me. I think it’s probably the high water mark of the game.

At the end of the day, it’s probably more a mixed rating than a positive from me. The concept really needed some more polish and it could have been a classic PS2 era shooter --- except it came out in 2008 and was a very mediocre 360 game. Ya missed the window, fellas.
Still, I had fun while playing it --- pick it up on sale, and enjoy a lil jank.
211 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 05:07

The game's graphics are slightly less than average for the time, but not terrible.
The gunplay, could have been acceptable if it weren't for poor weapon switch times. I feel like switching a weapon in this game has killed me more often than reloaded, where reloading in this game is actually pretty good!
The humanoid enemies move around funny and unrealistically for soldiers.
The game feels almost like its on rails half the time because how narrow the pathways to one area to another are.
By far the worst defects in the game are the annoying placed checkpoints, where sometimes you have to fight a bunch of annoying but easy mobs in order to get to the mobs that kill you such as marauders, lastly the unskippable cut scenes! There is nothing worse than a check point that is weirdly paced, but also forces you to sit through 1-2 cutscenes that cannot be skipped each time you run through the checkpoint from the start again. I may have given the game at least a 6 out of 10 if the cutscene/checkpoint pacing was better. 6.5 if it weren't for the weird weapon switching. Maybe even 7 if it weren't for the annoying humanoid enemies.
574 Produkte im Account
258 Reviews
476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 20:01
Legendary is an okay action, horror game, but what keeps it from being good is a lot of bugs. It’s time to talk about the story.

It was supposed to be just a simple job, break into a museum unlock a big golden box and take whatever’s inside, and that was what Charles Deckard was told. But the truth was more complicated and scary then what any man's can comprehend.

So let's get into the likes, so to start the action was pretty fun as you gunned down monsters. The atmosphere in the game was okay it definitely kept me on the edge sometimes.

The monster designs were pretty cool looking and the Graphics/levels looked good for an old game. The levels themselves look very nice and was fun to explore and just look around.

The guns were nice and fun to use, the music was good and the voice acting was pretty good. The story was pretty good and it had some cool moments in it.

The game's atmosphere was pretty good and could be kind of spooky. The game’s praise was very good. [spoiler] The death of the villain while it is sad I couldn't fight/ kill him and he died in a cutscene his death was spectacular, so I can forgive that. [/spoiler]

But the best in the game where all the notes and stuff you can read as you know I do love notes and I believe helps expands on the world make it feel more alive. All so besides the notes you can read you can all so read little bios on the different characters and other stuff in the game written by the main character, I found them pretty good and sometimes funny.

So let's get into the dislikes, well to start and biggest would be the bugs in the game at first they weren't really noticeable I mean you could get stuck somewhere if you're not careful but they were manageable.

But at the last level there is a bug the game that almost made me give the games a thumbs down and all most made the game unplayable, at the last level you have to go in an elevator to head up to the final area in the game.

But every time I did I would fall through the floor and die, I tried everything to figure out how to fix it and following guides, but they did not work. Luckily I did manage to find a video and thanks to it, it worked and I was able to beat the game but was still very, very annoying and so frustrating.

The game also has on unskippable cutscenes which only became annoying at the level where you fight the Kraken. And lastly the game does end on a cliffhanger.

Now that I said all that Legendary is an okay action, horror game, but what keeps it from being good is a lot of bugs.
With a pretty good story, pretty fun action, nice and fun levels to explore and very good notes to read.

So if you're looking to play a spooky game, you could give this game a try, but again that game breaking bug at the last level can be very annoying and can make the game unplayable if the fixes for it doesn't work.
361 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 23:14
Unity Assets The Videogame.

Possibly the best unintentional comedic game i've ever played.
450 Produkte im Account
384 Reviews
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16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 17:37
What is Legendary ?

Apart from the really nice setting this game has like fantasy monsters attacking a modern location, the whole game is just another one of those insta-bargain bin games that no one remembers, the type of low-budget game only a few people know, it isnt a bad game just very uninspired and generic, the gameplay is your usual shooter from the x360 era which was when this released with a differing mechanic or two added to make it stand out but just doesnt waste your time with it, its definitely one of the most mediocre games you can find out there.
128 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 19:28
Game is OKish B-line shclack, would be A+ goodness if some one made Brutality enchantment mod for it.
4554 Produkte im Account
2035 Reviews
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26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 01:25

It is clear from the start this game is over a decade old. The controls, pacing, storytelling and other key aspects feel a step behind without any unique enough features to carry nostalgic players.
80 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 03:35
Despite the Negative reviews, it is actually really good
814 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 16:07
This game is a mid-tier budget first person shooter from 2008. It is not a practice in good taste, it's a real straight forward linear game design with all the enemy archetypes that you'd assume it would have. It's soundtrack is Nicklebackesque buttrock. It seems to run fine on modern systems, I didn't get the game breaking bug---but if you do, it's simple enough to fix by changing the framerate to 60 in the .ini file. It really doesn't do anything offensively bad, nor does it do anything special. It's very short, clocking in at about six hours, it has some easy and cheerful little puzzles and is paced fine.

If you like first person shooters, you could do a lot worse with some back water shovelware on steam, Legendary, especially for $1.99 or the steam sale price at $0.49 (which I bought it at), is pretty harmless if you'd like to pad out your library and take a stroll through you rank-and-file linear first person shooter campaign of the xbox 360 era.
519 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 07:46
Eh. it was fun and had a neat concept.
113 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 21:56
This game is really boring and tedious and the combat sucks. 2/10
120 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 02:15
I always loved mythology of all sorts, this game is old, but is also good and creative in many ways you can possible imagine...
215 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.20 17:23
I played this on 360 in 2013 and overall was relatively fun and frustrating though if they ever decide to remember this game and remake the whole thing from the ground up i might be interested in it.
360 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 21:46
Fun stuff. A lot shorter than expected. Ending is fucking garbage. Buy on sale.
12 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 17:29
Yeah its great
670 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 06:12
It's a pretty decent game for a first person shooter. Some cut scenes are a little cheesy with the facial expressions and animations, gave a little chuckle. This game reminds me of F.E.A.R. with how the blood looks and I swear some of the same sounds affects and voices (could've been my imagination, but I didn't research if anything is the same) so that was cool. I remember long time ago when I was younger I had the choice between this game and Half Life 2 (I think) in a store and it took me an hour to figure it out, I got Half Life 2 instead and then picked this up on a sale way later. Some parts of this game was a little creepy and caught me off guard with that factor. I say its worth it even in today's standards.

PSA: Near the end, there is an elevator bug where if you get in the elevator you will get pushed through the mesh. There is a guide to fix that bug, its a bit annoying but passable with whichever fix will work for you.
1172 Produkte im Account
195 Reviews
167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 19:16
For 1,59 € you get a pretty trashy, but decent, shooter. Oh, and you might regnorize the menu theme from JarekTheGamingdragon.
961 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.20 11:02
Before I played this game I had a small pp.

I still do, but i used to too.
69 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 15:06
Not the best FPS but it did much better than some of them I have played. Give it a try and see how well it suits you. Or better yet watch the gameplay on Youtube and see if you like it.
63 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.19 23:49
I LOVE this game but it has so many problems like the game breaking one at the end of the game besides all that bs this games bring me back on my xbox scared to move forward in game the creatures freaked me out as a kid but also so cool if you never played this game would recommend watching the game on youtube becasue it not worth playing with the bs that the game offers

11/10 would glitch through an elevator again
79 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.19 20:12
A great game for the price. Legendary is a game that is deeply nostalgic for me so I may be biased,but for £1.60 at full price its a no brainer. A very unique fps with very interesting health mechanics that force you to play aggressively as your only source of health is gained for fallen foes. There are a few bugs but form my play thorough nothing major.
167 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.19 13:18
Legendary is a bad game. But I'd be lying to your face if I told you I didn't develop a soft spot for it throughout its brief 5-6 hour runtime.

Let's get the negatives out of the way:

-The physics are annoying and you get stuck on debris more frequently than you'd expect.
-The jump your character is equipped with is hilariously inadequate, and leads to some pretty silly puzzles.
-Appalling aiming down sights experience. It's not even useful, as guns are pretty accurate without it.
-The healing mechanic is interesting in theory, but really breaks down when you are swarmed and fighting human enemies.
-The late stages in the game revolve around some irritating set pieces that can become frustratingly finicky.
-Absolutely lazy console port with less options than I've seen for any game that I can recall.
-Overly simplistic, restrictive level design.

Ok, now for the positives:

-The concept is actually pretty unique
-Guns feel pretty good when not aiming down sights, combat generally moves at a nice pace
-At times has a nice look to it, especially in dark areas, at night, or in grimy sewers.
-Decent atmosphere
-Hilarious npc deaths. This game will throw npc lives in the garbage can without any regard whatsoever.
-Cutscenes are so bad they are good
-Decapitating werewolves never gets old
-Game is cheap, short, and doesn't outstay its welcome.

All in all, I had a fun time with the game, even though the street areas can be a bit bland. After a rough opening, the game picks up steam and hits its stride. Towards the end, it starts breaking down with some annoying fights and cheap deaths, but just as that all starts to happen, the game wraps itself up.

I've paid 10 bucks or more for games I like less. If you are curious, it's super cheap so I'd say go for it. I got it for 50 cents and I don't regret it at all. It's not great, or even good, but it has an intangible charm and appeal to it that made me see it through to the end. I dare say I enjoyed it.
136 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.19 04:08
Legendary to sum up is a flawed game.
I finished it in just under 5 hours, which includes dying on stupid difficulty curbs and numerous alt tabbing.
The overall story is terrible to say the least, the writing is horrid and the ending comes completely out of nowhere and is rushed and terribly executed.
However, what I liked the most about this game has to be the gameplay loop and overall premise, there's was so much potential but the overall game we got is still enjoyable bad writing including.
Would recommend overall, game is cheap and you can wrap it up in one session depending on how good you are.
350 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.19 03:48
I REALLY wanted to like this game, but no. It blows. I'm an absolute sucker for mythological monsters, and the idea of this game seemed like so much fun, but the horrible design and unforgiving bosses completely ruined it for me.

Beyond being unfairly hard even on the easiest difficulty, there is no way to skip cutscenes you've seen before, and autosaves will pop you before one right before an insanely hard boss, and no way to go back and get additional resources.

On top of that, there are instant death attacks from certain enemies that are virtually impossible to avoid, awful context-sensitive controls, and slow as sin weapon switching. It's a horribly unoptimized mess that gives you virtually no feedback for whether you're doing something wrong, the game isn't listening to you, or the thing you're trying to do just isn't possible.

Don't bother unless you want to experience exactly what a 50% metacritic game feels like so you'll forever have a baseline metric against which all future games can be judged.
1866 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.19 09:47
Fairly decent shooter where you fight all kinds of mythical beasts released from Pandora's box. There are two factions fighting over the possession of it, one wants to use it to rule the world while the other's purpose is to destroy it and banish all the monsters. The game isn't very long and ends with a cliffhanger, for the asking price there's nothing to complain about.
Logo for Legendary
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
52.5% 714 646
Release:13.11.2008 Genre: Ego-Shooter Entwickler: Spark Unlimited Vertrieb: Atari Engine: Unreal Engine 3 Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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