• Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.
  • Iratus: Lord of the Dead: Screen zum Spiel Iratus: Lord of the Dead.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 23.04.2020
Zum Shop
Preis Update 08.07.24
Iratus: Lord of the Dead
  • Plattform: PC
Zum Shop
Preis Update 07.07.22

Über das Spiel

Das Böse ist zurück - und sein Name ist Iratus.

Als Verfechter des Bösen lässt Dich Iratus: Lord of the Dead die Überreste besiegter Helden verwenden, um furchteinflößende Kreaturen für die eigene Armee herzustellen. Der Fokus auf strategische Kämpfe macht Iratus zu einer komplexen und spannenden Spielerfahrung - für Spieler mit fragwürdiger Moral und einer Vorliebe für Dark Fantasy!
Entwickelt von Unfrozen Studios, einem jungen Studio aus Veteranen der Gamesindustrie, die unter anderem am bekannten Disciples-Franchise mitgewirkt haben.

Du übernimmst die Kontrolle über den namensgebenden Nekromanten Iratus - den verhassten Magier, der von den Toten wiedergekehrt ist. Nach Jahren der Langeweile, die die Totenstarre mit sich brachte, kehrt Iratus zurück um erneut sein ewiges Ziel in Angriff zu nehmen: Die Weltherrschaft. Mit Säcken voller Knochen, Seelen und allerhand fleischiger Kleinteile wird Iratus seine Armee neu formen - auf seine ganz eigene Weise...

  • Baue und verbessere dein unterirdisches Versteck mit nekromantischer Magie.
  • Forme untote Kreaturen aus den Überresten getöteter Feinde.
  • Anspruchsvolles Kampfsystem: Lerne die Stärken deiner Untergebenen und Schwächen deiner Feinde um den Sieg zu erringen.
  • Rundenbasierte Kämpfe mit mehr als 50 Kreaturen und ihren speziellen Fähigkeiten.
  • Intelligente KI, die sogar für erfahrene RPG-Spieler eine echte Herausforderung bietet.
  • Vier verschiedene Kategorien von Talenten, durch die Iratus selbst in das Geschehen eingreift: Alchemie, Magie, Zorn und Zerstörung.
  • Lebe mit den Konsequenzen: Klassische "roguelike"-Features, bis hin zum Permadeath!
  • Detailverliebte 2D-Grafik, ganz im Dark Fantasy-Look.
  • Aufwändig animierte Helden und scheußlich schöne Kreaturen.
  • Mit dem herausragende Synchronsprecher S. Weyte, bekannt als Caleb aus dem Blood-Franchise, in der Rolle des Nekromanten Iratus.


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
  • GFX: Open GL 3.2+ Compliant
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7+
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Direct X9 Compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Französisch, Spanisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 3.0 GHz
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760, AMD Radeon R9 280X
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Direct X9 Compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Französisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

0 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.23 09:28
Definitiv JA, ein Darkest Dungeon statt Karten werden hier die Fähigkeiten der jeweiligen Lakeien selbst gesetzt und eine Taktik überlegt wie man den Gegner Rundenbasiert damit vernichtet! Die Map, ist Krass groß, ein Run den ich gerade als 1 Run verbringe, sind über 14 H schonmal und dabei mal auf Ebene 4 angekommen. INSANE
Talentbaum für die zukünftigen Runs, nach Normal, ist es auch ein Rougelike statt LiTe. Also auch hier kann man bei Normal noch Speichern und beim Kampf vorher alt 4 laden nochmal probieren. Oder, es gibt auch ein Rückzug Button. So kann man Fliehen und den Kampf erneut strategisch geplant fortsetzen. Nice gemacht. Du hast neben den Talentbaum, auch ein Friedhof der sämtliche Boni inhalte beeinhaltet die wiederum aber nur im Run immer weider aufzubauen gilt. Macht aber Spaß und das ist das was allein schon dieses Spiel einen dazu giert, noch einen RUN. Gönnt euch dieses Stück Herz und Seele in einem Spiel, der Artstyl allein ist schon Lobenswert wie Detailiert Angriffe bzw die Fähigkeitsanimationen und und und. Weil das, hatte ich nicht erwartet und habe mich darin etwas verliebt. Selten bei solchen Genres für mich.
Im Sale gekauft , Wiederspielwert 10/10, Komplex und man wird viel Zeit über 100h warscheinlich verbringen, einfaches Freischalten, viele Dinge freizuschalten

Update: Nach knapp 33 h im Schmerzhaft Modus habe ich es bis zum letzten Boss geschafft und ihn auch vernichtet yeah Unheil kam ÜBER DIE WELT :)
Fazit: 9,6% haben den letzten Boss geschafft , damit ihr bescheid wisst wie wenig eigtl einer das Spiel wirklich mal durch gespielt hat.
Es hat übelst Laune gemacht und der nächste Run mit allen Freischaltungen steht im Raum. Champs so zu Modifzieren das Sie in 4 Varianten jetzt wie in dem Run verwendet werden mussten um weiter zu kommen, amazing und dies kann man bestimmt noch erweitern. Ich konnte es auch zum Teil auf dem Steam Deck zocken war aber etwas mühseliger da habe ich doch lieber per Pc gespielt. Bitte updatet es auf dem Steam Deck ala Controller sollte machber sein siehe andere Entwickler. Dies würde den Spielwert bei weitem steigern vorallem bei mir da ich öfters untwegs bin.
Ich konnte so im Run , ( ich hab das Tutorial überspringen nach dem abschließen der Errungenschaft bei Steam und habe direkt ein Spielstand auf Normal also Schmerzhaft angefangen ) auch alle verfügbaren Lakeien Freischalten.
Lange geredet, ein Weites Spektrum an Feinden gibt es wo ich gefühlt 30% gesehen habe bei 33 h Spielen d.h es gibt weit aus mehr noch zu sehen zu erfahren.

Kanns nur wieder betonen, Steam Deck Spielbarkeit <3
117 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 17:06
Absolut empfehlenswert für Fans von Darkest Dungeon.

Ich habe das Spiel offline (mehrere Stunden) ausgiebig angespielt und muss sagen es gefällt mir wirklich sehr. Es bietet einen gleichen Suchtfaktor wie das bereits erwähnte Darkest Dungeon.
Wer Survivalelemente mag, gefallen findet an rundenbasierten, taktischen Kämpfen und sich etwas mit Ressourcenverwaltung auskennt, kann bedenkenlos zugreifen.
Das Spiel sieht wunderbar aus mit seinem tollen Fantasy-Art-Design. Die Musik und Sounds sind ebenfalls gelungen. Ich habe mir die Standardversion im Sale gekauft und kann selbige weiterempfehlen.
1056 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 07:35
Willkommen bei Darkest Dung...

Huch? Da liegt wohl eine Verwechslung vor. Aber halb so wild, den Vergleich muss sich Iratus aber eben gefallen lassen. Es sieht nicht nur sehr ähnlich aus, es spielt sich auch so. Wirklich fast genauso.

Diesmal wechseln wir aber auf die dunkle Seite der Macht, sprich: Das Böse will kultiviert und zum Ruhm geführt werden. Mal ein frischer Ansatz also. Soweit so gut, aber wie gehts los?

Alles wie gewohnt, lieber Leser. Du musst Dich wirklich nicht groß umgewöhnen. Du startest Deinen dunklen Eroberungsfeldzug ganz lässig mit einer überschaubaren Schar an klapperigen Kämpfern. Der Haufen schwachbrüstiger Schwächlinge rekrutiert sich aus üblichen Fantasy Horden: Skelette, Banshees und und und warten darauf, Deine Reihen im Kampf zu stärken.
Also kriegen die Deppen erstmal nen alten Holzknüppel in die Hand gedrückt und werden ins Gefecht geschubst. Auf der anderen Seite wartet dann gleich mal der strahlende Level drölf tausend Paladin samt Gefolge und schickt Deine Horde mit nem wuchtigen Schwinger zurück ins Totenreich.
Das wars dann, Spiel zu Ende. Ging flott, hat dafür auch gar keinen Spaß gemacht.

Na gut, bisschen Anfängerpech mal beiseite, so schlimm kommts nicht gleich. Man kommt schon einigermaßen voran, im Vergleich zum dark-en Konkurrenten wirkts fast schon etwas zu leicht. Man levelt also fleißig die untoten Legionen, verteilt Perks und baut das hauseigene Totenreich aus.
Macht Spaß, man kommt auch voran und merkt, wie die eigene Truppe langsam aber stetig schlagkräftiger wird.

Die Story ist ehrlich gesagt nebensächlich, der Lovecraft Flair fehlt und Grafik und Sound, na die sind schon ok, aber eben nur ok.
Manchmal fühlt es sich ein wenig wie die light Version eines anderen Games an und auch wenn das alles jetzt eher negativ klingt, will ich Dir, lieber Leser, doch zum Kauf raten.

Und warum? Weil eben die Light Version immer noch spaßig genug ist, der Preis stimmt im sale echt und bei aller Kritik schafft das Spiel eben die EINE Sache, auf die es im Grunde ankommt. Es macht süchtig, Man levelt gerne vor sich und probiert mit dem gruftigen Gefolge herum. Wer ist an welcher Position gut und wer verschenkt? Wo kann man noch ein wenig was perfektionieren und wo kann man sich über das Kampfespech auch mal so richtig schön schwarz ärgern?

Die Zutaten sind nicht neu und bisschen altbacken, aber das Gericht schmeckt am Ende doch echt gut. Muss nicht immer Kaviar sein, ne Currywurst ist auch ganz lecker und das ist absolut im positiven Sinne gemeint.

Also zeig den Lebenden, wo der Untoten-Hammer hängt und viel Spaß... ;-)

Und hey, wenn´s Dir gefallen hat, ne Runde von mir zu lesen, dann klick hier
und da gibts mehr von mir auf meiner Curator Seite. Schmökern for free: Also stell Dir nen Tee bereit und viel Spaß beim lesen...
64 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
4750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 15:41
Mein erstes Roguelike Spiel und ich bereue den Kauf zu keiner Zeit.

Unter den vielen zu erschaffenden Minions findet jeder seine Lieblinge. Ich persönlich hatte meist ein festes Setup aus physischen Untoten (Zombie, Werwolf, Gefallene Dampirin und Knochengolem) mit magischen Verteidigungs-Addons, mit denen ich fast alle Dungeons mit nur kleinen Änderungen in der Aufstellung durchqueren konnte,

Alle Minions sind sehr detailliert und liebevoll gestaltet. Jeder der zahlreichen Angriffe hat eine sehr schöne, einzigartige Animation erhalten, die die Attacken gegen die Menschen umso befriedigender macht. Ein tolles Feature ist auch, dass man seinen Minions Namen geben kann. Dadurch konnte ich bspw. zwei Knochengolems mit unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten voneinander unterscheiden.

Ich finde das Spiel insgesamt sehr herausfordernd und je nach der eigenen Spielstrategie hadert man nicht nur gegen die Endbosse sondern auch gegen bestimmte Einzelgegner. Ich persönlich hatte zum Beispiel die meisten Struggle mit Ronin und dem Elite-Mönch.

Das Humicron, in dem man nach und nach alle Gegner sammelt und studieren kann, hat dabei sehr geholfen, die eigene Strategie anzupassen.

Auch die Zauber, die Iratus als Heeresführer im Laufe des Spiels erlernen kann, sind sehr vielfältig und machen das Spielerlebnis abwechslungsreich.

Alles in allem eine sehr gelungene Sache und nach zwei gewonnenen und einer verlorenen Schlacht kann ich behaupten, dass diese Schlachten bestimmt nicht die letzten gewesen sein werden.
949 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 18:22
Klasse Game was auch nach einiger Zeit nicht spielens immer noch ordentlich Spaß macht.
Darkest Dungeon mal andersrum.
Gegner mit physischem Schaden oder mit Stressschaden zum Herzinfarkt bringen.


- Viele verschiedene Untote die für einen kämpfen.
- Massig Upgrademöglichkeiten über Artefakte / Untoten Zutaten verschiedener Seltenheit
- Skillsystem / Atrribute für jeden Diener
- Guter Talenttree wobei Alchemie immer zu empfehlen ist für mehr mats / upgrades
- Tolles Gegnerdesign
- passende Atmosphäre
- deutsche Synchro! Heutzutage selten


- friedhofupgra des sind eher langweilig gestaltet
- teilweise bugs in bosskämpfen was weiterkommen verhindert
- teilweise bescheuertes rng mit crits die zu oneshots führen wo vorher alles glatt lief

Kann ich Iratus empfehlen? Klares Ja! Wer darkest dungeon mag wird Iratus Lord of the Dead auch mögen
Wenn ihr euch noch nicht sicher seid, ich lade derzeit täglich 1 Folge Iratus Lord of the Dead auf YouTube hoch, so könnt ihr sehen ob das Game was für euch ist oder ob ihr noch auf nen Sale warten wollt.

171 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 02:14
Wesentlich besser als Darkest Dungeon!
107 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
7597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 14:18
Wo mich Darkest Dungeon mit seiner bescheuerten Stress-Mechanik wahnsinnig gemacht hat, holt mich Iratus: Lord of the Dead genau dort ab und dreht den Spieß um. Gute Idee! Außerdem kann ich mir meine Truppe hier (wortwörtlich) selbst zusammenbauen und nach Wunsch auch upgraden.
Für mich insgesamt das bessere Spiel als DD, alleine schon deshalb weil es in einem Fantasy-Titel vollkommen absurd ist, daß Helden (!!) nicht einmal eine einzige Mission absolvieren können, ohne einen Herzinfarkt zu bekommen.

Positiv hervorzuheben ist außerdem die großartige Vertonung, insbesondere die herrlich fiesen Kommentare des Nekromanten.
1029 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 12:17
Nach langer Zeit der Gefangenschaft, ist der Nekromant Iratus frei und möchte Rache nehmen. Diesmal übernimmt man nicht die Rolle des strahlenden Helden und versucht das Böse aufzuhalten, sondern man übernimmt in diesem Roguelike die Rolle des Iratus. Dabei kämpft man sich Ebene für Ebene nach oben. Der Weg zur nächsten Ebene ist nicht linear, sondern es gibt viele Kreuzungen, wobei man sich aber immer für einen Weg entscheiden muss, da man nicht zurückgehen kann. Das Planen des Laufweges ist somit, vor allem auf höheren Schwierigkeitsgraden wichtig, da nicht nur Kämpfe warten, sondern auch andere hilfreiche Begegnungen. Die Kämpfe laufen rundenbasiert ab, wobei die Initiative der Kämpfer entscheidet wer wann dran ist. Neben der üblichen Spielweise die Lebenspunkte der Gegner auf 0 zu reduzieren, hat man noch die Möglichkeit ihnen die geistige Gesundheit kaputt zu machen. Eine weitere Besonderheit ist, dass man darauf achten muss, wie man die eigenen Diener platziert, da die Fähigkeiten und Angriffe eine bestimmte Position voraussetzen. Nach einem erfolgreichen Kampf erhalten sowohl die Diener, als auch man selbst Erfahrungspunkte und durch Levelaufstiege kann man die Fähigkeiten der Diener verbessern und man selbst bekommt Punkte für die 4 Fähigkeitsbäume. Der Verlust eines erfahrenen Kämpfers kann sich also durchaus bemerkbar machen und ist trotz eines großen Vorrats an Material, zur Herstellung weiterer Diener, nicht immer leicht zu verkraften. Auch wenn das Spiel an sich Spaß macht, kann es passieren, dass die Kämpfe, welches ja den Hauptanteil des Spiels ausmachen, schnell eintönig werden, sofern man eine gute Kombination an Dienern gefunden hat. Auch das Ausbauen der Zuflucht ist nur von kurzer Dauer und die Boni teilweise zu zufällig. Die Story des Spiels ist auch nur in der Beziehung interessant, da man den Bösewicht spielt. Wendungen oder Überraschungen gibt es nicht wirklich. Alles in allem ein unterhaltsames Spiel für Zwischendurch.
448 Produkte im Account
239 Reviews
1207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 16:32

Iratus: Lord of the Dead

???? Story

Ihr standet kurz davor die Welt zu erobern aber natürlich musste es sogenannte „Helden“ geben, die sich euch in den Weg stellten. Wirklich vernichten konnte man euch aber nicht, sodass ihr versiegelt wurdet und viele Jahre gefangen wart. Nun aber stießen törrichte Menschen bei Grabungen auf euer Grab und befreiten euch, aus eurer Gruft. Also macht ihr euch auf den Weg zur Oberfläche und eure Schergen strecken alles nieder, was sich euch in den Weg stellt.

???? Gameplay

Kämpfe und Einheiten

Diese Kämpfe werden von euren Einheiten in rundenbasierten Gefechten ausgetragen. Dabei stehen sich auf beiden Seiten maximal 4 Einheiten gegenüber. Jede eurer Einheiten hat 6 verschiedene Fähigkeiten. Entweder 4 normale und 2 Elite oder 5 normale und nur eine Elitefähigkeit. Jede Attacke kann nur von bestimmten Positionen aus ausgeführt werden, also Attacke 1 beispielsweise nur, wenn eure Einheit die erste in eurer Reihe ist, für Attacke 2 muss sie an zweiter oder dritter Stelle stehen oder ähnliches. Für die Eliteangriffe ist zudem Zorn nötig, welchen ihr generiert wenn eure Einheiten angreifen oder angegriffen werden.

Besiegen könnt ihr die feindlichen Einheiten indem ihr das Leben auf 0 bringt oder ihre Willenskraft. Sinkt die Willenskraft auf 0 gibt es jede Runde eine gewisse Chance, dass die Einheit flieht oder bei jeder weiteren Senkung der Willenskraft, dass sie sofort stirbt, egal wie voll das Leben noch ist. Den Willen zu brechen kann allerdings verschiedene Auswirkungen haben. Es kann dem Gegner einen Debuff geben und so Angriff, Verteidigung, etc. senken. Es kann aber den Feind auch anstacheln und so einen Buff bewirken. Zudem besitzen einige Gegner keine Willenskraft und sind gegen die entsprechenden Attacken immun. Dadurch muss man bei jedem Kampf selbst entscheiden, auf welche Art von Angriff man zurückgreift.

Dafür kann man auch bis zu 4 Teams haben, welche man dann je nach Spielweise und Geschmack anpassen und spezialisieren kann um für verschiedene Gegnergruppen gewappnet zu sein. Sollte es dennoch mal nicht gut laufen kann man jederzeit versuchen aus dem Kampf zu fliehen. Besiegte Gegner bleiben auch nach einer Flucht tot, sodass „Hit and Run“ eine durchaus erfolgreiche Taktik sein kann. Sollte man dennoch einen Kampf verlieren, oder einzelne Einheiten, ist es nicht zwangsläufig vorbei.

Von besiegten Gegnern erhält man Leichenteile, mit denen man neue Einheiten erschaffen kann um die Lücken zu füllen. Dabei stehen einem mehr als ein dutzend verschiedene Diener zur Verfügung. Allerdings muss man die meisten erst einmal freispielen, zu Beginn hat man nämlich nur 6. Hat man eine neue Einheit freigespielt steht diese einem aber auch in allen weiteren Spielen die man beginnt zur Auswahl.

Der Nekromant und die Alchemie

Durch Kämpfe werden eure Einheiten stärker, erreichen neue Level und können ihre Fähigkeiten, aber auch Werte wie Angriff, Trefferchance und so weiter verbessern. Aber auch ihr selbst werdet stärker und könnt neue Fähigkeiten aus 4 verschiedenen Bereichen erlernen. Einige geben euren Soldaten permanennte Buffs, andere geben euch Zauber um eure Untoten im Kampf zu unterstützen, andere verbessern eure Alchemie und vieles mehr.

Mit letzterer könnt ihr eure Diener zwischen den Kämpfen heilen oder euer Mana regenerieren, welches ihr für Zauber benötigt. Außerdem könnt ihr die Leichenteile aufwerten oder spezielle Gegenstände erschaffen, was eure Soldaten stärker macht wenn sie damit ausgerüstet werden.

Auch ihr selbst könnt euch ausrüsten. Hierzu stehen euch 4 Slots für permanennte Objekte zur Auswahl wie einer Waffe oder Rüstung. Einen weiteren Platz gibt es für einen Verbrauchsgegenstand, der nach dem nächsten Kampf dann weg ist.

Die Basis und das Kompendium

Abseits davon könnt ihr auch eure Gruft ausbauen. Hier stehen 8 verschiedene Ruinen die wieder aufgebaut werden wollen und euch verschiedene Boni gewähren, wie schnellere Mana regeneration oder zusätzlicher Beute. Oder die Bauwerke helfen euren Einheiten indem sie diese heilen oder Erfahrung gewähren, allerdings stehen Soldaten, die solche Gebäude besuchen, einem vorrübergehend nicht zur Verfügung.

In einem Buch könnt ihr euch zudem jene Gegner ansehen, die ihr schon bezwungen habt. Je mehr Exemplare ihr von einer Einheit getötet habt, umso mehr Infos gibt es. Hier kann man sich sehr gut die Stärken und Schwächen, sowie Fähigkeiten der verschiedenen Feinde vor Augen führen.

???? Grafik

Es gibt dutzende Charaktermodelle, sowohl für die eigenen als auch für die Gegner. Dabei unterscheiden sich auch die Elitegegner sichtbar von den normalen Feinden. Dabei sind die meisten Figuren sehr düster gestaltet. Gleiches gilt für die Hintergründe, sodass auch alles irgendwie nach Gruft aussieht und gut zur Gesamtatmosphäre passt. Die Fähigkeiten sind flüssig animiert und auch die Zauber sehen eindrucksvoll aus. Die wenigen Filme sind in einer guten Schwarz-Weiß Optik gehalten.

???? Sound

Eine überwiegend düstere Musik sorgt für eine passende Atmosphäre. Hinzu kommen stimmige Soundeffekte, die man insbesondere im Kampf zu hören bekommt. Wie etwa das klirren von Waffen oder das Kannonenfeuer des Zombies. Zudem gibt es einige wenige vertonte Texte des Nekromanten, z.B. wenn man einen neuen Diener erschafft.

❤︎ Fazit

Ein schönes Strategiespiel, das auf leicht und normal aber leider für mich zu einfach war und mit der Zeit etwas eintönig wurde. Dennoch hat es mich eine ganze Weile sehr gut bei Laune gehalten und auf den höheren Schwierigkeitsgraden wurde es dann auch fordernd. Iratus ist sowohl für Genreneulinge als auch für Veteranen geeignet, da sich die Schwierigkeitsgrade wirklich deutlich unterscheiden.

Wenn euch die Review gefallen/geholfen hat dann folgt doch unserem Reviewprogramm und wenn ihr mir etwas zu dieser Review mitteilen wollt dann schreibt gerne in die Kommentare.
395 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 20:52
Gefällt mir tatsächlich besser als Darkest Dungeon, ist nicht halb so frustrierend
518 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
1019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 21:43
rly fun necromancer sim
135 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 17:08
Wenn du Darkest Dungeon auf Wish bestellst.

Daedalic Entertaiment läuft mit Itarus: LotD Darkest Dungeon hinterher und versucht mit dem selben Spielprinzip zu überzeugen. Deshalb muss es sich den Vergleich auch auf allen Ebenen gefallen lassen, denn etwas wirklich Neues bietet das Spiel im Vergleich zu DD nicht. Bis auf die Tatsache, dass wir als Dungeonlord (quasi als 5. Teammitglied) mit Zaubern in den Kampf mit eingreifen können.

In Itarus spielen wir diesmal auf der Gegenseite und verkörpern das Böse. Glücklicherweise haben unsere Lakaien deshalb mit Stress nichts zu tun, außer das wir ihn diesmal austeilen statt einstecken müssen. Wir können die Gegner (Minenarbeiterarbeiter, Zwerge und Abenteurer etc.) also auf 2 Wegen bekämpfen. Entweder durch den Entzug von Lebenspunkten, oder durch den Entzug von Verstand (Stressschaden). Beide Wege führen nach Rom.
Die Gegner selbst können uns nur durch rohe Gewalt töten und das ist auch die Variable die mich am meisten im Spiel stört und viel Tiefe nimmt.

Sie haben Darkest Dungeon genommen und den Stress und die Ticks entfernt und diese nicht durch eine clevere neue Mechanik ersetzt, sondern es einfach dabei gelassen. Dadurch verkommt das Spiel einfach zu einem normalen rundenbasierten RPG. Um sich Schwierigkeitsmäßig mit DD messen zu können wird die Krit Rate einfach von Ebene zu Ebene gesteigert.

Was ist noch alles schlecht kopiert?
1. Der Friedhof (Das Dorf): Auf diesem können wir unsere Lakaien opfern und in Bauwerken arbeiten lassen, dadurch bekommen wir Items, EXP, oder heilen unsere Lakaien. Items und EXP etc. bekommen wir auch aus den Kämpfen, dadurch besitzt der Friedhof kein Alleinstellungsmerkmal. Er ist nötig und auch brauchbar, aber wirkt irgendwie aufgezwungen und nicht zu Ende gedacht.
2. Die Lakaien: Auch hier ziehen wir mit 4 Verbündeten in die Schlacht, diese sind jedoch alle ziemlich unspektakulär und optisch alles andere als ansprechend. Wenn einer stirbt, dann bauen wir uns einen Neuen. Eine Bindung, oder ähnliches findet absolut nicht statt. Es sind keine Helden, oder besondere Charaktere, sondern einfach nur Werkzeuge. Wem´s gefällt.
3. Der Dungeon: Im Dungeon bewegen wir uns nicht vor indem wir mit unseren Charakteren die Gänge entlang gehen und ihn erforschen. Nein, wir haben eine Karte. Auf dieser sehen wir alle möglichen Gänge und was uns wo erwartet. Es gibt kein Erkunden, oder Entdecken. Wir wählen einfach den nächsten Raum aus und sehen schon vorher welcher Gegner uns dort erwarten. Zudem können wir nach jedem Raum unsere Lakaien, oder Teams austauschen.
4. Der Sprecher: Ja sogar diesen hat man versucht zu kopieren. Aber auch hier läuft man dem Vorbild aus DD nur hinterher.
5. Crafting (Die Kutsche): In DD hatten wir jede Woche die Möglichkeit kostenlos Helden zu rekrutieren. Diese erschienen zufällig in der Kutsche mit zufälligen Skills und unterschieden sich alle voneinander. Kaum ein Held glich dem Anderen. In Itarus ist es etwas anders. Hier erstellen wir unsere Lakaien einfach selbst, sofern wir die erforderlichen Körperteile haben. Keine schlechte Idee, aber jeder Lakai gleicht dem Anderen. Wir haben zwar unterschiedliche Klassen aber innerhalb der Klasse ist jeder Lakai erstmal gleich. Durch Levelanstieg können wir ihn natürlich formen, aber er ist und bleibt einfach eine Kopie, von einer Kopie, von einer Kopie.
Wieso habe ich nicht die Möglichkeit Lakaien nach meinen Vorstellungen zu bauen. Wieso haben die Körperteile keine unterschiedlichen Attribute, oder Buffs/Debuffs etc. Das wäre eine Mechanik, die ich mir für dieses Spiel wünschen würde. Denn die Idee, aus den Körperteilen der Gegner neue Lakaien zu fertigen ist wirklich interessant, aber auch hier fehlt einfach das gewisse Extra.

Es ist herausfordernd, absolut, aber es befriedigt nicht. Es bietet keine Atmosphäre die einen in den Bann ziehen kann und der Grafikstil hat was von 2007.

238 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 23:33
So after playing for 9 Hours now, i wanna recommend this game. After the first 2 hours i was a little bit dissapointed, because i haven't read the description in the shop at all and was expecting a Darkest Dungeon experience right from the start.

After that i reinstalled DD and after 2hours of playing DD again, i have remembered why i'm not totally happy with DD and stopped playing it after nearly 40h (Grind, to many options right from the beginning, frustrating mechanics etc.).

So i took a second look at Iratus and i'm quiet happy about that. Reasons (just a few):

- An ingame wiki about enemys (Humicron ^^), which is showing exactly how they skills are functioning (i missed that a lot in DD). Cool thing: The entrys in this wiki are shown only, if you have killed such enemys a few times.

- All skills of your minions are availabe right from the start, but your minions don't have to choose a loadout everytime you are going in a fight. In comparison to DD i like this a lot, because this way it is much easier to look for synergy effects and plan a loadout. Every skill got the possibilty to upgrade once, which could change your plan for that minion (just like Homm 3 but here you are able to choose for every single minion again). Furthermore you are able to improve the attributes of your single minions and if you want to skill one skeleton like the other you have the opportunity to see how you have skilled a minion (great idea!).

- The possibility to cast one spell per turn. This feels so amazing and isn't the last little design decision, which remembers me to HOMM 3 and this is a good thing for sure! The spells you are able to cast depends on the way you skill your Iratus and here the game is really shining: The possibilitys to go are really cool and again is remindful of HOMM 3. The ability to wear artefacts is improving this effect even more.

- The revenge of the Stressmechanic --> This feels soooo good, if you have played DD :)

- Grind isn't the same way working like in DD, because you have to choose a path like in Slay the Spire, which will bring you to the exit. This exit is guarded by a boss. How good the bossfights and the unique mechanics are i can not say at the moment. The very first enemys have interesting mechanics so far, which fits in the world really good.

- The Atmosphere is really good and is NOT only a copy and Paste of DD.

Graphic, Sound (even the German voices) are all good and NOT only mediocre. Overall game is easy to understand and has 4 difficultys, which should offer the possibilty to have fun with it, even if you are not a HC Turn Based DD Fanatic ;).
More minions are opended up like in other Rougelikes for your account--> You have to conquer tasks (kill 60 enemys) or finish the game in normal.

With a DLC at the Horizon (fall 2020) and the long way i will go to finish it the very first time (i'm a very slow playing gamer, because i like to think about tactics and possibilitys on the run) i'm more then happy with the content right now.
114 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
1164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 17:10
0 Produkte im Account
181 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.24 22:23
Seems a bug happens preventing the game from continuing when obtaining a new unit from the tomb with a full squad.

Only way around it is to quit the game.
723 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
1767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.24 14:44
While i found the art to be somewhat cheap and generic, i must admit that the game itself is quite enjoyable. It is even harder than DD (on higher difficulties), although DD excels in almost every other aspect. Still very good experience.
209 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.24 03:59
"Look out, Iratus! Hotted b00bs ahead! T!ts, big ones!"
- Skeleton over the course of every run
Like good lordy even the elves have got cleavage.

Oh yeah, the game is pretty good as well. Love making good party synergies and gambling with the headhunter's instakill abilities.
0 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.24 01:08
In this game you play the BAD GUYS. The main character is a necromancer who summons an undead army. You enter combat with a team of 4 undead. I like the (Banshee, Bride of Iratus, Abomination, and Reaper). You can also get Mummies, Werewolves, shades, lost souls, bone golems, Dark knights, head hunters, Skeletons, ghouls, zombies, Wraiths, Lich, Black Widow, Vampires, and more.

You can collect artifacts for your main guy, make potions, cast spells, and build your own Necropolis.

- Good Graphics
- Easy Potion crafting system.
- Easy minion making system.
- Getting Higher minions quick is easy. Except for Vampire.

- Not much to the Necropolis. Needs to have a caretaker or minion running things that can be interacted with. More buildings - Golem Lab, Werewolf den, Banshee lake, Vampire Mansion, etc.
- Need to allow artifact spots for the head, arms, and neck.
- Need to allow moving in all directions on battle map, so that you can get more experience, before moving to next area. I.e. slaying and collecting everything in the mine and other locations.

Achievements That Need to be added:
- Rose for a Lady: Kill all enemies on the battle field with one shot. (Bride of Iratus)
- Insane Betrayal: Have an insane enemy kill his buddy (Betrayal), then have a heart attack and die.
0 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.24 10:35
I don't know what I'm doing in this game strategically most of the time - but I'm having a blast!
206 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.24 02:25
gameplay is great, but the game occasionally crashes to my boot screen and takes a hard reset to fix. Has done this for a year now but dev has not fixed.
1510 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.23 13:28
Pretty good game. Has more depth than I expected. Dunno about $30 tho. Its a solid sale purchase.
0 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
10526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.23 12:08
A turn-based game, reminiscent of Darkest Dungeon, especially in terms of art and gameplay, but with a twist—you're the villain. It offers various strategies for each unit, thanks to their unique skills and passives. The stress system for enemies lets you take advantage of the game's uniqueness, even though it shares similarities with Darkest Dungeon's gameplay.

It's my first game into rogue-like games, and I enjoyed it. However, personally, grinding for achievements and starting over in dungeons can be tedious and annoying.

Recommended for those who enjoy playing as villains.
4900 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
2695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.23 17:20
This is a must for the turn-based indie dark fantasy dungeon crawler lovers!
92 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
2594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 13:09
Iratus: Lord of the Dead is a turn-based dungeon roguelike RPG that looks and plays quite similar to another popular game called Darkest Dungeon.
-there are four difficulties to choose from, and the first two difficulties are seriously noob friendly.
-quicksave is available in the first two difficulties (no more stupid backing up saves by hand manoeuvre )
-for the higher difficulties where quicksave is unavailable, there is the retreat from battle option to save the day(could fail)
-you control 4 units max, and explore 6 dungeons , each of your unit has 6 skills that can be upgraded and augmented with items.
-collect gold to build up your small base to become more powerful, and collect items for your units to make the fights more interesting.
-you are represented by the main character Iratus, an undead necromancer who wants to take over the world. He is the narrator of the game just like the one in Darkest Dungeon. While not participating in combat directly, he has mana and can use magic spells just like the hero in Heroes of Might and Magic 3.
-a lot of units to choose from(some require unlocking), to form your dream team!

This game is developed by Unfrozen studio, a small studio from a country called Republic of Cyprus (first time I heard of this country), their company staff came from games such as Disciples series and Pathologic 2 . The most straightforward way to describe this game, is that it is a better and noob-friendlier Darkest Dungeon in almost all aspects. Better looking even, with more details to every units. I hated Darkest Dungeon's gut. No matter how prepared you are in Darkest Dungeon, the enemies would wipe you out 2+ times in a row on easy missions. Darkest Dungeon is also full of stupid micromanagement such as stress damage that you have to deal with after battle, food, torches, shovels, and other stupid time wasting mechanics. Unfrozen studio did nothing of the sort to this game thank god! Darkest Dungeon's only saving grace is its workshop mods(and maybe its extremely talented narrator ).

If you've ever feel screwed by the unfairness of Darkest Dungeon, I highly recommend getting this game.
133 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2018 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 13:08
Gets boring fast at latest stages. Minions have so much health that fights drag on long time especially the final boss fight. I just quit as i am not wasting 4hrs draining 1000s of HP.
650 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 12:14
Big design flaw is that dungeons are way too long. Fights are a bit too easy on medium difficulty but the sheer amount, ~40 fights in 2 floors, ~3h a floor with 4 more floors to go. Interesting start but gets grindy very quickly, spamming the same moves my team since half way through the first floor. Dropping since I can't imagine playing 12 more hours to finish without the gameplay evolving.
123 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 01:42
A fun Darkest Dungeon style romp, without all the uncertainty and emotional investment of DD. Not nearly as difficult as DD either. A little too linear for my taste, and not enough unique enemies or boss encounters, though those could be fixed with the DLC, I'm not sure. Quite fun all the same.
753 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 00:18
It's Darkest Dungeon flipped on its head - you inflict the fear. Everything else is almost identical or equivalent. So, if you liked that game, then you'll like this one.
507 Produkte im Account
278 Reviews
3858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 07:54
I love attack animations. I am having so much fun with this game. I would definitely recommend. (I'll update my review in the future.)
101 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
1097 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 06:01
This game is similar to Darkest Dungeon. But what's interesting about it is you're going to play the monster side. It's not too hard learning the game mechanic in the easiest difficulty. But it'll take you some time to meet the conditions to unlock minions at the start. Too bad I haven't seen any workshop for the game yet. Ghoul has sexy body btw. Out of all the rot and gores ,thanks dev for sparing me my eyes with this one.
466 Produkte im Account
96 Reviews
1045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 05:40
Iratus is a decent game, heavily inspired by Darkest Dungeon, but not as good. The UI is a bit annoying, with almost everything needing more clicks than it should, but otherwise it's pretty well polished. I played through on normal difficulty and never felt challenged. I just used the same team (focusing on physical damage) for the whole game and it was a breeze. I unlocked a bunch of other monster types but never needed them.

I expect that a playthrough on a harder difficulty setting would be more satisfying, but I can't see myself actually playing through it again. Maybe if I can pick up the DLC on sale I'll give it another try...

The game lasts about 15 - 20 hours, so it can be beaten more quickly than Darkest Dungeon, which can be a real time sink. Overall, it's a decent game that I enjoyed but probably won't replay.
24 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 06:14
Just loved it ... the characters, the artwork, combat, and the brilliant voice of Iratus! ok I finished in easy mode ... I will rise again ... in a harder mode.
169 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 18:13
Should be neutral review (if Steam allowed this). You get mostly what is on the tin - the game is excessive, the graphics are nice, the atmosphere is not bad. But something is missing - something that would make it fun to play the game.

To me, the strategic part lack depth due to being too deep - there is million options for anything, be it actions you make, spells, rage attacks, minion leveling, etc. But the overabundance of options, both for you and for enemy minions, only means, that you cannot do any proper strategy planning, as you never know what will happen only half turn ahead. And as there is simply too many minions/enemies to care in depth, you will end using few minion types over and over again, killing simply whoever have the highest damage among the enemies, using like two skills at most with all your minions. You really will get bored quickly, as there is no variability, no room of deeper tactics.
45 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 02:40
Great game. The minions are really interesting and unique.
321 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 11:40
It gets boring way too quick. It clearly tries to copy DD but they failed to capture anything that made DD great. You don't feel attached to any of your characters because they're just generic monsters, enemies are boring, the mechanics are overcomplicated. Nah.
515 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
2427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 19:55
Fun for a bit.

Character designs are cool, battles are fun (I like that you can speed it up), though it feels like there isn't really a ton of variety with team composition the higher you go in difficulty. Spells seem underwhelming in general, which is a shame since the concept of playing a powerful necromancer is really cool.

Good Always Wins difficulty was a bit frustrating, as I had what seemed like two decent team comps, but I can't seem to get past this one boss. Eventually it got repetitive trying, so I stopped playing.

Everyone else has already compared it to Darkest Dungeon better than I can. Would recommend on sale for sure.
444 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
2249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 06:36

Darkest Dungeon, But This Time You Can Give The Humans Tempting Goblet(not literaly).

Iratus: Lord of the Dead is a turn-based roguelite game. As newly-woken necromancer Iratus, player needs to recreate his army to fight against forces of light that buries the necromancer after the war. Mix up all 22 servants, exploit enemies' weaknesses and snuff off their buffs, and hone your alchemy skills. Help Iratus reclaims what was denied to him -- a kingdom of dead. If you are a fan of darkest dungeon or generally fan of turn-based roguelite games, you will feel right at home with this game. The mechanics are the same, yet Iratus: Lord of the Dead offers you more tools to aid your minions in battle, which in terms opens up more creativity.

Things I Like About Iratus: Lord of the Dead:

1. Dark, Gritty Artstyle

2. Your Roster
A total of 22 minions at your disposal. Each of them specializes in different area: some excel at physical damage, while some concentrate on stress attack; some are hybrid, while some are great at supporting others. Mix them up to create the team tailor-made to counter enemy team comps, as Stress-focus team cannot damage other monsters and non-humans. My two favorite team comps are two Werewolves(Heavy backline counter and multi-action) and two Zombies(Great AOE) or two Brides of Iratus if you want more DPS; Abomination(Protect teammate and eat out stressed opponent), Mummy(Curses and heavy stress attack), Wraith(Messed-up team order), and Banshee(Debuff and reaction attack).

3. Tools For Your Conquest
Alchemy to refine materials and craft artifacts. Spells and Potions to aid your minions or disrupt enemies protection.

4. Making Human Enemies Stressed Out And Have Heart Attack

Things I Like About Iratus: Lord of the Dead:

Needs More Events
The only problem I have about this game is the scarcity of special events. You will encounter two of them in each area, if you choose the right path. They are all fun to interact with, which making me crave more. The healing, exp gain, and artifacts are great but I want some lore or special interaction tied to them, kinda like in Darkest Dungeon the chosen character interacting with different curios.
128 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
5833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 22:55
I keep thinking I'm done with this game. I'll have a level 10 minion die to bull only to realoize I over extended and it's my fault. Anyways I've spent almost 100 hours in this game at time of review, and it's only gonna get worse cause I'm gonna do a Nuzloke
530 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
2474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 19:46
good game tho each run can drag on and on for hours and if you want to reach the end well the ending is in the dlc....
389 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 15:31
Fantastic game, a solid 9/10 with lots of viable strats and compositions! not like most games now a days where there's only 1 or 2 that dominate all others. I've played through multiple times and each time i've played and tweaked my strat or tried a totally new one, and each time ive had more fun. GREAT replayablitiy, although may seem a bit grindy your first play though on the lower difficulties. but the game really shines on the higher difficulties.
825 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 16:32
I will be the first to tell ya, 3 hours is probably not enough time to get into the game... But I just don't have any allure here. People referenced games in a comparative fashion in their reviews on which I have favorable memories. This game, however, doesn't feel like any of the ones I enjoyed. I have not played darkest dungeon, however, so I'm not referencing this one specifically.

So I feel like I get the mechanics, but I simply don't care about anything I experienced in it so far. Had this on my wishlist for ages and decided to finally give it a try, but it has simply bored me to the point where I literally forget I have it installed. I don't think about the game when I'm not playing it - I barely think of it when I AM playing it. It simply has no mechanic in it that gives me interest. Gosh I wish it did. If I were bored, I'd play literally any other installed game first, which is probably a bad sign.
166 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 04:14
Although I like the premise of the game but it's just unpolished, BAD UI horrible UI, and lack of end game variety where I just increased the speed to 5x just to finish it... I finished the game on the easy but I am glad I did it on easy as it got frustrating fairly quickly
318 Produkte im Account
173 Reviews
2618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 08:52
Definitely an above average game with some solid mechanics and tactics. This is one of those 6/10 games for me.

This game does feel a bit shallow in a few respects.

For example: More ways to heal injury to your minions with different degrees of time being out. This forces you to diversify your group.

Stress damage isn't as big of a factor as I would've liked. It would've been better if the humans died right away from 0 sanity or at least gain experience from making the humans run away.

Still, the game does provide enough entertainment to warrant a look.
307 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
2424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 03:36
As someone with ADHD who generally dislikes turn based games that requires more than point click and shoot I genuinely enjoy this game. Please give it a try.
457 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 02:54
The game is good, but wait for a sale. It really lacks polish. I've beat the game twice, first vanilla, second when the DLC was on sale. I don't see myself coming back for another run.

The biggest issue is that the UI is pretty bad.

-For instance, there's consumable slot for the player, that is automatically used at the beginning of battle. To equip an item to this slot, you have to go back to the equipment screen, which is multiple clicks away from the map. So even though these things drop like candy, you end up not using them most of the time because they also make only a minor impact on battle, usually.

-Want to equip an item to a minion? Make sure you go to the right screen before you bring up their inventory screen, because you can bring up the minion inventory, without bringing up the reserve inventory if you do it from the wrong screen.

-One of the worst examples is upgrading your graveyard. You have to use a minion as well as gold to improve buildings. That's fine. Unfortunately, you usually have to click on the building you want to upgrade, find out what minion to create, and it's kinda hard to see, so you have to click on the actual upgrade button and hover over the dark slot to see which minion you need. Then you have to back all the way out to the minion creating screen, then go all the way back to the graveyard to do the upgrade. Just godawful.

-You end up getting hundreds of items, and the scroll bar will end up doing the kind of jumps where you miss whole sections. Even though you've got hundreds of items, it seems like 2/3rds of the scroll bar will show you row after row of empty slots, no matter how many items you get.

-When the main character speaks, his speech bubble blocks out most of the top of the screen so you can't move to a different screen without him shutting up, and he speaks a lot. His voice acting is fine, so the speaking itself isn't the issue.

-Lots of really strange language decisions. Not sure if it's a translation issue, but there's some super awkward, clunky phrasing for what some mechanics are supposed to do.

Those are just the UI/UX issues.

The biggest problem with the gameplay is that it locks difficulties behind campaign clears, but the base difficulty feels way too easy, until you get cheap shot. I basically did my most recent playthrough without changing my party composition at all, even though you only get 4 at a time from a roster of like 20+ monsters.

With a little bit of polish, this game could have been a LOT better.
118 Produkte im Account
106 Reviews
2657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 08:05
I first got this free on GOG and within moments I was hooked. I sank 6 hours into it over there before I had to invest. Now I'm the proud owner of most of the DLC's over here on Steam. Even got to keep my save!
Good game. Just love settling in and playing this for awhile as I listen to an album or something.

Things I Like:
+ There are plenty of characters
+ It's Darkest Dungeon+ on the gameplay side of things
+ You play as the bad guys, specifically undead which is my favourite faction in fantasy stuff.
+ Sounds great! VO and sfx are horror/metal as fuck and I'm into that shit.
+ Designs for everything are also horror/metal as fuck.
+ The journey is long and full of terrors
+ There are way less hold-ups and awkward pauses than DD, it feels a lot more snappier.

Things I Dislike:
- Some moves are kinda useless and there are one or two characters I just never see using

Nothing more to report. It's a good one!
105 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 23:47
This game is NOT a Darkest Dungeon clone. A run in Iratus will last very long. This gives you time to build up many fun strategies and team compositions. Monsters can also be easily replaced if they die which removes a lot of grinding. The best part about this game is easily the classes. Each one has 6 skills and each one can be altered to fit your play style and team.
252 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
1115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 02:18
Its darkest dungeon but much more forgiving, less focused on team-building but also much shorter and unbalanced.

My only gripe is that many of its features lack depth despite the wealth of options, and sometimes you are simply forced to work with what you have since you are always pushed forwards towards the next level.
157 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
2674 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 20:08
Visuals made me hesitant.
The game is actually better than I thought.
It's also more different from Darkest Dungeon than I expected.
1009 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
1593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 00:02
Every time my table-top gamer friends run a fantasy campaign, no matter who is the GM, I'm told I cannot play a necromancer. Ha! Now I can play a necromancer. And I don't have to start out as a puny Level 1 Mage, either (thank the gods for cantrips, you young'uns who never played Basic D&D or AD&D never had a to play a magic user with one first level spell and d4 HP). I'm already able to raise the dead!

This is a bit like Darkest Dungeon, except that you as the Necromancer can also level up and intervene in combat from afar. Also, in Darkest Dungeon, your band of snivelling do-gooders starts at the top and works their way down. Here, some greedy dwarves have dug down to your forgotten necropolis in search of iron, and didn't check their local history to find out somebody was sealed into the depths a thousand years before.
97 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 20:15

Somehow it is just not very well balanced ... in a lot of ways.

The first playthrough is too easy, the later playthroughs have some cheap bosses. You have many ways to spent attributes/time in this game but so much is just all too time consuming and boring. The runs take way too long as well, the ways of the roguelike are misused here I think.
352 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 00:01
I liked this better than darkest dungeon. I hated the RNG of darkest dungeon, I can handle a little of rng, but not being able to plan out scenarios because an integral member of your team randomly lost an item at the tavern or went mad. DD seemed to revel in rng in a way where they tried to integrate it into every aspect of the game, and I just dont find that fun. Iratus is essentially darkest dungeon without the rng being put into everything. So its perfect for me, for you? Could be.
215 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
2253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 02:59
Overall a good game, but I got it for 70% off. Never finished my first playthrough because It just seemed like it was getting to repetitive and boring but I'd say I got plenty of worth out of the game. One thing I really liked was the art for the characters in the game. All the models are well done and nice to look at.
2137 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 15:05
Awesome game! I played about 30 hours in Darkest Dungeon and unfortunately I got tired of playing it. This game is almost a complete copy, but with its own features, as it is devoid of many boring moments that were in darkest dungeon. This game can also get boring after a long time, but in general it's quite funny to try yourself for the side of evil.
1230 Produkte im Account
217 Reviews
324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 17:24
Just a good game with intense battles and fierce randomness.
You have to play as a horde of undead and kill all living creatures to free the evil necromancer.
The game is very addicting, with beautiful graphics and great battles.
78 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 17:29
Like darkest dungeon but minus all the hassle of controlling your players sinking into madness. You are the one causing the madness you are the one killing the adventures. It makes the game all the more fun to play because you are playing from the bad guys perspective.
31 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 15:59
Darkest Dungeon as the bad guy, seems legit, good time sink.
263 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 04:29
It's like Darkest Dungeon In about 2 ways. The combat and the team building.
That's about where the similarities end.

Iratus is much more winnable. Gone is the brutally tedious resource management, where you never have enough gold, ever. Iratus makes it so with smart choices, you're slowly progressing, and you feel it.

Now you're the one causing stress, making enemies attack eachother, become weaker or flee due to insanity. No more burning gold on de-stressing.

Team building is just as important, with many synergies to exploit. No more random caravan, build your damn army from parts you get from killing enemies. Unlock new minions by completing clear 'challanges'.

Are you later into the game and you have a new unit you want to make, but you know it will be level 1? Easy fix, jam a high level brain, that you can find by killing enemies, into your new minion and they'll just be that level now.

Iratus presents a challenge that you can overcome. It's not easy, but it's not ball-wrenchingly difficult either.
32 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 20:30
I've always enjoyed team building and turn-based games. This checks both boxes nicely.
84 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 23:53
If you like Darkest Dungeon but also aren't a psychotic masochist, then this is the game for you.
106 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 01:35
Disappointing, the game encourage player to replay the game to unlock character but it have no replayable experience, the story is mediocre and forgettable. gameplay is also repeatitive and easy. you grind over and over again, it is also overprice. boss are difficult but predictable so they are easy to beat once you learn the mechanic, boring to fight. Soundtrack is forgettable, narrator is edgy and the joke is cringe. it look more like unfinished product and lack of content.

if you enjoy darkest dungeon, you won't enjoy this game. i finish the game in 10 hours and it just so forgettable.

i give score because art is ok but only get this on sales. it not worth it full price
2840 Produkte im Account
225 Reviews
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 07:07
The game is very cool, it has a wonderful atmosphere, a very good picture, everything is detailed and the gameplay is very addictive))
332 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 19:59
I'm not pleased for not recommending this game.
In reality it's a good concept, it's a fun game. But lately it has been crashing like hell, breaking the immersion from the game.
Normally I would say buy it and wait for the devs to fix it... but I don't trust the gaming industry anymore.
548 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 19:40
Wonderful game with intersting gameply that reminds darkest dungeon, but update it and make some features more unusual and framed more caarefully. In my opinion have some intersting visual and plot desicions, but for the other hand grind system and luck meaning in some fights are too much important.
1963 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 07:23
Fun reverse Darkest Dungeon game where you play as the boogeymen.

A pro that this has over DD is that the game loop is shorter so you feel like you are getting a lot more done in shorter game sessions.
451 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
1347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 20:49
Being a massive fan of Darkest Dungeon, I actually avoided this game for a while. Naturally thinking this was just some cheap clone of sorts, or just not worth my time. I am glad to report I was extremely incorrect, and I owe Irratus a sincere apology.

Its fantastic. I had an absolute blast, beginning to end and I'll probably play it at least another time. I love this game, between its themes, its gameplay, and its maybe slightly cheesy but highly enjoyable story.

Lets not beat around the bush: the crux of this game is that it's an inversion of Darkest dungeon's paradigm. Instead of being heros desperately battling eldritch horrors, trying to stay both alive and sane, you *are* the horror. The minions at your disposal are extremely well designed, interesting, and varied to a pretty shocking degree. None of them copy roles from DD either, which surprised me as I expected at least some retreaded ground, but in some ways Iratus may some minions even more interesting than DD. A wide variety of fantasy monster tropes, all with unique strengths and weaknesses that are incredibly fun to exploit. Lots of tearing flesh, consuming souls and damning the indignant mortals with stacks and stacks of curses. Break their spirits and send them running, or break their bodies and send them into your hellish ranks. Its great.

The biggest difference from DD that's immediately noticeable is the difficulty curve, and if you liked DD but struggled to actually beat it, Iratus is definitely for you. That's not to say its easy, it just gives you way more time to find your footing than DD does. You can curbstomp the first couple floors with ease, building up minions, learning what works and what doesnt *before* the game smacks you with the really hard stuff. And for veterans, dont worry. This game has serious teeth towards the endgame.

While likely not the draw, I also quite enjoyed the story. Playing as this intensely powerful necromancer breaking free is an awesome gothic power fantasy, and it really nails the feel of you being the villain in someone else's story. Iratus is charming and maniacal, the heros appropriately stuffy and dour as to make crushing them devilishly fun. It has a little twist I also enjoy, but I shan't spoil it.

If you like the genre, Iratus is well worth the chance. Its really something fun and special, and I'm very excited for any potential future content or sequel.

PS. If its on sale, go ahead and grab the DLC too. Its just even more content, and well worth it.
383 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 12:11
It's like Darkest Dungeon if you replaced the clever narration with referential humor and poop jokes.
117 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 01:54
At first glance this game is great and scratches the itch of a newish roguelike. And for the first few hours its great. Until it gets extremely repetitive and honestly boring as hell. The artifacts are quite blah, some minions are supremely more powerful than others and runs are WAY too long. I'm someone who plays extremely quickly and I had a VERY good team on the EASIEST difficulty and the animation settings were to 5x with talking disabled and it took me my current playtime to beat it. Thats entirely too long for a single run. The worst part was after the first floor it really didn't change at all. There's four floors with maybe 50 rooms per floor or something insane like that. It sucks because now this game is going to sit in my library and rot. I really wanted to like this game but there isn't really a reason to play it again. If the artifacts were way more interesting and the runs were about 1/4 the length of the current runs then maybe it would work. But truth be told this is a terribly balanced, boring game after you get a grip of what to do.
593 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 11:36
Ahh yess... darkness has once again crossed my path.

In this turn-based tactical roguelike RPG, you take the role of a necromancer exploring dungeons to collect loot... but most importantly, to reach the mortal world and eradicate them all .. to squish them into ... uhm, squishy stuff.

You can choose which evil entities to bring to combat and use all kinds of fun and different skills. Outside of combat, you upgrade your lair and creatures by assigning resources or units to different rooms/buildings of your necromancy-place.

You can't go wrong with this title if you're looking for a fun time by being evil... (yes, we all have that part in us where we just want to destroy the entire world by sending skeletons, zombies, wraiths, etc... to hug those mortals to death!... ADMIT IT, HUMAN!)
518 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
2618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 11:29
Iratus Lord of the Dead takes Darkest Dungeon, turns it around and end result is better game in overall. Being in receiving end of dread and insanity is not as fun as inflicting them. Though Darkest Dungeon is still worth it as an experience, just finishing it might feel like a chore after playing Iratus.

Fighting mechanics

What both share is the line based combat. Both sides have their characters in a line and abilities are based on the position. So positioning the minions right really matters. Layout most likely won't static during the fight as some minions have abilities that move them around. Which might prevent other minions of using their most useful abilities as they might end up in wrong place.

There's also multiple damage types, which means that knowing the enemy helps as you know their weaknesses and abilities even before the fight starts. Which means you can plan ahead better. There's humarium that you can use to look that information up. It won't be filled up right away though, you have to collect randomly awarded tokens, which means that in order to unlock the whole thing, you have play the game multiple times.

Despite of what the game states of minions not being expendable, it's still somewhat forgiving. Minions will get experience and raise their level, but levels are mostly based on the brain (quality of parts being the other factor). Plug in high level brain to fresh minion and you'll get quite many levels and access to customizing abilities right away. So if you lose a minion, you should be able to create something close to the previous one if you don't lose too many of your minions. Good stuff will eventually run out and only thing left is parts for cannon fodder. Keep losing even more and you'll run out of even the bad parts.

Between the fights

Between the fights you have multiple ways of improving things like using alchemy and artifacts to get and edge on next fight. If you have the Wrath of the Necromancer DLC, you can also brew potions. Most of the things will consume your stock of parts, so you have to balance things a bit in order to keep current minions alive or have enough parts to create new ones. Different minions are constructed from different combination of parts, so having stock of everything helps.

You might also have to heal your minions in mortuary, so they will unavailable for next fight. Which in turn might mean that you have to rethink your tactics and come up with new potential synergies. Unless you have spare of same kind minion of course.


As Iratus is kind of reverse dungeon crawler (you are climbing up from a dungeon instead climbing down) there's a dungeon that you have to traverse. Implementation resembles Slay the Spire as you choose paths from already revealed map. So choices do matter as you can plan your route beforehand. You can only change your direction in intersections, so once you commit to a hallway, you'll have to go through it. You'll also have to move always forwards toward your goal, so exploring whole dungeon is not an option.

Sound and graphics

Sound and graphics deserve special mention. They really make it extra satisfaction of lashing out dread and damage to the opponents. Low health is really visible on the opponents (unless the damage is inside). Add over the top narrator to the mix and it gets even better.


Minion types are unlocked via multiple ways, but the unlocks are permanent. So there's few new minions maybe for three playthroughs. Especially because few minions are unlocked by finishing the game with certain difficulty.


It doesn't matter if you have played these line based battlers (there must be proper term, but I haven't seen any), Iratus is better to the competition by large enough margin. If you totally disliked Darkest Dungeon, you probably won't like this one either as main mechanics are so similar. But in all other cases, Iratus is worthy addition to your collection.
331 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 15:00
Initially really fun, until you encounter enemy packs that debuff your entire team to deal 80% less damage while receiving 40% resistance within 2 turns.
Enemies that punish any action you take by taking 30-50% of HP off the minion are also fun (not).
258 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 04:03
Darkest Dungeon but you are the Darkest Dungeon.
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 18:57
this scratches some of the same itches that Darkest Dungeon. I think the difficulty comes more from the long game and less from individual battles. its totally possible to get to a point where you've won every battle you've been in but have no hope of beating the game based on your investments in skill points and building construction.
34 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 19:01
Great fun with many interesting intricacies. Looking for ways to turn the enemies' abilities against them tended to lead to the best results. Also the ghoul eats people! Best one!
81 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 01:52
Very well designed Levels with a massive amount of enemies that would required preparations before battle making the game more strategic planning with Minions that can develop traits to fit into multiple different play style depending on your preference. Items with advantages and sometimes disadvantages, spells and skills trees also help enhancing the gameplay variety. Random quest on the map making the game more unpredictable and interesting.
Smooth game mechanic, minions attack look just a bit clunky but that just make the bunch look more monsters like.
One thing is that when you created the game save after updating with a new version, that file can not be used back due to it predetermine game design making the player could not imply new updates into their current less exciting and have to start a new run in order to play that new updates.
Overall a solid 9.5/10.
116 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 20:46
If you are someone who enjoyed Darkest Dungeon, then you may perhaps find Iratus to be enjoyable as well. I did not enjoy Darkest Dungeon, mostly because I do not find walking at an excruciatingly slow pace to be a stellar gameplay mechanic. I had hoped that perhaps Iratus would clean up some of these issues, and I was correct, but somehow it still fails to impress.

They have packed so many RPG elements into the game, and have failed to polish a single one of them. The core issue is quantity over quality. Iratus has a skill tree, relics that can be equipped, buildings that can be upgraded, individual stat upgrades for each undead, two relic slots for each undead, upgrades for each individual skill for each undead, potions and alchemy. All of this is crammed into the game, and yet, none of it feels like it makes a meaningful impact on gameplay. Stat boosts are miniscule at best, skill options for the creatures you control don't provide legitimate opportunity for differentiation, buildings are nearly pointless, the relics are lackluster at best and occasionally bordering on completely useless. It feels as though the developers really wanted to make a certain style of game, but had no original ideas or unique mechanics with which to flesh it out.

Overall, Iratus is a bizarre parody of itself. It is a dead shambling corpse of a game cobbled together from stolen parts that probably saw better use in their former life.
179 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 10:40
tl; dr - Great fun, until you get to the harder levels. Problem is, even with all this time, & a new dlc, it's still unbalanced to the point of broken in 1 or 2 fights. There's a 7 page post in the forums about it going back to November 2020, and it still isn't fixed. Yes, there's a lot of positive reviews - but *mostly* by people who haven't played enough hours to hit that wall. It's fun, until you hit it, then you're just frustrated.

Adding on to the tl;dr - You'll clear floors just fine and then hit that one fight and completely wipe, and start over again and again after hours in, with no lessons learned. Losing minions happens, it's a darkest-like game. I get it. But to have full parties that were having no serious issues, repeatedly wipe hours in, on what is clearly a single, unbalanced, OP fight is beyond frustrating.

On Good Always Wins difficulty, this is the Steam Machine Dwarves fight. They have their own post here as mentioned above, 7+ pages long of how stupid OP they are. And they have *never* been fixed. Yes, you can clear it with a couple of very specific party builds but, what the heck fun is it to be totally pigeon holed, and why have so many classes if you can't use em? On that difficulty level you don't get enough parts to have too many well leveled minions so, you kind of have to run that specific group the entire level, or have two groups of lower leveled minions who will be very ineffective. Again, what's the point of the other classes if only one or two specific combos actually work?

I've run three different groups, three different times on this difficulty. Cleared both floors easily, several hours in and bam, wipe on the dwarven bosses. No hint my group was ever ineffective, no hint how I could have done better. And by this point, you're hours into the game. I have 73 hours in Iratus, it's not a noob thing, it's a single BS/OP fight thing.
:edit: after this review, got annoyed and tried again, entirely different boss in their place this time *sigh*

Sorry devs, want to love this game, and I did prior to this one broken a$$ fight which has never been fixed. I can see you care about it and work hard but obvious imbalances like this kill the fun, and the recommendation.
365 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
8217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 14:36
What can I say? This game is a mainstay in my library. I enjoy it more than Darkest Dungeon, but I wouldn't really say their the same game. Same genre, same style, I suppose, but different in many ways. I like that the upgrade system isn't as complex, and the minions are more controlled. I even love the subtle humor in the game. At times, it can be very easy, and others very hard. I love coming up with combos and watching strategy videos. This game just ticks all the boxes and its only gotten better over time.
136 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 23:16
Wait! What? Now you want to charge me 15 bucks for what should have been in the f*&^ing game in the first place???!! Oh wait you cant actually progress unless you have it?!!!???!!!?? So yeah dont pay full price wait for 75% off. then MAYBE - but probably not because the game still isnt as good as Darkest Dungeon and they are waaaay more greedy
254 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
3081 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 01:22
This is heavily inspired by Darkest Dungeon - and reversed! You're the monsters fighting against the heroes. The gameplay is smooth. Wide variety of minions to play. The voice acting fits like a glove. Well worth it.
496 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
1512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 19:38
Darkest Dungeon is the King.
But IRATUS is a refined version with similar gameplay.
Better graphics imo.
HIGHLY recommended.
In some ways I like this game more.
914 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 21:29
The easy game difficulty is easy which makes this game automatically less pretentious than most other Rogue-Likes.

After 25 hours I managed to beat the game with that and even though I normally despise Rogue-Like, Rogue-Lites, and Rogues in general (Conniving little backstabbers, the lot of them) I had fun. My shrivelled, spiteful, old heart really enjoyed the Necromancer part. Thumbs up.
112 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 16:21
Fun little indie game, Darkest Dungeon meets Heroes of Might and Magic. A delightful dark sense of humor throughout and a learning curve that's always pushing you to be better.

You will curse and swear at your mistakes and your unforced errors, but still fun.
738 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
2850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 04:42
It's cut from the same cloth as Darkest Dungeon, but, I see too many people saying it is essentially the same. That's just not accurate. This one is similar, but, it's a fraternal twin; not identical. For one, it's a little harder in one key way; no level grinding. You can take the longest route to get through a dungeon, facing the most battles, but, you can't go back and grind levels the way you can in DD. Also, while both games allow you to equip units with stat/ability boosting items, you can( and kind of must, to have a chance), equip your overlord with gear that influences how combat will go; do you want to grind the opposition to bloody minced meat, or break their minds, eroding their sanity until they flee, or die of cardiac arrest?
Basically, if you like Darkest Dungeon, you'll probably lose several hours to Iratus, but, maybe don;t go in thinking they are entirely similar.
82 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 00:49
TLDR: A bit lacking in the setting and atmosphere of Darkest Dungeon, but manages to capture the essence of its gameplay.

Long: I'm finding the slog of this game is getting a little tedious since reaching the final floor. However, the journey was mostly enjoyable. This game makes no attempt to shade its homage to Darkest Dungeon, but the copy is rather shallow. The puzzle-like combat is there, but the dark atmosphere has been replaced by 80's villain cheese.

Iratus is boring, and his recurrent quips in the non-battle screen quickly grow tiresome. When your ancestor talked in Darkest Dungeon, even when it was a repeat, it contributed to the overall sense of doom and foreboding. The art style in DD also helped with this.

The heroes looked heroic but also pained, especially when they took damage. It always felt like you were sending in a squad of ill-prepared adventurers when they trotted off into the dungeons. Iratus's style of undead minions lack soul and are in some cases weirdly inappropriate. Big-titted vampires, really? I mean, I guess it would help them attract unwitting victims, but then why big-titted ghosts?

The levels all start to feel the same, too. The combat changes as each floor has a different theme, but enemies aside, the atmosphere never changes. The same is true of Iratus's base. In DD, upgrading the town showed visible changes. In Iratus, you only see one change, from no building to a building. After that, the buildings never grow or evolve in appearance, which is a shame.

As for the combat, it mostly captures the punishing difficulty of DD. Your minions will die, sometimes often. However, you can usually figure out the way forward. There are some weird exceptions with the bosses and a few particular encounters (wardens) that seem to require one specific strategy, but for the most part, you do have the freedom to craft teams that can handle a variety of encounters.

You only start off with 8 minions, but you start unlocking new ones right away. I have mixed feelings about how they are unlocked. Some are relatively straightforward and easy (upgrade this building, deal X damage, make Y enemies insane). Others seem easy but end up being longer than seems necessary (bone golems). I do wish they HAD copied DD here and simply allowed you to start recruiting anything right out of the gate.

One game probably won't take very long to complete. I'm on the final floor of a Good Always Wins game, and it took me about 20 hours (minus the 30 minutes or so of the mandatory tutorial). Overall, if you enjoyed Darkest Dungeon, I would say this is worth a discount purchase. I picked it up for $15.00, and it seems worth the price.

37 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 11:47
Not gonna drop an essay here. Simply a fun game which doesn't require you grind materials. A lot of build options on building a squad. You can come back and play it again and again. Higher difficulty=More fun.
85 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 18:23
Early thoughts: Draws inspiration from Darkest Dungeon and implements more comprehensive RPG elements like assignable stat points and decisions for skill upgrades. Has a lot of the same strengths and weaknesses as DD, but nowhere near as polished. Art and theme are not as tight and there is no Wayne June. Graphics look nice but animations could use some tweaking. A little frustrating early on. Iratus’ chamber looks cool. I haven't played enough to really grasp the optimal strategies. Stopped playing, haven’t really felt compelled to continue.

Recommend (if you liked Darkest Dungeon and want a different flavor)
36 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 00:17
I never could get into Darkest Dungeon. I really wanted to like the game but it was not for me and it became a turn off for any game that even looked remotely like it. Lo and behold Iratus popped up on sale and I was skeptical. But what really made me jump in was playing as the Villain. We always got to play the good guy Screw that the bad guys need love too. Everyone immediately jumps to Darkest Dungeon. Look I can see the comparison on the ecstatic but for me personally these are two totally unique and different games.

Buy this game. End of story no ifs and or buts I walked in completely blind and was not disappointed. It has a unique charm to it and I always seem to hop in just to do a few dungeons, mix and match different characters and see which ones complement each other along the way. It's really fun to get awarded with new relics/boons to help buff your characters or impair the good guys. It's truly a unique approach that I fell in love with. I love how there are different paths you can take and choices that need to be made. You can have a birds eye view of the map and decide what is the best route to level up, earn characters, doge or fight elites all the way to getting to the final boss.

It took me some time to pick up and learn (armor, resistance, spells, insanity, righteous etc) but the game does make it easy for one to jump in and play. There are the usual difficulties for you to try (highly recommend to play on More Mortal Suffering) give it a go and see what you think. I honestly had a blast with this game and i will continue to play it and test my skills/smarts against the humans.

All will know his name IRATUS LORD OF THE DEAD!!!
459 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
5507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 20:54
I don't play strategy games, turn-based games, or roguelike games, yet this game completely hooked me.

Incredible visual and sound design, interesting characters that all have their own personalities and backstories, dozens of different ways to play and a great amount of replayability. The UI, addicting gameplay and general flavour of the game will immerse you for hours on end. Even if you're like me and usually not a fan of these types of games at all, it's worth checking out.
889 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
2589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 01:35
It's like if Darkest Dungeon was designed to be fun instead of a grind-fest
965 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 06:02
47 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 16:17
It's a good game. Exactly like Darkest Dungeon except... not nearly as good.

The balance of game play is awful. There are certain enemies (Flamethrowers and The Inventor Boss for example) who can wipe all your hours of hard work out in minutes. It's very frustrating. Unlike DD which is a somewhat rewarding frustration.
Enemies will do criticals that wipe your entire army out which seems a little bonkers.
You can adjust your gameplay and find creative ways to avoid these crazy swings, but overall, it's just too annoying.

I went back to play Darkest Dungeon after a couple years, and I was blown away by how polished it is. It makes Iratus look bleak in comparison.

This game is solid, but the balance kills it. Also, it needs more variety in spells, cosmetics, and dungeon exploration.
34 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 02:39
Fun game, but ultimately preferred Darkest Dungeon. Would recommend to any fan of the genre
676 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 16:47
If you like Darkest Dungeon then you'll probably like this. The only problem is that the game itself is a bit overpriced and short in-comparison. Also, there's no workshop so you can't download degenerate mods.
99 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
2232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 14:40
So far, I have been working out the mechanics and teams of what works for me and does not, but, I LOVE this game! The ability to make minions instead of having random minions turn up is much more to my liking. The battles are fun and engaging, and the game is challenging.

Just buy it...Everything. All the little add on bits too!

Six of five stars! (+1 star for letting me be evil.)
190 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
4740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 11:05
Hello Dead'uns and Deadbeats, Clappy here. Today, I am reviewing Iratus: Lord of the Dead and Dank, a turn based roguelike dungeon crawler set in an alternate timeline where Mortis worshippers from Disciples were never banned from magic schools and the Empire was...well, still the Empire but with more heretic burning.

You take on the role as Iratus, a necromancer who, attempting to fulfil his perfectly reasonable childhood dream of being hailed as a supreme master over the known world, but being misunderstood by his fellow man to be 'overstepping moral boundaries' of starting wars with other people for personal benefit, sent 'heroes' (haters) who killed him just as he was about to decimate humanity. Normally in fairy tales, this is where the story ends and the heroes throw a party to celebrate, game over. However, Iratus had a trick up his sleeve: he had achieved relative immortality and so was imprisoned far beneath the earth to stew in eternal hatred at how close he was to making Mama and Daddy proud. But then, in a stroke of luck, braindead human and the boyz break into his chamber, overturned his grave and tried to rob him, a necromancer with hundreds of years of experience, blind of riches. Jokes on them, they get reminded of their lowborn place in fantasy society, and now Iratus can restart his anti-human revolution against the government to revoke their right to live and breathe ever again.

In my opinion, the story is simple and to the point which I like in such a game and the in-game texts to explain the dungeons and characters are interesting though I felt they could do more with Iratus' background, so I give it 7/10 on that.

Let me clarify, though the gameplay plays similar to Darkest Dungeon, there are differences that make Iratus its own game. For one, your meat shields won't stress out panic and sabotage your dungeon experience forcing you to waste your money buying supplies because some idiot in a level 1 dungeon decided it was time to snack FOR THE THIRD FKING TIME IN A SINGLE HAL-*ahem*. In this game, you are the menace fighting humanity, undead don't need morale just targets inflicting damage on your foes either by blunt force trauma until they stop spilling blood (Physical), or cause debuffs and heart attacks (Stress) like forcing a weeb to watch badly dubbed anime and skipping openings (but be careful, like in Darkest Dungeon your enemies can sometimes become 'virtuous' or in this game's case Inspired with buffs for themselves or the whole party not just around healing stress and health). You as a necromancer have access to Mana, you're not hiding behind mercenaries relying on their abilities and survivability when you can personally throw bones from the sky or help your stress build by inflicting Stress damage yourself if your minions are acting incompetent. Wrath is another mechanic that lets your units perform their 'ultimates' to turn a fight in your favour or gain an early advantage, each minion has one that can go from position traps to outright killing an enemy instantly if certain conditions are met.

You are fighting from the bowels of the earth to the surface, dead corpses are your fuel for the war machine creating new minions, potions if you have the DLC using body parts which you can find by simply fighting enemy parties that stand in your way and cutting them down. There is a hub, the Cemetary where Iratus can use his own minions to upgrade buildings (non-refundable) that give benefits like base mana you start combat with, healing your units and increasing Iratus' experience ( Spellpower ) which means you can use Spells with less Mana and skillpoints to spend in his own unique skill trees for more powerful abilities in and out of the battlefield. The dungeon boss doesn't need x missions completed to show themselves, they're at the end of the dungeon waiting behind their meat shields cowering until you come to them. However, the size of the dungeons will test your resource and minion management and quest battles, though this is alleviated by other events in between fights such as quests having the option for you to not involve yourself sparing your team further pain, health and mana founts to heal your units or Iratus' mana pool and artefacts/items which you can equip to Iratus and/or minions giving them unique bonuses. The minion roster isn't completely unlocked for you, no you start with a set few unlocked while the rest have conditions to fulfil through multiple playthroughs that you must complete to earn them, but when you do you get options to expand your playstyle and how to weaken your enemies.

I have a lot of fun with this personally, as there is replayable value for me and I enjoy testing out new teams on the living. Though I felt tension going through the dungeon and considering my odds in fights, careful planning and playing with comps aided me through the stages even when they on the rare occasion gave me glass cannon teams to stack odds against me. I felt the hub wasn't too complicated and the UI was user-friendly to me. Solid 9/10.

Overall my thoughts are that Iratus is a great experience, and if you want to feel like a bad guy underdog trying to fulfil his hopes and reasonable dream of world domination weaving spells and making minions powerful to enforce your desires while enjoying a reasonable difficulty curve, it is the game for you.

93 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 15:23
honestly, i dont think i can recomend this game. so there are 5 areas/worlds (6 with DLC) or whatever you want to call them. before even getting to the end of the 2nd one, i'd maxed out my creatures' skills. there were no skill points to get and make their abilities stronger (skill points just let you pick between unpgraded version A or B of a skill). about mid way through the 3rd area the fights felt so repetative and boring and the creature's stats were also nearly max. while supposedly there would be new content in the next area, because every area so far played basically the same as the previous ones. the different enemies would play about the same as the previous ones, with the differences feeling more cosmetic than anything else. the battles were super easy and were just a slog to get through at this point, and i just stopped playing.

to some extent, it felt like maybe i was playing the game wrong in some way (for example, i really just had one team and didnt rotate between multiple creatures), but i kinda think that if i have to play exactly the way the devs intended and not stray from that, then thats also a heavy mark against the game in my books. i had fun for a bit, but i dont really feel like i got my money's worth (and i got it when it was discounted if i remember correctly).
45 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 20:12
TLDR: It's a good game - probably the best darkest dungeon clone I've played. However there are some issues that make it hard for me to recommend currently. For 45 bucks total w/ the dlc, it's a hard sell. But if you can grab it for 20 bucks or so then it's definitely a must get.

The DLC definitely feels required to get the most out of the game, as it adds more enemy and boss variety which the base game is sorely lacking. The true ending is locked behind the DLC as well, which really really grinds my gears. It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine when companies (indie or not) add DLC that really, really should of been a free update to the base game.

Hardest difficulties are just not that fun, and this is coming from someone whose done a few blood moon runs on DD. A lot of the minions just aren't good on harder difficulties and the way they scaled the difficulty just isn't fun to go through. Certain mechanics just don't scale well on the harder difficulties. You're also basically forced to focus on one squad of minions as well. All this combined leaves a meta where you have very few ways to go about playing and your options are very limited.

I'll finished up my Good Always Wins run and I'm putting the game down until there's some more significant balance and QoL changes
235 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 07:34
The game suffers from same problems as Darkest Dungeon: the character progress and item progress mostly stop at 1/3rd of the game. After that it's a repetitive grind to finish it, with more annoying enemies while the rewards don't get any better. For example minions get all their upgraded skills around level 16 while their levels as I finished the game was 70+. I did see a few new items as I progressed, but not all that many. Still, I guess that's way more than in DD.

The nodes are the same in every map. Sure, there are quests (events), which differ, but you'll get to see 1-3 of those every floor while the other 20+ nodes are the same as in the previous floors, giving all the same rewards again and again and again and again. Over 50% of the nodes are battle nodes making the grind real.

There are also some iffy mechanics when it comes to defense. I finished the game on the 2nd hardest mode and quickly noticed that armor is completely useless. Block and evasion is where's it at making me wonder what's the point of armor. Armor is made especially bad by the fact that character HP is super low compared to enemy damage and healing is basically non-existent outside of life steal, which about 3 classes get access to.

Also there really aren't all that many ways to control the fights. Majority of the debuffs at your disposal are minor minuses to enemy stats making them mostly pointless. Stuff like -20% to hit really isn't all that great when most enemies have hit chance of 140% or higher. Things like stuns or sleeps are super duper rare. Most of the time you'll be getting hit by the entire enemy team every round without really being able to do anything about it and their damage is massive.
152 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
2572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 00:05
9 Feb - Final impressions: I am on my 2nd playthrough, and Iratus is everything I said it was. Some buildings are locked at certain levels due to difficulty progressions (you need creatures that aren't available yet) but this is a minor detail. This game is an excellent example of how basic design concepts can be used to maximum effectiveness if cleverly employed. Iratus is a very satisfying and fun game.


TLDR: Turn-based combat fans will enjoy the deep tactical and strategic options in this refreshing 2D roguelite. The creepy atmosphere, multiple levels and goals add to the replayability and overall appeal.

Iratus is one of those games that disprove the common perception that great frame rates, 3D graphics and other bells and whistles are needed to create a satisfying gaming experience or to create appeal. Despite (or in spite of) having 2D graphics in battles reminiscent of Darkest Dungeon and Star Traders: Frontiers, the game never makes me notice or long for “better” or more sophisticated visuals. It stands well on its own.

+ Great concept, playing a “villain” anti-hero necromancer who despises the living. The voice acting is spot on, with dark humour interspersed in the wry comments he makes from time to time. During battles, your minions also say things from time to time, albeit unvoiced. Graphics-wise, the game is beautifully rendered and the main screen even shows Iratus “breathing” and following you with his gaze

+ Tactical combat is turn based, with a party of 4 vs 4 in a side-scrolling view. Iratus can cast spells using mana or direct his minions to use attacks, stances or special skills that use wrath (wrath is generated in each turn, and potentially mana as well). The combat system is robust, logical and well balanced

+ Tactical combat is deep, with many considerations that affect the outcome. Your minions and foes’ abilities, placement (yes, positioning matters too) strengths and weaknesses coupled with Iratus’ spells (and timing them), wrath and mana levels, create so much variety that repeated combat never feels grindy or like a chore. The game shines brilliantly here

+ Iratus and his minions can also equip artefacts, which are found in special chests or after battles. The artefacts grant bonuses or stat reductions, depending on the item and desired outcome. Fans familiar with RPGs will find this system very intuitive. Unneeded artefacts can be recycled as XP for Iratus

+ Iratus also has 4 alchemical abilities which serve different functions: these include healing his minions, regenerating his mana, and crafting different minor artefacts or better body parts for his minions. Alchemy is very useful and counter-balances the RNG drop rates of body parts

+ As mentioned above, Iratus creates his minions from various body parts, which can be obtained through battles, chests and other instances. Some body parts are enhanced, giving the minion extra stat points, which you can allocate accordingly; you can also try creating enhanced parts through alchemy. The better the (excess) parts you put in, the better chances are for getting enhanced parts that you need. In addition, some minions are locked until certain milestones are achieved; this adds to the replayability of the game

+ You also have a base, with several buildings that can be created, and that grant various bonuses. These have to be built in 4 stages, with varying costs. This system creates an additional layer that can be essential to your overall battle strategy

+ The campaign has you crawling through several maze-like dungeons in 4 levels. You’re allowed up to 4 teams of 4 minions each, but you can only play one team at a time, and paths cannot be re-traced. Once you commit to a direction, you cannot double back

+ The combat / campaign variation is delightfully varied. Not only do you have several types of minions that you can create, the enemies you face at each level are different at every level. When you throw in different paths you can take, artefacts, leveling (minions and Iratus), spells, mini-quests, difficult levels, base enhancements, the tactical and strategic outcomes are never the same. There are general principles that would be effective, but no two games will be alike

+ Rogue-lite considerations add to the urgency of your strategic and tactical choices; minions who die (and the artefacts they are equipped with) are gone forever. There is just one save game per campaign, so choose wisely

- Minions' ability trees could have been deeper. It didn't take long to max them out, following which all you can improve are their base stats

- Some of the objectives required to unlock certain minions are a little obscure. E.g., how do you create a vampire? Or recruit dhampires? It seems like the player has to figure this out on their own

Still, the positives far outweigh the negatives in this game. Iratus is an excellent blend of tactical combat and strategy coupled with role-playing elements that create a satisfying, memorable experience. You can tell from the way it is designed that the devs put a lot of thought into it.

The game is extremely well balanced, and most gamers should find it compelling enough to return to it again and again.

120 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 16:26
Great first impression for this. I liked DD a lot, and this is scratching that itch while waiting for a sequel. This is also the first game I've picked up in quite a while that I am actually finding enjoyable (have hit lots of duds lately).

It has a sleek look to it and offers a large set of minions to choose from. I like how you can find instant upgrades along the way to get newly acquired minions up to a usable level.

Only complaint so far is there is a overly limited way to explore the dungeon. Once you select a path on a fork, you cannot backtrack or even take that path when it comes up deeper in the dungeon. It would be nice if the game provided some sort of mechanic like food from DD that at least gives you the chance to further explore areas.

Overall, definitely a recommend if you enjoy turn-base strategy.
111 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
5250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 18:15
Short but interesting.
Its an great effort by the developer and have to appreciate that they are still regularly patching and releasing some contents.
Enjoyed every minute of playing.
But they need some work on the game bosses, as sometimes they are extremely powerful in harder difficulties.
[spoiler] Just an example, the final boss of the game, takes 5 turns after one turn of Iratus's minion and then next minion can take turn. [/spoiler].
Overall, thumbs up.
80 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
3052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 07:34
I kind of wish I could finish a minion before they died, but it's a fun game. Like Darkest Dungeon but less brutal. Cooler designed units, that are surprisingly fragile no matter how much they progress. Haven't found an I'm stuck and have to restart point yet
264 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 14:40
Simple to play and understand, but with enough complexity to challenge. An entertaining and enjoyable game that doesn't require a huge time commitment to enjoy, and the roguelike setup means every run is a little different. 8/10, get it on sale; very good for what it is but asking price is a bit steep!
556 Produkte im Account
214 Reviews
1896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 11:47
You play as an ancient necromancer who wants to conquer the world, rise your army of undead and command them in turn based fights, unleash your own magic upon the battlefield, build your own undead city, craft artifacts and potions, improve and level up your undead and yourself, unlock all the different undead to rise them through different challenges.
306 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 15:08
I finished the game in two different difficulties.
It took me about 20 hours to complete the game twice.

It's a bit like Darkest Dungeon, but from a villainous perspective.

There's a lot of stuff that's good in this game.
And I'd say I did enjoy some of the time I spent playing it.
My second run felt kinda boring. I wanted to unlock two new undead types, so I finished it.

I don't think I'll ever want to play a third playthrough.

I feel it's not a game people need to experience? Maybe I'm just depressed and decent games aren't evoking much in me. But I'd say this game isn't as fun as it could be. And eventually it gets very monotonous. You'll end up using the same party of characters and not doing anything different for multiple hours in a row.

If there was more change and unlockables, I feel it could be more addicting.
Everything in the game currently feels pretty well done, but there being more to experience and more stuff to spice up the gameplay loop'd be imo good.

If the aesthetic and concept are appealing enough to you, you should definitely get it (maybe).
If you're okay playing it for only 9 hours before getting bored and quitting, then you should maybe get it.

If they continue to update the game and the lack of variety in the core gameplay loop gets adjusted, read newer reviews and certainly consider getting it.
193 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 03:46
Iratus is what happens when amateur game designers try to ape better, smarter designs.

This is a mashup of Darkest Dungeon and Slay the Spire, both excellent games that created new sub-genres. Iratus is not an excellent game; it's not even a very good game. Its lack of polish is apparent immediately, from the amateurish art and voice acting to the unwieldy and unintuitive interface. Its lack of depth shows through after just a few rounds of battle. You might think there's something more to it, but there isn't. Yes, you will see more enemy types and unlock some new minions, but the fundamental gameplay is incredibly repetitive and these aren't big enough draws to make you come back. It was a slog for me to finish just one play through. Slay the Spire stays interesting because your deck is constantly in flux. In Iratus, your minions do not change. You're stuck playing the same boring characters with the same set of 6 moves for dozens and dozens of battles without anything shaking it up.

If you're looking at this you're probably hoping for gameplay that reminds you of Darkest Dungeon, and Iratus absolutely does not. DD features complex layers of strategy with its choices about party composition and the way the different skills interact with each other turn each battle into an engaging dance of death. Iratus has skills that are themed to the party members, but have zero interaction or combo potential. There's nothing that mimics the feeling of pulling an enemy out of position with one character, to set it up for a devastating strike from a second character who's been buffed by a third. Instead, it's just a series of individual moves and random die rolls to see if you get insta-killed.

Hard pass, this is amateur hour from someone who saw a good idea and tried to ride its coattails.
344 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 22:12
Nice strategy game with aesthetics ideas. Must play if you like Darkest Dungeon.
319 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
9929 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 17:08
great game spent a decent amount of time learning the basics but once you do its a lot of fun
1355 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
2014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 16:56
Great Roguelike taking cues liberally from Darkest Dungeon but still a great game in its own right. Constantly getting better, def check it out.
154 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 04:07
A pleasant twist to the genre. Well done!
475 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
6380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 06:31
The best game you have never played. Slay the Spire meets Darkest Dungeon and produces an unexpectedly brilliant lovechild.

Update: After over 20 hours of gameplay, I am into this game more than ever. Adding the available DLC was the best decision I made, because it takes an awesome game and makes it even better. Aside from new minions, they also added some interesting new mechanics, which I won't spoil for you.

This is my personal favorite new game this year.

See ya. Going back in now. :)
1118 Produkte im Account
96 Reviews
1509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 16:00
Its a good game
Not as frustrating as Darkest Dungeon
26 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 17:35
Watched a couple of gameplays and got immediately hooked. the graphics are amazing, the tactics and different strategies are interesting, and the game while warning you that your minions may die, helps you get back on your feet and doesn't punishes you for all eternity. after my first playthrough I went straight to the second one. this is the first game of the genre that I decided to buy, and now other games are dimmed in comparison. highly recommended.
540 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 07:05
446 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
2535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 02:22
Ahhhh, yeah, it's pretty good. It's BASICALLY Darkest Dungeon, but you control the bad guys, though it isn't one-to-one. You can cast spells that affect the fights (think Dungeon Keeper) in addition to giving orders. There's also a little more animation to it (though Darkest's art style is more.... enthralling?). There aren't as many unit types here as Darkest, but there're a lot of cool minions to bust out. I'm particularly fond of the Ghoul and Dark Knight.

You have to unlock enemies, as well, which I guess is a trade-off for being able to create whomever you want (so long as you have the parts). You only have to do it the one time; I've started eight or nine new games and the minions never become re-locked, which is nice. I was actually surprised that the expansion's units were available right off the bat. Grateful, too; unlocking a few of those guys really sucked.

Uhh.... Your dudes level up over time and you spend points in their stats, and pick an upgraded form of their moves every so many levels. YOU also level up over time, as well, and get access to more spells and passives. It's a pretty subdued system; your units take a much greater precedence than do any of your abilities as a necromancer.

I played the Hell out of this in EA, and you could beat the three available floors there in a few hours, but the levels are much longer now. It's pretty fun, overall, but for some reason, despite how similar they are, this can't hold me like Darkest can. Don't get me wrong; I can't play DD for more than five or six hours straight, because it's so stressful, but this...? I dunno; I LIKE it, but it just can't hold my interest as long.

I DID just beat it for the first time since its release (fitting; Halloween and all that), and I think I can honestly say, I will never bother beating it again. I'll almost certainly PLAY it, but I was SHOCKED at how much the final zone made the game completely un-fun. Between enemies that hit like runaway freight trains (and it didn't matter what stats I beefed or how high of a level I made my minions; even twenty levels above the area's enemies, which you can do by inserting brains into your minions, didn't matter. Didn't matter if I leveled evasion or defense or armor or block or HP, the Monk enemies would kill level-50-and-change tank units in four hits, and there was nothing I could do to stop them) and enemies that can full-restore the entire enemy party, it was a COMPLETE slog. The secret turned out to be Stress-builds, which, fine, I guess, but it was very irritating to have half of the tactics of the game just be obviated by enemies that felt fake difficult.
Plus, I'm pretty sure more than once an enemy bugged out and made the fight basically unwinnable.

Obviously, one time through the game doesn't make me an inside-and-outside master, but it took quite a while and gave me a lot of time to experiment with tactics, which didn't appear to make much of a difference.

I dunno. This one's fine, particularly if you can get it on sale. I like its concept, and had area 5 been the last one, I'd probably be a LITTLE more breathless in my recommendation, but the endgame area really took the wind out of my sales.

I don't mind difficult (I've posted bona-fides in a buncha reviews already, and I'm going to stop), but I hate it when it feels cheap.
237 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 19:05
Incredible atmosphere and gameplay. While this game IS brutal it feels a lot fairer than its obvious influence Darkest Dungeon. Iratus is also a joy to hear all game.
183 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 16:53
I appreciate someone taking the great concept of Darkest Dungeon and putting it into another game. The strategy and tactics seem very solid for as long as I have been willing to play. The major issue in this game is the grind. I did not like the grind in Darkest dungeon but this is worse. Battles get repetitive after only two hours of play. I can see how long it would take me to get to the next room and it is not enticing. Too many of the same enemies types over and over again. Another big flaw is that the game forces you to play on the easiest difficulty first. This was a horrible mistake. The game should have shown the tutorial on any difficulty desired by the player. Considering many players would come from Darkest Dungeon I really don't understand the choice. I did not want to start over, but it was way too easy. When I did start over it just made the grind and boring battles worse as I had to do them again.

This is not the first turn based roguelike that is too padded with repetitive battles (Hand of Fate, Darkest Dungeon even). Darkest dungeon got around this by having an amazing aesthetic/atmosphere. The fact that you can change what type of biome you fight in also helps in that game. Iratus is fairly generic. Pleasing to the eye, but it did not do anything to keep me around clearly.

I do think that I prefer a quicker, more digestible style (Into the Breach, Monster Train, Slay the Spire). I am glad that many other players were able to push through to what seems like a great take on the style. If you did not mind the grind in Darkest Dungeon you might find much to enjoy here.
398 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 21:49
very similar to darkest dungeon, but less disgustingly hard.
1192 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
2120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 12:53
TLDR Version: If you like Darkest Dungeon, you will almost certainly like this!

A roguelite turn based dungeon crawler where you get to be the bad guys, in this case an evil Necromancer and his band of undead minions. The game is very similar in essence to Darkest Dungeon, also a very fine game.

There is hours of fun to be had building your ideal team of deathly minions from a varied cast of creature types, each of which can be further customised by tweaking their skills and assigning them artefacts as they level up. Combat is brutal and satisfying, allowing you to defeat your foes through conventional physical means or attack them with stress attacks, causing them to go mad and ultimately die of a heart attack. Lovely jubbly!

The titular Iratus also helps out in combat with a wide variety of spells and buffs, in conjunction with the broad selection of creatures and abilities this allows a wide array of different tactics to be emplyed against the pesky heroes populating the dungeon, and eviscerating them never ceases to be satisfying.

Monsters and heroes alike are very well drawn, and the musical and audio overtones are suitably gothic and dramatic. All in all a thoroughly enjoyable game.
68 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 11:50
Initially fun but quickly lacks depth.
195 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 11:02
If you liked Darkest Dungeon you're gonna like this as well.
Only thing I could complain about is the artwork, this game could've been a superb gothic horror world but instead you get sloppy childish vulgar designs of undead monsters. This game would've benefitted greatly by checking some Disciples artwork.
675 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 21:10
At some point darkest dungeon became sub genre all of its own. This one of the many that plays around with the style of game play and I think it does it pretty well. I like how this was put together since its a necromancer and the party is created with parts won by defeating opponents , It flips the where you are the bad guy trying to rise to your former glory. Your party completely replaceable and actually useful in other ways as well. I like the mechanics on this one and completely recommend it. It doesn't replace Darkest Dungeon but I think its a good game for someone looking for a game somewhat like it. I have one playthru and will be back to update this after a few more.
4106 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
1781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 12:17
This game is pretty good. It's constantly being compared to Darkest Dungeon. While it is a similar style game, I actually enjoy playing this from the Necromancer perspective a lot more. It's much more fun to drive others mad than to be the one driven mad.

This game is difficult, but also quite enjoyable to play. I'm almost finished the game on More Pain mode, which is the second highest difficulty. Once this mode is complete, you have access to the highest difficulty.

Unfortunately you don't unlock all the minions at the start, you have to earn them by completing the game on the more pain difficulty. I'm still missing 4 minions that will unlock once I beat the final stage and get a few more bones as drops.

So far I've found quite a few strategies are very viable to win. For the first half of my run I focused on driving my enemies insane and giving them heart attacks with stress attacks. The main purpose of this was to unlock 2 minions; the vampire, by causing enemies to flee, and the wraith, by driving enough enemies insane.

After this, I found a minion I enjoyed and built a team around buffing them. This was also very successful and I could often wipe out a full enemy team in two shots.
236 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 21:10
A good game for one more turn syndrome. Wait for a sale if you are a first time player of the roguelike genre.
270 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 23:16
First of all: It's way easier than Darkest Dungeon - and for me that's a positive thing!
Iratus is almost an exact copy of DD but you have less things to worry about and you're able to go back to base after each match, to level up and/or heal.
You still have to make strategic decisions but it's not a game you have to study for years!
I can recommend it to anyone who likes to receive pain, but not as much.
71 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
6292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 17:13
Iratus is just difficult enough to scratch my masochistic itch, and just forgiving enough to stop me from throwing my computer out the window. This is a great game that is worth playing if you love rogue strategies. It leans heavily on Darkest Dungeons, but brings enough new ideas to make giving it a positive review an easy choice. That being said the game is not without its flaws.

The Good

There is plenty to like about Iratus, Lord of the Dead. For starters, it has monster levels, hero levels, artifacts, alchemy, monster parts, monster trinkets and a ton more ways to plan your strategy. I won't explain all the categories, but safe to say, there is always room for improvement on your teams. And no one team is perfect for every scenario. Creativity is rewarded and the different areas to improve on are well explained in the game.

The biggest difference form darkest dungeon, your monsters (heroes) will die. It's build into the game to be able to replenish you ranks. Sometimes you will get unlucky, and the RNG won't go your way. You will think you have the perfect team, but then you will lose them in a bad beat. But the game is designed for you to bounce back, even on harder difficulties. Not only is this a difficult thing to accomplish, it's thematically accurate because you're a necromancer that does not care about your minions (you say it a lot throughout the game). Points for originality.

Smooth, pretty, reactive, with great sound effects. Do I need to say more? They get the parts you need to get right, right.

The Bad

You have to beat every difficulty in ascending order. In order to play the hardest difficulty, you have to beat the equivalent of easy, medium, and hard, first. If you want that juicy achiv, you will have to beat the game no less than four times. Why does the game limit me? Let me play on whatever damn difficulty I want. If I don't like it than I can always go easier. I always hate this feature when games makes the decision for you.

Not the longest game in the world. The game only has five levels and can be beat in a pretty short amount of time (15 hours or so.) I would hate to think that is why they make you beat the game three times before you can even try the hardest difficulty. That is lazy, busy work. Not too much of a story line either. But that can be forgiven because the genre does not call for an in-depth story line. It just would have been nice to have a few more cut scenes and another writer on the project.

I played it and I enjoyed trying to master it. I will definitely play any DLCs. Darkest Dungeons is the crown jewel of the genre but Iratus is not far behind. Think Pippin just barely trailing Jordan, but still just as vital to the team. Iratus does a lot for the genre as a whole and is pushing it into new and interesting directions.
171 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 02:17
There is the core of a great game here but unfortunately it is bogged down by repetitive and cumbersome party and resource management. It weighs down what is otherwise an excellent game down to the point where I just couldn't be bothered continuing.
85 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3088 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 23:11
Pretty sure this is the first time I've ever posted a negative review, but this game has earned it.

I love strategy rogue likes and rogue lites. But to call this a game of strategy would be to stretch the word beyond reason. It's all about swingy dice rolls.

If you lose, it's unsatisfying because you know that it wasn't clearly due to your mistakes. If you win, it's just as unsatisfying, because you know it was just dumb luck.

Sure, there's some strategy that can go into how you compose your team, but when you get to the boss fights the number of teams that have any real chance of winning are vanishingly small, and even then it comes down to dumb luck.

Nope. Would not recommend that you waste your money on this one, even on a fire sale. After 51 hours (I'm stubborn, and really wanted to like the game.) I have to say this is a failure.

Perhaps if they massively re-balance and allow for a great deal more real strategy it'll be a good game some day. For now my advice would be look elsewhere.
1360 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 09:19
The premise of the game is really exciting but the execution of the mechanics make you fee like bumbling novice necromancer trying to keep a handful of zombies alive while surrounded by corpses. You spend a lot of time sorting through body parts to build and upgrade your army of less then 16.

I think the game would manage expectations better if you played the role of a slave in the mine that discovers a book of necromancy rather than the immortal lord of the dead your portrayed as.

The turn based combat is fun but gets quite dry very quickly to the point where I think the game might be more fun if the combat was automated while you go through the regular maintenance phases of the game as it would give you enough to occupy your mind and maintain better pacing.

The game also isn't a roguelike.

The developer seems like a really great guy and genuinely interested in feedback but the majority of the games fans are the dreadful 'git gud' crowd who delight in talking about how the vertical learning curve is easy and how they beat the game on their first try. I think this is scewing development to cater for a hardcore niche by over valuing 'balance' in a RNG game.
133 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 14:24
This is a tough game to rate because I do enjoy the premise and the tactical combat quite a bit.

What it boils down to is that the between-fight management feels overcooked and unfun. There are strategizing to do, selecting group comps, loadouts, leveling up Iratus, etc. These aspects are fine, but again, overcooked. Prime example is giving minions a talent point every 3 levels instead of every level, instead giving you flat stat points to distribute. Time-consuming and boring compared to the early access version.

And that's just 30% of what you'll do between fights. The remainder is literally maintenance work. You'll be taking minions in and out of healing, rotating backup minions into battlegroups, creating new minions from scratch to replace fallen ones, including alchemizing new parts for them, leveling them up and distributing stat points, equiping items... And then you need to do the same for your B-team, and possibly your C-team and even D-team as well. It feels like busywork, because it is. This style of gameplay was already stretching enjoyment thin in Darkest Dungeon, and seem to exist here only in service to the genre. I for one have lost patience with this.

That being said, there have been improvements in the graveyard since early access. Sacrificing a minion to a passive building will now immediately put that minion to work, so you will not need to tie up another minion to gain the benefits. A good call by the devs, one that deserves praise amid my rather harsh critique.

If this game was Disciples 4, I would consider it an amazing return to form for that series. The tactical combat is excellent, the positioning is intriguing, and the ways you can go with talent points change minions dramatically. Unfortunately, the experience of playing Iratus: Lord of the Dead is more akin to playing Ermor in Dominions 5. That is to say, it feels mostly like an undead management simulator. I can see that being enjoyable with the right game mechanics, but sadly both games make it a chore.

If minions were either more sturdy and/or could be brought back to unlife intact, the game would be better. If on the other hand minions perished like flies, but did not require so much assembly and maintenance, the game would be better. As it stands, Iratus: Lord of the Dead sits awkwardly in the middle of these two extremes.

Even with all that said, I still wish there was an option to give a neutral review. The tactical battle aspect of this game is just that fun and engaging. Ultimately, I choose to err on the side of negativity this time. The game doesn't add enough new things to the genre, while retaining things that are not all that enjoyable to begin with.
278 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 03:20
Darkest dungeon gameplay (minus the brutal RNG) with a dungeon keeper levity, Good stuff.
4532 Produkte im Account
2006 Reviews
112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 21:18

Lots of up front complexity is daunting at first but the depths of play is worth the effort. Numerous difficulty levels and tutorial options do smooth this out to be more approachable.
86 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 07:14
Solid turn based combat, but campaign can feel repetitive at times.
2876 Produkte im Account
113 Reviews
1324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 19:56
It's like Darkest Dungeon and Minesweeper had a baby and abandoned him.
He grew up full of hatred and resentment, now calls himself Iratus.
106 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 21:30
Fun to play actively, also fun to load up and play a couple rounds here and there while working. Run in a smaller window and alt-tab between meetings, etc. Graphics are great, voice acting is solid, good depth in the various minions. The map path choices start to be more important as you increase in difficulty.

I've been playing on both Windows and MacOS. Super stable and performant on either platform. Zero crashes.

My play time is a bit skewed as I idle quite a bit, but I've played through 3 times, each on increasing difficulty. The hardest difficulty, which I'm at now, actually has me thinking about restarting and hoping for better fight outcomes and random drops. The previous difficulty was challenging, but I never really felt in danger of having to restart. Recommend continuing on after the tutorial on easy mode just to get a sense of the game and easily explore the various team comps to see which you enjoy most.

Comparing it to Darkest Dungeon: Less grind, less negative RNG (no character insanity, for example). I can get a bit more attached and reliably spec out the minions. Some might find Iratus a bit less gritty and challenging than DD, but, thinking back on the two, I think part of the challenge of DD is simply tolerating the RNG frustration. I find Iratus more fun and enjoyable.

Cons? at least up until the last difficulty, I feel once you hit a certain tipping point, you're pretty much unstoppable unless you consciously screw up. This can make the large maps somewhat unnecessary. Would prefer a more noticeable scaling during each level. Course, then again, I'm getting my ass kicked on the first run of the hardest difficulty, so maybe I should calm down on that scaling idea.

Overall: Great asynch, lightweight gameplay that scratches that RPG character building dungeon crawler itch. Recommend.
59 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1674 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 17:29
The levels are overly stretched and unlocking characters require grinding. I kept pushing myself to finish it at the point where all the enjoyment was gone, and ultimately the payout just wasn't there.

As it stands it's an overpriced darkest dungeon clone with half the depth but twice the length.
102 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.20 00:20
This game actually tried to access my contacts list on startup. Very scummy thing to do and the developers should be ashamed of themselves. Who know what else it tried to do that I didn't catch. Too bad as I've enjoyed what I've played so far which admitting isn't much after the personal information theft attempt.
124 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
5369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 14:56
Darkest Dungeon meets Slay the Spire, with the best of both and none of the negatives. This is an amazing game with so much going for it. Great troop and enemy diversity, choices to make, and long play throughs that make those choices matter.
274 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 19:15
Brilliant game, less stressing than dark dungeons and very fun to play. Thank you Unfrozen studio! The only thing i miss is the lair customization, would love to do some housing, hello kitty clock on a shelve, aquarium, with radiodead playing in the back. Well, i know it could be tricky to implement such deep and rewarding mechanics but...welll. i'm a dreamer. I almost forgot, badass sound when we fill iratus xp and level up could be great too, explosions, heavy metal riff etc..
251 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
4315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 00:24
Darkest Dungeon, but you play as the bad guy and no excrutiating grind. Tons of fun.
2090 Produkte im Account
203 Reviews
1016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 19:44
If you’ve been looking for something that does the unthinkable by taking inspiration from titles like FTL and Darkest Dungeon while offering a comparable, if not superior experience, Iratus: Lord of the Dead may be the next big hit for you. It combines large-scale party management, branching advancement paths, and a dark setting to create something that’s quite familiar, but also fresh in many ways, that stands out from the many clones that seem to have flooded the market in recent years.

Iratus: Lord of the Dead has you taking on the role of the revived necromancer himself as some unfortunate miners happened to dig just a little too deep. As you grow in power and push ever upward in your struggle to reclaim the world as your own undead playground, you’ll travel through locations like the mines and the catacombs as you encounter a plethora of not-so-do-gooder foes that will attempt to subdue your growing power and influence.

Though you’ll start off facing off against less impressive foes like slave miners and simple stone golems, you’ll eventually be facing off against powerful heroes that just won’t quit. Lucky for you, you have a variety of tools for the job and whether you slay them all with brute force or terrify them to the point that their heart gives out makes no difference. The enemy variety is truly impressive, and I’ll leave the rest of that for you to encounter on your own without spoilers.

Minions and the Decaying Parts That Make Them
Although you begin with rather modest capabilities in the form of low-level minions, as you progress, they will gain experience and improve. They’ll gain stat points that can be used to improve everything from their damage output (physical and magical) to their dread (stress damage) to their evasion, durability, and health. They’ll also be able to upgrade each of their six basic starter abilities into one of two superior options.

Many of these offer significantly different specialization and grant plenty of customization opportunities for tailoring your minions for specific tactics. For example, one of the minion types that you start with access to, the skeleton, has a move that allows them to take a defensive stance to reduce incoming damage. When upgraded, this move can either reduce even more damage or it can cause any that attack it to suffer a retaliation that deals a noticeable amount of stress damage. This system allows you to build each minion in a different way, sometimes even changing up their role entirely in some of the more extreme situations.

The number of minions available to you is impressive considering that each can already be specialized into differing roles. You’ll only be able to create a select few at first, though the others will unlock as you reach certain milestones. New creatures aren’t recruited in the old-fashioned sense either; they’ll have to be created through the use of body parts collects from your fallen foes, such as bones, hearts, and flesh. Each minion requires four specific pats, though differing tiers of rarity for these offers attribute bonuses that make them far more powerful.

This means that they with a selection of all purple, ultra-rare parts, a new level one monster will begin with as many stat points as if they’d achieved level twenty-five! Fortunately, parts can be replaced and destroyed so you are able to upgrade your long-standing minions that have survived as opposed to creating new ones entirely, though death is a part of the game so don’t grow too attached to them all the same! New parts are always coming along, and the second deaths of your servants aren’t disasters, only inconveniences that need to be corrected.

The Lord of the Dead Rises
Iratus joins in on the party by gaining experience as well. Though he never enters the battle directly, his levels grant many spells that can be used in battle as well as abilities that grant passive benefits whether you’re in combat or not. These abilities are divided into four skill trees that can be built upon: alchemy, magic, ire, and destruction. Alchemy focuses mostly on improving your out-of-control capabilities by increasing the number of body parts that drop as well as making their usage more potent and efficient.

Magic tends to be a mixed bag of spells, some aiding you while others complicate matters for your foes. Ire offers buffs for your minions by improving their capabilities in a variety of way, assisting in them bringing the hurt to your enemies for you. Finally, destruction is what you’re probably expecting; it specializes in directly slapping around your foes with significant damage potential. All of these paths are balanced well and which trees you choose are likely to differ based on your playstyle.

But What About the Murder Itself?
Combat is incredibly fulfilling in Iratus: Lord of the Dead. Every battle feels fairly unique as the combinations and synergies, even among your enemies, is impressive. I never really found myself to be bored at any point, and on several occasions I found myself losing track of time and playing for over four hours in one sitting. For those who have played Darkest Dungeon, it will feel familiar in many ways, but there are several differences that make it stand out. The most game-changing of these is the stress mechanic that attacks the minds of your foes instead of their bodies.

In Darkest Dungeon, your characters suffered stress while the enemy did not. In Iratus, this is reversed as you’re the monsters this time around. Other than that, you have a wide variety of minions with plenty of abilities to synergize with and countless foes that will force you to swap up your go-to strategies to overcome them. Don’t send in a party specialized in causing fear when your enemy’s party is composed mostly of constructs, for example.

The Bottom Line
Iratus: Lord of the Dead is an excellent title and one that I highly recommend to any who enjoy the rogue-lite feel of those who have come before it, especially Darkest Dungeon. I’ve been keeping my eyes open for something that could truly compete with Darkest Dungeon instead of simply copying certain aspects of it, and Iratus has exceeded my expectations in nearly every way. Although I struggle with making a strong claim on either of these games on which is the superior experience, I believe that Iratus: Lord of the Dead may be the one that has finally dethroned Darkest Dungeon and that’s no small feat to be sure; it really is a must-play title for those who enjoy the genre. I can’t praise the game enough for having an excellent variety in both wicked minions and pesky living foes that will keep you engaged and playing long after many of its competitors would have you shutting down to play something else. Give it a try and I doubt you’ll be disappointed!

Check out turnbasedlovers.com for more reviews like this one!
223 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
2376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 19:52
I dreamt that played Darkest Dungeon as a Necropole deathknight from Heroes of Might & Magic 3. Gladly, this dream is replayable.
459 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
2130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 04:23
This game made Darkest Dungeon unplayable for me.

They took the Darkest Dungeon formula, and found the various spots that could be improved and expanded and made it better in almost every way.

Some of the highlights include:

Iratus is very clear about what stats and effects do, which helps in your planning.
Important information about what an ability does is clearly displayed with colors and numbers making everything very certain.
Interesting resource management and levelling up of your town (the graveyard).

Overall the combat and building your minions is tactical and interesting and I definitely recommend it.

The negatives: I'm going to write a long paragraph here, but don't let it put you off the game.
The difficulty scales in very big jumps. It needs something between the 'normal' difficulty and the 'hard' difficulty.
Established norms of the game *sometimes* don't apply. Eg: You are taught that there is no regeneration of health without some kind of resource cost. Except for times when the enemies can fully heal between battles.
Or you are taught that a unit gets 1 action per turn, until you come across a boss that takes 3 actions per turn. These things would be ok separately, but together it can result in a frustrating, dead end situation which isn't fair within the games established rules.
380 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 05:09
Darkest Dungeon, but you're the bad guy. Roleplaying a necromancer at its best. Hard af tbs, but the learning curve is acceptable. A true strategy challenge, plenty of folks have done in depth analysis of party comps, min/maxing. You must be a masochist. Fans of FTL should look into these games if they are bored of Shortest Trip to Earth.
637 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1784 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 19:26
This game is very inspired by Darkest Dungeons and has very similar mechanics. What differentiates it is the theme and a few overworld mechanics (Involving upgrading your base, learning spells). The mechanics are varied enough to differentiate it from Darkest Dugneon, and was an enjoyable experience.

The pacing of the game has a few issues. Once you get your star squad setup , you are either going to plow through the game, or encounter an enemy that can ignore your strategy. The game goes on a bit too long, and the ending , if we can call it that, does not resolve anything.

Play if you enjoy Darkest Dungeon, or are looking for more int hat genre.
Avoid if you are looking for a story-intensive game, or enjoy the theme.
342 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 21:58
I want to like this game, but it makes it quite hard to do so. It sure presents itself as a game with tons of options and strategies but those, quickly, dwindle as one goes up in difficulties.
So in the end it feels quite shallow. One playthrough and you've, essentially, seen 100% of the games core content. Higher difficulties do not make enemies more interesting or diverse...just numerically higher versions of ones before. Which also increases the extremely reliable odds of having things die before they can even react.

So by the time you finish your first run you may not have used every single minion available...but most are not ones you need to play with to see why you should, or—more generally—shouldn't, use them.

It's artwork itself is nice, but the animations leave a lot to be desired. Things look like they are animated like marionettes QWOPing their way around.
It repeats dialogue ad-nauseam to the point where I would enjoy the game more completely muted than with its actual audio. Which seems like a complete failure on the games part.

The most obvious game this compares to is Darkest Dungeon...of which it is a poor comparison on almost all ends.
If you wanted to play more of Darkest Dungeon, I would suggest just replaying Darkest Dungeon.
156 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 11:40
I don't feel much of a progress a you go on. Most of the skills and upgrades seem useless and i feel the same about half the necropolis. It usually feels like you find some gimmick party and see how far it takes you while doing that one thing over and over for 4 floors. Maybe im doing it wrong, but i found the progress in DD much more fun.
781 Produkte im Account
149 Reviews
870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 13:55
It's a mix of Darkest Dungeon and Slay the Spire.
304 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
1180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 22:53
What can I say other than, I'm super impressed. 10 hours in and I finished my first campaign on the easiest difficulty.
I don't give a damn about the animation quality, these type of games are not there for their visuals, but their gameplay.
And the gameplay is top. I've played Darkest Dungeon and this game is basically like Darkest Dungeon, but with more emphasis on the combat part. Sure there is management of your graveyard, but that's not as deep as settlemen management in Darkest Dungeon. That's not a problem though, there are much more things in this game that Darkest Dungeon doesn't have. A skill tree for Iratus, Alchemy and being able to specifically craft items and minions.

I really love that this game focusses more on the combat and minion parts and leaves some of the more boring or frustrating things of Darkest Dungeon aside.
I'm really enjoying it right now and it's fairly addicting.
75 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 09:59
It is a fun game and you can sink many hours into it
650 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 09:40
The game gets buggy close to an hour after starting the game. There is flickering going on and objects moving around during game play. I have to exit then return. This game is unplayable and annoying you cant continue with strategy being interrupted. I hate when bugs in a game come after the 2 hour return policy. It's a shame the game is fun when it works.
40 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 10:44
I was a Kickstarter backer for this project so when it was first announced I thought, 'Hey cool, a Darkest Dungeon style game and you play the bad guy. I'll take a shot.' So the game comes out of early access and I was expecting a Darkest Dungeon Clone but a fun experience. As I started the game it actually seemed the game had some really unique ideas as well, with monster creation and how you could get better stats with better parts and so on. So my expectation of a better game increased. But as I began to play I noticed there seemed to be some big issues with how some of the enemies were balanced to the point of it seeming the devs made the enemies to not be challenging but to outright kill your party no matter how hard you try to strategically play your moves.
I will give one example, In the third level, there is the Crossbow enemy, a ranged combatant. Their primary position is the back two slots of their party for their primary attack. So as a player, I would want to try to get him to the front row. As you do this he has a secondary attack, some kind of flash bomb, that he can throw to reposition him to the back. This is fine, except as a secondary attack it can also hit your characters pretty hard and not only can it do good damages it hits EVERYONE in your party and can also critical. And this is his secondary attack. As a cross reference, I will use Darkest Dungeon when you are fighting the brigand with a rifle. You can get him to the front ranks and while he can attack in the front, his attack is much weaker, not as accurate and if I remember correctly doesn't hit everyone or if it can it is very very weak..the whole move is to get him to the back of the line again.

This is not the only enemy like this where the secondary attacks can be almost just as devastating as the enemies primary attacks. There is the elf swordsman if you move him out of the front ranks he has a move that hits,,,again all your team with a pretty hard attack to get him back to the front ranks.

Also there are issues with how percentages work as well and abilities of the enemies, there is a normal swordsman who has an evade of 30 but you will miss him constantly, instead of a 1 in 3 chance to miss ,you will miss him 2 out of 3 times on a consistent basis. I can even predict when the game is going to make me miss so it will keep an enemy alive so it can get another attack.

Enemies can also go into stances and the game allows them to remain in those stances throughout the battle and still attack without having the enemy use an action to reset the stance. Your characters on the other hand have to reset their stance every turn and it uses an action.

To me, the game is unbalanced with how it implements the abilities of the enemies. Especially with the enemies secondary abilities. I have played Darkest Dungeon a TON and have even beat that game. And while there are times Darkest Dungeon can pull a fast one on you it is overall a fun fair game. Iratus however I feel is not and the Devs have added in all these special abilities of enemies they want to attack you with and almost break the game to showcase those abilities. In other words..it likes to push in cheap hits.

I have went back several times to play as well just in case I felt I was missing something or doing something wrong and I wanted to be fair in what I wrote. But I feel overall that my experience with the game is pretty much on target.

I'm not sure if the devs plan on doing any updates or balancing of the game but I hope so as I would like to play the game more and it be more enjoyable but as of right now it is a pass.

655 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
937 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 12:59
Darkest Dungeon without my god damn knight losing his mind and chopping up his friends.
320 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 02:40
It is Darkest Dungeon without stress or food, torch, and treasure micromanagement. Town is available between battle.
427 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 21:53
In my opinion, Iratus is a really good game. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys roguelike games and enjoyed the Darkest Dungeon gameplay. Other reviews already talked about the design, gameplay and balance in detail. I would like to address another aspect that is very close to my heart: Support and Communication between Developer and Player.

A few days (!) before the final game release, I had an issue with my Account. Basically, I lost all of my unlocked minions. I opened a thread in the Iratus Steam forums, describing my problem and asking for help. After hours, I was personally (!) contacted by one of the developers. This nice person a.) listened to my problems b.) made further advises to solve my problem and in the end c.) sent me a repaired and restored game file. Keep in mind, all these happened days before the final release of the game, in a very busy time for them.
This kind of support is rare nowadays. These days, if I encounter a problem in games from AAA-companies, the support of those companies is often times non existing or purely automated, and my problems get solved by reddit.

Therefore, a big recommendation for this game with cool design and gameplay and an amazing development team.
31 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
837 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 19:56
I've only played 8 hours so far, but it seems like a slightly more enjoyable version of Darkest Dungeon.
309 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
2462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 05:45
The comparisons to Darkest Dungeon are apt, but don't mistake this for a cheap imitation for even a moment.

Iratus: Lord of the Dead, admittedly, lacks the same polish of Darkest Dungeon's sound, art and narrative design, and in its current state is distinctly incomplete. It's a little sparse in content right now (notably with only 3/5 Acts available at the time of this review, very little narrative outside of textboxes and few bosses), and there's the occasional spelling error or game mechanic that's not fully intuitive. It also lacks the certain 'character' of Darkest Dungeon, where you find yourself strongly invested in your best heroes that you've dedicated so much time and effort into developing - but then, you wouldn't quite expect that same investment in your undead hordes, either.

However, with all of that said, the core mechanics of Iratus are excellent; quite probably better than Darkest Dungeon in many core facets. Each 'class' is extremely distinct, mechanically deep and with ample customisation options. The game is designed to encourage you to keep changing which creatures you field on a battle-by-battle basis, ever trying new lineups with new synergies and new interactions to try.

In my experience, battles in Iratus are more strategically deep and difficult than almost any in vanilla Darkest Dungeon; but there is a certain forgiving element that you can keep trying the same battle over and over again (as long as you have the troops to throw at the problem) and the ability to have your own troops retreat is pretty generous and player-friendly.

In brief; Iratus is a take on a Darkest-Dungeon like genre, only focused on providing an excellent, mechanically deep and challenging combat-centric experience at, perhaps, the expense of its main competitor's polish and charm. Personally, I find it an easy, strong recommendation for how well-crafted the core gameplay loop is, and how varied and satisfying the myriad 'class' designs are.
1408 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 17:40
It is engaging and promising. DESPERATELY needs mod/workshop support. It will increase replayability and depth beyond anything.
132 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 02:09
I really like this game's tactical turn-based combat, art style, lore and pacing; the art and music is reminiscent of the Disciples series. If you liked the Darkest Dungeon, and a grimdark, atmosphere, I highly suggest buying the game. Right now, there are three map levels available in early access, but they are a lot of fun to play on.
16179 Produkte im Account
753 Reviews
793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 21:59
Necromancer turned based tactical dungeon crawling. Create teams of undead monsters to fight for you. The dark creatures look amazing and have some very cool abilities, like sending your foes insane!
310 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 12:59
The game may not be bad. But at the moment, bugs and a very inconvenient interface, and monotony are against the game. The game cannot be closed properly, the steam always has a status of running. Interface - overloaded, duplication of a bunch of functions. Window of alchemy - why so many sections if you can merge only the same parts. You still check that the merge is correct - why are there categories. I would understand if the choice there categories for sorted chest, but no. This is just an extra click. A lot of details of the architect, which are not needed in such quantities. Conclusion - the idea is good, balance will be brought and interest in good appearance can be taken.
31 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 03:00
It was good, but completed it in 7 hours with no desire to go through the whole thing again just to say I did it on a harder level.
373 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
9558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 01:17

The Good

- Does an excellent job of doing a Darkest Dungeon combat style, but with a new flair: this time, you're the bad guy making them go insane
- Multiple routes to victory, even against the same enemies due to the large number of very unique 'classes' (races?) of this game - and this is a *big* plus. Even Darkest Dungeon, which had a good 7-8 classes and a *lot* of viable combinations has nothing on the 16-20 of this game, all of which are entirely separate and individual. Even the ones which are upgraded versions work in subtly different ways - multiplied by the different upgrades they can take on levelling or through stat-boosting focusing.
- Most of the different units have at least a degree of compatibility with the others. Where there are flaws with a certain pairing, that may be mitigated by other factors or cancelled by training them in the right way.
- Stat building is both significant and vital without being boring: all upgrades are heavily influenced by RNG, but with a limited pool, meaning it's no big struggle to get at least some of what you want, but impossible to get a perfect match over and over, keeping you trying to upgrade even into the late-game.
- Takes an innovative view of the various undead, reflected in both their skills and lore pages, helping to keep it fresh, but not immersion breaking for fans of the various undead types.
- Big focus on combining sacrifices with advancement. Even building your base up requires sacrificing your units to do it, and the only way to keep advancing is to keep battling and winning, cause all the 'time-ticking' actions in the game happen when you *win* a fight - you can bring back minions over and over, but ultimately, you'll get beaten if you don't wise-up and try something else on getting beaten repeatedly.
- Array of interesting classes isn't limited just to your team: the enemies, while they may not vary beyond their generic type (or elite-version), really make you work to keep from losing units as you progress. Even with a team composition that'll flatten one group, you'll have to be on your toes fighting the next as they'll use different mechanics to get the jump on you. And even if you've got a fantastic team setup, if you can't keep your whole team healthy the whole time, it's very easy to lose units to attrition from multiple battles or to fail to upgrade your base fast enough to keep up. Turns out the undead need a lot of maintenance!
- Interesting sacrificial approach: every upgrade and unit and development you can make is only achieved with sacrifice: be it units for making buildings, parts to upgrade their stats (which are also required for making units!), every choice you make has a big impact, with high potential to either succeed massively or crash and burn as you realise your error, keeping the choices you're making relevant and important.

The Bad

- Kill the narrator and the dialogue writer. Please. Repeatedly. Then gag them and stuff them into a well. It was *almost* funny the first time he said it. By the twentieth, un-skippable time- Just no. Please add a way to silence him, devs! Not to mention that every time he opens his mouth, it covers over the buttons that let you do anything on the window. Eurg!
- The actually rather interesting and innovative approach to lore is rather side-lined by a paper-cut-out bad guy (who you play) and no real interaction beyond that one very 2-dimensional person. Story will not be the main focus of this game, and that's OK, the combat mechanisms more than make up for it, but don't expect anything fancy when it comes to story: it's not a big focus, nor does it look like it will *ever* be from what I've seen.
- While you're getting used to combining your teams, it feels extremely punishing: you lose a few units and while you can continue, you get pummelled down continuously, frequently needing you to restart while you're getting the gist of what you're doing. While you *can* rise and triumph, you typically need to make and steamroll with an excellent party-tactic to get you going long enough to enjoy playing the first time.

This could easily be fixed with some balance tweaking and tutorials, mind you. (see next point)
- lack of tutorials. Obviously, it's still early access, but there is *zero* hand-holding here. How does sanity work? Well, you can see attacks plink away at their sanity bar, but what happens when it hits zero? How does heart-attack mechanics work? I've got an item that increases heart attack rate, but...from what? Etc.

That said, the basics are straight-forwards: accuracy, evasion, etc all make sense and are clear as day, but the secondary mechanics are... obtuse, to say the least, and they can be vital (like heart-attacks, chance to flee, etc
- Rather puzzling unlock mechanics for many of the unit types - simply saying 'recruit 3 vampires' without telling you that you need to research and use a specific spell, for example. Or that Dhamphirs have very specific requirements to get on your side that you can only find out by entering combat with them, for example.
- Inferior early units compared to later ones - they *do* have a place in later builds, but if you have to research buffs for them to make them viable in comparison, it rather invalidates them when you start the next difficulty with a ton of materials and the ability to make the powerful ones right from that point.

That, and the middle-range units which aren't quite on the end-game level but get no research to bring them to it *either* feel kinda wasted.
- Finally, for all that there's a huge variety of units and an insane number of ways to combine and use them, ultimately, you want to find one way to play that'll work early on and *keep* playing it. There's a lot of time and investment that goes into making your party fantastic, so it's a shame that in any given game, you'll be ignoring at least 75% of the units available to you (except to build other upgrades). Would be nice to get more motivation to experiment more even after finding an excellent party build (or possibly slightly cheaper to experiment so you can switch units in and out more as you hit problems),


Excellent tactical game akin to Darkest Dungeon, but which manages to keep that style fresh and unique in it's own way. Don't play it for story, but if you want to be kept interested and on-your-toes with some thinking battles, this game is excellent.

I'd add hastily that if you haven't played Darkest Dungeon, you should probably go and play that first. While the stories are unrelated, the mechanics are not, and you might wonder why sometimes enemies get 'inspired' when you'd been working on getting their sanity to zero, etc without the ground-work from Darkest Dungeon's approach. :P
199 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 00:43
This isn't just a Darkest Dungeon clone. Plays very similar, but the differences between the two make this game its own. Definitely recommend it if you liked Darkest Dungeon.
216 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 00:26
Rating this game is very, very hard for me right now.
I really liked Darkest Dungeon, and completed that one multiple times.

The reviews said this was similar, or better even.

So I just completed this game in 7 hours, and I feel.... something is missing?
I felt like I could complete the game with just the standard 4-6 minions and every game you hope to get something rewarding, but it just never comes.
The 3 boss fights were fun, but again, really nothing rewarding after beating one.

After beating the 3rd boss I get a screen that I completed the game, and credits...thats it.
Now my save-game is gone, even though the screen said there will be 5 levels on release...

If that is so, why not leave my save-game intact so I can do the remaining 2 levels with my current team why remove my save-game?

I really dont feel like starting over again and investing 7 more hours, because the game was decent, but not interesting enough to play through a second time.

I was thinking about giving it a 6/10 (positive rating) when my 3rd boss was defeated, and adjusting my rating after full release.

Now that my save game is gone, I dont think ill pick this game up ever again, definately not a bad game, but 5/10 right now.
250 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 23:03
It is like Darkest Dungeon, but your the villain! There seems to be more roguelike elements then Darkest, but I could be wrong.
23 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.20 05:52
The first time i opened the game after i bought it from the Store,i was thinking about Van Helsing XD
Then i started playing it and i liked it very much,the game is awesome,with nice Graphics and a well made story.I would recommend it 10/10.
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 03:21
This game is exceptionally hard in the later levels...which is why I LOVE it!! It's actually challenging...not the pandering to people whining that it's too hard. Fantastic.
245 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1095 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 17:44
If you like Darkest Dungeon, you'll like this one.
261 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 17:25
While yes, the game is ->heavily<- inspired by Darkest Dungeon, it is FAR from a rip off.

Combat is pretty smooth, and while yes, I played (and finished) my very first easy mode run, there were more than a few sticking points where I was wondering if I'd make it. So long as you are careful, and read the skill descriptions, you will do well.

The music is pretty good. I'd actually put it on par with Darkest Dungeons.
I didn't once have a crash (in 7 hours)
The graphics are nicely detailed, with nary a glitch to be found. And while yes, it's a gloomy game, there is a lot going on if you look for it.

Overall? Even in its early access form, it's VERY playable.
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Release:23.04.2020 Genre: Rundenstrategie Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb: Daedalic Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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