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Über das Spiel

LEFT ALIVE erzählt eine menschliche Geschichte des Überlebens aus der Perspektive von drei verschiedenen Protagonisten während der vernichtenden Invasion des vom Krieg zerrissenen Novo Slava im Jahre 2127.
Erlebe den massiven Kraftunterschied zwischen Mensch und Maschine in Begegnungen, die deinen Puls zum Rasen bringen: Stelle dich mächtigen Truppen, gepanzerten Fahrzeugen und dich überragenden Mechs.
Wähle deinen Spielstil: Stürze dich in wilde Schießereien oder erledige deine Gegner mit List und Tücke. Stelle Fallen, sammle Gebrauchsgüter zum Überleben oder stelle sie selbst her, während du eine zerstörte Stadt erkundest, die von den Schrecken des Krieges verwüstet wurde.
Entdecke die ganze Wahrheit hinter dem Krieg durch die Augen drei verschiedener Charaktere: Im Spiel kannst du verschiedene Geschichten erleben, die jeweils mutige Entscheidungen mit verzweifelten Konsequenzen erfordern.
- CPU: Intel Core i5-2400S AMD A8-7650K
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050, AMD Radeon R9 280
- Software: Windows 7 SP1 / 8.1 / 10 64bit
- HD: 35 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectSound compatible device
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: 30FPS at 1280x720 with graphics preset “LOW”
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 AMD Ryzen 5 1400
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Radeon RX Vega 56
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 7 SP1 / 8.1 / 10 64bit
- HD: 35 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectSound compatible device
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: 60FPS at 1920x1080 with graphics preset “HIGH”
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.20 11:06
hab mir das game gekauft weil es gut aussieht im Shop und von Square Enix ist.
Finde es macht viel Spass, man kann im Stealth Modus durchschleichen oder wie Rambo durchlaufen.
Story auch sehr gut handelt von Mechs und Invasion.
kann ich nur empfehlen
für 8 Euro geschossen.
9/10 Story
6/10 weil auf voller Auflösung leicht fischig/trübe
8/10 Kampfsystem bzw. Stealthmodus
Nicht Empfohlen
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.19 19:50
Ich bin unvoreingenommen an das Spiel ran gegangen und wollte ihm die Chance geben die es verdient hat, trotz der ganzen Reviews hier...
Es wird als Shooter bezeichnet.... Naja es wird viel geschossen auf den eigenen Spielcharakter, nur hat man leider eher selten die Möglichkeit das Feuer zu erwidern. Die Munition ist wirklich extrem rar und man sollte sich diese für absolute Notfälle aufheben. Ansonsten besteht das Spiel aus schleichen.... stundenlangen schleichen und auf passen das man um der Götterwillen nicht gesehen wird.
Kaufempfehlung spreche ich für die aus, die mit einer schwammigen Steuerung zu recht kommen und auf dauerhaftes schleichen und verstecken stehen.
Ich rate diejenigen davon ab das Spiel zu kaufen, die darauf hoffen einen ausgewogenen Shooter zu bekommen mit einer guten Story.
Zur Story gebe ich keine Bewertung ab, da ich sie nicht lange genug erlebt habe.
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.19 23:04
Was ihr wissen wollt:
- keine Abstürze
- die Grafik ist ansehnlich
- das Spiel ist nicht allzu leicht
- die Steuerung ist gut gelungen
Ich verstehe diese ganzen negativen Bewertungen vorn und hinten nicht. Es läuft Einwandfrei, die Story was ich bis jetzt gesehen habe ist auch in Ordnung. Man sollte sich nur dessen bewusst sein, das es Stellenweise etwas schwierig sein kann, und ich spiele grade man auf den Normal-Modus, wo ich mir teilweise die Zähne ausbeise wie ich an den Gegnern vorbeikomme^^
Man kann schon Einheiten erschießen, Munition ist allerdings knapp. Dafür gibt´s dann mit der Brechstange eins auf die Zwölf :)
Es ist auch möglich sich Gegenstände herzustellen, wie Minen (Tret- oder Fernzündung) Molotov Cocktails, Sprengdosen und noch einiges mehr.
Ratsam ist es auch, sich das Spiel als Strategie Spiel zurecht zu legen, denn immer mit dem Kopf durch die Wand ist nicht beste Lösung und führt oft zum Tod. Bleibt dabei, spielt mit Köpfchen, dann wird es gelingen auf die ein oder andere Weise voranzukommen. Auch ich beise mir die Zähne aus ab und an, aber wenn man einen möglichen Weg gefunden hat um an das Ziel zu kommen, denkt man Hinter warum man nicht vorher schon daran gedacht hat :D
Ich wünsche allen frohes Spielen, viel Spaß und eine Menge Wege das eigene Überleben zu meistern :)
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77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 00:36
Maybe I'll give it another chance but goddamn this is so bad to play it has everything that makes it a unique game but controls are janky. Honestly if they added a few additional controls it wouldn't play as bad or just modify the ones we got right now.
Don't buy this game unless it's on sale and you wanna just play for shits and giggles.
539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 16:43
59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 21:05
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252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 02:43
And yeah I think I understand now,, the game starts out pretty okay honestly. I choose the easiest difficulty and was planning to play it very casually, and the first few enemy shootouts while simple were fun enough, and the second level I would say was actually good. The maps feel very open with multiple ways of getting to every point, with an interesting system where different zones are at different levels of alertness and you can lower one zone's alertness by raising another zone's.
But level 3 was really when the game started to get bad for me. There just isn't enough ammo even on the easiest difficulty setting, to a point that it just isn't really fun. I could probably stealth around all the enemies but that just wouldn't be fun, the world isn't interactive enough to make that feel fun to do, it would just be sneaking behind chest high walls going slowly. I just ran from point to point and accepted I would take some damage, which just isn't fun at all. It isn't even hard because every save point can fully refill your health 3 times per level.
I do kind of respect this game though, it was a very weird and probably bad idea, but it didn't really feel generic at all, there are lots of gadgets to craft giving you probably lots of options for each encounter, and I feel like if somebody was into setting up a bunch of gadgets and carefully planning everything out this game could be good. I like how the story isn't about how like the entire world is going to blow up or some giant thing with huge stakes, it's just more focused on a few people trying not to die. The set up for the story felt very human and real, though the moment to moment lines and voice acting were not very good...
Overall, I didn't have much fun with this game, but that being said, I don't think it deserves all of the hate that everyone gives it. Personally I don't see a lazy cash grab here, I see a game created by someone with a vision, just something went wrong and the game didn't feel very good to play, and failure is okay! Still though, square enix still selling this game for $60 fucking sucks, you should really wait for it to go on sale, this game is not worth $60 of your money, I got it for less than $10 during the summer sale.
1238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 06:36
Yes, it is not good. It is the very definition of Jank. But the story was pretty good, one of the antagonists goes on about American Baseball, and once you figure out to play Left Alive like Left Alive and not like Metal Gear Solid, it starts to get fun. Better the deeper you get. Though it never stops feeling rushed. I spent a lot of my play time on my first run trying to figure out what the devs wanted this to be. Metal Gear? No, the stealth isn't deep enough for that. Maybe a Survival Horror game with no monsters and instead an invading army? That would be dope but there are straight up Mech Battles and Defend the Base missions.
Ultimately, I don't understand how it ended up as Janky and rushed as it is with the pedigree of creative talent behind it, and its truly a missed opportunity to create something really cool if it had been given the time it needed to be properly made.
The Mech Battles are fun if frustrating because your mech is as easy to kill as the enemy mechs. You cycle through three characters, all of whom I like.
If you can like Jank from time to time and it goes on sale for like $15 or so, grab it, give it a go.
I'm going to beat it at least one more time, I think. Its a shame its a flop and I won't get to see these characters in something actually polished.
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87 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 19:57
Not so this.
Perfomance is meh, ammo is rare, and even when you run out of ammo and infight an enamy you cannot pick up his weapon after you have beaten him.
So it indeed is a must have game...
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 11:30
122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 21:50
Why Left Alive is awsome
LEFT ALIVE is a third person stealth action shooter RPG from Sqare Enix. It combines tactical stealth and groundbreaking shooter mechanics in a futuristic Warzone of the popular Front Mission universe.
I really hope I was able to make you buy this masterpiece, it is worth it, trust me!
Now I will go and play my ninth run, see you on the front!
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401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 18:49
But there are some pretty glaring issues in level design, I mean if you're going to build your levels out of modular set pieces, you might want to have more than a half dozen of them.. the reuse becomes painfully obvious, almost as bad as the parts of the first Mass Effect.
It's not terrible, it doesn't have the Kojima Weirdness but it doesn't have his brilliance either.
It plays like Metal Gear but not nearly as polished and thought out.
This could've been amazing.. but I can't return it because it managed to keep the short comings more or less hidden just long enough for me to not be able to return it.
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17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 01:34
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15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 02:29
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798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 21:04
i bought this to stream as a joke and getting through this game was an absolutely miserable time, it's not even a so bad it's good thing it's just bad
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183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 17:04
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446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 18:29
However i cannot in good conscience recommend buying this game at full price.
I'd say only buy it if your a Front Mission fan and also a fan of the Yoji Shinkawa and Takayuki Yanase characters/mechs design.
Personally i like the game art direction and world settings.
You may enjoy it a little bit more if you like stealth/action games like Metal Gear.
Just know that it's really janky, poorly optimized and that the gameplay rely heavily on stealth mechanics.
Sadly said stealth mechanics are completely broken and poorly executed...
If you can tolerate clunky controls, rigid animations and terrible ennemies AI then you may have some fun playing.
To be honest the biggest problem with this game is that Square Enix priced it way to high.
If only they had priced it correctly in the first place at let's say 29,99 it would have been selling a lot better and probably wouldn't have received so much backlash.
Get it on a deep sale, lower your expectations to the minimum and maybe you will like it.
I'd give it a 4/10.
I repeat ONLY buy if you can get it for cheap but absolutely NEVER buy this game at full price.
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 01:48
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792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 01:33
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83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 02:19
2135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 20:21
I played through on the normal difficulty setting. There are two easier modes and two harder modes.
This is not a hardcore stealth game. Do not play it like one. It's not an ordinary third-person shooter either. It's somewhere in between - the game does want you to fight, but to fight smart. Stealth is quite forgiving in this game and it's easy to learn the limits of the enemy's sight in spite of there being no visible vision cone.
Combat is a little clunky, but has a certain stylish feel to it. Shooting an enemy in the head will not instantly kill them as they are wearing armoured exoskeletons, but it will stun them long enough for you to keep lining up headshots until they die. As enemies do not respawn, you'll find that it is quite easy to clear the entire map of enemies if you do not bite off more than you can chew and you've equipped yourself accordingly. The enemy AI is easy to abuse and the sooner you take advantage of this the more fun you'll have.
I have mixed feelings about the sections where you control a wanzer. On one hand, they almost nailed the feeling of controlling such a mech, but on the other hand they're so freaking flimsy that I feel more vulnerable piloting one than when I'm on foot.
The game does not give you much opportunity to learn all the ins and outs of using a wanzer or to learn about their entire arsenal and it wasn't until the very end that I felt I had mastered them.
The story is alright and makes enough sense. It's not convoluted to a silly degree as you might have in Metal Gear Solid, but it's not very memorable.
Left Alive has a new game+ feature in which you can spend points earned by completing chapters and collecting KIA beacons on various features to make recurring playthroughs easier and faster.
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220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 19:05
1. If you are a console player then you can play this. The game was made for PS4 and by the behavior of the code it was simply imported to PC with no optimization for the PC system. Being that Steam accounts are widely used for PC playing this game is not a wise choice.
2. It is similar to splinter cell where diversions and sneaks have to be implemented in order to succeed. This is not Gears of War or Mass Effect style, which is what I was hoping for.
3. The graphics on ultra with my 1070 ti continuously produces ~30 FPS when looking at flames or field depth. VSYNC and other settings have no change on this performance until Low or Medium graphics are used.
4. Controls are good. Simple and easy to use with a variety of maneuvers.
5. Weapons and items are various and specific. Early on you can find a crowbar for melee attacks. I killed a lone solider with no gun fire made. Which was nice, down side it alerts all combatants in the area, even on the other side of a cement wall. Melee kills are not silent ones apparently.
6. AI awareness and player awareness. As I earlier stated this game is more Splinter Cell then Gears of War. The AI can see and hear the player pretty well on standard difficulty. The player can maneuver with ease between covers and run or crouch a good distance away from NPCs before risking detection. -- That being said, when I threw an empty can to distract a soldier my player can clearly hear the can make plenty of noise. But the soldier, who was on the other side of my cover, made no attempt to investigate.
Overall, this is a Console Game in a PC world. Being that Steam is mostly PC players, I can not support this game. Although I might just play it because of my intrigue for the story and comparison to Square Equinox's Final Fantasy's. (Will update my review as I play.)
2391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 13:26
Learn the mechs first 1-3 chapters...
Have your first suicided NPC,
Feel the weapons, blow tank using the crowbar.
Connect the arm weapon to wanzer.
Cutscenes are magnificent,
Engine mix is 100% glitching, but... well, its like part of the mechs.
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87 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 06:39
There is a good game in there somewhere, the theme and game play premise is worth exploring, but only if it is delivered with a bit more love. The price is atrocious for sure and I really could not recommend this one even on a deep sale. I hope someone more competent picks up the idea for this game and creates something worthwhile out of it.
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94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 17:23
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17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 00:48
70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 15:15
Been playing the game for a few hours and I like it so far.
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 10:10
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731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 22:49
2/10 Trash game
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75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 12:03
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43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 00:32
Change a few mechanics in this game & it will get better reviews. I haven't got past the first stage cause trying to fight giant mech with a F%^CKING p shooter. when I kill a hostile at least give me a weapons drop along ammo drops.
2184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 03:07
so lets start by stating what may be obvious to anyone reading the extensive, extensive....extensive amount of negative reviews.
As a stealth survivor game it is quite terrible, the lack of options for stealth kills shows it makes it impossible to complete even one part of a mission without being detected.
It also suffers from having a very limited selection of weapons. don't expect to be surprise. The AI is terrible as well.
The story sucks, this really hurts me, Front Mission has been one of the best story driven games, shit the story alone would be enough to get you through the game on games like Front Mission 3, 4, 5. The story line here is boring and full of bad cliches.
Now to the good things about the game and the reason i think the game is worth playing, definitely not worth $60 but if you can get it for less than $15 get it.
What Left Alive does good and far better than its previous iteration Front Mission Evolved is give you a good feel of what piloting a mech feels like. I was very surprised of how well they did this to the point that it makes me sad the rest of the game is so bland. I would say i endured the rest of the game flaws just to get to the wanzer battles. You feel like you are in a big heavy walking tank which you should. Every other mech game I've tried makes you feel like you are walking on air or like you mech is made out of paper. The got this right on the money and i applaud them for that. Its it perfect NO! but is damn good and fun.
The graphics for the game are not bad, maybe they where before but it ran on ultra for me on a gtx 1080. They are not the best but they are acceptable. I would compare them to the graphics of early PS4 games.
My final though on Left Alive is that it feels like an incomplete game, like it was rushed which it probably was is sad that such a good franchise keeps getting botched like this. If more time was spent on making the stealth more like the likes of games like Metal Gear Solid, the mech action was tweaked a bit to feel more like some of the cutscenes you see in front mission 4 and 5 , improve graphics and animation a bit and they made it have a compelling story that would make you care for your characters like front mission 3. This game would be worth more than $60 but for this don't go above $15 not worth it.
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481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 03:53
Stealth is bad because there is no feedback its either you are seen or the music cue will let you know you have been spotted somehow by a wanzer six yards away.
Enemies look like multiplayer characters from cod infinite warfare exo jump included(sometimes) but their AI is the worst I've seen in a stealth game. Music is ok, voice acting decent.
Graphics and performance is all over the place stuttering when there is no action and just overall this game should not run or look this average for the recommended or minimum system requirement or price to say the least. Skip it!
782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.20 01:18
While I did receive the game for free as a gift, I'd highly recommend it for around $15-ish. It's essentially an indie-AAA experience, very personal, weird, and unique. It's as much Metal Gear Solid as it is Resident Evil and Mech Assault, and not always in the ways you'd expect. The post-launch patches have addressed the majority of the difficulty spikes, far as from what I've seen, and I recommend first time players try the game on Casual or Light before delving into the higher difficulties.
If you give this game time, it'll show you amazing things. There's brilliant wrinkles, like how other players' dead bodies appear as lootable with bonus items in your game to help in tougher areas, or how you can craft an absurd amount of improvised weaponry to trap your AI opponents. It's possible to ghost or take the fight to the enemy, but the latter requires a level of preparation out of survival horror gaming.
Make no mistake, it's flawed, and it'll never be GOTY, but Left Alive more than deserves consideration as a great time.
1800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.19 01:22
If nothing else, I take solace in the fact that Front Mission isn't totally dead yet, and I'll continue to hold that sliver of hope that Square Enix will eventually return to the series in a better way than this.
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541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.19 04:02
Game is bad.
Graphics are mediocre at best, and it runs like garbage even on my system (watercooled and overclocked 2080ti @ 2100mhz, 2700x @ 4.2ghz 16GB 3200cl14). Frame drops constantly even without even being close to full utilization on GPU or CPU.
Gameplay is not fun, stealth with no actual stealth mechanics, just hope you can do it. Besides that it is unforgiving in a frustrating way.
I am not sure why but I am going to continue to play this game, Maybe I hate myself, maybe I hope something about it will be good (spoiler: it won't be)
Please don't buy this game, spend your money on something better for yourself like a pack of smokes.
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441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.19 02:39
How disappointing.
880 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.19 05:26
The mech stuff is jank as heck at the start then you figure it out and it can be really damn fun. Wow if only they made an entire game around that instead of what they were going for.
The plot was fairly unique even if it was a bit unfinished felt really fun for the universe and there is a lot of lore collections and massive database that is quite compelling. I really liked the playable characters.
So yeah I think this games alright if you're somebody who likes to dive deep into janky underdog games.
Also make sure you click off that world of tanks DLC, it is baffling how bad and obnoxious it is.
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82 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.19 19:00
The story pitched seems like it's going to be a huge hit, I mean stranded in the middle of a warzone with no backup? Amazing, I'd play the shit out of it just for that. However, this game doesn't ENJOY you having fun with it. The tense moments you have while sneaking are created off the same feelings other stealth games create, but with this one, you don't have the takedowns and white-knuckled adrenaline-filled moments when you eliminate a guard JUST IN TIME for the other guard to be looking away, creating a new window of opportunity for you.
I'm honestly just upset that this isn't the MGS-killer I was hoping for ever since Kojima was booted from the MGS series. I just wanted my tactical espionage shooter, with emphasis on the shooter.
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174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.19 23:44
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189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.19 08:56
-You have to quit to the main menu to load a save
-Limited save slots
-Your upgrades are advertisements, HEY ITS THE CROWBAR FROM HALF LIFE ARE YOU EXCITED?
-Huge World of Tanks posters everywhere, even on the floors of hospitals.
-Most missions are stealth escort missions, and you have no control over the NPC
-You can kill enemies but all you do is waste ammo, you CANNOT get their weapons or their ammo, you can only hope they drop the specific handgun ammo you use by luck.
-They will deny it but this looks like Fox Engine to me, although it must be a chinese bootleg version.
I could go on but I wont. The premise is excellent and good character design is wasted. This could have been a great game but it looks like they gave up on it halfway. Sad!
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12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.19 18:22
-Poor optimization (running on 1080 ti + I7 4970k....)
- Terrible Graphics
- Couldn't even play the game due to the constant crashes
Also if you check the Japan amazon the game is already like 50% off and also with ratings of 1-2 stars... Not only that Square Enix has banned streaming of Left Alive in Japan.....
Square Enix
Square Enix
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
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