Kings Call
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Über das Spiel

Card-Based Battles | Choose from hundreds of different monster and spell cards, and fuse them together to make them more powerful.
Protect Your Kingdom | Manage your kingdom's resources to obtain better cards, weapons, and equipment for your character.
Player-vs-Player | Engage in Kings call' 1v1, 2v2, and 4v4 PvP arenas, or test your tactics against AI opponents.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.24 07:17
Moreover, this game implemented a system where you can pay to prevent people who pay less than you from kicking you from a room.
I've never seen a game so laser-focused on short-term whale milking.
4838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.24 16:14
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4700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.24 10:54
First of all i started playing this game when it was on Kongregate back in it's inception it changed names 3 times. So i can compare this version to original one and oh boy does this grind my gears.
The Good:
-Game has balanced cards and many builds that are viable/fun in arena
-PvP, PvE, Boss modes, Tower, Battlements... Game has a lot of variety fights where you can participate
-Offline system called Ports where it collects stuff when you're offline
-RoM is back after 3 years (Nostalgia trap is hard to drop)
-You can get gold with daily missions
-Community is friendly and willing to help/carry you through dungeons. Of course it has few bad apples but it doesn't spoil the bunch.
The Bad:
-Holy shit this game is P2W. You want Legendary cards? Pay. You want event cards? Pay. Want anything remotely good and viable? Pay. In other words if you are F2P and want to partake in Arena or Bosses you will get steamrolled by players who shove money into this slot machine. Getting best cards is possible through enormous grind but this will suck the fun out of any newcomer fast.
-Gaining silver as F2P is equivalent to slave work, even though you could farm it in RoM here it's so stingy you'll be lucky if you can buy 3 packs a day (Always buy race ones, epic packs are not worth it)
-Arena. Maybe it's just me but i don't agree with win trading in guilds/friend groups who abuse it for daily quests or just ladder climbing, so if you're not in the guild or P2P, good luck trying to do daily quests against rush deck abusers or VIP5+ (They get access to best packs)
-Energy system. Seriously it's 2024 get on with the program i get this is incentive to spend gold for players when you run out of it, but when you use 20 out of 40 energy it penalizes gained xp/silver rewards. This crap needs to go.
-Battlements defenders have enormous advantage vs attackers they have deck+fog+placed units before hand
-Community events. You want to participate like in a normal game? Nah you gotta go to their discord then write a name and then maybe you get in. Idk maybe if you get support from player make a button in game that just adds you to the list and then you go in, you know like so many games do today
-VIP system. THIS. NEEDS. TO. DIE. The unfair advantage of re-rolls, offline rewards, daily rewards. More money more rewards/bonuses. You are going to destroy this game even before it comes back to life. People were tired of micro-transactions in RoM that's why it was dying and not attracting new players. And now you revive this game and it has even worse monetization than i remember
-Boss dungeons. After 1-3 times you can pick RNG 2 rewards in the end screen. After 4-10 one rewards after that? You guessed it no rewards. Why is this even a thing if you want player to play give them incentive to play it's straight up stupid broken system that you ported. Devs what were you thinking?
-Most events are P2P: Spend gold, buy gold, VIP's get double rewards, while others get the middle finger. The usual stuff.
-Re-rolls cost gold in the start of the game. What the f. If you get bad draw well that's on you...
The Ugly:
-As far as i played game has a lot of leftover chinese text probably ported from flash version of this game so half things you don't even understand what cards do or what events quests say.
-Combat is slooooooooow, not only it sometimes lags with 10+ units on board it also has random server issues where game just stops responding and starts working again after 2 minutes, sometimes resulting in your game losing turrns because timer is still going but you cant act or do anything
-Tower of ascension rewards are underwhelming for the effort they take
-Developers only copy updates from chinese version and fail to react to criticism or feedback on their own discord. When pruposed with solution or having a conversation they either ignore it, or say it's not a problem that should be addresed. If you fail to address this your game will die.
-Game lags super hard and has delays in end screen battles, reward picking screen or any other action. It's as if game had +300 ping input lag.
Overall i love this game and nostalgia just doesn't let me quit this game go even though it is kinda mixed bag and if i was new i would have left the moment first VIP screen popped up. I loved RoM, i also kinda love this, but this game is from bygone era from VIP to Energy systems that serve as additional barriers for new players. If you come as old RoM player this will be your cup of tea, if you're new well... Stay away for now, if it improves i will be the first one to bear the good news and recommend it, but for now this game is for whales with nostalgia trip. It's sad but it's true and i can't approve this game system or developers who seem to only focus on event porting and money grabbing.
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1091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.24 08:02
the game is free to play and so there are micro-transaction ok that's fine they have to make money somehow, but i do not like how the VIP system works basically the game locks you out of content because you need to be a VIP and in order to get VIP you have to spend money the more you spend the higher your VIP lvl to access more content and you need VIP leveled up in order to buy certain card packs and that puts a sour taste in my mouth i expected VIP to be some sort of monthly subscription but it is not and would be better as subscription for benefits.yea its P2W what did you expect am i right, personally i don't think this game will last that long it is fun but the game centers itself around competitive PvP good luck competing if you are not spending money you are not winning. The UI needs a complete overhaul and redone it is pretty messy and feels very outdated.
game has events to reap the rewards spend money for premium currency, that is not what i would call an event more so extra goodies for spending money. events should be things everybody can benefit from not just people who spend money.
game also released months ago on steam with it being fully chinese and the reviews there are completely negative most of the reviews are in chinese. I will only ever give this game a positive review if the game manages to even exist and have major changes but based on the chinese review i feel like it wont happen, shame really. game is fun imo.
game is same dev/publisher
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1634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.24 23:55
6112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.24 20:05
dont let people tell you its pay to win because with proper resource management and good use of the auction house even vip 0s can get good cards.
its more like pay to progress faster, its not for everyone but its the closest thing to wizards chess you can get form harry potter :p
- Chess/fun
-tons of cool art
- collection based game play (if you like to grind and collect)
- community
- tons of in game events for non paying players / daily login rewards
- pay to progress faster
- Collection based gameplay (if you dont like to grind)
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4075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.24 17:23
Everything will be behind paywalls like
VIP system
Buy inventory space
Buy better packs (need to be VIP)
Fun to play give it a try
But dont expect to get far in arena without massive time investment or drawing your wallet
2373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.24 15:54
Starlight Games
Starlight Games
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