• King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.
  • King of Seas: Screen zum Spiel King of Seas.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 18.02.2021
Zum Shop
Preis Update 24.01.25

Über das Spiel

“Kanonenschüsse hallen auf den sieben Weltmeeren wider, während am Horizont die Sonne über einer neuen Ära der Piraten aufgeht. Anker lichten, Segel setzen und stürze dich in das Herz des Sturms, der dein Imperium formt. Der Mord an deinem Vater wird nicht vergeben werden."

King of Seas ist ein Action-Rollenspiel, das in einer tödlichen, prozedural generierten Piratenwelt spielt. In einer grausamen Handlung kämpfst du darum, das wiederzuerlangen, was dir genommen wurde und begibst dich auf ein episches Abenteuer in einer fantastischen Welt, voller Schlachten, vergessenen Inseln und Schätzen. Ein Universum voller faszinierender Charaktere und atemberaubender Missionen wird dich auf deinem Streben, der König aller Piraten zu werden, gefesselt halten.

  • Die Geschichte: Eine Reihe von Quests führt dich auf deiner Reise und enthüllt die faszinierenden Charaktere der Welt von King of Seas, die dich auf den nächsten Pfad deines epischen Abenteuers führen werden.
  • Prozedurale Generierung: Tauche in eine üppige, prozedural generierte Welt, die die Erkundungsmechanik in jedem neuen Spiel ständig erneuert.
  • Dynamische Welt: Die Welt reagiert auf jede deiner Handlungen, die Seewege ändern sich und mit jeder eroberten Siedlung passt sich der Schwierigkeitsgrad an, so dass du immer wieder vor neue Herausforderungen gestellt wirst.
  • Karte: Ein dichter Nebel wird dafür sorgen, dass die Fahrt zu den Zielen nicht zu einfach ist, schließlich willst du ja nicht die Freude am Erkunden verlieren, oder?!
  • Navigationssystem: Atmosphärische Effekte beeinflussen das Gameplay. Segele während eines Sturms auf eigene Gefahr, entkomme den Feinden und denke immer daran, die Windrichtung aufmerksam zu beobachten, um während der Schlachten die Kontrolle zu behalten. Die Strategie beginnt hier.
  • Schiffsanpassung: Fünf verschiedene Schiffstypen, welche durch ein Ausrüstungs- und Fertigkeitssystem vielseitig anpassbar sind, wie in jedem echten Rollenspiel!
  • Kampfsystem: Nicht nur Kanonenschüsse und nautische Strategie, sondern auch Geschwindigkeit und Spektakel, dank einer Auswahl von mehr als 20 Fertigkeiten und drei Talentbäumen, die für jeden Spielstil geeignet sind.

  • Sondermissionen: Nach Abschluss dieser Sondermissionen warten zusätzliche Belohnungen auf dich, jede Siedlung die du eroberst, wird der Anfang neuer Abenteuer sein.
  • Schatzsuche: Geheime Karten sind in abyssischen Tiefen verborgen, finde sie und erhalte Hinweise, die dich zu den versunkenen Schätzen führen!
  • Handel: Jede Siedlung produziert besondere Produkte, die ihren eigenen Marktwert besitzen. Kaufe sie zum niedrigstmöglichen Preis und verkaufe sie an andere Siedlungen, wo sie gefragt sind. Günstig kaufen, teuer verkaufen, das ist die Grundlage des Handels!
  • Angeln: Finde bis zu 30 Fischarten, die unter der Meeresoberfläche leben. Fange sie alle, aber achte dabei stets auf die Tageszeit und die Wetterbedingungen...
  • Ranglisten: Jede gewonnene Schlacht treibt das Kopfgeld auf dich in die Höhe, vergleiche es mit den berühmtesten Piraten der Geschichte. Sei der König der Meere!
  • Verschiedene Schwierigkeitsgrade: Der Schwierigkeitsgrad fügt dem im Spiel erzielten Kopfgeld einen beträchtlichen Multiplikator hinzu. Wie viel wirst du im Hardcore-Modus generieren können?


  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz / AMD FX-8150 3.6GHz or equivalent
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 550 Ti / Radeon HD 6790 2GB VRAM
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: 64 bit Windows 10 / 8 / 7
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible soundcard
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • MISC: Laptop versions of graphics cards may work but are not officially supported. Steering wheels not supported.
  • LANG: Englisch, Italienisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2 GHz / AMD Ryzen 5 1600X 3.6GHz
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 960 / Radeon HD 7950 3GB VRAM
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: 64 bit Windows 10 / 8 / 7
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible soundcard
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • MISC: Laptop versions of graphics cards may work but are not officially supported. Steering wheels not supported.
  • LANG: Englisch, Italienisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

973 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 04:34
Speicherst dein Spiel. Attackierst den Geisterpiraten. Besiegst ihn mit Mühe und Not, dein Schiff pfeift aus der letzten Spante; das Spiel speichert automatisch und überschreibt dein altes, vorher gemachtes, um sicherzugehen Savegame; und wirft dir, in diesem desolaten Zustand, ein zweites Geisterschiff hinterher; und es zerlegt dich. Du lädst dein Savegame, nur um festzustellen, dass du mit deinem desolaten Wrack den zweiten Geisterpiraten erneut besiegen sollst... dann haste kein Bock mehr. So ist dieses Spiel: grind, grind, grind, get screwed.

Danke, nein.
86 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 14:03
Nach 18h intensiv zocken mein Fazit und ich werde kein Pro oder Kontra nennen, nur Fakten aus meiner Sicht nach 35 Jahren Zocker Leben.

- Grafik ( auf Maximum ) recht hübsch.

- Sound und Musik nix gegen einzuwenden, obwohl die Musik nach ner Zeit, so wie bei vielen Spielen nervig wird, aber auf leisem lvl zur Situation zutrifft.

- Storyline nach ca. 6 Stunden Spielzeit vorbei und mit lvl 46 erstmalig abgeschlossen (max lvl 60), auf Schwierigkeit mittel und man muss jedes mal, wenn man das Spiel auf neuem Schwierigkeitsgrad anfangen möchte, die gesamten Storyline von Anfang erneut mitmachen, INKLUSIVE des Tutorials in allen Segmenten die dazu gehören, keine Chance das außer mit viel Knöpfe drücken weg zubekommen.

- Das Spiel zeigt in keiner Weise Informationen zu Skills und deren Relevanz ( Popups ), Items oder sonst relevanten Informationen an und wenn dann eher unschlüssig oder verwirrend.

- Man kann Pirat oder Händler sein.................Händler ??? Hier is nix mit Handel am Start. Ja es gibt Häfen wo es bessere Verkaufspreise gibt als woanders, aber selbst mit dem besten Händlerschiff ist es unmöglich, in der selben Zeit, mehr einzunehmen als wild alles umzulegen, allein die XP dabei sind unglaublich höher als ne Neben-Quest anzunehmen/zu handeln, als mit Piraterie ( Relevanz Handel zu Piraterie etwa 5% zu 95% ).

- Die Map. Sowas hab ich noch in keinem Spiel erlebt. Keine Mini-Map, man muss immer auf nen Knopf drücken, um seinen Kurs zu bestimmen, super nervig und es wird auch nicht automatisch eine Neben-Quest ausgewählt, wenn diese soeben angenommen wurde. Nur die Haupt-Quest wird verfolgt, viel Klick and Go für einfache Aufgaben, bei Neben-Aufgaben.

- Die Items...man versucht man Items miteinander zu vergleichen, absolutes Chaos. Die Angaben der Entwickler...pfff

Resümee :

NO Go in allen Punkten. für 25€, 6h Spielzeit Storyline, keine Informationen zu Ingame Relevanzen...man fährt nur blöd rum und folgt der Story und lernt auf dem weg nix außer das man keine Informationen zu Items oder Skills, mit denen man es zusammen nutzen kann bekommt.

Wasted 25€

753 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 22:51
Also mir gefällt das Spiel sehr . Hast ein Kleines tolles Schiff am Anfang das man mit der Zeit Ausbauen kann bzw. mit Hochwertiger Ausrüstung aufwerten kann. Sehr schicke Spielwelt gefällt mir sehr . Kämpfe sind gut gemacht auch die Nebenquests die man machen kann sind gut gemacht. Steuerung ist einfach gehalten und nicht Kompliziert find ich auch toll . Musik erinnert mich an Jack Sparrow hat man ein Richtiges Feeling. Story find ich auch gut .Handel treiben ist auch gegeben in den Spiel was auch mit Angebot und Nachfrage der jeweiligen Häfen gut gelöst sind . Gegner sind auch vielseitig besonders das dich in der Nacht auch Geisterschiffe angreifen find ich eine tolle Idee. Erinnert bei den Geisterschiffe irgendwie an die Flying Dutchman. Spiel tiefe ist auch sehr gut . Bei den Spiel kommt sehr viel Spielspaß auf . Ich kanns sehr Empfehlen für alle Piraten .
186 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 02:01
Erste Runde durch, knapp 4 Std. Noch zu früh für eine wirkliche Review, doch sagen kann ich das es schon Spass macht. Intro hat mir gefallen, Einleitung ins Game auch ok. Man findet sich relativ schnell zurecht im Menü. Steuerung gewöhnungsbedürftig, da muss ich mich noch einfuchsen. Ansonsten ist das Loot und Kampfsystem zufriedenstellend. Musik gefällt mir sehr in dem Spiel, bringt einen Hauch von Jack Sparrow ins Zockerzimmer :) Bugs gab es auch keine in den 4 Stunden.
Ich werde mich nachher weiter meinen Piraten dasein widmen. :)
5941 Produkte im Account
106 Reviews
723 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 16:00
Diese Mischung aus dem guten alten Pirates
und dem Browsergame Seafight ist gut gelungen.
Man fährt also mit seinem kleinen Bötchen als Pirat los,
muss looten, handeln, maritime Kämpfe führen und sein
Boot verbessern.
Leider ist es Anfangs sehr Story gebunden, was
einen sehr einschränkt - man kann sich zb
ohne Storyquest kein stärkeres Schiff kaufen.

Die Story selbst ist, naja mal höflich ausgedrückt, sehr leicht gehalten.

Dazu die Steuerung ist leider eine Katastrophe - der Entwickler
empfiehlt ein Gamepad, aber das geht nur in einzelnen Funktionen,
sodass man Pad und Keyboard zusammen nutzen muss.
Aber laut Steamhinweis arbeitet der Entwickler
anscheinend speziell an diesem Problem.

Hat man sich aber an diese kleinen Nicklichkeiten gewöhnt,
macht es echt Spaß - vorallem abseits der Hauptquest,
wenn man es Open-World spielt.
Gibt zwar im Grunde nicht viel Abwechslung, der Loot spawnt auch immer
an den gleichen Stellen - aber dadurch das es für die Schiffe
viele Extras gibt, hat man ab und an mal ein Überraschungserlebnis.
Gut: Deutsche Sprache unterstützt.

Bin mir nicht sicher ob man es für 25€ braucht, aber
Spaß kann man haben und das ist ja das Wichtigste.

Daher meine Bewertung auch positiv
Bewertung 7/10

Danke für die Bereitstellung des Keys ! #KingofSeas
253 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 03:08
Since it's a pirate game, I'm not afraid to admit I played it as a pirate before buying it.

Instead of writing a lengthy review, here's a small tip.
Go to the install folder and into KOSContentMovies.
Make 3 new text file documents - Call them, respectively: Intro_Story, Logos_Animation_Intro, Logos_Animation_Intro_New.
Delete the video files.
Rename the .txt files into .mp4 and enjoy not having splash screens anymore.

A little second tip:
If you press F2 on a video file, you can do CTRL+C, press tab (hopefully to a text document), and then paste the copied name ;)
137 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 20:52
I'm fighting the last battle, with every Sovereign Pirate as an ally. On easy.
They get absolutely wrecked, and I die without even coming close.
Not fun at all.
This is the second review I have ever written, that's how ridiculous I find this.
It's too bad some of it was fun, and so much wasted potential.
I can't recommend at any price.
106 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 09:45
Not worth imo. After playing it a couple of hours I can say that the gameplay itself it's pretty ripetitive, mainly for the unbalanced gameplay that forces you to hit-and-run when facing basically every enemy, since the health of every type of ship (even the galleon, which SHOULD be the tankiest among them) is very low; the story is pretty meh, not very interesting nor something never seen before and the soundtrack is pretty good but gets repetitive very fast since it's formed by only one track.
670 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 18:14
Fun game for casual players like me. I like the graphics style.
421 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 06:24
I really enjoyed this game and was well worth the cost
555 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2055 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 19:10
A rather easygoing experience, a very straightforward story, andd a little bit of rather linear resource management that can get somewhat repetitive at the end. though maybe with recent updates there is more to it, recommended for people who like to play pirates in their bathtub.
64 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 00:55
i got up to hook my controller to the pc, pc can find my controller, but the game cannot find my controller. went to setting and everything...no luck...game wont even response to keyboard. Unplug keyboard to try controller...nope..tried oppsite...still no luck...guess i can't play
61 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 00:26
Let me preface this by saying- I love the game, I want it to expand. However, for the time being it gets a negative review because it plays like a demo. Advertising a game with an update road-map is understandable, but to me I'd rather a full release game with planned content to add, not a somewhat finished game, with the rest of the content planned out.

Game is quite slow at first, picks up very quickly, then gets really hard really quick. I got quite far in and the jump from level 35 to level 60 happens in like 2 quests, there feels like a whooooole bunch of content that was skipped, but it wasn't. There is a jump from level 25 ish to 35 which isn't as bad. Side quests really don't give that much variety or exp, its protect this ship on a 2 minute sail with very few if any enemies, go talk to the cartogropher 2 minutes or less away, or something very similar.

Then there is attempting to hunt particular ships. On my grind from 25 to 35 I really tried hunting navy ships in the middle for side quests for new equipment, and even near King's Port, basically nothing was spawning. The enemy AI is also very funky, very often when sailing near them they will turn into you when trying to avoid you, stop FAR to late, or just sail into you without even trying to turn. The level 50 boss and his two escorts did this to me a couple times when attempting the fight, effectively stunlocking and killing me.

As for bugs, I only really ran into one, the level 50 bossfight boss set me on fire right before the cutscene, and dying, repairing, changing ships, etc, couldn't get rid of the visual and audio. It wasn't damaging my ship, just my patience. Had to close and restart the game.

That being said, I like the game. I reallllly hope it gets expanded on a lot further.

5 ship types, where effectively one is the starter ship, one is useless, and the other 3 are basic ship types could be expanded upon to add more ships to the classes, galleons could get ships of the line, frigates could get a bit larger, brigs could get larger or faster, or bonuses for abilities or something, who knows.

As for equipables, it would be cool to see randomly generated items kind of like path of exile or diablo, as running into the same few items per slot gets kind of old. I get it with the abilities, and the abilities are great fun don't get me wrong. But the items are just lacking in variety.

I really want to see this game fleshed out more. It does not play like a full game. It plays like a demo. A feeling of missing content from the storyline that leads to level gaps that require hours of mindless grinding, lackluster variety in ships and items, odd enemy AI, sparse enemy spawns making hunting during downtime or for sidequests difficult and time consuming, distinct rarity of Commanders to kill for rare loot ( I only encountered 2 on my 11 hour save outside of the quest ones ), and more.

Great game, definitely needs more content. I will HAPPILY change this review positive when it feels more fleshed out and a few issues are fixed.
134 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 10:23
Amazing and solid game. Very similar to Windward but with WAY more polish.

Performance & Bugs:
The game runs well on machines that are on the lower end such as mine. I do meet most of the requirements but a 2,5ghz dual core is nothing to boast about so I'm perfectly fine with lowering the graphics a little bit to squeeze a few more fps out of this game.

Haven't found any bugs either.

Graphics & Sound::
It's beautiful but not mindblowing. If the things you see in the trailers and screenshots catch your interest, then you'll be happy with what you get.

The music is ok, but not as good as the trailers. It's your standard pirate and sailor type of themes. Having more of of the trailers music would've been much appreciated.

Don't let the beginning of the game fool you into thinking that this is all it has to offer. You start out slow with lots of dialogue and cutscenes to click through and your gameplay options are very limited. Certain features are locked behind story-related events that you have to reach first but once you do... the game really opens up. Every time I felt like the game becomes too repetitive, it throws me a bone by unlocking a new element like being able to conquer enemy ports to turn them into pirate hideouts, for example. There are lots of things to do and lots of things to discover in this game.

My thoughts:
Don't let the reviews fool you into thinking that this game is repetitive or grindy. It doesn't feel grindy or repetitive at all if you're into games such as Windward or pretty much any hack'n'slash game out there like Diablo. It's the old, golden rule that has proven to be effective for many decades: looting & leveling.

Personally, I like to think that if I get one hour of entertaining gameplay for every buck a game costs... then it's worth it. And with a price tag of 24,99€, I've already exceeded that amount of hours and I haven't even finished the game yet.

Overall this is a fantastic game with lots of polish. It's not attempting to re-invent the wheel but it's very good at what it's supposed to be. Go get this game if you love pirate stuff, looting, leveling, exploring and ship-to-ship combat. It's absolutely worth it. ♥
87 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 13:45
Still cant use the mouse to play.. that suuuuuucks..
287 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 01:54
The difficulty spike is out of this world. Not in a fun way, as in i had legendary parts on my ship and was on the 2nd easiest difficulty and still cannot progress. If you're into grinding for 16 hours and still not being able to make it through the story, this game is for you.
177 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 09:04
I should have listened to the other bad reviews. The game is extremely repetitive. In this kind of game you expect some repetition through grinding, but it is so much that it becomes boring after the first hour.
129 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 07:32
If you're looking for something to scratch that Sid Meier's itch...keep looking, this ain't it.

Combat: Too frustrating to be fun. Even once you get used to the controls all of the ship types handle like garbage and even lower level enemies, if you able to encounter one after you level up since enemies level with you, are able to destroy you faster than you can hope to destroy them. Your only options end up being snaking away from them taking the occasional shot or circling them and whittling their health down shot by shot, which takes forever because even on lower difficulties you are outmatched in every fight. There are no crew fights, if you get even close to an enemy ship your crew count will be decimated but I honestly couldn't tell the difference between a full crew and no crew. Same with the sails, completely destroying my enemy's sails did nothing to slow them down.

Gameplay: You basically sale around avoiding enemy ships that chase you far too long if they see you, looking for merchant ships to pillage. Or you can trade, but you have to find the cities first, only exploring doesn't actually reveal the map, you have to buy that from a cartographer who's locations are also not marked on the map so you're sailing around blindly hoping to find one. Also you can't trade much because for some reason in this pirate game you can't actually capture enemy vessels and use them, you have to buy them, from one port on the entire map, and this is also the only port you can switch which ship you're using. Also there are items that give you a plus or minus for stats, but if you go into the details of the items sometimes the actual stats don't match what the overview is. To be clear, I had two different cannons, one was a higher level but the overview told me it would decrease my damage, but when I checked out the details...every stat was better. Also there is fishing but I think better poles are story locked, and there are levels and talent points but they really don't change the game enough to matter at all.

Story: The writing is pretty meh, the artwork is cute, but the story is very textbook.

Ultimately, this feels like an early beta at best. It had potential but if this is the final product it failed. I never felt like a pirate, let alone a King of Seas, I just felt like I had wasted 9 hours.
480 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 00:30
Fun but recommends/requires a joystick to play, so not the point of a PC game...
526 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 09:31
This may sound petty, but as long as the sailing mechanics (as in, the position of sails relative to the wind) are completely wrong, I can't recommend this game. Devs, please just look at this example
66 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 19:03
I really wanted to like this game - it's cartoon pirates, after all. But there's some huge flaws that killed it for me.

Firstly, the save system requires you to find a friendly port and dock there. Seems easy enough, except the ports don't show up on your map. It seems like the thing that a captain would note on their charts, but instead you have to sail around until you find one. Which means that if life makes you need to stop playing, you can't until you find one. Add to that that if there are enemy ships there (totally random) you can't dock, leaving you fighting (and maybe accidentally making the port hostile) when all you want to do it save.

Secondly, the storyline makes you have to attack three ports. This is the absolute worst. None of your skills can effect them, leaving you sailing back and forth shooting at them, fighting off infinite spawning enemy ships, and hoping the auto-repair that the forts have doesn't kick in and undo everything you've done. And when you've managed that horrible grind once, you look at the other two you have to do and have to ask yourself if it's worth it; I decided no.
245 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 18:56
Oh, I bid farewell to the port and the land
And I paddle away from brave England's white sands
To search for my long ago forgotten friends
To search for the place I hear all sailors end

As the souls of the dead fill the space of my mind
I'll search without sleeping 'til peace I can find
I fear not the weather, I fear not the sea
I remember the fallen, do they think of me?
When their bones in the ocean forever will be~
1518 Produkte im Account
142 Reviews
78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 21:37
I like the game, i wanted a more casual age of sail/pirate themed game that i could sit back and play solo with my controller and this delivers just that. I don't know about the keyboard and mouse support that got added but controls with the controller are good and responsive, the graphics are very easy on the eye and the game is fun to play. Quite a nice game to unwind with.
254 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 12:12
Kin' o' Seas feels like a one long grind through an empty sea, swabbin' decks, suckin' on lemons and tossin' th' peels from a crow’s nest at passin' seagulls while waitin' fer somethin' excitin' t' happen. Th' grind it has goin' fer it, hidden under th' cute, colorful graphics, fore momentum and th' promise o' a next sunken ship be just th' worst scourge o' th' seven seas.

Everyone remembers Sid Meier’s Pirates, right? Yeah, this isn’t it. It may draw some similarities, but this is a much more bare-bones, grindy, arcadey, unexciting, ship-to-ship combat focused sea sandbox. There’s also a disturbing lack of swashbuckling and wooing of maidens. Even though the game lets you choose a character, it’s only for story purposes and accompanying cutscenes. You are your ship here.

Story premise is very simple, serviceable, but not really captivating. It does have charming illustrations and character art for its presentation. You pick one of the two available characters, Marylou or Luky, children of the current King of Seas, and get sent on a mission. While you’re chasing ghost ships, your father picks Davy Jones’ locker as his new favorite holiday spot, you’re accused of getting him tickets for it and the Royal Navy tries to send you there with him. Cue pirates dragging your wet, but still kicking bones to their lair, throwing some exposition at you and shooing you on your merry, buccaneering way.

You quickly realize the entire sandbox is made to be grindy and chafing in the long run, like grains of sand stuck in your breeches. It’s the name of the game here in everything you do. From story missions gating content to side quests, ship combat, treasure hunting, fishing and port conquering. You’ll be repeating a small number of activities so many times it’s going to start feeling like you’re being keelhauled with your own ship. How hard that’s going to be you can decide for yourself by picking one of the five difficulties the game presents you, differing only whether you lose your ship and inventory or not. Last one, King of Seas, offers permadeath.

Side quests can be picked up at any port. There’s a few combat oriented ones, but most fall under fetch quests. Fishing can be started at a certain point in-game and is a somewhat good money maker at later fishing levels. But, it is again, a grind, with some types of fish you need to catch to upgrade your fishing rod seemingly having Korean MMO type drop chances. There are treasure ships roaming about, carrying sunken treasure maps that may drop as loot, but after 18 hours and many sunken ships, I haven’t found a single map from them. All the maps I got came from an end game story quest.

Markets and trading also play a role, but each port only has one type of goods in surplus, one in deficit and the market doesn’t really change, making it all overly simplistic. It also feels extremely easy to make money, like there’s pieces of eight instead of droplets raining in those thunderstorms you pass through. Once the game unlocks conquering forts, you can attack and take over any island, making it a pirate port. You can also upgrade them, which is where most of the money will go. But, if you lose the port, it resets everything you’ve purchased and you need to start from scratch. Talk about hornswoggling you out of your hard earned booty. And the fort combat is just another dull task. Ports tend to change allegiances quickly, no matter what level their upgrades are, since they’re apparently made of salted sardines sprinkled with butter and held together by rum and spit.

There’s also a vast expanse of sea between you and your objectives and you’ll be sailing way more than doing anything else. You’ll run into random crates, fishing spots, drowning sailors and some hazards, but apart from ships and ports, that’s all there is to it. It all starts looking samey after a while. The idea of adding and filling in pieces of the map by searching for a cartographer feels novel for the first few times, then it also starts being a chore. All of it feels like very little content stretched out over a needlessly large, procedurally generated map with very little thar she blows moments.

The map has a weird zoom that controls slowly and wonkily with the controller, not even centering the map on you when you open it. And the game still lacks proper support for mouse and keyboard. But, looking at the port and ship menus, it’s obvious it wasn’t really made with them in mind. Another rather annoying thing is how the game instantly spawns a few military ships whenever you attack a port, while your ships are usually nowhere to be seen. And there’s tons of other little annoying mechanics just rubbing shoulders and cackling with the grind.

It doesn’t all feel like you’re marooned on a deserted island with a single coconut tree. Ship combat, as arcadey as it is, is done well and feels very smooth. It’s easy to learn, hard to master. There are 5 ships on offer, from a lowly sloop to the mighty galleon. They all have different stats and once bought can be freely swapped at any port you own. Simple controls with only three sail stages, wind directions and three health bars, for your crew, sails and hull feel right at home here, allowing for some fast paced piracy, plundering and scuttling of ships. There’s no morale in play here, the crew are all old salts and just happy to be pirates, win or lose.

Combine that with an excellent and well thought out ship parts upgrade system that even changes your ship visually with every part, an interesting perks system allowing you to become, among other things, a pirate voodoo princess, and a sizeable set of combat skills wrapped into magic and science and you get a very shiver me timbers part of the game. There’s even a great in-game way to reset your perk points and I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that one.

Having no complex designs or mechanics doesn’t necessarily need to be a bad thing. But, most things here feel overly simplified and toned down to a minimum. Like battening down the hatches before a coming storm. Great combat and upgrade systems don’t outweigh the shallow trading, repetitive side quests, tediousness of tasks, and most of all, the grind and gating of content behind it. It looks and feels like a promising pirate sandbox, but it’s not particularly rousing at the moment. Replayability is also an issue. You can’t continue playing after the story, which is a bonkers decision, since the game lends itself to that amazingly. If you start a new difficulty, you start from scratch and that’s a very mind-numbing promise. If you’re looking for a simple pirate life, a ship combat game and don’t mind the intense grind, mutiny on this review and go play it. Otherwise, make it walk the plank.

PC specs: It was smooth sailing all the way on an i7-7700K, RTX2070, 32GB of RAM and an SSD.

Avast ye, landlubbers! Fer more reviews 'n bounties, check Devils in the Detail.

Take a peek inside the Cabinet of Curiosities if you like to walk off the beaten path and only sometimes return to the main roads. Join the group as well if you want to follow some of my other musings. You might find something worth exploring. And if you do, thank you for the visit.
195 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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3235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 21:37
They fell short on the keyboard and mouse support . If you loath using a controller do not buy this game.

Only reason i gave it a no is lack of mouse use.

608 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 16:34

King of Seas

Genre Adventure game[/tr]
CampaignYes[/tr] Game length 25 Hours [/tr]
Difficulty modesN/A[/tr]

King of Seas


???? In King of Seas As soon as you start slowly, you will have your sluts - a small but nimble ship - and you can start the ocean produced by routine. This is not a relentless and exciting thrill you might expect from a pirate themed RPG. Boating takes time, and you have to keep in mind the wind direction and weather conditions to optimize your route through the water. You must also use dangers such as sea monsters and volcanoes, as well as the Royal Navy that is out to attract you.
  • ◼️ In Game You have to take part in strategic light battles. You can shoot wide-winged cannons from the left or right, and eventually you will find special abilities that allow you to fire, summon sea creatures, etc. Battles are usually made around the enemy and Taking a photo of a vase turns - Not everything is detailed.
  • ◼️ [Side quests] themselves are categorised by difficulty and come in repetitive shapes and sizes. Some will have you sinking a certain number or type of Royal Navy ship, some are escort missions, while others are simple fetch quests.
  • Not only are the ships extremely customizable, but there is also a fairly large selection of perks that you can pick up that do all sorts of things. You can increase damage for long or short range attacks, improve maneuverability for all ships, increase experience gain, or even get some perks that let you do more specialized things like regenerate health over time. It’s all very well built-out.


In the depth

???? You start out with a tiny sloop, but, later on, you’ll be able to purchase other options such as a flute (fluyt), brig, frigate, and galleon. Controls are fairly responsive, at least as long as you’re using a gamepad; it’s extremely clunky when you’re using the keyboard. You speed up by raising your sails, slow down to make quick turns, switch to different ammo types that deal damage to certain components, and fire your cannons at the port and starboard sides.

◼️ In addition, you can equip your craft with different types of shrinkage such as mast, body design, types of balls, ammunition, and so on. Each piece of equipment has its own statistics that can enhance your ship's offensive and defensive capabilities. Perhaps the only downside here is that things can get a little confusing.

????The life of a pirate

Main missions have the added benefit of advancing the storyline of King of Seas which is fairly interesting but nothing absolutely mind-blowing. There’s lots of trope-filled writing but the game’s story quests do keep you going.
Upgrading your ship with new parts is fun, and finding new loot is rewarding until the mill starts. Players will have a talent tree where they can spend the talent points they earn from the top level. Talents in the Talent Tree will increase your ship's ability and help you a lot.
The art style is vibrant, colourful, and cartoony. The game has really visually pleasing weather effects and there’s a day and night cycle too. Ships look great and thankfully change based on the equipment you have installed on them such as different sails or mastheads and hulls.

Mind-bogglingly, there is no photo mode in the game which is quite a missed opportunity given how aesthetically pleasing everything looks. Players are also locked into a fixed camera viewpoint which can only zoom in or out. Not being able to rotate the camera freely is another massive design flaw.

In general, if you're a fan of strategy games and also like to sail into the oceans, I would definitely recommend this game.However, unfortunately, this game doesn't support online multiplayer gameplay.


???? Pros
+Fun RPG progression
+Story starts out strong with plenty of mystery and intrigue
+Nice, illustrative character art
+Good looking world and decent ship
+Visual pleasing aesthetic with vibrant colours
+Ship special abilities are flashy and fun

???? Cons
-Combat gets a bit samey
-Not a ton of mission variety
-No Multiplayer
-Ship moves way too slow

147 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 17:34
Game is fun, chill, takes your mind off of things.
But some mechanics are bad.
Battles are repetetive grinds.
Menu mechanics are not great.
Missions selection mechanics are horrible (every mission you accept you have long unskippable cutscenes that are often reused).

Clearly geared towards a younger crowd.
Early teens, not an avid gamer, want a chill relaxed game?
This might be for you. Otherwise skip it.
194 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 01:39
The controls are terrible. No mouse support. You have to release a button to fire cannons... that is so unnatural. When you ship is stopped you have to deploy full sail and wait like 2 seconds for it to start moving. Why cant i start moving with quarter or half sails? Nobody knows...

Also you can't repair in battle... which also... why not? nobody knows..
247 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 00:32
Quite the fun little pirate/merchant game
You play as a pirate but also have merchant tasks in all ways to make money and take back your kingdom.
Diablo style view makes it interesting.
I feel like its a bit too story driven though and would like to be able to roam around more and do basic missions/tasks.
45 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 17:11
Having played windward for 140 hours i was hoping that this game would be an updated version with the same play-ability, unfortunately i was wrong.
Missions are repetitive, levelling your gear requires you too attack enemy ships, take ports or do boring side quests. i now struggle to want to play this game as there is nothing left to do in it.
361 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
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755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 15:30
It's a close run thing whether to recommend this game or not. But after completing it in just 12 hours, I don't think I can.

The game mechanics are very similar to another game called Windward. Personally, I think Windward did it better.

Graphics are nice in this game and very colourful at times. The sound is fine. Story wise it's OK and I was curious as to how it would end. The problem is, that is all this game is. The replayability is pretty much non existent. No new game plus (just higher difficulties in a completely new game). If you wanted to 'complete' the map then the only option is load the save just before the final fight. You can't carry on from the end of the story.
There is a serious difficulty spike about 2/3 of the way through the game. Which had me stumped and incredibly frustrated. It put me off playing the game for quite a while. And looking online, I'm certainly not the only person to experience this.
The real problem in my opinion is the interface. At this point in time, there is no mouse support. In fairness, the game does tell you a gamepad is best. But after playing so many similar games to this, its very counter-intuitive to not be able to use a mouse. The map is also, I think, a bad decision in implementation. It was only after 10 hours (out of 12) that I realised that by zooming in, you could see port names. However, it makes the map tedious and slow to use. Finding a particular port is a real chore.
The mechanic of having to visit a cartographer to reveal more of the map is also a chore. There's apparently 47 of these to find. However, one of the problems with this is those that border sections. Its only by visiting, going through a save/load screen, going into a dialogue selection, that you find out that you already have this section mapped, going through another set of menus, another save/load screen, and then back to play. It's a chore. More, it's annoying.
The loot in this game is pretty good and there's plenty of variations, But, as tends to happen, you find yourself a build, and then its only incremental upgrades. The range of ships is small. There's a softlock linked to campaign play (not clear), that will stop you buying half the ships, regardless of your money. But after this is done, it was cheap and easy to upgrade. But in my opinion half the ships are useless, as the top 2/3 are so cheap. The other frustration is that your equipment stays on your old ship. So when you change ship, you have to put new equipment on. You can move the equipment from your old ship to your new one, but it's slow and annoying. I don't understand why there isn't an option to quickly move equipment to your new ship.

Although I did enjoy some of my time with the game, there was a lot of times when I didn't and this coupled with the lack of replayability means I can't recommend this game.
413 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
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15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 17:05
So its hard to say. It has pirates. It is not Sid Meier's Pirates by a long shot. It more reminds me of Windward.
I love the art style and graphics. But everything else is confusing even after the tutorial. Like what point does killing the enemy crew with grape shot do??? I know in Sid Meier's Pirates it made it where you could take out the enemy crew and have an easier chance boarding but here. There is no boarding which makes me super sad. And I just don't understand the point of getting the crew meter down. I just go for the hull. That and getting constantly attacked.

Not a bad game but its not the pirates life for me.

Back to the Jackdaw or Sid Meier's Pirates for me.
352 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
2029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 07:41
finished the game after 30+ hours. it was fun at the start .
for its cost , 20ish hours of fun isn't bad. i stuck through the last couple of hours
just to see the story end. i'm kind of on the fence but going for thumbs up
just for the initial fun.

if you are looking for a fun , arcade(ish) game this is for you.
if you want good scaling AI , complex trade system , enemy pathing , pirate
strategy game .. you wont find it here.
155 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 21:59
Great game. More factions and territory control would make it even better. This game really does have a fantastic foundation. More content could even put it past the legendary Sid Meier's Pirates!
285 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
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274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 05:37
No mouse control... at all.
No way to rebind buttons... at all.
Ship battles are literally just circle your opponent and spam shoot cannons as abilities seem to have no impact whatsoever aside from those that let you shoot faster.
No aim telegraph to at least let you know where your shot is likely to go
If you want a ship game, go play Windward. It's cheaper, better, and actually functional.
Why do developers keep releasing games that clearly should still be in development and not marking them as early access. This is absurd.
209 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 03:45
Enemies display no intelligent behavior. Becomes a grindfest almost immediately.
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Release:18.02.2021 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: 3DClouds Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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