Interstellar Rift
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Über das Spiel
Dein Schiff ist dein Zuhause, während du die Galaxie erkundest! Im Editor kannst du dein Schiff nach Wunsch designen, von kleinen Forschungsschiffen bis hin zu großen Frachtern und kolossalen Schlachtkreuzern. Baue dein Schiff Deck für Deck von innen und außen. Wenn du lieber gleich loslegen willst, kannst du dir von anderen Spielern erstellte Schiffe aus dem Workshop holen. Du kannst auch deine eigenen Baupläne hochladen.
Die Galaxie ist ein gefährlicher Ort, sogar im Solospiel. Merkwürdige Spalte haben sich aufgetan, aus denen feindselige Außerirdische namens Skrill eindringen. Wenn niemand etwas unternimmt, werden sie Planetensysteme erobern und dir dabei das Geschäft verderben. Du kannst allein gegen sie kämpfen oder gemeinsam mit Freunden ein Schiff bemannen. Aber nicht alle Piloten kämpfen für das Gute. Piraten und gegnerische Flotten haben es auf dich und deine Fracht abgesehen. Besiege sie in Weltraumschlachten oder hacke dich an Bord ihrer Schiffe und regle die Sache Auge in Auge mit einer Schießerei.
Das Wirtschaftssystem in Interstellar Rift beruht auf den Ressourcen, die in der Galaxie gesammelt werden können. Weite Asteroidengürtel voller wertvoller Erze und Minerale ziehen sich um Planeten und ganze Systeme. Wirf deine Fördermaschine an oder schicke Bergbaudrohnen los, die die harte Arbeit für dich übernehmen. Besuche die Shops von LogiCorp und Galactic Trade oder feilsche mit gestrandeten Piloten, denen du Treibstoff lieferst. Automatisiere deine Produktion mithilfe von RAFT (Relais für automatische Frachttransfers) und eröffne deinen eigenen Shop, um mit anderen Spielern oder Handelsdrohnen in der Nähe Geschäfte zu machen.
Verbünde dich mit einer Gruppierung deiner Wahl, um danach die Galaxie frei erkunden zu können. Verwende Spaltgeneratoren, um Raumspalte zu erzeugen, die dich in andere Systeme transportieren. Ein System zu erkunden, hilft dir, eine Karte der Galaxie zu erstellen und herauszufinden, in welchen Systemen du die Ressourcen findest, die du benötigst. Baue neue Handelsstationen für Konzerne und Gruppierungen auf, die ihren Einfluss ausbauen wollen, und hilf ihnen bei der Einrichtung sicherer Stationen und Sektoren. Erfülle Missionen, um U-Nits zu verdienen, oder finde gute Deals über mehrere Systeme hinweg, um Profit zu machen.
- CPU: Intel Dual Core 2GHz
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 or higher
- RAM: 4096 MB RAM
- Software: Windows 7 or higher
- HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- MISC: OpenGL 4.6 or higher required
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: AMD or Intel Quad Core
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or higher
- RAM: 8192 MB RAM
- Software: Windows 7 or higher
- HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- MISC: OpenGL 4.6 or higher required
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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70281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 09:23
8611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 20:36
Ein Game das wirklich zu unrecht unter dem Radar fliegt. Massives Potenzial, und die bisherige Umsetzung ein Traum. Natürlich lebt dieses Spiel wie viele in diesem Genre von der Community welche scheinbar nach wie vor hinter dem Projekt steht. Man sieht die Mühe der Devs in vielen Details und auch die Nähe zu ihren Spielern ist hervorragend. Wer also ein paar Buddy´s hat mit denen er gerne zusammen ein bisschen grinden möchte kommt hier auf jeden fall auf seine kosten, egal ob Pve oder PvP.
Einziger Negativpunkt, die Server... manchmal scheinen sie etwas überfordert.
Fazit: Ein bis jetzt gelungenes Game, welches sich noch immer in er Entwicklung befindet und somit nur besser werden kann als es jetzt schon ist! Und bei 16 Flocken kann man echt nicht bellen.
27534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 18:14
6773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 13:02
Man bewegt sich im Grunde durch sein Schiff wie im Space Engineer hat aber nicht das kleinteilige Gefummel bei dem Bau des Schiffes. Hier müssen auch keine Leitungen wie bei Space Engineer gezogen werden. Irgendwo setzt man das Geschütz und woanders den Munitions Loader. Der Schiffbau ist ähnlich wie in Avorion.
Man hat hier verschiedene Blöcke die in Kategorien unterteilt sind. Man hat die Möglichkeit Abteilungen zu bilden, die durch Türen und Lüftung voneinander getrennt sind. Man kann sich hier auch im Bereich schöne Optik austoben, es gibt viele Elemente die man verwenden kann um eine Küche oder Wohnquartiere nachzubauen, allesamt ohne Funktion, eben nur für das Auge.
Die Grafik ist ähnlich Space Engineer.
Das Minern von Rohstoffen ist sehr einfach gelöst, wodurch man auch schnell in der Lage ist selbst ein größeres Schiff zu bauen.
Es hat lange gedauert bis ich mal die Navigation verstanden habe. Meiner Meinung fehlt hier eine brauchbare Sternenkarte oder etwas anderes was die Navigation insbesondere in Sternensystemen vereinfacht in denen es viele Planeten und Stationen gibt. Im Moment kann man nur Planeten oder Stationen als Zielpunkt anwählen aber eben nicht alle, einige muss man direkt anfliegen.
Ähnlich wie in Avorion muss man hier auch immer weiter in der Gunst der jeweiligen Fraktion aufsteigen um einen höheren „Tier“ Level zu erreichen. Dort gibt es dann höherwertige Rohstoffe mit denen man dann auch höherwertige (Technologie) Schiffe bauen kann.
Sobald man ein größeres Schiff gebaut hat, bewegt man sich oft zwischen dem Cockpit und dem Gerät zum Rohstoffe abbauen hin und her. Man könnte hier zwar automatisieren aber die Rohstoffe sind am Anfang nicht verfügbar und später merkt man, dass ständig die Karten die den Prozess automatisieren, sich abnutzen und weg sind. Gleiches gilt für die Transporter zwischen Miner und Raffinerie. Hier ist man viel zu oft dabei, die Lüfter zu wechseln. Die Konfiguration dieser Transporter finde ich ebenfalls sehr unglücklich. Der Miner fördert in einem Felsen Eisenerz und Kupfer. Ich brauche nun für jedes Item einen eigenen Transporter zur Raffinerie und anschließend auch eine eigenen Transporter von der Raffinerie zu einem Lager. In dem Fall hätte ich also schon 4 Transporter im Einsatz = 8 Lüfter die man erst herstellen und anschließend überwachen muss.
Ich finde diese Lösung als sehr fummelig und umständlich, zumal alle Geräte überwacht werden müssen weil entweder irgendwo Teile die zur Automatik gebraucht werden, verbraucht sind oder Lüfter gewechselt werden müssen.
Das Spiel wirkt irgendwie steril. Man hört zwar Geräusche und bekommt den Eindruck hier arbeitet was aber wenn ich wissen möchte ob meine Raffinerie arbeitet ist, muss ich auf den Bildschirm gucken. Das hätte man auch zusätzlich mit einem Licht oder irgendeinem beweglichen Teil lösen können.
Durch das Beamen der Rohstoffe vom Förderer zur Raffinerie und anschließend ins Lager, sieht man nichts. Das ist zwar auch bei Space Engineer der Fall aber dort bekommt man wenigstens durch die Geräusche usw. den Eindruck hier passiert etwas. Bei SpaceEngineer habe ich auch durch das Verlegen der Rohre einen Einfluss darauf, wie ich die Maschinen miteinander kombiniere.
Bei Interstellar Rift ist das alles Steril. Ich glaube das Spiel wäre wesentlich spannender wenn man z.B. Greifarme und Fließbändern oder durchsichtige Röhren zum Transport wie bei Satisfactory oder Factorio verwenden würde. Im Spiel gibt es ja nun mal diese tollen Kisten, dann sollen die sich auch von Maschine zu Maschine bewegen. Alle Geräte haben nur einen begrenzten Ein- und Ausgang, sprich Platz für Rohstoffe oder Produkte. Man ist also immer bemüht alle Geräte im Blick zu haben um diese mit Rohstoffen zu füttern oder seine Produkte abzuholen. Ist der Ausgang des Geräts voll, stoppt die Maschine, bis der Ausgang frei ist, erst dann wird weiter produziert.
Abschließend noch ein Wort zu den Servern. Es gibt sowohl PvP als auch PvE Server von offizieller Seite. Es gibt auch zahlreiche private Server auf denen man gut spielen kann. Nach einem Update können schon mal ein paar Stunden vergehen, bis das Update auf allen Servern installiert ist. Das habe ich leider auch auf den offiziellen Servern erlebt. Genauso wie es mindestens 2x in der Woche passiert, dass der Server eingefroren ist. Man sieht den Server, sieht auch das Spieler auf den Server sind, kann sich aber nicht verbinden.
Ich sehe eine Menge Potential aber vieles wirkt unreif und nicht bis zum Ende gedacht. Ich habe mich oft voller Tatendrang eingeloggt, stehe dann in meinem Schiff und dann vergeht mir die Lust, weil ich keinen Nerv habe die nächsten 10 Minuten nur zwischen Miner, Raffinerie und Lager zu Pendeln, weil ich für einen Auftrag 40k Metall brauche.
Ich habe oft gelesen, dass es ein Spiel ist, wo man mit mehreren Spielern ein Schiff bedient. Dem stimme ich zu, dass klappt ohne Probleme. Manches ist dann sogar einfacher.
Trotzdem gebe ich eine Kaufempfehlung, da dieses Spiel einen gewissen Reiz ausübt aber es könnte viel besser sein, wenn man hier noch mehr Ideen umsetzten würde.
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995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 18:55
There aren't too many mission types.
PVP is ok but rather lacking
The biggest issue are the desyncs. Repairing and extinguishing flames kinda sucks and works 50% of the time.
The best part is shipbuilding. Mining is easy but a little bit grindy but those gameplay elements work the best. But that isn't too interesting imo.
A better PVP system would be great and having more missions would be great too.
Like player specific missions and fleet missions etc.
You could also add like tutorial missions instead of it being it's own thing to do as a single player
4/10 rn
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223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 16:43
Es ist fast so, als erzwänge man damit den MP-Aspekt... man braucht immer 'ne handvoll Deppen, die als Förderleitungen fungieren.
Schade eigentlich.
Nicht Empfohlen
16203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.18 06:38
Spielziel ist es, sich im Universum auszubreiten. Die Sternensysteme sind in vier Schwierigkeitsgrade eingeteilt. Jede Maschine in den begehbaren Raumschiffen will von Hand bedient werden. So wechselt man zwischen Cockpit und Erzförderung hin und her. Effektiv lässt sich ein Raumschiff nur von mehreren Spielern gleichzeitig bedienen. Eine Automatisierung ist zwar möglich, verbraucht aber seltene Metalle.
Für Solo Spieler ist Interstellar Rift aufgrund der Spielmechanik nur bedingt empfehlenswert. Der Schwerpunkt des Spiels liegt auf Multiplayer coop.
Der Multiplayer bedarf in der aktuellen Beta Version 2.0.1 noch dringender Optimierung, da die Lags bei mehr als 5 Spielern den Spielspaß schnell einbremsen. Auf dem offiziellen PvP Testserver des Herstellers werden andere Spieler erst gar nicht angezeigt. Es sei denn, man bittet sie ein par Sekunden still zu stehen.
Die Spielmechanik ist schlecht dokumentiert. Das englischsprachige Wiki zum Spiel ist nicht gepflegt.
1331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.17 01:37
Dazu kommt noch eine interessante Community. So wurde ich beispielsweise mal von Piratenspielern(!) überfallen. Sie nahmen sich zwar meinen seltenen Loot, doch statt mein Schiff zu zerstören, reparierten sie es und schenkten mir etwas Fuel, damit ich nach ihrem Angriff nicht mein Schiff verlieren werde.
Die Umwelt ist auch schon sehr vielfältig, was Quests, Weltraumstationen und Ähnliches angeht, soll aber auch noch durch NPCs in Zukunft erweitert werden.
Ich bin echt gespannt auf die zukünftigen Entwicklungen dieses Spiels und hoffe dass Interstellar Rift irgendwann den Hype genießen darf, den andere Early Acces-Spiele zu unrecht aktuell feiern dürfen.
1099 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.17 19:51
Sehr gutes Mining/ Refining
Umfangreicher Schiffseditor
Nette Grafik
Umständliche Navigation
Editor zwar umfangreich, aber sehr kompliziert
Schlechte Verfügbarkeit von Mietservern
Komplizierter/ instabiler Non-Dedicated Multiplayer
Hier gehts zu meinem Videoreview für detailliertere Infos, Tutorials folgen in den nächsten Tagen:
9649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.17 17:11
Ich kannte es schon eine weile. Zuerst war die Tech Demo frei erhätlich. Jeder konnte sie ausprobieren und anschauen was Split Polygon sich so vorstellt. Damals war ich schon schwer beeindruckt, obwohl es natürlich nicht viele Möglichkeiten gab. Bis zum heutigen Tage hat sich das Spiel immer mehr entwickelt und jedes Update bringt Neuerungen welche das Gameplay noch mehr verfeinern. Ich bin ein riesiger Fan der X Reihe [Rebirth] ausgeschlossen und muss sagen das mir Interstellar Rift am ehesten das Gefühl gibt Teil dieser Galaxie zu sein. Ich habe meine kleine Flotte mit meinen Freunden aufgebaut und jetzt haben wir unsere erste Station gebaut. Es ist etwas schwer reinzukommen aber das Gameplay ist es alle male wert. Wenn ihr nach extremer Action sucht ist das Spiel evtl. falsch. Aber falls ihr lust habt in einer Sandbox euer Empire aufzubauen ist es genau richtig. Multi-Crew funktioniert besser als in jedem Spiel das ich kenne. Keep up the great work Split Polygon. I Love it.
59544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.16 10:20
Nicht so ganz...
Interstellar Rift macht seinem Namen schon jetzt alle Ehre.
Unzählige Sonnensysteme, die erforscht werden können. Innerhalb eines Systems bewegt man sich mit warp 1-9 wie in Star Trek, zu anderen Systemen kommt man durch einen Riss (Rift) den man dorthin öffnet wie in Andromeda.
Der Editor ist Modular aufgebaut, das bedeutet ich baue einen Raum und setze dort Wand, Decke, Boden und Geräte hinein. Ähnlich dem Gebäudebausystem in Die Sims.
Man muss darauf achten, dass sein schiff auch genügend Energie hat und effizient gebaut wird. Dass es nicht während dem parken Sprit verbraucht usw.
Danach geht es an das Außendesign, was am anfang sehr Blockig werden kann, jedoch nach jedem neuen Schiff besser wird. Zur Hilfe kann man sich im Workshop viele Ideen holen.
Das erste Schiff, oder die Resourcen zum Bau der erstellten Blaupause muss man sich nun erfarmen. Oder man kauft sich auf einer der Starter Stationen ein Einsteigerschiff.
- Riesige Spielwelt, wer nicht gefunden werden will, den findet man auch nie
- gutes Multiplayergefühl, je größer das Schiff, desto mehr Leute sollte man in seiner Crew haben
- Kleine aber sehr Hilfsbereite Community, ich habe noch kein Game gesehen, bei welchem die Devs so nah an den Spielern dran sind.
- Jeden 2. Dienstag ist Patchday mit haufenweise Neuerungen und Bugfixes
- Steile Lernkurve
- Guter Soundtrack
- Gute Grafik
- Im Singleplayer eher langweilig
- Noch zu wenig Kontent, was eine Spieldauer von etwa 50 Stunden für Gelegenheitsspieler ergibt. (Ich bin ein Fan, meine 450 Stunden zählen nicht ^^)
- Zu wenige Spieler und wenige Server, Je mehr Spieler, desto mehr Spaß!
- Leider auch mehr gelagge, Ein Spieler spawnt ein Schiff oder joint dem Server und es hängt erst einmal für alle.
Den Fans von SpaceEngeneers, Empyrion, Starmade und co kann ich IR wärmstens empfehlen da es viele Dinge sogar besser macht als genannte Games.
Die Entwickler sind selbst große SciFy Fans und gehen gerne auf gute Ideen ein, die in das Konzept passen.
Für alle Casual Gamer, wartet bis ende 2016 auf eine Finale Version.
15€ sind absolut ok und IR ist es schon jetzt zwei mal wert.
Greez BiGEdge
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662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.16 17:49
Aber so lange es keine NPC Crew gibt empfehle ich es nicht allein zu spielen. Außer man ist bereit eine sehr lange Zeit in das Sammeln und veredeln von Ressourcen zu investieren. Das gestaltet sich allein ziemlich Kompliziert. Asteroid auf Konsole auswählen (was ziemlich tricky sein kann weil sich die Position auf der Konsole zu schnell ändert) abbauen, das abgebaute Material zur rafinerie bringen (oder zwischenlagern wenn diese voll ist) dann das fertige zeug in den Save bringen. Alleine ist das auf die dauer sehr nervig!
Es lohnt sich aber auf jedenfall das Spiel im Auge zu behalten.
Singleplayer Spielern (so wie ich einer bin) rate ich im Moment aber noch vom Kauf ab.
8984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.15 20:26
Es bestehen die bekannten Schwächen, wie man sie bei einem Early Access Titel erwartet, jedoch sind sie weniger gravierend als gedacht.
Einziger Nachteilteil derzeit ist der nicht funktionierende (da nicht vorhandene) dedicated server.
Wer auf Space Engineers steht wird mit diesem Titel seinen Spass haben (besonders nach einigen updates in Zukunft)
10113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 11:36
I'd give it a 8/10
4134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 17:49
5913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.22 00:39
The ships have lots of displays and devices to control things so that multiple people can be useful at the same time on the same ship. Things would be easier if I had a companion to help run my ship.
Fighting NPCs (pirates and aliens) has been very interesting, with your ship shaking and fires breaking out as devices get too damaged. I recently installed sprinklers in many of my ship's rooms to help combat that.
Using warp is also really fun, and feels good.
You can also collaborate with shared vaults for crew mates and fleets at NPC bases.
You also can get boarded by other players in PvP zones, but I haven't had any experience with that.
I guess the ship designer isn't as flexible as some, but it's the right level for me, with a clear distinction between inside and outside
4965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 15:03
Yes you will have to juggle power management and constantly watch you fuel but that's half the fun.
You can walk around you ship and stations.
You can build your own ship if you want.
Workshop integration for ships
The learning curve
Flight controls for ships can be hit and miss until you get used to them.
If you want instant gratification don't buy this because the grind is real but give the game a chance and you will love it.
Nicht Empfohlen
2355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 22:11
6277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 10:44
Love the devs are still working away on it so I nominated in this year's (2021) Steam Awards.
Love the music.
Love the flying through space.
Build your own ship.
Love it is MULTIPLAYER - The way all good games should be.
Love the ship gets damaged and needs repairs when in a fight.
Have even watched quite a few live casts.
Hope they keep going, an interesting Space game but better played with friends.
1489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 18:29
I started my own dedicated server, and I must say, it was easier than some other games I have set up a server for. And then in the span on a couple days I spawned into my server, and began playing the game. I mined resources and built my own ship... A ship of 3 decks, and an asteroid mining station none the less.
I then figured out how to sell stuff, and trade between stations, and then I opened a Rift and traveled to a new system.
Yeah, it took some figuring out, and it took some buildup to get into the game. But it wasn't overly hard. In fact the game is quite addicting.
Bugs? Honestly the only bugs I have noticed have been desync bugs related to the odd time a container is picked up, but doesn't register as being picked up. A server restart fixes that, but it has only happened to me twice so far.
The online player base is not too great. Only me and about 5 other people online it seems. But really, there is no reason that number shouldn't grow.
This is a great game, and it is still in development yes, but it's concepts are sound and well thought out.
I think the issue here, is that so many players these days are lazy and give up too easily. I mean really? Only 12% of people have killed a Skrill? and 7% have used a Rift... come on.
Nicht Empfohlen
2520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 16:11
Not entirely sure weither or not I got my money's worth yet either, but I'm going to keep at it and make sure I did. I may have been better off just getting Space Engineers. :/ At least some of my friends play that.
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734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 08:22
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4495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 13:38
It is still missing elementary features like e.g. undo and redo in the ship editor.
And is chuck full of bugs (even game breaking ones).
So much so that I thought it was still in EA after picking it up, till I realized the version number with the fat 1.0 in front.
It has the making of a nice game, but not with those features missing and those bugs, don't buy till those are fixed, and I have little hope they'll ever will.
1226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 17:19
Nicht Empfohlen
4974 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 06:32
It you can get it dirt cheap then do it. Otherwise, spend your money on something else.
8350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 13:05
But there is also a lot more to be desired from this game.
Online play, at least for me, is still a bit rough around the edges. My internet connection is not the best in the world but I don't have any trouble playing Battlefield or Counterstrike online, but I repeatedly get connection problems when playing this online.
The ship designer is done quite well and serves its purpose, but some quality of life improvements like an undo function or things like that could improve it. Also there is little variation in the designs of interiors. You can color everything in different styles but there is only one model of each object. It doesn't have to have 300 different chairs like the Sims, but some choice would be appreaciated. This would also allow to make the different Factions more distinct from each other.
Combat is okay at best. It works as a means to an end.
Otherwise I had fun getting my first ship trashed by the AI enemies. I really like how damage is represented in the game with malfunctioning doors, raging fires and all that.
I also like the system how they implemented the missions, the tutorial could be a bit better though. I hope in the future they create some more diverse missions and maybe include some general lore of this universe in them.
All in all, I believe the devs got lost somewhere in the development, or at least don't have a long term road map of features or goals they want in the game, and thus it still feels like an early access game.
If you're uncertain, maybe buy it on sale.
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2755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 07:38
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326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 20:09
1108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 02:42
Nicht Empfohlen
8806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 02:57
Con: Solo play is boring and monotonous. Unless you already have people to play with, the game gets boring fast. Their is some automation available but getting the materials to get their so tedious that it takes any joy out of playing. Fro me their just isn't any effort put forth for solo players to make this fun.
Nicht Empfohlen
3606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 11:04
Regardless of how I feel about anything else in the game, the fact that I cannot undo an action in the ship editor is a deal breaker for me. I can't count how many times I've accidentally deleted something from my ship while building. If you're not in the habit of saving after every single modification, expect to rework a lot of your shipbuilding. And even if you do save frequently, or simply make a placement error, in order to revert an unwanted change you need to exit the builder, and reload your ship. I just can't get past this aggravation.
If you're not a builder or modifier of ships, then you may find a place to burn 20 hours until you get bored of the gameplay cycle.
Nicht Empfohlen
4416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 17:29
That's about it in terms of the fun on the game. Once you have your ship built, you'll want to play the game with your ship right? Well the game is just riddled with bugs and is often just unresponsive to the point where it's practically unplayable. I went in wanting to do a lot of combat missions and PVP as well as the other transport missions and exploration.
Combat doesn't work. As soon as I enter combat, the game freezes periodically and it's such a frustrating mess that I end up just quitting in the middle of it.
As for the missions that actually work (the cargo transporting) it's just too boring to be the only way to play. You want to have a good balance of mission types, but as stated before the combat missions don't work.
This game has so much potential, but in the state that it's in right now I don't want to play it, and I don't recommend anyone else play it unless you just want to design ships. That part is actually fun.
8287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 03:59
This is the one you've been looking for. Come to NA PVP let's fly together.
2814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 18:38
Iceberg is known for publishing interesting games, but apparently always lacks the final kick to get an interesting game ready.
Unfinished, bug-tried... that's what you often read in the reviews of Iceberg games...
Here, unfortunately, it is hardly different. The game idea is good. The implementation is partly good, too. Bugs are there.
The game idea is well described on the store page.
You build and fly ships from one Tier to the next. Opponents become harder, demands on the ship too. Many little things to learn, e.g. what to do when there is a fire... fire extinguisher... um yes to buy in your faction main station... arghs...
The tutorials are not enough.
Server settings for singleplayer are unfortunately in vain which I would call a no go.
I am after about 28 hours at a point where you only grind and the fun decreases.
Sure you could play online now... on PvP I have no desire.
Official servers are always crap.
Is not a star made and yet it has some good things.
I recommend it despite the many criticisms, because on the one hand it is still being worked on, albeit little and with the right team it is certainly fun online.
6273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 13:13
1. Get yo boi's
2. Get a fuckoff big ship
3. Make the Skrill your bitch
4. Scavenge their remains
5. Profit
6. Repeat
FYI; Your shit is mine even in PvE, so thanks for keeping my gold warm
5521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 05:39
The ship building is much like the sims giving a better overview of the build. Game play has many features and feels pretty detailed while feeling well polished and optimised.
With a little work ship functions can become automated making things alot easier for solo play even without it running about the ship performing various tasks along with missions, exploring, trading, scanning and more your never short on things to do.
Flight and fight may take a little getting used to with the dual controls. Warp in this game is a nice feature too with various speed factors and the ability to manouver the ship and drop out of warp at any time keeps you immersed while traveling about.
Stood next to empyrion, X, avorion this game can sure deliver a punch in an impressive fashion.... A must try to fans of space games
16924 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 22:30
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219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 06:06
I would at least hold off for another year before thinking about buying.
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1944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 23:08
Also, the ship editor doesn't have an undo button.
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1064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 00:19
Almost everyone wants to be the captain building their own ships, and of course after all the hours you spend helping others build their ships they are suddenly no where to be found to help you build yours.
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822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 11:39
1076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 06:23
Sadly, as already mentioned by the other reviewers, the community of this title is beyond horrid. I have always thought, that the top tier toxicity level is held by MOBA-type games, but this one just topped the list. Forums and official Discord are no different: abuse of different minority groups, high levels of drama, dismissing new players trying to ask for help. There is no moderation of any kind there.
Barring the above, the game is really fun. It has in depth systems, great ship editor, mining, combat, exploration, standalnone servers and even some automation to make solo players' life a bit easier. It is also worth mentioning that the development team is very active and expands the game both with larger updates and minor fixes for the ongoing issues.
Standalone servers have an awesome option to either update or refresh so it is not necesarry to restart or wipe them too often.
Overall, I do recommend this title.
74823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 03:16
20814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 13:23
100870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 01:56
This is a problem, because right now the Discord server and Steam forums are the best place to learn anything about the game. However, I cannot recommend visiting the Discord server. There are several active users that are constantly involved in bickering, abuse, and general middle-school drama. Again, for reasons beyond my comprehension, the developers refuse to moderate. I have personally seen several new players come for help and get chased off by the general atmosphere in the Discord channels.
It's all too often that I visit the Discord to see what's new with the game's development and the status of its official servers, only to find nothing but screenfuls of aggressive toxicity. It's a bad look for the game, and turns people off of it.
In short, I recommend the game, but I advise waiting to purchase the game until there's more official documentation available to learn how things work, without having to go to the community for help. Even then, I would tend to recommend playing solo, or with people you know on a private server.
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12034 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 17:31
first issue: weapons underwhelming
when we came over here from empyrion, we did so with the interest of possibly better weapons. but when you look at the weapons in the game, they are tiny. you feel under accomplished and not so intimidating with your tiny half of a person in size weapons on your ship. but once you get up to the bigger weapons, like rail guns, you find yourself in that classic world war two tank destroyer feel of aiming your ship. after rail guns, there are the few weapons that are useless unless you can get the rite ammo. we had put in a message to the devs with no such reply whatsoever but that is another section for later.
second issue: disconnected from the community
im not going to bash this game for the reason of its community, more along the lines of ask that more of you find interest in this game for the fact that the servers out there are small numbers. sure i may give a mixed review here, but the game is still fun with good potential. the community is small. simply put. with a small community not much gets looked at, and not much can be fixed. i ask that any of you reading this take into consideration a lot of what i mention and think about buying into interstellar rift.
three: disconnected devs
this is where things begin to get ugly with almost every game. ive mentioned above about a post i made to the devs that had gotten no reply at all. well when i look at the forums, i find myself wanting. and not in a good way. ever since the release of IsR, there has been little communication from the devs to players (from what i can see). even when i posted a statement there was no reply. simply got swept under the rug and buried in the posts. the only updates to the game since its release has been the occasional bug fix and patch update. no new content announced, no new features announced, nothing but patches. and this is a slightly disturbing thing to see.
overall, would i recommend this to others? possibly. is it worth it? id say wait for a sale. i feel the only real downside to this being a far better outcome to a good start is a better/larger community. the player base here now is small, but friendly from the encounters ive had. i just feel there needs to be more communication from the devs on their intent from here on. but i will update this review if there is any further update to give.
until then, see you in the rift.
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4489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 17:50
Clearly this game was made for single player, with multiplayer later attached to it. The clearly sinchronous code that STOPS the server everytime someone connects, or the way you can get shot at while not being able to even see who is shooting at you is proof of it.
It has great promise, but its broken by its game breaking continuous bugs that sour the experience.
Do not recommend.
32212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 19:46
This game more or less focuses on ship design, if there is a way to quantify it, the game feels like your a ship designer living in a world where you can take missions, trade, or explore while you test and tweak new ships. When you get a notion into your head you fire up the editor and base your design around your idea. Want to run security missions? Build a fighter, and balance it's capability based upon how you use it. Like manufacturing? You can build a ship where you can buy cheap resources at trade stations, and refine them or build things like combat drones to sell back to them.
Everything in game, gives you an immersive crew and operator experience, you don't really use your HUD much, everything you do is based on interactions with your ship, and devices. You can play solo, and design your ship based on that, or you can build it around working in a crew. PvP is really fun with a crew, but it's possible to do it solo too, depending on your play style.
The biggest problem is the low player population, though this is getting better as more people discover this hidden gem. It's a really good casual game, as you can just store your ship then pop it back out and keep running around playing with it even after weeks of not playing. I use it to just chill and ship design is relaxing for me, as I puzzle out how to design efficient and compact ship designs that fit my ideas.
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 08:43
At first, this game feels a bit overwhelming. There is a lot of different approaches to this game..
But, once you get the hang of it, its insanely enjoyable.
Haven't gotten much hours in yet, but I suspect I'll spend a fair amount more hours in the game at a later time.
Devs. If there is one thing I found during the playtime I currently have.... PLEASE FIX THE REPAIR BEAM!
My whole ship was on fire and even though I had an inventory full of repair ammo, I couldn't get the repairbeam to take away the fire signal indicators.
16552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 15:26
Now I'm looking to rank up with my starter faction to get more rift cartridges to go visit Tier 2 and 3 systems.
I really can't believe I'm already 44 hours in, and just barely started scratching the surface on automation.
In all likelyhood, this is because once you get used to some of the oddities, the ship builder is amazingly fun. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to spend another 10 hours fine-tuning my ship, before throwing it away to design another from scratch.
The combat, though. Oh my god, the combat. I've mounted automated turrets to just press H to skip combat.
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10286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 02:27
It seems that game is only still alive for small player base. If you want to try and enjoy the game single player
to learn the ropes its very hard once you get past some basics.
Wiki and much of the information is out of date. Basics are there but things have changed with no updates to wiki at all. Get ready to follow the wiki to complete some task and it cant be done at all now or done some other way.
Could have been something at one time but seems like its more or less a dropped game. Updates but seem to be just support mostly.
Really wanted to like it but its needing love that its just not getting. Not worth spending good money on a dead or at lest on life support game.
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2311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 06:27
As of now, I have to give this game a thumbs down until it reaches a more complete state. I hope the devs don't abandon this game, as it could be great if they iron out the bugs and find a way to balance the PVP so that upper tier players can't as easily upset the balance.
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8080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 16:09
But you won't really know that until after you've built, fueled and otherwise supplied the prototype, then tested it, because no warnings pop up in the ship editor. That can easily waste hours of your time for nothing right there. I know, because my time was wasted. Continuously.
Did you and your ship get stranded? Tough shit. If anybody bothers to come and help you out, the most they can do is give you and perhaps your cargo a lift to a station. Why is that all they can do? Because even though you can get stranded very easily in this game, the Devs apparently chose not to bother with including a towing mechanic, so that ships could be retreived.
Because otherwise, you have to get a lift back to station, then design and build an EVEN LARGER SHIP (remember what I said about ship design?) that can break down and hold all of the blocks your original ship is made of.
The shipbuilding is broken and the gameplay entirely lackluster. I cannot in good conscience recommend this game to anyone until or unless they do a lot more work on it.
Oh! Did I mention that I'm red/green colorblind and that everything in their game is a pastel hell of colorcoding, with little or nothing else to differentiate between say, two different kinds of ore? Yeah. That wasted a lot of my time too.
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 03:25
This game is really more focused about you being the crew member on a ship and getting stuff done in the ship and not the piloting of the ship. Its more of a move all your stuff to a new place so you can do something. The space flight is not the strong point of this game, but I dont feel like its suppose to be.
-Ships are really customizable
-Stock ships are cool and have alot of features
-Mining is unique and fun
-The crafting system is extensive
-The grind is rewarding
-Visuals are nice and pleasing
-Rep grinds
-Space flight is lack luster
-Not alot of tool tip information on how or what a machine does
-The training missions are clunky
-Ships can become mazes very easily
-Combat is pretty meh
Over all I'm really enjoying the game. Especially for a game just out of early access it has a lot. I really hope they have more planned, I have not seen a road map or anything (i haven't looked either).
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 05:24
So, this game is just a eve / space engineer clone with some other things tossed in. Its fun, pretty in depth & i could see myself having a lot of fun with friends in this.
However solo, you're kinda screwed. You essentially have to run an entire ship yourself and there isn't 'much' automation (at least early on? iunno.)
So you're essentially running the entire enterprise and have to run around the ship to get everything working. thats your life in this. Other than that, its fun though, just not quite what i was looking for.
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5010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 18:13
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3528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 08:16
Why can't we freely choose to travel to different tier systems is a mystery to me. It makes the game really boring since people rarely make it to tier 3 even. Please remove this restriction placed on the player.
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819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 21:24
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293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 13:45
mining asteroids and gas, refine them, then craft your own ship
very fun ..................... if you have friends
but not for solo players like me ... its almost impossible to win alone ...
you must do a lot of thing manually ... piloting, tractor beam, reloading torpedo, manning turret, dousing fire, repairing, fighting intruders, refuelling, etc ... star trek 101 ... a first person FTL
if you love role playing as star trek crew and want to build your own ship in a world of freelancer, then you must play this game ...
but if you are a solo player like me, just stick to No Mans Sky ...
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354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 15:29
If you must play this style, then instead go get Pulsar Lost Colony. While ships are static, at least the UI makes sense and is functional for a single player. This game will never survive without a large player base, and right now it just doesn't have even the nuts and bolts, let alone the polish to make it happen.
Steer clear of this Space Wreck.
1368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 03:54
The combat is odd, reminds me of old Star Wars arcade games that used wire graphics.
Crafting is fairly slow but not bad enough to make me want to pound my head on the keyboard.
You can purchase a ship and acquire a debt, meaning you're not screwed and stuck without a ship.
Very surprised with how smooth it runs.
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58748 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 16:15
On the surface this is definatly a promising product, but sadly if falls apart when youre a few hours in.
Below the surface IR is a summary of different gameplay systems that just dont want to fit together. Its mostly the fault of how the developers (nice chaps btw) implement stuff.
- release half-baked, badly implemented new stuff
- release 1-2 fixes
- leave it broken, unfinished as it is and move on to something else.
- rinse and repeat. Year after year after year.
On top of that Ive rarely encountered indie developers who are so unbelievable intransparent and resistant towards any influence from the outside. They had/have a small, fantastic community who tried to help, shed light into issues, bugs, problems and voice suggestions. Barely anything of that was fruitful.
The result: No playerbase, lack of quality, unfixed bugs for years, unplayable multiplayer, lack of content and a hugely wasted potential!
When youre a builder youre pretty sure get your 18€ worth out of it.
But definatly, definatly dont buy it for multiplayer - its a mess. For over three years the servers can barely hold 5-10 players without issues.
Overall better get Empyrion or Space Engineers. Or order pizza + beer. Way better investement.
2788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 23:11
The ship editor has a few minor issues but is otherwise a real blast to use. The variety of parts and well balanced systems result in ships and stations that don't feel empty and are actually enjoyable to walk around in.
As you increase your reputation with factions (by completing missions, donating resources, etc) you will unlock new locations, resources, and ship systems / game mechanics. This includes the ability to automate a lot of manual labor which you will be doing when you start out.
The game is in the later stages of early access and is stable with few bugs. The main issues I have with it are lack of controller support, no undo / redo buttons in the editor, and some system UIs are a bit confusing to use. I have not played PvP yet so see other reviews if that matters to you.
1762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 09:11
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17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 19:08
- tried to join a server: freeze two times while preparing the game
- try to host an own server: freeze the game
- finally join another server
- run around, click two monitors, crash to menu
- join again, double click a monitor: freeze again
I hope my refund is not freezing as well.
5080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 22:44
The game feels really slick to play, the ship builder is easy to understand and once used to it is real easy to whip up a ship or two, workshop integration is a nice addition also.
There is enough content to be satisfied for weeks at a minimum if your soley focused on PvE and exploration and enjoying making your custom ships with full interiors.
Of course PvE is also an option but there are only a few weapon options so far so is slightly limiting in my opinion.
The Bad-
The game is still early development so alot of the game lays ahead in future updates and additions,
so content is a little sparse but in depth with whats currently implemented at least.
The Ugly-
The game seems to have two 'periods' of development its been through and features and areas of the game implemented early on don't matchup or really work alongside new content, this needs addressed or reworked in some cases, such as the upgrade cartridges now there are more ship systems and power options etc and Strip Miners now there are drones and such.
There are alot of strange small things that have been omitted or seemingly ignored for a longperiod in development such as a simple undo button in the ship builder, or the Automatic Cargo Relays not supporting all systems equally.
however not all is bad as development seems to have picked up more recently and devs have a stream where they are very open with progress and snags along the way.
Overall I recommend this game and hope to see all the small niggles get sorted over the next few months and really start to flourish into a stable expansive and explorative game!
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1519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 01:01
30340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 00:30
4395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 17:18
ALso the dedicated server making is pretty simple and easy to set up :)
For those wanting to join the JungG server .. well you know where to find us :) If not check the Steam group :)
8043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.20 12:35
This game is quite fun, but at the same time heavily centered around multiplayer/coop and shipbuilding. If you like either of them, I can more or less say you will like this game.
Long, but detailed version:
What is this game?
Interstellar Rift (or IsR for short) is a spacesim game located in
Ship building
Ship building in this game is a fun process if you can get accustomed to editor. Which isn't really a hard thing. Instead of Space Engineers/Empyrion like block-by-block building in first person, you create blueprints in third person, so it is more of being an architect than actually building the damn thing by yourself. Also, opposed to the aforementioned games, here you actually have things to put inside, various systems, wall coverings, lights and the like. Generally, shipbuilding itself is really fun and rewarding IMO.
Aaand here we go with negatives. Even though devs do their best, the server sometimes behave...wanky. Cases of missing ships or drones, desync or two and the like. Although lately these cases seems almost non-existent.
Now, this is a great thing. My PC is kinda old and has problems with surprisingly big amount of games, yet this works quite well. The game is well optimized and until you want to fly a behemoth it should be running smooth.
Player count
And here is the big problem. Game has very low player count, and as I mentioned above it is centered about multiplayer. If you don't have friends with wchich you can hang out, but you really, really badly want to fly a ship with more than one crewmember you may feel dissapointed.
Other things to do
To be honest, you can do quite much. Build your own station, build facation stations, kill space aliens (well, one race. Ship-like race.), kill space pirates, kill other players (only on PvP servers), destroy ships, destroy stations, trade the hell out of the world, mine the hell out of the world, manufacture resources, build bigger and better ships, have fun with ship designer, get pirated and bullied, lose shit, find shit...
This game is actually really fun, and it sucked me in for quite a long time but for it to blossom, it needs players. It needs You!
I can and will recommend this game for everyone. It is just a good game.
10882 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.20 03:53
I really wish I had found this game a couple years back.
Side note, this game highly rewards teamwork. Ships can rapidly become overwhelming for single players, even with the automation options available. Having a crew on your ship makes things... I hesitate to say easier, but certainly simpler.
3603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 10:17
I kinda of reminds me of space engineers with the ship building and resource collecting. But, the flying mechanic is way better than that title. Also, this universe is more alive than SE as there are different factions here and you can decide which to help.
The combat feels a little unrefined and the tutorial is very skimpy. At least there is an in game encyclopedia to show you what things are and what materials will be needed to make them. Doubtful it will ever be finished.
10578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.19 16:29
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9379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.19 08:54
The current state of the game is still effectively an alpha. It practically requires you to either play MP or enjoy decorating ships. If neither is the case, you are quickly going to run out of stuff to do. At that point the game is all about grinding. Furthermore, many parts of the game are still massively underdeveloped. To give you an example, let's look at the end-game custom drones. Only two of the available part slots have more than one option, several slots have nothing and the things are useless for combat, even when you fit them for that exact task.
One final thing, performance. This game runs bad. Extremely so. It gets worse and worse as you play and edit your ship to be better and better. And no, this is not just my PC being bad either, as far larger vessels that I've just pulled from the Workshop run ten times better. That's not hyperbole either. Frankly, I'm starting to fear that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way the game handles ships. They are going to need to fix that before launch, since I don't think regular optimization will do the trick.
So yeah, I suggest putting this game on your wishlist and either grabbing it at a discount or checking back in a year or two.
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