• Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.
  • Iron Danger: Screen zum Spiel Iron Danger.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 25.03.2020
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Preis Update 09.09.24

Über das Spiel

Iron Danger ist ein taktisches Spiel mit einer einzigartigen Zeitmanipulations-Mechanik—eine nie zuvor umgesetzte Kombination, die taktische Tiefe rundenbasierter Spiele mit der aufregenden Action von Echtzeitspielen mischt.

Stelle dich fordernden Kämpfen mit deiner Gruppe aus zwei Charakteren, die über eine Vielzahl Fähigkeiten verfügen und sie in hochinteraktiven Umgebungen zum Einsatz bringen. Setze zum Beispiel Gegner in Brand und befördere sie dann in ein leicht entflammbares Kornfeld, um sie richtig durchzugrillen, oder locke sie in eine Falle, um dann einen Baum auf sie stürzen zu lassen. Die Möglichkeiten sind fast grenzenlos und sie alle liegen in deiner Hand!

Du kontrollierst die Zeit!
Der Kern von Iron Danger ist seine einzigartige Kontrolle über die Zeit. Du kannst die Zeit um bis zu 5 Sekunden zurückdrehen wann immer du willst, um verschiedene Strategien und Kombos auszuprobieren, bis du die richtige findest und die Situation meisterst.

Zeitmanipulation erlaubt dir Echtzeitkampf mit traditioneller Rundenstrategie und deren Steuerung zu verbinden. Das ermöglicht dir, jeden Kampf wie ein Puzzle anzugehen und selbst scheinbar unmögliche Herausforderungen durch Fähigkeitensynergie in einen perfekten Sieg zu verwandeln.

Du wirst sterben, aber du wirst nie scheitern!
Die Welt von Iron Danger ist eine Welt hoher Berge, urtümlicher Wälder und kristallklarer Seen... aber auch eine Welt wandelnder Götter und stählerner Monster. Die Stadt Kalevala, wo die Menschen sich gegen die Götter auflehnten und ihren Segen entsagten, ist ein Leuchtfeuer im Herzen der Welt, umgeben von Städten, Wasserwegen und Wäldern unter ihrem Schutz.

Doch aus dem frostigen Norden zieht eine Hexenkönigin auf einen blutigen Rachefeldzug gegen die Herren von Kalevala. Uralte Ruinen aus den Tagen in denen die Götter unter Sterblichen wandelten, entfesseln lang vergessene Kräfte, die die Menschen korrumpieren und die Welt erobern wollen.

Kipuna, ein cleveres Dorfmädchen, wird von einer antiken Macht durchdrungen, die ihr Kontrolle über Zeit und Tod verleiht und zusammen mit ihr wirst du diese Macht einsetzen, denn sie gerät zwischen die Fronten im Krieg zwischen Kalevala und den Armeen der Hexenkönigin Lowhee. Du musst diese Kraft meistern, um die Menscheit zu schützen, während deine Feinde sie nutzen wollen, um das Land zu verheeren.

  • Nutze die einzigartige Zeitmanipulations-Mechanik und erfahre taktischen Kampf völlig neu, wenn die besten Aspekte von Echtzeit und Rundentaktik mit einander verschmelzen.
  • Nutze hochinteraktive Umgebungen zu deinem Vorteil und überwinde selbst scheinbar unmögliche Herausfoderungen.
  • Erlebe Abenteuer in einer Welt voller Steampunk und Fantasy und triff ihre faszinierenden Bewohner, die auf Inspirationen finnischer Folklore basieren.
  • Kein Grinding—Charakterfortschritt ist durch die Story vorgegeben und jeder Kampf zählt.
  • 15+ Stunden Spielzeit.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz, AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940
  • GFX: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660, AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: 64-bit Windows 7
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Integrated
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3,4 GHz, AMD CPU AMD FX-8350 4 GHz
  • GFX: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 1060, AMD GPU Radeon RX 580
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: 64-bit Windows 10
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Integrated
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

108 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 11:07
Die ersten 5min sind sehr unspektakulär, das erste richtige Level schon eher. An die Steuerung muss man sich gewöhnen, aber nach 3 Stunden war ich drin und dann hat es mir dann doch Spaß gebracht.
Insgesamt 7/10
- Die Mechanik des Zeit zurückspulen macht Spaß
- Das Fähigkeiten-Verbessern System ist ausreichend.
- Die Helden sind anständig geschrieben
- Manche Fähigkeiten sind stark besser als andere und ich habe immer nur auf den Cooldown gewartet
- Weglaufen und aus der Ferne wegballern ist sehr stark

- Das Ende füllte sich nicht gut an, wollte eigentlich noch weiter Spielen und den Bösen den Hinter versohlen :)
713 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 14:26
ein großer Fehler das Spiel zu kaufen hätte am liebsten mein Geld zurück
126 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 19:57
Gutes Spiel mit inovativem Ansatz
575 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 10:55
Ich muss gestehen, dass ich schon nach den ersten Minuten auf der Gamescom im letzten Jahr fasziniert war von dem Spiel. Die Suche nach dem perfekten Zug hat mich schon in allen alten X-Com-Spielen begleitet und ließ mich auch in der Neuauflage XCom nicht los. Sterben eines Soldaten gab es nicht, einen Ausweg gab es immer, was zu einer regelrechten Speichern- und Laden-Orgie in jedem Einsatz führte. All das ist mit der Zeitlinie vorbei. Hab ich den Angriff versaut, dann spule ich ein paar Schritte zurück und probiere etwas anderes. Problem ist, dass mein Anspruch damit gewachsen ist, so erlaube ich es nicht, dass meine Figuren nicht mal einen Kratzer aus dem Kampf davontragen. Man merkt schon, dass ich vom Spielprinzip begeistert bin, aber es ist nicht nur das. Auch die Musik, die Geschichte, die Figuren und die eigenwilligen Sprecher und Ausdrucksweisen wirken wahnsinnig glaubwürdig. Wer ein taktisches RPG sucht mit einer schönen Geschichte und vielen Knobeleien und immer auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Zug ist, hat, so glaube ich, hiermit sein Spiel gefunden. Wer es schneller mag mit viel Geballer, dem würde ich eher das neue Doom empfehlen.

Gameplay 10/10
Steuerung 09/10
Grafik 09/10
Audio 10/10
Preis 10/10

Das gesamte Review findet ihr hier: https://evolution-of-silence.de/mainpage/index.php/43-sonstige/1048-review-iron-danger-finde-den-perfekten-zug
532 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 09:13
Ich habe das Spiel schon länger begleitet, auf zwei Gamescoms gespielt, eine Alpha und dann die Beta.
Das spiel hat sich in der Zeit immer wieder verändert und zwischenzeitig war ich auch eher unzufrieden mit den Ergebnissen. Das letztendliche Produkt, also so wie es am Ende in der Beta war, finde ich aber großartig und hatte damit Spaß. Die Geschichte und die Charaktere reichen aus um ein Setting zu erzeugen, sind aber nicht das Highlight des Spiels. Der Kampf und die Zeitmechanik hingegen sind einfach toll und mir macht das Taktieren und Überlegen echt viel Spaß.
Möchte das Spiel wärmstens empfehlen und hoffe es bekommt die Aufmerksamkeit, die es verdient!
643 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 17:31
A difficult downvote.

I feel complicated to its core time manipulation mechanic. In other games that you can S/L the combats, even you could save scum it you still have to sort of think and plan it. And when the plan works through it is fulfilling.

But in this game you are S/L in every moment and hardly involve any planning. You just let the time pass a few heartbeats (the unit of turns in this game), and then load back and react to it. I just feel like a machine and dont find any enjoyment after some encounters. The enemies and encounter design also heavily depends on this feature. Attacks of enemies are fast and deadly you can no way to survive without using it.

Sadly this constantly S/L without actual planning give no excitement to me.

and a few more cons:
1. your characters are shortsighted; their view range are really limited.
2. limited camera angle control; camera is centered on character and the rotation and zoom are very limited.
3. sluggish control; character movement, grab item etc.
4. limited rpg elements; you got nothing in games (exp/loots) from killing enemies other than your enjoyment, but since the combat quickly feel dull after constantly S/L, i cant find the reason to fight the monsters.

p.s. you have to collect 6 shards in game and the steam achievement shown only 16.7% people have done the second shards...
1234 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 17:10
A story packed game with the ability to reverse time.


+ Artstyle/Graphics
+ Story
+ Soundtrack
+ Voice acting
+ Unique gameplay


- Content
- Occasional Freezing/Crashing


Decent game, not perfect.
The game is very colourful.
I liked the soundtrack, unfortunately, it kept on repeating quite often since there are not many songs.
Voice acting was really nicely done, but some lines of text are not voiced.
The ability to go back in time during the fights is great at first but gets a bit annoying after a while, especially when controlling 2 characters which is like 90% of the time.

Towns are pretty empty, even if they are filled with NPC, there are almost no dialogues and some chapters are just a filler with no other content in mind whatsoever.
No sidequests, no decisions just a streamlined story.
It feels like a lower budget or a rushed game.
The fights are fun once you get to a chapter 4-5 and learn some useful skills.

I had some issues with the game not loading from the save after chapter 3 and freezing.

I expected more from the ending.

There are no manual saves in the game, it is not a big deal for me personally but some people do care a lot, each level takes around 5-30 minutes.

Playtime: 15 - 20 hours

Achievements: Easy (can be done in a single playthrough)

Overall: 8/10
830 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 14:41
This is a tactical combat game first and foremost and it's a really good one. It also features a good story with good voiceovers. But this is not an RPG, no XP, no leveling, no decisions although you do get to choose a new ability or upgrade an old one for one of your characters after almost every mission.
The combat gameplay is reminiscent of Baldur's Gate style RPGs but instead of throwing tons of RNG in your face this one is deterministic in nature and to help you cope with the challenge of facing overwhelming odds, you can turn the time back up to 14 half-second steps. This makes the gameplay an interesting mix of tactical tinkering and trial and error. Positioning, timing, resource management and chosing the right tool at the right time are key to winning. And with over a dozen distinct actions per character, including different moving attacks, dodges, blocks, knockback attacks, position swapping, grenades, explosive barrels and the ever growing magic repertoire of your main character, there is a lot of room for tactical experimentation that always feels satisfying and challenging.
The biggest drawbacks are a narrow focus on a set storyline with no sidequests or rewarding optionals, no branching of any kind and some UI issues - like consumables that cannot be picked up. Very much recommended to anyone who likes tactical combat, storytelling games and the rewind mechanics of games like Braid and Life is Strange.
468 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 04:28
I recommend this game, on sale. Reasons below
1. This gameplay is experimental, so not everyone might like it.
2. Because it is experimental, I feel like the dev is still exploring it so some part of the game isn't as well developed as with the gameplay element. I know I just started, and there might be more surprises later on, but for the time being, since most people drop of the first 1 hour of gameplay or so, I would say that this is either a hit or miss, you might like it so much that you want to keep playing, or you get bored right away.

I recommend because I want people to try it, but personally I got bored very quickly.
2382 Produkte im Account
1258 Reviews
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 09:51
I'm too dumb for this game
381 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 10:07
I was excited to try Iron Danger due to promising time manipulation mechanic. But I found it to be a frustrating game.

As others have mentioned the battles are clunky and tedious which is what the core gameplay loop is.

I assume forcing us to control two characters just makes it even more frustrating. I assume it would've been better to have only one character. Currently you keep switching back and forth between the two as bunch of enemies try to rush them and keep rewinding as one of the two gets killed.
113 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 02:36
well designed play mechanics.
It could provide you a fresh new experience.
(+ beautiful graphics )

This game feels like
playing chess-ish puzzle.
477 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 09:08
The timeline mechanic in itself is interesting at first, but once the novelty of it wears off you are left with a pretty mediocre action/strategy game with a likewise bland story and characters.

It was fun for the first three hours or so, then it just got tedious.
851 Produkte im Account
267 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 03:18
At the time of writing, 6.3 % of people got the achievement for finishing Iron Danger - and now I am one of them. I can only assume that this rather low percentage - for a game that has never been given away for free so far - stems not from the game being overly difficult, but rather being really clunky and unfun to play.

Let's start with the positives though. The artstyle of the game is sufficient and clean, it has a very fitting and pleasant soundtrack and the voice acting is decent. The game tries to build up a whole universe in a rather short playtime, and while it doesn't quite succeed, I can applaud the effort. The battle mechanic is, at the very least, creative.

The problems start when you look beyond those aspects. Iron Danger is a game that has been completely built on battles. There is nothing else in the game. Almost every mission in every chapter has one or multiple battles, and inbetween battles you spend time walking to the next battle. Aside from a few consumable items and the occasional note, nothing can be found.

This would of course be fine if the battles were as fun as they should be, given that they were the focus, but sadly that is not the case. The main gimmick of the game is interesting: due to story reasons, our heroine can reverse time up to a limit, one heartbeat at a time. Each action, like moving around and attacking, costs a certain number of heartbeats. If one of your actions doesn't land or you got hit, you can rewind and try to block or look at a different approach.

It's a pretty cool mechanic, but it has two massive problems. First of all, it makes all battles essentially inconsequential. Death doesn't mean anything as you can just rewind, and every enemy action can be countered that way. This also has implications on the story as you can't ever really fail. The second problem is that it makes battles really clunky. You usually fight four, five or even more enemies at a time. They chuck grenades, use skills and ranged attacks and so on. You will constantly get hit, have to rewind to dodge the attack, then get hit again by a different attack, and so on and so forth. Since your two characters can also only take two or three hits max, this quickly becomes frustrating even if you can never really die.

Couple that with the dreadful optimization (dropping as low as 25 fps on my pretty good PC, even when not in battles) and the rather slow story and it just isn't fun. I see the approach the developers were going for here - making battles more like puzzles - but it just doesn't work. It's not even really difficult, as you can't fail, it's essentially just a heap of trial & error until you get it right, over and over again.

There is a lot of artistry in the style and soundtrack, but sadly I can't recommend it because the only gameplay loop you have isn't very fun. The game does end on a cliffhanger and if a second game ever comes, I hope there will be a bigger focus on making battles fun and maybe giving the game more of an RPG aspect beyond upgrading a skill after every couple missions.
1578 Produkte im Account
129 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 19:53
Incomprehensible animation hitboxes and timings. In a game about careful positioning and timing actions - that's basically an instant failure.

The premise of the game is cool, but I don't know why isn't it on a grid of some sort and with a more rigid timing system, like single-player Atlas Reactor with undo.
334 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
23 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 05:01
I want to enjoy the game but I could not. The controls are not intuitive for me and the lack of rebinding prevent me from fully enjoying the game. I find myself fighting against the control more in my short time playing this game. If there were a control rebind update, I would visit this game again. But I doubt it.
441 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 15:34
Lovely title but be warned, for Steam Archivements do not lie:
Only 50% of the players endure the steep learning curve in the first 20 minutes, and get to the healer.
886 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 23:15
When it works, the main time control mechanic is genuinely so unique and satisfying.

Unfortunately that mechanic is wrapped up in a game that's ropey in every single way. The UI needs improving. Encounter design can be infuriating. Character animations are really bad making the action often difficult to read. There is no meaningful character development outside of picking one skill to upgrade after each level. There is nothing to do outside of combat, no reasons to explore levels. No items to equip or upgrade.

And there are some pretty game-breaking bugs. My game bugged out about 45 minutes into the final boss level, leaving me completely unable to control my main character. Unfortunately I couldn't stomach the idea of replaying the whole last level again so I uninstalled before seeing the ending.

There is definitely fun to be had here, and it's interesting as a curiosity, but very hard to recommend with the caveats above. I'd rather recommend waiting to see the same idea executed better by a more skilled dev team.
419 Produkte im Account
133 Reviews
665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 03:53
Yet another indie gem, yet another underrated game.

Can't wait to play the sequel.
284 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 03:16
fights are tedious. Neat idea but every fight comes to move this char go back in time a lil bit and fireball with this char, go back again and swing with an axe with the first one and so on and on and on...
22 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 06:37
The game mechanics was not that complex. The control were hard to understand and at times it would make it impossible to continue and made me restart the whole mission from the start. All spells on the main character made her op. Introducing more characters with the other powers would have made the game much more fun to play. Story was incomplete.
Other than that game was fun to play. story was great but it had much grater potential. Had some stealth mechanics and tactical mechanics but as I said it all falls on one character to carry the team made it bland.
447 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.21 13:51
Combat can get a little repetitive since you only have 2 active characters, even with the extra skills you pick up along the way, but the core mechanic is satisfying when it clicks and you perfectly time attacks/spells and it doesn't outstay its welcome at around 12 hours of playtime.

I would love to see the concept fleshed out into a more ambitious sequel featuring a larger active party (but with far fewer skills per party member).
232 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.21 13:35
Iron danger is a small, but well done adventure/tactical game that superficially looks a bit like a fantasy RPG. I wouldn't actually call it an RPG, though, as the story is linear, the player doesn't have any choices outside of how to approach combat and which skills to upgrade, and there's no inventory that goes above a singleplayer FPS game, either.
The combat is clearly the star of the show here, based on the timeline you can scroll back on up to 7 seconds. It is clearly stop and go, but not really turnbased - well, it has 0.5 second turns, if you will. for lack of a better descriptor I'd call it pause-able real time.
The player over time gains access to a wide range of skills to engage enemies with, or shape the environment through judicious application of fire or ice.
It is actually quite fun, and while it can be frustrating at times and has no in-level saving, the ability to just revert any bad decision alleviates a lot of potential issues with collision boxes(that the game does have; Like having to smash a box of grenades because it's somehow impossible to grab those grenades out of the box from all but one specific angle that happens to be facing a wall). It is just immensely satisfying when things 'just work' after having tried five different angles to line up that perfect shot.

I somehow completely missed this game when it released until I got it in a magazine deal.
Then I binged it the entire day and a few hours of the next; The playtime shown on this review is how long it took me to beat the game on hard(and write the review, so probably closer to 12 hours).
The story looks relatively simple, but the world is interesting, and the musical score is just beautiful.
I can obviously not tell you if it would be worth your money, but it was definitely worth my time.
119 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 21:35
Short but fun game. Has some good ideas with somewhat unique gameplay. Come and give it a shot if you get tired playing those AAA games.
158 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 21:07
Cute and casual game with some pretty neat combat mechanics. It feels like every fight is a dynamic puzzle that you solve by turning back the combat timeline and tweaking actions until you get win the encounter without taking a hit. The story wasn't bad wasn't great.

Only downsides are that it's pretty short. There's roughly 9-10 hours of content here, and the ending is basically a abrupt cliffhanger for (maybe?) a second game. It felt like a they could've added a couple more big fights and just wrapped it up clean.

I'd give it a solid 75/100- it's worth playing if the demo interested you and if you can catch it on sale.
52 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 08:26
[7.5/10] Got this game as a gift and I absolutely loved it! Admittedly the game is quite short (I 100% the entire game and achievements within 21 hours and 1 main play through), but the gameplay mechanics are super fun.

The core mechanic of rewinding time is really fun to dive into, allowing you to craft the perfect strategy where you take out all the enemies in one fell swoop. There definitely are some tedious bits in the campaign which can be irritating to work through (it can feel as if you are just brute forcing it) but overall the time rewind mechanic partnered with environmental tools makes for some really fun game play.

The story is pretty short and simple, nothing mind boggling yet, but the enemy design and lore behind them is pretty cool. That said, the story has yet to be fully wrapped up in this game, hopefully implying a sequel is on the way soon. The graphics are gorgeous (it feels as if you are playing with table top figurines), and most devices should be able to handle it. The music is incredible, and with good speakers it is very immersive.

Besides that, there are some frustrating design issues such as random locked doors that seem like secrets (but aren't), as well as certain attacks and environmental traps not working as intended. The characters can seem quite selfish or dumb even at some points, which can be quite annoying to deal with, but overall they are okay.

I really cannot wait for a sequel where this incredible mechanic is used further, because its really fun to tinker around with it.
12 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 15:11
good story 7.5/10 game play it could be better 7/10
after all its a good game 8/10
631 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 02:05
This is a game with a truly novel game mechanic that was unfortunately waylaid by poor execution and abysmal story writing.

This game might be worth a couple bucks to experience the innovative combat mechanic, but the game gets painfully slow quickly and the story is not finished.
346 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 23:00
+beautiful graphics
+amazing soundtrack
+excellent voice acting

combat is... unique. Play the demo to see if it's for you.

-Unity Engine is a FPS killer as per usual.
42 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 21:53
The time element was really neat. I'd love to see the next step of this mechanic a little more polish. But this is definitely worth playing.
29 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 20:44
A nice little game. It has a very interesting story, the graphics are nice and the soundtrack is very good. The fighting mechanic is quite unique, but can be a bit of a challenge at the beginning. After you get used to it, it's a lot of fun though. The special thing about the combat is that you can rewind the time. So if your strategy doesn`t work, just rewind the time and try something else. Also if you walk into a trap, while not in combat, the game will automatically stop, and put you in rewind mode, so you can just rewind the time, and walk around the trap safely like nothing happend. Because of the rewind mechanic, the combat, which there is a lot of, is a lot try and error, and it can be frustrating for some players.
27 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 20:35
definitely not an rpg , just a tedious game through and through. short levels where everything is set and no room for creativity.
524 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 16:24
Combat system takes a bit of getting used to but it's fun.
677 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 14:46
First off I absolutely love the concept of the timeline combat, but the execution in this game isn't for me.

Every little encounter becomes tedious, because even with time powers you feel underpowered and managing the action of even two characters takes a good bit of time.
Your attacks have windups that last a couple heartbeats (the time currency), but the enemies attacks rarely feel like they have the same windup.
This means you rarely get to properly predict melee hits to avoid them, you take them and rewind to avoid taking them.
Managing multiple timelines is tedious due to the timeline moving on when you initiate an action, meaning the action plays out and then you rewind to initiate an action for another character.
Aggro seems dodgy to influence even with dedicated skills to do so.

On the positive, the voice acting is very nice and the OST sounds beautiful and is worth the purchase if you buy the game
71 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 14:28
tl;dr A short game with a unique time bending mechanic that starts to fall off later; recommended when in sale.

This is one of the tougher decisions.

Firstly, the core mechanic of manipulating time is a really cool idea. Planning combat and luring enemies into traps... it didn't work out? Continue to tweak till perfection. I love that. I often found myself to fiddle around till I got out of a fight without a single bruise (which is not necessary, as there are plenty healing items).

Later on however, it started to become tedious. The problem in my opinion was that this gameplay, where you can correct your mistakes at every possible moment, can't really become any harder later on. However in an attempt to give you a feeling of rising stakes, enemies have more and more hit points and many AOE-effects (such as explosive guns). This made my play style impossible.
Enemies survived too much punishment to sneak kill them and with many enemies doing AOE, it was impossible to dodge all of it. Their damage wasn't that high and a healing spell reverts that, sure, but it didn't feel right anymore. It didn't feel like you solved these combat puzzles anymore, but it instead you brute-forced your way through. Combine that with more and more fights everywhere, I grew tired of it.

At some point even, I just ran past the enemies, because I couldn't be bothered to fight all of them. Maybe that was their intention, to show you the enemy supremacy, but if that was the case, it was poorly communicated.

Another little downside is, that you basically play most regions twice, because you need to go to your objective and then go back to your starting point. It feels a bit cheap, though some regions are altered, when you go back.

On to other topics:
The graphics are quite beautiful, the sound is solid (I do love the voice actor of the main character), and the story is somewhat compelling. It feels like there are some dead end strands, but I think they put a great effort into the development of the main character. She never wanted to be a fighter, much less a sorceress, so we see her struggle with that destiny and these expectations, that come with it.
Because of an increasing number of fights, the story parts also become less unfortunately.

Concluding, I think this game is worth a try, even if it gets worse at some point. Especially the first few hours were very entertaining. That's why I would recommend this game when it's at sale. If you still don't like it, then use the amazing time-bending ability called refund.

Thanks for reading,
Have a great day!
1661 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
3210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 22:56
Extraordinary game with a wonderful combat system! I would like to call it 'combat choreography' at times, a delight for anyone looking for a casual adventure, because the mechanics ensure that you basically can't loose. This inside a pearl of a story, which isn't always conveyed the best in this game.

The story begins...

Kipuna's hometown is under attack, and during her fled out of town, she tumbles through a gap in the pavement to an ancient forgotten temple, right upon a magical shard. The shard is pierced through her heart, and it gives her the power to turn back time 7 seconds, and to conjure firespells. A magical apparition sets Kipuna off on a quest to get the five other shards that form together the Aurolith!
The king sets her out on the same quest, he wants to harness the Auroliths power to conjure a shield around the capital.

The game is told in small chapters, most of them beatable in half an hour. After each chapter the game autosaves, there is no manual saving.

Genre of game

You play realtime, until you encounter combat. The game pauses at that point, and you can execute orders for each character. The orders are per 0,5 second, so you can pinpoint precisely when to move, dodge, attack etcetera. You get hit, or even die? Just rewind a bit and adjust the plan!
The description of the game is spot on, 'a tactical combat game that blends the tactical depth of turn-based games with the exciting action of real-time games'. The Steam tags are incorrect, this is not turn-based, and I would not call this RPG (you can select upgrades for spells after chapters, however there is usually only 1 good upgrade). My tagchoices are adventure, time manipulation, tactical, and I added casual. This game is not isometric at all.

Conveyance of the story

I don't think the game tells this story the best way possible. To elaborate this I use some spoilers.
[spoiler]The spirit of the Aurolith warns her that the king can't be trusted, yet she asks him to remain in the capital without pursuing the quest. The quest, where he sends this young woman and a veteran smith. Or later when she interludes her quest to visit her cousin, whom is married to a leader of another town? She isn't there, but he joins her on a personal vendetta towards the villain, and during the quest he makes advances towards her? [/spoiler]
I can't believe this story is written like that. Maybe the story had to be shrunk down. There were a lot of dilemmas that were only hinted to, but deserve a bigger story. Understandable that doesn't fit in this game, however the design raises some questions in me. Also because of the jokes which feel unnatural, or the voiceacting, very well performed but feels a bit off. But that's nitpicking, very happy that there is voice acting!!

Final words

Being a handicapped gamer this was a delight to play! I hope there will be more games with this time manipulation technique! Maybe one with only one character, because that would be quicker in some situations.
The other aspects of the game are just solid. Very good level design, good atmospheric music (it really blends in).
A very good game to play casually for an hour.


More reviews at Omnivore Gamer, games that are easy to control (for handicapped gamers).
884 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 20:53
Really cool game, totally worth it!
276 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 03:50
Tried as I may I could not get into it. The game puts the entire focus on it's time manipulation system and it felt cumbersome and boring for me. You are constantly going back and forward, the fight is always on pause, and you never really get to see the entire thing play out. It would have been cool if they allowed you to lay out your actions, see them resolve, and then live with the outcome. Instead every fight felt like a chore for me. There is no loot, no character customization, and very linear gameplay. I did think the voice acting was good and the world map was absolutely beautiful. I think you can get all the achievements in one run so originally I told myself I would bear it for that reason but then I realized it would be silly to waste my time on a game I wasn't having fun with.

Some folks might like this sort of thing but I just could not justify putting the time into it. Unfortunately I can't recommend it and I would absolutely not spend $34.99 here.
84 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 22:14
The time delay is an interesting dynamic. But it doesn't play well becoming to complicated with multiple characters and just becomes a distraction from an otherwise interesting game. There should be an option to switch it off.
1667 Produkte im Account
377 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
52 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 03:26
So this is budget-bin Divinity with a neat element of time manipulation. But here's the kicker, there's no stats/armor/gear that you can get (though you can get spells.) The issue with time manipulation though is it's kind of clunky to actually use, and I always like games like Divinity in the same way I like chess. You need to plan your strategy and beat your opponent with your brain. Being able to simply rewind kind of removes that challenge.

So the game isn't bad, I think it's just not for me.
723 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
1497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 00:47
A fun, short game with interesting mechanics and a compelling world. The writing was a bit hackneyed, tho.
1913 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
1177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 13:45
Iron Danger is a very nice game for a 2-3 days. It plays like Divinity Original Sin but with an time travel option. You can literally turn back ur every move so its way easier. Main character is weak at the start but become ridioculsy OP at the end, i could solo a whole army. Combo with Archer character = even more OP. Pretty good and enjoyable tactical gameplay. The only problem with the game is is... kinda weird meh story, bad characters and dialogues, and most important thing - why tf it ends with an cliffhanger? Still i recommend it, maybe one day i get a sequel if it ever shows up.
1078 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
1027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 01:50
Very enjoyable game. I played it a bit when it first released in 2020, but it was poorly optimized, or it didn't run well on my video card. I have since upgraded my video card, and I think the devs put some effort into optimization.

Regardless, the second time playing I am thoroughly enjoying this game. The rewind mechanic is very cool and just plain fun to mess around with. The game isn't too brutally difficult so far, which is just fine with me. I'm not into impossibly difficult games. With the rewind mechanic, you can basically craft the perfect battle. It's lots of fun to play with the timeline and try to set up cool combos and explosive actions on the timeline. Great stuff.

So, two dark sunglasses up from Jake and Elwood. Give it a try. Set the controls for the heart of the sun and just enjoy pure fun gaming goodness.

[Update 3/14/2021] I'm getting close to the end of this game, and it is still a blast to play. I wish the game got a lot more exposure and interest, because I would LOVE to play another game using this system. It's a brilliant puzzley, action, semi-turn-based combat game.

There is no equipment loot to find, except grenades, explosive barrels, and various healing herbs and mushrooms to enhance your combat skills, but that's ok. Not every game has to be the same. This one is different, and just super enjoyable.
546 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 21:57
It's a fun game with a unique combat system that lets you manipulate a timeline of events. I find this makes combat a bit easy and turns it into more of a puzzle where you're trying to find the right actions to get away without taking damage. Aside from that, the story is interesting enough and I really enjoy the music. Would recommend just to try out the combat.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 17:16
The interesting idea of going back in time is a terrible implementation. I don't want to solve endless back-scrolling puzzles in an rpg, at least since it's implemented. In addition, there is no manual save in the game, I do not know what the developers were thinking.
1913 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 05:02
I think the fact that Steam Achievements show that only 50% of people have met the healer - the 2nd achievement that comes about an hour into the game, and is a steep dropoff from the nearly 90% for the 1st achievement - kind of tells the tale. It just...doesn't quite click.

I think the idea has a lot of promise, and sometimes when things work out it can feel pretty good - cast a fireball, swap characters, attack with sword, quick kick to get some distance...things like that. But most of the time, it is just a weird puzzle to solve. I'll say that should be up my alley, an RPG combat puzzle situation, but it just doesn't quite work well enough.

It's just a little too fiddly, with how you have to do actions with one character, then rewind time, then do actions with the other character, play those action timelines together, find out if what you did worked, if it didn't, try to rewind far enough and try again. I think cooldowns also play into why it doesn't feel great all the time, with somewhat limited options early on making it feel like you use your 1 or 2 obvious cooldown skills & then, waiting for cooldowns to expire, find yourself with enemies in close range and are left with few options aside from just moving away and trying to basic attack or block before they hit you. And then doing that for 2 characters.

There's not many chances for ultimate failure given the rewind mechanic, but it just means a lot of rewinding and tweaking. You do get some mild options for improving some skills between each level - no open world with expansive skill trees here - but that's about the extent of the RPG systems I can see (at least after playing a bit more than 2 hours). No real gear or anything to look for, no RPG dialog typed choices. I'm not quite sure - I feel like you could make something compelling out of what they have here, but I just couldn't get into it.

It's not a terrible game. It isn't a badly made game. It just...doesn't quite work, at least for me. I'd definitely be willing to see what these devs do next, though.
367 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 14:36
Game has no key rebinds.
Sorry but for me, left handed, it's a no go. I almost hate to give it a thumbs down but a PC game in 2021 not having this simple feature is crazy, I haven't coded since BASIC but I cannot believe this is a great big task. I'm sick of people assuming everyone is right handed and/or uses WASD. It's ridiculous really. If it wasn't a Humble Bundle I'd refund.

If you are right handed the tiny amount I played seems fun but I can't really say.

I mean, yeah I grew up playing games with just the mouse for everything back on my Atari ST but c'mon. When you hover over an action and the tool-tip shows the corresponding key you COULD use then no.
374 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 23:48
Few weird bugs, but solid strategy game. I with there where more games that let you manipulate your timeline Like this.
1405 Produkte im Account
129 Reviews
1128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 10:54

What is it?

Isometric action-rpg with a built-in time rewind mechanic. Start out by reacting to what your enemies are about to do and blocking, dodging, moving away or attacking in the perfect way to ruin their shit. Then throw in fire, poison, cold, area effects, buffs, poisons, and a LOT of explosions.

What's Good?

The basic gameplay loop is hella fun. You can execute a complex plan with multiple consumables and interlocking elemental effects to take out an entire enemy encounter at once. Or you could lure a troll into an enemy camp and laugh as he wreaks havoc. Or you could rewind face-bash your through the bad guys by simply attacking them to death.

It's fairly addictive.

What's Bad?

1. The scope of the game is fairly modest. No real skill trees, dialog choices or gear. The story ends as you defeat a mid-boss and decide to take the fight to the enemy. No new game plus or level editor, both of which would be incredible.

2. A lot of minor bugs. None of the gamebreaking, but all persistent and annoying.

I wrote some more in-depth impressions here.


Yeah, it's a lot of fun. Just keep in mind it's probably a one-and-done, worth approximately 15-20 hours of gameplay.

Hopefully, the sequel is going to be highly expanded.
33 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 02:06
So far, I'm 8 hours in and really enjoying it. This game makes you plan ahead and try new approaches if the first (or second) didn't succeed. I wholeheartedly recommend this game and would love a second one.
1098 Produkte im Account
184 Reviews
832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 16:57
The big draw here is the combat system; it's not the most clearly explained in the marketing materials necessarily, but once you start playing, it clicks into place almost immediately. Being able to rewind in combat and plan our your attacks again and again until it works out in your favour is a great concept, and for the most part it's really well executed. I found the combat was really enjoyable. There are a few cases where it's not clear why you're taking damage or being knocked down, which makes adapting to those fights much more annoying, but for the most part it's pretty fun to tweak and reconfigure your approach, preternaturally dodge arrows and attacks, blast units just as they're emerging from hiding, and so on. Worth playing for the combat system for sure.

The story is fine overall. I like that Kipuna seems a bit more hard-headed and self-aware than you'd expect from your average video game protagonists, and I like that there seems to be some greyness to the characters and the setting. Aside from the Finnish touches, though, the world and setting feel very uninspired and typical, like any other random fantasy setting. Unfortunately the game ends on a cliffhanger, setting the stage for a sequel. That's okay, since I do hope they actually get to make an Iron Danger 2 and not just leave it at that, but it felt a bit abrupt.

It's a pretty little game, not too long, and given the above, I'd say it's worth checking out if you're interested in these kinds of tactical combat games.
324 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1059 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 15:27
Generally enjoyable game, with some flaws.
TLDR: I enjoyed the combat. What I found frustrating was the camera controls, and lack of manual saving.

Most importantly, I believe the only point to playing the game is the combat, as the game is so linear, you don't make interesting choices to create a unique story about your character, and the story is mediocre enough that it's not going to carry the game if you don't enjoy the combat.

To that point, I enjoyed the combat and rewind mechanic quite a bit, but I don't think it's for everyone. While overall I thought it was a little easy (there are options to increase the difficulty, which I did not use), it made me feel very clever, even though I know I am no tactical genius. The biggest thing for me was that I enjoy futzing around with optimizing, then testing it, then refining it, then testing, then refining, and so on, and that's exactly what you get here. If you don't like repeating similar choices repeatedly, you may not enjoy the combat. I do wish enemies better telegraphed an incoming attack, so you don't always have to get hit before you know when you will get attacked.

There are several things that are different from typical RPGs. One of those differences is that the game is played very linearly in levels (like Mario). Start with chapter 1 part 1 map, then you go to chapter 1 part 2 map, and so on, and once you finish a level you can't choose to come back. After each map, where there is combat, you usually can choose 1 ability to upgrade among several options, or pick up a new skill from a very small selection.

My biggest frustration by far was autosave at end of levels only, which can range from 10-40 minutes, with the average being in the middle there somewhere. That frustration was compounded when at the end of one of the levels, a bug prevented me from walking through the exit door to complete the level, causing me to have to restart and play the whole level again. My other main frustration is camera controls. I just want to zoom out and see more at once.

Game is not long if you compare it to most RPGs, but it's repetative enough that I was glad that it did not overstay its welcome. The game ends with some apparent loose ends, so I expect a sequel.
279 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 18:03
I very much enjoyed this game. Great artwork, very good voice acting, good (if tropy) characters and an intriguing story (a little more on that below) provide a good setting for the unique take on a turn-based combat system. Here you can rollback time for a certain amount of heartbeats which allows to dodge incoming damage or perfectly time attacks. Especially the final few encounters were very satisfying, in no small part due to one power you get later in the game (no spoilers).
As mentioned before I want to finish with a note on the story: I would have liked to stay with the characters longer, know where (or rather how) their journey takes them after the end. This is not necessarily a bad thing, the ending worked well for me. But still, to know how they .... would have been nice.
78 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 05:55
CON: The time manipulation and stop-and-go combat system is a noble idea, but in practice it doesn't work. The timing is EXTREMELY unforgiving, and you get to watch your character die 10-20 times in every encounter. All opponents attack faster than you do, so you either spend most of every combat blocking or die even more. Further, the block is on a cool-down, and with the really fast-attacking opponents, your block against their first attack puts you on cooldown so you get to take their second attack right in the teeth. Further, if your fight starts near an NPC conversation, you get the listen to the comments 5-10 times as you replay the first few heartbeats of the battle trying to save your characters.
PRO: the story is interesting, and if you can get past the frustrating combat system then you'll probably enjoy the writing. Also, the art is pretty.
2193 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 19:01
Plenty of potential, but missing plenty of accessibility functions.

With how small the icons are for the core battle mechanics, it is difficult to read and very easy for it to click through. While rare, this can force a restart as once you get hit, if you don't die, the game will continue on the timeline until you stop being hit. This can result in being stunlocked until you can't undo the action that caused your death. And holding shift the entire time to try to prevent this from happening is not exactly fun.

A lot of the shortcuts should have toggle options and the click detection for the actions need to be more solid to reduce click through.

Certain areas of the map are just frustrating because it looks like you can pass through, but you can't or if you don't carefully navigate one step at a time, your character might take a much longer path. This gets worse at the end of the game where one area causes your character to spiral into the air (these glitchy areas also make time pass very quickly). That's levitation, Holmes.

There are plenty of exploits in this game as well. Probably what annoys me most is the [spoiler]to be continued type ending where your are hinted at a continued campaign, but the game ends.[/spoiler]

There are also limited ability to jump forward if you just want to pass time during combat because you are doing stunlocks and just to get to your next lock. There are some exploits if you want to cheese the fights. The last fight can be completely cheesed if you know how.

There is also one section where a [spoiler]tree[/spoiler] activates a barrier and you can get stuck outside the barrier, making the (optional) objective potentially impossible (luckily, that barrier allowed some spells to pass through, unlike one of the later barriers). Fortunately, it seems that if you do end up stuck outside, you do not actually need to kill the enemies inside (except for an achievement, but you can get credit for that achievement elsewhere) as it seems the objective is meant for if you end up being trapped by the trap.

Without the glitches and other issues, this game is probably about 12 hours long if you go at a relatively quick pace (even if you collect and kill everything). The issues extend the time it takes to complete missions.

Also, be aware to restart the game every 4-8 hours. I experienced some severe system-wide lag/fps drop around the 9 hour mark, which stopped when I restarted the game.
84 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 05:02
Combat mechanism is unique but frustrating. On the positive, there is voice acting for the entire story (so far), but the writing is not really very good, Progress is frustrating and tedious requiring contrast trial and error clicks, Game progress is clunky.

Sorry, no marks from me.
158 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 04:41
Perfectionism is exhausting.

I think this best summarizes the Iron Danger experience. Now don’t get me wrong, the first few hours of the game were a joy to play. Kipuna starts off with a wide variety of spells and actions to play with, allowing you to duck and weave through combat like a rhythm game on steroids. It feels rewarding to be able to dodge a crossbow bolt, and then follow up with a fireball which blows up the oil barrel next to the enemy. Add on my habit of save-scumming my x-com encounters, it was great to strategize and think of the best way for a no hit run.

Character interactions were also sparse but meaningful, providing a clear “why” as to their motivations. Kipuna’s growth throughout the course of the game was something that the player could identify with. Presentation-wise however, I did feel that more could be done when talking about them. Other than, just “Oh I’m joining you because of XXX reason, and this is my XXX backstory which is why I want to join you.” Come on, each of them have unique origins and unique relationships. Lemichen seems like he’s more interested in banging Kouko than Ayeling for ****. Also, secondary character kits could be more distinct from each other. I love how there was the ability to fire arrows and different kinds of arrows, which provided opportunities to start kiting and managing cooldowns.

However, what irked me was more of the mid-late game. As you get introduced to more and more spells and mechanics to keep things fresh, but these kits end up being so weak that you don’t really end up using them? Furthermore, the game also starts throwing at you more of the same mob characters, so rather than think about more varied ways to take out your opponents, you instead have to use the most effective strategy again and again. A.k.a the grenade. root/freeze, grenade then fireball, taking out enemies at range rather than in the heat of the combat. Why? Low risk and your melee weapons are just too weak and don’t scale. So combat encounters in the level become this slow chore where you just nuke the enemy, and try to dodge as much what they throw at you. If you decide to switch it up, more often you would just be surrounded and die, which means more time reversing.

There’s also no incentive in certain cases to even engage in combat. One level I just skipped all the mobs because it would just be too much of a chore to fight them all (which I guess could be an intentional design choice?) There were also quite a few puzzles in the game, but those were pretty easy and the game does do a good job of explaining the mechanics to you and letting you figure things out on your own.

Lastly, the ending. Wooo oh boy I think the ending was the main reason why I gave this a thumbs down because I did enjoy the combat in spite of its flaws. Spoilers below for my disappointment.

Spoilers for ending
When I was reading up on this game, reviews, marketing, game videos and all, it was never once mentioned to me that this was like a trilogy or it was supposed to have a sequel or something. So imagine my surprise when I defeat Kouko, who I thought was going to be a mid-boss before fighting Lowhee in the north, to be greeted with the credits right after. With the fates of the characters unknown. Now come on, you just reached the climax of getting all the shards. Lemichen resolves his major character arc. You feel like the team is finally getting somewhere and you are on to a new chapter. And credits roll. It was a huge disappointment, and it is appended by the fact that either I would have to pay more money to see the ending, or god forbid the game development is not complete and I have no idea what happens to these guys. It’s just sad that there really did not feel like there was a payoff after grinding through all the combat.

1501 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 13:18
Core mechanic - time manipulation - is really unique for this kind of game but the more I've played it, the more convinced I was that turn-based system would work much better here... Sure, it's nice that devs tried to be original but I'd rather play non-original game that's actually pleasant to play. Believe me, Iron Danger sounds fun but combat isn't pleasant at all. Planning movements for both characters is inconvenient, especially when you're fighting with great number of enemies. What's left when combat isn't fun? Story. To be honest I can't say much about the story as a whole because I didn't finish the game. However let me tell you one thing. Last time I've played it few days ago and I don't even remember the names of main characters. What did I enjoy? Character development - it's simple but you can feel that your heroes grow stronger with time. Graphics and level design are good as well. I swear, some islands remind me Zelda games. On the other hand voice acting and some sounds are annoying.
I was going to finish this game but I've got tired after so many frustrating fights. Still.... if you're looking for something unique you should give it a try and see it for yourself.
824 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 06:19
was a fun casual game to play. it is not often that you get a game that lets you turn back time but a mechanic where you can turn back time allows you to undo all mistakes you make and shows you can beat the game without getting hurt once.

would love a way to re-watch a completed level in real time so you can sit back and watch some epic fights where the hero fights like a movie character.
195 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 07:25
While I will praise them for trying to go with a more unique approach to gameplay, it feels like a clunkier version of real time with pause where all the goods were removed. The entire game will make you feel like you're wrestling with the poor control than fighting the enemies.

For example, when you queue order in the timeline, you have to hold shift or else, the action are immediately carried out. Plotting the actions without them being carried out should have been the default, especially when the second major issue presents itself.

When stuff are carried out, most of the time, you can't pause it to queue another order or immediately rewind, you have to watch the whole thing happen before you can rewind. If a character is using an attack then get hit, that's 2-3 seconds of gameplay gone that you are going to rewind anyway but cannot because the game doesn't give you the ability to pause and interrupt.

And while stuff are fast forwarding or rewinding, you can't buffer a common. When you just want to rewind 1 unit and queue another attack, if you don't wait for the whole action to finish animation when pressing the skills button, nothing is queued. When you left click afterward, the character just run in a straight line and once again, you are stuck watching the thing happen, have to watch the character get hit, the rewind.

These are just the most obvious are there are A LOT more stuff that will further hinder your ability to control anything in this game, like how the game is always played with the time manipulation in mind so assigning movement or picking up items comes with a delay by default. I have way easier time giving precise control to a group of 5 or 6 in RTwP than controller just 2 characters in this game.
391 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 19:23
While the concept of time-reversing looks fun on the paper the actual gameplay is a massive chore. It's a mix of the worse parts of turn-based and real-time combat mechanics.
3916 Produkte im Account
216 Reviews
574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 23:26
I'll update this after i finish the game BUT this does have quite a unique gameplay although it is quite hard to actually make use of
990 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 11:33
Quick Pro / Contra:

- you can turn back the time
- good tactical gameplay
- looks quite nice

- you can turn back the time, yeah its nice and bad
- feels like playing level after a level, not a whole world
- its just focused on the time feature
- its short
- the story is boring

It is promoted like a masterpiece and despite all this, only 52% of the players who bought this game made it to the healer?
Isn't that still the tutorial?

To be able to turn back time is nice to have, but unfortunately this increasingly reminds me of the casualization of racing games, where you can simply rewind after an accident to try again directly.
In the past you would have lost the race and had to live with it.
Unfortunately there are only single levels and there is no feeling of freedom or open world ambience. So you just have the feeling that you have to play one level after the other.
1556 Produkte im Account
438 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 20:26
A tactical RPG with an interesting time-rewind mechanic that lets you edit our your mistakes and turn your characters into a two person army, fighting through hordes and coming out unscathed. I also found the writing really good, and the voice acting was just superb. Whoever they cast as Topi in particular really impressed me. My problem with the game is a combo that left me unwilling to play further, which is the lack of mid-mission saves combined with puzzles. Nothing more maddening then making it halfway through a map, getting stuck on a puzzle, and being unable to walk away unless you want to restart the mission from the very beginning. It was kind of a game killer for me, which is unfortunate because the core of the game is so solid.
847 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 12:42
The rewind mechanics make this game interesting, I loved to dance around the arrows and blow up enemy soldiers with perfectly aligned shots of oil barrels and fire magic. The only con is the lack of saving. I don't understand, that In a game that is mostly about saving all what is happening all the time (to make you able to rewind) one could not add a saving option. You have to finish the levels to be able to quit.
764 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 13:50
This is an interesting game with a MAJOR flaw. I found that the mechanics of reverse time allow for some good tactics but the novelty of the system wears out too soon. What's left after that is some generic graphics and a story that is somehow interesting although there is nothing too exciting about it.
Nonetheless, the game could have been a fun little time waster and I would definitely recommend it if it wasn't for one major flaw.
No manual save.
I need to emphasize this, no manual save, no quicksave, no checkpoints, no nothing. The game only saves automatically between chapters, some of which are quite large. There isn't even an autosave half way through the chapters or even before the boss fights.
It really defies reasoning for such a feature to be missing, especially on this day and age.
No manual save makes playing this game tedious and sucks all fun from it.
609 Produkte im Account
222 Reviews
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 19:45
Recommended for fans of a fantasy adventure who don't mind a mixed real-time/turn-based system and a few rough edges.

+Visuals, art style, and music
+Voiced dialogue
+Time-rewind system is interesting
+Skill/upgrade choices after each level
+Story and characters are fun

-Awkward camera and controls
-Slow movement, clunky
-Repetitive combat due to rewinds
-Autosave only
-Occasional crashes
172 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 21:32
If you, like I, find yourself getting lulled into the concept that this game is ANYTHING like Solasta, BG3, Divinity OS2, or Wasteland 2+3; basically ANY tactical RPG games like the steam algorithms claim it to be, then boy will you be pissed off like I just was. This game has no 'tactical' choices in reality. There's this strange 'prince of persia' time rewind trick that happens anytime a combat occurs. You cannot 'lose' a combat- you just rewind and choose the option that makes you win. This is a really REALLY pretty and fancy slide show with some interactivity elements involved.

In fairness, I played for an hour and was displeased with the mechanics and gameplay based on my expectation that this game was in fact a tactical RPG. Past that, I will say that what I did look at was gorgeous visually and the voice acting was well implemented without some of the usual hiccups that I encounter. But it's just NOT the game I thought it was going to be, and for that- I requested a refund.
136 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 20:10
I can't recommend. I do not like the game's mechanic and the controls feel clunky. Very clunky. This is a Real Time puzzle game. Not my style. I tried to scan the Yes and No's and play longer before I reviewed. Nope, I can't stomach this game. Thankfully got this off a Humble deal.

I started getting a Dungeon Siege feel...I would've enjoyed that version of action mechanic. Then, having the time mechanic used in a different manner. Maybe Max Payne or Rogue-Lite way to retry?

People with more patience for this style might find a hidden gem.
396 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 01:37
The battle system is the real jewel of this game while somehow being the biggest pain in the ass of it too. I like it.
1050 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 21:39
The game seems to be interesting with the time manipulation however it is poorly executed. The controls and timing is so janky I couldnt keep playing past the opening sequence. It feels like they wanted to make a turn based game but made it real time last second. Forgot to add that the game stutters even with near 100 FPS. TLDR sounds interesting but plays bad.
994 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
1124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 14:53
Iron Danger is a Real Time Tactics Adventure.
Most of the time you control two different characters during a mission.
The only choices you make is what skills you want to upgrade after each mission.
The rest of the game is pure linear without any choices or consequences.

You proceed in the game by playing through levels with objectives.
When you enter a fight you issue commands for your characters and can rewind if the outcome of your given commands do not turn out how you expected they will turn out. This mechanic makes the game almost non lose able. However, you will still die a lot but with a quick rewind the death will be prevented.

The Story is a basic fantasy plot but the world and lore is unique.
To bad that you can not realy explore the world and lore in the game. So even if it is unique, you won't experience much of it.

The game concludes on its own but with a non shown to be continued sign.

Overall I enjoyed playing the game.
If you don't mind linear games and also like time manipulation mechanics, go for it!
2265 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 01:46
Iron Danger is an incredibly immersive and fresh experience, though unpolished at times. A novel time-based mechanic allows you to choreograph each battle in a satisfying way, but the inability to maneuver multiple characters at once causes some frustration in this regard.
1025 Produkte im Account
234 Reviews
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 02:00
It really makes you feel like the Robert Downey Junior version of Sherlock Holmes.

Scrubbing back and forth choreographing the perfect combat where your characters are unharmed and all the enemies are defeated is very satisfying. I think it'd be an even better game if they'd gotten rid of the mid-mission healing though.
252 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 17:08
The combat system is infuriating and frustrating. Often found myself leaving one character doing nothing while one character did all the work. Mapping out character actions from heartbeat to heartbeat during combat with overwhelming odds made me rage quit at the second battle past leaving the healer. I would not recommend this game to someone who wants to have a good time.
233 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 17:15
Timeline manipulation is such an improvement over save games, I which more games had this feature.
468 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 14:56
Fantastic game that scratched a specific Time manipulation itch, I can highly recommend it. Lots of fun
216 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 04:04
I first want to say even though I am not recommending this game I did enjoy it. With that said this is a very unique style of game play it does prove to be some-what of a challenge but could have been better. The dialog pop-ups that repeat quest objectives as if you were dim and it got quite annoying.The linear story line, no equipment and having no choice of party members really was a massive disappointment.But the main reason why I am not recommending this game is for the price, even if on sale [spoiler] You can't sell an unfinished game, that ending was bull and a complete rip off, you should be ashamed [/spoiler]
439 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 16:44
Can you please remove the ads from the menu? i have paid full price for this.
384 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 09:51
Weaving around enemy attacks through the rewind mechanic is extremely satisfying.
Throwing yourself headfirst into all combat situations, dodging all attacks by a hairsbreadth while managing your cooldowns makes for a highly engaging gameplay loop. Fear nothing, just rewind.
2276 Produkte im Account
154 Reviews
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 08:04
Fun RPG time based gameplay. There are puzles to solve and the combat is also relatively puzzle based. Finding the best way to destroy enemies without dying and having to rewind time and try a different way. More of a narrative than a full on RPG game but still very good.

One issue - Turns my GPU into a jumbo jet and even then the temp went up by 20c. Hopefully this can be optimised soon.
211 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 13:56
Very fun game, finished it in two long sittings, because I couldn't resist.

That said, it's clear during the game that there were planned more features for the game. The first and second town has shops, with keepers that greet You, but You cant buy anything from them.
The current progression system also seems like a rushed thing. And the story ends at a good, point but in a cliff hanger.

Nevertheless, upgrading Your skills is very fun. Dialog and story is natural and the music is just SOOO incredibly good! Half of the success of fun battling is because of the music.

Definitely worth grabbing in a promotion.
3401 Produkte im Account
286 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 00:16
It all started with the save scamming. Remember the old school role-playing titles like Baldur's Gate? There were powerful spells that had chance to kill any enemy from one hit but the chance for it was pretty small. Now what did people do? Naturally, they used to save before the battle, tried to cast the spell and if it didn't work, they just loaded their save and tried again. Just because it was an easy way to win and... you know how it is. People love the easy ways. Well, as long as those are not the Dark Souls fans but we're not talking about those masochists today. Anyhow, later, when playing games in a proper way started to get completely out of fashion, publishers started to add a certain feature to their games. A feature that allowed us to “rewind” things and try again. Without even using an old school save feature. Press one button and pretend that you didn't die a second ago. In a way, it was like watching movies on VHS. You know... VHS? That bulky thing... with tapes? The one that allowed us, old geezers, to watch movies at home before most of you, youngsters, were even born? OK, OK, I'm shutting up now, don't be mad.

One way or another, most of the time it was a way to make the old games easier. Just because the current generation of players don't really understand the fun of dying a lot and developing a skill (again, we're not talking about the Dark Souls audience today). Which used to make winning a lot more satisfying. Nobody wants to play the same exact game every morning before going to school. Just to become really good at it one day and actually see the ending. Which was usually something like “CONGRATULATION” screen but that... was... not... the... point. Anyway, people want things easier nowadays. So, the big re-releases like Mega Man Anniversary Collection and Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour (Who wants some?) offered the “rewind” feature. Just to make those popular games more accessible for the modern kids. The guys from Action Squad Studios, though, decided that it'll be fun to add such feature to a modern RPG title. Like Saber Interactive added time manipulation to their TimeShift. Not to make things easier this time. But just... for fun. To make their game to stand out. Sounds good, right? Well, unfortunately, the Iron Danger is far from being good. For many reasons. See, when you see the “rewind” feature in action for the first time, it'll look pretty fun and promising. But the more you'll play this game, the less fun it'll look.

First of all, don't expect a proper RPG experience here. Iron Danger is just a short (about ten hours on low difficulty) series of missions that take place on tiny little maps. You finish one mission – another one begins. No proper world, no towns, no exploration, no proper interaction with NPC, no complicated dialogues, no choices, nothing like that. Just you and some missions that involve killing monsters. You know, like it was in good ol' Myth, for example (pretty bad comparison, I know, but still). Nothing's wrong with that, though. The formula may totally work. Even today. As long as it's done right? It can totally work. The problem is... it wasn't done right here. See, in this game there are only two types of missions. The ones in which you should open the door to the temple by interacting with magical switches and the ones where you enter the temple and look for shards that'll unlock a new set of skills for your main character (fire, ice, nature, healing... you know the stuff). And all of such missions feel almost identical. As the result, the game beings to feel old pretty fast. Right after the second chapter, actually (there are seven chapters in total). And the fact that the story is barely there and the game even ends with the most poor cliffhanger you can ever imagine (kill a pretty common boss who's pretty much nobody – see the characters sailing away to “the next big thing” because developers got tired of working on their product), there's a big chance you'll uninstall this game long before finishing it. Just because it isn't interesting enough. The game fails to give you enough motivation to continue and that's it. You install the game, you check the “rewind” feature and then that's it. There's no reason to waste any more time.

And it's not like the main selling point of the game works especially well either. Very soon the “rewind” feature stops being fun and starts being annoying. You can't disable it (you meet the enemy – the “rewind” thing turns on and the game begins to feel like a crappy almost-turn-based-something), the characters die a bit too fast, controlling two characters, who often die from one hit, at the same time is really painful (even if one character will get lucky, there's always a chance that another one will die at the same exact time, which means that you'll need to rewind things and try everything all over again), environment adds heck of a lot of problems (yes, characters here can and will stuck in the walls), etc, etc, etc. Iron Danger looks and feels like yet another cheap RPG from wannabe developers. Only its main selling point... kind of ruins everything. I mean, we've all played tons of cheap RPGs in Steam. But imagine them being especially slow and requiring you to interact with the annoying UI thingy every single time you want to attack somebody? It's just... isn't fun. The magic of the initial “OMG, I love the idea!” disappears very soon and after that? There's only pain.

In other words, instead of being “yet another one of those cheap RPGs”, Iron Danger tries to win by adding the unique feature. Unfortunately, not only that feature fails to save the game from its mediocrity, it also makes it a bit more annoying than needed. Being yet another generic and cheap RPG is bad as is. Steam already has tons them. And nobody really needs another one of those games that you forget right after finishing. But Iron Danger? It adds some really annoying things to the formula. And even though I totally admire it for its attempts of being unique, the game with no face that fails to be fun? It's not something you'll want to waste your time on. Dixi.
1471 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 17:30
If you are looking for some unique and fresh gameplay mechanism, you'll certainly find it here. Further reasons to be interested in Iron Danger are good graphics, likable characters and some really good voice actors.

While good enough for the game, the engine and controls aren't perfect. In that price range I expect something slightly better.

Of greater concern is that while the game design is new and unique, it doesn't offer much variety or depth.
Personally I wish it would be more about strategy than a puzzle. And evading / running away while luring the enemies around is way too effective.

Ultimately I consider this game a mixed bag. You can tweak combat events till you are pretty invincible, but there is no real reward for being so ambitious. I registered that I got the second shard achievement, while I missed many others already had gained for dying, killing or healing. Meaning that I ended my missions far more efficiently.
That sounds good, but at the end it made no difference. And tinkering too much isn't exactly fun, when it doesn't matter. Especially when it's repetitive.

So yes, I do recommend the game. Consider it a nice and short experiment, but don't expect too much. For this price you can get a more eclectic menu by other games.
245 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 18:07
I'm recommending this game based on my own preferences and enjoyment. However, there are a couple of things you need to know going in before deciding whether this game is for you.

Game Details

Not an RPG
This game is not an RPG. It has no XP or loot. There are no items. You do not make choices that influence the story. It is a completely linear experience. Character progression is based on milestones, which allows you to learn and upgrade skills at the end of a chapter or mission.

No exploration
The game is entirely level based. While they look very pretty there's barely anything to find in them besides consumables and enemies. The reason I consider them levels rather than areas is because you cannot freely travel between levels. Soon as you exit an area you cannot leave until you've completed whatever objective it is you're there to do.

Real-time Combat
The combat is real-time with pause. Everyone acts at the same time but you can pause to assign actions to your characters. Actions are divided into heartbeats similar to rounds in D&D with certain actions taking more heartbeats than others. You can rewind up to a certain point and undo previous actions as you see fit, even when characters die.

No save during missions
There is no manual saving and instead the game autosaves between levels. The lack of manual saves means that if you are interrupted you will have to restart the level from the beginning. During missions you can rewind to save a dying character, but you cannot rewind all the way to the beginning, so if you play too recklessly you can still lose the mission.

What I enjoyed

Combat is the meat of the game and quite fun once you get used to it. Don't get frustrated if you die, since you can always rewind. Reacting to audio cues helps in predicting which attacks you have to dodge. Sometimes you have to dodge towards the enemy in order to avoid their strike as well as get within range for a follow up attack. As the game goes on you learn a lot more spells to throw at your enemies and buff allies. The enemies are pretty challenging and you often have to react to their attacks or preemptively prevent them from devastating your party.

If you're familiar with Divinity Original Sin then you'll find some similarities in the way certain spells and the environment interact with each other. I actually think the combat is very similar to Divinity with the exception that you don't take turns.

Voice Acting
I liked the voice actors. Everyone really sinks into their roles. They may be somewhat over the top but I thought it added to the charm. Try to go in with the expectation that this is a fairytale with obvious villains.

This is very specific to my background so I don't expect anyone who isn't familiar with Kalevala to get that much out of the setting. Some of it may not translate very well to English. Even the name Iron Danger is drawn from Finnish but it doesn't quite carry the same weight in English.

330 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 17:53
Really good game with new combat system that is very interesting, turning your fights into sort of puzzles.
The graphics and sound are excellent along with the voice acting and story.

All was going well until I came to around to were you find the second shard and then the game goes downhill fast. The story takes a nose dive, the combat becomes boring as you are always trying to fight in a green mist of poison and it basically become a game of having OP enemy's thrown at you for no rime or reason.
I think this must have been the point they gave up on the game, shame because the first few hours were excellent.
54 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 16:40
Iron danger is an interactive story. There are no classes and no loot. The strong points of Iron Danger are a good story and an unusual time-rewind mechanic for fights. This makes every fight a turn-based puzzle to solve where you need to use different skills and spells to win.
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 11:35
I really enjoyed this game and got comfortable with the controls pretty quickly. It's very rewarding to come up with different tactics how to deal with big groups of enemies, for example, by using the environment to your advantage.
877 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 09:35
I probably recommend this game.
It's a mixed one.

1. Great time-rewinding mechanics leading to intresting combat situations
2. Short and no-epic story

1. The game does not reward you for anything except completing levels. U can kill and explore, but it's probably wiser just run to ur quest goal. Munchkin in me has had a hard time (
2. Story and worldbuilding a somewhat minimal and therefore didn't really have me interested (so i was glad for short playtime)

They probably planned for a sequel, but judging by sales number it's probably won't happen. Kinda sad.
1989 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 11:35
The game itself looks pretty good - graphics, sound, interesting time-based mechanic, but...
It is really confusing how the game becomes repetetive and extremely boring with each battle - new skills and character change are not really bringing much variety. Maybe, playing it a mission per day would not feel as doing absolutely the same thing on different maps, idk.
The story is also not the strong part of the game, though, it exists - you are chosen now, must save the kingdom.
About RPG part - you don't really control how the character grows - no character stats, you only get a chance to upgrade one of skills after almost each map, though, it seems like upgrades are predefined for specific characters after corresponding maps, which is also confusing. Upgrades themselfs are quite boring - you simply can't choose to improve specific skill stats - only if you want to upgrade it or not with defined stats increase.
146 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 07:39
I had a lot of fun with this one!

Not a perfect game by any means, but nothing bothered me enough to not ram through this game in the span of four days. I was already invested in the premise, since modern media inspired by Finnish folklore is scarce, but I ended up really enjoying the game mechanic, too!

I don't usually enjoy games where you individually control and nitpick each party members actions, but kudos for the team to limiting it to only 2 characters at a time. I enjoyed fidgeting with different outcomes and more than once encountered some triumphant accidents. I ironically lost my sense of time during combat almost every time and only afterwards realized I had played for hours.

Visually and lore wise this game is a delight. The environments are lush, colorful and welcoming, exploring them was fun, though navigating was occasionally difficult. I really enjoyed how Kalevala and Finnish folk lore were adapted in the game and encountering new enemies was always fun. I honestly need more content like this, please and thank you.
307 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 17:14
A great game from a small Developer studio ;)

The game is a lot of fun and challenging to master.

I would really recommend playing the demo to get a feeling for what to expect and see it for yourself.
227 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 20:50
There are two parts to this game:

1) The good is that the story is interesting, at least up until the point I quit on it. There is some character tension that I see coming that could lead to cool narative elements. It also has really cool mechanics (the heartbeat and rewinding time). It really makes combats feel like a puzzle that can you figure out (I tried to play every combat with the goal of taking no damage).

2) The bad, unfortunately: the mechanics of playing the game can be very wonky. Often times, if you only want to take a single step, the system will have a hard time processing that and sometimes your character won't step until you move the perspective around to select the same spot from a seperate direction. And what drove me to stop playing is the aspect that the ai has issues dealing with the rewind of time, especially at the start of battle. If you are trying to sneak past an enemy and accidently get spotted, often times the enemy will lock onto you even if you rewind time until before they spot you. They will then walk toward you and start the battle all over again. Or they might de-aggro, but then stand still instead of following their path.

Overall, the bad frustrates me too much to keep playing (for now). I hope some of this gets patched if possible (or maybe I need a bit of time off before picking it up again). I look forward to more content this dev puts out!
576 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 16:08

An unique time mechanic for a rather linear game

Iron Danger is a tactical RPG centered around the ability of the main character, Kipuna, to rewind time. The game features semi-real-time combat mechanics and a linear story that narrates the vicissitudes of Kipuna and her friend Topi, while also acting as a glue between fights, which are the main focus of the game.

The spell and the hammer
As I've already said in the introduction, Iron Danger lets us control two characters throughout its story: Kipuna, a young girl that, after a unique and strange event acquires the ability to use magic and rewind time, and Topi, an experienced and warm-hearted soldier wielding a big hammer and capable of devastating melee attacks. Fights are centered around these two characters and Kipuna's ability: we can, in fact, speak of semi-real-time combat since everything happens in real-time, but we can stop (and eventually rewind) the game every heartbeat (or 0.5 seconds).

During combat, every action is recorder in a timeline that indicates what happens - and when. This gives us the ability to fix our mistakes by rewinding time, cancelling out-of-time attacks and blocking when we know that an enemy will strike. The whole mechanic is quite simple but very effective and well implemented, with the timeline that gives us a clear vision of everything that happens during the fight, even when things get... convoluted. Combat is further improved with the additions of power-ups for the characters' abilities: these effectively improve and/or add additional effects to Kipuna's and Topi's attacks and moves, making more strategies available as the game progresses.

A straight line
One of Iron Danger's most prominent problems is its linearity: the game calls itself an RPG but gives the player no choice on how to advance the story, no choice on how to build or equip the characters and ultimately no choice on what to do outside the main quest... because there's literally nothing outside of it. Locations are divided into watertight departments, one for each level, and generally following the same cycle: loading, initial dialogue with some exploration, one or more fights, some other exploration and then end of the level. Even exploration is itself very limited and only useful to reach the main objective of the level, but nothing more than that, since there are no secret areas or hidden loot (apart from food, which can be found in houses, but I wouldn't categorize that as hidden).

This gets particularly obvious during mission 7, when the party reaches Kalevala, a big city filled with NPCs. Here there is no possibility to interact with anyone: you just have to traverse the city, get to a specific point in the map and then return to your ship. You can explore the (little) part of the city you have access to, but that's pretty useless since there are no NPCs to speak with and no loot to acquire. Not even a special scene or dialogues between the members of the party. Nothing.

A heavy boulder
The other problem Iron Danger has is its technical side. There are no ways around it: the game is not optimized at all for what it delivers, and it shows. The medium number of FPS was on 28-29 with an RX580 8GB at 1440p all the time, with some noticeable frame drops in some areas. Also, changing the graphics settings of the game didn't help with the amount of frame. Apart from that, the game has a strong depth of field that cannot be disabled and can make the look of some locations worse.

Path-finding, especially during exploration, can be quite clunky, while during combats it can be quite frustrating since it requires you to rewind time, often multiple times in a row until you find the right spot where to move the character.

Iron Danger is a fine game during fights, but quite empty outside of them. Luckily, the game is filled with blows and fireball moments, but the asking price of 30€ is a little too high for what the game has to offer right now. Thus, I'll warmly recommend to buy it only on when it's on discount, since a 15-20€ price tag seems more fitting for the current state of the game.

Visit SaveOrQuit.com for detailed game reviews, posted daily!
443 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 08:23
Iron Danger is a wonderful experience with challenging fights/puzzles. Do not expect this to be an RPG walking into it or you will be let down. It is a linear story telling game, with puzzles dressed up as fight scenes. This is where the game shines, as being able to rewind and change every step(labeled as heartbeats) along the way creates a whole new way to look at a fight.

Although it is linear, the story is delightful. There are no side quests, levels, or equipment. Think of Iron Danger as a story rich walking simulator with tactical puzzles, and you will be happy with the 12-15 hour journey the characters take you on.
695 Produkte im Account
286 Reviews
806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.20 07:55


Iron Danger is a linear Tactical RPG featuring a unique combat system. The title follows the story of Kipuna, a normal girl living on a coastline village that one day gets attacked by the militarist Northland Empire. Amidst the commotion, the protagonist's fate reveals itself binding her to an ancient artifact. After these events, followed by her trusty friend Topi, she embarks on a quest of knowledge to discover the meaning behind her newfound powers.

???? Pros
  • Original fight system with time manipulation as centerpiece. Delivers a yet unseen, fresh take on RPG combat.
  • Good narrative, character development throughout the story: situations and dialogues feel realistic.
  • Well done visuals and art style, delivering a beautiful fantasy / dieselpunk setting consistently.
  • Very good variety of skills, consumables, devices to use in combat and combine with each other.

???? Cons
  • Lack of side content. No secondary quests, locations apart from the main ones.
  • Noticeable lack of polishing and refinement in several areas, including optimization.
  • Enemy variety becomes repetitive in the later parts of the adventure.
  • Absence of a loot / equipment system apart from consumables and throwables.

Rating: Good

Click here for the complete Rating Chart


Starting with the good parts, of course the feature that carries Iron Danger all the way into being an original title is the time manipulation system, which divides time into intervals and allows you to rewind up to a limit. This opens up interesting possibilities in combat, not seen in other games. The narrative and writing are very good, as the characters feel coherent with their personality, have an evolution during the quest.

The art style is also well-crafted and many locations, some enemies inspire to Finnish folklore. The visuals themselves are more than acceptable for the current times, except for the massive amount of distance blur. The game keeps pumping out new skills and upgraded ones for your characters, along with consumables and throwables, so the variety of approaches increases as you get further, keeping the gameplay fresh.

On the bad side there is also much to say. First of all even for a linear RPG style, the lack of side content, quests and optional areas is near absolute here, having only the main quest objectives to clear. The same goes for NPCs which can't be talked with in a deeper way and this may discourage deeper RPG fans. Enemies are pretty unique on their own but get repetitive as the game progresses since only a few new ones get introduced. The lack of a stat / loot / equip system also weighs heavily on replay value and build possibilities.

Overall Iron Danger is a good but linear TRPG whose main saving grace is the unique combat system. Those who seek a deeper RPG experience focused on dialogues, items and quests might be disappointed here, instead who looks for a different experience might discover a hidden gem - this title is not for everyone. It took me 13 hours to complete the game on Hard difficulty, being thorough in exploration as well. For the proposed price of 30€ and low replay value, I suggest waiting for a sale before buying.


In-Depth Breakdown

???? Gameplay Analysis
The gameplay is divided into Exploration, Combat and Character Manegement.

Is done mostly on foot and sometimes by remote controlling certain devices. The world is divided in levels set in various places: each of them is usually filled with consumables to gather, devices to activate, dynamic surfaces such as oil or ice, and of course enemies to battle. Keeping an eye out of life-restoring consumables, or useful throwables like grenades and barrels can make the difference in combat, so exploring in this sense is rewarding. There are no side areas or secrets to find though.

Is the centerpiece of Iron Danger, and plays out in a unique way. It plays out as a real-time RPG but time is divided in intervals of 0.5 seconds each, and you can rewind it up to a limit, stop it or make it advance. Of course, you will be able to issue orders to your party members simultaneously to coordinate attacks. Trial and error is the keyword here, as your characters will die many times... only to be brought back in time and avoid the fatal mistake, while damaging the enemy. Mastering this mechanic, and uniting it with perfect timing on attacks and skill usage, is the key for success.

In combat each character has a variety of skills, having a cooldown but otherwise using no other resource. Kipuna will be able to wield magic while other party members will use other means of offense such as arrows or melee weapons, depending on which one. Consumables, both offensive and defensive, play a major role if used correctly, to lay traps for the enemy or putting foes against each other for example. It takes a while to understand how this system works but once you get the hang of it, it feels very fun and dynamic.

Character Management
Is not very fleshed out. There are no stats to level up or gear to equip, as the only evolution consists in one skill upgrade at the end of each major level. Other than that each character can carry a finite amount of each consumable / throwable so being efficient that is a good idea. There is no leveling system or stat upgrades of any kind outside of temporary buffs in battle.


???? Technical
PC Specs: RTX2080Ti, Ryzen 3900X, 32GB RAM DDR4
Optimization needs major improvements, as in some locations noticeable frame drops happen even with a high-end machine, system resource usage is way too high for the graphics complexity delivered (80-90% GPU use on a 2080Ti). Character path-finding is prone to glitching and in rare cases can cause gamebreaking bugs. Rarely, triggers for objectives may not work and force a level restart. Hitboxes and reliability of attacks need improvement as well. Movement is very clunky.

Final Thoughts

An innovative Tactical RPG that focuses on a fresh take on combat, but also lacks the roleplaying depth and interaction level some might expect. A good pick for RPG fans that want to try something different.

This game was reviewed using a free key

41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 21:00
My first ever review. Normally I wouldn't enjoy playing games that employ a similar mechanism to Dragon Age: Inquisition and Greedfall, in which you have to keep pausing and deciding what to do before executing your actions. This game takes that tactic to the next level. Tired of dying and not achieving something due to mishaps like wrong clicking and poor dodging? Get ready to manipulate time itself with the game's provided 'time bar'. Die as many times as you like and the game would automatically pause for you even if you die stupidly due to hidden traps or when you encounter monsters that are difficult to spot. So far I find this game very noob-friendly to players who are acquainted with this style of turn-based RPG. HIghly recommended.
Logo for Iron Danger
Release:25.03.2020 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Action Squad Studios Vertrieb: Daedalic Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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