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  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.
  • King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb: Screen zum Spiel King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb.


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King's Quest
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 26.04.2016
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Preis Update 29.06.24

Über das Spiel

King’s Quest - Kapitel 1: 'Der seinen Ritter stand' (separat erhältlich) wird benötigt, um diesen Inhalt zu spielen.

'Im Turm erobert' ist das dritte Kapitel der hochgelobten Neuerfindung der klassischen King’s Quest-Reihe, in dem König Graham seine bisher persönlichste Geschichte erzählt. Als der Zauberspiegel ihm zeigt, wo seine wahre Liebe zu finden ist, erklimmt Graham schwindelerregende Höhen, um seine zukünftige Königin zu retten. Doch seine bisherige Auffassung von Liebe auf den ersten Blick wird schwer in Frage gestellt.

Wird Graham seine Herzdame finden? Ist er so liebestrunken, dass er doppelt sieht? Oder ist er nur seillos verliebt? Und wo hat er nur diese Muskeln her?


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 @ 1.86 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ @ 2.4 GHz
  • GFX: GeForce 8800 GT or Radeon HD 4770 / 512 MB
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
  • HD: 13 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch
  • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 530 @ 2.93GHz
  • GFX: GeForce 8800 GT or Radeon HD 4770 / 512 MB or higher
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • HD: 20 GB available space
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
90 Produkte im Account
185 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 17:53
This review is a placeholder until i finish the game.
141 Produkte im Account
113 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 22:39
One of the best romances in games. And romance systems as well.

- The romance is pure, fairy tale like, yes, but very nice written and the girls actually act feminine and neither of them is angsty, society fighting, patriarchy crushing, politics preaching feminist. Which is such a welcomed change in 2021 (I know the game is older, but I discovered it just now).

- The romancing system is also better then in most games. You don't woo the girl you like. You get to know them both first. What they like and what they are like. Then you match with the one that suits your personality and ideals. It feels like it isn't only your choice or persistance with compliments or gifts like in Mass Effect or Dragon Age. It feels like the one you like chose you as well. Which is something game romances lack, unfortunately.

- There isn't as many object picking as in the previous chapters. But you won't mind, trust me.
0 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.20 20:42
I think my copy has a glitch i know the moves for quicksand and putting the wheels on the log but won't let me get past these spots? Not happy because unable to really complete the chapter? Can not find help?
112 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.18 22:19
I loved this game. Cute story and challenging.
1047 Produkte im Account
252 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.17 21:23
Interested in a review of the full experience? Visit my King’s Quest review for an overview.

Love relationships in video-games are often focused more on the end-goal of the pursuit rather than making the development of companionship the real reward. This is ultimately why I often find the experience hard to take serious even for a game.

In many popular games of old, especially RPGs, there is a hardline attitude that if you display any interest other than the one sole love for an achievement then you’re doing something non-monogamous rather than developing friendships and understanding who they are before you make your real choice. The result is not only the game but also the players are railroaded into being favorable to one person rather than to being nice to everyone.

Similar to set-up and development of Atlus’ Catherine, Chapter 3 of King’s Quest is best experienced if you don’t focus on a singular goal of one love-interest but figure out which love-interest best fits your vision of King Graham. Much like Episode 2, I found it refreshing how much the game challenged my expectations, not so much by its puzzles but by its implementation of choices. Many “puzzles,” if predicting the expectations of two characters’ responses as you learn more about them count, work best with this goal in mind rather than trying to figure out how to get the girl of Graham’s dreams. Not only does this attitude make the most out of this episode but it also greatly affects the next episode regardless of your ultimate choice and for subsequent playthroughs.

L Is for the Way You Look At Me…

The set-up for the plot is Graham longing for a queen to his throne and he has ventured onto his next quest to rescue a princess from a tower for his one true love. The only problems Graham has found is that there are two princesses in distresses, and he himself has (literally) become a damsel in distress in the tower. Episode 3 is the closest KQ comes to a full Dreamworks’ storyline by its intentional set-up and subversions of tired out tropes, and the overall development relies on the player’s interactions to figure out which princess best suits the Graham they have created.

In many games’ choices for love-interests, most infamously Catherine, there is often a clear “good/correct” choice as well as the evil/seductress/morally-regressive option; the other means of adding variety to romance options, a.k.a. Dragon Age 2 or Mass Effect series, is to have a likable side and a spiteful side of their characters where the player’s actions influence the numbers to one side or the other. The other option for adventure games is to offer you a choice of a love-interest before pulling the rug later to end the same way or to invalidate all the meaning behind your choices.

Imagine my surprise when Chapter 3 would not only establish genuine love-interests but also make your ultimate choice matter to the rest of the game. Valanice (Neese) and Vee are believable characters with their own personalities and quirks, and rather than being a dichotomy of moral choices for the player they offer more nuance to your decision by being two distinct personalities that resonate with the wise/brave/compassionate options for Graham. Both characters are also strong with their personalities and flaws whether or not you are invested in them.

In terms of what you can experience, it's the writing that is the strongest of this contrast as both characters are written to be compatible with Graham rather than be options for the player. Even when the plot hints that both could be wrong options—I believed the Hag to be the one Graham would end up with—the game plays your choice straight for once as your choice does matter, and instead of making one important over another in each playthrough you are left feeling that same “What if…?” scenario of Episode 2 but much more compassionately than in fear of the consequences.

…V Is Very, Very Extraordinaire…

The question that probably comes to mind is, “How can your minor decisions matter if the overall impact of your choices is whether you choose to fall in love with Vee or Valanice?” The answer is the gameplay itself lets you develop the chemistry between Graham and his wife-to-be at various opportunities to see how their personalities clash or mesh well with one another.

The biggest complaint levied at this episode is how linear it is, which is a legitimate concern when the past two offered more open-ended areas for puzzles, but what I think these people are forgetting is how many variables you can tweak. You can influence the smaller aspects like moments in the castle tower talking with one girl, the other, or both as well as the card game questionnaire and the town segment as well as the dates with each princess. Decisions made at one point do not ultimately decide the fate at the end of the story as all these opportunities give you some wiggle room to build connections, whether you care to or not, to make the façade more believable.

On top of this love-triangle puzzle, there are more traditional puzzles that aren’t really anything special other than having moments for two of them to bond by either wits or blind thrills of adventure. These moments serve a purpose in their own way; however, I do agree that what are traditionally puzzles in KQ since Chapter 1 do not come back to the heights of its beginnings if the love-triangle “puzzle” is not something you care to experiment with its results. Overall, I think people who value the story choices over raw gameplay are going to get the most out of this content.

…Love is More than Just A Game for Two…

Whereas I find the first episode excellent because of its sense of adventure and puzzles, the second episode superb at conveying a puzzle of observation and repetition, the third episode is solely for those who value choice and the significance of moment-to-moment choices rather than the puzzles and long-term benefits and consequences. Some may consider these aspects flavor-text rather than true choices, and they are not wrong to consider them unimportant. However, with how much the effects of this episode affect the following episodes it’s more than minor changes when they are lasting reminders of how things could have gone another way.
131 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.16 01:13
Simply beautiful!! Not as challenging as chapter 1 and 2 but very sweet and well written
182 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.16 03:26
10/10 graham is a beefcake
96 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.16 15:50
Okay, done with another chapter. To start a huge fan of the old games and allready fell in love with this one as well.

The chapter was one of the best gamingexperiences in feelgood-gaming history. Beautiful nature, graphics, funny dialogs and great story.

The only cons is that it's a bit linear, leaving our gameplay a bit short. Some puzzles that were good but I'd liked a bit longer episode and a bit more open world action like in Chapter 1.

Still 8/10. Buy it and share it!
26 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.16 07:11
Chapter 3 was an absolute delight! Especially enjoyable when Chapters 1 was played immediately before. A romantic comedy where every decision makes a difference. I had to think-fast but was nervous and second-guessing myself... kinda like real-life dating. Haha!
172 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.16 10:41
I loved this chapter.
Couldnt put it down until it was finished. I laughed the whole way through and couldnt wipe the smile off my face. I haven't been so invested in a story from a game in so long.
If you go in expecting a narrative-driven game with some choices then you won't mind the linearality so much.
Cant recommend this enough.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.16 00:48
I have had so much fun with this game. It is light and airy, funny but poignant with crisp writing, stellar voicing, and engaging puzzles. I loved the originals, and I feel like this game is a love letter to my childhood. Watching the tone change from Chapter to Chapter has been a real treat.

HOWEVER, I HAVE to finally express my frustration with the GAME SAVES! Holy cow, I could not be more annoyed. I get what they were trying to do, I really do, but it's just not working out in practice. Forcing an organic first-run narrative on people is not the worst of it; I'm kind of okay with that. But only four save slots and no way to replay chapters individually? That's maddening. Four save slots seemed to be plenty with only 3 primary paths to follow, but it really isn't. It is a credit to the game that I want to see all-or at least MORE- of the game's content (besides, I paid for it) but aside from playing THE ENTIRE GAME thru, like, 16 times, you just can't. I can't even show my husband the touching ending without another playthru! My small niece loved the tower-scale segment and wanted to do it agian; too bad.

I would like-I NEED-to see a different save system patched in. A Gears of War style save system would suit perfectly; after you play thru the campaign once you unlock the option to resume play from any previous checkpoint. The chapters are fun little jaunts with high replayability (to a point) and I played the first two chapters several times each. I have played Chapter 3 thru twice and started it twice more (filling my save slots). I would play it thru more if I could replay the chapter individually-but I can't. With successive chapters, this issue will just get worse.

TLDR: I adore this well done adventure game and recommend it, but be prepared for frustration concerning saves.
29 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.16 07:05
-Enjoyable storyline that's entertaing & fun
-Beautiful music & graphics
-It has Whisper!
-Interesting references to the old kings quest games: they have a song from King's Quest Six in the game (Girl in the Tower) & you come across an owl that strikes a resemblance to Cedric from King's Quest Five
-Graham's biceps (inspires me to go to the gym & do more arm days)

-I liked what puzzles were in the game but felt for an adventure game there weren't nearly enough puzzles. I also would have liked to have been able to use items more to solve puzzles & to have the ability to combine two items in the inventory.

Overall great game & I look forward to the next episode. It's nice to see King Graham don on his feathered cap & go on adventures once again.
61 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.16 06:39
This episode was definitely better than Chapter 2. The major issue I see here is that it was very linear. It lacked the exploration and depth of the first Chapter. Adventure games, in my opinion, are about the exploration and the possibilities. I know that many of have used this particular game as an example, but King's Quest 6 was a perfect example of what adventuring can and should look like.

Despite these flaws, I loved the highly engaging introduction of the Chapter and the nods to King's Quest V. It seemed that there were quite a few choices that were presented to the player as well. I enjoyed that element of the story even if I have yet to explore the possible choices.

The story was very well written and engaging. This Chapter was longer and contained both the charm and color of the original first Chapter.

That said, I would recommend this game. In subsequent Chapters, a return to a more open world and dark wizards like Mordack (true villains that cannot be redeemed) would be welcome.
95 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.16 23:31
Much better than the last episode, But there still isn't anywhere near as much freedom as there was in the first episode. It's very linear and some of the choices you make throughout the episode just feel like they amount to nothing at the end.

But like I said this episode is far more entertaining than the previous one, The novelty and charm of the first episode's storytelling is back and we're not just groundhog daying our way through most of the game like it felt like we were in episode two.

Logo for King's Quest - Chapter 3: Once Upon a Climb
Rating auf Steam Positiv
86.21% 25 4
Release:26.04.2016 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: The Odd Gentleman Vertrieb: Sierra Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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