Jurassic World Evolution
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Über das Spiel

Erschaffe dank neuester Biotechnologien echte Dinosaurier, die denken, fühlen und selbstständig auf ihre Umwelt reagieren können. Spiele mit den Mechanismen des Lebens, um deinen Dinosauriern einzigartige Verhaltensmuster, Merkmale und ein eigenes Aussehen zu geben. Erziele mit ihnen Gewinne, um mit dem Geld weltweit nach neuer, unentdeckter Dinosaurier-DNA suchen zu können.
Behalte den Überblick dank umfangreicher Werkzeuge zur strategischen Inselverwaltung oder greife selbst direkt am Ort des Geschehens ein. Erweitere deine Inseln und nimm dein Schicksal selbst in die Hand in dieser brandneuen Geschichte voller bekannter Charaktere aus dem Jurassic-Universum.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i5-2300/AMD FX-4300
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 (Legacy GPU: GeForce GTX 660) / AMD Radeon 7850 (2GB)
- Software: Windows 7 (SP1+)/8.1/10 64bit
- HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Japanisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i7-4770/AMD FX-8350
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 / AMD RX 480
- RAM: 12 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 7 (SP1+)/8.1/10 64bit
- HD: 12 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Japanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
3264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 20:12
- Gives you a nice Jurassic feeling through atmosphere and design
- Dinosaurs look great and are well animated (37 in base game 42 with deluxe, additional Dinos in DLCs)
- This game has a nice campaign which I enjoy even more than that of the sucessor
- The soundtrack is fantastic
- The graphics are great for the year it released in
- I personally liked the division mechanics and the power management
- The developer cares about the fanbase and fixed a lot of issues with free content
- Storms have either a minor or a big impact on your park
- Not very much management options
- You only need 3 core buildings to finish the campaign, might be a dealbreaker for management fans
- Once you reach a certain point you swim in money
- lacks decorations, so I cannot recommend for highly creative park building fans
- DLCs are rather expensive but have great content
- in order to have everything in sandbox you have to finish the campaign
Since there is already a sequel which is a lot better in most regards I would rather save my money for that. For people who rather want extreme creative freedom and dinosaurs look up prehistoric kingdom on steam.
I hope this review is helpful for all who are undecided.
9951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 12:01
Atmosphäre stimmt auch.
Entwicklung und Forschung fühlt sich aber nach Mobile-Game an.
Man kann schöne Parks erstellen ist aber limitiert im Vergleich zu anderen Aufbauspielen.
Hatte aber meinen Spass mit dem Spiel auch wenn die Herausforderung fehlt.
976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 13:54
Es ist ein sehr schönes Spiel mit tollem Design, schöne Musik und guten Synchronsprechern. Man hat immer etwas zutun, so wird einem nicht langweilig. Gutes Aufbau-Spiel und besonders für Dino-Liebhaber und Fans der Jurassic Park-Filmreihe ein Muss.
640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 08:17
3841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 01:09
17895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 17:02
Nicht Empfohlen
1898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 15:47
I was expecting something more like Theme Park or Rollercoaster Tycoon. But it's neither of those. In Rollercoaster Tycoon you had at least the possibility to build exciting roller coasters, here the challenge is limited to putting big, clumsy buildings in a small space. This also prevents the beautiful construction. Unfortunately, the buildings are not nicely animated either. It is more fun to watch a butcher at work in Anno 1800, even if you are a vegan.
The economic simulation is also not challenging, you already make profit with the first two dinosaurs (one alone is lonely).
Compared to Theme Park, the fun is simply missing. Just watching the dinosaurs quickly becomes monotonous (eating, sleeping, strolling around, repeating). Otherwise, much of the game is limited to waiting:
-Build first enclosure
-Hatching the first dinosaur eggs
-Wait for dinosaurs to hatch
-Releasing dinosaurs
-Waiting for enough money
-Construct most important operational buildings
-Send out expedition for dinosaur fossils
-Wait for expedition to return (2 minutes)
-commission DNA extraction
-Wait for DNA extraction (about 30 seconds per fossil)
-commission research
-Wait for research to be completed
-Wake up every five minutes and refill the feeding stations for the dinosaurs.
One reviewer here wrote that it feels more like a mobile game and that's how I feel about it. However, without the option of using real money to speed up the processes and for once that is not an advantage here.
1036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 08:12
Toll und vollständig wird es erst wenn man die ganzen DLC´s kauft,
diese DLC Politik ist das letzte
6256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 00:50
Nicht nur das wie gesagt die Grafik wunderschön ist, die Animationen der Saurier alles echt aussehen lassen und auch sonnst alles verdammt gut aussieht.
Man kann sich hinters Steuer setzen und mit den Fahrzeugen durch die Gegend fahren bzw. Fliegen.
Aussichtspunkte genießen zieht einen oftmals vom eigentlichen Spiel ab.
Dino Gefahren selber zu erledigen indem man zum Gewehr greift gibt einen noch ordentlich Adrenalin hinzu.
Jetzt wo man seit dem neuesten Update auch noch Flairs einsetzen kann um Dino Gefahren abzulenken damit man selber nicht in Gefahr läuft macht alles noch viel Interessanter. Und ganz Ehrlich, einen T-Rex anrasen zu sehen der im Park gerade Besucher als Häppchen vernascht und dann dich sieht und auf dich zu rennt hat was ganz eigenes und gibt es nur hier.
Dieses Spiel ist ein must have! Jeder sollte es gespielt haben.
Selbst die DLC's lohnen sich. Eigenständige Kampagnen oder neue Saurier. Wirklich Atemberaubend!
520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 12:55
Und diesen Erfolg gibt es tatsächlich!
Das Spiel ist deutlich anders als ich erwartet hatte. Es ist kein Parkmanager mit knuddeligen Dinos, bei dem es lediglich gilt die Imbisbuden richtig zu platzieren. Das Spiel ist viel mehr ein Mix aus Strategie, Action und Management.
Dabei fängt es so harmlos an. Man schickt seine Ausgrabungsteams durch die Welt, analysiert DNA-Proben und brütet einige Dino aus. Diese streunen durch ihre Gehege, werden von neugierigen Besucher begafft und spüllen Geld in die Kasse.
So weit so gut.
Aber dann lass mal das Wetter schlecht werden oder noch schlimmer, einem Dino schmeckt das Essen nicht. Dann reißen sie die Zäunde nieder, verspeisen Besucher (geht echt ins Geld) und alles geht den Bach runter. Natürlich läßt sich die Situation durch den beherzten Einsatz von Hubschraubern, Schusswaffen und Elektrozäunen regeln. Zumindest solange, bis das nächste Viech meint, ausbüchsen zu müssen.
Das macht insgesamt durchaus Spaß, aber es kann auch sehr schnell nervig werden. Besonders dann, wenn man einfach nicht weiß, warum die Dinos immer wieder durchdrehen. Irgendwo gibt es ein verstecktes Menü in dem die Bedürfnisse stehen, aber da diese bei jeder Spezies anders sind, braucht es am Anfang viel Geduld, um die richtige Mischung aus Dinos, Landschaft, Spielgefährten und Größe des Geheges zu ermitteln. Aber selbst das reicht nicht aus, wenn bei der ersten Regenwolke am Himmel alle durchdrehen. Haben so große Dinosaurier wirklich Angst vor schlechtem Wetter?
Insgesamt hat mir das Spiel ganz gut gefallen. Es enthält viele frische Ideen, die das Parkmanagement erheblich bereichern und beleben.
Kann man eigentlich seine Dinos auch nur mit Besuchern füttern?
2868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 15:41
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 20:20
Im Sale für 5€ okay aber mehr? Das muss jeder für sich entscheiden.
Nicht Empfohlen
851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 10:15
auch wenn das Spiel grafisch einfach wunderschön ist, ist es doch nicht das was man sich erhofft hat.
Ich gebe dir einfach mal eine kurze Auflistung meiner Erfahrungen
Negative Punkte:
-Du baust einen Dino-Vergnügungspark aber kannst keinen Kredit aufnehmen?
Auch wenn du ins Minus gehen kannst, kannst du keine Kredite aufnehmen oder bauen wenn du im Minus bist. Du bekommst sogar wieder Geld zurück indem du Gebäude abreißt. Ich weiß ja nicht wie es bei dir aussieht aber normalerweise bezahlt mich kein Abrissunternehmen dafür das es meine Bauwerke abreißen darf.
Statt also Kredite auf zu nehmen musst du anfangs ewig warten, denn die Eintrittspreise kannst du auch nicht anheben und viel nimmst du mit den zwei Dinos die du anfangs züchten kannst auch nicht ein. Die Zeit beschleunigen kannst du auch nicht.
-Du sollst die Besucher zufrieden stellen,
hast dafür aber nur ein Tool und das ist die prozentuelle Bewertungsanzeige für den Park. Zwar kannst du grob sehen wo die meisten deiner Gäste unterwegs sind und dementsprechend deine Unterhaltungs und Verkaufsgebäude bauen, aber selbst das nur sehr bedingt.
Und das führt gleich zum nächsten Punkt.
-Deine Besucher sind gar nicht da!
Zwar siehst du Menschen im Park die umher wandern, aber mehr ist da auch nicht. Sie besuchen nicht die Geschäfte, kaufen nichts und das maximum was ihr erlebt ist das sie in Panik vor den Dinos flüchten oder den Jeeps ausweichen. Selbst Rollercoaster Tycoon (1999) Hatte da ein besseres System. jeder Gast hatte dort ein Infofenster, hatte Vorlieben und Bedürfnisse und zeigte dir auch an wo er überall war und lang gelaufen ist!
-Traurige Dinos,
auch wenn sie grafisch schön sind und pure Nostalgie erwecken wenn sie aus dem Labor kommen oder auch nur fressen, ist es doch traurig das Dinos so leicht zu befriedigen sind. Wenn der berühmtberüchtigte T-Rex zufrieden ist mit einem kleinen Tümpel und 20 Bäumen in einem kleinen Gehege, ist das einfach nur lächerlich. In die Entwicklung der Gehege brauch man nie mehr als eine Minute Zeit investieren und die Bedingungen die die Dinos stellen sind lächerlich.
Selbst die Anschlussversorgung ist ein Witz. Das Tier wird krank? Schick den Ranger, der schießt ein paar Pfeile rein und alles ist gut. Das Tier hat hunger? Schick den Ranger rein und er füllt den Futterspender wieder auf (Ohne das der Raubsaurier auf die Idee kommt die leckeren menschen Fressen zu wollen).
-Pflanzenfresser fressen nicht die Vegetation.
Nein sie verhungern lieber als etwas anderes zu essen als das was aus dem Futterspender kommt.
Ist ja auch logisch, sie könnten ja krank werden wenn sie Vegetation fressen die es zu ihrer Zeit nicht gab. Wer will denn auch schon beachten was seine Tiere an Futter benötigen und ihre Reservate daran anpassen?
sind auch nicht wirklich schlimm. Bau einfach ein paar Schutzbunker oder Wetterstationen und alles ist in Ordnung. Wieso oder? Weil Wetterstationen magische Kräfte haben und verhindern das Sturmschäden entstehen. Also können die Dinos auch so gut wie nie ausbrechen.
Und selbst wenn du deine Gäste im Schutzbunker lässt, ist es nicht schlimm. Ich hab sogar mal 20 Minuten vergessen das ich sie drin habe und noch im Notfallmodus war. Das Stört deine Gäste aber nicht. Die Bewertungen sinken nicht und dein Einkommen auch nicht.
Logisch, wir haben ja schon festgestellt das deine Gäste gar nicht da sind!
Sehr schöne Dinosaurier Modelle und Animationen und Soundtracks und Dinosauriergeräusche aus den Filmen rufen Erinnerungen wach und befriedigen die Nostalgie die dich dazu brachte das Spiel zu kaufen.
-Lenke das Fahrzeug,
ist ein schönes Feature um den Dinos sehr nahe zu sein und die Grafik und Stimmung zu genießen. Jedes Aussichtsgebäude bietet die Möglichkeit die Dinos aus der Sicht der Besucher zu sehen, statt nur wie ein Gott über dem Park zu schweben.
-Die fortlaufende Kampange,
ist zwar anfällig für diverse Tricks um Gehälter auf zu bessern, aber erlaubt einem die Technologien von einer Insel mit zur anderen zu nehmen. Was ja auch nur logisch ist, man vergisst ja nicht nach einer 140 Meilen Reise alles was man gelernt hat. Eine Begründung warum man aber sein Kapital nicht mit nimmt wird hier allerdings nicht geliefert.
Ich hätte wirklich viel mehr erwartet. Das ein Spiel das über 20 Jahre alt ist mehr Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen bietet als ein Spiel mit diesem Budget ist doch sehr enttäuschend. Vor allem wenn die Toilettenbewertung des Parks 70% ist und man keine Chance hat zu sehen wo denn die Leute eine Toilette brauchen ist es recht frustrierend.
Die Tatsache das man sein Einkommen nicht beeinflussen kann (Eintrittsgelder, Kredite) lässt einen oftmals einfach nur da sitzen und abwarten, was zu einen Mobile-Game Feeling verkommt.
Kriesen sind lächerlich und wirkliche Herausforderungen (Bis auf das finden eines geeigneten Toilettenstandortes) gibt es nicht.
Das einzige was man an Mikromanagement hat ist das Angleichen des Personals in den Läden an die Besucheranzahl und das Füttern der Dinos. Eine Automation dieser, bei 50 Läden in einem großen Park, doch recht lästigen Aufgabe, wird einem hier nicht geboten.
Alles in Allem kann ich dieses Spiel nicht empfehlen und die knapp 11 Stunden lange Kampangenspielzeit, die durch das erzwungene Warten im Earlygame entsteht, lohnt sich auch nicht wirklich.
3741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 07:58
2665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 20:27
Zu Bemängeln habe ich lediglich die überteuerten DLC's mit Inhalten, die man auch ins Hauptspiel hätte packen sollen und die Aufträge, die sich leider schon nach kurzer Zeit oft wiederholen.
2895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 16:14
3889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 11:18
Mein Sohn und ich Spielen das Spiel zusammen.
Er und ich sind große Dinofreunde.
Ich hatte das große Glück als kleiner Junge eine große Sammlung der ersten Dinosaurierspielfiguren zu Besitzen.
Das waren die, wo man ein Stück Haut rausnehmen konnte und darunter das Fleisch sehen konnte.
Somit sind wir dann auch auf das Spiel gekommen damit wir unsern eigenen Park errichten können und unsere eigenen Dinos finden und erschaffen können, mit allem was dazu gehört.
Wir haben großen Spaß dabei.
Das Spiel ist, wie ich finde gut aufgebaut und sehr abwechslungsreich.
Mann kann sich reinlesen und bekommt noch die ein oder andere Info.
Wir waren gestern noch im Dinopark, in Rehburg-Loccum.
Wo auch der T.rex und der Velociraptor ausgestellt sind.
Das Spiel ist einfach Klasse, weiter so.
Liebe grüße.
Denis. =)
183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 00:28
Nicht Empfohlen
997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 13:52
Die Wirtschaft in dem Spiel ist wirklich ein Witz. Jede Insel wirtschaftet nur für sich, das heißt Geld kann nicht transferiert werden. Der Rest ist aber zusammenhängend geregelt. Das ist sehr frustrierend wenn die Dinosaurier für jeden Mist aus dem Gehege ausbrechen (wie Mini-Dinos das bei Hochsicherheitszäunen schaffen ist mir auch noch nicht klar) und man auf einmal eine Millionen Minus pro Minute macht. Alle Angestellten verweigern deshalb die Arbeit und lassen lieber alle Menschen im Park sterben obwohl die technische Ausrüstung im Park vorhanden ist. Möchte man schnell an Geld kommen, gibt es dafür keine Möglichkeit, weil alles erstmal Geld kostet. Schonmal was von Darlehen gehört? Wohl nicht. Also Neu Anfangen oder wie ein Bekloppter über Stunden zwischen den Inseln hin und her springen um ein paar Fossilien zu verkaufen, um irgendwie an Geld zu kommen, damit man die Dinos unter Kontrolle hat.
Auch sehr störend finde ich die unnötigen Arbeiten, die ständig zu wiederholen sind. Ein Tier ist krank, eine Futterstation leer. So oft wurde schon um automatisierte Rangers gebeten aber nein.... man klickt sich lästig durch den Park.
Das die Sache mit der Zeit. Wenn man schnell an Geld kommen muss (siehe oben) wartet und wartet man auf die Expeditionstrupps. Von denen hat man leider (erstmal) nur eins und man hat keine Möglichkeit die Zeit zu beschleunigen. Stattdessen verschwendet man Lebenszeit mit warten, warten darauf Probleme zu lösen die man nie haben wollte und nur nerven.
Gedanken Lesen und Meinungen von Besuchern erfragen wäre auch ein schönes Feature gewesen, dass bei Jurassic Park Operation Genesis vorhanden war.
Im Großen und Ganzen empfinde ich das Spielerlebnis ohnehin als recht monoton. Jede Insel das gleiche nur im etwas größerem Umfang. Die schöne Grafik macht die negativen Aspekte leider nicht weg.
Das Spiel ist nicht unbedingt schlecht, aber auch nicht gut. Deshalb keine Empfehlung von mir.
2598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 13:55
Score: 8/10
7995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 08:38
Aber das Spiel macht dabei insgesamt wesentlich mehr richtig als es falsch macht. Durch das simple Managementsystem fokussiert man sich auf das Wesentliche, nämlich den Aufbau des Parks und die Zucht von Dinos. Die Grafik ist wirklich sehr schön und gut optimiert, so dass man sich immer wieder dabei erwischt, wie man sich minutenlang den aufgebauten Park anschaut und z. B. bei einer Monorailfahrt die Aussicht genießt. Verschiedene Dinos zu züchten um sie dann im selben Gehege kämpfen zu lassen bereitet mir auch nach über 100 Stunden noch Freude.
Neben einigen unnötigen DLCs, wie Dinofarben für mehrere Euro, sollte man sich aber unbedingt den Jurrasic Park DLC anschauen. Dieser besteht aus einer eigenständigen kurzen Kampagne, in der man den Park aus den Neunzigern wieder aufbaut und erneut Probleme mit Raptoren bekommt. Außerdem verändert dieser DLC quasi alle Gebäude und den prinzipiellen Aufbau des Parks und bietet somit eine angenehme Abwechslung zur Kampagne des Hauptspiels.
Alles in allem ein tolles Spiel, das erfolgreich die Sucht der damaligen RollerCoaster Tycoon Spiele in die Gegenwart transportiert und durch das Dinosetting Abwechslung zu den üblichen Achterbahnen bietet.
3028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 01:24
Was worth it. <3
3905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 13:06
Pro: -Wunderschöne Dinos in angemessener Anzahl
-suchterzeugende Jagd nach Fossilien
-Steuerung von Helis und Jeeps aus der Ego-Perspektive eine gelungene Idee
-verschiedene Inseln mit verschiedenen Herausforderungen
Contra: -null Individualisierbarkeit der Optik und der Parks insgesamt
-wenig unterschiedliche Gebäude
-KEINE wirtschaftliche Herausforderung
-zufällige Stürme führen einfach nur zu Frust und Arbeit, auch wenn sie zur Atmosphäre dazugehören
726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 06:14
Die Dinosaurier sehen cool aus und sich schön animiert. Einzig die Kämpfe finden nur im 1 vs. 1 statt. Was eigentlich nicht weiter stört.
Wer einen guten Freizeitpark-Manager sucht und nicht die große, komplexe Herausforderung ist hier genau richtig.
1553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 00:06
Für Dinofans und Aufbauspielfans ein MUSS! :)
Nicht Empfohlen
4317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 16:19
32076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 14:01
+ gut gelungene Grafik
+ sehr viele verschiedene Spezies
+ Änderung des Genom möglich und dadurch kann Aggresivität der Tiere ein-, oder rausgezüchtet werden.
+ Der Aufbau des Parksystems ist leicht verständlich.
+ Tag/Nachtzyklus freischaltbar
+ man kann mit den Fahrzeugen Parktouren selbst fahren oder als Gast mitreisen.
+ Bibliothek und Datensammlung von Dinos, Grabungsstätten, Gebäuden
+ Bei den Touren werden die Dinos über Lautsprecher von einer Ansagerin beschrieben, das gefällt mir sehr gut, da es zu jedem Dino unterschiedliche Informationen gibt.
zu verbessern:
- man kann nicht in die Ansicht eines Parkbesuchers schlüpfen, und den Park in Egoperspektive erforschen
- Es fehlen einige typische unvergleichliche Dinos wie Dimetrodon, Megalosaurus, Ornitocheirus vor allem sind bisher keine Wasserdinos wie Ichtyosaurus, Elasmosaurus (Nessy) oder Megalodon erschienen. Das Wasser ist so realistisch dargestellt, da müsste das sicher möglich sein
- warum gibt es keine Kinder als Besucher, gerade Kinder würden einen solchen Park mit ihren Familien doch besuchen
- es fehlt etwas die Liebe zum Detail. Ich würde mir Blumenbeete, Beleuchtung, Sitzbänke, Dinostatuen zur Verschönerung des Parks wünschen.
- leider hat man irgendwann alle Arten und es gibt wenig Anreiz mehr weiterzuspielen. Wie wäre es mit den Freischalten von anderen Gebäudelayouts, oder Plakaten, zusätzlichen Souvenirs, um den Park mehr zu personalisieren
Dennoch absolute Weiterempfehlung!!!
4364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 23:25
Abschließend kann ich für dieses Spiel nur meine Empfehlung aussprechen!
Nicht Empfohlen
384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 03:18
Nicht Empfohlen
728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.20 16:50
Nicht Empfohlen
1999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.22 17:03
Before you can play the sandbox mode, which is the only game mode I care in a management game, you need to complete an insane amount of missions, which force you to complete an insane amount of requisites, and always forcing you to do stupid things you wouldn't normally do, because they basically consist on intentionally wreac havoc on your park, and then fix the chaos. All of this is a pita, it's annoying, and has finally forced me to abandon the game without even being able to do the only thing I wanted to do: a damn sandbox game.
Nicht Empfohlen
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.22 11:05
Besides the general lack of depth, you are required to have a building for each of the core functions of your facility. These building are fucking massive, and have irregular shapes designed to waste park space, or make the concrete outline of the facility contrast hard with the greenery. There was no reason to have a digression from any other tycoon game, where you have one core administrative building, while additional building milestones for specialization (flavor).
Another strange decision was to force players through a campaign mode that is basically waiting for npcs to give you missions. After 3 long fucking hours of playing the first map, one which allowed for no player expression, i unlocked a new one, which was a third of the size of the first, and the entire lot was on the slope of a steep hill (prime territory for a theme park).
Don't buy this game, and from what I've heard, the second game is even worse.
4812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 06:56
Since the 3rd movie of JW is coming out in next month, I hope Frontier add new contents/DLC about the movie to JW2, or perhaps new JWE 3.
Well recommend for this game to new players !!!
Nicht Empfohlen
153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 20:43
827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 14:27
Nicht Empfohlen
2374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 10:59
4098 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 14:49
After finally sitting down to play this I have to say it’s really relaxing and visually stunning. The ambiance provided with the parks really entrances you in the whole universe.
The park itself actually keeps you entertained while you unearth different dinosaur variations. Some of the most fun I had was driving around the parks with the ranger station or even taking a ride in the gyroshpere so if you haven’t given that a try I highly recommend it!
Overall, I still highly recommend this game even though a sequel is out!
Nicht Empfohlen
1678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 04:37
Pretty good graphics
Fun gameplay and dinosaurs (sometimes)
good dlcs, some are overpriced but good
its nice to unlock achievements in my perspective because 1st they're actually fun and enjoyable to unlock and theres a lot 2nd thats it
Cons: Okay so I have a lot of cons, 1st Sometimes the game bugs and it on the vehicle and everytime you press a key (WASD) for like 10 seconds or more it just keeps on going and going and going and you have to like smash your keyboard to make it stop. But that might be me
2nd: The sandbox in this game is almost IMPOSSIBLE to achieve because if you want more freedom and dinosaurs? oh well here. Unlock four stars on every single island, but we still aren't gonna give you it because you only have 3.999999 stars and you need exactly 4 stars. Also 20 Dollars for some reptile dude that can fly and some other stuff
3rd: Do. not. play. this. game. if. you. have. anger. issues. Example: Trying to play Jurassic world peacefully, suddenly... DISEASE CONTRACTED, DEAD DINO, MURDEROUS DINOS, DILPHOSAURUS ESCAPED FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME, AAAAAAAAAA STORM, AAAAA LAWSUITS, o no daisy don't kill the random human
4th: Speedy dinos, I hate them I can't tranquilize them EVER, and also somehow my small dinosaurs escape all the time like, dude how do you brake through a heavy armored fence thats made for big dinosaurs like spinosaurus or something?? I need an explanation for a misinterpreted raptor breaking through a heavy probably two ton fence.
5th: *angry inhale* dino? noo. MONEY
Nicht Empfohlen
2634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 22:40
i am not regretting any second i spent playing the game but there is no reason anymore to return to this.. or even for new players to be spending any money on it!! : - (
Nicht Empfohlen
671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 08:42
There's some aspects that don't make a lot of sense to me, like the contracts, there's science, entertainment and security. The game makes you choose a party to align with and then have to balance requests with other departments, because some quests will negatively effect others. Why should I have to do something like this if I'm in control of a Jurassic Park? These guys work for me, not the other way around.
Building and terrain modification isn't very impressive. While the game looks stunning, it's pretty much a drop and plop sim management game. There's a bunch of tasks that I personally feel like should be automated, like a sick or dead dinosaur. Why do I need to be alerted every time? Just get rid of it!
If you can get it on sale, go for it, I cannot recommend it at full price though.
8354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 12:43
- JWE : This generation is a basic, classic one. It make you time flies but I think this one need DLC to play with to make it more fun.
- JWE 2 : This generation hmm, I think it suit with some hardcore players, cus the challenges in this gen are really hard. XD
and this gen has thing that first gen doesn't has and it's the aqua reptiles!
anyway, these two gens will give you fun, I guaranteed.
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7686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 07:55
Its park building management is incredibly shallow and the game feels largely incomplete despite the current dinosaur roster size and especially without the DLC packs.
I cannot recommend the base game of Jurassic World: Evolution because you’d be starved for building content and the extra animals. You NEED to get all the DLCs to make Jurassic World: Evolution to feel like a “complete” package which the game is not despite the game’s finished post-launch development. Even then you need to install mods to help resolve certain issues that Frontier didn’t even bother with.
As previously mentioned, Jurassic World: Evolution’s dinosaur models are astounding to look at but the gameplay leaves much to be desired and it often feels like the game is fighting back against you. From the annoying terrain constraints when placing buildings, the non-streamlined minimal designed user interface that requires to redundantly click additional menus to get anywhere and a seemingly lack of shortcut keys for getting into the paths and buildings menu.
Terrain tools are the absolute laziest bare minimum to edit an island. Every island is walled in and restrictive and there isn’t even an island generator for sandbox. Decorations used to be non-existent until late into the game’s lifespan when players were constantly requesting it for months. There really isn’t any way to personalize your park more with a simple water fountain, benches, trash cans or dinosaur skeletons for display. And this is coming from the same people who made Planet Coaster and later, Planet Zoo.
Gone are the weather calendar forecasts from JPOG, where you’re able to prep and be ready for the upcoming tornados. Now storm protection buildings only give a miss-able notification on the top right of your screen mere minutes before an actual damaging storm or tornado to come pushing through.
Contracts from the three divisions; science, entertainment and security may seem like a good idea in concept, but holy hell, it’s probably one of the biggest annoying things in the game. Three ego maniacs that are suppose to be working together to ensure the park’s success can actively try to sabotage the safety of your park and guests, never mind actually getting your animals sick as well. Completely breaking my immersion of the game, I would’ve expected an outside party attempting to sabotage the park instead like BioSyn or some other new corporate rival. Not three criminals who get jealous and ruin my park because I didn’t do something for them, it’s borderline childish and insane for all three division characters to do this.
Guests have become a complete afterthought in comparison to Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis. They have utterly stripped the “humanity” of their guests. No character, personality or charm. They neither use umbrellas when it rains or storms, nor do they hold or use Jurassic World/Park merchandise when they purchase something from the gift shop. Frontier couldn’t even be bothered to add a mechanic regarding what guests like/dislike; such as thrill seekers watching carnivores fight for example.
There’s also a strange lack of attractions in comparison to what was seen in the film(s). No petting zoo, flying-fox ziplines, water slides or even the water cruise. There aren’t even sea reptiles or most of the flying reptiles* shown in the first Jurassic World movie. All missing and were never added via a DLC before the announcement of the sequel. If you wanted to build and customize your own lagoon and aviary like in the film, tough luck, you’ll have to wait three years for Jurassic World: Evolution 2 to give you that.
This is why I said Jurassic World: Evolution feels largely incomplete, there’s a lot of content that you would naturally expect to be included, but wasn’t. Even the sequel game has its own issues despite the limited improvements it advertises.
Dinosaur behaviour was, and somehow still is, abysmal. Frontier had to gradually update the dinosaurs to do something as simple as sleeping and herding post-launch and there's still no pack hunting. Disappointing lack of dynamic dinosaur behaviour and unique fight/kill animations (with a small handful of exceptions), including dinosaurs breaking out. Velociraptors don’t climb fences anymore and every animal in the game simply bashes its skull against any type of fence, which themselves are incredibly weak.
The way the dinosaur mechanics are handled is irritating to say the least. Dinosaur comfort can actively decrease while there’s raining weather. Velociraptors are infamous for getting head trauma, knocking down fences and escaping, thus whenever wet weather arrives, I immediately have to send out a jeep or helicopter to tranquilize my carnivores because they’re so fragile.
The game is also not entirely well optimized in terms of performance. Running the game on a Ryzen 5 3600 and GTX 1070, it can still chug at times, especially with the increased guest population as your park grows with increased number of dinosaurs and ratings.
Accessing the expedition dig site menu can sometimes dip the framerate below 60FPS for some unknown reason. Moving around in it, I can see and feel the menu camera stutter slightly with its frame-pacing. It’s incredibly bizarre for the game to do that.
Guest numbers can tank your framerate as well and there’s no option (unlike in Planet Zoo) to help decrease the number of in-game human models being loaded and walking around in your park. Apparently, this is a huge issue with Frontier’s use of the Cobra engine from Planet Coaster, Planet Zoo and their Jurassic World: Evolution franchise.
It is concerning that such optimization issues still persist throughout their games. The only way to get decent framerate stability is to brute force the game with more powerful hardware, which isn’t exactly worth the investment for a single game or if you’re already hard on cash.
Frontier makes a lot of “raised eyebrows” decisions, issues that could’ve been easily addressed during development before launch that didn’t require constant player and fan feedback to be shot at the developers for them to attempt to fix and update most of the issues months later. There are elements and things to like and even love about Jurassic World: Evolution, but they’ll always be overshadowed by Frontier’s tedious, frustrating and restrictive game design.
I cannot recommend Jurassic World: Evolution and all its DLCs at full price. Get this game on sale and install mods to tackle some of the issues that Frontier has obviously failed to address before they moved on to their sequel. Having pre-ordered this game back in 2018, did I have fun? Yeah, sure I did but I had to actively find it before staying away from the game for two years or so then coming back and using mods to alienate some of the dissatisfaction I had.
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4516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.21 16:52
If you like managing guests and roller tycoon park management. You will not love this game.
If you like designing cages for animals and just watching the animals wandering around. You will love this game.
If you like research and unlocks of newer and newer content for your guests to love and rant and rave about. You will not love this game.
This is not roller coaster tycoon at all. This is more like a zoo tycoon, but lackluster. You are here for the dinosaurs, nothing more. Research is mostly for keeping the dinosaurs from getting sick. You can research and unlock buildings for guests to eat at, but this seems more like a requirement to improve the star-level of your resort, not to bring in revenue and manage expenses, electric bills, lawsuits etc.
There is no balance of thrill seekers and casual dino lovers, no guest management at all. The hotels are kind of a joke. You don't keep track of how long people have stayed, their hunger levels, their rest levels, their bathroom use, etc. You have this stuff mainly to get you to winning the levels star-level rating. That's it.
Not my favorite park management game. I got it hoping it would be a great management game, but it is certainly more focused on the movies and the dinosaurs more than anything, and I shouldn't be surprised by that, the dinosaurs are certainly beautiful. Developers did an amazing job on them.
Hoping the sequel really incorporates both needed appeals to make this game truly great. Incorporate both dinosaur love and tycoon game management love, then work on continuous DLC for more unlocks and research build trees for both park and guest satisfaction.
I love all things Jurassic Park, but this game I cannot recommend as a gamer. Perhaps if you love Jurassic Park you will love it regardless. But as a gamer, it lacks certain appeal.
19283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 06:13
build your own version of the infamous 'Jurassic Park' complete with shops monorail and even the orbs they roll around in in the film. drive around as a park ranger in a car or fly in the helicopter take photos of your dinosaurs while they fight, eat or roar. or simple take a tour by sitting on the monorail or the orbs.
or you can just create a parks for fighting dinosaurs to make the ultimate fighting dinosaur champion.
16746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 07:04
It feels so real and natural, the dinosaur Behaving and texturing is awesome.
Managing your own Jurassic World is so cool.
Taking care of dinosaurs and visitors in the park is challenging and fun and the island difficulties are good.
The Challenges are so fascinating and interesting.
The DLCs are awesome (realy cool), a lot more dinosaurs will add if U buy them and a lot more of Setting in the game will change. [I hope all the Dinosaurs in the JWE be in JWE2 - not less but more - and wish that Frontier give us more and more dinosaurs with new cool behaving in DLCs for the future].
I am Kinda a dino-nerd so I was Like waiting that the game Release in 2018 and I started playing a year after.
Can't wait to play JWE2, my hope and expectations are high, I'm So exited to play the game.
I will Start making videos for my YouTube Channel with Jurassic World Evolution 2 after it released.
My Channel [Starting Soon] : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuGS6K93ZjHTBQ-aAFeOtUg
@Frontier @JurassicWorldEvolution @JurassicWorldEvolution2
#Frontier #JurassicWorldEvolution #JurassicWorldEvolution2 #BlueFox
4497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 00:26
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761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 13:10
(Neutral recommendation really...)
I got to about the third island before I sort of drifted away from this park management game. I’ll say, the dinosaurs look magnificent, but the game itself is a bit iffy.
Really, you just build enclosures, a few stores and you’re good to go. The early game is tough as you’re short on cash, but as always once you get going and the wheels spin, they spin up to 90mph and you’re swimming in cash. Then, it just becomes a matter of time more than anything until you tick off the stars and move onto the next island. That means a helluva lot of downtime doing not much of anything except cycling through your expeditions to find dino fossils to make and modify dinosaurs for your park.
What drags the game down further is an absolutely bizarre reputation system. You have three departments, Entertainment, Science and Security. They all have odd jobs for you to do, if you do one job for Science, you lose rep with the other two and so on. This ‘encourages’ you to try and balance out the jobs I guess, but all it really does is keep the treadmill going for the reputation grind. It also, doesn’t really make sense. If Science asks me to beef up the security of the park, I don’t see why the hell the security department would be so arsey about it.
This reputation grind is done so that the lowest rep group will actively sabotage the park, to get dinos out eating people. Why? Who knows. We all know capitalism = bad, but I think JWE takes it a bit further. Frankly, why would I even keep the staff for a group that was this unreliable, never mind for a group that actively sabotages the park – I know it’s a thing in the movie, but jeez.
Overall, a bit of an underwhelming game for me, but if you’re up for some eye-candy, this is a visually stunning bit of graphic design.
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82781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 18:50
21115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 07:41
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2630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 02:33
Listen. There's a game, released in 2003, I played it on the ps2. Called, Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis.
This, is that game, but slightly prettier, and less fun. This has all been done before.
They just took what the other game did, and took the next step. They were so preoccupied with whether or not they could they didn't stop to think if they should.
I put less time into this game then JPOG. Its not new, inspired, fresh, or cheap. Spare your self this expense and hold on to your money.
8099 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 01:08
5304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 20:49
Obviously what needs to be said about Jurassic World Evolution is that it absolutely nails its most important feature - the dinosaurs. They are film accurate dinosaurs (no feathered animals here), their design is just fantastic, and the game provides countless opportunities for you to just LOOK at them, to be among them, to be mesmerized by their dinosaur-ness, their unique ways of moving, eating, socializing, roaring... and fighting. The dinosaurs in this game look and sound amazing, and they elevate the park management experience to another level entirely. Practically every single species you can create is dangerous in some way, and the game makes you constantly aware of this. You must respect these animals and their needs or they will absolutely run amok, and that's the way it should be. Believe me, you won't forget what it feels like when your first dinosaur escapes.
As a park management game, there are certainly ways in ways in which Jurassic World Evolution could be better. There aren't a ton of options where non-dinosaur attractions and amenities are concerned (DLC's add some cool stuff though), but again, that's not really what the game is going for. This game is an excuse to geek out about dinosaurs, to feel their presence, to feel scared and exhilarated by them, to feel childlike wonder, to feel emotions. It is in this way that Jurassic World Evolution deserves praise, it creates legitimately emotional moments and sequences. Sometimes that emotion comes from seeing mixed herds of dinosaurs slowly walking among trees, vocalizing among themselves as the sun sets in the distance, sometimes it comes from manually driving a slipping and sliding Jeep to go fix a broken fence in the middle of a crazy tropical storm, and sometimes it comes from hearing a Tyrannosaurus roar echoing across your park as you deal with mundane management issues. This game transports you to your own Jurassic Park and reminds you of how awesome dinosaurs are, and that's all I could ask from it.
948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 04:18
Sorry, dinosaurs and Jeff Goldblum get me all jazzed up. Oh, did I mention? The voice actor for Jeff Goldblum's character is actually Jeff Goldblum! That alone makes this game worth it...well on sale. Im not trying to belittle Jeff, just the game.
3363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 22:30
I watched in horror, as Jerry and Kerry were thrown around, before being murdered, as half the raptor pack began attempting their way out of their pen.
This game... I've waited since I was 9 to play this game.... Worth the wait.
2403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 11:29
There isn’t much of a story, you have been hired to manage the islands of Jurassic World after the previous failures, and need to get a functional parks up and running and mitigate damage from the dinosaurs, weather events and corporate sabotage while staying profitable. The heads of the scientific, entertainment and security divisions offer advice and missions that help you work towards new unlocks for your parks and act somewhat as a test on your parks functionality and survivability. Characters from the movie franchises do pop up every now and again and offer their input and advice.
Gameplay is pretty polished, but can become predictable once you know what you are doing. The game does a great job in teaching you how to manage a basic park, and from there you are on your own. Each of the campaign islands has a major issue (one island has a lack of starting funds, another is limited on space to build) that leads you to design in a certain way. Most of the game seems to be around making sure the guests are happy and needs are met, rather than building dinosaurs which is a shame. Each operational building has a set role, while guest building increase certain satisfaction levels, requiring a few different types. Most operational buildings show the area they cover, but guest ones don’t which makes it harder to ensure facilities have the correct coverage levels.
The fun part of the game is actually unearthing dinosaur fossils, getting a viable genome and hatching it into a pen where it lives. Each dinosaur has different needs, with attention needing to be paid to how many of the same type are required to keep the herd happy, and max population which determines how many dinosaurs can be in the same pen, along with other environmental factors. Mixing carnivores and herbivores together can work however the size and types need to be carefully selected otherwise you usually spend a lot of time replacing eaten dinosaurs. Unhappy dinosaurs rampage, break out of enclosures and eat guests, so getting the mix correct is important. Being able to edit the dinosaurs is very cool, and allows you to edit every stat other than the 2 most important ones.
Being more of a management game the UI is designed very well, and there are plenty of areas to check park satisfaction to see what needs improving, overlays to see problem areas or missed coverage zones. Building tools are intuitive, though connecting buildings to walkways is a pain, and while the game will landscape to a degree for you to place a building it won’t remove bodies of water or raise/lower the land so there is some manual process involved. I loved the option of driving the helicopters and ranger teams around the dinosaur pens to perform the maintenance required or healing sick dinosaurs. Most of the dinosaurs and buildings are locked behind reputation rewards (even the DLC), so you do have to work hard in the missions to ensure you can progress. Having the latter stage buildings makes building parks much easier (they tend to generate more satisfaction or allow for greater island improvements), so taking the time to unlock them is worth the effort. You do have full control over how the island looks, from building layout and placement, height, landscaping, terrain types which allow you to have a great deal of customisation and variety, though again these are limited at the beginning as they need to be unlocked.
Aside from the campaign, the game does offer plenty of replay value with challenge islands and the sandbox mode, with the sandbox mode being the goal. Again you need to play the campaign to unlock it and everything inside it to use it in this mode, but this is where the fun starts. Once an island is unlocked you can choose to just play with unlimited money, or go to town and change everything, and I mean nearly everything. No more dinosaur escapes if you don’t want it. No more tornado’s (or maybe constant twisters if that’s your thing). No more dinosaurs fighting, no minimum herd size. You can actually build the park you want, from the era you want (Jurassic Park or World), and focus on dinosaurs without worrying about the park management. If you want a Dinosaur pit fighting championship where you don’t have to worry about the guests being the food, you can have it. If you want to just cruise around in a jeep and take pictures, you can. The challenge mode is for those who want to try something different, with the game giving you criteria you need to meet, while deducting money from you every so often with a par time for completion based on the difficulty. You are rewarded with new dinosaur skins for your effort.
All the dinosaurs look great, and being able to view them free range, either through the eyes of guests, ranger teams, free roam camera or the actual dinosaurs themselves is a highlight of the game. All the dinosaurs have unique animations and some do have specialised kill sequences if they get into fights. The roars and grunts the dinosaurs are also good, a sound like they have come from the movies. For the characters who aren’t unique to this game majority of the voice actors are the from the movies franchise (Owen Grady is the exception here).
The game has a range of available DLC, which can be categorised as either fully voiced expansion packs (which contain new dinosaurs, missions, islands and buildings), dinosaur packs (which just contain extra dinosaurs) that are unlocked throughout the single player campaign, or skin packs. If purchasing the dinosaur packs, I highly recommend getting them before you start the game, as they are set reputation rewards across the islands which you will need to spend additional time unlocking again if purchased later. As they are trickle fed to you in the campaign they are really only worth it if you are going for all the objectives on an island.
If you are going for 100% achievements then you are going to need all the DLC campaign expansions (the dinosaur packs would likely help as well), along with 100’s of hours to fully flesh out each park and finish the challenges.
For more reviews please visit https://store.steampowered.com/curator/31327216/
2898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 03:21
This is a fun game, a very fun game, but full honesty if you're expecting Planet Zoo this isn't it.
They share some similarities, but this one has more interactivity as opposed to customization.
Don't expect to be making awesome buildings and enclosures and such: you get pre-made stuff and there isn't a lot you can do for enclosures besides putting in the dinosaurs.
Now this sounds like it would make the game boring, but they added other features to avoid this.
All sorts of minigame-type interaction: taking photos, driving around darting dinos, digging up fossils, that sort of thing.
Also you can make your dinosaurs have a cage match, which is very fun, though you can't help but feel a little bad incubating these dinosaurs just to have them death match in a tiny cage you made just for the occasion. ????
In conclusion: it is a fun game with similarities to games like Planet Zoo or Planet Coaster, but it's also it's own thing. So if customization was the main thing you enjoyed about the other Frontier simulation games, I would give this one a pass.
4717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 02:05
6671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 00:30
- Great looking dinosaurs.
- Great graphics in general.
- Music is fantastic.
- Nostalgia is real.
- Characters have great lines.
- Jeff Goldblum. Enough said.
- Not as challenging as it could be.
- Placing buildings can get frustrating.
- Management is minimal.
- No fast-forward option.
- No joint budget between islands.
In the end, most people will enjoy this game for the dinosaurs. It's a great dinosaur management game and visually beautiful. I used a lot of time in this game, and I can definitely say that it is worth it. I do think 44,99€ for the basic edition is a little too much though.
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1709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 16:02
6333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 23:39
Frontier Developers did a fantastic job translating the classic Jurassic Park theme into a park sim game. The missions keep you busy and bringing in funds while also providing a challenging.
Every time the dinosaurs emerge from the hatchery, you can't help but get the chills. It's enjoyable to create hybrid creatures with different gene mutations.
There's only 1 thing that is a minus for me, which is of course the Power System... It is infuriating.
Other than that, like I said, it's very cool game to play if you are into Dinosaurs and Jurassic World Universe.
1424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 08:32
If you were a fan of Operation Genesis, I think you'll really dig (no pun intended) this sim.
If you've never played JP:OG, but still enjoy a good sim (and love dinos), this is one to add to your collection of sims.
There is so much to do here and you will burn a lot of hours into it.
It's actually pretty addicting. I had to force myself off it for a while.
Let that be a warning. ;)
Great graphics and sound. Decent balancing system to make the most income and some fun challenges. Love pitting dinos together to watch them duke it out for the spectators. Being able to drive around your park is also a big plus.Cons:
Occasional option and power grid bugs that may require a restart. Placement of structures can sometimes be unforgiving, due to tiny invisible barriers getting in the way, etc. Some things are just not intuitive enough for me to figure out on my own. I had to resort to watching youtube tutorials a couple times. I think certain options could have been better implemented.Good stuff!
314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 09:33
Lots of things to do;
Grow park, balance funds, manage happiness, explore science, archaeology, technology and more.
I'd recommend if you tend to like sim builder thingies.
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831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 15:38
There's so little to do in this game it's quite surprising, sure on paper there are a large variety of dinosaurs, but their AI is exactly the same. There aren't any major differences is what species actually do.
Nothing can really be customised, you can place a few different plants in the paddocks but most of those are pretty similar too. All of the buildings are ready-made and there isn't much you can change other than where to place them. On that note, there are a lot of restrictions on where you can place buildings: not too close to each other, not close to another building of a similar type, not on uneven ground, not close to any fences, not close to the area boundaries...
Park guests also don't have interesting behaviours: opening a clothes shop you can 'Sell hats' in the menu, but there aren't then any park guests wearing hats. The best part is being able to drive a car around the park just to look around, but after a while you've seen everything there is to see and that's pretty much it.
Overall a pretty hollow experience.
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260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 15:21
Most of my playtime was spent waiting for things to finish instead of managing the park. Most of the mechanics are simply gambling from getting fossil data, to gambling on hatching eggs, to whether the kind of missions you'll get are actually achievable on your current run. You initially have to wait a minute for things to finish loading but it exponentially takes longer the further you get.
Management is simple and shallow since you can instantly see the change in return on assets for guest facilities rather than seeing it in a weekly or monthly report. The dinosaur needs are shallow and there's no need for enrichment or other exhibit amenities besides fences, food, and the environment.
This is just a higher graphics version of a generic idle game you can find for your phone. I completely regret my purchase even at the 75% discount, but because most of the game is waiting, I exceeding the refund time limit by trying to give it a fair shot.
2771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 18:12
Although fun for a while, the game quickly runs out new missions and tasks for you to perform and the campaign becomes more of a repetitive grind than challenging. Money is only an issue in the first 10-15 min of a level, once you have a few dinos in the park you make so much money that building costs become meaningless. All in all, the game is very simple and lacks the depth and complexity of similar management games. Play for fun, not for a challenge.
Overall: 7/10
3023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 22:24
It's got some issues. Especially with this game and the price point and I personally can't see it as I game that I could spend 100s of hrs without getting bored.
The main focus here is around growing and keeping your dinosaurs happy!! ;D And for the most part you're dealing with one of the board members and one of the 3 faction people who you kind of take contract missions from: Security, Science and Entertainment. You've got to listen to them the most and their voice acting is pretty bad..
Thankfully what you're doing is kinda fun: building a park from the ground up involves starting from the Hammond center. You kind of send out expedition teams to dig up fossils and then you bring them back and convert them into usable DNA which from then you can breed a dinosaur. The grind is sending out teams to more places more than once and building up by ability levels for dinosaurs. We're essentially maxing out their stats and their chance of getting a successful breed. Along with that each breed of dinosaur has their own progression.
The more dinosaurs and the more variety to them the more folks you have coming into your park and spending money. You can build restaurants, bars, fast food places and different gift shops. I was happy to see that you can even go into each individual shop and mess with how many people work there, how much you're spending and how much you're charging for products.
I still found the game to be mostly not too much of a challenge. FUN? Yeah, absolutely! But just not too difficult and if you're a fan of the movies or dinosaurs there's some cool stuff here.
Is it worth full price as it is? I'm not totally sure, but I know that it isn't a terrible game by any means. Give it a try. Who knows? You might like it. If you do like it, then I wish you many hours of fun with it.
2212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 15:52
☐ Is this real life?!
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Minecraft
☐ Is this the 80s?
☐ Very Good
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Think ill check whats on Netflix
☐ E.T the game
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Standard
☐ Bad
☐ How do I mute this?
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ Anyone that breathes
***PC Requirements***
☐ Hamster power
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Second mortgage needed
☐ It came from outta space
☐ Just press 'A'
☐ Easy
☑ Some skill needed
☐ Not for the casual gamer
☐ Difficult
☐ Broken controller
☑ What grind?
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You will have no life
☐ What story?
☐ Who came up with this rubbish?
☑ Average
☐ Good
☐ Great
☐ Give me a sequel
***Game Time***
☐ Blink and its over
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ As long as you make it
☐ Take my money
☐ Worth the price
☑ If its on sale
☐ Look elswhere
☐ May as well burn your money.
☐ None
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ Too many to enjoy game
☐ How did they get away with this?
1808 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 07:03
7341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 15:01
The Dinosaurs are incredible, and the ability to go third person as a Ranger Team or ACU Team adds an excellent mechanic to the game. Rather then setting a task to go and do something, you can take the hotseat and do it yourself. Brilliant.
It is everything I look for in a sim/management game: entertaining, mildly challenging and enough depth to keep me invested. Thankfully, JWE isn't a game that requires too much multi-tasking, and I feel that other management/sim games can overwhelm me with game mechanics and complexity. This sets the bar at a perfect balance, and for that I highly recommend you try.
4315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 12:29
A little over 70 hours in, every island and reward unlocked, every mission and dinosaur genome completed, every challenge and dinousaur released.
Visually it's a gorgeous game. I must've spent at least 10 minutes just looking at my first dinosaur when it had been released. I kept playing, kept making enclosures and releasing dinosaurs.
Each time I was building parks for the dinousaurs, I was really I had to make sure that it looks good according to each type of dinosaur. You'll be overlooking your park and might feel a real sense of accomplishment while watching your dinosaurs drinking water in the lakes, running through the trees and roaming over the hills. You'll probably wish that you could view the park through the eyes of the guests.
The campaign is very linear and at times quite slow. Still, there's something there that motivated me to complete it and return to every island to unlock everything.
You'll make pathways and place buildings and if you haven't already noticed during the campaign -the building mechanics are a bit confusing and complex.
The thing that disappointed me is the lack of variety of buildings which is a bit sad. Having some type of buildings on other islands.
Regardless, you may end up having a fully functional and beautiful park that is just a gem to look at. You'll be overlooking it and feel like you'd want to be one of those guests walking around down there and experience what they do. You'll be wondering what the guests are thinking about your park, but you won't really find out. You can see where they want foot, drinks, having fun but you won't know what your guests really think about your dinosaurs and it feels like that's what the game kind of should be about... Creating a beautiful dinosaur park and having guests enjoy all of it. As of now, the guests are just there. Wandering around not thinking anything about your main attractions.
So with all of that being said, would I recommend the game? Definitely yes. I've gotten over 70 hours out of it already and I am going to play it again to look the dinosaurs at the park on each island and look how the visitors look at them as well.
7500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 06:27
5833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 06:40
My only complaint is it feels a little lacking in content around air- and water-dwelling creatures. Hopefully will be added in a future update, or potential sequel. I dunno.
Overall, would rate it 9/10.
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783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 01:18
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492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 20:11
I hate that you basically need to let dinosauers fight to progress.
The not existing option to decorate stuff, and that u got no space to place things nicely in the way you want, or I want.
I just wish i never bought it.
11148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 15:33
+ beautiful graphic
+ perfect balance between gemeplay and design (you have many design options (landscape etc.), but not too many, so that it is not as exhausting as with Planet Zoo)
+ great selection of dinosaur types and modification options
+ I liked that you had to work out the species first (go on expeditions to find fossils and extract fossils)
+ the campaign is fun
+ sandbox mode
+ you can drive/fly through the park with jeeps and helicopters
+ different characters talk to you in between (including characters from the films)
+ the requirements of the dinosaurs seem realistic to me
+ gyrospheres and jurassic tour (you can also take part in the tours and a voice tells information about the dinosaurs in the enclosures)
- you can only build roads on the ground. It would be nice if you could build bridges
- sometimes you have to build an excessive number of buildings (hotels, shops, toilets, ...) to satisfy the visitors
There are also a few things that are unrealistic, such as that visitors can only see the dinosaurs from designated visitor galleries and not from the paths. But I don't think that's too bad and simplifies the game a bit.
17331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.20 10:35
> friendly species for herbivores
> guest info, favorite dino, satisfaction etc
>some items like benches/fountains and bins whick gave arealistic feeling
... it features new cool things as changing the dinos pattern, managing the park in various ways as expenses and visitor satisfaction and has improved AI algorithms to detect area, gates and routes for vehicles. Graphics are stunning especially on Ultra settings dinos almost look real. Missions are fun and challenging. Overall a pretty cool game though it could offer some of the features it's predeccessor had and some extra customisation features to create more unique parks.
3873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 04:17
What i liked:
1. Atmosphere. The game captures certainly the Jurassic Park feeling.
2. Dinos. They got the dinos quite well done. They kind of feel natural with exception of the fighting.
3. Missions. Game gives you side missions to give additional motivation.
4. Free updates. Devs did provide additional content for free. Credit where credit is due.
What i disliked:
1. Game is highly repetitive. When building a park the pattern is almost always the same. And even on some special maps it still feels kinda the same.
2. Too Little Freedom. The amount of buildings, what you can construct etc. I wished they would have taken more of Planet Coaster... your choices what to build and when to build are quite limited.
3. Variety of Missions. While i like that there are missions, they get old quickly.
4. Forced. Certain gameplay elements feel forced into the game and not organic. I.e. sabotage, fossil research etc.
5. DLC. The game does provide some good DLC - which should have either been part of the main game (i.e. dino packs) or waaaay over prized .
6. Fighting Animations. They are always the same for each species. Fighting doesnt feel like a natural fight.
730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 16:21
When I was playing by myself, I really didn't feel like going much further, but after trying to play with friends I saw that you can easily get invested in creating more dinosaurs and completing missions. It is far from perfect (a 6.5~7/10 in my opinion), but still a lot of fun... And also a game where you can make a dinosaur themed park, which really is amazing by itself.
2434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.20 04:25
Growing up, I loved Jurassic Park. But as an adult, I really begun to dislike it. I'm a big dinosaur fan and I am deep into geology and paleontology. With that being said, The magic of Jurassic Park ceased and the truth of its inaccuracies flooded over. Regardless, I do still love the series and it was one of my first real favourite things as a child.
So now for the game part..
I love it! It started when my friend and I were joking around about how terrible the carnos arms look, but I wanted to see just how good or bad this game was myself! So I originally got it as a joke, but of course I knew in the back of my mind that I'd end up loving it-- which absolutely ended up happening!
It is VERY addicting! If you enjoy world building, this is your game! If you enjoy being in control of your own little parks and societies, I recommend this game as well! It is a sandbox/strategy game, I guess. You need to learn what is financially more important and strategize on how you'll spend your money or save your funds. Funny enough, the game does explain a few things that I have complained to friends about as far as the whole Jurassic Park universe goes. But I am sure no one reading this is here to hear about random mentions of rants, so I will just end it here by stating that this game is VERY addicting! I have lost sleep playing hours of it! It can be a bit stressful at times, but all-in-all, very fun. Of course if you like dinosaurs, genetically engineered monsters, or just the Jurassic series as a whole, this game is for you!
So I give this game a thumbs up! Get it if you can, it's a good one!
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1652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 00:43
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10321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.20 16:55
758 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.20 18:57
Jurassic World Evolution Review
Jurassic World Evolution is a business simulation game that allows players to build a dinosaur theme park and was developed and published by Frontier Developments. It is based on the 2015 film “Jurassic World” and the game was released on June 2018 for PC, PS 4 and Xbox. A much similar game to this one is Planet Zoo. They are the same genre but JWE (Jurassic World Evolution) has dinosaurs instead of animals. The game has a career mode in which you need to develop five-stars parks across the fictional islands of the Las Cinco Muertes Archipelago and features more than 40 types of dinosaurs. Also, their genes can be modified to introduce new features.
What makes this game unique
This game has some unique features. One of them is the ability to bring dinosaurs to life. As the game says, “dinosaurs will feel and react intelligently to the world you build around them”. Another interesting feature is that you can choose your own path. By that, I mean that you can build for science, entertainment or security interests. At last, the feature that I fancy the most is that if a player’s reputation within a division gets too low, a sabotage will be created. For example: the park’s power will be shut down and the dinosaurs will be able to break out. Another example is that a disease could be introduced to infect them.
The dinosaurs are controlled by artificial intelligence and will interact with each other and the environment. For example, Carnivores will attack Carnivores of a different species and they will hunt Herbivores.
Also, there is a sandbox mode. The sandbox mode is unlocked once a four-star park rating is achieved on the starting island and is set on Isla Nublar, the setting of the movie. Once this is achieved, everything a player has unlocked in career mode will be available in the sandbox mode (building upgrades and dinosaurs). If the player hasn’t unlocked something in career mode, that something won’t be available in the sandbox.
Art design
The graphics for this game are stunning. The shadowing in combination with the lighting is perfect and the details are amazing. The dinosaurs are very detailed and look very good. They almost look real. And with the help of the photo mode, you can go drive a car along the island to see the lovely dinosaurs in their habitat. Also, I think that the animations of the dinosaurs look very convincing, immersing you into the game.
Is it still worth it?
The game is one of the few dinosaur games out there. So, if you love the Jurassic Park movies or you are a dinosaur fanatic or you just simply like business simulation games, I can surely say this game is for you. And with the addition of the Return to Jurassic Park DLC, I can say that this game is still worth it. The DLC includes park features and locations form the original Jurassic Park film (the first one). The DLC also includes the island Isla Sorna which was featured in two of the Jurassic Park movies.
I wouldn’t recommend it for full price, as it offers a lot of quality game time that doesn’t get repetitive as you play, because of all the new features and achievements that you can unlock.
Rate: 9/10
Frontier Developments
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