• Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.
  • Last Epoch: Screen zum Spiel Last Epoch.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.04.2019
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Preis Update 10.07.24

Über das Spiel

Last Epoch combines time travel, exciting dungeon crawling, engrossing character customization and endless replayability to create an Action RPG for veterans and newcomers alike. Travel through the world of Eterra’s past and face dark empires, wrathful gods and untouched wilds – to find a way to save time itself from The Void.

Key Features
  • 15 Mastery Classes Embark on your adventure as one of five powerful classes and, through your journey, ascend into a unique Mastery Class that unlocks more specialized abilities and build-options.
  • 100+ Skill Trees
  • Every skill has its own augment tree that will allow you to control, alter, and empower your playstyle. Transform your skeletons into archers, your lightning blast into chain lightning, or make your serpent strike summon snakes to fight alongside you!
  • Hunt Rare & Powerful Loot
  • Fill your arsenal with magic items that you may craft to perfection, change the rules of your build with powerful unique and set items, and always have that next upgrade just on the horizon with Last Epoch's deep and randomized loot system.
  • Rewarding Crafting System
  • The items you wield are yours to forge! Last Epoch’s community-revered crafting system allows you to control your character's power progression, featuring robust and deterministic upgrade mechanics.
  • Uncover the Past, Reforge the Future
  • Travel to different moments of time where you will discover the many factions and secrets that exist within the world of Eterra and fight to set the timeline onto a new path.
  • Endless replayability
  • With a wealth of classes and skills to customize, deep game systems, randomized loot, and continuing development, Last Epoch is a game that will keep you coming back for years to come.
  • Easy to Learn, Hard to Master
  • We’re committed to making gameplay approachable for new and veteran players alike by allowing you to jump into the fray quickly and providing many in-game resources. Though don’t be fooled, Eterra has many dangers waiting for you that require a mastery of combat and build-crafting.
  • Zero Pay-To-Win
  • Last Epoch will never offer gameplay advantages by being able to spend real money. We believe in creating a fair environment for all players.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 2500 or AMD FX-4350
  • GFX: nVidia GTX 660ti or AMD R9 270 with 2+ GB of VRAM
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 6500 or AMD Ryzen 3 1200
  • GFX: nVidia GTX 1060 or AMD RX 480 with 4+ GB of VRAM
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Broadband Internet connection
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

0 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.24 10:12
good game!
0 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.24 08:32
Super Skillsystem!!
0 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.24 21:30
Sehr gutes Hack'n'Slay. Natürlich ähnlich zu Diablo, aber man startet bis Level 15 mit einer Basisklasse und darf sich danach für einen von 3 Pfaden entscheiden. Mich sprechen die Pfade sehr an, da nicht nur DD Klassen, sondern auch Supporter mit Heilfähigkeiten und Tankfähigkeiten vorhanden sind.

Leider kann ich nichts über das Endgame sagen.

Ich habe die Schurkin bis Level 16 gespielt und warte bis die Spezialisierung als Falknerin freigeschaltet wird.

Bis dahin spiele ich weiter meinen Ambosswächter, der sich ähnlich wie ein Kriegertank mit Schild spielt.
Andere Spezialisierungen als Wächter waren noch der Klassische Paladin mit Heilfähigkeiten und ein Leerenkrieger der glaube ich auf Schaden ausgelegt ist,

Man muss nicht mit Schild und Schwert oder Zweihänder oder Bogen spielen. Man kann.
Das finde ich mal eine gelungene Abwechslung zu den Spielen bei denen man keine Klasse wählt und anhand der Waffen seine "Freiheit" hat. Also ein bisschen back to the Roots.

Den Itemshop finde ich in Ordnung. Es gibt nur Kosmetische Items wie Pets, Portale und Rüstungen.

Ich wünsche mir für die Zukunft:
- Pets die Gegenstände aufheben a la Lost Ark
- Option in den Einstellungen automatisch Heiltränke und Rüstungen ab einer bestimmten Farbe aufzuheben
- Kosmetische Lederrüstungen für die Schurkin, kommen bestimmt noch
- Mounts? die Gebiete sind so klein und es gibt so viele Waypoints dass sich das vermutlich nicht lohnt, wäre aber cool
328 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.24 09:33
Jetzt nach einem Tag und knapp über 8 Stunden Spielzeit kann ich sagen dass mir das Spiel definitiv gefällt. Ich bin darauf gespannt wie lang die fertige Version und später das Endgame sein wird. Hier und da ist mal ein Bug zu finden aber hatte bisher nichts was mich komplett gelockt hätte, ist ja auch schließlich noch Early-Access.
0 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.24 20:09
Also als erstes muss ich sagen, dass ich leider bis auf Diablo keinen vergleich zu diesem Spiel habe, aber trotzdem bin ich mir sicher, dass gerade das ein guter grund ist, warum meine Meinung viel zählen kann. Denn ich bin der perfekte casual Spieler, für genau diesen das Spiel ja eigentlich gemacht ist, so wie ich es wahrgenommen habe. Alles ist leicht zu verstehen, aber schwer zu meistern, so wie es sich gehört. Die Grafik ist gut, wenn auch nicht sehr gut, geschweige denn umwerfend. Dafür ist das Gameplay im Vergleich zu oben genannten Spiel viel tiefgründiger und nicht so ein unglaublicher grind. Das einzige was ich bis jetzt nicht hatte, war der eine Gegenstand, der das build komplett verändert, was ich immer ganz cool finde. So wie etwas Abwechsulung bei den visuals der Rüstung wäre noch gut. Aber man merkt, die Entwickler machen viel!
590 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
6778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 15:23
One of the best ARPGs out there!
There are innovations and fresh ideas and concepts which bring this genre forwards.
It encourages to try out different builds and it is easily possible to respec. The only thing that is not possible is to pick a different subclass.
In other games, I never bothered to play the end game for longer than a few hours. But this game keeps me motivated somehow.
126 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 15:16
better than daiblo II resurrected!
123 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 10:17
5 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 17:41
Dieses Game ist sehr gut in der Vielfalt. Aber leider fehlt eine Deutsche Version
130 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 09:04
Ich bin in vielerlei Hinsicht begeistert von Last Epoch. Es ist so viel komplexer als ich dachte - Charakterentwicklung/Build Variety, Loots und Crafting, Endgame, für ein Beta/Early Access ist das wirklich beeindruckend. Die Geschwindigkeit der Entwicklung/Anzahl der Updates (selbst kurz vor und zu Weihnachten) zeigen, wieviel Energie Elenth Hour Games in das Spiel steckt und dass hier noch sehr viel passieren wird. Für den Preis ist das Spiel eine klare Empfehlung für Freunde des ARPG Genres und Fans von Diablo/PoE usw.
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 14:19
nice game
189 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 10:25
Das Game macht Laune, allerdings werde ich noch warten bis das Game besser optimiert ist.
In den ersten zwei Stunden läuft das Game butterweich. Danach rutschen die Frames in den Keller.
Anfangs dachte ich mir,.. oh wie geil.. läuft ja richtig gut.. da muss ich keinen Refund beantragen..
Nach 2 Stunden,.. meehh
909 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 00:15
Ich habe es nicht einmal 24 Stunden :')
61 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 15:35
It's between POE and D3 in terms of crafting/gearing complexity, depth of endgame and build diversity.

So, if you are into ARPGs like Diablo, Path of Exile, Grim Dawn, Victor Vran, Torchlight and so on, you get their money's worth. Even if this game is still in early access.
433 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 17:09
Ein wirklich gutes ARPG, irgendwo zwischen Path of Exile und Diablo 3. Ich hatte bisher keinerlei Bugs trotz Early Access. Daumen Hoch!
192 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 08:39
Lots of potential. best newcomer is the ARPG scene.
154 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
5811 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 12:38
Das ist auch wieder so ein Fall, wo ein Daumen zur Seite angebracht wäre. Ein Daumen nach unten fände ich nicht fair den Entwicklern gegenüber, da sie wirklich am Spiel arbeiten (leider an den falschen Stellen).
Dem Spiel fehlt Inhalt und ist nach erreichen des Endgames, einfach nur langweilig und mangels der zu farmenden Gegenstände (Sets, Legendäre oder Uniques), hat man auch kein wirkliches Ziel.

Last Epoch ist ein interessantes und äußerst unfertiges Spiel, was dennoch Spaß macht. Allerdings mangels Content, doch eher kurzweilig, da lässt es sich am ehesten mit D3 und den endlosen Grifts vergleichen.

Das Skillsystem ist so ein Mittelding aus D3 und Path of Exile, nicht zu simpel, aber auch nicht zu komplex. Es bleiben einem genügend Freiräume auch mal mit anderen Skills zu experementieren.
Was ich aber nicht so toll finde, man kann, warum auch immer, seine erlernte Meisterschaft nicht mehr wechseln. Man ist also immer gezwungen einen neuen Char anzufangen, wenn man eine andere Meisterschaft seiner Klasse ausprobieren will.

Das Spiel hat mich trotzdem ganz gut beschäftigt und bekommt dafür den Daumen nach oben.
Uneingeschränkt empfehlen würde ich es dennoch nicht, da es eben nicht genügend Inhalt bietet, es kommen zwar immer neue Klassen und am Monolith wird gearbeitet (Endgame) aber eben nichts zum erfarmen, was einen mal im Spiel hält.
Wer eine Abwechslung zu D3 oder PoE sucht, so wie 20-30 Stunden Zeit und etwas Geld über hat, der kann zugreifen. Sonst würde ich mal die Entwicklung abwarten.
174 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 15:54
it managed to be as deep as PoE but its much more easy to learn
217 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 10:49
Well worth the asking price already.
247 Produkte im Account
113 Reviews
1175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 09:07
Dies ist ein kleiner Einblick in mein Review zu Last Epoch. Das vollständige und viele weitere ausführliche Early Access Reviews findet ihr bei den Early Access Addicts: https://early-access-addicts.de/review/last-epoch/

Nach meiner Testzeit lässt mich „Last Epoch“ mit einem positivem Gesamteindruck zurück. Nach knapp 2 Jahren im Early Access haben die Entwickler hier bereits ein mehr als solides Hack-and-Slash-Abenteuer geschaffen, welches nicht nur Veteranen des Genres gefallen dürfte, sondern auch für Neu- oder Wiedereinsteiger ein Blick wert ist. Das Spiel erlaubt sich nur wenige Patzer, welche vor allem im allgemeinen „suchterzeugendem“ Gameplay-Loop zu finden sind.

Der größte Kritikpunkt, und zugleich die größte Spaßbremse für mich, ist der Loot, genauer gesagt das Splitter-System zum Aufwerten der Beute. Dieses nimmt mir einfach den größten Sucht- und Spaßfaktor im Spiel, und das ist die immerwährende Suche nach dem nächsten Brustschutz mit perfekten Rüstungswerten oder der legendären Waffe meiner Träume, um mein Fähigkeiten-Build zu vervollständigen und zu perfektionieren. Wenn ich alle meine Ausrüstungsteile nach Belieben verstärken und aufrüsten kann, wieso dann noch nach neuem Loot suchen? Dann ist fast jedes Rüstungsteil so gut wie das nächste oder vorherige. Die Freude über den „perfekten Drop“ geht einfach flöten und das ist schade.

Etwas enttäuscht lässt mich auch die Tatsache zurück, dass man aus dem Zeitreise-Thema keinerlei spielerischen Mehrwert gezogen hat. Das gelegentliche Wechseln des Zeitalters im Zuge der Story ist nicht wirklich befriedigend und hebt zudem auch die Story an sich nicht wirklich auf eine neue Ebene. Die allgemeine Geschichte des Spiels ist ähnlich belanglos wie es in anderen Titeln des Genres üblich ist, auch wenn ich natürlich nachvollziehen kann, dass die Geschichte nun nicht unbedingt der Kernaspekt eines Hack-and-Slash-Spiels ist.

Abgesehen davon, kann ich hier aber dennoch eine bedenkenlose Empfehlung aussprechen. Wer also derzeit so wie ich sehnlichst auf „Diablo 4“ wartet, und händeringend nach Schnetzel-Content sucht, der sollte hier einmal reinschauen und dem Team von „Eleventh Hour Games“ eine Chance geben. Ich bin überzeugt, dass die Entwickler auch über das weitere Jahr hinweg, immer neue Infos posten und mit weiteren Updates und Content-Erweiterungen um die Ecke kommen werden und so das Spiel weiter verfeinern und verbessern. Aber auch ohne diesen zukünftigen Content, kann man derzeit bereits viele, viele Stunden Spaß haben. Wenn man zudem mit dem von mir kritisierten Splitter-System eher wenig Probleme hat, dann kann sicher auch das Endgame deutlich länger motivieren.
179 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 17:14
ja, no joke, ja.. in diesem game steckt soviel potenzial und hat schon so unglaublich viel zu bieten!!!
90 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 09:41
Tolles Spiel mach genauso viel spass wie Parth of Exiel oder Diablo. Top. Würde mich freuen wenn es bald eine Deutsche übersetzung geben würde.
125 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
4306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 13:25
sieht top aus, macht richtig bock

das Tempo ist perfekt, weder zu schnell wie PoE noch so lahmarschig wie Wolcen, am ehesten vergleichbar mit Grim Dawn
Skill Tree nicht zu komplex aber trotzdem vielfältig und durchdacht
Loot, Crafting und Mobs/Bosse astrein

Entwickelt sich definitiv mit jedem Update in die richtige Richtung weiter
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 12:14
Wann kommt das Spiel in deutscher Sprache?
149 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 21:32
HAllo Liebes Last Epoch Team dass spiel ist mega und auch volle cool. Habe trotzdem eine Frage Wird es Hoffentlich in Multiplayer und in Deutscher sprache auch noch dazu kommen. Glaube es würde es fast jeden hier ansprechen wenn man es auch mit seinen Kollegen Freund zusammen Spielen kann.
Freue mich auf weitere Updates

MFG Fabio
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 10:29
Geteilte Meinung,
Es fehlt immer noch sehr viel Inhalt. Und irgendwie die Langzeitmotivation.
Ändert sich hoffentlich noch mit fortschreitender Entwicklung.
152 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 18:48
Last Epoch ist richtig gut.... 10x besser wie Wolcen 5x besser wie diablo3 und 1x schlechter wie poe^^
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 10:59
Review (nach Ersteindruck, ca. 7 Stunden Spielzeit)
Das Konzept (Zeitreisen etc.) ist sehr interessant und hat sehr viel Potential, auch hinsichtlich weiterer Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Der Skilltree für die Fähigkeiten ist eine schöne Neuerung und ermöglicht unzählige verschiedene Builds. Balancing etc. wird sich noch herausstellen. Bugs etc. habe ich bisher noch keine festgestellt. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad liegt mMn deutlich unter jenem von POE, was allerdings kein Kritikpunkt ist. Das Spiel hat mE viele Ähnlichkeiten mit TL2, ich kann einen Kauf nur empfehlen.
819 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
2205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 09:06
wenn der multiplayer erscheint könnte es der nächste arpg hit werden.
2467 Produkte im Account
139 Reviews
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 23:30
Gutes Hack´n´Slay mit :
+ stimmungsvoller Grafik
+ gute Soundkulisse
+ intuitiver Steuerung
- zumindest für mich ein etwas unduchsichtiges Skillsystem
27 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 11:10
Kurz: Ich wünschte es gäbe eine „neutral“-Bewertungsmöglichkeit, denn da seh ich das Spiel für mich. Last Epoch hat für mich Stärken, aber auch einige Schwächen (ein paar davon aber sind Early-Access-bedingt). Deshalb finde ich 30€ viel zu hoch für das gegenwärtig Gebotene und würde das Spiel nicht empfehlen. Im Sale dagegen ist es einen Blick wert, a es kurzweilig Spaß macht.

Lang: Zu Beginn wählt man eine Klasse. Diese verfügt über einen Talentbaum mit passiven Boni. Wenn man hier genug Punkte investiert hat, schalten sich automatisch aktive Skills frei, die man ausrüsten kann. Soweit, so bekannt. Irgendwann kann man sich innerhalb der Klasse noch einmal spezialisieren. Jede Klasse hat theoretisch drei Spezialisierungen, wobei zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht alle ausgearbeitet sind.

Der Kniff bei Last Epoch sind die Skills: die verfügen über eigene Talentbäume. Nun kann man aber nicht jeden Skill einfach so verbessern, durch benutzen oder ähnliches. Zu Beginn geht das erstmal mit nur einem Skill. Steigt man im Level, darf man irgendwann zwei Skills spezialisieren, dann drei usw. Das bietet eine riesige Vielfalt an Spezialisierungen und möglichen Synergien (ein Skill verflucht Gegner, ein anderer lässt sich so verbessern, dass er besonders stark gegen verfluchte Gegner ist, etc.)

Der Name Last Epoch kommt daher, dass das Spiel in unterschiedlichen Zeitlichen Epochen spielt, zwischen denen man hin und her reist. Das geht von einer prähistorischen Epoche, über eine mittelalterliche, hin zu einer dystopischen Zukunft. Das klingt vielleicht erstmal komisch, funktioniert aber super. Zumal sich die einzelnen Epochen auch gut voneinander unterscheiden.

Der Loot im Spiel besitzt zwei Arten von Werten. Zum einen gibt es Grundwerte (+10 Rüstung, +10 Nahkampfschaden, …) und zum anderen hat jeder Gegenstand bis zu vier Affixe (+15% mehr Nahkampfschaden/ Elementarschaden/ Ausweichchance, +10% höhere Feuerresistenz, …). Die Affixe können alle verbessert werden, bzw. es können neue hinzugefügt werden, wenn es weniger als vier sind. Das Verbessern der Affixe macht einen Gegenstand allerdings instabiler, was ihm eine gewisse Chance einräumt, kaputt zu gehen. Hier also aufpassen.

Nun meine Kritikpunkte, aufgeteilt in Early-Access-bedingte (von denen ich glaube, dass sie noch behoben werden) und generelle.
Early-Access Kritik:
- Es gibt nur eine rudimentäre Einführung in das Spiel (Mechaniken und Story). Man muss viel in Eigenarbeit lesen, wenn man mehr erfahren will. Youtube-Guides sind da die einfachste Variante.
- Loot Variationen sind sehr eingeschränkt. Für meine Akolythin gibt es z.B. zwei leichte und eine schwere Rüstung. Mit jeweils nur einem oder zwei verschiedenen Designs. Man sieht also nicht cooler aus, wenn man mächtiger wird.
- Wenn man sich teleportiert, um Loot zu verkaufen, und sich wieder zurück teleportiert, dann sind sämtliche Monster wieder da und die Karte ist nicht mehr aufgedeckt, muss also neu erkundet werden.
Generelle Kritik:
- Es gibt kaum Lootprogression, da nur die Basiswerte steigen. Und das auch nur sehr wenig (ein Level-10 Gegenstand gibt +10 Rüstung, ein Level-20 Gegenstand +20 Rüstung). Die Affixe sind davon nicht betroffen, da ihre Werte ausschließlich von der Seltenheit des Gegenstandes abhängen. Allerdings sind die Affixe wesentlich wichtiger und wirkungsvoller als die Basiswerte. Das führt dazu, dass man einen Gegenstand über 15 Level oder mehr nicht wechselt, weil die Affixe besonders gut passen und man diese ja auch noch verbessern kann.
- Einzigartige Gegenstände bringen zwar starke Affixe, aber leider nicht nur verstärkende. Es gibt immer ein oder zwei verschlechternde Werte. Somit konnte ich noch kein einzigartiges Item nutzen, weil die die negativen Werte stets zu einschneidend waren.
- Die Kamera ist ein bisschen zu nah am Geschehen. Das wirkt sich so aus, dass Angriffe von außerhalb des Sichtbereichs kommen, oder die eigenen Minions plötzlich zum Angriff blasen gegen einen (noch) nicht sichtbaren Feind.
- Es gibt keinen Indikator für niedriges Leben. Während andere Spiele in der Regel die Bildschirmränder rot einfärben, wenn man unter 20% Leben rutscht, passiert bei Last Epoch nichts. Man muss also konstant seine Lebensanzeige im Blick haben und immer wieder nach unten schauen, wenn man nicht ausversehen sterben will.

Fazit: Last Epoch bietet kurzweiligen Spaß mit guten Ideen, ist aber noch zu unausgereift, als dass es die 30€ wert wäre, die aktuell dafür verlangt werden.
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
626 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 00:49
Die ganze Art des Spiels macht einfach viel SPAß
es würde den spiel SPAß noch mal Sehr hoch schrauben, wenn Last Epoch auf Deutsch wäre
Mit freundlichen Grüsen T-Cyrax
57 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
28377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 19:40

Bock auf ein Hack & Slay aber:

- Diablo 3 zu simpel?
- Path of Exile zu mächtig?
- Wolcen eine Enttäuschung?
-> Kauf Last Epoch!

Frage beantwortet? Dann kaufen und los!
Du willst mehr Gründe?`
- ein Entwicklerstudio das sich zuerst um den Inhalt kümmert und dann die Optik verschärft? Spätestens jetzt wäre ich verliebt, Du nicht auch?

Der Ersteindruck war bei mir ehrlich gesagt schrecklich, das Tempo war dröge und die Grafik war altbacken. Aber lässt euch ja nicht davon täuschen. Selten so ein Hack&Slay gesehen, bei dem Ihr euren Charakter so individuell skillen könnt.
Am Ende wird jeder (!) Skill seinen eigenen Skillbaum haben. Jeder Skill kann bis Level 20 verstärkt werden und dabei den Skill zum Teil komplett verändern. Anderer Schadenstyp, anderes Schadenselement, statt Nah- auf einmal Fernkampf. Und glaubt ja nicht das Ihr mit Level 20 einen gesamten Skillbaum pro Skill aktivieren könnt. Ich habe die Skillpunkte nie gezählt aber ich Wette, es gibt Skills mit 50 Skillpunkte!

Ihr lest hier immernoch? Irre! Zeitverschwendung! Kauf das Ding!

Ach der Download läuft noch und Du willst noch eine Geschichte hören. Bitte schön:
Es ist Anfang des Jahres, ich spiele mit Begeisterung die Wolcen Beta (was für eine Ironie) und bin richtig gehypt. Wolcen hat mir wieder Freude für das Genre gebracht. Ich hatte die Beta durch, kein Bock mehr aber freute mich sehr auf Wolcen Release. Der wird Ende Januar nochmal verschoben, ein Zwischensnack muss also her.
Last Epoch schlägt mir Steam vor! Noch nie gehört aber was solls? Ich installiere das Spiel und nach 1 Stunde refunde ich das Ding. Langsam, Einfach und hässlich. Ich lass mir die 30 € auf mein Steamkonto buchen.
Spiele Wolcen, finde es zuerst geil und danach blöd. Erinnere mich an das langsame, hässliche Ding namens Last Epoch.
Kaufe es nochmal (kein Schwerz), die 30 € waren ja noch auf meinem Konto. Ich spiele es, ich spiele es länger. Ich verliebe mich. Ich spiele eine Beta 469 Stunden. Ich bin verrückt.

Guten Nacht!
151 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
22339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 13:08
Top Team von LE
Und was die Jungs machen ist einfach mega allein der vortschritt in den letzten Monaten einfach nur mega.
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198 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 20:50
Ich bin ein alter Hase was Hack & Slay angeht, Dieses Spiel hat definitiv sehr gutes Potenzial ein Hit zu werden. Ich werde das Spiel weiter spielen und kann es nur JEDEM ans Herz legen denen D3 keine richtige Fortsetzung war.
306 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 14:18
Schon im Early Access hat es Last Epoch geschafft für mich zum derzeit besten ARPG am Markt zu werden. Es hat erheblich mehr Futter und Tiefe als Diablo 3 aber überansprucht nicht so sehr wie PoE. Und wischt nebenbei mit Wolcen den Boden auf. Ein ganz heißer Tipp!
108 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 19:00
Echt gutes Spiel weitläufige Areale guter Talent Baum nicht zu überlastet und geile Fähigkeiten besonders Spieler die gerne Begleiter haben werden Spaß haben hatte bis jetzt keinen Fehler bemerkt die Grafik ist super läuft auf meiner 1050 ti mit höchster Auflösung ohne ruckeln ist mehr düster gehalten also nicht zu bunt.
86 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 20:36
Nice H&S with much potential !
13 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 20:06
Sehr gelungen bisher, nur fehlt einem momentan wirklich der Coop
230 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
7072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 07:29
Nachdem die Grafik diese Woche aufpoliert wurde und es mir gerade echt langweilig war, habe ich mich entschieden das Spiel bzw. den Betazugang zu kaufen und muss sagen dass das eine meiner besseren Entscheidungen war in diesem Jahr ;)

Wenn man sich die Klassensynergien anschaut und auch sieht wie gut das ganze balanct ist, kann man erkennen das hier Leute am Spiel arbeiten welche ihr Handwerk verstehen.
Ein weiteres gutes Zeichen ist dass ich mich nicht für eine Klasse entscheiden kann ;) alle sind irgendwei interessant und ich will jede haben :)
Ausserdem gefällt mir sehr gut das das Crafting sehr wichtig ist in Last Epoch und da freut es mich das es nicht so sau beschissen RNG ist wie in PoE.

Ich hab noch recht wenig Spielzeit und das Zeug was wirklich nervt kommt bekanntlich erst mit der tieferen Erfahrung aber bisher hatte ich keine Bugs oder Abstürze und mein grösster Kritikpunkt ist die fehlende deutsche Loklisation (ja f... y... mir ist das wichtig).

Aber wie gesagt alles im grünen Bereich und ein fettes Daumen hoch für ein Spiel das ich nach dem Steamrelease bereits abgeschrieben habe.

13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 07:57
Maybe not the best graphics, but great gameplay, great classdesign an good itemsystem. This game has potential!
316 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
883 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 13:56
Ich bin ein großer Fan von ARPG´s und Last Epoch macht hier einiges richtig. Insbesondere der Nekromant wurde sehr gut umgesetzt. Die anderen Klassen habe ich nicht gespielt.

Leider gibt es noch keine Cloudsave Funktion und auch keinen Multiplayer. Das wird beides erst im nächsten großen Update erscheinen.

Bis dahin hat man ein gutes, aber auch relativ kurzweiliges Spiel.
67 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.24 06:16
If you enjoy diablo 4 for a couple hours, but then end up getting bored and remembering you paid 70$ for that. Buy this for 35$ and let the regret of diablo 4 be a part of your past


In all seriousness, this game is HALF the price of diablo 4 with 20x the build diversity. Each ABILITY has a skill tree. and you have 4 passive trees so less complicated than PoE, more fun than D4. Not to mention the fact the grind is made simpler with the crafting mechanics. Overtime you collect affix shards (minion dmg%, fire dmg%, yada yada) and can just put them on your gear.
0 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.24 20:58
I wasn't going to buy this title until is came out of early access, but I got a gift card for Christmas and I couldn't resist...

I've played:
22 years of D2,
2000+ hours of PoE,
1000+ hours of Grim Dawn,
300+ hours in Wolcen and more.

This is easily the best title in the genre.
I'm 25h into the game so far, and I've enjoyed every minute of it. Unlike similar games, going through the beginning stages of the game does not feel like a grind. Leveling and developing a build feels exciting and is part of the experience, rather than something to get through.

The crafting system is gold. It doesn't rely on pure luck like PoE, so you're not going to spend tons of materials on crafting something just to end up with nothing useful and no materials.
There is some luck involved, but often times you can choose what stats you'll be adding to an item. It's simple enough to get into as a Newby, but complex enough to be engaging and exciting as you become more experienced.

The skills are awesome.
I went full lightning mage.
I feel like a thunder god!
Every skill has a skill tree and can be changed and augmented in a ton of different ways. I also like that the game encourages you to use more than 1 ability as a primary ability, without nerfing the usability of any of the skills. My current set up has a lightning nova skill for AoEing big packs, chain lightning as a single target DPS skill - chaining multiple times on a single target and adding a ton of shock stacks, a teleport skill that triggers lightning nova, a static charge skill that passively triggers Chain lightnings, and fireward which gives me ward (think temporary energy shield), plus a myriad of damage and defensive buffs for several seconds.
My whole screen is lightning pew pew and exploding baddies.

The game isn't complete yet and it shows. There are a few bugs and some class masteries aren't released. I still think it's worth every penny.
I mean, I bought it full price, during steams winter sale when literally every other title was heavily discounted.
211 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
14947 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.23 19:05
Code Disclaimer:
- I played this in Beta 0.9.2k (Early Access), so there were still plenty of bugs and multiplayer was still a recent release, with Trade Factions (The Merchant’s Guild and the Circle of Fortune) in the pipeline.
- I have not played any part of the Diablo Series, however I have played Path of Exile to Red Maps. This, however, will not be a comparison between experiences on different games.

Do not let the lack of AAA polish deceive you; this has been by far my best experience in the ARPG genre. The sheer fact that you can come right into the game with the ability to just craft your own affixes on your gear from the first minute absolutely blows my mind. At the time of writing, 96.67% of affixes can just straight out be gotten from crafting materials (affix shards), which pretty much just drop everywhere. As a newbie coming into this, I have never struggled less in following build guides in any other game. Heck, this is without yet the introduction of trading. The only struggle I had in following was that the loot filter provided wasn't filtering out as much as I wanted it to, so itchy-handed me decided to take a look at the loot filter system expecting to spend a few hours tweaking it on my own, boy was I wrong. The loot filter system was advanced enough to allow me to filter what was exactly necessary, yet simple enough that I wouldn't need to actually pull out my IDE even once. I'm only a couple weeks in and I can already tweak my filters between mob packs as if I'm switching gears on a manual transmission. Oh, did I mention the whole loot filter thing is in-game?

The story is good. I can't bring it upon myself to say it's anywhere close to top tier; I've read some good stuff. I enjoyed the lore. The world building is great, character development is alright, key NPCs and antagonists are memorable (I agree with Balthas, but I still hate his guts.). Each death is vivid and impactful. I actually felt physically hurt when the story got cut short in favor of endgame mechanics, but I can see very clearly that it was abrupted in such a way that it would be easy to append future content, and I have just so much respect for that. I feel held well in good hands that my expectations of good plot will be met. With that said though, it's an ARPG so it's understandable that you'd pay minimal attention to in-game dialogues and narrative, our friend Angelcrest has put in a lot of effort "summarizing" the whole story here.

I sometimes forget the game's still in Beta (at time of writing); sure there are quite a few bugs still, but even just with what we have right now, I wouldn't mind at all putting in a few thousand hours before launch
39 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
93779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.23 13:53
Perfect balance between the low complexity of Diablo IV and the extreme complexity of POE. The only issue with this game is that enough people aren't playing it yet. Social features will eventually come, but it's 100% on the right track with great itemization and the best in-game loot filter in the genre. 100% recommend.
0 Produkte im Account
139 Reviews
3794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.23 08:23
Diablo 4 was too predatory and lack of depth for you?
PoE was too complicate or you are waiting for PoE2 instead anyway?

Play this game.
162 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
17856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.22 01:52
I'll review this game in comparison to PoE, the genre standard bearer. Last Epoch is a slightly shallower game, but it does this in pursuit of approachability. I feel like the builds, the loot, and the min/maxing are all easier to understand, but just as rewarding. Highly recommend.
134 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
7329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.22 21:48
Lacks variety in viable builds and end game options, but I think it's better than any other arpg currently in the market.

The potential is insane.
411 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
2644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.22 22:40
Game good.
Game getting better.
Get good game, will be better.

Ooga booga
209 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.22 18:20
exelent game for a bata must buy
45 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 05:59
Quite some time spent on this game, over the past years I've seen so many effort put into this game.
It seems like the next big ARPG.
Really hoping the multiplayer will be stable and fun.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
49586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 11:27
This game is worth your time if your a fan of ARPG.Value for money and time spent playing.Its also refreshing and nice to have a modern game that will eventually be-able to be played online or offline.As the drawback of P.O.E was that you could only play online with unstable ping if playing from South Africa.I recommend this game with a 4,7/5.0. as there are improvements still needed but the developers listen to player feedback and are always finding ways to improve the game and make it enjoyable.Give it a try you wont regret buying it at all.
27 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
14064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 00:34
Another very satisfying classic ARPG game for my heavy rotation. Challenging but not too punishing, plenty of end game content to push it as far as you'd like, and consistent updates.
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
21141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 00:22
Very fun ARPG, love the simplified crafting and skill system. But at end game gearing, the game is very repetitive and boring. 1 minute map clear 100s of times and all you ever see drop are the same crappy uniques. It's not engaging once you start farming monoliths at max level.
25 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
20154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 04:59
7 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
10620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 16:24
469 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 22:16
Easily my favorite modern ARPG, I love almost everything about the game and always look forward to playing it. It is ridiculously impressive for being a beta. The upcoming addition of multiplayer will take this over the top.
250 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 21:00
If you enjoy POE, but want a more relaxed/less convoluted ARPG, then Last Epoch will be right up your alley!

Great graphics, fluid combat, lots of build opportunities, very friendly community, and best of all is that the game is still in development and the developers are working really hard at the game.

This game is already, in my opinion, rivaling Path of Exile, and I am really confident that it will match POE in scale and players when it fully releases!
333 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
18260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 16:13
This feels like the next big aRPG. Feels more challenging and deep then Diablo 3. Doesn't quite cross the punishing difficulty of PoE. Sense of character progression is there.

There are a couple things that need a bit of work, but considering this is in early access right now I expect those to be fixed shortly.

10/10 would recommend over PoE (6656 hours in PoE at time of writing.)

334 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
7538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 23:54
Makes diablo 3 look like some super shallow indie game. First Arpg to keep my attention since diablo 2. Well worth the price.
1461 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
2474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 03:16
Last Epoch is one of the better ARPGs that I have played, up there with Grim Dawn. It is fun and can be played at your own pace. It reminds me of Diablo 2 in a way.

I love the idea of playing in multiple timelines, but somehow ... it hasn't been used enough imo. (currently at chapter 9) I wish there are more interactions with this concept, timelines got mixed up during Fast Travel throw you into different location, maybe invasion of enemies from different timelines, or random events that locked you in the location until completed? that would be interesting ... imho.

If you are interested in this genre, give Last Epoch a go. You won't regret it, despite being EA now. Also, just ignore the in-game chat or disable it in the setting.
50 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
124766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 20:59
Best ARPG on the market. Every patch makes the game better and the direction of the game is wonderful.
105 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 02:14
This game slowly and surely will become a great alternative to PoE trough time.
837 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 15:59
With all the re-work happpening i have to admit those developpers are passionate about their game; and it s becoming so much better than diablo 3, they managed to put in a lot of innovative little ideas making the experience really enjoyable.
I was among the firsts to point out the bad looking original character design but now i can t deny LE is about to become the ARPG reference !!
216 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
9663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 04:33
Good game, constantly being updated and improved. Devs really seem to care, interact with and listen to the community.
572 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 14:39
With how much the developers are communicating with the community, i am so hyped for the full release. This is even now a very good game, and it has the potential to be the best ARPG yet.
226 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1055 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 01:20
IF you like ARPG in general like, grim dawn, diablo and path of exile. you wont be disappointed with this one. although, online coop isnt available currently but down the road it will be so hang on!
237 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 02:40
Was interested until they added an account system outside steam to collect and sell data.. it's getting annoying because plenty of games can handle crossplay and other features without having to force us to make a separate account.
207 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
20200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 07:46
I am a longtime ARPG player.
I discovered Last Epoch while looking for a guide on Wolcen (yeah... i know...).
Since then I have been playing Last Epoch and I have given up on Wolcen.

Last Epoch is the best Early Access ARPG yet, and definitely one of the best ARPG, period!
The game feels incredible.
The story is great.
The itemization is solid.
There is a wide variety of builds.
Personally, I don't do theorycraft, I usually rely on other's build guide. But I manage to create fun skills combinations that work for me and are relatively viable or modify other's build to my liking.

Despite the feeling that sometimes failure does not match the chances of success, I like the crafting system. It is intuitive and offers a good balance between risk and reward. My brain knows that the failure and success matches the math hiding behind, but it's still frustrating to fracture a very good item during the crafting process.
The devs have recognized this and are working on a craft revamp to address this issue.

Speaking of the devs, they do a really good job. They listen to the community while keeping their vision of the game. They regularly provide huge, high quality updates :
New skills, weapons and uniques are added. More story content : new chapters, monsters... Redesigned skill trees, entire class, models... Endgame systems and new mechanics. Etc.

We still hope to see the long-awaited multiplayer coming soon. But i rather wait than see a bugged, unfinished and unsatisfying multiplayer update.

Note that the game will demand a lot from your graphics card. The developers strive to improve the performance of the game from update to update. (And they succeed)

Although I have rarely crashed or encountered these issues, some players have reported bugs, crashes, and poor performance in the game. The developers still respond fairly quickly to these problems, but remember, this is an early access game.

But what a game!
So ... you guessed it already: I ​​RECOMMEND THIS GAME! Worth the 29.99€!
162 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 00:30
10/10 just needs multiplayer
139 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
8028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 17:32
Last Epoch strikes a nice balance between D3 & PoE in my opinion. Compared to Wolcen when I last played it (which was during their early access) I'd say balance here is better. Nothing seems particularly overpowered and most of what I've seen so far is functional and very enjoyable. Take for example, crafting. Since you're not slotting important skill gems the whole system is more relaxed but still pretty interesting. Very accesible too because materials have a decent enough drop rate.

Class design is great, the acolyte and especially their take on the necromancer was one I very much enjoyed.

If I'd have to nitpick I'd say there's something or other that isn't too well optimized. I can't quite put my finger on it but every now and then cpu usage spikes. No crashes and no slowdown, I just notice cpu spiking and my fans turning on. It happens fairly frequently. I also ran into a weird bug with something in the loot filter ui looping but deleting the filter and a quick relog fixed it right up.

For early access this game is shaping up to be a great arpg. Can def recommend!
191 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
10051 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 22:24
While I think some other ARPGs have been executed better, this one is very fun. Lots of build diversity, gameplay is smooth, but it's also a fairly easy one to get into. The mechanics are *fairly* straightforward, and doesnt have the confusing and gigantic tree of PoE, and theres less interactions and better explanations for mechanics than Grim Dawn. The skill trees for your class are fairly simple, I think the choices are fairly easy to make depending on how your playing, and with the actual skills themselves every skill gets its own tree that you can invest in, and its very easy to respec, and you can only have 5 skills you can invest in at a time.
510 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
100226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 16:08
An upcoming ARPG with some great play. Fun diverse classes, multiple endgames on the horizon.. all with a fantastic set of Developers, hellbent on making a fantastic game.
Multiplayer is around the corner and is looking great.
Give this gem a look!!
418 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 02:46
Great game with great replayability Last Epoch is still in beta and has no shortage of things to do.

Multiple diverse builds to create with the passive/skill specialization tree, the crafting in this game is also groundbreaking allowing you to create the perfect items for your play style, allowing you to create some truly unique and fun builds.

The story and graphics are extremely captivating with multiple chapters and more incoming which makes this my new favorite ARPG I loved diablo 2+LOD I enjoyed PoE and other ARPGs personally for me they cannot hold a candle next to Last Epoch.

Definitely worth the price if not more.
140 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 12:12
I was looking for the alternative for D2R after they introduced queues. This game is fun but it has no multiplayer yet. The skill tree is interesting but it is hard to get involved cause it is much bigger than Diablo's. The project is promissing. I played 90 minutes and doubt I will play it again. I will not do the refund tho. The developers did a great work and it is WIP game. I still recommend this one. Most of the gamers will love it. It is just not for me. Good luck!
1606 Produkte im Account
183 Reviews
607617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 02:42
Thanks, Diablo 3 was a blast to play.
2328 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 00:59
Where to start?... Ok at first glance it seems like another Path of Exile or Diablo clone, and to a degree it really is.., except it.. sort of isn't...

Weird but bare with me..

In Diablo Games you had Skills you could increase in power through Skill Points.., and you can do that here.., only this is the clever bit.., your skills can also be altered in a similar manner to PoE..,

After you gain a level you can slot a skill in to master, easy enough.., now the more you use that skill the more points you gain in it.. and the more diverse you can make it depending on your play style..

For example changing your Bone Golem as an Acolyte to a Blood Golem, or a Wraith Golem or a few other types, which sure you could also do in Diablo 3 with the Necromancer Pack

Then we have the crafting system where you gain shards and can build your armour and weapons to do what you want.., want an Ice Bow.. sure... want your armour to reflect damage, ok

Graphics wise it looks beautiful on Ultra, the world is one of the best I have seen and the monsters move and feel pretty decent.

Sound wise., Ehh it's an ARPG so there's the usual array of Clinks, Explosions and such..

Gameplay, well I recently got it.. got hooked and spent 5 hours.., so that tells me it's worth it.., even in early access for the moment..

Would I buy it now?.. honestly yes.., it's probably going to get more expensive as time goes on and while it crashed thrice on me., I never felt that rage induced to quit on it

all in all a solid ARPG, and it gets a 4.5 / 5 from me
216 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 09:19

Last Epoch 0.8.2 (EA); Run-of-the-mill ARPG clone with significant flaws.

Last Epoch shows promise, but falls short on many facets:
  • Optimization - Expect frame drops from poorly optimized assets.
  • Cloned - Classes, skills and itemization.
  • Sound - Boss battle music is slow, and soft with zero sense of urgency or threat. Voice acting is sparse.
  • Character Models - Blockish, non-customizable heroes, with a lack of equipment visual variety (intentional, see Vanity).
  • Vanity - Despite the game still being in EA purchasable vanity DLC content is being developed.
  • Loot Filter - Expect to use the built in loot filter system. The game punishes you for returning to town, or leaving an area by re-spawning the hostiles.
  • Map Progress - Local map progress is routinely lost.
  • Multiplayer - In development. You're provided with a singular chat room for all users.
  • Chat Moderators - Biased moderators that do not enforce etiquette rules equally.

This is not an exhaustive list of the problems plaguing Last Epoch. It will be interesting to see how the game changes in the future as the development continues, but for now I would not recommend it.
153 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
5564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 12:42
Simply put, if you like ARPGs you absolutely should play this game. It is more polished as an early access title than a lot of AA or indie ARPGs are at launch. The developers continually update it and seem to genuinely listen to community feedback.

It sits firmly in the middle of Diablo 3 and Path of Exile in terms of gameplay complexity, build diversity, etc. You won't need to do days of prep to understand the game but there is certainly enough to chew on to keep veteran ARPG fans interested.

My only (very minor) negative comment at the time of this review is a lack of endgame content diversity. Currently you have two options: running 'maps' (to use a PoE term) or seeing how long you can last in an endless wave style arena. While fun, they can get a little stale for me. However, with Eleventh Hour's track record, I am sure we will see more endgame modes at some point.

If you like ARPGs, buy this. That simple.
254 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 05:12
Best crafting system in an aRPG so far.
80 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
10011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 03:37
Better version of poe, anyone that are sick of poe should give it a try. I have over 4000 hrs in poe and I would love to see this game become more popular :)
1796 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 15:29
Welcome to your new home, Exiles.
135 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 06:58
247 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2723 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 20:28
Played over 2k hours of POE and played D2 way back when, Chris Wilson told me he didn't want casual players like me ruining his perfect game so I dropped expedition league the 2nd day had some whiskey and bought the first ARPG I found (that wasn't exclusive to Korea) out of spite... best 35 bucks I've spent in years. The combat is visceral and fun for all 3 of the classes I've tried so far, the progression feels like it matters but doesn't outpace the content. Its still in beta but has fewer bugs in 10+hours than a single 10 minute match of LoL.
(This is what D3 should have been, I haven't got to endgame yet because I've been messing with new characters.)

If you like ARPG's get it, support it, as is its worth 35$ If these guys can build on this foundation it will be one of the best games of the year it comes out if not its well over 10 hours of fun albeit casual compared to POE content. You're just going to spend it on an E-girl who doesn't love you anyway.
96 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
1505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 19:08
this is where you go if you are burned out on path of exile
275 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 16:23
Plays fast like D2
Has charms like D2 (yes, charms!)
Has a fun skilltree per skill which is a blend of GD and PoE and D3
Doesn't have the JANKINESS of GD or PoE
Doesn't have the clutter of 9 resistances of GD
Has fun secondary skilltree
visuals are on par with Wolcen (which is the only good thing Wolcen had, sadly)
story is pretty original
Plays fast, loot is ok
Lots of promise, active devs. only 10 hours in but already thinking this is more fun than all the other arpgs, and I've played all of them.

Still needs:
Itemizable and permanent Mercenaries of D2. Fuck why does no ARPG have mercs like D2?
154 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1747 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 11:46
It has more Quality of Life improvements IN THE BETA than Path of Exile after8 years. Think that says enough.

And what's my absolute favorite thing - the Meteor spell is the MOST SATISFYING iteration of Meteor in all ARPG games I played. It packs a punch, it feels strong, as a damn meteor crashing down from the sky should. 10/10, would give 11 if they let me convert it to cold.
718 Produkte im Account
112 Reviews
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 05:49
Awesome ARPG in early access. If you are a fan of Grim Dawn, Van Helsing, PoE, Victor vran, Diablo (any of em) or Titan Quest you'll feel right at home here. There's a TON of content right now. The devs are constantly plugging away with updates and for an early access game you really can't go wrong. These devs have shown they have talent and a passion for the genre and it shows amazingly well. Not as complex as PoE but leaps and bounds above anything else except for maybe GD.

Tons of classes to choose right now, all with their own skill trees and upgrade paths. Ridiculous amounts of loot drops. Amazing secondary and tertiary trees, among a bevy of other upgrade paths. Too many to name. I'd say crafting is better than Diablo 3, not as difficult as PoE or as easy as any other arpg right now.

Try it for 2 hours and, hey, if you don't like it, return it. Just don't lose track of your time. However, if you're an arpg fan I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised.
128 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 15:42
Very polished game, considering it's still in beta and less issues than many AAA games on full release. Classes are very robust and I'm always looking forward to trying new builds. Community is very enthusiastic and fun.
227 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 20:11
Can recommend wholeheartedly!

I have played quite a few ARPGs which just did not click with me (didn't enjoy PoE, Torchlight 1 & 2 were okay, Grim Dawn is good but I just couldn't get into it, Titan Quest was fine, several others not worth mentioning) but after installing this I was immediately drawn in.

I think the systems in game are extremely well done and have had a lot of thought put into them and although there is room for improvement in the graphics department I think overall this will probably be the APRG I will stick with and enjoy playing for the next few years.

I loved Diablo 2 & 3 but IMHO this is better and has a good mix of the things I loved from both of those games.
368 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
33977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 19:37
Love almost everything about this game. Tons of diversity. Good endgame content. Fun classes. Big, regular updates. Devs that care about their game. More complex than D3, less complex than PoE. Highly recommend to any fan of the genre. No need to follow a guide to start, you can't ruin a character.
115 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 13:58
Not as simple as D3 but not as complicated as PoE
54 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 12:40
really great game... have two characters above level 50... just getting to the endgame with my rogue... really good isometric arpg to hold you over until the next diablo title... I personally feel like this game offers a more cohesive experience than diablo 3 while managing to be less convulted than path of exile. you can make really unique builds and there's great skill harmonization to make some really powerful and unconventional characters!

1403 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
7680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 06:12

Last Epoch is shaping up to be a truly worthwhile addition to the modern ARPG landscape. Although it wears its influences on its sleeve, it innovates enough to feel fresh and interesting. Last Epoch's mechanics won't surprise anyone who's familiar with Path of Exile, but its take on skill trees and the elements it cribs from other games (notably, Chrono Trigger) help it to stand out from the monumental shadow of its forerunners.


I backed Last Epoch on Kickstarter because I was excited about the new design ideas it promised, only to find it parroting Path of Exile's design more and more over time. However, the developers at Eleventh Hour Games truly care about this game; they're responsive to feedback, they've redesigned and refined mechanics that were confusing or lackluster, they've developed Last Epoch into the surprisingly polished game it is today, and I'm sure they'll only continue improving it -- after all, it's still in Early Access! With the recent 0.8.2 patch, which includes a complete redesign of the UI and the endgame structure, I can unconditionally recommend Last Epoch to any ARPG fans. I can't speak for players new to the genre, but I think Last Epoch introduces concepts and mechanics at a relatively manageable pace.

Why I Enjoy Last Epoch:

The character classes provide a wide variety of unique and diverse playstyles, from the time-manipulating Void Knight to the totemic Shaman and the minion-sacrificing Necromancer (which is the most fun I've had with minions since Diablo 2's Necromancer), and many more. Each class has many different builds and playstyles as well. Each skill has a unique tree that provides many interesting choices, allowing the skill to be developed along several distinct paths with multiple transformative passive nodes (think Path of Exile's keystone passives, but for every individual skill). Combined with an in-depth system for crafting bespoke items, these options provide loads of character customization potential. The story, though currently incomplete, is a clear homage to Chrono Trigger's time-hopping escapades. Like in Chrono Trigger, the time travel isn't limited to being a plot device -- you can explore the same zones in multiple eras and even travel between them.


Last Epoch delivers a fun and engaging experience, demonstrating how to learn from the giants of the ARPG genre. Eleventh Hour Games have filtered the best parts of their influences through their own expertise to create a game that will certainly stand out as a modern ARPG worth playing.
389 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 15:56
I'm really, really hopeful about this game. It's really fun arpg, with great loot and character building and all other checkboxes.

But.. currently the performance is piss poor, and it feels like it's just getting steadily worse every patch. Yeah, this is EA, but there's been basically no noticeable improvement over a number of patches, and the latest patch was actually a noticeable hit on performance.
224 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
4666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 00:36
tl;dr I've played the shit out of Path of Exile, Grim Dawn, Diablo 3, and Torchlight II. Last Epoch, even at its current dev stage, can safely stand with them imho. Worth the price even now.

Last Epoch, in a word, is *refreshing*. It has different (not nescessarily novel) approaches to estabalished systems like crafting, skills, and item drops that are measured improvements to the classic D2 formula's so many aRPG's have been emulating for years. And I want to emphasize 'measured', because Last Epoch so far is *not* pulling a Wolcen and buckling under the weight of their own ambitions. Development seems, if anything, slow but sure. Enough that even after being burned by Wolcen I'm willing to remain optimistic. To give a more specific breakdown I'll address people coming from specific 'main' aRPG's.

New players: I can think of worse games to start your dive into aRPG's. I can also think of better ones. That's not a slight against the game at all, just that Last Epoch can at times dip into 'get out your spreadsheet' at higher levels. If you're looking for a casual game to play magic-slinging swordsman, void-taming assassin, or a rage-machine surrounded by wolves then by all means LE is worth the price. If you're looking to get to max level and 100% the game you may want to cut your teeth on another game like Torchlight or D3 first.

PoE Players: Look, there's a crafting system that lets you target affixes and a death (more accurately a 'killing blow') recap. If that doesn't sell you I don't know what will... But seriously, LE is mechanically deep enough to not feel like a downgrade from PoE while also just having a significantly more modern take on some of the more archaic systems PoE inherited from D2. If nothing else LE is a great break between PoE leagues. I highly suggest 'Masochist' mode.

D3 Players: If you feel like you've played D3 to death and at this point just running grifts and season starts to kill time then I highly highly suggest grabbing LE even if it's not full release yet. If for nothing else than to give D3 a break. Alternatively if you find D3 a bit lacking in class/item versatility LE can certainly feel like an upgrade. Even early access as it is it has about as much content as base D3 right now!

Grim Dawn Players: Pace is about the same but there's actually an endgame that isn't just glorified grifts. As well as an arena you don't have to buy DLC for (granted it's actually more endgame than GD). The skill customization is a bit closer to D3 (skill-centric) but the passive trees and threatening enemies will probably feel familiar. It's not as trigger-effect-happy as late-game GD. In short, LE won't feel like as big of a shakeup for GD players but it's also different enough to warrant some game time.

If you've read this far you're either really bored, paid to do so, and/or looking for critiques and I'm happy to oblige (no I won't pay you).

The game performance isn't perfect. I've had numerous beta-is-beta bugs such as losing my minions, instance losses between town portals, and various enemy interaction errors such as really weird enemy hitboxes at times. Nothing game-breaking though, most everything either had a work around or didn't actually prevent progress. Tangentially, the global chat is surprisingly helpful in such situations.

I'm not a huge fan of the design decision to include sets. Set items and their consequent set bonuses tend to be very boolean in execution, either their implicit set bonuses are too good to pass up on an end-game build or are at best a late-game leveling boost in other games. I'd be happy to be proven wrong though.

Hardcore in LE, similar to hardcore in PoE, is incredibly swingy. On one hand I love that there are big infrequent non-boss enemies with their own attack patterns and dodge-able attacks. On the other it's frustrating when one purple ball does 5% of my health and another that looks exactly the same sent my giblets to another dimension. Although to be fair I'm also just a bit salty >_<

Graphics are decent but not something to write home about. It's good where it needs to be, smooth animations, decent sound cues, etc but it could certainly be improved over time.

Narrative isn't anywhere close to done! To be fair it's understandable to prioritize the underlying game first and foremost but if a large factor of the game you play are the story involved you may want to hold off until the full release or you'll be left hanging once you clear the current campaign.
378 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
4965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 14:12
Lovely ARPG experience. Mutliplayer is planned in the future (sometime 2021) and is looking exciting. Highly recommend to at least keep your eye on this game for the multiplayer update, although there's enough content to justify the price now.

The Good:
Skills: Fun, varied ARPG classes with a skill specialization system that gets maximum bang-for-your-buck out of the skills in the game. Lots of good synergies to find. Feels very satisfying to pick things that work together and put them in together.
Crafting: Usually kmmo-style 'push your luck, break your item' crafting isn't my cup of tea, but it feels really solid and strategic in this game, and broken items usually just mean you can't craft them further - ensuring you're rarely losing a critical item unless you really messed up. Setting goals and meeting goals from the start of the game feels tremendous.
In-Game Loot Filter: All items drop identified, which is tremendous. Better still, you can set up custom filters to highlight loot you are looking for. Setting up filters for the correct bases and shatters you're looking for feels good.
Echos: End-game content (echos) are snappy and fun. Their cascading difficulty from one echo to the next feels good, as modifiers you select for your echo also affect the next few.
Bosses: The bosses are a lot of fun. Their well-telegraphed attacks are still challenging enough to avoid, as they start stacking up more and more. The add phases are long enough that I started to wonder if I was missing a puzzle, however.

The Neutral:
Items: The itemization in this game is rather simple, with T1-T5 available for most stats, with T6-T7 being drop-only superstats. There are a variety of 'interesting' stats, such as extra effects on skills etc, but overall I'd call items up to par but not currently exceptional.
Unique Items / sets: These items have unique stats and effects that can't be found elsewhere and can enable new builds. Unfortunately, I haven't seen extremely exciting ones yet. The system is good, and I'm excited for more but more are needed.
Idols: The 'fix' to this looks to be coming in the next update. It was 'meta' to get 4 mostly-identical 4x1 idols and slap them in, but with the new harder-to-slot system I think variety in idols will go up.

The Ugly:
Slow-to-start: The game difficulty takes a while to get anywhere, even if you're purposely running through to avoid over-leveling. Around 65 the difficulty catches up to what I'd consider a normal ARPG difficulty.
Campaign Jank: The campaign had some janky parts. The general low-cohesion of the story was a concern. The biggest problem is at one point, you're taken to the end-game area where you have to find, up a set of stairs, the right person to talk to. You have to talk to them multiple times to continue. Many players get here and start the endgame content instead, which is 20 levels higher than they are (worse still, I was able to complete several of these echos before global-chat sorted me out on what to do next).
Glitches: I had three bosses in a row get knocked out of the arena, only able to be hit by my explosives and still attacking into the arena. My backflip knocked me out of the world several times, never to a recoverable state. I've had some freezes. While I was able to beat all of the glitches bosses, the other errors all 'cost' me the echo, which also lowers your echos completed by 3-4. A handful of glitched echos in a row completely reverted the past 12 successful echos, which was annoying. The glitches were all concentrated in two play sessions, though, and I've seen none outside of those, so I assume there's some trigger that causes it (other than the skills that cause it, being Dark Quiver knockback for bosses and Smoke Bomb backflip for self-outofbounds)
23 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
10316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 17:13
Multiplayer is the only reason my friends and I are not playing the game. Once multiplayer is out this game will be one of the top ARPG's for sure :)
168 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
6593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 12:50
This game not only has tons of potential, but is really genuinely fun to play in its current state. Tons of skill options, playstyles, interesting uniques, and the endgame mechanic is pretty fun and gets challenging pretty fast. I'm probably going to end up making like 30 characters, because there are just too many skills I want to make a build around.

The game is also beautiful and performs well, even on my office PC which has a much less powerful video card than my main PC. I also play this game on a super-ultrawide monitor, and this is probably the first game I've played that fully supports it and looks fantastic, loads assets properly, and feels WAY better to play in super-ultrawide because of it.
291 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 01:04
If POE chilled out
386 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 03:59
Good so far, audio needs work.
247 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 22:04
Great fun. The deterministic crafting is awesome for solo play with steady gear progression. Builds feel unique and any skill feels viable to be used. Boss fights are really cool and there is a surprisingly good amount of endgame grind with more on the way.
41 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
5052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 00:35
Game has alot more promise than most ARPG's. Crafting system is a good balance and i dont have to sink my entire life into this like path of exile. Needs more, but for a fairly new game its got great potential.
6 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
16375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 01:54
The perfect middle ground between D3 and PoE
217 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 02:39
POE killer.
44 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 23:49
Great game, lots of potential. A lot of ideas shared from D3 and Path of Exile to be sure.

I paid the $39.99CAD.

The game removes some old tropes from ARPGS like ID/Portal Scrolls, inventory tetris and gives you a guided arrow during quest missions to remove back-tracking. Loot drops a lot less than in other games which is nice as well.

To keep it short, if you enjoyed D3 but wanted more depth and you enjoyed POE but felt too overwhelmed, this is for you -- its a happy medium.
Some quick critiques, and I understand a lot of these are likely in the works to being improved:

The art style is poor in my opinion, a lot like Wolcen. Has no heart, doesnt feel like they were aiming for anything special which is very disappointing. PoE/D3/Torchlight for example have a look to them that really sets them apart artistically.

The Mo-caps are very budget, especially humanoids and doesn't feel polished.

The gears and armours have little to no visual variability to them so you can look like you're cruising around in your underwear or noob gear well into your 50s.

The uniques aren't build defining, but it looks like they're trying to. A lot of them give a ton of bonuses and then give you a trade-off like no leeching or no regen.

The UI is very bland and clean. There should be more to it as it feels a little soulless. Text sits on a black background on items and gives you less of a sense of value for just about everything you own.

A lot of the above may seem pedantic or nitpicking but adding it all together into one takes quite a bit away from the immersion and experience. Thankfully it can be improved pretty easily with more investment into whoever is working on the UI and art.

Finally, I would say the game is work buying. However, beta POE was in a better spot than this 8 years ago, and was free to play. It goes to show how much more work they need to do to this game to get it in a place where it can compete in the space. D2R, POE2 and D4 are all around the corner so to speak, and the LE devs will need to choose next steps carefully to secure its place in the market.

179 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 08:34
The Last Epoch sits right between Diablo and Path of Exile. It is much more approachable than PoE, however more complex than D3. It doesnt require you to read about build guides or have 1000 3rd party resources open, nor are armor sets the only way to play the game.
The crafting in Epoch is easy to learn and understand and not entirely gated behind RNG or having to trade the best crafts over discords.

The gameplay, classes and skill depth are fucking fantastic. Not so clunky like Diablo and not ZOOM ZOOM GTGFAST PoE.
I love that i have to respect Epoch's combat mechanics and make decisions on the fly as opposed to one-shotting or getting one-shot. The zones are also absolutely gorgeous and aesthetically pleasing.

The Last Epoch is great so far, my only issues are that the first 3-4 chapters of the game are rather slow with some zones seemingly stretching on a little too long and the performance is choppy in some zones.

Either way im playing on the Standalone Launcher now so i wont accrue anymore steam hours but its safe to say that once the multiplayer update comes out and after that, the 1.0 release, i will be playing the ever living shit out of Epoch.
206 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
11380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 00:18
Just as a reminder this is a review during Early Access. Some things will change before 1.0 Release version.
I'm Playing during 8.1 March 18, 2021, and have played since sometime around 7.0.
The game is an Action RPG like Diablo 2, Titan Quest, and Path of Exile. It has many things that the players would like in this genre.
Classes Types (this is not class names in the game, but the general role they fill). Necromancer, Wizard, Warrior/Paladin, Druid, Ranger. These classes have 1 base class, and 3 specialization trees within them that help you play the game in a way you may enjoy. Each with abilities that unlock once you advance, while also helping you define your character and playstyle further.
Lots of Abilities to choose from and alter through their ability skill trees.

Gear, and Gear Crafting. Not only do they have a large range of Armors and weapons, but you can also craft a more defined piece of gear. Some higher end gear or gear sets may help define a build you are playing.

Gear Gambling. A merchant that lets you gamble away your gold on a possible item. Helpful at later stages of the game.

A decent challenge from both normal monsters all the way up to the various bosses within both the story of the game and end game content.

Things That Are currently missing but are being added/ worked on and can be read on their Roadmaps.
Multiplayer, More content and bosses for story and end game, Other gear options, More abilities, More class trees. (The game is currently missing 3-5 Talent trees for the current available classes)

I do not know about PvP. Seeing as how I am not personally interested in it. From what I can tell It is not currently in the game. You will have to do this research on your own.

I personally enjoy the game even in its current state, which does feel a little lacking, but not by much. Another note. The company is rather helpful and communicates with its player base.
Thanks for your time in reading this review.
125 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
11610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 13:28
Last Epoch is currently hitting a very difficult market in ARPGs, in that it is very easy to approach as a game, but has increased depth and 'theory crafting' opportunities as you progress through the game. It doesn't take a massive build guide just to have an operational character, or take an excessive amount of time to craft an item with the exact affixes you need.

This game feels like what SSF in PoE should be!
89 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 14:04
Probably the best ARPG on the market.
Faster then Grim Dawn.
More complex then Diablo 3.
Not as overwhelming as Path of Exile.

- not that many items
- confusing stats for newbies
- unique items (legendaries) are very underwhelming
- game is not finished
- enemy variety isnt that interesting
77 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 14:47
Better than Wolcen
47 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
10531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 01:52
only reason i dont have more hours is multiplayer isnt a thing yet.
1070 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 14:25
Quite enjoying the game so far. I have a level 30 Beastmaster, and have dabbled with the Mage here and there too. The game is incredibly solid and I look forward to the game continually being fleshed out. Keep up the good work, devs!
118 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 06:27
Fun game, with a lot of potential and reasonably interesting endgame.
Game feels a little too easy rn for a seasoned ARPG player.
Performance issues are massive.
Couple of gamebreaking bugs.
Great alternative experience though if you can look past its flaws.
The crafting system is great fun.
887 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 21:37
A fantastic blend of the best parts of Diablo and Path of Exile and a refreshing experience after the disappointment of Wolcen. As a long time ARPG fan starting in 2000 with Diablo 2 I feel that this is the closest a modern ARPG has come to reaching the heights of Diablo 2. A surprisingly deep and yet not overly complex skill system adds meaningful progression and an outstanding variety of build possibilities. The campaign is also excellent with a compelling story and impressive length. Do keep in mind that the game is still in beta (version 0.08 at the time of writing) and currently lacks multiplayer. Multiplayer is coming in the next major patch (version 0.09) so it should be here relatively soon. Assuming that they release multiplayer without major bugs and have appropriate anti-cheating measures in place when they do so this could very well be the modern ARPG to beat.
513 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 23:09
Even if the game is a bit too easy at the time, it's a crafter-theory paradise and very much worth the play. I'm not the biggest fan of action-rpg but I love Last Epoch, very cool to play!
18 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
12950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 21:51
Worth your buy. Arpg fans will enjoy this game. It has the depth that I always wanted from D3, the movement abilities I wanted in Grim Dawn, and the respecs I wanted in PoE. The game currently uses up a lot of CPU, but you can adjust settings to make it easier on your computer. The developers seem to be doing a great job following their road map and I have confidence that they will continue to do so. Fun game.
70 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
49538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 23:53
Can't stop playing game, send help!
179 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 00:13
1. Easy to learn.
2. Archer is available as a class
3. Not spooky or depressing like Path of Exile can be
138 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 02:41
Best aRPG on the market.
87 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2947 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 01:25
Thus far the game has been great !! I'm about 30 hours in and the game has a great feel to it. The skill system initially feels limited at first glance, but after a short while you realize that each of the 5 chosen skills has it's own full individual skill tree, plus 2 full passive tree's (class and specialty class - i.e. Primalist / Shaman). The games crafting system is somewhat like Path of Exile, in that item affixes and suffixes roll in tiers and can be modified via crafting (tier 6 and up affixes are drop only and cant be crafted). while it retains some degree of depth it isn't overly complex, and certainly isn't as rage inducing as crafting in PoE.
Overall the game has a great feel and seems to land in a good middle ground between complex games like PoE, and more simplified games like D3. I cant speak for how well designed unique and set items are because I haven't played long enough to get a feel for these items (thus far none of the few I've found had overly game changing mechanics, but I've only found a few in total). Overall I would say give it a shot !!
399 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 06:14
Is Wolcen too buggy?
Is Path of Exile too much?
Is Grim Dawn too slow?

This is the game for you!
26 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 19:18
Last Epoch takes the best from already successful AARPG's (Diablo II, Diablo III, Grim Dawn, Path of Exile) and combines that with much needed innovation to create a truly unique experience. If you are a veteran of the genre, leveling up your Traveler and crafting gear for your build will be intuitive. For those less experienced, a very detailed in-game compendium of mechanics and systems will help them get up to speed quickly. I'm going to quickly go over the systems in LE and draw compare and contract against the aforementioned games, so all you fellow dungeon-crawlers out there know what to expect. This is not to accuse the LE of copy pasting mechanics, but to draw on our shared pool of AARPG knowledge to quickly explain often complex systems.

Eleventh Hour Games has brought back the 'charm' system from Diablo II, with a unique twist. Now called Idols, they do not occupy a precious spot in your loot bag, but have a separate inventory that gets larger as you progress through the story. There are different Idol 'bases' which can roll a variety of affixes.

The skill bar in Last Epoch is reminiscent of Diablo 3, which only allows four skills bound to the keyboard and one to MB2. Note that MB1 has been reserved for movement only, but can be toggled to move only, attack-move or move or break destructible. This system creates skill scarcity and forces the player to make tough decisions on which skills they want to shred Imperial skellies with.

Player's can choose between five classes at level one and then can choose from one of three masteries after they've reached a certain point in time (yes, time). Think Grim Dawn, but you can access a limited number of passive skills from the two other masteries you DID NOT choose as well. As you allocate those valuable passive points into your class and/or mastery you unlock active skills. Active skills are also unlocked when you reach a certain character level. Active skills also level up which grants the player points they can allocate in skill-specific trees. These points power up your skills/abilites/whateveryoucallems and range from simple damage increases to drastically altering how it functions.

Last Epoch employs the standard AARPG loot system with normal, magic, rare, legendary, and set items that the player can loot from enemies and chests. It also boasts an in-game customizable loot filter that is somewhere between Grim Dawn and Path of Exile in terms of customizability and ease of use. It won’t make you learn essentially a new programing language like PoE, but offers strong customization options using their rules-based system. They allow the player to set visibility and emphasis rules on rarity, affixes, level and class requirements using drop-down menus all housed in an easy-to-use UI.

With only 10 hours of play time, I’m not able to comment on the end-game and how repayable the game is, but I definitely want to try out some of the other classes and masteries (currently an Acolyte/Necro). I have thoroughly enjoyed my time progressing through the campaign. The story and lore of Eterra has been very well done compared to its peers. An update will be provided in a few days detailing both crafting and end-game systems.

Although subject to change based on my experience of the rest of Last Epoch’s content) I would give Last Epoch an 8.5/10. Considering it is in open beta (but what isn’t these days? And they are charging $30 bucks?!) the game is fun to play, has deep mechanics, a dark and gritty art style, and a decent soundtrack to boot. The player models and particle effects leave a bit to be desired.
262 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2809 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 22:24
You can have a lot of fun with this game due to the unique skill system, in which each skill has its own skill tree to modify its effects. Builds can be quite unique, with a few people in the community consistently pushing the limits of the classes with original builds and skillsets. The loot filter system is really great quality of life and very easy to set up and customise.

However, in the current state (yes, I know it is early access) there are just too many things that feel meh.

If you take a look at the graphics you'll see immediately that the graphics seem very outdated, the models are not very nice and the animations are also mediocre at best. This is pretty weird, considering the performance is absolutely garbage. For example, there are some mobs that have a big ice spell. You just need one of them on screen casting that spell and there you go, 20fps drop and stuttering. The sentinel has a ring of shields that block some damage for you. Problem is, every shield gets hit by AOE attacks, and for some reason the engine is horrible at those calculations (I mean, AOE attacks are the bread and butter of ARPGs right?).

Looking at the gameplay, getting a build to a certain level of functionality is fun, but this game fails at keeping you entertained and wanting to play more. There is something really lacking about the gameplay. It feels like I am clicking my skills and enemies die, but not that the enemies are getting hit hard. There is a lack of satisfaction in battling your enemies in my opinion.

Furthermore, once you reach the endgame, you have either the Arena (which is endlessly scaling waves, no really my thing) or the Monolith, which are basically areas that you have seen in the campaign with a little quest in them, like cleansing a forge. Monoliths have 2 modifiers to choose from each time you start one, and they are very short and not really interesting. Complete a few and you have to fight a boss eventually. There are a few monolith categories which determine the level of the mobs, but that's it. I don't see a lot of incentive to keep jumping in those 30-60 second monoliths until I can fight a boss again. Yeah, loot is fun, but crafting can make you better gear quite easily most of the time.

Summarised, it has a lot of promise, but how long is it going to take before that potential is realised, especially when so many other ARPGs are in development as well? What I don't understand is that they are releasing a new class, while they probably are better off optimising the game performance. I really hope they can make it a very good game, but in the current state they have a long way to go on just optimization and aesthetics alone. I will be checking back in a year (or two) to hopefully find the game in a better state.
344 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
5024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 01:23
Not too complicated as POE, not too slow as Grim Dawn, not too simple as Diablo 3. Definitely better than Wolcen. The game is still in early access but it has a lot of potential to be the next great ARPG hack and slash game
199 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
3819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 00:13
-Every skill has its own talent tree
-Combat feels pretty smooth
-Interesting time travel campaign
-Great crafting system
-Leaderboard in the Endless Arena
-Lots of more promised features

-Animations are stiff and awkward
-Voice acting is very bad
-Endgame is very repetitive
-Unique and Set Items are mostly useless
-Endgame bosses pose almost no threat

Keep in mind , the game is still in Beta.
Overall the game has a lot of potential and is worth the asking price , but if you want a more complete experience , put it on your wishlist and keep an eye on it.
394 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
17140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 00:08

It's a fun ARPG, in the genre of Diablo mixed with a part of Grim Dawn and a part of Path of Exile. Currently there are 4 classes, with the Rogue class still in it's initial phase of development without a timeframe for release yet. You still have the opportunity to play as Acolyte, Primalist, Mage, and Sentinel. These are the typical base classes you find in these games, with each one having three Mastery choices.

Many of the builds currently stress damage mitigation and health, with most of the character builds being fleshed out to their highest efficiency way before you reach cap level. So basically, between level 50-75 you'll most likely have your skills maxed and already have either bis gear or near it. That leaves little incentive to continue on to cap level 100 for an occasional passive point to reward your effort. There isn't an endgame currently either, making it even less desirable to continue on with the character. You'll probably get more enjoyment by starting a new character with a new build you want to try out. Hoping to see this being fixed way before full release.

For the storyline and quests, it's quite intriguing I have to say. Not to give too much of it away, but you'll be sort of a time traveler, opening portals to different eras (or epochs as in the game title) from the infancy of humanity to the year 2281, The Ruined Era or Last Epoch. This is where your story begins.

I have had a few bugs so far while playing, nothing too serious, but it could of been. When breaking tables and furniture with your weapons there's chance that money or even gear will drop. On a few occasions I've had my drops either floating in the air or outside the play area without any way for me to recover them. Luckily the weapons and armor were not Unique or Set items, and the amount of gold was negligible.

Another issue that has happened twice so far, when entering an area or trying to speak to a npc, the game suddenly would just freeze as the camera view changed. I was left with no other choice but to alt tab out and do a manual exit of the game. Nothing too serious so far, and it is still in beta after all.

I still only scratched the surface of the game to date, but plan to continue on playing throughout the beta phase and hopefully see a completed released version of the game in the near future. It's definitely worth buying into if you're a fan of the ARPG genre, and I do have a good feeling about this one. Same way I felt that Grim Dawn was going to become a great released game when I started playing that game at beta.
33 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 22:57
TLDR, if it wasn't a gambling sim, they got rid of item fracture, and did something remotely original with endgame, it would be a great game.
The RNG in this game dwarfs all others. It's basically gambling. If you love gambling, you'll love this game. Loot that's useful basically doesn't exist, which means you have to craft all your gear. This would actually be pretty good if the fracture system didn't exist. You'll spend a lot of time picking up shards and glyphs to only have your item break while upgrading it, wasting all your shards and glyphs. Pair that with the crappy loot drops and mediocre unique items, the defeat you feel after several items break isn't ever compensated by anything positive.
The other thing that sucks compared to the other ARPGs out there is the end game. It's boring, repetitive, and is just gambling. They have a thing that's like Greater rifts in D3 and a thing that's like Crucible in Grim Dawn, except not as good as either one. You don't ever find anything useful that drops. And anything you try to craft ends up getting broken. Any mats you find are wasted because items end up breaking. Open rift, pick up item, break item, rinse, repeat.
Its skill progression is really good, but they need to take the gambling mechanics out before I can recommend this.

26 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 22:33
I'm a fan of isometric hack and slash games like Diablo, and this game has impressed me. Wolcen looks nicer, but this game has better play mechanics, and unique classes and skills.
403 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 07:15
As a Grim Dawn fan with hundreds of hours this game immediately hooked me. It's a bit slower paced, so it's nice to relax and wander around exploring while the dreamy music plays. One thing that struck me is you can create builds where it's not a waste if you don't stat dump in one spot. For instance, early on you quickly earn a few different skills, and you aren't punished for experimenting a bit.

Cons: you to keep in mind this is still EA, so things change very frequently and have to be rebalanced. You may come back after a patch and have your build no longer work. Yet even in its unfinished state, it runs absolute circles around the also unfinished Torchlight III, fancy-pants graphics or not. I'll probably update this more after I finish the campaign and try a few other builds.
45 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
4252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 09:58
My third best ARPG ive ever played.. this would be my top list

1) Diablo 2: LoD
2) Grim Dawn
3) Last Epoch
4) Diablo 3
5) Path of Exile
6) Torchlight 1/2
7) Titan Quest
8) Wolcen
65 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 22:38
If you like Diablo 2's pace, and theme this is the correct ARPG for you. If you like Wolcen or even PoE this game will probably be too slow for you. Last Epoch has far and away the most intuitive builds since everything is key worded. Would recommend highly to anyone who loves good older fashioned ARPGS.
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 00:27
Awesome game, has a good D2 feel to it!
206 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
3903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 14:42
Nearly leveld 2 characters to end game so far. Decided to write review.

TLDR: Recommended! Its nothing ubersuperduper new. But its a great alternative for when you do take a break from the others! Just dont come expecting something thats better or worse than the predessors.

Leveling +++: Most fun leveling i've had in a long time. Sure 2nd char already had some nice uniques that helped quite a bit. But the freedom to respec eveyrthing (Except mastery class) with minor penalty is so sweet! Also pacing through story is great!

Performance =: Its playable. But needs quite a bit more work! (Just dont play summoner yet!). ! Early Access Beta, what can you expect really? !

Difficulty ++: I've read a lot mixed feelings. I did have my struggles on first playthrough, but always got things done after little bit of gearing up. That in return made those moments feel great; its very rare that games challange you to do something! (ie. poe only challanges you with end game bosses, rest is zoomzoomzoom! And diablo is nothing but zoomzoomzoom! really)

Itemization ++: Uniques are decent, sets are decent. Close to Poe, but nothing like D3. Freedom to craft affixes on everything else is nice! I kinda like the way it is! Also drop rates are okay but perhaps the amount (=variety) is little low but its still EA so hey!

End Game =: So far with 2 system its okay. Infinite arena and Monolith. Nothing ground breaking but they do let you play more and grind more. I think there are more systems planned aswell.
143 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
34481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 03:19
tl;dr: As long time ARPGer, this is a decent middle ground ARPG if you want something with more depth than D3, less bloat than PoE and that is actually functioning better in beta than a released Wolcen. Then give Last Epoch a shot, I haven't regretted it.

I'm an ARPG-oholic, also an Alt-oholic that is getting disillusioned with other ARPGs on the market. Diablo 3 is an arcade experience that lasts just about a weekend or week per season. Path of Exile over the last year/year and a half (early 2019-fall 2020) has slowly devolved into an unstable mess that leaves content haphazardly unfinished and consistently forcing players into a 2-3 week long QA/QC period at league start now that feels really low rent. And everyone knows what happened with Wolcen, and it's a damned shame that I enjoyed the early access period beyond the refund time limit before release, because I don't know how you make a game worse with the release build but Team Wolcen did it.

However, Last Epoch has being filling that void decently over the last ~6-7 months since my purchase. They have been making great strides in the content and systems in their ~bi-monthly patch cycle. They are listening to the feedback of the community involved with the beta and just started a community tester program as of writing this review for more in depth feedback from the more hardcore of the community.

I have a great deal of fun making new builds from scratch, trying to take them into the deepest part of the endgame system. Only to rinse and repeat with another build. I easily average at about a month or so per patch cycle of decent game time before I sit back and wait to see what is next to be released.

As of this review unfortunately the online systems aren't yet active (multiplayer, trading, etc) but they are expected in due time, other smaller systems such as dual wielding as well as the last class the Rogue haven't been added yet either. However, it's more to look forward to. So here's to more builds, more skills, and more ways to mow down hordes of mobs.
127 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
5441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 17:17
Great game so far, definitely the best thing about it are skill trees and passive trees, with many options and possible builds.
116 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 15:42
This has been my favorite Arpg. I never write a review unless something spectacular and this game is even better than that. I cannot stop singing this game praises.

The strong aspect of this game are skills and their upgrade trees. Each skill has multiple different ways to play. For example 1 skill is called Hammer throw. Currently*(subject to change) by default you throw a hammer that goes forward then returns to you. The tree lets throw more hammers, trade off the return for increase chance to stun, or have them spin around in a circle, either around you or around the spot you cast them, or you trade all those bonuses for a better stat like crit or crit multi. There are around 100 skills currently with more planned. If you like Poe's skill gems this is like that on steroids.

The next point that i like about the game is the crafting system that lets you gamble for the item you want. It means that you can always get something close to what you want but its near impossible to get the absolute best item.

lastly as a math nerd i really enjoy how the protection system works. Instead of resistances that get better for each point of investment( ie going from 0%->1% is infinitely worse that going from 99%->100%). protections serve as pool of health vs that damage type. its beautiful to see math used to gives something that scales infinitely but doesn't get marginally better that more you get.

This game is still in beta with many changes coming in the future. I may have had 1 crash in my over 100 hrs of play time and i find the game very stable. Performance sometimes drops but this is normally in large zones with 50+ mobs. With these minor issues i HIGHLY recommend this game it is absolutely fantastic.
33 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
14873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 17:04
$35 for another Wolcen bait and swi...oh wait, this is actually playable and fun.
173 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 16:17
As of mid September here, this is a remarkably solid and engaging game for an EA title. 20 hours in here, and I've played through the existing story line with 1 character and am messing around with the end-game which feels pretty well done. Certainly not as much content as PoE, but that's hardly a knock for an EA title. I've gotten a feel for how the game works, and next I'll try making a more complex skilled character. (Lightning Blast / Void Sphere, guide by Thyworm, to get my feet wet went well.) On the visuals side, it borrows heavily (to be charitable) from D3 for environments and enemy models/concepts, but has quite a bit more build variety than D3. Combat feels a bit more D2 than D3, and that's not a bad thing in my book. Pacing is much slower than PoE, individual rare mobs can sometimes take you a little while to whittle down and kill, but I prefer that to the massive powercreep that has overtaken PoE combat. To round out the comparisons, it just feels better than Wolcen or Grim Dawn, both of which I've tried but haven't really drawn me in at all. The combat is less clunky for sure. Crafting is done interestingly, and has a good mix of risk/reward. So far I'm VERY impressed with this game, and I think it has the potential to be an excellent addition to the isometric ARPG library. Feels a lot like what I would have liked a successor to D2 to be.
241 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 07:20
Played a mage to lv 50-something, finished the story, played the current endgame.

What I like

  • + Some of the spells are quite fun.
  • + The ward mechanic is fun to play around with.
  • + Spell passive trees, which can totally change your playstyle.

I don't really care

  • ~ Story is okay, but mostly tell not show, lack of presentation.
  • ~ Graphics and artstyle are okay/good, with some areas being mediocre at best.
  • ~ FPS drops in some areas to 30-40fps (2080S).
  • ~ Time travel mechanic has no real influence on the experience (right now).
  • ~ Lots of one hit mechanics, even by normal mob types while playing the story and some really annoying champion affixes (resurrect, double)
  • ~ Character passives are not very exciting

I don't like at all

  • - The loot and its stats feel incredible boring, useless and generic, uniques and sets are very underwhelming.
  • - The only reliable source of upgrades is the crafting system, so you are ignoring blue/yellow drops most of the time and just go for white items instead to find better bases. This should be something you want to do at late endgame, when you really try to push your build to the limit. Not all the time while playing. Feels forced.
  • - Crafting system itself misses some really cool stuff, maybe a RNG-factor that can push your craft to new heights. Right now it's just up to 2 prefixes and suffixes you are able to choose (standard stuff like +dmg, +crit, +resistance), each with ranks 1-5, with a chance to destroy/craft block your item. I find this shallow and boring.
  • - Spell leveling system. To level a spell is okay with me, but the reset of the spell after trying another one is not.


Last Epoch fails for me at core ARPG mechanics. I'll reconsider my review at launch, but right now I just can't recommend it.
92 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 00:40
It's a fun ARPG. I like the combat and there are a lot of ways to build your class. The thing I hate, is when you want to respec, you have to grind your points back. I already know how to play and it teaches you nothing except be to be paranoid about where you put your points or it's going to cost you progression time to skill them up. I want to grind for loot and affixes, not skill XP. Don't like that system at all, but otherwise it's pretty solid.
332 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
5543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 09:11
This game certainly has the potential to compete with the likes of Path of Exile, Grim Dawn and Diablo. It offers a fresh take on skill systems and passive systems that mix well aspects of PoE with Grim Dawn and offer a huge variety of play styles and ways to approach the game.

Want to make a whirlwind ignite character? Or a void based shield throw character? Or a freeze igniting mage? All possible. All playable.

The game is very fleshed out even for an early access product. Expect to get between 15-20 hours of content from the base story and then expect a lot of hours from the current end-game system that keeps you running another monolith after monolith looking for those sweet rewards.

This isn't Wolcen. The game feels very professional, has a direction and know's what it wants to be from the get go. The developers are clear and consistent with their interactions with the community and are very open about progress on the game. They aren't afraid to take steps back to improve aspects of the game and systems already implemented along with offering new systems in coming updates.

I have not felt this excited about an ARPG for a very long time, this game is cocaine and I fully support the developers in bringing us a high quality product.
77 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
11707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 07:20
Good game, now that they finally got a decent end-game content with monolith I hope they work on more of the cosmetic aspect of the game even though i know its not as important as bugs and optimization. But I must admit I get disapointed when I find a cool unique but then equip it and it looks so lame.
158 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
19445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 22:46
0.7.9 Unfortunately with the last patches they are adding more and more oneshot mechanics and spammy bosses. If you hated Sirus/UE then you will hate all the big bosses here.

So bosses here spam oneshot lazors, hp/resists become useless and the best defense for beating a boss becomes movespeed to receive 0 damage by running in circles.

Monster design is bad, there are monsters who have it all, 1mil hp and also spam aoes/shotgun aoes/pbaoes that in addition to having a large area these also deal 5-10x damage moreover sometimes with an added persistent ground dot, the only drawback that they are slow moving.

So basically melee are ruined with no counterplay and are shutdown by those mobs while ranged chars are unharmed

Also for some reason they are focusing almost exclusively on acolyte for reworks and new skills and with the mentioned new spam mechanics the powercreep is starting to emerge already

I will reserve this review in case some miracle happens but now it is a sad NO
578 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 21:00
No disrespect to devs cause I know how hard it is to make games and to QA test them and the amount of iteration going on with each build branch, and I understand this is Early Access and beta and blah blah, but:

- this game desperately needs better UI / UX. The menu design and font and text is all over the place.
- the character animation - and how stiff combat feels as a result - is a deal breaker.

I can't recommend this game in the state it's in.
150 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 21:31
I dont write review's often but fuck this game is path of exile 2013/2014 meets Diablo 2. Its fucking fun. Negative reviews talking about not being able to swap/relevel skills fast are outwright wrong, They simply havent played the game enough to know better. Id highly reccomend this game, Havent had this much fun in a loooong time.
70 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 00:42
Been playing Path of Exile for 8+ years. While I still like playing it, I need something else that has a different feel and aesthetic to it. Tried Wolcen and I do like it, but so many issues right now. Been following Last Epoch for a while now and decided to give it a try.

So far, very happy I did. It is obviously Beta and still has some things to work on. The NPCs don't talk and you have to read like old school games. Difficulty is a little too easy, but I am sure balance will come down the road. Other skills are not fully flushed out. I am looking forward to see where it goes.

Overall It has been worth the money I paid.
157 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
12087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 22:53
Devs just pushed an update that improved some end-game systems quite a bit.
Aside from that, the campaign is somewhat engaging, I was never really amused by storytelling in most games, but right now it will probably take a new player about 6-10 hours to complete it and engage in the end-game.

The dev team is amazing, they chat with players on discord and participate in discussions on the LE forums. Despite that, the game has some serious optimization issues, which will without a doubt be polished with time, but for now I would only recommend buying it if you'd like to support them, or journey along a day-to-day evolving game, which I find very exciting.
449 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 00:44
Although I'm giving this a thumbs up, I don't understand why all the ARPG devs are always creating these r e t a r d e d and incredibly convoluted ways to respec your skills.
It's like they don't want you to fking try anything. You have to know your build from the get to, or re-create your char a billion times, which gets annoying pretty quickly.

Otherwise this game's mechanics look pretty sweet and promising.
16 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 17:33
This game is still in early access at the time of this review.


- Build diversity: Each class currently has a few viable main skills, and those skills can be modified on the skill tree. For example, Shield Throw can be a physical-damage, ricocheting projectile, or it can be one that casts a lava eruption every time it hits an enemy. Mage skills can be converted from one element to another.

- Story: An action RPG doesn't rely on the story as much as other games, but this one has a unique and interesting story that I found myself enjoying more and more as the game went on.

- Loot: Currently the loot pool is limited (no legendary items, very few uniques and set items), but the loot mechanics are fun in the way that items can roll affixes.

- Crafting: Crafting is rather barebones, but I enjoy that there's a real risk/reward factor here. You can basically craft any weapon in the way you want it. For example, you can find a common, magic or rare item and craft on a max of 4 affixes to go along with it's base stats. However, the more you craft it, the more unstable it becomes, and it can (and will) break if you push it too far. Items can be bricked in the end game as you're trying to craft your perfect piece of gear.


- Graphics/Optimization: The graphics are good, not amazing, but turning them up to ULTRA will stress your computer unless you're running a high end rig. I've been running on VERY HIGH with CPU temps in the mid-upper 60s. There are some stuttering/framerate issues in the end game as your screen gets filled with a ton of stuff.

- Map design: I am not a fan. The maps feel very linear. This is absolutely not an open world game. Each zone has it's own map that doesn't vary. There's no procedural generation here. It's the same map every time, so after a few playthroughs, you know exactly where to go. The maps look a bit bland and bleak, especially in the early game. They get better in the later acts by a lot.

- End game content: Currently there are two end-game modes: Arena and Monolith. Arena is a simple wave-based survival mode where you fight off hoards of enemies that get progressively stronger. Survive as long as possible and collect the loot in between stages. Great for leveling up and loot, but gets boring fast. Monolith is a bit different in that you enter a zone, select enemy modifiers (like increased speed, damage, health, crit chance, etc) and then battle your way through to a boss at the end. When you beat the boss, you get a loot chest and you're sent back to town, where you can go through another monolith that is more difficult, with another modifier that you select. You continue on this path until you die. Monolith loot/rewards increase with each successful zone clear. This also can get rather boring but it's much better than Arena.

- Character customization: There's absolutely none. If you want to be a Mage, you're a skinny, old dude. If you want to be a Necromancer, you're a gothic looking woman. Gear choices don't change your appearance much either. I'm hopeful that this will get changed as the game continues to develop.

Overall: 6.5/10 (in it's current state). This game has a lot of potential. It's still worth a buy in early access. You'll get plenty of content for your money. However, I would probably wait for the next major patch, as they're introducing another playable class or two.

282 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 13:50
Last Epoch is an overall great rpg who doesn't try to re-invent the genre, but build upon it with new interesting takes on skill trees and charachters progression. As the writing of this review, the game is still in early access, yet it offers a medium-long campaign and enough content to satisfy multiple playstyles (i.e. summoner, spin-to-win, glass cannon and so on..). Nevertherless, major features like an extensive end-game, leaderboards and multiplayer are still to be implemented.
Give it a try if you liked games like Grim Dawn, Path of Exile, Incredible Adventure of Van Hellsing and Diablo.
1213 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 11:15
This game is secretly Chrono Trigger.
336 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 18:07

There's a ton of potential here, but I got really bored after about 10 hours. I'll explain.

You can pick 5 active skills at any given time. The thing is, you can only upgrade and modify those skills if you put them in a specialization slot. As you play, your specialized skills gain experience, and you can start picking nodes in a skill tree. This is when the game gets interesting. The problem is this: If you want to try out different skills, and swap out a specialized skill into something else, that new skill starts out at Level 1 putting you behind the current difficulty curve. Also, the skill you swapped out loses all progress if you decide to switch back, essentially losing in game progress.

It doesn't feel good to be encouraged to pick a handful of skills and stick with them for the whole game. Your encounters all start to feel the same as you get into a single rotation. Yawn.

I'd love to come back to this game when it's more complete to see if they've made the game more compelling to my personal tastes. Until then, I'm tired of a dull looking character model casting the same rotation ad infinitum.
148 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 05:58
I have over 1k hours on POE off steam. 2k+ hours on Diablo 2/3. I have played some Grim Dawn & Torchlight.

Graphics: Child of Grim Dawn x Path of Exile x Diablo 3

Skill System: Amazing, each skill is class dependent. Each skill has it's own diverse skill tree that can be leveled and improved with use.

Passive Skills: Awesome synergy with the skills. Plan a build around X skills and passives. Can be really fun.

Crafting/Forging: Forging feels good. You can take white basic items similar to poe, and upgrade them using affixes and prefixes (buffs I.E Enchanting in Diablo 3) using gems. Gems are placed on items to create all kinds of combos. There are then scrolls and other items used to help the crafting process. You can literally craft the perfect weapon if you had enough affix/prefix gems.

TLDR: Great game, diverse character builds. You definitely will get your money back in time played. I bought it yesterday and I'm 17 hours played.

Can't wait for multiplayer. Hopefully the devs don't cash grab and dip. Fingers crossed.
301 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 02:56
55/100: Some really good ideas spoiled by bland presentation, janky controls and, well...overall jank. That said, with some love and attention, this could end up being a solid Diablo clone - although with a release date later this year, I'm not quite sure how much can realistically be done. review/feedback below:

= Intro =

Always on the lookout for good, modern ARPGs that aren't Grim Dawn, Path of Exile or Diablo 3 - which I've played to absolute death. Keep seeing this one on my recommended list, so gave it a whirl.

= Gameplay: 68/100 = 

It's a Diablo clone, in every sense of the word. Or more accurately it feels like an attempt to update Diablo 2 in the Diablo 3 engine that ended up becoming something else. No, really - so much of this game feels like Diablo 2 (with some elements of Diablo 3), down to the vendors, itemization, presentation and inventory structure. 

Which is fine, I guess - if it's a really good and innovative clone. 

Gameplay wise, this is exactly what you'd expect. You move a single, very powerful character around, kill enemies and pick up loot. Occasionally you fight a bigger, more powerful enemy that hopefully drops more loot. 

Fortunately, the loot is pretty cool - with some interesting effects and ideas. 

Unfortunately the enemies are amazingly bland, at least from what I've seen thus far. Some are outright awful looking - weird, low resolution scraps of stuff stuck together with purple gloop. The two bosses I've fought so far were similarly uninspired. As always, this is early access so perhaps many of these just need another few passes, and more refinements made/more enemy variants added.

My main gripe though is just how bored I felt, from the start. It could well be that the early game is just really dull and slow and that things pick up later, but after a couple of hours I found myself just running past stuff to get to the next zone, in the hopes of seeing something new. That's not a good sign, especially not 4 hours in. Games like this need to make a strong first impression (despite its massive flaws, Wolcen managed to grab me by the groinal regions right off the bat).

Things just feel...padded. Honestly, about half of the zones I've been through, especially indoor ones could just be cut out - to the game's overall benefit. It's all good and well to make a massive dungeon, but you need to put stuff in it.

That said, there are some truly fantastic ideas at work here. The way skills operate (each with their own tree of enhancements) is just great. I just wish they looked better and felt better to use.

There are still plenty of bugs, especially with navigation - I've already died more than once because I got stuck in the scenery somehow (indoor bridges feel especially prone to this) and some quest givers or zone change effects are rather hard to click on or interact with.

Honestly, while there was plenty of stuff to like and the occasional humdinger of a good idea, I got bored quite quickly, slogging through way too many zones of identical creatures/tilesets to reach my objectives. 

= Graphics & Audio: 32/100 =

This game does not look good.

Maybe I'm just spoiled, but I finished up Wolcen a little while back and *that*, at least visually, felt like a modern ARPG. This feels like a throwback to Diablo 3's visuals, but lacking the finesse, vibrancy and variety of that game.

Some zones (mostly outdoors) look decent, mostly thanks to pretty background/skyboxes and some decent vegetation - but indoor areas are insanely samey, cramped and unimpressive, and feel empty - with the only variety being the occasional purple goop stuck to things. And on top of this, during daytime everything looks really washed out and murky. Definitely going to have to fire up Reshade for this. Sometimes I did come across a pretty backdrop or some cool tessellation which makes me (slightly) hopeful for the finished product.

Framerates are a little hitchy - but this will hopefully be resolved with an optimization pass or two.

The big problem graphically is the skills, or rather the lack of lighting and detail on them. It feels less like I'm throwing spectral energy or lightning at things than it does colored plastic. And even then...bland as all hell, from what I've seen thus far. Lots of small, colored orbs and poofs of particles, especially on the Acolyte I played.

This is all annoying, as enemy skills feel almost *too* big, especially this early in the game.

Honestly, lighting is the game's biggest weakness visually. Some zones look almost pretty, while others look like they are going to need a whole lot more attention before release. Devs - please, more variety on lighting, more visual vibrancy, colored lighting on skills. This can't be super hard to do.

Audio is mostly an afterthought, with sufficient but uninspired voicing. Music is not terrible, it feels like a Matt Uelman knockoff. 

Skills though sound wispy. No meaty booms, no crackle and zip of magic. If you are lucky you get a generic 'whoom' but in many cases, there is either a terribly subdued sound effect or none at all. Add some bass at least.

= Style & Feel: 55/100 =

Where this game shines (and hopefully will continue to improve) is the new ideas added to the formula. The aforementioned skill system is pure genius. However, the UI is a bit confusing and in need of some fixing, with several clunky descriptions and formatting errors.

Navigation can be an absolute chore at times. Having monsters immediately respawn once you leave an area adds to this.

Way more unique encounters, events, rooms and the like are needed. Exploration is mostly pointless.  

Skills and items are poorly explained (I still haven't figured out how to see base damage on skills) and...woof, did I have to do a lot of Googling. 

Loot, thus far, feels about right.
It does feel like the developers focused, perhaps, a little too much on funky ideas and new stuff and not on making a visually appealing or meaty feeling game combat wise. And that's quite a big problem in a game like this.

Story is...there, I guess. But you'll probably just click through most of it. 

Controls are bizarre - a lot of stuff feels like the devs are trying to be slightly different for the sake of being different. Fortunately quite a bit was fixable through the ingame menus. But it still feels odd not to be able to map a unique ability to the left mouse button - 5 skills feels really restrictive. Hell, six skills felt restrictive in Diablo 3. 

= Value: 80/100 = 

For a reasonable price (particularly on special) there is a whole lot of game here. If you enjoy it, the campaign alone is going to last you a while - although, again...padded to hell and back.

Lots of classes/specializations to try, builds to create, loot to find and game to explore. And with the love the developers are clearly giving here, chances are that it will get better and better - although, with a 2020 release date, much of this will have to come post-release.

If you can get it on a special, it may be a decent investment - even if you don't play much immediately.

= Overall =

+ Some extremely cool ideas
+ Decent loot
+ It's another ARPG to throw crapzillions of hours into

- Flat, ugly and bland looking compared to other ARPGs at this price point
- Floaty combat and physics
- Uninspired, boring enemies
- Spell effects desperately need lighting on them and punchier sound effects
- Really weak first impression
- Wimpy looking and feeling abilities, at least on the classes I tried
- Really empty feeling zones, especially indoors.

At the end of the day, I'll probably check back once this is released and hopefully the devs have the time they need to refine this a bit and pretty it up. But at the price point (especially if the full release costs more)...you can find better for less right now. This may have some niche appeal, but as things stand - this one is a little difficult to recommend.
79 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
25854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 21:27
I'll keep it simple. This is a great game that is getting a ton of love and attention from the devs. They frequent the forums and the in-game chat to get feedback and really listen to their community, a great sign for the game's future. This is definitely worth checking out if you are an ARPG fan
251 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.20 09:32
I picked this up as an in-between of WHENEVER D4 is coming out and PoE (which is starting to get a bit boring).
It was a tossup between this and Wolcen, and personally I think I made a far better choice.
Bearing in mind this is Beta so bugs are expected and allowed - the gameplay is incredibly smooth, and the devs are constantly working to fix, improve, and add QoL features.
I've seen quite a few negative reviews about the end game, and yes - there are two modes that may well get boring if you have no interest in getting top 10 of the ladder system that's currently in place, but then, why would you buy an unfinished product in the first place?
I've also read a few comments in regards to the talent system - it's worth noting here that yes, the PASSIVE skill tree is far more PASSIVE than the Skill Specialisation. Both are heavily linked however - as an example, if you specialise in Lightning Blast as a Mage, you're most likely going to want to bolster lightning based skills in your passive tree.
I'm a big fan of character customisation (skill based, not looks based), and there is so much you can do, that you'll barely scratch the surface at level 50 (roughly the end of current story chain).
I have a pretty intense background with games akin to this i.e. Titan Quest, Torchlight, D1, D2, D3, PoE, Grim Dawn, and I would heavily recommend this to anybody who is looking for a new fresh ARPG.
With the current optimisation issues and graphical glitches here and there (remember, Beta) I would give this game an 8.5/10.
No game is a perfect 10, but if the devs continue on the path they're going, this'll be close for me.
48 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
18467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 12:47
Game is great fun especially considering that it is early access (launch set for end of 2020). Note the steam launch date refers to when it was beta launched on steam which was April 30, 2019.

In its early access state, the most fun for me has been creating multiple different characters and getting them 'end game viable'. This includes testing dozens upon dozens of different skill loadouts. If theorycrafting and trying a bunch of different stuff out is your jam, this is a great game in its current state for you. If you generally play 1 character until its absolutely min/maxd you may start getting bored due to the lack of end game systems (although I know several people who do this and still love the game).

If you are looking for a game that you want to play long term, I think its absolutely worth starting now as the devs are actually amazing at listening to feedback and let the community actually have a voice. Large patches with fixes/content/QoL happen every ~6 weeks. If you want more of a single playthrough expirience I would recommend waiting to full release as you will have much more content for you.

Remember this is an ACTUAL early access game. The term early access on steam has become a joke because of games just always staying in EA, which makes people treat it as a full game launch, but Last Epoch is truly doing early access / beta right in that the development of the game is very accelerated and the community feedback is actually taken into account.

398 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 04:57
This game is a message to all the big players in the ARPG genre: Diablo, POE and Grim Dark. This ARPG is just as good, if not superior in some ways to those games. These developers have been watching and learning, and this is their delivered lesson. This game is a serious contender. The fact that it's still in early access is a testament to what is being crafted here. This is legendary loot. Give it a go because great ARPGs like the above are as rare a legendary drop. It's a genre that is seemingly simple, yet very difficult to master as a designer, and also as a player. Brilliant.
127 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 01:40
Really fun and satisfying game unlike most ARPG/dungeon runners available today. Intuitive stat description and gearing options that are easy to understand and won't leave you second guessing as to how to gear your character for the way you want to play it.

A few bugs here and there, but all things considered it's in pretty decent shape for a beta - it has tons of potential and I can only see it getting better. I can see myself sinking hundreds if not thousands of hours here already.

Do yourself a favour and get this game.
69 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
39175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 16:49
672 hours played in beta
nuff said
if you are over path of more multipliers and want real character building customization
34 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 02:47
This game is the best early access game i have played and is only going to get better.
72 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 20:50
Really loving this game so far, even in its beta state. Yes it has issues. Yes it isn't finished. But this is really a game that has potential in the long run just from how much has been done already.
322 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 13:56
I'm 11 hours in so there's still a lot to get to grips with but so far I'm enjoying this.

There's an interesting way of levelling here. You level your character as you'd expect, but you can also chose a skills to level up at the same time and this can drastically (from what I've seen at least) change and enhance how that skill works. I can see there being a load of build diversity in this and that's a good thing in terms of replayability.

One thing I'm not keen on is the skill gems. There's zero explanation on how these work and you get loads of them but they don't stack. After 4 hours on 1 character I had literally a whole vault tab just full of gems. I think this could be refined and improved upon quite a bit and I'm hoping that's something that's still to come given the game is still early access.

Overall, I think £30 asking price is pretty fair. Yes there's some polish etc needed and so on but it's early access so you need be prepared for that and I think the end game could be a really solid game.
698 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 05:30
At long last I can finally recommend this game after the latest patch.

It has great build depth, performance is now a lot better, everything feels a lot smoother overall.
If you enjoy Diablo 2/Path of Exile, you'll enjoy this.
303 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 23:11
An ARPG made by people passionate about the genre and approach its development from the perspective of players. I met these guys at PAX South - great team making a great game. If you like ARPGs, you will like this game.
96 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
2102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 08:22
I've played PoE, Diablo 2 & 3, Grim Dawn, really any game I can get my hands on in this genre. Even the disappointing Wolcen Game. I even bought this game when it first came out for $50 on their website. (I refunded it and said I would buy it again if they improved it.) -- WOW! The Difference is noticeable. Last Epoch brings back that Old School Hack-N-Slash type feeling. If you love the games I mentioned above, you'll fall head over heals for this gem. It's worth every dollar, trust me.
25 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
4741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 10:20
The Game mechanics and technology are good yet there is nothing particularly outstanding about the game at this point.

The review is based on completing what is available of the campaign and current End Game content.


PENDING: Classes, Skills, Balance, etc (I’ve only played a few builds so far. The ones I have played are good (Sentinel - Forge Guard - Shield Throw, Hammer Throw and Forge Strike). The game's Ladder gives good insight into the current builds being played and their balance.

Area design [Environments/Landscapes], with good variety and graphics

Respecing on all but your mastery. You can remove individual points.

Searches available in most areas (skills, inventory, crafting, etc.) for filtering.

Loot Itemization.

Audio: Music.

Smooth combat although it is not particularly engaging.

Game pace.

Input customization.

Mini and Overlay maps.


Always online even though there is no multiplayer, only chat.

Game startup and shutdown is slow. You need to wait for it to avoid issues starting the game. You might have to manually switch windows (ALT TAB). Game is not installed on SSD.


Steam account linking required. You have to create and link a Last Epoch account.

Performance has been adequate. 50-60 FPS on Very High settings. Can drop to 40 FPS with a lot of effects happening. No crashes yet.

Animations. They're a bit clunky and lackluster.

Visual Effects

Character graphics: better once you get some armor on them. Not so hot on the character creation screen.

Campaign: I probably got 15 hours of gameplay from the campaign that is available. Likely can be done quicker.

Skills and Specializations: Despecializing a skill removes all skill points and experience. This hampers build experimentation. Fortunately leveling a new skill is fairly easy.

Inventory tetris with sorting.

UI - it’s good but is missing scaling and the text can be small and hard to read.

Rare and Boss Monsters can often one shot you.

No character customizations.

Lack of cutscenes.

Lacking in voiceovers (I actually have no problem with this)

Audio: Effects and Voiceovers.

End Game is not complete. There’s two interim components. One is an Arena with Ladder Rankings.


Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Model: H110M-Gaming 3
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz
Windows 10 (64 bit)
Driver: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660ti
Primary Display Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Primary VRAM: 6 GB
Memory: RAM 8 GB
192 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 15:29
Insane potential
243 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 21:51
Special thanks to Wolcen for being super boring/buggy/bland making me find this gem.

It doesn't look great at first but it really grew on me after few hours.
- Story is interesting.
- Movement is responsive.
- Item system is well made.
- Crafting is GREAT.
- Skills/passive system is AMAZING.
- Inventory Tetris YAY.
- Time travel is cool, which also means no random dungeons (which i find ok).
- There are almost no bugs.

Is it worth the money NOW? Compared to Wolcen/PoE/GD not really. But it looks solid for an EA.
Also no Multiplayer YET, depending on how that works the game will sink or swim... or fly!
1330 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 07:53
Absolutely amazing game for an EA title. Well worth for ARPG fans
253 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 22:51
If everything goes well, this could be a great competitor for Path of Exile, there's already a hundred hour worth of content at the very least and the devs are doing an amazingly good jod, there's literally a major content update every month, so if you like ARPG's then this one is definitely worth it if you're willing to pay 40 bucks for it.

Do keep in mind however, The game will be priced significantly lower at release (15$ instead of 40$) and will have a cosmetic MTX shop in order to fund the constant development, so if you're able to wait until the final release, which is now planned for Q4 2020, then I would hold off on buying the game right now.
545 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
5097 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.20 17:21
This game is good, and very fun to play, but this need lots of optimization because runs like crap a lot of times.
But i give it a chance because this game is in early acess, the only problem with this game is the optimization and low fps even with a beast pc. :) i likeing this game a lot.
Ah and the first launch of the game everytime loading for so long, takes like 1 to 2 minutes to first launch the game, but when they fix these 2 major problems of the game, i think the game become better than his competitor.
251 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 05:20
This game is legit. The game is only in Phase 2 beta (out of 4) at the time of this writing and it already has the base game of being awesome. The classes are distinct from each other and the baked in talent system for every spell allows a lot of fun customization. I've put nearly a thousand hours in to PoE and god knows how many hours in to Diablo 3 but this game takes the cake. Cannot wait to see where it goes!
139 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.20 10:36

Here is why I think this game is worth your time and money – right now

I like ARPGs since Diablo brought this Genre to life. As a huge Diablo II fan I was waiting for a successor. As many others I was disappointed with Diablo 3. It’s a good game but it cannot follow in the footsteps of D2. Torchlight and Path Of Exile both couldn’t either (for me).

When Last Epoch got my attention I was skeptical towards the presentation of the game. The Graphics were not that impressive and in gameplay videos the combat looked not that smooth.

What convinced me to participate in early access was the Reddit community. There was so much confidence in the skills of the developers and the potential of the game. So I jumped in and I don’t regret it.

I will start with the current issues of the game from my point of view:

Although the engine got updates and the game looks ok now the game does not look like state of the art right now. LE is not able to compete with Warhammer or Wolcen not to mention Diablo 4 or Path Of Exile 2. The same goes with the physics – not state of the art.

I am sure there will be additional updates and tweaks but I don’t expect LE to transform into a visual blockbuster.

Gameplay / Combat:
The combat actually feels not as smooth as in other games. But this is something the devs work on with improving animations, effects and sounds. This definitely will change till full release.

There are many complaints of people with high end systems that the game has low fps and stutters. This is a problem right now that the devs prioritize, but it is not solved, yet. The weird thing is that I don’t have a high end system and are playing at maximum settings without issues – rare fps drops but far away from being unpleasing.

Because I am writing this preview about the actual state of the game right now during Beta and Early Access this is an issue. The story is not finished, yet. Not all announced classes are implemented. There is no multiplayer. There is no pvp. The endgame content after completing the game is not implemented. There are two endgame game modes, Monolith and Arena. According to the devs the Arena is just a placeholder and Monolith is not what the devs want it to be when it is finished.

On the LE homepage you can look up what is planned for release. This sounds promising but many of those mechanics are not implemented.

So why do I think that this game is worth its money at its current state? Because the game really has so much potential. Here come the pros that outweigh all the issues:

Variety of classes:
There are 5 base classes that divide into 3 sub classes each. Even with the subclasses the playstyle changes drastically within a base class. The classes feel very unique and are very well thought out

Skill trees (Passives):
There is one passive skill tree for each base class and one additional passive skill tree for each sub class. With every character level you get 1 skill point you can spend in that skill trees. With progression in those skill trees you also unlock active skills that are specific for the subclasses. For Example: By spending points in the Necromancer skill tree (Necro=subclass of Acolyte) you can unlock the skill “Summon Skeleton Mages”.

At some point in the story you have to permanently choose a subclass. This provides some passive bonuses as well as a subclass specific skill. While you can still spend points in all skill trees of a base class you can only choose one profession. This decision is permanent. All passive skill points can be respeced.
The level cap is 100 and there are quests that grant additional skill points.

Skill trees (Skills):
Every active skill has its own skill tree. These skill nodes provide passive bonuses for the skills like increased critchance, damage and stunchance (and so on..) as well as playstyle changers. For example a melee attack can be altered to be cast at range (Sentinel/Forge Guard - Forge Strike).

You can specialize in 5 skills at a time. You earn skill points by getting xp. But you level your skills separated from your character level (passive skill points). You can respec single skill points or despecialise the complete skill to choose another skill to level. In both cases you lose you progression and have to relevel skill points. But this goes relatively fast and even more the higher your level is.

Variety of builds:
There are myriads of builds and variations, countless synergies between skills and passives. It’s like an ARPG sandbox where you can build every kind of character you can think of. It’s fun to theory craft exotic builds that are viable at higher levels. This is where the meta game begins.

High complexity:
LE’s set of rules is very complex. If you take a look at the character sheet you will see 4 tabs of stats (damage, defensive, minion and other stats) with 81 different stats (e.g. health on hit, slow chance, increased minion health generation or spell critical strike multiplier) on top of the general stats like health or fire protections.

There are 7 different damage types and additional defenses like chance to receive a glancing blow or block protection.

To get behind all these mechanics you have to spend a fair amount of time read the tooltips carefully and spend some time on the forums to read some guides and tips.

For me this is the most important argument to play the game. The very high complexity is what makes LE outstanding compared to all other games.

Items / Crafting:
There are different rarities of items with up to 4 affixes per item that improve its stats. There is a crafting system where you can add affixes to items and / or upgrade them to a certain level.

There are unique items that have stats that change your playstyle or require a specific character alignment to fully develop their potential.

Eleventh Hour Games does an awesome job. The devs are very responsive. They discuss many aspects of the game with the community. They take criticism and suggestions very seriously and react to the player’s opinion.

There is a very good early access forecast . They adhere to their deadlines and release patches and updates very regularly. Admittedly EHG delayed the release of LE. But this was for a good reason and was well accepted in the community.

You can feel the spirit and that the devs work on this project with much blood, sweat and tears.

I have no doubt that LE will become a very good ARPG. It’s not mainstream. It is for those people that miss complexity in the Genre and want to dive into a game.

You should buy Last Epoch when:
  • Other ARPGs are too casual for you
  • You’re looking for some old-school flavor
  • Theory crafting is fun for you
  • You want to be creative in building a character
  • The listed issues don’t bother you
  • You are able to accept that this game is in beta and not finished, yet. There are bugs and you are supposed to test it
  • You want to take part in the development of a game

You should not by Last Epoch now when:
  • You expect a finished game, perfectly balanced and polished with endless content, free of bugs
  • The listed issues are unacceptable for you
  • Patience is none of your attributes

Anyhow keep an eye on this game for when it is released.

275 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.20 07:51
My quick review after going into endgame with my 3rd character:
The good:
-big and good looking world for an beta game
-interesting main story which guides you nicely through all zones and timelines
-good implemented time travel narrative, i really enjoyed it, havent seen similar one yet
-classes are very customizable, each class has 3 masteries which play very different
-each skill has an own skill tree, which allows ,even if you use the same skill, very different builds around it (love it, it feels much better then the boring D3 skills, and not so demanding and confusing as PoE skill tree/gems)
-items and crafting dont feel confusing or overwhelming, all stats are pretty much easy to understand yet you can do complex builds with them
-you have already an endgame with similar things as Rifts/Shattered Realms and an arena
-fighting feels already satisfying, you can feel that the most love an attention has gotten into making your combat feel good and having very good skill trees, both for active skills and passive
The bad:(not final ofc. its still beta)
First i must mention that this game has an recommended demand of an gtx1060 and runs with unreal engine, which should mean eye candy
-animations, your character and your pets as well as the enemies moving animations look kinda bad/stiff
-skills animations(melee,spells,buffs ect.) must improve drastically to make this game become big, too many things look outdated and ugly/boring
-armor, they pretty much didnt implement any design for your armor and weapons yet, pretty much no matter what you wear it looks the same, but what ive read in the forums, they are working on it, for me in any Rpg, even Arpg my character must look cool/badass, i hate it when they look generic even with endgame gear, and i hope they will never hide the cool stuff behind a paywall as in PoE
-the world feels a bit empty, it needs more side quests and lore, maybe some notes, and more hidden secrets and stuff to find, its so boring if you walk a long corridor and at the end there isnt even a chest, put in more smashable objects, chests, maybe pilons for temporary buffs, cursed chests ect.
is it worth the asking price? yes it is, you can already have a lot of fun in here and the developer team is consistently updating the game and listening to the community, i was a bit afraid after i early access bought Wolcen and now years later i got an boring skeleton of what was promised, but here you really can see and feel that the developer isnt slacking around, if they continue to improve the core gameplay and classes and start to really overhaul the graphics/animations of skills and start implementing armor and weapon design, this game could easily be the new Grim Dawn, i found this game by accident, its not easy to find but it should be, we have too few good Arpgs out there, it really deserves more publicity and a real chance to get big, for an early access game in beta i would give it an 8/10
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Release:30.04.2019 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Eleventh Hour Games Vertrieb: Eleventh Hour Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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