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  • Lake: Screen zum Spiel Lake.
  • Lake: Screen zum Spiel Lake.
  • Lake: Screen zum Spiel Lake.
  • Lake: Screen zum Spiel Lake.
  • Lake: Screen zum Spiel Lake.
  • Lake: Screen zum Spiel Lake.
  • Lake: Screen zum Spiel Lake.
  • Lake: Screen zum Spiel Lake.
  • Lake: Screen zum Spiel Lake.
  • Lake: Screen zum Spiel Lake.
  • Lake: Screen zum Spiel Lake.
  • Lake: Screen zum Spiel Lake.


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Demo auf Steam verfügbar!
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 01.09.2021
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Preis Update 17.05.22

Über das Spiel

Wir schreiben den 1. September 1986. Du schlüpfst in die Rolle von Meredith Weiss, die im Alter von gut vierzig Jahren aus der Großstadt in ihr verschlafenes Heimatstädtchen zurückkehrt. Um ihren Vater, den örtlichen Postboten, zu vertreten, nimmt sie eine kurze Auszeit von ihrem stressigen Job bei einer Softwarefirma.

In den zwei Wochen im wunderschönen Providence Oaks in Oregon trifft sie auf ein paar bekannte Gesichter und jede Menge neue Leute. In der Rolle von Meredith kannst du entscheiden, mit wem du redest, mit wem du Freundschaften schließt und mit wem du vielleicht sogar eine romantische Beziehung eingehst.

Was auch immer geschieht, nach Ablauf der zwei Wochen hat Meredith die Qual der Wahl: Will sie zurück zu ihrem anspruchsvollen Job in der Großstadt oder lieber in ihrem Heimatstädtchen bleiben?

Spiele Lake und …
  • … gönne dir in einer wunderschönen ländlichen Umgebung ohne Handys und Internet eine Auszeit.
  • … fahre im zuverlässigen Postauto deines Vaters um den See oder lass dich vom Autopiloten kutschieren.
  • … sprich mit einer Reihe von interessanten Charakteren, die alle eigene Persönlichkeiten und Ticks haben.
  • … entscheide, wie du die Zeit nach der Arbeit verbringst: Hängst du mit deinen Freunden ab, hilfst du deinen Nachbarn oder bleibst du zu Hause und liest ein Buch?
  • … erlebe in den zwei Wochen Spielzeit eine sich verzweigende Geschichte, die auch alltägliche Themen behandelt.
  • … bestimme deine eigene Geschichte: Es gibt keine „richtigen“ oder „falschen“ Antworten oder Enden. Du nimmst einfach nur Einfluss darauf, was passiert.


  • CPU: Intel i5 4750 / AMD FX-8350
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 760 / Radeon HD 7950 (2GB VRAM)
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64 bit)
  • HD: 2 GB available space
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel i5 7600 / Ryzen 5 1600
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 970 / Radeon R9 390 (4GB VRAM)
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64 bit)
  • HD: 2 GB available space
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

323 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 10:07
Irre schön!!! Musik ist mega gut, höre ich immer noch auf Youtube!
Sympathischer Hauptchara, angenehme Unterhaltungen die nicht zu lange dauern, was sehr schlau gestaltet ist. Und man fährt einfach sehr gerne durch die Umgebung!

Das Spiel dauert auch nicht allzulange bzw. glaube ich, dass man es noch etwas in die Länge ziehen kann als Spieler. Im Stream bin ich etwas durchgerusht.

Ohne Bedenken kann man sagen, das Spiel ist sein Geld wert!
100 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 21:18
Schönes einfaches kleines Spiel mit Suchtfaktor.

Ich liebe es, hat mega viel Spaß gemacht die Dialoge zu führen, aber auch die Post bzw Pakete auszuteilen.
Gerne mehr davon, also hätte es echt noch länger gespielt =)
150 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.22 00:28
It's quiet - its's slow - it's perfect! And it has the most amazing voice acting! 10/10
59 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 12:39
Das Spiel ist nett aufgemacht, man bringt Post herum und interagiert mit einigen Charakteren, eigene Entscheidungen treffen, wo du den Spielverlauf beeinflussen kannst. Die Grafik ist wunderschön, besonders von der Gegend und den mit Liebe gemachten Details von der Ortschaft und der umliegenden Gegend, wirklich einladend. Leider ist das Ausfahren der Post nach 1-2 Tagen doch sehr langweilig und eintönig. Ich würde mir wünschen, das man zusätzliche Aufgaben hätte und nicht nur Postauto fahren. Man könnte in diesem Spiel noch so viel hinzufügen, um dem Spiel mehr Spannung, Vielseitigkeit und Pepp zu verleihen. Die ganze Geschichte ist auch nur von kurzer Dauer, da könnte man eine ganze Menge mehr reinpacken, sodass man längeren Spielspaß an diesem Spiel hätte.
44 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 18:19
Absolut entspannend und super süß gemacht! Auch das man so viele verschiedene Enden hat und immer wieder die Möglichkeit bekommt über seine Entscheidungen, eine anderes Ende freizuschalten, finde ich unglaublich gut.
Optik 10/10
Spielspaß, wenn man sich Zeit lassen will um alles zu erkunden und keine epischen Schlachten erwartet 10/10
Einfach zum treiben lassen (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
204 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 11:14
Just wholesome
48 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 19:30
Ein tolles Spiel für jeden der auch mal entspannt 2 Wochen Urlaub machen möchte. Tolle Story und einfach mal etwas anderes. Für meinen Teil kann ich es nur empfehlen. Preislich fand ich es absolut in Ordnung, wenn man bedenkt was andere Spiele mittlerweile kosten.
147 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 19:49
Eintönig und langweilig... aber schöne Grafik :)
4380 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 02:13
Lake ist einfach nur ein richtig schönes Spiel. Ich muss zugeben ich hab an einigen Stellen mit dem Schlimmsten gerechnet oder mit irgendeiner krassen Wendung, aber die bleibt halt doch irgendwie aus. Videospiele haben mich diesbezüglich etwas verdorben. Aber das die Wendung ausbleibt ist etwas Gutes, das Spiel will eine Geschichte erzählen und das tut es. Der Handlungsspielraum Ende der 80er Jahre hat einen tollen Charme und vor allem die Szenen in der Videothek haben es mir angetan. Wenn ihr auf entschleunigte Spielweise steht und durchdachte Charaktere toll findet, seid ihr mit Lake richtig gut aufgehoben. Ich hab das ganze als Let's Play aufgenommen, also schaut doch gerne mal rein.
125 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 15:31
Ein weiteres Juwel aus den Tiefen der vielen Spiele, die im großem Steam-Aquarium rum dümpeln. Ich glaube, ich hab Lake in einer Trailer-Rotation bei der GameStar gesehen und da es irgendwie LiS-Gefühle ausgelöst hat, hab ich es mir mal notiert und bin jetzt endlich zum Spielen gekommen. Vorab: Es ist ein tolles Spiel. Meredith ist Mitte der 80er Teil einer Firma, die ein neues Verwaltungsprogramm entwickelt und kurz vor dem Release steht. Die Branche ist noch jung, ein Computer und dessen Möglichkeiten sind außerhalb der großen Stadt noch nahezu unbekannt. Natürlich ist die Arbeit vor so einem Release, der noch dazu über die Zukunft der Firma entscheidet, immens hoch, Milestones, Termine, Tests usw. Nachdem sie ihre Pflichten erfüllt hat, sich Tage und Nächte um die Ohren geschlagen hat und sogar auf die Feierlichkeiten zum Labor Day verzichtet hat, darf sich Meredith zwei Wochen Auszeit nehmen. Das passt gerade super, da ihr Dad von seinem langjährigen Job bei der Post Abschied nimmt und in seinen wohlverdienten Ruhestand geht. Ihre Eltern leben in Merediths Geburtsort, dem malerischen Providence Oaks in Oregon, den sie zuletzt vor 22 Jahren gesehen hat. Zeitgleich fahren ihre Eltern nach Florida zum Entspannen, Meredith hat also das Elternhaus komplett für sich alleine. Bis ein Nachfolger für ihren Dad gefunden hat, erklärt sie sich bereit, bei der Post auszuhelfen, als Kontrastprogramm zum stressigen IT-Job. Nach einer kurzen Einweisung von Frank über Briefe, Post und Pakete startet man die Gans, den schwammigen Post-Karren und zuckelt los. Nach den ersten Tagen baut sich die Sympathie zur alten Heimat wieder auf, Meredith kommt runter, kann abschalten, lernt viele neue Gesichter kennen, triff alte Gesichter und Freunde wieder, hilft aus, wo sie nur kann (wenn man möchte), hat die Chancen auf Romanzen und sogar die große Liebe. Zwischendrin nervt natürlich ihr Boss, der ihr auch im Urlaub Arbeit zuschustern will. Freundschaften werden geknüpft und wollen gestärkt werden und man kann auch der schrulligen alten Katzenlady bei ihren Weh-Wehchen helfen. Das alles eingerahmt vom malerischen Ort Providence Oaks, wo die Zeit echt keine Eile hat, voran zu kommen.
Das Spiel ist echt schön gemacht, es macht Spaß, abzuschalten und einfach nur Briefe und Pakete umher zu fahren, man lernt Ort und Menschen kennen und kann sich am Ende auf die große Entscheidung vorbereiten, wie es mit Merediths Leben weitergehen soll. Die Musik ist toll, der Ort lebt, auch wenn hier und da beim Pakete ausfahren gerne mal mehr Leute daheim sein dürften ^^ Ich hatte sehr viel Spaß und würde mich freuen, wenn da noch mehr kommt. Vielleicht mit einem neuen Charakter, der namensgebende Lake darf bleiben, gibt ja genug auf der Welt. Vielleicht ein Sprung in die 90er oder in die aktuelle Zeit?
412 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 19:17
Ein wunderbares kleines Spiel, mit ganz viel Herz und liebesvollen Charakteren. Unaufgeregt und cozy. Für alle etwas, die einfach für ein paar Stunden Urlaub machen, andere, interessante Personen kennenlernen und vielleicht auch die neue Liebe treffen wollen.
Ich bin verliebt und bekam das ende, das ich wollte.
445 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 18:16
Worum es hier geht?
Man lebt sein Leben, trifft Entscheidungen, geht in die weite Welt und wird älter. Darüber, wie es ist, noch einmal nach Jahren zurück zu kommen, woher man kam, dahin, wo alles etwas kleiner und langsamer ist, darüber handelt dieses Spiel.
Ich war jetzt einige Zeit Meredith Weiss, die eigentlich in der großen Stadt in einer Firma arbeitet, die Computerspiele entwickelt. Es ist Mitte der 80er Jahre, und der Markt fängt gerade an zu boomen. Das Leben ist anstrengend, schnell und fordernd.
Für zwei Wochen geht sie nun zurück in ihre kleine Heimatstadt in Oregon, um einfach mal ein paar andere Perspektiven zu haben. Sie übernimmt als Urlaubsvertretung den Postbotenjob ihres Vaters und trägt Briefe und Pakete aus, knüpft allerhand Beziehungen und genießt die allgemeine Entschleunigung.
Und das ist tatsächlich die ganze Handlung. Und entweder mögt ihr die Entschleunigung oder ihr kauft Euch lieber ein anderes Spiel. Die Stärken von Lake sind weder Grafik noch Action, sondern die Beziehungen, die von den verschiedenen Antwortmöglichkeiten in den Dialogen abhängen. Mir hat es sehr gefallen. Aber ich bin wirklich kein Maßstab. Und meine Mutter war Postbotin in den 80ern. Vielleicht bin ich einfach vorbelastet. :-)
1263 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.22 19:00
Relaxing game! I want to live there! Great game!
134 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.22 18:00
While the game itself was alright, the marketing and promotions made it seem like there would be so, so much more content. I finished the game really quickly and there was nothing to play after it was done. The choices also didn't seem to matter as much either. So if you like the kind of game that only lasts as long as the short story does, this is for you!
29 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.22 00:38
[singing] Memories, memories, memories... of you and me!
114 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.22 23:36
Small town mail delivery simulator is a 9.5/10 for me!

Lake is an excellent game to take a moment and breathe. Immerse yourself in the sleepy town of Providence Oaks, and take a step back from the busy city life. I found it to be relaxing and exactly what I needed. With interesting interesting characters and interesting characters, the town felt alive- if just a little lacking.

Overall, I highly recommend Lake if you're looking to take a drive and deliver some mail for a little bit.
719 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 16:54
Lake is a beautiful little game to relax and decelerate a bit.
109 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 02:23
Overall I really enjoyed playing it. More npc interactions would have been nice, but the town still felt alive. It would be nice if there was sandbox mode where you could just deliver mail without the story. Or even better, mod support so the community could make their own random encounters. That's probably a lot of ask for from the budget of this game, it just doesn't have much replay ability. Still worth a play through though. The game made me want to move to a small lake town and become a mailman ^_^
171 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 07:34
Lake is a lovely, slow-paced indie game to play in your downtime. Rich in personality and character, well worth replaying.

344 Produkte im Account
138 Reviews
512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 00:15
Lake is just up my street; a tale of a software programmer coming back to their home town for a break and to fill in her fathers postal job.
Low octane, drive around, deliver mail, run errands, chat to people, put the radio on, let life happen. Beautiful.

On a technical level, the game is nice; the mechanics are all there and it's a solid piece of work. Not exceptional, but solid and it all felt good throughout.
The sound is good but basic, the songs were a lovely addition and I did enjoy them but (as the protagonist herself alludes to) there aren't that many of them. Towards the end of the game I did turn the radio off.
The story is good and there are lots of clear choices to make, some might not affect the game directly but I did find them having an effect on me (the player) as to other choices I'd make in the game, it was a nice feeling.

If you want a slightly repetitive (and I don't mean that as a negative), lovely looking, chilled out gap-year back in our sleepy hometown full of archetypes - then give this a few hours and I think you'll be wondering if you want to leave for the city, or stay for a bit longer.

Lovely stuff and really look forward to what the developer does next.
109 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 23:30
I really liked this little game. Ever since Life is Strange I am a big fan of Oregon, so it was good to get back into its atmosphere (don't think that Oregon from Days Gone is going to be very welcoming) and meet good people of Providence Oaks. Sometimes it is good to play a game without any rush, any violence, any effort, a game that leaves a good warm aftertaste. Thank you for that.
15569 Produkte im Account
195 Reviews
553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 02:59
Lake is best described as a “feel-good” game: it has easy (almost trivial) gameplay with light storytelling that doesn’t come with any unexpected surprises or plot twists, and which focuses on relationship build-ups with other characters rather than having the player face difficult obstacles.

You assume the role of Meredith, a software engineer who takes a two-week vacation to return to her hometown, after a very long time of being away, in order to substitute for her father, who is a mailman. She thus starts a temporary delivery job in Providence Oaks - a small and picturesque mountain town built around a lake. The days spent there will be filled not only with delivering letters and parcels to various houses, but also with plenty of events that will have her rekindle old friendships, make new ones and even find romance.

The gameplay is basically split into two main stages. Every day during your workday, you'll drive the mail van around the town and deliver more or less 10 letters and parcels to their corresponding recipients. These locations are indicated on the map and can be visited in any order, as you see fit. There’s also no time restriction, the game will progress only after you have fulfilled all your orders of that day. Unfortunately, Meredith’s walking speed is slower than a sleeping turtle and even if there’s a sprint button, it doesn’t do more than increase her speed by what seems to me roughly 10% - barely noticeable anyway; dealing with her walking speed is the only difficult thing to do in the game.

Driving the van is effortless even for a person who has no experience with any kind of driving / racing games. It doesn’t require any mechanical skills. You can bump into any amount of street lamps or fences without taking any damage, and even the other cars will patiently wait in line behind you if you park in the middle of the street or stop ahead of you in order to avoid a crash.

While dropping parcels you'll meet and converse with other inhabitants, catch up with them about the events that happened in the years you were away, or even get to know new and interesting people. Some of them will just chit-chat with you about literally anything, while others will enlist your help with various things: you'll get to save a cat from eating too many cupcakes, go out on a fishing trip, babysit your best friend's kids, take part in a photo contest, go to the movies or on the contrary work overtime for your obnoxious boss who dares to bother you even during your vacation. Most of these 'quests' do not have a considerable impact on the story apart from providing some additional dialogue lines or cutscenes, but choosing to do as many extra jobs as you can will ensure more choices at the end of the game, when Meredith is faced with a life-changing decision. They also affect how the three possible endings unfold, adding new scenes to the ending sequences.

The dialogues are filled with choices that consequently branch them out in various directions. Unfortunately, once you pick one of the available alternatives, you can’t revisit the other ones in the same playthrough. Unlike in similar games where the player is presented with multiple dialogue options that trigger the same answer yet expressed with different words, in Lake you can actually find out new information about the characters you’re conversing with based on what you select. Depending on what you pick, they will choose to reveal more or less details, and seeing every possible dialogue line in the game would require several playthroughs and a lot of patience and coordination. On the other hand, there will always be an option to cut the conversation short or to avoid accepting one of the tasks that these characters give you.

Among the townsfolk, there are two characters that Meredith can romance, and she can choose to pursue either one of them, or both at the same time, or none. The writing of these two routes neither goes too deep into an unbreakable emotional connection, nor remains shallow enough to justify missing out on these storylines. On the other hand, the player can opt out at any time from these two relationships in a very friendly and polite way without any negative consequences, while also keeping a positive connection with these characters.

Every single dialogue line is voiced and the voiceovers are truly memorable. The actors did a tremendous job in bringing the characters to life through their voice fluctuations and intonations that express a multitude of emotions. Depending on the tone one uses, a written line can be understood in several ways and since I’m usually faster at reading the subtitles than listening to the audio, I often found myself positively astonished at how the voice actors chose to convey the essence of the words I just read - it was basically with much more depth, emotion and sometimes even with a different meaning than the one I had from simply taking in those written words. As an example, sentences that at a first glance seemed to have a sarcastic note were delivered by Meredith's voice actress with an affectionate inflection, a warmth tone and deep respect for the dialogue partner, topped with a bit of witticism and fun. Moments like these (and there are many of them) are what gives Meredith the positive, warm, friendly and polite personality that she exudes throughout the game.

Lake is a great game, one that grows on you with time. Initially I was afraid that the gameplay of delivering letters and parcels would be a bit too bland for my taste despite the fact that I do enjoy repetitive tasks, but soon enough I started to be really fond of the calmness and the zen-feeling that it brought me. After a couple of in-game days, I was already looking forward to driving the van, chatting with other people and listening to the van’s radio that always played chill music (featuring some awesome tracks by the way). Even if I could shorten my gameplay a bit by fast traveling to specific points on the map, I preferred to take the long road and drive all the way to every delivery target, taking in the beauty of the mountain scenery or exploring the narrow forest paths in an attempt to discover what lies beyond those isolated cabins. After the 9h I spent in Lake and seeing all the endings, I can finally understand why so many people love the game: it’s all about the feeling that it leaves upon you after finishing it. Lake has a subtle way of filling you with a serene emotion, kindness, tranquility, joy, satisfaction and positive energy.

More reviews on the Lilly's Corner Curator page
236 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 22:41
I enjoyed the gameplay in the beginning and the scenery is really beautiful. While some of the storylines and dialogue are great, other parts of the story are awkward at best. I think there's something here, but the ending really missed the mark for me.
128 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 18:47
This game has matched my expectations perfectly. It's relaxing, fun, and bittersweet.
Pros: dialogues are great; gameplay is simple yet rather smartly implemented; it's the first time ever that I enjoyed driving a vehicle in a video game (casual here); pretty visuals and appealing setting.
Cons: I wish there was more context for some of the decisions to be made, as I had to invent a meta-story based on the in-game events myself - this problem makes the game feel a little bit rushed, though it's understandable that extending it could've been risky.

Please do the sequel!
49 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 14:48
Marginal thumbs up for Lake. This was a relaxing game with a beautiful setting. Interacting with the various people around town was entertaining, but the mail delivery got a bit tedious. It took 7 hours to finish the game which included the daily route and exploring the various side roads. The time spent completing the actual story was probably about 3 hours, so the game seems a little pricey considering the limited content/gameplay. My recommendation would be to wait until it's on sale to purchase.
566 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 11:40
What you see is what you get here (and that's a good thing)! This is a relaxing game about dropping off some mail and bonding with the locals, and I've really enjoyed my time with it. Only minor gripe is that the animation can feel a bit stiff sometimes, but the game still looks gorgeous overall. Also, whoever wrote all the titles for film parodies deserves tons of awards. I spent like 10 minutes just making sure I didn't miss any funny ones.
106 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 10:40

This is one of the most relaxing and fun games I've ever played and I desperately wish that there was playability after you finish it. It's peaceful and you get REALLY into delivering the mail, but once it's done, it's done.

The developers have something special here and I desperately hope that they expand on it; fill in some of the houses, make it possible to keep playing after the end. Anything, really!

I do still recommend it, but the 6.1 hrs I have on record was start to finish with it paused on occasion. I reckon I could do it start to finish in about 5hrs. It's totally worth it! But maybe wait until it's on sale as £16 is a lot for such a short amount of gameplay.
143 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 15:24
I really enjoy slow games like this that you get lost in. example would be Life Is Strange but even though this game was very relaxing at the beginning it soon became very repetitive and I found my self fast traveling around the last 3 days of the game.
the game is beautiful and i like the voice actors but that's about it. i don't recommend it full price but try it when its at least 50% off.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 22:41
Lovely game, great visuals, fab storylines but just wish it was a bit longer - I dont feel like I got to develop my relationship with the characters very much
24 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 21:09
This Game Took my Breath away with the story and the scenery and the characters and so much stuff to do in this game every day was a new excitement and I hope a lake 2 Is made because I love the story and would like the Lake to be a series. People should play the game it is calm relaxing and overall fun play lake the most breathtaking game on steam.
1170 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 22:30
Amazing game loved the whole story but picking the city option was soul crushing lol
10/10 recommend to anyone to play
263 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 09:48
I would recommend this game for those looking for a relaxing game to play. The visuals, soundtrack, and story all come together very well. It took me about 6-7 hours for each playthrough. If you liked Firewatch then this is definitely a game you should check out.
5 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 15:56
it was comforting at first but then it gets very boring because all you do is mail and there is barely stories and when there is nothing really happens happens.i think its a waste of money but i will say it was fun at first.
12 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.22 22:16
no matter what i choose in the dialogue, the story does not really change. really takes out of the whole immersion thing. the game is pretty tho, and mechanics easy to grasp. still don't think its worth 10 bucks tho. the radio gets old pretty quick cuz theres only about 3 songs and so after about an hour of playing you wanna tear your ears out. at least we have the option to turn it off. also i wish there was an option to sprint.
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 20:45
really fun game with lots of options and multiple storyline endings. i really enjoyed playing this game and trying to get all the achievements was really fun :)
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 01:10
Amazing story! Wish there was more to play though! Lake 2 soon???
256 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 22:38
delivering my little letters to go kiss my little movie nerd gf
405 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 17:00
Just a good game
23 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 03:47
This is the sweetest and most relaxing game. You literally can't go wrong with any decision you make. What's interesting is that it's interesting without being competitive or having difficult puzzles to solve. So if you've had a rough day and want to wind down with a game to get lost in, this one is it. Enjoy the scenery, enjoy meeting some average people, and enjoy slowing down for a couple of weeks.
45 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 07:49
when I'm too lazy to drive back to the post office at the end of the day, I go full speed into the lake to respawn. the locals fear me.
137 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 13:28
I don't necessarily NOT recommend this game... This is a really enjoyable game to turn your brain off to, but it comes with some major problems. Overall the game feels like it's in alpha. It feels incomplete and very arbitrary. Despite hitting the nail on the head in terms of atmosphere, I would never put this game in the 'Choices Matter' tag since literally none of your dialogue options really matter. Even rude dialogue options will yield the same response from people, and you're able to get all 3 endings just by reloading your last day and choosing the ending you want. This game seemingly does everything wrong, but I did still enjoy the relaxed and casual gameplay, so if that's what you're here for then it might be suitable for you despite its flaws.

Some of the errors in the game are just small missed details (like the house with 102 on its mailbox showing up as 202 Lake Rd on the map), but some problems are just from laziness and publishing an unfinished product.

- A whole slew of visual glitches: characters laughing and talking with their model not opening their mouth at all, cars glitching halfway underground, cars hovering above the road, character models holding invisible packages in their hands, instructions for the ghostblasters arcade remaining on screen long after you've driven away from the diner

- Audio glitch with Angie in her store (midway through the game her dialogue volume became very quiet and then about 3 conversations later it was normal again)

- Control glitches: unable to turn the radio off-- which is a huge problem when the game only has 10 songs on its playlist and a horrible shuffle feature. It will repeat the same songs back-to-back sometimes, or play the same 3 songs over and over for a while. Another control glitch was retrieving packages from the trunk. Sometimes it would just close the trunk as if I had pressed F and I would just have to keep trying over and over to interact with E. The ghostblasters arcade game in the diner is also unplayable with how the weapon does not recognize button presses.

- Bad movement: Most of the game is spent driving, but the driving mechanics don't feel good. They're not horrible, but not good either. They're just slightly bad but tolerable enough that you adjust to it in time. When you're not driving you're walking, and the walk speed is so slow. You can walk faster, but its a hardly noticeable difference.

- When driving, literally 1 second after you stop moving the camera it will automatically adjust the pitch of the camera, sometimes making it impossible to see the road. I literally counted 1 second.

- There are no sound effects for driving over a metal bridge, ramming into a telephone pole, etc. Small details that would have made the game feel more finished rather than what it is now, which feels like an alpha release

- The game encourages exploration and even gives achievements if you discover some scenic areas, but when I found what looked like a secret hiking trail (with a trail sign and everything) I was met with an invisible wall. This was very unusual given that other hiking trails were really trails, so this left me annoyed and questioning why the developers put a fake trail in at all

- While most of the scenery is from individual models of trees, the developers got lazy and used shortcuts too. At the back of the property of 113 Raven Way you can see a levitating 2D facade of trees and shrubbery to make it look like there are more woods behind the cabin. You can walk through this facade and see the mountain and more individual tree models behind it. I wonder why they used this and not just put in a few more models of greenery?

By far the BIGGEST flaw of this game is how pointless everything is. Dialogue choices don't matter. Ramming into cars doesn't matter. Driving poorly around police cars, attempting to hit a deer only to have it clip through the van, the mechanic doesn't even need to check up your van. Throughout the game, characters arrange meetings for very specific times, repeating the time and telling you not to be late, when there's not a single clock in the game and you're just magically on time for everything. Using your car horn does nothing, holding up traffic does nothing, ramming into a telephone pole doesn't cause a single mark on the van. Anything and everything you do does not matter, and there are no consequences to your actions at all. It's just a little game of delivering mail where you might choose to do a side quest or two. Or you don't choose that. It literally wouldn't matter.
25 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 15:33
I really enjoyed this game, nice story line, its a slow game play. but relaxing, i could play this for days, weeks, months.
Its just a shame that it only played for a few hours and ended.
I would of enjoyed a free roam option after the story ended.
Could of been a good stepping stone to more stories and extra DLC for the future.
225 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 11:17
I'm currently in my second playthrough, bc I desperately needed to play this relaxing game again.
This is obviously a hint, that I highly recommend Lake for everyone who just wants to relax, without a lot of brainwork, kinda like playing a movie. People who are looking for action or deep character interactions, should propably not play this jewel. You don't have a lot of options, while talking with the people or with whom you can interact the specific days, because it's not the focus. The focus lies on Meredith, who is obviously a workaholic, who studied at the MIT, spending two weeks in her birth town and doing her fathers job by bringing the people their mail. It's a huge change for her, who usually spends her life behind a computer screen, but at the same time a throwback to her life before she went to college. Sometimes when she passes specific places, she remembers how it was. Like I said it's a bit like playing a nostalgic movie. And even though what happens is kinda predicted, you can at least push Meredith the way you would prefer. So if you are looking for a game to relax and enjoy a beautiful scenery, while still enjoying a little story, this is the right game for you!
147 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 19:54
I love the quietness, the cuteness, the small town vibes that are done accurately, and interesting story paths and backgrounds to discover. The driving, the environment, the relaxation is all fantastic.

BUT (w/ minor spoilers)

Even if you don't really interact with the lumberjack, even if you romance a woman NPC in town, the game forces you down the path of romance if you hit some sort of trigger or maybe the trigger isn't an option and you just have to deal with a crappy guy trying to romance you.
If I wanted that real life small town experience... I would've stayed in the small town I once lived in.

Compulsive Heterosexuality you can't opt out of, even if you avoid it, even if you kiss and date the gal NPC.
I hate being forced into relationships, I hate comp-het. I'm really disappointed.
Kinda wish I didn't buy this at PAX '21.
160 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 18:42
(spoiler-free review)

Man, I'm torn. I'm a big fan of walking simulators, and Lake is, for all intents and purposes, a GOOD walking simulator. Here's the basics. It's 1986. You play as Meredith, a 40ish year-old woman taking a vacation from work to fill in for her father, who is the mail carrier in Providence Oaks. Providence Oaks happens to be the tiny Oregon town where you grew up before leaving for university and beginning your successful, albiet stressful, career in the blossoming tech field. You essentially rediscover the town while you deliver mail in your trusty mail truck. There's opportunities to make friends, help people out, and maybe even pursue some romance.

But here's the thing...

Before you can get to all that stuff, you HAVE to deliver the mail. Like, every day. That means you'll be driving all over the town -- every day -- stuffing envelopes in mailboxes and delivering packages to porches. At first, this is relaxing and charming. Maybe even a bit Zen-like! A few hours into the game though, it starts to feel like filler. The town is largely empty, and 90% of the day, you won't talk to anyone while you work. Juuuuust delivering packages to porches and envelopes to mailboxes.

Where the game really shines is AFTER you finish your shift for the day. I won't spoil any of the storylines or activities, but I truly enjoyed (almost) all of the interactions with old friends, new residents, and coworkers. Is it a fairly linear storyline? Sure. But it's a good one, with some choices that meaningfully change the ending of the game.

Long story short, if you enjoy walking simulators, give this one a shot. Just set your expectations accordingly!

1354 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 05:24
Mailman simulator but with a beautiful storyline, beautiful graphics and (while on repeat) some funky songs.. It's relaxing, calming and the narrative was great - albeit a few sections that didn't make too much sense during the end, but otherwise brilliant.. Very much similar to the Telltale games - but just as enjoyable with no sort of combat - just talking, delivering and making those important life choices..

Easily 6-9 hours in the game -- especially if you want to get achievements and take your time.. The characters were cool and quirky and I enjoyed the choices I could make.. It really is a super chill and wholesome game.. Worth the price on beauty alone in my opinion.. Not gunna lie, I wanna go move to a tiny lake town haha!

I DID have a few crashes of the game - so save often.. Easy enough achievements..
17 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 19:30
Have you ever found yourself thinking about how it would be to go back to your hometown,
see the friends you left behind and how their life have formed?
Perhaps you just want to take a break from life in the fast lane and enjoy the ride?

Join Meredith as she meets old friends while watching the beautiful scenery of Providence Oaks,
and perhaps, you even find some love in this small town?
The choice is yours, what do you think and what is the next step?

This is a small game that gives just what it shows, a nice story in a quiet town,
i defently recommend this game if you need a littel something to relax with
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
86.05% 1086 176
Release:01.09.2021 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Gamious Vertrieb: Whitethorn Digital Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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