• Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.
  • Iron Storm: Screen aus dem Ego-Shooter.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 23.10.2002
Zum Shop
Preis Update 28.06.24

Über das Spiel

1914 bis 1964: Die Geschichte hat einen anderen als den uns bekannten Verlauf genommen. 1964: Seit 50 Jahren wütet der erste Weltkrieg. Frontkämpfe, Giftgasangriffe und allgemeines Blutvergießen sind an der Tagesordnung. Inmitten von Kriegswirren werden Sie damit beauftragt, dem barbarischen Morden ein Ende zu setzen und den Menschen den so lang ersehnten Frieden zurück zu bringen.

  • Ein originelles Konzept einer alternativen Realität in einer realistischen Kriegswelt, der Sie völlig in seinen Bann ziehen wird.
  • Sie haben die Wahl zwischen First-Person oder Third-Person-View. Die Perspektive kann während des Spiels jederzeit geändert werden.
  • Unglaublich detaillierte 3D-Grafiken und realistische Soundeffekte vermitteln ein einzigartiges Spielgefühl.
  • Diverse Gegner und originelle Hindernisse: Laserminen, Stacheldraht, Flugzeuge, Wachhunde, Schlamm, etc. und ein umfangreiches Arsenal an Waffen (Handfeuerwaffe, Maschinengewehr, Granatenwerfer…)


  • CPU: Intel Pentium III Prozessor 600 MHz
  • GFX: DirectX kompatible Grafikkarte mit 32 MB RAM
  • RAM: 128 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
  • HD: 1,2 Gb freier Festplattenspeicher
  • SFX: DirectX kompatible Soundkarte
  • DX: DirectX 8.1
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1136 Produkte im Account
468 Reviews
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5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.14 22:22

Semi-gutes Kriegsspiel

Ich kann das Spiel leider nicht empfehlen.
Ich habs etwa 2,5 Stunden gespielt und eigentlich war es bis dahin ok.
Die Grafik ist ok, aber es gibt sehr wenig Texturen bzw. Objekte. Kaum Bäume oder Steine, geschweige denn Spuren von Ziviliastion. Gameplay orientiert es sich an Klassikern und ist typisch wie ein Spiel von damals. Allerdings frag ich mich was die Pistole vom Anfang soll? Diese bekommt man mit 10 Schuss in die Hand gedrückt, wenn man klug ist findet man noch schnell eine sniper mit 5 Schuss und dann muss man in den Krieg ziehen. Wär ja toll, bloss habe ich in diesen 2,5 Stunden keinen einzigen Schuss für meine Pistole dazubekommen. Jedoch kann jede Waffe gegen eine andere desselben typs(pistole,gewehr) getauscht werden. Naja und die Story ist eher mangelhaft bis schlecht, obwohl mich die Szenerie am Anfang angesprochen hat.

Achja, was hat mich jetzt endgültig zum Aufhören gebracht? Naja ich kam in einen schmalen Gang in einem Bunker und was postieren die Entwickler da ernsthaft? Einen schwer gepanzerten Zwischengegner mit scheinbar massig Leben und das auf normal? Hey ok, wär ja noch machbar gewesen aber schonmal versucht auf einem 1 Meter breiten Gang ner Rakete auszuweichen, insbesondere dass der Typ etwa jede halbe sekunde eine Neue abfeuert?
Sehr nervig ist auch, dass Steam das Spiel scheinbar nicht erkennt und sogar sich auf offline stellt wenn man es startet, jeglich die ersten 10 sekunden werden erkannt. Ihr könnt euch ausmalen,wie oft ich das Spiel starten musste, um die 5 Minuten fürs Review zusammenzukriegen...

Grafik is Mittelmaß für damalige Verhältnisse, die Entwickler waren hier scheinbar ein bisschen faul. Die Story ist eher langweilig und wirkt ziemlich unlogisch und manche Waffen und Passagen sind einfach nicht wirklich durchdacht worden.
Für das Geld lässt sich generell ein neueres Spiel kaufen oder wahre Klassiker wie z.B. Half-Life 1

Hat dir das Review weitergeholfen? Dann folge mir doch in meiner Steamgruppe, wo ich meine Reviews als Kurator verfasse.
2871 Produkte im Account
339 Reviews
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207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 17:57
Interesting alternative history WW1 game with fun gameplay, although sometimes the game doesn't make it clear how to progress, which falls short due to crazy bad balancing and unfair difficulty. Majority of enemies will wield weapons that can kill you in one hit, on lowest difficulty, this makes it super hard to actually finish the game, even with save scumming, but also to enjoy it. I managed to pull through to level 4 where I just couldn't take it any longer, from broken/buggy AI with infinite HP, to forced stealth in a game that has no proper stealth mechanics, it just wasn't fun, or worth pushing through. I'll check out the remaster at some point, hopefully they fixed the issues this one has, but I can't recommend this.
66 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 09:31
I played the World War Zero (the IronStorm remake) first. The graphics is kinda good, pretty easy, cool concept, unfortunately linear level design. Then i played this, and believe me, it is not that easy.
779 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
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77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 21:30
Had to actually idle this game because steam wouldn't record any of the almost 12 hours it took me to beat this game, just to say:


with many OP enemies and extremely dumb stealth segments in a game clearly not made with stealth in mind.

Played most of it live streaming but finished it off stream because it was taking me too long to finish.

I kinda liked the plot, the setting and some weapons felt really good, but it was overshadowed by other flaws like almost out of sight snipers that can actually shoot about 2x faster than you, really fast enemies, and the other things I mentioned above. Almost liked it but it wasn't enough
539 Produkte im Account
119 Reviews
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11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 15:43
Iron Storm is an absolutely atrocious game; awful gunplay, annoying AI, terrible level design, lazy and boring art. It blows my mind that this got 8/10's back in the day, and there are positive reviews for it on Steam. Did we play different games?

If your idea of a fun level is running through endless trenches -- literal corridors -- using weapons that feel like nerf guns, hitting enemies that soak damage and snap-shot to you, with animations that don't line up and don't even remove the magazines during reloading.. get help.

To enter a machine gun turret, you have to press interact THREE TIMES. First, to align to the turret. Then, to unequip your weapon. Then, finally, to go on the turret. When you exit, you then have to re-equip your weapon. This is one of Iron Storm's main problems in microcosm -- it was designed by an alien and never tested by humans. Crouch and crawl are hold, not toggle. Unless you use stance up/down (by default, page up and page down lol) which CYCLE stances.

In one segment, an enemy lies in wait around a corner with a rocket launcher. The first time, you will always die. There's no way you can see him and react quick enough, in fact your weapons cannot kill him before he point blank blows you both up. You have to reload, and know in advance to throw several grenades around.. because he's a tougher enemy with more health. Amazing design, truly.. just 8/10 material.

My favourite moment in Iron Storm is when you have to approach a POW camp, and a patrol of about 8 enemies start heading towards you. You cannot avoid them, there is only one way forward, and for some reason they soak a ton of bullets so you can't take them head on. You can throw grenades, but then you encounter problem two.

When the alarm is raised, you start getting pelted by invisible machine guns that GO THROUGH WALLS. I'm not kidding, I ran back to the bunker tunnel and sat in a corridor where I was completely, unquestionably out of sight. Several layers of wall between me and the entrance. Bullets started impacting the wall beside me, coming through several other walls, to kill me in a split-second.

This game is utter garbage and you should not play it. Positive reviews are lying to you. Save your sanity. Watch a YouTube video, laugh at it, move on.

The only plus side is, because the game launches the wrong exe (lol) it didn't register my playtime, so ~2 hours is only registered as like 12 minutes. So I'm refunding this junk and spending the £1.99 on some indie game that absolutely deserves the support more.
77 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 22:59
A game with a good story the graphics are kinda dirty and brown looking but i like the 2000's look overall its pretty ok of a game if you dont overlook the bad ai
1192 Produkte im Account
899 Reviews
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527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 19:43
Not a good shooter. Mainly because of the terrible balancing. Some enemies can kill you basically instantly, some sections, like the stealth sections are so bad. You just quicksave after every few seconds and you just do trial and error. You will die so many times, it is unbelievable. The game is pretty much unfair a lot of times.

Weapons: you have a melee weapon which is mostly useless. Then you have EITHER a pistol or an mp. The pistol is almost useless, except in maybe one level. So at 95% of the game you go with the mp. Then you have a shotgun which is pretty good at close range and a sniper which is great too. But then you have a weapon slot for heavy weapons and most weapons in the game fall in that category: an assault rifle, an assault rifle with a scope, a semi-automatic rifle, two rocket launchers, a grenade launcher, etc. It's really stupid, because this means you can't use most of the weapons usually, especially because some of them (the rifles) are way better than the rest and you also rarely get ammo for those other weapons. But in some cases you need a rocket launcher, which means you have to put away your best weapon for it.
Why not be able to take all weapons with you like in a regular old school fps?????

Then let's talk about that it's sometimes way too hard to tell what you have to do next or where to go next.
At a point where you basically have to play with a guide for some levels, like the last one.

I also had some crashes. Then you also have to do something in the files so the Steam overlay works with this game.

There is also a game called World War Zero which is basically a remaster/remake of it which improves the game in pretty much every aspect. Better play this one instead. (See my review for this one.)
314 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 16:23
WW1 never ended and turned into a nightmare straight out of 1984 where war is continued purely for profit.
Unfortunately the game doesn't do much with it's unique setting other than use it for set dressing and bizarro weaponary.

The gameplay is your standard FPS affair, the enemies are a bit brain dead but they make up with sheer numbers and explosive spam. Combine this with unfair enemy placement behind doors and corners, a 5-6 hour game extends to 10 hours for no bloody reason. The last couple of levels introduce really terrible level design and obtuse puzzles and weird scripted events where enemies will not die unless you shoot them from a specific place in the map etc., it becomes tedious.

I can only recommend this game for it's unique setting and it's different design ideas from early 2000's. Maybe if it's played on the Easy setting it becomes more bearable. One other thing to note is that the game received a PS2 port which was ported back into PC, it's sort of a remaster but not really because they are a little different here and there but from what I understand the obtuse level design was cut down, however the ability to quick save was removed, which is a big deal IMO, Iron Storm can be so cruel at times so quick save is the only reason I was able to finish it. If you want to check out the remaster, it's called World War Zero on Steam. Also the screenshots on the store page of Iron Storm are from this remaster version and og Iron Storm has much cruder graphics.
338 Produkte im Account
118 Reviews
458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 02:28
Great Timeless Classic.Supports windows 10 and high resolutions. Beautiful attention to detail, cool atmosphere, combat and gore. A great shooter.

Might run into a few bugs. I had a progress stopping bug mid of the level 4 (out of 6 levels), where barrels wouldn't explode to let me go through, in the lab. Solved by downloading save games for the entire game.

Had several bugs where NPCs became immortal for some reason.

And the second half of the game has some really convoluted level design. It is sort of like Dark Souls 1 but it breaks your head where to go and what to do to progress.
106 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 18:22
This game is Fuxxing amazing <3
284 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 04:02
Great game. Steam ruins it by using the WRONG EXE to start game and then it stops. GAME.EXE in iron storm folder will start game. make a shortcut.
283 Produkte im Account
280 Reviews
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93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.19 11:38
World War Zero is a great game(remake of Iron Storm). This is not.
Why is this on Steam and not the remake?

+ Combat is good
+ Weapons are awesome
+ Save system is great. You can save any time and no saving load times.
+ Game does not tell you what to do. Sometimes you have to think real hard to guess how to progress.

- Level design is difficult, many times not sure there to go.
- It has horrible stealth sections.
- Crashes.
- Difficulty spikes
- Full of cheap traps. They insta kill you.
- Some doors don't get open and you have to restart the whole level and hope it will open this time.

If World War Zero was on Steam, I would buy it, but original is a bad game.
618 Produkte im Account
137 Reviews
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184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.19 23:02
Iron Storm is a FPS in an alternative history setting where world war 1 has never ended.

++ propaganda clips
+ performance
+ alternative history setting
+ first half of the game
+ atmosphere
+ gunplay

- dull second half
- difficulty spikes
- forced stealth sequences
- not always clear where to go
- many instant deaths


While Iron Storm starts strong with trench warfare and propaganda clips, later on there are forced stealth sections, difficulty spikes and backtracking. While the drop of quality resulted in a negative evaluation, the world war 1 setting and propaganda clips could prove good ideas in a better game.

Genre: alternative history FPS
Replay value: low
Rating: first half 7.25; second half 5/10
Recommendation: It depends
Special endorsement: No
141 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.18 17:07
A great alternate history FPS.
The good:

- Gunplay is pretty good. The rocket launcher especially feels beefy truly.

- Fantastic war atmosphere.

The bad:

- Of what I so far have played, the fight in narrow corridors against the VERY heavily armored guy with a portable autocannon, is seriously frustrating. Only way to have it be playable is save ammo for the rocket launcher and try quickly offing him with it..

If you want a great war premise shooter, I recommend! Be warned, the difficulty at times is brutal.
122 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.17 10:37
Unique storyline. Suprisingly fun.
1239 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.17 20:45
I'll level with everyone here. This game is cheesy as hell and you can tell that it has a lot of heart. Though it looks like hell and is buggy, the story shines and that's what counts.

Give Iron Storm a chance and try to overlook it's problems. It's worth the $2.99
398 Produkte im Account
456 Reviews
1041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.17 14:07
I playd this game with my friends and brother when it was new and we all loved it lots. It is great to have it in Steam too. This Steam version has some problems and does not log your playing time always. I have many more hours playd than what Steam shows.
Very cool war game! There is no right way to do mission, you can try what works for you so game can be playd again and again. You have to play smart because you will die soon when you are getting shot, it is more real and makes you careful. Characters are good and story works well. Level design can make you confused but it helps you get into game more. Graphics are old but very good. Enemies some times have very poor smarts because they walk in walls so it is funny. Real classic for everyone who likes war games!
It would be great if there was servers to play this online, that was best time.
681 Produkte im Account
302 Reviews
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481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.14 06:52
Ironstorm is one of these games that really annoys me.

Mostly because of how it's just a lot of wasted potential. It's a game with an extremely original premise, and it's bogged down by convoluted objectives and forced stealth missions.

Ironstorm takes place in an alternate history 1964, where World War 1 never ended. So you have things like trenches and mustard gas, but you also have automatic weapons and nukes. This premise is very good and I've never seen a game attempt something like this. Indeed the action segments of the game are passable and remind you a great deal of Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

Unfortunately the designers ruined this by having convoluted objectives like forced stealth segments. Ones where you require a strategy guide to get past. Or nearly impossible objectives like luring a tank to a prior area without getting instantly killed by it's gun.

The game is okay if you're particularly masochistic and don't mind looking a lot of the solutions up. But if you're looking for a quality fps experience that feels tested and polished look elsewhere.

Also note the screenshots for this game on the Steam store are misleading. They're screenshots from the later PS2 port. If you wish more accurate screenshots check out the Gog version.
Logo for Iron Storm
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
51.52% 34 32
Release:23.10.2002 Genre: Ego-Shooter Entwickler: Kylotonn Entertainment Vertrieb: Flashpoint AG Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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