• Lara Croft GO: Screen zum Spiel Lara Croft GO.
  • Lara Croft GO: Screen zum Spiel Lara Croft GO.
  • Lara Croft GO: Screen zum Spiel Lara Croft GO.
  • Lara Croft GO: Screen zum Spiel Lara Croft GO.
  • Lara Croft GO: Screen zum Spiel Lara Croft GO.
  • Lara Croft GO: Screen zum Spiel Lara Croft GO.
  • Lara Croft GO: Screenshots August 15
  • Lara Croft GO: Screenshots August 15
  • Lara Croft GO: Screenshots August 15
  • Lara Croft GO: Screenshots August 15
  • Lara Croft GO: Screenshots August 15
  • Lara Croft GO: Screen zum Spiel Lara Croft GO.
  • Lara Croft GO: Screen zum Spiel Lara Croft GO.
  • Lara Croft GO: Screen zum Spiel Lara Croft GO.
  • Lara Croft GO: Screen zum Spiel Lara Croft GO.
  • Lara Croft GO: Screen zum Spiel Lara Croft GO.
  • Lara Croft GO: Screen zum Spiel Lara Croft GO.
  • Lara Croft GO: Screenshots August 15
  • Lara Croft GO: Screenshots August 15
  • Lara Croft GO: Screenshots August 15
  • Lara Croft GO: Screenshots August 15
  • Lara Croft GO: Screenshots August 15


Du musst angemeldet sein


LARA CROFT GO ist ab sofort zum Preis von 4,99 EUR für iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, Windows Phone 8.1 und im Windows Store erhältlich.

  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 27.08.2015
Zum Shop
Preis Update 10.01.25

Über das Spiel

Lara Croft GO ist ein rundenbasiertes Puzzle-Abenteuer in einer längst vergessenen Welt. Erforsche die Ruinen einer antiken Zivilisation, entdecke gut gehütete Geheimnisse und stelle dich tödlichen Herausforderungen, während du den Mythos um die Königin des Giftes aufdeckst.

  • Erlebe atemberaubende Grafik und einen fesselnden Soundtrack
  • Navigiere mit einer intuitiven Steuerung
  • Bekämpfe fiese Feinde, überwinde gefährliche Hindernisse und entkomme tödlichen Fallen
  • Löse mehr als 75 Rätsel, verteilt auf 5 Kapitel
  • Sammle uralte Reliquien und schalte neue Outfits für Lara frei

Nach dem preisgekrönten Spiel Hitman GO veröffentlicht Square Enix Montréal nun eine einzigarte Interpretation der Abenteuer von Lara Croft für mobile Geräte.

Apple App Store | Goolge Play


  • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 310
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
  • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3450 CPU @ 3.10GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.1GHz
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 12
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

495 Produkte im Account
270 Reviews
423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 17:20

Lara Croft GO

???? Gameplay

In der Rolle von Lara Croft rätselt ihr euch durch über 30 Level + etwa 20 Bonuslevel. Um an verschiedene Schätze zu gelangen. Dabei beginnt das Spiel sehr einfach mit dem schlichten bewegen des Charakters, was vollständig über die Maus funktioniert. Später kommen Gegner hinzu, die einen angreifen, verfolgen oder patroullieren. Gegenstände die verschoben werden können, Schalter zum betätigen und einiges mehr kommt im Lauf des Spieles ebenfalls hinzu.

Dabei wird auch der Schwierigkeitsgrad Stück für Stück immer weiter angezogen, wodurch das Spiel auch einige Level vorweisen kann, die wirklich knifflig sind. Wer gar nicht mehr weiter kommt, kann sich aber auch mittels Hilfefunktion vom Spiel unterstützen lassen. Diese ist sehr gut gemacht und zeigt einem so lange die nächsten 2 Schritte, bis man sie wieder deaktiviert. So kann man sich helfen lassen wenn man gar nicht mehr weiter weiß und es wieder abstellen, wenn man die Stelle überwunden hat.

Als besonderen Bonus kann man in fast jeder Mission nach versteckten Vasen ausschau halten, welche Edelsteine oder Teile eines Artefaktes beinhalten. Spielerisch hat dies zwar keinen Einfluss, man kann aber Outfits für Lara erhalten. Wem Lara´s Erscheinungsbild also nicht gefällt, der kann mit der Zeit weitere Kostüme freispielen und Lara entsprechend anders einkleiden.

???? Grafik

Neben Extra Outfits, was ich sehr nett finde, gefällt mir allgemein die Optik dieses Titels sehr gut. Die 3D Präsentation besitzt sowohl farbenfrohe, wie auch sehr monotone Level, die aber sehr stimmig sind. Die verschiedenen Gegnermodelle wirken sehr passend und sind gut ausgearbeitet. Die wenigen Animationen die es gibt wirken zudem sehr flüssig und im Falle des Endgegners auch sehr wuchtig und eindrucksvoll. Die isometrische Ansicht sorgt zudem für ausreichend Überblick.

???? Sound

Das Spiel kommt vollständig ohne Text aus. Dafür bietet die Musik eine recht dichte und vor allem stimmige Atmosphäre. Auch die Soundeffekte sind sehr spannend und flößen einem schon recht zeitig Respekt vor dem Endgegner ein, welchen man immer mal zu sehen und vor allem auch zu hören bekommt.

❤︎ Fazit

Ein wirklich guter Puzzler der die grauen Zellen gut beschäftigt. Ich hätte mir bei dem Preis noch ein paar mehr Level gewünscht, aber das Spiel ist ja regelmäßig im Sale. Ansonsten kann ich das Spiel eigentlich jedem empfehlen, der gerne seinen Kopf benutzt oder mit dem Genre etwas anfangen kann. Auch für Achievementjäger ist es einen Blick wert, man muss sich zwar schon Mühe geben, aber wenn man den Titel konzentriert durchspielt sind alle Erfolge problemlos möglich.

Wenn euch die Review gefallen hat dann folgt doch unserem Reviewprogramm Lasst doch einen Daumen nach oben da, wenn euch die Review geholfen hat und wenn nicht dann schreibt mir gerne, was ich verbessern kann.
499 Produkte im Account
119 Reviews
416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 19:12
Nach Hitman GO: Definitive Edition liefert uns Square Enix mit Lara Croft GO einen weiteren gelungenen PC Port eines rundenbasierten Strategiespiels, welches perfekt für Gelegenheitsspieler ist.

Original für das Handy erschienen, ist die Steuerung der Steam-Version von Lara Croft GO erst ein mal etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber man hat den Dreh schnell raus, so dass dem Rätselabenteuer nichts mehr im Wege steht.

In 7 Kapiteln, die insgesamt 63 Level umfassen, führen wir Lara durch alte Ruinen und wildes Terrain, wo wir auf den Weg zahlreiche Gegner und einige Rätsel überwinden müssen. Dafür zur Hand, stehen uns eine interessante Auswahl an Mechaniken und der Schwierigkeitsgrad steigt stetig, aber angemessen, an. Besonders das Spiegelweltkapitel hat es in sich, aber die Zwischenspeicherpunkte sind zum Glück im ganzen Spiel fair verteilt.

Außerdem gibt es noch Sammelobjekte, die in Wimmelbildspielmanier auf den Karten verteilt und per Mausklick einzusammeln sind. Sollte man ein Sammelobjekt übersehen haben, können wir in der Levelauswahl sehen, wo uns noch etwas fehlt und so auch schnell verpasste Errungenschaften nachholen.

Generell ist das gesamte Menü sehr übersichtlich und in dem Stil gehalten, den man aus den alten Tomb Raider-Spielen kennt. Auch einige der bekannten Soundeffekte, sowie 14 Kostüme haben es in Lara Croft GO geschafft und machen das Rätselabenteuer perfekt.

Bonuspluspunkt: + Steam-Sammelkarten

Kaufempfehlung: Im Sale für < 2,49€
52 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 22:44
Das Spiel gefällt mir sehr gut! Durch seinen Runden basierenden Charakter ist es auch für Menschen mit Handicap gut geeignet!
Ich finde die Level auch gut gemacht und sehr kurzweilig.
650 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 21:45
Boah.. für ein Handygame mag das ja ganz nett sein, aber am PC fesselt das ja mal überhaupt nicht.
Ein Level sieht so aus:
links, rechts, links, rechts, vorwärts, vorwärts, links, vorwärts .. level fertig.
Wer Sokoban und son Kram mag, wird hier vielleicht Spaß finden - alle anderen nehmen.. irgendwas anderes.
60 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 23:34
unvorteilhafte Steuerung - pures mobile Game. Ebenso ist die Grafik & die Spieleanforderung denen eines 0815 Handyspiels ausgerichtet... keine ahnung warum die positiven Bewertungen durch die Decke gehen. Für den Normalpreis von 10€ als PC spieler eine Schande - Handyspieler die es im Sale bekommen können VIELLEICHT was damit anfangen.
5201 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 09:41
Who doesn't love Lara Croft?
232 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 06:53
Low budget Tomb Raider that is still just as good in puzzle solving than the series itself
165 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 08:10
Lara Croft GO is fascinating and beautiful. A combination of puzzles and turn-based styles
The game looks simple but the puzzles are well designed and can be challenging

8 / 10
201 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 08:08
Nice relaxing puzzle game.
1143 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 14:08

Lovely Lara Croft Top-down riddle game Square Enix!

Many different outfits!
182 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 14:39
Had so much fun solving the puzzles.
One thing i didn't like is no keyboard mouse support i had to click and drag the mouse to play .
38 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 08:21
YES!! All that you ever imagine a perfect Tomb Raider should be! i.e. solving puzzles and feeling clever when you figure it out.
101 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 21:05
she is the reason I'm gay thanks bye
244 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 22:18
-Excellent game design
-Excellent puzzle design
-Amazing music
689 Produkte im Account
259 Reviews
238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 08:11
Makes for a short and sweet grid-based puzzle game. Mechanics are well introduced throughout the adventure without being explicitly explained. I also loved that there was an assist mode for those few puzzles that I just couldn't figure out on my own and blocked me when I wasn't otherwise ready to end my game session.
641 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 21:11
The game is (obviously) a mobile game part, although it is really quite fun to play on pc, a bit easy for a Tomb Raider game but fun nonetheless
61 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 11:35
I completed everything in about 8 hours, but it was still a fun game. It's a goofy puzzle game that is relaxing. There wasn't really a story to follow but I still enjoyed getting the treasures and stuff.
280 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 20:22
Decent puzzle game that you can 100% in a little over 10-12 hours.
Puzzles do not get too difficult until the after-main story levels.
Graphics are pleasant and simple for a cheeky mobile game.
No glitches/stuttering/crashes.

A solid 7/10. (You could push it to 8/10 since it WAS a mobile game.)

Only downside is the controls. To move Lara, you have to swipe with your mouse. This is a hold-over from when it was on mobile and is really awful feeling on a PC. Everything else is point-&-click.
79 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 21:16
very good game I really liked it and the music is good
837 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 15:45
Incredibly creative and nice looking puzzle game.
1307 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 18:36

Lara Croft GO

Low-Poly Lara Croft

I don’t think I’ve played any of the “..... Go” games before. I knew Lara Croft Go existed but was surprised to find Hitman Go & Deus Ex Go. Who knows, they might be my next set of reviews. ????Anyways, I have never tried any turn-based puzzle games as I always had some unexplainable hate towards Turn-Based games. I decided to try this just because the Lara Croft I know is pretty hot. I was about to abandon it since I didn’t expect to play as low-poly Lara but the gameplay kept me hooked!

About This Game


Games with Lara Croft in them are known for having magnificent storylines & witty puzzles with a drizzle of intense action on the top. This game comprises of mostly only puzzles. Even the so-called “Action” part of it is puzzles. Although there are no dialogues in the game, it still manages to narrate a complete story through its gameplay. From what I understood, the plot of the game goes something like this:

Code You (obviously) play as the famous explorer, Lara Croft, who’s on a journey exploring the ruins of an ancient civilization in the Amazon Forest. While trying to uncover the secrets of the “Atlas of Beyond”, Lara faces a lot of challenges in her path. Is she strong enough to overcome these obstacles & reach her goal? Play the game to decide her fate!

Gameplay Mechanics

Everything in this game is rather simple, except the puzzles of course. The gameplay involves you moving tile-by-tile, avoiding/overcoming obstacles, defeating/escaping enemies & pulling levers. That’s legit all there is to this game. I thought it would have some complex parkouring & shiz so I started the game with a controller. Then after I realized that it had super basic gameplay, I switched to using my mouse.

You legit just have to click & drag towards the direction you want Lara to move & then she’ll move one tile towards the chosen direction. Left-clicking on Levers when you are on the respective tile will activate it. These levers usually move platforms. There are some tiles that appear to have cracks. You can only land on the cracked tiles once, if you happen to go on it again, it breaks & you either fall down into the void or on the ground below you, depending on where the cracked tile is. This is useful for trapping enemies!

Let’s move on to the so-called “Action” part of this game. According to the game’s description, this game involves “Fighting Menacing Enemies”. Well, you aren’t the person who is actually killing them, Lara does the killing part. You just have to position Lara on any tile that is at a 1-tile distance from the enemy. Oh, and it should also not be facing the enemy’s face directly or else it would attack you & instantly kill you. There are some enemies that are stationary while others move in different manners. For example, the snakes are stationary, the Salamanders follow you when you are 2 tiles in front of them, the spiders move in a straight line, etc. You will also face a final boss. I won’t be revealing who or what it is. Find that yourself! :p

In each level, you can spot carefully placed brown pots that have a golden glow from its opening. Clicking on this pot gives you either relics or a part of an artifact. They have no literal purpose apart from getting steam achievements & a 100% completion along with unlocking some cool outfits for Lara in-game. Both, the relics & artifacts, are level-specific.

The game has a total of 7 adventures out of which 5 are the base ones & the remaining 2 are bonuses. Each adventure has a set of levels within them. The existing adventures are as follows:
  • The Entrance‎
  • The Maze of Snakes
  • The Maze of Stones‎
  • The Maze of Spirits‎
  • The Escape‎
  • The Cave of Fire (Bonus/Extras)
  • The Mirror of Spirits (Bonus/Extras)
  • [/olist]

    Visuals & Audio

    In layman’s terms, the game uses low-poly assets. There’s something about properly made low-poly models that make them very pleasing to look at. The game has a somewhat bright appeal to it. Everything looks so…uhhhhhh Smooth & they’re very calm to our eyes. I loved it! The only drawback to the visuals is that Lara Croft is supposed to look hot, not low poly. :(

    I never know what to say about the audio part of a game if the game isn’t music-intensive. Well, this game has calm & sometimes intimidating soundtracks. They perfectly fit the adventure genre!


    • A very quiet storyline.
    • Smooth & simple gameplay mechanics.
    • Innovative puzzles that get progressively harder to solve.
    • An entertaining final boss fight.


    • The game might not be really challenging to most of the players.
    • Collectibles are supposed to be hard to find but in this game, all of them are easy to spot if you look for them carefully.
    • No replayability rate unless you missed some collectibles & for getting missed achievements.
    • This is probably the biggest drawback;[spoiler]Low-poly Lara Croft isn’t hot. :([/spoiler]


    This game was a fresh experience for me & I surely had a good time with it. Will I play it again? No. This game is fun only once since playing it again has no use as you already know the solutions to all the puzzles. It’s a really small game that’s also available on mobile devices & the PS4 and PS Vita. Fortunately, it’s paid on all platforms. I recommend waiting for a sale.

    Reviewer: Midplayz
    Lara Croft is mine!

    Rating: 6.5/10

    Please follow United Critics for more quality reviews.
    600 Produkte im Account
    33 Reviews
    433 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.01.22 14:09

    BlytzDragon Gaming Zone

    Steam and Discord Group and Curator

    Excellent Game
    Tomb Raider and puzzle games fit like a glove, including classic stables like grid levels and low poly art style. The gameplay is fluent, puzzles have smart solutions and a steady difficulty curve.
    876 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    301 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.12.21 02:15
    Fun little puzzle game. Good to hop into for a few minutes and finish a stage. If you're looking for some sort of cohesive story or something, look elsewhere.
    63 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    1062 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.12.21 09:05
    Wonderful little puzzle game based on the beginnings of Lara Croft Tomb Raider.
    I really appreciated the graphics and especially the sound environment as well as the music.
    41 Produkte im Account
    27 Reviews
    224 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.12.21 23:41
    This is technically a board game, which is a nice twist from the usual concept in the series. It's fun in that it takes thinking at each step.
    192 Produkte im Account
    40 Reviews
    377 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.12.21 11:25
    Controls bit wack.
    Puzzles are laid-back.
    Decent music track.
    157 Produkte im Account
    84 Reviews
    50 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.12.21 04:35
    It's an Alright game
    170 Produkte im Account
    129 Reviews
    192 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.11.21 06:09
    Lara Croft Go is minimal strategy turn base game originally released on handheld devices. The graphics suit the game nicely along with nice scenery and music to match. The levels vary in difficulty with crumbling surfaces, moving platforms, boulders followed by the denizens withing like snakes, spiders and large lizards which will need to be manipulated in one way or another to proceed.

    Collectables are scattered throughout these levels in jars which will contain either a gem or relic piece that unlocks costumes to change Lara's appearance. These will be either easy to spot or well hidden so back tracking is very likely if your wanting to 100% the game but in the main menu there will be a journal book for each stage which will allow you to keep track of which levels need to be visited again for those elusive jars.

    Overall it's a nice casual game if your in the mood for something light.
    531 Produkte im Account
    73 Reviews
    341 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.11.21 19:21
    All the GO series games are great puzzlers.
    175 Produkte im Account
    26 Reviews
    585 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.11.21 14:14
    Has more Outfit options than the number of levels. 10/10
    Most impressive User Interface and Menu Items, made the game more enjoyable.
    1010 Produkte im Account
    40 Reviews
    396 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.11.21 20:01
    Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
    191 Produkte im Account
    51 Reviews
    146 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.11.21 20:14
    only mouse control :(
    664 Produkte im Account
    52 Reviews
    492 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.11.21 19:10

    Lara Croft Go

    is a surprisingly enjoyable Mini-Puzzle-Game in the Universe of the Tomb Raider with the Name Lara Croft. Through many different Passages, Lara has to find Artifacts while trying to avoid Traps and hostile Beasts.

    For this the Gameplay is round based and leaves the Player time to think about each step Lara can make. Depending on the choice it has either a good outcome or will lead to a restart from the little areal that the Player managed to reach. Good that it has a lot of checkpoints.

    The Games best part is the implementation of simple Puzzles into the Universe of the Tomb Raider and that it is super simple to understand the mechanics.

    Still there is something negative about this Game too, the last 2 chapters have compared to the previous chapters an unexpected increase in the difficulty of the Puzzles, there should have been a transition instead of the prompt stepping into it.

    I can recommend this Game for Fans of the Tomb Raider franchise and those who like idle games with Puzzles.


    The Points i give this Game: (Average 6,9 / 10)

    5,4 / 10 Graphics (Sure the game is simple but the graphics are a little bit too simplified)
    7,3 / 10 Gameplay (Easy to learn Gameplay)
    8 / 10 Puzzles (can keep players entertained for a while)

    74 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    90 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.11.21 08:34
    Simple graphics and overall game play but fantastic in general. It does a great job of story telling without endless dialogue and truly feels like a Tomb Raider classic without all the flashy modern takes. Definitely recommend to anyone who loves the franchise or to anyone who wants to have some fun playing a puzzler.
    382 Produkte im Account
    39 Reviews
    160 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.10.21 04:15
    Great puzzle game, you'll be done in about 3-4 hours on your first time going through. I found this a whole lot easier than Hitman GO, but the last two campaigns can be a pain at times, but went by easy since I've played this a few times before

    Good game, but I'd wait for a sale, game is too short for full price
    68 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    180 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.09.21 15:57
    Perfect puzzle game,especially the last 2 chapters.
    172 Produkte im Account
    121 Reviews
    213 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.08.21 20:37
    it's a mobile game but it's also a really good one
    411 Produkte im Account
    92 Reviews
    388 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.07.21 18:46
    Puzzle Games generally aren't my thing, but these were enjoyable. I like the turn-based aspect of it and they scale in difficulty fairly well.

    Even going back for missed collectibles, you're looking at around 5 hours max, so pick it up when it's on sale.
    1008 Produkte im Account
    29 Reviews
    566 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.07.21 05:57
    This is logical puzzle game with very interesting concept. You are moving on predefined grid, as are your enemies or traps. You have to choose the right path and timing to solve the quests. Game is divided into different worlds, each offer new kind of traps, enemies and obstacles, each level has also increasing difficulty. Some were truly very hard and I have spent a lot of time upon solving them successfully. Your progress is always saved upon entering the room, no penalty for failing - practice makes perfect and best approach is to simply try your idea in motion.

    I have enjoyed the variety of all mechanics in the game, although as I said, it proved to be challenging to combine all of the aspects to work properly. There are also hidden artifacts and vases you can collect to open different outfits, which was nice! If you have missed some, you can go back from the selection menu, you can also see in which level exactly you are missing it, so no need to replay whole world.

    I love the look of the game. The graphic is much appealing to me. And the concept is so clever and funny, if you like logical puzzle games with mind twists I can only recommend!
    1898 Produkte im Account
    51 Reviews
    397 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.07.21 16:39
    A great puzzle game that requires every step to be given a thought. Later levels are really difficult, but you can use a hint to solve any puzzles. It's also kinda cozy in some way.
    247 Produkte im Account
    66 Reviews
    258 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.06.21 03:48
    144 Produkte im Account
    26 Reviews
    646 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.06.21 03:39
    +Stylish and clean graphics
    +Relaxed though not empty gameplay
    +Included small yet fan service details such as Lara doing a slow back flip when ascending onto a platform.

    -Could've included more music from the TR series
    -Keyboard-oriented movement would've been a nice option
    853 Produkte im Account
    59 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    21 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.06.21 22:59
    21 minutes. 4 crash's. EXTREME lag/fps drops.

    Hmmmm, i wonder if my pc is to good for this game or if its the game in general. Sadly i cannot recommend it as i cant seem to stay on it for more than 2 minutes. 3/10

    Open to all and any suggestions.
    31 Produkte im Account
    29 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    54 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.05.21 03:03
    I like and enjoy this title, however do not recommend it to fans of Tomb Raider/Lara Croft. I played this originally on mobile, and this game was clearly made for mobile. The controls were made for finger swiping and not for the keyboard and mouse, making it a clunky, terrible port to the computer. However, although unique in its style/visuals and puzzle solving gameplay, I'd say this is one of the weaker Tomb Raider/Lara Croft titles most players will not find fun. I'll definitely complete it, but won't enjoy it as much as I did on mobile.
    121 Produkte im Account
    24 Reviews
    373 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.05.21 15:06
    Fun and challenging game with stunning graphics and sound fx!
    23 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    280 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.04.21 19:41
    Very fun if you're a fan of Tomb Raider! Starts off pretty easy but some of the puzzles are super hard (luckily they have a hint feature that can help you if you get stuck). Recommend 10/10 for all Lara Croft fans and people who want a simple but cool puzzle game ♥
    675 Produkte im Account
    19 Reviews
    331 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.04.21 19:33
    A somewhat short, but at times surprisingly hard puzzle game that keeps you engaged for the entire playthrough. Nicely sectioned so you never feel like you lose too much progress if you fail/die/lock up, with a hint system that allows you to skip any section of the puzzles by guiding you through it step-by-step if you ever get really stuck.

    Controls are a bit weird since this is a mobile game port I assume, so I recommend playing it with a controller.
    1085 Produkte im Account
    123 Reviews
    745 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.04.21 21:00
    I really like this game. Its clean and simple, the mechanics were fine. The graphics is also plain and sharp. The puzzles were easy then suddenly the difficulty level just rose, it was definitely challenging but fun. Definitely recommended!
    2338 Produkte im Account
    436 Reviews
    1201 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.01.21 23:37
    This game is simple but fun! With good puzzles, some harder than orders, and nice visuals with a relaxing soundtrack. I completed this game with my godmother, we solved the puzzles together. I wish they had more levels for this.

    Special thanks to Crystal for providing a free key!
    749 Produkte im Account
    90 Reviews
    899 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.12.20 01:49
    Cool Game 10/10
    181 Produkte im Account
    53 Reviews
    915 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.12.20 03:58
    Great game, fun puzzles, and strangely entertaining for my kids and I to try solving together. Thank goodness for the 'hints' option, because otherwise I might have gone insane on a few of them. Wonderful little pick up.
    48 Produkte im Account
    14 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    405 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.11.20 16:56
    Interesting look, but the puzzles are of questionable quality.
    1166 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    77 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.11.20 15:09
    Terrible port from mobile game, maybe not even a port with absolute lack of PC controls( no point&click or keyboard). You are forced to move with unintuitive swiping with your mouse like you would do on mobile.
    3692 Produkte im Account
    40 Reviews
    561 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.11.20 16:53
    Lara Croft GO is a very fun and addictive turn-based puzzle. Game was ported from mobile but feels like home on a PC. Puzzles are well designed and have a good difficulty curve. Highly recommended for everyone.

    - Awesome minimalistic design;
    - Good soundtrack;
    - Simple controls;
    - Creative puzzle design;

    - Some late game puzzles are little bit too complicated;
    27 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    516 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.11.20 12:19
    Lara Croft taught us here to use the hatred of enemies to win lol
    Not all levels are easy, some make you try many times or even use the hint
    1426 Produkte im Account
    96 Reviews
    399 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.11.20 05:24
    A surprisingly good game, especially the last chapter.

    A very enjoyable experience overall. The gameplay is simple at first but steadily introduces new mechanics the entire game, from beginning to end. Each chapter is unique, both visually and mechanically.

    The challenge varies throughout but genuinely had me stumped at parts but made me think and come back fresh to solve it. It's rare a puzzle game leaves me feeling truly challenged without feeling cheap, but this game nails it.

    I really can't overstate just how surprised I am how thoroughly I enjoyed this game. I had no expectations, I'm not that into puzzle games nor Tomb Raider. This game really transcends the genre and source material though. I was kept motivated to see what puzzle came next, enjoyed practically every level, and I even went out of my way to go back through the levels again to collect all the hidden items and got every achievement and unlockable.

    The story is told completely without words. I've never played much Tomb Raider, couldn't tell you anything besides it stars Laura Croft and that she raids tombs and other ancient places. Essentially that's all you need to know. She explores a variety of ancient places and steals various artifacts, facing various puzzles, traps, and enemies along the way. It tells it's simple story in a subtle way and it works well in the way it was done. It was interesting enough that it enhanced the gameplay and never felt boring.

    The last thing I have to mention is the soundtrack. It's incredible. Relaxing and ethereal, it fits the laid back nature of this game. Since it's turnbased you can sit and think as long as you need, even when levels become increasingly complex, chaotic, and dangerous. I played over several sessions at the end of my day to unwind and it worked well to help me find peace, even when being torn to shreds by lizards over and over.

    Overall this game is highly recommended and I don't even play puzzle games often. It's charming visuals, amazing soundtrack, and fun and challenging, yet fair, gameplay truly surprised me.
    212 Produkte im Account
    104 Reviews
    751 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.10.20 09:57
    Too much puzzles
    4 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    23 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.09.20 10:33
    1860 Produkte im Account
    355 Reviews
    281 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.09.20 21:13
    Follow Cob Curates for more reviews!

    If you're looking for a puzzle game, you can do worse than this one.

    The puzzle designs are mostly pretty clever, and it does invoke some Tomb Raider vibes in using the environment to solve puzzles and defeat beasts while getting treasure.

    It was originally a mobile game, so the controls are a little strange. You click and drag to move Lara in a direction (which is the majority of the controls). Took a little getting used to (as opposed to just clicking in the direction you wanted to go), but once I got the swing of it I didn't have any issues.

    The game has a bunch of collectible bits if you like clicking hidden objects on the screen and unlocking new outfits for her, but that portion of the game is all pretty superfluous.

    The game sports an extensive hint system, should you get stuck, and it will show you step by step how to solve every puzzle. I think this is a great addition, as it makes the game accessible to players of any skill level. Some of them get pretty tricky!

    I don't know if I'd say you should go out and buy this, but if you've got it and you're looking for a little puzzler, I think it's pretty good.
    1080 Produkte im Account
    90 Reviews
    177 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.09.20 00:03
    Just launched the game on a whim and beat it in a single sitting because it was that good. The puzzles were juuuust the right difficulty and the gorgeous dreamy music made it really special. They kept introducing new mechanics every few levels but the game never got too complicated. It was really relaxing.
    218 Produkte im Account
    26 Reviews
    834 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.08.20 22:50
    I really enjoyed it thoroughly, some levels require a lot of thinking and some vases are very well hidden.
    The unlockable costumes are nice, my favorite one is probably AOD Lara.
    Overall simple and solid, will be playing Hitman GO very soon, wish they'd release Deus Ex GO on Steam as well
    240 Produkte im Account
    68 Reviews
    384 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.07.20 05:33
    A super cool puzzle game, with fun animations, challenging puzzles yet aren't extremely difficult.

    HIGHLY RECOMMEND to anyone who wants to try out puzzle games for the first time or just enjoys them.
    265 Produkte im Account
    46 Reviews
    307 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.07.20 22:52
    Pretty short 3D puzzle game with Lara Croft going through temples and caves to get the pieces to the golden objects she needs to complete her journey. Takes about 4 to 7 hrs to get all the achievements depending on your determination. Overall the game is a fun and relaxing game but it can become extremely frustrating at times to find the right paths!
    1887 Produkte im Account
    146 Reviews
    554 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.07.20 19:41
    This is not a Tomb Raider. This is a puzzle game with Lara Croft as a playable character.

    First of all, Lara Croft GO is being created in a very cool graphic style. It is clearly visible that the game was being made using Unity engine, but it is definitely not a con.
    The soundtrack nicely complements the visual aspect.

    There are some technical issues with animations though. They are a bit too slow. Fortunately, the game does not base its pace on animations, else it would be painfully slow. Still, moving faster than animations make them crash and look weird.

    The gameplay is very pleasant. Puzzles' difficulty is scaling very nicely from the easiest on the beginning to quite hard in the end. They are not super complex, but definitelyy require thinking and a bit of counting. There are few types of traps and enemies with different patterns of movement. Killing enemies is not always the way to victory, same as avoiding traps - using both of the elements wisely is the key.

    Lara Croft GO has also an additional hidden object aspect - on every level there are few ancient vases to be discovered. Some of them are easy to spot while placement of some other can drive one mad. Finding all collectibles of one kind unlock new outfits of the hero.

    I absolutely recommend the game for all puzzle fans. It has not only good puzzles, but they are also set in a nicely looking environment.
    158 Produkte im Account
    31 Reviews
    454 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.07.20 23:20
    A MELHOR COISA, foi a ****** **** fazer esse porte para o PC.

    A experiência de jogar esse jogo em PC é muito melhor do que em disp. móveis, apesar do jogo ter sido feito exclusivamente para eles.
    Lara Croft GO conseguiu fazer comigo o que NENHUM REBOOT conseguiu fazer: me emocionar, me desafiar, me agraciar com ótima soundtrack, gráficos leves, ótimas conquistas e artefatos, animações, efeitos...
    Eu super recomendo, não somente para quem é fã de TR, mas qualquer gamer que goste de puzzles desafiadores e um jogo de qualidade.

    Lara Croft GO vai ficar na minha biblioteca e instalado no meu pc, porque gostei de jogá-lo e vou sempre estar jogando quando tiver uma folguinha.

    [spoiler]Quando um spin-off é mais Tomb Raider do que a última trilogia kkkk[/spoiler]
    299 Produkte im Account
    34 Reviews
    689 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.07.20 13:49
    Basically a turn-based Tomb Raider more related to and reminiscent of the original series than the 2013 reboot.

    Lara Croft GO is quite obviously a mobile game, but it works well enough on PC, either with mouse controls or a controller, and it looks pretty neat.
    You move on pre-set lines and just like in the old series there are traps and enemies - some stationary, some that move in a pattern, as well as some that follow you - and Lara's got her guns of course. Unlike the old series, however, Lara Croft GO is a puzzle game instead of an action platformer.

    The puzzles feel diverse enough to stay interesting throughout the game. They start out fairly simple and gradually become more complicated as elements are added and levels get a bit bigger; however, the levels are overall quite short so you can stop and come back basically any time, and if you care for the collectibles there is a level select screen which tells you whether you're missing any of the collectible vases and how many.
    Some of the vases contain gems, others pieces of specific relics - you are still tomb raiding, after all. Completed relics unlock outfits for Lara which I personally quite enjoyed but they're certainly not necessary to enjoy or complete the game; once you collect all gems in all levels you unlock the final outfit.

    I'd say 6-8 hours is a fair estimate for completing the game, my time is higher because I replayed quite a few levels to get any collectibles I missed.
    In case you're ever stuck there's also a hint system which restarts the current level and shows you the path you need to take. It can be turned off in case you only need a gentle nudge in the right direction.
    159 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    730 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.07.20 20:05
    A great little game, simple in execution but I keep coming back to it
    3757 Produkte im Account
    309 Reviews
    842 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.07.20 04:28
    Lara Croft GO offers a new way of playing the famous Lara Croft games. Instead of a first person or third person action game of tomb raiding, this time you are placed in a strategic turn based puzzle game. Each level may consist of multiple scenes, and each scene requires you to maneuver through giant spiders or lizards, push blocks that move platforms, push a rolling boulder, shoots arrows, or more. You have to figure out how to reach the end without dying, and to its credit some scenes can be difficult to figure out.

    Overall, the puzzle aspect of the game was straight forward, easy to learn, and not all that challenging, but still enjoyable at the level that it offered. Through each expedition, you can also collect rare rocks or artifacts to unlock achievements and in game clothing for Lara Croft to wear.

    The graphics were actually fun to watch, as they were not meant to be realistic like it's other more action oriented games offer, but it seems more blatantly polygonal and showcased some decent animations. Luckily, you can actually move quickly through the scene by skipping some of the animations. This was welcome as certain more challenging levels required quite a few paces to be made and repeating those swiftly made the replay portion not so bad.

    With each death you restart the entire scene, but you never lose too much of the game that you played. Overall, I'd definitely recommend the game if you don't mind as much slower paced game of Lara Croft and more a puzzle/strategic oriented version of its usual self. In fact, I enjoyed the game enough to want to play the other GO game, Hitman GO.
    131 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    409 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.07.20 22:37

    -. ----- .---- --.. . -.-.


    This is an interesting gateway game into the franchise. It has some interesting mechanics on a few levels and that's about it. It is easy on the difficulty scale. It took me about 6 hours to complete the game while making an achievement guide.

    Achievements aren't taxing, but if you miss out on a couple gems you might be frustrated because you have to replay the game from the start of the chapter.

    I remember having played it back in 2015 on iOS, but on the PC, you may want to play something else. You wouldn't play it twice as it lacks a long term goal. At times, the game does not understand the controller's input in a logical way, whatsoever.

    495 Produkte im Account
    231 Reviews
    922 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.06.20 06:18
    The GO series are fun little puzzle games. The Tomb Raider aspect is just a skin/theme, but it serves to keep the board interesting.

    If you like this, you should also consider Hitman GO.
    653 Produkte im Account
    515 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    278 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.05.20 14:32
    Touch-screen port means the controls are wonky (either click-drag or diagonal gamepad movements,) and there is no window-mode option. With the lack of assets, I do not think it is worth the full price. Probably cheaper and better controls on a mobile market. I played the game on an old ubuntu desktop with radeon mesa graphic drivers. The game uses 1,200MBs of diskspace (yikes!) and it uses the Unity game engine.
    107 Produkte im Account
    31 Reviews
    466 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.05.20 07:01
    Pretty visuals, crisp sound design and mildly difficult puzzles make this an enjoyable game to kick back and burn through in a few sittings.
    3203 Produkte im Account
    65 Reviews
    388 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.05.20 06:33
    After beating HitMan Go, I moved onto this game, and this game seem to be better than it, it has animations, and puzzles seem to be little more harder, I must say for decent looking game, with animations, this is pretty decent game, and can change your character model, the one extra added thing is that this game has hidden secrets you have to find in almost every level, and some of them are super hard to spot if you're not looking around the whole screen like a hawk, as some of them can only be seen from certain angle, as the camrea is fixed, and moves with you, giving you different angles where you move to, which is pretty neat.

    Overall I give this game 7/10, and recommend to those that love puzzles solving challenges.
    1749 Produkte im Account
    88 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    10 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.05.20 06:07
    Steam's spring cleaning suggested I play this game in my library. Well I did and it confirmed why I didn't bother earlier. I got it as a Squenix complete your collection bundled discount. I don't want to rag on it when it was not something that affected my purchase; not for me. A little TOO simplistic and I didn't feel a connection to Lara or the Tomb Raider mythos in my short play.
    Polished simplistic strategy? mobile port?
    Sorry NO from me.
    127 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    360 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.05.20 21:02
    The game itself is good. I enjoyed it.
    No stress, is kinda of a turn per turn, and you ahve infionite lives with a very good checkpoint system.
    Learning curve and difficulty is very well done, however notice that the last two bonus adventures have a huge step in difficulty. I personnaly really enjoyed the second bonus ones.

    Collectibles are hard to find, fortunatly you only have to see them and clic on them.
    You can replay levels, the menu telling you how much collectibles you are missing, and you can leave the level as soon as you have that collectible.

    Worth it.
    405 Produkte im Account
    27 Reviews
    1590 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.05.20 22:26
    Lara Croft GO are a turn based puzzle game. You have to think about your move since the creature or other environment elements move based on your character movement. You can always use hints if you're stuck, but not advisable since it will ruin the game since it have no replayability value after you know what to do.

    Take this game if you love casual strategy game, since all you have to do is move your character and sometimes interact with objects and creature.

    The only concern are this game are made for mobile phone, so the control are similar how you slide your finger, but you use mouse cursor instead. There are no keyboard binding or control option.

    If you like this game, you should try Hitman GO: Definitive Edition since it offer similar but different theme of the game. Lara Croft GO are more into adventure, Hitman GO: Definitive Edition are more into a killing mission.
    475 Produkte im Account
    107 Reviews
    165 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.05.20 12:47
    I saw the game before and it didn't look like a game what i would buy or play. When Eidos gave a nice big discount on their game bundle, and a few games of theirs i had on my wishlist, so no brainer was to buy the bundle due to big discount. So i have install this game just to see if it might be worth playing. I am surprise how fun it was but surprisingly sort, Finished it about 2 - 3 Hours. The puzzles i wont say is anything spectacular, a few easy ones, couple puzzles where you going to be doing it couple times, Planning comes in to play. Also side part is where most if not all levels there are some hidden objects which forms part of the game (gems/necklace/ens). If you Lara Croft/Tomb Raider fan, try it. If you looking for something just to pass the time, try it.
    440 Produkte im Account
    30 Reviews
    293 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.04.20 11:35
    Good for your mobile, good for your pc, good for your console.

    Basically, it's chicken roast. Tastes good, good for health, matches with every kindda food.
    13 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    678 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.04.20 22:09
    A fun game to play over a single weekend, the puzzles start of simple but really ramp up in difficultly near the end. A nice short game with solid puzzles, a pleasing artstyle and 1 big old snek.
    Would denfiantly recommend to any puzzle lover.
    270 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    557 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.04.20 21:01
    Been a Tomb Raider fan since early 2000's and this game was quite something

    Chilled Soundtrack
    Tricky Puzzles
    Great Graphics

    10/10 More like Lara Croft GO Buy This Game
    200 Produkte im Account
    19 Reviews
    187 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.04.20 11:13
    Nothing incredible, but a fun puzzle game to finish in one or two sittings. The puzzles aren't incredibly hard to figure out for the most part, just a couple of them were a bit challenging. The spear mechanic seems a bit silly tho, especially when we know that Lara has pistols ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
    28 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    13 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.03.20 03:56
    Controls are awful - a lot of holding down a mouse and clicking. I've got wrist RSI problems so this is painful! There should be options to remap the controls but the developers failed at basic accessibility.
    358 Produkte im Account
    18 Reviews
    721 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.03.20 22:19
    Nice and pleasant game with relaxing and atmospheric music and exciting puzzle solving methods. Some of the puzzles were maybe a bit overcomplicated - or we can say maybe I was too dumb. It's a good deal for the original price, but it's a gift when you can buy on sale. Overall, a great homage before the classics.
    3302 Produkte im Account
    161 Reviews
    914 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.03.20 17:32
    loooooooooove it♥♥♥ these Square Enix Go games are great, hope they make some more!!!
    315 Produkte im Account
    136 Reviews
    472 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.01.20 22:13
    4/5 Must own.
    910 Produkte im Account
    55 Reviews
    373 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.01.20 13:37
    Good puzzler with a nice visuals and great soundtrack.

    For me it’s definitely better than Tomb Raider (2013) although much shorter in gameplay.

    Personal score: 8/10
    131 Produkte im Account
    72 Reviews
    320 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.01.20 19:06
    8 / 10
    1546 Produkte im Account
    145 Reviews
    591 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.12.19 17:37
    Nice little game.

    Every level is rewarding, you feel like you've beaten the game every time you clear one exit.
    Some levels are smart, some tricky, some easier and some harder, but they're all matemathical: usually there's just one way to do them, so perseverance pays off when everything seems to fail.

    I do recommend to puzzle lovers - Lara's always classy.
    50 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    432 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.12.19 12:10
    This isn't my usual type of game but well, color me very pleasantly surprised! LC GO is a cool, straightforward and turn-based puzzle experience, which, if combined with the beautiful graphics, all the pretty slick animations and fluid dynamic between every new location that keeps us on our toes every new level makes for a bit of a challenge but also a great gameplay to pass your time.

    And I'd like to mention the enjoyable feature to relish in all by itself which was the music in this game. It made the experience as a whole even better. Moreover there's a quite helpful hint system for those who are struggling with some stubborn puzzles (raises hands.. me, it's me!) and if you take a minute to use those sharp eyes of yours than maybe you'll locate the collectible vases in each map that are gonna grant you the privilege of wearing a few of iconic outfits to dress up on this fun adventurer.

    If I'm to be honest I can describe Lara Croft Go as well worth the time and effort kind of game. This is an easy recommendation.
    1145 Produkte im Account
    31 Reviews
    335 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.12.19 22:54
    A tightly designed sokoban inspired action puzzler, with an optional element of hidden objects. By far the best game in the franchise, and with an additional chapter, Mirror of Spirits, which was not present in the version I originally played on Android.

    The game is turn-based, meaning enemies do not move unless you do, which gives you ample time to think things through, while still maintaining a somewhat action-y feel. The game also works great with a gamepad on Linux, unlike the first game in the series. It can also be played with a mouse, by clicking and dragging the heroine, but this feels rather awkward, in my opinion.

    If you enjoy a good puzzler, I highly recommend this game, even if you're not otherwise invested in the Tomb Raider franchise.
    184 Produkte im Account
    16 Reviews
    529 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.11.19 21:02
    i really really really enjoyed it,highly recommended for spending a weekend,especially for puzzle lovers
    123 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    762 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.09.19 15:56
    I bought LCGO on a whim and was a little bit dubious given that it's not my usual type of game, however, seeing that I own almost every TR and LC game to date and this was on sale for a mere £1.39 to complete a bundle (£1.99 normal sale price) I had nothing to lose. I'm glad I did buy it because it kept me entertained for a few days, on and off.

    I really like the simplicity of the cell shading graphics as they don't detract you from the game itself and allows you to concentrate with the task in hand, solving puzzles. The game introduces new techniques at a nice steady pace so you become familiar with how they work before new ones are added. There are also collectables hidden within most of the levels in the form of vases which contain gems or shattered pieces of relics. Collecting all gems & relics will unlock new outfits.

    Level design is excellent, I often stopped to think how much effort went into creating them and they aren't insanely hard that they leave you frustrated, in fact I felt they kept me hooked as I always wanted to finish a level instead of giving up. A handful of levels seemed impossible and there is a hint option if you get stuck but I forced myself not to use it, instead opting for a more methodical approach using trial and error with a bit of brain power and some perseverance. Eventually the solution would come and so finishing those levels was quite rewarding.

    Logo for Lara Croft GO
    Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
    89.39% 1255 149
    Release:27.08.2015 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Square Enix Vertrieb: Square Enix Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: Tomb Raider
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