• Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.
  • Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master: Screen zum Spiel Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 19.03.2020
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Preis Update 12.07.24

Über das Spiel

In diesem originellen Mix aus Dungeon Management und Roguelite bist du von Beruf Dungeon Master!

  • Arbeite für die Dungeons Company und erklimme die Karriereleiter
  • Vernichte sogenannte "Helden" und beschütze die Schätze der Firma
  • Heure Monster an, manage deine Angestellten und deinen Vorrat an Fallen
  • Kümmere dich um streikende Angestellte und andere lustige Ereignisse

Jeder Spieldurchgang ist anders, aber die Spieler behalten ein paar der bereits erspielten Boni. Wie bereits erwähnt ist unser Spiel eine Mischung aus Roguelite und Dungeon Management. Wie haben wir das hinbekommen? Indem wir mit ausgiebigen Tests die perfekte Balance zwischen Management- und Dungeon-Phasen gefunden haben!

Dungeon Phase
Zunächst musst du deine Verteidigung gegen die einfallenden Abenteurer planen. Schau dir ihre Werte und Resistenzen an und platziere dann die am besten geeigneten Fallen und Monster! Wenn du glaubst, dass dein Dungeon bereit ist, dann öffne die Tore!

Daraufhin kannst du den Helden beim Sterben zusehen! Das funktioniert wie ein umgekehrter Dungeon Crawler: Helden laufen durch dein Dungeon und lösen die von dir platzierten Fallen aus. Wenn eine Abenteurergruppe auf deine Monster trifft, kommt es zu einem rundenbasierten Kampf!

Master Classes
Schlüpfe in die Rolle des Dungeon Masters! Du wirst zwischen 3 originellen Klassen wählen können!

Spiele/Serien, die uns inspiriert haben:
HeroQuest (Brettspiel), Naheulbeuk (Französische Hörspielserie), Kaamelott (die beste französische Serie!), Monty Python.

Videospiele: Darkest Dungeon, Slay the Spire, Dungeon Keeper, Final Fantasy, Divinity, For the King, Chroma Squad, Battle Brothers, West of Loathing und noch viele andere...


  • CPU: Core i3 or equivalent
  • GFX: DirectX 11 and/or OpenGL 3.3 compatible video card
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Any
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Chinesisch
  • CPU: Core i5 or equivalent
  • GFX: DirectX 11 and/or OpenGL 3.3 compatible video card
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Any
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Chinesisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

174 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 15:42
Tolles Konzept,
es macht Spaß, als der von der Dungeon Company angeheuerter Kerkermeister die Schatzkammern von diversen düsteren Gewölben gegen die einfallenden Helden mit Hilfe von Monstern, Fallen und Zaubern zu verteidigen.

Leider sind da noch einige Fehler im Spiel!
Bei mir traten am häufigsten auf:

1.) das Spiel hängt sich am Ende der Vorbereitungsphase eines Heldenangriffs auf den Dungeon auf und man muss zurück ins Hauptmenü und diese Vorbereitungsphase neu anfangen.

2.) die Lebenspunktleiste der eigenen Monster wird zu Beginn als komplett leer angezeigt und wird erst richtig angezeigt, nachdem die eigenen Monster Schaden genommen haben

Es fehlt zudem an Langzeitmotivation.
Das Spiel wird schnell langweilig, weil sich irgendwann alles nur noch wiederholt.

Zeitweise kann das Spiel auch recht frustrierend bis unfair sein, weil Ereignisse vom Zufall abhängen.
Wenn man keine guten Items, Monster und Fallen bekommt und auch nicht genug Geld zum Kaufen steigt schnell das Frustpotenzial, da die Helden grundsätzlich stärker sind als die eigenen Monster und meist als erstes zu Zug kommen.
908 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
6797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 11:53
Schönes roguelike, es gibt viele Monster, Fallen und Zauber. Man kann schön seine eigene Spielweise nutzen. Ich würde das Spiel jetzt nicht ewig am Stück spielen aber immer mal wieder gut für zwischendurch.
262 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 22:02
It will be boring after ~5hrs
65 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 18:14
Ist zwar gut für das was es ist,aber Schwierigkeitsgrad erhöht sich zu sehr und es fängt an zu frusten.
114 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 14:56
Nettes kleines Game kann man für ein paar Stunden Zocken wird leider aber sehr schnell repetitiv
334 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 08:52
In meinen Augen eher ein nettes Mobile-Game, da der Fortschritt sich sehr limitiert anfühlt. Mein erstes Playtrough war mit Abstand das aufregendste und das dauerte etwa 1 Stunde (?). Danach ließ die Faszination schnell nach. Bei jedem Kampf alle Sachen neu zu platzieren fühlt sich unnötig an, aber was bliebe einem noch sonst..
45 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 16:46
Ich würde mir wünschen, dass man nicht immer wieder alle Monster und Fallen neu bekommen muss. Man sollte auch in den unterschiedlichen Levels seine Crew behalten und lieb gewinnen :)
Ansonsten ein sehr gutes Spiel!
51 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 13:46
Really cool game
41 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 11:31
Als Spiel für zwischendurch sehr zu empfehlen. Wie lange das Spiel bei Laune hält steht noch im Raum, aber es befindet sich ja auch noch im early Access
49 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 19:59
Great Game for a Quick Round in between.
671 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 17:47
Großartiges Spiel mit riesigem Sucht-Potential !

Ich kann, darf, möchte, sollte und werde nicht aufhören eine weitere Runde zu spielen...
63 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 15:22
A good, humorous management sim with annoying random elements.

Legend of Keepers is an entertaining and tactical management game with a lot of gameplay depth. The graphics and animations are beautifully designed. However, the roguelike mechanics are both a curse and a blessing. On the one hand, they offer great replay value and increase the challenge, but on the other hand, the playthroughs are very much tied to the luck factor. However, those who are not deterred by such random moments will get a good and tactical management roguelike, but there is definitely room for improvement.

Pros & Cons:

+ Atmospheric graphics
+ High replay value
+ Much tactical depth
+ Unique game idea

- Very much random based
- Only 3 heroes playable atm.
- Heroes differ only minimally


Legend of Keepers is a well-made management game with roguelike elements and a rosy future.
184 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 13:57
Ich finde eines der besten Strategie Dungeon Crawler! Man spielt einen Dungeon Master und verteidigt seinen Dungeon gegen Helden, indem man Monster anstellt und diese ausbildet. Mir macht es mega viel Spaß und ich freue mich auf mehr Inhalt und weitere Updates.
168 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 00:31
Good Game. Thx, Hänno!
753 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 12:40
Bisher ein kurzweiliges Dungeon-Managmentspeil mit Fokus auf den Helden- und Monsterausbau.
Manchmal kann man mit den Monstern Glück haben, manchmal aber auch nicht, jede Runde spielt sich dadurch völlig anders, aber jede Runde ist unterhaltsam und wenn man einen Helden voll ausgebaut hat, gibt es momentan noch 2 weitere die sich völlig einzigartig spielen und für das Spiel somit einen hohen Wiederspielwert erzeugen.
Im Sale sollte man dem Spiel ruhig mal eine Chance geben.
580 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 09:01
Dies ist ein kleiner Einblick in mein Review zu Legend of Keepers. Das vollständige und viele weitere ausführliche Early Access Reviews findet ihr bei den Early Access Addicts: https://early-access-addicts.de/review/legend-of-keepers/

Alles in allem kann ich nur sagen, dass Legend of Keepers für das was es sein will, einen hervorragenden Job macht. Es bedient sich eines wirklich erstklassigen Pixelstils und glänzt in diesem Bereich vor allem mit seinem überaus smoothen und mächtigen Animationen. Auch in der technischen Umsetzung konnte ich keine Mängel geschweige denn Bugs erkennen und dass trotzdessen, dass es sich hierbei um ein wirklich junges Early Access-Spiel handelt.

Einzig und allein im Bereich des Gameplays holt es noch nicht sein gesamtes Potenzial heraus. Wer hier hochtaktische Möglichkeiten erwachtet, um seine Strategie bis ins kleinste Detail selbst anpassen zu können, der wird mit diesem Spiel vermutlich nicht auf seine Kosten kommen.

Dies ist jedoch auch nie das Ziel von Legend of Keepers gewesen. Dafür gibt es mehr als genug andere Videospieltitel. Legend of Keepers punktet dafür im Bereich der raumbasierten Verteidigungsspiele ohne Konkurrenz und bringt Spiele dieser Art auf ein neues Level. Technisch, aber vor allem auch im visuellen Aspekt stellt es sowohl in seinem eigenen Bereich als auch in genreverwandten Spielen ein Unikat dar.

Legend of Keepers eignet sich perfekt dafür, jederzeit und augenblicklich in seinen aktuellen Spielstand einzusteigen und sich sofort zurechtfinden zu können. Außerdem steht es noch am Beginn seiner Reise. Immerhin hat es erst am 19. März 2020 das Licht der Welt erblicken dürfen und dafür bietet es schon mehr als es manche andere Early-Access-Titel nach Jahren tun. Es bleibt anzumerken, dass Legend of Keepers weder das Erstlingsprojekt eines neuen Studios ist noch ein Schnellschuss ohne viel Vorlaufzeit war.

Die Demo, welche schon einen Großteil des Contents beinhaltete, konnte bereits auf der Gamescom 2019 angespielt werden. Goblinz Studio scheinen nun ihren kompletten Fokus auf dieses Projekt zu setzen und es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit bis sich dies vollständig auszahlt. Immerhin ist mindestens ein komplett neuer Charakter samt eigenen Monstern und Levelbaum schon bereits angekündigt. Wer weiß, was dem Goblinz Studio in weiterer Zukunft noch für Ideen für Legend of Keepers in den Sinn kommen…
170 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 14:43
Ich fasse mich kurz.

Demo (Prolog) angetestet. War sofort überzeugt und gekauft.
Im Anschluss erstmal knapp 6 Stunden gesuchtet :D

Wer Dungeon Crawler mag, Spiele wie Darkest Dungeon, mit etwas weniger Frustration (wobei man auch in diesem Spiel die Schwierigkeit sehr weit hoch schrauben kann) der ist mir dem Spiel bestens bedient.
Ich finde 15€ absolut gerechtfertigt. Es gibt viele Einheiten, viele Ereignisse, viele Gegner und jede Runde macht aufs neue Spaß.
Ich hoffe die Entwickler bleiben anständig dran :)

Unterstützt eine Firma wie diese die gerne Dungeon Crawler Games macht.
419 Produkte im Account
204 Reviews
625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 18:19

Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Master

???? Story & ???? Gameplay

Ihr seid eingestellt – Das ist eure Aufgabe

Ihr werdet als Aufseher eingestellt und sollt auf die Schätze der Verliese aufpassen.

Um dies zu bewerkstelligen stehen euch im Verlies verschiedene Räume zur Verfügung. Je nach Raum könnt ihr bis zu 3 Monster platzieren welche den 3 Helden das Leben schwer machen. In anderen Räumen könnt ihr Fallen platzieren und in manchen könnt ihr einen Zauber wirken.

Die Anordnung der Räume ist dabei jedes mal anders, lediglich der letzte Raum, in welchem euer Verlieswächter selbst wartet, ist immer gleich. Gelangen die Helden bis zu euch und schaffen es sogar euch zu besiegen heißt es Game Over. Schafft ihr es hingegen 2 Jahre lang euch gegen die Schatzjäger durchzusetzen habt ihr gewonnen.

Tod oder Lebendig für gute Laune

Wie ihr die Helden besiegt ist dabei euch überlassen. Ihr könnt sie entweder töten oder einfach nur aus dem Verlies verjagen indem ihr die Moral der Helden brecht. Jeder Held verfügt neben seinem Lebens- über einen Moralbalken.

Welchen von beiden man besser auf 0 bringen sollte hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab. Jeder Held und jedes Monster verfügt über bis zu 3 aktive und/oder passive Fähigkeiten. Zudem besitzt jede Figur verschiedene Resistenzen oder Schwächen gegen die 4 Elemente sowie eine Rüstung gegen körperlichen Schaden. Dies beeinflusst natürlich den Schaden welchen eure Monster und die Helden voneinander kassieren.

Ihr müsst euch übrigens keine großen Sorgen um eure Kreaturen machen. Werden sie besiegt sterben sie nicht sondern verlieren nur Moral. Diese kann wieder aufgefüllt werden wenn man sie beim nächsten Kampf in der Garnison stationiert wo sie sich ausruhen können. Dafür ist es natürlich nötig, dass man insgesamt genug Wesen hat um die so entstehenden Lücken zu füllen. Sollte die Moral der Monster allerdings zu sehr sinken werden sie unter Burn Out leiden und eine Weile ausfallen. Ruhepausen sind also wichtig.

Wer hart kämpft muss auch hart feiern

Die Kämpfe machen aber nur einen Bruchteil eurer Aufgabe aus, denn natürlich strömen die Helden nicht permanent in euren Dungeon.

In der restlichen Zeit könnt ihr eure Monster trainieren lassen oder Fallen verbessern, sofern ihr genug Gold durch das besiegen/vertreiben der Helden verdient habt. Überflüssige Monster können auf dem Schwarzmarkt verkauft oder von einem Händler gekauft werden. Mit Blut (von besiegten Helden) und Tränen (von flüchtenden Helden) könnt ihr beim Workout euren Verliesmeister verbessern oder Betreibsausflüge machen um langanhaltende Boni zu erhalten. Geht es den Kreaturen schlecht kann man auch einen Therapeuten aufsuchen und mit Raubzügen kann man die eigenen Taschen füllen.

Diese und noch mehr Ereignisse gibt es zu erledigen. Das Spiel gibt einem jede Woche 2-3 dieser Aktivitäten zur Auswahl, wodurch man ein wenig Entscheidungsfreiheit hat. So muss man sich dann auf die regelmäßigen Angriffe der Heldengruppen vorbereiten, welche es in drei verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsstufen gibt.

Hier noch eine kurze Aufnahme zur Veranschaulichung:


Je nachdem wie lange man durchhält gibt es für den Verliesmeister Erfahrung (aktuell stehen 2 verschiedene zur Auswahl). Mit dieser Erfahrung steigen sie Level auf, was es einem erlaubt ihnen Fähigkeiten beizubringen, welche es in den späteren Durchläufen einfacher machen.

???? Grafik

Das Spiel sieht ein wenig pixelig aus und setzt ansonsten auf eine Cartoon Optik. Alle Helden und Monster haben ein individuelles Design. Hinzu kommen die unterschiedlich gestalteten Hintergründe der Verliesräume welche sich auch danach unterscheiden ob es in einem Schneegebiet, im Dschungel oder sonst wo liegt. Animationen für Angriffe, Fallen und Zauber kommen ebenfalls noch hinzu. Die hübsch anzusehenden Eventbilder wiederholen sich leider sehr schnell, sind aber ansonsten wirklich gelungen.

???? Sound

Die Hintergrundmusik ist stimmig aber wenig einprägsam und leider auch nicht sonderlich abwechslungsreich. Auch die Laute, welche Monster und Helden von sich geben, wirken sehr passend, können aber auf Dauer recht monoton werden.

❤︎ Fazit

Dafür das es noch im EA ist ein wirklich gelungenes Spiel dem es aber leider noch ein wenig an Langzeitmotivation mangelt. Wer ein vergelichsweise simples Strategiespiel möchte ist hier genau richtig. Wer sich nicht sicher ist kann auch gerne bei Legend of Keepers: Prologue reinschauen. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Demo die einen sehr guten Eindruck vermittelt.

Wenn euch die Review gefallen/geholfen hat dann folgt doch unserem Reviewprogramm und wenn ihr mir etwas zu dieser Review mitteilen wollt dann schreibt gerne in die Kommentare.

Das Spiel wurde der GGC für Reviewzwecke zur Verfügung gestellt.
293 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 20:03
I enjoy it pretty much so far BUT the latest update (neptunian) brought plenty of bugs,
wich made the game borderline playable for me:

Long Campaign isn´t working for some mission types (Neptunian & Draco), you get kicked out after the first year.
Visual bugs like empty health bars and invisible heroes.
Infinite armor on monsters due to it stacking up between dungeons.

...no patch for weeks.

I´ll change my review once this gets fixed... pls devs u did a great job so far <3
177 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 17:50

- use the code above on the main menu to redeem your free spider bonus -
482 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 14:45
Minions killed before ever getting to take an action. Random events with no functional choices because of resources. Super repetitive.
121 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 19:05
So Far with this game My Disappointment Only rises more To start off with some major flaws is that The game is Extremely unbalanced And that most of the time your monsters that you spend time Leveling up Just goes to a massive waste of time Because they’ll just get one Shoted by a hero And that The game forces you to play one certain style. Debuf the heroes as much as you can That’s the only way their health properly Goes down. And by then you still need a massive stride of luck

Another Major Flaw is that the game relies on RNG Way too much And if it doesn’t go your way then game over. The game is also so shallow I’ve played two hours of this game and have pretty much seen this whole game has to offer So you’ll just play this game for a little while And just realise How Repetitive this game actually is The heroes are pretty much all the same Just with different looks You set up traps that do nothing to them set up monsters just see them get one shoted all the time By the heroes. My last major flaw is that the Combat is so basic and the game forces you to use one attack over and over again Because it actually dose somewhat of damage

So I’ll say what positives this game had The art style of this game Is very nice looking and that the heroes and monsters do look pretty nice with their colourful pixel style and learning the game was pretty easy to understand And using the combat animations Looks really satisfying But seeing them over and over again just gets bland. But the first level I actually had a blast playing it and unlocking some new monsters And traps And seeing what they do but then you realise again what I staid before half the traps and heroes and useless and are dead weight so you are forced to use heroes Because they don’t suck as much ass.

The sad part about this game is that it’s such a wasted potential There just needs to be more to this game But despite that I have a lot of negatives I still think this is a good game there’s just a lot of problems if you can get this on sale and you love these types of games and turn-Based combat you might fall in love with this game If there was a mixed Option I would definitely put it there but I have to thumbs down on this game I hope in the future the devs can tweak the game and put some more content in this game.
1405 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 23:38
While you may purchase this game and at first have quite a lot of fun, you'll find quickly that you're no longer enjoying yourself and feeling frustrated by the game's base design. Things get impossibly difficult quickly and it almost feels as though it's built for you to lose.
234 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 09:57
I'm prompted to post a review because I noticed this one has taken a ratings hit since the newest DLC.

I started playing LoK early in the game's beta release and it has kept me very interested.

It's a fun, not-too-complex strategy game with excellent sprite-based art, and you can play it at your own pace, which is something I really value in a game nowadays. Lots of campaigns to play through especially with the DLCs*, and the free update coming that looks very cool.

No-stress gaming, with great RNG in a fun and predictable gameplay loop, which you can quit inconsequentially whenever ... or get addicted to for hours on end if that's your style.

Great work Goblinz Publishing; I'm eagerly awaiting Sandwalkers too!

*I've only just bought the Troll expansion since it got average reviews, and the lowered expectations have helped me enjoy it just fine. I would like to see a little bit more content to be added for it, honestly, but there's still a tonne to do, and it features some of the best art yet.
125 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 06:44
Super cool game, a turn-base dungeon RPG. FUNNY! It's kind of mixed on graphics but for sure a game to check out.
462 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 21:52
I am mixed about this. It's not a bad game, I would recommend it at half price (that is what I paid).

I mostly felt that there's not enough distinctive elements to really keep me interested by hour 10 or so. (Most of my time is WFH, AFK Time) The mechanics, traps, difficulty all felt good, but again it was mostly about identifying a solid strategy and using that over and over again to max your efficiency and win the maps. Going from campaign to campaign there was not much change from that.

Anyhow, if you're happy with doing the same similar tasks over and over again, this will suit you. If you tend to get bored of repetitiveness quickly, then I would suggest you pick it up on sale.

645 Produkte im Account
234 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 18:41
It's really bland?

Legend Of Keepers is a dungeon management sim in which you play as an overlord working at a corporation for monsters, luring heroes to your dungeon and then gruesomely murdering or scaring them off.

You don't really design your dungeon---just choose the order that your two traps and two monsters pop up in---and monsters and traps don't have much complexity to them. Everything has a set number of levels it can gain, with fixed rewards. There *is* a nice spread of monsters to choose from, and that's what the bulk of the game ends up being: picking the right monster formations to deal with the heroes before they can get to your boss.

The art and animations in Legend Of Keepers are pretty detailed, and the tone of the game is unexpectedly nasty. There's a lot of fairly detailed pixel gore and torment. When there's humor, it's at someone's expense. I don't think this is necessarily bad, but it makes the characters unlikeable, and the writing really doesn't pick up the slack with giving the player a reason to relate to them anyway.

Combat is really the centerpiece of the game, and it's kind of plain. Monsters generally have one or two attack options, and heroes generally perform just one attack, so there's more strategy in setting up the battle than in playing through it.

I don't think this is a bad game, and I don't regret buying it, but Legend Of Keepers is a better pickup if you're looking for a timekill rather than a big strategy rpg.
64 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 20:06
The dungeons you protect are pre-designed, always 3 monsters in a room, 1 trap. Very restrictive, doesn't give me the opportunity to be clever (or not).
35 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 19:07
I love monsters and getting to play as them has been a blast. It is a great time planning each dungeon and the comedic notes of the game are a nice touch.
1466 Produkte im Account
128 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 23:12
Innovative and interesting concept (playing the dungeon defender with your own monsters and traps), but the only OKish execution limits the game appeal.

+Run your own dungeon with monsters, traps, spells
+Innovative, or at least rare concept
+Decent visuals and animations

-Little diversity
-Sounds best as a roguelike, but it plays more like a mission game... 5 missions per character and there are 3 in vanilla. Somehow they made the other modes not appealing at all, probably because no rewards or rpg elements or achievements or anything really that motivates you to play the unlimited modes.
-A lot of useless monsters, traps, and mechanics like thorns. The strong abilities are obvious, AOEs, fire, and whatever scales like damage per penalty or damage per stacks. Again this limit the diversity of the runs, even when given a set of monsters/traps/etc, the ideal choice is often to try and buy different monsters that are infinitely stronger.
-The only thing that is even remotely rpg is the main character themselves, which if you are doing your job right, never gets used because you kill heroes before they reach him. For this reason the meta progression feels very unappealing. The skill trees themselves are very bland too, in my opinion.
-The way the dungeon layout is purely RNG, and with a wide variability this kills a lot of the tactics that you might try. For instance you might invest in a specific trap, and spend a ton of gold to upgrade it so you can setup the heroes for your monsters to chew on... issue is, it is not rare that you get dungeons where all your monsters go first and the traps go last making that investment worthless. This is true for many mechanics, traps, spells, etc. Which basically reduces your strategy to focus on monsters alone and making them self sufficient. This kills a lot of mechanics such as using thorns, poisons (with few exceptions where you can truly spam it) and forces you to focus on things that deal % of life (like fire and ice) or things that scale with penalties or stacks. Not many monsters have these traits, which reduces your runs to hunting for buying the right monsters instead of just using whatever you are dealt in the best way possible, like a true rogue game. Let me tell you that this game has nowhere the level of balance to make that possible. And this is what truly limits the game... the lack of diversity of what works. Especially at maximum difficulty.


Yes but at a discount only. It is unlikely you will play it beyond the missions, and unlikely that the DLCs offer enough value to be purchased. Unless at a very high discount also.

247 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 12:18
Great game with a lot of content. People say its repetetive but in my 20 runs so far i used the same tactics only once.I guess if you try to build the same thing every run you get the same thing. Also it has good pixel art.
132 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 00:15
The game is OK, play it with low expectations and you will have fun, pros and cons listed bellow:

+ funny
+ artwork
+ not complicated
+ the game theme

+- there are combos, but they are not very explicit

- a bit shallow
- you can not setup the dungeon itself, you will only populate it
104 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 21:22
When I read the negative reviews I really start to wonder if we played the same game. This game is great and deserves a higher rating.
42 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 18:04
I mean, whoever disliked this game - shame to them!

- Love the difficulty (which you can adjust to Easy if you are a filthy casual)
- Love the repeatability, literally that's what the game sells. It's all about strategy and working around the RNG. Seriously, 20h spent and I have barely scratched the game.
- Value for money
- DLC available if you want more content

Just BUY it - great job devs!
467 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 16:13
Hides content behind the necessity to subscribe to their news letter.
Besides its a fun game such a move deserves a down vote.
883 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 00:25
Atrocious UI that causes problems during actual gameplay, speaking of which, the gameplay is slow, formulaic, repetitive and clunky. Weekly choices are entirely random and even when you're told you can select volunteers from your crew it also does not give you any choice. There are many monster and trap choices but the upgrades for those monsters and choices are practically just stat boosts and rarely feel like an actual impact was made in your group.
Art and sound are absolutely incredible for a smaller game like this, and creative design of the various monsters is usually very interesting and many monsters are a unique take on an already popular monster (i.e goblin rouge, skeleton archer, harpy etc). There are also some more unique monsters and traps like skeleton trumpeteers that are fun and fit the tone of the game. The tone being mostly comedic, like a lighthearted take on dark humor which works well due to decent writing.

Overall the game is a 5/10 because the actual gameplay simply lags far behind everything else. If you like the humor and care less about gameplay or you are deeply interested in this genre, then you may want to get this game. Otherwise if you're just some person looking for a fun game, I'm not sure this is the one for you.
286 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 02:05
Short game, fun, but not... worth the cost, since the content added (which feels like not much) in DLC is not much more gameplay.

When I got it, I was hoping for replay-ability, but it's super linear for a strategy game. builds are either good or garbage, and that's a bummer because I'd like to try all the combinations, even if there are only a few.

So... I like it, but the design of the game inhibits it from being better.
224 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
3171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 22:06
Legend of Keepers reminds me very heavily of the tabletop card game Boss Monster, but with enough changes to make it interesting. I think the comparison also helps because it gives you an idea of how the game works, and what to expect. I also think it's a much better comparison then Darkest Dungeon, which, while the visuals are similar, the gameplay very much is not.

The Similarities: You have your Boss/Keeper that's at the end of a chain of rooms, which you populate with monsters or traps and try to get rid of the adventurers before they reach the end.

And the differences come with more details. After a while in the campaign, you get a specialty room per keeper (a higher spell room, a mini-boss, a better trap, or a Mummy with the DLC Keeper), and there's random events to keep your flow of new monsters and traps going. There's also artifacts to collect, some of which can change how you're playing a run (buff to skeleton only monster rooms, for example, or Bleeding does extra stacks if the monster is enraged, so pump for enrage abilities, etc). The heroes also have their own abilities that mess with your plans, so it's not just as simple as plopping down units and traps and away you go. Your Keeper also levels up, and what skills you choose can also affect how you play.

It does get a bit repetitive, I think I've seen all the random events so I know what the choices end up meaning, but it's not too bad. Earlier I said the comparison to Boss Monster lets you know what to expect and what I mean is that if you play enough of a tabletop card game, you're going to see all the cards eventually. Does that lower the enjoyment of playing the game? For some people yes, but for others, not really.

I've seen other reviews being negative for being 'too linear' or 'roguelite' which is true, it's very linear, and Roguelite is a TAG the game has. But, if you think about it, a tabletop card game is also a 'roguelite' since you shuffle the decks each time.

Honestly, this game isn't groundbreaking or doing anything amazingly new, but it's good enough to have me finish all the base campaigns for the four (currently) Keepers and keep me coming back every so often to get further in ascension or endless mode.
330 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 12:05
A very linear game. To me the game could have been much more than it is currently. Builds seem minimal and with no early choice of character the game feels narrow. Tech trees feel bland and grindy with no visible reward. Unfortunately as of right now it feels like a chore to play, maybe if it had more rogue-like elements like an endless mode with more progressive skill trees it would feel more fun to play.
1484 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 19:56
The game is basically a reverse version of Darkest Dungeon: You are a dungeon keeper and have to kill (or scare off) heroes that attack your dungeon.
By comparison Darkest Dungeon is a better game overall with a wider variation of gameplay loop and a lot more depth in your dungeon prep turns. However if you enjoy Darkest Dungeon the biggest thing on whether on not you will enjoy Legend of Keepers is how you feel about the difficulty. Darkest Dungeon is a very difficult and punishing game; Legend of Keepers is far more forgiving in multiple ways. So if you think Darkest Dungeon is too hard you'll probably feel right at home, but if you prefer the challenge then you may get bored quickly.

With that aside there are some things about this game that deserve a looking at by the developers to improve quality of life.
-characters (heroes and minions) need to be graphically scaled up more to bring them more into center of focus. The design and art of the characters are really lost by how small they are on the screen
-controller support needs to be improved. UI navigation is incredibly painful and unpredictable especially in a dungeon. There are too many inconsistencies with selecting and confirming choices.

Everything else in the game is pretty good and would mostly come down to personal preference.
113 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 15:38
Not really my style. I was hoping to actually build a dungeon and this is more of putting a monster or trap in one of five available rooms. I honestly haven't played enough of it to have a solid opinion. All I can say with certainty is that it didn't scratch my Dungeon Keeper itch.
68 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 04:47
Finished the first campaign offline, then played through the DLC until I got softlocked by a bug mid fight.
I also encountered some balancing issues, which have been manageable during the campaign missions, but do discourage me from working my way up the ascension system.

I find the game overall enjoyable and would recommend it once at least the bugs have been fixed.
87 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
938 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 12:28
Its kinda short,but for its price its worth while
216 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 22:35
Its an ok game. But several little bugs regarding awards and flavor text of events misleading your choices make it frustrating.
107 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
11473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 03:17
Ok, so I don't usually do this but I honestly want to yank this game out of mixed because literally almost all of the people complaining and not recommending this game say the same things over and over again mostly because I feel they bought a game they didn't understand.

1. It lacks replayability: (IT DOES NOT)

Straight up I can say this is false, there are multiple artefacts, traps, dungeon masters, monsters,to pick from not to mention the different heroes you're up against. How does it feel repetitive? It's not. You always get a different mix everytime you play depending on the choices you make and as with any rouguelite you MAKE DO WITH WHAT YOU HAVE. There's also a skill tree per master, promotion sets to choose from for each master and special rare star traps and monsters like seriously? ya'll are straight up lying with those reviews.


Heroes are always stronger than the bad guys. They're supposed to beat you up and kill you, you just do you best with what you have to slow them down and consider it a special victory stopping them before they reach your master.


Like complaining the game is repetitive for a roguelike/lite really grinds my gears. It's supposed to be! You always try to do your best, to go as far as you can, lose and then come back a little stronger, play to RNGesus that you get better stuff, make better decisions and hope for the best. This is a roguelite first and foremost and I think people expect this to be a dungeon-maker sim type game and its really not.

This game is really fun, worth a try. The only gripe I honestly I have with it is the voice acting but like that's really about it.
528 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 01:06
I was a big fan of the prologue and definitely awaited the finished game!

I played through all 3 characters, and the last one is clearly my favorite, as the shield play just adds more diversity to the game. I do wish there would be more differences between the characters (say maybe with one you can only place 2 minions, but they're stronger, whereas with another you can place 4 but they're weaker, SC style). It's nice to have different types of mobs depending on the character.

I played the game on Linux and did not have any issue apart from the intro video being all black, which is really not a big deal. Thanks again for supporting us natively Goblinz!

All in a all a nice little game to play for a while, just don't expect Witcher 3 hours of gameplay or story!
907 Produkte im Account
159 Reviews
4961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.21 21:47
While I do like the game, it is not without it's flaws and it does have some big ones. Many complaints about the game involve it's lack of depth and complexity, and well... this is kind of true. Monster and trap selections are not that wide yet and you'll find you've figured most things out pretty soon. Add in that many Master talents feel worthless and it can feel a bit frustrating at times.

Looking at you Engineer, with most of your talents not even being upgrades but low end 'chances' of something happening. 150+ weeks in endless and not once did I see a single trap multiply or enhance. Slavemaster's intern promotion is one of the weakest yet, being little more powerful than a trap. The guy who seems to be built on damage multipliers special promotion unit is worthless unless you're doing a Morale dungeon build.

So, yes there are some diversity and balance issues that need to be looked at, but it's not as bad as you might think. In fact, I actually do like the simplistic nature of the game as it's a bit of a 'pick up and drop' sort of game where you can easily jump in for a hour, have your fun and leave. Kind of like a casual mobile game. Due to the general short playtime of a game there is a good chance you honestly won't notice many of the game issues at first. Sadly, as you sink more time into this game the flaws and cracks start to show. This is particularly true once you start playing Endless mode where the challenge slowly becomes less about clever strategy and use of monster abilities and devolves into a pure slug feast of sheer numbers with heroes dealing hundreds of points of damage with up to several thousand hit-points.

When games get to the point where it's no longer about strong AI or tactics and just sheer numerical buffs to the enemy games can become a slog narrowing the players ability to be experimental or creative and forcing them to use cheap tactics and the mostly widely effective stratagems. I can't think of a single player who likes that sort of game-play.

It's not a bad game. I think the dev team is working really hard to address bugs and players concerns and I honestly like the concept and lore, but it just doesn't feel good to play for long periods of time.

Edit: I almost forgot, even though the page says the recommended RAM is 4GB, the game was plagued with lag and freezes and I was running it with 16GB of Ram for most of my playtime. I had to upgrade to 32 gigs so that it would run without any lag or minute long freezes. So do with that as you will. I mean Xenoverse ran smoother than this game did at 16GB so maybe there is something to look at there, I don't know.
154 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
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623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 16:46
It's certainly in the realm of Monster Train and StS, and while there is nothing really wrong with the game, it does not bring anything new. Quite frankly at just under 10 hours of play now, I am must bored with it. I really tried to like it though.
199 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 10:00
It was pretty good. Had about 7-8 hours of fun with it. The runs are very similar though, to be an entertaining roguelike this would have to have more diversity.
82 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 18:38
Not bad but cruel lack of diversity all around which makes replayability low and fights rather dull. Already adding a DLC to a game that feels unfinished...
166 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 15:51
Fun, casual game. I really like the art style.
329 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 15:41
it's not terrible but there's no reason to even play after 3 hours
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 05:13
It is really fun. Several fun upgrades and monsters in the full version. Just don't lose power or let your device's battery run out while you are playing because it will delete your entire saved game. maybe i'll play again someday.
614 Produkte im Account
227 Reviews
907 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 17:07
You play as dungeon boss and master who need to protect treasures from greedy adventurers and heros. To do that you hire different monsters as guards and train them, buy and upgrade traps, use powerful spells and basically manage dungeon by choices in between attacks, like buying and selling stuff, lending minions and traps for resourses, sending your minions to missions and dealing with random encounters and situations that could bring both good and bad things for you. And if everyhing fails you as dungeon boss will personally deal with intruders. In case you loose or win you will get XP for dungeon boss and get some cool new perks forever, so you will return even stronger then before. The game has different dungeon masters, but I dindt unlock them yet I guess
66 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 00:53
Minor QoL stuff like not being able to click on rooms at the top should be implemented. Occasionally have match ups where heroes can one shot all your creatures before they get a turn. I was hoping for more customization and options but it's basically a game of rock paper scissors where you hope you have you the right monsters and traps. It's just okay but it's not a roguelite I can recommend at full price.
266 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 21:53

What I was looking for in this game

A roguelike

The extent of my playing

Unlocked ascension on all 3 dungeon managers, did a few runs at ascension 1 and 2.

Good Parts

- Game works
- Decent variety of units and traps

Nitpicking/Parts I didn't like

- Not being able to see what's going to happen further than a week out (unless I missed something). This especially hurts when the final boss ends up something that your setup can't really deal with.
- Being able to see how much a monster's health/power/resistances will go up when upgrading, but not how the abilities will improve (I only remember seeing a green arrow showing that it would be improved).
- Not having a 'randomize my starting units and traps' option (unless I missed something)
- Seemingly full random room ordering- It's always great fun when you only have monster buffing traps, and both trap rooms are after your monster rooms
- Putting in talent points after you finish a run then leaving doesn't save the talent points.
- The 'defend the dungeon against the heroes' theme doesn't really do anything for me, and is basically just a cosmetic thing.

Final Thoughts

It really doesn't do the roguelite part of
store blurb:
perfect mix between Dungeon Defender and Roguelite
, so if you're more looking for that part, this game doesn't really deliver. I don't remember ever playing Dungeon Defender, but if i wanted to play a defense style game, I would probably rather play any of a long list of Warcraft 3 custom defense maps.
265 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
1762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 01:35
Simple enough but very entertaining. You organize short dungeons to beat the heroes and get rewards. If you like rogue lites, the dungeon theme and turn-based combat you'll probably like it.
17 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 11:26
Not a bad game but after 2-3 hours you have seen pretty everything and thus it becomes pretty boring.
Surely there is some graphical variation with some heroes but basically, they perform the same actions.
I would like to suggest to the developers to add some more features.
It could become a great game!
1941 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 18:08
Starts strong, but gets old fast.
219 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 17:04
It's not unique.
Regarding it's replayability ... well it feels like farming gold in an RPG. Saving up for some fun item which doesn't change anything, but rather, counts as an achievement.
Altough, in this case as you climb the ladder and as the difficulty gets tougher, the reward is simply bragging rights... to yourself if no one else.

All in all it is a game where I don't gain anything during the experience. I'm not looking for a dopamine fill, but I need it to be interesting at least. I try to combine different characters to utilize different tactics all the while navigating through the RNG designed playthrough. Frankly it becomes work at a point, right after I've discovered the limitations (the actions I am allowed to make - shopping, upgrading, and the ?? events).

Essentially it's like this, if you've played ONE of these games then you've played them all. I think this sentence (double meaning) is very accurate, and I am in no way overreacting or being unfair.

If you don't like the type of game where things get drastically harder with no justification, then this might not be for you.
If you don't like a game that repeats itself throughout it's entirety, this might not be for you.

However, if you enjoy these things, while expanding a small set of skills / upgrades, you might have struck gold. There's even room for some customization with workshop items, characters and heroes.

I enjoyed the graphics and the short-lived immersion. Beyond that, I wish I hadn't had the impulse to buy the game. This is nothing more than another version of this type of game, and I've seen games with more depth for less coin.

The quickest way to compare this game to any other of it's like, then this is like playing chess, but with a different coloured board. The rules are the same, the units are the same, everything else is the same ...
1537 Produkte im Account
229 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 18:30
A review copy was provided by the developer.

First Impressions

Legend of Keepers (LK) released 2 weeks ago, but almost has 2,000 reviews already. Several of these stem from when it was in Early Access, so there should be even more to appreciate now. From what I've seen, there seems to be some division amongst players. Some get addicted to what's available, and play for dozens of hours, while others give it a shake, but find themselves worn out by it. LK looks promising either way, so I wanted to try my hand at it.



Dungeon crawling games are quite popular, and as others have done before, LK flips the traditional roles around, as instead of playing the heroes, you're on the side of the monsters. You start off with 1 Master, unlocking 2 other options as you progress. The Master is always the final barrier in a dungeon, with all other rooms generating in a random order. Using the resources available to you, you'll decide which traps to spring when, as well as which of your monsters will stand in the way of the 3 heroes. This is determined primarily based on the attacks the heroes can use, since being able to survive is necessary for your side to get some damage in, and if not defeat them, at least soften them up. The combat system is a simplified, turn-based RPG, as you can't use items and only have a few attacks available.

When you aren't protecting a dungeon, you'll go through week by week, selecting 1 of 2/3 options. There's a lot of possibilities, including: a random Event, sending 3 monsters out to Plunder, buying level-ups from the Trainer, and so on. It's up to you how you want to handle the resources that matter to a Master, gold, blood, and tears. Money is spent on several goods, so it never hurts to earn more, while blood and tears tend to help strengthen the monsters. You can see 2 weeks in advance, so this helps you determine the right time to select one activity over another. The very last activity will always be a fight against a Champion, with no weeks showing up afterwards, so you may as well throw everything available at them.


This is a game that's easily played with just the mouse, with no reason to want to play with a controller. Everything is done with just left clicks, though you'll sometimes drag the monster icons to move them from room to room or into the garrison. Since it's a turn-based strategy game, there's no hassle worrying about a time limit, so that's not a factor that could hurt the control scheme.



There isn't much of a story to LK. Each of the three Masters are hired into a company, which provides security for those who want to guard their treasure. It's a bit meta, as they will implement recovery stations for the heroes' benefit, since not doing so would mean nobody would want to raid the dungeon. Regardless, the 3 monsters you control are distinct in their design and approach at fending off heroes, but they're not characters and there's no story development.


Most of LK's visuals are presented in still images, as various events with 3 options available won't display anything after you pick an option, only representing the general idea with an NPC making the offer to you. Even when in the dungeon and fighting heroes, there's not much action in the game, as each combatant has only 2 attacks, which always play out the same way, a recoil from taking damage, and a death animation. For the most part, they'll only stand in place and jostle slightly. Overall, I enjoy the art direction and aesthetic of the game, but the lack of movement can make it feel a bit droll at times.


Sound Design

Strangely enough, throughout the game, there's not really distinct music in any of the sections. In some places, you'll hear thundering drums and deep horns playing, but it comes across less as music, and more like moody ambient noise. It does build off of the looming threat of a dungeon well enough, but not having more distinct music doesn't help the sense that you're doing the same things over and over again. Similarly, there's some voice acting, but it mainly consists of short statements, like when the Slaveholder states, “Let's get to work.” They sound fine, though the person with the most lines of dialogue is essentially a member of HR. She's a fine source for exposition, it just seems a bit backwards to have a tutorial-like NPC have the most to say.


???? You have to think strategically and respond wisely to the situations you encounter, but the simplicity of the design helps prevent your choices from being too complex. I've played strategy games where there are so many interactions and variables, it can lead to indecisiveness as you plan 5 moves ahead for the perfect, fool-proof plan. The learning curve in LK is short and simple.
???? I enjoy the design of the monsters, because even though most of them are basic fantasy baddies, the art style makes them stand out and look at least somewhat original. The orc not so much, but even he looks pretty good.


❌ It doesn't feel like you're getting anywhere as you clear the dungeons, as you always start back over at square 1. The game works against itself in maintaining your interest.
❌ I was surprised at how quickly I seemed to exhaust the pool of Events and random activities that could come up out of the dungeons.


???? Although you may think fighting weaker enemies initially is the better choice, it's not really necessary. The Master is quite strong, and if you play smartly, the tools available to you will suffice to get the job done. Plus, gaining early resources will give better inertia to clear the following weeks.
???? Inadvertently, I'd go for a fighting style that kills heroes more than scaring them away. However, having the flexibility to realize that dropping their morale is the best option, even when you hadn't planned on it, is very useful.
???? Variety amongst your troops is crucial, since you'll never know what stats the heroes will have. A weaker monster with the right resistances and elemental attack can devastate an otherwise tough foe.

Final Thoughts

Something I really enjoyed was when the circumstances were just right, and I could set up a 3-monster squad that'd synergize exceptionally well against the band of heroes. Having an Orc Sorcerer in the middle column, summoning more skeleton fighters as they die, feels like such an exploit. In spite of how enjoyable a well-executed strategy can be, there's a significant flaw to the design of LK, and that pertains to the long-term. With how it's set-up, progressing in LK almost always feels like a punishment.

Clearing a dungeon doesn't grant you the ability to maintain your current roster of monsters or artifacts, those are always pre-determined for you. All that carries over is the level-ups for your Master, but they're not very impressive: an attack is slightly buffed, a stat number increases a bit, etc. LK does a good job of hooking players, as I initially kept wanting to play more of it. However, it demotivates you as you're hit with same-y content repeatedly, with it feeling played out by about the 3rd or 4th dungeon. This is a case where I find the meat of the game good, but the framework could be improved upon so players feel more inclined to keep playing. I know some people will play LK for a long time, but I don't recommend it because it doesn't give enough reason for others like me to keep returning.

Visit Save or Quit to see my full review, as it was too large for Steam.
213 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 21:50
This has been a lot of fun to play on stream! I love the twitch integration and hoping to see a possible drops system integrated for viewers that help the heroes, or if helping the streamer possibly a way to split up some of the reward to those who voted for the streamer. Usually if I'm gaming I am on stream but this has been a great game even off my stream to enjoy alone.
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 01:46
Interesting concept - just got really old really fast for me. I kept playing (wasn't familiar with the refund window beforehand) to try to see if it got more interesting. After 4 hours I decided to quit because it just wasn't going anywhere.

No real story to speak of and it feels like you progress for the sake of progress - you don't really 'keep' anything other than the dungeon master's stats. So you get attached to monsters and combos just for them to be wiped out after you finish the dungeon.

I would have liked to see monsters carried throughout the process with much more difficult heroes added to scale with the stronger monsters. As it is, I just feel like I'm wasting time rather than actually progressing.
251 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 08:26
It's got a lot of UX issues that become more and more annoying as you play.
And they hasn't been fixed since early access so I doubt they'll ever get fixed.

Examples include:
Having to have your monster equipped to upgrade them.
Having to have traps equipped to upgrade them.
The AI actively countering your prepared team.
(You like synergistic teams? Well here's an enemy squad that counters everything)

I was hopeful for this game but they haven't changed any design since early access and released it. It just feels bad to play this game. I can't recommend it even as a avid rogue-lite/like player.
248 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
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787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 14:20
Good fun! But.. not for very long. I'm pushing myself to play it more (even at only 11 hours) to try and complete it. Though sad to say, it is EXTREMELY repetitive, and the game-play in general is not overly engaging. It's like a text based game when it comes down to it - If you like reading, then that's okay.. But that's basically all there is to it: Reading.

The visuals are nice (the sprites are actually quite pretty, especially the elemental's), but this in itself is also a problem, because you basically only use one, maybe two, attacks with each creature, and the enemies only ever use one. So you see the same thing over, and over, and over again. And as said above, other than the basic visuals, everything is just reading. You have to check the enemies attacks to play your creatures in the best lineup for defensive purposes, but also take into account their weaknesses for your attacks. This also is quite annoying because this is just about the only aspect to combat, and it becomes very tedious, very quickly.

The sounds are also quite nice, but again, very repetitive. So after not so long, you'll have heard it, and then you'll hear it again, and again, and again. In a very short and fast loop.

All this doesn't mean the game is bad, just don't expect long days of entertainment. Maybe a few hours here and there for the first few days, and that's (currently) more or less your lot at current.
727 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
2886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 02:33
Good game.

1) Each turn is a week from which you select from a bunch of events
2) After awhile (3-4 weeks) You fight enemies in a dungeon
a) You lay traps
b) You cast spells
c) You select enemies for the heroes to fight against
d) Did you win? If yes go back to 1 if not, game over.

Simple gameplay loot but addictive in it's simplicity. A handful of game modes, difficulty, and heroes keeps everything fresh.

I give this game 3 champions out of 4.
1063 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
1178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 00:24
Let's keep this short. Legend of Keepers is another high quality game from Goblinz Studio. Successfully launched after a decent period in EA.

Since you play as the bad guy there are plenty of monsters and traps you have to place in dungeon rooms. Every dungeon has around six or seven rooms that can be used to place traps, monsters or bosses. A group of heroes enters the dungeon and your task is to kill them or let them flee before they enter the final boss room. Otherwise you have to use your boss to fight them off before your hitpoints hit zero.

Your boss has a skill tree, but also the individual monsters you can place in rooms can level up and get tired so you have to manage the roster. This is all done very user friendly with help from a very clean and responsive UI and game design. There is a constant gameflow, that is addictive as well and fast paced for a turn-based game. But never action paced so you can play as fast or slow as you want.

The pixel art is very well done. The backgrounds are full screen images with moving parts that responds to special effects and fighting combo's, the diversity is huge and themed in many different settings. And even the monsters, traps and effects on hit or death are very well integrated with the background landscapes so they don't feel static.

Not only the main mechanism is original, but the choices, themed monster sets are highly original. Bone bulls, Marionette skeletons and chainsaw traps that cause bleeding effects. It's all there. And they slowly unlock after every successful encounter so you keep playing to discover them. It's great for the one more turn feeling.

The individual game sessions can be played with 15 minutes, but the maps are setup with 52 generated dungeons each, and all of them has around six or seven rooms so you can play for hours to unlock eventually a new boss or a new position on the main map. The campaign map. And every of the three main bosses has their own campaign map. High replay value for money. In my 14 hours playtime at the moment of writing I only entered act 3 of the first main campaign.

A very good entry in the genre that has an ideal mix between not being too casual and not overwhelmingly complex. There is just nothing to complain about this title.

The strategic part is mostly placement of the monsters in the rooms and keep attention to the monster skills and heroes weaknesses while placing them. You get better as you learn about stacking bleeding and poison effects and many others, and when you think it's getting too easy you can set some difficulty options with sliders before you start a new world. For example heroes difficulty, game length and amount of gold you find in game to buy, heal or upgrade monsters and traps.

It all fits together and works fine for me. I don't do reviews that often lately since I'm very busy with real life, but this one deserves a good one! It's easy to get into, of high quality, I did not encounter a single issue in my play sessions and all authentic. No copy pasted assets here. Well done!
120 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
46 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 08:36
its a fine game. just seems a little basic in the gameplay department. No one can deny that the visuals and graphics are up to snuff. if you want a good time with little thinking have a blast.

there is no strong core mechanic. everything just kind of works or doesn't. Check the other reviews most people love the aesthetic but just cant get behind the lack of drive to continue. i feel like i could beat the whole game, but i dont think it would be having a good time after a couple hours of gameplay. not enough story or gameplay action to reccomend.
467 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 19:29
Legend of Keepers is a great rogue-lite game in which you manage a dungeon as part of a monster corporation. This corporation employs powerful dungeon keepers that set up traps, cast spells, and train monsters to protect the treasure at the end of the dungeon from heroes,, which are seeking to enrich themselves while destroying monsters and reversing all your hard work.


The game is played over weeks, each week having one or more options for you to choose from. It plays a bit like slay the spire in that you can't backtrack to any nodes you skipped, but it being framed as a schedule makes a lot more sense than the more abstract way a lot of rogue-lite games do this.

You'll have a variety of tasks to choose from over the weeks, including defending your dungeon, hiring more monsters, building new traps, upgrading and training, sending your monsters to therapy, training your master, dealing with visitors, renting out your equipment and monsters, and much more.

Battling the invading heroes involves setting up your dungeon to the best of your ability, and thankfully once you head into a dungeon there is very little randomness. You can see heroes damage types, targeting parameters, and special abilities, and you can set up your monsters, traps, and spells to accommodate this information. If your defenses don't go as well as you planned, the heroes will make it to your master, who is often a powerhouse capable of making short work of heroes. Don't get overconfident however, as your master's hp is not fully reset after a dungeon and regenerates fairly slowly, so multiple unfavorable dungeons in a row could spell the end of your run.

The game has missions as well as an endless mode, both of which help you unlock more monsters and artifacts that will become available in the future.

There are three different masters, a slaveholder, an enchantress, and an engineer, who specialize in monsters, spells, and traps respectively. They each play very differently and tend to have access to very different monsters and traps. Each of the three masters has a unique set of spells only available to them, and they can be very powerful if used to combo with your monster and trap synergies.


The game features sprites that honestly look amazing. I’ve looked at the animations frame by frame while video editing and it seriously enhanced my appreciation for the art style. The monsters are creepy and sometimes goofy, the heroes begin to look epic as they level up, and the spell and trap effects have a weight and crunch to them that really makes you feel like you’re punching through heroes with a huge ballista, or bloodletting them with an angry swarm of huge insects. The graphics and effects are gruesome, cute, and fun to watch.


Each master has 5 missions as well as an endless mode. The missions, though not described this way, serve as a tutorial for each master, giving you more and more challenges while unlocking new dungeon gear with which to play. The early missions are fairly easy but ramp up in difficulty, and once you have finished those you can switch to endless and see how many years you can run a dungeon before the heroes finally get through. Masters gain experience after missions and endless runs which you can use on their talent trees to make them even more powerful and unique.


I really love this game and find it even more fun than Slay the Spire. I love the graphics quite a bit (which is something that kind of turned me off to Monster Train) and always enjoy watching the attacks and effects, which are fairly quick so even after seeing them a hundred times you likely won’t feel bogged down in animation time. The slow but steady leveling of each master leaves me wanting to start new missions/runs, and beating a mission usually takes less than a couple hours. You can quit at any time you’re not actively defending a dungeon and come back, making it a great game for both a lunch break or a marathon. Legend of Keepers is easily an 8.5/10 for me.

Thanks for reading! If you want to see some of my playthroughs, please check out my Youtube channel. I’ll link my introductory playthrough - the first episode is a tutorial on how to play!

1686 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 02:37
Email subscription only exclusive content in a single player game that costs money. Why? Just why?
15 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 17:30
I believe that I've seen most of the content here in 20ish hours.

I will say that the game has several simple elements that come together making it a memorable experience. Good production value in many areas, especially in the audio department.

A major caveat is that the game would not hold my interest if it were to be longer. For example, I have two stages left that I probably won't finish (out of 15) simply because I'm certain that there is no difference in gameplay and nothing worthy in the content of the last two stages, and even if there were, it's a little late to bring out.

A major part of the game is learning the dynamics. That's where I spent most of my time. Once you've got the basics down, and learn how to use the week to week events, you've mastered the game.

Also, there are some artefacts that in the hands of the right boss, will render you untouchable. This is not a broken mechanic but an intentional feature that I think should never have been included. I beat two stages with no chance of losing, and had to play out 44 weeks in each scenario. That part wasn't fun.

So, is it worth $20? Yes. But it's short, and repetitive. It works on integrated GPUs and Linux so my options for other games are limited. (Ubuntu, 4400hd)

Nevertheless, it's still enjoyable. Expect 20-30 hours.
97 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 17:41
I just came back after not playing this for a long time - honestly the improvements they have made just goes to show that the company really enjoys their game - and their fans. Great game - i would recommend it to everybody!
19 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
6885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 07:33
A good game without any pointless bells and whistles.
198 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 17:26
Generaly a decent game. However, I have two problems with the game.

The replayability is low - I dont find it that enticing to play more than 5-10 rounds max with each hero. The biggest problem: there are only 3 of these heroes/ dungeon masters - without any plublic plans for more. If they had 8+ masters is would be a different story. However, with the current state and future plans for the game, I can not recommend it.
447 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 02:59
Fun dungeon game where you get to be the dungeon keeper protecting your lair from 'evil' heros!
138 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
4701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 06:22
What a lovely little dungeon jouster! Musics superb for each setting, loved most of the monsters except the monkey engineers minions (gay mech pigs). Can't wait for more. Excellent game.
176 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 21:20
Playing after the first 4-5 hours gets boring. Everything is repeatable and the only question is whether the RNG will be against you or not
520 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
1997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 01:17
Though it is turn-based, Legend Of Keepers is far truer to the original concept of yee olde Bullfrog Dungeon Keeper than Dungeon Keeper turned out to be. Worthy, even in beta. More later as the game gets developed.
31 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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1311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 02:45
This game is pretty good, but has a few issues that take the game from fun and challenging to rolling dice and hope for the best. So it is a fun game, it just needs a decent amount of polish.

The things that need fixed are:

1. Enemy shuffle mechanic. This makes your whole team randomly move and essentially it is a dice roll. Play all tanks or watch your squishes get 1 shot.

2. Enemy removing debuffs round 1. This makes all your traps before useless because they just remove it and the fight starts. You can do direct damage with the traps instead, but they just remove your parties debuffs which essentially does the same thing. Maybe remove debuff on only themselves would be better and not remove an entire part of the game.

3. Morale, the numbers are just off. Early game you can get people to run, but later…. Not even worth looking at those numbers. They heal back 5-10% a turn or have 50% resistance to it and the number just goes so high.

4. Poison and bleed are far superior to burn and freeze (unless farther into the game the enemy has over 1 thousand health and my party isn’t able to stack more than 10 of bleed or poison quickly). Burn and freeze are 5% max and stacking only increases duration. I’ll be honest I don’t know if this actually needs anything, could be fine where it is.

5. Enemy randomized damage type and position. If you run into 3 AOE, 3 front, or 3 back attacks…. Well good luck. Some teams work fine with this, if they don’t shuffle your team.

I do like this game, but it has some big flaws currently. Maybe these flaws fix themselves after I die and start over a few more times. I would like to see my boss leveling up as I play instead of after I die. Then I can help my team progress better.

As a disclaimer I have not beat the game, I made it to week 52 twice in 1 run and couldn’t win that last fight. I don’t know if the second time is a win or not. So with the flaws it is still possible to play, just some fights are complete random nonsense.
174 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 01:20
I wanted to like it, but it's just too easy. It touches all the right places,..but i cleared rhe game blundering through on the first attempt, and second clear was accomplished just as easily on higher difficulty. The more you click, the more you win Needs more content and higher difficulty. Will update review later since it's right up my alley but for now it's not challenging...at all.
29 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 00:09
There is a lot to like about the idea - getting to play DM and watch your machinations tear apart bright eyed
adventurers. But, I didn't find my choices that impactful or meaningful when I placed a different types of monsters and traps. It felt to repetitive and without near enough polish to get me coming back after beating it with the first DM. The bugs didn't help. This game has an interesting idea, but needs A LOT of work.
148 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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1715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 06:53
Somehow it becomes boring rather quickly.

I guess it depends on what you expect from a game. But compared to some other Indie titles
with 100's of hours of challenge this game is very repetitive.
344 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 22:14
Played for a while to unlock the enchanter, had some fun.

Then had 3 runs in a row ended by bugs. First time I got hung up on one of the battles, it would start the fight and just sit there with nothing happening. I exited to menu and reshuffled my guys around a couple of times but it would always hang at the same part of the battle. Ok concede and try again. 2nd time I sold too many of my traps to the siege and only had 1 on placement... I could not progress past the 2nd trap placement because I only had 1 trap. Ok... thats annoying. 3rd time I hard crash to desktop at the same part of the campaign. I'm done with this one for a while, might come back and revisit this when they have time to fix some bugs.
115 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
1927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 16:05
It's been a very long time since I've played a turned based RPG I like. I played some of the gameboy FF games, they were fun enough, but I never really had any love for the game play. This game works for me for a number of reasons. 1) No grinding levels to beat the last boss 2) You expect at least half of your minions to fail to kill the Adventurers and I like that the goal is to winnow them down rather than just outright beat them. 3) Constant feeling of progress. There is a very good balance of spending your winnings on upgrades before you are thrown into the next battle. 4) Perfect amount of difficulty. I win more than I lose, but I feel like I'm winning because I'm making good choices, not just spamming attacks.

I give this game an A, I played it basically all day yesterday and enjoyed every moment.
700 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
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1135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 00:12
I like the concept but the rewards vs play time are not worth it. Feels grindy and slow to progress. Games like this walk a fine line. Without a better or more elaborate reward system, its not keeping me interested.
174 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
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465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 20:58
I really like the idea of defending a dungeon, but I don't like the way the game uses this concept.

Like, you have to decide which monsters go to which room before you know the layout of the dungeon, or what heroes you are up against. I don't understand this design decision at all.

Only monsters on the roster can be chosen for missions, events and other things, and only monsters NOT on the roster gets a morale boost for NOT being in a dungeon. Why not give monsters a morale boost if they SURVIVE a dungeon, or if they kill a hero? Why even have a roster? Just to make the game more difficult, I guess, but it also makes it much more frustrating, and not fun.

Also, it just crashed to desktop.
136 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 15:03
After I played darkest dungeon and slay the spire all I can say that this game is boring.

Replay loop: Always the same.
Rouge like mechanics: very few.
8 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 15:41
Overall it's a pretty fun game at times, but the problem is the developers aren't doing a good job with keeping on pace with things, sharing their ideas, or just improving the game. It's pretty far into early access but doesn't feel like the game has developed into a real game yet. There isn't much variety in terms of good options in game for building your team. Events in game primarily just feel bad and uninteresting. There's potential but hte devs need to step up their game if they want this to be good.
116 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 02:39
Gameplay loop is not that interesting.

Choices lack a feeling of impact.

Runs feel very similar to each other.
1558 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
1087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 19:09
Legends of Keepers is a roguelite dungeon management game with turn-based battles. This time, you are the bad guy and have to take out the heroes!

The game is still in early access but i never encountered a bug yet. Atm there are two different leaders as which you can play. Both have different elements in the dungeon, such as different spells, traps and monsters. A run can take up to two years (52 weeks a year. Every week there is one encounter (dungeon, healer etc.). You can level up your monsters, traps and spells. Also, after a certain amount of weeks the dungeons become bigger and the heroes stronger. Overall you can level up every leader. Every run lets you gain exp.

It took me roughly 18 hours to fully beat the game with both leaders. It felt challenging and is pretty balanced imo. The roadmap promises a new leader and much more new content. They delivered on every promise they made yet even through updates don't come as often as in SOME other EA games its fairly frequent.

I really like the game. It's addictive and just great as of now. It's also on pretty much every big steam sale 25% off. If you're into roguelites and management i really recommend this game. The turn-based fights aren't really the main mechanic of this game.

If you like my review and are into strategy games (such as deck- builders/battlers, turn-based or real-time) please follow my curator page: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38553778/
49 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 01:04
Come at me bro!
141 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 22:07
This game is a lot of fun and very beatable. I think it is phenomenal for a game that isnt even early access yet.
81 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 17:22
So the game is pretty fun but atm it lacks alot of content after the first game loop. i would not recommend it at 18 € price. the humour the game is pretty good tho. and the game is way to easy even at the hardest difficulty. 6/10 because the price is to high
89 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 21:45
one of the best indie games I have played. A concept I always wanted. Hoping people catch on and buy it to help fund updates.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 04:06
Great promise! I would personally rate 8/10.

I like just about every concept that the game provides and has provided me about a dozen hours of entertainment which isn't bad considering the '~$20 price tag'.

The reason that I am docking it 2 points is because of the following:
-1 point for deleting all of my saved data. I logged in after about a dozen hours of playing and founds that all of my saved data has been erased and i am starting out at level 1 again. This isnt a big deal for me since games are really just entertainment at the end of the day. But still a little disappointing - that said ill still play it again lol.
-1 point for the amount of luck that plays a role in this game. I really like the gameplay but it still feels like chance plays such a huge role that no matter how good the decisions you make outside of the actual battle phase. I feel like luck should play a minor part in a strategy game such as this. Or at the very least allow the player a way to assess and pick between several options in the non-battle phase rather than blindly accepting a choice just to be punished in the late game for it.
98 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 21:46
Fun and different than Monster Train/Slay the Spire in a great way! If you are looking to add a game similar to those this is it!

Managing the monster roster and staging the fights is unique. Hours and fun and looking forward to them finishing their road map and making it fully complete to add even more.
91 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 12:42
Look at me! Im the final boss now!

Great game!
124 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 00:06
Fun game with good mechanics. I would like to see some kind of larger overarching narrative as simply killing as the gameplay can start to feel a little pointless without are larger overall goal to complete.
170 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 12:53
owned for under an hour and returned. the core loop is not very good. You can experience everything this puddle deep game has to offer in the tutorial.
463 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
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411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 06:10
TL;DR: The game just isn't very challenging/long/deep, and offers limited gameplay for its price point. Wait for more content.

I'm sure this game will, one day, be an unconditional recommend, but for now I can't really recommend it.

I love these kinds of games, so I am pretty good at them- that being said I've beaten the game with both characters and gotten to see almost every unit in the game, and I'm only 6 hours in. I was excited by the concept and the mechanics at first- they have a lot of potential and I can see them being turned into something really interesting. However, the lack of unit variety (I think I'd seen every unit in the game more or less after only 3 hours of playing), randomness in dungeon layout (making it hard to strategize meaningfully across rooms), mediocrity of the strategy layer (most of the event options/gold uses are uninteresting and, well, bad), and how solveable the game generally is make it kind of bland.

There are a bunch of sliders for the game to make it harder or easier, but I haven't seen anything resembling an ascension level to give the game replayability. If they double or triple the number of units, make the events less shallow, and add some kind of ascension mechanic I think the game could really have some legs.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 23:15
If you've played or are familiar with the card game Boss Monster, this is essentially the game version of that. Very well paced and animated, definitely give a try if you love Rogue Lites!
302 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 08:44
65/100 - An original concept with the potential to be great, if a little frustrating, repetitive and imbalanced - and definitely not quite worth the price (yet). I'd strongly recommend trying the demo first. Full review below:

= Intro =

Saw this on my Explore Queue again and, since I've been binge-watching Overlord, a game where I could play as the villain sounded fun.

= Gameplay: 75/100 =

This is a Rogue-Lite, in spirit - essentially it's Slay The Spire in reverse, with you taking the side of the monsters, with weeks replacing levels. Essentially, you expand, train and manage a group of monsters and an arsenal of traps and then place them in a prefab dungeon to fight off groups of marauding adventurers in standard turn based combat.

If the group makes it through your defenses, you get to fight them with your 'Master' - one of two (soon 3) bosses who act as your main character.

In between dungeon defenses, you choose between randomly generated options - buying new monsters or items, training and other events. Most offer a risk/reward scenario, a straight transaction or a luck based draw that can yield positive, useless or negative result.

As your 'career' progresses, adventurers get more powerful and so you need to keep pace somehow, which depending on luck (and a bit of strategy) can be a glorious victory or a gradual slide towards defeat. Dungeons get bigger and more random (including a dreadful 'healing room' for heroes) and a few new options open up for you, such as having a miniboss.

There is some semi-permanence to things here (hence Rogue Lite) in the form of xp and talents for your Master.

Like Spire, it's addictive as hell, and the simple mechanics and controls make it very easy to pick up.

So, if this all sounds too good to be true...you are correct.

Like most games of this type, it can be quite frustrating - especially when you make it quite far in and then lose to either an unlucky run of very powerful enemies or unlucky event draws.

The 'morale' system is especially frustrating, as heroes are generally stronger than any single monster and thus losses are expected, but those losses suffer slow-to-recharge morale damage and must be taken out of service. While this does offer, at least in theory, an interesting risk/reward mechanic (do I risk my strongest creatures?) in reality it's not even a choice and thus it feels really punitive, especially early on, where an unlucky fight can cripple you.

Fortunately, you can turn this off entirely (albeit at a significant XP hit).

Beyond this, the items you find during your career range from pretty useless to slightly useful, with only a handful being really impactful.

The big problem though is a lack of variety, both in terms of build viability and the tools you have at your disposal. As it stands, morale damage based builds (that sap the enemy's purple bar rather than red) feel like the only option for harder difficulties, with status effect builds being somewhat viable, and direct damage builds being mostly useless.

This has a lot to do with the crazy amount of healing that heroes are capable of combined with the absolute unfairness of healing rooms.

= Graphics & Audio: 82/100 = 

Really solid pixel art visuals, at times genuinely beautiful. However quite a few animations feel choppy - like they need some more frames. That said, it's great to play a Spire-like that doesn't look like the same Flash game you've seen a million times.

Some spells and attacks do not seem to be fully realized at this point in development, as well as icons.

Audio is...okay, with slightly repetitive music and sound effects, but nothing overly annoying.

= Style: 70/100 =

A lack of variety, as mentioned, really holds this back from greatness. But beyond this, I just wish that there was...well, more to earn. Talent trees feel tiny and mostly boring. Only a handful of traps and monsters seem halfway useful. 

And of course, RNG can be a gigantic pain in the pants. Certain hero combinations (unless you go for morale damage) or getting bad runs of events in a row can end a run quite rapidly. This comes down to, like a lot of other issues with the game, a lack of variety - there are only a few hero affixes available, and it's not uncommon to have a party basically hard-counter the traps and monsters you've been working on via resistances or immunities. Specializtion in key in this game on anything over Easy.

Not going to whine too much about balance, as this is an EA title and will hopefully become better as the release date approaches.

= Value: 40/100 =

And this is where the game suffers. Only 3 Masters exist, with only two playable at present. This would be okay if each was completely unique, but traps and monsters are the exact same from Master to Master and are quite limited even then. Lame.

With the small talent trees and lack of variety, you'll probably get bored before you run out of things to do - and there aren't really that many right now. I'll probably have to take a look at this closer to release.

Hopefully, if this game catches on, modders will be able to improve things a lot. But that's a ways away. Even at the current price point, I'm not sure if this is currently worth it. And with an additional $10 'supporters pack' that is essentially pre-release DLC, it's almost extortionate. 

This game just needs...more. More masters, more differences between masters, more monsters (can masters get some unique monsters, please?), more artifacts, more heroes, more viable builds, more talents - more everything.

= Overall = 

+ Very cool concept
+ Murderously addictive (until you get bored)
+ Quite pretty
+ Simple to pick up and learn

- Price is quite high for what you get at present. 
- DLC already, at this early point is a worrying indicator of what is to come
- Talent trees are far too shallow
- Severely lacking in variety on nearly every front
- RNG can be annoying as hell
- One build to rule them all
- Creature morale system is hilariously punishing
- Healing rooms are a bad idea, implemented badly.

As things stand, this has a lot of potential - but I'd strongly recommend the demo before shelling out for this. If the developers are willing to support this and expand on...well, everything, this could be pretty great. A slightly grudging recommendation, with a lot of 'ifs'. 

That said, I'll definitely come back and update this closer to release.
95 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 02:33
Good game, needs to have more stuff as it can get a little bland
725 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.20 22:18
It's extremely barebones at the moment. It's a fun game with a good base, but it needs much more content, especially for it's price point. I found that the game lost its luster and started to feel quite repetitive in a short amount of time. If it were closer to $10, I would feel comfortable recommending this game. However, that isn't the case, so, at the moment, I don't recommend this game and suggest waiting till more content has been added to it.

Once more content has been added and the game feels better, I will likely revisit this review.
386 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 19:35
You're a boss working for a corporation to protect dungeons from heroes. You do this by setting up rooms in the dungeons with traps, spells and monsters while using your free time to buy, workout and participate in events on a weekly basis.

At the start of a game you choose which boss you're going to play as and this will significantly impact available events, spells, monsters and dungeon layouts.
The most engaging part of the game comes from monster room turn based combat, setting up formations of monsters you have bought and trained to efficiently defeat the hero formations. The game features very little randomness in the dungeon and is very transparent of what everything does so it very much comes down to how well you can prepare and use strategy to effectively make use of weaknesses and strengths.

This review was done when the game was still in Early Access and 2 Dungeon bosses were available to play, I have played the game to completion with both characters and finished 3 games in the 9 hours of play, My favourite part of this game was the variety in both Monsters, Enemies and playable character features. I look forward to the full release of this game.

108 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 21:51
It's a great premise and the bones of this game are rather well-defined. It has some promise.

Sadly, the game is just a really long grind-fest with no real end in sight. The game has no goals, no objectives, little to no rewards. It feels like you're just afking through the game because nothing is happening, nothing changes. The same battle is just on repeat and then you wait for that same battle to happen again. This game needs more objectives, more goals before its good.
1190 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 19:42
Being villain as large centaur who cares about employees is nice.
127 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
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34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 19:09
Gorgeous graphics and very interesting concept.
However, in the current state, the gameplay is very shallow and not much strategic. I think it would benefit from more predictability, like Slay the Spire or Monster Train.
116 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 18:20
Prologue was really fun. The main game has more bugs, including game breaking ones (like no rewards showing up after fights)

A thread was made to discuss the excessive bugs in this release over prologue, but the devs took it down. That's a bad review'n.
9601 Produkte im Account
234 Reviews
813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 09:47
Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.

Is this game a masterpiece? No, not yet. It is in Early Access, but already shows great promise to become one.

Directly out of university (unemployment, razing the overworld or whatever you did before) you are hired as the new general manager of one of the dungeons of the archdemon. It really helps to get a job when you are a beastly minor demon with a large whip and big as a little house (more heroes to arrive later in Early Access). Your job will be to protect the stolen riches of the dungeon from the relentlessly invading heroes. This is kind of a tower defense game, but turn based and with a large management part. Each time before a group of greedy, stupid heroes arrives, you have to prepare the dungeon for them. The dungeon consists of multiple rooms, and you can assign monsters and set traps, while the last room is guarded by yourself.

The heroes attack your dungeon in groups of 3, you fight them in turn based combat from room to room, until they are all dead (or have fled). Between those incursions your task is, like that of any good manager, to keep the morale of your troops. I mean, getting beaten by heroes all the time does have negative effects on your self-confidence. So you can send your minions to training sessions, to hospital or to the therapist. You can also send them on vacation to recover, if you are a nice boss. Don't do it, and they will end in burnout and be worthless. Or go on strike. You also should hire new monsters to boost your defending army.

The game requires you to read quite a bit, to understand the abilities of your troops and the spells/traps. You should also tend to your troops (and yourself) in the preparation rounds. While you can easily just click-through the preparation and battle phases, this will lead to those heroes coming to your room and kicking your a.., therewith ending your run. To win the game, you have to serve for 2 long years, one turn (preperation, battle) taking a month.

Roguelite dungeon management simulator with turn-based fights.
28 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 17:51
In the current state of the game, this is a definite DO-NOT-BUY. With that said, the game still has potential to be worth it's current price.

It's a fun and somewhat original idea. However, it's completely hollow. You're left with a minimal amount of features, that gets monotonous very quickly. At first it felt like there'd be a sense of purpose in this game, seeing how the starting tutorial was voice acted and the potential is clearly layed out. However, a part from the introduction I've encountered less than 10 seconds of voice acting, so don't bank on this. There isn't really any story to think of, which is fine, but it'd be nice if there at least were hints at some kind of lore (like Slay the Spire).

Many of the negative reviews claim that the scaling gets out of hand very quickly. This is absolutely and completely true, and frankly, it's at a point where it just breaks the game entirely. I like the idea that the run isn't automatically won without having some luck, no matter how well you play. But the way the game scales is just atrocious.

Wait for the full release. I originally planned on buying the game, check it out and refund if the negative reviews had some grounds to them. They absolutely do, but it'll take about 3-4 hours before you realise this as you are initially very weak the first 1-2 runs due to not having levels. It seemed to me like the games scaling was just fine, albeit a bit hard, but you definitely need to get to around week 70 or so before you get the full force of the horribly scaling thrown in your face.

If I knew what I now know after making this purchase, I'd put it on my wishlist and wait for the full release. As it is now, it's definitely not worth it.
178 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 23:32
This game gets pretty addicting. I like trying to beat it on the hardest difficulty. The only problem is there isn't enough content currently. It needs more.
186 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 00:16
Is really good game mechanically, and quite addictive. Will have to find time to write a proper review later on
3021 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 17:54
The developers are very responsive and the game is progressing nicely so far. In particular: The developers clearly do not take an easy route balancing the game, instead clearly responding to statistics from the early access version as well as user feedback.

Apart from that: The game looks and feels really good. The animations are very nice, the graphical style is very pleasant and consistent and I can't find anything to complain about in the audio-department as well.

The present version is not yet feature-complete, but there's already quite a bit of fun to be had. Overall I'm very happy with my purchase.
239 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 14:08
I enjoy playing this game a lot. I am avid indie game player and I loved this title.

The game is really easy to pick up at any times, play a few minutes and come back at another occasion.

It's a nice touch to the roguelite genre and I love that about the game. I played the early free version and it instantly hooked me.

Considering it is in early access, I am really looking forward to more addition to friendly units as well as heroes you have to defeat for more diversity. Currently it feels as if it's a bit on the easy side with the right combos.

All in all, a great game to pick up. You will not regret your puchase!
267 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 06:29
The game is lots of fun, especially at first but you can tell it is in early access and would recommend to wait for a sale or until full release. The core gameplay loop and idea is a lot of fun and I'm excited to see where the game goes with more development. But with what is there now, it does not have a huge amount of replayability.

The game reminds me of a sort of reverse darkest dungeon where you are trying to kill the hero party.

There is a free demo - try that out. If you like it, this game is more of that with a whole extra year and with one other dungeon master, and a 3rd one on the way at some point. The dungeon masters definitely differ heavily in playstyle which was refreshing. The problem is the monster variety, hero variety, events and so on eventually start to feel repetitive the more you play. You eventually find a working strategy and utilize it over and over. There are some hero combos that can directly counter your strategy but by that time you will likely have a way to win either way, or feel frustrated at the absurd combo and lose - most likely in the second year where you can really struggle to ramp up your villain machine to keep up with the difficulty spike of leveled up heroes.

The game also reminds me of Slay the spire - the start gives you a random assortment of monsters with some core starting ones and traps. Then you hire more employees and buy more traps, upgrades, etc, and get stronger to face some inevitably strong heroic champions. I'm not sure why, but there just isn't as much drive to keep repeating runs. Maybe this will be resolved later on with more masters, monsters, etc. I think part of the problem is the masters have access to the same monsters and just start with different ones and utilize different strengths, traps, and spells, so you get bored of seeing them again. There is laso no much reason to play again other than for fun or a new score, hurting the replayablity.

Yes, there is a progression system where unlock talents for your masters, but these are generally gained as you learn the master and game and eventually fail. After you win, there is not all that much drive to unlock yet more talents. There needs to be a reason to come back to the game.

One thing I did like is there are difficulty sliders that are not all too punishing to use. (Decreases experience gained for new talents if you make the game easier). I got frustrated at the difficulty spikes in Year 2 so I adjusted two of my main problems: Morale and Incomne, and that made the game far more enjoyable. If you already find the game easy, then more power to you and you can increase the difficulty as well.

All in all I had about 4-5 runs with the starting master and 2 with the second before I finally felt like I had enough of the game for now. I will probably play again once the third master is out or more updates are added.

Edit: One thing I would love to see is a fast-mode where the animation goes quicker, similar to Slay the Spire. One of the frustrating things is having to wait for all the ticks of status effects go, all the heroes starting animations, etc. A quicker game experience you can opt into would help encourage playing again.
649 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
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369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 22:07
The game is pretty fun, and has some great ideas, but at the moment can be completely unfair. I do not like games that kill you due to no fault of your own; when what you are given is RNG. Getting stronger with a talent tree is little consolation when you are invested in a successful run then lose in one go.

The main offender is Berserk heroes who every. Single. Fight. Give everyone a bunch of bonus damage. Throw on someone with good AoE hits who is incredibly fast and you are screwed. By week 40ish, Heroes levels, HP, and damage WAY outdo what you have, and your own rate of leveling up creatures is far slower. I also once fought a dual wielder with +30 armor passive, so he had 90%, and was teamed up with a guy who regenned 5% max HP per round. Was literally unbeatable with my best monsters and traps, I got him to half.

There is no way to suppress dangerous traits and passives, and your monsters are too slow, fragile and weak to assassinate a problem person. You will basically play RNG until you run up against a team that has a couple synnergized heroes then either die or get cripplingly wounded, even if you have dominated every single dungeon until then.

If I am wrong or missing something let me know, this is my main issue with the game, but one I find unplayably unfun.
502 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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1063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 13:12
First run through of the game is fun. After that the game really gets boring.

The choices you get every week seem somewhat meaningless.
There is no fun in managing your monsters tiredness. (After every battle just swap unrested for rested.)
The dungeon layout, while randomized, is boring.
It is not apparently obvious what heroes are weak to. (Use symbols not just percents)
Minions strength is hard to tell. My one star minions seem no stronger than my regular minions.
Building synergy is difficult when everything is random.

I could go on...

Just not fun right now. It is not a rogue-like or rougue-lite or anything like that. The only thing carried between runs is overlord level and a somewhat meaningless skill tree. It does not feel challenging, it just feels boring.
33 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 10:20
Rough around the edges, but already a beautiful, complex, deep and rewarding experience, and will only get better with time...
57 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 02:28
Notice my playing time. I am writing this after having played through and beaten my first full 2-year run of the game, which is exactly how long a full 'run' of this roguelite lasts. If you see any positive or negative reviews with less than three hours of playtime, I would say to digest those reviews with a heavy dosage of salt, whether good or bad.

This game is interesting. It's a roguelite, but one that's designed to take a long time with each run, longer than any I have played before that's for sure. It also keeps exactly like it's theme to a T; you play as a guy who gets constantly contracted to be the final boss of a dungeon who deploys traps and his or her lackeys to soften up or outright kill groups of adventurers before they reach you. That said, your lackeys are most likely going to die, a lot. These groups of adventurers are not kidding around, nor are they bands of random farm folk who think they can make a quick buck by diving into your dungeon. Every group are a bunch of seasoned veterans with combinations of skills, passives and an attack that they bring to kill your lackey, and YOU if you're not careful. That's all a part of the theme; they are the good guys looking to rid the world of you, your evil henchmen and your boss as well, should they ever find them. So naturally, in a 1 on 1 analysis, those adventurers are going to beat your lackeys 100 times out of 100.

What you need to do to beat those adventurers back and be successful in guarding your treasures is to use your advantages. Adventurers don't get to lay traps, adventurers don't get to cast spells, and their parties will only ever be three adventurers. For you, all those statements are false. Use that to your advantage. Your lackies getting slaughtered does not matter in the long run so long as you secure victory, so ensure you can always deploy out good teams and deploy as many as you can. Make sure you have at least a good trap, if not two, that will help cut those adventurers down. And always use the best spell for the given situation. If all else fails, you can always beat them down yourself. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, if those adventurers get to you, you don't immediately die. You get a chance to finish them off yourself. Had to do that a few times in my run. Don't panic if that happens, take it as a learning experience and move on.

Oh, and one last thing. If you're not a fan of reading, don't buy this game. Every hero and lackey has 5 different types of resistances, every hero in a party will always be a unique type compared to their party members (so all their stats and abilities and resistances will be different), all lackeys have 3 unique abilities and varying levels of resistances, and there was easily over 200 different choices that I had to make concerning what rewards to go for in events, post dungeon loot, on top of the hundreds of lackey combinations that I could swap around and deploy for every dungeon. If you're not going to bother to read or can't read, then you're going to struggle very, very, VERY hard to play this game. And you will lose A LOT of your runs. But if you do at least bother to read and comprehend what is written out on your screen, then you should do at least alright. Probably good, and definitely better than any idiot who doesn't bother reading.
576 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
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237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 16:26
Neat idea, but the balancing is all over the place. I feel like this dev team needs to really sit down and figure out how to balance DoTs and make things cleaner for the player. The majority of your units will die in 1 hit or if not a single hit at least an entire round of combat making combat feel really dumb at times.

126 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
97 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 21:35
Fun rogue-lite time killer. You are a dungeon boss and must prevent adventurers from slaying you. You do this via various traps, monsters, and spells. The animations and art are excellent, and although there is no story-mode, the game guides you through the years so you can create your own. Worth the $!
164 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 19:33
I stumbled upon this game through the free Prologue demo and purchased the supporter pack and have been a fan ever since - it is reverse Darkest Dungeon/Slay the Spire/Overlord the game!

This game is legit. If you've seen Overlord, or any Dungeon anime/manga/LN at all - this is your jam. Play as the Dungeon Master and drive the heroes away through a combination of well crafted combat and interesting balance/mechanics.

I'm only an hour in, but anticipate I'll be sinking in tens of hours into it as I climb the leaderboards. Here's to hoping Early Access goes well for the devs and we get new builds, patches and Dungeon Keepers!
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