Last Oasis
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Über das Spiel

Traverse the world on your walker: a wooden, wind-powered machine inspired by Theo Jansen’s amazing strandbeests. Walkers are mobile bases that can be adapted for travel, transportation, harvesting, and combat. Personalize your walker to fit your needs with a multitude of structures, attachments, and upgrades!
The Scorching Sun
The sun burns the land in the west, turning it to dust. In order to stay ahead of the obliterating sun, nomads must explore new territories that slowly emerge on the eastern horizon, where the Earth has long been frozen in impenetrable ice.
The Lore
After a cataclysmic event halted the Earth’s rotation, the planet was split into two extreme and deadly environments. Only a narrow region between the burning and freezing halves of the planet can support life. This region moves as the planet orbits around the sun, and all living creatures must migrate with it to survive. In order to keep moving, the remnants of humanity have built nomadic machines, and a walking city called the Flotilla.
Survive and Thrive
Survive by exploiting what’s left of the world: find a source of water, hunt ferocious creatures, fend off pirates, brew mind-bending Vitamins, and uncover hidden walker technologies. Build autonomous machines to harness the power of the wind. Claw your way from a ragged nomadic trader to the heights of a mercenary king, fleet commander, or a legendarily-rich merchant.
Trade in a Player Driven Economy
There are trade networks that stretch between the discovered oases. In this global, player-driven economy, smart and quick traders can take advantage of supply and demand to make huge profits. Other nomads may opt to produce or hunt down rare and highly localized resources. It’s always wise to consider potential competitors first, though. Threaten another clan’s operation, and you may become their next target.
Travel and Explore an MMO-sized World
The large, open world is made up of many interconnected oases that are over 100km2 each. Potentially thousands of oases exist simultaneously – the number automatically adjusts to accommodate the size of the playerbase. Explore them to reveal new and unique biomes while plundering their limited resources. Some nomads may pitstop to refill their water. Others will settle for some time, but ultimately everyone will pick up and voyage east to escape the encroaching sun.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5 2400 @ 3.1 GHz
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 770, AMD Radeon HD 7870
- Software: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64bit versions only)
- HD: 60 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 14:58
Besser wäre wenn man sich die Läufer selber richtig zusammenstellen könnte.
Man hat kein richtiges Ziel vor Augen was das Spiel schnell langweilig werden lässt.
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16038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 21:50
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8082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 20:35
Das Spiel an sich ist etwas grindy, wartet aber mit interessanten features wie mobilen basen auf.
Höhere Entwicklungsstufen zu erreichen ist wegen der aggressiven community aber schwer und frustrierend.
16578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 06:41
Wie man erfahren hat wanderten zu Beginn 99% der Spieler wieder ab aufgrund eines PVP Systems das die Welt noch nicht gesehen hat. Selbst wenn man einen eigenen Server hatte wurde dieser in einen Cluster von Tausenden gereiht und man wurde am eigenen Server geraidet und fertig gemacht - dafür durfte man bezahlen - ein Witz.
Aber die Crew steuerte dagegen und hat viele Sachen geändert, nachdem ich das gelesen hatte gab ich dem Spiel eine Chance. Und siehe da ich war positiv überrascht. Ich und meine Community sind nicht die PVP Freaks, zumindest nicht in solchen Spielen. Wir lieben es gemütlich im PVE den Content zu genießen, also mieteten wir 3 Servercluster. Diese Cluster kann man nun sichern mit Passwort wenn man dies möchte, was aber nicht notwendig ist, da man als Admin nun viele Möglichkeiten hat für Frieden zu Sorgen.
Was ist den nun so toll an Last Oasis?
Es glänzt mit etwas neuem gepaart mit einer wunderschönen Grafik und jeder Menge Spaß, selbst ohne PVP. Wenn du es dir ansehen möchtest bist du gerne dazu eingeladen unserer Community beizutreten. Du kannst auch gerne Fragen zum Game stellen etc.
Klares Ja. Wenn du Survival Games liebst, dir der Film Dune gefallen hat und du schon immer durch die Wüstendünen brettern wolltest, schlag zu. Das Tutorial ist gut erklärt, die ersten Schritte leicht gesetzt. Das Spiel zu meistern und zu verstehen dauert lange, aber lohnt sich.
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1516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 18:51
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2371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 10:32
habe jetzt ein paar hotfixes und nun das grosse wurmupdate abgewartet , fehler leider immernoch da
sehr schade
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6135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 19:45
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823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 02:48
We have played a lot of Conan Exiles, Fallout 76, No mans Sky - each had interesting exploration. The levels of Last Oasis are that monotonous that we honestly couldn't tell the difference between any of the 8 valleys we came across visiting 4 oases. If you look at the mountains, you will almost certainly have 2 or 3 exact same shapes on your screen, the game doesn't even bother to turn or scale them slightly.
The combat, the animation, the character creation, the building, the gear, the PvP, the QoL - everything is similarly underwhelming. There is nothing to do, but maybe hunt other players, but until you are maxed out, you are just the hunted one, which is significantly less fun, especially because you lose your whole progress, that you carry around with your walker.
And well, the walker ... the one thing that stands out in this game is the most disappointing. You might imagine, that you build a traveling base - make your personal cool-looking vehicle, a fortress on legs - no you don't. You build an ordinary base on the ground that you can pack on a generic walker that looks like everybody else's. Packed as in not visible.
Great premise for a game though.
- Let the player build his custom walker.
- Add PvE content. Dungeons, NPC camps and so on.
- Add more biomes.
- Add (a damn lot) variation to the combat system.
- Add more PvE enemy types (we only fought a single one yet).
- Add more life! A trading post shouldn't be the most dead place on earth, a single animal doesn't make a food chain.
- Rework the grappling physics - the rope shouldn't go through solids.
14795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 13:39
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25804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 14:24
Damit hätte man das Problem gelöst, man hätte dann 3 riesen große Clans. Und alle wären glücklich. Könnten so spielen wie sie wollen.
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11651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 18:49
nach dem abgreifen dieser spielerschaft die 180 grad wende zum wipecycle season rust clone um noch ein weiteres publikum finanziell zu schröpfen.
schade um dieses schöne konzept dem man sich nicht treu bleiben konnte und schade dass ich erneut auf einen scam reingefallen bin.
6962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 00:51
Vorne weg das Spiel ist in meinen Augen sehr gut und macht auch Spaß. Es macht Spaß seinen Walker zu bauen, zu Farmen und die Oasen zu erkunden. Sicher machen große Clan-Kriege auch Spaß wenn man denn die Chance dazu hat und es dabei eben auch eine gewisse Fariness gibt.
Und Fairness ist auch das Hauptthema meiner Rezension.
Den diese existiert in Last Oasis nicht. Weder seitens der Spieler noch seitens der zur Verfügung gestellten Möglichkeiten.
Das Spiel ist darauf ausgelegt kleinere Spieler ob Solo oder kleinere Gruppen zu zermürben. Wie schon gesagt Freundlichkeit wird nicht belohnt. Jeder Nomad der euch über den Weg läuft ist in erster Linie ein Feind. Warum ?
Naja die Absichten sind auf Grund der unterschiedlichen möglichen Spielweisen nicht klar ersichtlich wenn ein Walker auf euch zu kommt. Im klar Text ihr habt keine Ahnung was der von euch will.
Also gilt ganz einfach die Regel fressen oder gefressen werden. Wenn ein Nomad auf euch zu kommt, dann sorgt dafür dass er zuerst stirbt. Euer hab und Gut liegt in euren Händen, auf die Gutmütigkeit anderer Spieler solltet ihr beim besten Willen nicht zählen. Einen Kodex oder feste regeln bzw. Fairness existiert in dem Spiel nicht.
Wenn ihr getötet werdet, was euch mit jeder erdenklichen Rüstung passieren kann wenn ihr das Kampfsystem nicht beherrscht. Dann könnt ihr auf eurem Walker spawnen. Vorausgesetzt ihr habt genug Wasser eingelagert. Solltet ihr dann nicht gerade eine Backup Rüstung im Walker haben spwant ihr quasi nackt.
Was bedeutet euer gegenüber Haut euch einfach wieder um. So kann das Spiel weiter gehen bis kein Wasser mehr in eurem Walker ist und ihr irgendwo in der Oase spawnen müsst. Das gibt dem Angreifer selbstverständlich genug Zeit euren Walker zu zerlegen und euer granzes hab und gut zu nehmen. So kann es gut und gerne öfter am Tag vorkommen dass ihr im Prinzip von vorne anfangen müsst.
Dem entsprechend gilt Freundlichkeit bringt euch nichts.
Den anderen Spielern ist es egal ob ihr sie töten wollt oder nicht, denn sie wollen euch töten. Nicht nur das sie das einmal tun wollen. Nein sie töten euch so lange bis ihr nicht mehr spawnen könnt.
Man könnte jetzt meinen ja aber wenn ich Mal ein gewisses lvl erreicht habe geht das mit Sicherheit nicht so einfach. Falsch, das kampfsystem ist darauf ausgelegt dass jeder, jeden töten kann. Ihr müsst aktiv blocken. Beherrscht ihr das nicht seid ihr mit zwei Schlägen tot.
Habt ihr eine gute Rüstung sind es eben 2 1/2 oder 3.
Die Rüstungen erfüllen im PVP eher einen dekorativen Zweck. Anders gesagt Sie zögern euren tot um einige Sekunden oder Minuten heraus. Bieten aber keinen richtigen Schutz gegen andere Spieler.
Solo Player haben das nachsehen. Abgesehen davon dass man jederzeit und überall von der Bildfläche gefegt werden kann. Gibt es für solo Player keinen Schutz vor großen Clans oder aggressiven Spielern.
Der Marktplatz gibt euch 15 Minuten Immunität danach seid ihr aber auch dort Vogelfrei.
Alles in allem ist es grafisch und spielerisch ein tolles Spiel. Allerdings sollte man es nur spielen wenn man damit leben kann oder will dass man quasi mit dem Arsch an der Wand laufen muss damit man nicht Mal eben umgebracht wird.
Ich hoffe inständig dass die Entwickler sich etwas einfallen lassen das PvP geschehen abzumildern oder zumindest dieses abgeschlachte zu vermeiden. Damit das Spiel auch für Solo Spieler Spaß machen kann.
Achso zu guter Letzt High Tier Equipment werdet ihr als Solo Spieler wohlmöglich nicht oder nur sehr sehr langsam erreichen da es gewisse Ressourcen benötigt an die man nicht mal eben so alleine ran kommt.
Und bei aller Liebe die eingeführten Clan Cabs bringen nichts wenn man sich für gewisse Server Zeiten Clan Plätze kaufen kann um dann 10 Plätze extra für eine Stunde zu erhalten.
Ich will aber nicht nur Kritik äußern.
Hier auch einige Vorschläge.
PVP down time: wurde ein Spieler getötet ist er für die nächsten 5 min immun gegen PVP schaden und kann auch keinen austeilen.
PVP-Zonen ohne down time: für die Psychopathen die es sich richtig geben wollen.
Allianzen: die Möglichkeit für solo Spieler Freundschaften auf zu bauen ohne gleich einen Clan Gründen zu müssen zudem die Möglichkeit einem Allianzangehörigen den Krieg zu erklären sollte es zu Unstimmigkeiten kommen.
Clan damage deaktivieren: Wenn mein Clan Mate mich tötet obwohl er mich gerade beschützen will bringt mir mein Kollege nichts.
Und Geschütze Charakter Slots: zumindest der Wasserbeutel und der Rucksack sollten nicht zu looten sein.
Base-Packing trotz Angriff: die Tatsache dass ich dabei zugucken muss wie meine Base zerlegt wird, zeigt wie sadistisch die Entwickler sind.
So ich denke das war's mit meinen Anregungen. Und meiner Rezension. Sicher kann man dem Text entnehmen dass mir gerade gehörig der Arsch aufgerissen wurde und mir das jetzt einmal zu viel war. Dennoch werde ich auch morgen wieder mit meiem Walker durch die Oasen reisen und quests abschließen. Weil dieses Spiel einen einfach packt trotz der Tatsache dass man jederzeit zerstört werden kann.
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45040 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 15:04
6179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 11:53
Die positiven Momente haben aber die Frustmomente eindeutig überwogen! Andere Nomaden lernt man durch den Proximity-Voice-Chat schnell kennen und so landete ich nach kurzer Zeit in einem kleinen 3 Spieler-Clan mit anderen Neulingen. Wir tauschten Ausrüstung aus und durchstreiften die Wüste nach Schatztruhen, um einen größeren Walker für uns alle zu bauen. Ich fand auch ein tolles Versteck für meine erste (halb) stationäre Basis, wo ich meine ersten Gegenstände relativ sicher lagern konnte.
Die großartige Atmosphäre, das intuitive und spannende Kampfsystem und das schlicht gehaltene Survival System (Wasser ist das einzige Grundbedürfnis - gefällt mir persönlich viel besser als das übermäßig komplexe System eines DayZ) sind großartige Pluspunkte und machen das Spiel zum für mich besten Survival-Game.
PS: Das ist mein erstes Review, obwohl ich schon lange auf Steam spiele. Und das auch nur, weil ich von dem Spiel so begeistert bin und es schade findet, dass es wegen Verhalten anderer Spieler so viel negative Reputation bekommt. Das Spiel ist grandios! Hoffe im Lauf der Zeit, werden das mehr Spieler erkennen und als Nomaden die Wüste durchstreifen.
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2241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 17:10
Basically you get spawntrapped until you can`t spawn anymore, while everything on your walker (basically your base) gets destroyed just for the sake of going on your nerves. Imagine someone in Rust, Ark, Conan or whatever not just destroying the walls to get to your loot but destroying every single crafting station and wall just so that you need to rebuild everything from scratch. Adittionally you don't only have the problem that they have better equipment (I don't have any issues with that) but that they are so high level (you can skill stamina, health etc.) that they swing 10 times faster than you allowing them to absolutely stomp you in the ground even though their Mount & Blade sword skills are sh*t.
For the other parts of the game it's a fine survival game, I would say a 8/10. It has some interesting PvE contents and also the logging out with your base to solve the raiding problem is nice.
As said the game braking problem is the absolute messy PvP system where you basically have to start a new after every lost fight.
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2849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 22:25
Hat als Neueinsteiger absolut keine Chance weiterzukommen. Es ist einfach nur frustrierend.
Nicht Empfohlen
2092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 21:04
The game itself is really nice but when you lose 25 hours progress in minutes it´s just sad.
830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 21:03
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☑ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☑ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
Nicht Empfohlen
1351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 23:57
Natürlich basiert ein großer Teil dieses Spiels auf dem PVP Aspekt, doch das mutmaßliche raiden von neulingen und zerstören derer Sachen nur aus Spaß ohne wirklichen Gewinn ist meines erachtens nach alles andere als förderlich um neue Spieler für das Spiel zu begeistern.
Nicht Empfohlen
4652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 23:50
Nicht Empfohlen
14544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 14:49
Because of the Community, if you play alone or in a group of 2 or 3, even if you just startet in this season, there are some people who raid you at the verry beginning with 5-20 nomads.
There was nothing to get but just to destroy.
I have no problem with loosing something like in other survival games but these guys here are just A..H....
Its sad that because of this, the game will die again.
Nicht Empfohlen
9689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 21:36
Es macht kein Spass.
Nicht Empfohlen
10423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 18:16
60487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 10:39
Last Oasis Review
Das Spiel unterteilt sich in zwei riesen Abteile. Das PVP und das PVE.
Beides ist sehr stark im Spiel vertreten, sodass es nicht zu umgehen wird.
Mal ein paar Infos zum PVE System ( Negative sowohl Positive Aspekte gekenntzeichnet durch + - ):
+Aufeinander aufbauend
+Die Rezepte sind balanced
+Fragmente, welche man nutzt um Rezepte freizuschalten, sind einfach zu erhalten
+Qualitätssystem ist gut durchdacht
+Resourcen Verteilung
+PVE Content ausreichend für minimal 600 Spielstunden, dank qualitysystem.
+Walker bauen, umbauen und aufrüsten
-Während man farmt sollte man nie alleine sein, da viele die ihre letzte Hoffnung in das nerven anderer legen unterwegs sind und um dich zu töten.
-Quality kann sehr viele Nerven kosten (Abgesehen von der Zeit)
+Das PVP System gefällt mir sehr, viele Möglichkeiten und Spielraum für Skill.
+Große Kämpfe machen Spaß ABER hat auch negative Seiten (siehe weiter unten!)
+Kämpfe werden durch Strategie und durch Skill entschieden. (Auch hier siehe unten!)
+Maps claimen
-Die Zahl deines Tribes ist sehr ausschlaggebend für dein Nomad und derren Zukunft.
-Die Performance in einem Fight von mehr als 50 Spielern und 4 Walkern führen zu STARKEN Perfomance Problemen
Mein Spielhintergrund: Ich habe alles durchlebt. Angefangen bei 100 Mitspielern, zwischenzeitlich gar nur 5 und aktuell bei über 200 Mitspieler. Ich konnte alle Situationen miterleben in unterschiedlichen Tribegrößen (Sowohl groß als klein) und kann sagen, dass die Strategie dich dahin führt, wo du landest und entscheidet ob du lebst oder stirbst. Diplomatie ist ein großes Thema und sollte wohl durchdacht durchgeführt und dokumentiert werden!
Mein PERSÖHNLICHES Fazit nach 1000 Spielstunden in Last Oasis:
Das Spiel hat zwei Gesichter. Es kann Spaß machen, es kann auch Nerven Zerstörend sein.
Ich gebe dem ganzen einen DAUMEN HOCH, da es viel Spaß macht, eigene Merkmale hat wie kein anderes Spiel und sowohl PVP und PVE berücksichtigt.
**Die Entwickler machen einen tollen Job, das möchte ich keines Weges anzweifeln. Ich denke auch das Entwickler Team hat sich manches anders Vorgestellt, aber manchmal wünsche ich mir, dass sie mehr Möglichkeiten bieten den SPIELERN zu zuhören. Außerdem hier ein persöhnlicher Wunsch an die Entwickler... BITTE MEHR CONTENT!!! **
~ LordMadTallas ~
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17853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 01:22
zurzeit kann ich jedenfalls für Neueinsteiger nicht empfehlen
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9703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 18:50
leider scheinen die Devs nicht auf die Community hören wollen die ihnen die ganze Zeit sagen das der
ganze PVP Quatsch das Spiel kaputt macht allerdings ändert sich absolut nichts viele wollen PVE Oasen was passiert? nichts Die Spieler wollen das Chinesen Regiongelockt werden was passiert? nichts Aber lieber fügen sie ein Item ein welches großen clans nur noch mehr Hilft kleine Gruppen von Spielern abzufucken und man alls kleine Gruppe/Solospieler keine Chance hat es selbst zubekommen (Wingsuit) Deswegen mein Rat wenn ihr das Spiel kaufen wollt wartet lieber noch und schaut wie sich das Spiel entwickelt
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16721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 17:10
Also das Spiel hat viel Potential.
In meinen Augen darf aber keiner angegriffen werden und der Walker zerstört werden und dann noch zuschauen müssen wie vom Gegner die eigene Base aufgebaut wird.
Die ganzen (einigermaßen gute für 3 Leute Gilde) Produktionsstätten klauen zu sehen.
PVP jemand ausschalten ist ja ok-aber keiner sollte auf einem fremden Walker zugriff auf dessen Base haben sollen.
Wir haben somit 2 Wochen umsonst gespielt-Last Oasis ist für mich fast schon gestorben.
Ich hoffe das sich noch etwas ändert in der hinsicht-so lange spiele ich auf dem privatem Server.
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2585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 07:29
Man wir nur von Massen geraidet und es gibt keinen Spielspaß mehr.
Bis den Entwickler es nicht auf die Reihe bekommen ein Vernümpftiges balancing hin zu bekommen, bin ich und auch Freunde raus.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die ganzen Deppen die es Kaputt machen.
8795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 22:55
ansonsten gut umgesetzt, wird fast täglich geupdated ^^ (kommen sachen dazu /fixes)
Langwieriges Farmen geht schon nach einigen Tagen Sehr viel Flotter und neben ein paar Ekligen Raidern sind die meisten eher Freundlich gegenüber Newbies.
Freue mich auf Bessere Provider !!
4012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 11:23
Wer ein Spiel zum Suchten sucht ist hier leider zur falschen zeit am richtigen Ort, Aktuell 1.5.20 sind die Server Täglich stundenlang down.
Aber wenn die Server mal da sind macht es wirklich viel Spaß.
Ich würde den Kauf trotzdem Empfehlen wenn man es sich leisten kann, es wird hart an den Problemen gearbeitet.
Mischung aus Conan Exile / Sea of Thiefs
- Wirklich gutes Kampfsystem
- Einfache Walker Steuerung
- Spiel macht viel Spaß
- Viele Coole neu Technologien zum Freischalten
- Sehr gutes Spiel Konzept
- Relativ wenig in game Bugs
- Täglich schwere Server Probleme
- Man wird einfach ausgeloggt, dann sind die Server 15 std down und man wacht einen Tag Später tod und geraidet auf da man sich ja nicht ausloggen konnte...
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452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 23:37
Aber leider only pvp und keine Möglichkeit sich aufzubauen in Gruppen weder noch alleine eine Mischung aus Pve und Pvp Server wäre da viel besser
im Moment kann ich das nicht empfehlen da es nur für Zerg Gruppen geeignet ist und nicht für 5 man schade
Falls es je die Möglichkeiten gibt auch mal pve/pvp zu spielen ohne zwang von einem Zerg überrannt zu werden würde ich aus 7 stunden Spielzeit mehr draus machen Danke
3759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 14:31
Last Oasis ist ein PvP Survival Game mit einer interessanten Mechanik bezogen auf die Normadischen Völker. Das Spiel zwingt dich mit deinem Hab- und Gut von Oase zu Oase zu ziehen um zu überleben. Das Prinzip funktioniert sehr gut mit einigen Kniffen, welche man erstmal herausfinden muss.
Die 1-wöchige Zwangspause zur Problemlösung der Serverstabilität hat Wunder gewirkt und die Entwickler haben hier wirklich sehr offen kommuniziert. Und ich muss sagen, dass das Spiel seit dem Restart vor 3 Tagen wirklich ohne Probleme läuft. Ganz besonders, da es Early Access ist
Hut ab dafür.
Jetzt mal zu der Problematik zu den Solo Spielern oder Kleingruppen. Es stimmt. Du wirst als Solo Spieler oder auch in kleinen Gruppen vermutlich nicht glücklich. Selbst in einer größeren Gruppe von 10-15 Leuten kann es schon ganz schön heftig zugehen. Base-Raid, Überfälle usw. sind an der Tagesordnung. Bei genug Glück findet man einen gemäßigten Server mit großen Gruppen, die nicht direkt auf Kampf aus sind, aber das ist die Ausnahme!
Also im momentanen Zustand des Spiels eine klare Absage für Solo-Spieler.
Mein Tipp: Geht in das Steam forum und sucht euch einen Clan, welcher euch zusagt und tretet ihm bei. Danach wird die Erfahrung umso besser!
Ich möchte bei der Bewertung jetzt nicht ins Detail gehen, deswegen behaupte ich einfach mal, dass jeder wer auf PvP und Survival Elemente steht und Spaß in Großen Clans findet, für den dürfte Last Oasis der Geheimtipp 2020 sein!
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1538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 22:05
Dumm ist auch einfach, dass die großen Walker die kleinen mit Leichtigkeit einholen. Als Solo Spieler hast du also 0 Chance Spaß zu haben. Kann es aber für Clan-Spieler empfehlen. Du wirst viel Spaß damit haben auf kleinen Anfängern rum zu kloppen und sie können sich nicht mal wehren! Mit großen Clans dominierst du das Spiel und kannst allen Leuten den Spaß verderben um deinen kleinen Penis zu kompensieren und dann ins Mikro zu schreien, dass man so viel besser ist. (Nachdem man mit 5 Leuten gegen einen gewonnen hat)
Will damit nur ausdrücken, dass die Leute in dem Spiel extrem Toxic sind.
Ich habe aber viel Hoffnung für das Spiel. Würde aber warten, bis das Spiel weiter Updates hat und diese Probleme gefixt werden.
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2623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 17:35
1790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 19:02
-Leider hatte es einen schlechten Start, aber sonst ist es nach meiner Meinung das BESTE SURVIVAL / MMO 2020 !
Nach meiner Meinung ein Top Game !
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2721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 18:49
Hoffe das sich da was ändernt!!!
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1052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 18:16
Leider ist es sehr schwer möglich ohne einen Clan das Spiel zu genießen da man ständig gefarmt wird.
schön wäre wenn es reine PVE Oasen geben würde oder eine andere Lösung.
Für alle die leidenschaftlich PVP betreiben kann ich es nur empfehlen.
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452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 14:47
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38485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 14:45
76720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 19:42
It has a steep learning curve but with the right group of people or even solo you can find and create such great content. All it now requires is a bigger population which I hope the upcoming PVE content patch with bring.
If you can pick this game up and invite a few friends I would highly recommend Last Oasis .... the directional combat once mastered is very satisfying, the grappling hook and wing suit add are so fun to learn and scout the map with and the walkers look and feel fantastic to drive/ fly.
This is my first ever game review but felt this game deserved it and it is starting to move back in the right direction I just hope the upcoming season brings back the player base the game deserves.
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32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 15:39
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987 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 09:41
it's the players that are the problem.
Solo player? This is not for you, you will get absolutely shit on. Whatever work you put in will get raised to the ground by a group far better equipped than you could dream to be.
Small group player? Maybe still not for you, the group sizes zerging players are ridiculous in size, 3-5 buddies will still get destroyed easily.
Large group players? I suppose? Again the clan sizes will leave you stuck but you may stand a chance.
Game itself is good but in a multiplayer game, players being the problem is a problem. Player count is minimal from being bullied away.
Day 1 playing the game, got a mollusk walker built, stepped out of it for a second and a group of players on a sky raptor jumped down, ganked me and kidnapped my body away with them.
Minor complaint - why do we have to fight monkeys? Such a boring enemy I won't lie. If they added humanoid enemies with varying classes like heavy, agile etc I think it'd be good but fighting monkeys is just straight boring man.
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7727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 14:31
Private servers are no better as the rest of the player base are on PVE servers with x10 XP/Gather pointless and boring.
Close to being yet another dead early access game, no news from Dev's in months.
Steam stop allowing pre-build 8u115h1t to be sold, then us gamer's might get some finished games that might be worth playing for more than a day or 2.
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8160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 03:51
Large clans have been 5v1ing new players and griefing just to do it.
Scripting + Worm Tinctures = No chance to even win a 1v1
You have literal evidence in the official discord of people using and admitting to using exploits to grief, and nothing is done.
If you look into the communities, every person recommending to start right now is one of the people that target solo's, as the only active clans with any substantial presence are those griefing. They've killed the playerbase and now have nobody left to hunt.
I do enjoy the game. It is fun. If it's issues can be fixed it's worth playing. I joined a clan, played with people, and had a good time for about 70%. But right now, wait until season 5 comes. If it doesn't and the ship keeps sinking, you saved your money.
- Awesome walkers
- Cool base building
- Unique system to travel
- Devs are absent
- Griefing is prevalent (utilizing exploits such as scripting and Dev mode to see people on the tiles)
- Limited PvE, you can't even fight the Wurm due to a clan capping all the tiles for the tinctures.
- Very anti-solo player, even playing as groups will get you Zeroed
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1645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 05:33
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5058 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 16:58
The major downside is it's a company of obviously passionate artists and world builders, but run like a roadside McDonalds.
The balancing isn't there, the communication is null, they proceed with new ideas, before fixing any of the previous ones.
I want this game to succeed, I've enjoyed it. But instead of fixing the game, they release a cash shop in early access.
Buy it on sale.
6245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 13:01
13361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 11:41
8881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 15:09
At this point, the game is more or less abandoned by the players and the developers as well - so whoever looking for big clan PvP experience, it's the past of the game as I read it.
However, for open world survival / crafter game enthusiasts like myself, who dont want to be part of big clans, but satisfied with solo or small clan gameplay, I RECOMMEND the game. (keep reading for the details!)
While the PVE content is limited, the technological advancement in the game is surprsingly rwarding experience, unlocking the new items and get the big walkers makes the game interesting.
Surely, with official settings the game is VERY grindy and I dont think it is solo friendly, but there are unofficial servers out there where the increased rates address this issue and there are people on them who we can play with it.
(I have no experience on the official / PVP side of the game yet, PVE was good enough for 100+ hours, and I can imagine toxicity and harrasment as mentioned by other reviewers was real - but in case a game designed for pvp and large clans it might be not even correct to use these words)
Quality wise the game is good - I encountered no crashes in my past 100 hours at all, and didn't encounter serious bugs as well. Wish all EA titles could be such quality - the game is very playable.
DONT BUY IT if you look for the future of the game, right now its not bright. But in it's current state it worth the money when you can grab it for couple EURs. Much better than going to cinema :)
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68074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 00:59
Season one brought great challenges and mystery. I came into this game late season 1 and found the struggles of playing with a small clan. We would get raided constantly and be outnumbered 10-1. I've watched walkers burn, and hours of work smolder.
Season Two brought new walkers, maps, combat mechanics. My clan and I grew and we roamed the sands. Even outnumbered, we fought off raiders, and conquered those who could not stop our attacks. We had high quality walkers, and fought with other major clans to hold territories. For a clan of six, we did well for the short term. The bugs and zerging still a massive problem. Exploits and base glitching were a constant threat. Even with the new base walkers, bases were hard to hold.
Season 3 brought out realms. This allowed us to fight in battles of 1v1, 5v5, 12v 12, and 999+. The battles we waged in season three were the best we'ed ever seen. Wars with 4-5 clans vs us and we came out on top. Even with cheating and glitches, we were some of the greatest raiders out there.
Season 4 came out, and thats when this game died. Though the loss of the realms was bitter sweet, they only did SOME bug fixes, and then just came out with an in game shop. They brought out no new content outside of skins you could purchase with real money or through in game currency within questing. The devs failed this game and community by releasing in game shop as a whole season. I still hop on the game once in a while to grapple through the forests, slay rupu, or challenge myself by taking on the worm alone on a server. Sadly, unless the devs really work hard on this game, its days are numbered.
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2634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 18:54
Good: Cool mechanics, walkers are fun to use, move to avoid the burning every so many days, able to log out self and walker to protect when offline
Bad: Large clans wreck the map, grind for quality mats is long and boring, wing suits and raptor (flying walker) have ruined the game and made ones who have them virtually untouchable to those who don't. Major gear lvl difference, non existent player base.
Conclusion, its not worth full price, maybe if it was 10-15 bucks, game doesn't know what it wants to be in the survival genre it has offline raid protection and at the same time a hardcore loot all system if your not logged out of the map.
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32876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 16:11
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13100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 23:16
Unless the game is in a private server that has PvE only areas where you are safe then the you are offten at danger. But the PvE areas just tend to make people stay in them all the time.....
There needs to be some balance to the walker VS rando.... maybe making it easier to make some level between being ablle to be beaten by guys on foot and only damaged by fire where they can only be damaged by mounted weapons.
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2143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 11:29
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3214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 04:10
The problem arises that while these two game systems are both really well done, merging them leaves a sour taste in my mouth. You spend all day gathering the unlock resource to get a new walker, then gather and build said walker, and you are scurrying all over the dunes enjoying the lumbering gait of your wooden behemoth when some weirdos in wingsuits fly down in a swarm, kill you and take all your stuff.
Having this happen several times in a row leaves a frustrating undercurrent to this otherwise wonderful game. Getting knocked back to square one in quite frustrating when it takes a while to gather all the supplies and build up your base. Every walker on the horizon is something to be feared and avoided.
I believe the problem is intrinsic to multiplayer survival. A game where you drop into a game and man your walker and fight the enemies untill one side is all dead only to reset and do it again, does not have the emotional investment that the crafting survival aspect brings. You don't get angry when your boat gets sunk in blackwake because you didn't build it and it will just respawn in 30 seconds.
This game needs to be either purely PvP or PvE, trying to blend them leads to a game that is only fun for
large groups to bully the solo players.
10095 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 07:01
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18827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 23:49
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1152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 21:09
It's got decent graphics & a cool theme with the big wooden walkers, but like I said before, there isn't any fun to be had in this game unless you join a raid party of dozens of people, and that's gonna get boring quick too. As janky as Conan Exiles is, I'd recommend that as a survival game with actual things to do & fun to be had over this. Just a cool idea of a game that doesn't do anything particularly well.
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119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 11:24
Of course it's going to be better later on (maybe?), but with bad first impression.. yeah no.
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12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 21:57
1048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 00:37
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4983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 21:47
593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 00:02
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59035 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 14:58
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6345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 21:33
Removing Realms again would be critical to the survival of this game, gathering the few players it still has. I very much love the idea of this game and the combat system is very nicely done. But for now, I cannot recommend this game to anyone. Not before the devs start listening to the community.
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29106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 11:03
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25050 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 04:58
There is no balance in weapons. Every fight is the same sword vs the same armor.
Barely any actual ship combat.
Ranged weapons are so ineffective, that ever fight devolves into the same melee slugfest.
Menus are poorly explained. Damage numbers vs resistances are nonsensical and listed weapon speed is downright inaccurate.
A great concept, but very poorly executed. Again, most toxic community I've ever seen.
I recommend passing on this game.
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53085 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 19:47
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9371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 00:25
2010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 10:50
Enjoyed a few things dislike others.
Swinging around with a grappling hook.
Fighting other players in even fights.
Driving Massive Vehicles.
Flying with a Glider Suit.
A million man team in a small cap server.
Game breaking bugs that glitch you into a rock.
Getting Spawn Camped because some people don't understand over doing things.
Basically make some friends that seem like they won't stab you in the back in game hopefully and try to survive on a good tile until it's all taken away from you.
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2194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 20:16
The concept of the game, is an incredibly great idea. The idea of having moving bases while the map is slowly changing is a very cool concept and has the potential to make one of the best games in the world.
However, it feels like they took a lot of wrong turns in the development of the game.
-The combat is unbelievably bad.
-The progression feels somewhat empty, as most of the items you can unlock are never used.
-The scale of progression (as in increasing difficulty) is poorly managed.
-PVE is quite limited in the context of the scale of the game.
Speaking of progression, I believe that the point where technology requires ceramic tablets to research new things in stead of fragments is where the game falls apart for most players. The concept is a great idea, but the difficulty change is too great. The fact that you need to travel to publicly marked areas to even have a chance of getting tablets while large groups of incredibly experienced players lock them down feels like you cannot progress without showing large numbers or joining these groups. Additionally, the tech tree at that point feels like it's all over the place.
PVP is one of the biggest issues the game faces in its current state. PVE is perfectly fine and well balanced, even quite fun, albeit lackluster. However, the fact of the matter is the current PVP system does not feel finished or polished at all, almost like they implemented it on the first try.
Zoning is also a huge issue. The problem with the accessible zones only having 2 tiers of difficulty, Medium and Hard, makes for some really unbalanced gameplay which might be the fundamental cause of all the problems I have mentioned beforehand. It only takes a few days for someone to progress past the point of a Medium zone, and require constant access to a Hard zone to be able to progress further. However, all of the end-game content resides in these Hard zones, which means that while newer-intermediate players are trying to get mid-game content, the end-game groups/experienced players will be there to shut them down before they even have a chance of progressing at all.
Lastly, while the concept of moving bases is a very fun idea, many of the landscapes in the game feel like they're designed specifically to prevent you from using the moving bases, especially the larger ones. The harder tier zones have terrain that can sometimes be impossible to navigate - thin corridors, many jagged edges, boulders, extreme slopes, etc - and at that stage of the game, most players will be using a large or very large moving base with a lot of weight on them, which makes it unplayable.
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4954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 17:50
If you are a solo player, or in a group of less than 8 people, this game is not for you. The Last Oasis development team has failed to understand or care about the issues of the player base and, for the foreseeable future, this game is not made for solo players or small groups.
The Last Oasis development team does not care about the player base of this game, or any. The only thing this team cares about is to make a quick buck. Unless you're part of a Chinese raiding clan (100+ people) this game is not for you.
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2008 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 04:16
We've been raided twice in two days, in a walker that anyone experienced in the game would know physically can't hold anything interesting, and is significantly more effort to loot than the spoils will repay. They were literally spending more on munitions than they could have possibly earned from us. That's not a good PvP experience, it's not a sane one. They're doing it out of boredom.
Combat is either done on the back of your walker, using Ballista and other mounted equipment - so you need at least two people to have a chance - or close up, using a rather janky system that sounds cool, is very different, but doesn't work too well in practice.
I've experienced server-side issues, a 'soft crash' if you will, in which I was unable to interact with game objects. Normally, you'd just disconnect and reconnect to fix this, right? But if you do that and your Walker isn't parked outside a map cell, you lose whatever gear was on you, and your craft is vulnerable to attack. Wait for it to blow over? Well in excess of five minutes later, I concluded the software isn't able to detect that issue.
I wish I could have enjoyed it.
41862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 10:27
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32492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 16:50
They can see within bases, see within chests to target valuable assets before breaching heavily defended bases.
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1384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 00:47
The good:
A fantastic idea of a world with walking ships. It combines basebuilding with mobility, meaning you can explore WHILE you build. I LOVE striding across the fields in these things, the whole feeling is so immersive.
The bad:
The mechanics are a bit clunky to say the least. The maps are quickly explored and get dull. There's no real PvE threat, both in terms of survival or enemies. All you have to concider is thirst, which you simply figure out within 5 minutes, then frankly never have to concider again. There's simply no point in calling this a survival game; It isn't. The enemies themselves are either the easiest thing to kill or will rush you without a chance. To get the ressources in their camps, you quickly learn to cheese it, surprisingly enough the monkey rupu's don't know how to climb.
The ugly:
The lack of content unfortunately reveals a big problem with this game. The PvP. I won't rehash old arguments everybody already knows, but let's just say I like exploring my games alone before I start teaming up. This isn't a game for that sort of play. It's harsh, merciless and imbalanced on the PvP front. Most players will in groups larger than you, chase anything that moves. Because what else is there to do? The problem is, I don't even blame them. The game is so lacking in content and features, that literally all you can do is seek out conflict. I, of course, never got to that level; I would always get smacked before I could tech up enough. And as per usual, it all boils down to numbers. Skills matter in 1v1, there's definitely potential, but when you get zerged... Well, you get zerged :P
The game is a great idea. It really is. But where they are and where they're going isn't for me. Maybe the devs had too grand plans, but I can't see them fixing it any time soon for those wanting a solo adventure. Making PvP an opt-in wouldn't fix the main problem, a lack of content. What it offers has been seen before, and what's unique will leave you with an empty feeling of what could have been. Good idea, bad execution.
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5743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 07:16
We need raidable bosses, hillside fortresses and larger variety of mobs and more maps with different biomes. Give the game a progression system and an engaging lore/story.
As the game is now I cannot reccomend people spending money on it, its far to incomplete and lacking in all things not pvp.
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1229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 06:36
Unless you have a clan, don't bother. I it's too bad that the early game was fun and I can't return the game... Water $40..
27859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 08:09
Multiplayer games are rarely enjoyable as games, but rather, they are competitive battlegrounds where we wrestle with each other for control or dominion. What makes this fun isn't the game, but the battlegrounds provided and the people on them, both the people you fight with, as well as against.
Last Oasis gives you, quite likely, the best battlegrounds and the best platform for fighting both with and against people. It does this better than any other game I've played in the past twenty years. You can be a base grunt, jumping from your ship to club heads at the command of your squadron leader, or you can be the guild leader of a 100 or 1000 man group. Both of these experiences are equally satisfying in their own way, and that is rare for any game to achieve. The freedom to create, to explore, to succeed or fail is integral to the game, and counter to some of the complaining I've seen, your success isn't dictated by the size of your group.
The one-hundred man group is as likely to collapse from internal instability as the ten-man group is to dissolve from a single fatal strategic loss, no particular playstyle is favoured excepting the one that is poorly planned and executed. Last Oasis lets you play to your strengths and exposes your weaknesses and gives you a ton of ways to alleviate them if you actively seek to do so. If you are failing, you are doing something wrong, and there's a lot of things you can do fix them, but the game won't coddle you.
The game is excellent, the community fantastic, the devs dedicated, but, let's be honest, at times incompetent. Last Oasis is a game to be enjoyed, similarly to cheese. It's old, wonky, mouldy and filled with holes. Quite frankly, it is milk allowed to rot and when observed analytically and logically, probably not something to be consumed. However, when explored, it is both fantastic and best enjoyed with wine and while yelling incoherently at your buddies. The people I've met here are both some of the best, as well as the worst, and the stories we've created while battling groups ten times the size of our own are unique, hilarious and I wouldn't trade them for anything else I've experienced in my years of gaming.
Get the game, get a group, go explore and keep an eye on the horizon, I honestly can not recommend a game more than I do this.
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3463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 19:29
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 16:02
In short this game is worth the money right now, if the devs keep updating and content keeps dropping as it should the only place this game can go is up.
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7111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 19:01
12045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 18:26
The experiences I've had in this game are only rivaled by the vicious and electrifying combat of wormhole PvP in EVE. In my 100 hours of play time of Last Oasis, I've:
- Met a stranger who geared me and taught me the basics of combat, and shortly after was killed by a group of players who then invited me to their clan.
- Launched myself hundreds of feet out of a deep canyon while trying to master the grappling hook.
- Piloted a small Firefly walker around a 50v50 battle where I witnessed dozens massacred by a cluster bomb barrage and was able to score a few kills of my own on players retreating from the madness.
- Had my walker wings ravaged by a flying dragon/pterodactyl enemy who is best countered by a deck crew that can lower/raise the wings while you flee.
- Sparred with members of allied clans to learn advanced combat like fakes and staggers.
- Collected pearls from the center of a caldera, climbed to the top of trees to harvest beeswax from bee hives, and stripped chitin from incredibly dangerous (and annoying) beasts called Nurr.
- Fought a 2v2 against two top PvPers on top of a slow, armored walker in the desert while we fled to the edge of the map.
Last Oasis has the potential to become the pinnacle of open world sandbox games if the developers add more protections for small clans and solo players, and more PvP and PvE content loops. It's a stylish, brutal, and incredibly compelling game that's hard to not fall in love with.
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241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 08:42
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51629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 06:45
156287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 13:13
Concept - Early Days
Let's first talk about the concept. Amazing, genius, fun - easily the best idea for a survival game in a LONG time. Walkers, walkers, walkers. From building your first firefly to making a quality 90+ Domus, there's something amazingly rewarding in cruising the desert with your little love walker, whether it's as a solo or in a group. (I advise Red Dead Redemption Soundtracks when cruising). First spawning in the craddle, finding your friends on fireflies and finally going to a medium map - discovering the grapple, ... I surely miss the early days of Last Oasis where we all exploring and would randomly stumble upon little groups of players where interactions were either super friendly or leading to some good PvP.
Current Situation:
Fast forward 6 months, the game is dying, the population free falls and there is practically no player interactions left. The lack of PvE content outside of farming clay, iron, and making gearsets/weapons is showing. Population decrease makes it incredible difficult to find PvP at all, and you will sometimes find yourself roaming for literal hours before finding another player. This is probably because:
- Rampant Zerging (arguably the only way to play the game as of now)
- PvE Lacks (Farm Clay, Iron for gear, making walkers it too easy)
- Gameplay loop is shallow (Farm for PvP, PvP, farm for PvP, PvP.)
- Map Burning too fast (7-10 days is too fast for the casual players)
Some of these things have been addressed or will be in the future Commerce Update:
- Burn times will be increased to 15-20 or even 30 days
- Added relevance of flots (in game currency)
- Adding HARD capped maps, or capped clans
Should you buy it?
Depends. If you enjoy the solo grind/small group grind? Yes, why not. The maps are practically empty, similar feel to playing a solo game. You can discover the game in peace, but be careful because the few people left are hungry for PvP and will go after anything.
In it's current state? No. If you're looking for an MMO and player interaction, I advise you to wait.
When we get more news about their big content commerce update for season 2? Hopefully.
Did I have fun? Absolutely, I enjoyed all of the hours spent, no regrets at all and a great money investment considering how much fun I had. Met so many great people and had great moments with them.
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69957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 13:46
I've played alot this game, and loved its unique concepts and progresion reward. Unfortunaly this developer company is the worse possible i've ever seen in my 15 years of playing online games, they just not listen to theyr players at all and completly killed theyr own game. I do not recomend to buy this game at all, you will get zerged and theres shit load of bugs, server lag etc. Wich most of us ignored since it was a Early access game. Its a lesson to never invest time and money in a EA game, wait for release and always look at the reviews, there is a reason they have so much negative reviews. Thank you and have fun with ur WIPE but wait there is no WIPE oh wait, but still we'll WIPE.... thing....
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4542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 14:18
Then a giant walker came up and the guys said since I'm new they'll only take some of my stuff and kill my friend, I said okay I don't care and they decided to destroy my walker and take everything. So the game sucks and the people who play suck too.
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84567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 20:31
Brilliant game and concept. Truly unique and massive scale combat. Unprecedented really. However this game is not worth the time for one reason....
Zergging. Less skillful players amass into droves of lazy groups that simply win by 10:1 ratios. To think about it in another way, if Spain and Argentina were playing in the World Cup, and Spain had 11 players on the field, and Argentina had 89 players, who would win? Who would actually find the World Cup interesting or care? Nobody.
And thats why this game will never hold a long-term player count. The devs need to hard cap tiles or community servers will need to take over and end these massive noob alliances. The last time I played this game, 4 massive clans capped out a server, to attack 1 toboggan that had 4 players on it. Literally 90v4. Unfortunately, this is the weak player mentality that the majority of the LO community holds.
Devs: Hard cap servers or alternatively community servers need to take over and enforce max clan sizes and no alliances. Otherwise this game will never get off the ground.
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3037 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 09:23
Well, when they finally announced them, they would only be available through a specific host provider, the same one they use. One that costs and arm and leg and proven shoddy at best connection. Then theres not even any options for anything, not even a admin set up to kick cheaters, make private servers literally unplayable at that point. Needless to say, many just gave up hope and left on that note.
Now maybe stuff has changed regarding the private server stuff since it first came out, I dont know, but i hope it has, cause thats really only this games saving grace untill the devs fix their game.
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1974 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 05:50
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47967 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 04:25
It's unlikely this game will ever make it past it's current stage, which is a failed dream.
Do not buy this, you will not be able to enjoy the game.
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3062 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 22:27
Not a game for solo players - period. If you don't mind waiting for 4 or 5 (at least) of your friends to log on every time you want to play then this game might be for you. I would be wary of joining random clans too, I've seen people get all their crap taken many times.
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9575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 17:52
in short, i would not recommend this game .... because this game will be dead in a month tops (currently only 800 concurrent players).
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24956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 14:53
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70566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 12:40
ok so with my number of hours, I guess its time to write a review.
At launch it was a fantastic concept, the devs have thrown content updates, balance changes, and appear to be making progress. HOWEVER, the direction theyve taken the game with said updates has killed the playerbase. in just 3months theyve lost over 20k players, to at the time of writing a mere concurrent average of 1k players. they reduce the tiles, reduce the tiles, more and more people quit. Tile burning in essence was an interesting concept. but it wasn't what the community wanted. that much is clear to see.
they tried to tackle the zerging issues by implementing soft cap penaltys for water. this failed to tackle the issue, and only punished the smaller groups instead of the large groups. They should have gone with HARD cap limits on player from said clan, and forced it to stick to only xyz number could join that tile. This wouldnt have solved the multi color rainbow of unofficial alliances between clans. but it certainly would have gone a long way to assist. either that or hard cap the physical size of clans, and make a permenent water cap that was a global impact on large clans. to discourage the unfair gameplay that currently exists.
the game itself is wonderful, great concepts, enjoyable. but sadly it is a game destined to die based on the infrastructure and mechanics they have in place over tile/server ownership and burning. by reducing the number of tiles to near nothing in every region, yes it provides people more action. but its also forcing the game into a pit of nothingness. a sadly incredibly toxic community eating itself alive. They should have reverted the tile burning a long time ago and taken a different approach to water caps, instead of adding more content.
pve'r = forget it dont play this game.
pvp'r = hours upon hours of a learning curve. if you develop talent and become really good, sorry to say. it wont mean jackshit 99% of the time. as all main action is now just large zergs swarming.
even if you become godlike good. outnumbered 5:1 its gg. youll last a little longer than the average whelp. but you still wont win. numbers mean everything in this game.
which btw when we say zerg we mean the large clans rolling in with 3-4 large ships, over 50+ people on one side, and the framerates drop to 10-20. whilst the big scale battles seem like they would or could be fun if it was fairly balanced. the game physically cannot support such a scale of combat.
performance wise in small scale groups of 5 vs 5 etc performance is ok, no complaints, visually great. combat system is one of the best ive seen in years, truly takes skill to master. sadly. with the current climate and direction of the game, you can be a pvp god. your still just another digit, that will be overwhelmed by unplayable fps and beaten down by a group of randoms whove never spent the time an effort to become good. a demoralizing scenario for the high skill cap players. one of many many many many reasons the playerbase is whittling out to nothing.
MAYBE just maybe if they do significant overhauls to how the global map system works, removing tile burning, add some actual pve content, thats not just a few different monkeys that look slightly different, force hard caps onto large clans so they can only have X no. of members on a capped tile and fix the water penaltys to punish the clans being oversized and destroying every small group in the game. instead of punishing the smaller groups for being 1 or 2 players over the cap, to a point where they can't even defend themselves, do a COMPLETE WIPE, fix some of the battle mechanics so the melee fighting is actually fair and balanced, instead of people just abusing attack animations and glitches. then maybe id recommend.
is there bugs? sure a list as long as my arm, worth covering here or even considering as part of the recommend/not recommend, no not at all, its one of the most polished early access games ive seen in a decade. no joke. is there still game breaking issues? yes. do they try to fix them as they go? yes they do. quickly enough? god no.
Sadly you can live past a lot of the random glitches, they are not the issue here as to why the game is dieing an unprescedented decline in user base. the core gameplay and concept is. they have made some poor choices. and have still yet to rectify or even acknowledge what they have done.
Massively Multiplayer Online
Donkey Crew
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