Please be aware that we have prepared a small update, including some bugfixes and adjustments based on the feedback we have received since release.
Find all details below:
- Terminal: The terminal got stuck and cannot receive any more input.
- Chat: Reply window got stuck and covers the chat.
- Decrypter: UI elements where displayed outside its window.
- E-Mails: Wrong date and time were displayed.
- Help: Text was cut off and file icons were not positioned correctly next to its texts.
- Glitch: Glitch volume on video was too loud.
- Glitch: Overall weh ave reduced the amount of glitches.
- Tags: Some tags were not showing results in a different language e.g. when entering "Blut" -> "Blood".
- Conversations: Certain conversations are dependent on each other and only triggered, after the dependency has been triggered, and not showing up before.
- Subtitles: Subtitles now stay open once you open them.
- Slight amendments to the game's ending: Without any spoilers: Based on player feedback, we have made small amendments to the ending of Jessika.
- Added some new Tags: Additionally, we added some more tags, based on player feedback.