• Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Screenshot zum Cops & Robbers Multiplayer Modus in Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Screenshot zum Cops & Robbers Multiplayer Modus in Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Frische Screens aus Crime-Action-Shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Screenshot zum Cops & Robbers Multiplayer Modus in Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: Screenshot zum Cops & Robbers Multiplayer Modus in Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 20.08.2010
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Preis Update 11.02.25

Über das Spiel

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days ist ein rauer und intensiver Crime-Action-Shooter von IO Interactive, der durch seinen innovativen Grafikstil das Erleben eines Action Shooters neu definiert. Als Lynch führt der Spieler die beiden verhaltensgestörten Kriminellen Kane und Lynch durch Shanghais Unterwelt. Lynch, ein impulsiver und rücksichtsloser Psychopath, der sich selbst mit Medikamenten versorgt und Kane ein kluger aber desillusionierter verzweifelter Ex-Söldner sind im Auftrag von Glacier unterwegs und haben mal wieder alles dafür getan, damit ein "Job" im absoluten Chaos endet.

Eine wilde, schier aussichtlose Flucht über Hausdächer und dunkle, abgelegene Straßen von Shanghai beginnt. Trauen können sie auf ihrer Flucht niemandem - nicht einmal sich selbst. Ein Bruch, der sich schnell in Lynchs geistigem Zustand und Kanes Ausgeglichenheit bemerkbar macht. Töten - oder getötet werden - eine andere Möglichkeit besteht nicht! Ein durchdringendes Action-Abenteuer, das im Singleplayer, online und offline Ko-op Modus oder im Fragile Alliance Multiplayer Modus und Arcade Modus zum Leben erweckt wird.

  • Eine neuartige Shooter-Erfahrung mit einem noch nie dagewesenen Grad an Realismus und Intensität. Noch echter, heftiger und schmutziger als alles andere zuvor!
  • Unbarmherzige Action: Kane & Lynch finden sich in einer ausweglosen Situation wieder, verfolgt und gesucht von der gesamten Unterwelt Shanghais. Durch konstante Anspannung und Intensität im Überlebenskampf spürt der Spieler, wie sich die Unterwelt gegen sie aufbäumt.
  • Erstmalig als Lynch spielen: Als Spieler übernimmt man die Rolle des Psychopathen Lynch. Er ist mittendrin und nutzt alle Vorteile, die Shanghai zu bieten hat. Nichts kann sich ihm in die Weg stellen!
  • Online Koop: Hand in Hand mit einem Partner nimmt der Spieler im Story Modus als Kane oder Lynch es mit dem Abschaum von Shanghais Unterwelt auf.
  • Brutales Shooter Gameplay: Neue Mechaniken mit knopf-aktiviertem Deckungssystem und neu definierter KI, um wahnwitziges Tempo und Realität ins Spiel zu bringen.
  • Down not Dead: Dieses Feature gilt als zweite Chance, die dem Spieler ermöglicht, zurückzuschießen oder in Deckung zu robben.
  • Außergewöhnlicher Raubüberfall-Multiplayer: Fragile Alliance ist zurück mit einem neuen innovativem Multiplayer Modus
  • Fragile Alliance: Multiplayer-Gameplay basierend auf Betrug, Gier & Rache; gespickt mit mehr Risiko, aber auch mehr Belohnung. Für 8 Spieler.
  • Undercover Cop: Addiert ein Extra-Level an Paranoia in die eigene Fragile Alliance. Wer im Team wurde als Spion eingeschleust, um dem Team beim Überfall einen Strich durch die Rechnung zu machen?
  • Räuber & Gendarm: Sorgt für einen neuen dynamischen Team-Modus, in dem der Spieler entweder als Räuber versucht das erbeutete Geld zu beschützen oder als Gendarm agiert, um genau diese Beute aufzuspüren.
  • Arcade Modus: Schärft die Fähigkeiten des Spielers. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad steigt mit jedem Level, so lang Fortschritte gemacht werden und man auf der Flucht überlebt.
  • Fortsetzung von Kane & Lynch: Dead Men eines der meistverkauften Spiele im Jahre 2007
  • Kane & Lynch Spielfim: Start der Dreharbeiten zum Kane & Lynch Film mit Bruce Willis in der Hauptrolle Sommer 2010


  • CPU: 3,0 GHz Pentium
  • GFX: nVidia 7800/ ATI x1800
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM (Windows XP), 2 GB RAM (Windows Vista or Windows 7)
  • Software: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7
  • HD: 9 GB
  • SFX: Direct X 9.0c kompatible Soundkarte
  • LANG: Englisch , Deutsch
  • CPU:
  • GFX:
  • RAM:
  • Software:
  • HD:
  • SFX:
  • INET:
  • MISC:
  • LANG: Englisch , Deutsch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

372 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 02:06
Trotz einigen Bugs, best Koop Game für immer! Ich liebe es.
50 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 14:09
1060 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 09:26
Kommt nicht an Teil 1 ran

Ich hatte mit dem ersten Spiel rund um das Söldner / Psychopathen - Duo damals 2007 auf Konsole durchaus meinen Spass. Gerade im Splitscreen Koop machte der Third-Person-Shooter der Hitman-Macher durchaus Laune, und sorgte für angenehme Abwechslung im Shooter-Einheits-Brei. Teil zwei holt mich dagegen irgendwie so gar nicht ab. Ich kann nicht mal genau sagen warum, aber er spielt sich irgendwie eintönig und uninspiriert ständig spawnen neue Gegner die man umlegen muss - und das war's dann! Da gibt's einfach viel besseres auf dem Markt!
Außerdem ist die deutsche Version natürlich geschnitten, aber das ist man ja gewohnt...
560 Produkte im Account
152 Reviews
235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 20:16
Abgedreht, schrill und verrückt. Deckungsshooter würde ich es nennen. Sehr kurz aber irgendwie spaßig.
Das Chroma ist teilweise heftig! Leute die zu Epilepsie neigen, sollten hier eher Abstand von nehmen.
71 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 23:44
ist geiel
290 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 15:48
Great piece of entertainment for you and your friend to enjoy. Thank Square Enix for funding this masterpiece of a game. Visually stunning, great story and voice acting that makes the characters feel real and pull you into the most immersive rendition of Shanghai I have ever seen.
56 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 22:29
liveleak simulator
144 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 05:26

Kane & Lynch 2 is a horrible game about horrible people doing horrible things. But its totally worth it when on sale for $.99. It is about a 3-4 hour game about two middle white criminals in Shanghai who botch a job and have to face the consequences of their actions in increasingly hazardous scenarios. The actual gameplay itself is a serviceable third person shooter with the entire campaign playable in co-op.

Where Dog Days really shines is with its overall aesthetic. It plays out like a found footage film that was a popular genre at the time of the games release with a grainy visuals, visual artifacts galore, and blurred visual censors when something extremely violent occurs that some how makes the whole game seem more realistic and disturbing than it actually is. The ambient music in this game is extremely dark and industrial and makes you feel more like you are playing a horror game than an action shooter with how disturbing and uncomfortable it sounds reflecting the psyche of the two mains during gameplay.

For $.99 cents Dog Days is worth playing at least once for its unique visuals and absolutely relentless tone.
1370 Produkte im Account
134 Reviews
507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 04:49
My Canadian friend named Laho, says this game is bad. He says the music is bad. The graphics are bad. Blah blah blah bad bad bad. Well you know what? He is Canadian. So forget what he says. This game is amazing. It is great. It is one of the finest third person shooters, and the graphics are TOP NOTCH. What's that Canadian Laho? You must need glasses? Ok. I am sorry you cannot see the true prowress of this game. This magnifique art piece. It is amazing. It its beautiful. It is... KANE AND LYNCH 2 DOG DAYSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!
107 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 10:42
while the visual style of this game is very cool there isnt much more to say about it
to sum it up quick and easy: this is a pretty boring and clunky shooter with some interesting cutscenes, music and dialogue (best part of the game), and some pretty looking if inconsistent levels.

i feel like this game dosent go far enough and that its tied down by being a traditional third person shooter
if the game had a more experimental approach to gameplay that matched the visual style i think it would of been a very interesting piece of art but instead its a forgettable game with an interesting visual asthetic and sadly nothing more.

if they ever make a kane and lynch 3 i want them to go all in on the experimental aspect and make something truly unique and off the wall instead of sticking to something so rigid.

an abrasive and subversive shooter from the perspective of the bad guys has alot of potential, but you can only catch a glimpse of it here.

4/10 - memorable aesthetic, forgettable everything else

ALSO: if you want this to be a bit more fun then dont aim down sights, it makes your movement speed faster and you dont have to do the clunky aiming, just spray at people
34 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 02:05
Motion Sickness and Gritty Storyline
95 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 20:58
Bro best game ever. If you wanna experience the best motion sickness while in an action pack setting, this is the game for you. Also forget action music, horror jump scare music is totally the way to go. The best part is when Kane screams literally every time he opens his mouth no matter what setting your in (stealth or not). P.s. i recommend taking LSD for this shit.
505 Produkte im Account
357 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 19:06
Compared to the first this game this has a much better gunplay with normal accuracy but the story is weaker and is a direct downgrade.

Along side the weaker story this introduced the annoying shaky camera that thank god they put an option to disable it. Still remember playing this for the first time back when it came out and i felt really sick playing 30 minutes or so and i don't even have motion sickness.

The graphics are meh and the funny thing is the game crashes every time between levels at 42% loading if you have textures on high which is nuts to be fair.

I did like they focused on lynch this time around but i feel like they could have made a better story.
524 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 07:15
I unironically love this game

Everything that happens in this game sucks
What you do feels wrong
What you see feels even worse
The game ascetically is ugly
Not a bad kind though. It reminds me a lot of max payne 3 in terms of how ugly the game is shown to us
Its a game about two awful people, committing awful things in a completely fucked city
Kane and lynch 2 is one of the games I think of that I play for ascetics alone, I love the shaky cam
I love how its presented to us as if some madman decided to follow these two people and film a documentary on them.
The way the explosion distorts the quality of the picture

But at the same time I cannot excuse its flaws
Gunplay like many say is awful. Though I still do like it, the inaccuracy of weapons lead the gunfights to feel chaotic, the gunshots deafening to the point of me actually turning down my headset volume because of how bad it is.
The way cover also interacts is just awkward. Controls can feel still and clunky at times but to be fair, these two are likely hopped up on a few different cocktails of special stuff

Still genuinely love this game even with all its flaws
51 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 03:56
weird stability issues at times but overall a good dumb fun coop game
167 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 20:33
47 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 07:33
276 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 04:25
This game is brutal and dirty, I mean it. Besides the technical problems, it is a great leap forward compared to the first one, it got a nice and unique aesthetic, a great industrial OST, incredible visuals and a perfect lenght. This game (and Dead Men) were made for co-op, so you'll basically miss the charm playing alone (like the different aiming, life, visuals and lines from Kane and Lynch).
Btw this is a gritty and bleak game, the only ones that come to my mind that are (almost) like that are Max Payne 3, Manhunt, Hitman: Contracts and Drakengard, everything is dirty, ugly, brutal and strange and I love it, more people should know and play dirty and ugly games, not everything should be triple-A with stunning graphics, wonderful gameplay and a rich story, sometimes just a game about 2 bad guys that are having Dog Days could suffice.
419 Produkte im Account
197 Reviews
156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 10:49
For 99 cents, sure why not.
The snuff film aesthetic is sorta neat, and I personally enjoy plots with horrible dirtbag characters, but the second half falls very generic. I wish the second half had turned surrealist rather than typical gamey action but it is what it is.
13 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 06:32
147 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 15:02
This game actually has some cool and intense shootouts and I didn't even mind the vhs-like special effects (except the shaky camera at times but you can turn that off in the settings). You can play story with friend which doubles the fun. There is also very fun multiplayer coop mode, you just need to find 3 other people to play with you. Story is non stop action with some dark atmosphere. There is also arcade mode which is basically the same like playing online (Fragile Alliance), only in acrade there are bots instead of other players. I really enjoy that one. The only downside is that the story is really short, you will be done in about 4 hours. But when on sale for 1 buck don't hesitate and buy it! I would say that even 10 bucks is ok if you are a fan of shooter games/movies like this.
22 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 03:44
Actual masterpiece
428 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 04:52
while it def doesn't *play* well, just experiencing it is something else. pixelization, shaky cam, deliberately janky cuts in cutscenes, audio levels that would make merzbow blush, etc, turn it into the liveleak video of games. a true assault on the senses. we'll never get anything like this again. in a way its lack of polish compared to max payne 3 which does pretty much some of the same things really enhances its vibe.
117 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 21:19
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is a gritty, visceral masterpiece. This game is genius and we will never see a game like it ever again.
709 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 02:55
Nihilism Simulator
(Disclaimer: I got this game for like 3 dollary doos and at that price it's good. Much higher than that though and I would probably be a bit more critical)
402 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 12:04
♥ Despite game problems, due to very unique aesthetics I forgive her everything ♥
211 Produkte im Account
181 Reviews
275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 19:35
Awesome game for fun!
190 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 21:48
my ex-wife loves kane and lynch 2 dog days
334 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 01:01
dissociation-core. such well-realized sensory overwhelm, anti-catharsis, depravity combined with a subtle twisted empathy (lynch feels like he's barely holding it together the whole game), just utter Exhaustion and overstimulation and numb meaningless violence and endless escalation that caps off with an ending thats like. ofc thats the ending like in hindsight its wild to expect anything different. this is a thin slice of the products of an environment and the creators of said environment both making eachother suffer endlessly, with a bunch of innocent blood tossed in for good measure. the closest we're gonna get to a video game by neveldine/taylor.
288 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 01:55
A great sequel to dead men, but lacks more story progression. I Hope Kane & Lynch 3 gets released.
342 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 07:22
This game is Kane And Lynch 2: Dog Days
68 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 00:59
hell of old game
712 Produkte im Account
247 Reviews
152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 05:32
fucked up but decent i guess lmao
130 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 03:51
I want to love this game so badly. It is gritty, grimy, dingy, and dirty to the point that just watching the trailers gets me pumped. It's got a fantastic but simple story that kept me interested throughout with a climactic cliffhanger ending. Everything about this game from the design of the third person view, the setting, and the story is all intentionally made to be uncomfortable and dirty. It is a very unique game and oddly enough is quite captivating in all it's sleazy glory.

The gameplay is honestly subpar and highly repetitive with the main motivation for me being getting to the next narrative cutscene. While it was quite fun seeing Chinese firearms that you don't really see in many games, thanks to the Shanghai setting, the gunplay is unfortunately very dry and standard third person shooting. At worst the gameplay was unforgiving and frustrating and at best it was bland.

Yeah, you could probably watch the cutscenes as a movie on Youtube, but I reccomend buying the game on sale to get the full experience if you enjoy gritty crime stories like I do. This game is literally $0.99 as I write this review, but any sale price would make this worth it for me.

Bottom line, the game has style and I absolutely enjoyed it. It really is a shame that the game turned out the way it did, and we will likely never get to know what happens next in the story.
41 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 03:34
the biggest waste of time
771 Produkte im Account
284 Reviews
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 23:17
Great style, Shanghai is gorgeous with that grimy aesthetic and the game is packed with pure raw violence. Some say the camera is bad, I never had a problem with it (beware if you suffer from motion sickness though.)

Arguably bad gameplay? For a TPS I mean, there's better games out there for sure, I think its not that bad, but some things are definitely annoying like bullet sponge enemies (seriously it takes like 10 shots to kill them, wtf?)

The ending is a meme, I mean everyone knows this, is probably one of the worst endings ever. At least it makes you chuckle a bit.

Its a mixed bag, unique style/personality, but a bit annoying in the gameplay department, still worth to play at least once and you can get it for dirt cheap so there's no excuse. If you're looking for some action its a no brainer.
98 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 02:05
Wait for it to go on sale for 99 cents. its worth 99 cents.
189 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 03:32
this game is atrocious
360 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 03:42
It's horrible
36 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 11:13
Отличная Игруха Не зря принял повестку)))
227 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 21:33
Quite a bit better of a shooter than the first one, but man the story in this one kinda sucks compared to the first. I would only recommend if you are just looking for some mindless shooting game play. The first one has some more depth to it for sure, but the shooting mechanics aren't as good as this one. There were a few things that I really liked about this game, like the hit markers were awesome, I wish more games would do hit markers like this game did. The atmosphere was pretty dang cool also. As in the first game, the voice acting was pretty dang good. Overall im glad I played it, if you see it on sale, definitely recommend picking it up.

This game, like the first one, is an awesome candidate for a remaster.
20 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 06:24
its cool
38 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 14:59
Try this game out!
266 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 06:15
This game is fucking rotten
344 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 03:41
Ooh this game is dirty....so dirty!

I did find the shooting mechanics horrible though but I got used to it. Kane and Lynch Dead Men, although pretty bad as well, had much better shooting mechanics in my opinion. The camera shake effect was awful as well but I managed to do a play through with camera shake then without. It's much better without camera shake but I feel the game was designed to be played with the camera shake effect. If you can get past some of the bad mechanics of this game you might just enjoy it. It's action packed enough.
1198 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 18:03
Very fun and excellent sequel to the first entry. Classic masterpiece and it is a timeless one indeed. 10/10 :D :)
73 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 11:59
well i kinda miss those types of games but..i really wish i want to play to kane and lynch dead men.
247 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 14:32
Buy this game when it hits a sale! I'm pretty sure I got my copy for 99 cents which allowed me to buy a copy for my buddy to play. Easily one of the funniest cooperative experiences you'll throw yourselves into. Not sure about the single player aspect, I don't think it would be as enjoyable.
287 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 23:13
The game is good, I had a lot fun playing it. To be honest i liked all. And it was hilarious many times. I wish it were longer. The game is like short. But well, all was fine and a lot fun. A lot weapons too. So I recomend this game.
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 08:39
play only in HARD mode
321 Produkte im Account
130 Reviews
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 05:30
This is the dirtiest game I've ever played.
135 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 10:46
This game sucks. Play it.
1940 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 06:46
арт-дизайн и стиль игры очень классные. единственный минус, но он довольно жирный, - это плохая стрельба. пули зачастую летят сквозь головы врагов. последние уровни полны стрельбы на большие расстояния, и изза того, что стрельба немного кривая, в скором времени начинают бесить.
293 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 00:19
extremely based game
806 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 21:37
Just no.
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 19:58
best game ever that was ever made
191 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 02:31
Better than the first. A movie in video game format. Beauty can also be found in the mundane.
374 Produkte im Account
305 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 21:08
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible!


Kane and Lynch 2 is probably one of the most bland, repetitive, unrewarding and poorly designed games I have played in a long time (for a blockbuster release).

The way in which the stylised camera work was done (camcorder/CCTV) was cool in theory but after one or two cutscenes it just got incredibly annoying because it was completely overdone and therefore ruined the (already pretty bad) cutscenes.

The shooting is boring, repetitive and poorly implemented (which for a shooter game is a disaster). You either have the choice of spraying bullets and hoping to get that lucky head shot or you go for the (fairly rare) 1-shot kill sniper type weapons, either way it still takes way too long to kill the AI enemies. What's worse is that half the time, after emptying half a clip into them, the enemies end up getting back up and running off seemingly unscathed.

The cover system is also terrible. You tend to spend most of the time hidden behind the most solid and out of the way cover possible because if you don't, the enemy can hit you through just about anything, damaging you ridiculously fast and causing you to sit and wait for your health to replenish slowly before you dare pop another couple shots off.

The plot is also kind of a mess because it feels like you are getting thrown into it. Like when you start you don’t even really know what’s going on and then in the next mission you’re a bodyguard for a guy you don’t even know. At the end they jump on a plane after shooting lots of people and the credits roll. That's about the most interesting part of the story, so you try and work out what the other 75% of the game is. And yes, the credits probably account for about 25% of the gameplay time.

Subjectivly, I'd recommend staying from it as far as possible.
239 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 03:42
Kane and Lynch commit multiple war crimes in Shanghai
134 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 00:44
This is a cheap game with nice gameplay!
Lovely effects and camera
Just havent players on multiplayer mode
But very nice to play as co op with your friend
123 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 12:03
Kayne and Lynch... Where do you even start? The confusing story? The awful accuracy of weapons? the general lack of diversity across the missions? The rage you feel when you get obliterated by 40 swat team members aiming in on the door you are forced to walk through? Despite all this an overall fun experience if you share the pain with a friend. You will die of laughter from how dumb some elements are, but it's an enjoyable 3 hours. For $1 it's a steal.
390 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 00:25
kane tajkes a long drago f his cigarette, staring out at the shanghai sky line. .... its just another gosh darn dog day....
93 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 23:03
33 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 01:30
played as lynch made me understand being a pychopath
60 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 19:53
576 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 19:21
It's not a game it's an experience
like those videos on leak, vid shaky cam
explosions and gunfire, and it's very short
which is nice and was worth all of the 0.99 on sale
so there is that also soundtrack is pretty cool, short tho
17 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 19:26
fun but nothing too great
351 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 15:23
There are almost no redeeming qualities about this game. The controls are bad, the story is bad, the gunplay is terrible and the cover system is almost pointless. Every gun feels like firing a BB gun and they all pretty much do the same thing. The cover system is glitchy and enemies constantly shoot you through cover anyways. The enemy AI bullet sponges and they just spawn in lots of them to make it seem more difficult. There is no real melee mode so when an enemy comes too close it's difficult to get them in your sights as the aiming is just also really bad.

I'm sure that people will say that this is more fun in co-op, and I believe that it could be (as the AI is pretty useless), but I don't want to subject my friends to this game in all honesty.
196 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 21:25
This fooking sheit can be good for 1h under 2 circumstances:
  • If it's 1$ or less.
  • Having a friend to share your pain with.
  • [/olist]
    Btw game can be beaten on normal in 3h.

    If you are still going to play it. Be ready for inaccurate guns and 10% chance for a blank screen.
    54 Produkte im Account
    33 Reviews
    257 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.05.21 21:33
    Visceral, way ahead of it's time and highly deserving of a remake
    330 Produkte im Account
    79 Reviews
    231 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.05.21 12:03
    Good game style but:
    positive points :
    + Good shelter during the conflict
    + Falling to the ground after being shot
    + Good start
    + A little realistic story
    cons :
    - The game camera just moves
    - Poor kinematics
    - Unreasonable frame drop
    My score for this game is 5/10
    1154 Produkte im Account
    82 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    49 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.05.21 13:54
    Only have 49 minutes because I had to play offline or else the game would crash.

    What a mess this game was.
    - Horrible Audio
    - Terrible aiming
    - The story was a borderline crime against humanity.
    - Just dont play it.

    Only played so I could uninstall afterwards knowing I beat it. And Im ashamed for that much.
    19 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    385 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.05.21 18:13
    the aesthetic's game is beatiful, the gameplay could be improved but i like it
    140 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    225 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.05.21 19:29
    Pain and Stench 2: dog sh*t
    719 Produkte im Account
    23 Reviews
    3427 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.04.21 03:15
    honestly, i expected a lot worse. not a rousing recommendation, i know, but this game is at least more interesting than, say, 'bulletstorm', which is far more polished but also far more execrable in its design & ideology. with 'kane & lynch 2' i feel like the developers at least tried to do something different but just couldn't stick the landing. the most interesting thing they do is imply the story might be a literal fever dream by kane; whether that's on purpose i can't say. it depends on whether the game actually thinks of itself as a michael mann film or is just pantomiming one for ironic effect.
    130 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    1962 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.04.21 07:48
    I have beat this game 4 times now, 3 times on extreme, I love suckering any person foolish enough to play this game with me to play on extreme, but my absolute love of this game diminished when after beating it on extreme the 3rd time, where I had laughed so much at my friend raging I had to piss, which I then proceeded to after beating the final level, soon after my room flooded and ruined many things....

    This game is an absolute recommended from me, just don't play on extreme unless it's to see your friends rage, because it's probably the best way to study the aspect of a humans soul slowly fleeting their body as they slowly spiral and devolve into insanity.
    97 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
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    451 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.04.21 04:35
    this game makes me want to contract malaria
    130 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    176 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.04.21 20:51
    this is the absolute worst game i have ever played in my entire life, the camera is shoved up your characters hole, if theres any sorta of light source on screen be prepared for giant beams of purple light, every cutscene theres a camera man following you or something and the gunplay is the worst thing ive ever experienced, literally a 2/10
    146 Produkte im Account
    36 Reviews
    248 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.04.21 07:13
    They should call this game kane and lynch dog shit days that's what I reckon this game should be called innit
    867 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    304 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.04.21 23:26
    No ending, but enjoyable coop, terrible if solo.
    20 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    5 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.04.21 17:08
    Four hours of running around, pop tarting, waiting for the strawberry jam to fall off the screen and shooting the same enemies over and over again. It's everything bad about mid two-thousands shooters crammed into a single game. Oh and it won't even start unless you disable your network adapter, which FYI, also breaks Steam's ability to track your play time. Do with that information what you will.

    Bad port. Bad game. Do not recommended.
    170 Produkte im Account
    26 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    326 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.04.21 04:01
    Camera simulates an earthquake while running. Least accurate firearms ever conceived. Half the levels look like ruins from Gears of War. Crashed twice on me and didn't count me having beaten three entire levels on co-op. Censored dangalangs in cutscene.
    167 Produkte im Account
    59 Reviews
    376 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.03.21 11:03
    Contrary to what many people say, I think Dog Days is not an awful game. It has difficult yet stylish mechanics which may be too demanding at first levels but once you get used to it, the game becomes truly entertaining.

    The story, on the other hand, is too short and there is no reason to play other modes. As a triple-A, it is a failure, but as a short and affordable action-pack, I think it deserves to be played at least once.
    17 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    716 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.03.21 23:09
    I like this game, it's a guilty pleasure. Playing it reminds you of simpler times when a game could just have a few mechanics instead of an entire book of systems and functions that usually are more stress than their worth. I love the the vhs effects, they make this game feel like It's an old film with someone following along and recording the events, farther immersing you in what's happening.

    The story isn't that deep, and it's just fine that way. It does it's job well enough. Majority of weapons are extremely inaccurate, but I also find that to be part of the fun. Due to that inaccuracy, you get to completely obliterate the environment while shooting enemies. Majority of the environment can be destroyed, and things get really fun in the end game when you have access to LMG's to use in a mostly glass office building.

    Combat is extremely brutal with quick times to kill for both you and enemies even on medium. Paired with the loud and powerful weapon sounds, visual effects, blood, blurred head shots, the game feels extremely gritty and realistic. I felt the desperation, I felt like I was there the entire time and I had to treat engagements and positioning like real life as all it often takes is a single mistake to die here. Imagine playing the Max Payne games without time slow, and that's kind of what I think this game seems like. It's a whole lot more grounded too because of that. I'm sad that we may never get a game as realistic as this due to how times have changed, but I'll surely be coming back from time to time to relax and enjoy the thrill ride offered here.

    My overall score is an 8.5. I do wish it were a bit longer, but what I got was worth the time and the shocking ride along with it. I could see myself paying $30 for it even though I picked it up on sale. Good fun if you got a couple of hours with nothing to do, there's no hero's here and no moving ending, things don't always work out the way you want them to... the wrong people get caught in the crossfire... like real life.
    357 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    850 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.03.21 01:26
    Like an aged wine, fine with time, shared with friends, poetry.

    an experience, an opportunity, a dream, a revolution.

    Indulge in luxury with Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
    37 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    375 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.03.21 23:29
    Short, sweet, and focused. Repetitive but not long enough to ever get boring. Super sick sense of style. Story is very basic, but it's never bad to say. If you're looking for a quick couple hours of neat visuals and fun game play you would probably enjoy this.
    159 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    292 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.02.21 04:46
    I bought two copies. One for me and one for a friend I intended on co-oping with for the story. Its a bit of a slogh at times and the camera can be a bit well unclear but Im under the impression the camera adds to the experience of seeing and the nastiness. Its kinda playing a game from a live leak viewer perspective. Its interesting. That being said if you cant handle the camera and perspective youre not gonna like the game. Worth the 4 bucks.
    255 Produkte im Account
    41 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    405 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.02.21 18:26

    Кейн и Линч 2: экстремальный обзор.

    *обзор относится к игре только на экстремальном уровне сложности, на другом уровне возможно игра представляет из себя что-то иное, однако маловероятно*

    Это худшая игра, в которую я когда-либо играл..
    Адевактного обзора не будет. Обычно я всегда сдержан и стараюсь не материться, но блядь.
    В этой игре плохо всё. Это не добротная интересная проверка способностей и навыков игроков, это не сложный и приятный челлендж, это помойный высер, где ваши здоровье и урон выкрутили на минимум, а здоровье и урон врагов - на максимум. Ебучая система укрытий смехотворна, за ними тебе наносится полный урон и они не выполняет никаких функций, нахуя они нужны? Иной раз даже до единственного укрытия добежать не успеваешь, так как ебучий предательский болт прилетит тебе в голову и отправит в пизду люцифера. Сюжета в игре нет, я бы написал сюжет лучше, да любой 10-летний мальчик с фикбука уже писал и пишет сюжеты в разы лучше, а в этой игре он, как и собственно говоря всё без исключения - просто сраное дерьмо, до которого игроку нет дела.
    Саундтрек в игре [strike]балдёжный[/strike] нихуёбышек, его просто нет. В главном меню играет, конечно, мелодичная китайский песенка, но в игре реально нет музыки, серьезно, просто нахуй нет, ну а зачем? Всем было поебать, когда они делали это плод любви вельзевула и слаанеша. В игре действительно нет ни одного позитивного момента, при том, что сама игра делалась в подзалупных сортирах ебучего сатаны. Баги, хуяги, вылеты, краши, загрузки, хуюзки, все в игре вызывает отвращение и ненависеть. Ее не просто невозможно полюбить, ее нельзя не ненавидеть. В нее противно, убого и уебански играть. Я потратил на эту игру 24 рубля, и никогда не думал, что скажу подобное, но для этой игры эта цена слишком высока. Ее вообще нельзя продавать. Ее нужно запретить на законодательном уровне.

    Это не игра, это смертопиздецкая облямудевшаяпиздопроушина. Это сраный многопиздоблядун, это падловый трипиздопроскотложец, триперданутая просволота, многоебошлюхская многопиздопропадла, гандоноскотская триссака, пиздопроговенная хуепропадла, промудоватая задрочила, многоебучий хуеплёт, выпердоватое пердопромудище, пердомудоватый задрочепидер, высраная сволотосука, дрочепропердоватая манда, говнозалупский блядок, залупский простервопрохерун, просволотопрохуевое задрочепрогнидище, триговногнойная трипиздопроманда, подзалупная перхоть и просто ссаное говнодерьмище. Я ненавижу эту игру. Серьезно,

    нахуй эту игру.

    46 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    209 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.02.21 19:56
    This game has been the most traumatizing game I have ever played. This game had me take 2 months to get past the story mode because of how cringey and bad it was. The cameraman constantly behind you, documenting how Kane and Lynch's Chinese life is and how bad their story is. Plz Plz release uncensoring patch :3
    332 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    326 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.02.21 22:45
    has bad reviews for the same reason a snuff film would have a low imdb rating
    14 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    237 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.02.21 12:03
    its ok
    184 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    247 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.02.21 06:32
    Like any good piece of art, it is not for everyone. This kind of vision is usually restricted to small authoral indie games, so hats off to the developers and publishers to release this unique gem. Savage.
    79 Produkte im Account
    22 Reviews
    7142 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.01.21 02:45
    great story fast gameplay and settings to turn off lenseflares and shake cam
    also join the steam group kane and lynch 2 ressurection to find multiplayer games,
    668 Produkte im Account
    33 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    113 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.01.21 08:17
    253 Produkte im Account
    104 Reviews
    332 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.01.21 22:58
    Kane and Lynch 2 - Dog Days

    - feels like you're playing in a movie
    - low specs
    - nice gameplay [nothing special]

    - bit buggy
    45 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    442 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.01.21 13:11
    The artistic direction is amazing and the atmosphere is really authentic. I grew up in China and the game really brought me back.

    111 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    691 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.01.21 13:32
    a great offline and online co-op with friends experience, witch really strong aesthetics. i will recommend it 100% specially if it's on sale.
    205 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    21 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.01.21 01:15
    Please throw your money in a dumpster fire it would be a better use of both your wallet and time. Dear god.
    128 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    192 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.01.21 04:57
    2419 Produkte im Account
    103 Reviews
    2487 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.01.21 17:15
    Little improvement compared to the first episode, the game seems solid (never crashed one single time) the graphics are better, the campaign is a bit longer, altough you not have to expect a rich story, this game is 90% shooting and 10% plot, the fights are nice enough and pleasant, the combat system is decent but there is a big flaw, the cover system is terrible, in all games i've played when you're under cover you are sort of immune, in this game not, also when under cover you can be hit by bullets according where you decide to cover yourself, luckily you too are able to hit enemies under cover if you aim in the right spot.
    The hardest difficulty (Extreme) is not challenging it's just extremely frustrating, it could have been made a little better.

    This could have been a good single player game but seems to me that developers preferred pushing on the multiplayer aspect and you can see just by the achievements that will deny a single player fun achieving experience also considering that multiplayer is dead unless you've your loyal friends to play with.
    Overall a funny shooter that will give you few dozen of hours of fun, recommended to fps lovers but casual players better choose an average difficulty if they want to have fun.

    My Final Score is

    78% /100

    448 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    228 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.12.20 19:35
    This game is like c*ck and ball torture but without the c*ck and ball part.
    14 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    392 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.12.20 12:02
    ---{Graphics}--- 7/10
    ☐ Masterpiece
    ☐ Beautiful
    ☐ Good
    ☑ Decent
    ☐ Will do
    ☐ Bad
    ☐ Awful
    ☐ Paint.exe

    ---{Gameplay}--- 6/10
    ☐ Try not to get addicted
    ☐ Very good
    ☐ Good
    ☑ Nothing special
    ☐ Ugh
    ☐ Bad
    ☐ Unbearable

    ---{Audio}--- 7/10
    ☐ Excellent
    ☐ Very good
    ☑ Good
    ☐ Decent
    ☐ Not too bad
    ☐ Bad
    ☐ Ear rape

    ---{Audience}--- 5/10
    ☐ Kids
    ☐ Teens
    ☑ Adults
    ☐ Everyone

    ---{PC Requirements}--- 8/10
    ☐ Check if you can run paint
    ☑ Potato
    ☐ Decent
    ☐ Fast
    ☐ Rich boi
    ☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

    ☐ Doesn't have (Not counting historical stuff)
    ☐ Something isn't nothing I guess
    ☐ Not great
    ☑ Average
    ☐ Good
    ☐ Lovely

    ---{Game Time}---7/10
    ☐ Long enough for a cup of tea
    ☐ Short
    ☑ Average
    ☐ Long
    ☐ Depends on u
    ☐ Playing the whole game in one sit

    ---{Price}--- 7/10
    ☐ Just buy it
    ☐ Worth the price
    ☑ Wait for sale
    ☐ Maybe if u have some spare money left
    ☐ Not recommended
    ☐ Don't throw money into a trash can

    ☐ Never had any
    ☐ Minor bugs
    ☑ Few bugs
    ☐ Can get annoying
    ☐ Ruining the game
    ☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

    I recommend this Game ★★★
    Note: Those reviews are based on my opinions :)
    391 Produkte im Account
    187 Reviews
    275 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.12.20 13:54
    52 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    577 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.12.20 21:15
    One of the best games I ever played. And I keep coming back to it over the years. Great game, love the settings, atmosphere and sound effects. I love it.
    376 Produkte im Account
    30 Reviews
    262 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.12.20 20:46
    Player disempowerment at its finest, fantastic attention to world/flavor building.
    Play with a friend & keep the shaky cam on.
    194 Produkte im Account
    35 Reviews
    384 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.12.20 11:27
    Let's Describe it...
    (+) Positive Point
    1.Average Story
    2. Arcade Heist Mode Is Awesome
    3. Good saving progress ( Better than 1st one)
    4. Double Action ( Every mission you are gonna face an army)

    (-) Negative Point
    1. Not so good Graphics ( 1st one was better than this)
    2. Multiplayer Totally Dead ( Don't buy the DLC skins , Its not worth . Not anymore)
    3. Weapon Accuracy is not so good. (1st one has great aiming system)

    TOTAL VERDICT : Its good for story and arcade heist mode , but bad for multiplayer. Purchase the main game , but don't purchase the DLC . This game playable on low specs pc . Total Game Rating 5.5 / 10 .
    57 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    3865 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.12.20 11:06
    Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days - A misunderstood masterpiece

    Dog Days, Follows the perspective of self medicated, schizophrenic, psychopath James Seth Lynch (or Lynch for short) and ex-mercenary Adam Kane Marcus (or Kane for short) and their attempt at a ‘Last Job’ so they can finally settle down and get out of the game for good. Lynch has been working for a criminal businessman who goes by the name Glazer, since the events of the previous game. Glazer has a big arms deal planned that will pay enough to put Lynch into retirement. To aid the deal Lynch calls Kane knowing his expertise will more than help if things go south.

    It’s easy to call Kane and Lynchs’ story a generic one but people often overlook it and fail to see what makes it brilliant. IGN Australia called the game ‘One of the most atmospheric and intense shooters of 2010’ and that is mainly down to it’s story. The game has these cinematic, movie moments that never feel over the top but intense! The game has many moments like this that keep you on the edge of your seat, you feel powerful and ready to take on the next level and absolutely obliterate anyone or anything that stands in your way. It’s this kind of extreme and intense action that many shooters today lack and it’s what makes Kane and Lynch so unique and fun to this day! Additionally, the whole visual representation of the game and sounds only make it feel that much more real! But more on that later.

    Characters in Dog Days are very well thought out and are brilliant representations of the ghastly, dark underground they are a part of. Fueled by hate, anger and dreadful pasts these characters are the epitome of greed and what we would define as a genuinely bad person. It’s rare in a game we get to play as the anti hero as we are normally saving the day or killing for a good. In Dog Days you play as two inhumane people who kill to benefit nobody but themselves and take lives without a second thought. Although, on the outside we see these two murderous psychopaths on a non stop killing spree we sometimes see a more ‘Human’ side to them. Like when Lynch breaks down about Xuis’ death in the TV store. Kane stands up and expresses the same form of regret for the events of the past two days and how he feels he needs this for the sake of him and his daughters relationship and encourages him to keep fighting. I wish we had more moments like this in the game as it makes us feel sorry for Kane and Lynch when we really shouldn't and many games fail to create this same feeling for such bad characters.

    Guns in Dog Days is another area where the devs tried to innovate and I commend them for this. The recoil on these guns is really realistic and satisfying to master. Not only does this add a whole new level of intensity to gunfights especially in higher difficulty levels but it also adds a level strategy to other areas such as multiplayer, but that’s a topic for later. Additionally, change made from the previous game is that there is now a dedicated button for taking cover and it works really well. Cover animations are smooth and traversing in and out of cover also feels really good. The game lacks a close quarters combat system and instead replaces it with ‘Taking A Human Shield’ which also looks awesome and is more than enough to keep me more than satisfied. Furthermore, dog days level design is narrow and very linear but it plays this as one of it’s strengths keeping gun fights action packed, up in your face and extremely intense! These normally take place in ally ways and market places and are super fun to run and gun your way through.

    BUT..where Dog Days truly shines is in its bold visual style

    Dog Days is presented as though it’s a crappy college documentary being filmed on your mum's old handycam she used for home videos. The result? A unique, innovative, aesthetic and visually pleasing art style that never fails to take my breath away. Neon lights are thrown on top of humongous skyscrapers that illuminate the night sky and loom above the player, almost belittling them. You’re stuck in the vile slums of Shanghai run by wannabe psycho gangstas and overshadowed by big money hungry corporations and corrupt government officials like shangsi himself. Despite this filthy setting Dog Days still manages to look absolutely beautiful in run down, abandoned industrial areas and back alleyways in poverty stricken areas. High attention to detail brings the game world to life and makes you feel as though you really are in Shanghai, from washing lines hanging peoples clothing on the buildings above to knock off phones and laptops in breakable display cases in small market places. Shanghai really feels inhabited and it’s the small details like this that really immerse the player and draw them into this gorgeous looking game even by today's standards.

    Another incredibly fun and innovative feature that Dog Days handycam style brings is the ‘Shaky Cam’ YouTubers such as DX and many reviewers have hated on this feature and made many complaints. While this feature seems bizarre it only increases how much this game feels like it's got that crappy handycam artstyle going for it. It really makes me feel as though I am chasing Brady in the opening sequence or charging towards cover. It’s a really good feature that I commend IO for doing and it’s such a shame that people decided it was rubbish instead of trying to enjoy it. Although, one thing DX forgot to mention is that this feature can be switched off via the settings menu. People often give out false information about this game and miss features such as that, making the game seem like an ugly mess.

    Cutscenes also stay true to this ‘Shaky Cam’ style although there is some criticism due. While the cutscenes still look gorgeous and carry over those small details and aesthetics mentioned earlier there's criticism due here. The camera can be constantly shaking in some cutscenes and it's hard to really focus on one specific detail when the camera is swinging all over the place in certain scenes. Although, I find that to be a minor annoyance that only occurs from time to time more than a constant head baninging issue. With that criticism out the way cutscenes do feel natural and still help bring Shanghai to life with the camera man walking behind Kane and Lynch as they go past people leaving their homes or closing their stores.

    Another cool thing the game does is during its loading screens. Loading screens are set up like mini cutscenes with small pictures almost acting like frames from a video popping up all over the place with pictures of the level and cool screenshots. Not to mention it sets the stage for the level with phone calls normally from Lynch trying to contact Xui or speaking to Glazer. They're really interesting and fun to listen to and it's a great way to introduce a player to the level or catch them up with the story.

    A quick note to, the OST in this game is amazing. The smooth, soothing music and upbeat pop playing from mono radios scattered accross levels really brings Shanghai to life and I listen to this OST from home or when I'm out, not just while I'm playing the game.

    Dog Days has a small selection of multiplayer games you can play but it more than makes up for it with how fun it is. Online matches are fast paced, intense and super fun! Undercover Cop is my personal favourite as you don't know who, when and how somebody might try to complete their mission and kill everybody. You keep your distance and try to survive and it only gets even more fun if somebody turns and a massive shootout goes down!

    Honestly, I cant tell you how many hours I've spent playing this on 360, PS3 and now PC. It's silly how it's become a trend to hate on such an amazing game with such an amazing community and I wish we could see a follow up. 10/10 would recommend anytime to anyone

    https://discord.gg/BX4tK86 (Join for K&L multiplayer games)

    698 Produkte im Account
    51 Reviews
    226 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.11.20 04:25
    Camera shaking like a worldstar hiphop clip, can't cap tho, it made me laugh so it's worth the buck it cost
    1126 Produkte im Account
    17 Reviews
    3810 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.11.20 18:29
    Good Game, hopefully a 3rd one comes out.
    136 Produkte im Account
    88 Reviews
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    129 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.11.20 15:17
    *SIGH* Frankly, this game ain't that bad, but hear me out! It's 90% off until November 25th so...*AHEM*, I gotta explain a lot of sh!t that is necessary to be detailed and explained so...here it is. Here's my F@#K!NG review on Eidos last game before it gets bought by the Japs Square Enix, because Final Fantasy f@#k!ng rules back in 2010.

    Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is a sequel to K&L: Dead Men. The story follows the same two dipsh!ts in the game title, explaining after accidentally killing a government daughter during a gang war, the two got pursued by endless groups of Cops, Hitman, Gangster and many many more, until you are a dead f@#k!ng cunt.

    Now, here's what I like. The gameplay is a bit improved, from cover system, weapon ammunition and enemy doesn't acted a bit retarded (well, not entirely, but....somewhat). It has a visual of a Blair Witch Project cam-footage leak and LIVE documentary covered by MTV or CNN news or some sh!t. The lighting effect feels like a Noir film from John Woo to other cult-classic films that featured low-budget cinematic directions. Brian Bloom performance as Kane is impressive, along with the scene detailing of how under pressure his character is.

    NOW, the goddamn problem. There are some glitches/bugs that disappeared and so on as usual. However, the use of SHAKY CAM (which you can disable it on the Option menu), is f@#K!ng abysmal! IOI back in 2010 got a bit pussy because their old boss at Eidos pushes them with this sh!t idea, or was it IO failed experiment? It shouldn't have been existed, since people keep telling them to do Hitman, but whatever. My point is, it's technical issue is heavily the problem for the game. especially because of my shitty specs.

    In AMD A12 9720p / Radeon R7 / 12 COMPUTE CORES 4C+8G /w 12GB RAM, it does performs well between 28-30fps. However, it has a loading screen problem which takes about 4-8 minutes, regardless on how low it is. It bothers me a bit as the only tweaking solution is to go to the Option menu and set it all to LOW and then set it to HIGH again when in gameplay.

    As for Multiplayer, I haven't done it. So...I don't highly share a deep interest to it, but I might get around to it. However, for story, it does perform well on creating a dark-gritty crime thriller type of game.

    Grab it now before November 25th, 2020!

    104 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
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    23 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.11.20 13:24
    the worst experience I've ever had, the cam is so shaky and i almost through up because of it. i don't recommend that game at all, only if they fixed the cam issue.
    454 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    174 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.11.20 10:57
    this is the video game equivalent of paying a crazed drunk to punch you repeatedly in the face for 3 hours while screaming in your ear

    it was awful and i loved it
    142 Produkte im Account
    64 Reviews
    593 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.11.20 20:13
    The game overall is good. Nice graphics even after so much time, kinda good story but with time it gets a bit eh meh.
    It's better than Max Payne 3 for me at least.
    Style of the game is really nice, sometimes camera shaking is getting annoying but then you can turn it off in settings without any problems.
    Shooting feels a bit off, it's sometimes hard to hit target even while being closer to enemies.
    Could be better but still fun to play. Arcade mode is nice too. Sad that multiplayer is dead and no one plays co-op.
    617 Produkte im Account
    64 Reviews
    311 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.11.20 05:26
    a gritty game but a good reminder of how it doesn't take much to be a good third person shooter. this game certainly shines out as a diamond in the rough, but is also tough to love. The camera shakes a lot when you run, and although it does support ultra wide resolution, the FOV is terrible. However, i found that to be a bit charming and somewhat refreshing after a while of playing this game i was hooked! and then it ended, which was fine, too
    1098 Produkte im Account
    99 Reviews
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    480 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.10.20 10:59
    It's kind of like Army of Two, if Army of Two was abysmal.
    163 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    1448 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.10.20 19:54
    Real men keep steadycam disabled.
    47 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    425 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.10.20 21:50
    Absolute assault on the senses. Fun time.
    87 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    232 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.10.20 17:48
    this game is so bad. its story makes no sense, its characters are dull, and its gameplay is extremely lackluster at best. It also does not help that the visuals are very ugly.

    10/10 if you have a friend who is enough of an dick to buy you this game.
    323 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    1694 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.09.20 08:26
    lots of people seem to dislike this game, however if you're the kind of person like me that can overlook it's flaws, then you might enjoy this title. i really like the characters and tone of the story in this game, and honestly to me, the gameplay isn't too bad. to me it gets more frustrating to play on harder difficulties because the enemies seem to take more damage on those settings. even though I beat the game on hard, if you're playing it for the first time I'd recommend medium because the gameplay seems more balanced on medium. if you're into gritty crime stories, kane and lynch 2 dog days can be enjoyable if you let it.
    2032 Produkte im Account
    25 Reviews
    227 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.09.20 17:14
    Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is a sequel to the successful, though not perfect, shooter Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. She showed in full parade that there is no need to put a handsome positive in the lead role, because neither Kane nor Lynch are exactly handsome and not exemplary guys at all.

    You might think that after the first episode, our criminal duo Kane and Lynch will take a break from drug dealers, guns and criminals. Unfortunately, this did not happen and the very big crazy Lynch, around whom the whole story of the second part revolves, will go to Shanghai. We will soon find out that he did not come only on holiday when he plans a very risky event, in which, of course, there is money, drugs, weapons and local mobsters. Before the event, he had a good fight with his colleague Kan, but when he promises to help him a few million, from which he could sponsor his daughter, Kane nods and he is already flying to Shanghai too. However, Lynch is not exactly the type to think about, so his planned event has several large and small cracks, which will immediately manifest themselves. Thanks to this, our duo will become game not only for mobsters, but also for the local police. As you may already know, the main prime here will be the shootouts, which will take place in a total of ten levels. Unfortunately, this is not a large number, and believe me, the game took us about four hours of game time to complete the first game. This is a shame for the game like thunder.

    As for the gameplay itself, Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is a classic action shooter that takes inspiration from American action movies. Quite simply. You go through all 10 levels, but they are as linear as possible, with crowds of armed enemies. Your only task is to get through them at the end. At first, only similar bastards will keep you company, but later the police and in the second half of the game also special units that have bulletproof vests, but also better submachine guns. In order for you to succeed in the shootouts, the developers have added to the game even so popular today, which is really successful in the second part of Kane & Lynch. Your end is also very interesting. If you refuse to cover and you simply want to shoot the level, after a few hits, the character you control goes to the ground, while he has the opportunity to shoot everything from the ground, or quickly get up and run to safety. Anyway, if you don't get out of range of the bullets, you'll end up in a pool of blood soon. Thanks to the considerable linearity and constant skirmishes, the game has a really fast pace and you will really relax when you finish the game. Even thanks to the brutal pace, the game will definitely not let you go.

    Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is a hilarious action game that includes crazy shootouts full of violence and foul language. But in order to give a better mark, the game would have to be a bit longer, because less than four hours for the main campaign, that's a hell of a lot. Also, the game contains a fun Arcade mode and even the multiplayer is definitely not bad. But now the answer to the question of whether to buy or not. If you fell in love with the first part or you like purebred shooters, then definitely buy it.

    I personally rate the game 5/10


    + Literally a rough game
    + Cooperation mode
    + Multiplayer


    - Extremely short campaign
    - Too stereotypical
    - A simple story
    392 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    308 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.09.20 22:58
    The 2 stupidest and cruelest pieces of shit on the planet shoot up a city after creating the most avoidable problem of all time in a game designed to look like a liveleak cartel video. I loved it.
    86 Produkte im Account
    16 Reviews
    281 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.09.20 10:03
    Mutahar didnt like it so its good
    268 Produkte im Account
    94 Reviews
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    19 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.09.20 18:15
    It was way more enjoyable on ps3 when i was just 13. Not worth getting, even if it is for 99 cents.

    It crashes too often and i swear, even skyrim is more stable than this steaming pile of poo.
    658 Produkte im Account
    35 Reviews
    6 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.09.20 03:50
    This game is a hard recommend; it controls poorly and the story is way darker than you'd expect. The violence against women in particular can be hard to stomach, and if you don't want to see that, then I'd recommend you stay away. It can be very off-putting to experience. With that being said, if you can vibe with the game, then there's nothing quite like it. It is single-minded in its ugliness, down to its borderline unplayable camera (if I were to be honest, getting used to the shaky cam was a fun in of itself, in the same way Getting Over It is). The whole game is geared toward a vision, and it delivers the vision in spades. I'm not sure if every decision works (the aforementioned violence against women comes to mind) but its always a bold swing. In the AAA space, there's really nothing like it.
    142 Produkte im Account
    59 Reviews
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    135 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.09.20 15:41
    Its not terribly bad but just get max payne 3 instead maybe ?
    29 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
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    192 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.08.20 13:13
    Holy Shit... this game is so bad, i got this game for 1€ on sale and still wount reccomend u to buy it too, i feel bad if someone got that for full price...
    About the game:
    everything from the start of it was fucked up... moving screen or whatever is it? thanks god that it can be turned off, but then the Cutscenes...
    Multiplayer is dead.

    38 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
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    36 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.08.20 22:36
    One of, if not, the best expierences I've had in my 10 years of playing video games. The writing, graphics, and game play still hold up to this day. This game is one my top 7 best games of the 21st century. This game is such a big step ahead of the first one. I recommend this to anyone looking for a good story to play alone, or with co-op this is the game for you.
    366 Produkte im Account
    29 Reviews
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    41 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.08.20 23:57
    193 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    917 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.08.20 15:10
    One of the best games I've played.

    Although gameplay-wise it is completely unremarkable and arguably even bad, I think that thematically and aesthetically Kane and Lynch 2 far surpasses other properties within the medium of video games (especially relative to when it came out, which is almost 10 years ago). For as long as video games have existed, they have been little more than escapist, genre-fiction, power fantasy pieces of trash.

    Thematically, Kane and Lynch 2 is in direct opposition to this. It's ugly, brutal and uncompromising. It doesn't cater to the player on any level whatsoever. The camera is so shaky and shitty, that it might cause literal, physical nausea in the real world. The gunplay is so terrible you miss 80% of your shots despite having your crosshairs over the enemy. The protagonist aren't valiant heroes chosen to save world; they're violent retards who's constant lashing out lands them deeper and deeper in shit. At one point you even get tortured, and not in the valiant 'you'll never break my spirit!' sort of way; you're literally screaming, hoping some chink will stop cutting you up in the back of a Shanghai butchery. There is no catharsis at the end of the game either, it just gets worse and worse until it ends.
    It's completely antithetical to the manchild conception of video games that has completely pervaded the entire industry since day one. It also touches upon the realities of violence and by extension violence in video games; predating Spec Ops:The Line by 2 years which did the same in an infinitely more hamfisted way and somehow actually got praised for it.

    Aesthetically, it's also great. The liveleak-esque camera that pixelates when an explosion happens because of the shitty bitrate, the audio that blows out when something loud happens because of the shitty microphone, the censored head shots. The camera even bleeds over into the rest of the game like the loading screens which appear to be videos buffering, or the menus which appear to be casual home videos.

    Neon lit, back-alley, night time Shanghai is also great and based off of actual pictures the team took on location. The sound design is also great (at one point after the loudness of a shoot out that would give you tinnitus, you find yourself in a mostly silent parking lot and the only thing you can hear is the muffled music from the nightclub above you). Plus a soundtrack that starts out as Chinese pop and turns into ambient drone, some of the tracks being very disturbing and unsettling adding to the unbearable tension. The aesthetics actually feed into the themes of the game. Something I loved was the grey and claustrophobic feel of the game making a very uncanny environment as if you are trapped in some kind of nightmarish limbo.

    TL;DR: It's thematically mature, deals with a facet of human experience rarely dealt with in video games, deals with it in a way that is surprisingly subdued (relative to video games, compare it to something like Spec Ops which almost literally has text pop up on screen that says 'violence is bad, okay'). It's aesthetically unique and coherent, and not only that, these aesthetics tie into the thematic content of the game.
    129 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
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    281 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.08.20 23:34
    As interesting, artistically, as this game is, it does seem unpolished and rushed.
    You play as a GoPro, duct-taped to a dog, following the two main characters throughout their misadventures.

    The game isn't BAD, per se. Gunplay and shaky cam are common criticisms against this game and I can see why. The camera shakes and stumbles all over the place, like your alcoholic step-dad, and the crosshairs vaguely indicate the general direction you're shooting.
    But I believe it ties in with the grim story overall, which I'll be careful not to spoil for this 10 year old game.

    You're a nervous wreck with PTSD (and so is your character) and you're directly competing against the chinese police, special forces and military in a shooting contest where both parties are the opponents targets.
    You are surrounded by chaos, bullets are flying everywhere and you are obviously outmanned and outgunned. Methodically sniping everyone is out of the question, generally.
    As the game, helpfully, features many destructible covers, the solution is often to blast through everything between you and the enemy, as opposed to trying to shoot someone in the distance with the same accuracy you would have if you were to blow soap bubbles at them. Herein lies an issue, however; most weapons hold a very limited amount of ammunition and you could quickly find yourself empty in a rough spot if you keep blasting. My personal solution? Hide behind the nearest wall and, thanks to the 3rd person camera, shoot through any and all objects towards any enemies that you can see.

    Much like life, the game is a slog, save for one or two sections at the start and then it starts to pick up again towards the very end, where you get access to more substantial weaponry... until the story ends very abruptly with an unresolved plot.
    Much like this review.
    693 Produkte im Account
    161 Reviews
    194 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.08.20 13:36
    When you start playing Kane & Lynch 2 you might think this game is a mess. It has a nauseating shaky cam with too many effects that blurry your screen too often. It also comes with a mouse input lag which make the weapons less accurate than they should be. If you check the reviews, many players complained about these issues there. Luckily, there are settings and ways to fix these problems. Be warned that these fixes change the game massively. Play with default settings first and change the settings on your liking. With these fixes, Kane & Lynch 2 is an enjoyable weird action movie experience with your two favourite psychopaths.

    1. shaky cam
    Fix: options -> controls -> steadycam enabled

    2. weird screen blurrying effects
    Fix: options -> video - more settings -> fullscreen effects disabled

    3. mouse input lag
    Fix: a) turn off vsync in-game b) limit FPS with nvidia inspector
    37 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    262 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.07.20 03:00
    Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is a gritty, visceral masterpiece. This game is genius and we will never see a game like it ever again.
    786 Produkte im Account
    42 Reviews
    230 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.07.20 12:34
    It's only four hours long, but Kane & Lynch 2 is a must play because it might be the most artistically creative third person shooter to ever come out of a big studio.

    PS: Only cowards turn off shaky cam.
    327 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    385 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.07.20 19:16
    All I know is I wasn't bribed enough
    319 Produkte im Account
    249 Reviews
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    227 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.07.20 06:03
    An awesome title poorly executed, this is freedom fighters wearing a wife-beater.

    Graphically unique with it's camorderisque cinematics and dark tones and muted palates. While models are not bad to look at, it is an absolute sickening adventure with shaking ultra zoomed in camera angles through and through. You will be spewing chunks from one hour increments.

    Sound engine is lack luster even when you consider it's age.

    The Storyline is why this could even be considered, a great action packed thriller, I feel like I am watching an awesome version of diehard.

    Due to the nauseating experience I consistently had with this title, I cannot recommend this.
    335 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    404 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.07.20 19:57
    Kane & Lynch 2 muito provavelmente é o jogo mais experimental no mercado em sua geração, e ainda se mantém sendo um dos mais em 2020, 10 anos depois.

    Este jogo não pode ser julgado de forma normal, julga-lo como um jogo convencional é como julgar aspectos técnicos de um filme trash, ou como música instrumental noise.
    Não é intenção do desenvolvedor em trazer algo convencional e é equivocado julga-lo como um.

    Kane & Lynch 2 se destaca pela insanidade sem escrúpulos da narrativa refletida em todo aspecto da gameplay e no visual. É totalmente desconfortável e cansativo com a intenção de ser assim, um dia curto e ruim, um dia de cão.

    Dois homens brancos na China fazendo chacina, protegendo suas vidas sim, mas matando centenas de inocentes em fogo cruzado no caminho sem se importar.
    Duas pessoas ruins, que sofrem consequências brutais tão grandes quanto qualquer ato abominável que já tenham cometido antes. Um dia de cão de fato.

    Em gameplay seguiu a moda de sua geração, sendo mais genérico impossível. Corra, atira, se proteja e atira mais. E até nisso é quebrado e desconfortável tendo momentos frustrantes que o controle apesar de simples não funciona.
    Mas de novo, é a intenção, você está no controle de um doente mental esquizofrênico psicótico, estúpido e burro, que reflete não só na gameplay como também no visual.

    A camera do jogo sacode e treme e te deixam enjoado; o visual muda de resolução para 240p no meio da ação te impedindo de ver o que está acontecendo em meio ao caos; o contraste aumenta e diminui ao bem entender te deixando confuso se realmente as coisas são assim; reflexos fortes de luz atrapalham sua mira e te dão dor de cabeça; glitches bugam toda sua noção do que é ou não realidade.
    Tudo isso ao mesmo tempo criando um desconforto que apesar de ser um jogo curto de 5 horas tu deseja por terminar ele já exausto assim como os protagonistas.

    A coragem da IOI de desenvolver um jogo tão chocante em narrativa e experimental na gameplay publicado por uma empresa grande como a SquareEnix é de tamanha loucura como Yoko Taro em Drakengard no PlayStation 2.

    Vale muitíssimo a pena pela experiência incrível e marcante de se afundar na cabeça de psicóticos como Kane e Lynch. Jogue, e se possível o primeiro também. São baratos e sim, curtos, mas que marcam por muito tempo.
    218 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    731 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.07.20 22:48
    thinking man's game disguised as dregs. garish and nauseating veneer in an oversaturated genre hides a subtle game with a lot to say. play it now before the youtube essayists get their hands on it

    EDIT: lots of comments are centered around disgust with the game's camera filter and presentation - they suggest turning on steadycam, but this is a huge betrayal of the game's intent, tone, and thematic premise. leave the filter on as is. not only is the game's difficulty balanced around it (which many seem to have frustratingly missed in critical appraisal of the title), but this stylistic choice is the game's bread and butter. postmodernist commentary on the genre, on the nature of illicit content in an emerging digital age, and on urban alienation
    326 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    286 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.06.20 19:03
    Say what you want about Kane & Lynch 2, but it is most certainly a sequel to Kane & Lynch 1
    47 Produkte im Account
    15 Reviews
    360 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.06.20 12:48
    Decent storyline, great arcade mode-- just hate the camera movement :)
    380 Produkte im Account
    39 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    298 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.06.20 19:40
    - Masterpiece
    - Beautiful
    - Good
    - Decent
    ✔ Will do
    - Bad
    - Awful

    - Try not to get addicted
    - Very good
    - Good
    - Nothing special
    - Ehh
    - Bad
    ✔ Awful

    - Eargasm
    - Very good
    - Good
    - Decent
    ✔ Not too bad
    - Bad
    - Earrape

    ---{PC Requirements}---
    - Check if you can run the calculator program
    - Potato
    ✔ Minimum
    - Decent
    - Fast
    - Rich boy

    - Just press some buttons
    ✔ Easy
    - Significant brain usage
    - Easy to learn / Hard to master
    - Not so easy
    - Difficult
    - Dark Souls

    - Epic
    - Lovley
    - Good
    - Average
    ✔ Not great
    - Better than nothing i suppose...
    - Doesnt have

    ---{Game Time}---
    - Endless
    - Very Long
    - Long
    - Depends on you
    - Not too short
    ✔ Short
    - Long enough for a cup of tea

    - Buy now
    - Consider to buy it
    - Worth the price
    - Wait for sale
    ✔ Maybe if you have some spare money left
    - Do not buy it
    - Do not throw money into a trash can

    ✔ Never had any
    - Minor bugs
    - Few bugs
    - Some bugs
    - Can get annoying
    - Ruining the game
    - The game itself is a bug
    467 Produkte im Account
    38 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    201 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.06.20 02:07
    There wasn't a single moment in this horrendous onslaught of colour and sound that I even mildly understood what was happening. Holy fuck please don't play this
    344 Produkte im Account
    15 Reviews
    3837 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.06.20 05:58
    I don't know if I'd call this a great game but I think it is really, really good if you are in the right mood. The action is pretty solid, the graphics are dirty and rough in a way that I would expect a story like this to represent, and overall the story is pretty solid. It's a really gritty shitty crime movie.

    All that said: I really like this game. It's a fun romp through a crime movie/drama that I really enjoy. The combat is good and the story gives me just enough to continue. I like what IO tried to do here and wish more companies would try to do similar things.
    1417 Produkte im Account
    92 Reviews
    104 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.05.20 15:03
    This is a straight forward shooter. You have to use cover, you have to manage two weapons and switch with weapons of your enemies depending on ammunition problems.
    The graphics are good enough even in 2020 to play it, the graphics of the videos are really good, the story is not bad, the shooting is fun.

    But: it is just a bit boring if you have played games like the three Mafias or Saints Row games or GTA games.

    Not a bad game, but not worth my time. Still a thumbs up recommendation because I like what IS there.
    351 Produkte im Account
    137 Reviews
    125 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.05.20 12:21
    Interesting, how much of a difference a clever artistic choice can make for a poor game.

    Don't get me wrong, Kayne & Lynch 2 is still an extremely boring wack-a-mole cover-based shooting range affair, just like the first one - with no difference between weapons or enemies; where difficulty is achieved by a dozen hit-scan-weapon-armed goons shooting you at once. The main characters are still intentionally unlikeable, hollow and can be boiled down to 'looney' stereotype and 'gritty professional' stereotype.

    But the visual effects are just so good and so unique! The shaky pseudo-hand-held cheap almost non-functional camera effect - both in cutscenes and in gameplay - really immerses you into the experience.

    I can't help but give this game a thumbs up because its special effect and cutscene artists are magicians.
    313 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
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    329 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.04.20 04:30
    Sub par action shooter. Story's pretty bland. Game play can be frustrating due to enemies seemingly having more accuracy than you, and acting like bullet sponges. Not as immersive as Just Cause, Watch_Dogs and the GTA series.

    Don't really recommend it when there's more fun, immersive and less frustrating games out there.
    326 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
    473 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.04.20 16:10
    Gmae good ????
    60 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    183 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.04.20 22:42
    I love it too. You know, you can get your head washed and a shag for 50 Yuan. Bloody brilliant. I'll take you out some time
    1039 Produkte im Account
    61 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    741 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.04.20 15:39
    Extreme was the worst decision of my life
    223 Produkte im Account
    32 Reviews
    818 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.03.20 21:49
    Tips on how to make this game less cancer.

    - Turn on steady cam

    - Turn off Fullscreen Effects

    But if you use dual monitor, F. The 2nd monitor will always go black when booting up and playing this game.

    Very good game, loved it on the Xbox. Played it last year on stream doing co-op and it was fine but now the black screen for 2nd monitor screws me. Still, a very fun game especially in co-op and the MP is hours of fun when you get a good lobby going.
    17 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
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    117 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.03.20 05:03
    Garbage game. What kind of drugs do you have to be on to enjoy this game, I have no idea.
    76 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    1348 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.03.20 22:43
    it's going to be a rough ride, and you'll be one of the only idiots to buy this game, but it's a damn good shitty ride, the best shitty game out there, great story where there is no good guy, and the camera that gives anyone nausea. It's great, get it.
    337 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    347 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.03.20 02:53
    0.0/10 i mean, its not a game, its freaking art!!!
    185 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
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    24 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.03.20 21:35
    Made my eyes hurt.
    139 Produkte im Account
    26 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    34 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.03.20 21:19
    absolute shit excuse of a game
    81 Produkte im Account
    20 Reviews
    835 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.03.20 01:43

    ★ ★ ★ ★ 伏天 NAUSEATINGLY GOOD

    First time playing this in 2020, realizing this game isn't for everyone
    [spoiler] and it doesn't really give a f@&# about it either[/spoiler]
    If you want to be trapped in a dark and gritty, neon-nightmare, with two sleepless and stressed out fellas on the edge of total insanity, whose journey only gets deeper into the highly atmospheric underground hellholes of Shanghai, with a constant flow of panic-fueled, loud and intense shootouts, where the violence is raw and unglamorized, seen trough the lens of a first generation, handheld recording Android Cupcake ⬤ which makes the anxious urban landscape seem even more chaotic, with dozens of glaring flares and dropouts ▶ then this game is exactly what you're looking for. You'll realize, this wasn't meant to be enjoyed, but rather to give you a feeling of being trapped, surrounded by noise, chaos and violence, longing for an escape.

    [spoiler]One could only hope for a well deserving threequel, with a continuation of the complicated companionship of these two f?#!ed up charactars[/spoiler]

    While it may fall short on some technical aspects, the rather short experience sends a clear message; Play it for what it is; A highly digitally stylized, action-packed non-stop shooting spree, filled with mature violence and destruction, with an outstanding story and voice acting, meant to be played on stupidly high volume and on Extreme difficulty [spoiler]just like I did, and you too would anxiously understand, that staying in this f%#&ing hellishly haunted trip one more minute, would be torturous [/spoiler]
    419 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    278 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.02.20 00:27
    Most realistic shooter I've experienced. Gunplay, realistic, story, full of gritty realism. overall, realistic.
    252 Produkte im Account
    22 Reviews
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    202 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.01.20 20:35
    Short shitty game, but the visuals are pretty good.
    287 Produkte im Account
    32 Reviews
    206 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.12.19 23:27
    Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days is a AAA title that is physically unpleasant to play. Millions of dollars were put into this to assault the player's sight and hearing. It has been carefully made to look like everything - cutscenes, gameplay, main menu - were shot from a phone camera. Lighting artifacts and sound compression accompany constant shakycam and refocusing as you gun down gangbangers and police in disgusting backalleys, neon streetsigns leering over you. The soundtrack is never more than ominous droning with very faint echoes of Chinese pop songs. Lynch will ramble to himself constantly as you try and line up a headshot. I had to stop every 45 minutes or so because I got too motion sick.

    There has never been a game before with this aesthetic and I don't think there ever will be again. It is regularly less than a dollar in sales, pick it up if ya like to party.
    Logo for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
    Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
    61.37% 1970 1240
    Release:20.08.2010 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: IO Interactive Vertrieb: Eidos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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